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Seven Secrets to Supercharge Your Spellwork by Madame Pamita of Madame Pamita’s Parlour of Wonders g 2016 Madame Pamita’s Parlour of Wonders. All Rights Reserved.



If you’d like more information on

spells magic hoodoo tarot readings one-on-one magical coaching and a free weekly spell head over to and sign up to Madame Pamita’s Free Spell-A-Week Newsletter to put some magic in your email inbox!

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Table of Contents What is Magic? Oils are Easy! Incense Sets the Mood (And Then Some) Nature is Your Friend Focus with a Candle If You Want Something, Ask for It. If It Is Broke, Fix It! But Madame Pamita, What If It All Goes Horribly Wrong??!! Wrapping It All Up S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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eing a tarot reader, rootworker and a teacher of divination and spells (and yes, it is the best job in the world!) I answer questions all day long. But one of my favorite questions is

What is Magic? Yeah, well what is it? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s dancing around in the ethereal realm! It’s riding the magic carpet ride in the outer limits! It’s playing where only the bravest scientists dare to go! You want it in plain speak?

Magic is the ability to take what everyone accepts as unchangeable reality and then bend, shape and shift it to your will. It’s making your life, and the lives of your loved ones, the very best that they can be. It’s an act of revolution, saying, “I will take ownership of my life and be the captain of my own ship!” So, if you haven’t done any magic yet, it is high time you got started! S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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Magic isn’t a religion or a part of any one religion. People of all faiths and even no faith at all have been doing magic since before recorded history and will continue to do so as long as there are things which can only be controlled energetically.


What do I mean by controlling things energetically?

Energies are swirling around us constantly. If you believe that reality is only what can be known through the senses, then I have a shocking revelation for you. Right at this moment, there are radio waves swirling around you. You can’t see them and without a radio turned on, you perceive nothing. But turn on a radio and magic happens; you hear music and talking from people miles away.

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I’m going to use that old time metaphor (does anyone listen to a radio anymore?) and tell you that magic is like the radio receiver (and honestly, a radio transmitter too!).



Magic allows us to turn on and tune up or tune down whatever we are wishing for in our lives:

more prosperity


More Love Less Arguing More Peace Less Struggling


…if you desire it, there is sure to be a spell to help you achieve it.

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Magic is the act of focusing your will. Can you do magic without a spell? Absolutely! If you are able to focus thought and intention toward a goal, you will see a manifestation. However...

Spells help us to ritualize, take ourselves to altered states where focus is easier to achieve. Spells also support our work with energetic allies and tools (and we’ll get to those later — but for now, just know that I mean things like herbs, stones, candles and so on). If you’ve tried manifestation through positive thinking or have even done spells before, but would like to see stronger results or would like to hone your skills to become a better magician, then this book will spark a whole bunch of great ideas on ways to supercharge your spells and radically and positively change your life.

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In each chapter, I give you a few bite size chunks of information about different ways that you can make your magic even better. At the end of each chapter, I break it down for you with

f o u r way s t o i m p l e m e n t e a c h o f t h e s e s e c r e t s — with suggestions for beginning, intermediate, advanced and experienced spell casters:

If you’ve never done a spell before or you don’t have much time to devote to spellwork, choose the method.

Quick and Easy

If you have a little experience doing spells and want to spread your wings and do more, then I recommend trying the method.



If you have plenty of experience and are ready to take your spellwork to the next level, then you are ready for the method.

Advanced Apprentice

And if you have lots of experience and are ready to get into more expert techniques, then step up your game with the

Magic Mastery method.

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So, before we get into Madame Pamita’s Secret Lab of Learning (just twist the candelabra and the bookcase will open for you), I’d like to take a moment to dedicate this book to all the curious seekers, the spiritual explorers, the baby witches, the experienced wizards, the Akashic adventurers and everybody else out in the world who loves to make magic…that’s right,


I’m dedicating this book to YOU!

Your curiosity and courage inspire me every day. I hope you have as much fun using this book and supercharging your own magical practice as I did writing it. With love and light — Pamita

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Oils are Easy! “I’ve never done a spell before!” “But I don’t have the time to do magic!” “I can’t do a spell, because people will see it and judge me!” Sorry, those excuses won’t fly (not even on a broomstick!) and they won’t excuse you from doing magic to make your life the best it can be.

You can do magic!

