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Rifi lercmeRulllier-


f'lonPremier Larcusse dAnglais O Larousse / VUEF2OO 1.21,rue de f{ontparnasse 75006pars


GrupuEditoral RAO,

D rccrof adtstic, concepte gEfce 9 reaizarel F Ho!$in& C Ramad er pe.truDOUBLE

c.P2-t24 e mar:[email protected]; weDrterw$,w.mobook,com

Directofediroiat: FEigoseVibert-cuiaue

Orl.e Eprcd!.€€ sa! preuare pa4ali sa! nreGEa pnn on.e miioc, a t€xtu u ii,/eu a conog€f€ !cr;r de fa6 €ne nid rft€u si

EdiiorAnneOetcouft Consiien: sabele Courvoisier U6ulaPayne,prcfesoare de engtezd

Primameacaftede engezi O Enciclopedla RAO2003,2005 pentruversuneaif limbaromana Traducere din limbafrancezi RaucaBucur

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I 0ll(Lde cuvinte+rupate+e



luvintqcar:e ii fac op conii dornici si vorbeasciingleie5te

Pentn-ta fi mai efcienG decat un dlctiondrl

Primamea cafte de engleze

Cele 000 de cuvintedinPrimamea cafte de englezeau fostalesedin universul copiior. Eleformeazdun vocabularde bazesuflcient de bogat)i variatoo^tr- d De te , opi o- s:l inceapdsevorbeasca Tnlimbaenglezd.

este organizatipe teme: fam;lia,casa,mdncarea,scoala,vacan1a... SLbiF.le'arild? coo ilor., r-e nvdta astfelenglezala fei de usoTcum au inv:lat se vorbeasca. cuvantpe careil descoperdii conduce cetre L-rn altul: -ecare brother (frate) la si
augh(rade)lacry(planee)... Pentrua observarnai ugor acesteasocier, anumrtecuvnte sunt prczentate in spa1I co oEte.

"is e



Flrancea and Philip a,re friends.

"Stop bothering me!"

Copii invai[eii sed streaza'in aceafi t mp cu un ioc de memoriepe care1 gesesc in partea de susa liecireipagnl.

= F-.r fs' ",'"""


€9 .:2

3ri @ Gramatica.


La ,l:n t-l canii \;LevdLaoee oane :'.nple srntetizeaz;reguile de glamaticerndispensabte pentru Ib oslrcacorec€ a substantiveror, a verbelor, a adjectivelorsi a expresiilor din dlclionar.


mici vocabulare

Unulenglez-roman qialtu romdn-englez perrnitcopilorsagaseasci imediatcuvAntul pe careil cafra.


tr# 3

Hello! Bunal - o +8 Useful words, Cuvinte Licile Numbers, Numere e 10 Colours and shapes,CulorleS formele 11 Days and months, Zilee s6fl5mani lunile anuu 12 i Who am l?,C nesunteu?+ 14 My family, Famliamea 16 + 1a The body, Corpul The five senses,Celecincsmlur + 20 + pP Health, Sanetatea At the doctor's, Ladoctor 23 + 24 On the move, in mi$care Feelings, Sentimentele26 J ao Thinking, Segande$t Speaking, 5; vo*Jest 32 A child's day, O z dinvialaunuicopll 84 Clothes, Hanele 86 Meals,Mesee -38 Breakfast, lYiculdejun+ a9 Food, Mancarea40 Sweet things, Duciurile ' 42 Drinks, Biuture +48 + 44 Vegetables, Legumele Fruit, Ftuctele 45 At home, Acag ' 46 The sitting room, Camera dez + 48 The bedroom, Domitorul ' 50 The bathroom, Baia 51 + 5p The kitchen, BLrcetSria The garden. C?ai^a 'bB

Little things, Cateva obiecte* 54 + 66 Action!, Actiunel Getting on with people, Sdte inlelegicuceltal+ 60 + 61 Expressions, Expresii In my opinion, Dupdpererea + 62 mea... + 65 OPPosites, Contrariile At school, LaScoa A' 6g +?2 Sport, Sporturie Hobbies, Hobbyuri ?+ r ?z Music!,Muzica ?8 Jobs,lYeserile + 80 Shopping, Lacumpddturi In town, in oras+ 8p On the road, Pestmdi+ 84 Transport, lYljloace detranspoft 86 Travelling, in c; itore + 88 \A/inter sports, Spodurite de iam6 89 At the seaside, Lamare 90 In the country Latara+ 9p On the farm, LafermS 94 At the zoo, Lagredina zoologicd 96 + 98 The weather, Vremea + loo The Universe, Universu Let's celebrate!, Saserbatorml , 101 Time, Timpul 1OP Here and there Ac siacolo+ 1oB From the beginning to the enoe lainceput + 1og pandlasfarsrt Quantities, Canttdtlle ' 11O A little grammar, PuInegramatici 112 + 1pO lndex Vocabu ar englez-ncman Vocabular romanenqlez 1Bg 5


B u n i!


How are you?

draga "Darling, I love you!"

Ce maifaci? "How are you, Mr WoU?" "Very well, ttrank you."


Mr, Mrs

"Come here, dear child!"

domnul,doamna This is Mr and Mrs Slt1ith.

see you soon pe curand

. see you tomorrow pe maine


excuseme scuzami "Excuse me, Miss..."

please te rog, vi rog

sorry imi parcrdu


salutbunal "Hello, Mr Jones!"

mutumesc ''Thank you, dea,rl"

bunaseara "Good evening, Foxl"

bundd m neata "Good morning, Fox!"

tF}15 V:S. ""

noaptebuna "Good night, Mum!"


"This is Andy."

w*:$q{$n,i* B ne ativent 'Welcome to the party!"

bun; z ual "Good a"fternoon, Fox!"


a TeveceTe

"Goodbye, Becky!"


and $r Cedxic and Fred.

because pentruce Ben is in bed becausehe is ill.



chrar Even on hoiidays, Ivan is sad.

in Minnie is jumping into the box.

w&# for

pentru "It is for you!"

ffi *ffi @*d like

ca Larry is crying like a baby. E!-

but dar Small but strong!

if dace "If you go, I go!"


, 646 _.t*r4.-> lffil". -,.---.*.1;flt, ffiM "*wv" \"9* SffifEWgl **Jr# not nu "I am not going in there!"

cr vr 1f,, numa "Only one, please!"

perh;ep5 Poare Perhaps lt will rain, perhaps not.



sau "Chocola.te or vanilla?"

foade The teacher 1s very angry.


wfittrl CU

Ceddc with Fred.



^o# \S'- \&/ -*






(E.\ six


e . c) -<+.


i1.V:;t seven





t*l91" qF5 11tr Y#ft, eTilu' *'F&A9 iag-€0 '4@'*5O',@

JO ten

lhA \ 4 t --t

"-fl-fl il tl ----ier


t* I ,al .,)fl:!trtl





'qt ry fifteen









ftoo@ flt9"'qt




Colours Culorile sifo

ctrcle ceTc



ffi; blue G




Wg round rorunc

diamond TOMD

ffi;; white *;' black






Zilelesdptiim6nii 9i lunileanului

.se * a tE &&<.1 ry


6 &? # ?" }}


F g



zi What day is it?


Tlhe timetable of the week.

month luna There are twelve months in a year.

watcn ceaS A watch tells the time.


/fr *.,.

trffi time

od, timp "What tilne is please?"

weekend weeKeno Wendy likes weekends. It

rninute M NUI





Monday unl

Jar ary tanuane

Tue:day Wednesday Thursday ma4 mrercur lor

February februarie

August augusL

Friday vlnen

Saturday 9unday sambdte dumnlci


$eptemb€r October November December septembre octombrie no embre decembre



adult adult

copil/copii Charles is a child. Charlene is a child. Charles and Charlene are children.

manrmen uat v4u udl udl l

Mark is a man. Mike is a man. Mark and Mike ale inen.

is an adult.

name nume "MV na,rne is Nadia."

baby bebelu5 Benny is a baby.

boy bAiat Bob is a boy.

fat gras,grasa Francis is fat.

girl fata Gloda is a glrl. IA


oameni People at a party.

person persoana Peter is a person. Garfield is an animal.

. small fn c, micS

tall inat,inati Tony is tall.

thin slab,slabi Ruth is thin.

The baby is smatl.

woman/women strong putem c, putefli c; Stan is strong.

femeie/femei Wendy is a woman. Winnie is a ivoman. Wendy and Winnie are women.



my grandParents bunlciimei

grantHther gr"nJXlorh", granT/athergr"nJHorh", bunrcumeu

buntca mea


bunrca rnea

p"[d., pannfii mei

my mother my father my aunt my uncle mannamea

tate meu

my brother



my sister


soTamea IA

unchrui meu

my cousins ver I mei

childJehiEdren cop/copr Ttrm and Emma Smith have two children.

nusEanc 50t

Aunt Jane with her husbarrd Jack.

divcrced d vo4at,d vo4atd Dina's parents are divorced.


insercinat; Peggy is pregnant.

get rnarried


a secdsetor Gus and Mary are getting married.

sotie/sotii Uncle Ja,ck with tris wife Janet7






arm b


wrist incheietura



deget de

la mAn

,nuK deget mare

thigh coapsA



hand mana

hip $oro

leg gambd





genunchl toe degetde


gleznd --

" ;t la picioare

hair par

forehead nte




nose nas

bottorri obraz lip buzb ch in birl:ie IR

mouth neck



Dto$€t sange "Oh, no! There is blood on my knee!"



"Look at my tongue!"

d nte/dnti The baby has one tooth.


WaJme is washing his face.

p;r scurt

par ung


per ondulat

n" -

na!tr unghe Ned has long nails.


rq F B


$ ffi* F€VeSeffiSeS Celecincisimtur

'# t*',r , F"t**s*

$'caF"* greu,grea This is hard!

tis€**': {e*} a

zgomor "Stop tha,t noise, plea,se!"

asculia "Listen to rrle!"

z,E\ r'-,1'A




,1+r-\ -

.frI-8" E-^F" fr{-;i\

a auz Hilda can hear the sea.

,j- sl tr-d3eJ


a privi ( a) "Look at the boat!"

zgomotos,zgomotoasd Children are noisy!


---:.-tt -. '".'ir:-.'+-. 'c*,'-s'e;s --+-_!;'t, l?--r! €l







na nal

5ffitr a vedea "Can you see the boat?"

si"F"E*31 A TNTOSI

The cake smells delicious.

tas€e a gusia The cake tastes delicious.

es!:enr a at nge "Don't touch the brea.d!"

R'Rt{Fi 5#$E tnoae This is soft.

cald,caldd Wendy is warm.

a se uita a priv Paul is wa,tching a.bird. ' )l

foarte cald Harry is hot.


Health ,i1ili, Senitatea

d .r'i{

@ cold

rAceaa Charles has a co]d.

F{l utl w

healthy Halry

dentist qentsr Debbie at the dentist's.

doctor doctor Dennis at the doctor's.

is healthy.


ill bolnav, bolnavd Iris is il].

me Gtc !n e

spta The helicopter is on the hospital.

medcament Iris needs a medicine.


feel sick

a ourea;a 5e tovl "My knee hurts!"

a- f greattdu Simon feels sick.

. -.:il

At the doctor's La doctor


weigh a cantiri

check a veriflca

swallow a inghiti

listen a asculta

feel a srmll

measure a rnasura

examrne a exarTlna


cough a tuii

In miscare

climb a se cdlera/urca Cliff is climbing.

lum p

a sbri The cat is jumping.

fall a cddea The cat is falling.

go a mer€e "We are going to the beach!"

leave gpleca.4-pErisi -Lne cn dren are leaving school.

lie a staint ns Linda is lying on the bea,ch. 74

move a (se)m $ca "Don't movel"

run a a efga

Il,on is running.

ffi sit

a ;edea Sidney is sittlng on a chair.

(3 ,

$fltr ff$ltrm a se a$eza Sarnia, is sitting down.

wail$q a merge The baby walks!

$esrsdup aseTcca "Stand up, pleasel"


$*€$y ASIa

Stan is staying in bed.

waB9q p rmbare A walk in the woods...


be afraid

De asnameo

a f frici Alfred is afraid.

a if r u g in e Alan is ashamed.

brave curajos Betty is brave.

&,'# angryf neryos,supamt Andy is angry !

De bored


Bob is bored.

abii iste1, This cat is clever!

't (\

frightened disappninted

speriatsperiata Fiona is frightened.

dezamagit, dezamAgtA The pdncess is disappointed!

enei, eneti "Wake up, Ia,zy boyl"



The children ar€ tedl

a spem Emily hopes the rain will stop.

leel a se stmt

Felix feels lazy.


kin d amabil, amabili The baker is kind.


r?3E$S a i f i d or Chris misses his cat.


muliumit, mutumita Paula is plea,sed.

e?6iF*c llnstt institi Tom and Ben are =quiet.

g'.* @j/ irr*## dispozit e Max is in a bad mood. Molly is in a good mood.

fericit,fericlta Hanna is haDpv


a prclera Lucy likes chocolate. Penny prefers val1illa.

nefericit,nefericitd Ursula is unhappy.

bucuros; fericit Glenda is glad. )8

sFry tmd,tmdA Shirley is shy.

s:, f Effi str'?r a zamb Simon is smiling.

frq-uYW{'e#,ffi$:u. surprns sLtrpr nse Sue is surprised: Cecilia can swim!

W,!4;3Y'YY a se ngrlora Mummy is worried: Cecilia is late!


seveT, severa Sarah's father is strlct.

't"'ti::w"w"nytw:tr caracterternperament Tbss is bad-tempered ! I

s*"t*pi# prost,proa$e This cat is stupid.

%.4{ffi,iit ff A VTCA

The cat wants milk.


WW forget a ula

"Don't forget your scarf!"



a Stl

"I know that story!"

a-ii aduceaminte F,ita remembers Chri6tmas.

s@ mistake


gretealS A litfle mistake?

a ghrcl

a inlelege "I don't understand. "

"Guess what is in my hand!',

idea idee have an idea!"


problem problemi Mr WoU has a problem.


wonder a seintreba William vsonders where his sweets are.

