Squat Every Day - Travis Mash

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THE BEGINNINGS Not long ago, I embarked upon my #SquatEveryDay Journey. Cory Gregory, co-founder of MusclePharm, inspired me to give it a try. Up until this point, I had steered clear of all high frequency squat programs. However, Cory Gregory inspired me on many fronts. Cory was a coal miner before becoming the fitness icon that he is today. He used his savings from his time in the mines to start his first gym. From that moment on, Cory used the same blue-collar work ethic learned in the mines to work his way to the top of the fitness world. My grandfather retired from the coal mines of West Virginia, so right away I felt a connection to Cory. His family is hard working and strong just like mine, so there was a bond established immediately. It is hard to explain this type of trust. I watched my grandfather and father leave the house well before the sun ever shed a grain of light. I also watched them come home after dark with hands and feet bleeding from their daily work. They never complained. They were just happy to provide for their families. They didn’t want anything given to them

from anyone. They just wanted to outwork everyone around them and to provide a better life for their family than they had experienced growing up. They did just that and still found time to love their families. That’s my image of a real man! Cory’s family story was much like my own, and all I can say is that I felt connected. It takes a lot for me to trust someone with my training or programming, but he had earned my confidence. I trusted him, so I decided to give the #SquatEveryDay concept a try.

BULGARIAN AND CONJUGATE My friend and peer, Coach John Broz, inspired Cory to try a program of squatting every day. Broz has been preaching for years about squatting every day, and all of his athletes have made major improvements with his high frequency approach. Broz himself was influenced by the infamous Bulgarian training methods. They believe that to get better at a movement one needs to practice the movement every day. Kinda makes sense! I will be honest here in saying that I had low expectations going into the program. Remember, I have been a world

record holder in the squat, so I wasn’t expecting a program to have a major impact on my ability to squat. But as early as the second week, I was noticing major changes. In the first 11 weeks I used #SquatEveryDay, I experienced PRs every single week. That’s not common at all - especially at 42 years old. Cory put his own spin on the program using the Conjugate Method from Westside Barbell. Conjugate is simply a fancy word for change. The body will sometimes plateau when an athlete performs the same movement everyday. If you slightly vary that same movement, then it is perceived as a new movement - forcing the body to get stronger and adapt to the new stimulus. Cory is a Louie Simmons fan just like me, and he has used the Westside Methods to hit some respectable numbers in the powerlifting world. Cory has used pauses, bands, chains, and even specialty bars to vary the lifts. I love this concept and have used it myself for years and years.

NEARLY ENDLESS VARIATIONS At one point, I only used the back squat and the front squat with pauses from one to five seconds in the bottom. I used a rep scheme from one to two reps in the max set, and three to five reps in the down sets. Look at all the variations that one can form from these slight variations:

Front Squat

Back Squat

Paused 1 sec for 1 rep

Paused 1 sec for 1 rep

Paused 2 sec for 1 rep

Paused 2 sec for 1 rep

Paused 3 sec for 1 rep

Paused 3 sec for 1 rep

Paused 4 sec for 1 rep

Paused 4 sec for 1 rep

Paused 5 sec for 1 rep

Paused 5 sec for 1 rep

Not Paused for 1 rep

Not Paused for 1 rep

Paused 1 sec for 2 rep

Paused 1 sec for 2 rep

Paused 2 sec for 2 rep

Paused 2 sec for 2 rep

Paused 3 sec for 2 rep

Paused 3 sec for 2 rep

Paused 4 sec for 2 rep

Paused 4 sec for 2 rep

Paused 5 sec for 2 rep

Paused 5 sec for 2 rep

Not Paused for 2 rep

Not Paused for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 1 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 1 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 2 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 2 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 3 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 3 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 4 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 4 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 5 sec for 2 rep

1st rep only Paused 5 sec for 2 rep

From just the back squat and front squat you can 34 variations from the pauses and the two different schemes. This doesn’t even take into consideration volume manipulations that one can form from varying down sets.

get rep the the

Normally, I try to increase volume for three weeks and then deload volume on the fourth week while maintaining intensity. Slowly increasing volume over the months

and years of training is another necessity for increasing strength. Increased workload forces the body to adapt and become stronger.

MULTIPLE PURPOSES I have used #SquatEveryDay to formulate programs for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and a powerlifting/ weightlifting combo that I used to prepare for a recent super total meet. Super total simply means the competition of the snatch, clean and jerk, squat, press, and deadlift. I have also developed a #SquatEveryDay program for bodybuilding. If you are that guy or gal that can’t seem to get the wheels to grow, this program is for you. Not to mention we all know heavy squats are great for the endocrine system. There is no other lift on the planet better for spiking natural growth hormone and testosterone levels than the almighty squat. Once I caught the #SquatEveryDay bug, I spent most of my time researching all about the program and talking to the experts like John Broz and Cory Gregory. I have also unleashed the program on my athletes with phenomenal results. I have found that newer athletes need a little more volume, so I am using the repetition method with them. Rookies need more of a base. We still squat every day, but I am using a higher rep scheme on some days.

I am just excited to bring all of these detailed plans to my readers. There is nothing better than passing on information and helping people reach their goals. Cory did it for me, and now I am doing it for you.

THE RESULTS #SquatEveryDay was how I prepared for my recent super total meet (snatch, clean and jerk, squat, bench, deadlift). I have successfully taken all five of these lifts higher than they have been for over 12 years. I’ll call it the fountain of youth. At 42 years old, competing in five events makes training more exciting - but controlling the volume becomes tricky. The key is to push the body’s threshold without crushing the immune system. Believe me, I am pushing that threshold. Here are the PRs that I set in the early weeks of following #SquatEveryDay: • Snatch 135k/297lb up from 115k/253lb • Clean & Jerk 166k/365lb up from 150k/330lb • Clean 170k/374lb up from 150k/330lb • Jerk from Blocks 182k/400lb up from 160k/352lb • High Bar Back Squat no wraps 285k/627lb up from 250k/550lb • High Bar Back Squat with wraps 295k/650lb • Bench Press 400lb up from 315lb • Deadlift 700lb up from 630lb • Front Squat 240k/528lb up from 205k/451lb • Paused Front Squat 230k/506lb up from 190k/418lb • Standing Strict Military Press 255lb up from 205lb

ANOTHER IMPORTANT BENEFIT We have already seen that this program will get you strong, but there are a few more benefits that are just as important to most people. Getting strong has never been the problem for me. Proper positions and movement have always been my challenges in the Olympic lifts. You can use a lacrosse ball and foam roller until you are blue in the face. You can put on strength wraps so tight that the skin rips. However, nothing works better than using heavy weights to get you into position. If you can’t catch a snatch in the perfect stabilized bottom position, then perform overhead squats every day. If you can’t catch a clean in the bottom position, then you should perform the front squat every day. People have told me that they can’t snatch because they lack mobility. When I prescribe them overhead squats, they get mad at me. They think that I didn’t listen to them, but they are wrong. The same person will tell me that they need to get mobile before performing the overhead squat. My question is always the same, “How do you plan on being able to perform an overhead squat without performing an overhead squat?” It just won’t happen, guys and gals! I am not saying that lacrosse balls and strength wraps don’t help. I am just saying that those tools alone will not help

you overhead squat. I tell my athletes to perform the three or four mobility exercises that match their weaknesses… and then grab a bar and overhead squat. If you need to, grab a PVC pipe at first. The only way to get better at an activity is to perform that activity. You will not get better at shooting three-pointers in basketball by playing football.

LIFT OF THE DECADE If you watch videos on my Instagram of me performing squats, you will notice a major difference between Week 1 and Week 10 of #SquatEveryDay. You will notice better depth and a better position with my torso. This benefits transferred directly to the Olympic lifts. You will notice in the snatch a better position, a deeper catch, and a much more well-executed lift. I never dreamed that the snatch would be my favorite lift, but it has easily become my favorite time of the week. Snatching 135k/397lb is my favorite accomplishment on the platform in the last decade - probably because most people assume that the snatch isn’t going to get better with someone over 40 years old. We aren’t as mobile, and we aren’t as fast. However, with #SquatEveryDay, I have proven all of the skeptics wrong. My stability has also improved, which is nothing short of a miracle. In 2007, I slightly fractured a cervical vertebra,

and the radial nerve in my left arm was compromised. This issue makes holding things overhead very difficult. It also makes catching a clean harder because it’s harder to hold my shoulder protracted and up. These issues are the reasons why I spin slightly to the right when I lift. This is my body spinning to my dominant side. The overhead squats and front squats have really helped to stabilize my positions, allowing me to catch much heavier loads in a good position. A lot of people with healthy spines still struggle holding weights, so #SquatEveryDay is the perfect program for them.

TRUST THE PROGRAM A key to success in any program is that you have to trust it. The cool thing about this plan is it has worked for thousands already, so most of you know it works. You also know that I have tried it on myself with awesome results. If it works on this old 42-year-old body, then it is going to also work for you. I did a podcast with Joe DeFranco recently. He made one of the best points ever. We were talking about scientific studies versus the observations of top-level coaches. He said that most researchers scramble to put together 100+ test subjects to perform a study. Most of these test subjects are just random people off the street or, at best, some college kids that workout in their recreation centers. They are normally not elite athletes.

However, people try to apply the findings of the research to elite athletes. Joe made the point that he has trained thousands of high-level athletes, so his findings are probably more relevant to those who are very athletic. He is probably right. Layne Norton made another great point on our podcast. He said that most research tells us what not to do versus what to actually do. For example, we know that minimizing sleep is a bad idea. My point in telling you all of this is that #SquatEveryDay isn’t something new. The Bulgarian Weightlifting Team used it to form one of the most winning teams in the history of the sport. My friend, Coach John Broz, is the godfather of the plan here in the United States, as far as I can tell. My friend, Cory Gregory, has made the plan absolutely famous. Thousands of people have used the plan to reach their goals. I have used it on my own team to push their numbers through the roof. Now is the time to pass it on to all of you. With all of these results, it is a plan you will have no problem trusting. The greatest transformation that I have witnessed so far was Greg Nuckols taking his squat from a mid-600lb squat to 750lb in one summer. Yep - you just read correctly! A one hundred pound increase - the plan works!

