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Study independently or extend your diploma qualification.
DIploma in
Postgraduate Diploma
The only diploma qualification by distance learning designed for today’s Ship Managers to meet essential industry standards
SAVE up to 40% and improve performance with cost-effective in-company courses call +44 (0)20 7017 4455 or email
[email protected]
Delivered by Distance Learning over 12 MONTHS - COMMENCES 26th March & 23rd September 2013
Core Modules n n n n n n n n n n n
Introduction to the Shipping Industry Employ and Manage Marine Personnel for Vessel Activities Handling Customers and Planning for the Future Ensure Vessels are Procured, Maintained, Supplied and Equipped for Service Establish and Administer Systems to Ensure Continuity of Service, Quality and Environmental Control Safety and Security in Marine Operations: Management and Legislation Safety and Security in Marine Operations: Regulation and Environment Personal and Professional Skills to Support Shipping Services Understanding Finance and Accounting in the Maritime Industry Background to Maritime Law and Insurance Case Study: Managing a Ship Management Company
Captain John Dickie BA Joint Development Associates Limited (JDass Ltd), UK
I found the course very educational and enjoyable and am glad I had the opportunity to enrol. I have just recommended the course to a friend and a colleague. (Aisha Umar, Hydrodrive Nigeria Limited)
The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the shipping industry and strengthens the analytical skills required for a successful career in shipping. (Dimitrios Kouimtzis, Niovis Shipping Co SA)
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Specialist Modules
Certificate Options
n Shipbroking for Ship Managers n Designated Person Ashore n International Maritime Dangerous n Fleet Technical Management Goods Code Supported and Approved by:
+44 (0)20 3377 3237 +1 (646) 957 8929
Continuing Professional Development The Diploma in Ship Management is recognised by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) as contributing to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs of its members.
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Dear Colleague, Now in its 14th year and having educated over 1500 students, the Diploma in Ship Management remains a highly regarded international qualification provided by North West Kent College and Lloyd’s Maritime Academy. The shipping industry is constantly evolving and for those working within its many facets, one major problem is keeping up-to-date with the pace of these changes. This fully enhanced programme furnishes you with the skills, knowledge and tools you need to address this issue and assist your career progression in the specialist field of ship management. The unique 12 month professional qualification provides you with a comprehensive up to the minute understanding of key codes and regulations directly impacting this area of the industry. The ISM and ISPS Code are both covered in depth, not only giving details of the actual code contents but also explaining how the matters of safety and security each relate and integrate with the role of the manager. As modern day shipping cannot afford to fall foul of such media friendly subjects, standards and legislation of quality and environmental management systems are discussed thoroughly too.
WHY STUDY WITH LLOYD’S MARITIME ACADEMY? Lloyd’s Maritime Academy has for over 35 years provided high quality training programmes for the global maritime and transport industry. We provide industry professionals at all levels with career enhancing training programmes regardless of work commitments or location. Working with expert practitioners, leading academics and international industry bodies, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is the trusted brand for professional development within the shipping, commercial, legal, insurance, surveying and management sectors. Since 1998, we have been providing our participants with the training they need to bring their personal and business goals to fruition. Our reputation for quality is unsurpassed in the industry and the world’s leading institutions in the maritime sector rely on Lloyd’s Maritime Academy to educate their staff to the highest of standards. If you’re an individual looking for professional development or career enhancement, then you’ll be in good company - thousands of students enrol onto our publically offered distance learning courses every year, as well as thousands more taking our global in-company programmes. Visit for a full list of our currently enrolling courses. Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is part of IIR Ltd and Informa plc, the leading international provider of specialist information and services for the global academic and scientific, professional and commercial business communities. If you want to discuss our courses or are an education or training provider that wishes to work with us, contact Sarah Dicken on +44 (0)20 7017 4591 or email
[email protected] Lloyd’s and the Lloyd’s Crest are the registered trademarks of the Society incorporated by the Lloyd’s Act 1871 by the name of “Lloyd’s”.
HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK? Applications: Visit the course webpage to enrol online. Do not delay your application – you may qualify for an early enrolment discount, and some courses have a maximum number of participants. onfirmation of Enrolment: Each application is reviewed and once C approved by the Course Director you will be notified by email and an invoice sent to you.
In addition to keeping you up to date with legislation, the remaining modules provide excellent guidance on principal management functions, such as personnel management, customer service, procurement of vessels and the essentials of maritime law and insurance.
ourse Start Date: We will send you your unique username and password C plus full details of how to access our secure online learning environment by the start date of the course. Your online classroom will be accessible from anywhere you have an internet connection. Modules can be downloaded and saved / printed or for an additional fee you can select to receive hard copies of the modules mailed to you, if you prefer working from paper, or want to study on the move.
Delivered by distance learning, the Diploma in Ship Management provides you with all the information you need to excel in this field at a time and place convenient to you.
tudy: Plan your study time and location to suit your own preferred learning S style. Work though the detailed modules, undertaking the assessments and further reading when indicated.
