Raman B.v.- Hindu Predictive Astrology 2

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CYIliER BOOKS BY THE AlJ'JliOR A ull.'t:hililll 01 .....tro&ogy 4k A Mlnual of Hindu AatmIogy J41e Astnllogy in Pl1..'dicting We.ther &: Euthquakel Aahtabvarga SY*n'! ol Prediction 8(t'

Aotmlogy r", o.g;nn.... ."..

8havartN Ratnab.. llYe Craha &. BhaY. BaJ. lVe Hindu Aattology and ~ Wat 4k Muhurtha or f.IectinraI Aatmlogy My Expt"rX' OCl.'S in ~ PI.t'>l'1.iJy InIlUC'rlC'al on Human AI'..... JlIe PTaC1kall-lt_ry Aa.lInIogy 4k Pnllldna Tanlr.J 611:

Raman'" 110 Yl... r Ephenw..... 01 PIanetaty P!»itiuns (1f'91 to3n:)AD.) IWe V.-nNphllJ or thr H"indu P,oglCWM:d ~ 1:Ve



l saw al -a52n' 54 -S

OUBSPD U BS Publbtwn' DW:ributora Ltd.


Introduction Astrology is the most aoaeot of aU sciences. It is not a science like Matbematics, Botany. Zoology. Cbemistry or Pbysic., the study 0 r whicb requires strict adherence to the world's CODventionalities of commonsense reasooing and ordi· nary Jogic. Astrology comprehends something higber. mysterious and suhtle. It is not a mere appeal to tbe rea.oning faculty of man but it is an appeal to his hidden powers and capacities. Astrological predictions canoot be simply based upon .trict hypothetical principles or vague guesses but a certain amount of intuitive cap.city must be brought to bear upon sucb attempts. The various rules given for future 'predictions are merely intended for our guidance and we must Jubstaotiate them by recour&e to the study and examination of a large Dumber of practical horoscopes. CoUect, the horoscopes of a Dumber of people of all grades, ranks. temperaments and peculiarities and study tbem in the ligbt of the principles enumerated io tbe following pages and tben you will really get some precious intellectual food ror your mental refreshment and you will be doubtless conv!lii,:cd that astrology is a practical and useful science. Astrology relies more upon the skill and intuitive capacities of the interpreter than upon complicated rulc.. It gives a sketch of life. It is a mirror in wbich one', own figure is clearly reftected . Astrology comprehends tbe manifestation of a sort of relation ship among all objects in nature, animal, vegetAble and mincral. It record. tbe interaction of inftucoces

.. hI!

of all tbings, visible and.invisible, While Ayurveda rants .. aD Upa'ledo, Jyollslta or Astrology i, oDe of tbe Vedan,a" It was not a mere accident tbat distioguished practiliooers of one of ~se arts were &ener,lIy proficient in the olber also. Cosmos is a uoity and knowlcf:l,e CaDnot be cut up aad coafincd in rigid water·tilht com,~artmeots. Astrolo,y wben properly u"'entood will be most uKful in tbe daily transactions of life. A repetition of tbis idea would be superfluous as the very fill' cbapter of the boot deals with the!: "Necessity for tbe Study of Astrology". This scie.nce had beeo cultivated to a bilb degree of perfect ion . by . tile Hindus Jong before the so-called period of authentic hillory. Their research" may be brouaht under the f~Jl~~iol three important divisions: (I) Parasari . ~ JI~m'o, and (3) Tajaka. Almo,t all a.troJolicar-liOoks 1 India are afler Parasara who is said to bave lived befc,.re tbe dawn of Kali Yuga (more tban 5,000 years ago). Even eminent authon and commentaton like Varahamihir. BhaUotpala, Venkataa and othen, who have eJlricbed 'b~ &lIrolo&ical field by tbe effusions of their fertile brains. bave beld Para.sa~a in hilb cstccQl and have based aU their writinlS on the principles propounded by him . Thus there is alisoJutely 00 ground to doubt the accuracy of tbe Parlllari .ystem. J:be Jaimini School of AstrololY· considerably differs from tbat of P. ralari inasmuch as the method followed by the former iD the ~reatmeDt of eveD tbe fUDdamental principles. is at co~sJ.d~rab~e variaD~ from that of tbe lauer. In s)lite of JalmlD) belDS held In very bigh esteem as the author of the areal Poorva Meemamsa Sutra or tbc subtle and reeoDdite .ystem of philosopby. hil astrological method. are DOt io

'lope in India excepting that tbey are COD suited as an._ alternative to Par ..ari. Thc T'jak • • js cnw.clx. Jlao.1Cd....to the decipbering of Varsbaphal or the aDDual re.tlll$ and il' Importance is rcvealed in receot 'iimei'Thus tbeParauri is tbe"most common m~thod bavinl won tbe JCDcrai acceptance of all eminent peoplc in all ages. I bave mainly followed Para.. ra in tbe collection 01 material ror tbis book and have dcvoted myself to a clear exposition of tbe various priociples of astrology by followinl wbich the future of man can be revealed witb .uffic:ient accuracy. 10 cbapters dcaliDI with CaltiDI the Horo.cope, Asblahvarga. Deatb . Rorary Astrology, Medical Astrology. Loll Horoscopes or Unkoown Birth Times. etc., every effort bas been made to illustrate the theoretical principles with practical examples. Tbe chapters on Death and Unknown Birth Times open fresh field. for research and investiption . It is witb a vie", to ~rawiD& the atlcotion of thc reader to tbe necessit}' of in.tituting inquirics mto tbe problem of Unknown Birth Times that these chapten bave been included. The chapterl are .systematically arrangC;d. As a matter of fact IIt~ book Is #0 gra_led d6 101Mb nell the beglrurer WIll tlcqfldfllied witlt alltM princlplu easily, wlrile Ihe athG,.«tI shllknt wilt find much IIsefllllll/ormatlon wllh whkh he wJII 1101 lune COIM Illto co,,1«1 hitherto, The tbeory of AstrololY bas been fully dealt with by my grandfather Prof. B. Sueyanatain Rao in his Introduction to the Study 0/ A6trology and by me ia my book Astrology 11M Modern Tho","" Both tbese books may be lIudit;d witb Ileat benefit.

• The bClutiruJ AltroJo.ic:al Apboriams or 1.imioi b... beeD readcrM. unG Eo,li'b by pror. 8 . SaryHllRiollao. My 0'" pablJcatioD

• See my boot V.r8lfll,Iu' or wdque treata. based 00 Tajau.

SllUJ/u '" JlllmiIeJ A81'II'IIIY may .bG be .tudied with .dUDI....



Hllld" Prll,re8/cd Horoltit"i4 •

1 trust that my b~Dest and bumble endeavQurs to i'urt~r the Quse or AstrololY will not go in niD and that t bta b umb le venturt will be appr cc:ialed by a ll well-wiabera of tnoJWiedge.


131 FebrlMlry 1938

B. V. RAMAN A lltlwr i

Jada: of Tollica! Tenns Tridosb.s T rikooU Tritona Reduc tion Trim'~

Thula Ubhayodayu Rasia Ucbcba Udaya Lagon Uttarayana U panayaoa

Vaisy. Vakra Varsbapbala Vedha Vi,b ati Vitala . Vr isbabba ' Vyayadbipatbi Wara Yuddha


CONTI:NTS Cltoprcr

I. Neceuily r.,r the Study of Allro!oay II.

_ Tbree humours io Hiodu Medicine - Trines _ RednctioD in triaogu)ar signs like Aries, Leo and SaJittarius _ 1130tb division .o f a sip -Ubra - Signs rising ~tb by bead and b inder pan - Bultation - Rising sip-Aiceodut - Sun', nortberly course _ Initiationioto divine knowkdge or ioveatiture of sacred tbread among high, caste Hindu. _ Tra ders. third caste among tbe Hindus - Retrogression - Annual reading - An ol>strw:ting pOiot _ l/6Oth of a ghali or 24 ICconds - State o f a planet iD combustion - Taaru. - Lord of the 12th bouse _ Weekday - Fiaht (Planetary)





, JEa;; ,("@JUCM.cuM:

The Zodiac and the Solar SYltem Hindu Tim. MUlure Plaoell, $'ignl and Constellalions Pcculiarities of the Zodiacal Sips Altrolosic:al Terminolol)' Planetary Strcnaths Ind A"astbas HUldu Method of Caslina the Horoscope Western Method of Horoscope Castina The Shadvarpl . On Birth Verification and Rectification Duu lod Bbuktls (Periods and sub·pcrlods) 00 Aspects AyurdaYI or LoDatvity Marah. or Deatb I"Didioa PiaDets Jud&mcnt cr. Horoscope Key· Planets for Eacb Sip Results of AsccodiD, Silns JudatDen t of BhavII (Houses) Some S5)«ial Yoaa. Planels in Differcnt Dbavas or Houses Planets in Differcnl Rasis or Sians Cha raderistic:s or Ibe Sips Ind Plaoets Rt$ults of Das.. and Bbutli. Scurce and Nature or Deatb The Ashtakavaral System Pra.na Sa.tTa or Horary ASlrology

,$ GOd Ii .. _ SS

, .,• " I



27 37


•• ,,' ".J 13





106 112



I ••

m II.



XXVIII . Unknown Birth TilDes XXIX . Medical AaUOlolY XXX, Female HoroSoC°PY XXXI . Mundane AstrololY XXXII, Muburtba or ElcclioD XXXlll . AnDual Horoscopes XXXIV. Gocbaraphala or Results of Transit. XXXV. Practl'll HoroscOpeS XXXVI. Orckuna. (Decaoates) aDd Stellar Inftueoces Appeodilll: A _Ca lculatioD of the Ayanamsa Table I-Oblique ASCCllSioo Table for places In 0- to 60- N. Lat. Table 11- 0 •• Bhut-li' Yables Table III- Proportional Parts for Ouasof Planetl Table IV-AylD.msa U891 to 1980 A .D ,) Indell of Tecbnical Te:nna-

21. 217 226 2JI

". "', m







217 211



Necessity for the Study of Astrology Various theories have been set up to discover the influen ces of planets upon the terrestrial phenomena. While some people admit th e intimate relatio nship tbat exists betwixt tbe move· ments of tbose "mysterious intelligences" in tbe beavens and tbe fortunes and misfortunes of men, rise and fall of Empires, ebb and flow of human passions and the regeneration and degeneration of Arts, Sciences, Literature and Philosophy, there are others who always deny tbe existence of any sort of connection between tbe stars 'a nd the inhabitants of this eartb. This attitude is due to the fact that they do not approach the subject with an unbiassed and unprejudiced mind. Dispassio# nate enquiry alone can enable one to appreciate the truth ~hind any branch of knowledge . In any field o f enquiry. the student will find it useful to remember. it is a major error o f the intellect to attempt to oppose prejudices based on Q priori arguments to tbe evidence afforded by facts. The fiDal test of a tbeory is that it should work satisfactorily in prac· tice. Tbis is the test by which astrological theory sbould be judged. No science or art is more interesting, in structive and use· ful to mankind in contributing to his moral and material advancement tban the sublime science of astrology. This is

Hindu Predictive Muoio.,.

tbe most ancient of a ll sciences and bad reached considerable perfection in India tbousands of years ago. While the modern scientists acknowledge astronomy. some of them sneer at astrology and reject it with' cont~mpt charging it with the dogmatism of charlatanry aDd superstition. They preaca frankness and research as fair and reasonable; but sbow the greatest bigotry, when the subject of astrology is taken up or introd uced. Astrology is the science which comprises the foretelling of tbe regular movements of the planets, the fortunes and misfortunes of men, fates of nations. inundations, eartnquakes. plagues. volcanic eruptions. pestilences, and other incidents relating to terrestrial phenomena. In Sanskrit it is called Bora Sastra meaning the science that treats of Time. It il a lso called Jyolisha or the .!"lJwledge of Lighl from Jyoti or Light which is the root-cause for aU known creation. According to the Western interpretation s. Astrology is derived from Asler-a star, and Logos-reason or logic. No sane brain could ever deny the infiuence of planets upon man and how they affect , deter and facilitate bis future career on the three planes of human existence, vit., pbysical characteristics, mental peculiarities and spiritual aspirations. That a certain subtle power , derived from nature. pervades the entire universe, and the earth we inbabit is also subject to this mysterious and subtle power 1s evident to aU . The various elements, encompassing all matter, arc altered by tbe motions of tbis ethereal power. The acts of creation (sr/.Jhll), protection (slhltil and destruction (Joyal are embedded in the womb of the All-Powerful Time and these variations are brought about as a consequence of this subtle power. The Sun by his daily movements and tbe cbange of seasons brings to

Necessity ror tbe Stud)' or Astrolol)'


perfection the embryo in plants and animals and brings about. various changes on the earth. The MOOD being nearest to the earth eIercises much influence on it and as she wanes and WaIes rivers swell. the tides of the sea are ruled and the plants and animals aOected. The Sun as the central figure predominates over the entire arrangement of the celestial system and the other planets aod stars arc directed by his rays. 'rhus, it invariably follows , that all bodies in nature, wbether animate or inanimate, are subject to tbe motions of the celestial bodies.· Not only those that are already in existence are influenced by tbe movements and configurations of planets. but also the impregnations and growth and developments of tbe seeds from which all bodies emanate are moulded by the quantity and quality of these infiuences 'a t the time of impregnati on. Astrology must n_C?.!~ confus.cd....!.iJ..iL~!!l lism . w~ ra(t, 2!l~i:!~ry8i!Lca~t;I.:!h.uO!ing:. Ie interprets what it conceives to be the future of man as moulded by his previous Karma and indicated by the planetary positions at the time of birth. The greatest men of the world believed in and practised astrology. Dante declared it to be " the highest. tbe noblest and without defect". Kepler. Bacon, Pythogoras and Democrates were masters in astrology. The ancient Hebrews called the astrologer Asphe meaning " the mouthpiece of the star". It is recorded that Newton was attracted to the study of mathematics and astronomy by tbe contemplation of an astrological figure of the beaven s • }tid, m)' book Aslrolor1 Qlfd Mtukr,. TltaIlZhl for In "polltioo of the ratlonlle of Astrolo.),. in tbe Hlbt or modern concepU .


Predictive AslrololY

When one bas acquired a thorough knowledge of the everlasting and ever-changing influences of the stars, he will be able to prognosticate correctly the mental and physical qualitie s of any man and the fortunes and misfortunes that await him and his progress in the world whose actual moment of birth is accurately known. By thus knowing the future correctly , man can so create an environment tbat, he can cope with the adverse periods of his life and alleviate the evils, indicated by the planets to a great extent. The human will is free to a certain extent and advance knowledge of the future can enable one to mitigate many evils. There is a proverb: "Fools obey planets while wise men Con tro l them."



The Zodiac and the Solar System

The zodiac is a broad band or belt in the heavens extending 9 degrees 00 each side of the ecliptic. The ~liptie or the path of the Sun passes exactly through the centre of the wdiac longitudinally. It is an imaginary circle of 360 degrees and tbe ancients divided this zodiac into 12 equal parts of 30 'degrees each, each being named after the constellation. Though each of these signs differs considerably from the other, yet there is a sort of continuity tbrough all the twelve. The quality of each sign is oat equally spread, but every degree io a sign has its own peculiar qualities. The zodiac, known as the Bhachakra in Sanskrit , revolves o n its axis o nce in a day from east to west. The planetary orbs. which the ancients recognised as baving the most powerful inOueoces on our earth are seven, leaving aside the shadowy planets, Rahu and Ketu, and the so called newly di scovered planets Uranu s, Neptune and Pluto whicb Hindu astrology does Dot recognise. As inhabitants of the earlh, we are concerned with tbe inHuences of these celestial bodies on our planet. All the planets perform the double function of not only revolving on their own axes once in a day (from west to east) but also round the Sun, According to Surytlsiddhanltl, Saturn is the

- ,'

• most distant planet Crom tbe earth.

Hindu Predictive AtJtoIOl)'

Jupiter. Mars, the SUD.

Venus, Mercury and tbe MOOD come next in the order of their

distance from tbe terrestrial globe. Thus wt' see that the nearest planet to our own orb is the MOOD. The velocity of each planet diminishes as its distance from the earth increases. The SUD moves at the rate of rougbly 1 degree of tbis Circle of Light (zodiac) in one day composed of 24 hours or boras, and takes 365 days and 6 hours to complete a circuit round the zodiac. The MOOD takes the average rate of 41 ghatis or I hour and 48 minutts to traverse througb a degree of tbis space. Mars moves at the average rate of 45 days for 30 degrees 0" takes Ii days per degree. Mercury moves at the averagc rate of 11 degrees a day; but on account of his closenel! to the Sun and due to tbe solar influence, he is very unsteady. He completes his average rUn in 27 days. He gets into forward aDd backward m·otions from tbe SUD and attain a wbat is called astam or combustion. He bariUy takel a day to move in each degree, but mOVes on more rapidly for some time. geta in front of the Sun and tben begins to move slowly and goes backwards from the Sun. These two states of combunion, viz., moving forwards and backwards from tbe position of the SUD, are designated in the astronomical works .s p,agaslhambha and pascluuJoslhambha-p,~g jndicatina towards the East of tb~ Sun, and pasclrod indicatiDg towards the West of tbe Suo. In these dou.ble motion. of backwards and forward., Mercury never gets away more tban 28 degree. in either direction (rom tbe Sun. Though the time aUotted to Jupiter i. one year in eacb sign of 30 degrees, there i. allO lOme variation and tbe J.oviau year or Ba'MSpathyanulna will be, a little lelS than 12 years in tbe 12 signs; VCUUI moves at the rate of I desree per day. Saturn i. the

The Zodiac I ud the Solar System


.Iowest moving planet of the lot. He talces about 2\ years or 30 month. to move in a sign of 30 degrees and thus he talces 1 month to move in a degree. Rahu and Ketu wbich revolve in tbe Apo$O'YO order, i.e., from east to west, take 18 montbs to travel through each sign of the zodiac. All the planets, excepting the Sun, tbe MOOD and tbe shadowy planets Rabu and Ketu, undergo retrogression or 10kra and tbi s will be fully explained in a future chapter. This much of tbe explanation of the solar system seems to be nCcessa~y to facilitate comprehension of the astrological terms described in tbe subsequent chapters. For further details about tbe astronomical peculiarities. I must refer tbe readers to my A Manual of Hindu Ast,ology.


Hiadu Time Melluro



Hindu Time Measure AmoD;g the Hindus: 60 lunar years constitute one cycle; they are:1. Prlblliva 26. Nandana 2. Vibbava 27. Vijaya 3. Sllkl. 28. Ja),a Ptamodula 29. Manmatha S. Prajotpatli ::0. Durmukhi Ansirasa 31. Hevi lambl 7. Srimuk.ha 32. Vilarobi BhBva B. Vikati 9. Yuva 34. Sarwati 10. Dbalu )S. Plava II. Eswara 3•• Shllbhakrilu: Il. Bahudhaaya 37- Shobhakritu \3. Pramadi 38. Krodhi 14. Ylkrama 39. Yiswavuu IS. Yisbu '0. Parabhava I •. Cbilrabhanu ,1. Plavan.. 17. Swabhanu 42. KHaka \8. Tarana 43. Soumya 19. Parlbiva 44. Sadharana 20. Y"I)'a 45. Virodhikritu 21. Sanvajilu 4•. Paridbavi 21. Sarwadharl 47. Pramadicha 23. Virodbi 48. Ananda 24. Ylk.riti '9. Rak.sbasa 2l. Kbata SO. Nala

•• •• ••

I "



56. Dunbubbi

52. 53 . 5.. 55.


57. Rudhirodaari 58. IUkthakibi 59. Krodbana


Roudtl Durmatbi 60. Abba)'. The first year of the cycle denotes the evo lution o f a new creative force wbich apparently is supposed to end in the last or 60tb year after getting fully matured, when tbe new year gives rise to a new force ; In Vibhava this 'force is expanded; Shukla denotes its 'Yitality; Pramoduta causes de'YClopment ; Prajotpatti increases acti'Yities; Angirasa connotes the ditre· rent forms tbe newly e'Yol'Yed fOfce takes and similarly tbe names arc gi'Yen for all tbe 60 years indicati'Ye of tbe fun ctio n that the force is supposed to do, till tbe year Aksbaya or destru ction sets in whicb means th at tbe force generated in Prabhava has been destroyed. AyaDas There are two Ayanas-periods-in B: year, the Uttarayana commencing from the winter sol~tice , when the Sun enters Capricorn or Makara and moves in a northerly direction, and Dakshinayana beginni~g with the summer solstice or tbe ingress of the Sun into Cancer or Kataka when the Sun takes a soutbl!:rly cou rse. Rolhus or Seasons Tbe principal seasons among the Hindus are six, whereas the Europeans consider only four. viz., Autumn, Spring, Wi nter and the Summer. The six seasons are :Vasantba Ruthu : Chaitra and Vaisakha (Spring),Greeshma Ruthu : J yesbta and Ashadha (Summer), Varsha Rutbu:

H indu Predictive Astroloe;y


Sravana and Bbadrapada (Rainy season), Sarad Rutbu: Aswija and Karli.ka (Autumn), Hemantba Rutbu: Margasir. and Pusbya (Winter). Sisira Rutbu: Magh a and Phalguna (Winter). The twelve lunar months are :Cbaitr. V.i sakha

J),csbta Asb.db. SravaD. Bbad rapada Aswija Karlik. Marlasi ra Pushya Masba Pbalauoa

March-April April-May M ay-June Juoe-July July-Au'list

Au,u.t-Scptcmber Seplcmbcr-occober October-November November-December December-January January-February February-Marcb

The name o f each lunar month is given as a resu lt o f tbe cODstellation falling OD tbe Full Moon day of the particular month. SofaI' montns with their Tamil and English equivalents SO/Qf M onths

Mesha-Cbittirai Vrishabba- Vaigasi Milbuna- Ani Kalah-Adi Simba-Avani Kanya-Puranasi Tbula-Alpili Vriscblka- Karliaai Dbaous-Maraali Makara-Thai Kumbha- Masi Meena - Pall,uDi


Aries Taurus Gemiai Cancer Lro ViTlo Libra Scor pio· Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

8 10du Time Measure


Shakla ..d Kflsb•• Patsbas

Shukla Paksba consists of the bright half of the lunar month when the Moon waxes. The Grteco days from the Dext day of the New MOOD to including tbe Full Moon constitute tbe Shukla Paksba . The dark balf of tbe lunar month or the other 15 day s fro m the next day of tbe Full Moon to tbe New Moon day make up tbe Krishna Pak sba.

planets. Sian' aDd CoDStellaUons


Planeta. Signa and Constellationa Nine. important pla~ets are considered in Hindu astrology as affecting the terrestnal phenomena. Their Sanskrit equiva. 1.:.::15 and the symbols used by Western astrologers are also giH.O· here for ready reference:Sun Surya or Ravi o Soma or Chandra Moon Mars Kuja or Aogaraka Budba or Soumya Mercury Jupifer Guru or Brihaspati Venus Suba or Bhargava Saturn Sani ot Manda Dragon's Head Rabu or Tbama Dragoo's Tail Ketu o r Sikhi T~e twelve signs of the zodiac arc !_ 1. Mesha Arie s the Ram '"I' 2. Vrishabha Taurus tbe Bull ~ a. Mithuna Gemini the Twins n 4. Kalaka Cancer the Crab ~ :>. Simba Leo the Lion SL 6. Kanya Virgo tbe Virgin IIJ: 7. Thula Libra the Balance 6 8. Vrischika Scorpio the Scorpion "l 9. Dhanus Sagittariu s tbe Centaur I Capricorn the Crocodile kf 10. Makara 11. Kumbha Aquarius tbe Water-bearer. 12. Meena Pis.;cs tbe Fishes )(



The zodiac is a circle of light and consequently it knows no beginning or end . In order to measure the di stance an astronomical point (end of the constellation of Revati) is established which is called the first point of Aries. The zodiac i. marked by 27 constellations or naksbatras. The first point of tbe Aswini, tbe first constellation, synchronises with tbe first point of Aries, wbich is the starting point of tbe fixed zodiac. Eacb Dabbatra measures 13° 20' of arc and consists or four quarters or padas of JO 20' eacb. Thus 2l constellations or Dine quarters comprise a zodiacal sign. The Rasis (signs) and Nakshatras (constellations) arc both reckoned from the same poiDt, .,Iz., the zero degree of the zodiac or the first point of Mesba (Aries). 14';" ,. The constellations arc ;I. Aswini -p Arieti3, 3 stars resem!:lling a horse's face. 2. Bharani-41 Arletis, 3 stars resembling a female sexual organ. I d, .,.»w' 3. ., Krittika-ll Taurl Aleyone-2, 6 stars resembling a razor. """"'" 4. Rohioi-Aldebaran, 5 stars resembling a chariot. f"4?J.q. Iq~ 5. Mrigasira -! Or;on;s. 3 stars resembling a head of a d«r. 6. Aridra-cr. Betelgeuse. one star resembling a head. ""/,/"'- 7. Punarvasu-p Geminorium Pollux, 5 stars resembling a bow. Pushyami-8 Cane';. 3 stars resembling a flower. 8. , 9, Aslesha-f Hydore, 6 stars resembling a serpent. 10. Makha-p uonjs or Regulus, 5 stars resembling a palanquin. 11 and 12. Pubba and Uttara-8 Leonjs, and Denebola 4 stars resembling the legs of a cot.

_.Itt> IflF







Hindu Predictive Allrolo.,

;A\ ~'(J 13.

Hasta- S Cor.,i. S stars resembling a palm. CbittaYirginis Spica, oDe star resembling a pearl. 17 1.d - 4. ~y l l ,:. .. IS. Swati-« Booli3 or Arcturus, onc star resembling a . ' 1· .... sapphire . 16. Visakha-(I LibrQ~. 3 stars resembling a potter's wheel. 17. Anuradha-8 Scorpfi. 3 stars resembling an umbrella . 18. Jyesbta-Anlaru. 3 stars resemblingao umbrella. 19. Moola-.{ Sca rpii. 6 sta rs resembling a crouching line. 20 and 21. Poorvasbadha, Uttarashadba-S and 6 Sagittarii. 4 stars resemb ling a square. 22. Sravana-(I Aquila, 3 slars resembling an arrow. 23 . Dbanishta- ,8 Delphini, 4 stars resembling a d rum. 24. Satahhisha - .{. Aquarii, 100 stars resembling a Dower. 25. Poorvabhad ra - ,8 Pegosi \ 4 stars resembling the legs 26. Uttarabhadra- Y Pegasi of a cot. ' 27 . R,e vati-, Plscium. 3 stars resembling a fish. The following quarters (padas) of tbe constellations comprise the twelve zodiacal signs :-

/ (h 7J.<1{ (f

No .


RaIl (Sign)


N Qk.\IrQtra (Conltellotion)


,. 2.

2. Tauru. 4.


,. Gemini

• 7.

4. Cauc:er

••9 .

Aswinl Bharani Krittika Krinika Robioi Mriauira Mripsira Aridra Punatvasu Punarvasu Pusby-ami Aslesha

PQilDl (Q"ort~rt)

•• , • 2 2 4

, •



Rlltl (SII")

,..... 6. Vir,o

8. Scorpio 9. SI.ittariuI 10. Capricorn II. Aquarius

SPDC~ 011 11r~ ~liplic






... "




. 06


2. 4.



• ••


2. 40


planets. Sian' and Constellations

12. Pilees




( O"Orlerl)

10. Makha __ II . Pubba 12. Uttara Uttara 13 . Huta 14 . Chitta China IS. Swati J6. Viukha Visakha 17. Anuradh. 18. Jycsbta 19 . Moola 20. Poorvashadha . W Uuarashadba Ullarashadb. 22. Sravana 23 . Dhanishta Dhanishta 24. Satabhisha 2:1. PoorY3bhadra poorvllbb"dr.. 26 . Uttarabbadra 27 . Revali

4 4 3

4 2 2 4 3 I 4 4 4 4 I 3 4 2 2 4 3

4 4

Spa~ 011

the ecUptlc from cr Arlet

III 146

20 40


'60 173 . 80 186 200 210 213

• 20 • 40 0 0 20



240 2S) 296

0 20 40



280 293

0 20

306 ]20 330 331 346 '60

40 0 0 20 40 •


The above table interpreted meanS that four ..quarters of Alwin;. four quarters of , Bharaai and the first quarter o f Krittika make up Aries or Mesha. The remaining ' three quarters or Krittika, four quarters or Robini and the first two quarters of Mrigasira compose Taurus or Vrishabba and 10 on. Tbis will enable one to fix the positions of planets in a horoscope, as in most Hindu almanacs. tbe planetary po,itions arc generally given in constellatinns and quarters .

.. Peculi.ritiCS of (be ZodiaCl.l Si,nl

b tbeir heads and are con sequently callcd Sirodaya Rasls excepting Gemini, are ~a~d to be. powerful during ~hC" The Prushtodaya signs (rlsmg by hmder part) arc Anes, day. . Tb . a1on g ancer Sagittarius and Capricorn. esc signs Taurus, C " . ' p' > b Gemini arc said to be powerful durlDg tbc nlgbt. Isces ~It a combination of the two and is called pbhayodaya lor ms . . . GemIDI, hSI. WI'tb powcr both during day and Dlght. • -V' Irgo, Aquarius and tbe first half of Sagittarius are the Signs nrvoice. . . . IX' Tbese dctails would be bighly usefullD tbe dcllneatlon of p~~cter and meotal disposition. o . Quadrants (Kendras arc 1,4,7 and 10. Trines {Trikonas) ' i.~~ S ao . Sadent , useS (Panaparos) are 2,5, 8 an~ tI. · Succeedcnt houses (Ap.o klimos) are 3,6,9 and 12 (9tb being a trikona must bc omit~d). Upachayas are 3, 6, 10 and II .



Peculiarities of the Zadica. Signa Eacb zodiacal sign has certain peculiarities attributed to it by ancient Maharishis. For instance, each sign repre sents some element in nature, su ch as fire, air, earth and water. Moveable signs ( Chara RasiV are Aries, Cancer. Libra and Capricorn. Taurus, Leo. Scorpio and Aquarius are~ signs (Sthira Rasis). Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are said to be common signs (Dwiswobhara Rasis). Aries, Gemini, Lro, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are odd signs. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are classified as even signs. All odd signs are cruel ~nd masculine and all even signs are mild and feminine. Again , we have an account of fiery signs (Agflltat wa Rasis). lliz., Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy sign s (Bhutatlm Rasis). Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are ~signs (Vayulatwa Ras;s). And finally Ca'ncer, Scorpio and Pisces are classified as watery signs (Ja/atatwa Rasls). Cancer, Leo , Virgo. Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are signs of long ascension and tbose of short ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius. Pisccs, Aries, Taurus aDd GemiDi.- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisct:s are fruitful and Gcmini. Leo and Virgo are barren. Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius • Of course. this order has to be reveued (or places.ituated io Soulb or Equator.


~ Ir" -I 4- '1 ·f 0

} 1 II

( aeU..tl

2 S " ~-!: $ 6 '1

'U/"l, M'l" )

!" , l .. "


{ ':/ ~



' IOlD' -'M uoio,I caI T crIDlno


A8trological Terminology The allocation of sign arbitrary. For instance, the SUD by the earth, then the Earth , y/z., the Moon, Cancer.

rulersbip does not appear to be the Suo rules Leo. If we replace we find that the nearest planet to rules the nearest sign to Leo. Viz. ,

Guru Kuja (Jupiter) (Mars)











(MOOD) )




( Siluro)




Guru K uj a (Jupilcr) (Mu.)

S.ukra (Venus)

Budb. (Mere.)

• " Accordiog to Suryasiddhanta , Saturn is tbe J


mOlt distant planet from the Earth; Jupiter, Mars. Venus, Mercury and tbe MOOD come ncxt in the order of their distance. Based on lucb an .rraoatmen!, the rulcrsbips arc allotted . The planets and signs arc related by what is known as " i~ ruJership.


,Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Mercury governs Gemini and Virgo. The Moon owos Cancer. The Sun is the lord of Leo. Jupiter govern. tPisces and Sagittarius. Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Leo and Ketu rule Scorpio. Rahu owns Leo and Ketu rules Scorpio. '.' Exallatlqns,- The Sun is exalted in the 10th degree of Aries; the Moon in the 3rd degree of Taurus; Mars in tbe .,l8th degree o f Capricorn; Mercury in tbe 15th degree of tY.irgo; Jup'iter in the 5th degree ofCaDcer i Venus in the 27th ,dcaree of Pisces; and Saturn in the 20th degree of Libra, .Jlahu in 2()<> of Tauru. and Ketu in 20'" of Scorpio. .' Debilitations.-The 7th house or the 180th degree from ,tbe-place of exaltation is tbe place of debilitation o r fall. Tbe ~un is debilitated in the 10th degree of Libra. ,the MOOD in the 3td degree of Scorpio and so on. · BeMfic$ and Ma[e/ic$. - Planets are benefic or malefic ~O"-;~d~i~ng=t~o-=:tb~'~i-'~'~'D~b~.c"=D~t nature , They tend to do good or evil. Jupiter. Venus. Full Moon aod well-associated Mercury ,-.re beld to be good planets. New Moon. badly associated Mercury. the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rabu and Ketu are evil or malefic ones: From the eighth day of tbe bright half of the lunar month tbe Moon is full and stronl. Sbe is weak from tbe eigh'tb day of the dark half. · Sexu.-Jupiter, Mars and tbe Sun are males ; Venus. " R.eu and tbe Moon are females : aDd Saturn, Mercury lind ·,JCetu are eunucbs or hermaphrodites. This enables us to ,.~ermine the sex of the child in tbe birth horoscope and tbe lex of tbe person involved if it is a horary chart , CD/Durs.-Each planet represents a certain colour whicb is I t follows: -Sun-copper, Mars- billod red, Moon-


HiDdu Predictive Altrolo,,,

white, Saturn-black, Mercury - green, Jupiter-brigbt ·yellow and Vc:nus-mixture of all colours. MoolQITiko1llJs. There are certain positions called Moola_ trikonas whicb are similar to tbo se of exaltation . .The Su n' s Moolatrikon~ is Leo (OO_20") ; tbe Moon has Taurus (4~-2()o); Mercury-:- Vlrgo (1 6'"-20°); Jupiter-Sagittarius (00_100) ; Mars-A ri es (00-12°); Venus-Libra (0~-1 5°); and Saturn_ Aquarius (00_20°). · .Pla.nelary Natures . Tbe Sun, tbe Moon and Jupiter are

dl~lne In nature and indicate Sal , ikaguna or philosopbical and phllantbropic dispOSitions. Ven us and Mercury represent Rajasa Or imperi ous di spos ition. Mars and Saturn denote Thamasa or du ll nature .

Tbe. Su~ an d M ~ rs ~re fiery planets; Mercury is earthy; Saturn IS airY; JupIter IS etbereal; and Venu s and the Moo n are watery. · Tbe Sun represent' ego or alma; tbe Moon monas or mind ; Mars- martial power ; Mercury- good an d eloquent speeeb; Jupiter indicates wisdom; Venus sbows voluptuous_ ness and gross sensua l pleasures; and Saturn indicates SO rrows and miseries. · Tbe Sun a nd tbe Moon are kings; Mars- commander-i n_ chIef; Mcrcury-Yuva raja or heir-apparent ; Jupiter and VenUS- Prime Ministers ; and Saturn a servant. Planetary Relations.-By the term friend sbip and enmity among planels we have to understand that tbe rays o f o ne planet wiJl be intensified or counteracted by those of the o lber declared to be its friend o r enemy respectively. Friend ship will be both permanent and temporary.



, .uuolOikal TermiDoloJY




PHJIWItDt Reladoubi,

:;... ,,..,., ~"


MOOD, Man, Jupiter SUD. Mercury



N~""a l.






Man, Jupiter, Venus. SltUfO


Venus. SIItum

Jupiter SUD, Venus

Man, Jupiter,



Saturn Saturn


Meteur)'. Salum Mercury. Venus





Mercul')" M OO D

Mercury Veaus

Ma rs, Jupiter


Sun. MOOIl,


Man Temponry Reialioaship Besides Naisargika or natural friend ship, planets become tempot-afY frietRls also by virtue o f tbeir sign positions. . 'Planets found in the 2qd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th sisos (rom any other planet, become it s temporary friends. Those il-lhe remaining signs become temporary enemies . In judgiog ~oroscope, both types of relationships sbould be '!arefully ~~'idered thus: ~oenl



Temporary Friend

(N'''MIr,flca MUra)

+ (Tatkali/uz Mitra )

PalR80cnt Friend


(Nalit,,·,,1ta Mitra)

+ (Tatkalilc4 Sal,,,) + Tcmporar)' I!ncmy

"rmIDCDI Enemy

Temporary Encmy


... ...

( Tataa/i/ca Satrll} Temporary Friend

~«~I"",ika SaUII)


(Ta lhM:a Milru)

f.ermanenl Nculral


(N/uar,lklI .5QmQ)

Tempo rar y F rie nd ( Tatkalika MUra)

Permanent Neutral

+ ...

INall4r,lku Suma)



".man,at Enemy

Tem porary Enemy (TlIfkaIika Sat,,,)


Best Friend (AdJli M itra)

Ncutr. 1 (Sama)

Din er Enemy ( Adh/.5Q rrll )

Neulul (Sama)

Friend (Mitra)

Enemy {Satrll)


Hilldu Predictive AUroloa,

Jo the ill ustration given below, let us 6nd out tb t rary and permanent friendships and cnmities bct:eeem~:­ ollocts. Take for instance, Jupiter. The Moon is:o tb e f;;cvcolb. therefore he becomes temporary enemy of Ju ite e But from the table of permaneot relationship giveD abo:e. :;

" _._-

R abu



" 3

- -


Moora Saturn


Horoscope mile born Oil 8-8-1912 at 7-43 p . m . (I.S.T .) Lat. I J North ; Lolli. 77 ~ 34' East.


J upiter





- Ol.- --




VC ll ut

Ket u

will ,be seen that the Moon is the friend of Jupiter Now adding the two .,_ T cmporary enemy plU3 permanCnt . friend ~c get the compo~Ddcd relation as neutral. Thus the Moo~ IS: neutral of J upiter. Similarly, ascertain the relatioDs with rc crcncc to other planets bOI ·Pla"e,ar~ CasleS. Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins or y peo~le, the SUD and Mars are Kshatrlyas or belong to Ihe warnor . .. casle'' Ihe Moon I. S Vatsya or trader; Mercury is . or un touchable. One S IIdra or larmer and Salu rn I. S A n'yaJa sbould not confuse tbis witb tbe so~1I d La e caste system. Accord' IDg 10 rd Krishna . WJrna is based On runa a nd karmtl.


;,utro1o,ical Termioo lol)'


Planttary Dlreclions.- The Sun, Venus, Mafli, Rahu. · Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter indicate East, S.-E. , ', Soutb. S,-W ,o West, N.-W., North and N.-E .• respectively. Conjunctional Peculiarities (Vakra or retrogrcssion).· According to Hindu astronomy; planets in the course of their " journey in tbe zodiac are said to be obstructed by certaln , iIIvisible forces called mondochcha, seeghrochcha and potha as a .result of which Ibey become stationary for a while. get backward movements and again after some time. they regain aii:ir natural course . Tbis phenomenon of going backwards is atied retrogression. The astronomical aspect of tbe retro-~de movements of planets is somewhal cumbersome and for hiails readers may refer to any slandard texIS on astronomy. , A t hichara or Acceleration. If a planet moves fronr""one . 'tl~n to the other faste r than its usual speed it gets what is · :', &Iied Athichara o r Acceleration. " ~. Srambh'ana ar SlagtlOtion . Residence in tbe same sign for ~oie than the usual period makes a planet get tbis stage. AslQltgQtQ or Combustion. Planets in intimate conjunction ifiih the Sun get combustion and become utterly powerless. SQmagQma. Planets with tbe Moon acquire Samagama. ,~t·' Arohana.-Thc ascending direction from tbe debilitation _ to ihe exaltat ion . Avarohana. The descending direction from exaltation to


Planelary Slren,tbs and AVlstbas



Planetary Strengths and Avasthaa Planetary conjunctions play an important part in tbe d¢termination of tbe various sources of strength and weakness of the planets in a horoscope. Conjunction of good planets always produces beneficial results while the reverse ho lds good when malefic planets join together. Planets on account of their incessant movements get into eertain states of existence called avas/has which are ten in number. Each avastha produces its own results. In tbe judgment of a horoscope all tbese details. bave to be fully considered. Duptha or Exaltation. Gains from conveyances, respect from elders , fame, wealth and good progeny. Swastha or Own House.-Fame, wealth, position , lands, happiness and good children. Mudltha or in the House ora Friend.-Happiness. San tho or an Auspicious Sub-divislon.-Strengtb and courage, helping relations, comfort and happiness. Sakta or Retrogress/oIL-Courage, reputation. wealth and progeny. Peed~a o~ Rl'siden~e in the last quarter 0/ a sign.Prosecution , In carceratIOn, pilfering habits and expUlsion from country . t"

l O/4-




,Deena or in Inimical House. Jealou sy, mental worry. brain trouble, sickness aDd degradation. Vikala or Combustion.-Diseases. orphanage, loss of wife and children and disgrace. Khala or Debilitation.-Losses, mean birth. troubles from various sources, quarrels with parents and relations, imprisonment and hating God and sacred literature. Bhita or Accelerolion...-Losses from various sources, torture, foes. mean habits and danger in foreign countries. The Shadbalas or Six Sources of Strength and Weakness of Plane/S.- Each planet is supposed to get a particular shale of strength when it occupies a particular position. The source of strength can be numerically measured by a certain unit called Rupa. (For full details. see my book Graha and Bhava Balas.) There are six kinds of strength considered in Indian astrology. I. Sthanabala,- This is the positional s~rength which a planet gets as a result of it s occupying a particular bouse in the horoscope. A planet gets Sthanabala in its exaltation. own house, moolatri kona, and friendly bouse and Swa (own) Sbadvargas (for Sbadvargas vide Chapter XI). 2. Digbala.- This is the directional strengtb. Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in the East (ascendant). The Sun and Mars get tbeir directional strength in tbe North (lOth house). Saturn in tbe West (7th bou se) gains Digbala. Venus and the Moon acquire directional strength in the South (4th house). l. Chestaba/a (Motional sttength)...- Th e Sun and the Moon in tbe signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini which constitute the Uttarayana (Sun's northerly course) and Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Venus and Saturn in Tetrogression or in conjunction with tbe Full Moon get




, 26

Hindu Predictive


Chestabala. If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn are with Mars. tbey are said to be defeated in tbe planetary fight or Grabayuddba and get Chestabala. 4. Ka/abola.-Kalahala means temporal strength. The MOOD, Mars and Saturn arc powerful during the night. The SUD. Jupiter and Veous arc powerful during tbe day. Mercury is alway. powerful. Malefic. and benefics arc powerful during tbe dark half aod bright balf of the lUnar month rcspeclivcly. Mercury, the SUD, Saturn , the Moon. Venus and Mars are powerful at sunrise, noon, evening. first part of the nigbt, - midnight and the last part of the night respectively, Jupiter is always strong. Planets in tbeir weekdays, months aod years are said to be powerful. So DI'ugbala.-Drugbala is reckoned as a result of the aspect to wbich each planet is subjected to by the other. The houses of aspect are given in the next chapter. Aspects of benefics give full Drugbala or strength, and aspects of male6cs take away the Orugbala 6. Naisa,glkabala.-This 'means permanent or natu~al strength . Each planet is supposed to produce a particular measure of strength permanently irrespective of its po sitioD. The Sun, tbe Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury. Mars and s..turn are strong in order. The SUD is the most powerful and Saturn is the least powerful. Tbe .trength s of planets can be numerically calculated as per my book G,aAa and Blul'D &11l3.



Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope The horosco pe is simply a scbeme or a plan representing an accurate picture o f the beavens, of the positions o f tbe planets and the stars for the time at wh ich a child is born o r at any particular moment. The map of tbe heavens co nt aining the 12 divisions is drawn in either a square or circular form . J give below the Inost common kinds of diagrams now in vogue in India and abroad. For tbe benefit of my Western readers. and such Indian readers who h'avc no accesS to almanacs. I have also explained tbe method of casting the boroscope according to the Western system and its reduction to tbe Hindu, in the next chapter. The following are some of tbe maps used by different countries :N . lNDlA




'" t


. S\.




Hindu Predictive: Astrology

For all practical purposes almanacs publisbed by competent Hindu astroDomers, giving the planetary positions, can be used by beginners, and after acquiring a thorough familiarity with the various rules fOf the computation of horoscopes on

the basis of such almanacs, the student may refer to modern epbemerides for greater accuracy. Western Couatries

Find out the date of birth in the almanac in the particular year and write on a sheet of paper all tbe details given for that day. In most of tbe almanacs, the positions of the planets 8rc given in Nakshatra Padas (Constellational quarters) and by merely copying them, one would be able to mark the Rasi (zodiacal) and Navomsa (one-ninth division) diagrams. Ascertain the exact moment of birth and sunrise. If the time is in English hours, convert it into ghalis t2! ghatis make one I!o_ur • .}4 mioutes make one hati and 24 _s~conds ma ne ~.r:.e_.vighalj). t e ut as occurred after midOig t.


Hiod. Moohod

0' """ios 'h, Ho,o"op,


it must be taken as belonging to the previo us day as among the Hindus a day is reckoned from sunrise to sunrise. Ascertain how many hours after sunrise tb e birlh has occurred and convert this into ghatis. In the almanac. if there are any planets marked on the day of birth and if the ghat is given against eacb or any of them are below the time of birth, reproduce them as they are; otbcrwise trace back and find out tbe positions of planets nearest to the date of birth. For the Moon some calculations are necessary . Find out the constellation on the day of birth which can be readily sl!e n in the almanac and note down its duration. If it be the one that ends on the same day. then add to this duration , tbe number of ghatis and vighatis obtained by su btracting from 60. the extent of the preceding asterism on the previou s day. The sum represents the entire duration of the constellation in question. One-fourth of this gives the duration of a quarter or pada. Add birth time to tbe duration of the constellation on the previous day. This gives bow much of time has elapsed in the constellation at Ihe time of birth. Dividing this by the duration of each quarter, we get the particular quarter of the constellation in which the Moon is. In case the constellation be tbe one that ends on the next day, the duration of the asterism on tbe day of bi~th and that on the next day must be obtained tbus : Let us assume tbat tbe sunrise on the day of birth of the following illustrative boroscope is at 5-35 a.m. Tbe birth has taken place at 5-35 p.m. Deducting sunrise from birth time (5-35 p.m. == 17 hours, 35 minutes) we get 12 hours. This converted ioto gbatis at gbatis per one bour gives 30 ghatis as the time of birtb after sunrise. From the almanac,





we fi nd tha t on the day o f birth the constellation RohiDi ruled for 21-59 gha tis . Subtract fr om 60 ghatis. the number of gh atis and vigbatis at which the Moon Jeft tbe previous constella tion . Add to this , the number of gbatis and " igha tis when this conste llatio n termin ates ,the next day. The to tal duratio n of the constellation is obtained . Subtract fr om tbe time o f biub (in gbatis) the t ime when the Moon left tbe previo us a sterism . Tbe time elapsed from the beginning of the constellation to the moment o f the birth is obtained. Now it will be easy to find io wba t qua rter the Moo n is placed. The foll owin g illustration enableS th e student to grasp the principles enumerated above easily . /Ilus tration.- Born 8tb August 19)2 A.D. at 5-35 p . m. o r 30 gba tis after sunrise , Long. 78° E., Lat. 13 ~ N. : 00 8-8-1912. 009-9-1912 Da.ralioa of day = Gh. 604t Exte~t of Mriaasira EIt~" of Rohlai 21-59 - Gb.I9-15

Exteot of Mrl,lSir. 008-8-1911


: . Total dDratiOll of Mrigaslra - Gb. 38-1 + Gh. 19.15 - Gb . 57-16. Di.idiDI tbl, by of, we 0., tblt eacb quarter lists for - - - - Gb . 14-19 Ailla, Blr lb time ... Gb. 30-0 DaralioD of Rohlal 21-59


Hindu Me tbod or Casting tbe Horoscope

Hindu Predictive Amolol1

nme elapsed Is Mrigasir. 8-1 Since the balance is less than ghatis 14-19, Ihe first quarter of Mrigasira rules at birth, I.e., the Moon occupies tbe first quarter of Mrigasira. Tracing back, the positions of other planets arc obtained thus :


Sua ia tbe 11 Moo. I Mlrs III Mercury II JDplter II Venus I Salutll I Rahu III Kelu I


qua rter of Aslesba do . M r lgaslu do . Pubba do . Mlkba (RetrogressloD) do. Jyesbll do . M a kba do . Rohinl do . Re,aU do . ChUta


Rah u








Ascdl. RASI

'" I


51. Man



J u piter


Me re. Ven us



Ta ke the Sun. He is in the second quarter of Aslesha . Ce"unt (rom the constellatio n Aswini upto the constella tion o f the planel . It is 8. Convert this into padas or quarters (one quarter is equal to 31/3 degrees o f ecliptic a rc); 8 )( 4 = 32. Add tbe two quarters already passed by the pla net in Aslesha . 32 plus 2 - 34. Since 9 padas make one Rasi, divide tbis by 9 ; 34/9 _ 3 7/ 9. The remainder is 7. Tha t is, the Sun passed three s ign s fro m Aries and is in the fourth sign , namely Can cer. All tbis tro uble can be saved by referring to the

Hindu Predictive As1to iolY

"Table of constellations given on page

14. The SUD. as we know. is in the 2nd pad a of Aslesha. FroID the table, it will be see n that the last quarter of Puoarvasu, the four quarter. <.I f Pushyami and the four quarters of Aslesha constitute tbe sign Cancer. As the Sun is still in tbe 2nd pada of Aslesba . we ca n readily place him in Cancer. Similarly, fix all the other planets in their respective signs. Ascendant or tbe Lagna

The next step after fixing the planets is the correct determination of Lagoa or the Ascendant. The earth is egS-shaped and rotstes once a day o n its altis aDd thus all the zodiacal signs are invariably "clt posed" to the sol ar inlluence. As tbe earth is egg-shaped, certain signs arc exposed to a greater extent of tim e than others; The 12 solar months are named after the 12 signs of the zodiac. On tbe first day of Aries the first degree of that particular sign ri ses in the eastern horizon at sunrise a nd the rema ining signs gradually ascend till tbe next day a t sunrise when the sunrise takes place in tbe second degree of Aries, The sunrise takes place in the last degree of the 7.od iac on tbe 30th day of P isces, when the solar year c'nds. Thus the LagRa or the Ascendant is that particular point of the ecliptic considered with reference to the particular horizon. Therefore, certain periods of time are allotted to each of the zodiacal signs to rise, the duration of such periods depending upon the latitude o f the place. The duration of the signs varies in accordance with the del!ree of the latitude of the pla(.'(: and the student is referred to Appendix B at the end of the 'book by means of which the rising periods of the •.. arious aigns for the different degrecs of latitude can easily be ascertained.

Hindu Method or Casting the Ho roscope


'The degree and the sign in which the Sun rises will be the ascendant a t the particular time. The sola r date o f birth is read ily found o ut in the almanac. fn the illu st ratio n given, tbe so lar date is the 24th of Cancer. The risin g sign in that montb will be Cancer itself. But the Sun rises in it on the first day in the first degree of CaRcer. The per so n was born o n thc 24th even ing and therefore the Su n h as passed 23 degrees of Cancer nnd rose on that mo rn ing in the 24tb degree. Therefore the Sun on the day o f birth was in Can cer 24 degrees. Time of birth is 30 ghatis. Catlctr extends for about 5·31 ghatis (see Appendix B) at Lat. 13° N. Therefore eacb degree requires 5-31 x 60/30 - ifU' vighatis to rise. Therefore the Sun has 23 x lIli1 _ 253 ji vighatis or 4 ghatis and J 3-1} or 14 vighatis. . Duration of Cancer Gbatls 13ined by the Sun Ghatis remlloining 10 be covered by the Sun


Gb. 5-31 4·14



'-6 ,-6

Virgo Libra Scorpio Sa,illarius

2-2°1 5-31


21- 41


• The method or Bndin. tbe Laana aiveD here is Df a ,eoeral dlar1lcter inteoded to IOerve the purpose or a be,ioner. The Cllact sit uation of the SUD must be ascertained and then the risina l ilD and degree found out. Full particulars with examples will be fouod in Chapter VIII or my book A Ma"ual of Hi"du Astrolory to which tbe reader is referred.

Hindu Predictive A! trololY


Birth has taken place a t 30 ghatis and since Sagittarius ends at 27- 41 2/3 gh alis after sunrise the ascendant is Capricorn, I.e .• 2 gha lis and 18 1/3 "igbalis have elapsed in

Capricorn. The position s of tbe planets and the Lagna in their c:\act degrees a re thus calculated wi th tbe a id oftbe almanacs. Each sign is composed of 30 degrees. In the illustration. Capricorn is tbe ascen dant. Its duration is 3 122/ 3 ' vighatis at 13 degrees north latitud e. Therefore as 3/22/3 .";ghatis are to 30 degrees , so art /38 1/3 vighatis to the degrees requirtd - 30/ 312i x 138 1/3 = 13 degrees 17 minules. Thus the ascendant is 13 de grees 17 minules Caprico rn. Thi s is tbe Bhavamadhya o r the mid.point of the first hOl.\se, and the fi rst "h o use or the fir st Bhava ex t~nd s rough ly 15 degrees OD eith er side o f this point . For determining the cusps of iwu ses (Bhavamadh ya, etc.) refer~D ce may be made to my A Manual of Hindu AstroloRY. F or o rdinary purposes·, it may be supposed that ~ac h Bhavs extends J 5 degrees on either side of the mid-po int . In the illu st ration, J3 degre~s Capricorn is the Bha vamaclhya o f th ~ fin;t house and it roughly extends from 29 degrees of Sagittarius t o 28 degrees o f Capricorn. The second hou s ~ ~xtends from 28 degrees Ca prico rn and so on. I n " Table of Ho wses" t he cusps of the ho uses are r~ adi1y ava ilable and th e student will n ot find it difficult to enter t hem in the chart. At the outset, the beginner will do well to confi ne his a ttention to these primary rules without worrying him sel f with the techni qu e of mathemati ca l astrology . The exac t Nirayana longitude, say o f the SUD , is to be determin~d a t the birth ofa person on 8th August 1912 A.D ., at 5- 35 p.m. (I.S. T .). Th at year's alm anac will give the follow ing info rm ation :----;-E,·... n Ihis supposition ho lds rood on ly with reference to places th at lie nCoif the equator .

Hiad u Metbod of Castina the Horoscope


Sth August 1912 - Sun enters 3rd qUI" of As11ha at 46-30 ghatis. 9th August 1912-S un enters 3rd qu rter of Asiesha at 17-44 gbatis. There fo re the period lahn by the SUD to pass through ODe pada or 3 1/3 degrees o f the ecliptic are is : 5th August Gh . 13-30 5ubtractiog tbe time of eDtry from 60 gb. beiDa::: dur.tiOD of the dlY. 6t h do. 60- 0 ,.b do. 60 - 0 8tb do. 60- 0 9tb do. I' 44 21114 or 12,674 'fighatis. Tota l Time e l ap s~d from the entry of the Sun iota the 2nd pada of Asles ha (which is nearest to the time of hirth) uplO the moment of birth. 5th August Gb. 13-30 6th do. 60- 0 7th do · 60- 0 Rlh do. 30 - 0 (moment o f birth) To tal .. .. 163 30 or 9,810 vighatis. In 12,674 vighatis the Sun covers \0 degrees. In 9,810 vighatis the Sun covers II x i.t., equal to 2 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 second s of arc. In the 2nd pada o r quarte r of AsJesha, the Sun has passed 2 degrees, 34 minutes aDd 48 seconds. We know that the last qu arter o f Punarvasu, the four padas of Pu shyami and fou r padas o f Aslesh a compose Cancer. Upto th e 2nd pad a o f Aslesha, the number of pad as passed in Cancer is : - Pun ar· vasu 1 plU.f Pu shya mi 4 plus Aslesha I, lotal 6 padas or 6 x 10/3 _ 20 degrees. This added to lhe num be r of degrees



Hindu Prediclh'c A5lrology

passed in the 2nd pada of Aslesha gives the exact Nirayana longitude of th e Suo at th e time of birth. viz., 20 degrees pIllS 2 degrees , 34 minutes and 48 seconds will he equal to 22 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds. Thus in tbe illu strative horoscope, the Niraya na Sun is in 22 degrees, 34 minutes and 48 seconds Ca nce r. For other planets the lon gi tudes mu st be computed .!.im ila rl y.


Western Method of Horoscope Casting and Its Reduction to the Hindu A short acco unt of the difference eXisting between the Hindu and Western zodiacs seems necessary before explaining tbe method involved in the erection o f the heaven ly map acconJ ing to the Western system and its reduction to the Hindu zodiac. The Hindu astronomers of the Nirnyana schoo l trace their o bservations of planet s to the fix ed zod iac while the Western ast ronomers. belon ging to the Sayan a system, co nside r the moving zodiac commencin g fro m the ever-shifting vernal equinox. The exac t period when boltt the zodiacs were it: the first point is doubted by a number of astronomers a nd accordingly the Ayanam sa -precessional distance -or the inc rement between the beginning of the fixed and moveable zodiacs. varies from 19 to 23 degrees. This Ayanamsa is reckoned roughly at 50 ' /3 seconds of arc per year (see Appendix A). Erect the boroscope as per rules given below. Subtract the Ayanamsa for the year of birth from sucb positions and tbe Hindu horoscope is obtained. In one year the Ayana msa gains by.50 1/3 seconds of arc so that preceSSion for od d days may conveniently be omitted . In an - ephemeris (Rapbael's o r Die Deut sche's o r any Itandard one) the longitudes of planets a re calcu la tt:d d aily


• "Rlman's Ni nely-yea r Ephemeris " (1891· 1980) can be used with ,rC6lld vanl:l,e by India n a s well as WeSlern students o f astrotoiY.