ENJOY THE PROGRAM Before you start this program, there’s one more important ingredient to success: you have to enjoy it! That is why I am going to give you guys four choices of plans, and I am going to give you ideas on how to alter each plan to fit your own goals and desires. At 42 years old, I have learned that having fun is the key. I no longer let other’s opinions dictate the way that I train. I decided this year that I would train the way that I have always wanted, which is doing weightlifting and powerlifting together. Next year, I am probably going to add in more athletic performance just to spice things up, and I might try to drop a weight class for health reasons and a new challenge. The point is to dictate your own training goals and direction. Think of all the possibilities: • Olympic weightlifting combined with powerlifting • Powerlifting combined with bodybuilding • Olympic weightlifting combined with bodybuilding • A combination of the three • Maybe you want to throw some CrossFit or GridStyle training into the mix • Maybe you want to train the way you did in high school for football on top of one or two of the strength sports

The possibilities are endless. You are only limited by your imagination. Look at my incredible athlete and business partner, Adee Zukier. She competes on a national level in Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting, She also made a professional Grid team, the Baltimore Anthem. She even spent some time bob sledding for Team Canada. Why? Because she wants to! Adee doesn’t let anyone dictate what sport she will try, or what risk she will take.

THE CORE Here is how the core template for the Super Total #SquatEveryDay plan looks now: DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat - work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused


Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Strict Press - Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1 Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight only

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1 Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Jerk from Block - Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec, 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 6 sets of 1 rep - working up but not past 90%

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 70% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 1 down set

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 1 down set

Clean Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

5 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from blocks with bar at knees


3 sets x 8 reps

Lower Muscular Imbalance Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight only

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

EXPLAINING THE CORE TEMPLATE I have used this template to develop all of my plans. Obviously, I emphasize the squat for two reasons. First, the squat recruits the most fibers, which of course generates the most strength. Second, the squat produces better positions and increased mobility in the areas that we all need. However, as you can see, I have also emphasized other exercises. There are a few things that I take into consideration when programming exercises: 1. Is this exercise one that I will compete in? 2. How will this exercise affect my central nervous system and my ability to perform other exercises? 3. How important is this exercise to the overall picture?

MY PERSONAL STRATEGY Let’s take a look at a few of the exercises in my personal plan: DEADLIFTS I am performing deadlifts twice per week. Although I’m competing in the deadlift in super total meets, I am only going to perform it twice per week because the deadlift is rough on the lower back. I need to spare the lower back as much as possible because four of the five lifts that I am competing in rely on the lower back. Plus my deadlift gets

stronger as my squat increases, so I don’t really have to train it as much. OVERHEAD SQUATS Overhead squat variations are trained three times per week. My overhead stability is extremely poor due to a mild cervical fracture that I experienced in 2007. The radial nerve on my left side was damaged. The increased volume of overhead work has strengthened that position and increased the mobility in the overhead squat. I totally credit this for increasing my snatch by 16 kilos in just 11 weeks. OLYMPIC LIFTS Far out from a meet, I am only snatching twice and performing the clean and jerk twice. That way, I can focus on strength, mobility, and stability. The closer to a meet I get, I will increase the frequency to three to four times per week each. I would up that even more to match the squat if I was focusing on Olympic weightlifting. However, I have to make room and time to work in the strict press, bench press, and deadlift. BENCH PRESSES In my original plan, I was only bench pressing twice per week because my first super total meet had a strict press competition. I would probably strict press only three times per week, but my ultimate goal is to compete in a super total with the bench press. I still focus on the strict press

once per week, and it is getting stronger probably from the bench press strength. LUNGES The lunges are taken straight from Cory Gregory’s plan. The goal is to work them in four times per week at 400m, but that is a process that your body will need to adapt to. I recommend a little increase each week. The goal of the lunges is to increase ligament and tendon connective strength in the knees and hips while encouraging proper mobility and movement in the hips. Lunges are basically the glue of the program. #LungeU as Cory says! I think that you get the point. Basically you emphasize the most important aspects of training and work your way down to the least important. Another key is to cut the fat. Basically get rid of anything that you don’t need. I like doing preacher curls too, but preacher curls aren’t a part of the plan right now.

TAPERING Another #SquatEveryDay hallmark is the taper before lifting in a competition. After competing recently in super total meets, I know now that the true magic is in the taper. I set many personal records during the training process, but the taper brought out the magic. Let me explain the tapering process, so that all of you can grasp the concept.

The whole goal of any training program is to build volume high enough that the body is struggling to keep up. The goal is to force adaptation. This is what makes the body so amazing to most exercise scientists. The body is so resilient that it will pretty much adapt to any situation. Let’s look at a typical blue collar job to get a better understanding. If you were to take a job at the local saw mill, your body would be wrecked during the first week. I know this because I worked at my stepdad’s saw mill, and I was crushed. All of the fat, out-of-shape workers laughed at me during the first week because they could see the pain in my face. How could a bunch of fat, out-of-shape guys outwork a strong, young athlete? Simple! Their bodies had adapted to the environment. After about three weeks, I was laughing at them.

TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ADAPTATION Strength and conditioning is the same process. The goal is to continue making the environment harder and harder to withstand, so the body continues that adaptation phase. Periodically throughout the process, you might slightly deload in volume some weeks to allow the body to catch up. Deload weeks are still hard, but the volume is slightly lessened.

The tapering process begins one to two weeks from a major competition. This is the time where the volume and the intensity are lessened to allow for supercompensation. Your body is used to recovering after you beat it down with intense workouts. So lifting fairly light for a few days allows your body to now almost over-recover (supercompensation). This is the one time where the body will feel great and all cylinders are firing. You should be peaked after this process. #SquatEveryDay will definitely take you to a dark place. The volume and load of the squats and lunges will continue to rise along with all the other exercises that are chosen. The last four weeks will challenge you mentally - and then the taper magic happens.

MY MEET I have never felt better in my life as I did on the day of my first five lift meet. The only problem that I had was not knowing my capabilities. I went 14 for 15 only missing a 705lb deadlift that I shouldn’t have missed. Here is the way that it all played out: Snatch: 255lb - 270lb - 285lb Clean and Jerk: 335lb - 355lb - 365lb Back Squat: 575lb - 625lb - 650lb Strict Press: 205lb - 235lb - 255lb Deadlift: 615lb - 675lb - miss on 705lb

The snatch tied my competition best. The clean and jerk was a competition PR. The back squat was a PR, and the strict press tied my PR. The deadlift was the only exercise that I didn’t PR, but I attempted a PR. I never would have guessed that I would be able to hit all of these numbers in the same meet. I would have to repeat the process to actually figure out the best way to choose attempts. There are going to be times during this program when you’re going to think the personal records will never stop. You might also go through a period of doubt as the volume starts to beat down on your body. However, stay the course and trust the process for the magic to really happen. Now for the fun stuff – let’s dive into the individual plans!


INTRODUCTION Let’s dive into the first plan - the #SquatEveryDay Olympic weightlifting program. Let’s take a look at the first four weeks of this glorious plan, and then we’ll go into the details of each day and exercise afterwards.


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat, work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOM

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 8 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean - Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carry - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused

Push Press

5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 70% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 1

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 1

Clean Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused


3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat, work up to 78% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOM

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 8 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean - Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carry - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Push Press

5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 73% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 1 rep

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 2 sets x 1 rep

Clean Pulls

Start at 98% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused


3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat, work up to 80% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOM

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 3 sets x 2 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 8 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Clean - Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carry - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 sets x 3 reps not paused

Push Press

5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 75% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 1 rep

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 2 sets x 1 rep

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused


3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 4 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat, work up to 70% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOM

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Block or Rack

1RM (no pauses)

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 8 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Clean - Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Snatch Pulls


Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carry - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Push Press

5RM, then -10% for 5

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 65% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 90% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 3 sec pause


3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 1 TO WEEK 4 DAY 1 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS Okay - let’s take this one day at a time! Monday (or Day 1 depending on what day you choose to start) begins with overhead squat variations. This is not meant to be even close to maximal. We are focusing on position, movement, and mobility. It starts with working up to 75% of your best snatch for two snatch grip push presses and one overhead squat. 75% should be easy, as most people can overhead squat a great deal more than they can snatch. If this weight gives you a problem, then you might want to overhead squat more often than I have prescribed. Remember, all workouts that aren’t customized are shells that can change based on your individual needs. You definitely want to take several warm up sets before attempting this weight. Your warm ups might look something like: Set 1 at 35% Set 2 at 45% Set 3 at 55% Set 4 at 65% Set 5 at 70% Set 6 at 75%