It’s been written by a faculty of international experts with proven track records in the maritime industry and education, who are constantly reviewing and updating the content to make it as relevant as possible to today’s shipping markets.
Tutorials: When you have questions, answers, personal opinions or experiences to add, have answers to directed learning activities or need further advice, visit the online course tutorial forum to post your discussion to the course director and your fellow students. You can access the tutorial forum at any time when you are online plus, to make your study as easy as possible, we’ll send you a daily round-up of tutorial activity. Make sure you take full advantage of the unique access you gain to our expert industry course tutors.
The Diploma in Ship Management is granted on successful completion of the core modules alone but if preferred you can choose a specialist module to further endorse your qualification.
Assessment: Assessments are a compulsory element of the course and occur at regular intervals throughout. A final written exam is held at the end of the course in London. You can also choose to sit the exam in an alternative location suitable for you.
There is also the option to extend your knowledge further by taking Certificates in the specialist areas of ship management: Designated Person Ashore and International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code either alongside the diploma or as a standalone course. As Course Director, it’s my mission and responsibility to ensure that each and every person who embarks on this programme is given full support throughout their studies. This includes facilitating the online forum, direct contact with me and the faculty as well as the administrative support staff. You are not alone and with the continuing support you will be amazed at the progress you can make. I look forward to welcoming you onto this challenging and rewarding course.
John Dickie Captain John Dickie BA Course Director
ompletion: Once all modules have been studied and all assessments and C the exam have been passed you will be issued a certificate referencing the qualification gained with recognition from the awarding academic body.
For detailed information about how the course works please see About the Course on page 6.
WHAT’S BEST ABOUT OUR DISTANCE LEARNING? 4 Accessible – 24/7 availability from wherever you have an internet connection 4 Flexible – take control of where, when, how and the rate at which you study 4 Professional – industry leading course directors and tutors 4 Quality – study the same course used by corporations for internal training 4 Practical – packed with examples and illustrations 4 Time effective – specially designed for busy working participants 4 Interactive – use our online tutorial forum to ask questions and share knowledge 4 Network – with tutors and like-minded professionals from around the world 4 Work smart – learn without time away from home or work 4 Save money – no additional travel or accommodation costs 4 Career enhancement – boost your CV and promotion potential 4 Detail – retain industry leading course materials for later reference
Tel: +44 (0)20 3377 3237 / +1 (646) 957 8929 Email:
[email protected]
Distance learning is a flexible, cost-effective way of studying without the need to take time off work or away from home Introduction to the Shipping Industry • • • •
• • • •
How the marine industry has developed World trade Shipping markets - Dry bulk, wet bulk, container, RoRo etc. The way ships trade - Liner and tramp traders - Charters Documentation overview Shipping legal framework overview The way ships are managed and how they operate What support is available to the management of shipping?
Employ and Manage Marine
Personnel for Vessel Activities • • • • • • • •
lan the workforce P Recruit, select and retain staff Provide learning opportunities Monitor and take action to ensure seafarer certification Manage induction processes Staff appraisals – tool to motivate your team Manage personnel travel procedures Provide for the wellbeing and welfare of seafarers and office staff • Key performance indicators • A ‘just culture’ versus a ‘blame culture’
Handling Customers and
• • •
Disciplines involved with quality systems - Control of activities - Correct policy statement and procedures - Staff knowledge and training - Commitment of all personnel - Internal and external audits Quality systems in the maritime industry - Classification Societies - ISM Code Inter-relationship between quality systems and legislative requirements of the maritime industry - IMO Conventions affecting the management of quality on ships - Type of quality standards system - ISM Code - ISPS Code Environmental systems • Evolution of environmental management systems - Background - Public perception of pollution - Concerns over air, water, ground and noise pollution - Environmental management standards - ISO 14001 • The maritime industry approach - Strategic drivers and customer demands - External influences - MARPOL 73/78 - Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from ships - Carbon reductions - Links between ISO and IMO - Constant changes and amendments to pollution control and reduction • Key clauses of the ISO 14001 Standard • Other initiatives - Carbon trading - Emission Control Areas (ECAs) - Cleaner fuels
Planning for the Future
Customer service - The importance of customer focus - Identifying customer needs - Meeting customer needs - Training and motivation of staff in customer service - Performance standards Strategic analysis - Internal environment - Products and services - External environment - Strategic options - Implementing change
Part A: Safety and Security
in Marine Operations: Management and Legislation
Ensure Vessels are Procured,
• •
Maintained, Supplied and Equipped for Service • • • • • • • •
anage the acquisition of vessels M Vessel disposal Develop and implement vessel maintenance plans Project management Manage physical resources Procurement processes Organise and oversee the management of contractors Establish and implement systems for the management of vessel supplies
Establish and Administer
