Shadows Magick Place Shadows Magick Place: Love Magick, Conjurations, And Hoodoo Love

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Shadows magick place About Hoodoo and Traditional folk magick, folk craft, lore and Wisdom of other Cultures, Mystical world of Spirits and Magick of Nature MAR 4, 2012

Love Magick, Conjurations, and Hoodoo love PLEASE READ: Now, this post was due for St Valentine's day. Due to certain technical issuess I was unable to post on here during February. With a delay and an appology, here it's the article I wrote

When the 14th, and 14th of February arrive, every year You can freely say how love is in the air, and not be called corny or sappy for it lol. A Day dedicated to St Valentine ( in some places to a Saint called Triphune ) and believed by many to be a special day, very favorable to express romantic law to another person. In occultism, wish energy (wishes concerning love of course) is immensely strong on this day, hence consequently the day is infused with some undefined, but powerful occult forces that can boost love magick. The biggest concern nowadays , however , seems to be having Your “Valentine” on this particular day. Whether it’s because of need for social acceptance ( it seems that not having a partner in urban culture labels one as failure and pathetic :S ???!! ) or out of fear that if one is “partner-less” on that day, their love life will be jinxed ( to put it that way ) it has become an urban imperative in social life to never spend Valentine alone. I will be honest and tell You I resent Valentine really, or more correctly what Valentine’s day become, a commercialized and profaned celebration of shallow pop-corrupted view on love. However, I do realize most people have much more faith in romantic love and idealize it, and while I myself dislike love magick, I had to learn about it, while learning about occultism and spiritual work and magick in general, for love magick is part of same. I see most of love magick as unethical and shallow, and I live and was raised in Balkan peninsula, a place with some most notorious “black” love magick spells, most of which vulgarly and violently forcing someone to love and lust the individual using the spells. Much like popular Hoodoo and Conjure spells of “Love me or die” type. Folk love magick may appear

as simple as looking someone through a hoop made of specific plant, on a specific day, or simply passing near them holding certain charm , up to elaborate rituals including nudity, rivers, whirlpools , cakes made with materia magicka added inside, or even greasing someone’s genitals with different kind of concoctions. While I consider profane to manipulate someone for sole purpose of gaining their affection, many crave someone’s liking so desperately that they would be ready on just about anything to get it ( look up Pink’s video “Please don’t leave me” for illustration of what I had in mind lol ), and in such case some love magick is certainly among the least wrong things, obsessed person might go about. In the end, we can say what we want about magickal ethics, but the ( sad ? ) truths is that occult suppliers send in largest quantities love and crossing products, and that they can make up to 70% percent of their business! Perhaps love spells are not bad in or of themselves, but they can cunningly be used to cause so much evil. Many examples are given through history and folklore, Hellene of Troy, to a point, also, Merlin and Nimueh etc. Another sad truth is that many shall try to profit of confused, obsessed , or plainly people in need , and so we are faced with abundance of internet ( and other media ) adds offering all sort of miraculous love magick work done for You, in most cases completely and utterly fake. Love magick services seem to be ( alongside money magick services and few others ) a proper little kingdom of scam and con. In Conjure and Hoodoo it is always suggested that You, Yourself do the love spells, though of course a spiritual worker can work them with You, and set lights for You , do bindings and alike. In folk magick, love bindings can be done by practitioner and cunning folk “by order” , but most of the spells must be done for Yourself. It was so very interesting to me to find out how Heka ( Egyptian ) magick love spells should be done by Yourself, because I have seen countless adds saying “powerful Egyptian love magick cast for You…” and alike. My dear friend Miss Kallista wrote an beautiful, and very informative article on here: /2012/01/egyptian-love-spells-and-why-you-cant.html …… and I highly recommend giving it a read :-) Now saying I do not normally like love spells or use them for myself, does not imply I am not interested in methodology and “modus operandi” of the same, for I am, and very. Inspired by the February love fest holiday ( lol ) I decided to share few love magick information, spells and formulas, some recorder by folklore and tradition, some of which I had been taught via means of oral tradition, and some that are my own creations. I do hope You might like them and find them useful. Love magick , items and time for it Now, love magick can be done anytime, when the need arises, though of