FRONT SQUAT The overhead squat is a great warm up for front squats. On Day 1, you are going to hit a paused no-belt front squat. The main reason for no belt is simply to keep the intensity down. Studies have shown that the core isn’t recruited more with or without a belt. When it comes to fiber recruitment, all that matters is the load and the depth. I simply like the nobelt squat because it is another variable for the conjugate method - and it keeps the weight a little lighter. Also, when you hit a big weight beltless, it gives you a lot of confidence going into a belted day. The way that the front squat day will work is that you work up to a max for the day with the prescribed pause. You will want to read the program carefully because the length of the pause will change towards the third and fourth weeks. After reaching a max, you will then subtract 20% from that day’s max and perform the prescribed drop sets. Let’s look at an example: Ex. You hit 400lbs with a three second pause on Day 1 in the front squat. You will then subtract 20%, so 400lb 80lb (20% of 400lb = 80lb) leaves you with down sets of 320lb for three reps. You do not have to pause the down sets. I recommend keeping the belt off - but if your back is hurting, then you can wear one. Once again, be careful to

read the plan each and every week because in Week 2 you will perform two down sets. Some people often ask me about suggested warm up weights, so I am going to show you how I would coach someone to warm up to a 400lb lift. See below: 135 for two sets of three to five reps 225lb for one set of two to three reps 275lb for one rep 315lb for one rep 350lb for one rep 380lb for one rep and then 400lb. As you get stronger and get more time under your belt, you will be able to take bigger jumps. SNATCH PAUSED 2 SEC 2 INCHES OFF GROUND EMOM Snatches paused two seconds, two inches off the ground are next. These are great to work on the start position of the snatch. The goal is to keep the angle of the hips and shoulders the same off the floor by pushing your feet through the floor and moving the knees back slightly. For more info on how to perform the snatch, check out my ebook, THE BIG SIX. On Day 1, you are asked to perform eight sets of one rep EMOM (every minute on the minute), starting at 70%. You

are allowed to work up, but you are allowed no misses. Here is an example of how I might do that: 70% for three sets of one 75% for two sets of one 80% for one 85% for one 88% for one EMOMs are great for allowing athletes to focus on each and every rep instead of surviving three reps. Each week, the amount of sets will increase, so be sure to read the program carefully each and every week. JERK FROM BLOCK OR RACK - PAUSED 3 SEC IN DIP AND CATCH The paused jerks are great for teaching your body the positions. The jerk is basically a trick lift. If you hit those positions properly, you will hit a much higher percentage of your jerks. Also, the pause in the catch is talking about pausing in the split position. The goal is to teach your body where it should be and to stabilize it during the catch. UPPER MUSCULAR IMBALANCE WORK 1 Muscular balance is a concept that was brought to my attention by Zach Greenwald during my time at MuscleDriver USA. Zach works with quite a few of the athletes there, and I believe he has helped many of them not get injured,

rehab from injury, and fix weaknesses that were holding them back. A lot of weightlifting coaches refuse to program a lot of assistance movements because they don’t believe that they carry over to the snatch and the clean and jerk. They may or may not be right, but they are refusing to see the much bigger picture. If an athlete has an imbalance, they are at a much higher risk of injury. The length that a high caliber lifter can train injury free is directly correlated to the results that they can expect. Longer training years without major injuries = More weight lifted every time This is a concept all too often overlooked for some reason. I believe this to be mainly due to most weightlifting coaches not being exercise scientists. They just don’t have a holistic understanding of the human body. They just know snatch and clean and jerk. Day 1’s upper body muscular balance work has the athlete doing either closegrip bench press or weighted push-ups. This is then combined with bentover rows. Most weightlifters only work on pushes in the vertical plane. They rarely work on pull-ups, rows, or horizontal presses at all. This causes a terrible imbalance in the scapula region. Sometimes the bench press can make a lifter tight in the chest, which can make going overhead a little more difficult. That is why I gave them the option of push-ups. Push-ups

don’t seem to make athletes as tight as the bench press. You will either need to know this about yourself or find out. The bentover rows are great for stabilizing the scapulae. I recommend pausing the bar on the chest to really strengthen the rhomboids. The rhomboids are the muscles responsible for holding the scapulae pulled together. I perform both exercises as a superset (one right after the other). This is a great way to improve on work capacity and time management. 200M WALKING LUNGES The last part of Day 1 is the walking lunges. They are a lot of work, but the lunges are what will keep you healthy during this program. Scale them if you have to, but realize that the goal is to get up to the prescribed reps.

DAY 2 IN DETAIL FRONT SQUATS These are performed with a belt and with a prescribed pause. There are no down sets, so this day isn’t as bad volume-wise. Once again, be careful to read the workout week to week to check for changes in pause times. CLEAN - PAUSED 2 INCHES OFF GROUND AND JERK EMOMS Once again, these are performed EMOM, and you are asked to perform eight sets of one rep starting at 70%

and working up in this first week. I would follow the same suggested percentages that I described above for the snatch. The pause two inches off the floor is for the same reason explained above in the snatch. SNATCH PULL If you want your pull to feel easier, then you need to perform pulls. We like to do pulls heavy and work up. Here, I have you starting at 95% and working up for three sets of three reps. You might want to follow the suggested sets: 95% for three 100% for three 105% for three The percentages are referring to your max snatch from the floor, not your max snatch pull. The six second eccentric (or lowering the weight after a rep) is great for getting you stronger in the pulls. Normally in Olympic weightlifting, we just drop the weight after the pull. This means that there is hardly ever any eccentric work in the sport unless you work it in sometimes. CORE MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 1 Axle overhead carries are great for stabilizing the athlete overhead, and working the entire core the way it was meant to be worked. The real core, by definition, is every muscle that supports the entire spine and pelvis. Yes, the abdominals are a part of the core - but only a part. When you do carries,

you are working all the muscles in your body synergistically together. This is functional training at its finest. I have prescribed three sets of 45 seconds. I suggest starting light. If you can perform all three sets without putting the weight down, then go up in weight the next week by five-ten pounds. A slow and steady progression is the key to a stabilized body. OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, AND HIIT This is a chance to get in some conditioning if that’s something you’d like to do. It is optional. At the end of this book is a list of choices for GPP (general physical preparedness), HIIT (high intensity interval training), and cardio. You may choose any of the four varieties on the list to perform. I just wanted to give athletes choices for conditioning that wouldn’t hurt or destroy the progress they will be receiving from the strength portion of the workout. Basically, these conditioning options are Gainzzz Savers!

DAY 3 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT You will work up to a max with a prescribed pause and will have a belt on. After that, you will perform the down sets. As far as warm up sets, refer to my example in Day 1 for the front squat.

PUSH PRESS Here, you are asked to work up to a 5RM (five-rep max). Basically, you are going to go as heavy as possible for five reps. Here’s the way that I might perform the warm up sets if my goal was a 91 kilo/200lb push press: Set 1 50k/110lb for one set of five Set 2,3 60k/132lb for two sets of five Set 4 75k/165lb for three Set 5 80k/176lb for three Set 6 86k/189lb for three Set 7 91k/200lb for 5RM After you find your top 5RM for the day, you will subtract 10% from that top number and perform the two down sets. (91k/200lb minus 10% = 82k/180lb) UPPER MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 2 We are going to do three giant sets (giant set means that you perform all three exercises back to back to back) of chest to bar pull-ups at a submaximal effort (submaximal means that you stop a rep or two before failure), eight reps or a submaximal effort (if eight reps are really hard for you, just stop one or two reps before failure), and then eight reps of kettlebell high pulls. I would like to see the eccentric or negative portion take twice as long as the concentric portion.

DAY 4 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS Day 4 has you overhead squatting again. Here, we are working up to 70% of our best snatch for three reps and the first rep only is paused for five seconds. This is a great exercise to get comfortable in the bottom and to develop better range of motion. Refer to the overhead squat work in Day 1 to get a better idea for warm ups sets. FRONT SQUAT Exercise number two has you working up to a max in the front squat with a belt and no pause. Basically, just go as heavy as possible. SNATCH MAX EFFORT A Max Effort movement is a variation of an exercise where you push yourself as hard as you can. On Week 1, you are asked to perform a snatch to hang snatch for a max. Basically, you snatch the weight and then (preferably without setting it down) you perform a hang snatch. This just has the bar in your hands longer, giving you more time to get stronger. There are some drop sets here. Week 1 has you dropping 10% for one down set. You will perform the exact same exercise with the exact same rep scheme. OPTIONAL GPP, HIIT, AND CARDIO See the list in the appendix.

DAY 5 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT The first exercise for Day 5 is your basic back squat max with no pausing. Basically, max out! CLEAN & JERK MAX EFFORT Here, I have you performing a clean, two front squats, and one jerk for a max. The first clean doesn’t count as a front squat. The purpose of the exercise is to teach the athlete to jerk on tired legs. I want you to learn to trust the movement of the jerk. There is one down set the first week, but pay attention week to week as those increase and decrease at times. CLEAN PULLS A strong pull equals an easy pull! I have you starting around 95% (of your max clean from the floor) and then working up. The goal is to finish somewhere around 105%. CORE MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 2 Here, we use unilateral farmer walks. These are where you carry a weight in only one hand while doing a farmer walk. You will be performing three sets of 45 seconds per arm. The goal is to walk as upright as possible with the carrying elbow pointed slightly out. This will make sure that you don’t lean and support the weight entirely against your

body. Add weight when you can perform all sets without setting the bar down. WALKING LUNGES This time you are again performing 200m. I wouldn’t recommend adding any load to the exercise until you are routinely performing four days of 400m, and then you might load a little or walk farther.

DAY 6 IN DETAIL MAX EFFORT OH SQUAT You will be working up to a one-rep max with a five second pause in the bottom. This is a great exercise to work on mobility and stability in the catch of the snatch. Notice that the down sets do not have pauses prescribed. However, if mobility is your main issue, you might want to add in some pauses for those down sets. ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS (RDLS) This is my favorite exercise to develop the posterior chain for an Olympic weightlifter. The keys are to slightly bend the knees and keep that angle throughout the pull. You will also want to maintain a perfectly flat back. I want you to go as low as possible while maintaining a flat back. The reps prescribed are three sets of eight reps. I would start with a weight that might be challenging for eight. If you can manage all three sets wihout resting, then go up five to ten lb the next week.

GHDS OR GHRS I am talking about glute ham raises (also known as glute ham developers) here. I want you to perform three sets of eight reps. There are a few different ways to load a GHR: hold a plate, putting chains around the neck, or using a band. Only load if you are able to perform three sets of eight strict reps. WALKING LUNGES Exercise number four is 200m more of walking lunges.

OPTIONAL DAY 7 IN DETAIL THRUSTER OR CLUSTER A thruster is a front squat immediately into a press, and a cluster is a full depth clean into a press. I enjoy performing these simply for the change of pace. Feel free to choose either one, and I have you working up to a three-rep max (as heavy as you can go for three reps). There are some down sets, and they vary so read carefully week to week. OPTIONAL GPP, HIIT, AND CARDIO See the list at the end of this book. MOBILITY Lastly, I just want you to spend extra time working on mobility. At the end of this book is a list of sample mobility exercises to practice on a daily basis.

You will notice that the volume waves slightly over a four-week block. Week 3 will normally peak with the highest amount of volume. Week 4 is normally a slight deload. The entire program will maintain this theme throughout its entirety. Well, that is it for the first four weeks. Here goes Week 5 to Week 8 - where we will pick up the pace quite a bit!


