Report Bm2 Water System

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Water System Specification Report Duration: Week 14(3/4/2017) – Week 16(22/4/2017)

Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Water used in Steel Plant and its Types 1.2 Water Function in Steel Plant 1.3 Source of Water 2.0 BAR MILL 2 WATER SYSTEM 2.1 Direct Water System 2.2 Indirect Water System 2.3 Torsid (Quenching Process) Water System Source of Water 1.0 2.0 5.0


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1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Importance of Water Steel Plant Water is used in every steel plant and for practically all the functions of water. A steel plant cannot function without water. Because of this steel plants are normally built near to ample sources of fresh water to ensure the availability and quality of water needed by the steel plant. However, these days, greater attention is given to the management of available water resources in the steel plant environment, particularly in terms of water quality, quantity, and how it is used. A steel plant uses large quantity of water for steam generation, cooling, waste transfer, and dust control etc. The processes of the plant cannot take place without the availability of water. Enormous quantity of water is needed at every stage of production. Less than 10 % of this water is actually consumed and balance water is usually being returned to the system. Several factors make water a versatile material. It is normally easy to handle, readily available, and inexpensive. It can carry large amounts of heat per unit volume (high specific heat). It neither expands nor compresses significantly within ambient temperature ranges. It does not decompose. It can dissolve, entrain, suspend, and subsequently transport other materials.

1.2 Water Function in Steel Plant Water is used for direct contact cooling and cleaning of the steel in process, for cooling the process off-gases, for product rinsing, and for process solution make-up etc. A large quantity of water is used for indirect non-contact cooling of processing equipment. Water is also used for steam and power generation, potable uses, and dust and moisture control. In fact, in a steel plant, water carries out a number of functions. Major functions of water in a steel plant are given below: 

  

Most of the water used in a steel plant is for cooling. Examples are coke quenching, cooling of blast furnace shell, oxygen lance in converter, cooling in continuous casting machines and hot rolling mills. Virtually any hot spot is cooled mainly by using water, one way or another. Water is used for descaling in continuous casting and in hot rolling operations. It is also used as conveying media for transporting scales to the scale pit. Water is used for on line heat treatment (thermos mechanical treatment) in the hot rolling mills. Water serves as a resource to produce steam.


 

Water is also used as part of chemical treatments, such as solvent in acidic pickling, matrix for generation of emulsions for rolling, cleaning, degreasing or rinsing steel sheet surface, etc. Water is used for electrochemical treatments, such as electro-galvanizing or tin plating etc. Water is used for dust suppression

1.3 Source of Water Raw water is that water which is available in the natural sources such as: 1. Surface or ground water sources (river, lake, reservoir, and sea etc.) 2. Underground water sources. Sea water is having high salinity and need treatment like reverse osmosis etc. for its use in the steel plant. Ground water is also required to be tested since it may be brackish. Raw water collected from sources other than sea also needs treatment before it can be used in the steel plant as shown in Figure 1.1 below. The extent of treatment required to be given to the particular water depends upon the characteristics and quality of the available water. Water after treatment is called treated water.

Figure 1.1: Underground Water Tube Well as One of the Water Resource at BM2. Rain water of the steel plant is harvested these days and pumped to the treatment plant. This helps in the reduction of the intake water and in turn helps in the conservation of the natural resources. The overall layout of the BM2 plant is shown in the FIGURE 2.0 on the next page.


2.1 Direct Water System After continuous casting process, the cast steel product or in this plant it called as billet is transferred to a reheating furnace to bring the semi-finished steel to a uniform temperature. Whether the reheating furnace is of skid, walking beam, or tunnel design. Indirect cooling water is typically used to provide the cooling for doors, internally cooled rolls, skid pipes, beams, bearings, and miscellaneous equipment. In the hot rolling mill, the mill stand work rolls are cooled by a direct water cooling system to maintain roll contour, to prevent surface cracking of the steel rolls due to sudden temperature changes, to minimize fire checking, and to extend roll life. Water is also used in descale in the form of high pressure jets to remove scale from the reheated steel before rolling to maintain surface quality. It is also used between certain roll stands to maintain surface cleanliness of the steel in process. In addition, water is used as flume flushing to transport the scale to the scale pits for removal. The rolling mill water system typically incorporates scale pits, oil skimmers, straining devices, solids removal with clarifiers and/or deep bed filtration equipment (when low suspended solids levels are to be maintained), and cooling towers. Waste water treatment usually includes facilities for likely contamination from fine mill scale, grease, hydraulic fluids, and lubrication oil which gets collected in this system. All piping layout with equipment that used direct cooling system in BM2 can be summarize in the Figure 2.1.1 in next page.