course certain days and hours make it more efficient and give faster results. Friday as Venus days and hour of Venus are especially favorable for love working. Fertility magick, lust, attraction, glamour, friendship s related magick, can all interlace or be connected and similar to love magick in matter of techniques, but in this post we shall speak of finding partners, causing affection in other and causing them to come and be intimate with one. Colors associated with love are red, pink, or white ( philanthropic love ) or even black, for love manipulation, and often image candles such as “Adam” and “Eve”, “Bride and Groom” or “Lovers”. Return to me type of spells, spells to cause someone to think of You, to sweeten someone’s thoughts as well as divorce spells also, might be categorized under love spell though I myself would rather label them as influence spells or other. All sort of love, lust and attraction oils are used, often very floral in scent and often containing flowers, fruits ( peal or seeds etc ) honey or lodestone/s inside, as well as perfumes and colognes such as “Rose water” , “Orange ( blossom ) water”, “Willow water”, “Jockey club cologne” , “Hoyt cologne”, “Hungary queen’s water” “Honey water” etc. Materia magicka is often used, most often urine and menstrual blood. They are often “slipped” in food or drinks, like cakes, chocolate and vine. Popularized during Middle age, and present even today are all sort of philters ( love potions ) that influence someone’s mind and reportedly cause affection and love. In older ( mostly medieval ) potions and charms it was customary to find bat’s blood, dove’s blood, dried and powdered frogs, spiders and other insects as well. Luckily nowadays we do not really need such…umm…unappealing ingredients.

Also there are popular spells with effigies of all sort, example of one such spell shall be given bellow in the text. Many interesting love spells come from New Orleans Voodoo Hoodoo tradition, like burying a ring in white clothe and pouring milk or vine over it. Or spells dedicated to Loa’s, asking for their help, like for example invoking the help of Erzulie Freda and similar. Now without further delay, let’s go through some spells and formulas:

Conjuring a mate spell This is most preferably done at Valentine’s day, though it should work equally well just after midnight, some Friday, when the Moon if full, or at least is waxing. You shall need: • 9 red or orange candles dressed with Attraction or Lodestone oil • A fireproof dish • A piece of parchment paper • Cologne of Your choice • Cinnamon • Rose petals • Brown sugar • Blood’s dove ink Set candles so to form a circle, inside which( centre ) the fireproof dish will be placed. Inside the dish pour some Cologne, dry Rose petals, few pinches of Cinnamon and few pinches of brown sugar. Stir clockwise visualizing Your desired partner, both in physical appearance and other. Dip the Parchment paper in it and let it air dry. Now cut it out in shape of human, making it a paper puppet in a way. Write on it, using Dove’s blood, all the qualities You wish Your partner to have. Kiss the poppet and say: “I conjure thee, I conjure thee, fare or near come to me, Hear me call and meet now, follow the call You’ll know how Fire and love bring him/her close, But may it be according to their ( his/her ) choice I conjure thee, I conjure thee, come here and stay with me, And as I wish, so mote it be !" Kiss the poppet once again, then set it alight on some of the candles and throw into the dish saying: “A fair mate I seek in this hour, Spirits aid, give this charm power, Bring one I seek to my door, Make them hear and follow this call ! " When the fire is extinguished, mix the remaining material from the bowl, with some honey and Rose water ( or Rose petals infused tea ) , enough to make a consistency of a gel . You can use brown sugar as well. Now go to some crossroad, and pour some of the liquid in the centre of it. Then turn around, and return using the same road, sprinkling some of the liquid on that path as You go, and finishing at Your doorstep . Make sure You have enough of the mixture, meaning be economical, You can splash tad bit every nine steps for example, a very small amount, very few drops

will be enough. The wax remaining from the candles You can bury in Your own yard, or in flower pot You keep in house.