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat, work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean - Paused 2 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 5 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 5 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in the Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused

Snatch from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Clean from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Clean Deadlift - Paused 3 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 80% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch and 1 OH Squat 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Push Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat, work up to 78% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean - Paused 2 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 5 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 5 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in the Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets of 3 reps not paused

Snatch from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean Deadlift - Paused 3 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 83% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch and 1 OH Squat 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Push Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat, work up to 80% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

1RM (allowed 1 miss), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean - Paused 2 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (allowed 1 miss), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 5 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 5 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets of 2 reps

Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in the Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets of 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 sets of 3 reps not paused

Snatch from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean Deadlift - Paused 3 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 85% - 1 rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean - No Feet, No Hook

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Push Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat, work up to 70% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Snatch - Paused 2 Sec at Knee


Clean - Paused 2 Sec at Knee and Jerk


Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 2 sets x 3 reps - working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

1. CG Bench Press or Weighted Push-up - 3 sets x 5 reps 2. Bentover Rows - 3 sets x 5 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch - No Feet, No Hook


Jerk from Block or Rack Paused 3 Sec in the Catch


Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Clean from Blocks - Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Clean Deadlift - Paused 3 Sec 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 88% - 1 rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat (No Chains)

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean - No Feet, No Hook


Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat (No Chains)

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 95% - 2 sets x 3 reps, working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

1RM with 3 sec pause

Push Press


RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps



Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster (No Pauses)


Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 5 TO WEEK 8 DAY 1 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS We are starting the week with a heaving snatch balance to OH squat. I want you to work up to 75% of your best snatch. A heaving snatch balance is simply using an explosive dip and drive and then immediately pushing yourself against the bar into a full overhead squat position. You will also move your feet just like in the snatch by lifting your knees and jumping your feet from hip width to shoulder width. (For more on how to perform the snatch refer to my free ebook THE BIG SIX) After making the catch in the bottom, you will stand up with the weight overhead and then perform an overhead squat. The point of this exercise is to get used to the feeling of ripping under the bar like you will learn to do in the snatch. The difference in a good and great weightlifter is their ability to rip into a strong bottom position, and their ability to rip into the lowest position possible. FRONT SQUAT Next, you will be performing a paused and beltless front squat. The first week will be a five second pause. When you are pausing these front squats, I want you to focus on position and shoulder flexibility. By shoulder flexibility,

I mean try to keep as many fingers on the bar as possible while keeping the elbows as high as possible. The real goal is to keep your hookgrip on the bar the entire time if possible. If you can maintain your hookgrip while cleaning, you can continue pulling on the bar longer and more efficiently. You will also have down sets that vary week to week, so keep an eye out. SNATCH - PAUSED 2 SEC AT KNEE The purpose of the pause at the knee is to teach the athlete to maintain the original angle of the hips and shoulders throughout the entire pull. It will also teach them to stay over the bar and the importance of the second pull to generate force. The first pull is designed to keep the body in a good position, optimizing the second pull for power. Once again, you will be performing multiple sets of singles every minute on the minute. CLEAN - PAUSED 2 SEC AT KNEE These will also be performed with multiple sets of singles every minute on the minute. Keep an eye on the program to spot the changing volume each week. SNATCH PULLS Snatch pulls will be performed much the same as during Weeks 1 to 4, but we will be starting you at a higher percentage. The goal is again to work up heavy, hopefully higher than in Weeks 1 to 4.

UPPER MUSCULAR IMBALANCE WORK 1 For balance, the exercise is closegrip bench or weighted push-ups superset with the bentover rows. The only difference for these weeks is that we are dropping the reps to five - in hopes that the athlete will go heavier and get stronger. All the other concepts are the same. WALKING LUNGES Last, you will be performing more walking lunges for 200m. You’ll be seeing a lot of lunges in this program!

DAY 2 IN DETAIL FRONT SQUAT You will be starting out Day 2 on Week 5 with a five second pause. Position is just as important as the load used. SNATCH - NO FEET, NO HOOK This is a great exercise for teaching the athlete to get under the weight faster. Without a hook grip, it is really hard to perform an aggressive second pull, so the athlete is forced to get under the bar. Not using a hookgrip is also good for strengthening the grip. You should also try to move the feet as little as possible and not raise them from the floor. You will be working up to a 1RM, or as heavy as you can go for one rep. There will also be some varying down sets, so keep an eye out week to week.

JERKS FROM BLOCK OR RACK For this, I want you to focus on a massive dip and drive. By now, you will have perfected the dip and drive position so it is time to turn it loose. You will still be pausing in the split position for stability and proper placement. First, you will work up to a 1RM. Here is the way that I would pick my warm ups for the jerk if my goal was 137k/300lb: Warm Up 1 60k/132lb for 2 sets x 3 reps Warm Up 2 90k/198lb for 2 reps Warm Up 3 100k/220lb for 2 Warm Up 4 110k/242lb for 1 Warm Up 5 120k./264lb for 1 Warm Up 6 130k/286lb for 1 First Max 137k/300lb for 1 Some of you will be able to warm up faster once you have some training miles under your belt, but this is a good starting point. There are various down sets week to week. CORE MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 1 Now, we have a one-arm fat grip dumbbell overhead carry! If you don’t have fat grip dumbbells, you can buy cheap fat grip attachments from MuscleDriverUSA. You will be asked to perform three sets of 45 seconds per arm. You can add weight each week if you are able to perform all sets without sitting the dumbbell down. OPTIONAL CADIO, GPP, HIIT Refer to the list at the end of this book.

WALKING LUNGES These lunges are an attempt to increase volume from the last four-week block. Just like all the items of this program, this is just a suggestion. You will need to add or subtract volume based on your own body.

DAY 3 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT We are starting out with a five second pause, so we are really trying to strengthen that bottom position. You will be working up to a one-rep max first, and then following that up with varying amounts of down sets. The pauses are used for multiple reasons. Of course they are used to strengthen positions and recruit fibers. They are also used to keep the load in check. Obviously an athlete can’t squat as much with a five second pause as they can with a one second pause. It’s also a way to use the conjugate system earlier in the opening chapter. This keeps the body from adapting and hitting a plateau. SNATCH FROM BLOCKS - BAR AT KNEES EMOMS Snatching from blocks is a great exercise to teach the athlete the benefit of the second pull versus the first pull. I want the athlete to understand that the first pull is simply meant to set them up for a powerful second pull. This exercise is also easier on the back and the entire posterior

chain, so the exercise will help replenish the CNS (central nervous system) before a big Max Out Friday. You will still be able to work up heavy. You will just focus on the finish of the pull. These will be performed in varying sets of singles every minute on the minute. Each week, the volume will climb. The number of misses allowed will also change. If you are allowed one miss, that means that if you miss once, you can keep going. On the second miss, you will need to drop down and finish the prescribed number of reps. CLEAN FROM BLOCKS - BAR AT KNEES EMOMS Next is cleaning from the blocks. The athlete will only be focusing on the clean - we are taking the jerk out to let the body recover for Friday. These will be EMOMs with the volume climbing every week. The number of misses allowed will also change. CLEAN DEADLIFT I want you to base the percentages off of your max clean deadlift. However, I want you to maintain a proper clean pull position. If you can’t, then drop the weight. The goal of this exercise is to strengthen the pull. If grip is an issue for you, these are great to be performed without a hookgrip. Double overhand without a hookgrip is a difficult pull, but the body will adapt. The athlete’s grip will get stronger.

UPPER MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 2 You should recognize this upper muscular imbalance set from the first four-week block. For all of these, let the eccentric portion take twice as long as the concentric.

DAY 4 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS Now we move to a five second pause starting with 80% of your best snatch. Each week, the load and the pause will change. FRONT SQUAT WITH 25LB TO 50LB OF CHAINS This block, we are adding 25lb to 50lb of chains to the bar for a one-rep max front squat not paused. The purpose of the chains is to: 1. Accommodate the Resistance- Basically, as you stand up from a squat, you get stronger as you come up. The chains make the lift harder as the position makes the lift easier. This teaches the body to push harder all the way to the top, which brings us to the second reason for the chains. 2. Compensatory Acceleration- This simply means to accelerate the bar as hard as possible every inch of the way up. This technique is awesome for weightlifters because that is the goal during the pull of the snatch and the clean and jerk.

If nothing else, the chains are great for the conjugate system. They give the body one more thing to adapt to. I don’t really care if you use 25lb or 50lb, but it would be good for the stronger lifters to use the bigger chains. Each week the pause will change, and later you will be asked to take the chains off and max out with straight weight on the bar. CLEAN - NO FEET, NO HOOK We worked on no feet, no hook snatches in Day 2, and now we take the same principles to the clean. These strengthen the grip and teach a lifter to aggressively get under the bar. OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, HIIT See the chart in the appendix. 200M OF WALKING LUNGES I hope you’re loving these lunges. You’re going to be seeing a lot of them.

DAY 5 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT WITH 25LB TO 50LB OF CHAINS For Day 4, we front squatted with chains. On Day 5, chains are added to the back squat. Focus on driving as quickly and powerfully as you can out of the bottom position.

SNATCH MAX EFFORT As you may realize by now, I like to use complexes for max effort work. Complexes keep the bar in the athlete’s hands longer allowing them more opportunities to work on technique and positions and simply making them stronger. As you get stronger in the complexes, your confidence soars in your ability to perform the simple movements of the snatch and clean and jerk. The variations will change week to week, so make sure to read the programming. CLEAN AND JERK MAX EFFORT Another complex - this time, for the clean and jerk. These complexes will change weekly. CLEAN PULLS These will be performed much the same as during Weeks 1 to 4, but we will be starting at a higher percentage. The goal is to work up heavy - hopefully higher than in Weeks 1 to 4. CORE MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 2 Bilateral farmer carries are great for core stability and overall strength. Instead of holding the weight with only one hand as we did in a previous block, this exercise has us holding a load with each arm. This exercise is great for all athletes in any sport and is one of my favorite core exercises.

