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Introducing a mystery act superb in Fortune Telling with Playing Cards. To pull aside the veil of mystery and delve into the past, present and future by the aid of an ordinary pack of playing cards has long been regarded as a rare accomplishment. By the aid of this new and practical method any person can very soon present "sittings" in their own home which will not only make the operator, or fortune telling seer, the lion of the party, but will single one out as a delightful social entertainer. The climax of your endeavors is reached, wdien by the aid of Card-Psycho, you proceed to call out names and answer questions written by your audience. Mingled in your demonstrations, in straight fortune telling, you have invited as many of the company as desire, to write questions upon several slips of paper and fold or seal them in small envelopes. These are collected and placed in full view on the table. From the pack of cards you have been using you allow each person, who has written a question, to choose any card. From this card you gain the impression which enables you to foresee and answer that written question. Card-Psycho is the last word in all that stands for a simple practical and heretofore undiscovered question reading method. It is suitable alike for stage, club or parlor. Nothing in the way of electrical or mechanical devices are used. Complete with apparatus and special arranged act in detail. Price ,,.,$2.50
C a r d
A c t
S u p e r b .
"C A R D ? S Y C H
( T h e Card A c t
R e g a r d l e s s o f a l l t h a t h a s b e e n s a i d and done to d i s c r e d i t t h e g e n u i n e n e s s of c e r t a i n t y p e s of c l a i r v o y a n c e of t h e p s y c h i c and m e d i u m i s t i c c l a s s , i t i s n e v e r t h e l e s s a f a c t , t h a t t h e m a j o r i t y o f t h o s e whom we m e e t , s t i l l i n s i s t t h a t t h e y p i n a c e r t a i n amount of f a i t h to F o r t u n e Telling. Be t h a t a s i t may, i t i s n o t our i n t e n t i o n to e n t e r i n t o any a r g u m e n t s e i t h e r f o r o r a g a i n s t t h i s much d i s c u s s e d t o p i c , b u t r a t h e r t o p r e s e n t a f e w new and n o v e l c o n c e p t i o n s , m e r e l y f r o m t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t s t a n d p o i n t , so t h a t s h o u l d one so d e s i r e , he w i l l be a b l e to p r e s e n t a r e m a r k a b l e , and i m p r e s s i v e d e m o n s t r a t i o n a l o n g t h e l i n e s referred to. F o r t u n e T e l l i n g w i t h C a r d s , »has a l w a y s b e e n c o n s i d e r e d by most p e o p l e a s b e i n g apmetl^%ig beyond t h e a b i l i t y of a v e r a g e one to m a s t e r and* t h i s i s perH&ps one r e a s o n why so f e w p e o p l e ( e s p e c i a l l y C l u b & S o c i a l , E n t e r t a i n e r s ) h a v e e v e r r e a l i s e d the' p o s s i b i l i t i e s o f thd£s . A r t a s an entertainment f e a t u z ^ , and i t i s from t h i s thought t h a t we have c o n c e i v e d t h e i d e a of g e t t i n g up a l i t t l e r o u t i n e w i t h a v i e w t h a t i t w i l l give!" t h e e n t e r t a i n e r s o m e t h i n g new t o t h i n k a b o u t . * •
The book h e r e w i t h s u p p l i e d - "EOR'SOTE TELLING WITH CARDS" by D a v i d J . L u s t i g - , i s a b r i e f , s i m p l e , c o n c i s e method of t h i s h i g h l y f a e c i n s / t i n g d i v e r s i o n , and t o m a s t e r i t i s b u t t h e work of a f e w h o u r s . Our t a s k n e x t d i - ^ r t s to t h e " f e a t u r e 1 1 p a r t of t h e a c t , w h i c h i s i n t h e f o r m of a C r y s t a l R e a d i n g R o u t i n e , of Q u e s t i o n s and A n s w e r s . In the o r d i n a r y l i n e o f C r y s t a l G a z i n g , where q u e s t i o n s a r e w r i t t e n , by the a u d i e n c e , and a r e a n s w e r e d by t h e . p e r f o r m e r f r o m t h e s t a g e , two i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s ' a r e n e c e s s a r y - t h e s e c r e t
switching of the real the real questions in stage, and the method knowledge of the real them.