Love potion No9 • Rose quartz essence made using vine • Verbena • Rose petals • Coriander seeds • Damiana ( You can substitute with Elfwort ) • Cinnamon • Vanilla sugar • Brown Sugar or Honey • Few cloves Add all to some vine , stir frequently chanting : “Amor gignit amorem! Fiat amor!” When it boils remove, cover, and let it cool down. Then strain and serve to one whom You wish love from. Hoodoo love magnet spells A staple, trademark spells of Hoodoo magick system, among other are certainly Lodestone love spells, that employ their natural attraction ( magnetism ) power. Sympathetically as lodestones in such spells gradually move closer, until finally touching, so the love grows. I’s suggest starting performing such spell 7 or 9 days before the full Moon, so they could finally be completed on the night of the Full Moon. Lodestones are fed each time ( daily ) when You s draw them closer to each other in ritual, with magnetic dust, so You’d like to divide Your magnetic sand quantity , in seven or nine equal smaller groups, one to be used to feed magnets each day. Usually a red candle ( often image candle, such as bride and groom, or embrace d couple candle ) is dressed with some soothing love oil and burnt, a” partition” , during each day of the ritual. The custom altar setting in such case is made , so that the candle and magnets form a triangle, when set on a first day. Underneath the magnets, are usually placed name papers, or personal concerns ( material magicka, such as nails, or hair, or signature evena photography ). During the ritual, words from Bible are read, popularily Song of Solomon ( as traditional in Hoodoo ). Furthermore man usually read Chapter 6th, while woman read Chapter 8th Song of Solomon, chapter 6th, King James’s version:

1. Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? whitheris thy beloved turned aside? that we may seek him with thee. 2. My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices,to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies. 3. I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among thelilies. 4. Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem,terrible as an army with banners. 5. Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: thy hairis as a flock of goats that appear from Gilead. 6. Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep which go up from the washing,whereof every one beareth twins, and there is not one barren among them. 7. As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks. 8. There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, andvirgins without number. 9. My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of hermother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her. 10. Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon,clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners? 11. I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of thevalley, and to see whether the vine flourished and the pomegranates budded. 12. Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots ofAmminadib. 13. Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may lookupon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies. [1] Now, instead of moving lodestones, one could move two candles instead, while the lodestones, a pair , “male and female” would be kept together from the beginning. Sometimes, the very candles are enough, be them figural or simple taper ( in which case in corresponding astral colour, unique for each zodiac sign ) , and the candles are moved closer to each other just like magnets. In such cases Altar settings can be more elaborate and include more candles and many formulas to dress these oils. One of such settings for example calls for 2 white Cross shaped candles, two red candles dressed with Love oil, two Astral candles ( representing partie s ) dressed with Zodiac oil, and a Golden candle dressed with attraction oil, with specific rules how to manipulate candles, moving two closer to other two , astral and red, to other astral and red in this case [2] For general love type oils, You may combine Lavender, Rose, Red Clover, with possible addition Jasmine and other plants, resins, or even peels ( like Orange peel rind ) depending on whethe r You wish some extra effect. There are many other Hoodoo formulas, these just serve as illustration of typical candle magick, Hoodoo love spells. I would warmly suggest

reading up on such here: where You will find even Divorce, Intranquility and all sort of other , more specific type of love spells, mentioned at the beginning of this post. Call someone to You conjurations There are some good variation of popular spells from Solomon’s key that are used to make someone come to You ( come to Your doors, actually visit You ) and be intimate with You. And that is fine, as long as that all You want from the person is passion. Various spirits are invoked in such spells, or rituals, as it would be more precise term here. Often pentacles are used as well. If You won’t the original Solomonic spell, for Your convenience, look up titual from Grimoirum Verrum ( English translation ) , : “To cause a girl to come to You/seek You, however modest she might been” . Here is a simple/r version I came up with: You will need: • Fourth pentacle of Venus • Red candle • Personal concern of the person, or Photography or name paper • Voodoo nights oil, or Come to me oil • Powder made of Licorice, Cloves, Slatepetre, Cornstarch, High John root ( if male makes it ) or Jezbel root ( if female makes it ) Damiana or Carrot seeds, sugar Make a name paper, with the name of Your target written 9 times, and Your written over it nine times, crossing and covering it. Place a personal concern on the name paper. Sprinkle it with very little powder ( described above ) or simple magnetic sand mixed with sugar, if You lack all the ingredients. Then fold it thrice towards oneself, and place it bellow the 4th Pentacle of Venus, pressing it with Your dominant hand thumb, and saying: “Habeo potens mittendi te, te imperio, to voco! Veni mei, Veni! Then set the candle atop, dress it with oil, light and intone , 3 – 9 times following the words: By All Holy Names of Living God, I command and charge You, Spirits of Venus, written on this Pentacle, Schii, Eli, Ayib, and others, to go and cause the think of me, and to crave me, and desire me, so that they can not be set at peace, until they would come to me, until they would seek me and find me. I command and compel You by this candle light, Air

I breathe, Earth I stand upon, and Blood that runs through my veins. By the Lord’s names, and by Elements, and by the terrible and fiery power of TETRAGRAMATON, I charge You to bring this person to me, least I am to call You off before You had the chance to complete the task ( omit part from “least I am…task” If You have firmly decided on doing this ) . Go now, and do this to me, for I shall be very grateful to You. So mote it be ! Amen!