Systems to Ensure Continuity of Service, Quality and Environmental Control Quality systems • Evolution of quality systems - Quality management system standards and principles - International Standards Organisation 9001:2008 standard - Scope of a quality system • Significance and benefits of having a quality system - What has to be done - Policy and objectives - Managing quality
• •
hat is management? W - Who is a manager? - What does a manger do? - The structure of organisations - Communications in an organisation - Working relationships Dealing with legislation - Maritime legislation - International, national and regional legislation - The complexities of working in a multi-national organisation and industry - Compliance to legislation - The results of non-compliance with legislation Risk assessment and management Accident investigation and analysis - Corrective and preventative action - Statistics - Key performance indicators (KPIs)
COMPANIES THAT HAVE ALREADY BENEFITED FROM THE DIPLOMA IN SHIP MANAGEMENT INCLUDE: A.P. Moller • Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co • Air France • Alliance Marine Services • Andriaki Shipping Co Ltd • Anglo Eastern Shipmanagement Ltd • Baja Ferries USA • Barber Ship Management • Bestobell LNG • Bibby Line Ltd • BP Shipping Bunkers (Ltd) Pty • Campbell Shipping Co Ltd • Celebrity Cruise Line • Centrofin Management Inc • Chevron Texaco Shipping Co LLC • Clyde Marine • CMA-CGM • Columbia Ship Management • Cunard Line Ltd • Delmas • Denholm Ship Management Ltd • Det Norske Veritas • Dohle (IOM) Ltd • Dolphin Offshore Enterprises • Dorchester Maritime Ltd • DSL Shipping Ltd • Dubai Dry Docks • Dubai Petroleum Co • Eimskip • Emerald Shipping Ltd • Eurasia Maritime Management • Fred Olsen Cruise Lines Ltd • GAC Marine Shipping • Grimaldi Lines • Hellenic Star Shipping Co • Hydrodrive Nigeria Limited • International Shipping Services • International Tanker Management Ltd • INTRESCO Ltd (Ukraine Branch Office) • Irish Naval Service • Jo Tankers BV • Lasco Shipping Co • Latvian Shipping Co • Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and Industry Services S.A. • Maersk Maritime Services • Malta Maritime Authority • Marine Management SCMT • Mideast Ship Management Ltd • Mitsui O.S.K Lines Maritime • Nato Underwater Research Centre • Nautika Sdn Bhd • Niovis Shipping CO SA • Norbulk Shipping UK Ltd • Norfolk Line • Norwegian Maritime Directorate • Oceanwide Shipping • OOCL • Orient Ship Management • OSG Ship Management • P & O Nedlloyd • Panama Maritime Authority • Niovis Shipping Co SA • Petrobas Transporte S.A - Transpetro • Port Authority of Jamaica • Primorsk Shipping Corporation • Qatar Liquefied Gas Company • Raffles Ship Management • Reederei ‘Nord’ Klaus E.Oldendorff • Scandlines • Seacor Marine (International) Ltd • Serco Denholm Ltd Services S.A • Shell Ship Management Ltd • Single Buoy Moorings (SBM) Inc • SMIT Nigeria Ltd • State Oil Company of Republic of Azerbaijan • Stena Line • Stephenson Harwood • Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group • Subsea Petroleum Services • Technip Offshore UK • Teekay Shipping • TESMA Holding • Texaco Ltd • Thomas Miller P & I Club Ltd • Thome Ship Management PTE Ltd • Thoreson & Co (Bangkok) Ltd • Tidewater Marine • Transport Canada • Trinity House • Tsalos Shipping & Trading • UK Hydrographic Office • Unicom Management Services Ltd • United Marine Dredging Ltd • US Navy • V. Ships • Vela International Marine Ltd • Velmar Shipping Ltd • Wallenius Marine AB • Wartsila • Western Bulk
For a full list of our maritime training courses visit us online at
Certificate in Chartering
Diploma in Crew Management Certificate in KPI’s for Shipping
Diploma in Marine Investigation
Part B: Safety and Security in Marine Operations: Regulation and Environment • •
The ISM Code and the manager - Understanding the ISM Code - The effect of the ISM Code on the maritime industry - The organisation’s safety management system - Audit schedule and compliance - The effect of the multi-national fleet The ISPS Code and the manager - Understanding the ISPS Code - Security and safety – same or different - Company security officer and manager - The ship security plan - Audit schedule and compliance - Relationship between ship security officer, company security officer and port facility security officer • Port State Control and the manager - Inspections and degree of inspection
Diploma in Marine Purchasing and Supply Diploma in Maritime Business Management Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Law Diploma for the Ship Agent Certificate in Ship Operations MBA in Shipping and Logistics
Search “Lloyd’s Maritime Academy”
Apply online at
Progress your career with this industry recognised qualification compiled by leading academic and maritime specialists - Memorandums of understanding (MOU) -D ealing with deficiencies and non-conformities raised at PSC inspection - The position of the manager in respect of PSC • The environment and shipping – minimising the impact - Shipping and environmental issues - How “green” is your organisation - Environmental training - Health and safety and the company including care of employees - Health surveillance - Hours of work and rest - Ships medical supplies - The effect of stress on employees - The effect of fatigue on employees - Dignity and respect at work
Personal and Professional Skills to Support Shipping Services • M anage your own resources and professional development • Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders • Working effectively with people from countries or cultures other than your own • Communicate information and knowledge • Leading meetings • Meetings participation • Combat “organisational waste” • Continuous development
Understanding Finance and Accounting in the Maritime Industry • • • • •
S hip financing - Introduction to ship finances - The business model - Profit and loss account - The balance sheet - Employment of capital - Cash flow forecasts Costing in shipping companies and onboard - Costing definitions Working capital control in shipping management Capital project appraisal in shipping companies Introduction to ratio analysis - Ratio analysis - Profit and loss accounting ratios
Background to Maritime Law and Insurance
