Revealed!: Your Life!

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The Course of Your Life Mapped

Ottf— Hour by Hour, Day by Day, Month by Month for Many Years

No Guesswork of “Horoscopes”_________ No Fantasms of “Numerology”_________ No Astrological “Indications”___________


a simple, startling, surprising survey, sanely stating the marvelous, mystical, m anifestations of the CYCLES OF LIFE, enabling every man or woman to easily learn more about his fortunate and unfortunate periods in each day, week, and year, and how to be prepared for all the strange occurrences th at perplex each human being. The Course of Your Life May Be Changed in One Week Through ONE READING of this Strange NE1V BOOK

Y our Personal and Business Periods In working out your own life cycles, you can quickly map out the fortunate and unfortunate periods for your personal, home, social, and financial use, or for your business and occupation interests. These periods, covering weeks and months in the present year and years to come, tell you exactly W H A T TO DO and what N O T TO DO, to bring success, happiness, prosperity, peace, and the realization of your dreams. This information will save you many worries, heartaches, and disappointments.

Your Health and Disease Periods You can quickly outline, for the present year and future years, the periods, in weeks and months, when certain physical ailments and weaknesses may manifest in your body, and be pre" pared to avoid them. The cycles will show you your best health periods, when to strengthen parts of your body, what to avoid, and how to make the best of your natural health. It is also pos" sible to work out these cycles for others— even children. No mathematics are required.

Y our Daily Fortunate Periods W ithout any mathematical intricacies, or any difficulties at all, you can quickly outline for weeks at a time a schedule of daily periods—hour by hour—when you will find it most fortu' nate to seek advancements, favors, promotions, and so forth, or to collect bills, borrow money, secure new business, and establish new opportunities. You will also see what hours of each day are to be avoided in regard to certain things you wish to do. Such a guide as this helps you to be M ASTER of your own affairs.

Your Karmic Lessons from the Past One of the interesting facts indicated by the character analy' sis of your present period in life, is a brief outline of the out' standing Karmic lessons you learned in a previous incarnation. This will enable you to understand why you have certain prin' ciples, desires, ambitions, and d eterm in atio n s deeply rooted in your soul today. You will also get a glimpse of W H A T YOU W ERE or what you accomplished in the past. Such light as this serves as a “key” to help you fathom the very depths of your past and present course in life, and makes understandable many of the strange sensations, impulses, longings, and hopes you struggle with at the present time. This is a remarkable phase of the information contained in these Cycles.

Not Just a Book - But a Partner

SEE HOW \ Just imagine, if you can, a pleasant gift i of one of your children, or of your marriage you, and with only pen and ink and some siand with more pleasure, fascination, instruct) life reading for yourself or someone else in books to consult, no difficult formulas to worl fascinatingly. Such a reading as this equals astrologers or numerologists, psycho-analysts And not one of them would be able to givt days, weeks, months, and years, as you will be you wish to do so. W hy pay money to othe book can help you? And think of the help t among your acquaintances.

SEE HOW EASY IT IS Just imagine, if you can, a pleasant gift of a very complete life reading of yourself, or of one of your children, or of your marriage partner, or any friend! W ith this book before you, and with only pen and ink and some sheets of paper, you can sit down any evening and with more pleasure, fascination, instruction, and gripping interest, prepare a complete life reading for yourself or someone else in less than an hour. N o mathematics, no other books to consult, no difficult formulas to work out, just reading and writing, pleasantly and fascinatingly. Such a reading as this equals in importance any that are offered to you by astrologers or numerologists. psycho-analysts, or character readers, for $15.00 or $25.00. And not one of them would be able to give you the advice, or work out the cycles for days, weeks, months, and years, as you will be able to do conveniently and happily whenever you wish to do so. W hy pay money to others for "readings'' that cannot help you as this book can help you? And think of the help that you can give to those in your family and among your acquaintances.

Y our Inner Soul Character This book will enable any man or woman—or any young person— to learn the true period of the soul’s character in which the person is now functioning. Then there is given a very inter' esting, helpful, and astonishing character analysis of your INNER personality, together with an outline of the TRU E abilities, cap' abilities, and attributes given to you by the Cosmic for the attain' ment of success and happiness. A more perfect reading of your true character, or anyone’s character, can not be made.

