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The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of applying dried guso on the shelf life of carabao mango. Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions. 1) Will there be a significant difference in the shelf life of mangoes when dried guso is applied compared to the mangoes without dried guso? 2) How many days will ripe mangoes last when dried guso will be applied?
B. GOALS/ EXPECTED OUTCOMES/ HYPOTHESES The research study intends to develop a technique in increasing the shelf life of mangoes using Dried Guso Powder to decrease the number of wasted fruits with a safe, effective, cheaper, and also mangoes can be brought over a long distance to increase the marketability of mangoes. Hypotheses Ho: The application of dried guso will not make any significant difference in the shelf life of mango. Ho: If the mango will be applied with dried guso then the shelf life of mango will increase.
Research Design
In this research study, Randomized Complete Block Design will be applied wherein the mangoes will be assigned to different set-ups trough draw lots. There will be three set-ups, for every set-up there will be three trials with three replicates, for every replicates there will be three mangoes.
The mango fruits and dried Guso will be used as the treatment for the experiment. For this experiment the researchers will gather one hundred eight mango fruits and sixty grams of dried guso powder. The mangoes should be at mature ripe stage and will be washed using distilled water before applying the treatment. The materials will be divided into four different set-ups. Each treatment will include three mangoes. The mangoes will be coated with dried guso powder, the fruits will be placed in a corrugated soft board cartons in three layers separated by soft board sheets (boxes of the same size and kind) and will be stored at a room temperature for seven days. Mangoes will be observed and analyzed in different parameters everyday for seven days. The weight, color, appearance and firmness will be noted for observation.
Gathering of Materials Newly harvested mature mangoes will be gathered from Tetuan (Nonoy Galvez) that will undergo the hot water treatment and will be placed in corrugated boxes. Agaragar will be bought at Sta. Cruz Flee Market and lye will be bought at local bakery shop.
Preparation for the powdered Agar agar Agar-agar will be bought at Sta. Cruz flee market. These will be washed thoroughly, soak in water overnight and sun dried for a day and will be grind before applying on the mangoes.
Preparation of Set-ups Set-up A- the controlled set-up in which there was no application of dried guso and Lye Set-up B- 10g of dried guso and 20ml of lye Set-up C- 20g of dried guso and 20ml of lye Set-up D- 30g of dried guso and 20ml of lye
Waste Disposal After the actual experimentation and after the researcher will find out if the dried Guso will affect in increasing the shelf life of mangoes, the area of the actual experimentation will be cleaned after, mangoes will be kept but the rotten mangoes will be thrown away and the four corrugated boxes will be kept.
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