questions for substitutes, leaving the possession of.the assistant back used by performer in getting secret questions, so that he may answer
For the usual secret exchange of questions after they have been collected from the audience, are such means as The Changing Bag, Box, or Basket, and various methods of imparting knowledge to performer through such aids as Wireless Telephone, Hand Box, Hollow Metal Ball, Black Board in footlights, Pedestal Stands etc.e$c. These methods are all very well for the usual stage acts, but they would never do under such conditions as we are now undertaking to convey, where the Artist is working possibly in a small room, and more or less surrounded -by the people present. Included herewith is a small envelope. This is a sample as is also the card enclosed therein, and will show you the best size to use. Come forward with twice as many envelopes in your hand ag you actually pass out. Invite spectators to write their questions, sign their name, and thr> oard in the envelope. It is well to ho.ve the envelopes that are passed out numbered 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and so on, as this facilitates matters in the reading. When you collect up the sealed envelopes, place them in your hand together with those remaining which you did not pass out, but keep the two lots separated by tip of little finger as you would do in making the usual card pass. When going to--pJ.ace.the pack of envelopes on a small table or stand at the fa^'slde of the room, you have ample opportunity to palm the top packet ofv original questions which you pocket with onc^hand as your other hand deposits the bunch of dummy envelopes on' the table. This sounds a trifle bold, but is the most simple thing in the world to do without the least fea.ir of being detected. There are several other ways of doing this, and one could also use a small switch bag, or changing tray, but we * maintain that the most simple way is the best, and much less sjspicion is attached to the off-hand method. There is no objection, should you wish your wife or assistant to pass out and gather up the questions, in which case they would make the switch on their own person, by means of a pocket in the clothing, and by which method they would be in immediate possession of the questions, so as to retire to ante room and make ready for your readings.
In the event that you gather up the questions as first stated, and go with them to pocket, about the time that you place the questions (dummy ones) on table, you ask for a glass of water.' As it is being brought you step just outside the door, and pass the bunch of ..ivelopes to your assistant, when all proceeds as in uhe :mer specified. It now remains for your assistant to open up the envelopes, and to make an abbreviated record of the questions in such a way that the performer may come into actual possession of the knowledge, without the audience knowing of it. We now take pleasure in explaining a method,to our knov/ledge never used before, and which in the manner as herein combined, becomes a very simple matter, so logical in its adaption as to pass absolutely unsupicioned. It is to be remembered that you are presenting a demonstration in Fortune Telling, with the use of a pack of playing cards. It is, therefore, • perfectly natural to have a pack of cards in your hands at all times, and it is really from these cards themselves that you gain your secret information. In addition to the regular pack, your assistant has in his or her possession a few blank cards with the same back as .the playing cards you are using. Upon opening up the envelopes, which is best done with a small round pointed stick, the questions are copied in brief on the blank cards, with a fine pointed pencil. Several questions may be written on one card, and several cards only, will suffice to contain all the questions that you will desire to answer in a combined performance of this class. After recopying the questions, your assistant again reseals the questions in their original envelopes. All this requires but the work of a few moments and during which time the performer is busy with his Fortune Telling business wiLh the cards. The problem that now confronts u. j.S the one of getting the question cards into the possession of the performer. To do this we have a recourse to a very large assortment of methods, and the artist is urged to use his own talents in working out his own schemes at every possible angle, as conditions will differ more or less at every place where a person will work. We suggest, however, that near the close of the Fortune Telling part, that the introduction be-, made of an effect that will call for the service of the assistant, and some special object such as a book or a newspaper. For this effect we suggest our No.12 Second Sight Mystery, which consists of laying out a number of cards or different objects on the table, and one of these items is fixed upon by a m-wiuer of tho* audience. Your assistant who is out
of the room is then called and without a word being said gives the correct name of the article chosen. This may be repeated a number of times, and never fails to produce a marked effect, as there is no clue that can possibly be detected. This secret is herewith included, but inasmuch as the feature of this act is vested in the cards, we suggest that the performer lay out nine cards face down, in a manner that the assistant will know the names of the cards by the posi tion,-.: and would then merely call the name of the card designated. For this memoryv.layout of the nine cards, the well known "Eight Kings threatened to save" f o r m u l a could be used. Now, after finishing with the "Fortune Telling" routine, the performer would remark as to the peculiar power of playing cards, in the transmission of thought, and calling in his assistant, asks for a newspaper. The assistant in bringing in the newspaper, and laying it on the performer's table has smuggled beneath it the blank playing cards bearing the questions, and also, the resealed original envelopes. Performer then states what he is about to have the assistant do, and asks someone to accompany the assistant outside, to prove the impossibility of any chance for the assistant to know as to which choice of card is made by audience. As the assistant is being escorted out the performer goes to table to get paper and under cover of this momentary manoeuvre he lays down the pack on top of the cards, and also jumbles the envelopes togather. As the writing of the questions was made at the beginning of the act, everyone will by this time have forgotten what it was all about, and no thought will be taken of anything v/hich happens at this point. Performer takes the newspaper, spreads it out on the floor lays out nine cards from the top of the pack (which pack now secretly contains the added question cards on bottom, with one or two real cards coveriiig same, and the experiment proceeds, at the finish of which, the performer is ready to enter right into his question reading work. Once more reminding his spectators that the cards are possessed of even still greater power, he calls attention to the pile of envelopes on the table, and which have never left their sight. Then asking for party v/ho had envelope No.l to hold up their hands, he fans out the cards, and asks them to make a free selection of any one .from the pack. It will be remembered that all the question^p-ard-s are near the bottom of the pack, so it only remains to u§e a little care in fs.nning out the cards, so that they will not choose one of the bottom cards.