• W hat is “maritime law”? An overview • Public and private law: regulatory provisions • International conventions within the maritime legal framework • What law governs ship management relationships? • Contract and tort • Contracts for the supply of services • Sale of goods contracts: ship sale and purchase • The employment framework • Dispute resolution • Insurance
Case Study: Managing a Ship Management Company
project designed to bring together the various areas of A study that form the core modules. Participants are cast in the role of Managing Director of a small ship management company and asked to complete six tasks: • Task 1: Establishing the management team and company policy • Task 2: Set the vessel budgets and funding requirements • Task 3: Respond to an invitation to manage additional vessels • Task 4: Managing an emergency • Task 5: Undertake a review of strategy, operating practice and costs • Task 6: Prepare for insurance renewals
Specialist Modules The core modules contain all the information required to obtain the Diploma in Ship Management. However it is possible to study a specialist module and endorse your qualification further i.e. Diploma in Ship Management specialising in Fleet Technical Management. The specialist module will be assessed by examination only. Select your study option when completing the application for enrolment Form.
S hipbroking for Ship
Fleet Technical
T he shipbroker’s role - Broking Ethics - Duties of a Broker - Owners, Charterers and Competitive Brokers - Shipbrokers remuneration - Fixture Negotiations Contract law - Offer and acceptance - Termination of an offer - Conditions - Warranties Charterparties - Voyage chartering - Consecutive voyages - Part and time charters - Contracts of Affreightment (COA) Type of vessel employment - voyage, time, demise - Exclusion clauses - Vessel running costs - Guidelines Negotiation techniques Sale and purchase basics for ship managers
• T he introduction of new designs and technology to the existing fleet • Fuel oil • Planning maintenance • Coatings and corrosion (Marpol) • Metallurgy • Lean technology - Concepts -A pplication to fleet • Upgrading equipment -P ayback times - E quipment lifecycles -M anaging regulatory requirements • Buying strategies • Mechanical failure - T ypes of failure -R oot cause analysis - Insurance - Surveyors • The management of safety • Total ship lifecycle costs • Presentation of ideas - Reports -U se of IT
• • • • • •
ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATES Certificate in Designated Person Ashore
Certificate in International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
• • • • •
Designed for all personnel in shipping lines and port authorities whose work involves dealing with the international maritime movement of dangerous and hazardous goods, it provides an overview of all aspects of the handling and shipping of such goods in the maritime sector concerning both vessels, port and shipping operations.
• • • •
ho can be a designated person? W What is their function? Designated person and the ISM Code Legislation and the designated person The skills that a designated person needs to function Relationship between the designated person and those onboard Relationship of the designated person and those ashore Designated person when the ship is the company Case study
The module will cover general awareness and familiarisation as well as function specific training.
It is possible to take a separate certificate in the above two modules. You will be required to attend an examination on your chosen subject. Upon successful completion of this assessment you will be certified to the standard stated within the relevant legislation with regards to the role of Designated Person Ashore or the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. These additional qualifications can be taken alongside the Diploma in Ship Management or separately as a standalone certificate. Please see the Application for Enrolment Form for price details. Full details of who should take these modules as well as what’s involved are available on the course website
COURSE FACULTY Jeffrey Blum Director, Interlink International Trading (UK) Ltd, Immediate Past Chairman, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London Branch, UK Patrick Cornelius Cornelius Maritime Services, UK Capt. John Dickie BA Joint Development Associates Limited (JDass Ltd), UK
Susan Hawker Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Law, London Metropolitan University, UK Capt. Rodger MacDonald Chief Executive, Azimuth Marine Ltd, UK Paul Russell Marine Engineer and Education Specialist, UK
Nigel L Smith FCA, FCCA Partner, The Financial & Management Training Consultancy, UK Peter Springett Managing Director, Odyssey Training Ltd, UK Mike Tyndall Director, Goal Achievement Ltd, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 3377 3237 / +1 (646) 957 8929 Email:
[email protected]
COURSE DIRECTOR Capt. John Dickie BA Captain Dickie has spent the last 40 years in the maritime industry. This has encompassed 20 years at sea from cadet to command and on various ship types from oil, chemical and gas including combination carriers, bulk carriers and container ships. John was manager of the Marine Technical Division for a survey company in the Middle East which he helped set up, as well as having been a marine superintendent and operations manager. Five years were spent as an IACS member as head of the ISM Code, which involved being Chairman of the IACS ad hoc Group ISM Code. Plus, liaison manager to the USCG and CEFIC for ISM Code matters on behalf of IACS. John has qualifications in auditing to the following standards: ISO 9000, 14000, 18000, SA8000 and ISM Code. Becoming a lecturer was an important step and the years spent teaching were most enjoyable. During this time John took the opportunity to enhance his own credentials with various teaching qualifications as well as completing a BA degree in Adult Education. In the summer of 2010 John set up his own company, JDass Ltd, providing bespoke training to companies, ensuring the client requirement is met whilst still meeting the many requirements of legislation within the maritime industry.