Y our Cosmic Abilities and Powers Together with the description of your inner soul personality — the REAL YOU that only yourself may ever know— there is given a list of the things which you can do and accomplish to make your present life a real success, which will bring you fame, fortune, happiness, and power. The mistaken tendencies, the wrong desires and hopes, are also pointed out. This information will help every one to make a new start in life, or to correct quickly, the errors in his present course of living.

Your Business Opportunities You will be able to map out the periods of your whole busi' ness career— whether you are an employee, or the owner of a big business. These periods will reveal to you in plain language, what days, weeks, and months of the years you can take advantage of certain Cosmic conditions to build your income, increase your business, save expenses, prevent losses and law'suits, buy or sell property, raise money, or promote your own interests and make better connections.

Your Special Fitness for Success Men and women will find special information which will help them lift themselves out of any rut into newer possibilities. No matter how you may be employed now— in business or as a housewife at home— the cycles will reveal how you may take ad' vantage, each day, week, month, and year, of the special Cosmic gifts contained in your Inner personality, and which will be useful in changing your life, in attracting more finances, a better home, a better social position, and continuous happiness. Remember, there are no mathematical calculations to deal with, no text books to refer to, no difficult figuring of any kind. This book contains a new system never published before in any land in any language.

Not a Book of the Day - But of Life

Fifth Edition Now Ready. First Edition Completely Sold in One Month.

T h e O r ig in o f T h is St r a n g e B o o k T

A N e w Secret System

Reveals N e w Laws

H IS book, "Self M astery and F a te ” contains The book does not contain one single law or a new system that has no equal in any form principle that has ever been published before in of astrology, numerology, or character reading. It any land. T he system outlined in all completeness is far more than any of these things, and more in this book has been known to only a few scientific, without any mathematics, any guess M A ST E R P SY C H O L O G IS T S and M Y ST IC S work, or any trouble. in the O rient for a few years. But its benefits have been enjoyed by men and women in every civilized The Author's Experience land for twenty years. For many years Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, the au­ Gives You a Chart of Life thor of "Self M astery and Fate” has been a busi­ ness councilor to many of Am erica’s foremost busi­ This is not a book to be read through once or ness men and women. His other book, ”Rosier utwice and then placed on the library shelf. It will cian Principles For Home and Business,” has had enable each owner of the book to map out charts three editions and a world-wide circulation, and it of his life every week, every month, and every proves how he has been the secret advisor and the year— without mathematics or consultation with “silent partner” in more businesses than any other any other book or almanac. The charts will be man living today. T he system outlined in "Self like maps of a voyage on the sea of life, showing M astery and F ate” is the private, secret system he just what can be expected each week and month, has used for over twenty years in his work for thousands of others. He has not concealed one and what should be avoided and what should be point. He reveals the whole of the system in a done to bring success and happiness. Such charts remarkably clear manner. will be fascinating, instructive and ST R IC T LY PR A C T IC A L for everyone regardless of AGE, Worid-wide Dem and For It C O U N T R Y IN W H IC H H E LIV ES, or social and financial position. For many years the thousands of persons asso­ ciated with the Rosicrucian Brotherhood who have It Has a Thousand Uses consulted Dr. Lewis and been helped in their per­ sonal and business affairs by him, have petitioned For parents to guide their children, for the house­ that he put his system in some book form so that wife, the business employee, the man or woman millions of others might have the benefit of the just starting his own business or the heads of secret laws he discovered long ago and has used big corporations, this book, " Self M astery and so successfully. Now the book is completed— and Fate,” will be a guide for health, education, finan­ it has many thousands of sales before it is offered ces, business, social affairs, character development, to the public. It will become the most helpful, prac­ marriage home life, and every other m atter with tical, surprising book ever offered to the general which all of us must deal every day and every public. It means new lives, new careers, new happi­ year of our lives. ness and success for millions of beings.

SE L F M A ST E R Y A N D F A T E , B y D r. H . S p e n c e r L e w is , F. R. C. The book is well printed on strong paper, and adequately supplied with charts and dia^ grams, tables, and descriptions; strongly bound and covered with silk cloth, stamped in gold. Prepaid................................................................. SE N D ORDER A N D REM ITTANCE TO

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