DAY 6 IN DETAIL HEAVING SNATCH BALANCE We have used this movement previously in this program. This time, you will be working up to a one-rep max with a 5 second pause in the bottom. The more comfortable that the athlete becomes in the bottom of a snatch will equate to a bigger snatch. The pause in the bottom will change week to week. There are also down sets to be performed, but there is no pause for them. PUSH PRESS We moved this exercise from Day 3 to Day 6 in this block to make room for the increased volume of the lifts. Push presses are a great exercise for improving the dip and drive of the jerk, and for strengthening the overhead positioning of athletes. We are now dropping the reps down to a threerep max. The athlete should be able to handle more weight with this rep scheme. There are also drop sets. RDLS We’re using mini-bands or chains with these Romanian Deadlifts. I prefer the mini-bands because I like the pulling sensation of the bands. They really help engage the hamstrings. This is just an observation, and I don’t have any scientific research to back it up. All I can say is I have personally witnessed major results with using the bands for RDLs.

An easy way to set this exercise up is to wrap the bands around the bar and step on them with your feet. Use chains if you don’t have any mini-bands. If you don’t have either, it’s totally ok to just perform normal RDLs. We are sticking with the 3 x 8 rep scheme. GHDS These are great to work the posterior chain, and you’ll see them often in my programming. WALKING LUNGES We are stepping up the volume with the walking lunges, so buckle up.

OPTIONAL DAY 7 IN DETAIL THRUSTER OR CLUSTER - PAUSED 3 SEC IN BOTTOM We’ve seen these before in the previous four week block, but this time we are adding some pauses. Also, I have you working up to a heavy single instead of a three-rep max. Feel free to choose either a thruster or a cluster for this portion. There are some down sets, and they vary. OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, HIIT See the chart at the end of this book.

MOBILITY For this block - and every block - Day 7 is a great time to work on some specific mobility issues. See the list in the appendix. That’s it for Week 5 to Week 8. These will be the hardest weeks of volume. We will still wave things to where Week 7 is the hardest, and Week 8 is a slight drop in overall volume. Now for the last four weeks of this #SquatEveryDay Weightlifting plan!

WEEK 9 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 5 sec - work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 2 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Jerk from Block

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts - 3 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 3 Sec at Knee

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean - Paused 3 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (no misses), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 80% - 1 rep - paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Power Clean

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls from Blocks

Start at 100% for 3 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 5 sec 1RM

Behind Neck Push Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Deficit RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 10 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 3 sec - work up to 78% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups - 3 sets x submaximal Dips - 3 sets x 8 reps or submaximal KB High Pulls - 3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Jerk from Block

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts - 3 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Snatch - Paused 3 Sec at Knee

1RM (allowed 1 miss), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean - Paused 3 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (allowed 1 miss), then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 83% for 1 rep - paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Power Clean

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM (no misses), then no bands 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls from Blocks

Start at 100% for 3 sets x 3 reps

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 3 sec 1RM

Behind Neck Push Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Deficit RDLs with Mini-Bands or Chains

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 11 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 3 sec - work up to 80% of Snatch

Front Squat

Without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Power Clean

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Snatch - Paused 3 Sec at Knee

1RM (allowed 2 misses)

Clean - Paused 3 Sec at Knee and Jerk

1RM (allowed 2 misses)

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 85% for 1 rep - paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause and no belts with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused 3 sec 1RM


2 sets x 8 reps



Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat - work up to 70% of Snatch

Front Squat

Without belt, work up to 90% of beltless 1RM

Snatch EMOMs

Snatch 1RM, allowed 1 miss

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Work up to Clean and Jerk opener

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt - working up to 85% of paused with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

Work up to 85% of Power Snatch

Power Clean

Work up to 85% of Power Clean

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt - working up to 80% of paused with belt 1RM


Snatch (no pause) - working up to 90% of Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk

Clean and Jerk (no pause) - working up to 85% of Clean and Jerk 1RM

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations


Front Squat

Front Squat - working up 80% of 1RM

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch - 60% of 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk - 60% of 1RM

DAY 6: COMPETITION (OR TESTING) DAY Snatch Competition Max Clean and Jerk Competition Max

WEEK 9 TO WEEK 12 DAY 1 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS The first exercise is a snatch grip thruster to overhead squat with a five second pause. You will work up to 75% of your max snatch. Start with the bar on your back with a snatch grip, then complete a deep back squat into an immediate press at the top. Then perform the paused OH squat. This is another great exercise to warm up with. The percentage will change week to week. FRONT SQUAT These last four weeks are heavy. The pauses are reduced, starting out with only two seconds. The down sets are not paused, and they will vary week to week. SNATCH EMOMS We now do the standard snatch. The lifts will now begin to mimic the competition more than ever. We are sticking with the every minute on the minute system with varied sets of singles. The volume changes weekly once again. It is now time to go heavy, boys and girls. CLEAN AND JERK EMOMS Just like the snatch EMOMs, we are sticking with the every minute on the minute sets and are incorporating the standard clean and jerk. The volume changes weekly.

SNATCH PULLS FROM BLOCKS We are using blocks here again to preserve the back and posterior chain. We are starting with 100% of your best snatch from the floor and working up each set. You should be able to easily go around 110% of your snatch. We are dropping these all together after Week 10. UPPER MUSCULAR IMBALANCE WORK 1 This giant set returns again. Remember to take your time with the eccentric portion. This exercise will also be dropped after Week 10! WALKING LUNGES More walking lunges are coming your way. Drop these as well after Week 10.

DAY 2 IN DETAIL FRONT SQUAT The pause starts out at only 2 seconds and will be even less by week 11. It is time to get heavy. POWER SNATCH You will notice that the assistance exercises will start to disappear, and all the remaining exercises will look more and more like a snatch and clean and jerk. Here, you are working up to a power snatch max with some drop sets. The volume will change week to week.

JERK FROM BLOCK You will be working up to a max during Weeks 9 and 10. All of the pauses have been taken out, and now it is time to put it all together. This exercise is also dropped on Weeks 11 and 12 to provide more focus on the main lifts of snatch and clean and jerk. There will be some drop sets as well during Weeks 9 and 10. CORE MUSCULAR IMBALANCE 1 Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts are actually deficit pulls with the athlete elevated about 6 inches. A Farmer Walk apparatus is great to use with this exercise. If you don’t have one, then you can use a normal barbell. The apparatus or barbell will be directly beside you. Try to keep your chest up with a strong core while performing this exercise. You will really feel this one in the obliques and QL (Quadratus Lumborum) section of the back. Great for the hips! This exercise will also be dropped after week 10. OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, HIIT If you choose to do this, see the list of potential options in the appendix of this book. WALKING LUNGES These will be dropped after Week 9. Dropping the lunges is a great way to taper. You are going to feel amazing.

DAY 3 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT These last 4 weeks are heavy. Just like the front squats, we will pause for a shorter time. The down sets are not paused, and they will vary week to week. The down sets are dropped after Week 10. This is another way to taper for the meet. SNATCH - PAUSED 3 SEC AT KNEE It is time to max. If you are feeling great, you can drop the pause and just max out. You will have some drop sets on weeks 9 and 10, and then they are dropped as well. CLEAN - PAUSED 3 SEC AT KNEE AND JERK Just like the snatch we just performed, we also max out here. Again, drop the pause and go to a 1RM if you’re feeling good. CLEAN DEADLIFT EMOMS These are meant to be heavy but with a good clean position. These are dropped after week 10.

DAY 4 IN DETAIL WARM UP WITH OH SQUAT VARIATIONS We start with a basic paused overhead squat. The pause length and the percentage will vary.

FRONT SQUAT No pause here - just heavy weight. Max out! POWER CLEAN You will perform the power clean on Day 4 during Weeks 9 and 10. Then starting Week 11, this exercise will be dropped from Day 4 and added to Day 2 to give the body some more rest for Max Out Friday. OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, HIIT These are optional during Weeks 9 and 10 but are dropped on Weeks 11 and 12 to prioritize recovery and the strength movements.

DAY 5 IN DETAIL: MAX OUT FRIDAY! Secure the bands to the ground so they are adding more tension as you ascend in the lift. It’s the same principle as chains from previous weeks. Remember to focus on lifting as fast and hard as you can. If you don’t have bands, use chains or just go with the normal bar weight. The bands are easiest used in a power rack. If you don’t have a power rack, you can hook them to really heavy dumbbells or kettlebells. However, test it out before maxing that way. You don’t want the dumbbells or kettlebells coming off the ground when you max out.

The first week is just a max with the bands, but the second week is a little cooler. You are going to work up heavy with the bands, and then you will take them off and max with straight weight. This is the post activation potentiation technique that I explain in my free ebook THE BIG SIX. Week 11 is back to a straight weight max, and then Week 12 is off to taper for the meet. SNATCH MAX EFFORT No complex or assistance movement here - just a standard snatch. For both this snatch and also for the below clean and jerk, definitely try to limit the misses on each to a maximum of three. The goal is to make it a habit to make lifts. This takes discipline to auto-regulate! CLEAN AND JERK MAX EFFORT A standard max clean and jerk is on the menu for this portion of Day 5. Remember to auto-regulate and stop if you start missing too many lifts. CLEAN PULLS FROM BLOCKS We’ll finish up with some extra pulling after performing the standard lifts. These will only be for Weeks 9 and 10. WALKING LUNGES Next is some more walking lunges, but these are dropped after Week 9.

DAY 6 IN DETAIL OH SQUAT VARIATION MAX EFFORT This is the same movement from Day 1, but now we are going to go to a max. BEHIND NECK PUSH PRESSES These are performed the same way as regular Push Presses except they are behind the neck. This exercise is dropped after week 10. DEFICIT RDLS WITH MINI-BANDS OR CHAINS These are the same as the last four-week block except they are performed from a two to four inch deficit. Don’t go past four inches! More isn’t better! You can put the band under the plate this time. If you don’t have any bands or chains, then just perform deficit RDLs with straight weight. WALKING LUNGS 400m of Walking Lunges to be dropped after Week 10

OPTIONAL DAY 7 IN DETAIL This entire day is dropped after Week 10! THRUSTER OR CLUSTER We are maxing out on this with some downsets as we have in previous blocks, but here there is no pause.