In the Table 2.1.1, 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 below is the technical and operation specification detail for all the sub-component in the direct cooling system start from Scale Pit Pump, Direct Cooling Tower, and Direct Pump: Table 2.1.1: Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o 1 Moto Brand: TECO r Type/Model No: AEVBCB Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1465 kW: 37 Hz: 50 Frame: 200L 2 Pump Brand: Vaughan Vertical Wet Well Pump Model No: V6U8-300 X 2440mm Pump Type: Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate: 425 m³/hour (4000 liters/min) @ AT 1.5 Bar Speed Rating: 2100rpm Brand: Pemo, Italy Model No: Pump Type: Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate: 200 m³/hour (4000 liters/min) @ AT 1.5 Bar Speed Rating: 2100rpm Operation Specification Motor Running Amp : (Vaughan 67+/-5, Pemo 53 +/-3) Pump Oil : HD 46 Water Pressure at Pump : 1.6 Bar Water Outlet Temperature : 31-32 ° C

No. Set 4



Table 2.1.2: Crossflow Induced Draft Cooling Tower-Direct Cooling System Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o

No. Set







Fan Blade

Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEVBCB Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1465 kW: 37 Hz: 50 Frame: 200L Type: Right Angle Fan Drive Brand: Amarillo Model: F110 Service Rating: 60 HP RPM Input: 1750 Service Factor: 2.0 Gearbox Reducing Ratio: 5:1 Gearbox Oil Type: ISO 220 Operating Temperature: -7°C to 82°C Change Oil Every 2500 Hours or Every Six Month Model No: PCI 3050-A8 No of Blade: 8 Fan Cylinder: Diameter-3050mm

Operation Specification Motor Running Amp Gearbox Oil Well Water Level Water Outlet Temperature




: (Direct Motor AMP 28-32, Indirect Motor AMP 26) : EP 220 : : 28-30 ° C

Table 2.1.3: Direct Pump Cooling System Specification Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o 1 Motor Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEEEBK M040L05 FM Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1762 HP: 250 Hz: 50 6

No. Set 4

Frame: 280SC



Type: Centrifugal-End Suction Pumps (Closed Impeller) Brand: Allen Gwynnes Nimbus Pump Pump Size: 200 x 150 x 315 Pressure: 5 Bar Bearing End Float: 0.11-0.15 mm Impeller Size: Operation Specification Flow Rate : 370m3 / Hr @ 5.7 BAR Gearbox Oil : EP 220 Motor HP : 75 KW Motor Running AMP : Norm 75 +/-5 Water Outlet Temperature : 28-30 ° C Water Pressure at Pump : 5.5 – 5.7 Bar


2.2 Indirect Water System Indirect cooling application means the use of water for general purposes where water does not contact the steel in process. Indirect water includes all the applications of water directly used in the steel process which the main function is for heat exchanger, electric motor, and roller bearing. All piping layout with equipment that used indirect cooling system in BM2 can be summarize in the Figure 2.2.1 in next page. In the Table 2.2.1, & 2.2.2 below is the technical specification detail for all the subcomponent in the indirect cooling system: Table 2.2.1: Indirect Pump Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.


Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o 1 Motor Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEEEBK M040L05 FM Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1762 HP: 250 Hz: 50 Frame: 280SC Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEEEBK M040L05 FM Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1762 HP: 250 Hz: 50 Frame: 280SC 2 Pump Type: Centrifugal-End Suction Pumps (Closed Impeller) Brand: Allen Gwynnes Nimbus Pump Pump Size: 200 x 150 x 400 Pressure: 5 Bar Bearing End Float: 0.11-0.15 mm Impeller Size: Type: Centrifugal-End Suction Pumps (Closed Impeller) Brand: Allen Gwynnes Nimbus Pump Pump Size: 200 x 150 x 315 Pressure: 5 Bar Bearing End Float: 0.11-0.15 mm Impeller Size: Operation Specification Flow Rate : 370m3 / Hr @ 5.7 BAR Gearbox Oil : EP 220 Motor HP : 75 KW Motor Running AMP : Norm 75 +/-5 Water Outlet Temperature : 28-30 ° C Water Pressure at Pump : 4.0 – 4.8 Bar


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Table 2.2.2: Crossflow Induced Draft Cooling Tower-Indirect Cooling System Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification. Detail Component Specification No Name Technical Specification 1 Motor Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEVBCB Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1465 kW: 37 Hz: 50 Frame: 200L 2 Gearbox Type: Right Angle Fan Drive Brand: Amarillo Model: F110 Service Rating: 60 HP RPM Input: 1750 Service Factor: 2.0 Gearbox Reducing Ratio: 5:1 Gearbox Oil Type: ISO 220 Operating Temperature: -7°C to 82°C 3 Fan Blade Model No: PCI 3050-A8 No of Blade: 8 Fan Cylinder: Diameter-3050mm 9

No. Set 1



Operation Specification Motor Running Amp Gearbox Oil Well Water Level Water Outlet Temperature

: Motor AMP 26 +/- 5 : EP 220 : : 28-30 ° C

2.3 Torsid (Quenching Process) Water System Quenching is the rapid cooling of a work piece to obtain certain material properties. In metallurgy, quenching is most commonly used to harden steel by introducing martensite, in which case the steel must be rapidly cooled through its eutectoid point, the temperature at which austenite becomes unstable. A type of heat treating, quenching prevents undesired low-temperature processes, such as phase transformations, from occurring. It does this by reducing the window of time during which these undesired reactions are both thermodynamically favourable, and kinetically accessible; for instance, quenching can reduce the crystal grain size of both metallic and plastic materials, increasing their hardness. In BM2 the HTD product usually require quenching process to achieve high tensile strength. The most common quenchant used for hot rolling steel is water. The main advantage of using a water quenchant is that water can provide the rapid quenching speeds necessary for achieving high properties in many different mechanical properties. Water is also cheap and readily available. In addition, water is reasonably flexible in that its quenching characteristics can be changed somewhat by varying the temperature of the water. All piping layout with equipment that used indirect cooling system in BM2 can be summarize in the Figure 2.3.1 in next page. In the Table 2.3.1, 2.3.2 & 2.3.3 below is the technical specification detail for all the subcomponent in the indirect cooling system:

Table 2.3.1: Torsid Injector Pump Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o

No. Set






Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEEEBK M040L05 FM Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 100 RPM: 1480 HP: 250 Hz: 50 Frame: 280SC Brand: HICO Type: Multistage 150/4 Model No: HTM 150/4 Pump Flow Rate: 240 m³/hour (4000 liters/min) Speed Rating: 2100rpm Pump Pressure: 18 Bar



Table 2.3.2: Crossflow Induced Draft Cooling Tower-Torsid Injector Pump Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification No Name Technical Specification 1 Motor Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEVBCB Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1465 kW: 37 Hz: 50 Frame: 200L 2 Gearbox Type: Right Angle Fan Drive Brand: Amarillo Model: F110 Service Rating: 60 HP RPM Input: 1750 Service Factor: 2.0 Gearbox Reducing Ratio: 5:1 Gearbox Oil Type: ISO 220 Operating Temperature: -7°C to 82°C Change Oil Every 2500 Hours or Every Six Month 3 Fan Blade Model No: PCI 3050-A8 No of Blade: 8 Fan Cylinder: Diameter-3050mm 11

No. Set 2



Operation Specification Motor Running Amp Gearbox Oil Well Water Level Water Outlet Temperature

: Motor AMP 26 +/- 5 : EP 220 : : 28-30 ° C

Table 2.3.3: Torsid Return Cooling System Specification Scale Pit Pump Technical and Operation Specification.