Itb tu€l ------\--



& believe


a crede


sure sigur Of oours6l {--

of course desrgur


Si vorbe;ti

answer rasPuns; a |isPUnde Three children know the ansr /er.

question intrebarc "That's a good question !"

shout a lipa The children are shouting.

asK a Tntreba Thomas asks a questlon.



a sPUne "Say yes, please!"

a vorbi



a chema Mumrny is calling Colin.


secret Sirnon and Sarah have a secret.

a d s c u t aa; v o r b Ted and Ttrny are ta.lking in bed.


teill a povesr Dad is telling Tbss a,story.


unce "Where is my schoolbag?"

ce "What is this?"


f l;,R

/ ,,'\ \tt L


-vE \ F.;'l' ' .1J l r a \'!" "$-3t-_:,



-."- . L; : ! : * - c

i,;4"*Fn off' a cefia

Mummy is telling off Tim and Tom.

ctne "Who is there?"

{a, *'P.i .1F{'{:} cuvant "shh! Not a word!"

cand "When are we going to eat, Mummy?" 33

cum "How does it work?"

O z dinviataunu cop

Tom wakes up.

Tom gets utrr. Tom se scoad.

Tlren, he gets dressed. Apoi,seimbrace.

He r rorks in ttre classroom. Lucreaziin c asd.

& He eats his breakfast. E mdn6ncim culdejun.

He gses to school. Seducea gcoai.

He ha,a lulleh. lYindncdde prAnz.


In the afternoon, he is very busy. Dupd-amiaza el estefoafteocupat.

Tbm has a. srrack. Tom a o gustare.

School is over. Scoalas a teminat.

He hs,s a, bath. Elfacebae.

Tom has fun with his dog. Tom se distreazicu cdinee.

He tras dinner with his mum and dad. la r; n a c u -" ma 1 c L d ; i J i.

He is tired. He go€s to bed. Esteobost.5e culc;.

Tom is asleep. Sleep well, Tbm! Tom doarme.Somnusor Toml 15



so€k T-shirt

egarli fular



nightdress camasa de noapte

caP tapca



jacket iacheG

blouse dungarees

boot cizmd

salopete pantaloni


dress roche A yellow dress.

p)rrannas pijama Ye11owpyjamas.

hat paare A pink hat.


blugi Jerry loves his jeans.

ju[mper PUOVer A Ereen JJ w3:8 . r@[,.' ]umper anq a

"w@ ,ffil-*

red iumner.


trainers pantoflde sport Rex likes trainers.

$€eaEs lYesele

{sck a gat Kate learns to cook.


*aC a manca Gareth is eatirg grapes.

b* €hirsfy a f sete Ttlelma is thirsty.


tre l N c t e s delcios, de cioasi

mdncare,masd A good meal.

prAnz "Lunch is ready!"

micdejun Brel1daa is hayilag breakfast.

cind Daddy at dinner.

It's dellcious!"

drink a oea They are drinking.





@" bread pane Brian loves bread.



gem Janet is making jam.

Calvin doesn't like coffee.

butter unt Bread and butter.

cereal ceTeae Cindy is eating cereal for breakfast.

effi honey

milk lapte Babies drink milk.

miere Bees make honey.

be hungry a i fl foame The cat is hurlgry. 3q



The Queen is making tea.

ffimmd lYdncarea

fu*c*f carnede vrti A good plate of beef.

cfuffies€ branzd

*tuFps caftof prall Charles loves chips.

$fi#asE" Taln:

Bread is made with flour.

Sis$tlfisfums pe!te/peit Three fishes are cooking.

n&ffi"* tuncA A ham sandwich.

saTe A lot of salt!

Prper Too much pepper!

efu6e Eqelc"E pu The chicken is cooking.

saffidwi*h armbLr!"ffie Y namoufger Harry likes hamburgers.

sancvr! A big sandwich.

pfruae pizza Cheesepizza or }:a,rnplzza?

se#5affi€ carndcor Three sausages.




A butcher se1lsmea,t.

$"BC* orez Rice is nice.

fe ie " Have a slice of bread."


sunca Bacon and eggs.

pRs*a paste Paul loves pasta.

T\vo eggs.

sugar biscuit b scuit Rex wants a biscuit.


zahdr "Sugar is bad

cremAde zahdrars Calrdlla loves custard.


cake praltura

rce cream

bomboan; Simon likes sweets.

inghetata Iris likes ice cream.

A birthday cake.

chocolate ciocoatA Rex wants chocolate.



p Acrntb "Can I taste your pie?"

iauft Yasmina is eating





fruit juice


sucde frude

cocoa hot chocolate


water apa







Legume e



P ea

cauliflower bean fasole





Potato cartof













;ernfin lam2re

manana banana


pineapple ananas

rhorrw cireag;

plurn pfun;



srrugu Te


strawhenry capiune

a chimney


the roof acoperigul

un noTn

the attic POO!l

a wind o fereastrd

a ooor the lift

o u9a


rooms camefe

furniture mobila

the cellar oecul

watr #ffi#9 e55


adresa "Here is my address.

ffl*{ apartament Fay lives in a flat.

&rqpc"rs* A big house.

E$ve3 a locur Lily lives in Paris." vecin, vecini Nancy and Nina are neighbours. 47

z d, perete Willy is building

The sitting room



fotoliu Grandfather in his axmchair.

confoftabi The sofa is very comfortable.

bookshelf/ bookshelves raftlraftur Books on the bookshelYes.

e* carpet COVOT

A magic carpet?

curtain perdea Who is behind the curtain?

cushion pemd (pentru canapea) A cat on ttre cushion. tlg

drawer seftaT

"Open, stupid drawer!"

fire - fireplace

fbc- semineu Frank is making a flre in the flrep1ace.

floor poaea A cat on the floor.

t;ttr.r .f1

'r Jr'

lamp ampa The lamp is broken.

televisionrrv radio

te evrzor 'Ibd is watching television.


Ray is listening to the radio.



umini There is a light in the street.

video "My holidays on video!"

newspaPer za r Nina is reading the newspaper.

sofa canapea The dog is sittlng on the sofa.

telephone telefon lbss is speaking on the telephone. illL

vcR video cassette recorder v deo There is a video in the VCR.


alarm clock


ceasdestept5tor "I hate atarm clocks!"

pern; (de dormt) Pillow fights are fun.



Betty is in bed.

p apuma The cat ls under the quilt.

blanket petuli Teddy is under the blanket.


rtng A SUNA

The alarm clock is ringing.

sheet ceaqaf Teddy is under the sheet.

Datn cad6 Barbara is in the bath.

shower dus Shannon is haying a shower.

toothbrush toothpaste peru{a"/pasti de dinti Tbm brushes his teeth with a toothbrush a,nd toothpaste.

hairbrush pere de par Brenda brushes her hair with a hairbrush.

soap sapun Sophie uses soap.

towel pfosoP A big soft towe].



shampoo SamPon Willy washes his hair with shampoo.

toilet toa eta Tom reads in the toilet. EI

l tw L ) ,' " ' ,

a sespaa Tbm wa,stres





bottle slc a

The botfle is empty.

cupboard duap Cups in ttre cupboard.

saucepan cratitd Daddy is washing a saucepan.

fridge chair scaun Charles on a chair.

cup T\vo cups.

frlgider MiIk goes in the fridge.

oven cuptor The chicken is in the oven. 52

table masa chicken on the table.

Y#rue* #{eR#trffi


garal The car is in the garage.


eagan Sidney is on the swing.



animalde case "I love my pets!"



gazonpajiste Leo cuts the la,wn.

poarta " Where is the gate?"

catne "I hate dogs!"

{&[1{;Iet' scari on the ladder.

eetrprsce A cat on a roof. F3

**ps-trsFse testoasi The tortoise is green.


L€,u match/matches

bag punge A small bag in a big bag.

box culle

glue ip ic You can repair things with glue.

nail hammer

A dog in a box. Henry

computer cacuratoT Connor has a computer.

chibriVch brturi Matches are dangerous.

c ocan has a hamtrrer.

jewel Dlutene Julia loves jewels.


cui "Hit the nail, not your fir1ger!"

ohoto. phbtogrdph fotografie A birthday photo.

ii 4i rlrtt:N(i,t;,r Pozi Linda, likes prcture books

{;.;:t,,tI uneati A hammer is a tool.


i/'iii h t:r: ' ' i::., lt c

Four rings.

ptrc An address on an envelope.


Robert has a boat on a rope. q5

wd:hY'$'\ it lunctona

"It works!"

Aq unel

break a spar€e Brenda breaks everythingl



a cara,a duce Cary carries a big bag.

a lace Diana is doing exerclses.

g'@ bring a acuce

Granny brings

build a construl BiIl builds houses.

catch a pflnce

l- ^* gl rrP

Mr Jones always catches big fish!

a scepa Darren drops a glass.



a tAia Carl is cutting paper.

a umple Phil is fitling the jug.


fold 4



Fred is folding a letter.


give back a inapoia 'Give back the bicycle, please!"

get a pr nn Gwen gets a present.


a avea has a new car.

hang up


a atama Hanna hangs up her coat.

a pastra Kim wants to keep


,ffis gtYe

ada Greg gives Murnrny flowers.


+ L- Li ^-,^t^

make a face Meg is making a dress.

pour a turna Penly is poudng orange juice.

pull mtx a amesLeca Mummy is mixing eggs and ralilk.

need a aveanevoie Nigel needs heIp.

a rrage Polly is pulling Paul's hair.

push a'[rTpinge

Pat is pushing his car. 58

recetve a pr fn Grandma has received a letter.

rePatr a fePara


Roger repairs shoes

a ua Hanna is taking her coat.


send at r mt e Sam is sending a letter.

shake a scutuTa Mr Bear is shaking the tree.

W throw a arunca Ben is throwing the bau.

trY a incerca "Can I try?" 59

use a folosi

Hany is using a hammer.

ffim€tr&r*tr ffiffi @,



w*$tr*ffiffiffiptr@ )a te Inle eg cu ce lat

tue$p hrp€fuer a sicir, a necij "Stop bothering me!"

dista.trh a deranja The children are disturbing the baby.

a alura Harry is helping his father.

$q6ss a sarula Mummy is kissing Katie.



Fspq*{q a€**r a aveagfl; Linda is looking after her sister.


a (se)'inteni Mark is pleased to meet Martin. '(.:),

) 1" ua r-^3 , ; -,re l,': lE 4 / \ M

8i-dL a fl de acord Alex agrees to play with Agnes and AIa.n.

a nu f de acord Dina and DeaJr disagree. 60

a se cefta

"Stop arguing!"


ffiwffiH-ffi%$ffiffi9'es Expres

,EU Rffi


&e *ane€n"a$Ef,",.,*mw* rr':c*nlwrne! F atentl

#cmqldEe.!cE{i Succesl/Norocl

Lasdmb in pacel

*f s"rq-?Lxr"s* B feinle esl

f Famrfifis

*fuereaue este/sunvse afl; There is one dog. There are six cats.

kVfi"c**us €8'tesy*aa*fer"$ Ce se intdmpi?

N4// fr-(


*, race nmcl

$R t 'enm c g a v r



$* ryH *p&m$*re ,upa pal€reamea..


,-4rt ,. oun, Dtne


mai bun,mai bine

cel maibun,cel nnaiblne



utAa ;:ff"H"


fantalrc, fantastic;



amuzant, amuzanta


,@ a

fau, rca

uior,ugoara It's easy!

ma rau

cel mai reu

corect,coredd This is fair.

A pleasant dream.


P dLurd

ffiffiffi gfeu, gfea

It s difflcultl

rncorect, tncorect; This is unfair. 63

An unpleasant dream.




ingrozitoringroztoare This dog is horrible!

infnco!dlor,infr colitoare "Oh! This is scary!"

dezgusfitor,dezgustitoare Dennis is disgusting!

fav*x.x*"8*e prefemt,preleratA "My favourite doll!"

Irx4*$4Fger''nr: Inte gent nte gent; Ing]ld is an intelligent gir1.

s*s"affiffe c udat,ciudatd "Ah! This is strange!"

@ ._



fernnecetor plAcd ddgut Lucy is a lovely gir1.

amabil simpat c dragq bun The teacher is nice.

dragut,driguti Peggy is a pretty girl. 64

minufat,mtnunatA A wonderful night.



The cat is alive.

inat,inaltA It's high!

mod, moada The cat is dead.

scundscurda It's low!



S* w deschs, deschisi Tl.e radio is on.

curat,curate A clean dress.

inchs,inchisd The radio is off.

mic,mlci A little mouse.

rnurdar,murdal'a ^


ur a LJ ur Es s .


ud,udi Wet feet.

maTe A big elephant.

uscat, uscate Dry feet.

frumos, magnific It's beautiful!"

uret,ui€t; "You are ugly!"

gol,goalb The chocolate box is erT}pty.

nou,noua "Look at my new shoes!"

vechr,veche O1lvia jikes old dresses.

greu,grea This t'ook is ]ea]/y.

prna Pr1n, The bath is full.



t]| J


.5 t{

rdentlc,aseman;tor difenl,diferit: They have tlae Dennis and Dan sa,metralners. are different.

intunenc 6L

lum na


adormlt,adormiti Arthur is asleep.

tr€az,treaza Alfred is awake.

scult,scurta Charlotte has short hair.

lung,lungi Lenny has a long scarf.

adanc,adancd The river is deep.

neted,neted; The road is flat.

=Vi./; enorm,enorma "What a"n enormous flsh!"

minuscul, minusculi A tiny insect.

gros,gfoasa The book is thick!

&' ,€.r&* s-c€'**u iS La scoald

alBhabe* afabet Zorro knows the a.lphabet.

fuf,*cEqh*;ard tabla "Look at tlre blackboard, please."

€gass clasa

Cathy's class is going on a picnic.

e9assr**rn sal;de clasa The children are in the classroom.

shsaik creti The chalk is white.

exact,corcCc l rus ls nght. 58

eeExffie a num;ra Karl is counting.

desk b rou Daisy is at her desk.

dictionary d clionar Dictionaries are big.

fight a se bate Fred and Felix are fighting.

tearn a inviJa Laura is learning a poem.

,s$;'s,' draw a desena

Dean is drawing.

'Li.frt, friend pneten,pnetena Frances and Phitip are friends.

drawing desen "What a lovely drawing!" 6o

lesson A geometry lesson.


pa;ffi$e6:- Fa;i'EE


v !,u,


d P,rrd

creion Pam is wdting with a pencil.