OPTIONAL CARDIO, GPP, HIIT If you choose the do some extra conditioning work, refer to the list at the end of this book. MOBILITY Again on this optional day, it’s a great time to recover and to focus on specific mobility issues.

OPTIONS FOR WEEKS 9 TO 12 In a perfect world, you want to split the squats up from the main lifts especially Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You could perform the squats in the morning, and then the main lifts in the evening. If you can’t do that, then you might want to squat after the snatch and the clean and Jerk. However, some people end up preferring to squat first. This is entirely up to you. I just wanted to give you the option. Remember this thing is just an outline. You can bend it to fit your own life. You could do a four or five day per week workout if that is what you need. If that is what you need, I recommend keeping all the snatches and the clean and jerks. You would also want to keep as many of the squats as possible. After that, take a look at your strengths and weaknesses. Get rid of what you don’t need, and keep what you do need. It is that simple.

TAPERING IN WEEKS 9 TO 12 You will notice that Weeks 9 to 12 run a little differently than the first two blocks. During the first two blocks, the volume of the workout increased to a peak during the third week, and then the program deloaded on the fourth. This last block starts out with the volume high, and then tapers off during the third week. Week 12 - or the fourth week of the final block - tapers completely. You will notice that most of the accessory exercises will drop after Week 10 as well as a majority of the volume. You will notice a surge in strength, and you will notice that your body starts to feel great. If you are timing this training cycle in order to prepare for a competition, the end of Week 12 will be when you are at your peak. Prepare to crush the meet!


INTRODUCTION I hope you’ve had a chance to look over a little bit of the #SquatEveryDay weightlifting plan, because many of the same principles will show up again in this #SquatEveryDay powerlifting program. I have seen many of my onsite and online powerlifters experience unreal results with #SquatEveryDay. Let’s get this thing started!

WEEK 1 DAY 1 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Wide Goodmornings

3 sets x 8 reps



Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB/KB Z Press - 8 reps (each arm) ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Overhead Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Incline Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps

No pause with belt 1RM

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for a paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from blocks with bar at knees

Elevated Glute Bridges

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Farmers Walks

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps ss One-Arm Rows - 10 reps (each arm) paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

Ring or Regular Dips - 8 to 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3

Shoulder Work

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 2 DAY 1 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for sets x 3 reps

Wide Goodmornings

3 sets x 8 reps



Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB/KB Z Press - 8 reps (each arm) ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 10 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Overhead Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Incline Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps

No pause with belt 1RM

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for a paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from blocks with bar at knees

Elevated Glute Bridges

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Farmers Walks

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps ss One-Arm Rows - 10 reps (each arm) paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

Ring or Regular Dips - 8 to 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3

Shoulder Work

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 3 DAY 1 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for sets x 3 reps

Wide Goodmornings

3 sets x 8 reps



Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB/KB Z Press - 8 reps (each arm) ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 12 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Overhead Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Incline Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps

No pause with belt 1RM

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 1RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for a paused rep go to 1RM if good

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from blocks with bar at knees

Elevated Glute Bridges

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Farmers Walks

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps ss One-Arm Rows - 10 reps (each arm) paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

Ring or Regular Dips - 8 to 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for sets x 3 reps

Shoulder Work

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 4 DAY 1 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Bench Press - Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM

Wide Goodmornings

3 sets x 8 reps



Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench


Back and Shoulder Work

DB/KB Z Press - 8 reps (each arm) ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Bench Press with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 5 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 85%

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Overhead Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Incline Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench


One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps

No pause with belt 1RM

Bench Max Effort

Closegrip Floor Presses 5RM

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from blocks with bar at knees

Elevated Glute Bridges

3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

1RM with 3 sec pause

Unilateral Farmers Walks

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps ss One-Arm Rows - 10 reps (each arm) paused 1 sec at top x 3 sets

Arm Work

Ring or Regular Dips - 8 to 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Shoulder Work

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DIFFERENCES I hope you’ve had a chance to read through the #SquatEveryDay weightlifting program. Many of the same concepts apply to the powerlifting plan. Rather than repeat myself and bore everyone, I’m only going to point out the major differences between the weightlifting and powerlifting sections.

WEEK 1 TO WEEK 4 DAY 1 IN DETAIL HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT The only difference in the squat program from the Weightlifting to the Powerlifting Program is that we switched the Day 1 Front Squat to a Back Squat. BENCH PRESS - PAUSED 3 SEC Use competition grip here. You will work up to a max, and then there are some down sets that will vary week to week. WIDE GOODMORNINGS This is a great exercise for back squat and deadlift. Start with a weight that you can get for eight difficult reps. If you get all the prescribed sets, increase the weight the following week.

WALKING LUNGES These will be a part of the powerlifting program just like they were in the weightlifting program. BACK WORK This will be a three-set combination of five to eight reps of pull-ups (switching grips each set) 10 reps of KB upright rows. You will want to superset these two lifts (indicated by ss on the programming) - meaning that you want to perform them back to back. So you’ll do pull-ups, KB upright rows, and then repeat another two times. If the rep scheme is too high, then stick with submaximal reps.

DAY 2 IN DETAIL HIGH-REP INCLINE BENCH Here, you’ll load up a bar with 95lb for men or 65lb for women. Then without resting, you’ll perform 10 closegrip incline bench presses, then 10 with a medium grip, and then 10 with a wide grip. I got this straight from Cory Gregory. Like the walking lunges, the high rep work helps to strengthen the ligaments and tendons. The prescribed weight is just a suggestion. If it is too much to complete all the reps without pausing, then drop the weight.

BACK AND SHOULDER WORK 1 Next is a Z press with a dumbbell or kettlebell supersetted with pull-ups. The Z press is a press performed while sitting with the legs straight out in front of you. The goal is to keep the torso straight up and down. This is a great exercise for stability and strength. If the pull-ups are too hard, go with submaximal reps. BACK AND SHOULDER WORK 2 More back and shoulder work with dumbbell power cleans and some bentover rows. The power cleans are to be performed more like an external rotation exercise. I want you to get the elbows high, and then externally rotate. A lot of people see the words power clean and think that I am talking about a technical exercise with big weight. It is just a light weight exercise designed to protect the shoulders.

DAY 3 EXPLAINED BENCH PRESS You’ll recognize this concept of short rest periods from the EMOM concept in the weightlifting portion. A very slight difference is that we will be performing multiple reps instead of singles, and we’ll rest 60 seconds in between sets instead of starting a set every minute. It’s basically the same idea. I recommend pushing the reps as fast as possible while maintaining good form. I want a focus on compensatory acceleration. The number of sets will change weekly.

DAY 4 IN DETAIL I am not going to continue to repeat the same things from here on out. That will get boring. This entire day has been explained earlier in this book.

DAY 5 IN DETAIL BENCH PRESS MAX EFFORT Here, we’ll do a 3-Board Press. I suggest warming up like the following: Goal is 350lb for a 3RM to a 3 Board Warm Up 1 to Chest 135lb for 2x5 Warm Up 2 to Chest 225lb for 1x5 Warm Up 3 to Chest 275lb for 1x1 Warm Up 4 to Chest 300lb for 1x1 Warm Up 5 to a 3 Board 325 for 1x3 Work Set 1 to a 3 Board 350 for 1x3 Then afterwards will be the bench press to chest working up to 90% for 1 pause. It should look like this: 80% for 1 85% for 1 90% for 1 The reps and sets will change on the bench press routine on a weekly basis.

ELEVATED HIP THRUST You will place a barbell in the crease of your hip with your back on a bench. Then bend your knees and push your feet through the floor extending your hips.


Back Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -25% for 5 reps

RDLs from 2 Inch Deficit

3 sets x 8 reps



Back Work

Pull-ups (close pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

BB Behind Z Press - 10 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 6 sets x 3 reps - 2 sets x 2 reps, then 2 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 90%

Arm Work

Lying Curl Bar Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Band Pushdowns - 20 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Squat

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps, with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 3RM, then start at 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM and work up to a paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from 6 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3RM with first rep paused for 5 sec, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Seated DB Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Shoulder Work

Plate Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 to 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 6 DAY 1 Back Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 5 reps

RDLs from 2 Inch Deficit

3 sets x 8 reps


400m - bodyweight or with light weight

Back Work

Pull-ups (close pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 15 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 7 sets x 3 reps - 3 sets x 2 reps, then 2 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up but no misses

Arm Work

Lying Curl Bar Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Band Pushdowns - 20 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Squat

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps, with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 3RM, then start at 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM and work up to a paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from 6 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight or with light weight

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3RM with first rep paused for 5 sec, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Seated DB Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Shoulder Work

Plate Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 to 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 7 DAY 1 Back Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

RDLs from 2 Inch Deficit

3 sets x 8 reps


400m - bodyweight or with light weight

Back Work

Pull-ups (close pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

BB Behind Z Press - 10 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 15 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 8 sets x 3 reps, then work up to heavy single with no misses - then remove chains and 1RM

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up

Arm Work

Lying Curl Bar Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Band Pushdowns - 20 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm KB OH Squat

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps, with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 1RM, then start at 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM and work up to heavy single

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from 6 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight or with light weight

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3RM with first rep paused for 3 sec, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Seated DB Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 not paused

Shoulder Work

Plate Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 to 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 8 DAY 1 Back Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM

RDLs from 2 Inch Deficit

3 sets x 8 reps


400m - bodyweight or with light weight

Back Work

Pull-ups (close pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench


Back and Shoulder Work

BB Behind Z Press - 10 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Power Cleans - 10 reps ss Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 15 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains with 60 Sec Rest

Start at 60% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 5 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 85%

Arm Work

Lying Curl Bar Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Fat Bar Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Work

Band Pushdowns - 20 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench


One-Arm KB OH Squat

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat without Wraps, with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Bench Max Effort

Closegrip Floor Presses 3RM

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 6 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight or with light weight

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3RM with first rep paused for 3 sec

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 3 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Seated DB Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

No pause 1RM

Shoulder Work

Plate Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 to 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 5 TO WEEK 8: DIFFERENCES DAY 1 IN DETAIL CLOSEGRIP BENCH PRESS This is the only new exercise. I would simply move my hands in 4-6 inches from your competition bench grip. All of the other days have been explained earlier.