When the candle burns all the way down, bury the remainings in Your yard, flower pot, or leave them at nearest crossroads. For Your convenience, and for sake of comparison the original ritual, to make a girl come and seek You, from the classic text “Grimoirum Verrum” is as follows: "To Make a Girl come to You, however Modest she may Be. Experiment of a marvelous power of the superior intelligences. Watch for the crescent or the waning moon, and when you see it, make sure that you see also a star, between the hours of eleven and midnight. Before beginning the process, do thus: Take a virgin parchment, and write on it the name of the girl whom you desire to come. The shape of the parchment is to be as you see in this figure: On the other side of the parchment, write MELCHIAEL, BARESCHAS. Then put the parchment on the earth, with the part where the name of the person is written next to the ground. Place your right foot upon the parchment, and your left knee, bent, upon the ground. Then look to the highest star in the sky, while in this position. In your right hand hold a taper of white wax, sufficiently large to burn for one hour. Then say the following: The Conjuration. I salute thee and conjure thee, O beautiful Moon, O most beautiful Star, O brilliant light which I have in my hand. By the light which I have in my hand. By the air that I breathe within me, by the earth that I am touching: I conjure thee. By the names of the spirit princes

living in you. By the ineffable name ON, which created everything! By you, O resplendent angel GABRIEL, with the planet Mercury, Prince, MICHIAEL and MELCHIDAEL. I conjure you again, by all the Holy Names of God, so that you may send down power to oppress, torture and harass the body and soul and the five senses of N., she whose name is written here, so that she may come unto me. Let her then be tortured, made to suffer. Go, then, at once! Go, MELCHIDAEL, BARESCHES, ZAZEL, FIRIEL, MALCHA, and alll those who are with thee! I conjure you by the Great Living God to obey my will, and I, N., promise to satisfy you. When this conjuration has been said three times, burn the parchment with the taper. On the next day, take the parchment, put it in your left shoe, and let it stay there until the person whom you have called comes to seek you out. In the conjuration you must say the date that she is to come, and she will not be absent." [3] Similar verision in the same book is given for making a men appear in Your room, “after suppe r” as noted there . Traditional Balkan witchery simple love spells Magick, spells and rituals on Balkan peninsula, and magick, spells and rituals among Slavonic people in general, are, as I noted few times on here, often very raw, cruel and would seem unethical to most of the Earth population. They often require such personal concerns as menstrual blood, urine, semen , hair and other. Most work by binding and/or strong compelling principle, much like Hoodoo love me or die spells , where victims often end up being physiologically and psychologically ill, and waning, If they are away from person that “crossed” them. Many such rituals employ dead man’s ring ( wedding ring, or other kind of ring taken from the hand of cadaver ) , graveyard dirt, certain plants, padlocks, doll babies, cakes and bread “spiced” with personal concerns and so on. Such magick is often recognized, described and called “Erotic black magick of…( certain ethnical groups inserted here)” by anthropologist, ethnographers and some occultists as well. This is a large topic, that could ( and have had ) cover/ed pages of book/s. In this post, however I