Pc , r u d

piaygr*a*md tFra^



The playground rs empty.

A painter paints with a paintbrush.

pep€F" hafte The pa.per is white.

piay a sejuca "Who wa.nts to p1a.y?"

pcvs st lou Penny has a new pen. 7O

pEay€6rne fecleat e

It's playtime.


fs'# r"#sd a crt The teacher is reading a story.

sehe*{fuag ghrozdan The schoolbags

s*r*w* The children are showing a picture to the teacher.

wefH bne Winnie sings well.

c*aeir a rnv;ta (pe cineva) Tbss is teaching Charles to write.

wrEte a scr e Wi11y can wdte.



Emily is writing in her exercise book. JJ-



champion calfP on

"I am the championl"

match meci The match is over!

swimmins pool p scn d The swimming pool is deep. 3- a. a:r

I J: ?J* -

competition intrecerc

The winners of the competition.




cursi Ready for the racel

echpi Tom's footba,ll team.


football fotba




rugby rugoy

-fimnastie{'/1 gimnastica

lr iudo


- ice-sloting patrnaj




e /

ball m nge Barbara plays with a red ba"11.



caf[e oe Joc "Is this card OK?"

bandedesenate Calvin loves comics.






b cicleti Bernard is a,lways dding his bioycle.


Chuck plays chess with tlis dad.

Mr and Mrs Dunlop Iike dancing.



aparatde fotografiat "Look at the camera!"



papuie Debbiehas a big doll.

T'he circus is fun. 74





a se cegnza The children are dressed up.

a tnvta Ian has invited his frciends.

game loc "I love this ga,rne!"

hide-and-seek Hanna and Simon are playing hide-and-seek.


pt cnt c p cnlc A pizza for the picnic.


Marty and Minnie are playing marbles.

marionete Peter is playing with a puppet.



muzeu Matthew visits museums with his dad.

role Rollerblades are dangerous!

o a


sFnmw spectaco A magic show.

v$de* gsbrv?* l o cv c e o Video games are fun.

ruEsfit a vizta

Vicky visits Versallles.

**reefr"* tealrLl

The theatre is exciting.

desenanmat Cartoons are flmIly.

c nema There is a good fi]m at the cinema.


€€3H jucdre Tina has a lot of toys.

actor-actntd Andy is an actor. 76

fllm Dakota Jones is a fantastic film.


'5,#;t ffiassa $W ',,




hmrud trupa Bob and Bart play in a band.

*c^EFF$ toba Don plays drums.

d :ra EdFi+ n chtafa Gus plays the guitar.

pFmFl* pan Peter plays the piano.


trompeta Terry plays the trumpet.

suE*Hfinl v oara Violet plays the violin.


an architect a farmer

am rect


rePorter engrneer

a doctor

a receptionist


rccep.t oner

policeman po lrsl

a builder z dar


a baker


a computef technician infomratic an

tn$a aroT

cameraman cameritman

a tea€her

a mustctan muztcan

a banker bancheI


a plumber

a secretary Secretafa

firemanlfiremen become

asistente medicalA Nurses a,re nice.


postman/ Postmen

a deven T?acy wants to trecome a teacher.

butcher mdcear A butcher sells meat.

chemist farmacist A chemist sells medicine.


pompier/pompieri A firernan fights ffres.

bdcan A grocer sells food.

hairdresser frizer,coafor A hafud-resser cuts ha,ir. fe

Po9rai/PoFatl A postman brings letters .

waiter cnetneT

"Waiter, please!"

ffi ffi.u-, bargain


afacere, chilipir "This is a bargain!"

cost "It costs a lot!"

Pret The price is on the box.

""*@h-9",' a note

buy a cumpdra Mr and Mrs Berry buy a Iot of food.

change resl

"Here's your change, dear."




portmoneu An empty purse...



a Ptati Polly pays with a note. 80

avnde Steven sel]s flowers.




magazn Charles works in a shoe shop.

comerclant The baker and the butcher are shopkeepers.

a cnerlu Spencer spends his money on sweets.



shop assistant vanzator The shop assistant is young.

gratis This water is free.

cumpir;turi Mummy is doing the shopplng.


Tbis water is cheap.

supemar<et Kiki is at the supermarket.

scurnp Rollerblades are expensive!

bank bancd Billy is leavhg the bank...





b sencA There is a wedding at the church.

pialA Mr Marlow shops at the market.



hote Harry is going to the hotel.

birou Olivia works in an offlce.



The Carters are drinking coffee in a ca.f6.

bibioteca Lily goes to the Iibrary after schoot.



parc Peggy and Paul are playing in the park.


post office


tToluar There are two people on the pavement.

posta Pam is going to the post offlce.

strada There is only one car in the street.



town hall

restaufant Mr Roberts is at the restaurant.


se cl ece Po ! e A policeman in front of the police station.

The town ha11






accident accdent A car a,ccident.

bus - bus stop

autobuz- Ytate de autobuz The bus stops at the bus stop.




a concuce Dean drives an ambulance,

motoccletA The motorbike is blue.

engtne motoT Emily is looking at the engine.


a Iraverca

Clare is crossing the street.

Helen has a red helmet. 8^

motorway autostrade Cars go fast on the motorway.

policeman Po/[sr "Oh no, a policeman!"


c idffi a mefge cu Dc cleta


a ca 2T

trafc There is a lot of traffic on the road.

Rick is riding his bicycle. Harold is riding a horse.

roata A car has four wheels.

traffic jmn"r ! 0;[d stradi Country roads are pleasant.

€axI lax

The taxi is yellow

ambuteaj Everybody hates trafflc jams.



ic cr.!in cr fref

ta*be" und*ngrein^lnrcJ metrou They are waiting for the tube. R(

tncet 'rne snall Is s_tow.

Krmrrusp#trff l'lijoarede tf.rnspod

wE d$6r€*!'i rnasni

fuurvap*r ba|: de proteq e

b cicleti



handiehars gnroon








cartor-q, ea.rrEage vagon



ar pa

hlrbou, fercastd



derk -\




Falc"eF,l(}E* n u Dt o u

eah!s'B cabinA

dnirre*g" mecanic

{ecq:n:*tBve locomotrve ^...r-.+


in cbitorie

airport aeropolt Ann and Adam are at the airport.

holiday . . r/ ac a n t a .

-tslooray I We are on holiday!"

maP hadd Mandy is looking at the map.

mlss a pterde Mol1y is going to miss the train.




gara There are many people at the station.

Luke has a lot of luggage.


suitcase valitze Susan is carrying a big suitcase.

ticket bilet

travel a cal;tori Tom travels by pla,ne.



rce gheald An igloo on the ice.

ice-skate a patina Ian loves ice-skating.


a scnta Suzy and Simon are skiing.

sledge - sled a se da cu santa Sa,rn is sledging-

mountain munte

Martin at the top of the mountair. n9

snow zApada The children are ptaying ir} the sl}ow'

snowmanl snowmen om/oamenide zapadi "This snowrnan is enormous!"

La mare

rock stancA A big rock.


Benny and Barbara at the beach.

castelde nrsp The childxen are making a sandcastle.



crab The crab is walking on the sand.

island tnsua A small island.

sailingboat barcAcu panze The Smiths have a sailing boat.

sand n stp Sam and Sa1ly are playing in the sand.


rnaTe The sea is blue.

seaside toral Summer at the seaside.

sunglasses ochelaride soare Sa,rn is wearilg srmglasses.

swtmsurt cosrumce Dae Suzy tras a red swimsult.

shade umb€ Daddy is in the shade.

@5 w

Ss'tm a inota Simon is swimming.

ffi@ shell scoce A collection of sea shells. 9L

waYe VA

A small boat on a big wave.



antma A cow is an anime.L

floare Flowers smell nice.

fo>dfoxes vulpe,vulpi Foxes like hens.

frog bird pasare A hi cr hird


broasca Frogs jump.

a zbura Birds fly.

and a small bird.




butterflv/ butterfli6s fluture,flutur A yellow butterfly.

forest pedure The boys are playing in the forest. 9?

grass tarbe Greg and Gwen are playing in the grass.

rnsect rnseCte Insects are small.

owl bufnte An owl on a braJrch.


tnee copac TYees have leaves.

village leaf/leaves frunzd./fru nze Leaves fall in autumn.

rtver TAU


The village is near the river

Rick in the river.


@H mush!'som


c uperca Some mushrooms are dangerous!

veverte A squirrel on a branch. o3

wood padure A red bird in a wood.


barn qurd The ctrildren are playing in the barn.

donl<ey n'rAgaf The horse is big, the donkey is small,

field cdmp T\vo cows in a fi.e1d,

duck €ock

The duck is swimming.

cocos The cock says cock-a-doodle-doo.

Goats give mitk.

farmer The cow is quiet,


fermier The farmer is in hls farm. 9L

nen geind T\^/ohens and a cock.

no!,se ca Horses ea,t grass.

mouse/mice <^ ,fc.c/<^ ,ra.i

Mice ]ike cheese,


porc The pig is pink.

sheep/sheep oa e/oi Sheep are white.



i--pure Rabbits eat carrots.

tractor Tbm ha6 a tractor.

stable ld

farmhouse cufteafbrme

pigstt, coclna


La grid na zoologci








a sufla The wind is blowing.



The cloud is black.

! \4>


vant 98

"Yipee, it s raining!"



cee patruanotmpuri



The rainbow is beautiful.

s&rin'le a sLri uc The sun is shining.

\gl#/ _:'W? s*ffitr'fr"r'il


frig "It's cold , outside!"




"rt,s watm, inside!"

A storm on the sea.

q.srnhreFga umbrei A big brown umbrella.


"It's cool!" J9

fcarte cad 'It s hotl"


!- o

cb Fio


astronaut astronaut "Who are you? I am an astronaut!"


soaTe Ttre Earth moves


around the sun.

T'he moon shilaes in the sky at night.

untverse Earth


Pimdnt Tltre sun shines on the Ealth.

navi spatiala Ara astronaut travels ln a spa,ceship.



luna A man on the moon.

stea Stars in the sky. t00

univers The universe is very big.

world lu m e There is a map of the world in the classroom.

.'.. l-et's celebrat. r;9'


Sdsit'Ator ml

birthday anvercar€ "Happy birthday!"

fireworks loc de arl flc i Fireworks on the beach.

party petrecer€ Mr and Mrs PaJme are dadrcing at a party. a^\

1)D*\ ,-atc2\ffi q.zfiR E Christmas Criciun Is it Christmas today?


f {"4t,




Halloween Ctlildren dress up for Halloween.

A present for Penny.



AnulNou "Happy New Year!"

nuntA A ]vedding cake.


{?1 Y

w Easter PaSte T\jvo Easter eggs.

t0 l


'iri Timpul



iard$i "It's raining again!"


acum,mec at

sometimes cateodata Sometimes,Tom takes his rabbit to school.

Cinderella must go now

hurry a segrAbi "Hurry up Hanna,h!"

soon often aqesea It is often cold in winter.

curand Soon it will be Christmas.

ready next urmator, urmatoare "Next year, you will go there!"

gata F,achel is ready for school.


stop a (se)opr "Stop crying, my dear!"

gmer! aPo Mlnnie is eating .?i

she will ea"tcake.

temEgF"ctr a$a sead Tbd and Tbss are going out tonight.

wrmfi* {f*r-}

a agepta William is waiting for Fanny.

wk*rs cind When it rains, Wendy wea,rs her yellow raincoat.




Yesterday, William wrote a letter.


Tbdav. William is sending his letter.

ihainte Bob belore the match.

intotdeauna Alice af,ways sleeps w-ith her bear.



Iomolroq '_Lbm will read the letter.

ince Steven is stitl asleep. In4

aevreme The cock gets up early !

a ncepe The pupils are staJting their druwings.

anu trecut Last year, Lucy was five.

incet The turtle moves slowly. tAlzru,in intdrztere " It's late, we are late!"

a termina The pupils have ffnished their drawlngs

anuiviitor Next year, Lucy will be seven.


repede The car goes quickly.

repede "Quick! Come qllick! I need help!"

Aic gi acolo


Tnjurul The children are runnlng around Richard.

,*tm ,m,h


next to 6ngd Mary is sitting next to her Mummy,

loc "This is my placel"






ceasuPra The plane is flying over the city.

prin Ttre road goes through the village.

Dennis at the doctor's.

between intre Benny is between his mum and his dad. t0A

in fata Itre Queen is a,lwaj/s il front of her minor.



in spatele Rita is behir1d Ron.


. I - . r er i

Emily is looking everywhere. Ned is nowhere.

fire car is on the bridge

sub The cat is under the table.

7,/2, ??

departe But stre lives far from ihe school. t0 7

in;untru- afari Woofy is inside. Spike is outside


5U 5

"Come in, Rex!"

Tom at the top !

fund Fish a.t the bottom of the sea.

Which way is it?

"Not on the left..."

afari "You stay out!"

su s..- l os Gus is goirlg up. G1endais going down.

"Not on straight on!"


From the be De lainceputpdn5la sfdqit

begin a incepe It's beginning to rain.

follow a ullna "Follow me, children l"

middle mijloc In the middle of the night.

turn r6nd "It's rny turn!"

l 0L

ffimxmm*&ff6wm Canttit e

,4? A

ffi W [, ffiM@% F\wf


& nI

6kw43Y fecare

All the childrcn want sweets.

They want sweets every day! q$r

ma puln "Less,pleasel"

w; /l l l





deslu There is enough milk!

lumatate "HaIf for you, half for mel"

rnult "A lot of spaghetti, please!"

pulin "A little spaghetti, please!" Ltn

i-t'tatn]u t

"More, please!"

cetoc "No spaghetti, thank you!"

F-6eergF aproape Nick has nearly finished.

$#s'me afumft catva Some children are big some are small.

It's too difffcult!

cal, cate "How many apples?"

cat,catd "How much ice-cream?"

€qsq:p Pr_aa

g:3{trc* bucata "Wtro wants a piece of pie?"



fi"esc TCSI

"Can I have the rest ?"

preamulti/multe "Too many apples!"


preamuVmute "Too much ice-cream!"