Detail Component Specification N Name Technical Specification o 1 Motor Brand: TECO Type/Model No: AEVBCB Phase: 3 Phase AC Induction Volts: 415 Amps: 63 RPM: 1465 kW: 37 Hz: 50 Frame: 200L


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Type: Centrifugal-End Suction Pumps (Closed Impeller) Brand: Allen Gwynnes Nimbus Pump Pump Size: 200 x 150 x 315 Pressure: 5 Bar Bearing End Float: 0.11-0.15 mm Impeller Size: Operation Specification Flow Rate : 370m3 / Hr @ 5.7 BAR Gearbox Oil : EP 220 Motor HP : 75 KW Motor Current : Normal 75 +/-5 Amp Water Outlet Temperature : 28-30 ° C Water Pressure at Pump : 4.0 – 4.8 Bar


2.3.1 Torsid Quenching Guideline Torsid quenching box water inlet flowrate normally setting depend on the steel bar size diameter. Below in the Table 2.3.4 is the all deformed bar size with the total water flow rate require to perform quenching process and also in Table 2.3.5 below is the torsid box setup configuration for BM 2 correspond with the size of steel bar. Table 2.3.4: Torsid Return Cooling System Specification Size 12mm (S) 12mm (S) 16mm 20mm 22mm 24mm 25mm 28mm 32mm 36mm 40mm

R5 Pyrometer

Torsid Flow rate (m3) Total Flow rate Min Max

Cooling Bed Bar Temperature (°C) Min Max















920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C 920°C

1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C 1040°C

550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 500

650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 600

460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C 460°C

540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C 540°C


Table 2.3.5: Torsid Quenching Box Setup Configuration

Product Size HTD 40 HTD 32 HTD 28 HTD 25 HTD 22 HTD 20 HTD 16 HTD 12

Quenching Box No.

Quenching Nozzle (I.D) mm

Quenching Pipe Internal Diameter (mm)

55 44 44 44 34 34 25 21

85 63 63 63 50 50 50 50

T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4

T-1, T-2, T-3 T-1, T-2

3.0 WATER TREATMENT In order to maintain the quality of water in BM2, Nalco program administration manual serves the purpose as treatment guide for plant personnel on the control and troubleshooting with the respect to the water treatment. 3.1 Control Parameter and Ranges a) The desired water parameter and control for indirect system are as given below: No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Water Parameter Turbidity pH range Conductivity Ca Hardness NaCl (Sodium Chloride) Total Inorganic Phosphate (TIP) Ortho Phosphate (OPO4) Delta Phosphate Total Iron (Fe) Free CL2 Silica Active Polymer

Control Limit <15 FAU 6.8-8.2 Max 1000 micros 80-250 ppm <250 ppm 8-12 ppm 8-17 ppm <2 ppm <2 ppm 0.2-0.5 ppm < 150 ppm 8-12 ppm

b) The desired water parameter and control for indirect system are as given below: No 1 2

Water Parameter Turbidity pH range

Control Limit <15 FAU 6.8-8.2 14

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Conductivity Ca Hardness NaCl (Sodium Chloride) Total Inorganic Phosphate (TIP) Ortho Phosphate (OPO4) Delta Phosphate Total Iron (Fe) Free CL2 Silica Active Polymer

Max 1000 micros 80-250 ppm <250 ppm >4 ppm 8-12 ppm <2 ppm <2 ppm 0.2-0.5 ppm < 150 ppm >4 ppm

3.1 Chemical used and function There are four different types of chemical used at BM2 plant in order to achieve the required parameter setting. All the chemical has different functions. The lists of chemical are in Table 3.2 below. Table 3.2: All chemical list and it function N o 1




2 3 4

Nalco 7342 Nalco 3430 Nalco 71630

3DT288 is a liquid multifunctional phosphate based corrosion and scale inhibitor for open recirculating cooling water system. Its contain an advanced cooling water treatment polymer and reliable inhibitor to provide corrosion, fouling and scale protection This also known as Actibrom. Use as Oxidising Bioxide This is Cl¯ based oxidizing biocide It used at primary and secondary clarification, municipal and industrial, lime softening, heavy water removal and oily emulsion


REFERENCE Water used in Steel Plant and its Types. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Direct or Indirect Cooling: Which Technology is More Efficient for Bulk Solids Cooling? (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from


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