shall limit myself on giving some examples of less hazardous, and commanding love magick, whose methods are often practiced by younger folk, given to them as part of oral tradition. They have that effect, which in Hoodoo would be recognized as “Look me over”, “Come and see me” , “Kiss me now” or “Attraction” etc. Such spells mostly employ herbs, rings made of herbs, charms, incantation, sometimes hair, making enchanted honey cakes etc. They are most proficient when done on certain religious (Catholic Christian or Orthodox or) holidays such as St John’ day ( summer festival, late June, when there are lot of flowering plants ) or St George’s day ( April 23rd ) , Feast of Ascension ( 40 days after the Christmas ) , St Vitus day ( 28th June according to Gregorian calendar ) , or on Pagan holidays such as Beltaine. Herbs used for making rings/loops on these days are often chosen, by doctrine of Signatures, that is, old arhaic names of plants in this case. Deadnettle ( Lamium Purpureum ) for example, is amomg old people of Slavonic origins called “Crknice” which would somewhat translate to “dyeing for”, and is hence used to make loop trough which the desired partner is secretly observed , and his affection gained that way. Despite the plant’s archaic name meaning, that simple charm is to create infatuation, not obsession. Another commonly found plant in such “wreaths”, in Lovage , and so is Sunflower. It is believed that, as Sunflower revolves following Sunlight, so will Young man/women, revolve around those that wear it, or that look through a herbal charm, loop containing it. Many carry it’s petals distributed, strategically in secret places, sole of the shoes, underwear, as hair decorations etc. Especially powerful for such is Sunflower picked at Transfigurations ( also called feast of Transfiguration , on 6th of August ) which on that day becomes a powerful charm for many things, itself. All one would need is to collect and employ it. Other wildflowers are often added to these herbal charms, loops and wreaths, such as Lemon Balm, Wild Rose, Daisies, Lavender, Yarrow etc. Mint is used during the New Moon nights, to make a ring/loop through which the desired mate, must be glanced three times in other to gain their affection. On mentioned St.John’s summer feast day, girls often make large loops, from all sort of field wildflowers , that they pull over the whole naked body, from head to feet and back, and then use to enchant Young man by looking them through it, and speaking such words as : “As this ring has been around me , as this ring has been looking me, as this flower fragrance draws me, so shall You dance around me, look at me and be drawn to me ! “ and alike

Interesting is the following ritual, that is said to ensure the affection and sympathies of another, often done by Young people, and is reversible, therefore more ethical than most of love spells : Young woman or man, shall make a beaded string, like a chaplet, using 18 seeds of Peach, where every other seed is dedicated to oneself ( casters name is pronounced ) and the rest to one desired as mate/partner. Then , they go to the grave, near which the Plum* tree grows, and hung their beaded string/chaplet in the treetop, speaking prayers to Plum spirit** to bring them their beloved. Then the charm is taken down and brought home with oneself, and the same is repeated three more nights. On the last , fourth night, the charm/chaplet/beaded string, is buried as near the roots of plum as possible. Should the caster at any point desire to remove the effect of such love spells and send their partner away, all they need to do is to dig out the buried charm and toss it into the river.[4] *in Balkan, especially in Serbia, where this spell is originated from, people in remote villages still plant Plums on graves of their beloved, for it was believed by Slavic ancestors and Romanian and Bulgarian tribes that inhabited those regions that soul of the deceased migrates in that three for a year to three time, after death. Today, among these people it’s also believed that souls that remain on Earth or frequent Earth, do that as well ** The spirit of Plum refers to above mentioned soul of the deceased that inhabits it most likely, although Slavic people, in times of paganism had believed many trees to have spirits of their own spirit NOTE: This article was written and composed by myself, therefore If You wish to use any part of it elsewhere online, provide credits: Shadow of Shadows magick place, [email protected] or a direct link to this post CREDITS AND REFRENCES: [1 ] [2] “Master book of candle burning” by Henri Gamache [3] Grimoirum Verrum, classic occult grimoire, Alibeck the AEgyotina; Memphis 1517thedition[4] translated , edited and adapted from “Vlaska magija” by Jasna Jojic Pavlovski IMAGE CREDITS: The first image, being a snapshot of occult text is from “Witches book of spells an potions” a nice compendium of traditional witchraft spells, composed by Kathryn Paulsen, Finbarr publishing, POSTED WITH NO ILL WILL, FOR ILLUSTRATIVE AND EXPLANATORY purposes, depicting rawness of traditional love spells and ingredients used. The snapshot was taken and edited by myself. Second image shows Fourth Pentacle of Venus, and was in free domain. Edited by myself. Third image comes from above mentioned, classic occult text

“Grimoirum Verrum” Shadow at 5:28 PM Share


1 comment: Drali Afrohealer August 14, 2012 at 4:02 AM I have read many blogs but never like this thanks for the information you shared with us. Indeed this herbs are very help full while making a love spell even in making some binding spells and love spell voodoo in other way so thanks again Reply Add comment



Shadow Devoted Hoodoo practitioner , also Eclectic practitioner, open-minded, and trying to be positive , traditionalist , keen on learning more bits of Mystery each day , and ti all reading this Many Blessings ! :) View my complete profile Powered by Blogger

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