Putina gramaicA

Tnenglezi,nu estenicio diferenliintre tu S voi: you Exstd,in schmb, un pronLrme pentruneutru:it l'-e u you '.- tu he ' , e l she -. ea it -' e l , e a you - vol they -- ei,ele

me - ' imi,mie,pe mine you *' i!i, tie, pe tine him - lui,il, ii her -- ei,ii, pe ea i t-'i l ,o ,i i us '- ne,noue,pe noi you - . vd,voui, pe voi them -- ii, le,lor,pe ei (ele)

a --' un,o sefolose$tein AIa cuvinte or care'incep cu o consoani

a n -, u n ,o sefolosegein falacuvntelor careincepcu o vocale

ape a r '

an apple -- un mar

o p a re

a plg * un porc ac a t *o p s l c e acar - o magini

an elephailt .-, un e efant an or'ange,, o portocal;

I 17

my * meu,me4 mei,mele your - . tdu,ta,rdi,tale his - , sdu,sa,sii, sale her - ' sEu,sa,sdi,sale its -. seu,sa,sEi,sale our - ' nostru,nottri,noastre your '- vostru,vogtrj,voastre their .- lor

Laplural nu exsteartrcolnehoterat

apPles -.' nrere elephants', e efanl prgs * porcr

ln engiezisefblosele acela$artcol the pentrumasculin, femininsi plural the * _ut,_a,_ii,_te

th e g i rl -'fata

the children * copii

Pentrua ndlcaceva,sefo ose$te this;i that (lasingular) $ these $ those (taplurat)

this cat * aceasttp sice a ^ ci.: od A , nm r ^a\

that dog -


r.;;n FlF

. 1. ^. * ^\

a -,

these cats - ' acestepisc (piscie suntaproape) those dogs * aceic6in (cAinisuntdeparle)

Pentrua intrebacevain eg;tutdcu o cantitate,sefo osette how many qi how mu€h ,- ca!i,cates cat,cati Pentrua indcao cantitate,sefolosescurmdtoarele cuvntel a few, some, much, a lot of, many, no .

Cdnd obiectele se pot numara,se lblosege how many:

Candcantitililenu se pot nurndra, sefolose5te much:

how many books? -' catecd4i?


how much milk? *' cat lapte?


a few books ', catevaca4

a little milk ' ' Pulin apte

SOme books .' ni*e cirll

some milk * nrtre aprc

many books -' multecdti

a lot of milk * mut apte

a lot of books * multecdtl

too much milk * preamult lapte

too many books * preamultecd4i

no milk - niciun pic oe aprc Jt4


Ex*a douefelurde a spunemaimult,r maipulin Daci adlectvulsauadverbuestelung,sefoloseslemore sauless:



interesting interesant

mOre interesting mai nteresant


less interesting maiputin interesant

Daceadjectivusauadverbuestescurt,seadaugeer la sfarstu cuvantuu.

smaII mc

happv fercit

smaller mai mrc

happier mai fenct


Iam you are he is she is it is we are you are they are

I haye you have he has she has it has we have you have they have

I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not

I have not you have not he has not she has not it has not we have not you have not they have not

I'm not aren't -you -.he isn't isnt -she +it isnt 'we aren't -, you aren't -they aren't

'I haven't you havent he hasnt she hasn't -it hasn't havent -we j you haven't + they haven't

Do se dcilzeazipentruformanegatv; a celoralteverbe. Ido you do he does she does it does we do you do they do

I do you do he does she does it does we do you do they do

not... I don't... not... 'you dont... not.., he doesn't.., not... 'she doesnt.,. not,.. it doesnt,.. not.., don't... -we not... you don't.,. not,.. * they dont...

rmpulprczentarc doui formein engleze. pentruo acfiunecarese desfigoari chiar in momentulvorbirii,sefolosetteto be inajnteaverbului se adaLrge ing la sfar;lt: !i I am phying - eu mi joc you are ptafng * tu te joci he is playing - , el sejoaci she is playing -. ea sejoaci it is playing * el,ea seioaci we are pbfng - noi ne jucim you are pbying - voi vi iucati lhey are plafng - . ei,ele seioaci I am not ptayint -- eu nu mi ioc

Pentrua trece un verb la forma negativi" se utiizeazado not:


Go *- Pleace! Du-te!

I play * eu mi joc

Do not go go - don't -- Nu pleca!

I do not play * r don't play -'eun u m ij o c

ta Let's go -- Sd plecim! Se mergem!



uploaded bySfef30

you can do it -- poti s-o facl

you cannot do it 'youcan,t doit poli nu s-o fac --

you must do it * trebuies o fac

you must not do it " you musnt do it '- nu trebuies-o lbci


Principalele sunete

tri trl lel


s* ass}


13:l Ia]

bsd Icd


cat [ao]




@ .tL iffi



shge tpl



"nur..tkl blcvcre thl


f$ E

bav t!-l cqke t0l



o* Ere,-s {{#* 're @



lft morher tdl ffi hssse Mu*"a td3l 6" iosgins !6t






[ur] [^]

tsh Iar]


ID] brl









bus tbl


babv tj]

glrl Lrl



buttcrflv tdl


# IL

ffishop W


&** yogurt


arm [qrm]bra! 18 armchair I o:mtlee] fotollu48 around [emund]in iurul 106 asham€d (be -) [e,.lelmd] a-ifi ruline 26 ask [o:sk]a intreba32 asleep [e'slirp]adormit 35,67 astronaut I aestrensrt] astronaut100 at [et] la 106 atishoo [o'tr.luthapciu!20 attic t'aetrkl pod 46 August I rrgest] augustl3 aunt lo:ntlmitufe 16 autumn ['rrtem]toamni 99 awake [e'werk]treaz67

bear lbEalurs 97 beautifull'bjurtdul]frumos66 because[brkDz]pentructr8 become [br'k^m],became, become a deveni79 a [ a ]u n ,o l 1 2 bed [bed]pat 50 accident['eks]dentl bedroom I bedrum] accident84 dormitor 50 action ['ekjen] acliune 56 beef lbirf] carnede viti 40 actor ['ekta] actor 76 before [br'f.J lnainte104 actress ['ekt s] actri!5 76 begin [br'gn],began, address [e'dres]adrese47 beguna incepe109 adult ['€d^lt]adult l4 beginning[brgmr4] afraid (be -) te frerdl inceput109 a-i fl frici 26 begun lbrg^n]+ begin after I ofre] dupi 104 behind lbr'hand] afternoon []orftenurnl in spatele107 dupi-amia?5 7, 103 believe [brlirv] a crede3 | again le'genldin nou 102 belt [belr]cenrur; 36 gritl agree le a fi de acord 60 best lbest]cel maibun,cea airport I eepr:t] aeroport 88 maibune,cel maibine62 alarm clock [e'lo:mklDk] baby t'berbrlbebelug14 better ['bere]maibun,mai ceasde$teptator 12, 50 back lbeek] spate18 bine62 alive [a'larv]viu 65 bacon I berken]iunca4l between lbr rwirnlintre 106 all lr:ll tot, to!i, toate I l0 bad hedl riu 63 bicycle ['bars*]lbicicleti74, alphabet [ :elfebet]alfabet68 bag [beg]pungi,sac,geantt54 86 always ['c:lwez] baker I berka]brutar78 big [brs]mare65 intotdeauna 104 ball [b.C]minte 74 bike tbarklbicicleti74, 86 a n [ en ]u n , o l 12 t anana lbe,nanalbanane45 bird [b3rd]pasere92 and lrend]$i 8 band h€ndl trupe,orchestriI/ birthday ['b3reder] zi de angry ['€tgrr] nervos 26 bank [baetk]bance82 na;terel0l animal I enrmel]animal92 banker I bEetke] bancher78 biscuit ['brskrt]biscuit42 ankle ['etkl] glezne 18 bargain I borgm]afacere80 black lblek]netru ll answer I onse] rispuns; barn [born]guri 94 blacktoad t'blekb'rdltable68 a respunde 32 basketball ['bo:skrrbrd] blanket l'bl€tk]tl pituri 50 anoral<[ enerek]hanorac89 baschet 73 blood tbl^dlsange19 apple ['Epl]mir 45 bath [bo:e]baie35;cade5 | blouse lblauz]bluzi 36 April t'erpmll apriliel3 bathroom t'boreruml baie5 | blow [b]eul,blew, blown a architect ['o:ktekr] b e fb i t a fi l16 bate(vAnturl), a sufla98 arhitect78 beach tbidjl ptaji 90 blue [blur]albastrull argue ['orgjuta se certa60 bean [biln]fasole,14 boat [baut]vaporai,barce87



body ['bDdr]corp 18 bonnet l'bDnrrlcapoti 86 book [buk]carte7 | bool<shelf,/bookshelves ['bukJelf]raft, rafturi48 boot lbujt] cizmd36, 89 bored (be -) Ib3rdl a seplictisi26 boring ['brrrq]plicticos 62 bother ['bDde] a sacai60 bottle I bDrl]sticli 52 bottom I bDram] fund 18;108 box/boxes [bDks]cutie54 boxing I bDksl|]box 73 boy tbtrrlbeiat 14 brave lbreNlcurajos26 bread [bred]paine39 break lbre*1,broke, broken a sparge56 breakfast ['brckfest]mic d e iun3 8 , 3 9 bring [brr!], brought, brought a aduce56 brother I'br^6elfrate l6 brown hruunlmaro | | brush lbr^.llperie,a peria5 | build tbrrdl,built, built a construi56 builder ['b do]zidar78 buildingt brldrllclSdire 82 bumper ['b^mpe] barede proteclie86 bus [b^s]autobuz84 busy ['brzr]ocupat34 but [b^t] dar I butcher l'butjalmecelar79 butter ['b^le]unt 39 butterfly I b^teflatflulure92 buy [bar],bought, bought a cumpera80

bye t'barlla revedere7 bye-bye I barbar]pa 7

cabbage I kebrd3]varzd44 cabin I kebm] cabine87 caf6 I'kaferl cafenea82 cake lkerk] prijituri 42 call [k. ]a numi,a chema32 camel ['k:emel]cemile96 camera ['kemarc] aparat de fotografiat 74 cameraman I kEmereman] cameraman78 can [ken] a putea I 18 cap [kEp] qapce36 capital ['kep l] capitalx83 car lkqrl masine86 card [kord]carte (de ioc) 74 cardigan ['koidrgen]veste 36 careful (be -) ['keeful] a fi atent 6 | carpet I korplt] covor 48 carrot ['kErat] morcov 44 carriage I k3rrd3]vagon86 carry ['keerr]a cira, a duce 55 cartoon [kor turn] deseneanimate76 cat [] pisici 53 catch [ketj], caught, caught a prinde56 caulifl ower ['kDhflaue] conopidi 44 CD lsr:drt CD 77 celebrate ['selrbrett] a serbStoril0l cellar I sele]pivni!, 45 cereal I srerrel]cereale39 chair [tjee] scaun52 chalk Ltj.rkl crete 68 l', I

champion t'tJsmpjenl campion72
coin Ik ml monedi80 cucumber ['kju:knmbe] cofd [keuld]race?,ld, 22 ; frig crstravete44 99 cuP [k^pl ceasci 52 be - a fi frig 2l cupboard ['k^bedldulap52 colour ['k^]elculoareI I curly ['k:h] ondulat19 come Ik^ml,carne, come a curtain ['h:tn] perdea48 veni25 cushion ['kuJan]pemS48 come back [k^mb€k] a custard ['k^sted] reveni25 crem, de zahir ars 42 come down [k^mda(m]a cut [k^t], cut, cut a tiia 56 cobori 25 come in [k^mn] a intra 25 com{ortable I k^nf otebl]

disgusting ldrss^strD] dezgustitor# disturb Idrs't3rbl a derania60 diving mask ['darvrD mcrsk] mascade scafandru 9| divorced ldrv.rst] divorJatl7 do tdut a hce 56, l16 doctor ['dDkre]doctor 22, 78 dog [dDs]caine53 doll tdollpdpug 74 dolphin ['dD]frnldelfin96 confortabil 48 donkey ['dDr]ktmigar 94 comics l'kDmrks] dad tdredltati 17 door [d.t u9E46 bandtrdesenad, BD 74 daddy t'dedrl titic 17 comP€tition [,kDmpr'rrjan] dance [da:NI a dansa74 down [daun]ios 108 competilie 72 downstairs [daunsteas] dark ldork]intuneric 66 computer [kempjurta] parter 47 darling t'do:lr{l drag(e)6 calculator54 daughter ['dr:re] ffici l7 draw [dr3l, drew, drawn computer technician d^y tdetl zi 12,34, 103 a desena69 lkomrpjultetekrnrjenl dead [ded]morr 65 drawer I drrra]sertar48 informatician78 dear [dra] draSi 6 drawing ['drrx0]desen69 cook [kuk] a giti 38 December Idr,semba] dress [dres]rochie37 cool [kurl] ricoare 98 decembrie 13 dressed [dresr]imbrEcat37 cost [kDst]rcost, cost deep [di:p] adanc67 get a seimbreca35, 37 a costa 80 delicious [dr'trjes]delicios38 dress -up I dres cough lkDfl a tuti 23 dentist [,de rst] dentisr 22 a se deghiza 75 ^p] count [kaunt]a numera68 desk [desk]birou 68 drink [dnlk], drank, drunk country t'k^ntrrl diamond t'darem dl 'tari 92 a bea38 of course [] binein'teles romb | | drink ldrqk] biuturi 43 3t,61 dictionarlr t'drkjennl drive [drarv],drove, driven cousin I k^zn] veritor, diclionar 69 a conduce verisoare16 84 different l,ftfrantl difer;t 66 cow [kau]vaci 94 driver drawe] I difficult ['dfikalr] dificil 63 lofer 87 cowshed [kau.led]staul 95 drop [drDp]a scepa56 dinner t'drnalcinl 35, 38 crab [krzeb]crab 90 drum [dr^m]tobe 77 dirty ['&xt murdar 65 crocodile I kr.keda ] dry tdraduscat(e)65 disagree [,drs3,gril crocodil96 a nu fi de acord 60 duck td^kl rala 94 cross lkrDs]a traversa 84 disappointed [.ft se,p]rntrdl dungarees I d^Dge'rirz] cry tkrata plange 27 dezamig)t 27 salopeti36


eagleI irgl]vultur96 ear ftal ureche18 early ['3:h]devreme105 Earth [sro]P5mant100 Easter ['irsra]Pa$tel0l easy I irzr]usor 63 eat [id],atq e&n a menca 34,38 egg lesl ou 4 | eight tertlopt l0 eighteen [er'trn] eighty t ertt optzecil0 elbow I e]beulcot 18 elephant ['eldent]elefint96 elevenh'levnlunsprezece l0 empty ['empt]lgol 66 end lendlsfarsit109 engine l'€ndjrnlmotor 84 engineer[.end$ma]inginer78 enormous [r'n.:mes] enorm67 enoughlr'n^fldestulll0 envelope ['envaleup] plic 55 eraser ft'rerzelSumE7 | even I i:ven]chiarI evening I irvnrr]seari 103 every ['ev ]fiecarell0 everywhere I'evrNealpeste tot 107 examine [ig'z€emm] a examina23 excited hk sartrdlagitat27 exciting ftk'sartI!l pasionant52 excuse !'ne Dks'kjurz mirl scuze-me 6 exercise book I eksesarz bukl caiet7l exPensivehks'pensrvl scumP 8l

expression ftks'prcJenl expresie6 | eye [ar]ochi 18

face [fe]sl fali 19 fair [fee] corect 63 fali tfrrll, fell, fallen a cidea

24 family I femrldfamiliel6 fantastic lfien tpstlk] fantastic62 far [fdl departe 107 farm [fom] fermd 94, 95 farmer I fome] fermier 78, 94 farftiyard t'folmjordl curtea fermei 95 fast [forst] rapid 85 fat [fet] gras 14 father ['for6a]tati l6 favourite ['fervent] preferat 64 February ['februerd februarie13 feel [firl], felt, felt a simli; a se simli 23, 27 feeling ['fi:lI!] sentiment25 fencing ['fensrn]scrimi 73 lield lfindl camp 94 fifteen [frf'ti:n] .i^ .i.h F 6 ' - .-