Hi nd u Prtodictive Astrolon

for Greenwich Mean Noon. Therefo re Local Mean Time oftbc place of birth must be turned into its equivalent Greenwich Time. Add to the Local Mean Time of birth. if the birthplace is west of Greenwich, four minutes for every degree of longitude. Subtract fou r minutes from the Local Mean Time of birth for every degree of lon gitude. if the birthplace is east of Greenwich. Having converted th is Local Mean Time of birth in to Greenwich Mean Time the planetary longitudes can be calculated fr om the ephemeris easily. To fin d out tbe e"act longitude of the planet for a given time the difference of longi tude between the previous noon (if bi rth is a.m.) and the noon of tbe birtliday or tbe difference between th e noon of the day (if birtb is p.m.) and the next noon must be noted. (In sOlne publications the daily movemer.ts of planets will be given in a separate section) . This difference is the motion o f tbe planet in 24 ho urs . Then the following rule mu st be applied : A.s U hours arc to tfle daily motion so is the difference between the given time and noon to the motion required. llIu stration- Born 8th Augu st 1912, Thursday 7 hours 23 minutes p.m., L.M .T .• longitude 77 degrees 35 minutss east and latitude 13 degree! north. Long. 71 degrees 35 minute! = 5h. 10m. 205. in time· Local Mean Time of birtb 7 23 6 p .m. Long. of birthplace (in time) - 5 10 20 p .m. 2 12 46 p.m. G. M.T. orbirtb SiDce tbe place of birth is east o f G reenwich subtracting tbe difference of longi tude in time from Local Mean Time. we get tbe corresponding Greenwi ch Mean Time, which is equal to 2 bours. 12 minute s and 46 seconds p.m. Referriog to Ephemeris fo r 1912, for 8tb August 191 2, the Sun' s longitude on tbat noo n · is given as Leo 15 degrees, 32 minutes and 4 seconds. On page 35 tbe daily motion of the SUD on the day is given a5 57 mi outes a nd 34 seconds.

Western Metbod o r Horoscope ·Cutins


SUO's motion io 24 bours

57' 34" 57' 34" do . . . 2b. 12m. 46s. 24 x 2h. 12m . 46s. _ 5' 17" 15° 32' 4" LODg. of Suo at noon Add Sun's motion in 2b. 12m. 46s·· -,,-~S':'7 17,=" " c :. LODg. of Sun at birtb moment 1)0 37' 21" Thi s is according to the West~rn_method . . Subt ract (rom this tbe Ayanamsa for 1912 to get the Hindu longi tu de. Sayana Longitude ... 15° 37' 2111 in Leo. Less Ayaoamsa fo r 1912 ... 21 11 29 Hindu Nirayana Longitude . 24 25 52 in Cancer. 1f a plane t is lin retrogression, it will be mentioned so in the ephemeris. Similarly, the planetary positions for other celestia l bodies must be com puted. Calcul ation o f tb e Mooo' s longitude . or for that matter the longitude of a ny planet, may be conveniently done by means o f logarithm s. Her positio n fo r 12 nooo on 8th August 1912 is found to be Gemini 15° 0 ' 56°. Her motio n for tbat day is 14° 24 ' 57" or 14° aod 25'. Turning to Tables of logarithms at tbe end o r the ephemeris, we fi nd tbat : •• . 0.2213 Motion Log for 14" and 25' ... 1.0J45 Time Log for 2 hours and 13 minutes

f'iS5i In tbe Table of logarithms we find tbat for t be nearest number (t his exact number is not found there) to 1.2558 at the top o f the co lumn degrees and on the left of tbe table, minutes sbowi ng the n umber of degrees and minutes tbe Moon has progressed io 2 hours an d 13 minutes. viz. , 1° 20' MOOD'S Sayana Loog. at noon ... 15° 0' 56- Gemini P1IIsMoon'sMotionfor2h. 13m .+ I 20 0 Total 16 1U 56 Gemini Less Ayanamsa for 1912 21 II 29 Hin du Lo ngitude of Moon 25°~' 2711 TaurU5


Hindu Predictive Astrol08,Y

Western Method o r Horoscope Castin,

Thu s we fi nd that the M oon is in 'faur:us 25 degrees. 9 minutes and 27 seconds accord ing to the Hindu method . Taurus is com posed of three quarters o f Krittik a, four:. o f Robini and tbe first two of M rigasira. Table of constellations on page 15 will tell us that 250 Tauru s corresponds to tbe first quarter of Mrigasira. i.e.• the Moon is in the , first pada or q uarter o f Mrigasi ra. Lagna or the Ascendant. Find out the Sidereal Time at G.M .T . which will be found in the first column of tbe ephemeris. This is calculated for 12 noo n Greenwich Time. ' Add to tb is tbe Local Mean Time o f birth (n um ~ r of hours passed after the local noon), and also add 10 seconds per ho ur since noon as this represent s the difference between the Sidereal Time (S.T.) and t he Mean Time . If the place of birtb is east of G reenwich , deduct at the rate of JO seconds per hour of every 15 degrees of lo ngitude (or 1 hour in time) and if the place o f birth is west of Greenwich, add a si mil ar quantity. This quantity represents the Siderea l Time at t he mome nt of birth and when thii is con verted into degrees it represents what is called t he R.A.M. C. of birth. Then re fer to th e table o f houses for the place of birth or for the latitude nearest to the place o f birth . Th e ascendant and the cusp, of the six bouses will be foun d marked. Considering the same illu strati on, we proceed tbus:-


h. m. ... 9 6 30 Sidereal Time for noon preceding birth Number of ho urs passed since noon upto birth ... 7 23 6 Corrections between S.T. and } Mean Time at lOs . per hour

+0 16

Leu co rrection for tbe difference of time between the place of birth (east of Greenwich ) and G reen .....ich Local Siderea l Time o f birth



1 3Q

14 5~



29 58


24{)0 0' 0" 16 hours 29 min utes 7° 15' 0" 58 seconds 0" 14' 30" 247" 29' 30" R.A ·M.C . of birth The - Table of Houses for Madras must be referred to at the latitude o f Madras (13" N.) is nearest to tbe' latitude of birthpl ace and as no tables of bouses are available for tbe birlhplace itself. Having fou nd the nearest Sidereal Time correspondiog to 16 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds (under tbe columQ, Sidereal Time) we see in the next column (10) the sign Seorp'lo lind the nu mber 17" 35', opposi~e the Sidereal Time sbowiog that 17" 35' o f Scorpio is on the cusp o f the 10th house. In the next column (II), we find )5° 35' Sagittarius, Capricorn 13° 35' o n tbe 12th and 11° 34' Aquariu s on t be ascendant or fir st h ouse. Tbe cusps of tbe six bouses 3re thus obtained and addin g 180degrees to each of tbese, the cusps o f the other opposi te six are ascertained . Now for example, by add ing 180 degrees to the cusp of th e 10th house, th at o f the fourth can be found and so o n. If you consult a Sayan a table o f houses, ded uct tbe Ayanamsa fr om tbe figures obtained and you will ge t the Nirayana longitudes o f ho uses. Fro m tbe Sayan a ascendant so obtained and the cusps o f tbe bouses. deducl tbe Ayanamsa, ,;z., 21 degrees, 11 minutes and 29 second s and the ho uses (Sharas) and tbe ascendant (Ltlgna) o f the Hindu zodiac are obtained. SCusp of tbe Westero --;-Vide Pace 111 of The Njrayonrz Tables of HOIISC8 O· to 60· by Dr. B. V. Raman Ind Prof. R. V. VaidYI. S There Is .. s Haht difference ic tb_ mode of reckonicg cusps of con. I Dlula r house5 between the Western acd the Hicdu systems. Tbis may be ianored ror the prescnt as it will n~t materi.lly affect further procedure of interpreting ho roKopc:s as explained in the pa,es of this hoo k. Th. Nlroyono Tables 01 HOllses by Dr. B. V. Ra ma n and Prof. R . V: Vaidya ca lculated a«ordiog 10 Hind u methods may be used in preference \ ~ to Raphael's o r a ny o ther Western publicatioo .


HiDdu Plcdicliv.e Astro]olY

bouses Jess A,,"oflamsa will give tbe Bhavamadhya (mid-point of

the house) oftbe Hindus . Cusps of the first bouse or ascendant Less Ayanamsa fot 1912

2° 28°

45' Pisces 11'

Bbavamadhya of the first bouse or Lagna

11 0

34' Aquarius



The ill ustrated horoscope is to be represented as follows

The Shadvargas



11S" ° 37' IJ

Rah u 24° 16'

The Sbadvargas are the six-fold divisions of a zodiacal sign . A consideration of the Shadvargas will enable us to estimate the strength of planets. ~Y_l}.rc~ j{asi, Horn, Drell-kana, Navarnsa. Dwadasarnsa and Trirnsamsa.- GenCrafiy 'in~st of the astrologe rs ma~k th~ Rasi" ;nd thc Navarnsa diagrams and base their predictions on these two . The Navamsa system is the most important division. The readers will do well at the beginn ing to cast the Rasi and Navamsa diagrams and see how accu rate somc of thc prcdictions based on these two charts turn out. For determining the strength of planets Sapt~~":'..I!~~~. (s~.YEn~fold Qiv!~ions) are taken into account. Thi s has been fully explained in my Gralla and Bhava Balas. . . - - -- --

Moon ' . 25° II'



Ascdt. II '


24° 26' Mars


Jupiter 14<> 26'

22° SO' Mere. 15 G SO' Venus 3" 43'

Kcl u 24° 16'

Similarly, deduct the Ayanamsa from t he cu~ps of the otber houses ob tained above and you wit! get the corresponding Hindu Bhavamadhyas (m id-points of bouses) .


I ;O-1----::.&w.-The arc of 30 deg rees forming a I .

zodiacal sig n is calied"Risi. The twelve zodiacal sign s are the twelve Rasis. The limits and lord ships of the various Rasis have been already named. Hora. ",....W hen a sign is divided into two equal parts, eaeb is called a bora. In odd signs like Aries. Gemini. etc. , the first bora is governed by t be Sun and the second by t be Moon. In even signs like Taurus. Cancer. etc., the first bora i. Bovemed by the Moon and the second by the Sun. Enm ple.-Ascendant 11 0 34' Aquarills . It fails in tht: first hora as it ;s within 15 degrees . AquariUS is an odd sign




The Shadvara:a Hindu Prcdicliyc AstroloGY

and the ftnl hara is governed by Ihe Sun .. therefore. the ascendontJalfs in the Sun's hora. Drekkgnq . When a sign is divided into three equal parts, each is called a drekkana getting lOdcgrees. The first drekkaoa is governed by the lord of tbe Rasi; the second by the lord of the 5tb from it ; aDd tbe tbird by tbe lord of the 9tb from it. Take Aries: tbe first dre.k:kaoa is governed by Mars, its lord; the second is r uled by the Suo, t he lord of the 5tb from Aries; aDd the third Jupiter ru les over. as be is the lord of the 9th from Aries. Example.-Ascendant J)O 34' Aquarius. Since it falls between 100 and 20", the birth has occu rred in the second drekkaM whose lord is the lord of the 51h, viz., Mercury. _ Na.amsa .- The most important sub·d ivision of a zodiacal sign is the navamsa. When a sign is divided into nine equal parts, each part ' becomes a navamsa . '.I1~!l~u~~!lg ~i _~~~!I?~' In Aries. Leo and Sag!ttariu.s: . 't he- t;I~~a m ~as are_ioverns;4 t>.l' the lords of the niQe sigl!$.. I$SP~ti.y~ly .froa Arie$. Take Aries, and divide it into n ine equal parts. The 6rst navamsa is governed by the lord of Aries, viz., Mars; the 2nd by the lord of the 2nd , 'I'iz ., Venus; the 3rd by Mercury, lo rd of the 3rd; and so on, till the last or tbe ninth navamsa which is governed by J upiter, lord of the ninth from Aries. Now divide : . ; Taurus i nto nine equal divi sio ns . We have left tbe counting of tbe navamsa at the 9th from Aries, viz., Sagittarius. Therefore, the first navamsa of Ta urus is governed by the lord of the 10th from Aries-Capricorn l'iz., Saturn; the 2nd by tbe . lord o f the 11th, l'iz .. Saturn; the 3rd by the lord or"the 12t h. l'iz. , Jupiter; the 4th , 5th , 6th, 7th , 8th and 9th by Mars, Venus, Mercury. the Moon. the Sun and Mercury respectively. Then tbe first nayamsa of Gemini is governed by the lord of tbe fi rst Libra , viz ., Venu s, the last of Gemini by the lord of t he 9th from Libra. Mercury . Agai n the first of

Cancer is governed by the lord of tbe fi rst, viz ., the Moon. Again the cycle begins from Aries. It invariably follow s that fo r Aries , Leo and Sagittarius the naYamsas mu st be counted from Aries to Sagittarius ; for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn from Capricorn; for Gemin i, Libra and Aquarius from Libra; and for Cancer, Sco rpio and Pisces from Cancer. Example. -Taking the Sun in 24 de grees , 2J minnles. J2 seconds Cancer (vide page 41) .. cu('h na'l'amsa is equal to

3.~ degrees 24" 25;~r x 3 _ 7 navam!>as.

, . ~"

The Sun has passed 1 nayam sas a nd I degree , 5 minutes and 52 second s in the 8th navam sa. The 8th nayamsa in Ca ncer is Aquarius and t he Sun must be placc=d there. In the horoscope illustrated on page 42 the navam sa positions are as follows : -




- ...

, ,,




v'""' \







Moo" Mel e.

! A sedt.


K et u




J upiter


Ma rs


- - s of planets o f the ho roscope In Chapter VI II , the pOSition illu strated are marked in constellations and quarters. Take the Sun. He is in the 2nd pada o f As lcsha. Counting from Aswin i upto Aslesh a we get 8 constell atio ns. This co nverted in to pldas o r quarters gives 32. Adding the two qua rters

.. !

H indu Prediclive Astro loc

.6 pa5~ed

in Aslesh a, it is 34. Divide tbis by 9, the number of pad as fOf each sign \ 4 =3... The rem a inde r is 7. Each pada is equal to a navamsa. The Sun has passed 3 signs from Aries and 7 padas or navamsas in the 4th sign Cance r. Accordi ng to tbe above rule, fo r Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces, navamsas mu st be countcd fro m Ca ncer itselr. The 7t h from Cancer is Capricor n. Its lo rd is Saturn . Therefore, the Sun is in tbe a avamsn of Saturn. In the n avamss diagram, mark I'" the Su n in Capricorn . ~\) . ...aJygdasgmsa.-W hen a sign is divided jnl~ twelve equal parts each portion is ca lled a Dwadasamsa getun g 2\ degrees. The lords of the 12 Dwadasamsas are tbe lord s of tbe 12 signs from the sign in question. Exanlple.-Sun is ill U degrees. 26 minutes Cancer. He has passed 24 degrees 26 minutes 24 0 26' - -- =9 Dwadasamsas.


9 Dwadasams8s h aving been passed and the SUD is in the 10th . The 10th fr om Cancer is Aries, therefore in the Dwadasamsa diagram . place the Sun in Aries . D:,30 Trimsam sa.-Wh cn a sign is divided into thirty equal pan s, each beco mes a Tri msamsa. III odd .s ignsMercury Venu s Jupiter Mars Saturn 7 S = 30 8 S S




signsVenus · Mercury J upiter Saturn Mars S 7 8 S S -30 In odd signs, t he first five degrees are gove rned by Mars. the seco nd five by saturn and so on. In even signs, tbe first five are governed by Venus and so on acco rding to the above rules. eFen

Tbe Shadvarla.



Sopthomsa.- I may also casually refer to Saptham sa. Wh en a sign is divided into 7 equal parts. each is called a Sapthamsa getting ~l 4? degrees. In odd signs, tbey are governed by the lords of the seven Rasis from it and in even signs, by t he lords of the seventh a nd fo llowing signs. In fa ct, acco rd ing to Pa rasara, there a re sj,tleen divisions (Shodoso)lorgos) to be considered . Each division is made use of for st udy in g certai n aspects of the boroscope-e.g., Navams 3 fo r wife, Dwad asamsa for parents, Sapthamsa for chi ldren, Dasam sa for profession, etc. It is not ne~ssary {or 3 beginner to botber himself with t hese technicalities a t this stage.


00 Birth Verification and Rectification





On Birth Verification and Rectif.ic8.tion The importance of tbe exact moment of birth need not be stressed. And onc of tbe toughest jobs of an astrologer is to find the exact moment of birth before venturing to make any predictions. In most cases, the precise lime of birth will not have been recorded for it is natural tbat considerable time will lravc elapsed from the moment of birth to that of recording it. While tbe importance of the correct instant is so much. we cannot lay any hard and fast rules which will cnable us to find out this exact instant. It is accepted by eminent astrologers tbat the time of birth means the time of the fir st cry o f tbe child which generally accompanies the first breath. According to Varabamibira, there is an intimate connection existing between the planetary positions at conception and those at birth . Based on this, the Wester'ners have developed their so-called "Prenatal Epoch Theory". The M oon is the ,ource-o f impregnation. Therefore it is poss ible to rectify the time of birth by adjusting the Moon and ascendant ~t birth and at conu plion. Varabamibira observes tbus in StaDza 26 of Cba ter IV of Brihat Jatoko Eng. Trans . by B. uryanaraln ao) : "Find the number of Dwadasamsas occupied by lhe Moon at the time of conception. Note the zodiacal sign whose name I the Dwadasa msa bears . Count from the next sign as many I signs' as the number of Dwadasam5as by which the Moon may

bave advanced in any particular sign. When the Moon comes to such last sign, the birth of tbe chi ld will occur ... • The author has beeo investigating into this theory and proposes to place before the learned readers, the fruit s of bis labours in due course. This branch of astro logy does not come within tbe scope of a beginner or an amateur. And birtb times can be rectified only by men of experience by a consideration o f pronounced life eve nts. The following are some of the rules which are generally employed by astrologers:J. Multiply the time of birtb in vig~at js by 4 and divide the product by 9. The remainder must give the ruling constellati on when cou nted from Aswini, Makoa or Moola. Example: Time of Birth 7h 42 m 44' p.m. ( I.S ,T.) Time of Sunrise: fI' 25 m 32" a.m . (I.S .T.) Janma Nakshatra-Mrigasir"a. :. No. of hours passed from sunrise to birth 13" 17Rl 12'. Converting tbis into gbatis and vighatis we get 33-53 gh atis or 2033 vighatis. 2033 x 4 _ 9036, 1.0 ~ 1 )l 49 . ).


Rejecting the quotient and counting 5 from Aswini. we get Mrigasira as 1anma Naksbatra (birth constellation) which is correct. If suppose tbe r.emainder in the above is say 8, which means Pusbyami. In such a case adjust the remainder in such a way as to give tbe Jaoma Nakshatra and rectify the time of birth accordingly. • 'Based on tbis, a stri es or anicles bas appeared in Tilt An_oLocICAL M"CAlINt. Volumes 28, 29, ]8 and 39.


Hindu Predictive ASlrolo,y

2. Multiply the number of gbalis from birth by 6 and add the longitude of the Sun (the number of degrees passed in the sign). D.ivjde the sum by 30. The quotient plus I counted from the Suo's sign will give the rising sign. Example: The Sun's position 3'24° Number of gbatis passed from birth- 33.53. Multiply tbe number of gbatis from birth by 6 and adding the Suo's longitude (devoid of tbe sigo) we get: Gh ., 33 - 53 33.88 x 6+ 24" 203.28 + 24 227. 28 227.28 17.28 - 730 30 Quotient plu~ one (7 + I) added to tbe Sun's sign, viz., Cancer, we get Aquarius as the ascendant. The above can a lso be stated thus;. The number of hours passed from suorise to time of birttl sbould be multiplied by IS, the Suo's longitude (devoid of signs) added, tbe sum divided by 30, remainder rejected aDd tbe quotient plu~ one counted from tbe Suo's sign gives tbe ascendant. Example: The Sun's po sitio n 3" 24" No. of hours passed from sunrise to birth 13" 17'" 12'

On Birth Verification lod ReclificalioD


The quotient, viz ., 7 ... 1 counted from Cancer gives Aquarius as the ascendant which is correct. 3. The 5th or the 9th sign from the house occupied by tbe lo rd of the sign in which the Moon is placed becomes tbe Janma Lagoa or the ascendant . The 7th from the sign occupied by the lord of the Moon's sign or the 5tb or tbe 9th from the similar sign and in some cases tbe sign where the Moon is at radix itself becomes tbe ascendant.

13 1>·287 (13 .287 x iS) + 24

30 199.305 + 24

30 - 7.4435.

, - _.---..-...................................................................

Dasas and Bhulttis


Punarvasu. Visakba and Poorvabhadra Pusbyami, Anuradha and Ultarabhadra Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati Makba, Moola and Aswini Pubba. Poorvasbadba and Bharani


Oasas and Bhuktis (Periods ,i"d S/lb-JHrlods)

The vexed questi on of timing events is solved to a great extent by the Dasa system in vogue among the Hindu~. From a scientific roint ' of view, we caDnot say with any sort of definiteness. upon what basis: each planet is allotted a certain number of years as its term of Dasa . But in actual practice. t!le ~asa 2r..st ~m l!e.IQs veIY satis!actory-resulfs:- -- ·- - - There i re any number of Dasas in vogue among the Hindus, but we propose to deal wilh Vimshottari. . In tbe choice o f any particular type of Dasa, the criterion must be tbat o f experience and Vimshottari has answered this test. The position of the Moon at birth is important in the calculation of tbe Dasas . Every constellation Cover$ l.lj degrees of the zodiacal space. Each nakshatra has a planet assigned as its lord and the Dua at birth is determined rather indicated by the conste llation occupied by the Moo n at the molltent of birth.

Table of Dasas Year$ Kritlika, Uttara and Uttarashadba Rohini, Hasta and Sravana Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanisbta Aridra, SWati and Satabbisba


Suo Moon Mars Rabu

6 !O


Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus

" 16 19 17 7


Tbe total of the different periods. viz., 120 years is consi_ dered as tbe natural. life period of a buman being. But tbere are ell8mples of perSons baving lived longer. The combinations for such horoscopes have been mentioned in tbe future Clulpters. Tbe position o rlhe Moon at birth determinestbe ruliog period . And tbe next Dasas succeed in the order given above. If, at the birth time, tbe Moon is in the first degree nf tbe naubatra (constellation), the full period assiglled to the planet will run. If the Moon occupies so me intermediate degrees, accordingly the period must be reduced. We sball give below two methods of finding tbe ruling Dasa and its balance at birth. The fir s t method is intended solely for readers who still follow the Paochangas takiog into consideration tbe ba lance (in ghatis) of the ruling constellation. Tak~ an cxamp/~.- The Moon is in the first quarter of Mrigasira in the example ho roscope given in Chapter IX. Therefore, Mars' Dasa rules the native at birth. If the Moon were in the very beginning of Mrigasira, Mars would control tbe native for the full period of 7 years assigned to b im. But 8 gbatis and I vigbati have already passed io Mriga sira out of the total duration of 57/16 gbatis which means the corres· ponding period must be deducted out of the Dasa of Mars . By ascertaining tbe duration of the naksbatra or constel· lation in question, we say in this case-if 57f16 gbatis give 7 years, what will 8 1/60 ghatis give;



I D uu and Bhuk tis

Hindu Predictive Astro lolY

Total of the Dan of Mar'


Table of Bhaktls

57i! : 7: : 8..\: requiTed number aCyears. 7 8' 57; x ~ : 11 mo nths, 23 days,

( Sub-p eriod:)





SUD'S Dasa- 6 Years Bhuk tis: Y.M .D .



Expired period o II 23 Balance of t&e Dasa ('of Mars at birth ... 6 o 7 Similar reBulh .::an also be obtained by knowing the exact degree in which the Moon is liiluated. To gip, an expmel, . Take a birth when tbe MOOD is in Taurus 2S dege«s. 10 minutes. Reference to the table on page 14 shows that the sign Taurus is composed of the last

Moon Mllrs Rahn J upi ter Saturn Mercury Ke tu Venus

tbree parts of Krittika. (our of Rohin i and tbe first two of Mrigasira. Each quarter is equal to 3} degrees in extent. Therefore. 3 of Krittika aod 4 of Robioi = 23 degrees, 20 minutes ; and 2S degrees, '10 minutes minus 23 degrees, 20 minutes = 1 degree, SO mioutes should be · accounted for a. Moon baving passed in Mrigasira at tbe time of birth . We know that Mrigasira is ruled by Mars whose period is seven y ~· ars . Each asteri sm being 13 degrees and 20 minutes we mu st find out what will be tbe period for 1 degree and SO minutes. 13 degru.J an.d 20 min.utes : 1 degree and 150 mlnute.J : 11 months /6 @ys.- This period has expired before birth and from the time of birth only the balance of (1 years-II month s and 16 days) =6-0-14 days of Mars Dasa will go to the benefit of the native. After finding out tbe Dasa . the sub·periods in each of the particular period must be determined :

• u .

,, o •


TOlal Yea rs

0 3 l' 0 0 0

JO 24 0 , 18 o 11 12


• ,•

o 10 0

0 0


Y.M.D .

Ma rs Rahu J upiter Saturn Mercu ry Ketu Vc nus

0 1 0 011 1 I o II 0 I 2 0 4 0 7

MOOn Total Years


Rahu Jupiter Sat urn Merc ury Ketu Venus

Y.M .D.


Sn, Total Years


o 10

0 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 1 7 0 1 0 0 7 0 I 0 0 0

, ,• ,•

10 0 0

RabQ Dasa- IS Years

Bhuk lis:


Bhuktis: M oon Mm

0 0

Mltrs' Dasa- 7 Yt'ars


MOOD' s Dasa-10 Yelrs








7 0 0 ----

Bhuktis :

Y.M.D ·

Rahu Jupi te r Si t urn Mercury Ke t u Venus

2 812 2 42' .2 to 2 61 . I 018 ] 0 0

Sn, M oo,

Mars Total Years




o 10 I I


0 018

18 0 0



and Bhukt!s

H indu Pred ictive Asl roiOl)'

Jopltn"s D ... -16 Yurs Bhuktis ; Y.M .D.

,, .12 ,

J upi ter Saturn Mercury Kelu


2 3 011 8 0 0 9 18 I 0 011 2

, •


, • '"

Suo Mooo Mars Rahu

Tolal Yean

SatarD's Dau-I.!> Years Y.M.D . Bhuktis: Ketu

, 42' o o ,,

Y.M .D. II 210 10 I o 11 • 2 J 8

Ketu Venus S~

Moon Mara Rabl,) Ju piter Saturn


27 0

0 27 18

, •• 170 0

TOli l Yean

\ I,,


Venus Suo

0 o II 12 I 7 0 I I , 10

,, ,


Man Rahu J upiter


Total Years

I' 0 u

Kdu's Dasa -7 Years

Mercury', Dasa-17 Yens Mercury

0 3 8



160 0

IJhllklis :

, ,, ,



Bhuklis : Ketu






4 27 0

,. •



0 I


Rah u Ju pi ter Sa turo Mercury

1 ." .17



Total Years



o II

I II 27

,--0 0

Eumple.- Rcqu/,cd 'he anfOrorn (infu-pcrlod) of Jupitu in fhe per/ad of Sa ,urn In ,hc rrwJor pt'riod of Kctu:

Venus Oasa-20 Years

, , , ,


3 I 0 I 8 I J 0 2 8 J 210 I

M oon

Mars Rabu Jupiter Saturo

Mercury Ketu

Total Year,


Ketu' s period 7 years. Saturn' s sub-period in Ketu is 13 months and 9 days. In 120 years- Jupiter's 16 years . 10 13 months and 9 days ..... .... /h x 13 months 9 days _ 1 mo nth , 23 days and 4.8 hours. We know how to find the unexpired (balance of) D asa a t b irth. With the expired portion of D asa at birth there arc certain su b-periods (Bhuktis) r uli ng un der the period which bave also ex pired . Afler determining tbem, we can say under what sub-period one' s birth has occurred. T o do tbis, find

Y.M . D.

Venus Suo

1 shall also give an easy method by means of which the sub-periods (Bbuktis) can be independent ly calculated. Muhiply tbe Dumber of years of the Oasa period o f the planet by the number of the years of the Dasa period of tbe planet whose sub· period is desi red . Then cutting ofT the last digit of the product, multiply it by 3 and keep that figure as days, the ot her figures in the product will be months. Suppose we ...·4 nt to find the sub-period of tbe Sun in the major period of 'I'e nu s. Multipl y the Oasa term o f Venus 20 years by that of the Sun 6 years, i.e., 20x6 -= 120 - 12 months. Thereisa zero for the last digit of tbe prod uct and therefo re th e subperiod is 12 mon ths . Find the sub-period of Rahu ill Jupittr 's major period - Ra hu's period being 18 years and that o f Jup ite r 16years, 18 16 = 288 = 28 months a nd 24 days. The Bhukti s are further sub-divided into still mo re minute divisions ca lled the antarams or inter-periods ; these into antarantarams and so on, till swara o r the period necessary for the inhalin g and the exhalin g of breath is reached. Nevertb~less. for a ll pract ical purposes the an t aram ( in ter-period) will be found to be quite suffici ent . Tbe a nta fams (interper iods) have to be determined fo r each Bhukli (sub-peri od) .

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-~o 0 0

d .




Hi4du Predictive Astroloa,

all tbe sub-periods (Bhuktis) in a period ("asa). Add together the Buktis from the beginning o f Jaoma Oasa (ruling period) onc by ODe till the total is a little in excess over the expired portion of Dasa at birth . Diminish tbe aggregate by the expired part of birth Dasa and tbe remainder gives the balance of uDcllpired Bbukti (of tbe planet in question) al

birth. JIIuslralioll. - Requircd tbe balance of Bbukti at binh in tbe case of a person born with a balance of years 5-11-28 in

Mars' 'Oasa. Tbe ruling period_ Mars 7 years Eltpired period == II months, 16 days Y. M. D .

¥ars' Bhukti Rahu Tolal

.... 0 427 ... I 0 18 .. . 1 5 15

Therefore , ly. Sm. and 15d-llm. and 16d., lJiz., 5 months and 29 days : is the balance of Rahu Bhukti in Kuja Dasa at birth. The balance of Oasa at birth can be easily ascertained without any calculations by referring to Appendix. 'C'. Take for instance the same example. The Moon being in Taurus 25° 10 : Y. M

Table I : For 25° balance of Mars' Oasa is Table II : For 10' (deduct) Balance of Mars' Oasa at birth


o 6

I 1 0


J~ 1 14

The results likely to happen during such periods. sub· periods and inter·periods as a result of planetary po siti ons have been sketched in a separate chapter.

\i I



On Aspects Tbe power of a planet to produce good or inDict evil. on an individual, is modified to a great extent by tile natural sympathies or antipathies of the aspecting and the aspected planets . ~ According to Hind", astrology, all aspe.c ts are impersonal and the aspects are counted feom sign to sign. An aspect is good or bad according to tbe relation between the aspecting and the aspected planet. All the planets aspect tbe -3rd and 10th houses from their loca tio n with a quarter sight; the 5th and 9tb houses with half a sight : tbe 4th and 8th houses with tbree·quarter of a sight and the 7th bouse with a full sight. Saturn, Jupiter and r.brs have special aspects. Saturn power· fully aspects 3rd and 10th houses; Jupiter, 5th and 9th houses; and Mars ~. 4th and ~th hOl!.ses. It will bc seeD that laimini and Tajak writers consider an altogetber different method of reading aspects. Beginners should never mix the o ne system with th e otber. According to laimini all moveable signs aspect all fixed signs, except the adjacent ones. Similarly. all filled signs aspect all moveable signs except the ~djace.J:lt ones . . Common signs aspect each otber. 10 this book we tire devoting ourselves exclusively to Parasara. • 3rd house 60 0 to 90-; 10tb bouse 2700 to 300" j 5tb bouse 1200 to 1500 ; 9th house 240 0 to 270 0 : 4th house 900 to 120~; 8th house ltO· to 340· ; aDd 7th houle 1800.


On ASpects


Hindu Predictive Astrolol)'

The aspect is s ignified "by referring to the number 01 signs fro m the significator which the aspectiog planet may hold. Thus if the Sun is in Cancer and Saturn is in Taurus, we say tbat tbe Sun is in the third from Saturn and consequcDtI; receives tbe aspect (ltd hou se aspect) of Saturn. The opposition aspect becomes extremely good when it is produced by Jupiter and the Moon . It is held to be good when benc6es aspect each olher (7th bouse aspect) . A pla net, aspecting its own house, whether by tbe 7tb hOll se aspect or special aspect, will naturally increase the signification of that house. ~ ~aye said that Mars aspects tbe 4th 8!ld 8th hQuses in addition 10 the usual 7th bouse aspect . . The !ltb house aspect is a square aspect and sometimes tbis is evil and sometimes beneficial. For iostance, if Mars, as lord or the 4th and the 9th houses (sec Chapter on Key Planets) in which circum· stance he gets special qualification as a Yogokaraka to produce good, aspects by the 4th house aspect a friendly planet, the significations of the aspected planet and the house are greatly enhanced. The same principle applies even in case: of the 8tb house aspect. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses which. in Western astrology, are J~e aspects. The results ~vary according to the naturalaDd temporal i:ligoities of the aspecting and the aspected bodies. Jupiter'l aspect over any planet al a natural • benefic is of weigbty importance apart from tbe fact tbat be may be temporarily iII·disposed. S'i£,D aspects tbe 3td and the 10th housci. As a natural malefic. his aspects arc bad. But the aspects produce lood in case Saturn acquires beoeficence by temporal situation . Here some observations on aspects have to be made. The euct quantum of an aspect cast by an aspect ins body on an aspected body can be mathematically mealured by following


the method given in Graha alld Bhava Dalas. But for the. general purposes of predicatio n, until the reader is quite familiar with astrological mathematics, it will be in order if full aspects (7th house or 180) for all planets and special aspects of Saturn. Iupiter and Man are taken into account. In the chart illu strated on page 42 the following aspects are present: Saturn aspects the Sun (Jrd hou se), Jupiter (7th house) and the ascendant (10th bouse). The Moo n aspects Jupiter (7th house). Mars. Merc ury and Venus aspec t the ascendant. Mars also aspects Ju piter (4th hou se), and Rahu (11th ho use). Jupiter aspects Rallu (5tb house), Saturn and the Moon (7th hou se) and the Sun (9th house) . According to Western astro logy, aspects are reckoned from mutual longitudinal distance$ (: f planets. When one planet is at a certain Dumber of degrees away from another body. they are said to be in aspect. The following are the major aspects >Conj unction:-Two heavenly bodies in the same longitude. Opposition: The distance between the two bodies is 180 ~ Trine: do, Square: do . SeItile : do. Paralie'·'declination : When two bodies have the same declination (Kraoli). Tbe effect of an aspect is felt even if tbe planets are not cuctly in the mutual distances mentioned above. Therefore a so-called orb of aspect-and this var ies in each aspect-is allowed. The orbs of aspects are: Conjunction q 8° Square 0 8° Sell tile • 7° • For 3n uplanation or Kranli "ide Cralla and Sha'D Balas.



- .~Ji ~-. . "a


Hindu Predictive Astrolol1

Trine 6. 8° 10 Parallel P The influence of an aspect (e.g., sextile) starts when tbe planets are 53° away from each otber, gradually increase (applying) and it will be maximum at 60; it tben decreases (separating) when the effect is almost nil at 67. Take for instance Saturn and the SUD in the example chart. The angular distance between the two planets is n~ 49. The sex tile aspect ceases at 67. Therefore there is no aspect between them. Take again Saturn and Mercury. The mutual distance is ~ 4° 13 / • It is a square aspect (separating) between Saturn and Mercury. There are also other variations of aspects brought ahout by two planets remaining in tbe same sign and Dot in conjunction but another planet occuPYiog a trine in respect of the two. Readers will do well to refer to aoy teltt·book 00 Westero astrology for more details. The good or bad nature of aspects depends upon the angle of aspects. Foe ins.tance, opposition (1110") and square (90°) are always held to be evil irrespective o f the nature of the planels forming the aspects. The trine and selttile are generally held to be good. Such a classification of aspects is erroneous. If for instan ce Jupiter is in Cancer and Mars in Aries, Western astrologers hold this bad. Commonsense suggesls this is an exceJlent aspect and Hindu astrology say:; so . Why should a square a~pect be always bad unless planets involved are malefics 1 I am not'convinced of the soundness of this view. The reader need not worry with these controversial points. But he may take it that aspects as considered by tbe Hindu system have a sound and scientific basis.

i f



Ayurdaya or Longevity Many advantages can be derived by ascertalOlng beforehand, the presence or otberwise, of combinations, indicAting early death of the child We know very well that despite tbe utmost care on the part of the parents, diseases of a dangerous nature and violent accidents do happen to children and ~place their lives in jeopardy. Astrology can forewarn the parents of such times o f danger to their children. Astrologers, not the rank and file, those really well-versed in the science . do hold that they can afford the physician a certain prognosis. An astrologer's work in this re spec t is priceless in value when compared to that of the doctor.· After the horoscope is cast, the primary question is necessarily tbe probable duration of life. For, wben a child bas a poor longevity to its credit, it would be unnecessary to ellamine the other favourabl e combinations. However promi· sing the horoscope may be, it will be futile 10 study the future. unless long life is assured. Tbe span of human life can be brought under four impor· tant divisions. They are: J. Balarishta (in fant mortality).- The combinations of planets rendering the child die before it is 8 years. 2. AlpaJu (short lifd .-Death between 8 and 32 years . • 10 roy work How 10 Judg~ a H()ra~c()pe J have dealt with the question or longevity more e:\tensivcly with su j'able eJtamples.




Ayurdaya or Lonl:evlty


Hindu Predictive As u o to,y

3. Madhvayu {m iddle life}. Takes the life as far as 75 from Ihe 33rd year . 4. Pumavu Cfulllifel.-Fro m 75 to 120. Some auth ors hold that Mad hyayu extends from 32 to 70 and Purnayu extends to 100 years· But this classifi cation does not seem to have won general acceptance as tbe nalural span o f life is 120 years according to Vim shottari Dasa and consequently. Purn ayu must extend to this limit. I shall take the reader tbrough all these variou s divisio ns in sepa rate paragraphs. First, the nature of the horoscope, viz., whether it is a Balarishta, Alpayu, Madbyayu or Purnayu must be ascertained; tben the marakas (death-infl ic ting planets) determined · Ba/arishta Clnfant mortality) i The fo llowing combinations produce Balarishta : I- Malefi cs in tne last navamsa of Rasis (signs) . 2. The Moon in a kendra (quadrant) with malefics. 3. The Moo n in the 7th. the 8th and tbe 12tb houses from the ascendant witb malefics aod without being :J.' pected by benefics. 4. Birth 48 minutes before sunri se and 48 minutes after sunset when tbe Moon's hora is rising and when malefics are posited in the nava m5aS of signs ruled by malefics. 5. Malefics in the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th bouses. 6. Weak Moon in tbe ascendant or in tbe 8tb and malefics in quadrants or kendras. 7. The Moon in tbe ascendant. Mars in the Btb, Sun in tbe 9th and Saturn in the 12th· 8. Week Moon in the ascendant. and tbe Stb, the 8th and the 12th being aspected by evil planets. 9. The Moon in tbe Bth, Mars in tbe 7th, Rabu in tbe 9tb and Jupiter io the 3rd.

10. The lord of the Dasa (major period) at birth in conjunction with many evil planets. . II . Birth wben tbe Sun is rising witb malefics in kendras (quadrants) or trines, and Venus in the 6tb or the 12 house, 12. Lord of tbe ascendant or the lord of tbe 5tb and the 9th in enemy's bouses and in tbe 8th and tbe 9th. 13. Ketu in the 4th with or aspected by malefics. 14. Rabu in tbe 7th aspected by the Sun and the Moon. -is. Ascendant lord's Da'sa (major period) at birth or the Dasa of the lord of tbe 8tb or tbe inter-period (antara) of tbe lord of the 8tb in the Dasa of tbe lo)rd of the ascendant or

vice Yerso. 16. Lords o f tbe ascendaot. and the navamsa lagoa and t he lord of tbe sign occupied by tbe Moo n io conjunction with tbe Sun . 17. The ascendant and tbe 8tb from tbe Mooo' s sign being aspected by malefics. . 18. Tbe Moon io tbe Btb, Mars in the 7th and Saturn in th e ascendant. 19. Tbe Mooo being aspected by Saturn in bis 3rd Drisbti (90" aspect). 20. The Moon in tbe 6th or Btb without baving any a spects .. 21 . The Moon in the ascendant with malefi~s ·and without beneficial aspects bring tbe death of the chi ld with the mother.. :i:2. Tbe Moon in the ascendant with Rahu and Mars in tbe 8th prod uce dead: o f the child and tbe motber. 23 . The Suo in the ascendant with Saturn, and Rahu and Mars in tbe 8th produce the death of the child and the mother after surgical treatment. 24. Evil planets in the Stb , the 8th and the 9th houses and tbe Sun or the Moon in the ascendant without tbe conjunction or aspef..'t of benefics.




__,___ ......~.__...................................................."d


. Ayurdaya

in tbe 12th. SUD in the 9th. MOOD ia. the ascendant and Mars in tbe 8th without Jupiter .,pectin, ••, one of these. n Jupiter i. in the 5th tbis misfoftUllC t. caDceJled. 26.- Saturn and Mar. ill tbe Lagna (ascendant) or in the 8th or in tbe 7th without beiD, •• peeled by any gpod pl.Def,. 27. When tbe Moonattainll!,llhYllbhara.r (ral~rul depees) .,/z., Aries 26. Taurus 12, GcmiDi Il, Cancer 25. Leo 24, Virao 11 Libr. 26. Scorpio 14, Saaittariu, 13. Caprkora 25. A~uarius 5 aod Pisces 12. a nd i, at tbe .ame time po.ited io • kendra or 8th bOUie, death of the child will occur IGOD. 28. When the lord of tbe · ascendant or of the ~igD. occu. pied by tbe MOOD at birth is weak and badly posited, tbe child is .aid to die within u many years as arc reprcse'qted by "(be .aid aisn when counted from Aries. 29. The child may live upla 4 ycafS if'he P!foon occupies the 6th or hb house from tbe ascendaot and receives the aspectl of both malefici and btonefici. . 30. The Moon in a similar liluation, as mentioned above but bein, aspeeted by benefica alone, conCers longevity which may la5t upto the alit of 8. . . . . In certain cbarts evil alllictions Will be prescnt In~lcatlDI ellrty deatli to tbe infant. but certain otber configurat~ons. try to act as antidotes. Cbildrcn born under luch comblOaUOnl IUfrer a lot in their early yean from all kinds of diseuca, but IUrYive tbe attacks. . . .. The (oUow;., aR a few of tbe . many comblaauoal !Ddt· carin, counteraction of Balarisbta :1. Jupiter powerCully polited · in the ascendant removes Balariabta. <. . 2. Balarishta is averted if tbe lord of tbe Lapa II power· fuUy situated and bu beDdcial upects. 2.5.


or LOIIJc¥ity


3. Even iftbe Moon is in the Sr'b sign·oo dangel nf Blalanshta il indicated provided sbe occupies the Drekko1fos of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus. 4. Full Moon in a beneficial sign with good aspects causes destruction of Balarishta .. 5. The strong position of Mercury. Venus or Jupiter is an anlidotc for Balarishta . 6. Even when tbc MOOD is placed in the 6th hou se, Balarishta is overcome ifshe occupies Drekkono.r of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury. 7. If tbe Full Moon is between two benefics, there ""ill be 00 danier to the child. 8. If the F ull Moon is in the 8th or the 6th, she will protect the child born during the night of Full MOOD days. 9. IC the Full Moon aspects ahe Lagna with Jupiter in quadrants, tbere is no fear. 10. Malefics in beneficial Shodv.argas aspected by bcnefics posited in auspicious navomsos overcome Dalarishta. We shall give below a few examples as illustrating the above combinations:Jlluslrolions '-

.'-'----,- --,----,c--- .


Jupi ter


j R:hU



RASI Cbart No I (Sign Position)




Ven u.s


Mere .




" . !L Moo.

, I


Hindu Prediclive ASlro lolY

• Horoscope No . J -Female child born on IJth January 1928 at 7 ghalia after sunrise. Longitude 74- E. , Latitude 12° N. The sub-period of Venus in the major period C?.f Venul rules for 16 months at birth . . Mark the following combinatioDs:' 1. Moon in a hndra (7th) powerfully aspeeled, -.by Saturn witbout beneficial aspects. 2. The lord of tbe Dau at birth, ,iz., Venus, in con· junction with the plancts Saturn and Ketu and nspcctcd by Rahu . The child died within 16 month•.



.,. A.cdt.


Sa turn




Jupi ter

,'U _







• Horoscope No . 2 .-Male born on 6th August 1912 at 42.30 gbalis after ,uorise

RASI Chari No, 3

, 0



" It



It !

Rahu Moon

Jupite r


Mars 6



Venus Mere.





RASI Chart No. 2

Ayurdaya or Lonlcvity


'" .


Kctu ' ' ..


'" I

ri shta is seen by the strong position of Jupiter io a quadrant, Died io bis 82nd year. We next come to what is called Alpayu o r short ' life. which uten ds from 8 to 12 years o f age, Th e fo llowin g combinations indicate Alpayu :Alpaya-Lift: between 8 alld 32 year•

I. Saturn in the 8th house, Mars in tbe 5th a nd Ket u in the ascend ant. 2, Malefics iu 6-8-12 cause Alpayu . l . Sat urn in the Lagna (ascendant) and the Sun . the Mbon and Mars in the 7th. 4. Alpayu is caused if tbe lord o f the ,81h is in the ascendaot with Ketu. S. If malefics are in the ascendant and the Moo n is in co nj unction with evil planets, Alpayu OC.,;Uf 5, 6 , I r the lord ortbe 8th is in the ascendant aod u gllQdh lpali (asce ndllnt lo rd) is powerless, death takes pla,ce at a si milar period .



A,.unl.,.. or Lon'tvit,.

HiDda Predictive AlITOtop



Sun in the ugna which mu.t hit enemy', house between two evil planets, thorougbIy powerlcu. With no beneficial upects, Ieill, the pcrson in the 36th year. 6. A person lives upto 46 it: tbe birth lord is in 60r 8 with male6cs unaspccted. by benefics.


7. If Scorpio i. Lagos with the SUD and Jupiter there and if the lord of the 8tb occupies any quade.oll. the person dies at 22. 8. If Rahu and the MOOD atc in the 7th and 8tb respectively with Jupiter in the ascendant the perSOD Jives upto 22. 9. Satufn in the ascendant owned by malefia witb benefics in 3, 6, 9 and 12 makes the person die between tbe age of 26 and 27. 10. Death takes place in the 27th year if tbe lords of the lst (ascendant) and the 8th join together in the 8tb with malefics and without beneficial aspect. ] I. Evil planets in the 1st. 2nd and 8tb bouses with benc~ lies in bouses otber tban kendrQs make tbe person die in tbe 28th ycar. 12. If the lord of the birth is weak and tbe lord of the 8tb is in a kendra, deatb comes in tbb, 30tb ycar. 13. Death comes in the 32nd year if the lord of tbe ascendant and tbat of tbe 8th a rc in quadrants with a planet in tbe 8th and no planets in kendras. 14. The person dies before tbe 32nd year if stroog maleftcs occupy kendras and witb 00 beneficial aspects . IS. It Lagna is a common sign and if the Moon ocx:upie, a common sigo, death takes place before tbe 32nd year.


~~o~i:a~ho~c~~~n: ~~:e~l:lta~::; i!ft~:t~~:b·.iS in


8. The person dies in his 57th year if Scorpio is Lagna with Jupiter in it and Mars aod Rahu in the 8tb. 9. Lord of tbe 8th in the 7th aod the Mooo afDicted, takes tbe life in tbe 58th year. 10. 60 years of life is assured provided evil plaoeu are in tbe quadrants with Jupiter io tbe 8tb and t he Lagna is Aries. II. 60 years of life is assured if Saturn is in birtb, Mooo in the 4tb, Mars in tbe 7th and Rahu in the lOtb witb Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in unfavourable bouses. 12. If Mars and Mercury arc in qua.drants. Venus in tbe ascendant and exalted planets occupy 3 and 11, 60 years of life is guaranteed. 13. A person lives UptO 70 years if good planets occupy quadrants. do not a spect tbe birth aDd tbe lord of the birth has the aspect of evil planets. 14. Mars in the 5tb, tbe Sun in tbe 7tb and Saturn debilitated make the person live upto 70. IS. Beoefics in kendras (quadrant s) and Trileooas (trines) witb Saturn powerful, confer 75 years o f lire.

Combl ..dODs for Madbyaya or Middle Ace: 32 to 75 ycars I. If lord of the 3ed or of tbe 6th is in a kendra, tbe person gets Madbyayu. 2. A perlOn get' Madbyayu if out of the lords of the 8tb, tbe II th, ascendant and the lOth. at least two are powerful. 3. Mercury,1upiter and Venus in the 2nd, 3rd and 11 th bouses from tbe ascendant coofer Madbyayu. 4. Madbyayu is conferred if aU tbe plaoets ocx:upy tbe middle 4 bouses from the ugna.

Comblo.tioas ror P.rq.yu or Full Life : 7S to 120 YUh I. If Lagna is aspected by its Own lord, tbe 8tb house by its lord and Jupiter is in a kendra, tbe person gets Purll4),u. 2. If the first 6 bouses arc occupied by all the bendics and tbe last six by all the malefics, 80 years of lire ;"'ill be CUDted. .



.. : =


, I

Hiodu Prediclive AltrololY

3. A person lives ror 100 years if Jupiter i. in a quadrant from tbe lord of the birth with DO ma1cfics in the

quadrants. 4. Long life will be given if Cancer is birth with Jupiter there and when ont or more plaocts arc exalted.



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Jf tbe birth lord and the SUD arc in the 10th, Saturn

Marakas or Death inflicting Planets

in the birth and Jupiter in the 4tb house. a persoD lives 'ong. 6. Jupiter in tbe Lagna. Venus in tbe 4th and Saturn and the Moon in the 10th make a person live for a loog time. After ascertaining to which class a particular horoscope belongs, the marakas or the death-inDicting planets must be determined and the death predicted under the Dasas of such planctt.

Maraka s arc planets possessed orlhc power of infl icting death. Death generally occurs during the periods and sub· periods of such planets. Suppose a horoscope indicates midd le life or Madhyayu. whereas t he Dasa of a most powerful rnaraka comes into operation after 80 years . In such a circumstance tbe period of a planet, no matter even if it is les s malicious in causing death which comes within the ma1tim uID number of years allotted for Madh~ayu, must be considc-rcd as bringing ahout death, in preference to tbe most malicious one. Ascertain beforehand, whether a horoscope indicates short. middle or long life; det ermine the maraka planets and the times when their influences will cQme to fruition. The 8th house from Lagoa (ascendant) and the 8th from that, i,e., the 3rd from Lagna arc termed bouses of life. The 7th house ano the 2nd bouse are called houses of deat!!.., The 2nd ho-;s;-isal;a ysstroo'g er in i~i1jcting deatb tban tbe 7th. Planets wbo occupy the 2nd are stronger tban the planets wbo own it, in tending to cause death aod the planets who arc in associatio n with tbe lord of the 2nd are tbe most powerful in causing death. Thus the lords of the 2nd and tbe 7th, tbeir occupants and the planets who are in conjunction with them arc tbe maraka planets. If marakas cannot be found out of these th ree , then the planet in conjunction witrdhc lord of the 12th,

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HiDdu Predictive A , uoIQIY

even if it is a benefic, causts death in his Dasa (period), in tbe Bhukti lsub-period) of a papa (malefic) if be is tbe lord of the 3td «;If 8tb house. If the Dasa of Vyayadhipalhl (lord ' of tbe 12th) does not come, tben one most powerful among the lords of tbe 3rd, 6th and 8tb becomes maraka. · If the Sun and SlIkea (Venus) or lords of the 2nd and 7th get Kefldradh ipalya (lordship of quadrant)-tbey arc sure 10 become ma ra kas. Summari sing tbe above, death will be caused by: I. Planets who occupy the 2nd and 7th houses. 2. PlanelS who afe lords of the 2nd and 7tb hou ses . 3 . Planets who are not owners of the 2nd and the 7th houses·, and who are not occupying tbose bouses but wbo join with the lords of tbose bouses, I.e., tbe 2nd and tbe 7th. 4. If tbe periods of tbe planets occupying or owning deatb bouses do Dot come in time, tben death may occur in tbe Dasa of planets who arc not Yogakaraka3 but who become evil and conjoin lords of tbe houses of death . 5. Lords of the 3rd and the 8th arc also probable causers of death if death docs not occur in tbe Oasas, etc., mentioned in iteD\ 4. 6. If tbe Dasa of a death-inflicting planet docs not at all come into operation, then the most malicious planetS in the horoscope will cause dellth. Saturo. inclined to produce evil by his conjunction with the lords of death houses, will cause death in preference to aoy of those planets. There arc many rules to ascertain the probable lime of death knowing beforeh9nd MaTaka Dasas. Any· detailed informatio'n in regard to Ibis wou ld increase the bulk. or tbe book beyond reasonable proportion .. • .Add together the longitudes of Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon. This gives us a point in the zodiac after ex.,unging multiples of 12. In the case o f short. middle and long life. death occurs when Saturn transits over this poiot. io bis first, secood and tbird cycles respectively.


Judgment of




The notable triumphs in Hindu astrology SO far as the predictive portion is conceroed are entirely due to the great scrutiny tbe plaoetary inHueoccs are subjected to in the analysis of a horoscope and the relative values of the good and evil sources of strength ofrlitrerent planets and bhavas. The following points are noteworthy in the consideralion of a horoscope :The lord s of trines are. always auspicious a!1.d_ p'roducc

.&ooil.- ~efic!..~~~~n.&.r!l·i '6iUidl8ot~ j,her...i;:o!1i.i

_ _ When malefics become lords of guadraots, they inviri~ .ably ~.!l"_ .&2~' loraiOi'1iie2nd andilier:m1ho~U;" give good results if they are in .\conjunction with favo.ur..a rel="nofollow">lt plaoets. Tbe lord of the 8th. il\ he happens to be tbe lord,(flf t.._~. the 1st, or is in conjunction with a benefic, becomes goQd,. Mars in addition to (he 10th house, if he also becomes the lord of the Sth, produces good,. .B..i!..~u .I:.~d)f·~~u.2rQsbJ~ .8~~ ,:.~:~:.: results when they afe posited in the sians of benefic 'p' la ~ets. :-; Il~\; - GciodaOd evil praiief5-bCccjme·~D:;Ore ~andmore '< powerful " .'~ .:-,,' as they arc lords o f the 1st. 4th, 7th or 10th houses; Stb and ..:.....·-:v ~ 9tb houses ; or 3rd, 6th anaTi"ili1io uses"respectrvilY. - .. ,.-'" - - rorosof tDe'1rd:fifli:'Sth- ;:odi itilda evil~Aod, cause · miseries in life. The lords of the 2nd and the 12th remain neutral. Jupiter and Venus owning quadrants become very inauspicious. In addition to this, wben they occupy the 2nd


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, • tJud rmlOI of. Ho roscope 76



Astro loay

. and the 7th houses they become ve ry powerful and consequently inflict death upon such natives. Mercury as the lord co r a quadr~ nt is less malicious than Jupiter aod Venus and tbe MOOD, less tha n Mercury. Mars docs not become good wbeo be owns tbe 10th bo use, Rahu and Ketu in eyil sig ns .... -. pro t:!uce evil. - The lords of quadranu and trines in co njunction, without any otber bad aspects, become extremely powerful in producing good resuits.· . If the lord s t he 9tb a od 10th bo uses exchange pIglets. they produce much good. The greatest assets of a man in tbis life, apart from the shadowy wealth and fa me. arc self·respect, courage and frowes!. In a horoscope tb ese can be determined by considerin g M ars and tbe cha racteristics attributed to him which are di scussed in the future chapters. But bere I shall confine mysel f to tbe discussion of the most sa lient points invo lved in the judgment of a horo3co pe. The lord of the ~ rd also must be considered ; bo th o f them must occupy a friendly house and mu st be fouod not in a BhallasandhiQunctioo of two bouses) but io a Bha\ltlmadhva (mid-point of a bouse). Mars must occupy the 10th for good courage and the lord of tbe 3rd and the 11th occupy favourable and friendly nava~sas . r The positio n of 1upiter also con siderably improves the sttua. i tion by making the person not depend upon another but to earn tbe name of a self-made man. Jupiter adds to the ; dignity of the person io a sure but silent way. ~ Marriage is a landmark in the history of the human race. With regard to the number or wives, the character and temperament of one' s wife, her disposition towards the husband and her own health and happiness. much ioforn;aation is incorporated io Chapter XIX under the caption 7th house or



-. See Now I"Jllq.