DELIVERED BY Lloyd’s Maritime Academy has for over 35 years provided training programmes for the maritime and transport industry. Through distance learning, face-to-face seminars and bespoke training, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy enables career enhancement and progression regardless of work commitments or location. Working with leading academics and industry bodies, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy aims to be the trusted brand for professional development within the shipping, ports, transport and logistics industry. The National Maritime Training Centre (NMTC) at North West Kent College delivers education and training to professional maritime personnel using a variety of flexible delivery methods through its Maritime Open and Distance Learning Division. It is one of only a few organisations in the UK that is approved by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) to issue certificates under the International STCW standard. The centre has also attained Grade 1 status by the UK Education Inspectorate Ofsted for “excellence in teaching and learning and partnerships with industry”. The department has close links with many maritime industry bodies as well as the University of Greenwich.
IN-COMPANY TRAINING D istance learning, face-to-face workshops, webinars and blended delivery
The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) is the professional body that represents shipbrokers, managers and agents worldwide. With 23 branches in key shipping areas, 3,500 individuals and 120 companies, membership of ICS shows a commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards across the shipping industry. Successful completion of the Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Diploma in Ship Management provides exemptions to the Introduction to Shipping and Ship Operations and Management course examinations.
Ensuring a good return on your training investment is critical for all our clients and, whether delivered by distance learning or instructor led workshops, Lloyd’s Maritime Academy delivers the best training, at a competitive price and from a reliable partner. Lloyd’s Maritime Academy delivers all three and you can save up to 40% on your local, regional and global training investment.
The Marine Society The Marine Society recognises the particular value of Lloyd’s Maritime Academy’s programmes for seafarers and is committed to enhancing the well-being of professional seafarers from all the sea services whether they be serving, former or prospective seafarers. Amongst the London based organisation’s operations are the promotion and facilitation of seafarers’ education; the provision of an exchange onboard book/media service to ships throughout the world; expert, impartial and confidential advice on any matter of concern to seafarers; and assuming a leading role in promoting the sea as a career.
4 Working intensely to understand our clients’ business issues to deliver the highest added value 4 Improving employee skills, knowledge and performance, helping to accelerate development and building organisational capability 4 Advancing our clients’ global knowledge sharing and collaboration 4 Developing team based learning and internal networks which support workforce development 4 Delivering instructor led workshops or webinars focused on a client’s particular business challenges 4 Developing courses with practitioners, for practitioners, with a focus on practical skills and knowledge 4 Implementing blended solutions which incorporate online learning platforms, including hosted corporate learning environments 4 Delivering at your location anywhere in the world 4 Supporting our clients consistently for over 15 years, offering a secure, trustworthy and low risk solution
“A great course that offers the student a comprehensive overview of ship management throughout.” (Keith Laguea, Gibunco Management Ltd)
Cut costs while improving performance
Many organisations have realised that Lloyd’s Maritime Academy’s programmes offer so much more than conventional training courses – whether it’s for graduate intakes, needs-led coaching, supervisor and management training or boot camps. There are a number of reasons why, including:
You are welcome to place individual students or groups on any of our publically advertised distance learning courses, or for larger groups we will deliver to your individual requirements, including blended delivery solutions, customised assessments, flexible timescales and dedicated support for learning and development managers. To find out more about the benefits of Corporate In-Company Training call +44 (0)20 7017 4455 or email
[email protected].
Apply online at
Complete the enrolment form or “Fast Enrol” online at Your application will be reviewed by the course team before being forwarded to the Course Director / academic partner for approval. Participants will be notified by email if they have been successful or not in their enrolment. This process can take two to four weeks to complete. An invoice will also be sent if you are accepted onto the course. Please ensure that you enrol in sufficient time for your application to be processed and approved as well as your invoice paid prior to the start date. Enrolments after the application deadline will be accepted but payment is due with your application and will be refunded if your enrolment is declined.