{ifty t'frftrl cincizecil0 fight tta l, fought, fought a se bate69 fill tfrlla umple56 filrn tf ml lilm 76 find [farnd],found, found a gnsi59 tinger ['frtsa] degetl8


finish t frnr.fla se termina t05 fire ['fare]foc 48 fi reman I faremen]/fi remen pompier/pompieri79 fireplace I faraplers] 48 Semineu fireworks I ferews*s] foc de artificii l0 | first [f3rst]primul 109 fish [frj] pe$te40 fishing I f{I!] pescuir87 fiye Earvlcinci l0 flat Eletl apartamenr47; plat 67 floor [Il.t podea48 flour l'flauo]fiini 40 llowe. I'flaualfloare 92 fly [flar], flew, flown a zbura 92 fold tfeuldl a impaturi 57 follow I fD]eula urma 109 food tfurdl mdncare40 foot/feet [fut] picior, picioarel8 football I'furbo:llfotbal 73 for [frl pentru 8 forehead I fDrrd]frunte l8 forest l'fDrrst]padure 92 forget [fe get], forgot, forgotten a uita 30 fork [f.rk] furculitd 52 forty I f.rtr] patruzeci l0 four [fct patru l0 fourteen [f.:'trrn] fox/foxes lfDks]vulpe, vulpi92 free [fril gratis I I inoay I rmrd4vrneTrI J fridge [frrd3]frigider 52

friend lfrend]prieten69 frightened ['frannd] sPeriat27 frog fimgj broasci92 from [frDm]de la,din 9 front [fr^nt]: in - of in faF lO7 fruit [fru:tl fruct 45 fruit iuice lfrur dju:s] sucde fructe43 full tfull plin 66 f u n lf^ n l : h a v e - ase distra35 funnel [f^nl] co$(de vapor)87 funny ['f^nt amuzant 62 furniture ['f3lnrtJa] mobile46

game tgeml joc 75 garage I g€rorj] garai 53 garden ['so:dn]gridini 53 gate [gert] poartd 53 get [get], got, gotten a obline, a avea,primi 57 get dressed [gerdrest]a se rmoTaca J), J/ get married [get ,merrd] a se ctrsitori 17 get on [geron] a se intelete (cu cineva)60 get up [set a se scula34 ^p] giraffe [d3r'rof] gira6 96 girl tgsrll hti 14 Sive [grv], gave, given a d a 57 give back [siv b€k] a inapoia57 glad lgled] incantat 28 glass [glcrs]pahar 52

glove [gl^v] mdnusd89 gtue tslut lipici54 go lgerl, went, gone a merge24, 34 goat [gaut]capri 94 good [sud]bun,buni, bine62 good afternoon lgud'o:fte'nuinlbunaziua7 goodb).e lgud'bar] Ia revedere7 good evening [gud,irvnl!] buni seara7 good luck! [sudl,rk] succevnoroc!6l good morning [god,mr:nr!] buni dimineala7 goodnight [sud,mrr] noapte buni 7 grandfather ['granfor6a] bunic16 grandmother [,grenm^dal bunici16 Srandparents [,grenpeamnts] bunici16 grapes [grerpslstrugure 45 grass lgrc:s]iarbe92 great grertlsuper62 green [gri:nl verde | | grey [qrer]gri ll grocer ['grcuselbican 79 guesstsesla thici 30 guitar [sfrst chitari 77 gymnastics [d3rm'nas!rks] gimnastici 73

ha ha [hq: lol ha ha! 20 hair ttreelpir 18, 19


hairbrush ['heabr^J] perie de per 5 | hairdresser I heedresa] frizer, .o lor 79 half/halves [ho{ jumitate, jumitili ll0 ham [hem] Sunce40 hamburger [,hem,b3rge] hamburger4 | hammer ['heeme] ciocan 54 hand lhend] mane 18 handlebars ['hendlbo:z] ghidon86 hang up [he0 hung, hung a atArna^p], 57 happy ['hepr] fericir 28 hard [hqrd]greu 20 hat [het] pilirie 37 hate lherr] a uri 25 have [hev], had, had a avea57 h e t h il e l l1 2 head [hed]cap 18 headlight [,hedtarr]far 86 health [hele]sinitate 22 healthy ['he10tsdnitos 22 hear [h]el a auzi 20 heavy ['hevr]greu 66 heel thi:ll cilcaj 18 helicopter ['hehkDpre] elicopter 87 hello [heleu] salut,bune!7 helmet I helm ] casc584 help lhelpl a ajuta 60 hen [hen]giine 94 her [h3:] pe ea, o, sa,sale, $ i, s d u l1 2 here [hra]aici 106 hide-and-seek [hard€nd sr:kl de-a v-a! ascunselea75 high iharl inalt 65

him [hrn]pe el,'ilI 12 hip thrplqoldl8 his [hlz]seu,sa,lui I 12 hobby t hDbrlhobby74 holiday I'holaftlvacan!588 home lheum]case46 homework I haumw3rk] teme70 honey I h^nr]miere39 hoPe lhaupla spera27 horrible ['hDrrbl] ingrozitor, oribil64 horse [hcrs]cal95 hospital I hDsprtl] spital22 hot [hDt]foafte cald99 be - a-i fi foartecald2l hotel lheutel] hotel 82 hour ['aus]ori l3 house [haus]casi47 how [hau]cum 33 How are you? Ce maifaci?6 how many ftrau'menrlci!i, ca t el1 4 how much [haum^tll cat, ca t i lll hundred I h^ndrrd]o suti l0 hungry t'h^!s l (be -) a-i fi foame39 hurry ['h^d a segrdbi 102 hurt [hslt],hurt, hurt a durea22 husband ['h^zbend] so! 17 hutch [h^t.l]cote! de iepuri95

| [ar]eu I am fed up m-amsiturat! 5l

ice [ars]gheali 89 iuice [d3u:s]suc43 ice cream [arskrrrm] iulieI3 July td5ur'larl inghetati42 iump [d3^mp]a seri24 ice.skate larsskert]a patina iumper I dj^mpo]pulover37 89 iuniel3 June [d3urn] ice-skating [arsske$r{] patinaj73 idea [ardre]idee30 I don't care mi-eindiferent kangaroo I kaegga rul 6l cangur96 if hrl daci I keep [kirp],kept, kept i l l t l b o l n a v22 a ptstra 57 in ImlTn108 key tkil cheie47 insect ['msekt]insectS93 kind tkarndlamabil27 inside Itn'sard]ineuntru107 kiss [krs]a siruta 60 intelligent hn'telrd3enrl kitchen ['krtjm] bucaterie52 inteligent64 knee [ni:]genunchi l8 interesting I lnrllstll] knickers ['nrkez]chiloti36 interesant52 kni{e/knives tnafl culitle 52 into ['mtu]in 8 know Inaul,knew, known invite [m'vart]a invita75 a $ti,a cunoaste30 island [arlend]insule90 it [rt] el, ea,pe el, pe ea,lui, ei (lucruri)| l2 It doesn't matter ladder ['lEda]scari 53 nu facenimic,nu e nimic lamp [aemp]veiozi 49 grav6 | last llorstl ultimul, ultima 105, its [r1s]sdu,sdi,sale t09 (lucruri)| l2 late [1€n]tarziu 105 laugh tlo:fl a rade27 lawn [l.rn] peluzt53 lazy I lerzdlenqs27 leaf/leaves!i:fl frunzi, jacheti 36 ['d3@krt] frunze93 iacket gem 39 learn [3:n], learnt, learnt a iam ldjem] January ['d3enjuert invata69 ianuarie 13 leave uirvl,left, left jeans ld3i:nzlblugi37 a pleca(din,de la), a perdsi24 iewel I d5uiel]biiuterie54 Leave me alone iob [d:ob]meserie78 judo d3uldeu] 73 I Lasd-md ln pace!5l iudo _-l tt

Ieek [i:k] praz44 luggage t l^srdjl bagaj88 left Ileftl (la) s6nga 108 lunch [^ntj] masade pranz leg tleglgambil8 3 4 ,3 8 lernon ['leman]limaie45 less lleslmaipulin I l0 lesson ['lesn]leclie69 make [merl],rnade, made let's llers]haise...I l7 a face,a fabrica58 letter ['leta]scrisoare5.5 man [men]birbat 14 lettuce I'letrslsalati44 many I ment multi,multeI 14 library I larbrerrlbiblioteci82 map [mep]harti 88 lie [lar],lay, lain a staintins marble I mq:b]lbili 75 24 March [moxj] martie | 3 lie [ar] minciund 3| market ['morkrt]pial582 lift trifrl lifr 46 match Im&tJlchibrit54; light Uartllumine49; meci72 ugor66 rnatter I metr] like [a*] caFi8; a iubi,a What is the matter? pl5cea26 Ce seintempld? lion ['laren] leu I l7 It doesn't matter lip thpJbuzi l8 Nu conteazx6 | listen ['Lsn]a asculta20, 23 May lmet mai 13 littl€ t htll mic 65 me [mit pe mine,me,mie I 12 a little pufn ll0 meal lmirl]masi 38 live lhvl a trdj, a locui47 measure I me3e]a misura Iocomotive [laukemeutIv] 23 locomotivi87 meat lmirt]carne4 | long lbsl lung19,67 medicine I medsm] look [uk] a privi 20 medicament 22 ,o:ftel meet look after 0uk [mirr],met, met a a avea (se)intalni60 grii5de 60 middle t rmdllmijloc109 look for []ukI.t a ciuta 59 midnight ['mrdnarr] miezul lose [u:z], lost, lost noPtii 12 a pierde72 milk tmrlkllapte39,43 a lot mult,multe,mulli I l0 minute [,mmrt]minut l3 love [^v] a iubi 26 miss [mrs]a pierde88 lovely ['l^vlr]incantetor, I - him mi-edor de el 28 dregug64 mistakelmrs,teik] greseali30 low [leu]jos 65 mix lmrks]a amesteca 58 luck [1^k]noroc 6 | Monday t'm,rndrl luni l3


money L'm,urd bani80 monkey ['m,\{kr]maimu-ti96 month Im^nolluni (dinan) t2, t3 mood [mu:d]dispozilie28 moon [mu:n]luni 100 more [m.t maimult I l0 morning ['mijnr0]dimineati t03 mother ['m^6a] mam5l6 rnotorbil<e ['madebark] motocicleti84, 86 motorway ['m6utewer] autostradS 84 mountain ['mauntn] munte89 mouse lmaus]ioarece95 mouth [mau€]guri l8 move [mu:v]a mitca24 Mr I mrste]domnul6 Mrs ['mrsrz]doamna6 much [m^rJ]mult I 14 mum lm^mlmamil7 mummy I m^mr] mlmicel7 museum [mju:zrem] muzeu75 mushroorn [,m^Jrum] ciuperce 93 music I mju:zrk] muzice77 musician Imjur,zr.lnl muzician 78 must [m^st]a trebui I 18 my lmat meu,mea,mei, meleI 12

nail lnerl]unthie l8; cui 54 naked I nerkrd]dezbrecat37

name lneml nume l4 near [nre]langi 107 nearly I nrelr]aproapelll neck Inekl gat 18 need [ni;d]a aveanevoie(de)

o'clock [e'klDk]orX October [Dkteuba] octombrie13 off tDfloprit 65 58 office I Dfrs]birou 82 neighbour I n€]belvecin47 often I ofen]adesea102 net [net]plase9 | old tauldlvechi 15,65 never |nevalniciodati 104 on [Dn]pe 107;deschis 65 new Injul nou 66 one [w n] unu,o l0 newspaPer ['njuizperpe] ziar only ['eunh] numai9 49 open ['eupon] deschis58 New Year [njurjre]Anul opinion [e'prnjen] perere62 Nou l0l opposite ['op"zrt] next [nekst]urmelor I02, contrar,oPus65 t0 5 or [.r] sau9 next to langd106 orange ['orrndS] portocah: nice lnars]dragu!,simpatic, poftocaliu45 amabil64 ostrich l'DslrrtJ]stru197 night tnartlnoapte103 ouch la.n.llau!20 nightdress I natdres]cima$i our ['aue]nostru,noastri, de noapte36 no$tri,noastrell2 nine [nam]noui l0 out ladl afara, nineteen lnamtrn] in exterior 108 nouisprezece l0 outside [,aut'sard] afar:,in ninety I narntr]nouizecil0 exterior 107 no [neu]nu 9 oven ['^vn]cuptor52 no... [neu]deloc| 10,l14 over I'auvelterminat,35; noise [n.rz]zgomot20 pe deasupra106 noisy I ncrzr]zgomotos20 owl [aol]bufnili 93 nose [neuz]nas 18 not [nDt]nu 8 note [neut]bancnoti80 nothihg ['n^d][] nimic Paint [pemt]a picta70 November [nau'vembe] paintbrush ['pemtbr^J] noiembriel3 T0 Pensulr now [nau]acum 102 paper I perpa]hdrtie70 nowhere ['nauw€e] nicaieri107 pants lpents]chiloli,slip36 number ['n^mbe] num5rl0 parent I prercnt]Perinte16 nurse [rcrs]asistenti park lporklparc82 medicale79 parrot ['pleret]papagal 96 t2 L