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SaptamabhaVtl , and the student must pay special attention to the chapter fo r fuller details. Venus gets the Com mander_in_ Chief post over matrimonial alliances and all things concerned about them and the 7th house controls marriage in gen eral. In hund reds of bo roscopes, it bas been obse rved that~~.., us . wben afflicted. has given rise t~ . mo.re tban one fegal wir~.. It COiirdoe vOlii::he(rror';rth' ~sufficie~t con6dence that Venu s in favourable positions ,is certain to assure marital felicity and success with a single wife. Tbe marriage aspect wo uld be most important to tbe Hindus among whom tbe dangero us contagion of divorce has not spread as in the Western nat ions. Considerable auen tion has been bestowed upon Ib is subject by tb e ancient writers. When Venus occupies th.e h o~se of Jupiter or tbat o f the lord of the 1st or tbe 9th, eltbe,r In the R.a~i or Navamsa. tbe native will bave a chaste, l OV ing and happy wire . The 7th house ,should po\_ be .. oc;cupied by any planet save a ·be~~~£- . _ In the case of a woman. tbe Moo n m us t occupYEhe navamsa of Jupiter to make ber loyal and chaste and should not fall in the navamsa of Saturn or M lifS. Mars in the 8tb house causes widowhood p rovided there are DO other counteracting (actors. . Lords oftbe 3rd, the 6th an~J4e 11th play an important I ,eartl n causing de~ts • .disc~,.. an~ ill-hea lth. Th e best feature ti in a horoscope would be th at those lords o f the 3rd. the 6tb and tbe 11 tb rem ain isolated and uoassociated with -any other , -pfane t. The' lord o f tbe 3ed causcs debts and dis~~ses in a L.sudden..1PurJ; ill-timed co urage and head .lo ng Spirit work mu ch in tbe nati ve_ Egotism and mi~anthrophy a re n1a r~ ~' ~~~rd o f the 6th~ ip el:ercisin.B.!!.!.s~!et!~.J wh o. ~as special COntrol over debts and diseases. ~~~g. I.C ~qua!JlJes would re sul~ if the lord of the II th is very powerful. Delicate cir. cumunnces involving Ufe and honour for the sak e of debts and diseases can be overcome but for Mars and Satur'! ~h ~ , if they unfriendly sigo.s,~Jti!e !~.~~...!?jic~~s o"~r. _.'. . occupy ...




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Hindu Predictive AstrolOlY

The Su,o govera! father. and the 9tb -b.o_u_~i!t~t£.a..!.~.s_f!!~~.r. Jupiter has control over children as be is called ~utrakaraka aDd the Stb bouse is PulroJlhQ1IQ or tbe house of chlldren. !be fourth represcnts mother aDd the MOOD governs ber. When the lords of tbe 4th, the Sth and tbe 9th and the MOOD, Jupiter and the Sun are well situated, and occupy (ayourable and fricndly oavamsas prosperity for father, motber and children is invariably indicated . An examination of a Dumber of horoscopes bas revealed tbat the Moon, Jupiter or t~!_ ~_~n iJl..the 4th, th~ Sth or the 9th with Saturn -bas c~us~d deatb to moib"er"' children or fatber respectively. early In h~c. MooD--. . . with Saturn without any favourable aspect bu caused death to tbe mother within one year of the birth of the child. Mercury and Mars in the Sth house make the children sbortJived. Jupiter in the ascendant is tbe best gift in a horoscope and the native gets dutiful children and long-Iiyed parent!!. Long life for ao indiYidual may be predicted if the lords of the 1st a nd the 8th and Saturn are in good positions and have the aspect of Jupiter. This important and final event is elaborately dealt with in a separate chapter and tbe readers must study the principles contained in it very carefully.



Key-planets for Each Sign

As soon as tbe Oasas and Bbuktis are determined. the ne\ll step would be 10 find out tbe good and evil planet s for each ascendant so tbat i'.l applying tbe principles to decipher , tbe future history of man. the student may be able to carefully analyse the intensihy of good or evil combinations and proceed further with his predictions when applying the results of Dasas and otber combinations. It tbe ascendant 'is : . y jriu·-SatJ.!rn. Mercury and Venus arc ill-disposed . Jupiter and t~e Sun aTe auspicious. The mere combinatiOD of Jupiter and Saturn produces no beneficial results. Jupiter is the Yogakaraka or the planet producing success. JfVen~ becomes a mara.k.a, he will Dot kill the native ·but planets like Saturn will bring about death to the person . )r' Taurus.-Saturn is the most auspicious and powcrful . pl.tDct. Jupller. Venus and the Moon are eyil pla~ets. ;. ~turD aloae produces Rajayoga. The native will be killed -it:'- tbe periods aad ,ub-per~od , of Jupiter. Veaus and tbe Moon if . they 8ft deatb.inftictiog powers • MaTI, Jupiter and tbe Sun are evil. VeDa, .Ione is aod in conjunction with Saturn in.ood ,ilDS produces and exeeUeat career of mucb Came.. eo.,obioatioa of Salura an Jupiter produces limilar results .liD Aria. Venul aDd ~ercury • ..,bcn . well associated, caute RajQop.

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Hindu Predictive AstroiD.,.

Tbe Moon will oat kill the person even though possessed o f tleath·inflicring powers. c'Y CQnc~r.-Venus and Mercury are evil. Jupiter and Mars give"'benel'i cia l results. Mars is the Rajayogakaraka (conferor) of name aod fame) . The combination of Mars and Jupiter alw ca uses Rajayoga (combination (or political success). The Sun does not kill tbe person although possessed o f maraka powers. Venus an d otb er inauspicious planets kill tbe native. Mars in combination with the Moon or Jupiter in favourable housts cspe'cially th e 1st. the 5th. tbe 9t h and the 10th prod uces mucb reputation. UQ.- Mars is th e most auspicious and favourable planet. Tile combin ation o f Venus and 1upiter d ocs not cause Rajayoga but t be conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in favourable bouses produce Rajayoga. Saturn, Venus and Mercury are evil. Satur n does not kill the native when be has the maraka power but Mercury aDd o ther evil planets innjct death when they get maraka powers. Virgii-venus alone is the most powerful. Mercury and Veous w en combined togetber cause Rajayoga. Mars and the Moo n are evil. The Sun does not kill the native .,;ven if be becomes a maraka but Venus, the Moon and Jupiter will ioBkt death when they a re possessed o f death-infl icting power. j...ibra.-Sa turn alone causes Rajayoga. Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are inauspicious. Mercury and Saturn p roduce good. Tbe conjunction of tbe Moon and Mercury produces Rajayoga. Mars bimself will not kill tbe person. Jupiter, Venu s and Ma rs when possessed of maraka powers certainly kill tbe nalive . hv"'! ~·corpio.- J.upiler is beneficial. .The Sun and .tbe Moon produce lraj~yoga . M~rCitry '-and Venus 3re evil. Jupiter, eVl!n if be becom ei -a maraka.doesnofioflic t " death. Mercury and ~lher evil planets, when they get deatb-inOicting powers, do DOl. certainly spare the native.

Key·plaDets (or Each Sian



/ ' ~¥j£ttgj~l..~Mars is tbe best planet and, in conjunction with Jupiter. produces much good. The SUD and Mars also \ produce good. Venus is evil. When the Sun and Mars combine together they produce Rajayoga. SaturD does not bring about death even when be is a maraka. But Venus causes death when he gets jurisdiction as a maraka planet. "",,':. Cagricorn . -Venus is tbe most powerful planet and. in conjunction witb Mercury produces Rajayoga. Ma~,. Juptter and tbe MOOD arc cvil. ~ Aquarju.r..-Vcnu s alone is auspicio us. Tbe cambination of Venus and Mars causes Rajayoga. Jupiter and the MOOD are evil. Pisce~.- The Moon and Mars are auspicious. Mars..!!.. most powerful. Mars with the Moon or Jupiter causes Raja. - yoga. saiiirO, Venu s, the Sun and Mercury are evil· Mars himself docs not kill tbe person even if he :5 a maraka.


Resutts or Ascecdilll Sian.



ReSUlt. of Ascending Sign.



. As 5000 as the map is cast and the ruHng planet, constellatton and the balance of tbe Dasa period arc decided. the_next step would be to find out the proba ble results of thc"asccndaot or Lagna 'a!Jiog in any of tbe 12 signs. This gives us a clue to the determination o f one's physical features stature marital disposition and o ther pee.uliarilics. " The foll owing details are only general in nature and should Dot be applied hastily. The strength of tbe rising sign its ruler, !he planeu aspecting the asce ndant. the peculiarities attending on the ascendant and it s lord both in Rasi and Navamsa should be carefully cODsidered before any predictions are ventured . =-1'"'0''' born in Aries '\fill have a certain amount thioking and reasoning faculty. They will be capable. Tbey may not be strict fo llowers o f co nvention .• Tb~1,.re lovers of scientific tbought and philosophy ; bave their O~D ideas o f.right aoc;! wrong and are strongly bent UpOn cdu.c atlonal pUrSUIts. As tbe Ram rules them , tbey are ratber .tubborn but often frank, impulsive and courageous. They are .more gos~ipers than practical men . Tbey. sometimes reqUtre a certain amount of cajolery and sycophancy to raise tbem!-" action . . They :bec9me pioneers. As Mars is tbe lord or Anpe, tbey WJII be mlu:; tial in Ipirit. Their constitution will ~ III~. and tbey. are occ.lionally I~bje<:t to hot complaints, p;let and tbe lih. aDd mUlt avoid enterprisel obviously


iDvo lving any serious risks. They love beauty, art and eJe,anlOC. The diseases they suffer from will be mOltly tbole of tbe bead and Unpleasant sigbt~seeinJ may often lead to mental amiction and derangement of brain . Their build will be slender and females 8enera\ly possess fairly perfect contours. Qne peculiarity is craning the Deck. TalUlLJ, The stature of the persons born in this sign win be medium or sbort and oCten inclin'ed towards corpulence, lips tbick, complexion sw&tlhy, square face, well~sbaped lips and dark hair are prominent features. Women are generally handsome. They generally resemble the bull in their bebaviour towards new people if they are not listened to properly. They have their own principles and ways. Often tbey have a pierc· inS intellect· They sbine well authors, book dealers and journalists. They are not bound by sentimentality but appre· ciate truth. They are remarkable for their ability 10 commit to memory. Their physical and mental endurance. arc note~ wortby. They have much business knack and good intuition. They ofien think tbey are born to exercise autbority over others an":! in a sense tf!ey ' are rigbt. They are sensitive to physical influences. They are often liable to extremes, zealous and easily accessible to adulteration . They generally suffer from nervous complaints after tbeir fiftieth y~r but their memory and powers of imagination will 'never deceive ' tbeUl. Tbey are slow to anger, but when provoked, furious like tbe bull. They are pas's ionate and may become preys to sexual disease~ in their old age unless they moderate their pleasures and learn to exercise self.cODtrol. Grmint.-Persons born when Gemini is rising bave a wavering mino, often taU and straight in nature and active in motion. (orehead bro ad. eyes clear1and nose, a bit snub. They are active and become experts in mathematical sciences; and mechanical sciences provided Saturn has some stronl influence over them. They will be "a jack of all trades but master of


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Hindu Pndicdvc Asuo'OO

oonc". They arc vivacious, but liable to be ioconstant. They will have sudden nervous breakdowDs and must cxerciliC a certain amOUDt of caution in moving with tbe opposite sex; a habit of sel f-cootrol must be cultivated. Their mind will be often conscious of their own faults. They are 'liable to fraud and deception. Ir evil planets arc found in Gemioi , trickery and deceit will characterise their nature. Many of tb~c'" lraits can be corrected by training. . q,pncer.-Pcrsons born under Cancer have a middle-sized body. face full, nose snubbed to SOlllt extent aDd complexion wbite. They arlen have a do uble cbin. They arc very intelli. gent. bright and frugal and equally industrious. Their frugality often takes the fo rm of mi serliness. They are sympathetic but moral cowardiee will be prese nt. They will bc much attac hed to their children and family. Their extreme sensitive. ness renders them nervous and queer. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. The often meet with disappointments in marriage and love affairs. They arc very talkative, self· reliant, hontst and unbending. They have reputation for love of justic;C .nd fairplay. Saturn's situation in the ascendant is not desirable. Lto.-Persons born under Leo will be majestic in appeara n~road shoulders, bilious constitution and bold and respectful in temperament. They possess the knack to adapt themselves to any condition of life. They are rather ambitious and sometimes avariciou s too. They are independe~t tbinkers. • Thets tick up to ortbodoxieal princjples in religion but arc perfectly tolerant towards others' , precepts and practices. Tbey are lovers of fine arts and literature and possess a certain amount of 'pbilosophlcal knowledge. ' They are voracious rc:.l l@(t. If the ascendant or (be tenth bouse is afflicted. dley may Il"qt succeed in life as much as they expect . They put fortb much st ruggle. Their ambjtio~s remain unfulfilled to

ROIutts or AKcndllll Sips


~me extent unless the boroscope bas certain definite Raja·

yogas. They are capable of non· attachment and contentment. As Saturn happens to be lord of tbe 7th. they must resist the temptation of yielding mucb to their wives or husbands if domestic bappiness is to prevail. Yirso -People born when Kanya or Virgo is rising will exhibit U{eir intelligence and memory when quite young. They will be middle·sized person ~ and exhibit taste in art and literature. Their chest will be prominent and when afflicted, very weak also. They are discrimi natin g and emotional and are carried away by impulses. As authors. they make real progress especially in sJwUlhika Sastras and Rasayana SasUas (Physical and C hemical Sciences) and can judge t~ing~ at a glanpe. They love music and fine arb and acquire much power and influence over other peopie. They arc liable to suffer from nervous breakdowns and paralysis when the sign is afHicted . Other combination ~ warranting' they can b«ome great philosophers or wnters . They are generally lucky in respect of their wives or husbands . ~ The complexion or perso ns born in this sign will be ~ir stature middle·sized. face broad. eyes fine. chest broad and 'light. appearance bandsome. constitution rather phlegmatic, sensual disposition and keen observation. They bave keeo foresight and reason out things from the stand· point of tbeir own views~ Firm in conviction and unmoved by meaD motives they are somewbat susceptible to tbe feelings of others' minds. They are more idealists tban realists or practical men and often contemplate upon schemes like build· iog castles in the air. The), Ire Dot sensitive to what other!. say of them. But as pOliticallea~e" 'nd religious reformers tbey exert tremendous in Bueoce over the masses and some· ti~es their zeal and enthusiasm go to sucb a higb pitch that tbe)' force their views upon others of opposite tbought not realisinR; the baneful after·elfects of such procedure. Tbey


Hindu Predictive Aacrolos)

love excitement and have the power of intuition upon which tbey often rely for their own guidance. They arc not easily amenable to reason . '!!ley arc a:~l!rJo~~{!..2f.m..It~'""' .They have a special liking for truth and honesty and do Dot besil,atc to sacrifice even their Jives at the altars of freedom and fair-

play, Their domestic life may be crossed by frequent tension. ScoTpi&...- Those boro under tbis sign have youthful appearanre. a 'generous disposition and fierce eyes. They are fickleminded and love much excitement. They arc inclined to sensual things in reality wbile they will DOt hesitate to philollophise upon the merits of controlliog sensual pleasures. gycn (cmalC' born in .bis sign will have more of I1;Ul~'£Y..li.rut tendeoci.s .... They are good correspondents and invite friendship from among people throughout tbe world. Tbey can become expert musicians if they care to practise tbat art. They are proficient in fine arts, dancing and tbe like and no doubt they have a philosophic disposition. They set.at naught cOllyemional habits and c!J<;tpms They vehemenlly uphold their own views but nevertheless will not clash with those holding opposite ones. Their constitution wiJI be hot and they are liable to suffer from piles after their 30th year. They are silent and dignified and never speak before weighing ~cb and every word. They are ·good conversationalists as well as writers and often rely too much on their oWn i~telligeDce. Mar.ried life may Dot be quite bappy not only due to. tempera.. mental differences but also due to illness affecting the generative system of the partner. unless there are other compensating combinations. Sogillorl,u.-Jupiter rules this sign . and persons born under this SJgo will generally be inclined towards corpulence. They POlsess almond eyes and their hair is brown. They are of a phlegmatic temperament. They are somewbat conventional and some.times businesslik.e also. They arc prompt

Results of A.cendins Si,ns


and uphold conservative views. They will be attracted to .. wards the study of occult philosophy and sciences. [n these departments of knowledge 'they can acquire mastery. They are tot> callous and entb usiastic. They bate all external show. They are God-fearing, bontst, humble and free from hypocrisy . They never think of schemes which are calculated to disturb the progress of otbers. They generally exercise control over their food and drinks but in regard to their relationshj~ with the opposite sex restraint is called for. rhey are brilliant, their manners affable, winning and hearts, pure. They are prone to be misunderstood unintentionally by others on account of their hastiness in conversation. In their later years tbey must be careful about their lun gs as tbey are liable to .suffer from rbeumatic pains and tbe like. Combinations for pnlitical power warran ting, persons born in this sign will exercise power with firmness and justice and witbout yielding to corruptive inftuences. .. Caericgrn. Persons born in tbis sign will be tall. reddishbrown in colour with prominent hair on the eye-brows and tbe chest. Women will be handsome and youngish in appearance. They have large teeth sometimes protruding outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearan ce if the 2nd bouse is affiicted. Their lips are fiusby and · ladies 'h ave an inviting appea ran c;e.' They have the knack of adopting tbemselves to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. They are noted for their perseverance and strong-minded ness. In fact tbey arc stoical to the miseries of lire. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest in literature, science and education. Sometimes thty are vindictive. When ,Saturn is badly posited, they are possessed


Hirtdu Predictive "'''rolol)'

of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good hushands or wives. Depending upon tbe disposition of the 9th house they can become philosophically minded or develop sodal consciousness. Aquarius. This " Water Bearer" sign in which the birth of ao individual is condemned as tbe birth lord becomes the lo~d o f tbe house of loss, has to its credit some of the greatest pbllosophers and seers. Those born under this sign will be tall, J~an. fairly hand some, manners winning, appearance attractive. disposition elegant. Their lips arc Dusby . checks ~roa~ with prominent temples and buttocks. They arc higbly mtcl~lgeot and make friends of otbers very soon. I~_~ ~CYlsh ~ whc!l_?!ovokcd. rise like a bulldQB-P.!UJhcir.JW.J.Cf IS very SOOD subsj(lecJ. Tliey arc pure in heart and alway!. loCIined to help olhers. They shine very well as writers and good spokesmen. They are at times timid. They feel shy to exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most inter~sting and highly instructive. They will specialise in subjects like astrology, psychology and bealing arts, etc. Their literary greatness will come before the world when they are quite young and they themselves will not be able to estimate their capacities well, while others find in them something remarkable and extraordinary . They are intuitive and good judges of character. They bave no organising capacity and are capable of acquiring very fine education. They will be much ~evoted to their husbands or wives and Dever betray the Interests of even their enemies, when trust is placed in them . They are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take special precautions to safeguard themselves against diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather. On the whole Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears them to all they come in contact with .

Resulu of Asccndiol SiJns


Plsul.-Persons born in this sign will be fair, stout and moderately tall. They are reserved in their manners and are liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. They are God-fearing . They are generally supersti tious and religious, rigid in the observance of ortnodoxical principles and can fo rego anything but tbeir orthodoxy; o r th ey can be exactl y the opposite. They are somewh at stubborn, ratbh timid . and ambitious to exercise authority o'Yer others . They a re true fri~§ and are proud of tbe-i~-educati o'ilalaod odler attainments. If the lord of the 7th is badly amicted, they will ba'Yc do uble marriage.' They are restless and fond of history, anti quari an talk s and mythological maslerpieces. They are fru ga l in spending money and though generally dependent upon oth ers throughout their life still bear a mark of independen ce. They are just in their dealings and fear to transgress the laws of truth · With all thi s. tbey lack self-confidenc¢.


in the 4th bouse , ' the kind of education mult neccJ'Sarily differ. Still in both cases, it is Jupiter that occupies the 4th house. Similarly, with regard to other combination, ODe must consider all these problems carefully and then venture a prediction. Tbe relations and . inten-elations of planetary placements must be carefully scrutinised and tben pr~ict~ons ventured . Deterministic interpretation of the combination'


Judgment of Bhav•• (Housea)


The first bouse represents ~he ~ing life. -Childhood, bealtb, ~~!'.2.~ment&~~!!.!!!.t.Y.... tbe pbyseial bodyaDdc baractec ,lid the aenera' strength of tbe boroscope. If the lord of the birth or 1st house is exalted. well associated, strongly placed, occupies quadrants, has the , aspects of good planets. tbe person will bave bealth, good appearance, and a generally happy future. . ' . I If tbe lord of tbe birth is in conjunction' With an evil planet and occupies tbe 8tb house'. the health will suffer. i If the birtb lord is in conjunction with the lord oftbe 6tb, the 8th and the 12th, tbe body will suffer from constant ~ complaints. If the lord of birtb is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12tb. the native bas a sickly constitution. If tbe t)irth lord is conjoined witb an evil planet, and Rahu or Saturn occupies the Lagna, tbe person fears from deception from thieves and swindlers. Urinary and bladder troubles and swelling of testicles arc likely if Rabu, Mars and Saturn arc in Lagna. The body of tbe native will... be_., ~Hl.J.£.iAl!:d" .if'. ~~8.na is ooc~P1;crby_.e~~l!eis lI~~ .Mar.s. tll.~ ·$~,~ ~!.n~!!ltu.rn. Birth in watery- signs make tbe perIOD corpurent. The native suffers from aschma 'aod ,consumption if the Sun (~vj) is in Lagaa and Marl ..peets bim. Many evil plancts in the birth indicate either misery or a cbeebred career. FirsX BhaPQ

The twelve bbavas or bouses represent tbe entire bistory of the individual. By a careful ICfotiny of tbe planetary combinations aud aspects in tbe twelve bouses, tbe whole life of a Iperson caD be predicted with sufficient accuracy. The combinations given below are not chosen at random hut arc choscn from a study of the boroscopes of persons of vari.ous ranks and eminences. Many have been ptbered from tbe best and tbe most standard works on Hindu astrology . 10 applying these rules to practical boroscopes, tbe student must definitely bear in mind that they-arc merely for his guidance. In addition to tbis, be must also exercise discretio n and common sen se coupled, of course, with a certain amount of intuition . For instance, the astrological principles say tbat if the 4th house is occupied by benefi cs and its lord well situated, tbe native gets high education. This is quite sufficient for an intelligent student to anticipate certain otber things not meotionod here. In fact they strike themselves to the student. In a boroscope. a bene6c may be found in tbe 4th-whicb may be bis house of exaltation. debilitation, or enmity or a friend's sign. Even though a benefic may be in the 4th, the resuits it gives apparently vary according to its disposition towards the lord of that sign. If Jupiter is in exaltation in tbe '4th house, religious learning may be predicted. If he is in debilitation,









" \\

Hindu Prodletive ArtroIOl'

Ve~us in the first half of tbe Lapa makes the ptrso'o

bappy 10 tbe beginning. Venus in the second balf with tvil planets in tbe 4th and "tbe Sib houses makes the peTson miserable in the end.

...£econd Blro,WI (Houle). Second .~o_~se .-!!e!csents famill. face. s~~. flgb ~ eye, food, wealth, literary sirt ; manner and source oraeatD,SelT-icquisitioD aod optimism. -,.If t~e )or.d of (be 2nd is exalted aridT~ aspeCtcdby Jupiter, the natIve Will be a mao of con s iderable wealth. If the lord of the 2nd is exalted and quadrants arc aspected by benefics, the eye-sight will be good and the fa cial cJ.prcssion charming. One becomes an orator and wealthy if Jupiter is with the lord of the ~econd or tbe latter is aspeeled by Mercury, or Venus occupies favourable positions. -Poverty will attack tbe native iftbe lord oftbe "second is weak, debilitated or aspected by malefiCI. If the lord of the 2nd is in quadrants aspected by malefics tbe person will look ugly and grotesque. ' If the lord of the 2nd is a watery planet and combines with or is aspected by [be lord of the na.amsa of the 2nd house.lor~, and if. the Ascendant falls in a watery sign, the person Will be an Internat ional trader and the source of his income will be m ~stly from beyond the confines of his motherland . Defective speech can be predicted if malefici are with the lord of the second or aspects it. . . Mercury in a quadrant and the lord of the 2nd powerfully Situated make one proficient in occult sciences, especially astrology. Confi scation of property and penal action by Government is likely if Ihe Ascendant is weak and its lord joios malefics and the lord of the 2nd is in conjunction witb the SUD in the 12th house.

JUd&mcDt 0( Dba ..... (Houses)


If the lord of the 12th joins · tbe 20d and the lord of the 11 tb joins the ~12th with the lord of the 2nd in the 6th, tbe 8tb or the 12th, one has to pay . fines to the Government. Loss of wealth by thieves and rulers can be foretold if the lord of.the 2nd is aspected by or combined witb Mars in debilitation or in cruel navamsa. The occupation of the 2nd by malefics indicates -tliat the person becomes showy and tbe period must be predicteii under the Dasa of such planets . . .If tbe 7tb bouse occupied by the lord of the 10th bas the beneficial aspects of Jupiter and Venus, the native carns a substantial amount during the periods of such planets. If tbe lord of the as~endant is in the 2nd and lord of the 2nd is in the II th with the lord of the II th in the lst, the native IDay come across bidden t~~r:§. If tbe lord or. the 2nd is debilitated and is in conjunction with evil planets, the person contracts hopeless debts. Third Bhava (Housel.- The tbird- b a USe represents brothe~s and ~isters an~ intelligence, s~'!!"journey., oeim. bo~n. I~medlate relatll?.ns and )'ttHL~ruLw[itings. It a!m.. - -_. (Ienotes courage, ri hi car and breasl. --yj a malefic planet is in the 3rd or tbe 3rd is between two evil planets, one will not bave brothers ; or all tbe brothers may pass away. Ir the lord of the lrd or Mars occupies the 8tb, the 6th or the 12th and has no beneficial aspects, prosperity to brothers is rarely (0 be predicted . If the lord of the 3rd occupies a beneficial navamsa and Mars is well posited. tbe native will be couraJCOus and will have thriving brothers. If the lord of the lrd is in the 12th a.qd is aspected by evil planets. the person will be funky and henPecked. If the lord of the lrd is in conjunction with the SUD. tbe native will be bold in mind, and stubborn and angry.

4 ___ . _________________



Hiodu Prcdiclivc AstrolOl'

The number of brothers may be approximately koowD by ,the lIaY.amS.l ~tbc _3rd.house falls in or by the number of th~ navamsa tbe lord of the '"3rdOi"thc kataa (or the brothers falls in. Fourth B~va (lfouJ~) . - Peace of mind aod happiness. motber, borne life, relatives, house, self-prosperity, enjoyments, cooveyances, landed aDd ancestral properly, gcneral happiness. education, vehicles and the general build of tbe neck aod shoulders. If the lord of the 4th is with the lord of the 1st occupying a good place or if the 4th lord occupies trines or quadrant., Ibe persCil possesses many bouses. H the lord of the 4th is with powerful Jupiter and Meceury aod occupies Quadrants, the person will have an aristocratic disposition and commands respect, conveyaoce and name. lLtl!~.Jor.d_QLth.e .9th. i ~ in qtlad[ants and the lord of the 4th well situated, the p'er~o'n ";'i'I \ have'a t8s:te for aitisiic .-- 0, , furoiture .- -'--- .. ~ - - .. ~ . -, ···.H ·


" '-' rf Mer cury is in the 3rd, bnd the lord of the 4th is well placed, the person possesses an attractive house or bouses. If the lord of tbe 4th occupies the 12th, loss J)f ancestral p roperty is to be feared. If the 4th is occupied by Saturn with the MOOD in eultatiOD and Ju piter aspectipg it, the person wiD be aD author in his early age and have 'mu ch education but the mother die!l early . . If the lords of the Ascendant and the 4th are in the 11th and the lord of the 2nd is in the 12th with tbe Sun, the person possesses limited education but good landed propert'y , These results have to be applied taking into consideration of otbt'f conditio ns. Jupiter in exaltation in the 4th bouse and the lo rd of the 4tb in his own sign makes the persoo geflilgb legal education.


or,....... (H~)


If La,Da i. Saptt.ria. and iu lord and SaCura are ~ tbe ..me boUie, tbe penon will Kquire hi.1t education. If Venu, or the: .MooD occ:upiCi tbe 4th without any aspecll from auy malefic., the perlon will be a voracious eatcr. If lord of tbe 4th is debilitated aDd joins evil planets, tbe native becomel linful and liceatioul. If the Moon and Venus are in qU3draDts occupying evil navamsas and aspected by or joined witb evil planets. ooe becomes auilty of improper relatioDs witb close relatives of the oppolite sex. IC the lord of (he 4th is badly situated and is a spccted by maleficl, the person'l private life will be questioDable. c If the Moon o ccupies birth witb Rabu or Ketu, tbe motber's m, character cannot be above board . tU·( ,''' I f.' Saturn in conjunction witb tbe lord o f tbe 4tb or with tbe Moon will kill tbe motber early. The p.erson becomes dishonest and indulges in fraudulcDt schemeS if the 4th is combined witb SaturD, Rabu and Ketu . Fifllt.lIlJ.Q.vQ f..HouJe) .-lntelligeoce, fatber , atman, discriminating power, children. fame and- position should be predicted from tbe Stb bouse. H tbe lord of tbe Sth occupies tbe 3rd, the 6tb or the 12tb and is a SpCcted by malefics. thc perso~ ' s children die carly. '. If the Sun is in the 5th housc and is badly placed, tbe fatber will die. If the lord or the 5tb hou se jo ins favourable planets, tbe person gets many issues. If Jupiter becomes lord of tbe 5tb and being powerful is aspected by tbe lord oftbe birth,tbe person will have children. If tbe Sth al well as its lord are placed between evil plancts aD~ lupiter is in compaoy with maleficl, there will be joss of children. If aU tbe mdefics occupy tbe 4th or If.1I of tbem occupy the 12tb, the 51h. Ibe ·8tb aDd lbe lsi, tbe penon', family becomes completely extinct. .


4-_~ .._______________________



Hindu Predictive A,'rolos)'

The person' will have a piercing intellect if the 5th house i. between beneficial planets. If Saturn is in the 5th, or aspects the lord of birth or Jupiter, there will be brain derangement. , If Mercury and Saturn have major influence on the Cbl!d at 'birth . the child born will be impotent. Iftbe 5th bouse falls in a sign of Mercury or Saturn and its lord combines with Saturn the person will have an adopted '00.

If tbe lord of the 5th is masculine, joins a masculine sign, and combines in a masculine navamsa, tbe fir st· born cbild to the native will be a male. Irtbe lord of the Stbjoins a female sign with a feminine planet and combines in a feminine navamsa, the first born baby will be a female. Sixth 8hava ( House) . Rep~sents enem~ , tbie~.!J..~tJ !JI,sfio.YlLdl.iIU.he J!9.dr!..E.~~.e.e.Q.mUnCDli. ~..1!!.i~I!~... .S2JJ_Q."Y.S, debts. iJ!!le~,.2atctQl..!LJ£!.~!!Q.~_~il!!u I. J!~j~/.. .b_,t!!~ .. !\!'let dilCascs . ...----yw~ or more malefics in the 6th make the native a prey to complicate'" diseases and a malefic aspect will practically confine the person to bed. trthe lord of the 6th occupies the 1st or the 8th with evil ..sociation~· and witb n'o beneficial aspects, the native will have many sores. If tbe Moon, Venus and the lord of birtb combine witb the Sun or Rahu, tbe person may suffer from syphillis. If tbe lord of birth and the 6th are in conjunction with the MOOD, water accidents occur, and if Man joins tbe birth lord , danger in violent figbts or battles is indicated. If the lord of the 6th and birth conjoin Saturn and occuPY quadrants and trincs, imprisonment is indicated . If Saturn illord of ugna, this result should Rot be predkl~d.

J"dgmeot or Bbavas (Houses)


If Saturn is in the 9th, Jupiter in the 3rd and the Moon in the 7th or the 8th, the person's hands wiII become deformed. If tbe 10th house is occupied by Rahu, Saturn and Mercury, tbe native'·s bands may be amputated . Venus in conjunction with the lord of the 6th, and Saturn or tbe Sun with Rabu in cruel amsas, indicate capital punish· ment. Neutralising fa ctors sbould be carefully considered. Wben tbe Moon occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th aspeeted by the lord of Lagna and conjoined with Saturn and Rahu, the person may meet witb accidents, It tbe lord of the 6tb or the 8th or Mars joins the lord of the 3rd, and Saturp and Rahu are in cruel aavamsas, tbe person dies in a battle or fight. If tbe lord of the 6th be a malefic a~d conjoins Mercury, who is in debilitation, the person suff~rs from toothache early .in bis life. Mercury in the 6th. debilitated with Saturn and Mars, will render the perSOD an invalid throughout life. If the lord of tbe Ascendant jOiDS the 6tb aspected by the lord of the 6tb, the person will suffer much from tbe machi· nations o f bis close relatives. lfthe lord of the 9tbjoins tbe 6tb aspeeted by the lord of the 6th and tbe lord of tbe 6th bas tbe conjunction of Saturn and Mars, the person will suffer from fires, thieves and swindlers. Seventh Bhava (Hou$e).-Represents wife. busband, marriage, urinary organs, marital happiness , sexual diseases. trade and speculation, desire, diplomacy and honour. travels, business tact and the latent energies. If the lords of the 2nd and the 6th have evil conjunctions and occupy tbe 6th house or if the afHicted lord of the 7th joins the birth, the moral character of the person will be questionable.


Hindu Predictive ASlrotClS)'

If tbe lord o f the 7t h joins Rabu or Ketu aDd is aspeeted by Mars or Saturn, and Venus is ill-placed, one becomesJoose . in morals in his early years. If evil planets oo::cupy the 1st and the 6th, tbe person Will be Ii centi~us and indulges in clandesti ne pleasures. If the weak Moon joins a malefic io the 71h , the pcrson becomes immoral. If Veaus combines with the lord of the 2nd, the 7th aod the 6t h and occupies the Ascendant. the native's moral character will be questionable. Venus i.'!.JP'e..7 t tt.);t)~~.~s .9.-:a!! .p'~,!io~...!!te. 'Amictcd Mercury aod Venus in tbe 7tb mak.c the native inclined towards secret pleasu res. Mars Mercury aod Venus in the 71h aspected by no benefics ;coder the person passionate and make him seek unnatural sources of gratification. unless Jupiter is in a kendr~. Jupiter in tbe 7th or tbe IOtb with no malefic aspects Will make the person princip led and chaste in sex ua l matters. If the lord of the Sih is in the 71b and the lord of the 7th is with malefics and Venus is weak. the wi fe dies during pregnancy. If the lord s of the 2nd and the 7th are in their own houses, the perSOn will have only one wife. H the lord of the 7tb is powerful and exalted occupying birth, more than one wife must not be predicted . . . If the 7th falls in an evil sign, if tbe lord of the 7th J OIOS debifjtation, two marriages may be indicated . . If the lord of the 7th and the 12th is Venus and he occupies the 9th aspected by Saturn. tbe person will have more tban one wife. If tbe lord of the 7th is in the 6th aspeded by Rahu and with no beneficial conjunction, two marriages should be predicted.

Judjment or Bhav&! (Houliu)


If the lord s oftbe 7th and tbe 10th exchange their houses and the lord of the 2nd occupies a beneficial navamsa . the person will have all marital happiness. If the Sun is in the 7th one will have Iiaisoo with barren women. If tbe Moon is in the 7th debilitated, sex-relations take place with maid-servants. Ir Mars is in the 7th house with no aspects of benefics, intercourse occurs with unmatured girls. If three quadrants are occupied by evil planets. happiness with wife is not indicated. . Eighth BhavQ ( House).-Jndiclltes longevity, secret organ. death -legacies and gifts and unearned wealtb, cause of death . wills, disgrace and degradation. the place and su rroundings of death, defc:at or insult, sorrow, blame, servants and impediments. If the lord of the 8th joins the 12th with a malefic, there will be short life. Life will be sbort if the lord of the birth and the lord of the 8th join the 6th. There will be loog life if the birth lord occupies beneficial bouses with tbe lord of the 8th. If all malefic! occupy the 8tb, One will have short life. IfSaturo is in the 12th and the lord of the 8th is in tbe 20d with a benefic, deatb occu rs in the 21st year. If the lord of the 8tb is in tbe Sth in conj unction with malefic!, and tbe lord of the 10th is in the 2nd aspected by malefic!, the native dies in the 2nd year. If quadrants are occupied by benefics aud the lord of birth combines with a benefic planet aspected by Jupiter, long life may be predicted . If tbe lords of the 8th, the 1st and tbe 10th combine with Saturn and occupy quadrants. life will be long.




Hindu Prcdicl!Ve AstrolOlY

When the lords of tbe 2nd and 6th combine witb Saturn and occuPy the 3ed, tbe 6th and the 12tb, death will be due 10 asphyxiation. . . If Saturn becomes tbe lord of the 6th and jams with Rabu a / Ketu. death will be froin the attack o f beasts. . If in the same combination Jupiter bas prominence, danger arises from elephants. if Saturn joins the Sun and occupies or aspects the 8th , death will be from canine bites. If the weak Moon occupying the 8th with Rabu joins maleficio tbe person dies by tbe troubles of apparitions and spectres . If the 6th house is occupied by ils lord and the lord of the 8tb is with Rahu. and Saturn with Ketu aspectcd by Mars, tbe person will be killed by weapons. If the Sun in debilitation occupies the 6th or tbe 8tb aspected by a malefic, the fatber wi ll die through tbe displeasure of the state. . If Mercury is not well situated and occupies an un favourab!e position, death takes p lace fro m suddcn beart failurc. If the 8tb is favourably situated with tbe aspects of M~r c ury, Venus and Jupiter, tbe native will bequeath vast legacies to bis su·ccessors. , . . If tbe 8th is occupied by Saturn, and Mars aspects It wnb hi s special aspects, the person will conlract many debts and no redemption can be expected. If the 8th becomes a moveable sign and its lord is also fouod in a moveable sigo, death takes place in a foreign country. If the 8th and its lord are in a fixed sign and Saturn is similarly placed. the person dies in bis own house. If tbe 8th house faUs in a common lign and its lord also occupics a common sign, death will occ~r while travelling.

Judgmeot o r BhlVll (Houses)

' 01

If Mars gets prominence and tbe combinations are placed

as above, death takcs place in automobiles and aeroplanes. Accidental deaths are always due to Mars . Mercu ry kills tbe native io balloons and airships. Brain fever, anaemia , neuriti~ and paralysis bring about dcath when Mercury il afflicted in tbe 8th. The Moon caUSeS death through watery diseases, cholera and lung troubles. Jupiter brings about death by diabetes. dropsy, liver and spleen tro uble and swelling of the body. Saturn inflicts death on water o r by typhoid. The SUD caUSes death through fire or heart trouble or by self.immolation for others' cau se provided he is 1101 debi litated . Rahu indicates death by skin tro ubles, leprosy, poisoning, small pox and drowning. ~~~Ld~l!~~_ bYJ_Y.i..cide..and.oLher_,llAnatu.ral can,". Ninth Bhavo ( House) . ...-:Represents godliness . righteou s. ness, preceptor. giandchildren , metaphysical studies, imagi. nation and intuition, religious devotion, Jaw. sympathy. philosophy, science aod literature, lasling fame, leadership. charities. communication with spirits. ghosts and the like. long journeys, foreign travels and father. If the weak Moon occupies tbe 9th in a debilitated state or Venus is bad and occupies evil conjunctioD'I o r if the lord of tbe 9th is debilitated, the native will be guilty of improper relations with his preceptor's wife. rf the 9th is occupied by benefics and the lord of tbe 9th combines with no malefics. the person rests content wilh bis own wife. If the lord orthe 9th is in th e 8th or aoy moveable lign . the child will be born when its falh~r is Dot in the place.



Hindu Pred.idive AslrololY

Ifthc lord of the 9th j o ins the aavamsa of Jupiter, the person becomes righteously inclined and charitable in dis~

position. . If tbe 9th is occupied by Venus. Ketu and the Sun ,



eDey in miscellaneo us subjects is to be predicted ; . Ketu ID t he 9tb makes a man interested in mesme rism. If the lord of tbe 9th is in the 4th aspecled by Saturn, tbe perso n will be cha ritable in disposition . irrita ble in tempera-



ment and generally 'higottcd. If the lords of tbe 1st and the 9th are powerful aod tbe Sun is aspeeted by benefics, the native will be obediellt and dutiful to bis father. If the lord of the 9th is ,in quadrants or in tri.n es. the person becomes well acquainted with metaphyslca~ lore provided such a combination has the aspect of Jupiter or Jupiter is in ·a kendra . If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th and otherwise badly ituated the person will be cold-hearted. engaged in inflicting S • d . miseries and injuries on innocent people an qUite unsy mpathetic. M an and Ketu in the 9tn with Jupiter in tbe 2nd, and Mercury, the SUD and Venu s in !be 5th, the 6th and the 7th respectively, make the man very rich . . If the lord of tbe Ascendant joins the 9th and combines witb the lord o f the 5tb, wealth may be predicted through child ren . If Mercury is the lord of tbe 9tb or aspects its lord and jf Jupiter occupies an exalted position, tbe person will be bigbly learned in mystical philosophy: If tbe lords of the Asc.end a~t and the 9th a re combined or are in mutual aspect or 10 mutual kendras, ODe will have foreign travels. . T enlll BII,f,a ( J{ouse).-Represents oecupatton, rank, temporal bon ours and success, respec~. ~e!lns of IivelihoQd. self-respect, religiot)s knowledge and dignIty.

Juc1&ment of 8bavas (HOU6U)


If tbe lord of the 10th is tbe Sun, who is well placed and powerfully aspe<:ted . inco me will be from inherited wealth, from dru gs, medicines and chemical deali ogs. If lhe- Moo n occupies tbe 10th hou se and Mars aspects it, the native will earn money by selliog precio us stones and dealings with aristocracy, women of questionable character and agriculture to some extent. If Mars is the lord of the 10th o r occupies it and is aspected by the SUD or the Moon , the person will be a res. pectable Com mander-in -Chief ; if by S8I urn, a gang leader and a robber; if by Mercury, a doctor. Iftbe 10th is occupied by Mercury. tbe nalive will be a professor in religi ous philosophy, mathematical sciences, and earn s his livelihood as such. If Jupiter becomes the lord of tbe 10th o r aspects it, livili. hood might be predicted through being a preceptor, teacher. judge, etc. Venus as tb e lo rd of tbe 10th bouse gets the native income from bro kerage, as manager o f art gillaries, ' cinemas, music hOuses and if afflicted, brotbels and other mean associations. c---::-' , ' ... If Saturn occupie s the 10th or aspects it with no bene6cial conjunction, earnings will be fro m being a municipal official. a scavenger, a facto ry worker, elc. H Pisces becomes the 10th house and Mercury o r Mars occupies it. the person will have Milk,; or emancipation and will have dips in sacred waters. If Jupiter join s Mercury or Mars, the perso n builds charitable institutions and performs meritorious deeds. If the Moon occupies a quadrant and Jupher aspects her, he will have pure reputation for his con'duct· aDd trutbfu l' nature. If Man and Saturn are in the 10th aspected by other malefics. the person will have communication with s uperaaturals or Uchcbista Devatas.


Hindu Predictive Asnolo.,.

Jud,me DI of Bhavas ( Houses)

Ir tbe 10th house is a watery sign and its lord occupies a moveable Rasi and Nayamsa. the person will haye foreign travels. Ir the Sun is also in tbe 10th, tbe travel will be on lOme political mission. La- Eleventh Bhara ( House) .-Rtpresents means of ga ins, accompHsilment. friends, personality, ornaments, elder brother and freedom fr om misery and pain. If the lord of tbe 11th is in cuhation and in a kendra (quadrant), and if Mercury becomes the lo rd of the 2nd. much gain will accrue from trade. If the lord o f tbe II tb is aspected by the lords of the 2nd and the 4th and combines with the lord of the 9th, the man becomes very rich and exercises frugality in expenditure. , If tbe lord of the II th is a benefic and has beneficial " aspects, the person will be a ttracted toward! decent ornaments. , "If Jupiter occupies the 11th and Mercury aspects it, tbe person "gains much reputation as a philosopher aod lecturer. If the lord of tbe II th is "a benefic aspected by benefics and occupying favourable positions, tbe person will bave perfect cODtoun. If tbe above combination is affiicted by Saturn or Mars, the person becomes deaf, If the lord of the 11th and its occupants are powerful, the native will have powerful inftuence in society. If the 11th is occupied by Saturn. Mars, Rahu aod the Sun with no other benefics aSpe<:tiog ii, the person will he meDially miserable but fi nancially well off. 7.(ftl Twd/lh Bhava ( Hause). -Indicates misery, loss, expendi"" ture, waste, exiravagance, sympathy . piety, divin~ knowledge ~ worsbip;-MO"ksha(6nal emancipation) and the state after deatli".- - If the lord of tbe 12th is aspected by the lord of tbe 7tb and these two ate powerful, the native' s money and influence will be wasted through tbe a,ency of his wife.


If tbe 12tb is occupied by a malefic and its lord is an evil planet. money will be spent on immoral purposes. If the powerless lord o f the 12th occupie s unfavou rable positions in the navamsa, the native will have deformed lim bs. If the lo rd o(the 12th is Jupiter and has no malefic influences or aspects, the person will die in divine contemplation. If the lo rd of the 12th is Mars and Saturn occupies the 12th , death takes place on account of piles and other bloody diseases. If the lord of the 12th is weak and is seen by ihe lo rd o f the 6th, money will be spent o n useless litigation . If the SUD and the MOOD are in the 12th witho ut any favourable a...spect s, the native will be a simpleton . If benefics occupy the 12th or its lord join s with them . the person will have close relatio ns surrounding him at his death. For a detailed discussion o f each Bhava reference may be made to tbe author's How to Judge a Horoscope.

I,'I I


Some Spec..ial yo,as



ascribed to each yoga will completely manifest ttcmselves if the yogakarakas (planets producing such yogIS) are not afilicted. For more detailed informat~oo I would refer my readers to my book Thru Hundr ed Important ComMnalions. I shall now briefly sketch some favourable yogas and dieir probable results. 1. Chamara Yo&,a. -This is produced when lIIe lord of tbe Ascendant is exalted and occupies a quadrant and has the powerful aspect of Jupiter; or two benefic s in the Ascendant, tbe 7th or the 10th also cause tbe same yoga. The person will be greatly respected by ruhrs and tbe aristocracy, good conversationalist, a profound stholar a nd lives more than 70 years. ,4lClr~ 2. Shankha Yoga.- When the lord of the IOtb or AsceD- U6,( dant occupie s moveable signs like Aries, Cancer, etc., and the lord of the 9th is powerful, Ihis yoga is caused. If tne lords of the 5th and tbe 6tb are in mutual quadfants from each o ther and the ruler of the rising sign powerful, this yoga is caused. Fond of pleasures. learned in sciences and ph i1o~ph~1 philant hropic, agreeable family surroundings, chaCltable disposition and long life upto 80. 3. Sreenatha Yo~q.- When the exalted lord of the 7th occupies tbe 10th an 1fie lord of the 10th combi.es with the lord of tbe 9tb- Great respect. reputation, honouflble living, much wealch and nice surroundings. 4. Bherj Yoga.-Lord of the lOtb powerful with three planets in the 12th, the 2nd, the 1st and the 7tbtlouses; or lord of the 9th is powerfu l and Venus and lord of Ascendant arc in quadrants from Jupiter-Landed estates, free from encumbrance. high family traditions, eulled soul, courageous. expert in sciences and artl, long lived, free from l OY kind of diseases.


Some Specie I Yoga. Yogas in Sanskrit astrological nomenclature m~an special planetary combinations for the production of higb P.9litical power and influence, great wealth, philanthropy. asceticism, misery. debt s, demoralisatioo and curruption. III all boroscopeS, these yogas must be properly scrutinised aloog witb tbe application of tbe usual astrological rules. These impor. taot yogas make or mar a man for. if special arisntQ$ or misfortunes are fouod in a horoscope, tbe person will be always miserable, even tbough according to ordinary 3'1trological rules, such a boroscope is a promising one. The word Yoga is quite indigenous and such a system canoot be found io the astrological principles of other nations. These reveal a flood of information to th e astrological student. when properly studied and applied. Tbe Western reader must clearly comprehend tbe technicalities iovolved in tbe application of these yogas and try to understand their significance thoroughly. There are differeot types of yogas-RajoJ'oga-producing higb political power; Dnanayoga or combinatioD for great wealth; Gnanayoga or combination for real bigber knowledge and renunciation of the world; and Arishlayoga-series of misfortunes orthe most baneful oature. There are thousands of lucb yogas given in the original Sanskrit works and tbeir reproduction bere would mean firstly a great slrain on tbe comprebending powers of tbe reader and secondly, increase of tbe bulk of the book beyond proportioo . The results






Some Special YOIIlS

Hind\l Predictive AltrolOC)

- > 13.

S. Sorado Yoga. - Jupiler in a trinc from the MOOD, and Mars in tdoe to Mercury or Jupiter in the 11th from Mercury or lord of tbe 10th occupies the 5th, Mercury in a quadrant and the Sun in his own sign-Attracted by fair Jadies, respeclor of preceptors and religiously inclined, praised by tbe royalty and aristocracy, saintly disposition and a patron of fine arts and sciences. .-fJ; Mat~gIw (Fish combination).-Malcfics in birth and the 9th, bencfics~aDd malefics in tbe 5th and maldies in tbe 4th aDd the 8th-Lover of astrology; sympathetic temperament and religious nature. ?:.. KeJiJrj Yoga.-The Moon and Jupiter in quadrants to each other Respected by relations and friends . Municipal Comm.ssioDer or Manager of a big corporation , name goes to posterity, possession of ail worldly enjoyments. 8. AdM Yoga.~Benefics in tbe 6th, tbe 7th and the 8th from the Moon-Commander, Minister or a king or cqaul to him . foeless. long-lived and free from diseases. 9. 4!!.apha Yo(a.-Planets in the J2th from the MoonMan commanding .and majestic appearance, healthy, mor.al, free from mental sorrow, rcnowncd, fond of sense pleasures and renunciation of worldly concerns laler on in life. 10. Sunapha Yoga.-PJaDCls in the 2nd from the MoonSelf-made man, selF-acquired wealth. intelligent and reputed. II. Durdhura Yoga.. Planets in the 2nd and the 12th 'from the Moon-Enjoyment of all pleasures, conveyances, liberal and generous and commanding, dutiful and faithful children. . 12. Kahala Yoca. The lord of tbe 4th and Jupiter in mutual quandtants. and tbe lord of the Ascendant powerfulStubbornness, courageous and adventurous, commanding infantry, cavalry . artillery. etc., and tuling towns and cities.


Vas; Y08a. - Planets in the ·12th (rom tbe Sun _

JnOueDiiat '~ltb and wealthy. 4-1~ t . tffJi XI".a. Beneficial planets in tbe 2nd from tbe

Sun-Good conversationalist, fluent speaker, wealthy, courageous and eXHemely charitable. . IS. Obha'lQchari Yoga. - Benefics in the 2nd and the 12th from the Sun Equal to a king, good, sympathetic and philanthropic . 16. Mridanga Yoga. - The lord of the navamsa occupied by an exalted planet in a quadrant and him self exahed in his own sign or in a friendly house and the lord of'the Ascendanl powerful-Healthy througuout life~ altractive personality, great inftuence among the people. 17. llQQrma Yoga . Benefics in the 5th, the 6th and the 7th in the Rasi and exalted and in friendly and own navamsaRoyal enjoyments, cbaritable dispositron, courageous, happy and philosophical. . 18. Khadga Yoga. - Lo;d of the 2nd in the 9th, and the lord of the 9th in the 2nd and the lord of Ascendant in a quadrant or a trine-Religiously inclined, courage, strong, penetrating intelligence. 19. Lakshmi Yoga .-· Lord of the 9th in a quadrant, moolatrikona or in deep exaltation or lord of Lagna in cdnjunction with the 9th lord-Extremely handsome app~a ­ r~nce, noble qualities and virtues . possessed of higb reputat!(ln for honesty and honoured by aristocracy. 20. Kusuma Yoga.-Venus in a fixed sign , in a quadrant, a weak Moon in a trine and the Sun in the 10th house~Itremely liberal, war-like and possessed of unsullied reputation. and good enjoyment.


Bad Yogas

21. Kemadruma Yoga. No planets in the 2nd and the 12th houses from the Moon at birth-Misery and poverty



Some Spedal YOIU

Hindu Prediclive AltrololY

Jupiter or Venus becoming lord of tbe 2nd and aspected by Mars and the Sun in exaltation or moolatTikona, the perso n becomes a great logician and psychologist. Jupiter and the lord of the 2nd powerful and Jupiter in conjunction 9t ith the Suo produces a mao extraordinarily well· versed in grammar aod prosody. A mao becomes a versatile genius if Jupiter aod Venus are in quadraou aod Mercury becomes tbe lord of the aavamsa occupied by the lord of the 2nd . . A person becomes a great philosopher when the lord of the lnd, Mercury. is in deep exaltation and Jupiter is in the navamsa of Leo. Rhana Yoga.-The MOOD, Jupiter. lords of the 2nd, tbe 4th. the 9th and tbe 11th houses control wealth. The favourable position of tbese planets in the Rasi or in the Navamsa invariably leads to great wealth. Tbe lords of the 2nd , the 4th and the 9th s bould be aspecled by the Moon and be disposed friendly towards it. The lord of the 2nd with the lo rd of the 9th occupying the 11 tb with the Moon and Jupiter will make the person a millionaire.

throughout life and generally capable of neutealisin! aU beneficial yogas. . 22. Rail" Yoga. - All plancts in moveable sigos-ResideDt 10 foreign country. unjust. 23 . Brihadbiia Yogg.-Rabu with Mars and Saturn in tbe Ascendaot or the lo rd of the Ascendant in the Rtb with Rabu and malefic&- Testicles swel ling and venereal COrnplaints. 24. Daridra Yoga.-Lord of the A~ndant in the 12th aDd -vice Yusa-Loss of wealth. generally poor and meaD motives . 25. 4seltQI'adi Yoga If the lord of tbe house occupied by tbe lord of the 2nd is Saturn-Likes falsehood and indulges in fraudulent scbemes.

Sip••• YOI! Gnana means knowledge which may mean for the aCQuisitioo of power and wealth or the kind of knowledge which makes a man " know thyself" as Socrates says· In acquiring knowledge tbere are two aspects to be considered. One is scholarsh ip, culture, literary power and imagination and the other is spiritual knowledge and the realisation of Self. Literary power and scholarship ate obtained from the posi ti on of Venus and Mercury and this is also controlled by Jupiter. . When Jupiter is powerful, well aspected and occupies a Vargotlarna (occupying the same sign in Rasi and Nayamsa), the person become, a great lecturer and orator. Wben Mercury is in a kendra. Venus in the 2nd. the Moon or Jupiter in tbe 31d. it makes the native a great astrologer. Mars stro ogly posited in the 20d with Mercury and the Mooo or the Moon. M ars and Mercury in a quadrant makes a person a great matbematician. .







\ Plaaeu in Ollfcrc.ot Bh.vas or Housn




Planets in Different Bhav8s or Houses · i "'> ~ . THE SUN :,lJ!Jkfi..uJ..JJmui!-- Righteous-minded, healthy. bd lous. eye-disease, intelligence, good morals, political success, stately appearance, h um anita rian instincts, lazy in work. fond of daring deeds, hot constitution, careless of rcpu;tatio n. strong will , caprice, generosity, neglect of personal credit or r~spectt good work, not combative o r impetuous a nd pioneering. . Second hom.-Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecutloosgood ea rn ings, inclined to waste, brigbt speech, enquiring-. ~ell-ed u c ated . scientific, stubboro and peevish temper . da nger IQ tbe 25th year, will stammer. Third hQUolc.- Courageous, liberal. adventurous famou s intelligent . wealthy. successful and restless. ' , Fou~lh hou~e -Mental worry, meditative defective organs, success . . In foreign countries. hatred o f relatio ns, keen.minded se~s lU ve, good reputation, success after middle age, quarrels without causes, weak const itut ion, introspective, llnhappy, philosophical, squanders paternal property. Fifth hou.re.-Intelligent. poor, few children , pa ternal ~an&~r. corpUlent , ~anger to f!llher ea rly. un happy, disturbed In mmd • .Iover of fi ne arts, and tactful in decision. Sixth house. Defier o f customs and castes, good administrative ability, few cOllsins and few enemies, bold and successful, war-Ii ltc, licentious, wealthy, gains fro m enem ies , ......... 1,. ....

2 .\







clever in planning, terror to enemies, execut~~e abili ty , colic · trouble s. Sellt"th hOIlS,!: - Late marriage and rather t roubled , loose morals and irreligious , hatred by the fair sex, fond of travellinB, submissive to wife, wealth tbrougb fem ale agency , fond of foreign things. discontented, wi fe's cha racter questionable. subservient to women and risk of disbo nour and disgrace th rougb them· g Eighth house. -long li fe, uncharitable, sickly constitution , SUdGeD gains, complainu in eyes , sores in the head , poor aod uneventful life, narro w and obscu re. Ninth house .-We lJ read in solar sci e n ce ~ , att racted by sublime phenomena, charitable, god ly, lucky and successful, devo ted. ordimuy heahh, little patrimony . dutiful sons, a man of act ion and thougbt, self-acquired propert y, many laods, philosophical, gt: nd ular disease . lover of poet ry and mu sic, successful agrkuJturi~l, lea rned in eso teric and occult subjects, ambitio us and eote rpri sing. W Tenth hUllse. - Bold, co ura geo us, well k n~wn. famou s, c:l eve r in acq Uirin g wealth , super ior knack, health y. learn l." d, adventurous, educated , quick decision, fond o f music, fou nd'!r o r in stitution s. high position, dutiful son s. much personal influen ce, successfu l military or political career. t{ Ele ~e nTh house. le:lrned , wealthy, stalely and perSe\·eTiog, success without much effo rt , fam o us, many ~ nemi e s, wealth th rough fai r means, good reputa tio n, profound insight, capa:ity to befriend, many polit ical enem ies, man o f principles, great sa!1acity, great su ccess and position . II Twelfth houu. Sinful, poor, fallen , t hieving na ture , unsuccess ful, adultero us, neglected, long li mbs, ceremonialminded an d lover of esoteric iind occ ult knowled ge, no happiness from children.