COURSE FEES: Course fees and any additional options are listed on the enrolment form. ONLINE DIPLOMA FEE: The fee covers access to the modules; assessment marking; forum access; tutor support, examination costs and the issuing of the Diploma/Certificate. PRINTED MATERIAL FEE: This is an additional optional fee for participants who wish to receive printed and bound modules by mail in the UK and airmail overseas. AIR COURIER FEE: This is an additional optional fee for participants who have requested printed modules and would like them sent by courier. This is recommended for participants who experience delays in receiving their post due to poor postal service in their location. EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNT: Participants applying early in the enrolment process may be entitled to an early booking discount. Please check the enrolment form for details and deadlines. INSTALMENTS: The course fee can be paid in four equal instalments over the first eight months of the course. If required, please indicate your requirement for this on your enrolment form. PAYMENT: If you have not received an invoice within one month of applying for the course, please call us on +44 (0)20 7017 5510.
Entry requirements:
Participants should be able to prove the following levels of prior educational attainment: A-Level standard or equivalent (High School) or NVQ Level 4 or equivalent or Candidates with no formal qualifications but who can demonstrate a number of years of relevant experience are welcome to apply.
STARTS: 26 March and 23 September 2013 with the release of the first module. Modules are released onto the website one per month. th
ENDS: 7th March and 5th September 2014 as the final date for access to the materials and submission of your assessments. The course ends with an examination.
TEACHING METHOD: The course is delivered by distance learning, with access to online forums.
Electronic versions of the materials in PDF format are available to download, save to your computer, and print from the course website. PLEASE NOTE: Every effort will be made by the organisers to distribute the materials at the rate specified. However, occasionally, certain unforeseen circumstances may delay the delivery of a module.
The modules are designed to be self-contained; however, a supplementary reading list will be included in the course handbook.
The course website has been developed in order to offer participants convenient and flexible access to course modules and support materials. The website also provides access to a course discussion forum allowing you to enhance your learning experience through interaction with your fellow participants.
Your username and password will be supplied by the course start date. It is essential that you provide a current personal email address on your application form to enable us to send you access details without delay.
Assessments are a compulsory element of the course and occur at regular intervals throughout. They include a variety of formats designed to test understanding of all the modules. All assessments must be passed in order to gain the Diploma. Note: The assessment procedures for all North West Kent College diploma courses are currently under review for 2013. Full details regarding assessments and end of course examination will be provided in your course handbook once the course commences.
EXAMINATION: EXAM DATE: 7th March and 5th September 2014. EXAM LENGTH: Three hour open book.
EXAM LOCATION: Examination is held in the UK. However, subject to available support facilities, arrangements can be made for candidates to sit the exam in the location at which they are based at the time. To take advantage of this option, contact the course organiser three months before the exam so we may make the necessary arrangements. Additional fees may apply. The exam structure is under review. Please refer to your course handbook for full details.
As a rough guide, you may spend between 10 and 30 hours studying each module in a month with additional time needed to complete the assessments. Studying time is conditional upon the participant’s preferred study style, existing knowledge, experience and whether English is their mother tongue. The nature of a distance learning programme requires students to adopt a disciplined and independent approach to their studies. In order to study independently, you will require good time management skills and self motivation.
COURSE DIRECTOR: To support you during your studies the course director is available to help with any subject and assessment issues via the online forum or by email.
ADMINISTRATION: For matters relating to enrolment, module delivery, and technical queries, contact Danielle Knight, Course Manager at Lloyd’s Maritime Academy on tel: +44 (0)20 7017 4552, fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7854 or email:
[email protected].
The following awards are presented by the North West Kent College on completion of the course.
DIPLOMA: Satisfactorily passing all of the assessments and examination will result in the award of a Diploma. Participants are either awarded a pass, merit or distinction depending on the level of their achievement. CERTIFICATE: If you choose not to sit the exam, you may be able to gain a certificate acknowledging the assessments you have passed. Note: This information provided is a broad outline of what students can expect from the course. Accepted applicants should refer to their course handbook for a more comprehensive overview of the course. Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is an approved learning provider on the Enhanced Learning Credits scheme. If you are a member of the armed forces and wish to enrol, please visit for more information and quote our learning provider number 2035. All information is correct at the time of going to print and due to any unforeseen circumstances may be subject to change without prior notice. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Enrolment to this Course is subject to the Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Distance Learning Terms and Conditions at Your attention is drawn in particular to clauses 3, 4 and 13 of the Terms and Conditions which have been set out below: 3. TAXES The fees stated are exclusive of any applicable VAT, sales, service or similar taxes (which will be charged, where applicable, at the appropriate rate as at the date of invoice). Where payment is subject to a withholding tax the student will apply the reduced rate under the appropriate double tax treaty, if applicable, and agree to provide LMA with a certificate of tax deduction within three months of payment. If a certificate of tax deduction is not provided within three months, you will become immediately liable to pay the outstanding amount. 