Party t'portt petrecere l0 | passenger I pesnd3a] pasager86 Pasta ['paste] paste4l pavement ['peIvm"nl] trotuar 83 pay tperl, paid, paid a pliti 80 peas [pi:z] mazire 44 Pear [pee]pare 45 pedal lpedllpedala86 pen [pen]stilou 70 pencil l'pensllcreion 70 pencil case t'penslkersl Penar7l penguin ['perswm]pinguin97 people ['pi:puoameni 14 pepper I pepa]piper 40 perhaps [pehEps]poate 9 Person I p3:sn]persoanel5 pet [pet] animalde case53 photo l'f"utaul, photograph ['f eutegreef ] fotografie 54 piano I'pjonaul pian 77 picnic I prknrk]picnic75 pictufe ['prktjo] imagine55 pie lpad plecinti 42 piece [pi:s]bucati lll pig tprsl porc 95 pigsty ['prsstar]cocinS95 pillow ['p eu] perni 50 pineapple l'parnaepl] ananas45 pink [pl!k] roz I I pizza ['pr:tse]pizza4l pla.e [plers]loc 105 plane [plem]avion 87 plate [pleft] farfurie 52 play tpled a (se) juca 70 playground ['plergraund] teren de joaci 70

Pla)rtime l'plertarm] Push [puJla impinge58 recrealie70 Put [put],put, put a pune pleasaht I pleznt]plecut63 57 please Iplirzlte rog,ve rog 5 put down [purdaun] pleased [phrzd]mullumit28 a ateza57 plum [pl^m]pruni 45 put on [purDn] plumber ['pl^me] a seimbrecacu 37 instalator78 pyiamas [pr'd3ormaz] pole vaulting [,paulv.rlrIl] pijama 37 serituri cu priiina 73 police station lpe'hrs,sredn] sectiede Polilie83 policeman [pehrsmen] question ['kwestjen] polilist78,84 int.ebare32 polite lpe'lart]politicos29 quick tkwrklrapid 105 porthole ['p.xheul]hublou quickly ['kwrklr]repede105 (vapor)87 quiet I kwaret]ljnjttit 28 postcard I peustko:d] quilt [kw t] plapumd50 cartepottala55 postman |peustmanl Po$ta$79 post otlice I'poust,cfisl rabbit ['rebrr]iepure95 race lrers]cursi 72 Potti 83 radio radio49 ['rerdrau] Potato [pe'terteu] rain ploua caftof 44 [rem]a 98; ploaie 99 Pour [p.t a turna 58 rainbow I relnbeu] curcubeu prefer [prr'f3r]a prefera28 qq Pregnant I pregnant] rainCoat ['rernkout] insircinatil7 impermeabil 36 present l'preznt]cadou l0 | read [drd],read, read a citi 7l Prett)' t'pntt dr4u! 64 ready ['redr]Sata102 price [prars]pre! 80 receive [rr si:v]a primi 58 Problem I pmblem] receptionist[,sepJ€nrst] problemi30 receplioner78 pull lpuua rrage58 rectangle ['rek,te!gl] Pupil t'pjurpllelev69 dreptunghi| | Puppet I p^prr]marionete75 red [red]ros,uI I purple I p3rpl]violet | | remember lrr'memba] PUrse[p3:s]Portmoneu80 a-ti amjnti30


repair [rr'pee]a repara59 reporter In'pc:tel rePofter78 rest [rest] rest | | | j!] restaurant Irrestar5 restaurant93 rice [rars]orez 4 | ride [rard],rode, ridden a mergecu bicicleo,a cSliri85 right kafij corect68; (la)dreapta108 ring [rI!], rang, ruhg a suna50 rihg [rI{] inel55 river ['rlve]rau 93 road lreud]Sosea85 rock lrDklstanci90 rollerblade [,reuleblerd] role 75 roof lru:Il acoperis46 room lrum]camerd46 rope lraup]sfoare55 round lraund] rotundll h^ba tl colac9| rude lrurd]nepoliticos29 rugby I'r sbrl rugby73 ruler [rutu] rigle7l run [r^n],ran, run a alerga24

sad [sed] trlst 28 saddle lsaedl]ia 86 sailing boat ['se t baut] barci cu panze90 salt [s'rt] sare 40 same lserm]identjc 66 sand [send] nisip 90 sandcastle I sendkorsl]castel de nisip90

sandwich ['senwrdj] shampoo l.laem'pul gampon5 | sandvi$ 4| Saturday I sEtadr]sambeti l3 shapeUerplform5 ll saucePan I srrspen]cratiti 52 she [Jit ea (persoani) l12

ski lskil schi,a schia89 ski pole [skipaul] bi1 de schl89 skiing t'skr:ralschi(spon) 73 sausageI sDsrdj] sheep [Jirp]oaie,oi 95 skirt [sk3rt]fuste36 carn,cior4l sheet [Ji:t]cearlaf50 sky [skadcer 100 say [se]1,said, said sh€ll [.1e1] scoica9 | sledge [sled3]a se da a sPune32 shiheljaml,shone,shone cu sania89 scarf lskorflfular,egar636 a streluci99 sleep [slirp],sl€pt, slept a scary I skea ] infricogttor64 ship [.lry]navi 87 dormi35 school [sku:l]lcoale68 shirt [.l3rt]cimage36 slice lslars]felie4 | schoolbag I'sku:lbaesl shoe [Jut pantof36 slow [sleu]incet 85, 105 ghiozdan7 | shop tjDplmagazin 8l small [sm.t]mic l5 sea [sid mare90 shop assistant [JDpe'srstant] smell [smel],smelt, smelt a litoral90 vinzitor 8l seaside['sr:sard] mirosi2 | season['sirzn]anotimp99 shopkeeper ['JDpkrrpe] smife Ismarlla zAmbi29 second I sekend] al doilea,a comerciant8 | snack [sn:ek] doua109;secundiI 3 shopping ['.lDprt] o gusare35 secret l'sirk tl secret32 cumpxr[turi8 | snow lsneu]zApadi89: short [Jr:t] scurt 19,67 se4aetary['sekretrr] a ninge99 secretar578 shoulderI Jaulde] umar l8 snowman I sneuman] see [sit, saw,seena vedea2l shout [Jaut]a lipa 32 om de zipade89 See you soon Pecurdnd!6 show [Jeu],showed, rhown soap [seup]sePun5 | a a re a T l sock [sDk]Soseti36 See you tomorrow show Lfaulspectacol75 sofa I'seufelcanapea 49 Pemaine!6 sell [se]1, sold, sold shower I Jaue]dus5 | soft [sDfr]moale2 | a vinde80 shy tJarltimid 28 some [s^m]caliva,caGvaI I I sick [sik]| feel sometimes ['s^mtarmz] send [send],sent, sent a trimite59 a-i fi grea16, 22 citeodatd102 sense lsens]sim! 20 sing [sn], sang, sung son [s,rn]fiu 17 September lseptembe] a .anta,77 song [sot] cantec77 sister I srstr]sore 16 soon [surn]c'rrand102 septembrie l3 sit [srt],sat, sat a fi asezat24 sorry I sDnliarti-m5,imi seven ['sevn]lapte l0 parerdu 6 se\renteenIserr'tr:nl sit down [srtdaun] gaptesprezece a seaFza25 spaceshipI spersJry] l0 sitting room I'srtq ruml navl spaliale100 seventy I sevntr] l0 camerd de zi 48 speak lspirk],spoke, taptezeci six lslks]tasel0 spoken a vorbi 32 sh, shh tJl !st! 20 spend [spend], spent, spent shade [Jerd]umbre9 | sixteen [srkstrrn] shaken a cheltui 8l shake [Jerk],shook, spinach I sp]nrd3l spanac44 sixty l'srkstdtaizecil0 a scutura59 I?L

sPoon [spurn]linguri 52 sport [sprlt]spoft 72 spring [sprrt]primivare99 square [skwee]pitrat ll squeeze [skwllz]a strange23 squirrel ['skwlrel]veverile93 stable tsrerbllSrajd95 stairs lstcaz]sceri47 stamp [stemp]timbru 55 stand up I stend stood ^p], up, stood up a se ridica25 star [stat stea 100 start [stolt]a incepe105 station l'sterjen]gari 88 stay [stet a sta25 steering wheel I stren!wlrl]

suPermarket I sueomorkrt] supermarket 8l sure [Jua]sigur3 | surprised [sepralzd]surprins,

television I'teh,vt3enl televizor49 tell [tel],told, told a spune, a Povesti33 tell off ['telDfl a certa33 swallow ['swDteu] a inghili23 temper I tempe'] caracter, sweet lswirrlbomboane 42 temPerament 29 swim [swrm],swam, swum ten [ten]zecel0 a inota 9 | tennis I tems]tenis73 swimming ['swrmq] test [test]a verifica23 inot 73 jut thank you loaenk swimming pool [,swrmr{ multumesc 7 porll piscini72 that [o€etk]acela,aceeaI 13 swimsuit ['swrmsurt] the tdal-ul,-a,-ii,'le I l3 costumde baie9 | theatre I ereta]leatru 76 swing lswrt] leagin53 their [dee]il, le,pe ei I 12 swit(h off [,swrrjDf] them [dem]lor I 12 'incx a stinge 50 then ldenlapoi 103 still tstrll 105 switch on there [dee]acolo 106 l'swrtjDn] stop [stop]stalie84; a aprinde 50 there is/there are existS, a seoPri102 seafli 6l straight [strert]direct l9 these [6irz]acestea, straight on l'srrerton]drept acettia I 13 inainte108 table masi they 52 ei,ele I 12 l'terbl tderl strange [strernd3] ciudat64 take took, taken thick [relk], a [ork]gros 67 strawberr/ ['strr:berr] lua 59 thigh toarlcoapsi 18 cipsune45 take off relk rrt] thin a scoate I [em]slab15 street Istrill strade83 (hainele)37 thihg lerll lucru,obiect54 strict lstrlkt]sever29 talk [t.rk] a vorbi, a discuta think lel|kl, rhought, strong [strDt]puternicl5 32 thought a gandi30 stupid I stju:prd]prost 29 tall ltrrl] lnalt l5 third [03rd]al treilea, suburbs['s^b3rbz] taste [terst]a gusta,gust 2l a treia 109 periferie83 taxi ['taeksttaxi 85 thirst)' l'osrst]lI be * sqgar ['Juge]zahir 42 tea [tir] ceai 39, 43 a-i fi sete 38 suitcase ['sutkers] teach a invr[a (pe thirteen [tur,rirn] geamantan 88 .[tirrJ] crneva,/ | treisprezecel0 summer I's^melvari 99 teacher I rirrje] profesor 59, thirty [ turrt treizeci l0 sun [s^n]soare 100 78 this [drs]acesta,aceasta,I 13 Sunday['s^ndtduminicil3 team lti:ml echipd72 this is,.. iata... 7 sunglasses['s^nglorsz] telephone I rel eur] those [deuz]aceia,aceleaI l3 ochelaride soare89, 9 | telefon 49 thousand l,eauzendl o mie IO


three [orit trei l0 tortoise l't]itesl lestoasi 53 through t&ut prin 106 touch [t^tj] a atinge2l throw [ereu],threw, towel ['tauel]prosop 5 | thrown a arunca59 town ftaonl orag 82, 83 thumb le^mldegetul town hall ['taunhr:l] mare36 primerie 83 thunderstorm t'e^ndastr:ml toy [t.4 iuclrie 76 furcune98 tractor ['tftektd tractor 95 Thursday t'tu:zdrlioi l3 traffic ['trafik] trafic 85 ticl<et ['tlkrt] bilet 88 traffic iam ltrefrt d3eeml tiger [targe]tigru 97 ambuteiaj85 tights ltaltz]colanli36 train [trem] tren 86 fime [talm] timp, trainers ['trenez] pantofi de ori 12,102 sPort37 timetable I tarmterbl] orar 12 transport ['trenspr:!] tiny I ramr]minuscul 67 transPort86 tired ['tared]obosit35 travel l'trevl a cilStori 88 to [rul la,in 9 tree [trit copac93 today [tader]astizi 104 triangle t'trars0glltriunghi | | toe [teu]degetde trousers l'trauzez]pantaloni la p ic io rl 8 36,89 toilet ['rr rt] toaleti 5 | true [trut adevirat 3 | tomato lta motaul rolie 44 trumPet ['tr mprt] tomorrow [te'mDrao] tromped 7/ mdine 104 try [trar] a incerca 59 tongue [t^r] limbi l9 T-shi.t t'rrj3:rlricou 36 tonight [te'nart] tube [tju:b] metrou85 astdseari 103 Tuesday ['tju:zdt ma4i 13 too [tul prea | | I too many [tur 'menr] turnmy ['t^mr]burticd18 preamulli,multe turn [t3in]rand 109 too rn!.rch[turm tJ] TV ['tr:vd televizor 49 preamult, multa o,relve [twelv]doispr€zeceI0 tool [turl]unealti55 twenty ['twentr]douezecil0 tooth/teeth lrure] fwo [tut doi l0 dinte/dinul9 toothbrush ['tu:obrJ] periuli de dinji 5 | toothpaste ['turoperst] pasti ugly ['^gL]urat 66 de dinli5 | umbrella [^m'brcle] top ttDplvarf 108 umbrela99

uncle ['^!k]l unchi l6 under ['^nde]sub 107 underground t ^ndagnundl metrou 85 understand t standlr ^nda understood, understood a inlelege 30 unfair [^n fee] incorect 63 unhappy [^n hept nefericit