WEEK 9 DAY 1 Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 5 reps

Kang Squats

Start with 40% of Back Squat - 3 sets x 8 reps - working up


400m - bodyweight or with light weight

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss Band or Cable Face Pulls - 15 reps x 4 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Clean and Press - 15 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled and All Reps Paused

Start at 50% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 90%

Arm Work

Closegrip Floor Presses - 8 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm Fat Grip DB Waiter Squats

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for one paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from 2 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight or with light weight

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused for 5 sec 1RM

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts from 6 Inch Deficits

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3

Shoulder Work

Arnold Press - 3 sets x 8 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 10 DAY 1 Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Kang Squats

Start with 40% of Back Squat - 3 sets x 8 reps - working up


400m - bodyweight or with light weight

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss Band or Cable Face Pulls - 15 reps x 4 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Clean and Press - 15 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled and All Reps Paused

Start at 50% - 10 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up but no misses

Arm Work

Closegrip Floor Presses - 8 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm Fat Grip DB Waiter Squats

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM (no misses), then remove bands and 1RM

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for one paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 2 inch blocks


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges

400m - bodyweight or with light weight

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused for 3 sec 1RM

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts from 6 Inch Deficits

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3

Shoulder Work

DB Triangles - 3 sets x 8 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -15% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Kang Squats

Start with 40% of Back Squat - 4 sets x 5 reps - working up



Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 8 reps ss Band or Cable Face Pulls - 15 reps x 4 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

High Rep Incline Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Seated DB Clean and Press - 15 reps ss Pull-ups (wide pronated grip) - 5 to 8 reps x 3 sets

Back and Shoulder Work

Bentover, T-Bar, or Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled and All Reps Paused

Start at 50% - 12 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up but no misses

Arm Work

Closegrip Floor Presses - 8 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 4 Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

High Rep Flat Bench

95lb/65lb for 10 close - 10 medium 10 wide (without rest) x 3 sets

One-Arm Fat Grip DB Waiter Squats

3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM (no bands)

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for one paused rep

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 2 inch deficit


3 to 5 sets x 8 to 10 reps

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat Paused for 3 sec 1RM

Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts from 6 Inch Deficits

Start out light - 3 sets x 5 to 8 reps (each arm)

Back Work

Pull-ups (switch grips each set) - 5 to 10 reps (weighted if necessary) ss KB Bat Wing Rows - 10 reps paused 1 sec at top x 4 sets

Arm Work

DB Tricep Extensions - 8 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3

Shoulder Work

DB Triangles - 3 sets x 8 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 12 DAY 1 Back Squat

No pause (no chains) without belt work up to 90% of 1RM for 1 rep

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 85% of 1RM for 1 rep

DAY 2 Front Squat

Work up to 85% of paused with belt 1RM

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Work up to 80% of paused with belt 1RM

Bench Press All Reps Paused

(No bands) Start at 65% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 5 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 85%

DAY 4 Front Squat

Work up to 80% of 1RM for 1 rep







WEEK 9 TO WEEK 12: DIFFERENCES DAY 1 IN DETAIL KANG SQUATS The kang squats are new! The kang squat is basically a goodmorning combined with a squat. You start by taking the torso over like a goodmorning. Then you sit into a squat. Next take the butt up in the air while letting the torso go out. Finally, push the hips through like finishing a goodmorning. I have already explained the rest of the workout earlier in this book. This powerlifting routine has helped several of my onsite and online clients obtain unbelievable results. I have watched my 132lb wife increase her back squat from 250lb to 300lb in just eight weeks post-baby. I have watched my athlete, Malcolm Moses-Hampton, increase all three of his lifts an enormous amount. His back squat went up 65lb in seven weeks. His bench press has gone up 50lb. His deadlift is up almost 100lb as he knocks on the door of a 700lb deadlift while in full-time Medical School at Wake Forest University.


INTRODUCTION This one is for all of you powerbuilders that need to get those wheels growing. Not to mention, the heavy squats should help put the endocrine system in an optimal state. Get ready to get jacked and tan! There is still, of course, a strength element focused on the squat, bench press, deadlift, and strict press. However, the workout is mainly hypertrophy. This would be a great workout to perform before summertime.


DAY 1: LEGS Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first 2 reps - with belt - 10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps not paused

BB Walking Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

RDLs - 8 reps ss Leg Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges

200m - bodyweight


Paused 5 sec - without belt - 1RM

Bench Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Chest Superset

Incline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies - 15 reps x 3 sets

Tricep Superset 1

Weighted Dips - 6 to 8 reps ss Overhead Cable Extensions - 15 reps x 4 sets

Tricep Superset 2

Nosebreakers - 8 reps ss Standing Pushdowns - 15 reps x 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3: BACK AND BICEPS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Pull-ups (Switch Grips Each Set from Weakest to Strongest)

5 sets x submaximal reps, rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets

Back Superset 1

BB Bentover Rows - 10 reps ss Wide Grip Pulldowns - 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Superset 2

KB Batwing Rows - 8 reps ss Rope Face Pulls - 12 reps x 3 sets



Preacher Curl 21s

3 sets x 7-7-7 reps (7 reps in each position)

Bicep Superset

Incline Curls - 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 3 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

Pause 3 sec on first rep - with belt - 2RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: SHOULDERS AND TRAPS Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause - without belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 300m

Standing Strict Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Shoulder Superset 1

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Shoulder Superset 2

DB Clean and Press - 10 reps ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Reverse Flies - 12 reps x 3 sets

Trap Superset

DB/KB Shrugs - 20 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 6: ARMS OH Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Arm Superset

Standing BB Curls - 10 reps ss DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset

Standing Cable Curls - 10 reps ss Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

5RM, then -15% for 5 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps not paused

BB Walking Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

RDLs - 8 reps ss Leg Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 5 sec - without belt - 1RM

Bench Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Chest Superset

Incline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies - 15 reps x 3 sets

Tricep Superset 1

Weighted Dips - 6 to 8 reps ss Overhead Cable Extensions - 15 reps x 4 sets

Tricep Superset 2

Nosebreakers - 8 reps ss Standing Pushdowns - 15 reps x 4 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3: BACK AND BICEPS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Pull-ups (Switch Grips Each Set from Weakest to Strongest)

5 sets x submaximal reps, rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets

Back Superset 1

BB Bentover Rows - 10 reps ss Wide Grip Pulldowns - 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Superset 2

KB Batwing Rows - 8 reps ss Rope Face Pulls - 12 reps x 3 sets



Preacher Curl 21s

3 sets x 7-7-7 reps (7 reps in each position)

Bicep Superset

Incline Curls - 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 3 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

Pause 3 sec on first rep - with belt - 2RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: SHOULDERS AND TRAPS Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause - without belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 300m

Standing Strict Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Shoulder Superset 1

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 3 sets

Shoulder Superset 2

DB Clean and Press - 10 reps ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Reverse Flies - 12 reps x 3 sets

Trap Superset

DB/KB Shrugs - 20 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 6: ARMS OH Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Arm Superset

Standing BB Curls - 10 reps ss DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset

Standing Cable Curls - 10 reps ss Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

5RM, then -15% for 5 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 8RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 8 reps not paused

BB Walking Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

RDLs - 8 reps ss Leg Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 3 sec - without belt - 1RM

Bench Press

8RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 8 reps

Chest Superset

Incline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies - 15 reps x 4 sets

Tricep Superset 1

Weighted Dips - 6 to 8 reps ss Overhead Cable Extensions - 15 reps x 4 sets

Tricep Superset 2

Nosebreakers - 8 reps ss Standing Pushdowns - 15 reps x 5 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3: BACK AND BICEPS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Pull-ups (Switch Grips Each Set from Weakest to Strongest)

5 sets x submaximal reps, rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets

Back Superset 1

BB Bentover Rows - 10 reps ss Wide Grip Pulldowns - 10 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

KB Batwing Rows - 8 reps ss Rope Face Pulls - 12 reps x 3 sets



Preacher Curl 21s

4 sets x 7-7-7 reps (7 reps in each position)

Bicep Superset

Incline Curls - 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 4 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

Pause 1 sec on first rep - with belt - 2RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: SHOULDERS AND TRAPS Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause - without belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 300m

Standing Strict Press

8RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 8 reps

Shoulder Superset 1

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 4 sets

Shoulder Superset 2

DB Clean and Press - 10 reps ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Reverse Flies - 12 reps x 3 sets

Trap Superset

DB/KB Shrugs - 20 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 5 sets

DAY 6: ARMS OH Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench

8RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 8 reps

Arm Superset

Standing BB Curls - 10 reps ss DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps x 5 sets

Arm Superset

Standing Cable Curls - 10 reps ss Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

5RM, then -15% for 5 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Back Squat

No pause - with belt - 8RM, then -10% for 8 reps not paused

BB Walking Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

RDLs - 8 reps ss Leg Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges



No pause - without belt - 1RM

Bench Press


Chest Superset

Incline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies - 15 reps x 2 sets

Tricep Superset 1

Weighted Dips - 6 to 8 reps ss Overhead Cable Extensions - 15 reps x 3 sets

Tricep Superset 2

Nosebreakers - 8 reps ss Standing Pushdowns - 15 reps x 3 sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3: BACK AND BICEPS High Bar Back Squat

No pause - with belt - 5RM

Pull-ups (Switch Grips Each Set from Weakest to Strongest)

3 sets x submaximal reps, rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets

Back Superset 1

BB Bentover Rows - 10 reps ss Wide Grip Pulldowns - 10 reps x 2 sets

Back Superset 2

KB Batwing Rows - 8 reps ss Rope Face Pulls - 12 reps x 3 sets



Preacher Curl 21s

3 sets x 7-7-7 reps (7 reps in each position)

