Quarter 4

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QUARTER 4 Module 1


English – Grade 10 First Edition 2020 Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e. songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this worksheet are owned by their respective copyright holders. DepEd is represented by the Filipinas Copyright Licensing Society (FILCOS), Inc. in seeking permission to use these materials. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them. Only institutions and companies which have entered an agreement with FILCOS and only within the agreed framework may copy from this Worksheet. Those who have not entered the agreement with FILCOLS must, if they wish to copy, contact publishers and authors directly. Authors and publishers may email or contact FILCOLS at [email protected] or (02) 439-2204, respectively. Published by Department of Education Secretary:

Leonor Magtolis Briones


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Nel P. Gregorio

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education


In this lesson, you will be familiarizing with the different technical terms and processes used in research. The skill that you will gain upon completion of this module will help you make a good research proposal or research report.

Let’s Check your Knowledge Read the statement below and identify the term it refers by choosing the words in the box. Research

Operational Definition



Data Hypothesis

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables

Literature Review


___________1. The degree to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure. ___________2. A critical summary or research on a topic of interest, generally prepared to put a research problem in context or to identify the gaps and weaknesses in prior studies. ___________3. A statement of the predicted relationship between two or more variables in research study. ___________4. Variables that are purposely manipulated or changed by the researcher. ___________5. Attributes or characteristics that can have more than one value, such as height or weight. ___________6. Units of information or any statistics, facts, figures, general material, evidence, or knowledge collected during the course of the study. ___________7. A clear, concise summary that communicates the essential information about the study. 4

___________8. A scientific, systematic, controlled, orderly and objective investigation. __________9. Refers to the way the researcher defines the variables under investigation. __________10. Interrelated concepts or abstractions that are assembled together in some rational scheme.

Upon successful completion of this module, learner must be able to:  

Familiarize technical terms in research; Apply these terms in formulating Research Report.

Curriculum Guide Reference and Duration Distinguish technical terms used in research Duration: 2 days

The Nature of Research “No longer does man ascribe natural phenomena to supernatural influences, and no longer does he rely blindly upon accepted authority. He has developed an orderly system of searching for truth which, by basing conclusions upon factual evidence and by using logic as a means of showing relationships between related ideas, has given him better and more accurate answers to his many questions. This orderly system is what we call research (Houghton Mifflin, 1956). These definitions tell us:  that research involves original work instead of a mere exercise of personal opinion;  that it evolves from a genuine desire to know rather than a desire to prove something;  that it is a systematic search for pertinent information or data on a specific topic and problem; and  that it draws original conclusions based on relevant information.


Basic Terms in Research Research is defined as a systematic and scientific process to answer questions about facts and relationship between facts. It is an activity involved in seeking answer to unanswered questions. Research seeks to generate an answer to the problems as well as suggesting additional questions in need of further inquiry. Research is a scientific, systematic, controlled, orderly and objective investigation to develop, refine and expand body of knowledge. Abstract is a clear, concise summary that communicates the essential information about the study. In research journals, it is usually located at the beginning of an article. Data are units of information or any statistics, facts, figures, general material, evidence, or knowledge collected during the course of the study. Variables are attributes or characteristics that can have more than one value, such as height or weight. Variables are qualities or quantities, properties or characteristics of people, things, or situations that change or vary. Independent Variables are variables that are purposely manipulated or changed by the researcher. It is also called as “MANIPULATED VARIBLE”. Research Variables refers to Qualities, Properties or Characteristics which are observed or measured in a natural setting without manipulating & establishing cause & effect relationship. Demographic Variables are the characteristics & attributes of study subjects such as age, gender, place of living, educational status, religion, social class, marital status, occupation, income are considered as demographic variables. Operational Definition refers to the way in which the researcher defines the variables under investigation. Operational definition is stated in such way by the investigator specifying how the study variables will be measured in the actual research situation. Concept refers to a mental idea of a phenomenon. Concepts are words or terms that symbolize some aspects of reality. E.g. Love, pain. Conceptual Framework are interrelated concepts or abstractions that are assembled together in some rational scheme by virtue of their relevance to a common theme. It is also referred to as theoretical framework.