28 universe['ju:nrv3rs] univers100 unpleasant l^n'pleznt] nepldcut 63 trP [^p] sus 108 upstairs [ etai,la ^psteez] etq 47 us [^s] pe noi, ne, noue use Ljuzl a (se)folosi59 useful t'ju:sfullutil 8 usually ['ju;iualr]de obicei t05

van [ven] camioneta86 VCR ['vr: sr ol video 49 vegetable I vedStabl]

leguma 44 very ['verr]foarte9 video ['vrdreu]caseti video 49 video game t'vrdraugeiml joc video 76 Yiilage I'vrlrd3lsat 93 violin [,vare'lm]vioari 77 visit ['vlzlt] a vizita 76



wait (for) twe l a a$epta 103

waiter lwerta]chelner79 wake up [werk woke, ^p], woken a setrezi 34 walk [wrrk]plimbare25; a merge25 wall lwctll zid 47

win [wm],won, won a cattiga72 wind hrndl vant98 window ['wndeu] fereasrri 46 windscreen [wrndskrrn]

want [wDnt]a vrea 29 parbriz 86 warm [wrrm] cald 99 wine lwaml vin 43 be - a-i fi cald 2l wing [wq] aripi 87 wash [woj] a spdla, winner ['wlne]invingitor, a s e sp e h 5 l ca{tigitor 72 wat
worst [w3:st]cel mairiu 63 wrist [rrst]incheietura miinii 18 write [rarr], wrote, written a scrie7l wrong [rDI] tregit 68

year [rel an 13, 105 yellow [,jelao]galben ll yes ftesl da 9 yesterday [,jesrader]ieri lO4


yoghurt I jeuser]iaurt42 you Liut tu, pe tine, te, !ie, voi, pe voi, vi, vou; I l2 young [j^r] €niri 15 your Ljct t:u, ta, tii, tale, vostru,voastra,vogtri, voastre I 12


zeb.a ['zirbra]zebri 97 zero l'zrereu]zero l0 zoo [zut grEdini zoolotici 96


Idg n€rffi

-s. -{tct"


acasa home46 accident accident84 aceasta, acesta this I 13 aceea, acela lhat I 13 aceia, acelea those I 13 acestea, acestia these I 13 acolo there 106 acoperis roof 46

acord (a fi -) agree60 a nu fi de acord (cu) disagree 60 acto!" actor 76 actrite actress76 acfiune action56 acum now 102 adanc deep57 adeseaoften 102 adevirat true 3 | adormit asleep 35,67 adresi address47 aduce (a) bring,brought, brought56 aduce aminte (a-9i) remember 30 adult adultl4 aeroport airport 88 afacere bargain80 afari outside107;out 108 agasa(a) bother60

agitat excired27 aici here 106 atuta (a) help60 alb white | | albastr! blue | | alerga (a) run, ran, run 24 alfabet alphaber68 amabil, drigu! kind 27; nice64 ambuteiai trafiiclam 85 amesteca (a) mix 58 amuzant funny62 an year 13,105 ananaspineapple 45 animal animal92 animal de casi per 53 anotimp season99 Anul Nou New Year l0l aparat de fotografiat cameflr74

asistenti medical; nurse

79 astizi today 104 astronaut astronaut100 ateza (a) put down 57 ageza(a se) sit down,sat, sat25 attepta (a) wait (for) 103 atarna (a) hangup, hung, hung57 atent (a li) be careful6l atinge (a) touch 2 | au! ouch!20 augustAutust l3 autobuz bus84 autostradi motorway84 auzi (a) hear20 avea (a) have,had,had57 avion plane87

aDartament flat 47

api water 43 apoi then 103 aprilie April 13 aprinde (a) switchon 50 aproapenearlylll arita (a) show, showed, shown7 | arhitect architect 78 aripi wing87 arunca (a) throw threw, thrown 59 asculta (a) listen(to) 20, aseminitor, identic same56

tr 3

bagaie luttate 88 baie bath35,5 | baie (cameri de) bathroom5 | banani banana45 banci bank82 bancher banker78 bancnoti note 80 bandi desenati comics74 bani money80 bar; de protectie bumper barci boat87 barci cu panze sailingboat 90

baschet basketball 73 bate (a se) fight,fought, fought69 bican grocer79 biiat boy 14 bd.rbat,birbati man,men t4 birbie chin l8 bitrin old 15,65 bit stick89 bif de schi ski pole 89 biuturi drink 43 bea (a) drink,dranK drunk

bfutar baker78 b u ca ti p i ecelll bucitirie kitchen52 bucuros glad28 bufnifi owl 93 bun Sood62;bine well 7l buni hello7 bund dimineatagood morning7 bune seara good evening7 bune ziua goodafternoon7 bunic grandfather l6 bunici grandmother I6 bunicigrandparents l6 burtici tummyI8 buzi lip l8

cangu!"kangaroo69 cap head18 capitali capital83 capoti bonnet86 capri goat94 carne meat4 | .arne de viti beef40 carte book 7l carte de ioc card74 ; carte pogtali postcard55 cartof potato 44 cartofi pri.iiti chips40 casa house47 casci helmet84 bebelugbabyl4 castel de nisip sandcastle beci cellar46 90 biblioteci library82 castravete cucumber44 bicicleti bicycle,bike74, 86 cndea (a) fall,fell, biiuterie jewel 54 ca like8 fallen24 bili marble75 cabini cabin87 ciletori (a) travel88 bilet ticker88; cadi bath5 | c cei heel18 bine well 7l cadou presentl0l cimaii. shirt 36 bine ali venit welcome7 cafea coffee43 cimasi de noapte birou (mobili) desk68 cafenea caf682 nightdress 36 birou ofiice82 caiet exercisebook 7 | cimili camel96 biscuitbiscuit42 cal horse95 cipsuni strawberry45 biserici church82 cdlculator computer54 cisitori (a se) get married blugijeans37 cald warm2l, 98;hot 2l, 99 t7 bluzi blourse 36 calm, linittit quiet28 cira (a) carry56 bolnav ill 22 camefaman camemman 79 ciuta (a) look for 59 bomboani sweet42 cameri room 46 cainedot 53 box boxing73 cameri de zi sittingroom camp field94 braf arm 18 48 cand when33, 103 brinzi cheese40 camioneti van86 canta (a) sing,sang,sung77 broasci. frog 92 campion champion72 cantiri (a) weigh23 canapea sofa49 cantec song77


carnicior sausage 4| caltiga (a) win, won, won 72 cegtigitor winner72 cAteodati. sometimes102 Cifi ani ai? How old areyoul l5

cD cD 77 ce what 33 Ce mai faci? How are youl 6 Ce se intampli? What's the matterl 6l ceai tea 39,43 ceargafsheet50 ceas de mAne watch l2 ceas detteptitor alarmclock 12,50 ceagci cup 52 cel mai bqn, bine the best62 cel mai riu, rea the worst 63 cer sky 100 cerc circlell cereale cereal39 certa (a) tell off 33 certa (a se) argue60 cheie key47 chelner waiter 79 cheltui (a) spend,spent, sPent8 | chema (a) call32
cidru cider43 ctnaornnerJ), Jd cinci five l0 cincisprezecefifteen l0 cincizecififty l0 cine who 33 cinema cinema 76 ciocan hammer54 ciocolati chocolate42 ciocolati caldA cocoa,hot chocolate43 .irc circus74 cireali cherry45 citi (a) read,read,read7l ciuperci mushroom 93 cizmi boot 36 clasi class68; sali de clasi classroom68 clidire building 82 coafor hairdresser 79 coapsi thigh 18 cocini pigsty95 cocop cock94 colac rubberrlng9 | colanfi tights36 comerciant shopkeeper 8| conduce (a) drive,drove, driven84 confortabil comfortable48 conopidi cauliflower44 construi (a) build,built, built56 contrar opposite65 copac tree 93 copil child14,l7 corect fair 63 corp body l8 costa (a) cost,cost,cost 80

| 35

costum de baie swimsuit 9| cot (de vapor) funnel87 cot elbowl8 cotet de iepuri hutch95 covor carPet48 crab crab90 crati!5. saucepan 52 Criciun Christmas l0l crede (a) believe3 | creion pencil70 cremi. de zahir ars custard42 creti chalk68 crocodil crocodile96 cu with 9 cui nail54 culoarecolourll cum how 33 cumpira (a) buy,bought, bought80 8| cumparituri shoppinB cuptor oven52 curaios brave26 curat clean65 curand soon 102 curcubeurainbow99 curea belt 35 cursi race72 cutie, cutii box, boxes54 cutit, cufite knife,knives52 cuvant word 8, 33

da yes9 da (a) give,gave,given57 dace if I dansa (a) dance74 dar but 8

de ce why 33 dispozitiemood28 de obicei usually105 distra (a se) havefun 35 de-a v-afi ascunselea divortat divorcedl7 hide-and-seek 75 doamni Mrs6 decembrieDecemberl3 doctor doctor 22, 78 deget finger l8 doi two l0 deget de la picior toe 18 doilea (al), doua (a) deget mare lhumb36 second109 deghiza (a se) dressup 75 doisprezecetwelvel0 deltin dolphjn96 domnul Mr 6 deliciosdelicious 38 dori (a) wanr 29 dentist dentist22 dormi (a) sleep,slept,slept departe far 107 35 derania (a) disturb60 dormitor bedroom50 des thick 67 douizeci twenty I0 deschisopen58 drag, dragi dear6 desen drawint 59 dragi darling6 desen animat cartoon76 driguf lovely64; nice64; desena (a) draw,drew, pretly 64 drawn69 dreapta (la) right 108 desigur, bineinfeles drept straiShtl9 of course31,6 | drept inainte straighton destul enoughI l0 t0 8 deveni (a) become,became, dreptunghi rectangle| | become79 drum way 108 devreme early105 dulap cupboard 52 dezarn;git disappointed 27 duminici SundayI3 dezbricat naked37 dupi after 104 dezgustitor disgusting 64 dupi-amiaza afternoon dicfionar dictionary69 7 , t0 3 diferit different66 buni ziua goodafternoon7 dilicil difficult63 dui shower5 | dimineatdmorning103 din, de la from 9 din nou again102 ea (persoani) she; dinte, dinfitooth,teeth 19 (lucru) it I l2 directie way 108 echip; team72 discuta (a) talk 32 ei, ele they I 12



ei, ii, pe ea her; ( lucr u) it l13 el (persoani) he; ( lucr u) it ll2 elefant elephant96 elev pupil69 enorm enormous67 etai (la) upstairs47 eu I l12 exact, corect right 58 examina (a) examine23 existi, sunt, se afli there is/thereare 6l expresie expression6 |

fabrica (a), a face make, made,made58 face (a) do, did,did 56 familie familyl6 fantastic fantastic52 far (vehicul) headlight86 farfurie plate52 farmacist chemisr79 fasole bean44 fati girl 14: (fiici) daughter17 fali hce 19 fEini flour 40 lari without 9 februarie February l3 felie slice4 | femeie womanl5; (sofie) wife 17 fereastri window46 fericit happy28 fermi farm 94, 95

fermecito!. lovely64 fermier farmer78, 94 fi (a) be l16 tiecare every I l0 film film 76 fiu son 17 floare flower 92 fluture butterfly92 foame (a-i fi) be hungry39, |6 foarte very 9 foarte cald hot 99 foc fire 48 foc de artificii fireworks t 0l folosi (a) use59 formi shape| | fotbal football73 fotografie photo, photograph54 fotoliu armchair48 frate brother l6 frici (a-i fi) be afraid26 frig, rece cold2l; 99 frigider f.idge52 frizer hairdresser 79 fruct fruit 45 frumos, frumoasi beautiful66 frumos, magnific beautiful66 frunte foreheadl8 frunzi, frunze leaf, leaves93 fular scarf36 funcliona (a) work 55 fund bottom18,108

furculili fork 52 furtunA thunderstorm98 fusti skirt 36

galbenyellowll gambi leg l8 garaj garage53 gari station88 gata ready102 giini hen94 gisi (a) find,found,found59 giti (a) cook 38 gindi (a) (se) think, thought,thought30 gat neck18 geamantan suitcase 88 gem jam39 genunchikneel8 gheali ice 89; inghefati ice cream42 ghici (a) guess30 ghidon handlebars 86 ghiozdanschoolbag 7l gimnastici gymnastics 73 girafii giraffe96 glezni ankle18 gol empty56 graid stable95 gras, grasi fat 14 gratis free 8 | gribi (a se) hurry I02 gridini, garden53 gridini zoologici. zoo 96 greafi (a-i li) feelsick22 greteali. mistake30 gretit wrong 68

13 7

greu hard,heavy20, 66 gri grey | | griji de (a avea) look after 60 gum6 de ;ters eraser7l guri mouthl8 gust taste2 | gusta (a) taste2l; gustare snack35

ha, ha ha ha 20 haini coat 36 haine clothes36 HalloweenHalloween l0l hamburger hamburger 4l hanorac anorak89 hapciu! atishoo20 harti map88 hirtie paper70 hobby hobby74 horn chimney 46 hotel hotel 82

ianuarieJanuary l3 iarbi grass92 iarni winter 89, 99 iarti-mi sorry 6 iati this is 7 iaurt yoghurt42 idee idea30 identic same65 ieftin cheap8l iepure rabbit95 ieri yesterday104 impermeabil raincoat35

incorect unhir 63 inel ring55 informatician computertechnician78 inginer engineer78 insecti insect93 instalatorplumber78 instrument tool 55 insul: island90 inteligent intelligent64 interesant interesting62 intra (a) comein 25 invita (a) invite75 istef clever26 iubi (a) love26 iulieJ u l yl 3 iunieJ u n el 3

ii, le, lor them I 12 imbrica get dressed35, 37 imbricat dressed37 imi, mE, mie, pe mine me l12 impituri (a) fold 57 lmpinge (a) push58 in in 108;into8 in fafa in front of 107 in iurul around106 in spatele behind107 inainte before 104 lnalt tall l5 inapoia (a) tive back57 iniuntru inside107 incantat glad28 lncepe (a) begin,began, begun109;start 105

inceput beginning 109 la parter downstairs47 juca lncerca (a) try 59 (a) (se) play70 jucdrie incet slow85, 105 toy 76 incheieturameinii wrist l8 judo judo73 jumitate half I l0 inchisclose58 infrico;itor scary64 inghifi (a) swallow23 ingriiora (a se) worry 29 la at 106;to 9 inot swimming73 la revedere goodbye, inota (a) swim,swam, bye-bye,bye7 swum9 | lapte milk39,43 insircinati pregnantl7 Lasi-mi in pace! intilni (a se) meet,met, Leaveme alone6 | met 60 limaie lemon45 infoarce (a se) come back lingi near 107;next to 106 25 le, ai, ale lor their I l2 intotdeauna always104 leagin swing53 intre between106 lectie lesson69 intreba (a) ask32 legumi. vegetable 44 intreba (a se) wonder 30 leneg lazy27 intrebare question32 leu lion97 lntrecere competition72 lift lift 46 intuneric dark 66 limbi tonguel9 infelege (a) understand, linguri spoon52 understood,understood30 linistit quiet28 intelege (a se) cu lipici glue54 get on with 60 litoral seaside 90 invi.ta (a) learn,learnt, loc place106 learnt69 locomotivi engine, invila pe cineva(a)teach7l locomotive87 locui (a) live47 lovi (a) (se), a durea huft, hurt, hurc22 iacheti iacket36 lua (a) take,too( taken59 |oc game75 video videogame76 Iucru, obiect thjng54 ioc joi Thursdayl3 lui (a, al, ai, ale) his jos down 108 ei her;