Anyone can! No excuses! Just get in there and start doing it! Working with oils is incredibly effective and, guess what, it’s unbelievably easy too! Saying a prayer or intention while applying a spiritual oil to your body surrounds you with a powerful magical vibration. Apply a few drops of oil in an upward motion (from foot toward head), if you want to bring something to you. Apply them in a downward motion (from head toward foot), if you are working to clear away something unwanted.

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l Make the process foolproof — choose a spiritual oil blend that is specifically formulated for love, prosperity, luck, protection, spiritual cleansing or whatever it is that you want to achieve magically. Even if you are doing bigger, splashier magical work, applying a magical oil on yourself beforehand will empower you as a magician.

So, don’t wait, (magically) lubricate! And get those good things sliding toward you faster than ever!

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l Quick and Easy: Apply a spiritual oil to yourself with a prayer or intention.

Serious Student: Apply a spiritual oil to yourself on a daily basis for consistent power.

Advanced Apprentice: Blend more than one spiritual oil together for a unique intention.

Magic Mastery: Blend your own spiritual oil from essential oils and a carrier oil.

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Incense Sets the Mood ( And Then Some ) If you’ve ever walked into an opium den or hung out in a harem (and who of us hasn’t), then you know how incense creates a powerful positive energetic aura throughout a room. The ancients used incense, because they intuited that

the rising smoke was a way of sending their messages up into the heavens. Before doing a spell, take a moment to light some incense and

let the powerful energy permeate and charge up the area around your spellworking.

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If you’re inviting someone into your home, light some incense for love, prosperity or cleansing and let it subtly but powerfully influence them or bless them.


If you’re wanting to get super-authentic with with your incense spellwork, you can burn a resin or a resin incense blend over charcoal. Or, if you want to make it easy, you can burn loose incense or incense cones to give your space an amazing vibration attuned with your magical work.


If you are sensitive to smoke, you can even make a smokeless incense by getting a small spray bottle, filling it with spring water, and adding 21 drops of a spiritual oil. Shake it and then spray it around the room to imbue your space with the positive energy of that oil. Whenever I think of incense, I think of those old Warner Brothers cartoons where an enticing finger of a smoky scent would come over to the character and transport them into rapture (or, in some cases, salivating hunger).

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Harness the superpower of the sense of smell and create that same rapture in the room around you by burning a beautifully fragrant incense.


l Quick and Easy: Burn an incense cone.

Serious Student: Burn loose incense or spray a smokeless incense.

Advanced Apprentice: Burn a resin blend over charcoal.

Magic Mastery: Create and burn your own blend of resins and herbs.

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Nature is Your Friend


Can you pound a nail into a wall with just your hands? Sure, I guess you can, but most people will tell you that a hammer will make the job a heck of a lot easier. And it’s the same with magic — you can do a spell without any magical tools at all, but tools will give an immense boost to your work, making it move faster and stronger.

Some of the best tools are the tried-and-true gifts of nature that people have been using magically since the beginning of time.

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Herbs, shells, stones and roots all give off certain vibrations and matching the right herbs or curios to your intention can make your magic soar. If you are highly intuitive and connected to the plant spirits, you can ask them what they can do for you, but if you’d like to take a shortcut to finding out their specialties, you can look up the herbs on There you will see full descriptions of each herb or curio’s magical purpose and even spell suggestions on how it can be used.


There are so many ways that you can invoke the assistance of these natural allies:


Carry them with you IN A mojo bag Scatter them in your environment with a prayer or intention Burn them as incense Sprinkle them around your candles …there are a million ways to partner up with these plant and mineral sidekicks. I like to think of these herbs and curios as gifts of the nature spirits, friends who give our work an energetic surge. So, what are you waiting for? Invite your pals to the magical party! S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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Quick and Easy: Scatter an herb in front of your house or around your home.

Serious Student: Sprinkle a pinch of herbs on your spell candles.

Advanced Apprentice: Burn herbs on a charcoal.

Magic Mastery: Craft a mojo bag with herbs and curios. S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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Focus with a Candle


“I am doing this magical spell for… oh, look at that shiny object over there!” Maybe you are one of those people who can set their mind to a task and focus completely on it until it’s finished. Can I tell you something? If you are, you are amazing! Alas, I will never be that person. I’m the one who walks into the room and says out loud to myself, “What did I come in here for?” and then picks up the book on the table that I started last week…and then I end up reading Jane Austin for two hours when I was supposed to be finding my keys and getting out the door. Do I lack focus? You betcha! And that’s why I love, love, love candle spells.