...,. 114

Hindu Predictive AstrolOl)'

THE MOON :.IE. the Ascendant.-Fancirul and romantic moderat~ eater, an "ittr-;ctlvc"ippearance. inclined to corpu~ lence. windy temperament. much travelling, disease in private organs and ear~. capricious, licentiou s, socia ble. easy going, educated, WarrlDg. loved by tbe oppo site sex, shy. modest, stubborn, proud, fickle.minded and eccentric. . ~Sec.~nd.~~'!..s.!.-We.ltbYt hand some, attractive , generous, hlgbly loteJh~ot. breaks in education, charming, poetical, gtea~ respect, sweet speech. persuasive, sqUint eyes and much admired .

Thi~d hou!c:.-S!ckly, dyspeptic and laler o n piles, mild. lean, dlSappomtmcolS. impious. many brothers cruel educated. consum~lion. famous ....!istc[$~teJJigen t:~n scrup~,ous , purposeless, miserly, fond of travel/ing and acti~mjnded. !!.u.!!.h house:...-Comfortable, fine taste, good perfumes and dress, polite aod affable manners, bigh education, bappy, licentious, belped by all, wealthy and successful, good mOlher, popular a nd deatb to rnotbrr early if in conjunction with malefics. Fiflh houu:..-Subtle, handsome wife, shrewd, showy. many daughters, intrlligenl, gains tbrough quadrupeds, inter. rupted education, high political office. Sixth hoult<. -Submissive to the opposite sex, indolent imperious, sho rt-tempered. intelligent, lazy, slender body: weak sexual connection, widow-h unter, poor, drunkard, reo fined, tender. pilfering habits: stomach tro ubles . many foes. worried by cousins. §!venlh houu. - Passio nate, fond of women, handsome wife, mother short-lived, narrow-minded, good fam ily , pains in tbe loios . ~ocial, successful, jealous and energetic io several matters. Eigh th houI,L-Unhealthy. legacy, capricious, m.9 lher s~o rt-Jived , few children, bilious, slender bad sigbt, k.idney di sease. unstrady. easy acquisitions.

Pllnell in Different Dhavas or Houlcs


Ninth HOu.fe. -PopuJar. educated, intelligeot , well read, lover of fiction, builder of charitable institutions, wealthy, active, inclined to travel , godly, good children , immoveable pro perty, religious, mystical, righteous, agricullural success, devotional , successful and good reputation. Tenth hou.re.-Persuasive, passionate. charitable. sb rewd, aduherous, bold, tactful, ambitio u" great positio n. active, trustee of religiou s institutions, Obliging to good people, many friends , ea sy success, popular and able, wealthy, comfo rtable and long life. Elev",th ho/Ue. Many children, powerful , philanthropic, p('lile, literary and aIlist ic taste, helpfu l, ioO ueot ial, cultured, charitable, many friends , great position, reputation, good lands, easy success, liked and helped by the fair sex , gi.er of donations, man of principles. Twelfth hou,te, Obstructed, deformed, narrow-minued, cruel, unhappy, obscure, powerless, deceived , solitary, miserable. • In the first house.-Hot co nstitution, scars in the habits, big navel, early danger to father. reddish complexion, active, adventurous, powerful an d lowminded.

Second house. - Quarrelsome, extravagant, ha rsh ~ peech. adulterous, sho rt-tempcred, wasteful, sharp-tongued , broken educati on, satirical, large patrimony, bad· tempered, aggressive, unpopular and awkward. Third h!?Ete.-;-Pioneering, few brothers, ~ex -m ora l s weak, courageous, intelligent, reckless, adventurou s, short-tempered, unprincipled, easy morals, unpopular. Fourth hou"e.-- Sickly mother, quarrels. unhappy home life, danger to fa ther, domestic quarrels ,,"d conveyances, uncomfortable, coarse, byu tal, tyrannica l, vulgar . Fifth hous.e... ~~opular, no issurs, ambitious, intelligent, per severing, unhappy, bold, unprincipled, decisive.

.... 116

HiDdu ProdlClive

,A l lroloJ)'

Pt"'nelS ID DiffereDI Bhans or Hou$CS


Sixth holiH.

Successful, good land. , rich succest over enemies, intelligent, political success. powerful, worry from

near relations. St'lltnlh house.-Two wives or friction with wife, dropsy.

rasb speculations. unsuccess ful , intelligent. tactiess. stubborn, idiosyncratic, peevish, passionate, tensioo in married "life. Eighth hou..:!!.- Short life. few children, danger to maternal uncles, widower later, bater of relatioo r. bad sigbt. extramarital relations. Ninth hou.r,e.-Unkind . worldly, successful Irader, IDS! fro~unure. t,it:k ly (at~r, naval mercbant, dependent lire , seIr·seeking, acute, stubbor n, impetuous, logical. Tmlh houst.-Founder of instilUlious and towns, energetic, aaVenlU'rous, wealtby, active, healthy, famous, selfmade mUD , good agricuhurist, good profits, clever, successful , loved by relation s, decisive . Eleventh house., Learned, educated, wealthy, influential , property, crafty, happy, comm:l.nding. Twelfth house.-Unsuccessful, poor, ro tten bod!" unpopu-" la r, incendiary diseases, suffering, stumbling, active. fruitless, lia ble 10 fraud and deception, dishonest, uo seen , impediments. drformed eyes. • MERCURY : In Ihe first bouu..-Cbeerful, humorous. well read, dever . many enemies, learned, fond o f accult stud ies and ast ronomy, witty, influential, intellectual, respected. lo ng-lived , love of literature and poetry. Suond house.- Learned in religiou s and philo sopbical lor;:-;;"eel spe;cb, good conve rsati onalist, humorous, clever, many children. de term ined, fine manners, captivat ing look, self-acquisition, wealthy, careful , thrifty. clever in earning mon ey. Th ird hoult .- Daughter, happy mother, clever, crue l, lov«f6y faIr sex, tactful, diplomatic. discretio n, bold, sensible .

Fpurlh ~- Learned, a~iculturiS.t ,. good mother, unbappy, skilled in coojuring ttlcks, ?bllglDg, c~I.I~red . affectionate, popular, inclined to pursue hterary aC!I.vJU~s.:. • FiOh hqM..U',-Sbowy, learned , quarr~l~me,. danger . to maternal uncle s, parents sick ly, good administrative ~apac lty , fond of good furniture and dress, respect from moneyed m~n , ministerial office, executive ability, speculative, scho lar, vam, daoger to father , combative. ' . Sixth houu, - Re spected, interrupted education , s~b~rdi­ nate officer, executi... e capacity, quarrelsome. showy., dlsslmu. lation, losses in money. peevish , bigoted. troubles In the feet and toes. . .. Sel'mtl, house.-Diplomalic, interesting .hterar~ ablhty early in life and success through it , early marflag~, Wife band· d utiful and sbort-tempered, breaks in education. learned d in astrology, astronomy and malh e m~tlcs, success In tra e, successful . dashing, gay, sk.iIfuJ, religiOUS, hftpp~ mother and early death to her, cunnlDg. adulterous, cila ntable, str'Mg body. Eighth "ouse.-Long life, landed esta~e. easy . ~ cce :;s to anything demea. grief through dom.eslles, obhgmg. few issues, many hinds. famous, respected, I.":b eal~h . . Ninth house .- Highly educated, mU SICian , many c hddr~n . obliging, licentiouS. philosophical, lover o f lileralure . creative mind, inqu isitive, scientific-minded , poru1a r, well kno,,:"n . . Trnth house .-Determined, fortun ate, enjoyments m "fe. intelligeot , bad sigbt, active. cheerful, chari table . able . philanthropic. . EJe~enth house.- Wealthy, happy, mll. thematlcal 'acuny. gO(l'a ' 'iiiiOlOge-;:' many friend s am~ng famous men , many laod'l, logical and scien tific , success 11'1 trade . . I:u1fJ.b houst'.- Phil~s~phical ; intelligent, w~trJed . adulterous, Obliging . CapTlCIOUS, wayward, narrow-minded.




PI.Deb 10 Ditrereot Bh...... or Hou,CI

Hindu Predictlvo A.troIOU

gifted, dC5pondent. passionate, few children . lackioJ ill


opportunities, danger to mother. • JUPITER; In the Flnt hou.u .-Magnetic personality . good grammarian , majestic appearanCe, bighly educated. many children, learned . dextero us, loog-lived , respected by rulers, philologist. political sucCess, sagacious, stout body , able. infiutotial, leader. Second ~DU!.(.-Wcalthy. intelligent, digni6ed . attractive, happy. fiuent speaker. aristocratic. tasteful, winDing mannen, accumulated fortunc, wilty, good wife and family . eloquent . humorou., and dexterous. Third house.- Famous, many brothers, ancestors, devoted to tbe family. miserly, obliging, polite, unscrupulous, good agriculturist . thrifty, good success, energetic, bold ; taste for fiDe arts aDd literature, loved by relatives. Fourth house. - Good conveyances, educated, happy, intelligent, wealthy, founder of charitable institutions, comfortable , good inheritance, good motber, well read , contented Ilk. ' Fifth house.-Broad eyes, haodsome, statesmanly ability, good.'lDsii6 t: higb position, intelligent, skilful in trade, obedient children, pure-hearted , a leader. Sixth hou.Je. - Obscure, unlucky, troubled, many cousins andgrandson-s: dyspeptic, much jocularity, witty, unsuccessful , intelligent, foeless. .§m!ll.!! hous£:-Educated , proud, good wife aod gains through her, diplomatic ability, speculative mind, very seositive, success in agriculture, virtuous wife, pilgrimage to distant places. Eighth house.-Unhappy. earnings by undignified means, obscure, long life, mean, degraded, tbrown with widows, colic pains, pretending to be charitable, dirty habits. !fl!!!!!-&!.~- Charitable, many children, devoted. religious, merciful, pure, ceremonial-minded, bumanitaria.n

(~Iher, !?,:nevolent, God-fearing,

principled ,

conservative, generous, long.lived highly cultured , famou.,

blgh position . Tenth house.-Virtuous. learned. clever in acquisition of wealtb, conveyances, children , determined, highly principled, aceumalated wealth . founder of iostitutio ns, good agriculturist, non-violent, a mbitious. scrupulous. Eleventh ho~&- Lover o f mu sic, very wealthy. statesmanly ability, good deeds, accumulated funds, God·fearing, charitable, somewhat dependent , ioOuential many friends philanthropic. " Twelfth house.- Sadistic, poor, few children, unsteady character , unlucky, life lascivious, later life inclined to asceticism. artistic taste, pious in after-life. • VEN US : In the Ascemiant.-Expert mathematician , very for1t'nate , ambitiou s. bold , long life, pioneering, fond of wife, strenuou s , skilled in sexual scien~, succeSSful , practical, .scents. flowers. women s killed in fine arts , pleasing, vi ~acious, astrologer. mucb magnetic power, leader of people. S econd house.. Large family , bappy, delicio us drinks. luxurious meals. hand some, large fair eyes. ~harmjng wik. witty, brilliant, polite , educated , hating women, obliging. rapid in mind, clever in speech. agreeable, creative author, conservative, composer. economical, wealthy, logical. able .• Third..!!EEY.- Lover .o f fine arts, prosperity to motiier, wealthy, miserly, o bliging, well placed, travelling, original . Fourth house.-Intelligent. happy . affectionate learned affect lo nate- motber, agriculturist, educated.' scientifi~ methods, peaceful life, protector of cattle, endeared by relations, food of milk, famou s, literary, successful, popular. _Fift"-.!J!!..Ijg. - Clever, intelligent, statesmanly ability, good counsel, danger (a mother, commander, educated, able, sociable, kind-hearted, affable, good-natured, many daugbten ll.D.d few sons, affable manners,





Prcd icti~c


S}4lh hOuft. - Licentious, foeless, loose habits, anger. low-

minded , well info rmed, destruction to enemies, fond o f other

women. SeYcnth houu.-Passionate, unhealtby habits, bappy marriage, sensual, inclined towards sex pleasore. fl,htlr hou3e, - Dauler to motber, happy. given to bad habits. sho rt-lived , famo us. celebrated, unexpected legacies, trouble in mind , disappointment in love affairs. pious later in lifc. Nin th houst. - Se lfi sh, religious. respect for preceptors, able, successful . commander, love r of fint a rl s, generous. Tenth house.-Respect for divine people and parents, carriage, bro ken edu catio n, successful a s a lawyer, popUlar, social. moderate ea ler. Ele~enth housl!. - Influentia l, le.n ned, wealthy.. good con:eyan~, s uccess ful ; many friend s, much popularity. .]JvefJlh hou.re,- Meen-minded, fond of low wo men , miserly , obscu re, licentious, unprincipled , weak eyes. fnnd of sex ual pleasures, clever. liar, pretentious, unhappy love affairs. • SATURN: In Ihe First house. - Foreign customs and habits, perv~rted mind, bad thougb ts, eviI-nll.tured, tyrannical, ~pu lous. well-bu ilt thighs, strong-mind~, cunning, thrifly, unclean, passionate, aspiring;- curious, defof_m!..d, sick ly, ex ploring, flatu lence, licentious. addicted to low-class WOIDOD.

~",-More than one marriage, diseased face, unpopular, broken education, wea k sight, un social , harsh speech, stammering . addicted to wine. lhird house.-Int ellige nt, weahby . wicked, los ~ of brothers, polite , adventurous. bold . eccentric, crue l. courageou s. obJiging. IIgriculturist. FourJ.!!...house.- Oanger to motber if wi th the Moo t , un. happy, sudden losses, co lic pains, narrow-minded , crafly,

Planeta in lJiiferent Shavas or Houses


estates encumbe red, good thinker. success in foreign co untries , po l iti~a l disfavour , licentious, interrup t.ed ed~cation . . Fifth hnl/se.-Na rrow-m inded . medl oc~e life, no chIldren, perverted vicws. tale-teller , government displeasure. troubled life, clear-minded. . :Sixth house ." Obst inate, sick ly, deaf, few c-hll dren, quarrelsome. sex diseascs. clever, ac tive. ill debte~.. . . S;:fenrh IWIISt' . - Mo re than one wife. ente.rpmm g, ~ 1 ~l.ly , co lic pai ns. deafness. diploma tic. stable marll3l!e. a mbitiOUS. po litical success. travdling. dissimulator. fo reirn honours, d

Hindu Predict ive Ast rolo"

Third houu.-Few children , wealthy. bo ld, adverlturou s. ' Co urageous , good gymnastic, many relations. Fourth house.-Liaisoo with women o f eas~ virtue. subordinate. proficie nt in European languages. Fifth flouse.-Childless, Oalulent. tyrannical. polile, narrow-minded aod hard-hearted. Sixth house.-Enjoymcol, venereal complaints, no enemies, many cou sins . §.e~ent" house.-Wife suffering from men strual disorders. widow ~ r divorcee coonection , diabetes, luxurious fOOd. urihappy. Eighth house.-Vicious, degraded , quarrelsome. narrowminded, imm oral. adulterous. Ninth house. -;-A puppet in the hands of tbe wife. impolite. uncharitable, emaciated wai st. loose morals. Tenth house.-Intimacy witb widows, taste io poetry aod literature, good artist, traveller, learned. ~/ellenlh hou.re. -Wealthy, influential among lower casles, many children. good agriculturist. Twelfth house .-Deformed, few child ren , defective sight, very many losses, saintly . • KETU : In the Ascendant. -Emaciated figure . weak CODsti tution, much perspiration. weak-hearled , slender, piles, ~ exual indulgence, diplomatic. ---.. Second hou.re.-Bad speaker , quiet , quick in perception . peevTs"h , ha rd-hearted , thrifty and economical. '[bjrJi... houu.- Adventurous, strong, a rtistic , wealthy, popular. FOllrth house.-Quarrelso me, licentious, weak , fear of poisons. FUji) house.-Llberal 1055 of children. sin fu l, Immoral it afflicted. 'xth houu.-Fond of adullery, good conversa tiona list, licentious. ve eieal complaints, learned.

PlanelS in Different Bhavas or Ho uses


Seventh house.-Passionate , sinful, coonections with widows, sickly wife. . Eighth house. -Senseless , obscure, dull , sanguine complexio n , piles and similar troubles. Ninlh house.- Short-sigbted, sinful, untruthful. tbrifty, many children, good wife. . . Tenth House.-Fertile brain , happy , religiOUS, pilgrimages to sicred rivers and places, fond of scri~ture~. §k!£!!!!!..~.!.•::-Humorous . witty, licentiOu s, intelligent, wealthy. Twelfth housc.=-Capric io us , unsettled mind, foreign res idence, attracted to servile classes, much travelling, licenl ious, spiritual knowledge.

PJallels ill Different Rasis or Sirns



Planets in Different Rasis or Signs • _TIlE SUN: III Ar;es.- Active, intelligent, famou s. traveller, wealthy , warrior . variable fOrtune, ambitious, phlegmatic, powerful, marked personality , impulsive, irritable , pioneering, init ia tive . Taurus . Clever, reflect ive, attracted by perfumes and dealer ill them, hal ed by women , slow 10 action, mu sician, self·co nfident, de liciou s d rin kS, happy meals, tal:tful,original, soc iable , intelligent . pH1minenr no ~e Gemin i.- - Learned , astronomer, scholarly , grammarian, polite, wealtby, critical, assimilative , good conversationalist, $hy , reserved , lacking in orig inal ity. Canuf.- Somewhat har$h . indolent. wea lth y, unhappy. con st ipation, sickly, travelling , independent . expert astrologer. Leo. -St ubborn, fixed views, lItrong, cruel. indepep.dent. o rganising capacity and talentii for propaganda, humanitarian. frequenting solitary places, generous, famous. Virgo.-Linguisl, poet , mathematician, taste for literature . well~ scholarly, artistic. good memory, reason ing faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehenSion, learned in religio us lore , reserved , wanting adulation. Libra.-Manufacture at' liquors , popular, tactless, base, drunkara, loose morals, arrogant, wicked , frank . submissive, pompous. ~o,p!£.. -A dveDturou s, bold, rearing thieves and robbers,


reckless , cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, im pUlsive , idiotic, indolent , surgical skill, dexterous, military abi lity. Sagillorius.- ShorHempered, spoils. reliable, rich,obsti. nate , respected by all, happy, popular, religious. wealthy, musician. C{ll1ficorn.-Mean-minded, stubborn, igno rant, mi ~e rly, pu shrul , unhappy, boring, active , meddle~ome, obliging, humorous, witty . affable, prudent, firm . _ Aquqrius - Poor, unhappy . stubborn . unluck y, unsuccess· ful , medium height. ralc faculties, self-esteem. Pisces,-Pea rl merchant, peaceful. wea lth y, unc\'clltfu l, religious, prodigal, loved by women . • THE MOON : In A,ies.-Round eyes, impulsive, fond of travel, irritable, fO'nd of women, vegetable diet, quick to decid.: and act, haughty, inflexibk, sores Tn the head , dexte!'ous, tickle-minded . war-like, enterprising, good position , self-respect. valiant, ambitious, liable to hydrophobia irtbe Moon is afflicted , large tbighs, popular, restless, idiosyncratic , versatile. Tauru.r. - LlberaJ, powerful', happy , ability to co mmand , intelligent . hand some, influential, fond of fair sex, bappy iQ ".- middle life and old age, great stride s in life. beal'tiful gait . large thighs aod hips, phlegmatic afflictions , rich patience. ' - respected, love·intrigues , incon sistent, wavering mind, sound judgement, vo racious eater and reader. lucky, popular, influenced by women , passionate, indolent. Gemini.-Well read , creative. fond of women, learned in scriptures, able. persuasive. curly hair, powerfu l speaker, clever, witty, dexterous, food of music. elevated nose, thought reader, subtle, long life. CaltCt'r.-Wise, powerful. charming, influenced by wome~, wealthy, kind, good . a bit stout, sensitive; impetuous, unprofitable voyages, meditative. much immovable property ,

" 126

H indu PrediC:live A.slto lo 'J

scien tist. middle slat ure , p ru den t, fru ga l, piercing, con~ ventional. Leo.-Bold , irritabk . la rge cheeks , blonde, broad face. broW"neyes, repugnant to women, likes mc:a~, Jrequen.ting fo rests and h ills . co lic troubles . incli ned to be un ba ppy , haugh ty. meolal a nxie ty . liberal, ge nerou s, deformed body, steady , a ristocrat ic. settled views, proud , a mbit ~o~~ . Virg'o. - LovelY compl xCioit.~ almo~.~ eye~. ,~odcst . "unken should ers and arm s, charm ing , aUncllve. pri ncipled , affluent , com fortable. so ft body . sweet speech. honest ; truthful. modest , virtuous. intelligen t, phlegmat ic, . fo~.d o f wome.n. acute in sight . conceiled in self·estimation, pensive, conve~­ sationa list . many daughters. loquac ious, JI~lr o l ~_~~ r ._and clairvoyan t or attra9ted towards ~h t: m., skilled ill arts like ffi-usic and -da-oc in g, few su ns. Llbra. -- Reveren ce and respect for learned aod holy people , sain~d gods ; ta ll , ra ised nose, tbin, deformed limbs, sickly consti tution , rejected by kins men, intelligent , prin cip.led , wealthy, bu sin ess-lik e, obliging, love for a rts, fa r-seeing, idealistic , clever, mutable, am ica ble , losses through women, loves women, just , not ambitious, aspiring. Scoreio.- Broad eyes, wide chest , round shanks and thighs, Iso lat ion fr om parents or preceptors, brown comple xion . s traight- forwa rd. fr ank . open-minded. cruel, simul alOr. malicious, sterilit y, agitated, unhappy , weallhy, impetuou s, obst inate. Sagittarius.-Face b ~ oad . teeth ~ a rge. sk illed in fine arts. indistinct shou lders, dISfigured nails and arms , deep amI inventive intellect. yield ing to p raise. good !'peech . uprigh t . help from wife a nd women , bappy marriag,·. many ch il dren . g\lod inhe ri tance. benefactor, patron o f arts and Iiteratu!e , ceremon ial- minded, showy , unexpected gi fts . aut hor, reRectlve ment ality, inflexibl e to th reats.

PJlnclS iD DiffereDI

R ~ si 5

o r Signs


Capricorn . Ever altacbed to wife and children , virtu ous. good eyes. slen der waist , quick in perl'ept ion, clever , active, crafty. somewhat selfish . sagacious , slIategic , liberal. merciless , unscrupulous, int:onsis tent . low morals, nigga rdly lin d meao • . Aquarius .-Fair.look in g. well-formed body. la ll, large teeth , bell y low. youngish , sensual, sudden elevatio ns and dep ressions. pur e-minded , artistic , jnW il ional, diplomatic . lonely. peev ish. an ist ic taUe, energetic, emotional, esoteric. mystical. grat efu l. heal ing power. Pis~: t's, - FiJted, dealer io pearls a Dd fond of . wife and child ren , perfect bu ild, long nose, bri ght body. annihilating e nem ies, ! ubservieDt to oppos ite sex, handsome , learned. steady , simple, good reputation, loose morals, adveOlurous, many child ren. ~pi ritually inclined later in life . • MARS : In Arips .- O rgan ising capacity, com manding, rich socia l. sea l!' in th e: body , sens ual , dark. mathematiciall , acti~e, powerful. in spiring. pio neering . ab le, s t~tesmanly , frank , generou!' , careful not economica l in domestic dea li ngs, vague im aginatio ns, combative tendencies , hard-hearted. Taurus - lnH uenced by women , timid , ' rough body , stubbo rn , sensual , liking for magic and SPO rl S, somewhat unprincipled , sclfhh, Iyrann ica l. not sofl-hearted. rash , emotional. a nim al instinct 'Irong sensiti ve. Geminl.- Loving famil y and child ren . taste i'n refinemen t. scien tific. middle stature, well built, }tarned , a mbitious, qu ick, rash , ingeniou s, skilled in music.: fearless, tactless, peevish. unh appy, !> ubservien l . diploma te . ,humiJ iIuin g, detective. Concer,- Inlellillent, wealthy , rich . travels and voyages , wicked . perverted, Jove of agriculture , medical and lu rgical proficiency. 6ckle-minded. defective sight. bold , daShi ng, head long. speculative unkind . egoistic.


• I ':: ,~

Hindu Predictive ASlroloiY

w.- ~·I!ndency to occultis_m,

ast ro logy astrono my tlnd lIl :lI hc ,l; atics , kn·e for parents , regard a Dd r~ pcct for ciders a nd pre ... t" ph)rs, indc p,·odent t hi n k in g ~ peevish. libera l. vicw rious. stnnHlch troubles, worried by mental c\)[np loints, gCr.crous, no ble, author early in life , success ful, combat i\·c, rcs t l: ~s , .!:!rgo. -I mituble , e:us. aggressive. proud, baughty . greal strides in life. Sugittu,-iu!: - Gentlemanly , muoy fo es, fllmou s minister . stales man , o pen, frank, pleasure lovin g, few cbild(en, liab le to ex tremes, conserv ative, ind) ft"ereot, exacting. impatient : severe, qu arrelso me . liti83tio n tro ubles, good citizen . ~,=oericorn. Rich. high polit ica l position, many sons, brave, generous, lo ve for Chil dren, middle stature, iodustrio us. indefatigable, successful. penet rating, bo ld, tac"t't ul , respectC'd, generous,;:aUant. influential. Aqllorius.-U nhappy. miserable . poor, not truthful, independent , un ·...·isc . wa ndering, impulsive . cont roversial. combative . well-versetl in dialec ts , free, quick in .forJ:iving and for geuing, t:onvt: ntiooal, danger on water , morose, meditative . P;sr:~s. - Fa ir complexion . tro ubles in love affairs . few

Planetl in Differenl Rasil or Signs


children . pass ionate, restless, antagonistic, exacting, uncertainty of feeling, fait bful , unclean, colic, indo lent, wilful. • MERCURY .' In Aries.-Evil·minded, middle stature , obstinate. clever . social. great endurance, materialistic ten· den cies, unscrupulous, wavering mind . a ntagonistic, fond of specula tion . impUlsive, greedy , danger ous connections • deceitful , swervin g from rectitude. TourllJ".- Hi gh pos it ion. well built, clever . logical, - mental harmonY" many children , liberal , persevering, o pinio native, wealthy, practicable, friends among women of eminence, inclination to sen sual pleas ures, well read. sbowy. Gemi"i, Inclinat ion to physical labour , boastful, sweet speech, tall , active , cu ltured, tactful. dexterous to mOl hers, indolent , in vent ive. tas!e in lite rat ure, arts and sciences, winning manners, liable to tbroat and bronchial troubles, musiciln , mir thfu l, stu dious. COIU:er. - Witty, likes mu sic, dis liked by relati ons, low slature, s pec ula tive. diplomatic, discreet . flexible , rest less, ~ensua l though religious. liable to con sumlltiQn , . stro ng pa rental love , disl ik e for chastity. L~o. - Few c hildren . wanderer, idio ti c, proud , indolent, nOl""""Toild of women. boastful. orator , good memory , two mothers, poor. early marria ge. independ ent in. l.hi nking, lmpu l ~ ive , positive will. rem une·ra tive pro fe s!>ion. likes Iravelling. VirKo . -Lu rned, vir luous, liberal, fc arl e!>". , in ge niou s . IUln'dso me, irr itable, relined, subtle, intuiti ve. sociabk . no ,elf· co nt ro l, morbid imagination s, dy spept Ic. difficulties, c!o qllent , au tbor , priest, astronomer. l.ibl"tl.-Fai r comp lexion, sanguine dispus iti on . inclination 10 C.\CeioSeS, perceptive fa cuities, m:l1erial tendencies. fr ugal, agre.:able . cou rteous. philosophical, faithful. cere mon ialminded. soc iable, di scree t.


HiDdu Predictive A$lrolo,),

~Sco,pio. Short, Furry hair, incc nti ~ indulgcnce . liable to disease of tbe generative organ, gCJleral debility, crafty, maliciou s, selfish. subtle, indisc reet. bold , reckless .• Sugiltarius.- Taste in loc iences. respected by polished society. lall, well built , learned, rash , superstitious. vigorous, executive. diplomatic, cunning, just. ca pable. Capricorn,_-Selfless, business tendencies, economical, deblor, inconsistent, lo w stature, cunning, inventive. active . restless, suspiciou·s. drudging. dquarius. Middle stature, licentious, proud, quarrelsome frank, sociable, rapid strides in life, famous, scbo lar, cowardly, weak constitution. . .fisces.-A dependent, serves o thers, dexterous •. peevish, indolent, petty-minded, respect for gods, and Brahmins. • JUPITER: In Aries.-Love of grandeur, powerful, wealthy. prudent, ma~y children, courteous, generous, firm. sympathetic, happy marriage. patient nature, harmonious, refined , high position. TQurus.-Stately, eiegant, self-importance. liberal , dutiful sons. JUSt, sympathetic. well read, creative ability, despotic, healthy, happy marriage, liked by all. inclination to self. gratification. Gemini.-Oratorial ability. tall, well-bu ilt. benevolent, pure·hearted. scholarly. sagidous. diplomatic , lingu ist o r poet, elegant, incentive. Conar.-Well read, dignified. wealthy : comfortable: intelligent: swarthy complexion, inclined to socfai gossip, mathematician, faithful. ~

iI "


!::!£:-Commanding appe.r ance, laU. great. easily offended, ambitIOUS, active•. happy., intelligent, wise. prudent" generQus broad· minded, literary,. harmonious ,&un.oulldings, likes hjlb and dales.


iD DiffereDt Ruis or Sians


Virgo •.- Middle stature, ambitious. selfish. stoipal. re~ig­ nation. affectionate, fortuoate. stingy, lovab'e~ a beautLful wife great endurance, learned. " Libra.-Handsome. free. open· minded. hasty. at~ra~ll.ve, just,- courteous, strong, a ble, ~x h a us I'lon. from over·acttvlly ' Jeligioul competent. unassumlOg, pleaslDg. Sfo,;io.- TaU, somewhat stooping, elegan=-. manners, serious, exacting, well built, superior airs, selfish" I~prudent, weak constitution, sub-servient to women, passlO.natc, conventional, proud, zealous, ceremonious, unbappy h~~ . . Sagilta,iu3.-Pretty inheritancr, weailhy, IDHuentl~l, handso me. noble, trustworthy,. c.baritab~e~ good I~xecutlve ability. weak constitution, artistiC quahtles, poe IC, openminded. good conversationalist. Cupricorn..;- Tactless, good inte~tion • .disgracerul . ~eba­ viour, generous, unhappy, irritable, IDconslstent, aVaflCI?US, unmanly , jealous. , Aqwgju§. Learne4, not rich, controversial fi,gure,__.~~I(o­ sophical, popular. compas~nate. sym p~tbe~ amiable. prudent,- bumanilamin. melanctiollc, meditati ve. dental troubles. , Pisces. Good inheritance. stout, med~u.m ~.~I.ght.. two mar~ if witb malefics. enterprising, pohllcal diplomacy, hi gh position. . ' • VENUS: In Aries. - E:u.ravagant, ac~ive, ~utabl~, ar~lstL~. dreamy. Idealist, proficient ID fine arts, hceDl1ous, s~rrowfu, fickle.minded, prudent, unhappy, irreligious. easy gomg. loss of wcalth due to loose life, , . , • Taurus.-Well built, handsome, pleaslOg countenance, inde~nt, sensual, love of nature, fond of pleasure, elegant, !,.aste ill-dao£ing.ap.9 mush; voluptuous. Gemini.-Rich, gentle, kind, generous, eloqu~n.t, proud, respected, gullible. lov_e-of fine arts, I~arned , intelhgent: ~ood logician, just, dual marriage. tendenCies towards materlahsm.


Hindu Predictive AstrolOI)' ,

. (dtllcer .-MeJancholy, emotional. timid, more than one wife, haughty, sorrowful, light character, inconsistent. unhappy, many ch ildren, sensitive, learned . ~o.;-Mon~y through women, pretty wife, wayward , c~nce~ted , paSSionate, fair compleltion, emotional, zealous, hcent!ou s .. attracted b~ the fair sex, premature in conclusions, SUperior airs . unvanqUI~hed by enemies. · . ~/rgo__ -P~tty-mi Dded, licentiou s. unscrupulou ~, unhappy, illiCit Jove, agile, loquacio us, rich, learned. l;ibra,-Statesman, P?et, intelligent, generous, philosophl~a l, E,andsome. matrlm.onial feli city, success ful marriage paSSO lDate, proud. respected, intuitive. sensual, wide travels .• · Scorpio. Broad fea~rell, quarrelsome, medium statu red Independent, artistic. unjust. proud. disappointed in love: haughty, not rich. ' · Sa~ittariu.r.-Medium height. powerful •. wealthy, respected. Impertinent, generous. frank, ' bappy domestic life high position, philosophical. ' Capricorn.-Fond of low class women, imprudent ambitio us. unp rin cipled. licen tious, boastful, SUbtle. learned. weak body . Aqu~rius.:-Lik~d ~y a ll. middle 'Iature. handsome, affable. persuaSive, Witty, timid , chaste. calm, helpful and humanitarian . . . Pisce~-Witty, tactful. learned, popular, just, IngeDlous, cancaturlst, modest, refined . powerful , exalted , respected. pleasure-seeking. • ~d'lPRN : III Aries· - Idiotic, wanderer , insincere, peeVish. resentful. cruel . fraudulent, immoral , boastful ~uarrelsome, gloomy, mischievous, perverse, misunderstaDd~ IDg Datur~ . - - - -_. -.


Taur,.!!:!.-Dark comple:a:ion. deceitful, successfu ltpowerful unorlhodolt , clever, likes SOlitude, voracious eater, persuasiv~:

PI. nell in Different Rllis or Signs


cool, cODtagious diseases. many wives, self-rest raint, worried Dature. . Gemini.-Wandering nature, miserable, unt idy, ortginal, thin, SUbtle, ingenious. strategic, few children. taste for chemical and mechanical sciences, narrow-m inded, speculative, logical. desperado . CQnUT. Poor, weak. teeth , pleasure-seeking, few so ns, checks full, slow, dull. cunning, rich, se lfi sh, deceitful, maliciou s, stubborn, devoid of motherly ca re . ~-Mjddle stature, severe, obstin ate, few sons, stubborn. unfortunate. conflicting. hard wo rker, good writer , evil-minded. Virgo .-Dark complexion, malicious, poor, quarrelsome. erratic, narrow-minded, rude, co nservative, taste for public life, weak health. LlbTa.-Famous, founder of institutions and the like, rich. tall, fair, sel f- conceited, handsome. tactful, powerful. respec ted , sound judgment, antagonistic, independent, proud, prominent. charitable, sub-servient to females. J£pr~io .- Rash. indifferent. hard-hearted, advent urous. petty, se f-conceited , reserved. unscrupulous, violent, unhappy. danger from poisons. fire and weapons, wasteful, unhealthy. Sagittarius.-Pushful, anful, cunning, famous, peaceful , faithful, preten tiOUS, apparently generous , troubles with wife, COurteous, dutiful children, generally happy . . Caprico", -Intelligent. harmony and felicity in d omestic )ifc. selfish. covetous. peevish, intellectua l, learned, suspicious. reflective. revengeful , prudent, melancholy. inheritance from wife's parties. Aquarius.-Practical, able , diplomatic, ingenio us, a bit conceited. prudent. happy, re6ective, intellectual. philosophical, vanquished by enemies . Pisces.-Cle'4Cr. pushful, gifted . polite, happy, good, wife tru:t;,oriLy. SCheming. wealthy, helpful.


HIDdu Predictive Anrolo,y

Rabu and Ketu arc aPNlkagJr,a srahas or tusleetess planets and they give tbe results of the lords of the bouse tbey occupy. In the above description of the characteristics of the persons bO~D. when '.be different planets are in different signs. !he qua~lttes ascf.lbed bold good only when a particular planet IS nOl either glotlfied or alHicted. Results must be duly modified or qualified according 10 the amiction or otherwise of the planets concerned.




Characteristics of the Signs and Planets The following informatioD will be of much use in Horary Astrology, wben it is a question of ascertaining the nature of tbe lost goods Of articles, their location, how, when, where and by whom such tbings were stolen or robbed, the perSOD involved in the crime and so on. It will also assist one to obtain a clear insight into the study of Mundane and Medical Astrology. SIGNS : Aries gOliuns -Lands frequented by sl'leep and goats. jungles. caves, mountains, forests. cattlesheds. mines and places worked up by internal fires. bead of Kalapur"sha (Zodiacal Man or Time Personified). To","s. - Neck of the KDlapurusha. pastoral and cullivaled fields. projecting rocks, lively tracts, wilderness, mountains, lands frequented by caale and jungles abounding in elephanu. Gtmini.-Musical and entertainment balls . brotbels, dens frequented by fair girls and debauchees, shoulders of KalaplITIlsha. carpenters , parks. gambling bouses. cinemas. theatres, countries. Doted for special manufactures and tracts wbere vice is largely found, libraries, granaries, store-bouses, aeroplanes . ~. Chest of KaJapurusha, watery places, tanks, rivers, pearls, lands, and fields of wet cultivation, canals. reservoirs. marsbes, holy place., picturesque localities and sandy places.

.... I


Hindu Predicti ve Astro loJY

Leo.-Heart of Kalapurusha, inaccessibl e peaks and rocks. jungles' and thick fo rests frequented by ferocious beasts. deep forests. forts . palaces, ex tensions, fortifi cation s. smelters, government institution s, caves and mountains , chemica l labo ratories, explosives, manufacturing p lace ... bunting pl aces. glass fac tories and localities infected with beast') and birds of prey . Virgo.-Slomach of Kolapurusha. arts, scien ces, literature. mead ows, grassy plain s , bank s, exchange p~aces, Ja fge manufacturing ci ties, secret organisa ti ons, indust ries, brothels, ocean ic su rfa ce, Durseries and ga mbling rendezvo us: Libra. ·- Racing and ga mblin g centres, abdo men , navel of Kalopuiiisha, roads, com mercial places, betting places, streets, excha nges, byeways, thoroughfares, fore sts, planes. \corpio:-SexuaJ orga n of Ka!opurusha, natura l crevices, da rk re treats, caves, ope nin g!: in the earlh, dens, kitchens, vault!:. vineyards, underground ce lls or construc tions, strategic fortifi cations, moleh ill s, places abounded by serpents, vermin and reptiles, wilderness containing anthills , o rc hards, stagnant pouls. ,§ag;ittgrl!:!:t.-Camping grou nds , mil itary retreats, chariots, a rm ouries, cava lry, stables, army barrac ks. battlefie lds, infantry. ba ttery lines, magazines, places of o ffence a nd defence, a m,munition depots, war implements, racing grounds, sacri fi cial pl aces, militar y sto res. !;qpUpoUL'-- Riven. (o rests, lake s, caves, church yards , templ e precincts, tombs, sepulchres, a rsena ls, jun·gle~ , marshy plal'es, waters abounding in whales and c rocodiles. 1..!L~:- Marshy places, inferior gra in s, rendezvo us of debaucbee s, prostitutes and vulgar folk . toddy sbo ps, illtoxi eating drink s, gambling den s, mines. aeronau tic machinery, d runka rd localities, infamous bouses, vineyards, caves. Pisces.- Fe et of Kolapuru sho . holy shrines, altars, sac red places and rivers, tanks, all oceans, hermitages, fountain s.

Chal'9.cteristics of the Signs aDd Planets


sacred pagodas, localitie!: frequented by mahatmas, pumps, cistern s , fish pond s and excessive watery tracts. PLANETS : Th e Sun represents.- Soul, father, personal magnetism, patrimony , self-reliance, psychic develop~ent, political power, Sotwa guna, Godliness, no~iliJY, fire.s~ wmdy and biliou S te mperaments, pomp, despotism, pOSitions of authority, temples and places of worship, ~~teshma Ru!hu, hot and pungent tastes, goldsmiths. ~oDey-lenders, che(OIsts, druggists, sacri ficial places, co ronation chambe~s, courage. bones, doctoring capacity . . The Moo1! .- Mind , mo ther, clothes, water, women, cll.ltavation, seamen , travellin g agents, navigators, pea rl s. ml.l~ , gems vegetatio n, po lite ness , manne rs, juicy articles, sPlflt m edi~ms, white umbrella s. fi shermen, jollity. sa lt, wa tery places, bath-rooms, sprin gs. mental happiness, blood., ~~wa gllna, stubbo rnne!:s, stren gth of mir.d, the psycbo-.p~yslologlcal ~Sc io u sn ess , moral and religious acts . . VISion ; water journeys. f~ minine tendencie ~ •. ~~man fanCies, romances , popularity a nd buman respon slblhtles. Mars. - Brothers, siste rs, bi le, heir_apparents, endu ra nce , physical strength, Thomasa guna (mild-nature),. mental power. poi sonous gases, fire!:, firemen , warriors, .s~lfes, scars. and wounds. human impetuosity, ~H!!l:.ql:l ak.~~, milit ary operations, weapons of offence and defence, extravagance, treasures, catastrophes, caprice . litigation , red woo ll en shawls, blood, dese rts, mountains, forests , fortifications . ca~non, sulphur. courage, southern direct ions, zeal and enth USiasm, prowess, manliness, chemists, druggists, gold , (·oppe r, . surgeons, sapphire, corals, beasts , burning gases, dentists, .fire pl aces, brokers burnt clothes, engineers, butchers, engines, cookroom s, 'iron and steel , chemi ca l laboratories. . . Mercurz:.-Mercantile activity ,. trade and !rad l~g asso.clation. wisdom, intelligence. cunnin g. dex terity , Journalists,


Hiodu Predictive A' uoiOO

bawkers, acco untants, mathematicians, orators, public speakers, shrewdness, ambassa dors , booksellers, publisher" bro kers, sexual intercourses and enjoyments, pUlrificd and roUen things, com merce: aerial lan d jour neys, imports and expo rts, indu strit:s, poets, arch itecture, weavin g, vegeta_ tio n, beauty. elegance, inferior o r base metals, wit, bumour, green co lour, northern d irectio n, psycho logical development, refined taste, Rajala guna, betel leaves, outs and limesto ne. Jupitu.-Ved !..s._ Ve~n,,-a-, preceptor, lajt h, devotion, bon ours, fegal affairs, diplomacy . religiollsnes!, guardianships, t ruthfulness, proficiency in arU -a,nd sciencts, pOwer of discussion, religious inst itution s, m orality. $lirinc~.LJ emple., progeny, fairness , $Q!wQ gwna , minfslers, lawYcrs,.P..bi!9so pilk cal wisdom, ascetici sm, ban kers, philanthropists, silver, ordinary Clothes, merchants, menIal calibre, corpulence, man Ii. ness, restaurants and hotels, no rth·eastern direction, devotio n, faith, charity, ~~~c t astrology and rep!U~ t.tQD. Yenu.r.- Poetical, faculty , attachments, wife, children , love affairs , sin len, musicians, sexual pleasures, dress, fine arts, family bliss, actots . artists, botanists, feminin e grace, venecul complaints, lus tre in the eyes , sca ndals, adulatfon, indo lence, sycophancy, sex ual in tercourse, toilets, marriage, pearls, meats and intoxicatinl drinks, authorship, rains, bed. roo ms, den s of prostitutes, barems, dancing, passions, environ. men Is, SOuth-eastern direction. lakes, fore si ght, variega ted colours, learn ing, a miability, kindness, perseverance and vjtality. Sa turn. -Stubbornoess, impetuosity, servitude, idiosyn_ crasies, impediments, despondency, defecu, imprisonment , obstructions, demoralisatio n, bondage, servanu, windy diseases, evil purposes, sorrows, injuries, risks, mean acts, jails, thieves, miners, brick layers, base·tr~~k s, Deap;OCL drunkenness, gambling, oils, seeds, pots, woollen fabrics,


Re, ult. of DISII and Bbuktis



Results of Dasas and 8huktis ( Periods and Sub-periods) .We have already learnt the method o f finding the ru ling period (V~'m!hollarj Dasa ), its balance a t the time of birth, and bo~ It IS s ucceeded by s ubsequen t dasa.r in a particular o rd~r (~tde.Chapter X li). Dasas are major periods in whi ch the indica lion s o f the planets are r&alised . . Say, for in s.tan~e when a man will have ma rriage or I ssue~ or promo tio n In his pOSition, has to be de termin ed. For m~rrla8e, tbe 7th h o use is examined and then the most benefiC ial plan.et whic h assures a ll marita l happin ess found out. To determine the probable period of marriage we must fi d out w.hen that partic ul ar planet assumes c~ntrol over t~is event 10 prefe rence 10 othe.rs so tbat tbe time o f realisation may be ascertained. A number of comb~n ali o n s are given bel ow whi ch give tb e probable results a parllcular planet will prodUce during its ~asa. The st~den t must be carefu l in applying these prinCiples to practical horoscopes. He must bea r in mind that th s ho uld not be applied verbatim. The resu lts vary accordi:; to the strength and weakness of the Dasa (main period) lord the Bbukti (sub-pe riod) lord and the Antara (Sub--sub.periodj' lord. . In pre~icting the events, in a Oasa, a Bhukti or a still mlQor period An t ara. ~he general results due to tbe planet should be carefully weighed and incongruous results. when-


ever they occ ur, should be avoided . It is difficult t o lay dow n any particular rules which will apply in all cases. Therefore, we give some of th e important ru les by way o f example, The reader may draw similar canc1usions. baving all the time regard to tbe stren gth and propensity of the planet. The re sult sbould be consistent with the person for whom it is intended, under the condit ion of li fe in which he is brough t up as well as the physical poss ibil ity at the time. For instance political success may be predicted in the Dasa of the Sun , if he is in Aries in the 10th hou se. This political succeSS ' wili be at its maximum p rovided the Sun is not aspected by malefics and his pOSit ion is equall y strong in the Navamsa. If he is aspected by Sat urn who may be in Aquarius, then in ~Rlte o f tbe SUD bein g in Aries, complete politica l success canhot bl.. and ought not to be predic ted . The lo rd of t he Oasa has a qua li ty of his owo stamped upon him . This will aga'in be modified by the nature of the bouse, the n atu re of tbe sign, the nature of the aspectU"ag bodies, the nature of the lord of the constella tion tb e Oasa lord is in, tbe favo urable and un favourable situa tion o f t.he lord of Oasa in tbe Navamsa and va rious other fac to rs . In general we may say: 1. The Oasa period of Saturn, if it happens to be the 4th Oasa, will be unfavourab le. 2. The Oasa period of Jupiter will be unfavourable if it happens to be th e 6th Oasa. . If Sa turn and Jupite r are strong and favourably disposed, the evil effe..:ls get co n ~iderably modified. 3. The Oasa period o f the lords o f the 6th and the 8th produce harmfu l results unless they acquire beneficence otherwise . 4. The Dasa periods o f planets in Shava sandhis (ju nctiona l points) will be unable to produce their full res ult s.

, '" as

Hi.,du Prediclive AnrolOC)'

.S: It

I,D the course o f a Dua. a planet produces sucb resultl indicate s by ~jrtue o f ownership, association, location

and aspect. For In stance, favourable position of the lord of tbe 2nd will give good income aod wealth during his Dasa. 6. The Dasa results stand to be modified by the effect of GocharQ or transiting planets. 1. When LAgna (Ascendaot) is powerful, during theDasa of lord of Lagna, favourable result s can be expected to occur -s~cb as ri se in profession, good health and general prosperlty . 8. Lord of the 2nd in his Oasa gives wealth. 9. Lord of the 3rd during his Dasa gives new friends belp to brothers, lea,dership, Hod physical pain (if afflicted). • ',D. If the lord IS ,;eJl placed as already explained above, he will do good regardmg tbe house or ho uses with wbich he may h a~e anyt~ing t~ do ~ilber by way of ownership or aspect or locauon dUring hi S period, while if the lord is weak and iIIplaced, he will inOict misery . 11. The periods of lord s of the 5th and the 9th are said ~o. be good, so mu ch so that the periods of planets, whic h are J~lne~ or Otherwise related with them, are also supposed to give rhe to good. '.2. The general effect of the Dasa (majo r period) get mO~lfied by the planet that rules the particular Bhukfl (subpeClod)_ fn suc h a case, however , tbe inHuences o f both the planet~ are to be compounded and the relation between thc m taken Into account I J_ During the Dasa period of a malefic planet when the sub-period of a planet ruling tbe 3rd, the Stb or the 7th sl.ar (reckoned .from the natal star) is in progress, the subject will have a period of trial and tribulation . 14. Unfavourable result s will be realised wben the sublord and th.e major lord are situ ated in the 6th and the 8th or the 12th and the 2nd from each other respectively.

Result, ('of Dasu ."d Bhuklis


IS. The s ub-period o( the lord of the 51h in tbe major period o( the lord o r the 9th or vi"e versa is supposed to produce good effec ts. The!e are all general principles and they sbould not be applied verbatim . No Dasa can prove exclusively beneficial or exclusively harmful. For a fuller appreciation sec How 1A Judg e a lIoro.reoee. I give below general results produced durin g the Dasas and Bhuktis.of different lila nets. The SUD'S Dasl 6 yrars The Do 0 the Sun in Aries in dee exaltation. Sudden gains in catlle and wealth, much trave Ing In eastern countries, res idence in roreign countries, quarrels among friend~ and relat ions, pleasure trips and picni c parties' and' company o f beautiful women . M()O/otrikDna. Birth of .ch ildren, much re spe~. t fr om high personages, gains in ca llie and money, acquisition of power and political suc.ct;!I~.• Taurus. - I ncrease in la nded properties, (arne amo ng relatio ns and friends, cultivation o f love and reveren ce for holy people and sa int s. Gemini.~uch wealth, education. inclination 10 interest oneself in music and such other fine arts, and generally happy and cheerful. Calleer.-POlitical success, always gay and ha ppy, travelling in foreign countrie s a nd increase in lands, bou ses and wealth. lJD.. - Respect from kings and noble personages. righteous conduct, birth or children a nd respect among children. V;rgD.-Suffering off and on (rom phy s ica l co mplaints, loss o r cattle, wealth and house and misunderstandings with close relatives and friends. Libra. - Reduced to poverty, troubled by enemies, failure in ~talc il\.&s, death oC brothers and. friends and miserable and~,):n plic;.n t!a life . Scoreio.-Starting D~ sehernes and ' ellterprises, reaHsation o£:.maoy ambitious thj,ags. travelling in billy ttacts and CO WJtrIlCS. Sagiltarius.-Happilless, success



Hindu Predit::li'¥c Astfology

in undertakings, good healtb, dest ruction of enemies, satis· faction in every way. Capricorn. -A wandering life, loss of patrimon y, self· respect and good name, misunders tanding am ong bis own people. Aquarius.- Ment al worries, 10s$ o r illness to wife, loss of property and wealth. ~ -Ga jDs in' wealth . auspicious celebrations, re spect among relatinns, increase in family members and smooth sailing in every w'!-y. Sthanabala ( Positional Slrength).-Ga ins from cultivation. lan ds, conveyan ces , general happiness , good reputalio n and meritorious work . and pilgrimages to ho ly shrine s. Digbola ( Directional Slrength) . -Respect from many dirct,tions, happi. ness, powe r and pecuniary success. Kafoba/a ( Temporal Strellgrh) ,- Respecl among rulers, success in lands an d cultivation. Naisarg;kabala (Na tural S' I'englh j.- Un so licited pleasures a!ld enjoyment of article s of co mfoT! . pleasu re trips and ex cursions and much respect. Cllestabala ( Motional Slrrnglh }.- Birtb of ch ildren, felicilY and harmony in married life, fin a ncia l gains and success in speculatio n.


It: !



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Dhj,lklis or Sub-periods iD SUJ!:~lna The Sun's sub-period-3 months, 18 days . Unpleasantn ess with relatives aDd superio rs, anXIeties, headache. pain in the ear, some tendency to urinary or kidney. troubles, sickness, fea r fr om rule rs and enemies, fear o f death, loss of mo ney, danger to father if the Sun is afflicted, stomachache and travels , gains thr ough religious people, mental s ufferings, a wandering life in a foreign ~o untry . The Moon 's sub-pcriod- 6 months. Winnin g fav our fr om superiors, increase in business,.fresb enterprises, troubles through women, eye tro ubles, many relatives a nd friends, indulgt';nce in idle pastimes, jaundice and kindred ailments, Dew clothes and ornaments, will be happy, healthy , good meals, respect among rel atives .

Bhult1is in Sun's Dau


Mars' sub-period-4 months, 6 days. Rheumatic and similar troubles, quarrels, danger of enteric fever , dysentery, troubles to relatives, loss o f money by thefts or wa steful expenses, failures, acquisition of wealtb in the form of gold and gems, royal favour leading to pro.~ perity, contraction and transmission of bilious and other diseases, mental worrie s, danger from fire, ill-health, loss of reputation, sorrow. Rahu's sub-period - 10 months, 24 days. Many troubles, cha nges according to the position of Rabu, fami ly disputes, journeys, pang o f death , trouble from relatives and enemies, loss of peace or mental mi sery, loss of money, sorrows, unsuccess ful in all attempts, fear of thieves and reptiles, scandals. Jupi/ ~r's sub-perlad-9 months, IS days. Benefits fr om fri ends and acq uaintances, increase in education, employment in high circles, assoc iation with people of high rank , success through obstacles, birth of a child, wealt h got tbrough sons (iflhere is ' a son), honour to religiou s people, virtuous acts, good traditional observances, good socie ty and conversation s, reputati on, gains and court-h onours . Saturn's sub-periad-ll months, 12 days. Constant sickness to family members, new enemies,' some loss o f property, bodil y ailments, much unhapp iness, displacement from home accidents, quarrels with relatives, loss o f money, disease, lacking in energy , isnoble calls, mental worries, loan s, danger from thieves and rulers. M~rcury's sub-period-IO months, 6 days. Gain in money, good reputation, acquisition of new clothes and ornaments. new education, trouble through telatives, mental distress, depression of spirits, waste of money and nervous weakness, no comforts, friends becoming


Hindu Predic1i,e AstrokIIY

enemies, much aOll:iety and fears , health bad. children uograteful, disputes and trouble from ruler or judge, suffer disgrace, many sbort journeys and wanderings. Ketu.'s sub-period-4 months, 6 days. Loss of money •• fRict ion of mind with troubles. faintings or nervou s exhaustion , mind full of"misgivings, a long journey to a distant place. change of house due to disputes, troublcs among relatives and associatcs, "throatdiseasc. meDtalanguish, ophthalmia, serious illness, (ear from kings or rulers and enemies, diseases, cheated "by olhen. Venus' SIlb-ptriod-l year. Gain of money. respect by rulers and gain of vehicles, likelihood of marriage, increase of property. iIIncss, docs many good works, acquisition of pearls or other precious stones, fatigue, addiction to immoral females and profitless discussions .

Til. Mooa's Dau 10 Years = ::;;:;.... , _,.._ The Moon in Arjes.-Physical and mental happiness, gains in wealth and perfect contentment. Taurus. - lncrease in fame and name, collection of enormous w~ mental and physica l happiness. Gemini.-Progress in educatioo aod acquiring of much immovable and movable propertie•. COTICer. -Addition in wealth, success in litigation, unexpected finding. of treasure, travels. k!.-Progress in education , much gains from unexpected sources. Virga.-Death of serious illness to mother, worries from enemies aDd swindlers, meotal and physical resUeSioess. Llbra.-Gains in wealth, increase io friends , visits to holy places and Ibriaes, realisation of schemes and destruction of enemies. Scarpia .-Fear from political bead., destruction of relative., disappointments in every .respect, Joss of wealth, liberty and honour at risk and mucb mental uneasiness. SagittarilU.-Domestic bappiness

Bbuklis io tbe Mooo', Oa..


and felicity, celebration of bappy functions, accumulatioo -;:,f wealtb and undisturbed progress of normal private affairs. Capr/corn.-Increase in lands and bouses and wealth, success in every, new enterprise, pilgrimages to holy places and success 'in litigation . Aquarius.-Destruction of property, fear from political authorities, mental worries from enemies, misunderstandings among relatives and friends. .fisces. Taking charges of fre sh office, reciting religious texts and moral codes and easy access to anytbing coveted without effort. ASl'enda",. -Tbe Mooo's Dasa produces charitable feeling and good friends. Avaroha (mav;ngfrom exaltation to debilitolian).Losses and troubles to wife, mental worry and illness" displeasure of his own people, fear from rulers, wells, poisons and the like· Nt't'cho (debilitalion}.-LosstS and troubles from various sources and mental worry. Moolatrik01l4.Respect among rulers, money gaiol, acquisition of landed propeny, much happiness and sexual enjoyment.


IlII.tell i. tbe Moon's PaU The Moon's sub-period-IO months. Devoted-attention to learning, love 01 music, good clottiings, company of refined society, sound health, good reputation, journey to holy places, acquisition of abandoned wealth, power, vehicles and landS ; marriage, reletives, fortunate deeds, inclination to public life, change of residence, birth of a child, increase of wealtb , prosperity to relatives. Mars' sub-period-7 months. Quarrels and litigation among friends and relatives. headlong enterprises, danger of disputes between husband aod wife, between lovers or in regard to marital atrain; disease. pctulence, loss of money, waste of wealtb, trouble from brothers and friends, danger from fever and fire, injury from instruments or stones, loss of blood and disease to household animals.


Hindu Predictive Astrolo.,.