How turn the pack face up in your left hand, but retaining at an angle so faces are not exposed to audience. Slide the r~al card to one side, so that you can get a glimpse of question No.l. Receive chosen card in right hand, and hold it close to the left hand, and proceed to give the fortune analysis as denoted by that card, according to the description denoted by tho Fortune Telling Book. Then finish up by saying that you also gain from this card, the impression that they wish to know if they are going to do "so-and-so" or whatever the question might be. Continue ad lib with the others, but reserve you best and most dramatic piece of business for the last. Original questions may be handed back to owners. As an illustration, let us suppose that No.3 party wrote a question as follows:"Will I succeed in business?" Assistant merely writes out on the card"No.3. Business Success?" and writes the party's name. Performer after talcing mental note of question No.3- from card in hand, proceeds as follows:"Now if the party who had envelope No.3. will kindly select a • card from this pack, we will try nd discover what the fates have in store for you. You sir.-? - very well! Just take any card you like - your own free choice - What card - the 9 of Diamonds (Or any card chosen, according to signification . You are indeed fortunate, for the 9 of diamonds is a very good card, it denotes Joy, and Satisfaction, and is an evidence that many of the desires of your life will be realised. I am also reminded by this card that you think a great deal about business affairs, and are always wondering as to what success you will have, in fact if I am not mistaken, this card tells me that this was the question you wrote in regard to? Is.-this correct? Yes? Now of course there are different kinds of success, Success in Love, Success in Financial Matters, Successin Gaining Health, Social Success, and Success in achieving Fame. Looking into your affairs, however, I see that you are particularly interested in just now, is your success in business. Am I correct?. In your case, your success depends entirely on the amount of ATTENTION you give it , and two other things. One is not to give your friendship and confidence too readily to the persons you deal with. Make them like you, but do not give them freely of your confidence, The other is; Do not tell anyone in advance of changes or plans that you intend making. Do it first and speak about it afterwards. Following these rules you will make a better success than you are even hoping to make."
It is not our aim to lay down any particular instructions as regards the answering of questions. There are a number of excellent publications which deal with this subject alone, and we can always suggest and supply those that are best. But we advise one thing in particular. Always treat your answers to questions in an optimistic manner, and above all things, avoid everything in the way of an off^rding or questionable character. We feel certain that in these pages we have given you the foundation for an act that will gain distinction for any one who will carry out and put into work this idea of routine as indicated. It will, of course, need to be worked over and made to fit the individual and particular requirements. In closing it may be well to suggest a little routine of order as regards arrangement of program. This is as follows:PROPS_.
Ordinary Table at one end of room, handy to outside entrance. Pack of Cards, A few small pencils, and a Packet of small envelopes, with inserts, all on 'table.
Assistant. Has in pocket extra blank cards, sharp pencil and envelope opener. Newspaper and glass of water handy in adjoining room. ORDER OP PROGRAM. Introduction lecture by performer along Psychic, Crystal Gazing lines.etc.etc. Distribution of Envelopes. Details, etc.etc.
Writing of Questions, Collecting,
Comes forward with pack of cards. Old Time Fortune Telling.
Talk along the lines of
Several actual demonstrations. Your Fortune While you wait. Will my wish come true? The Power of Cards in Second Sight. Thought Transference.
An experiment in
WHAT THE CARDS TELL! Answers to questions. or Visions in the Crystal. THAYER M A N I A C TURING CO. 334 South San Pedro Strr-et Ion Angeles. California.