A candle spell is pure focus. You can’t multitask while holding a lit match (my fingers will testify to that). For some reason, candle spells center and ground the spell caster in a way that other types of spellwork may not. Not only that, but

a candle spell is like a rocket, sending out a powerful intention that extends far out into the universe S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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(just think about how far and how fast light waves can travel).



You can prepare a simple beeswax taper and dress it in a spiritual oil and herbs, or choose a figural candle that represents the goal of your spell, or dress and bless a vigil candle or choose a pillar candle that is already infused with oils and herbs for your intention. Prepare your candle by placing a petition paper underneath it, carve your intention into the candle, then light the candle and as you do, speak your intention or prayer for what it is that you want. You don’t have to watch the candle burn (though that is a great form of meditation), just let the candle do its thing. That being said,

you should always be somewhat close by and awake when a candle is burning.

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When you leave the house or go to sleep, snuff it out or pinch it out with moistened fingers (don’t blow it out). When you are able attend to it again, relight it, repeating the intention of what it is that you want.


l Quick and Easy: Light a pillar candle that is pre-loaded with oils and herbs.

Serious Student: Burn a vigil candle that has been prepared and blessed.

Advanced Apprentice: Dress a plain taper or a figural candle in oils and herbs.

Magic Mastery: Do a moving candle spell over several days.

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If You Want Something, Ask for It


There is power in words. It’s not for nothing that what we do is called a “spell” — in old English, “spell” meant speaking and

it’s when we speak our intention or desire that we commit to it and to the magic that we are making. I always tell my students that “thoughts create reality,” but speaking that thought commits it into action. Have you ever had a cherished dream that you carried inside of you and then, one day, you took a risk and told someone about it? The energy behind the speaking took courage and courage means commitment.

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If you say it, you are asking the Universe for what you want and putting the wheels into motion.


There is more than one way to ask. You can ask out loud with your voice, but you can reinforce that verbal asking out loud by also creating a petition paper.


A petition paper is writing that expresses what you want.

Petition papers can get quite magical and elaborate, but even a simple “Prosperity for Me” written on a scrap of paper stuck under a candle or in a wallet can reinforce the spell words that you speak. And, whatever you do, for heaven’s sake don’t take all the time to do a spell, speak your intention, make a petition paper and then undo it all by speaking your doubts or unworthiness of receiving. If you put all the energy into a love spell and then say, “I’m never going to find anyone” to your friend, guess what? You just undid all of your good work.

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So speak of your spells and wishes only with loving words of enthusiastic expectation.


l Quick and Easy: Speak the words that are in your heart out loud when doing spellwork.

Serious Student: Speak of your wishes to others only in positive ways.

Advanced Apprentice: Write a petition paper stating your wish and place it under your candle or carry it with you.

Magic Mastery: Craft a carefully thought out intention or prayer by writing it down before doing your spellwork so that you include all the details and nuances of your wishes.

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If It Is Broke, Fix It!


Going back to our hammer analogy, if you’ve ever hit your thumb with a hammer, you know that sometimes our tools don’t work the way we want them to, and the same thing goes for our magical tools. Candle flames get too high, wicks get drowned and flames go out, herbs get musty and moldy…

if it’s a magical tool, there are at least 13 ways it can be uncooperative. Yes, we can take these mishaps as signs, but these are the things that separate the cool headed magicians from the Chicken Littles worried about the sky falling.

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If you see something going wrong, get in there and fix it and make it right!


Yes, it may be a sign that that area of your life needs a little more attention, focus and effort, but gosh darn it, don’t sit there and bemoan the fact that your spell isn’t working, get in there and shape your destiny! If a wick is drowning, pour out some wax. If a flame is too high, trim the wick. If one candle is burning faster than another, snuff one out and let the other one catch up.

Remember, it’s called “making magic” not “watching magic happen to you.” S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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l Quick and Easy: Throw out the tool and start over from scratch.

Serious Student: Trim wicks or pour out excess wax.

Advanced Apprentice: In a multi candle spell, snuff fast burning candles to let slower ones catch up.

Magic Mastery: Replace a bad wick with a new piece of wick to encourage a candle that has hopelessly gone out before its time.

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But Madame Pamita, What If It All Goes Horribly Wrong??!!