Roh,/s lub-period-l year, 6 montbs. Distress of risks (rom falls and dangerous diseases, waste of wealth and loss oftelalives aDd DO ease to body. loss of moncy, danger ofslirriog upcocmics, sickness, anxiety. enmity of supe riors and elders, anxiety aod troubles through wife, scandals, cbange of residence, diseases of skin" daDg~r from thieve! aod poison , iU-healtb to fatber and mother, suffering from hunger. Jupitu's sub-p~Tiod~J year, 4 months. Jncrease of property. plenty ofCood and comforts, prosper~us. benefits from superiors sucb as masters or govcrnors, birth, of a child. vehicles, abundance of clothes aod oroamenU and success in undertakings, patronage of rulers, gain of property, respect, learne". Sqlurn's sub-p(.rlod-I year, 7 months. Wife's death or separation, much mental anguish, loss of property, loss of friends, iII·bealth, mental trouble due to mOlher, wind aod bilious affections, barsh words, and disc~s.sio~ with unfriendly people, disease due to iadigestioD, no _peace of mind , quarrels with relatives. Mntury's sub-p~rlod-l year,S months. Acquisition of wealth from maternal relatives, new clOthes and ornaments, settlement ' of disputes, pleasure through children o r lover, increase of wealth, accomplishment of desires, intellectual achievements, new education, honour from rulers. ' general happiness, enjoyment with females, addiction to betting and drinks. Kelu's sub-perlod-7 months. lIJoess to wife, Joss of relatives, suffering from stomach acbe, loss of property, sickness of feveri sh nature, danger from fire, subject to swellings or eruptions, 'eye troubles, mind filled with cares, public criticism or displeasure, dishonour, danger to fatber, mother and children, scaodals



1 among equals , eating nf prohibited food, bad acts, bad company, loss of mnney and memory. Yenus ' sub-period-I year, 8 months: Sudden ga~n from wife, enjoys comforts of agriculture, water product s aod clothing; suffers from diseases inherited by mOlher, sickness, pain, loss of property , enmity, gain of houses, good works and -good meals, birlh of child ren, expenses due to marriage or other auspicious acts_ The Sun's sub-period - 6 months. FeveriSh complaints, pains in the eyes , ·success or failure accordlng to ?osition of the Sun and the Moon, legal power, free from dJSeases , decadence of enemies, happiness aod prospe rity. jaundice, dropsy. fever, loss of money, travels, danger to father a nd motber, piles, weakness, loss of children and friends. Mars' Dasa -7 years . Mars in Aries. CAcquisition of wealth . increase in reputaUon and respect, mucb gain. Taurus.-Destruction of enemies, success in a ll struggles, respect from elders and ·rulers and good p.rodl! ce from lands . .&!.!:!!i.ni.-Access to great wealtb, precIous stones aod metals, agricultural success, gene~al SUccess in all undertakings. Cancer.-Danger from e~emles, of ho.nour and reputation, domestic disharmony and mlsuoderstaodlogs among brotbers o r close relatives . Leo.~appy aod Successful all through the period of 7 years~te 10 fine arts and material gai ns through them. inc rea se of income fr~m b.ouse and lands.1::Jr!!!..- Beneficial results. successful termtnaUoD of educational pursu iu, ability to address meetin.8 s and deliver lectures, and bappiness from relatives a~d fneD~s. ~.-Most miserable life, misunderstandillgs .....Jlh cousIns and brothers. death of wife and children loss of wealth and ~rains and mortgagill8 of landed property. 'Scarolo. -Increase In wealth, good earninas. friendship and intimacy


Hindu Predicti,.. AslrOlot1

with exalted personages, love for own people, always bappy and active. Sagittariu".-Earnings from political or roy.' sources, courting tbeir friendsbips. destruction of enemies .~d realisation of all hopes and desird. Capricorn.-SUCCCss 10 battles and respect for military skill, sains from quadruped. and iocrease in wealth. AquarilLf.-Great hardships aDd difficulties, misunderstandings with rulers aDd the immediate superiors in office, unpleasant relations with motber and servants. Pi.rccs,-Much wealth. general success aod bappioess . b;;;P;; crops in lands, prosperity and acquisition of bouse and business, respect as a learned man. great reputatioD. BbuktJ'. I. Mar.' DaN

Mars' sub-pl!rlod-4 months, 27 days. Great heat. dislike of friends, aORonnee from brothers, and sisters, danger from r~lers~ failure of all undertakings . danger of hurts according to the ligo held by KMJa, trouble with superiors an'd some 'a nxiety through sirangen, (ore iI1]l'::'1 or people abroad and through warlike clan. Danger of open violence. quarrel with relations, loss of money. skin ~ise8sc. consumption. loss of blood. fistula , and fissures in aous, loss of females aod brothers, evil doio.1 and boils. Rahu's sub-puiod-l year, 18 daya . . Danger from rulers and robber', loIS of wealth. success ' in evil pursuits, suffering from poisonous complaintl, losl of relatives, danger from Ikin discasel, change of reside~e. lOme severe kind of cutaneoUI disease, journey to a (orelgn country, scandals. loss of COWl and buffaloes. illness to wife, loss of memory, fear from inlecU and thieve•• falls ioto well. fear from gbosts. aJrectioo or gonorrhoea, frettiol aod litigation.

Bbuktis in Mira' Dasa

Jupiter' s sub·puiod-II months, 6 days. Loss of wealth, enemies, end tbe unfortunate period. favo ur from superiors and persOnS in position, gain of nlOney, birth of children. auspicious celebrations, acquisition or wealth through holy people, freedom from illness, public reputation. ascendancy and happiness. Saturn's sub-pu/qd- l year, I month, 9 days. Loss of money, diseases, loss of relatives and danger from arms or operation, illness leadiflg to misery, evil threatened by enemies and ro bbers, disputes with rulers, loss of wealth, quarrel , disputes, litigation. Joss of property, cutaneous effects, loss of office or position and much anxiety. Mercury's sub-ptriod-ll months, 27 days. Marriage or inclination to marriage, knowledge and fruits of knowledge, wealth. bodily evils disappear, slander, fear of insects, poisoned by animals and insects. gain of wealth by trade, abundance of bo uses, trouble from enemies and mental worri,es, service rendered to friends and relatives, new knowledge, success in litigation. Ketu's sub-ptriod-4 months, 27 days_ Enmity and quarrels with low people. loss of money due to evil works, commission nf signs, great sufferings due to troubles ,from relatives and brothers and opposition of bad people. family disPlites, trouble, with one's own kindred diseases. pio)ono us co mplaints . trouble through women. many enemies. Venus' sub-period-I year, 2 months. Acquisition of property, gain of money, domestic happiness, successful love affairs. inclination towards religious observances and festivities , favourable associations, inOuenced by priests. skin eruptions. boils , pleasure from travelling. jewels to wife, clo things, money from relatives and brothers. odium ,of females and theiT society, increase or intelligence; enjoyment of femal~s and gain of money.

I, Ii ,I


Hindu Predictive Astrololf

The Sun's sub·pu;od-4 months, 6 days. Gain o f money in bad ways, destruction of enemies. good reputation, lon g j our~ey tn foreign lands and peace o f mind, blame. odium of elders, quarrels with them, sufferings by diseases. p eartache .occasioned by onc's o wn relatives, fever or other inf\ammalory affection , danger of fire , troubles through persons in pos ition, many enemies. The Moon.'s sub-pt rlod-7 month s. Profit . acquisilion of wealth , house renovated or some improvement s effected in it, comforts of wealth . beavy sleep, ardent passioo , enjoyment by the help ofwomco. R.bu ·s Oa.a-18 YUIS #ahu In Aries.- Au spicious celebrations in the hou~ ... recitation s sacred texts, acquisition of tracts of land, perfect domestic happiness, re.pect from rulers and a life of harmo ny in every respect. to shrines and holy places, increase ' knowledge, entertainments, ga ins from cattle and dealings with quadrupeds. GEmia&: Multiplicatio n of enemies, always peevisb and aborttempered. fe ar from police and magistrates , sickness to wife Ce,u r.and family, misunderstandings and disfavour. Serving the suffering, bumanit arian propaganda, u. t aod entbu siasm fo r national -service, gains and increase in wealth. riches and bon our and great reputation . ~- Fear of imprisonment of fra ud and deception or misappropriation or political offences. destruct ion of property and mental worries distractions. Virgoe- Gain in wealtb , general prosperity and success. acquisition of new lands, elevatiOD to exalted positions, respect for learning, sexual bappiness and domestic harmony, birth. of children and sudden access to much wealth_ Llbrg...-Destruction of property, loss of wealth, waste of agricultural pro ducts. loss of position " fear of imprisonment •.


., I

Bbukci. in Rabu', Da..


residence in foreign countries-rather in exile, many miseries, hardships, business fai lure, litigation troubles and phy sical and mental sufferings. ScoCRjo.- Rabu is debilitated here and as sucb , causes great bavoc to tbe native . The results in Ranu' s Dasa .will be :-abortion. loss of Children, inclination to bid farewell to moral aspect o f life. failure in business enterprises aDd menta l discontentm ent . Sagittarlus. -Acqisition of wea hh , sudden and unexpected gain wit bout effort, great success in any undertakings, loss o f near and dear relatives and mental unrest. CapTicorn.-Sudden promotions to higher positio ns, recoanition of one's merits by the State and rulers, marriage festivities at bo rne, increase o f wealth and general prosperity. AqllOTius. 70rpbanage , disappointments, ment al derangement and a ffection , sorrowful news, loss of wife or children, premature death (lnd mean instincts. PifS(S..:-Great fear in life from thieves. swindlers and sucb people. inclinatio n to matrimonial alliance. progress of education, some gains, ill health and mental uneasiness . Rabu in Pisces gives mixed results-bis position, )liZ. , whether he is in a friendly or unfriendly sign. in tbe nouse of loss o r gain , wife or children . etc., should be correctly determ ined . The se results are merely general and are to be modified with reference to the planet's correct position and the ex act nature o f strengtb or wea knes s it has to its credit. Bbuktis ill Rahu', Dau u's sub-pulod-2 years. 8 mo nths. 12 days. Oislur Bnce In mind . anxieties , quarrels a mons relatives, death of partner, master o r the bead o f the family. mental anxiety. danger of poisoning, transfer. all sorts of scandals aod quarrels, fever , bites o f insects or wou nd s by arms. death of ralatives, going to court as witness, qu arrels '-titb parents, d iseases. illness to wife , failure of intellect, loss ,of wealth. wandering in far·off countries and distress tbere . '

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Hindu Prediclivc Aslrolol)'

Jupiter's ~!'.IlP-f!jod:. · -2· years, 4 months, 24 days, Total disappearance of cnemies and sickness, royal favour . acqui sition of wealth , birth 'of cbildren, increase of pleasure, gain through nobles or persons in power, benefits and comforts from superiors, succeSJ in all efforts, marriage in the house. increase of enemies. litigations and dips in sacred rivers. Saturn's sIIb-period.-2 years, 10 months, 6 days. Scandal, danger due to rail of a tree, bad assoclallons , divorce of wife or husband, iDeessaot disputes and conteSts, rheumatism . biliousness, etc ., throughout; disease due to wind and bile . distress of relatives, fri ends and well.wishcrs. residence in a remote foreign land . MercUJ:v'ssub-miRd-2 years, 6 months. 18 days. Many friends and relatives. wife and children. accession to wealth or royal favour. In the first 18 months of this period very busy , seriously inclined to marry. In the latter 12 month s, enemies increase through his own action. happinest':, birth of children , acquisition of vehicles, happiness to relatives and family . enjoyments with prostitutes, showy. gains through trade. fraudulent schemes . .Ktl.IJ.'1 sub-qaiad - I year. 18 days. Danger. disease in the anus, no good and timely meals. s>idemic diseases, danger o f physical hurts and poison. ill. health to children . some swellings in the ,body, troubles through wife, danger from superiors. loss of wealth and honour. loss of children. deatb oC cattle and misfortllnes of all kinds. ~lJ.b period-3 years, Accession to vehicles and things of foreign land . troubles from foes . relatives and diseases, acqUisition of wealth and other advantages , friendly alliances, wife a source of fortune and happiness. benefits from superiors or heads above in

Jupiter', Dasa

office. liable to deception, false .friends, gain in land, birth of a ch ild or marriage. The Sun's sub.n"iOd 10 months, 24 days. Hot fevers>giddiness, fear and enmity of people. quarrels in family, benefits from perSODS in good position, fear ,and suspicion in connectiOD with wife. children and relallves, change of position or residence, love of charitable acts. contentment, cessation of all violence and outrage of conta· gious diseas!:s, success in eumi!lations, private life happy, much reputation aDd fame, but mental unrest. The Moq"l!'L1.H/l:JJ.t:ziDJJ...-1 year, 6 months. . , Abundance of enjoyments, good crops, commg I~ of money and communion with kith aDd kin, loss of r~lauves . loss of money through wife, pains in the limbs, cba~ge of position or residence. danger of personal hurts, unstability of bealth, sea voyages, eain of lands and money. loss or danger to wife and children. Mars' sub-p'erwd-I yc:ar, 18 days, Danger- ~rro'm rulers, fires or thieves and by arms, defc:at in litigation loss of money due to COUSiOl, difficulties, lorrows, da~ger to the person due to malice or enemies, tendency to ease or dir,solute habits, . disputes and mental anxiety, combinalion of all possible calamities, bewilderment in every work and culpable failure of memory. luplter's Dasa 16 Yws ;/upilrdn Aries,-Acquisition of lan~ed propcrt~., ge?eral prosperity and success in all undertakings and hugauons, elevation to a responsible office or appointment as ~ trustee and great respect from his or her own people, Taurus,-If, a king or a president-access to new territories, fresh trelltes and pa'c ts, if an ordinary person-acquis!uoo of~ealt,h, esta· bli!hment of business on a firm foundation, gains 10 trade and agriculture, increase in lands and cattle, respect from

u. friends and foes.

Hindu Predictive ASfrolOIY

Gemjni.-Dcath of wife if married or

SWeet heart , loss of children, brothers and cousins. deportation, fear from rulers aod mental uneasiness. Cancu.-Jupitcr is exalted bere aDd gives all beneficial results such as much political success, promotions, cxalted positions, humanitarian work, nat ional service. acquisition of wealth from unexpected

sources and without efforts, journalistic success, minister of education or lands and perfect barmony in domestic . life. ~ - Rcspect from rulers, gain of lands, much agricultural



produce, and realisation of one's own desires and ambitions. l::1!gg.- Rcsidcncc in foreign countries, destruction of wife and property. loss of wcahh, misunderstandings among rela. tives, strife, body ill·health and symptoms of nervous troubles and diseases. Libra. - Residencc in desolate places, dissolute and sbamefuJ'ii7e,"" active part in perverted social reform, selfish interests, great and unbearable difficulties and trOU bles, tendency to create factions in societies and families. Scorpio.-Menta l calm and happiness, acquisition of new lands and estates, undisturbed progress and religious worship and pbilosophical di'icourses aod triumph of spiritual inHu. ences over sensual passions , reputation at stake if aspected by malefics. Sagillarius.- Many Sons , mucb wealth, success in every undertaking, increase in relations and family members. widesp read fame aDd perfect happiness. Capricorn.-Death or illness of children , wife always ill, loss of property. reputation and self·respect, irreligious acts, sacrilegiolls attacks upon sacred institutions, predom inance of mean -motives, liable to prosecution aod tbe upspringing of numerous enemies. Aquarius . Consumption and fear from wild beasts. animals. bad luck, many hardships and loss of wealth. Pisces.-Much fame throughout this long period of 16 years, higb education and gtlin from exhibition of knowledge, acquisition of property and_general success and happiness.

Bbuklilln Jupitu'. Dasa


Bb";tis in JO'p':iter's D~~~ 'wiler's ~ub-lleri4d 2 years, I month, 18 days. Increase of property , domestic happiness. benefit from eDlploym~nt or occupation, birth o f child ren, reputation, good mea ls, good deeds , health, royal favour . great diligence, success in a ll attempts, travels, dips in sacred rivers, pilgri. mage , hono ur at stake if affiictcd. Saturn's sub·period 2 years, 6 month s. 12 days. A feeling o f aversion , mental anguish, waSle o f wealth' through Sons, failure of business. increase of wealth and prosperity , pain in the body, rheumatic pains in li mbs, trouble through wife or partners, failure in profit and credit. sorrows, fearl'!, enmity o f friends and relatives, adultery, unrighteo us, a witness in court, quarrels in family. mental depre~si(\n, funeral ceremonies fo r otbers. Mercury'l sub-periQl,/ 2 years, 3 months, 6·days. Increase o f wealth, good and ailspicioU5 works in the bOllse, commun ion with relatives, b appy, in crease of know. led ge. acquisition of wealth through trade, favour from rulers, material comforts, perfect practice of hospitality, gain through knowledge in fine arts, birth of a well·favoured child, advantages from superiors. Krlu's sub-p'!rj9d- II months, 6 days. Pilgrimages to ~o ly sbr ines. increase of wealth , sufferiog for the sake o f several seniors and rulers, death of partner if in business, cbange of resid~nce. separation from relatives and friends, may forsake business, poi~onous effects. loss of wealth . destruction of work, illness, boils. tLnus' sub·perigd- 2 years, 8 months. Appointment, wealth, reputation. gain of money, savings, de ge!opment of soos and grandsons . jewels, good and delicious meals, marital happiness, auspicious works. reunion of the family, good success in profession or business, gain of





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Hitadu Predk:t.ive AltrOlou

land in tbe mo nth of Taurus or Libra. much enjoyment. relatives, friends, peace of mind, acquisition of valuables, troubles from females and odium of public. The Sun's sub-puio.d · 9 months . 18 days. El'lcmics, victory. caSe, great diligence, comiug in of wealth. royal favour and sound health, gain. good actions or fruits of good action , loss of bodily strength. The M00 rLLSJ!.k.;J?J:r.Wii- l year, 4 months. Increasc of prosperity. gaiD of fame and fortune . acquisitiOD of property. benefits through children, sexual intercourse w.ith beautiful womeD , good meals and clothing, success and birth of a fema le child or marriage to some male member io tbe family. gain of money. MaTS' sub-periqd - J I months, 6 days. Disappointments and troubles of various kinds. loss by thefts , loss of near and dear relatives, inflammatory disease, transfer or leave , failure in hopes and business, wandering, bigh fever, great risks , loss of wealcb and depression of mind, pilgrimage to temples. acquisition of wealth and fame , adventures. Rahll', sub-DCriwt 2 years, 4 months, 24 days. Income through low-caste people, apprehension of diseases, possibility of every possible calamity, deprivation of wealtb. SaiUrD's Dasa 19 Year, Satur,. In Aries. The worst period in a man's career, unexpected losses, disappointments in every undertaldng, misunderstandings among rela tives and friends and increase in tbe number of enemies. Taurus. Success and gains in agricultural operations, much prosperity to the cattle and other domestic animals, great income, and access to Ihings desired. Gf!mini.Recognition of hi' services, great humanitarian work, profits in speculations and trade, respect from rulert. political success, reputation, fame and much general happioesa.

Bbuktis in S.turo'. Du.


~. - Miserie s. and c~lamitjes, family strife, increase of

eoemles,trouble from relatives and physical diseases and mental affliction. f:!!.-A period of uneasines s, distrust, disappoint_ ments and unrest, misappropriation of money and consequent prose~ution if Saturn is afflicted powerful/y. hatred by all aod courung death as a Source of rrolicf from mental worries. Virlo.-Elevation to exalted positions, ruyal favour, business su~pelS .an~ eltabJis~me~t of :ame and ~eputation. Librg,.Travel llOg In countries Inhabited by Christians and Moslems establi shment of fresh branches if proprietor of a bu sioes~ concern , acceptance of invitations for public lectures and 8 reat honour and respect throughout the long period of 19 years a~d. perfect domest ic happiness. Scorp/o .-Odium of superiors, disliked and hated by all , loss of prestige, self-respect and fame and destruction and damage to property and possession s. Sagi~/arius .- Inclinuion to study philosophical and religious treatises and success in such studies. auspicious occasions like marriage ceremonies, etc. , at home and happiness and mental peace throughout. Capricom.-Incrcase in lands, gain s in wealth and business, friendship with great and illustrious personages. Aquarius. -Great travelling in Western co~ntries success in liligatio n, mental happiness and acquisition of wealth . . P!.rcu. Pilgrimage to sacred shrines and holy places, IOdltrerence toward s sectaria.n restrfctions and observan ces , Sorrow!, misery and unrest . @buktis in SIIA"" QUA ~'4

'ub-JU'iQi ·3 years, 3 days. Brings on diseases, trouble. and tormeots, much mental anguish, capacity of kings and free·bootecs, loss of wealth, fear of ~i'ODOUS effect to cattle, much sufferings to family, fever •. Wind or phlegm, bodily ailments and colic, body langUIShes. loss of money and children, serious enmities, dis-


Hindu Predictive ASlrololY

pute and troubles from relatives, blood and bilious complain c•• quarrels in family . loss of money , mental derangement. Mercury'S .sub-eeriod 2 y~ars. 8 months, 9 ~ays. . Charitable works. gam of wealth. birth of children, increase of knowledge in some brancb. prosperity to children, success to relatives, general prosperity, favours and approbation from superiors. increase of happiness. wealth and fame. benefits occurring from acts of piety and customary religious

observances, agriculture and commerce. Xelu's sub-perjQil-1 year, I month. 9 days. Rheumatism or sickness, danger of poison. danger from


I, ,I I

sons,loss or mORey, conlentions a nd quarrels with vile and wicked people, dread of evil dreams, quarrels in family. t'enus' sub-perfgA-J years, 2 montbs. Auspicious, general happiness, attentions a nd favours fro~ othe,s, gifts, profits in business, increa se· of family members, victory over enemies, success in life, goodwill of relatives, accession to wife's property and wealth . The Sun's sub-perigJ}-l l months, 12 days. Loss of wife and children. trouble from rulers or robbers.,' l inking of heaft, danger of blood poisoning, haemorrhage of tbe generative system, chronic poisoning, intestin al. swellings. amiction of the eyes, sickness eveD to healthy children and wife. body full of p~in aod disorders, danger of death. fear of death to fath er-in-law. Ihe..Mw.Lsub-pello.!i - l year, 7 months. . Increase in cattle, eomity of friends and relatives, cold affections. troubles and sickness, family disputes, loss of mo ney and property, reduction to great need . mortgage of property and its recovery after a lapse of time, deatL~f a near relativ~, sorrow, dislike of relatives. comiog io of money. windy diseases.

Mncury's DAta


MOIs'sub-Dcrwd I year, I month, 9 days. Some disgrace, serious comity , strife. much blame , wanderings from place to place, unsettled life, many enemies, loss of money hy fraud or theft, change of residence . serious illness, distress to brothers and friends, hot diseases. Rahu's lub-Dtriqd 2 years, 10 mOnth s, 6 days. Disease in every limb, loss of wealth by rulers, robbers and foe s. danger of physical burts , various physical troubles, fevers, enemies . increase of troubles. Jupiuil sub-R,criod-2 years, 6 mODths, 11 days. Worship of goda and holy people, happiness to family , in,rease in bodily comforts. accomplishment of intentions by the help of superiors. increase of famil y circles . attainment of rank. MerSHY', paSIJ 17 lee[§' Mercur)) flf. Aries. Marriage . performKnce of religious and sodal work , charity. increase in religiousness and intelligence. favour of rulers. gains from cultivation. cattle, precious stone s and coqveyaD~s and happiness thro ugh these. Taurus . -Great happiness, ICxual contact with beautiful young women , getting titles and name. ornaments and authority over men, acquaintan~ of sweet girls and their company and practice of mu sic and .kindred scieoces. Gcmi/lj.- Access to great intellectual treasures, increase in k.WwiCcige. successful termination of educational career , acqui sition of fame and wealth , happin~ ss from wife and cbildren . marriage ceremonie" and recitation ofsaered scripturel!. Cancer .-Degradation, change of residence, fines and imprisonments, penalties. confinement in chains, hatred of relations, los-I!, of lands. f.i1ure of crops and enmity with all. ,Uo.-Oood courage and elevation, travelling in billy and mountainous Iracts.


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Hindu Predictive


acquisition of wealth from various countries. progress in koowlenJe. expeditions to mountains. caves and similar places. marriage and great reputation. KJ!.gg .- The most "'Ricious and happy period of life. favour of kings, admirers and royal courts and great success io them. undisturbed health, marriage in the house, increase in intelligence . religiousness . charitable fo undings , and unexpected gains. Libra. -Great works published in tbe natjyc'~ name, ravo'"U'rOr wealthy and educated people witbout cffon. and leadersbip over men . Scoreio.-Loss of wife, children, riches . mental troubles, loues (rom merchandise, great hatred of people and relatioDs and loss of reputation and power. Sagillarius.Success in education , meeting with learned and religiou s people, worsbip of holy men, virtuous and charitable deeds, travelling in Eastern countries, inclination for marital enterprises and great e!lhilaration. CapricoC/l.-Success in trade . inception of new business-like trades in tanneries. leather goods, glassware. etc., recitati(lD ofreligious scriptures , Godly cODtemplations, patronage of kings, destruction of foes and enemies and general success in life. Aquarius.-Acquisition of paraphernalia. aCCeSs to good and much wealth. indulging in a pleasurely life and good fame and name. P;sus.- Trouble from thieves, dysentery, deltruction of relations, litigation. quarrels with relatives, mental derangement, nervou's breakdown and failure in anempts. Bhatti, !!U'!,f~I!!~·~.~D~.~.",. Mercury' s .$ub-ptriod.-2 years, 4 months. 27
Shukti, in Mercury', Dasa !


Kttu.'J su.b-ptrlod-II montbs, 27 days , Sorrow, disease,lols of work and DluJrmo, bilious sicknell" aimless wanderinl. loIS of property. misfonune to relattves, t,roubles througb docton , mental anxiety, trouble fr?m ~Iatlves , meotalasony. loss of comfort . dread ofenemy. (allure 10 business. Vtnu.$' sub-period-2 years, 10 montbs . ~b,~ rvaDce of duty. conformable to relilion and morality, ac~ulsJtlon 0: we~hh. c1~tbes and jewels, birth of 100d ~hildren, bapPlDelS 10 married state, relatives prosper, trade Increases', knowledge lain.ed, return from a long journey, if not , married . betrothal In this period , health, ornaments, veh Icles, house. mODl'y gained. The Sun'.$ sub-ptriod-IO months, 6 days, Pains in bead and stomach. enmity of people , loss of reapect, da~8er of fire; anxieties, sickness to wife, troublell . from. e,ll~mtes, many obstacles, troubles througb superiors. acquIsItion of wealth. The Moon's sub-pl'riod-I year, 5 months. Loss of health. some swellings or hurts ill tbe limbs quarrels and troubles tbrough women, many difficulties. gai~ of m~ney tb~ough la~ies ,and agricuhure and trade, success. bapPlness,. diseases, Ill-Will of enemies, miscarriage of every concern. fisk from quadrupeds , ~ars' sub-period-IJ months, 27 days . . Disappearance of all dangers di seases, or enemies. flDle derived from acts of cbarity and benefi cence . royal fa vour 4anger fro m jaundice or bilioul fever, affections of tbe blood ' n.euralgic pains and beadacbes, troubles tbrough neighbours: ~Ick~ess, wounds or buns, quarrels, addiction to drinks &cUing and prostitutes, boils and burts of arms travels i~ forests and villages, sorrows, royal disfavour. impri;onmenl.





KClu', J>.$II


Hindu Prcdiclivc AS1foIOlY

Rahu .f" sub prr;Qd-l yean. 6 months, 18 days . Intercourse with servants and prostitutes, skin diseases, sufferings from hot diseascs. bad company and direy meals. change of present poSition, fear and danger through foreigners, disputes concerning property. failure in litigation. evil drcaJJ'ls. headaches , sickness and 105s of appetite . wealth from (riends and relatives, happiness, new earning•. Jupil('f's mb·p~rlod-2 years, 3 months 6 days. Hatred of friends, relativc:s and ciders, wealth. liable to disease~. acquisition of land and wealth. gain by trade, rePUtation, good happinrss, good credit, benefits from superiors. birth of a child or marriage . Soturn';), sub-pt.'rlod - 2 years, 8 months, 9 days. Sad luck, stranger to succesS and happiness, severe reversal, enmity, pain in the part governed by Saturn, downfall or disBrace to relatives , mind full of evil forebodings and distre_ss. fear from diseases, loan5, loss of children. destruction of family, scandals. troubles from foreigners, earnings through evi l ..... ays . acts of charity and beneficence, acquisition of wealth. material comforts through petty chief., failure in agrkuhuraloperations. Keto's 0.58-7 years Ketu in Aries .-Disgrace. troubles from relatives, loss of pro·pcrlY , cattle and other domestic animals. constant travels in Eastern countries, great hardship . sudden quarrels, loss of mother and wife or their serious sickness, want of prudence and capacity in private matters. Ta"ru.1.-Many dangers. death of wife, acquisition Qf wealth through evil ways and meanS , sexual sorrows, visits to sacred shrines and holy waters , inclination to religious study and 5UC(:ess in it. compunction and in the end appeasing sins by resort to foul stratagems. Geminl.-Good health. happiness. elevation to responsibleandexalted positions, founding of sacred institutions.

aood food. advent of relations and in later years venereal uoubles. death of ncar relation and loss of .reputstion and self-respect. Cancer.-Many dsnaers, disturbances from his place and a period of exile. serious sickness to wife, parents or children, and if badly afflicted, their death. quarrels with friends, initiation into the mysteries of pbilosophical know· ledge. LLo. - Increase of land s. cultivation . progress in edu· cation. ~ted debates and discussioDs on philosophica l :1I:d scientific subject s with great scholars and eminent people , attracted by fcmale s and company with them , travels in mountainous tracts and hilly countries to spread any righteous cause , and treated to great musical entertainment. Virgo . Fear from fires. weapons and poisonous gascs, he~nd reptiles, destruction o f dear lives. properties and self-respect . unrighteous acts and nasty venereal complaints . Libro.Happiness and prosperity to wife or husband, Sclfand cbildren. enmity of relations, gains from gold and precious stones, headache . hesrt disease, nervous breakdown , trouble io the anu s and much discontent. S(orp;o .-Living dependeOl ~n relations . sycophant acts, a«.: quisition of much wealth . 1055 of few children. gains from land s, contraction of new friend Ship from among the members of tbe fair sex and liable to suffer from venereal complaints. Sagitlarius. -Perfect domestic harmony and happiness . favour from a ristocrats. progress in education, religious discuss ions. moral elevation and manifestation of a spirit of tolerance and equality. Cap"lcor~ - M i sappropriation of private and governmental funds and consequent prosecution, wife or husband catching consumption and such diseases . death of a few «.: hildren . anxiety about eVerjlhing, misunderstanding with relations and disgrace and disappointments. Aquaril/s.-Hating all and hated by all, · incurriog the displea sure of superiors, pessj. mistic about every hope, abject dependency and servile

HiDdu Prcdicli.... ASlfOlolY


Hattery ; io the cod. happiness and prosperity to wife and children. Pisus....-uarned discutSiODS, generalaucces•• bel ping

the suffering. mcotal depression, promopoD, acquisition of fertile lands, favour of the superiors and moneyed people, moral and religious devotions, vigorous and clear understandins. travel 00 water to distant countries and respect there. !!.~I'"lCd.'. . •• ~ ;a::.:,








:I I


Ketu's mb-period- 4 months. 27 day•. Fear of death of wife or cbildren, loss of wealth and bappiaess, mental troubles, separation from relatives, subject to some cstf.olement, restraint or detention . daoger of poison . VenuJ" sub-pulod . ) year, 2 months. Wealth aDd happiness, binh of a child, efforts crowned with success, in tbe cod sickness, wife ill. illness to children, quarrels, loss of relatives and friendS , fevet and dysentery. Th~ Sun'" sub-period-4 months, 6 days. Disappointment, physical pain. exile in foreiaD country. peril and obstruction in every business. increase of knowledge, sickness in family, long journey and return, anxiety about wife's healtb. I The Moon's sJb.perlod-7 months. Disputes about " fair sex". trouble through cbildren, gains and financial success. diseases of biliousness and cold, loss of relatives and money, destruction of wealtb and d istress of mind. Mars' sub-p~riod-4 months, 27 days. Odium of sons, wife and younger brothers. loss ofrelatives. trouble from diseases, foes and bad rulen. path of progress obstructed, fear and anxiety, disputes and contests of different kinds, enemies arise, danger of disputes and destruction through females. sufferings from fever, fear of

venus' Da.sa

robbers, death , imprisonment, urinary disea'ses, loss and dif6· cullies and surgical operations. Rahu's mb-period-I year, 18 day.!. Loss of lands . imprisonment . quarrel with friends. danger of blood poisoning, danger of ruin . loss of property. fame aDd ho nour. fear of kings and robben . sorrow. ruin of all business adultery with mean women . Jupiler'; sub-period-II moiuhs, 6 days. Exemption from ailments, acquisition of lands and birth of children. profitable transaction s, association with people of aood position. danger of poison . wife an object of pleasure. if unmarried marriage lakes place. Saturn's sub-perlod-I year. I month . 9 days. Loss of wife. danger from enemies. imprisonment. loss of wealtb, indigestion , pro perty in danger or ruin, heavy loss in different ways. change of residence . some cutaneous diseases. anxiety owing to sick ness of partner mi sgivings in . the heart, mental anguish , difference of opinion with relations. exile in foreign countries. Mercury' s sub-period- II months 27 days. Society of relatives. friend s and tbe Ii~e. material gains from knowledge, danger from relatives, anxiety on account of cbildren . failure in plans. deceplion. jealousy. falsehood , and knowledge. Veaas'. 0.511 - 20 Year,



Vellus in Arit'.f,-Residen ce in palatial buildings, acquaintance with noble personages, wearing good clothes, good earnings, spread of fame , much respect, birth of child. happy sexual relatio ns and praised by friends and ~emies" Taurus.A life of great ease and indulgence Ihroughout the penod of 20 years, enjoyment of much happiness, company of beautiful &iris and joy through association with them, travels on seu





Hindu Predictive AltfOlo,:y

to foreign countries particularly southern, all ambitions of life fairly realised. redemption from debts, symptoms of ventrea.' troubles. Geminl.- Gain of terrhory . affording protecuot. '0 brothers . sisten, cousi ns and paternal uncles and auots, gain o f vebicles, increase of reputation, children . harmony with wife, meDtal peace and a check ovcr inclination to indulge in loose life. Concer.-Paroxysms of grief and terror . dest ructi on of p roperty. dlscontent with relations, increase of enemies, loss of wealth, disturbance to good work and somt mental case in tbe cnd . Leo.-Mental disease and sorrow, troubles from fires, poisonS3iid huns , evil women , (oullangunge and mental disorder. exile . and aimless wander. ings in deserts and woods to evade detection by law . dangerous sickness to tbe better half or a child . stigma on self-respect due 10 mean fell ows and ioclindtion to conceal true identity. Virgo -Quarrel s with wife o r hu sband and separation from him or her. mortgage of all property . trouble in tbe generative organ often leading to surgical operation. symptoms of arthritis . troubles relati ng to nervous breakdown. mental unrest , separation from relatives and fri ends a nd much grief and So rrow . ..b!J!!!l.-· Great reputation. gain of wealth from royal patroDage , com forts, good enjoyment of life, luxurious invitations and worship s of mammon and a period o f extreme sen suality. Scorpio .- Hatred for all. ma ny miseries and troubles, serious risks. vengeance against relatives . loss of we~hh and property , mental amicti~n. and imbalance. Sagj,. ~ . -M~cb ,fame a nd name, religiou s .and philosophica l studle'. r~cllatlon of ~ac red writings, regaJ:d for holy people an~ ascetiCS, success In a ny undertaking and general pro ~. penty .. Cczor/t'orn,- Travels in foreigD lands. freedom from ~omestl c worries. discussion with learn~d people, progress In general educati on , ac~uaintance witb low class people . development of perverted Idea s of social or religiou s reform


&huklis in Ven us' D...

and ~ ucces s in aU endeavours. Aquarius.-Acquisition of fresh property. a good library, lands aod houses, honours and unexpected gains, love for Cbri stian or Islamic literature and its studi~s, stray intercourse with ser'Yile women, domutic happiness and harmony, ~, - High political power and great success, promotioo to respo nsible office, acts of charity and generosity, exercise of prudence in official matters aod perfect happiness in dome stic life and smooth-sailing in e\'e ry re .~ pect .

Bhuktis in Veaus' !::tIlU£ $ub-period


3 years, 4 months. Success, good servants and good many pleasures, money plentiful , disappearance of enemies, attainment of fa me and birth o f cb ildren . I/lI:.'£un:.uVE.i.2.d- I year. Anxious about everytbing., prosperity colla pses, troubles wi tb wife. children . land. family , disputes and quarrels, diseases affecting head, belly and eyes, damage in respect of agriculture. [email protected]!..e.d9.9.- 1 year, 8 months. Gains of females, education . knowledge, mo ney, cbildren and vehicles, worsbip of God, accomplisbments o f desires, tro uble.~ through wife. domestic bappiness afterwards, pain lind disease due to inllammation or nervous tissues and from lust and other passioDs of human nature. MQ!!'..! u.p.:£~Ie.P- I year, 2 montbs. Flo w of bile. disease of tbe eyes, great exertion. mu cb Inco me , acquisition o f wealth, marriage , acquisition of lands, venereal diseases , danger (rom arms, cJiile in foreigD places, athei stic tendencies, jnc~ase of property through tbe influence of female s. negligence of duty . bent on pleasure and passioo, tempo rary affection of eyes .

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Hindu Predictive ""rolol)'

Rahu's sub-eerIQd- 3 years. _~~.!Sit~r seclusion. quarrels amoog relatives and bis people, entire change of surrouadio8s, schemes of deception . mise"rliness, acquisition of lost property . dislike of relatives . evil from friends and injury by fi~ . {ltIpitu's sub- P Crlqd-2 years,"8 month •. Means of livelibood settled, gains from profc15ioo, ~~ through sup_c~iors_ ~r_~l!l_pl~rc~ .. I?t p~rson~ J_u-'c~ by .1.u-Pit~!: fame. anxiety, quarrels with saints and religious 8!ULQf knowledge, cnd of dependence, worship of certain inferior natural forces, happiness and bcalth ._ .!!l_arria.BI!..~•. s~~uau.'!!s!' co~!!e.J- increase of family reputation and good deeds, wealth . ultimate happincss , wife and children suffer in the cnd . ~~n~s sub-p
Bbuktis in Venus' Oasa





oJ the family , accidental blood poisoning , delirious fits, weaknesS in body and mind, gradual loss of wealth. loss of relatives, bad company , abode in seclusion. manifold sorrows , but happiness in tbe end. A careful study of my book How fO Judge A Horoscope i, also recommended.


sourt'e 3Dd Nature of Death



Source and Nature of Death



Fatalists and atheists lDay indulge in the hallucination s that death is accidental . that it is merely the resolution of the ('omponent elements of the human body into their former states and that it signifies an end to tbe activitie s of the soul as it becomes incorporated with the general ethereal currents; but in rea~ity it does not seem to be so. There is much significance attached to this by the Hindus as well a s other people believing in the existence of a Creator without who se k.now. ledge "not even a sparrow faUs to the &round'" Death doc;s not come all of a sudden; neither does birth take place so . . Man does not come from nothingness and disappear into the region s of annihilation . Some mysteriou s and s ubtJe power seem s to control reaulate the various pha ses of human exi stence , like birth , life and death. operating in a definite order and often tran scending reason. logic and commonsense . The pre sence and operation of thi s power is demon strable by everyday occurrences. Here comes the importance of the laws of Xarma and tbe laws of continuity and eyolution. The Hindus grant the existence of worlds other than our own and the possibility of the soul migrating into good or bad states of future existence after death. according as the KJJrma done in this world is lOad or bad . As Socrates puts it. death is either the cessation "of all human activities or tbe migration of tbe soul into a happier region .


Philosophers say that death is a stale of tran ~ ition for the soul to enter into more subtle form s of t'l xi stence and th~ duration o f life in such states of exi stence depends upon the balance sheet of Karma at onc's credit at the time of dealh bere. By a scertaining the length of life beforehand, car~full y. and tb~ nature and source of death. it may be possible to prevent many cata ~ trophe s and family strifes in thi s life. Some aver thai it may also be poss ible to p.ro\ong the life. by recourse to yoga and other remedies prescribed by the ancient Maharsbi s.. Many times the !liudden death of a person lea\'es his widow. children and o ther dependents in a slate of abject poverty . Adequate provisiot)" could ha ve been made for tbe se pt"0 ple if the period of death wrre previously a ~certained. The following information will be: useful to find out tbe place . nature and source of death, the pa rt icular diseases which the native suffers from at the time of death , unnatural deaths by drownings, tortu re~, accidenls . wild bea s t ~, suicide, Murder, etc. , which' can be prevented , Ihe period of uown· sciou sness before death, the natu re o f cremation or burial of tbe dead body. the nalure of the pa st and fulure birth s :And tbe poss ibilit y or o therwise of attainin g moksha or ema ncipation . The disease from which a perso n die s i5 predicted by the nature of the planet. which aspect s the IlIh house and the part of tbe body to be affccted would be that represented by the 8th hou se in "he division unljler Kolopurushn (see cha pler on Medical Astrology for Ihis divi sion ). In other words , the humour belonging 10 the planet (which is given in p. 174) in the 8th ho use causes the particular disease which produces death . If many planets occupy the 8th house. the body will be su bject to several attack s resulting from an excess of the variou s humours indicated by such powerful planet ~ and death will en sue . If the Sun , tbe Moo n, Mars,




Hindu Predictive AsrrolOC)'

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M.ercllry, Jupiter, Venu s or Saturn is in tbe 8tb house, deatb wl~1 be due to fire. water, weapon s, fever, cbronic diseases. thieves or starvation rcspeetively. If the 8tb house is a movable, a fixed or a common sign death occurs in foreign place, OWn place or while travelling , If the Sun aspects tbe 8tb house, tbe disease will be dc~c. I~ped by bile ?r beat ; if tbe Moon by wind and bile; if Mars, bile or heat:. If Mercury, by wind . phlegm and bile; if Jupiter, b~ phlegm ; If Venus. by phlegm and wind; and if Saturn , by wl~d . If one or ~orc of tbese planets occupy the 8tb. disease prior to death will be from the above-mentioned sourCesthe so~rces indicated by the particular planet. I f no planet OCCUPies or ~Spectl the Ihb. then the lord of the 8tb bouse must be cons~der~d and the nature of disease determined from the b~mours Indicated by the particu lar planet. Fir st ta~e tbc planet occupying the 8th; if no planet is there, conSider the one that aspects ,he 8tb' if no pl. t ' b ' ,net ~spec 'I,t. t ~n give preference to the lord oflbe 8th, In tbe illustration given below, the 8th from tbe Ascendant is Aries. The Sun and Venus are posited there and are powerfully S" Venus



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Asclil .

lOurCC ud Nature or Death


.speeted by the Moon who is in tbe 2nd from birth aJ!.d by Mars who is in the Stb. Now the diseases tbe native suffered {rom at bi s death must be ascertained. The Sun in t.he 8thbile; VenU s in the IIlh - wind and phlegm; Moon aspecting tbe 8tb-bile and .... ind; Mars aspecIing the ltth- bile . Three planets indicated bile, two wind and one phlegm. Therefore, the native died on account of Ihe di ~ease caused owing to inflammation of e~ccssive bile in the head (Aries ,epresent s bead). AccClrding to Ayu rveda or the Hindu system of Medicine , the exi stence o f these tridoshas (wind. bile a nd ph legm) in a state of harmony con~titutes health and wben some one or more· among the se doshas is or lire increased and some otbers po ~sessed of opposite attributes a rc dilninishcd. the result is disease (vide my book Ayurvfda. 4th Edition). Each dOJha (bumour) causes certaio disea ses and the exact oature of the disea~e from which a person die s sbould be a!icertained with referen ce to tbe humour attributed to the planet, ru ling, posited in , or aspecting tbe 8th hou se io it. boroscope. The Sun indicates death by fevers, apoplexy, paralysis, The Moon causes death by watery disease s, drowning, loose motIon s, diarrhoea, dysentery, blood impurities . Mars brings about death by pneumonia, cho lera, pl ague and suc.ii otber epidemics, baemorrhage, broncbitis. abortion and consequent surgical operation , accidents incidental to to lun-shots, etc. Mercury makes a person die by fever of brain , smallJ)l>x, alue . nervou s di sorders. sleeping sickne ss. kala-azar, whoopiog cough and a ssault s. . Jupiter causes death by mental worry or by some unknown disease, pleurisy, liver disease. inflammation of the IUDgs, heRt! failure and sparms.

, II


Hindu PredicciYc AllroJosy

~eDU S in~icates death by exce ssive thirst, fa st, exces sive beatln •• syphilis. gonorrhoea. . Saturg. cau ses death by suffocation , burn s. rheumatic fever, paralysis, melancholia and cons umption. Accidental death is caused by the following co mbinations. If the Sun and Mars occupy the IOtb and tbe 4th at birth death will be duc to huns and injuries received by stone: throwin.. If Saturn, the Moon and Mars arc in the 4th. the 7th and tbe 10th respectively . death occurs by drownin g in a well or falling into it. The SUD a nd the Moon, in Virgo with or .upect,cd by malefics. cau se death by drinking poison or being pOIsoned by enemies. Apart from tbe 8tb house si8nifyiog the source and nature o~ death , certain other combinations at birth also indicate the klDd of death. Whe.n Ma rs and Saturn are a~icted. death occurs by ~u~ocauon . Saturn in Taurus in conjunction with a malefic Indicates death by hanging. Deatb may occur in prison jf Saturn aspects tbe Suo or the Moon rising. Saturn in a q~adruped sign conj un ction with the Sun cause, deatb by shl pwr~k. faU of buildings. falls from elevations, recipiccs. Sat urn In Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn at bil ~ b ca use d~ath by dropsy. The Moon in a sign of Mars or in Virgo w:nl~ two malefics on eithe! side brings about death J)y ema. CI~ tlOD of the body. If tbe Moon is in Capricorn or Aquarius with malefics o n either side. death will be due to luicide or fa.lI from a mo untain . Two malefic! in tbe 5th and 9th ho uses with DO beneficial aspects bdng about death itr prison. If Mars ~ nd the Sun a re in the 4th , and Saturn in the 10th. the person will be crucified. The Sun in tbe 4th , Mars in tbe 10th; ~spected by tbe weak Moon . causes death from crUCifiXion . If Mars. tbe SUD and Saturn occupy the 4th. the 7th a n ~ the 10th re spectively , death occurs by fire and

Source and Na ture or Deatb


w~apons . Saturn. t he Moo n aod Mars in the 2nd, Ihe 4th and the 10th r~spect ively cause death by in sect bi tes or wounds ge ntrated in t he body. The weak Moo n, the Sun a nd MaTS in the 10th, the 7t h and the 4th respectively make the pe rson tHe in Ihe m id ~ t o f ni ghHoil 6i1h and faeca l matter. Sa tu rn in the 81h with weak. Moon aspec led by powerful Mars ca u:"es death by surgical o peration or piles o r fistu la. In case. the above combinations do not hold good , Ihen the fo llowin g ml1\1 be applied. T he 22nd drekkana (decanate) decla re s the cause o f death a nd Ihe lord of Ihal drelckana kills the perso n by that disease which is attrihutcd to him as given at th e beginning of this Chapter. T he place where dea th Ot'cu rs will he simil a r lO Ine Sign occupied by th e lord of the Navam sa in which the birth fall s. Say the birth faJl s in the Navllmsa of Capr ico rn . Itt:; lord is Saturn. In Ihe Rasi he is in T aurus. Therefore th~ nature o f Ihe place, death occurs in. will b~ appropriate to Taurus, i.e .. t he place indica ted by the 10ul of Tauru s, v;z., Venus indica ting d rawing rooms well furnished with exq uisite furn it ure and tapestry. I .I f tbe lord of the !.!gn __oSfl!pje.~ ..~)' _tb~ lo_rd _ __the _ __ of_t_he_ ______ Navam sa. a s('cndant fall s_ in I is the Sunthe pi al;e of death wi ll be a temple , a forest o r a reli gio us insti lu tion; if the M,22!l-a fert ile pl ace . with green vegetat ion o r a ga l IJen : if Mars-hospital, ope ration room, special ward!.; if Mercuft- playgrou nd, sports club, ga mblin g den; if J !,!p iler- tfeas ure h o u s~, publil; office. court , lawyer's house: if Venu s- rich Hats 'and apa rtments, nursing houses. -and if Saturn dirty places and dens o f pros titules. The pe riod, fo r which a person will remain unconscio us beror~ death , will be t he. time of obliq ue ascension o f the remain ing portion of the rising sign below horizon. This pe"I"iod must be double if the lord of the Ascend3nt a speeh tbe birth , a nd trebled if benefics aspect the birth . ~-



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I, , I

Hindu Predictive Anrolol)'

Examplt.-Say 25° Gemini is rising (latitude 28- N). The remaining portion of Gemini is S'" Reference to oblique ascension tables in Appendill: B gives tbe duration of Gemini 5 ghatis on 28° N. latitude. The time taken for 5° in Gemini 10 rise will be SpO )( 5/6 ghatis or SO vighatis or 50/60 )( 2/5 -: 1/3 hour or 20 minutes. Say Mercury, lord of the birth. aspects Gemini. This time must be doubled - 20 x 2,.. 40 minutes. That ~s. the person wi!1 be unconscious fo r -40 minutes before he exjilres. ~- Afler death takes place, the oature of cremation, burial or otherwise, should be ascertained with reference to the 22nd drekkana (decaoate). The 22nd drekkaoa will be the rising. drekkana ratber the first drd:kana in the 8th bouse. H the 220d drekhna is fiery, then the body will be cremattd aDd turned to ashes. I f it is a watery drekkana, tbe body will be thrown into rivers or tanks. If it is neither a fiery drekkana nor a watery ooe, the body will be uncared for and disso lved by atmospherical forces. The final thing would be to find out tbe world the person has come from and wbither be will go for his future eltistence. We do not know what eltactly is the mystery underlying the phenomenon of death. But it is held by all sages that the soul will go from here to some other world . arter death. and this can be ascertained tbus:The_past birth can be determined by the ruler of the decanat~ oc:;c~ led by the Sun or the Moon (whichever';s more powerfu and accor IDgly the particular Loka or world where the soul bas come from. Find out which is stronger out-of the Sun and tbe Moon. Utbe lord of the decanate occupied by the stronger of these two planets is Jupiter-the deceased in his past birth belongs to Deva Loka (world of immortals}. If the decaoate belongs to the Moon or Venus, the person has come from PUr" Loka (world of manes) . If the decanate belongs to the Sun or Mars, the deceased belongs to [iri)'o(


Source and Nature o r Deatb


Loka (world of lower animals). If Saturn or Mescury ist he owner of such a decanate, the person haS come from Naraka Loka (infernal regions) . In the previous birth the statu!'! or rank of the person was higb, mediocre or mean and debilitated according as the lord of such a drekleaoa is exalted. ordinary debilitated. The chapter on death can be brought to a close when we con!'!idcr the state of future existence of a persoo after death. lliher.~ .. ~lS ~ "p!anets in __ !ne~!p.• _ tbe.ltl! _a.mt t~_~_8lP-, find out the decanate rising in the 6th and tbe 81h and deter· mine the strongest of the twO . Tben attribute that 10k a or world which is denoted by that planet ruling the abovementioned decanate. If a planet is found in the 6tb , tbe 7th or the 8th. tben tbe person goes to tbe world, indicated by tbe planet. If tbere are twO or more planets, always give preference to the strongest. Jupiter DevQ Loku (world or Immortals) Moon and Venu5 Pilru Loka (world or Maoes) Tlrlyag Loka (world or Lower o\olmal$) Sun and Mars Satum aod Mercur)' NaraJ;Q Lota (world or Infernal Relions) One is said 10 secure moksha or final emancipation if

Jupiter occupies 1st, 4tb, 7th , 8th o r 10th from tbe Mcendant. According to Sastras, moksha or higbest spiritual bli ss is to be sougbt in preference to other states of existence . Today many persons die by beart·attacles, cancer, blood pressure and other fasbionable diseaSes peculiar to modern civi lisation, By a careful study we can adapt the principles given in ancient texts to suit modern conditions and attempt forccasts of deaths due to the above diseases.


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", . , (t ".

I f _,

e. Tht" Ashtakavargll. System


The Aehtakavarga System This is apeculiarsystem ohscertainiDS thevarioul sources of en er~y for the difl'eren~ planets. A.btakavarga helps us to detcrm.me _t~e+. lonl~yity Q.( a ~lOn:- tb1f yearly - restilts ~rod_~ced on accpu!l!. ._~( t.i!e J r-cessant mOyemeMS oTtbe p.~aneu ch~nling t~~ir.. positio.~s from where "they +at"tiie time ~f blr~h . an4 to estimate tbe st'ability otii~wJSe _oi eac~ . Dbava or house. Planets will be found i"~ certain P?SltIODI at the , time of birtb. but at any given time after birth they will be found in different situations both from the A~ cendant and also from their own radix positions. Asbtakav~rg.!.. I~b_er&lly. .traDs.!!l!c:~+ !!1:':.a~! .-:.igbf SOl\r~ of e9ll&)' tor eaCii p]~t IDcluding the Ascendant. Rabu and Ketu are iDya~iablY omIiied- ooaccouot ottheir shadowy nature. The s~bJect-matier of Ashtakavarga is vast. I have, tberefore extenslyely dealt with it in my book AshataJeaWlfga Spsur:a .E1P!edictl0I!' In this .chapter I bave giveD brie-O-y imPortant outlines necessary for Its study. witbout entering into details. Supposing in a horoscope, tbe Sun is in C~ncer. Six months hence he will not be in Cancer, but in Sagittarius or Capricorn and in eacb succeeding month he transits over a par~i~ular lign . a nd consequently forms different angular posit ions t.o hiS own position at birtb and those of other planet s. Ashtakavarga records the results of such tran sits. I. The Sun is declared auspicious in the 1st, tbe 2nd, tbe 4th, the 7tb, tbe 8tb, the 9th, the 10th and the J Ith houses





from himselr ; tbe same bouses from Mars and Saturn ; in the 5th, the 6th, the 9th and the 11th from Jupiter ; the 3rd, the 6th. the 10tb and the 11th from the Moon ; the 3rd, the 5tb, the 6th. the9th, tbe 10th, tbe Illb and the 12tb from Mercury ; the 3rd, the 4th . the 6th, the 10th, the I J th and the 12th from the Ascendant: and the 6th, the 7th and the 12th rrom Venus. I2!!! 48 points. 2. The benefic places of the Moon are the 3td, the 6th , the 10th and the 11th houses from the Ascendan!. The Moo:"! is auspicious in the 2nd. the 3rd, the 5th, the 6t b. the 9t h, tbe 10th and tbe 11th houses rrom Mars : the 1st . the Jrd. the 6th. the 7th, the 10th a nd the 11th houses from the Moon herselr ; the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th. the !l th. the 10th and th e: 11th rrom the Sun: the 3rd, tbe 51h, the 6th and tbe 11th from Saturn ; the lSI , the 3rd, the 4th , the 5th , th e' 7tb , th~ 8th, the 10111 and the 11th bou ses from Mercury; the lSI, the 4th. tbe 7tb, the 8th, the 10th, the Illh and the 12th from Jupiter ; and the 3td, the 4th , the 5th , the 7th, the 9th , Lhe 10th and the 11th from Venus. ~i?...Q.o! nts.: J . The benefic places of M3rs will be the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th, the 10th and the 11 th houses rrom the Su n ; the 1st, the 3rd, tbe 6th, tbe 10th and the 11th bou ses rrom the Ascendant ; the 3rd, the 6tb. and the 11 th houses rrom tbe MOOD ; the 1st, tbe 2nd , the 4th, the 7tb, tbe 8tb, the 10th and tbe 11th from himself : in 1,4,7 , 8, 9, 10 and 11 fro m .Sa.turn; in 3, 5, 6 and II from Mercury; in 6, 8, J I and 12 from Venus; and in 6,10, II and 12 rrom Jupiter. Total ~_PJ~J.R~ - .4. Mercury produces good in I. 2, 3. 4, 5, 8, 9 and II from Venus; in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 fro m Mar s and Saturn ; in 6. 8, II and 12 from Jupiter ; in ~, 6, 9, II and 12 from the Sun : in 1,3,5,6,9, la, 11 and 12 from himselr ; in 2, 4, 6. 8, 10 and II from the Moon ; and in 1,2, 4,6,8 , 10 and II from the Ascendant. Total 5.1.P.:O.in1S.


hou ses must be reckoned with re spec t to the Ascendant or the Moon Ilod no t from the positions of planets (Apachaya.J are I. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,9 and 12 ho uses from Lagna; the rest are all Upachayas) . We sha ll make ourselves clear by applying the rules to a practica l hOh>Scope. We shall prepare the Ashtakavarga Table for the SUD in the ho roscope given .below.