Hypothesis is a statement of the predicted relationship between two or more variables in a research study; an educated or calculated guess by the researcher. Literature Review is a critical summary or research on a topic of interest, generally prepared to put a research problem in context or to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify a new investigation. Limitation is a restriction in a study that may decrease the credibility and generalizability of the research findings. Population refers to the entire set of individuals or objects having some common characteristic(s) selected for a research study is referred to as population. Target Population refers to the entire population in which the researchers are interested and to which they would like to generalize the research findings. Sample is a part or subset of population selected to participate in the research study. Sampling is the process of selecting sample from the target population to represent the entire population. Reliability is the degree of consistency or accuracy with which an instrument measures the attributes it is designed to measure. Validity is the degree to which an instrument what it is intended to measure. Pilot Testing refers to the study carried out at the end of the planning phase of research in order to explore and test the research elements to make relevant modifications in research tools and methodology. Analysis is a method of organizing, sorting, and scrutinizing data in such a way that research question can be answered or meaningful inferences can be drawn.

Listen and Learn! Go to the link given below. Listen well to details as you watch the video. Prepare to take down notes and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on the space provided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og4BGyZr_Nk 7

https://www.bing.com/images/search? view=detailV2&ccid=LVy6n7Ym&id=7BFB657C66944215F8290D9B1A20E9BF090C E521&thid=OIP.LVy6n7YmudbQM5Vnxk3N4AHaGh&mediaurl=https%3a%2f %2ffthmb.tqn.com%2fBTIkpdnHiyRmzuXkf07_sSaa6is%3d%2f3750x3300%2ffilters %3afill(auto%2c1)%2fGetty_research-48334494756afa7c75f9b58b7d01b8a8d.jpg&exph=3300&expw=3750&q=what+is+Research %3f&simid=608030269350609964&ck=E0842EDB5204BF428A5E04B1E2EA8810& selectedIndex=15&ajaxhist=0

Check your Understanding Read the questions and answer. Write your response on the space provided. 1. What is the video all about? ________________________________________________________ 2. What are the terminologies discussed in the video? ________________________________________________________ 3. How would Research differs to other Academic Papers? ________________________________________________________ 4. What are the characteristics of a good Research paper? ________________________________________________________ 5. What insights have you gained from the video? ________________________________________________________


Let’s Do It Again! Watch the video in the nature and the process of Research. Be mindful with the terms used in the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEuul8hBip8

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=o3X %2boIJy&id=A6B3340F6EC554D87B8BE6009D65899884C47EE9&thid=OIP.o3XoIJyEgnAIhLUj74MNQHaFj&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.ytimg.com%2fvi %2fEEuul8hBip8%2fhqdefault.jpg&exph=360&expw=480&q=what+is+Research %3f&simid=608019497490448665&ck=23E84126D906C83918B92534C04F4069&s electedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0

Questions: 1. What is the first step on making a Research? ________________________________________________________ 2. What a researcher should have to make a good research paper? ________________________________________________________ 3. What are the processes in making a Research Report? ________________________________________________________ 4. What makes a good Research? ________________________________________________________


A word to Remember Research gathers new data or knowledge from primary or first-hand sources. Research is expert, systematic and accurate investigation. Research is logical and objective, applying every possible test to verify the data collected and the procedures employed. Research is carefully recorded and reported. Research involves terms necessary to carry out the objective of the study.

Go to these links and learn more! https://bohatala.com/parts-of-a-research-paper/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noXzC8XCFiE

I. Define the following: a. Research b. Conceptual Framework c. Validity d. Literature Review e. Hypothesis II. What is the process of Research?


https://www.slideshare.net/jobartolata7/the-nature-of-research-ppt https://www.slideshare.net/maheswarijaikumar/basic-research-terminologies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og4BGyZr_Nk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEuul8hBip8 https://bohatala.com/parts-of-a-research-paper/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noXzC8XCFiE

Listen and Learn 1. The video is all about the nature and process of Research. 2. Research, Variables, Data, Research Questions, etc. 3. Identify the Problem, formulate Research Questions, choose a good Research Method, gather data, formulate conclusions and recommendations. 4. A good research is clear, scientific, and organized. (other responses are accepted) 5. Answers may vary. Let’s do it again 1. Identify a problem. 2. Answers may vary 3. Explore topics, Identify the problem, Specify questions, Gather data Create Solution Reflect on the conclusion Share the recommendation 4. A good research is clear, scientific, and organized. (other responses are accepted)



Distinguish technical terms used in research




Research, terms, Research Report,


This is a learning module about distinguishing common terms used in research in formulating research report

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Resource Location:

Department of Education, Region VI-Western Visayas, Division of Aklan, District of Ibajay West, Maloco National High School, Ibajay, Aklan


Nel P. Gregorio



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