- t3 8

lui, ei (lucruri) irs l12 lui, pe el, il him; (iucru) it I 13 lume world 100 lumini light49 luni, moon 100 luni (a anului) month t 2, t 3 lung longl9 luni Mondayl3 lup, lupi wolf,wolves97

magini car 86 pea44 mi.celar burcher79 migar donkey94 minugi glove89 mir apple45 misura (a) measure23 mituti aunt 16 miine tomorrow 104 mini hand18 manca (a) eat, ate, eaten34, 38 mancare food 40 m-am siturdt mea, meu, mei, mele l amfed up 6l my l 1 2 magazin shopI I meci match 72 mai May | 3 medicament medicine mai bun, bine betler 62 22 cel mai bun the best62 merge (a) go, wenq mai mult more I l0 gone24, 34 mai putin lessI l0 merge (a) walk 25; mai riu worse 63 a funcliona (masini) work maimufi monkey96 55 mami, motherl6 merge (a) cu bicicleta, mami, mimici mummy, motocicleta, a ciliri ride, m u m1 7 rode,ridden85 mare sea90 meserie iob 78 mare big65 metrou tube,underground marioneti pr-ippet 75 85 maro brown I I mic deiun breakfast martie March13 38, 39 marli Tuesday13 mic little 65; small15 masa de pranz lunch34, 38 mie thousandl0 masi table52 miercuri Wednesdayl3 masi (mincare) meal38 miere honey39 masce de scafandru diving miezul noptii midnightl2 mask9 | miiloc middle109 110

minciuni lie 3l minge ball74 minti (a) lie 3 | minunat wonderful64 minuscultiny67 minut minutel3 mirosi (a) smell,smelg smelt2l mi;ca (a) move24 moale soft 2 | mobili furniture46 monedi coin 80 morcoY carrot 2[4

mort dead65 motociclet; motorbike84, 85 motor engine84 mult(i), mulfi, multe a lot of ll0; many:m uchl14 mulEumescthankyou 7 mulfumit pleased28 munci (a) work 70 munte mountain89 murdar dirq/ 65 muzeu museum 75 muzici music77 muzician musician78


nas nose18 naveti spafiali spaceship t00 nefericit unhappy28 negru black| | neplicut unpleasant 63 nepoliticos rude 29 nervos angry26

neted flat 67 nevoie (de) (a avea) need58 nicaierinowhere107 n ic i un , o n o l l 0 , l 1 4 niciodati never 104 nimiGnothing Nu face nimic lt doesn't matter6l ninge (a) snow99 nisipsand90 n iit e s o m el l l noapte night 103 noapte buni goodnight7 noi, ne, noui, pe noi we, us l1 2 noiembrie Novemberl3 nor cloud98 noroc! goodluck!6 | nostru, noastri, nostri, noastreour I l2 nou new 55 iarigi again102 noui ninel0 nouisprezece nineteenl0 nouizeci ninetyl0 Nu face nimic, Nu e nimic grav lt doesn'! mafter6l nu no 9; not 8 numai only9 numir numberl0 numira (a) count 68 nume namel4 Nu-mi pasi I don'tcare6l nunti weddingl0l

oaie sheep95 oameni peoplel4 obosit tired 35 obraz cheek l8 ochelari de soare sunglasses 9| ochi eye 18 octombrie October l3 ocupat busy35

om de zipadi snowman89 ondulat,buclat curly l9 opri (a se) stop 102 opt eight l0 optsprezece eighteenl0 optzeci eightyl0 orag town 82, 83; (orat mare) city 83 orar timetablel2 ori hour | 3; time 12,102 Este ora 5. lt's 5 o'clock. orez rice4l oribil horrible64 ou egg4l oval oval ll

pahar glass52 paispfezecefourteen l0 pantaloni trousers36 pantof shoe36 papagal parrot 96 pari pear45 parbriz windscreen86 parc park 82 pasager passenger 86


pasere bird 92 pasionant exciting62 p4st; de dinfi toolhpaste 5l paste pasta4l Patte Easterl0l pat bed 50 patiha (a) ice-skate89 patinai ice-skating 73 patru four l0 patruzeci forty l0 pedure forest92:wood 93 pilirie hat 37 Pimant Earth 100 pirere opinion62 pipuge doll 74 pir hair 18,19 pirinte parentl6 pista (a) keep,kept,kept 57 pitrat squarell pituri blanket50 paine bread39 pe curand seeyou soon 6 pe ei, li, pe ele, le them l12 pe meine seeyou tomorrow 6 pe on 107 pedali pedal86 peluzi lawn53 pehar pencilcase7l pensuli paintbrush 70 pentru for 8 pentru cA because I perdea curtain48 perie de pir hairbrush5 |

periferiesuburbs 83 plicea (a) like 26 periufi de dinti toothbrush plicintE. pie42 (l plicut pleasant63 perni pillow50 pliti (a) pay,paid,pa'd80 perni (canapea) cushion plange (a) cry 27 48 pleca (a), a pirisi leave, persoani person15 left,left 24 pescuit fishing87 plic envelope 55 peste tot everywhere107 plicticos boring62 Peste,deasupra over 105 plictisi (a se) be bored26 peite fish40 plimbare walk 25 petrece (a), plin full66 a sirbitori celebratel0 | ploaie rain99 petrecere party l0l ploua (a) rain98 pian piano77 poarti Sate53 piafi market82 poate perhaps9 picior, picioare foot, pod aftic 46 feet 18 podea floor 48 picnic picnic75 politicos polite29 picta (a) paint70 politist policeman78, 84 pictor painter70 pompier fireman79 piele skinl8 porc pig95 piept chest18 pornit, aprins on 65 pierde (a) lose,lost,lost 72; portmoneu purse80 portocali orange45; miss88 mi-e dor de el I misshim poiti postofiice83 28 postas postman79 piiama pyiamas37 povesti (a) tell, told, pinguinpenguin 97 told 33 piper pepper40 pozi picture55 piscini swimming praz leek44 prijituri cake42 Pool 72 pisic; cat 53 Prea too, too many pizzd,pizz 4l (mu ch )l l l plaie beach90 prefera (a) prefer28 plapumi quilt50 preferat favourite64 plasi net 9 | pre! price80

prieten friend69 prima, primul firs lot primirie town hal 83 primivari spring99 primi (a) get, got, gqrr'r 5r; receive58 prin through106 prinde (a) catch,cauglft, caught56 privi (a) look (at) 20; a observa watch2 | problemi problem30 profesor, profesoari teacher69, 78 ProsoPtowel 5 | prost stupid29 pruni plum45 pui chicken 40 pulover iumper37 pune (a) (haine)put on 37 pune (a), ageza(a) put, Put,Put 57; a se imbrica put on 37 purta (a) (haine) wear, wore, worn 37 putea (a) canI 18 puternic strongl5 pufin a little ll0

radio radio49 raft bookhelf 48 rapid quickly105 ra{i duck94 riceali cold 22 ricoare cool 99 rispunde (a) answer32

rispuns answer32 riu bad63 ride (a) laugh27 rand turn 109 riu river 93 receptioner receptionist78 recrealie playtime70 repara (a) repair59 repede fast85; quickly105 reporter repofter 78 rest rest ll I rest (bani) change80 restaurant restaurant83 ridica (a se) standup, stood,stood 25; (din pat) get up 34 roati wheel85, 86 rochie dress37 roli rollerblade75 romb diamond| | rogie lomato 44 ro g u r e d l l rotund roundIl roz p i n kl l rugby rugby73 ruline (a-i fi) be ashamed

sanie sledge89 sare salt 40 sat village93 sau or 9 sd.nitate health 22 sinitos healthy22 sipun soap5 | siptimani week | 3 sirituri jump 24 sAritura cu pr4ina pole vaulting73 siruta (a) kiss 60 samb5.ti.Saturday13 sange blood 19 s€ari. ladder53 scaun chair52 scipa (a) drop 56 sciri stairs47 schi ski 89 schia (a) ski 89 scoate (a) (haine) take off

37 scoici shell9 | s

secret secret32 secretare secretary78 secfie de polifie police station83 secundi secondl3 sentiment feeling26 septembrie September| 3 sertar drawer48 sete (a.i fi) be thirsty 38 sevef strict 29 sfargit end 109 sfoari rope 55 sigur sure3 | simt sense20 simti (a) feel,felt,felt 23, 27 slabthin 15 soare sun 100 sor; sister16 sof husband 17 spanacspinach44 sparge (a se) break,broke, broken56 spate back18 spila (a se) wash5 | spectacol show75 spera (a) hope27 speriat frightened27 spital hospital22 sport sport 72 spune (a) say,said32; povesti (a) tell, told, told 33 sta (a) stay 25 sta intins (a) lie, lay,lain24 statie de autobuz busstop


staul cowshed95

stanci rock 90 stanga (la) left 108 stea star 100 sticli boftle 52 stinge (a) switchoff 50 stins off 65 st!.adi street83 striluci (a) shine,shone, shone99 strange (a) squeeze23 struguri grapes45 strut ostrich97 sub under107 suc iuice43 succesgoodlucl<6l lufla (a) blow,blew,blown 98 suna (a) ring,rang,rung50 sup;rat angry26 suPer great62 supermarket supermarket 8l surprin5,mirat surprised 29 sus up 108 sute hundredl0

ta saddle86 gah chess74 lairprezece sixteenl0 gaizeci sixq/ l0 gamponshampoo 5| gapc; cap35 gaptesevenl0 iaPtesPrezeceseventeen t0

iaptezeci seventyl0 gasesix l0 gcoali school68 iedea (a) sit, sat,sat24 48; Femineufireplace fi andI soarecemouse95 gofer driver87 g o l dh i p l 8 ;osea road 85 toset; sock36 9it! shh!20 Fti (a) know, knew,known30 gunci bacon4l; ham40 turi barn94

ta, tiu, tale, vogtri, voastreyour I 12 tabli blacl
teren de ir.d Fhtgrq,'d 70 termina (a) frrlEh 105

tigru rter t}7 timbru qrp 55 timid s}ty 28 timp (YrerrE) rdF 9G (care tr€<el o're l{f2 toalet: toicr 5l toamn: aE mn 99 tobi drun 7t tot, tog, roara- rD& .! 0 tractor tr@ 95 trafic traJfic 85 trage (a) p.-a58 transport tr?rE{Ert S traversa (a) <16 &{ trii (a) liYe47 treaz arake 57 trebui (a) nx,s I 18 trei drree l0 treilea (aJ) did 109 treisprezece dirEcn l0 treizeci drirtt l0 tren train 86 trezi (a se) wake (p. uroke. woken 34 tricou T-shirt 35 trimite (a) send.senq sent trist sad 28 triunghi trianglell trompeti tiumpet I/ trupi (muzicali) band 17 tu you I 12 tugi (a) cough 23

tub de scafandrusnorkel turna (a) pour 58

fari counrry92 fipa (a) shout32 !estoasi tortoise


ud wet 65

uita (a) forger,forgot, forgoften30 uita (a se) watch2 | ultimul last105,109 umir shoulderI8 umbri shade9 | umbreli r.rmbrella 99 umple (a) fill 55 un , o a ,a n I1 2 ;o n e l 0 unchi unclel6 unde where33, 106 unghienaill9 univers universe100 unsprezeceelevenl0 unt butter 39 urat ugly66 urca (a se), cilira (a se) climb24 urecheear l8 uri (a) hate 26 urma (a) follow 109 urmitor next 102,105 urs bear97 uscat, uscati drl 65 util useful8 uti door 46 uior easy63; lighr66


vaci cow 94 vacanti holiday88 vagon carriage86 val wave9l vapor ship87 vari summer99 varzi cabbage 44 vant wind 98 vanzitor shopassistant 8l varf top 108 vecin neighbour47 vedea (a) see,saw,seen2 | veiozi lamp49 veni (a) come,cafte,come 25 verde greenll verifica (a) check23 vedsor, verisoari cousin t6 vesti cardigan36 veverigi squirrel93 video VCR,videocassette recorder49; joc video videogame76 vin wine43 vinde (a) sell,sold,sold80 vineri Fridayt3 vioari violin77 viol€t purpletl viu alive65 vizita (a) visit76 volah wheel86 vorbi (a) speak,spoke, spoken 32; tilL ,?t VOstrU, ;+o:rstEr. voalltf t€,


vo;tri your I 12 vulpe fox 92 vultur eagle 95


week-end weekendt2


zahir sugar42 zbura (a) fly,flew,flown 92 zi.padi snow89 zimbi (a) smile29 zebrd. zebra97 zeceten l0 zero zero I0 zgomot noise20 zgomotos noisy20 zi day12,34,103 zi de nattere birrhdayl0l ziar newspaper 49 zid wall 47 zidar builder78

{b EFh,EII

bvSfef30 uPloadsd

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