5. Jupiter will be aUSpIC IOUS io 1,2,4,7,810 and 11 from Mars; in 1,2. 3,4,7.8,10 and II from himself: in J, 2. 3, 4,7,8,9,10 and II from tbo~SUD; in 2, 5,6,9,10 and II from Venus; in 2. 5, 7. 9 aDd 11 from tbe Moon; in 3, 5, 6 and 12 from Saturo; in 1, 2. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and II from Mercury; and io 1.2 . 4,5,6, 7. 9, 10 and 11 from the Alcendant. Total 5~ points. 6, Venus produces good in 1. 2, 3, 4, S. 8, 9 and 11 from LagDa; in 1.2,3,4, 5,8,9, 11 and 12 from tbe MOOD; in I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, to and II from himself; in 3, 4, S, 8, 9, 10 Bod 11 from Saturn; in 8, 11 aad 12 from the SUD ; io 5,8,9,10 and ~I from Jupiter; io 3. S. 6, 9 and II from Mercury; and 10 3,5,6,9, 11 and 12 from Mars. Total 52 2,.oiots. Saturn is beneficial in 3, 5, 6, ~nd 11 from bimsc:lf ; In 3, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 from Man; 10 I, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 from tbe Sun; in 1,3,4,6,10 and 1J from the"Ascendant; in 6, 8: 9, 10, 11 and 12 from Mercury; in 3, 6 and II from tbe Moon; in 6, 11 aD.d 12 from Venus; and in 5, 6, 11 and 12 from Jupiter. 1pll139 poiotl. Tbe to~~.l1t4.i.tic!~aLC2.~~~~ _~f benefic _ points J?1 !!U'....J2~Q.c;.t .lD.•.• IlL.b2!Qscopc wil! _b~.~.e.~~~. ~.U>.~ctive figures gh'en abO\le. The sum·lotal of aU planets will be 337 points for any horoscoPC:-.t~Is;- 'i.Q.Q,stAJiJ.~-· · -- -- . " • 8. These are the benefic positions. Tbe good or bad results must be ascertained as aiready stated above. It it usual in preparing the Asbtaka\l8rga Tables to denote the benefic places with a zero (0) and malefic places with a dot li~es (-). ?JaD~ts, in Upa,c haya (~, 6, ~O, 1.1) places. in (Cltndly and Own houses or exaltation signs produce benefic effects if sucb bouses contain more benefic dots for tbe planets thao malefic ones. And planell when tbey pais tbrough Apachaya bousel or unfriendlY or depression signs produce malefic effects fully . Tbe_ Upachaya and Apacbaya



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M<>Orl SalUrD


Rasi D ia,ra m

" Man

Mere, Venus


.. -_" I




. '0



The A,btakavup System

Hindu Pre


. 6




The first from Cancer, where the SUD is found, is Ca ncer itself: the 2nd is Leo; the 4th Libra; the 7th Capricorn: the 8th Aquarius; the 9th Pisces; the 10th Aries ; and the t Jth Taurus. So when the Sun pa sses through tliese signs, he will produce beneficial ruuhs and acco rdingly in the Sun's Ashtakavarga Table mark a small zero (0) in each of these places and a line (-) in the rest of the houses. Similarly, prepare diagrams for the Sun with reference to the remaining planets and the Ascendant. and get eight tables for each planet likewise. N,w add together all the zeros in the sign of Aries. in each diagram and we shall obtain a figure representing tbe total number of hindus iD Aries due to tbe position o f the SUD with reference to all




Hindu Pred iclive A" rololY




- -0 - ~- -



No . 1 Sun's As hlakavnilt to the SUIl




._ -



~o.o/ 1

- :--,---1- -1 , - , i


planets an d similarly the total 'uros and lines in Taurus . Gemi ui, i tc .. can be fouod out. In other words, this givt's us lhe total Asbtakavarga of the Sun. Th e Sun's Ashtakavarga as a whole stands as per Diagram No.3. . This diagram indicates that while the Sun passes through Aries, for instance, the auspicious effects will be 5/ 8 and the malefic effects 3/8. In other words. he produces benefic effects to the extent of 5/8- 3/8 .= 218 or '/4. Similarly. when he pa sses thrdugh Taurus lIe produces 5/8 - 3/8 ," 2/8 or 1/4 beneficial resull s without any malefic effects. The sa me thing holds good with reference to other places. The Upachaya houses (or this horoscope are Aries, Cancer. Scorpio and Sagittarius . In tbe Ashtakavarga of the Sun given in the next page, when the Sun transits over tbese Upachaya houses • .,,1:., Aries . Cancer, etc., he produ ces beneficial results fully and not to the extent o f 2/8; while transiting over Taurus fApochaya house) he produces malefic influences to tbe full extent.

No . ]

Sun's Ashtaklva ra a

()(X) ,

" - "00' ---

_- - 5


", -- - 3


- - - J



000 , - • - 5




. - -]


* 00000 ,


- -- ]

. - -)


with referen ce


00000 .. 00000 , 00000 ,




The .... sht.ku.rll System

000 ,



t -.--

'" the maximum



000 , ---S



00 2 • - - fl


We know numbu of benefic dot~ is g and the circles represent beneficial unit s while lines represent malefic units. We can omit inserting malefic units in the tables and ins tead mark benefic units a lone. so that the malefic units can be ascertained by deducting the benefics from !\ . The Sun's Ashtakavarga as given in Diagram No.3 can al so be put as in No.4.

, , , ,





These numbers H sla led above imJicale be nefic uni ls in Sun', Ashlallav.r,1




, 2



Hindu Predictive Astroloty

9. The (able pr~pared for each planet containing benefic dots must be subjected to two reductions, viz .• Trikona reduction and Ekadhipathya reduction. Trlkoaa Reductioa, The triangular or Trikona signs are Aries aod tbe signs forming aD equilateral triangle with it, viz., Leo and Sagittarius; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; Gemini and signs formioB ao equilateral triangle with it ; and Cancer, Scorpio pod Pisces.


-10. When similar figures, ratber the same number of benelicial dots, arc not found in the triangular signs. then subtract the least of the three figures from the other two aod retain the remainders. II. No such elimination is necessary provided. 006gure is found in onc of the three signs. 12. In the absence of figures in lWO of tbe three triangular signs. tbe figures in the third must also be eliminated . 13. If there are similar or equal 6go~s in each of three signs, all tbe figures must be removed. We shall apply this reduction to the Asht:"l(avarga table of the Sun obtained above. The number in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius-the triangular signs of Aries-are 5, 3 and 3 respect ively . According to rule (10), subtract 3 (the least of the 3 ligures) from each • In the matter or TrikOIlO Sodo"ollo (Triangular Reduclioll) there .re'- two distinct views. Accordhlg to ODe interpretation. when figures in tb(tbree trianiular signs are nOI alike, then tbe least of tbe three figures is to be subtracted from the figure in each~ or tbe other two or tbe triangular group. Accordin, to another interpretation, the figures ill tbe tri~ngular group arc to be altered 50 3S to be equal to Ihe least number; we have adopted tbe former, ror reasons we have dealt witb in OUf book on Asbtahvaraa.

The Asblakavarsa System


and the resultant numbers will be 2. O. O. The numbers in tbe triangular signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are S, 2. 5. Applying the same rule , we gell after reduction 3.0,3. In Gemini. Libra and Aquarius we get 0 , 0, 2. ]n Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces we get 3, O. 2. The Ashtakavarga of the Sun after this Trikona reduction stands tbus :, 2




No.5 Asbtakavar.a or the Sun afte r tirst reduction







, 0



Ekadbipaty. Redaction After the Trikona reduction, the Ekadhipatya reduction must be applied. Ekadhipatya means ownersbip of two houses. Ekadhipatya signs are Aries, Taurus. Gemini. Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. Sagittarius, Caprico~D. Aquarius and Pisces. 14. No reduction is nec~ssary if there are planets in both the houses owned' by a planet. IS. Out of tbe two houses or a pJanet, one of which is occupied and the other not, (a) if the number in tbe former i. smaller than that in the latter, then make the latter equal to the former; (b) ir the number in the former be greater than tbat in the latter, eliminate tbe latter ; and (c) if the iaures in the two are equal, remove the figures in the latter.


Hindu Predictive ASlro lOI )

16. If both the signs o f 8 planet 8 rc DOt occupied, aod if the figures in the two houses arc equal, eliminate both ; if tbe numbers a rc not eq ual, reduce [he larger to be equal to the smaller figure. 17. Do not effe ct a oy reduction if there is no figure in ont of the two ho uses , I ~ , Ca ne., and Leo "e no l .ubj« 1 ' o ,b i, reduelion" they arc not Ekadhipalya Rasis . We shall DOW app ly this Ekodhipat)'u reduction to [h e Sun' s Ashtakavarga obt

  • IS>

    TbC A,btakUlr,a System


    Bhinnashtok o'Vorgas meaning broken o ne'5, i . ~., relating to eac_b indi vict ual pl a net.




    I I




    No , (i Su n ', Ashtak avarSa arler I &: II reduction









    , Son


    .. _1\

    ._- , In the illus trated horosco pe, the fo llOWin g wou ld be tbe A htak avarga Tables for each planet before and after reducThe use o f tbe tables "before reduct ion" will be dealt ',b I 'e on while now we shall confi ne ou rsel ves to the Wlar, Tbl "f ' n of the uses of the Asht a kav:Hga a es a ter exp IanallO reduction." Tbe tables given in next page.


    Use of Ashlatayarga Tables hAfter RedUCtiOD" Suo's Ashtakanrga

    19. No auspicious work must ile unbderta"ben or commenced wben the Suo transit s over sigos w e re t ere are no biodus o r figure s in bis o wn Asbtakavarga. . 20. During sueb time~ as the Sun Iranslts over sign:i co ntaining no bindus (mark s), ~ he person suffers from unexpected diseases. misunde rsland lngs
    ~I I·


    Hindu Predictive: A.trolon

    Asbtak.nrga Tablrs Befote and After Reduclion ::'un M oon Mars Mer. Jup. Venu s Sat.

    SIG N




    Aries Taurus

    Gemini Cancer Lo. Vi re o Libra

    S..:orpio 5alliltarius C.a pricorn Aquari us Pisces

    Tota l


    iiI:( .lio:;




    '--' - _.-

    :5 2 4 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 :5 1 4 ) 2 9 6 5 3 1 > 4 3 0 5 3 6 4 0 42 3313 3 0 4 0 J u 1 2 627 J 3 3J 6 6 J 3 u J 0 2 0 3 04 J 7 6 211 12 311203055 140 o 23 2 2t)423U427.$ 2 0 27 1 J 0 6 0 3 U 4 U J U 4 :5 2 2~ 3 3 U S 2 4 1 S J S 2 1 O I024~ 3 U S 3 4 U t . 2 4 0 t . 22 1 3ull 5 2 2 U 3 0 2 0 5 0 4 U 4 2 25 .. 52513(1404 J 0 20264 52304U62 4 :5 2 4 -- 48(14 49117



    39/l ,\ 4 / U ~6/iO 52/ 11 J9{UI JJ7 8 1

    Not/·s- B . R . means marks Before Redu ction . A . R . me;! n" mHrks After Reduction.

    divide th e product' by 27. No te the consleiJalion that is arrived at by counting the re mainder from Aswini. When Satu rn passes through thi s constellation or its triangular ones, the death o f the person's father or paternal uncle must be predi clcJ in such a co nste llat ion if the particular Dasa is inclined tu clrcel maraka (death) to the respective parties. Taking the illu ,;tration: The total of the Sun's Ashtakava rga will be 14. This multiplied by the figure in the 9th from the Sun. i .e., 2 in Pi:sces, we get 14 x 2 :- 28. This prod uct , divided by 27, yields I as remainde r. So in this ("a'>e, first ("onsteila[ion from Aswini must be counted. , This will be Aswini itself. When Saturn transits over Aswini, Makha or Moola. the ue!!LE.L!hefather_f'!.: '_~U! (ernal ~uncle occurs,.prov.~~~_ s~~E....!_.Eer~o_d. !!:.'!.i~a tes death to...N.!!!:

    The Asbllkavarp System


    22. Multiply the total figure by the figure in tbe 8tb house from tbe SUD in his Ashtakavarga. The remainder obtained by dividing this product by 12. when counted from Aries, gives the sign tbrough which or througb one of its triangular signs, when the Sun passes, the native dies if that is his nlaraka period. The total of the Sun's Ashtakavarga after all reductions made is 14. This multiplied by 2, the figure in the 8tb from tbe SUD in bis Ashtakavarga, gives 28. This divided by 12 gives 4 as the remainder. So we have to take, that when tbe Sun passes through Ca!,cer, Scorpio or Pisces he will die , in. case the Dasa period al so indicates tbe same. 23. Add together the figures in Arin, Leo and Sagittarius ; in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius ; and in Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces . See which of these totals is the largest and ascenain the dik or direction indica ted by that set of triangular signs. The pe rson will have success in suc h a direction. In the above-given horoscope, tbe figures in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - 2; Taurus aDd its set of triangles 0': 5; Gemini and its set - 2; Concer and it ~ set ... 5. The greatest figure is 5 represe nted by both Taurus and Cancer. Taurus represent s sout b and Cancer represents north. ThNefore, the person shines well in southern or northern COUntries to his place of birth or the God or Deity be instals to worship in his house will bave been placed in one of tbe se direction s. The MOOD 24. Multiply the total of the figures by the bind us in the 4th house from the Moon in tbe Ashtakavarga of the Moon. Divide the product by 27. Ftftd. out the constellation obtained by couDtin g the remainder from Aswini. .~ Saturn passes through tbis or its triangular ones, .. !..he pe~1?.1)

    ~ner lr~e ~e:~ioOlsunravourable~~~.

    , Hindu Predicljye



    Total of the (A.R. 2) figures in the Moon' s Ashtakavarga _ 11. The A·R. figure in the 4th hou se from the Moon in her Ashtaka\,arga is 0; 12 x 0 is O. So take Aswini ; ..lrllm S~IlI~~~ I!
    '93 Jupiter

    31. The bind us in the 5tb bouse rrom Jupiter in bis ,\shtakavarga when doubled give the number of sons or the person. 32. The treasure box in tbe bouse of a person can be lOcated with refere~ce to tbe strongest direction obtained as Rule 23. . . 33. The number or chUdren meeting early death will be the number of planets occupying signs like debilitation and inimical places. :,; . 34. Coitus done in tbe signs containing the greatest lIumber ofbindul or,figures in the Alhtakavarga of Jupiter results in tbe birth of a child. I


    VeDas 35. - Venus passing through sigol contalOmg tbe largest" ~gure in his own Ashtakavarga gives happiness. marriage, land. and wealth, 36. The dik or the point of compass found as before .Jives the direction of the bed-room. Tn tbe illustrated boroscope gjven ahove, Cancer and its set set 5 bindus and a. such the bed-room of the native lies in the nqrtbern direction (indicated by Cancer) of bis house.



    27. The quarter where the kitchen or the parl our is situa ted in the native's house \"'al1 be ascertained by finding thc dik according IO Rule 23 iOlhe Asil1akavarga of Mars. In Ihe illustrati on, the 4 tri nes from Aries respec tively gel 0. '0.0 and I. ~' ancer gels I and the kitchen will be to\\ards the north indicated by Cancer. 2K. When Saturn transits o\'cr -s igns in the Ashtakavarga of Mars. cOnlaining no bindus . th e nati~' e ~ufrer~ from blood di seases. and ir Mars is pow(:'rrul he may also di(:.

    Mercury 29 . Saturn's transiting over s ign s without figures ill Mercury' s Ashtakavarga kills the native's son . 30. The strong dik or direction locates the playground in !he person's house.

    S.1uD 37. Wheo_ Saturn transits over a siga devoid of any bindus in his own Asbtakavarga. the native suffers death or losses. . 38. When the Sun and the Moon pus through signs io tbe Ashtakavarga of Saturn , containing tbe least number of marks. the death oftbe person QCcun if tbat year is fatal to - the Dative.




    HiDdu Prcdkti"e Aslrolol ),

    39. The dik or tbe compass, ohtained as before, points o ut the direction where the sweepings are gathered. 40. Add togcther the B.R. hindus in the Ashtakavarga o f Saturn rrom the Asct'ndant to tbe "ign where Saturn is a nd rrom the sign where Saturn is to the Ascendant. These 1Wo tot als will indicate tbe years in which the native suffe rs illness or disea ~e' o r miseriCI. These two totals addea tngether give the year in whicb the person dies.

    Sa,.asJItaknarga SorvDshtaka,arga mean. the Asbtakavarga of all thtplanets co nsidered together. So rar we have considered the BhinnQshtakavarga , I.e., the Asbtakavarga of each individual planet and that too after each has been subjected to two k:nd " o f reductions. We shall now dispen se with the Ashtakava rga Table ob taineJ after reductions and pitcb our attention upon the A ~ htakavlI l't;a Ta ble obtained before ~eduction. To obtain t he Sarv as ht akavarga, add together all tbe 8.R. bindus in each ~ i sll separately . For example. tbe 6gure in tbe sign Aries o f the Sa r'lashtakavarga will be the aggregate of the bipdus or th~ fig ures in the sign Aries in the several Bhi1JJUJsIt. ,ka~ ~arg{J $ (i nd ividual Ashtakavarga Tables) . Similarly, tbcn. .' tal bi nd us in Taurus, Gemini. etc.) must be obtained . As a lready stated above, tbe s tudent must bear in mind t hat thi s addit ion or bind us must be carried out before the two reductions are applied . We Shall take the illustrated horosco pe gi ven at tbe beginning of this chapter as an example. Adding togetber all tbe bindu! found in Aries in each table alvcn a bove ("'before reduction" figures), we get the Slin's Ashtakava rga 5, p llU the Moon's Ashlakavarga 4, pillS Mars' Ashtakavarca 3, plus Mercury's 4, p lus Jupi ter's 4, plus Ven us' 5: plus Saturn's 4-29 total, whieb is of course

    . . A.bt.k~\'..... Sy.tem


    ..e figure in Aries in the Sarvashtakavarga Table . After .ontinuing the same process for each sign , we get tbe . ~.,;htaka\l.rga Table thu s : " - --.. .


    es , , urus aemini


    29 33 33


    ---- --_


    Cancer 28 Leo 23 Virgo 27



    Libra Scorpio

    28 24 Sagittariu ~ 30

    __ _._-


    Capricorn Aquariu s Pi sces

    Fig .

    25 26 31

    Tbe above-menlioned table can a lso be represeoted as boIow which will be easier to understand. ,I Tbis table will be useful in predicting some of the most o utstanding events concerned with tbe life of tbe native and itt ,the delermination of Ayurdaya or longevity , This is called tbe Bindusodhana Ashta!cavargayurdaya (longevity obtained .ner searchin g the strengt b of the eight sources of energy in a horos\:ope). I sball brieOy outline this method for the benefit of my readers, ,


    3i I Pisces

    29 Aries


    I "-


    1-- --


    28 Sl!ryas btaka vl r. a Table



    - - -





    27 vitlo

    If·the calcutations are correctly done. it will be seen t hk' .be sum of all the 6gures in tbe Sarvashtakararga will be

    ,. ! II'


    Hifldu Predieun MiroiocJ

    always: 337. this: being the total of biodus of tbe seven Bbinnashtakavarga s. In the particular horoscope. we ·IrC illustrating , the total co mes to 337; so our calculations are . cOl"Tect.

    41. If there are more tban JO bind us in a sign, tben planets transiting over it produce happiness. wealth and menIal peace and prosperity, if the figure is between 2S and 30, DO good will happen. nor will the result be evil effects; if the bindus are Jess than 25, the results will be vcry bad. 42. Business enterprises, marriage ceremonies and otber auspicious festivitie s must be commenced when the risiog sign is one which cootaios the largest number of hindus in the Sarvashtakavarga Table 43. The general disposition of sucb houses or bbavas as contain a great number of bind us will be favourable or pro sperous. The rule docs not bold ,good witb referencc to the 6tb, tbe 8tb aod tbe 12tb .bouses . 44. Th~_~E. ~ il1 haye GD'T~app iD~~~~eritl if the nuiDIier of biDdus iD tbe 11 th housc (represcnting pin fiOiD tbe Ascendant) is greater tban that in the 10th (representing labour and karma) and if tbe D!Jlnber of hindus in tbe 12tb (representing loss) is "Smaller than tbat in tbe I J tb aDd i(tbe num~r of bindus in tbe Ascendant be gre~ter ' thaD tbat in tbe 12tb. In our11lustrated horoscope, tbe 11 th ho use is Sagittariu •. The number of bindus here is 30; tbal is greater tban 24, tbe number of bind us in tbe 10th, and 25 tbe number of bindus in the 12tb (Capricorn) is Dot smaller tban 24. tbe number of bind us in tbe 10th ; but is equak to it. Nevertbeless, tbe native will be generally happy and will have more gains tban lOSSeS .

    45. Wbether a person will be happy io his childhoPd, youth or old age can be determined as follows. Add toðer aod acid toaetber the .-the bindus of tbe four sigos.. from . Caocer; .




    fttC Ash'ahvarla SYltcm

    . 197

    .odu. of tbe four si os (rom Scor io and also add to blndus of tbe four si os from Pisces. Pisces to Gemioi, ccr 0 I (a-:and Scorpio 10 Aquarius deoote cbildhood, ~ulb and old ·age rcspccdvelx.,: Of tbe three sections of the life, wbichever total is greatest, it indicates happiness and prosperity during tbat period of life. If tbere are tbr« or more lDaldic planets in any of these sections, the person will suffer iDiseries in tbe part of lirei ndica(ed by tbe particular division . . " In tbe illustrated horoscope , the childhood, youth and old aae sections set 126, J06 and lOS marks (bindus) respec· Dlfelyand accordingly the bappy life oftbe person would be ...,inl bis childbood ; youtb and old age will also be fairly JOOd a nd not bad, , . 46. Tbe sum of hindus, obtained by adding tbose Cbntaincd in tbe bouses occupied by Saturn, Aeocndanl and Mars, live. the year in which the native suffers miseries and -aisea~s. -.- -- --- _.. . - ... ~ 47 · Add together . tbe bindus in signs occupied by Rabu liars and Saturn. The lolal win give Ibe year in whicb tli *live receives serious injuries from weapons, enters battle· hlds·or sets poisoned or wounded . .t ;: 4lL ... Wben the native would get a son, mucb wealth, etc., can be predicted by adding togetber the hindus of signs occupied by benefic planets. " In all tbe above lbr« iostances, wherever Ihe age obtained ~s tbat obtained by considering nuzrGka (death·inftictioa) ~ts or, wherever nc«ssary, such figure. must be reduced bllbe subtraction of mUhiples of gand 27. These rules. applied to tbe boroscope we bave considered, will give tbe following results ;The total of tbe tilures of the sian occupied by Saturn, 'wcendut and Mars is 33, 26 and 23:: 82. This 6lure. i~catCl the aJC: wben tbe native suffers miseries or·



    1,I! [!I,



    HiDCIo Predictive Astroloo

    iIIntss. lI)ince the length of life of tbe persoo may Dot exceed 7S or 76, this figure must be subjected to a reduction. By subtracting 5 timeS 12 we get 22. The native suffers iIIntss • in his 22nd year . In lact he sude.cd seriously Crom malaria for IS days continuously. Miseries .nd disease. t:nay also be predicted for tbis person in bis 28tb , 34th, 47,h and 58th years. The total bindus of the houses occupied by benefics is 47. Subtracting twice 12 from Ihis. we get 23 as tbe person's agc to get. SOD or a start in life. 49. Muhiply the total number of hindus of the Asbtakanrga of tbe planet who is J hc lord of the Ascendant, bindus of the lord o f the 9th and bindus of the lord of the 4th by hindus of tbe 8th bouse, 9th bouse and 4th house rcspecti"cly, and in each case divide the product by 12. The remainder gives tbe month from Aries in which the native. his father and his motber respectively may die. • [n tbe illustrated boroscope, tbe lo rd of the 4th is Venus and his marks or bindus are 52. This multiplied by 33, the number of bindus in tbe 4tb bouse in tbt. Sarva shtakavarga

    kJAr/1A.. / (

    !, I



    gives 52 x 33


    This divided by 12 gives



    . . ",Mat-vaTla Syllem


    oJ t Ayurdaya on tbe basis of Asbtakavarga, but I sball 4Jplain tbe most common one. ' 0 - Now again we must divert our attention to BhiMasltraka. INrga Tables of all the seven planets. "aner reduction" and , lorget for the present tbe same tables "before reduction", . 51. The essentials to be considered i~ the determination ~f Ayurdaya are (I) Rosi Gunakora and (2) Graho Gunakaro. Rasi Gaaatara These are the zodiacal factors or multipliers of the A.R, bindus in tbe signs. The figures or bindus left, after the i ..o reduciions are applied, io' the several signs from Aries i~ tbe Ashtakavarga of each planet. must be multiplied by .1heir respective ZOd iacal factors. All the 12 products must be added together. The Rasi Gunokara (zodiacal ractors) are as foll ows:c\ries 7. Taurus 10, Gemini~. Cancer 4, leo 10. Virgo 5, Libra', Scorpio 8, Sagittarius 9, Capricorn 5, Aquarius II. ~Dd Pisces 12. Tbis is constant for all horoscopes. We s'ball reproduce tbc Asbtakavarga of the Sun for ready reference:

    14j. 2

    Wben the remainder is 0 take Aries and tbe Suo will be in tbis sign when tbe native' s motber dies. SO. The strongen dik or direction obtained must be cbosen for building houses, for travelling, etc., and the otber directions avoided. The four directions get 82, 85. 88 and 82 respeclively and generally the native must choose West (repre6ented by Gemini) as beneficial to him .






    Sun'. Ashtakavllr&a

    afler I





    Dueral ..ti. of Ay.r4aya The Ayurdaya (longevity) is thus determined with tbe aid ot Ashtakavarp hindus . There are several methods to find




    Hladu Predictive Allroloa) 'fbe Ashlakavarga SY$tem


    't II I



    AppJy tbe abov~ rulcs to the SUD. Aries 2 (No. of bind us in it) x 7 (Zodiacal factor) Taurus . 3 do. x 10 do. Gemini' 0 do. x 8 do. CanCer 3 do· x 4 do. ko 0 do. x 10 do. VirlO 0 do. x 5 do. Libra 0 do. x 7 do. Scorpio 0 do. x 8 do. Saait. 0 do. x 9 do. Capri. 2 do. x 5 do. Aquarius 2 do. x II do. Pisces 2 do. x 12 do. The sum of the figures

    ::: 14

    = = = =

    = = = = =:



    30 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 10 21 24

    112 Sum = 112. Applying the same rules to each of the seveD planets we

    ,et :Moon 104; Mars 8; Mercury 132: Jupiter 85; VCDU~ 81

    and Saturn 118. Keep tbese tilures aspect .

    00 ODe

    side and consider the otber

    Graba Guon...a These arc planctary (actora or multipliers of the figures of the planctt. Multiply the .even! A.R. figures in tbe signs occupied by the variou. planctt by tbe figures of tbe plaoctary factors and add tbe .even products together. The GraM Gunakti"a (planetary factors) arc: SUD 5. MOOD 5, Mars 8, Mercury S. Jupiter 10, Venu.7 aDd Saturn 5. In tbe example horoscope, tbe Sun it in Cancer' Moo and SatU~D iO.Taurus :. Mercury. Venu. and Marl Leo7 and Jupiter In ScorpIo. ConliderioS tbe Aab.akay.,....





    Table or the SUD (page 199) tbere are 3 bindus in Cancer (the place or the SUD). Multiply thif' by the Suo' s' planetary r.ctor 5. We get 5 x 3 ::: 15 ; take tbe Moon; she is in Taurus ; tbere are 3 bindus in Taurus in tbe Sun's Asbtakavarga ; multiply Ibis 3 by the planetary factor o f the Moon, viz., 5. We gel 5 x 3 _ 15. When we apply the same rule to tbe rest of the signs containing bind us we get :

    3 (No. S.un-Caocer Moon-Taurus 3 M-ars-Leo 0 ,Mercury 0 Jbp.-Scorpio 0 0 Venus-Leo Saturn-Taurus 3

    of bind us) do. do . do. do. do. do.

    5 (Planetary factor) do. do. 8 do . x , 5 do_ x 10 do. .< 7 x 5 do.


    x x


    -:::. 15 -= 15 .- 0 = 0 : 0 = 0 = 15

    Total 45 The ,total of t.bese will be 45 and tbis number is der.ived from tbe Sun's Aslitakavarga; similarly. ascertained ror tbe Asbtal:avarga ~of otber planets, we get: Suo45; Moon 60; Man 10; Mercury 80; Jupiter 50; Venus 15 and Saturn 50. ~ Add together the Rasi figures and Graba figures .0 0 .o btained for each planet ; multiply the result by 7 and divide I.tae product by 27. The quotient gives the years of Ayurdaya the particular" planet denotes. Tbe remainder mu st be reduced to months and days. We shall tab: the Sun in our e:ramplc horoscope. The sian total)s IJ2 and tbe planet total is 45. i.t., 112 plus 45 ." IS7. This multiplied by 7 and divided by 27 .. , 157 x 7 lives 27 ~ :~ 40.70 y~ars. Since thi ~ number exceeds 27, deduct 21 or a muiliple of 27 . Deducting 27 we 'get 13.70 years as the term or life granted by tbe SUD .


    Hindu Predictive Astrolol"

    We gel


    the following

    terms with reference to otber

    planct' :-


    Sun Moon


    Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus


    Years 13.70 15.52 4.66 0·96 8.00 24 .88 16.55

    11M Ashtakavarp System

    Ae<:ordiog to the above rules, tbe Ayurdaya\ of all the planets require to be haJved excepting that of tbe Suo as be it below the horizon and accordingly we get tbe followiog filures : Year~

    Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    (Fractions are omitted (or the sake of convenience.)

    These years arc subject to reduction or haranas on account of their conju nctions with or aspects of other plaocts. 52. If there is more than one planet in a sign, reduce its term of life by oDc·halr. 53 . If a planet is debilitated, deduct one-hair. 54. For a planet in Astangata (combustion), deduct one-


    Combustion occurs when tbe Moon, Mars, Mercury.

    Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are 12 deg. 17 deg., 14 deg .. 11 deg., 10 deg. and )6 deg. respectively from the SUD backwards or forwards; wheo retrograde, combustion occurs wheo Mars, Mercury and Veous are 8 deg., 12 deg., aod 1:1 deg. respectively . 55. If a planet is. in its Tatkafika MUll'S Rasi (temporary enemy's hou se), its term of life must be reduced by o ne·third. (See page 21 for TatkaUka satrus.) 56. Plaoe ts above the horizon (12tb. 11th, IOtli, 9th, 8tb and 7th bhavas) lose one·half of tbeir Ayurdaya. 57 . If a planet 'suffers der~at in Grahayuddha (planetary fight), one· third Ayurdaya must be deducted. 58. If Ihe Sun or Moon is of unusual l\ppearance (as in eclipse), deduct o ne-tbird Ayurdaya . Wben one and the same planet is subjected to several reductions. only the bighest reductio n should be made.


    13.70 7.76 2.33 0.48 4.00 12.44 8.27 Total

    48 .98

    Multiply tbis sum of years by 3]4 and divide the product

    lby 365, to coovert Chandramana (lunar) years ioto SOM'ramana ~(lOlar) years: .

    . .We get


    ""365 x 334 -

    44.87 years as tbe longevity of tbe

    f.ative. .. ~ 10 actual "practice the Ashtakavarga system of predictiog Joo,evity has Dot been found to yield satisfactory results. But there are other systems, which must also be considered and above aU, the maraka plaoets and tbeir Dasas arc of ·Vital importance.


    ~.. rra-a Sallrl or Horl ry AltroJoay



    Praana Saltra or Horary Astrology Horary Astrology deals exclusively with the aoswering of questio ns in Itbe ligbt of planetary ioflucncCJ. relating to important events in I the daily transactioDs of human life. This branch indeed form. a mOlt useful and prominent aspect of altr~logical science inasmuch as it helps us 10 foretell tbe occurrence of many important future eveDts beforehand. how and when s ucb eVeDts will lake place, what their exact nature is whether or Dot they terminate favourably, who is instrumental for tbem and how far such events 8rc beneficial or detrimental to the interet!s of tbe party concerned, witbout reference to the birth chart. Supposing a perSOD wants to know whether bis It'?.lcn property can be regained or Dot. whether an individual suffering seriously recovers from bis illness or not, w.bether if would be profitable to invest money in any business tun sac~ tion wbether a man would be ,uccessful in any speculation., whe;ber tbe land 5 be is planning 10 purchase would bring him luck and whetber, in fact, so many everyday human events would be beneficial or no t, then all these can succeb~ fully be answered with tbe aid of Horary Astrology. The predictions based on its principles seldom go wrong unless the \lery foundation is shaky. If any obstacles are tbrown on tbe way of luccessjn a ny undertaking or enterprise. by ascertaining these beforehand by meaDS of H6rary Astrology, we can resort to remedies to


    minimise or completely overcop1e such evils, aod augment tbe good, so tbat the future way for ODe', progress and prosperity may be smootbened. . In tbe case o f Prasne or Horary Astrology, first ascerlaln dic e-act lime at whicb aquestion or query is put and for iliitiime ~mark the positions of planet s and tbe A.sccndant and determine tbe balanc;e of tbe Dua and Bbukti: Mark tbe Navamsa diagram". In fact construct a map o f .lhe beaven. fo r the question time just-as you would do for b ~ rtb time. A Dumber o f typical questiflns are a lso given in my Astr%lY Jor Beginners. Thi s Asccndant is called tbe Prasoa lagna or the rising silO at the time o f tbe questio n. I . The success and failure in any unaertaking, sucb as starting of business, examination result s, e.tc. , sbo~ld be pr'edicted with reference to~the Pra s~a L~gna .. Tbe ob!~t of the querist will succeed if a bcne6clal sign rases and JOIOS a favourable navamsa, or if tbe rising sign be io a Sfrsh,QdQ'ya Rasi. If tbe beneficial rising sign is aspected , by malelics and its lord has also a similar position tbe querist will suc~ed after some effort. , Whetber a particular query refers to mineral s,' vegetables or animals must be lint asccrtained as per rules given below and then, its success or failure prognosticated. 2. If, at tbe tim~ of a query, the r ,sing sip be 1st, 4tb and 7tb ' 2nd 5th and 8tb ; alld Jrd, 6th and 9tb nanmsas, tbC que; tion 'refers to minerals, \legetable~ and animals respectively in an odd sign, and in an e\len SlgO , the reverse bolds good . 3. If, at the time of query, Saturn is fouod in ao odd sip from tbe Pruna Lasna, the woman will ba\le a male ~cbiId and if Saturn occupies an even sign, a female cbild _ill born. lfmale planets occupy masculine Shathorgo3








    II Ii

    Hindu Predictive AstrolOlY

    a male child will be bo rn ; if male planets are in female ShQdvargQs a female ch ild will be born. 4. tr Saturn is in th e 7tb bou se, the querist will be married within 3 montbs from the date of question . If the Moon in 3, S. 6, 7 or II is aspectcd by Jupiter. tbe Suo aod Mercury, and if benefics o,,-cupy quadrants or trincs, tbe

    quedst will have marriage vcry carly. S. If at tbe time of query it is found that tbe SliD, Venus or Mars joins tbe 7th bouse, it means tbe querist bas committed adullery with another mao's wife. Jupit~r in the 7tb i ndicates bis own wife. Mercury, a prostitute, and Saturn

    a very low-ca ste woman. I

    6. Predict the safe rcturn of the person gone to foreign land,., if the query refers to tbis point , if tbere is any planet retrograde between tbe 8tb bouse and the Asceodant. 7. If a query refers to the advent of enemies in a war or otberwise, such enemies would retreat, even if they have come some di stance, .hould be predicted when the 4th 5th and 6th hOUSe' from tbe Prasna Lapa are occupied by' evil planet.. The enemy even if be has com.: for an attack would return back within that period (in months) obtained by reckoning from t he Prasna Lagna to the planet fully possessed of strengtb. If such a powerful planet falls in a fixed sign, double the number of months, ifhe occupies a common sign, treble the Dumber o f month •. Say at the time of a query Cancer rises and Jupiler possessed of full strength is in tbe 8th, ,;z., Aquarius. Count from Cancer to Aquarius. Tbis is 8. Since Aquarius is a fixed sign . double 8, you will get 16. That is, if this query relates 10 Itny war, the enemy would return within 16 months or peace efforts would be successful within 16 month s from date of tbe commencement o f regular hostilities. 8. Success in speculation. etc .• should be predicted when benefics are in 3, 5, 7 aod II and losses when malefics are

    , . " .' ';

    Praln SUlr, oc Horac), Astrology

    ,' .'


    ... ,





    in these sign s. If the Ascendant is Gemini, Virgo, Libra or Aquariu s with benefics in it, success would inva riably follow. 9. Re..:overy from any illness should be predicted if benefic s are in Prasna Lagna. 5tb. 8tb an d 7th houses and have auspicious aspects and the Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or I hb. 10. Predict tbe sa f..: returo of a persoo from his travels if tbere are planets in the 6th or 7tb, Jupiter in a quadrant and Mercury o r Venus io a trine at the time of que stio n . Find o ut the nearest planet to Prasna Lagna and muhiply the number by 12. The product will indicate the number of days within whk'h the: traveller return s to his native land. Jf the nearest planet is in retrograde motion, be will start to return after tb at number of days, 11. If a po werful benefic occupie s the Iltb bouse from tbc Prasna Lagoa or lif tbe Full Moon occupies it aspected by Jupi!er o r Venu s, predict speedy rccovery o f tbe lost proper ty, wheo a question relates to this su bject. If such a Prasna Lagoa faUs in a filled sign, o r in a filled navamsa. the article will bave been stolen by a near relal ive of the quorist, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd drekkana s o f lhe Prasna Lagna indicate the verandab, the central hali or the bal:kyard of the bouse of the tbief where the stolen thing was deposited. The particular direction , towards wbich a stolen article ~s removed . can be ascertained either by the Prasna Lagna Itself or by the mos t powerful o f the planet s found in ~uadC8n ts at the time o f query ; when tbere are n o planets In the quadrants. tben have recourse to the Ascendant itself. In the ca se of planets, the directions will be as fo llows : Sun-East ; Venus-S.-E.; Mars-South; Rabu-S. -W, ; Saturo- West ; tbe Moon-N.-W.; Mercury- North; Jupiter -N,·E, _ 10 tbe case of signs. the directions will be :-Aries -East ;

    "".E ~.




    "'=50 ??-N 'I>z-= 0 4: WE ~ = NO

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    '<1= S '!!> -'" N ". ,50 208

    Hindu PrcclicJive Astrolot3'

    Leo and Sagiltarius-S.·E.; Taurus-South; Virgo and Capricorn-S ••W. i Gemini-West; Libra and AquariusN.·W,: Cancer-North j Scorpio and Pisces......:-N. -E. J 2. Find out the Navamsa or- the Prasna Lagna ; if it ...... fter the Sth in that sign. then find out its number from the 5th and ascribe 9 times as many miles to it as that number denotes. If the navamsa falls within 5, then the stolcn article will be some where near the precincts of the queris!'s place. Say the Prasna Lagna is in the 7th navamsa, i.e., it is the 3rd from the 5th so that 3 navarnsas are passed from the 5th. At 9 miles per navamsa, it will be 27 for 3 and as sucb, the stolen arUcie will have ,been removed to about 27 miJc~ away from thc place of the questioner. 13· Prcdict the nature of the article stolcn by considering thc navamsa of thc rising sign , the nature of the tbief by the drekkana and agc and castc of the thief by the lord of tile ' Ascendant. Say for iostancc tbe Prasna Lagna falls in Aries, the' navamsa inXancer and drekir:ana in Leo. It is a sigo ofsborl ascension and the article will be a short one; thc lord 01 the navamSa is the Moon a~d say he is very pO)lo'erfully situated. Then ' the article WJ~I be a valuable one'. As tbe drekleana is Leo, thc 2nd, io Ar,es, the person involved in the theft will be a man , dark in cotrlplexion, fearful in look. red eyes and a rmed. (The characteristics of other drekkal1as are given in tbe -Iast chapter.) 14. 10 tbe rainy season predict early rain when Saturn and Venus occupy the 7tb house from the Sun aod tbe Moon respectively and if Saturn" and Venus a re in the 4th and the 8th from tbe PrasDa Lapa.


    , ,II I I










    '. Lain.

    his owo sign and thus Venus is well


    and Jupiter alSQ

    .11 placed. The prediction must be given 4hat the querist will get married early, the bride will be fair and her introduction would be through a pious and religious man as Jupiter . is thc lord of the 7th. The subject of Prasoa has been dealt with exhaustively with examples in my' E.nglish translation of PrllJlta Tan"a.


    • '.

    Suo .



    .. ' i



    All Es.. ..ple Marriale QOHUea lIIuslration.-Mr ........... puts the query: "Will I marry or not. 1" The following are the combinations of planets for tbe , question tu~e : " I . ',.

    H.,." A.I<.'.IY

    The Prana Lapa i. Virgo; its,lord is Mercury and be i. The query·is - 'about marriage and tbe lord ot .arriage is tbe lord of tbe 7tb from tbc Ascendant and he is Jd"piter-Jupiter is in 200 Cancer. Thus tbe lords of.thc . Ascendant and the 7tb bouse are Mercury and Jupit'er respectively and Venus is in conjunction with Mercury. 'The lord of tbe Lagna is in conjunction with Venus who I, in



    s ......,

    =3 •. "

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    Unknown Birth Times

    , I

    The birth data of many people will not have been recorded properly. In many a case, even the date of birth will be unknown . In such cases it is possible to find out, rather create, a horoscope on the basis of certain fundamental assomptions. O~e should ~ot run away with the idea that the principle s enuncIated herein are conclusive. An attempt is made in the following pages to give the reader an idea of the methods recommended by ancient Hindu astrological writers for erecting boroscopes of persons whose birth dates arc not known. And these methods merit further research and investigation ~y s~rious stu~ents of astrology. It is boped that workers In thIS field wtll continue investigations and carry views herein outlined to a more extended issue since this work is intended to merely lay down general principles. .The rules involved are laborious and take away the patience of the reader. I have given only one important process and have illustrated the same with an eumple so tbat tbe reader may not find it difficult to understand these principles clearly. The astrologer, as soon as a person, who will not have recollection of his birth date or time, comes to him for consultation. must record the exact time, the direction and other details of hi, coming and find out the exact positions of planets and the bhavas for that time; or the time at which


    U.t.oowo Birth TIme.


    • ~rson begins to write a letter to the astrolOlcr for knowing bil future. must be considered. in case of JODI distance and ,map cast for tbat time· It must be rememoered that tbis . time iodicates tbe birth of the mind in,the person ,as be is . ~pJcd to approach an astrologer· Somelim« tbis ";ould" be D!orc. geouine tban the birth time itself. Bid,b meaos tbe bii1b of tlie mind and not merely the body ; similarly Ihe very inclination to know tbe future, raised in the mind of a man, i. given expression to, not at any choscn moment but at random-rather in a sudden manner. I. When the time of impregnatioD or birth is DOt known, cast a boroscope (or the Ji~e _ ~f query" of the person and makc.9:u!...tbe birth chart from the rising sign at the time of ,rquery. If the Prasna Lagna (Ascendant at question time) be the first half of the Ascendant, the birth of the querist will have occurred in Uttarayana (SUD'S northerly course); if it be the otber half, the birtb will have occurred in Dakshina~ yana (Sun's southernly course). 2. If the rising Dwadasamsa at the question time is the ht, 2nd, etc., the sign ' occupied by Jupiter at the time of birth will be the 1st, 2nd" etc., resPectivelY from the Prasoa Lalna. By knowing the pos'ilion of Jupiter, fix the age of the person. Jupiter takes rougbly 12 years to go round the beavens. .lLw.e ~oow the number of circuits passed by Jupi~! }r~ m the time of birth, the age of the person can be. .ddM.m.ined. In many an instance the cycle of Jupiter canno t be easily dt!termined and in such cases, find out the number of cycle from tbe part of the , body toucbed by the querist. Here tbe maximum life is'1aken to be 120 yeara., and this is divided by 12 (the Dumber of years Jupiter tak'ts for one CYcle) so tbat we gel 10 years corresponding to the following djvisions of the human body: .~


    ..... .


    Hindu Predldlge Aatr,okJay

    I. F«t }8n~ .a.nkles. 2. Kaces, bu(tocks and shults. 3. Thigbs and' sexual organ. 4. The Joins aDd tbe navel. S. Belly. 6. The ebcst ,and breas~. 7. Shoulder:,. '8. Neck and lips. 9. Eyes and brows. 10. Forehead and the hl=ad. Say tbe .Pra~na Lagoa is in Cancer and the 4th' Dwadas. am sa ri$cs . Then Jupiter will be in Libra at tbe birth of the qucrist. The number of Jupiter cycles must be determined. Suppose the things arc touched by the querist, tben it means tbat Jupiter is in the tbird round. So the age of tbe person sbould be taken to be 12 x 2 " 24 plus the number of years taken by Jupiter to move from the sign occupied by him at the question time, viz., 3 in this particular iDstaD~' . That is, the agc of the queris! is 24 plus 3 = 27 yeafs. 3. The Ruth" (season), the querin was born in, should be determined with reference to the ruler of the drekkaoa risi ng on the Prasna Lagna or by the planet occupying the first bouse. preference being given always to the itrongest oC the two. If the drekkana of tbe Sun rises or if the SUD occupies the Prasna Lagua, Ihe RUlkll (see page 42) . will be Greesbma ; if Venus drekkana rises Venus is in PrasD8 Lagoa-Vasantba; if Mars-Greesbma ; if the MoonVarsha; if Mercury-Sarat ; if Jupiter-Hemantha ; and if Saturn-Sisir~, iflbe Ruthu (season) so obtained does not agree wilh the'Ayans (cycle), then cbange tbe Moon, Mercury and Jupiter for Venus. Mars and Saturn respectively, Divide tbe risiol' drekkana into two equal parts and if tbe first division is rising, ascribe the first month of the Rllihu. and


    ,~.. .~ . j,

    ...w. Bin>



    second . the seco.od month as tbe mon]:h of tbe birth Of tbe querist. i. Each lign coptains 1,800 minutes of arc and each 'J ,drekkana 600 minutes, We bave ascribed 2 months to each 'd rekkaoa and I month to ooe balf so tbat I month ~s repre· IICDted by 300 minutes (of zodiacal space). Therefbre ~cb day get 300/30_ '10 minutes of arc aod the particular day of tbe birth must be determined by tbe rising minute of the Pr.. na Lagna. 4. The luoar day of birth of tbe queri st is represented I; .by tbe number of degrees passed over by tbe Su~ in any ~ particular sign at tbe time of qnestion, S. The nocturnal or the diurnal nature of the P rasna Lagna reveals the birth of the querist during the day or during the oight respectively, 6. The degress rising on the Prasna Ascendant indicate tbe ghatikas of birth a fter sunrise or sunset as tbe case, may be. 7. Tbe lunar months of birth can also be determined from the navamsa occupied by the MOOD at the time of ~uery: or the birth time of the querist will be tbe Prasna ,;l.agoa. or tbe 51h ' or thl". 9tb from it , wbichever is most \powerful. r: 8· The safe:;l tbing in such do ubtful cases would be to ~k the querist to touch some p~t of his bo.~y a!ld the MOgR. . will,occupy ~he sigo typi~ti!it,~.:...e~r!.. oJ th':..~dy so to~£be~ . fuhe ~ rist of his o~.£~c4:.. If the queTlst touches hiS hca( 'face, cbest. -beart. belly, sexual organ. tbigh s, k.nees _buttock.s and feet, the Moon's position will be in Aries, 'T aurus, etc., respectively. Pisces corresponding to tbe feet. ~ 9. If the Moon is in Pisces at the time of query . she " will be in the same sign at tbe birth time of the querist. Some say that if the Moon is not in Pisces at tbe question




    Hiado Predktlve Astroiosy

    Umc. then ,he will . be ia that &iln which is equal to the Dumber of ..ians gained by ber from the PrasDe La,na. Let us suppose that a perIOD . who does Dot know his birth data. puts a query on 12-4-1937 at about 16-44 ghatis after sunrise at Baos.tore. The positioDs of planct. at the time of queltioD are ShOWD in the chart given below. 29- 50' S" O Satura

    Moooj K,,"

    Mere. Veous

    9" 5.'

    Query on )2·4·1937 at J6·"" ,batis



    M.,. Rabu

    ---_._-- -_.


    Then we find according to the above rulcs Ibat (0) tbe query is put in tbe tirst half of the Ascendant and hence the birth of tbe querist will have occurred in Uttarayaol. (b) The Prasna Lagna fall s in the 4th dwadasaDlsa, tbe sign occupied by Jupiter at birth will be tbe 4th from tbe Prasna Lagoa, i :e., Libra. (c) Tbe querist touched his thighs and. thereCore. Jupiter will be in the third cycle at the time of query . He bas completed 2 cycles or 24 years and bas passed 3 years in I'be 3rd cycle- Crom Libra (where Jupiter is at bi rth) upto Capricorn (where Jupiter ' is at the time time of query)-I. e .• the age of the person at tbe time of C!uery will be 24 plUI 3 - 27 years passed . (d) The ruler of tbe drekkana of the Prasna Lagna is the Moon (1st drd:kana)

    QllUown Birth Times

    sn4 hence the birth sbould bave occu rred in Varsh"ru thu (Sravana-Dbadrapada). Since this Ruthu does not agree 'With ,die Ayana . tbe Ruthu of tbe alternative planet. that is tbe :,/bIthu of Venus (Vasantha). should be deemed as the Ruthu oftbe birth . (e) The rising drekkana is first (9054' having :,paased in it) and if it is divided into two equal divisions . ,each gets 5·. The Prasna Lagn. is within the second 5· of tbi. drekkana so tbat the birth has occurred in the second ' month of the Ruthu, .,lz., Vaisakha (April-May). (n The Dumber of minutes passed in the latter half of rising drekkana is 2(14: (4 0 54') ; each day gets 10 minutes and as sucb 294' .94

    ,et "10 -29


    , i.e. , 29 days have passed and a portion of 10 the 30th. Therefore. birthday .must be tbe 30th day of lunar month Vaisakha. (g) The Sun is io 29 ' SO· Pi sces and tberefore IUnir day at birth must be, the 30th day (New Moon day) of tbe month of Vaisakha. (iI) Cancer, the Prasna Lagna. i. a nocturnal sign. Therefore, the bi~th should have occurred during the day. (i) The dura tion o f day on the birtb date is 30-40 gbatis, Cooverting this ioto vigbatis (1 ghati .:. 6O vighatis). we get gb. 30 )( 60 plus 40 = 1840 vighatis. Tbe length of day or night of birth being k.n own. it is represented by the rising sign and the longitude of the Ascendant. tbe exact proportion o f the sign that bas arisen above the horizon. Here the length of day is 1840 vigbatis and the number of degrees tbat has al ready arisen above the horizon is go 54' or 90 9'. Therefore , we get

    ~~- x 1840 =607.2

    vighatis or ghatis 10. 12 after sunrise, That is , the birth of the querist took place at 10. 12 gbatis after sunrise on tbe 30th day of lunar month Vaisakha 27 yea rs traced back from the year of tbe question.


    Hindu Predk:U1tc AICrOIoaJ

    Considerable rtie_reb must be cldied on in this branch of a.trololY and tben alone we '''-.11 , be able to appreciate

    bow tar these principles bold good ~ D actual practice-:- :' These rules were propounded by tbe ancient Mabarishis, who Were


    m, ter mind ••. Knowledge too ,them did Dot res'~lIv~ illC)f to mere observatIOn and statlshcal study. They ' dlscovered m~DY ' a grand trutb by intuition , a process which modern

    Medical Astrology

    science sadly lacks.





    I ,I





    Medical Astrology is a part of the grand celestial scieoce dealing with the several zodiacal. planetary and stellar influence~ which affect tbe health , constitution, funclion s and habits of life. In faci. Medicine is a branch of astrology. This conclu sion is clear on its very face . Configurations of plaoets in the heavens in certain angular positions emanate certain forces or energies, which , when they are not in harmony with the energies of an individual, bring about certain disturbances in his physica l and mental dispositions. To avert the evil in8uences of planets, tbe ancients contemplated upon discovering remedies, and the science of Me.dicine was gradu ally fo unded and developed in this manner. Each sign of the zodiac repre~ents a certain part of the human body and the diseases peculiar to it and each planet also indicates certain types of diseases. Disease and death are due to the disturbances in tbe laws of proporti9n and conjunction of natural forces emanating from the Ptanc~is and the time s which these disturbances occur, can be previously ascertained and adequ ~le provision made to arrest or minimise such evil influences. The planetary positions at ~irth clea rly Indicate the nature of the diseases one would suffer from, wben aod how they would affect us and how best to alleviate tbem. 1. The twelvc signs of the zodiac commencing from Aries in gcneral and from the Ascendant in particular govc;ro


    Hindu Predictive Astrol0.IY

    tbe twelve important organs of the human body and in addition to this. planets in one sign will affect organs governed by the sign of the same element Of constitution. Aries governs Head Taurus Face Gemini Chest Cancer Heart Loo Belly Virgo Waist Libra Lower belly Scorpio Seltual organ Sagittarius Tbe two thigh s Capricorn The two knees; Aquarius Buttock Pisces Feet . ,In genecal, such signs as are occupied by evil planets IndIcate want of development or deformity in the organ ~ the.y represent and tbose siglJ3 which are occupied by bene~cial planets indicate beaut)' and health to the organs represented by tbem. . -.- ~acb ~fanet - is given control over some humour (do b) causmg disease and the type and seat of disease dept:nd In ~he nature of tbe planet a nd tbe particular sign occupied by It and the period of suffering is denoted by the Dasas and Bhuktis of such a planet as shown below. 2. Aries governs the face. Tauru s .. the neck a nd 't hroat. Gemini " upper arm and throat. Cancer breast, epigastric region and elbow. L!!o " back and forearm. Virgo hands and ~bdominal region. Libra " lumbar region and loins.

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    I, ', ,

    Modk,l A'''OIOIY



    external generative an~, urinary organs aod aDl:'~. Sagittarius" hips. -7 Capricorn" epidermis. Aquarius" legs and aokles. Pisces .. toes . V.i~St?! , the 6th from 'Aries, is a mental sign and this must always be considered dealing ' witb" tlie' question of diseases. Vf;go mea~s Virgin. Vlrgin ' i~ ' the 'male or female who has had no sexual connection and w ho 'is chaste, pure and uo· a(fulierated, The ht:altb is perfectly maintained when all tbe Chemical c~n~tituents of the blood are present in normal quantities. When tbey are adulterated. diseases set in . Dist:ase is the result of the virgin health being adulterated . Therefore, when the sign Virgo is badly affiicted by the vibrations of the malefic planets, the whole world must suffer from HI·health, aDd diseases of some sort or the other make their appearance and take away large tolls of life. In the astrological nomet1c1ature. Virgo is referred to as the sign representing sickness. Mind has a tremendous inOuence on health and when it is free from agonies and distractioDs. the health also rema ins unimpaired. When the mind is atft:cted, tbe physical body also suffers. Virgo represents that part of the Kalopurusha (zodiacal man) in which the filler and ,the intestines are situated. The Sun, when be cnters Virgo every year, renders the public health suffer for want of digestion and from intestinal troubles. Tbe solar plexus is the seat of feeling and sensation. h consists of a group of twelve different ganglia and lies directly hack of tbe stomach. The twelve divisions of the solar plexus correS· pond with tbe twelve zodiacal divisioni. The solar plexus play an important part in man. In finding out the disease. etc., Virgo aloDe must be first considered. Similarly the 6th bo~ se in any horoscope from the Ascendant rules the




    Hindu Predictive AurolOU

    i~testinal and digestive organs and since all troubles, more or less, arise 'when these organs become inactive, the sixth aign in a horoscope operates as .he sil'O of disea ~ e. This is in general and in particular horoscopes, the Ascendant represents Aries and so on. 3. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery signs and control the vitality of persons; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthly signs and control bones and flesh; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are windy signs and they govern the breath; and Cancer and its trioes are watery signs aad govern the human blood. 4. The following internal organs are governed by the 12 signs of the zodiac: Ariel or tbe Ascendant Brain, nerve centres Tayrus or the second Gullet, cerebellum Geinini or tbe third Lungs, breatb. nerve fibres Cancer or the fourth Stomach Leo or"the fifth Heart. blood and liver Bowels, and solar plexus Virgo or the sillth Kidneys. Libra or the seventh Excretory system and bladder -SCorpio or the eighth Arterial system 1 Sagittarius or the ninth Bones and joints - Capricorn or the tenth BlOOd circulation , eyes and Aquarius or the eleventh breath Pisces or tbe twelfth Lymphatic system S. Head, face, beart, ba.c:k. hips and thigh. are fiery in nature. Throat , bowels and neck are earthly. Lungs. kidneys and blood are airy and stomach and digestive, excretory and lymphatic systems are watery. The zodiacal signs named above baving these"qualities also possess dominion on all these organs .. 6. Tbe followinl an.tomical structutes are repracnted by the different sigos of the zodiac :-.