4. PARTICIPANT CANCELLATION POLICY You may cancel your place on the Course by giving notice in writing to the Course Administrator up to (and including) 7 days from the date LMA confirms your acceptance to the Course in accordance with Condition 1 and you will not be liable for the payment of any fees and any fees already paid to LMA for the Course will be refunded. If LMA receives your notice of cancellation 8 days or more from the date LMA has confirmed your acceptance to the Course you will still receive a refund of your fees already paid to LMA, subject to payment by you to LMA of a £200 cancellation fee to cover administrative costs (which shall be payable immediately upon your cancellation), provided such notice of cancellation is received by LMA before the first day of the Course. LMA regrets that no refunds can be given for any cancellation notice it receives on or after the first day of the Course and, in such circumstances, the full fees remain payable by you to LMA. 13. DATA PROTECTION AND CALL MONITORING Personal data supplied is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. The personal information shown on the application form, and/or provided by you, will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the Informa Group in the UK and internationally. This information may be used for direct marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be available to companies in the Informa Group, please contact the Database Manager, Informa UK Ltd, Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7AD, tel: +44 (0)20 7 017 7077, fax: +44 (0)20 7 017 7828, email:
[email protected]. Occasionally your details may be obtained from, or made available to, carefully selected external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive details about their products and services, please contact the Database Manager. Registered in England No.1835199. VAT registration number GB 365 4626 36. IIR Ltd. Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK. Telephone calls to IIR Ltd may be recorded or monitored to check the quality of the service provided. Sign up for a trial to and get all the most important shipping news, analysis and comment at no charge for 10 days. Visit or email:
[email protected] Lloyd’s and the Lloyd’s Crest are the registered trademarks of the Society incorporated by the Lloyd’s Act 1871 by the name of “Lloyd’s”
Tel: +44 (0)20 3377 3237 / +1 (646) 957 8929 Email:
[email protected]
Diploma in Ship Management 2013 - 2014 Application Form COURSE CODE: FLP2268 & FLP2297
P age 2 of 2 Please also complete page 1 overleaf
STEP 3: PAYMENT DETAILS – The GBP invoice will include a EUR price calculated using the exchange rate at the time of invoicing. 1.
I wish to pay the course fee in full
2. I wish to pay by:
I wish to pay the course fee in four equal instalments. The first instalment is payable immediately. Payment must be made by credit card, or a credit card guarantee must be provided to qualify.
Credit Card
Bank Transfer
To pay by credit card please submit your card details whilst applying online using the link at the top of this form, or provide your contact telephone number below. We will contact you to collect your payment details over the telephone, or you can call the phone number provided on your invoice. For security purposes you must not state your credit card number via email, mail, fax or voicemail to ensure that your payment details are never stored on our systems.
A credit card guarantee is required. Once details have been collected, these will be securely stored and no charge will be taken at this time. An invoice for payment will be provided. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, we reserve the right to charge the card for any outstanding sums. We will advise you (using your email address provided) in advance of charging the card.
Credit card contact telephone no _________________________________________________________
Cheques should be made payable to IIR Ltd and please write your name and the reference FLP2268 or FLP2297 on the back. Bank transfer details will be provided on the emailed invoice.
Please call me on tel____________________________________________________ to collect my details.
STEP 4: EMPLOYMENT DETAILS 1. Job details Present company/employer name________________________________________ Your job title__________________________________________________________ Address of present company/employer______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Work telephone number ___________________________________________________________ Work email address_____________________________________________________ Dates with employer_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who is your Training Manager? (Mr/Ms) Family name_________________________________ First name____________________________________________________________ Job title_________________________________________________________________________ Direct telephone number________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who is your Approving Manager? (Mr/Ms) Family name_______________________________ First name____________________________________________________________ Job title_________________________________________________________________________ Direct telephone number________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Previous employer Company name/employer name __________________________________ Previous job title_______________________________________________________ Dates with employer_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STEP 5: EDUCATION DETAILS – School, College or University name and subjects passed with grades.
STEP 6: RELEVANT EXPERIENCE – In the absence of formal qualifications, please state your relevant work experience to this industry here.
STEP 7: OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – Or details of professional bodies/associations you may belong to.
STEP 8: LANGUAGES SPOKEN Mother tongue If not English, please state how long you have been speaking English and/or attained IELTS or TOEFL score as a level of proficiency in written English is required.
STEP 9: REFERENCE – Please give the name, job title, address, phone number and email address of at least one referee and their relationship to you.
STEP 10: ADDITIONAL NEEDS – Please provide details of any physical or sensory disability which might in some way affect your studies.
STEP 11: DECLARATION I agree to adhere to the Lloyd’s Maritime Academy distance learning terms and conditions as outlined on the course brochure. I confirm that the statements made by me on this form are correct. I understand that by signing this form, I confirm that I wish to be accepted on to the course, subject to approval. Signed_______________________________________________________________________ Date_____________________________________________________________________
Diploma in Ship Management 2013 - 2014 Starts 26th March and 23rd September 2013
Course Code
Online: Email:
[email protected] Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7854 Mail: ATTN: Danielle Knight Lloyd’s Maritime Academy 4th Floor, Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7AD, UK
FLP2268 & FLP2297 Providing the skills to manage ships effectively and meet essential industry standards
It’s quicker to apply online at which also securely accepts credit card payment with your application. For security purposes you must not state your credit card number via email, mail, fax or voicemail as this ensures that your payment details are never stored on our systems.