Let’s face the facts. Nobody’s perfect and

the only spellcaster who can claim that they’ve never had a spell go wrong, is one who isn’t casting spells.

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We’re human, and in all our imperfect gorgeousness, we make mistakes. Candles get blown out instead of snuffed out. Mojo bags get sent through the laundry by accident. We plan to do a seven day spell but forget and skip a day. Tapers tip over and break in half. Believe me, it’s happened to the best of us.


When my clients contact me in a panic and ask me what to do for a spell emergency, I tell them what I do: dump the spell and start over again. Get a new candle. Take out the hard artifacts of the mojo bag and make a new one. Start the multi-day spell over from the beginning with new materials. Yes, there’s the heartbreak of wasted stuff that you put your time, energy and money into, and, if you’re doggedly determined you can finish that Come to Me spell even though your sister came in your room and blew out the candles. You might even get a little positive result despite your boo-boo, but a little positive result is only going to bring a little happiness.

The good news is that a spell gone wrong is no cause for alarm.


A spell where you make a mistake is not going to send your prosperity into the dumpster or make your soul mate hate you. It’s just not going to do anything. Like a firecracker that fizzles, it’s just a dud. No big deal! Light another one and let your fireworks show continue with a bang!

It’s better to chalk it up to a lesson from the best school of all, The University of Experience, and start over again with new vigor, intention and hard-won wisdom. S e v e n S e c r e t s t o S u p e r c h a r g e Yo u r S p e l l w o r k


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l Quick and Easy: Take a deep breath, dump the spell and start over.

Serious Student: Take a deep breath, dump the spell and start over.

Advanced Apprentice: Take a deep breath, dump the spell and start over.

Magic Mastery: Take a deep breath, dump the spell and start over.

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Wrapping It All Up


So, I hope that these seven tips have given you some great ideas or encouraged you to start making more magic for yourself. If you’ve enjoyed this book and have a minute, I would love to hear what you think. Please leave a comment on the Seven Secrets page. I read each of your comments and would love to know not only what you liked, but what you’d like to see in future books. If would like to learn more about spells and magic, I suggest heading over to the Parlour of Wonders. I’ve got how to videos, a blog, a podcast and more free resources to help you take your spell casting to the next level.

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And, if you’ve got specific questions on how to do spellwork, I can help you. I offer one-on-one sessions via Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime and phone where we can discuss your magical practice. I can teach you from the ground up, take you to a higher skill level or just share more tips and tricks.



Thanks for joining me on this magical journey and I hope that we cross paths in this lifetime many, many more times. With Love and light — Pamita [email protected] Book Show and Parlour of Wonders 5503 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90042

Design by: Rachel Gutek Although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. The information in this book is provided for educational purposes only and the author takes no responsibility for any possible consequences of any person reading or following the information in this book. This book is not intended to provide medical or legal advice or take the place of advice from licensed professionals. Copyright © 2016 by Madame Pamita

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


About the Author


Madame Pamita is a reader, rootworker, teacher and the proprietress of Madame Pamita’s Parlour of Wonders located in Los Angeles, California. She grew up in a magical family with a maternal grandmother who practiced ceromancy and herbal magic and a mother who taught her beautiful Ukrainian folk magic ways. Her own love affair with the spiritual began at age 7 when she read her first book of Greek Mythology and was a full-fledged life path by the time she picked up her first tarot deck at age 10. Around the same time, she became interested in spiritualism and read every book she could get her hands on about paranormal phenomena, spellcraft, extrasensory perception and astrology. As a young woman, she studied the magical arts more formally with Ruth Barrett, Z. Budapest and later Catherine Yronwode. She writes her own weekly Magical Blog and records a weekly podcast called Magic and the Law of Attraction. She is often a guest on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour and has presented on a regular basis at the Hoodoo Heritage Festival. She is proud to be a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers and the Crystal Silence League as well as an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. When she’s not at her shop making handmade magical beeswax candles or doing spellwork and readings for her clients, she plays a variety of musical instruments with several groups including playing bass for her garage rock band, The Neptunas and old time jazz, blues and jug band ukulele with her eponymous musical act, Madame Pamita.



She was born in the seaside town of Santa Monica, California and lives there with her two teenage sons, Morgan and Miles, whom she calls her “cubs” (even though they’re 6 feet tall!) and her father who was born in 1921 and still going strong.

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