    ~-.9ranium, cerebrum, cerebelJum , facial bones, upper jaw, pituitary glands. Tourus.- Cervical vertebrae, ears, lower jaw. larynx, thyroid gland, oesophagus. Gemini.Humorous. c1avicles.shoulders. capillaries, lungs and tracheae sC3pula, upper ribs. Cancer.-Diaphragm. sternum, elbow . joint, tpigastric region, thoracic duct, ribs in general. Lta.Radius, ulna, spinal column. heart, spinal cord, vertebrae. Virga.- Carpus, alimentary canal, metacarpus. duodenum. p,halanges, abdomen. Libro.-Ovaries and seminal vesicles, -.oriters and epidermis, lumbar vertebrae. Scarpia.-Pelvic bones, ~ testicles, rectum, sacrum and colon and bladder. Sagillarius.-Femur, hips, sacral region. Capricorn. KDee~ joint. E:~Jr!. nails and sk.eleton in general, patela. Aquarius..~ Fibula, bones and mu scles of the feet and teeth, tibia . ankles, , astragalus. Plsus.-Taurus blood circ.ulation. meta·tarsus. 7. Diseases and sign s :Adel.-Drain derangement, beadache, fevers like ague, m31~sleeping sick.ness, apoplellY·,- i~somnia. eye trOUbles, pyorrh'ea. Taurus.-Obesity, absecesses, swellings in tbe neck, goitre. Gemini. Consumption, pneumonia, rheumatism, I asthma . Cancer. Dropsy, smallpox, flatulency, cancer. Leo.Digestive troubles, dyspepsia, diabetes. locomotor 'iiiiiIa, swoons, fainting. Virgo.-Conslipalion. masturbatio!), arthritis, anus troubles,VeD'Creal complaints. Libra.-ifright'. disease, lumbago, nephritis. rcnal, calculi. Scarpio.-Fistula, ulcers. nervous troubles, haemorrhoids, rectal affection. Sagiltar;us.-Gout, paraly.is, SUdden fits, troubles in the hip. CtJpricorn. Cutancous troubles, leprosy, leucoderma, tooth acbe, ~Iephantiasis. Af!kJriuJ.-Nervou. diseases, spasmodic eruptions. Pisus.~ consumption, tuberculosis, mucous troubles aDd tumours. t It may be asked wbelber the ancieDt Hindus had any ; . knowledge of tbese di&euel ; if not, bow could their rulerJ ship by the differeDt signs and planets be ascribed? In the





    Hindu Predictive Ai CrolOJY

    Ayunrcdic text-books a number of tbese dist~ses are cla~­ rately dealt witb. In many of tbe astrological works, In giving combinatiODs for the occurrence of differ cot ty~s of diseases. the authors bave runted bere and t~ere the %odlac~1 signs wbicb have governance over tbe~ . Besl~e s?o the baSIS of tbe examination of hOFoscope the roformaUon IS collected. 8. Apart from tbe zodiacal inOucnces, the seven planets also possess dominion nve,," the different organs of the human body. their peculiarities, constitution, etc. The SUII.-Bile, beart , brain, bead, eye aod bonc. T~t Mo~n.-Breast. saliva. womb. water, blood and Iymphahc aii'd"&iandular systems. Maf3•.-Bile. cars, nose, forehead. sioews fibre and muscular tissues. Mercury.- Abdomen. tongue' lungs. bowels, nerve centres, bile and muscular tissues: .l..upiter.-Phlegm, blood, tbighs~ kidneys, flesh a.nd fat and arterial system. Venus.. - Ovanes, eye$, g~n~r~.tlve system , wat~r, semen and phlegm. Saturn.-Feet, Wind, acids, knees, marrow aod secretive s~stem. . 9. Each planet ~ules over certalD anatomlc~l structur~s in the buman body and certain diseases also. ThiS rulershlp must be carefully considered. The Sun .- Cerebellum, brain, blood, lungs, heart, stomacb. breasts, ovaries , seminal vesicles, diseas~s of the heart, appendicitis, 6 ftu1a, inflam~atory com~lamt~ The MD!'n .Pericardium , veins, lymphatIC vessels, 1Dte sun~1 fun ct ions, eye, alimentary canal. membrane-genito. and unnary derange ments, testicle . wind and colic, broncblal catarrab, dr~psy, tumours, insanity,'Xiefective eyesi~bt. MarJ.~Muscular II ssue. muscles catebral hemispheres-mflammatlon of the lungs, beoemo~tsis, baemorrhage from the lungs, spit,ting of ~Iood , consumption . bypctlrophy, typhoid and enteric fever. Infectious and contagious diseases. Mercury.-Nerves, breat.b, air ~lls. sense perception, bait, ' tongue, mouth-n,asal diSorders, impediments of speech, brain and nervous disorders,

    MedIcal AstrolOlY



    <bma; bronchitis, delirium', Deurastbani., headaches, neuralgia, palpitation. worm s, gen ito·urinary troubles. Jllpiter.-Arteries, veins. aurkle and ventricle, tbe pleura. blood apoplexy, pleurisy, degeneration, piles, tumours, diabetes. Venu3.-Kidneys, aorta, Besb, marrow, skin, c;:beekf, complexion - suppression of urine, discharge ' from eyes, £,Ut,!lneous eruptions. throat diseases, digestive troubles, \/Coereal complaints. Salurn ,-Spleen, upper stomach, endocardium, ribs, bones, bair, nails, cold, catarrah. diseases incidental t~ exposure, rheumatism, consumption, broDcrutis, asthma, gout, constipation, Brig~t-'s disea se.


    Precautions in PredictiODJ

    10. The house of diseases is tbe sixtb from tbe Ascendant. The planets therein. tbe lord of the 6th. the aspects on the 6tb !ruLth~ ~~vamsa tbe lord of tbe 6th occupies, should all he £2.!l~idered for predicting diseases. The planets in the 6tb house affect the particular part of tbe body governed by the sign, and tbe diseases will be tbose tbat arc indicated by its rulers. II. Due attention must be paid to the Ascendant, and the relationsbip between its lord and tbat of the 6tb.' Tbe details given in tbe earlier chapters of tbis book about tbe planetary and zodiacal peculiarities will be o f immense usc in Medical Astrology. 12. The general build-up and strength of tbe physical constitution must be ascertained witb reference to tbe posi tion of tbe Sun and tbe mental peculiaritie s with reference to tbe , Moon. The Sun in tbe 6tb aspectcd by Saunn is ,u re to bring aboutJass of vitality by means of unnatura l methods ~ilce masturbation _.. _ , . and- sodomy. 13. Malefics in the 6th with no beneficial aspect s cause continuous illness. (Miss E. A. of New York bas Mercu ry

    - -,



    Hindu Predictive Astrolol)'

    24. If tbe Moon is between Saturn and Mars and the Sun is in Capricorn. the person suffers from asthma and pneumonia. 25. rf the Sun and the Moon mutually e:tchange their houses either in Rasi or.in the Nanmsa, the person suffers from consumption. 26. If the Moon is in the 5tb navamsa of Sagittarius, or, in tbe navamsas of Aries. Pisces, Capricorn a nd Cancer or in ~ny other signs and aspected by Saturn 011 Mars, the pe rson undoubtedly suffers from consumption . 27. Iflhe Sun, tbe Moon. Mars and Saturn are in th e 6tb , tbe 8tb. the 2nd or the 12th re sp~ctjvely. the person be<:omes blind owing .to tbe excessive accumulation 6f the burnour represented by the strongest of tllese planets. 28. The malefic planets in the 3rd, Sth, 9tb and 1ltb . baving no beneficial aspects, produce deafness and this will be given rise to by the bumour indicated by the stron gest of the planets placed in any of the above signs. 29. If the Moon, the Sun and Man are in the 7tb and have no good aspects; the' perSOD suffers from tOothacbe. . 30. Weak Moon iii the 12th with SalJlrn will bring about insanity to tbe native. . 31. 1f. Aries. Leo . Scorpio, Capricorn ..Q!__~•.!l!!..ari,!s ...becomes Lagna and malefics aspect it po"'!erfull)'....~tiv~s head becomes bald. 32. If Saturn is in the 9th or in the 5th and is aspected by malefics, the native suffers from innumerable diseases. The reader must apply these principles to a number of horoscopes and make a comparative study of the theoretiqal rules and practica l Medical Astrology. OiSJase comes under si:tth bouse aDd tbis bas been exhaustively dealt with in my book How 10 Judge (J Horoscope .

    in tbe 6th with Sll\urn and Mars powerfully .speeted by Rahu-sbt suffered from continuous arthritis for more than 2S years,} 1 sball give below tbe combinations for some of the most terrible diseases .irom which hllml}njty bas 001 claimed immunity as yet-as it will Dot be possible to include in a small chapter like tbis, ioformation which relates to the

    causation of each a nd tvery disease on eartb. 14. ,Abdominal diseases. Appendicitis, ctc., are caused b.Y.. the movements of tbe Sun and tbe Moon in Virgo. 15.

    Tbc SUD aod the MOOD in opposition and in con-

    junction with or aspt:cted by Mars produce sudden accidents. Hi. Enteric disordcu and bowel disorders arc brough t abaul by .the SUD in the 6th, aspcctcd by Saturn. Diarrhoea is caused by Jupiter in Y.:i:rgo being afflicted. 17. Mars in Libra • • micted by Venus and aspected by Saturn, causes Bright's disease. 18. If Mars and Venus aspect the Ascendant and if there a)-e evil planets in tbe 6th aspected by otber evil planets, tbe ~rson suffers from cbronic constipation. 19. If the Moon is amicted by Saturn in Aries whicb governs the pituitary body), and Mars also bas influenl' over tbe Moon, tbe perSOn suffers from leprosy. 20. IF Man and VenUS are in tbe 7th and are aspected by malefics, the person suffers from inftammation in the testicles. 2!. If tbe Moon is in Cancer or Scorpio in Rasi or in Navamsaand is powerfuUy aspeeted bY!DaiCfics, the person sufl'ers from diseases in the anus. 22,. Saturn and Mars in the 12th aqd the 2nd: the Moon in JJte Ascendant. the Sun in tbe 7th, respectively. make the naflve suffer from wbite leprosy. 23. 'lftbe MOOD is in tbe lOtb. Man in the 7th and ~turn in the 2nd from t)1e Sun. tbe nat'ive becomes crippled •


    f" CHAPTER


    Female Horoscopv* The combinations hitherto treated of in tbe previous chapters 8re applicable to botb the sexes but the information given in tbi s chapter is peculiar to the members of the female sex. For instance. there is puberty in girls which indicates that they are fit for entering the state of motherhood. This is a peculiar characteristic belonging to the feminine sex. The importance of first menses has so much of physical, mental and spirit ual signi fi cance that it will be impossib le to bring them home unless we devate special attention to its study. So many otber things such as conception, delivery. etc., a re peculiar to the women. Some o f the ancient writers held that even though tbe horoscopes of the women indicate any Raja Yogas-Iike bestowing political power, etc. , such yogas must be applied to their husbands . Today the order has been rapidly changing. Ad vocates of sex equality have been springing up like mushrooms. They want to see that no barriers exist between the males and the fem ales, God knows for what purpOSe. Women have been competing with men in aU walks of life. The type of equality, which we have lKen aiming at seems to be similar to that whicb the West bas realised zlready and for the results • For further details refer to Slrl Jataka or FftmlJle H orolropy by Prof. 8 . SUryanarlin RIO.



    . p(wbich it has begun to repent. In ancient India, the equality WII of a different nature. History and tradition afford us any ",umber of instaoces whicb go to establisb tbat the women . never occupied an inferior place in Hindu families or in ilindu society and tbat a sentiment of reverence and respect bad always been associated with their names. Witb the advent of-divorce. companionate marriage and other inj urious reforms, tbe entire fabric of borne-life and domestic barmony ire tbreatened witb complete destruction. Pure love is being replaced by commercial love. And divorce courts are being resorted to on flimsy grounds or pretexts for getting rid of the husband br wife. A study of tbe Female Roroscopy will be of immense interest in view of tbe rapid advancement women bave been making in all walks of life. Important CombiaalioDt I . From tbe rising sign at birth must be ascertained tbe complexion, beauty of general appearaoce. Marital bappiness inun be consulted from the 81b. From the 7tb house sbould be predicted passions, husband's cbaracter, aod ber own tdrtunes; pregnancy, issues, conception and abortion should & determined from tbe Sth bouse. 2. If tbe Ascendant or tbe Moon falls in tbe Trimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio and if Mars is not well situated, the girl becomes a prostitute before puberty, If tbe Ascendant falls in the Trimsamsa of Venus , sbe becomes adulterous : if in Jupiter-virtuous, modest and dignified; if in Mercurycunning; jf in Saturn - dependent and depraved. 3. If Venus and Saturn exchange tbeir navamsas, tbe girl becomes extremely passionate and gratifies her instincts by uonatural methods. . 4. If tbe 7th bbava fall s in the navams. of Mars, aod has fbe aspect of Saturn, tbe girl pOSsesses a diseased sexual



    organ. If the 7tb bouse ri ~~s in a beneficial navamsa, she will have well-proportioned sexual or~an and loves her bus~and. . 5,. The woman ,becomes a widow SO OD after marriage If ) y no hefi') " In the 7bh M ~rs IS t ouse WII' ha b so ) ute De cia aspects, ' t b e 7t h 10 ' a Simi " )ar b III baVl' ng ma )efi c aspects . Tbe Sun JQ P9.Silion makes her to be neglected by her husband. Beacflci.1 ComblaatloDI (Raja Yoaas)


    • ,"

    'II, III "


    6. If Jupiter is in tbe Ascendant. the Moon in the 7th and Venus in the 10th , the woman becomes the wife of a very rich man, even if she is bocn in bumble surroundings. 7. If Jupiter is well posited in the Shddvorgos and is powerfully aspected by the Moon, the woman's husband will get-a .t:esponsible a nd lucrative posi tion as minister or as an c:qual to a king. ' S. A woman will have great political po .....er if the qU:l.drants are occupied by benefics anj the 7th falls in a masculine sign. 9. Mars in 3 or 6 and Saturn in auspicious Shadvargas cause a very powerful Raja Yo ~ a. 10. A powerful Raja Yoga is caused if Gemini becomes the AseenQant with wu ing Moon there, the Sun in the 1J th and Mercury in the 10th. 11. If tbe Sun possessing beneficial Shadvargas occupies the 3rd and Saturn be in the 6th . a powerful Raja Yoga is caused. Widowbood


    12. Conjun ction of tbe lords of the 7th and the 8th in the 8tb with malefic aspects . 13. Lord of the 7th witb Saturn and aspected by Mars. 14. Rahu a nd the ~oon in the 8th witb evil aspects. 1.5. The Moon and Rabu in the 8th and the lord of tbe 7th with Saturn aspected by Mars.

    16 Th 'uDcti of the lords of tbe 1st lind the 8th;0 r be 12~h an: =~~fiC as~~cts over the 8th. 17 Tb 7tb h s d 'u lord between two or more evil • 'tbe t b .efi OUeaDI . .: • I asrvoct planets WI ou e cia y¥ s. First Measts aad i~s laOueace This physical change in the constitution o f a girl has a UCmeBd6us influen ce over her entire future and a thorough Blvestigation into tbe results of planetary influences at the time of the first menses i~ more essen tial. I; As soo n as puberty appears in a girl, cast a horoscope for tbat time just like you would do if a birth time is giv~n and .ben study the various influences carefully . .1 The ancient Maharishis appear to have made such wonderful resea rches in this branch of knowledge that they have been . ,ble to trace the influence of weekdays , lunar days, con~tel1I1ion5, etc .. on the girl during the first menses. . 18. H the first menses appear 00 a Sunday-the girl tulfers from diseases; MondHy-good , nobl e and virtuous; Tuesday-miserable; Wednesday - domestic harmony; Thursd ay-virtuous and chaste : Friday - obed ient 10 husband; and S.c.tu rdny-vicious and bad tempered . 19. The following constellations are aU$picious for first meo ~s : - Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Anuradba, UUara. Unarashadha. Uttarabbadra, Sravuna, Moola, Revati, Dbani shta, Satabh isba, Aswini. Pushyami, Rohini. and Mdgasira . First men ses is condemned in PUbba . Poorvaabadba, Poo'rvabbadra, Bharani and Aslesha . 20. The following times are unfavoura ble for the appearance of first mer; ses in a girl :-Sunri se, s u~set aod twiligbU; the days of sola r entries ioto the first degree of the lign ,' FuJI and New Moon days; times of edipses ; the ,8tb and 14th days of the dark h:l.l f of a lunar month; the tlmc "




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    , Hindu Predictive Altroloa,

    when tbe MOOD stands in the 8th bouse from the radix M or that of het busband; in constellatioos occupied b :~~ planets; when halos are seta found the Su d h Y .1 duriog th d b ' n ao t e Moon· c cat times of' nearest relatives' when b ' phenomena like tbe appearaoce of comets ;tc occu~ .no;~al c th~dSUD moves in the (;oDstellations of' Bha';aoi Krittik ,' n ra and Aslesba. I , Ca 2~ . Tb~ signs of Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and ptlcorn ~r~bodc evil if first menses occur in b . t em. the rest atc ausplcIOUS ones. . Proper remedies mu st be undertaken to avert Ih 'I lo8ueoces of planets. e CVI 22. If the number of drops of menstrual fluid b one or t~o. wealth and good enjoyment in life are indicatede. other_ wise the consequences will be baneful. ' For fuller information on these points, I sbould ref, readers to the excellent book FeftUJl H er my B. Suryanarain Rao. e oroscopy by Prof.




    Mundane Astrology Strictly, speaking Mundane means anything that relates to tbis material world but somebow, at least so far as astrology is concerned, it is interpreted as meaning "statc" "national" ·and Mundane Astrology means astrology of ibe State or nation al astrology wbicb helps us to predict tbe &eneral eyents in the different countries like wars, plagues, pestilences, revolutions and incidents that directly affect a State or tbe head of a State and consequently tell upon the


    people. So many calamities in tbis world could haye been preyented had only the different statesmen at tbe helms of tbe various goyernments heeded to the warnings repeatedly . aiven by competent astrologers. regarding tbe occurrence of unbappy terrestrial eyents. If a statesman knew when bis country wouid be attacked, be could eitber make sucb preparations as would enable bim to present a strong and united front to the enemy, or if be toved peace could deYise such plan s and negotiations as would bring about tbe desired honourable peace . In all these important aWain;, prevention is mucb better than cu re. Why should a relief propaganda be o rganised after a certain catastrophe like plague, earth quake or Ooods has occurred and then repent for the colossal loss of precious human lives and properties. The loss could have been overcome if it bad





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    t J i


    Jive tbe ~vernment enough mligbt into future complications with forclgn powers, that would be worth untold miUions eveD if this lupposed Burcau ma~c ooly 60 per ceot of correct predictioDs. ,I By repeaLed observation and the development of yog. Ju!ya, the Maharishis were able to foresee all tbese clearly aDd assign certain signs of tbe zodiac as represcDting or as )lh'ectly ruling certain parts of tbis world. Varaha Mihira lila. given a list of countries governed by the signs and planets ill bis Dr/hal Somhito and we have interpreted them in this light of modern gCograptlical distribution of countries . ,

    been previously ascertained when would visit us. s uch dangerou s phenomen a MY pu bl'Icalion . s World Prospect s . 19) 9 o?d 1940 an d World Predictions lor 1941 10 J94 In editoria ls in THE An 5 aod m)' Innumerab le kOlOGICAL M AGAZI NE d I • b h practica l aspect of Mundane A I ea Wit I ~ made s ucce~s rul d" ' Slro ollY. T herein I have pte lCUon s a bout events a lld I . .were mos t improbable at the tim b ' . .appenlogs Ih 'lI but which were realised sUbseqll:~tt :red lcho ns were v.cotured several nationa l horoscopes aol r ha ve also discussed Astrology will find in the b b a student o f Mundane carrying o n resea rch wo rk. a ave oaks, a lot o f d ata for

    I I


    Hind u Pred icciyc "'s~oluay

    Zodiacal SiCas a.d CouDtcies


    .The eiTecls o f tb e pla nets Over h f[ ' . found 10 be just as powerful h Ie a airs o f nations a re individiJa'l. Pro f B S as t, ey 3re OHr the life o f thc . . uryan a e:un Rao w d r. predi ctions o f national events Zadk' I as no tc o r llis Ie s J and II hav e made remarka ble prediction s , . d ' , pre ICled the Second I' ' W~l r U II ar nearly o ne year in ad vancc, Hu ler's a"'g . d' Mussolini' s collaborat ion Francc 's c 0 '~eSS lve eS lgns: o f the Negus to Abyss i ~ia' J . o l/apse In 1940; return apa n s Fa r·Ea~ ler n Policy ' Fates o f Holland D I ' " , " e glum, etc Germa " ' Mu sso lin i's fa ll ; Ita ly 's ea ilU'ia' , n 1.IlVa~l~n o f R ussia; lo n by tbe AlJies; a nd th e fall ~ .. Inil ,' th e in vasIO n of Europe politic'al dc\'elopment!i, Gan~ hr' er , e~d Ihe war , Indian fall , exit o f Nkruma h CI ' s ~ ssaS~lJIaUo ll . Khruschcv 's f ' Iln eSe InvaS ion o f I d ' N ' , all , recent develop ment s in India 0 la , 1:<00 s correctly fo retold by me in m b . ' etc: ,- have all heen TIlE ASTR01.OGI CA. L MA.GAZJN/' o; :s a~d In tbe column s o f ere IS en ough scientific basis to warrant tbe study f in conlro l of a national 8o\'~rnme~~dane t~s tr,ology by Ihose lion into na tional affairs of a com or to Justify t~c introduc· to advise on futun: foreign pel~nt Astrological Bureau is 100 mu ch to cxpect in t~n I3n!l ements. I admit thaI it A slrology, fo.! this Burc~u t be p,resent .slate o f Mundane o e :l w:lys righI, but ifir could

    , .!ti!!:,- France, Switzerlaod, England , Denmark, Germany, Lesser Poland, Syria, Burgandy-Naples , Verono, Capua. Marseilles, Birmingham, Florence. Tourus ,-Greater Poland, Persia, Ireland, Asia Minor, Georgia , part of Russia, Holland , Greek ArchipelagoMuntua, Leipzig. Dublin, St. [;ouis. Rhodes. G~mlni.-South·we s t o f England, U.S.A., Flanders, Lower Esypt. Belgium, Sordinia. Wales, Tripoli-London , Venailles, Melbourne, Plymouth, Brabanl, San Francisco. Canccr.- Holland , Scotland, New Zealand, ParaguayNew York, Constantinople, Tripoli , Algiers, Tunis, Venice, Manchester, Genoa and Amsterdam. k!2'-~ Sicily, parI of F:rance, Chaldea, BobemiaDamascus, Bristol , Bath, Conton and Philadelphia, Chicago and Bombay. Ylrgo.-India, Mesopo tamia, Asiatic and European Turkey . Brazil, Crete, Assyria , West Indies. Greece-PAris, Lyons, Jerusalem and Los Angeles. ~..J.Sqme part of India, Portugal, Livonia, -Austria, -Alaska, Japan. Tibet-Sheffield, Lisbon, Frankfort . Antwerp, CharlesloD, Vienna, lohannesberg.




    H'",," .Ad'CI'., A'''.'.I>







    Fi'" hoaue.-'Mcntality ortbe rulers, ~biJdren in tbe Slate Irl,hs, crime and places of amusement•. Slxt" ho"!'.-State loans and debts, diseases of the people IPd tbe rulers. territorial attlckl. naval ao~ other ~or~ . ,', Set!''''}' hquc.- Hca1th orlbe ,women, ~mmoral~ty 10 tbe country. rate oriorant mortality. war, foreign relallons, etc. . Eighth hou4t'.-Deatb.ratc. State Treasury. . .. Ninth /louse . Temples, mosques a nd churches, JrrebglousDC5S:1~dicial courts , law and righteousness. Tenth house.-The ruler, parliament, foreign trade, exports, exploitation, revolutions and lawlessness. " . . from other nations, gains in trade,

    Scorpio Bavaria. Judea, Catalonia, Norway, Morocco_ Wasbington, Dover, Liverpool, Bahimore. SagittQrlul, -Sp~':.i.!!.. Arabia, Hungary. Madagascar_ Cologne, Rottcnburg, Toledo. Sbeffield. .CaprfcofIJ .-A part of lodia, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Greece, Saxony. Thrace-Brandenberg, Oxford, Brussels. Aquarius.-Swedcn , some paris of Arabia, Ru ssia, Denmark, Lower Sudan, Abyssinia-Brighton, Hamburg and


    Bremen. £ Isce.r.-Normany, Portugal, Galicia, Egypt, Nubia, Sahara-Alexandria, Lancaster, Ratisbon. We have also an enumeration of tbe constellations tbat go\'ern the different countries and the planets and signs that lovern the different parts ofa country in Varah a Mihira's Brihat SamhUa. - -- -Houses in Mundaae Astrology The Lagna or the Ascendant of a country will he the part icular sign that rules over it. For in sta nce, the Lalna of England is Aries ; that of India is Virgo and so On . The exact rising degree is not definitely known. Tbe twelve houses from the Ascendant in a national boro$Cope represe nt the followi ng important significations: EfTSI houu. General affairs in tbe State, public health, tbe conditions of the Cabinet. Second house .-State revenue, a ristocracies in the State, wealth or the people, Stale imports and com mercial transactions. allies and revenue. Third house.- Tdeph ones, telegrams, railways, aeroplanes, jou rn als and newspapers and the disposition of the neighbouring nations. Fourth house.-Scbools, co lleges and other educational institutions, pupils. landed estates, general happiness, trade and agriculture.

    r"'~/fth house. - Secret crime. plots, hospital s and such in'st itutions, war and losses. . In giving the natiooal predictions, the folloWJDg factors must be carerully considered :_ 1. A boroscope cast for the commencement orthe Lu~ar year enables one to predict world events during that year WIth 'a fair degree or accuracy. 2. Mark the boroscope for the time of the entry of the SUD into Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn aDd analyse_ t~e ~osition of p)anetSiii
    ---._- --



    HiDdu Predlctfve AlttOioty

    Durillllhc same month. the Junation will bave taken place in the 10th ~ouse from another ,i,Dlovernmganotber country. The results will be that the death of the monarch is indicated, foreign trade will be at itslowut ebb, lawiclSDcss will prevail and .iSDS of revolution will be apparent . If the lame combination occurs in tbe 2nd bouse of another country, tbea financial depression in the State will sct in, retcoachment follows, imports affected. etc . nus it illC~t evil..s~i­ ltatlOJlS i n any siso wiJ!..!,ff~l!!!J~~_~oun!!ies in_so.!l1~. ~M .9-t the otber: ---- ".- . _. ---rho most impartaal aspect io Muodanc Astrology is tbe Planetary Cabinet which will be changios .portfolios every -year and thus the results wlll also be chanling. Planctary Cabioct means simply tbis-All tbe leven planets will become king, prime minister, commander-in-chief, lord of vegetation, lord of minerals, lord of juices, lord of grains, cattJe, etc., and tbese offices will be changing every year. Tbe planet which becomes king in one year becomes prime minister in the next year and so on. These details can be ascertained by looking into any standard almanac. 4. The Sun and the Moon are generally royal planets; if in any year either of these does oat become k.ing, then during tha' year, the royalty will greatly suffer. Similarly, Mars is tbe permanent commander-In-chief. Ir, however, in any particular year he docs not become the commander-in,chief, the army and navy during that year must suffer. All tbese details must be considered. S. The appearan ce of eclipses pl ays a great part in national astrololY. The influences will be exerciled for a period of 6 months before and 6 months after the appearance. The effects of the eclipse will find manifestation in the countries tbroush which the eclipse passes. Jf two eclipscsof course one solar and one lunar-occur within 14 days, tbore =


    .erallx will be natio~l tro~ble~l, .ssassinations and war activities (,,'d~ tbe lc:.adlns aCUcle In tbe October 1941 issue of TaB A.n.OLOOICAL MAGAZINB). There werc.!wo eclipses in March 1~~4 withi~ 14 dayL.. and ftor. B. Suryanarain Rao, in the ' Ma! cbT914 issue of TaB ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINB, predicted tbe ~utbrea~ of .t~e Great War in the August of that year and saId that Its orlllO would be in Europe aod that it would arise from tbe assassination of a prince. That Roosevelt would be elected as the President of America was predicted by tbe author in the September 1932 issue o f TUB ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, wbile the election took. place in Nevember, on the basis of a sola r eclipse in that year. It was also pointed out thtlt there would be chaos Bnd confusion in tbe Parliamentary debates in London, that a new Cabinet would be formed, tbat U.S.A. would suffer from great financi al troubles and that a number of children would die in England on account of some disease. All these came to pas:3. Mr. Roosevelt's election for the Presidential Chair of America, for the tbird time, was clearly predicted in the September 1940 issue of THB ASTROLOGICAL MACAZINB. Thus eclipses have great significance in Mund ane Astro· logy. 6. The appearance of comets and the directions in which they appear sbould also be considered. The country represented by the signs, in which comets appear, suffers, and tbe health of tb e people will be affected. 7. Laltly. the nativitieS of individuals themselves who rule either as kings or as Presidenn will have great significance aod tbey should be wellttudied. 8. Earthquakes must also be considered. Thu! Mund.De Astrology i. a very difficult and useful branch and the student



    Hindu Pndkti.... Atuolol)'


    ..,: I '


    mUliit be careful in vCbhlriog predictions. For grq,ter details regarding the ioftueoces of eclipsea, appearance of ometc" looations and the planetary cabinet. I should refcr the reader to the !!rilUlI Samhllp of Varaha Mime. and in a small book. like this. it will Dot be possible to incorporate more thaD wbat has already been done.


    Muhurtha or Election

    Muhurtba means auspICIOUS. Jo astrology . Muburtha comprehend. the selection of auspicious h~~ for C:Vtr'1l1C'! !vCOl _an ~t ben_~. we could interpret muhurthD as beinl equivaleot in tbe Ellglisb word election. t It is an established fact that SUccess in any work entirely depend s upon the auspicious moment at which it is cO,mmenced. Even tbough a man may possess tbe best ad vantage. , be will not be successful in the end if he commences tbe work

    in tin inauspicious time . This meaDS lhat he has Dot considered the value of moving in harmony with natural forcesthat is - the invisible influences imbedded in the womb of Time. throw obstacles on bis way and deprive him of bis .uecess. Muhurtba, as a matter of fact, belps us to dekrmine, when exactly the influences contained in Time are well di_posed, when they are ill-disposed, wbal combinatiops of plaocts produce beneficial inBuences and bow tbe invisible currents could be made to Bow easily. after a business is started in an auspicious moment. If we start ao. event in a favourable lime, tbe etbereal CUrrents. liberated from l.he planets at that particular moment, will work in the minds of others and make them help tbe person to attain success.

    , L


    Hindu Predic:t1v:e Astfolot)

    Even in marriage., if in the girl's horoscope widowbC)()d is tbreatened, it can be averted by selecting a very auspicious moment for celebrating tbe marriage. We call such an auspicious moment, When all the beDefi ~ cial etbereal CUUtOI. arc called into operatio n, Shubha Lag1lQ and the inauspicious moment Ashubha Legna. J. Favoflrable Periods or Adminbterlng , M ediclnes._ Sunday, onday, ednes ay~-Thurstl ay an tJday. Saturday and Tuesday are not favourable. At tbe time o f adm inistering medicine, benefics should be in quadrant, the 6th, the 81b and the 12th houses from the Ascen da nt. "The constellatioDs Anuradba. Mtigasira Revali Rohini, Chitta, Uttar., Ullarasbadha, Sravana. Dhanisbta: Satabbisba. Puoarvasu, Swati , Aswini and Hasta are good. Find out the time for tbe Lagna (rising sign) when Saturn, the SUD and Mars are in quadrants 00 Saturday, Suoday and Tuesday aod at tbis moment perform surgical operations. .2. Slllm Q!l4Bl(riu· - C;onstelJations Visakha, Hu ta, Mngasira , Punarvasu. Dhanisbta, Aswini, Aridra, Pubba. Jyesbta, Poorvashadba aod Poorvabhadra are good for buying and seUing domestic animals. When Leo is rising at tbe time oC tbi s transaction, it is unfavourable. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, New Moon day, the 4th, tbe 9th and the 14th days of the lunar month are unfavourable. 3. Alr/culturaIOptrDllolf:(. Commence ploughing operatioDs iii'Oi;he~ 'coD8IelJatioDs Reveti, Hasta, Makha, Uuara , Ultarashadha, R obini, UUarabbaor8, Mrigasira, Sravana , DbaDishta. Satabbisha , Pushyami and Chitta. TUeiday. Wedoesday and Saturday are not good. When the signs Pisces. Taurus, Gemioi and Virgo are rising, commence such operations. Avoid New Moon days, Full Moon days, and the lunar.days of the 8th, the 9th and t}le 14tb oftbe dark balf. • ,£; DIR~ r~/l!:: This must be dODe when «rtain signs are rnlng If water were to fall io tbe well so dug. In

    , ,, .. borth. or ElcclioD

    Aquarius and Taurus, water can be secured in tbe wells, Scorpio, Libra and Gemini give very little of w~t~r aod the rest of tbe ligns give absolutely no water. Similarly, no water will be secured if quadrants are occupied by evil planets. VeDU, aod ·tbe Mo.on in quadrants pro.duce much water in the well. When wells are dug in tbe sigo occupied by tbe Sun, there will be rock found in the well. The rising signs must be watery signl for obtaining a plentiful lupply of water and tbe planets influencing must also be watery ones. S. Enter, n, New l!,oU3~3.-The luoar months Magba , Monday , PbalguDa; Vaisakba ana )yesbta are ,Dod. Wednesday, ·.T hursday·, Friday and Saturday are good. Uttarashadba ·· Uttarabbadra and Rohini are good. New houses Should'Dot be entered into .w~en tbe. Sun is in ~quariul, Caucer or Gemini . CODstellations occupied by evil planets must be avoided. Hasta: Swati, Pushyami, Aswini, Sravana and Punarvasu are generally considered unfavo urable . . i of-bair means mucb loss of vitality favourable days must be selected. Tbe 4tb 14tb and 16th days of the lunar month and New MoOn and Full Moon days are unfavourable. The conuellatioDs Posbyami , Punarvasu, Revati, Hasta , Sravana , Dbani:Jbta, Mrigasica , Aswini·, Chitta, Swati, Satabhisba and Jy~~hta are good. 7, CoAl'(Hf1inf.New HolU~s. The Sun mUlt be in Taurus, Cancer Leo. Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Scorpio aod Capricorn. The pe;iod wben lupiter and Venus are in combustion must be avoided. The lunar moutb of Asbadba, Sravana, 8ba~ra· pada, Aswija and Pushya 'are not good. The c9ustellahon.' Aowadha, Moola, Aswioi, Halta, Mripsira, ' Iye-bfa, Swah, Chitta. Rohiui, Unarashadba, Uttara and Uttarabhadra aro favourable.


    Hindu Prediclive AsttOIOlJ

    Benefics must be in quadrants (not in the Ascendant> and the 10th house must be occupied by Jupiter, Venus or Mercury ~ Dd evil plancts must be in the 3rd, the 6th aDd the 11th. 8. SluyllLQICoruulltuiolZ. By tbis we will be able to ascenaio whether a particulu day is favourable 10 a parti. c ula. perSOD or not.


    II II

    'I '. , •

    The procedure is this . CouDt from the birth constellation to the co nstellatioD of tbe particular day on which any new work is to be dODe or any journey undertaken, etc., and divide the product by 9, if divisible. Otherwise keep it as it is. If the remainder is .£!~!JL~'!>-LiL~I!~.i.~_at~s._~'!.~.8~!. 1.9 body ; if 2 .1fB!J.'P.JI.l) . ~callb._ P.lcI pro.lpe:ri.lY; !l .1.. (vlpat) . ~8ers.· los~es ~nd ace,ideo ••,; !!..~, (k~h,!m,!J prosperity; if 5 (prol),ok) obstaclc;~; if 6 (~!!.l!~gna) good results and gains; ir 'i{nldhanO) dl.nler jlDd death; if 8 (mitra) good; a~d i(9 (I!..l!~ama "m}tr~) v~.~y . ~a.v~urab.lt. _ .-. -,. . . . Illustratlon .-Birth sta r Mrisasira wants to interview a superior officer fo r representing his grieva-nccs on 6..9.1933. 1 p. m. The constellation of that day is Uttarabhadra and lasts upto 2 p. m. (in Bangalore). Counting Cram Mrigasira !.O UU.a~a!>badra we get 22; dividing. t~l~. -~D wfg;:f i2L9-'; .1 4/9., . The balance IS 4 ana- accordingly it represep ~ ksbema or prosperity and the businen will be successful. &. Five Sources 0/ Ener,y.-Jn this. five sources of planetary . Stellar and zodiacal energies a rc concerned. Supposing a man has fixed a particular time on a panicular day in a particular month for comm~ncing some important work:. Whether or not tbe five sources of cneray operate faVOurably at that time can be thus ascertained. In aU theSe cases. lunar dates mult be considered and the constellations can be found out by the Mooo's positioo . 1be method of counting the lunar days il aiven io the earlier chapters . Take the number of lunar daYI rrom tbe first oC each lunar month . the number of weekdays from Sunday, the

    "obUJ1ha o r Election


    mber of constellations from Aswini and tbe number of :diacal signs (rom Aries . Add all and tbe total \ . J( tbe remainder is I it indicates (,"rll)'ll) danacr or deatb; ,f 1 2 (",ahn/) dan ger fr~m fi re; iC 4 (raja panclt~) very. b~d : if 6 (c/wra panclwka) bad; if 8 (roga panchaka) disease b"ngln~ irthe remainder is 3, 5, 7 or DO rcma ,nder at aU. tben It IS JOod . . llluslration.-Mr. X wants to Hart a new buslQeS$ on 17· 9-1933 Sunday at sunrise. The constellation is Aslclba (rules upto 9 a. m.) and the Innar date is 13th o f dark b~lf of the IUDar montb Bbadrapada. The riling sign is Virgo . Calculating tbe Panchaka for tbis, we get :No. of lunar days 13 No. of constellations 9 No. of zodiacal signs . 6 No. of tbe day from Sunday 1



    Dividing tbis by '.I we get 29/9-32/' ; 2 remainder. It indicates vahni. So tbe time selected is not favou~able. 10. Mar,'age.- The 7th house Crom tbe marClaa:e Ascen. dant must be frcc and without any planet . MUI Ihould .not occupy tbe 8tb and Venus must never be in the ' 6t.b ~ Jupiter, Venus or Mercury should be in quadrants (excepltng the 7th bouse or 2nd quadrant), New Moon day. Full MOOD day, tbe 8tb and 6th lunar days must be avoided. The lunar month s of Mapa, Pbalpna, Vais,tha and Jyeshta are good . Coo stelr.tions Uttara. Uttambadha. Uttarabhadra. Revati, SwatJ. Makba. Hasta, Robini, Anuradha, Mrigalira and Moola arc favourable. 11 . NII/!.tlab or COlUUmmatlon CerelNtJlly ..- There I bould be no planets io the 8th. Sunday. Sat~rda)' a~d Tueaday:are bad. TauruI, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, VlflO, Libra, AquanUl. Slgittarius aDd Pisces arc good. New Moon day. Full ,


    Miuburtba Of Ejection

    Hindu Predictive AltrOJoay

    MOOD day, tb~ 14tb, 6th. 8tb and 4thd~ys oftbc lunar month mus~ ,be avoided. The constella tions Satabhisba, Hasta. RablDl, Sravana, Anutadba, SW8ti, UUar., Uttarashadba


    constellations Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesba, Ma"kba, Pubba, Visakba, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha. SatabbiSba' aDd Poorvabhadra are evil constellations and tbis ceremony Plust be performed in anyone of the remaining IS constellations, which are beneficial ones. Wednesday , Thursday, Friday and Monday are good weekdays. 16. Travtlling. Tra... elliog towards east on Saturday and Monday. west on Sunday and Friday, nortb on Tuesday and Wednesday and soutb OD Thursday does not produce 100d . results. The astrological writers recommend the foUowinJ -weekdays for traveiling towards the different directions : East-:-Tuesday; South-Monday and Saturday ; WestWednesday and Tbursday ; and Nortb - Friday and Sunday. Sagiltarius, Taurus, Clincer, Leo and Libra are favourable signs for travelling; the rest are unfavourable. .The cOD.telladon. Mrigasira, Aswini, Pusbyami, Anuradba, H<a, Punanasu , Revati, . Moola, Sranna and· Dbanisbta arc good. Tbe best time would be 12 noon wben the Sun will be most powerful and tbis is called AbhJjln Muhurtho. This moment counteracts all the evil infiuences; or malefic. must OCCUpy ' 3, 6 and 11. 17. Commencing Education. By education is meant both ' religious and secular. The Sanskritists call tbis AksharalWukara or bestowing of AksluJra (indestructible forms of lOund ...ibrations) correspondinl to the vague term of alphabtti, for the first time on the child. The 8th house must be witbout any planet. Lunar day • 2, 3, S, 7. 10, II, 12 and 13 arc favourable . Monday, Wedoesday, Thunday and Friday IUC lood . The constellations Punar.... ~u. Aswini, Cbitta. ·Hasta, Swati, Anuradb:a • Jyeshta, Rnati and Sravaoa are au.pictous. 1 ba...e dealt with this .ubject exhaustively in my book entitled MuhurlM or Electional Astrology.

    Moola and Ultabhadra arc good . • 12. Nome-Glvin Nomakarona 0 a New-born Child. The 8tb house must be tee. Friday. Wednesday. Thursday and Monday are good. ThecoDuellatioDsAnuradba Stavana

    Uttar., UUarabbadr. " Pusbyami• Rcvati • Hast' . .' R b' . M'" a, ASWIn! a~e~DI. ngasrra, Dbaoisble and Uuarashadba arc favour: 13. First Feeding 0(0 Child (Anna Prqlonqj.- The 10th house must be without any planet. , The lunar days 8 12 4 6, J 4 and 9 and New MOOD and Full Moon days are D~t ~od'

    Constellations Sfavana, SW8ti Anutadb. A. . . H' . Dhanisbta Pu h . p' ,Wlnl, asta,

    , . s yaml, unarvasu and Mrigasira are preferable. su 14. Rahukala.-.Every day certain evil influences are pposed to be exercl~ed on our planet at the following hours and .they must be avoided for any good work ]( tb . il.at6am tb R b . e sunllse . ., en . a ukala will operate on ;Monday from 7-30 Tue d a.m. to 9- 0 a.m . s ay , , 3 - 0 p.m. 4--30 Wednesday .. 12- 0 noon . , p .m. Thursday 1.30" 1-30 p.m. F~day' " 10-30 p.m. " . 3- 0 p.m. Satu,rq:ay "9- 0 12- 0 noon .. .m. " IO~30 a . m. Sunda y 4-30 p.m . .. IS. " 6- 0 p.m. • Upanayana . Upanayana mean. the investiture of • acred. thread or, to be more explicit, iuitiation into tb mysteCles ?f Parabrahma or the Supreme Intelligence. Th~ ceremony IS performed amon ..t all hi .... cute H' d be •-i.1 reli . . 6" 10 US, W n yglous IDstructioos are given Tb. e. 8tb ~ C house must be free: from pl·anet.. A' Cle•• Tauru., -.-DUOI, aocer, Vir,., Libra and PI'S~ _.. are beneficial. The

    :.m. ..


    i L I


    occupied at the time of birth. Take the cue?f a person h?rn ThursdaY~-1.8·f9n A.O:· at 33-30 gbaUs after sUortK. Predictions for the 29th year are required . From the table .iven below, find the figures corresponding to age. If tbere are two disits in alC, tate the sum of thc figures cor~e s . poDding. Add tbe same to tbe number of weekday of birth -Table (or tile Yearly Horoscope

    00 CHAPTER


    Annual Horoacop..

    · Ag~

    We have dis~ssed in tbe previous paaes how Hindu .'trologers predict future events by meaol of VimshoUari Dasa, wbich entirely depends upon tbe birth positions of planets. In the nat chapter, the popular Gochara system hal been expounded at considerable length. In tbis chapter

    we shall deal with a simple method of ascertaining annual rCluits. Owing to tbe limited space at our disposal we have to be necessarily brief in our exposition. FulJ details with copious explanations and a Dumber of illustrations will he (ouod in my book: Varshaphal Jar the Hindu

    p!l!. .I.~~f!.~4_!JJw1:

    .reope, which ptcseots a unique method of deciphering aonual results. The method adumbrated in tbis chaptet I?¥ be advaotqeoully used if a snapshot assessment of ayeac's outlook i. desired. Before prcdictio, evcots according to rules it propounds, one sbould devote some thoulht for properly comprehendinl the principles. In this method which are loinl to set forth below, all technicalities have been omitted and one caD easily uDdentand and apply tbe rules witbout mucb effort. It must. however, be hinted tbat our bOok Yarshapha/ enables one to mate more correct and more detailed prr;diction. as tbe procedure employed therein is certainly more comprehensive Ind altolether different, thouah the principle is more or less tbe 1ume. The boroscope for an)' particular year depends ~pon the time cirt6e Suns return' to the .~~e~Poi.nt i batJl.e





    15 31





    3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 20 _. 30

    3 5 6 0 1 3 4 5 4


    1 6 5 4

    SO 60

    70 80 9Q




    2 11 33 48 4 19 35 10 45 21 56 31 6 42 11


    31 3 34 6 31 9 40 12 43 15 30 45 0 15 30 45 0 15


    30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    This fable has been based OD the durarion of the year as liyen iD Researcbes carried out by me hue revealed tbat Ibe durat ion of Ihe Siddhanla year is 001 quite correct and that we b.....e to take Ihe duratioD o( Ibe sidereal year a. measured by modern astronomJ. A rtyiscd table is liven in my book YQn~,"al witb ~ulle~ CJlpluatiooa aDd the reader il well adyiKd to folloW the method liven La Ya"htJplull (or calliq ,be anDual chart.


    S"rya SlddltaMa.


    Hindu Prcdlcdvc Alltolo.,. A.ODul HOfOlCOpeS

    (Sunday I Monday 2, elc.), and tbe birtb gbatis. The result will be the time and day of tbe week a t which the required year commences. This will correspond with tbe time in that year when tbe SUD occupies the exact position he did at birth. In tbe horoscope seJected above. t he native has completed 28 years and entered 00 his 29th year. Age past 28 For 28 we have Days


    Gn, 10

    - 3 -0


    10 12 42







    For 20

    Fo. 8 For 28 Add to the above tbe number of weekday and time of bi rth




    0 0 0

    0 48 12 0 The 29th year commences on the ncarest Thursday to 8th' We get

    August. That will be 8th August 1940 and the time for setting


    Jupiter Saturn


    Ascdt . IS· 200

    I- -


    IL ::11


    I Nm







    RASI '



    - .. -

    - .








    -- -








    - -




    - --'



    S llUrq MOOD


    tbe horoscope will be Gb.48-12. The fo llowing arc Rasi and Navamsa diagrams for tbe yearly horoscope. Tbe Vanha Da3a3 are thus distributed. The Sun', Due 110 days, the Moon 60, Mars 32, Mercury 40 , Jupiter 48, Venus 56, Saturn 4, Rabu 5, and Lagna 10. To find the oasas and their balances, tbe followi ng procedure should be aslopted. Take tbe birth star of the person (Mrigasira in this case) and count from it to tbe constellation tbat r ules on tbe day'.o f the anniversary, Divide tbe number by 9 and take tbe balance and ascribe tbe Dasa in the fo Uowing order: Sun, Moon, Mercury , Jupiter, Venus, Saturn , Rah u and Lagna . Take tbe eltent of tbe star and find out wbat fraction of it remains at the commencement of tbe year and by tbe rule of three find the balance of Oasa a t the lime of solar eotry and ascrib~ the days to tbe other plaDels and Lagna as per order given ltbove-On 8th August 1950, the star Hasta ru les for 26-20 gbalis. At the time of tbe commencement of new year Chitta rules. Tbe duration of Cbitta is 55·30 gbatis and the arc of constellation (Cbitta) tbat bas already passed in Gb. 21-52 while tbat remaioinj to be passed being G b. 33.38. CouDting from Mrigasira to Chitta. we get 10 leaving 1 as balance wbeD divided by 9. This represents Ravi Dasa lasting for 110 days. If 55.S gbalis (duration of Cbitta) gives 110 days , wbat will 33.63 (Chiffa remaining) give? 33.63 SS.S )( 110=66.654 days. This is the balance of Ravi Dasa and subsequent OasIs succeed as SbOWD in next page:


    Dasa SUD

    Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Lago a SUD

    Hindu Predictive Al ltoloar No, of Days 67 60


    AIlDual Horoscopel



    8- 8-194ll 14-10-194ll 13-12-194ll

    40 48 56 4 5 10 43

    14-10-1940 13-12-194ll 14- 1-1941


    14- 1-1941 2-1941 4-1941 6-1941 6-1941 6-1941 6-1941

    2J.. 2·19~1 12- 4-1941 7· 6·1941 n- 6-1941 16- 6-1941 26- 6-1941 8- 3-1941


    General Estimates YonsL.t{.e[s'{on 0L!1ioh Horoscoe,e. In any estim ate of resu ta th.e radical horoscope is of much importance Tb Dasa ana Bbukti ruling at the present time sbould be· care~ ~ully noted as also Gocbafa positions. In the exa mple Guru Doso ' Budho Bhukl'J WI' II be operatlng ' dlustrated, h t roughout the 29th year o ftbe native. As both Jupiter and Mercury are well situated an d tbey have association with the !Otb house, tbe ~rjod is likely to prove beneficial. Accord. mg to G~cb ara , the subject is baving 7, years' Saturn and both JuPlte~ and Saturn are in tbe 12th and Rahu in the 5thall these being had. As tb is is tbe second time tbat the native ~as been undergoing 7, years Saturn, tbe evil effects will on ly e modenlle . .Co~bining tbe above two sets of influences tbe resultant IS still favourable. Now let us examine tb; yearly horoscope. I:<>rd of Lagna, Venus, is in the 2nd or house o f wealtb and IS aspec~ed b~ ~aturn - a yogakaraka. In the navamsa tbe Lagnadb lpatbl IS o rdinary-being bad by association and

    ! "


    JOOd by ownership and liberation. to general, tbe relults will be middling in the course of this year, but tetidinB towards good. Lord of the 10th has oeechabhaoga. ]0 the navamsa, Saturo has Shubhakarthari Yoga. Thus , the 10th bou se indi· cations will be normal, aod financial conditions will be bettered . As Mars occupies the 4th, general happiness will be lacking. Lord of the 2nd aod 5th io the 3rd suue.ts help to relatives while tbe Suo and Mercury in tbe 11th from the Moon is indicative of good reputation , name and contact with high circles. Lord of tbe 10th (from tbe Moo n) in tbe 11th and tbe parivarthana or exchange of houses between lord of Lagoa (Moon) and the 11th i. fav o urable for business improvement. Tbe Sun and Mercury in the 3rd in a move· able sign (Cancer) produce travels in connection with business which will prove profitable to the native . The 7th lord Mars in the 10th from the 7tb assures domestic happiness but his being aspected by Jupiter . lord of the 8th (in the . Navamsa> gives rise to quarrel s and friction . On the whole, financially and professionally, the year will be good wbile the conjunction of the Moon and Rahu does not give mental happiness. Tbe first Dasa is that o f the Sun. Tbis extends from 8.8. 1940 to 14·10·1940. The Sun is lord of the 4th and is in the 3rd with lord of the 5th forming a yoga. Mercury is the planet for business, trade and specu lation. As tbe Sun is in a moveable sign and moveable Navamsa in conjunction with lord of tbe 2nd and 5th and in tbe 2nd from tbe 2nd, be gives loog travelling in connection with business. · As everyone knows Cancer indicates North and the journey will be in tbe Nortbern countries. In MQrs Dasa, expenses will be great and income good, domeStic- ·quaiCe~l s, friction and journeys. Mercu.ry- Tbe Suo's results may be repeated ·with sligbt modification. Jupiter Misunderstand in gs, unexpected losses


    Hiodu PredlctiYe AfirolOl>'

    . ud mental worry. Y~'''I.t'-FjD.nciaJ improvemt!nls. domeRic oci1n happiness and 8O acneral. We may herewith ,live the Itncral results of Oaus which shOUld be applied consitlent witb the strength and weakntss or pllncts obtaining in the yearly horoscope. The results foretold are to be predicted with great -cauti\?n, prudence aDd practical • tanec •• koowledac of places, times, conditions and circum_


    If tbe powsrCul, he will give wealtb, clothes, jeWels, bigh respect and bappioess io &eneral. Ir ·tbe Sun is uafavourable. be. will cause disappointments, loss of money, mental worrie., and bodily complaints. Wben 'he Moon is powerful, he will give area, re'pect, much money and mental peace; wbeo unfavourable; increase of enemies, disease, r t avellini"8iia hatred amoDI his relations.. When MQr.J is fayouable, he will cause happiness, official favour, .uccess in endeavours and otberwise load results. Wben unfavourable, causeR batred, losl of money, injuries and-accidents , dispute. pertaining to lands, etc. ~If Mermv ia wdl disposed, comforts, success in examinations, business and trade. travel_ ling and mental happiness. When unfavourable, cruel deeds, losses in speeu.lation and business. Jupiter i-Favourable. religious interest, prOlress in education, birth of issuCI, if Rasi Dasas show sucb birth-and charitable disposition: when unfavourable, give. Iravellinl, bad company, sinful deeds and mUch expenditure. VelQl.J :-Favourable : female 'happiness, reputation, good income and a pleasant life; un_ favourable: 1011 of money, fear from enemie., scandals, diseases and eXhau.tion. When Saturn is favourable, houae,. happiness, rank, finances and new introduction.. When unfavourable, unplealaolnen , 1051 of money, emaciation of body, had DAme an.d diseasel. WheD RDhujl favourable he Jivel load charitable dilpositioD, promotioD and IUCCe...


    AtlDual Horoscope


    When bad worry. death or unpleasant news, company wltb base men' and increase of enemies. LnM :-F~\lo~rable : denotes load results in tbe commencement and Indifferent results later 00. The nature of results of tbe planetary Dal. to a great extent upon their rulerships, .. and Jupiter. u lord of tbe 8th in the Stb, '11'111 cert'lDly cause sickness to children .


    depe~d'. as~oclatIODs.

    Oocbarapbala or Resulls of Transits


    Gocharaphala or Resulte of Tranaft. It will be ken that in the preparation of a horoscope, planetary positions will be fixed in their respective longitudes. They are tbere and they will continue to be fixed. But tbere is no stoppage of planetary movements. Pluets take varying . periods for moving from one sigo to anotber. Sucb movements give rise to the stimulation of radioactive disintegration which. 00 falliog on tbe individual, can. produce psycbophysical changes in his character and disposition. Calculations mUst be made Dol only io regard to tbe Dasas and Bhuktis ruliog at any particular period but also due consideration should be bestowed 00 results of transits or Gochafa move. ments of planets. Gocbara coables us to predict tbe effl:cts of tbe current period. In predicting GOthara results . the Moon and the birth constellation playa prominent part. Mark the position of the Moon at the time of birth. ~be sign. in which the birth Moon is • is called tbe Janma Rasi.

    Rasi of wealth. of prestige, sickness and will have many obstacles and aimless travels. When he transits in the 2nd house. thert: will be loss of wealth . be wilJ suffer deceit. he will have full of financial 'Worries. In the lId hauss, tbere will be advent of money. bappiness. relief from diseases, recognition from superiors.


    honours and courage. l~e 4th bg:lU$. tbere will be disuses. constant attacks from ~pponents, no peace of mind. pressure from creditors, and sorrow and misery. The Sun traolitio. the ~lt~ill cause mental agitation, iIl·beallh, embarrassment ;od accidents. Tbe SUD uqbe 6th aives rise to release from sorrows, worries and troubles, destruction of eoemies and peace of mind. The Sun, transiting tbe 7tb, pro~~c~ .....earisome travelliog, 'OOlic and aDal trOUbles, bumlhatlon and sickness, In the 8tb, Suo's progress gives rise to quarrels with fr-iends, diseases, bigh blood preSSure, royal and official displeasure. The Sun's transit in the 9th house will cause to tbe nath'e dan'ger, bumiliatioD, dependency, disappointment and separation. One will accomplish his desire and plans, and suc~ss will attend on all kinds of undertakings when tbe Sun is ig Jhe 10th. In the 11th, tbe passage oCtbe Sun will coufer on a persoo honour, health, wealth and success, When tbe Sun passeS through there will be sorrow, creation of a situation Joss to ever·vtbing, quarrels aod iII-healtb. It must be noted that when passing tbrough tbe first 10 degrees of a sign, Mars and tbe Sun produce results. Of the different planets, tbe Gochara results of the slow moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are held to. be the most powerful. Tbe triennial results may be ascerta10ed from Saturn, the yearly effects from Jupiter. the monthly results from other planets and the daily influences from tbe Moo n. We shall first enumerate tbclikely results tbat are supposed to accrUe on account of transits of tbe different planets in the different signs from the Moon and tben describe the special rules governing Gocbara. When the Moon transits the sign ccu ied b her at the time OIhirth of a perSOD, tbe native wlli get excellent food, bed and clothes. When t e MOOD passes through the 2nd hOlUe, loss of respect and of money and





    obstaclcs in the way o f success arc to be predicted. ]n the 3td house. the native gets clothes, 'pleasure from wife and finance ; in the 4tb, be becomes mentally uneasy; in tbe Stb. suffers from humility. ill-health, pain of mind ' aDd olber obstacles; in tbe 6th, enjoys wealtb. health. comfon, redemplioD from enemies; 7th house. conveyances, good food and financial equilibrium.