5th March or 2nd September 2013
STEP 1: PARTICIPANT’S DETAILS 1. Participant Title _______ Family name______________________________________________ First name____________________________________________________________ Your mailing address for modules and Diploma certificate (all applicants must complete this section even if you intend to receive your material via the website only). Address line 1____________________________________________________________________ Address line 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Address line 3_________________________________________________________ Town/City_______________________________________________________________________ Postcode/Zip code_____________________________________________________ Country_________________________________________________________________________ Telephone number_____________________________________________________ This address is a:
Company address
Personal address
Mobile/Cell______________________________________________________________________ Preferred email address__________________________________________________ Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)_________________________________________________________ Gender (Male/Female)___________________________________________________ Nationality_______________________________________________________________________ Country of permanent residence___________________________________________ 2. Invoicing. Are your invoice address and email address the same as above? Yes
If no, please complete below.
Invoice to be sent for the attention of: Family name_______________________________________ First name____________________________________________________________ Invoice address line 1 ______________________________________________________________ Invoice address line 2___________________________________________________ Invoice address line 3______________________________________________________________ Town/City____________________________________________________________ Postcode/Zip_____________________________________________________________________ Country______________________________________________________________ Telephone number________________________________________________________________ Email address for invoice ________________________________________________ VAT number (if an EU company)___________________________________________________ This address is a:
Company address
Personal address
3. How did you first hear about the course?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STEP 2: COURSE FEES – WORK OUT THE PRICE 1. P lease select the correct option(s) from the table below. The Diploma/Certificate materials are delivered online via our secure website. If you wish to receive hard copy modules, please tick the relevant Optional Extras. GBP invoices will include a EUR price calculated at the exchange rate at the time of invoicing. DIPLOMA COURSE FEE FOR FLP2268 MARCH 2013 START DATE Diploma in Ship Management
Apply on or before 1st February 2013
Apply after 1st February 2013
Apply on or before 26th July 2013
Apply after 26th July 2013
UK Individual or UK Company
£3225+ VAT @ 20% (£645) = £3870
£3375 + VAT @ 20% (£675) = £4050
£3225+ VAT @ 20% (£645) = £3870
£3375 + VAT @ 20% (£675) = £4050
EU Individual or EU non-VAT Registered Company
£3225 + VAT @ 20% (£645) = £3870
£3375 + VAT @ 20% (£675) = £4050
£3225 + VAT @ 20% (£645) = £3870
£3375 + VAT @ 20% (£675) = £4050
EU VAT Registered Company (VAT number must be quoted in Section 2 of Step 1 above to qualify)
£3225 (No VAT to pay)
£3375 (No VAT to pay)
£3225 (No VAT to pay)
£3375 (No VAT to pay)
Individual or Company outside the EU
£3225 (No VAT to pay)
£3375 (No VAT to pay)
£3225 (No VAT to pay)
£3375 (No VAT to pay)
Printed modules
Air courier Delivery of Modules
Fee for each Specialist Module
Fee for each Certificate in addition to the Diploma
Fee for each standalone Certificate
£699+VAT @ 20% (£139.80) = £838.80 £699+VAT@20% (£139.80) = £838.80
£ 999+VAT @ 20%(£199.80) = £1198.80 £ 999+VAT @ 20% (£199.80) = £1198.80
UK Individual or UK Company
£400 (No VAT) Not Applicable for UK delivery
EU Individual or EU non -VAT Registered Company
£400 (No VAT)
£ 350+VAT@20% (£70) = £420
£ 375+VAT @ 20% (£75) = £450 £ 375+VA T@ 20% (£75) = £450
EU VAT Registered Company (VAT number must be quoted in Section 2 of Step 1 above to qualify)
£400 (No VAT)
£350 (No VAT to pay)
£375 (No VAT to pay)
£699 (No VAT to pay)
£999 (No VAT to pay)
Individual or Company outside the EU
£ 400 (No VAT)
£350 (No VAT to pay)
£375 (No VAT to pay)
£699 (No VAT to pay)
£999 (No VAT to pay)
I would like to study an additional specialist module. I understand that each module has an additional fee of £375 (+ VAT if applicable) I would like to gain a separate qualification in the selected certificate module. I understand that each certificate is £699 when chosen in addition to the Diploma and £999 as a standalone certificate (+ VAT if applicable)
A Shipbroking for Ship Managers B Fleet Technical Management Certificate in Designated Person Ashore Certificate in International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
2. If you have selected to receive printed modules by air courier, you MUST list your daytime contact telephone number here. Tel. ________________________________ Please note air courier can not be delivered to a PO Box address. Page 1 of 2. Please complete page 2 overleaf. Lloyd’s Maritime Academy is part of IIR Ltd Registered in England No 1835199. Registered Office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer St, London W1T 3JH. VAT Registered No. (GB) 365 4626 36 Lloyd’s and the Lloyd’s Crest are the registered trademarks of the Society incorporated by the Lloyd’s Act 1871 by the name of “Lloyd’s”
Application Form for