Ryujin Course Outline

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  • March 2021
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  • Words: 493
  • Pages: 2
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Complete Guide to Ryujin 3.5 by Satoshi Kamiya Presented by Daniel Brown 2013 Welcome student! The goal of this course is for you to confidently fold a complete Ryujin 3.5 through a thorough understanding of each stage of the process. As this will be a long and detailed process, it's best to think of this as a college-level class with multiple lessons and assignments. However, there are no due dates, and you are free to find your own time to work on your lesson. Each lesson will be a specialized test fold presented in photodiagram format. I will require a photo of the completed test fold before sending you the next lesson. This is not meant to inconvenience you, only to make sure we are all "on the same page" with regards to the techniques. Even if you have your own way to do a certain process, you must understand the method in the photodiagram. Following lessons will build off of techniques from previous ones. Make sure you read each lesson's introduction and follow all steps of the photodiagram. Pay special attention to the orientation of your sheet related to the photo. If you don't understand a portion of the lesson, please send a photo of your model so far and the page number of the .pdf that is causing you trouble. Some of the first lessons can be made with any type of paper, however later ones will require large sheets. A large roll of art kraft will be useful, but not thick, brown packaging-type kraft. Each lesson's introduction will have a note on suggested dimentions for the test fold - if you use a paper too small, the process will be harder to perform and understand. The course is outlined as follows-Part I - Lower half -Easy-to-medium test folds of basic techniques used in Ryujin 3.5 -Body scales and dorsal spines -Tail -Special areas of collapse -Shoulder scales -Feet -Shoulder pleat transitions -Complete legs and shoulders -Complete lower half -Part II - Upper half

-Differences between lower and upper body areas -Early head base -Late head base -Head shaping -Neck twist -Complete upper half -Final words - Considerations on making the full 96x96 vs. the "half & half" method Each section of the outline may involve multiple test folds. Don't be over-eager to reach the next lesson, just work through your current assignment and know that we will reach the end eventually. A Ryujin 3.5 is not a model to fold or study quickly. On my own end, the photodiagrams are a work in progress, so I may not have the next lesson immediately available for you. I will be working on them, so please be patient. Ryujin 3.5 is entirely the work of Satoshi Kamiya, and I will not be distributing any copyrighted material or guides from other folders. Please do not distribute my guides or texts, they are for your own use only. Good luck to you all! -Daniel

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