    The MOOD transiting the 8tb produces

    misery, ill-bealth and fear from unexpected sources; ib tbe 9th from herself, pain of mind, chest pain, fatigue of body and the like arc caused. WheD the Moon passes throagh the 10th house, success will attend in every sphere of activity; in the 11th house. tbe persoo will enjoy prosperity. will set 'wealth and new friends; when the Moon transits through the 12th t!&L. he suffers from accidents and injuries. It may be remarked in passing tba, uoless Gochara is combined with Ashtakavarga, results cannot be predicted with appreciable accuracy. suppoa'e the Moon is transiting the sign occupied by her at birth. The Moon produces beneficial results provided tbe benefic dots tbere are above 4. If they are below 4, tben tbe Moon cannot certainly do a. much good as is ascribed to ber. Planets produce good, bad or indi8'erent results during tbeir transits at any particular moment, in accordance with the number of benefic dots which the planets obtain in tbeir respective Ashtakavargas (see my book A8htaktivarga System of Prediction for more details regarding Ashtakavarga). Agaio, we have to conlider what is called Vedha

    T~r.Pb.l. __.

    or ltc.UlI. 0




    respectively. To be more explicit with refeccnce to. tbe S.un. ifbe transits tbe 11th • .the Vedhuthana johstruchng ~Olnt) will be the 5th; if he transits the 3rd, the Vedastban.a will be the 9th; if be transits the 10th ; tbe Vedhastba?a Will be tbe 12th. Suppose the Sun is in the 11 th ; accordlDg to Gochara. tbe results will be honour and . health, wealth and success. Tbese good effects arc produced only when the 5tb (a house . ( of Vedha) is not simultaneously transited. b~ any otber ?Ianet · I eltceptiog Saturn; conversely. if tbe Sun IS In the .5tb, 10 tbe course of Gochara, 00 evil will be produ ced prOVided the 11 th is being transited at the same time by any otber planet. eltceptiog Saturn . Similarly the Vedhasthanas mu~t be con· sidered for all the planets and then the resulls .predlcted . The foll owing arc tbe VedhatlkaJ for the different plan ets. The figures in the nominator indicate the si~ ns counted rr~ m the birtb Moo n when pas~ing through which the re ~pe~t lve plan ets produce good results. Denominator fig~res mdlcate Vedhankas. Take for iostance Ml.ItS . Tbe n~mm~tor 6gurc 3 indicates tbat Mars transiting the 3rd g\Ycs ri se to good effect. The denominator figure 12, just belo~ 3. is the Vedh.a point. Any planet transiting tbis V.e dha pOlDt, wheo Mars 15 in tbe 3rd deprives Mars fr om ca uslog good effects. It must be noted that no Vedha occurs between the Sun and Sat~ro. and the MOOD and Mercury. 'fhe denominator figure ~wen below each nominator figure is the Yedhatlka (pOInt of I

    gbuructiQn) for


    11- 3-10- 6 <;".J SUD: 5- 9- 4 12 &.d 7-1- 6-11-10-3 G Moon : 2 5 12 8 4 9 & 3-11-6 " Mara: 12- 5 9 6 2-4-6-: 8.::: 1~~ 1 4 Mercury : 5-3-9-- _. 1- 7 • v


    oocta.,.pbala or "Cluib or Translta Jupiter:

    2-11- 9-5 7 (( 12- 8 10-4--3 '" Venus: 1-2-3- 4-5_8_ 9 11-12 8 7-1-10 IJ-S II 6-3 S t ' 3-1 1-6 4oeo a urn, 12 5-9 &At rel="nofollow"> Let us iII,ul,trate the above with the followina example: The SUD IS In t~e 11th with 4 bindv3 which it lood. No Qtber .plaD~t traoIHS tbe Stb. Hence he is free frOID Vedba aDd gives rue 10 tbe fullaood effect of Gocbara; similarly. tbe effects arc computed for tbe olber planeu. Pla"ets S"D MOOD

    Mars Mercury


    No, oj


    Ihe .II,,, IrtJlldtfng

    wtTKa BI"dv.r



    " 8

    " 9

    Venus Saturn


    4 l





    - -- --- ---- ---


    From tbe above. it is seen ,bat oDly Jupiter and tbe SUD arc lood wbile tbe others have been inclined to produce evil . Hence tbe worst evil, ,lz., deatb, befell the native. especially becau.e, Saturn is in the 12tb and Mars in the 8th. Moon Rabu



    Birth Horoscope

    - -



    Kelu Mon


    Sun I Merc. j About tbe end of Moon the second week of


    YedJta$ caustd, 1/ any

    1 ith is good; no Vedba occurs. J I th is good; but the positio~ of Man in tbe 8th has given rise to • Yedha and hence bad, Mars in the 81b i. bad. 11th is good ; bUI Saturn in tbe 12th bas caused tbe Vedba and hence bad. 9th is good: no Vedha caused; bence good. Position in Ihe 1st is good; Vedba caused as Mars is in rbe 8tb and hence bad , Saturn in the 12th i. bad; the bindus arc 3 and hence exceedingly bad; but Mercury's po sition in the 11th ha. mitiaated.tbe eYil to some elltent : still bad.


    - - - ,-


    Merc. Jupiter

    Sat .



    planetary positions

    .Mars JUp_1 Rahu



    Gochara rcsults should be Judged by reference to Vedbasthanas (obstructing points), Tbe prescot-day astrologers seldom consider Ihese minute details with tbe result that most of the predictions made by them are being fal sified. thus bringinl tbe fair name of a st rology iOlo utter disgrace. In the delineation of Gochara (transit) results, there does not appear to be a uniform method in tbe whole of Iod ia. Some rest content with describing results on tbe ~trength of the motions of Man , Saturn and Jupiter, irrespective of the part played by the prevailing Dasa (period) and Bbukti (subperiod) . There is no denying tbe fact that tbe birth boroscope ~irectly affeCts Gocbara results. Astrologkal predictions can be accurate when the influences of birth cbart are blended witb those of Gochara and Asbtakayarga, together with Vedba or obstrocting forces ,


    ()Ocharaphala 01' Rewlta of Tunll"


    Plues throup the sign occupied by tbe Moon at t6etime of birtb of a person, he will suffer from troubles; in tbe 2nd houle from the MOOD displeasure of king, and sUWering from quarrels, from en~ie. and disarace j. indicated. There wUl be fear from thieves and tbe body will be .mictcd with bilious and windy eompIaiots. Mars tran&iting tbe 3rd gives rise to gaio of objects . pleasure from children, ,ood healtb. access to ricbes and Dew clotbes. In the 4th sip. Mars produces evil results sucb aa fever, disestive troubles, blood discharges and depravity of character. Enemies will increa~, fresh di&easel will make their appearance and mental peace will be completely absent wben Mars passes throuah tbe 5th house. In tbe 6th bouse. relief from troubles. worries and ill-bealth should be predicted; be leads an independent life. obtains ricbes and becomes pretty cheerful. When tran siting Ibe 7th. the native quarrels witb · wire or husband. eye troubles, stomach-ache. indigestion. etc .• arc also likely to be felt. ~ars transiting in tbe 8th produces quite unfavourable effects. such as discharging of blood. loss or wealth, disgrace and mental worry. The same results arc repeated at the time of his passing through tbe 9th. In addition, the subject becomes extremely weak. His transiting the lOtb and the 11th produce. quite favourable results. Amounts due will be realised. Success will attend on bis ventures. Business will improve. In tbe 12th bouse. however, he will suffer from various expenses, troubles, diseases of the eye, pinpricks from aD angry wife. from bilious complaints and various otber worries. .WbM~ pUleS tbrougb the lign · occupied by tbe MOOD at time of birtlS. of a persoD. l ucb perSOD .-iIlaufrer loss of wealth caused by the advice of wicked men. by talebearers, by imprisonment and quarrels. He will, betides. receive disagreeable intelligence when in his journey. When



    Mercury passes throuah tbe 2Dd bouse, the person will suffer disgrace but gains succcss and weaUb. When he pastel throuah the 3rd house. tbe subject will get fricnds, will be .fraid of troublts from the ting and Crom hit enemies, be will quit his place duc to bis wicked deeds. When Mercury passes throuab tbe 4th houst, tbe persOD'S kinsmen aDd ramily will increue and thert will be much gain ; in the Stb boust, the person will quarrel with biB wifc and sons and will DOt enjoy tbe compaoy of aD excellent wife; io the 6th bouse, the person will be liked by all aDd will gain renown; in the 7th bouse, the persoo', appearance becomes less bright and there will be quarrels. When Mercury passes through the 8th bouse, tbe persoD will get sons, success, clothes and wcali.b and will become happy and powerful. When be palSes tbroup the 9tb bouse from tbe Moon, tbe penon will meet with obstacJes in bis work; in the 10th house, tbe person's enemies will meet witb ruin and tbe person will get wealtb, will enjoy the company of bis wife and will be dre.sed in tbe flaonel. When Mercury passes tbrougb tbe 11 tb bouse from the Moon, the person will set ",,"Ub, comfort. son., womeo, friends and conveyaace and will be happy and will receive good iatelUleoec; in the 12th, the person will suffer disgrace from his enemies, will aufl'er from diseases and will not enjoy the company of. good wife. JYhen Jupiter passes through the sign occupied .by the Moon at the time of birth of a person, sucb person wllilosc by wealth and intelligence, will quit his place and will suffer from maoy quarrels. When Jupiter pUle' through tbe 2nd hoUle from. the Moon, tbe penon will bave DO eaemiCl and will enjoy wealth aDd women. When Jupiter p.uses throup the 3td bouse from the Mooa, tbe person will quit his place and .01 meet with obstacks in hi. work. When Jupiter palle' tbroaab the 4th house: from the Moon, the penon will


    Hindu Predictive AltrolOU

    luO:cr from troubles cauaed by hi, kinsmen, will become patlcnt and resigned aod will delight in notbing. When Jupiter passe. throuab the Stb bOUlt from the MOOD, tbe persoD will get servants, prosperity. SODS, elephants, houses, bullocks, gold, women, clotbes. sems and "good qualities. WheD Jupiter passes through the 6th house from the MOOD, the person will be so much .ffiicted at beart that be will take no delisbt in tbe aglceable faces of beautiful women, in the music of tbe peacock and the cuckoo and in houses made pleasant by the frolic of children playins like tbe yOUDg of tbe deer. Wben Jupiter passes thro ugb tbe 7th house from the Moon. tbe person will enjoy ,000 bed. tbe company of an excellent worn". o, wealth, good meals, flower s. conveyance and the like and he wiII be of good speech and intelligence. When Jupiter passes through the 8th house from the Moon. the person will suffer from imprisonment, diseases, heavy gritt, the fatigue of jouroey and serious illness. When Jupiler passes througb tbe 9tb house from tbe Moon, tbe person will become efficient at work and influential a nd be will get sons, success in work, wedltb and gain. When Jupiter passes through the 10th bouse from tbe Moon, the person will quit his place and suffer loss o f heallb a nd wealth . When Jupiter passes through the II tb house, the perso n will return to his country and will recover his health and wealth. Wben Jupiter passes through the 12lh house, the person will suffer grief in his return journey. When Venus passes tbrough the sign occupied by the Moon at tbe time of birtb of a person , such a person will enjoy excellent perfumes. flowers, clothes, ho uses, bed, meals an d women . When Venus passes through the 2nd house from the Moon, tbe person will get SO DS, wealth. grain and presents from tbe king ; will have a prosperous fam ily . will enjoy flowers and gems and will be of bright appearance. When Venus passes thro ugh the 3rd house from the Moon, the


    Clllbch&npball or Resulfs of Trlnsils

    person will become influential, . wealthy and respectable and "ill get clo thes. His enemies will meet with ruio . When Venus passes through the 4th house, the person will get friends and will become greatly powerful. When Venus passes througb the Sth house, the person will be bappy. will get kinsmen. son', wealth and friends and will not suffer defeat by tbe enemy. Wben Venus passes thro ugh the 6th hou se from the Moon, the per son will suffer disgrace. will be jfllicted with diseases and will be exposed to danger. Wben Venus passes thro ugh tbe 7th house. the perSOn will suffer injuries th ro ugh women. When Venus passes tbrough tbe 8tb hou se fr om the Moon, tbe person will get bouses, articles o f lacq~er and beauti rul women. Wben Venus passes through the 9th hou se fr om tbe Moon, tbe person will become virtuous . happy and wea lth y and he will get plenty of clolhes. When Venu s passes throu gh tbe 10th house from the M OO D. the person will suffer di sgrace and will also su ffer quarrels. ~hen Venu s passes through the J I tb house from the Mooo.. tbe person will get wealth of his fr iends and will also get perfumes and clot hes. When Venus pilsses th rough the 12th house. tbe person will gel very few clotb es . When Saturn passes tbrough the sign o~c upied by tbe Moo n the lime of his birth. such person will suffer from poi son a nd from fire, will quit bis kinsmen . will suffer from impriso nmen t an d torture, will tr avel to foreign lands and live wilh his frje nd ~ there. will suffe r mise ries, los5 of wealtb and of sons. will suffer a lso from the fatigue s of fool journey and from humiliation. When Saturn passes through the 2nd hou se from the Moon, the person will suffer from loss of beauty and com fort. will become weak a nd will get wea lth from other men but will not enjoy this wealth lo ng. When Saturn passes through the 3rd house from the Moon , the -enjoyment, persoo will get wealth. servants, articles



    Hindu Predictln AslrolotJ


    camels, buffalocs, elephants. assts aod borses. ~ ·will become in6ucntial. happy. fcce from diseases and .. i11 t:~come greatly powerful and wilJ defeat his enemies in 6ght., When Saturn passes tbrough the 4th hOllse from the MOOD, the person will be separated from bis friends. wealth, and wifc and ever suspecting evil in everytbing. will never feel happy. When Saturn passes tbeouln the 5th house from tbe MOOD, tbe person will be separated from his SODS and wealtb ~aa.d willauffer from quarrels. When Saturn passes throll,h the 6th bouse from the MOOD, tbe person will be freed from his enemies and diseases and will enjoy the company of women. When Saturn paSSeS theouah tbe 7th or 8tb house from tbe Moon, the person will be separated from his wife and SODS, will travel OD foot in a pitiable condition. Wben be passes tbrougb the 9th bouse, tbe perspn will have alJ that bas been stated for Saturn passing througb the 8tb bouse and will. besides, suffer from hatred. chest pain, imprisonment and in cODsequence will not properly observe the daily duties. When Saturn passes througb tbe 10th house, the person will get work and will suffer loss of wealth, learning and fame. When Saturn passes through the 11th house from the Moon . the person will become cruel and will get women and wealth. When Saturn passes through tbe 12th bouse from the MOOD, the person will suffer from much grief. Rahu transiting the 12th house produces results similar to tbo se of Saturn. and Ketu to those of Mars.



    Practical Horoscopes For real progress in any science, tbeory and practice must keep pace with eacb other. I have till now treated of all the important theoretical principles involved in tbe study' of astrology and shall now close tbe book with a few practical boroscopes illustrating such theoretical postulates. The following boroscopes will greatly help tbe student if he carefully analyses tbem' in tbe tight of tbe Ihort remarks wbicb I bave given for eacb boroscope illustrated . In the selection of horoscopes. I have been careful to scc tbat tbey .are taken from different classes ofpcople-kings, pre Jdents. orphans tho se that lost their mothers and fathers carl tbose Ihat .had more than one marriage. debauchees. philo'sovhers and In fact people of all temperaments and dispositioDI which will prove quite interesting and belpful in the lipt of astrology. . The date, place and time of birth liven for each boroscope are fairly corr«t and the reader can find out tbe exact positions of the planets by himsclr, if he so desires, u here, I hav~ '1:iven tbe planetary positions only in Rasi (Iign). llike to gIVe the following 20 horoscopes for tbe benefit of my readers :_ I. BIrth Dela j Male, born on 29tb July 1883. 2 p.m•• ncar Doria,.ltaly .

    . '.


    HiDdu Predlctl ... c Astrolol)'

    Planetary Positions :- The Moon, Mars and Saturn in Taurus; the SUD, Venus and Mercury in Cancer ; Jupiter in Gemini ; A~cendaDt in Scorpio; Rahu io Libra; Ketu in Aries. General RCfflQrks :-Onc of the greatest men of Europe; born in bumble circumstances as a blacksmith's lion; oflto starved wit bout food ; was a great revo lutionary; bas a sudden downfall and a violent end. F~KD~ 'f"tmI.V"'t"E. Birth Data :-Male. born on 11th July 1872 , 7-45 a,m. (77° 2S' E. and Ilo N.). Planefary Positions : -A scendant-Can cer ; tbe SunGemini: the Moon leo; Mars-Gemini ; Mercu ry-Cancer; Jupiter-Cancer ; Venus-Gemini; Salilrn - Sagillarius; Rabu - Taurus ; Ketti-Scorpio. ~ \ I~ F ..., I ~ u .... General Remarks :-Fatber died in the 2nd year, great strides in life; mark the position of the Sun in Gemini with a malefic Mars and powerfully aspected by Saturn ; two wh'ct : mark bow Venus is afflicted; lost two sisters early. ~ Birth Data :-Male, born 00 10th August 1874, 1-40 a .m. (93 0 30 ' W. aDd 41 0 50' N.). ~~IJPIE P(llr\"\1t.o Planetary Positions :-Ascendant-Taurus; tbe Sun, tbe Moon, Mars and Mercury-Cancer; Jupiter and VenusVirgo; Saturn-Capricorn ; Rabu Aries; Ketu-libra. General Remarks :-A great politician and equal to a king in status; saved Europe from anarchy; humane and tactful . Birth Data :- Female, born on 30th October 1920, 8-30 p.m. (12° N. aDd 76° 38' E'>. hD~1t) ~ "4 ~WWJ Planetary Positions :- Ketu-Aries ; Ascendant and the MOOD-Taurus; Jupiter and Saturn-leo; Rahu aDd the Sun-libra; Mercury aDd Venu s-Sco rpio; MauSaaittarius. General Remarks :-Mark the aspect of Saturn on the Ascendant and the MOOD, and the coojuoctioo of malefics in Libra ; suffered seriously from smallpox in the 8th year and


    Prsdkal Horoscopes


    .110 from dropsy; bot constitution ; superior

    ain ~,.died

    in bSot

    ~r . ~Birth Data :-Female, born on 12th June 1909, at 4-25 a .m. (77° 25' E . and 13° Nol. Planetary Posit;om ;-Ascendant, the SUD and RahuTaurus ; Venu. and Mercury- Gemini: Jupiter-Leo.: KetuScorpio; Mars- Aquarius ; the Moon and Saturn-Pisces. General Remarks :-Fair 100kinS; modest and chaste; mark the position of Man in tbe 12th from the Moon-a .trona combination for widowhood which took. away her husband in her 14th year. \J'EtlOVA Birth Data :-Female. born on 11th January 1928, at 8-30 a .m. (77° 25' E. and)3° N.). Planetory Positions :-Ascendant-Aquarius ; JupiterPisces ; Rahu-Taurus; the Moon -Leo: Veous, Saturn and Ketu- Scorpio; the Sun , Mercury and Mars-Sagittarius .. . General Remarks: - A typical Balarisbta boroscope; died in the 15th month.i.. mark tbe conjunction Ofmatebcs Iif'ilii" 10th and II th from 'the Ascendant. H~J( ff4~ ~ B[rlh Data :-Male, born on 28th September 1852 (51 0 3' N. and 0" 30' E.). . Planetary Positions :-Ascendant-Aquanus; th~ MoonPisces : Saturn-Aries; Venus-Cancer ; Mars-Libra ; tbe Sun-Virgo; Jupiter -~corpio; Mercury- Virgo. General Remarks : ' An exccllentmiUtary career; commanded the British Army in the Great War ; attack 72(~e life 1919 : Earldom-1921; breathed his last-1925. H .iJ,(,G Birth Data :-Male, born 00 21st August 1858, at 10-15 p.m. (48 18' N. and 16- 23' E .). . Planetary Positions :-Ascendant and Jupiter-Taurus; Saturn-Cancer' the Sun and Ketu - Leo ; Venus and Mer· cury-Virao ; 'Mars- Scorpio; the Moon-Capricorn; tabu-Aquarius.





    Hindu Predictive Altrololr

    G~~ral Remarks :-An ill-starred prioce; his death reverberated sensationally throughout Europe; handsome and passionate; still decorum ; quarrels witb pareots; loveless marriage in 23rd ycar; clandestine prostitution; death (rom JUD-~ot.

    (V Blrlh DalQ :-Male. boro On 24th March 1883. at 6 a.m ., BaogaJore. Plane/ary P03ltioru :-Asccodaot and the SUD-PisceS; Ketu-Aries ; Saturo-Taurus; Jupiter-Gemini ; tbe Moo'o -Virgo ; Raba - Libra; Venus-Capricorn; Mercury and Mars-Aquarius. 1'IL)I).1O OCCllf General Rtmorb :- Two wives . rantlnic, scrupulous ; obltinate; los. of vision in 4Stb year; mark Mercury aud M~ in Aquarius .Ipectcd by Saturn which affected optic De~

    ® Birth Da/a :-Male, born OD 2Stb April 1874, at 9 a.m. (44 0 30' N. and 11° 22' E.). :fIS) ld P/aMtary Pontlon, :-Asceodaot-Gemioi; tbe MoonLeo ; Jupiter-Virao; Saturn-Capricoro ; Mercury-Pisces: the Suu-Aries; Veuu, and Mars - Taurus; Rahu-Arics. Generlll Remtlrks :-Expert physicist; revolutionised tbe electrie world ; inventor of wireleu ; mark the Sun in Aries. @ Birth DIlta. :-Male. born on '23rd May 1707. at 12-30 midnipt (63 0 N. and,lSo E.) . •~Hl<,:l PliJlldQry PO';';OfU : -Asccudant~pricorn ; Venus and Mercury-Aries; ,l,hC! Sun aDd Saturn-Tauru.; Maf1Cancer; Jupiter- Leo; the Moon- Aquariu•• GeMral Remllrks ;- The greatest botanilt wbo introduced the present 'Y5tem of-bionomical Domcncla~re; prof:ssor of botao)'-1739; KaiJbt of the Polar Star in 17S8; attaek of apoplex)'-ln4 aDd apiD iu 1776; deatb in 1778 owinl to ulceration of blood. ~ Birth DIlt" :-Male. bom on 2nd Pctober 1869. at 7-3r"m. (7r E. and 230 N.). ~ '1', \ ' I ~'V-. '

    e-ctkal HorolOOpb


    \. ~PlaMtllr)' Positions :-Jupitcr-Aries; Rahu aDd tbe )foon- Cancer ; the Sun-Virlo; Mars. Venu s, Mercury and ~daDt-Libra ; Saturn-Scorpio; Ketu-Capricorn . . (jtlleral RelflQl'ks :-A great Indian leader; always incarceration; a strong opponent of British rul~ in India: inflexible .a nd obltinate; perverted view. in social reforms; great



    Birth Data :-Male, born on 30tb July 1863. at S' W. and 42 0 S' N.). I;rCCO Plllnetary Posillons :-Asceodanl-Scorpio; the Moon-

    J p'.m. (83 0

    C.pricorn; the SUD and MereurY-Cancer ; Mars-Leo; Venus and Saturn-Virgo ; Jupiter-Libra; Rahu-Scorpio; JCctu-Taurus. General ~rmorks :-WorJd's ricbest maD; restless, active aDd energetic; conflicting trails ; auti-semitic prejudice. mechanistic monster. @) Birth Dilta :-Female, boro on Sth June 1913, at I-IS p,m., Banlalore. VE?OOVA Ploltf!tary Positions :-Mars and Rabu- Pisces ; VenusAries; tbe Sun, Mercury aDd Saturn-Taurus; tbe MOODGemioi ; Ascendant aDd Ketu-Virgo; Jupiter-Sagittariul . General Renuvks :-Mark tbe suoog combination for widowhOOd ; Mara aDd Rabu in PisccI (8tb bbava actually); hu,baDd died io ber 19th year. @) Birth Data :-Female. born on 29tb August 1920. at S-SI p .m. or N. aud 760 38' E.). P,PDc.i' ~ . Pla"etary Positrons :-Ketu-Aries; the Sun, Mercur)'. Jupiter and Saturn-Leo; Venul-Virgo ; Rahu-Libra; Marl-Scorpio : Asceudant and tho Moon-Aquariul. GReral Rrmorks :-Father died within 9 months; mark Vonu. in debilit.tioll ill tbe bOUle of father and tbe cODjunc. tion of SatlJrn with the Sun who represents fatber, wbieh have caused. the death of the !alber.


    ~AI/ t,..

    . ~


    Hindu Predictive Aurol.,.,.

    Birth Data :-Male, boro on 30th September 1910, at 8 a.m . on Friday (12° and 76° 38' E.). PllUUlary Positions:- Saturn-Aries ; Rahu-Taurus; VUUI and the Moon-Leo; Mars, the Sun. Mercury and Jupiter-Virgo ; AlCeodanl-Libra; Ketu Scorpio. Gt1I~'QI Remarks ;-Medical man, eccentric, lost fatber io tbe 71h year; marie tbe position of the Sun approaching debil itation. @ Birth Data :-Male born on 7tb: September 1874. at 7-45 p .m. (140 N . aDC 75 0 30' E.). Planetary Positlon.r :-Ascendant-Pisces ; Rabu-Ariel ; the Moon-Cancer; the SUD, Mars and MercurY-leo : Jupiler-Virgo; Venus and Ketu-Libra; Saturn-Capricorn. General Remark.r :-1 S children living, high position; good temperament ; fair-looking wife; mark planets in their OWn signs Qi) Binh Dala :-Female. born on 21st ~anuary 1905, at 10 a .m., Bangalore. Plan~Ia,y Posltion!J :-Jupiter-Aries; the Mooo-Cancer; Rabu-Leo; Mars-Libra ; Mercury-Sagittarius; the Sun and Saturn-Capricorn; Venus and Ketu-Aquarius ; Ascendant-Pisces. ocr A~ to. Gentral R~mQ,ks:-Father died in 7th year; mother 16th year and husband 19th; many litigations; a daughter surviving. @ Bi,th Dolo :-Female, "am on lsi April 1930, at I-SO a.m. (12- N. and 76° 38' EJ. Plan~Ia,y Po3illolU :-The SUD and Mercury-Pisces ; tbe Mooo, Venus and Rahu-Aries ; Jupiter-Taurus ; Ketu Libra ; Ascendaot-Capricorn i Saturn-Sagittarius; MarsAquarius. hOt.~'£ J> ~ f",J;Sl G~M-'al R~mark3 :-A strong Balarishta horolCone, died in the 6th month; mark male6cs in the 12th from th~ Moon aod the 2nd and 12th from tbe Ascendant.

    'practical Horoscopes





    @ Birth Dala :-Male, born on 12th February 1856, at 14-30 gbatis after sunrise. at Chicacole, Madras Presidency. Planetary Position.r :--The Moon and Rahu-Aries ; A. cendant-Taurus; Saluro-Gt:mini; Mars and KetuLibra; Venus-Sagittarius; the Sun. Mercury aod JupituAquarius. ~ Gen~ral R~ma,ks :-One of the world's greatest men; bistorian and author; two wjyes; reputed astrologer and ~Jar; revjYed astrology jn India j children, not a source of pJeuure; advanced yogi j died in hi. 82ad year. T,be praclical application of astrology has been dealt with exhauslively in my How 10 Judg~ a Horoscop~, while my latest book Thru Hundred Important Combinations jJlultrates t~e various yogas elaborately.

    prekkanu aod Ste llu Iliftueoces



    A cruel-hearted man, red in colour. active. wearing Ruler-Jupiter; ,pasculine.

    ted garments, unprincipled and aOlry. CHAPTER XXXVI

    Drekkanas (Decanates) and S1ellar Influences The importance of drekkan8S has already been impressed in chapters dealing with Death and Horary Astrology, The characteristics of drelckanas will help us to determine the nature, appearance and other peculiarities of tbe person involved in a tbeft o r some otber crime in Horary Astrology. The source of death is also predicted with reference to tbe characte ristics of the risin g drekka08 arlbe 8tb bbava. The reader is requested to study tbis chapter in tbe light of the details given in the chapter on Death and Horary Astrology. A study o,r drekkanas will also be helpful to analyse the general characteristics of persons, success in undcrtak l-ogs. jo urneys, clc. Each sign is divided into 30 degrees and 10 degl .. es constitute a drekkana so that we get 3 drekkanas for each sign . Of the 36 drekkanas , 24 are Illale and 12 fem ale. Four of these 36 are birds, 9 of tbem quadrupeds and 5 of them serpent drekkanas.


    Aries I . A man clad in white dress, particularly round his waist ; dark in complexion, terrific in appearance, reddish eyes and holding a lifted ne. Ruler-Mars; masculine. 2. A woman wearing red cloth, fond of jewels and oro aments, single' footed, with the face of a hOrse and sufrerioS from thirst. Ruler-the Sun; bird drekkana ; female.

    IauraJ. T. A woman with torn ringlets, incJined to cat. thinty and wearing a partly burnt garment. Ruler- Venus; feminine; fiery. . 2. A man skilled in agriculture. building hou ses, breed_ cattle, musi c, science and arts, possessing a neck similar to that of a bull . Ruler - Mercury ; masculine ; quadruped. 3. A man witb wbite teeth, camet feet , elephantine belly fpod ofsbccp aod deer aod always agitated. Ruler-Saturn; masculine; .quadruped. I

    GelDloi 1. A handsome female, skilled in needle work, issueless a.nd menses . Ruler-Mercury ; feminine. 2. A ma n in garden armed from top to toe with a bow, warlike and sportive. Ruler-Venus ; masculine ; bird drek.kana. __

    3. A man rich in jewels. armed with bow . learned and peevish . Ruler-Saturn ; masculine ; armed. Capser I. A man bolding vegetables. Dowers and fruits , elephant-bodied. pig·faced and bo rse-neCked. Ruler-the Mooo; masculine ; quadruped. 2. A woman decorated by Dowers with a snake in her hand, possessing stiff decorum aod crying loud in tbe forest . RU ler- Mars ; feminine, !.arpa or serpent drek.kao,!! 3. A man in a boat amidst an ~ao. with a serpent round hi s waist. Ruler-Jupiter ; masculioe ; serpent / drekkana . ..,.~-- ...




    Hindu Predictive ASlroloi)'

    ~';~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~o~a~.~a:O~d~a~,~;: masculine; adog and '_;",,

    Avian characters. (mfo.l£/"o 2. centallr covered over by deer-skin "' !:t aod a hand and fierce in look. , ~ , . ~uler-Jupitcr ; masculine i armed . /. ' . ," I 3. A man resembling a bear io face , a monkey in acrioDS,- ~ , ·~ · ij(1 with loog mounaches. Ruler-Mars ; masculine ; quadruped.

    rv''t1: ~


    A beautiful virgin. holding a basket-full of flowers, limbs covere~ o ver by dirty garments. Ruler-Mercury ; feminine. I.

    2. .A man with a dark head and a pen in his hand.. Wilh ' and body full of dense hair. !uler-Salurn ; . .mAsculine; armed.

    ( -0«.

    "'- ~;~a;'1I~ bow,

    , ~

    3. A fair woman . with a yellow clolb on her body and '! ..; exposing her breasts and going to a sacred place. Ruler_ Venus ; feminine and a bird drekkana.

    UkI& I. A merchant or a buyer with a measuring pan in his hand. Ruler-Venus; masculine. 2. A man hungry and thirsty. with tbe face of a vulture. and attached to his wife and children . Ruler- Saturn ; masculine. 3. A man with a quiver and clad in coat made of a precious metal, frightenin, the animals in the forest. Ruler_ Mercury; masculine and quadruped. SCOfi!2 A beautiful young woman, quite naked. emerging out from an ocean towards tbe sbore, f~t bound up by a serpent. Ruler-Mars; feminine and serpent drekkana. 1.


    ..... an•• toll" I •••,,,,,


    A woman of materialistic nature with a serpent coiled 2d' her drckkana, coun. Ruler-Jupiter'• feminine and . 3. A lion with a fact similar to that of a turtle ~rtgbteniog wild animals. Ruler - the Moon; masculine and quadruped drekkana.


    .sagittarius l. A man resembling a centaur, stopping i~ bermita~e "and religious places. Ruler-Jupiter; mascuhne; arme • quadruped. 2. A handsome woman, brigbt as champaka flowers )0 complex.ion, middle stature tlnd captivating look, RulcrMars; feminine. 3. A man with long hairs, assuming a nice posture and wearing d eer~skin and silk clothes. Ruler- the Sun; mascu· line. armed .

    Capricora J. A man with much hair, pig-bodied . camel ~ace, and carrying a rope and a net. Ruler - Saturn; mascuhn,e. 2. A beautiful woman, skilled in arts, eyes hke lotus petal , decked wit)l costly ornaments. Ruler-VenuI ; feminine . 3. A man covered over by a blanket and arm~d with a quiver, arrows and bow . Ruler-Mercury ; mascuhne .

    Ago.rip' I . A man disturbed in mind, drunkard, clad with a deer· skin and face resembling a vulture. Rule-Saturn; masculine. 2. A female seated in II. partly burnt carriage, bearing p'o ts on her head. Ruler-Mercury ; feminine. . 3. A man black in complexion, with IOD~ hair and Nandering with iron pots. Ruler-Venus; masculine.

    Hladu Predictive .ucroq)

    J'~ . I. A man enga~d in handling many articles. decked with ornaments and crossing the ocean in a boat RulerJupiter; masculine. . 2. A beautiful woman, sailing in a boat with lon g ftags towards the other coast. Ruler-the Moon; feminine. 3. A man stranded in a forest, naked and attacked by serpents and thieves. Ruler-Mars. S(~II"

    J,ggcIS£! The ~esults ~f the constellation which a person is borD under will be briefly dealt with here. The results given are merely general and are modified accordir.g to other combinations obtained in tbe boroscope. I. A.rwilli.-Tbe person born in Aswini will be fond of decoration. lovely in appearance, popula~ , skilful, clever and intelligent. 2. ~harani.- Deterrnined , trustful, clever, happy , healthY and obs tinate: 3. Kritlik~.-:Voraci.oul eater and writer. capriciolls, fond of others Wives, bright appearance and widespread fame. . 4 .. Rohini. - Trulhful. pure, renowned, clean, moral principles. handsome. firm views. 5. M,iga.riro.-Capricious, fickle-minded sha rp wiued timid . skilful, hope ful, voluptuous . • , ", 6 . . Aridra.-Diuimulatiog, skilfUl . une:rateful, haughty, mISchievous. proud and debaucherous. . 7. PUllOrt'a~... -ReliBious, persevering. happy , many mi sfo rtunes, amiable , self-control, righteous . . . 8. Pu.rJryami.-Learoed. ricb , charitable, wealtby, Vtrtuous, controJling passions. 9. As/esha. -Dissimulator, ungraterul inclined to hoarding, sinful. dtteitful . selfish. '

    ~ ,

    0'....... ' Dd ."",, In."",,,


    10. Makha.-Rejectors of preceptors and religious people, arellt wealth, enjoyment. ven enterprising and industrious. II. Pubba - Swe.et speecb, liberal, band some. wanderer, loyal. 12. Utta,a.-Self-acquired property, popular. voluptuous, bappy, befriending nature. 13. Hasta.-Enterprisiog, intelligent, sbameless, polite. cruel. pilferin& babits . 14: " Chiiia.-Lctus eyes. proportionate limbs, good loo ks. IS. Swatl.-Sweet-tongued. generous, virtuou s, modest, c1eve.r in trade and campasaionate. 16. Vi3IJkho .-Avaricious, jealous, quarrelsome, cleve r in speecb . 17. AnuradJra.-Magisterialoffice, in ellile. fond of travelling, unable to suffer hUDger. 18. Jyeshta. - Few friends, irritable , cbaritable. 19. Moo/a.-Haughty, proud, rich, wealthy, luxurious living. 20. POOrFashadha.- Beautiful wife, polite, proud, steady. 21. Uttara.rJradho . - Virtuous, learned, polite, pop ular • grateful, amiable. 22. Sravana.":"'Uberal, renowned, learned and rich. 23. DhonlsJrla.-Weahhy . courageous, greedy, fond of music. • 24. Satabhisha. -Plaio , truthful. trouble through remales . irreconcilable, adventurous . 25. Poonabhadra.-Skilful, sorrowfu l. miserly, wealtby, clever, hen-pecked . 26. Uua,abJradra. -Good conv~rsatio Dal is t, happy, charitable, successful over enemies. 27. Rel'ali.-Symmetrical body. courageous, clean. bealthy, liked by all, popular.



    Oo,,",.Uoo orth. ",••amn


    Calculation of the Ayanamae There are two systems of Astronomy in India-namely, tbe N lrayana aDd the Sayana . The former trace s obse rvations of planets to a fixed zodiac. while the latter considers the moving zodiac commencing from the shifting, vernal equinox. It is certain that the greatest Hindu Astrological writers referred to the bed zodiac for prediction s. And this fact is borne out by experience. The increment between the beginning of the "fixed" and th l!. "moveable" zodiacs or the Nlrayana and Sayana positions is refe rred 10 as Ayanamsa which iDc~a ses about 50-Ijl seconds every year. Western astronomy is based upon tbe Sayan a system so that it considers the moving zodiac commencing from the shifting verna) equinox as has already ~en said above. This . if we deduct this Ayanamsa from tbe positi ons of pla nets and cusp. of the bouses obtained a cco rding to tbe Western system. we will arrive at the Hindu positionl!. Wben exactly the two zodiacs were in tbe first point is do ubted by a number of astronomers and accordingly the Ayan amsa-precessional distance-varies from 19° to 2)°. I do no t wish to enter into elplaining tbe complicated processes of astronomy at large wbich centre attention on tbe discussion of the exact nature o f Ayabamsa. but merely confine myself to giving a suitable aDd simple method for determining the Ayanamsa.

    First of all. cast tbe boroscope of birtb according to tbe European manner and convert it into tbe terms of Hindu zodiac by tbe followin g process: ( I) Subtract 397 from tbe year of birth (A.D.). (2) Multiply tbe. remainder by SO 1/3 seconds; and reduce the product into degrees, minutes and scco?ds. (3) Subtract tbis Dumber of degree" mmutes and seconds from the cusps o f the bouses and tbe planets' positions in the Europc:~n figure of.birth and tbe figure tbu s obtain ed will be a..:cordlOg to the Hindu system. Example :Dctermine tbe Ayanamsa for 1912 A.D. 1912-937 = 1515 x 50l. . = 76255". 76255" ..; 21' 10' 55" This is the Ayanamsa for 1912


    I TABLE I Table of Obllqae AsceDsioo showing tbe dUratioo, or siloS (rom 0° to W N C.t. 'Y'




    Muha Ind Vrhbabha .nd Meena Kumbha _-7_-;1;.:"~1.:.2_-\l..t II

    Lu· 1Gb 1 2 3


    • ,• 7



    12 Il

    "" "


    ,,•• ••• •• •• •• •• • 4


    VI, . 36.90 34.80 H,70 30.60 28,jO 26.40 25 .90 22. 10 20.00 17.(10 15.70 13.50 11.00 9. 10

    ........ 2. 40



    •• •• •••


    ••• •••

    .S7 '0 B .82 '4. 14 '2.46 '0.18 49.10 47.42 4'.66 43 .98 42 .22 40.'4 38.78 37.48 3.5 .26 lUO 31.66 20.1:0


    Mirbuna and Mlkara 3 &. 10 1Gb


    ,, ,,, I ,, I ,, ,, I ,,, I, , , I, I




    VI, 21.10 20.4} 19.73 19.03 lB.ll


    16.93 16.20 ], jO 14 .77 14.07 13.33 12 .6] II 87 11.13 10.)7 9.63


    Kalakll and Dhaous


    5imh •• nd Vrbc:hih



    Kan),a .nd Thul.

    ---r"-=":':' ---+- ' '~''----'r-~':"c..:7~_


    ,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,

    VII· 22 .56 2.1.21 2J"93 24.(.) 2'.33 26.03 16.1] 27.46 211.16 28.119 29.59 30.23 31.03 ~1.19-


    3U) 33 29 34.0.1


    Gh .

    ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,,

    Vii 0.86 2." 4.22 5.90 1 •.58 9 .26 10.94 12.70 1438 16.14 17.82 19.'8 20.86 23.08 24.84 26.68 211.44

    I I Gh

    ••• •• •

    •• ,,• ,, ,,, ,

    VI, 41.10 0 . 20 4DO 47.40 49.80 51.60 .53,70 'UO .58.00

    020 2.)0


    .... ' .00

    11.10 1l.40 1' .60


    a' ~



    .. • ~


    > ~ 0



    ~I 18 19 20 21 22 23

    "" 2. 27 28 29



    "" "

    " " .,41" 16 37


    .." I

    • 3 3 3


    , ,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,, 3 3

    2 2 2 2 2

    00.00 n.70 '.5.30



    .. 10 4'.60 43 .10 40.'0 37.90 )5.20 32.'0 29.70 26.90 24 .00 21.10 18. 10 15 .00 11.90 8.30 .5.)0 1.80 58.40 '4.70 51.00 41.10 '3.20

    ••• •• •• •• •• ••, , 4

    ,, ,, ,

    ,, 3 ;

    27.98 26.14 24.!2 22.38 20.38 18.46 16.46 14.'6 12.)8 10.10 8 .14 $.98 3.74 LSO 59 IB 56.86 $4.46 $1.98 49 .50 47.22 44.22 41.42 31.70

    ,, =J~'H29.66 26.5.

    ,, ,, ,, I ,, ,, ,, '" ,, 1 ,, ,, ,, , I o.n ,, "99 ,, •• I ,, ••• ,,, •• •• I sue ,, , •• , •• l, '6.'.6_ •• I • • 8.83


    7.27 6 . .50

    4.87 4.0J ) .20 1.l:t 1.47


    SI .n


    5UO .5683 55.87 ,...87 5).83 52.80 51.60

    49.4] 48.30 47.10 ''' .83 44.53 4).23

    l4.81 ].5 .'9 36.39 )7 .16 )1.99 39.19 39.63 40.46 41 .ll 42 19

    'J.09 ....9) 46 16 46.83 47.19

    .8 .79

    49 .113 50.86 ~2.06

    5].06 '4.23 5,.]6

    5783 59.13 60.43

    ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,• •• •• ••

    30.36 32 .)2 ]4.14 3M8 37.98 39.90 41.90 41.90 45.911 48.06 .50.22 '2.)8 '4.62 56.86 59. 1R



    3.90 6.)8

    11.14 14.14 16.94 19.66 22.62 25.58

    28.70 ]4.82

    ,, I ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,,• , •• •• ••

    lUX) 20.30 22.10 2'.00 27 •.50 29.90 )2.40 )4.90 37.'0 40. 10 42.80 45 .50 48.]0 51.10 '4.00 56 .90 59.90 30.00 6.10 9.70 12.70 16.20 12.60 2,U0 27.00 30.90 304.80







    -e >

    •• • •

    TABLE 1 (CODld.)



    Mcsha and Mccnl I " 12

    ~fG'·1 " , ".8 •• 46


    "" "" "" ""



    2 2

    2 2 2 2 2 I I I I I I I I


    1I Gb


    J J J ,I J 3 3 3

    39.00 34.«0 30.30 2S .70 21 .00 16.00 1080


    S . ~O



    SUO 47 .70 41 . 10 34.40 27.00 19.30 11.20


    Vrishabhl and Kumb ba 2 &. II


    ,'. I

    22 .18 19.82 1622 12.S4 11.78 4.78 0 .62 S6.35 SUI2 41.G2

    , I

    'I 1 0

    Vii ·




    Gb. ]


    31.34 2S.SI1 19."2 129-1

    •, • I ,,, I, j

    4 4 4

    4 4 I 4

    • 4 4


    41.83 40.43 38 .9J 37.40 1S .83 34.17 l2,4J 30.66 28. 77 26.77 Z4. 7J 22 .S l ZO. 2} \ 7.83 1 ~ .21

    12 ..n

    6 6 6 6 6 6

    , 6 6 6 6

    6 6 6


    , I, 6


    1.83 3.23 4.11 \1\.26 7.8] 9,49 11 . 21 13 .00 1489 ]6.89 1I: ,9J 21 .8J 23. 23 25. 83 lU9 11.0)



    Kltlb and DhlQuS


    4~ .1 4 3b . !i~

    2 2

    2 2


    & '"

    Mitbunllnd Mabra 3 &: 10

    Simha Ind Vrischika

    KIDya IDd Thull ... 7


    G' I 6 6

    6 6 6 6


    6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

    Vi,. 3S. 18 38.S4 42. 14 4S.82 49.S8 ~J.58

    S7 .74 2.0\ 6 ." 11 .]4 ]6.22 21 .SI) 27.02 32.78 38.79 45.42

    lOb. I VI, . 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

    39.00 43.20 47.70 S2.30 ~7.00

    2.00 7 .20 12 SO 18 .20 24.20 )0.30 36.90 43.60 SO.OO S8.70 6 .80

    TABLE II The rollowiolisreproduc:cd (rom Mr. N .C. Lablri'l/ndJan Eplw_rll

    Balance of Vimllottarl Dasa by Loagltude of the Mooa


    10 the example liven on 21. the Moon is 10 Taurus 2,010', For tbis balance of Mars' 0.11 llYn 6-0-14 Moon in



    Mesb., 51mb.,



    Dh.nUI &lloce of





    y . m. d

    tohkara Balaoce or


    y. rn. d. S ..

    ,•, n , •• •• , •, " " • I 2.• , • I ,, ,, " • ,• • , , , I ,, ",• ,• • , ,, • • • • • I.,• ,, • I • " , • ,• "• I. , '" ----• • 2. , • , • I •• • ,• "" I •• •• "• " I • , ,• I •• I •• • • • " " KdJl

    0 0 2.


    I 4. 2 2 2.






    10 3 4.

    4 4 2. 4. 4.

    2. 4.




    0 7 7 7 4. 20 7 40

    2. 4.


    11 3 18





    4 4 4


    4 4 3 3

    3 0 27 24 11 18

    4 2 12


    3 3 3 27 3 I 2 II 11 2 2 7 2 12 2 3 2 I I 3

    4 4

    4 3 3 3 3 3 3

    0 4 2 12


    18 24


    3 I

    12 18 24


    2 I. 6 2 12 2 6 18 2 4 24 2

    2 I I I

    I I I


    6 12 18 7 24



    2 12

    I. 24


    6 12



    Moon I"

    Muo" I"

    MilhuDl, Thulll,


    Kumbba balaDce or



    Vrischllta, Muns Balance



    y. m. d. Man

    y. m. d. JMp/ltr

    J 3 3

    3 3

    • , , ",• ." •• •, • I •, 0• • " " " • • , •• I , •, ," " •• I.••, " " I "" •• ,• "" • " • • • , • •• • ", "" • ,• " " " I. " I."I" ", •" " fJ

    2 2 2 2 2

    3 27 I 24 21 18 7 12 3



    I I I I

    2 2 2 I I




    2 12 18

    4 2. 7

    2 12


    Sotll'" 0 18


    27 24 2 11 18 4

    17 17

    12 3


    24 3 2 12 11

    0 18



    13 13 12 12




    I 7



    17 17 16


    I 7


    2 12


    14 14 13




    I. 4 24


    24 12



    • Hindu Predictive AatrolOlY

    TABLE II (c.oDld.)

    TABLE II (c.oatd.) I





    I. ,.•


    m. d. Kel.


    • ,• " • "" •• • " • •• "• •, iO


    I. 40


    I I I I

    12 12 20 12 40


    Il IJ

    • •

    2. ••• 2.


    17 17

    ..• ." • •• 14





    8 8 8 8





    12 12


    I 8


    24 12


    6 )

    I. I.



    18 6


    8 S 7 7

    •• •• •

    18 18


    16 17 17 17

    m. d.


    "" •• "" "" 2.• "

    21 18

    I. 8 12 6 4 6


    I.,, •,, ••


    • ,, •• • • ,• •• " • •• ", •• ,• •• • , " , •• ••

    9 6 27


    m. d. Moo"


    ,• ,• • •• • ,• •• • 6






    6 )


    3 3 J 3

    6 3

    6 I

    18 6 7 24 2 12

    18 6 24 12

    • ,, 4

    3 3 I


    Calculadon of tb. Ayu.amu.

    m. d Sat",,,


    •8 ••6 •, 9

    8 7 7

    • 7



    27 6

    ••,, ,, ""12 7




    4 4

    3 3

    , 2

    • •, )

    9 18 ) 27 I. 6

    , "" •" •• """ " I I

    17 16



    6 27 I 8 21 3




    M~" ." \ ~~"'" Mithunl, Ka,a"I, Thull. Vrlscbib . Kumbba Meenl Blilance or - B-alance or


    Vriababba. Kln,l, Maklra Balance or D.u

    MC1ha, Simhl, Dunua BII:nce of D.u

    y. m. d


    \ M~" y m.




    y. m. d.

    y. m. d Mercury


    ,., • •• , • ,. o , • • I ' ,. • • •• "" , ,.,.• • •• "" • " ,.• • •• , , • "" •• "" • , • •• ,.,. ,. ,• •• •• • •, ,.• •, •• ••• • , I. ,•

    2. 2.






    8 8





    7 7

    6 6



    I I I

    6 3 •

    • •

    • •

    6 3


    " • , • "" • •• " ,.• • • •• s." ,.• ,,, •• • ••• ,, • " ,.•• , "• "" ,.• •• , "" ••• •• ""• 40



    26 26

    26 4.

    27 27 27




    I I





    6 12 6 18

    3 I II




    6 12


    18 24


    • • •


    0 6




    Mors 1 9 6 7




    • 3



    13 12 12


    II II

    27 24


    18 24




    0 7 12

    6 12 18

    7 2

    •,, " , •, "• ,, ", •• " •" ,, • • • • ,, • •• " ••• •, ", ,, •, •, •,, • , • , , • • • •• "• 6

    I. I.



    12 9 7 6 3




    27 I. 24


    21 6 18



    7 7

    6 6





    6 12


    6 12


    0 7

    12 18



    • "" ,• I. ,, ", • 3D 3 27 I. 24 21 18



    II I.



    •• 8 II



    8 8

    6 3

    •, ," ,,, "• "", •, •, • ,, • " , • ", •• , •, ••• 27


    7 7

    6 6



    6 I




    3 3

    27 II 21 6 18 I 12 I 3 I I.




    Hindu Predictive Aserolol)'


    TABLE IV 'Ayanamsa ( 1880 to 2000 AD) ·

    ProportloD81 Parts for Dans of Plaacts Y...

    1m . d. m.

    d.1m . d, l ",. d

    m . d. m.d.! m,d

    m . d . m d.

    ~ I 03090J 1 0j03 o 8 0 7 - 0 6 0 U O S 0 9 0 6 o 16 0 14 o 9 0 8 o 17 0 IS ~ ! 0 9 027 11 8 0 14 . 0 9 024022 026023 d

    011 1°18 021


    J 6 0 16 I ' 5 1 014 ~ 0 19 J 24 1 0 16 1022 2 J 0 19

    0 1 8 ' 0 2, 2 12 0 I 9 0 28 2 21 0 24 I 10 I I 1 J 0 027 I 1 ~~ 1 17 4 IS 1 11 , 2

    22 1'


    28 2 6 II " 8

    Oil 016

    0 19 0 22 0 25 0'8

    I' -,

    1 17 1 2 4 t 3(1 ' 23

    I 2 I II I 19

    0 29 I ti I 13

    1 27 2 5

    120 1 211

    2 13 2 21 4 1 !I 12

    2 2 3 4



    I IJ I 21


    I 2




    1 16






    2 II




    :5 2 17 2 9 9 12 2 26 2 17 10 18 " 8 3 25 15 24 5215320


    Don 10

    Yean nshabhtt 25°- Dalan c:eofMars Dasa 6- 1~I S

    TABLE III l~ss for IO' - Balan ce of Mars Dasa Balan ce of Mars Dasa at birth

    .. .. .. .... . .. .. ... . .

    4 1911



    20 20

    20 20 20 20 20 20


    0-1-1 6-0·14






    21 21




    II 27 19 II 20 20


    20 20 10 20 20 56 20 19 20 10 20

    21 21 21 21




    2 3




    21 21 29



    31 3 2' 12 2

    21 23 21 24 20


    21 7 21 21 31

    37 11

    JO 12 21 31 21 31 21 32

    19 ·0






    17 31

    21 21

    26 16 06



    17 71 79

    91' II 12 13

    . .. .. .. ... . ..


    00 1960 26 61 29 22


    •• ", "" ,.,." "• " " "" "" "" ,• ",." " " • "",, """ "" •• "" " •• " "• ...11 " "• " ••" " n " • " so " " " ",. ""20 "" "" ." "" " J " " n " """ ., "" " " "" "" "" " "" " ""

    .. .. ., . . ... .. .. . ..

    1I 10 4 1941 10 54

    " " "U " "" " " " '" " "",$ "" "" " " " • " " "" • "" "rr " IIa' " " ' 9 1. "" " " " " " "" "" "• ,. "" • "" " "" "1: ,." """ " "" """ .," " ",. " ,. " .,: "•• soo """ " " " ., • "" ,• " " "" ,• ",." " ", •, " , " " " • •" •• • "" " " " "~ w.o "" • "" " "

    •180 II 82 Il


    Example. - Moon' Pos ition : Taurus 25· 10 TABLE II M

    Yea r Ay.o.maa Vear Ayao.m.ta " ' .... mn Y ... ")'allamla


    .. 67

    21 21

    21 21 21 21 21 21

    20 10 01

    17 II

    54 J2

    22 12

    59...Jo1 2000



    22 22 22

    2 2 3

    22 22

    22 22 1 22 1 22 22 22 22 22 12 22 12 22 14 22 22 22

    22 22 22 22


    21 17 1


    .. "

    3D II


    19 42 10 31 22 22 22 23 3 23 22

    lDdu 0' TcehDlcal T-.

    Bbinnaabtakavarp Bheetha

    lodex of Technical Terms

    Bindu. Brahmins

    Abbijin Muburtha Aksharasweekarana Almanacs Alpayu Aonaprasana Antaras Anthyaja Apachayas Apoklimas Arohana Ashlalcavarga Ashubha Astam Atichara Avarohaoa Avastbas Ayana Ayanamsa Ayurdaya Ayurveda Dalarish!a Bhaehalcra Dbava Dbava Madhya Dha.va Sandbi

    A moSE auspicious moment Bestowing or First Alphabets "anchangas Earl), death First feeding of a child Inter-periods Untouchable - t. 2, 4, 7 and 8 bouses - 3, 6, 9 and J 2 houses - Ascending direction - Eight Sources of energy tbe planets are subjected to - Inauspicious - Combustion - Acceleration - Descending directio n - St.ates .of existence- Plaoetary - DIrectIon - Precessional distance - Longevity - The Hiodu SYStem of Medicin e - Infant mortality - Zodiac - House - Mid-point of a bouse - Juoction of two houses -

    Barhaspathyamana Budha Cbandra Chara Rasis Cbesbta Bala Dasas

    Deena Dcva Loka Dbana "Yoga Dbanus Oigbtla Oilt Drelckana Drigbala Dwadasams. Dwiswabhava Ruis Ecliptic Ekadbipatbya Reduction Gbati-A unit or Time Measure of Hindus Oo&na Vo..


    - AshlakavaIp of eacb plauet considered - Siale of a planet durin, acceleration '- Marks or benefic dots in Ashtakavarsa - Holy and religious people and the highe't caste among tbe Hindus _ Jovian year _ Mercury _ The MOOD - Moveable signs - Motional strength - Planetary periOds - State of a planet io an unfriendly bouse - World of Immortals - Combination for wealth - Sagittarius - Directional strength - Direction - }J3rd division of a sign - Strength of aspect _ 1/12th division of a sign _ Common signs _ Tbe Sun's path _ -Reduction on account or", planet owning 2 ,igns Equivalent 10 24 minutes of English Time _ Combination for higher wisdom and knowledge

    ... Orahagunakara Oraba Yuddba

    Guru Hora

    Hora Sastra Jyo lisha Kala BaJa Kala PUTusha

    Kanya Karma Katak a

    Kendras Ketu Khala Krishna Pak sha Krura Rasis Kshatriyas Kuja Kumbba

    Laya Logarithms

    laka M adhyayu




    Mandocbcha Makara Marakas Mesha MithuDa MOk sba


    Hindu PreciIcUt'o Attrolom


    Planetary facton Planetary fight Jupiter 1/2 division of a sign Sc~ence of Time or Astrology SCience of Ligbt or Astrology Temporal strength Time personified



    Doctrine of rebirth or human activities - Cancer - Quadrants - ..Dragon' s Tail - State of debilitation - Dark half of the Lunar month ~ Cruel signs - Warriors and the second caste among tbe Hiodus - Mars - Aquarius

    - Destruction - A system of mathematics to abridge calculations - World - Middle life - A celestial force - Capricorn - Death-inflicting planets - Aries - Gemini - Salv.a ~ jon or 6nal emancipation - PosHlons betweeD exaltation and owo house

    ,I i

    )Ddcx of Tec:ImJcaI TenDI

    Mrit)'u Muditba Muhurtba Nakshatra Namakarana Naraka Loka Navamsfl Ncecba Nitayana Naisargika Bala Oopachayas Panaparas Papa Plischadasthamba Pid)'a

    Pilruloka Poornayu Poorva Mimamu SaHra

    Pragasthamb a Ptasna PraSna Lagna Prushtodaya Rasis Rahu Rahu Kala Rajasa Guna Raja Yoga


    - Death - State of. planet in • friendly house - Election, 6xing auspicious time - Constellation - Daptising or giviDg a name - Internal regions - 1/9th division of a sign - Debilitation - Fixed zodiac or sidereal zodiac - Permanent strength - 3, 6, 10 and 11 houses - 2. 5, 8 and I I houses - Malefic - Setting towards the west - State o f a planet in the last degree of a sign - Wo rld of Manes - Full life - A system o f Hindu philosopby dealing with tbe results of Karma written by Mabarishi 1aim ini - Setting towards the east - Horary or question - Rising sign at tbe query - Signs ri~ing by hinder part - Dragon' 5 Head - Time influenced by Rahu - Courage and love of arts - Combination f9t political 5UC~SS


    HIndu Predlctlvo As1toioa).

    stasi Rtsi Gunakara Rupas


    Ruthu Sama8ama

    Sani Santba

    Sarvashtakavarga Sayana

    Seeghrochcha SbadbaJas I


    II ,

    Shadvargas Sbubha Lagna Sidereal Times Sirodaya Soumya Ra;;i:1


    Stri Ra si' Stambhana

    Sthanabltla Sthira Rasis Sthiti Sudras

    Sukla Paksha

    Suba Tamoguna Tatkalika Mitra "




    - Zodiacal sign - Zodiacal factors - Certain units of melUurc of planetary and house streDgth. - Season - Planets with tbe MOOD - Saturn - State of a p lanet in beneficial Shad vargas - The Asbtakavargas 'of all plaDcls taken together - Moving zodiac - A celestial force - Six sources of strength and weakness of planets - Six kinds of division of a sign - A uspicious Time - Star time or Nakshatra Hora - Rising by the head-signs - Mild signs - Creation - Feminine signs - Stagnation - Positional strengtb - Fixed signs - Protection - F:.rmers-(ourtb caste among the Hindus - Bright haJf ot the LUnar mOnth

    - Venus - Mild nature - Temporary friend



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