Bicep Superset

Incline Curls - 10 reps ss Concentration Curls - 10 reps (each arm) x 2 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

No pause - with belt - 2RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: SHOULDERS AND TRAPS Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause - without belt - 3RM

Walking Lunges

200m to 300m

Standing Strict Press


Shoulder Superset 1

Plate Raises - 10 reps ss DB Lateral Raises - 10 reps x 2 sets

Shoulder Superset 2

DB Clean and Press - 10 reps ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Reverse Flies - 12 reps x 3 sets

Trap Superset

DB/KB Shrugs - 20 reps ss KB Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 6: ARMS OH Squat

No pause 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Closegrip Bench


Arm Superset

Standing BB Curls - 10 reps ss DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps x 3 sets

Arm Superset

Standing Cable Curls - 10 reps ss Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Hack Squat

4 sets x 20 reps

DB Elevated Split Squats

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

Kang Squats - 8 reps ss Unilateral Leg Curls - 8 reps (each leg) with 5 sec eccentric x 4 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Superset 1

Bench Press 5RM on first set, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps ss Pull-Ups (switch grip each set) - 3 sets x submaximal reps

Superset 2

Incline BB Bench (wide grip) - 10 reps ss Seated Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Superset 3

Decline DB Flies - 15 reps ss T-bar Rows - 15 reps x 3 sets


Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Standing Strict Press

5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Shoulder Superset

DB Shoulder Triangle Raises - 10 reps ss Cable Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Arm Superset

Closegrip Bench 5RM for first set, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps ss Preacher Curls - 3 sets x 10 reps

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat with 50 Pounds of Chains

No pause - with belt - 1RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5: CHEST AND TRICEPS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 50lb of Chains

Paused 3 sec - without belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

300m to 400m

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Chest Superset

Elevated Push-ups - 15 reps ss Incline Bench Cable Flies - 15 reps x 3 sets

DB Tricep Extensions

6 sets x 8 reps - with 30 sec rest between sets

Tricep Superset

Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Weighted Bench Dips - 10 reps x 4 sets


Paused 5 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused


5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Back Superset 1

Supinated Pull-ups - submaximal reps ss KB Swinging Rows - 12 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

Standing Lat Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 1

DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls - 10 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 2

DB Smith Curls - 10 reps ss Cable Concentration Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 3 sets x 5 reps not paused

Hack Squat

4 sets x 20 reps

DB Elevated Split Squats

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

Kang Squats - 8 reps ss Unilateral Leg Curls - 8 reps (each leg) with 5 sec eccentric x 4 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Superset 1

Bench Press 5RM on first set, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps ss Pull-Ups (switch grip each set) - 3 sets x submaximal reps

Superset 2

Incline BB Bench (wide grip) - 10 reps ss Seated Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Superset 3

Decline DB Flies - 15 reps ss T-bar Rows - 15 reps x 3 sets


Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Standing Strict Press

5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Shoulder Superset

DB Shoulder Triangle Raises - 10 reps ss Cable Upright Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset

Closegrip Bench 5RM for first set, then -10% for 3 sets x 5 reps ss Preacher Curls - 4 sets x 10 reps

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat with 50 Pounds of Chains

No pause - with belt - 1RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5: CHEST AND TRICEPS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 50lb of Chains

Paused 3 sec - without belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

300m to 400m

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press

10RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 10 reps

Chest Superset

Elevated Push-ups - 15 reps ss Incline Bench Cable Flies - 15 reps x 3 sets

DB Tricep Extensions

7 sets x 8 reps - with 30 sec rest between sets

Tricep Superset

Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Weighted Bench Dips - 10 reps x 4 sets


Paused 5 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused


5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Back Superset 1

Supinated Pull-ups - submaximal reps ss KB Swinging Rows - 12 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

Standing Lat Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 1

DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls - 10 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 2

DB Smith Curls - 10 reps ss Cable Concentration Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 5RM, then -10% for 4 sets x 5 reps not paused

Hack Squat

4 sets x 20 reps

DB Elevated Split Squats

4 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

Kang Squats - 8 reps ss Unilateral Leg Curls - 8 reps (each leg) with 5 sec eccentric x 5 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 1 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Superset 1

Bench Press 5RM on first set, then -10% for 3 sets x 5 reps ss Pull-Ups (switch grip each set) - 4 sets x submaximal reps

Superset 2

Incline BB Bench (wide grip) - 10 reps ss Seated Rows - 10 reps x 5 sets

Superset 3

Decline DB Flies - 15 reps ss T-bar Rows - 15 reps x 4 sets


Paused 1 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Standing Strict Press

5RM, then -10% for 3 sets x 5 reps

Shoulder Superset

DB Shoulder Triangle Raises - 10 reps ss Cable Upright Rows - 10 reps x 5 sets

Arm Superset

Closegrip Bench 5RM for first set, then -10% for 3 sets x 5 reps ss Preacher Curls - 4 sets x 10 reps

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat with 50 Pounds of Chains

No pause - with belt - 1RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5: CHEST AND TRICEPS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 50lb of Chains

Paused 1 sec - without belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges

300m to 400m

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press

8RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 8 reps

Chest Superset

Elevated Push-ups - 15 reps ss Incline Bench Cable Flies - 15 reps x 4 sets

DB Tricep Extensions

8 sets x 8 reps - with 30 sec rest between sets

Tricep Superset

Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Weighted Bench Dips - 10 reps x 5 sets


Paused 3 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused


5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Back Superset 1

Supinated Pull-ups - submaximal reps ss KB Swinging Rows - 12 reps x 5 sets

Back Superset 2

Standing Lat Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 1

DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls - 10 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

Bicep Superset 2

DB Smith Curls - 10 reps ss Cable Concentration Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

No pause - with belt - 5RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 5 reps not paused

Hack Squat

3 sets x 20 reps

DB Elevated Split Squats

2 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Posterior Chain Work

Kang Squats - 8 reps ss Unilateral Leg Curls - 8 reps (each leg) with 5 sec eccentric x 3 sets

Walking Lunges



No pause - with belt - 3RM

Superset 1

Bench Press 5RM on first set, then -10% for 5 reps ss Pull-Ups (switch grip each set) - 2 sets x submaximal reps

Superset 2

Incline BB Bench (wide grip) - 10 reps ss Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Superset 3

Decline DB Flies - 15 reps ss T-bar Rows - 15 reps x 2 sets


Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM

Walking Lunges


Standing Strict Press


Shoulder Superset

DB Shoulder Triangle Raises - 10 reps ss Cable Upright Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Arm Superset

Closegrip Bench 5RM for first set, then -10% for 5 reps ss Preacher Curls - 2 sets x 10 reps

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat with 50 Pounds of Chains

No pause - with belt - work up to 90% of 1RM, then remove chains and 1RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5: CHEST AND TRICEPS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 50lb of Chains

No pause - without belt - 1RM

Walking Lunges

300m to 400m

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press


Chest Superset

Elevated Push-ups - 15 reps ss Incline Bench Cable Flies - 15 reps x 2 sets

DB Tricep Extensions

4 sets x 8 reps - with 30 sec rest between sets

Tricep Superset

Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Weighted Bench Dips - 10 reps x 3 sets


No pause 3RM



Back Superset 1

Supinated Pull-ups - submaximal reps ss KB Swinging Rows - 12 reps x 3 sets

Back Superset 2

Standing Lat Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley 10 reps x 3 sets

Bicep Superset 1

DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls - 10 reps ss DB Hammer Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

Bicep Superset 2

DB Smith Curls - 10 reps ss Cable Concentration Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats

4 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Leg Press (Switch Foot Position Each Set)

4 sets x 20 reps

Posterior Chain Work

Goodmornings - 8 reps ss Standing Leg Curls - 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Weighted Pull-Ups

5 sets x submaximal reps

Back Superset

Standing One-Arm Cable Rows from low pulley - 10 reps ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Standing Strict Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

DB Tri-Delts

4 sets x 8 to 10 reps each exercise

DAY 3: CHEST AND ARMS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Bench Press

3RM, then -10% for 3 reps, then -20% for max reps

Chest Superset

Decline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 1

Dips - 10 reps ss Standing BB Curls 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 2

Unilateral Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat with 50 Pounds of Chains

No pause - with belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: BACK AND SHOULDERS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 40lb to 60lb of Bands

Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Walking Lunges



3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Back Superset 1

Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns - 10 reps ss DB Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

T-Bar Rows - 10 reps ss Band PullAparts - 15 reps x 4 sets

DB Arnold Presses

3 sets x 8 reps

Shoulder Superset

Leaning Cable Lateral Raises - 10 reps ss Unilateral Cable Reverse Flies - 10 reps x 4 sets


Paused 5 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral RDLs

3 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Chest Superset 1

Incline BB Bench - 10 reps ss Incline DB Flies -12 reps x 4 sets

Chest Superset 2

Feet Elevated Push-ups x submaximal reps ss Machine Flies - 15 reps x 4 sets

Closegrip BB Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

4 sets x 8 reps

Arm Superset

Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Standing DB Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DB Curls - Run the Rack Up and Down

3 sets x 5 reps at each weight - starting with 5lb and going up to 30lb to 40 lb and then down again

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 5 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 3 sets x 3 reps not paused

Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats

4 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Leg Press (Switch Foot Position Each Set)

4 sets x 20 reps

Posterior Chain Work

Goodmornings - 8 reps ss Standing Leg Curls - 8 reps x 4 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Weighted Pull-Ups

5 sets x submaximal reps

Back Superset

Standing One-Arm Cable Rows from low pulley - 10 reps ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Standing Strict Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

DB Tri-Delts

4 sets x 8 to 10 reps each exercise

DAY 3: CHEST AND ARMS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Bench Press

3RM, then -10% for 3 reps, then -20% for max reps

Chest Superset

Decline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 1

Dips - 10 reps ss Standing BB Curls 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 2

Unilateral Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

No pause - with belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: BACK AND SHOULDERS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 40lb to 60lb of Bands

No pause - with belt - 1RM, then remove bands and 1RM

Walking Lunges



3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Back Superset 1

Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns - 10 reps ss DB Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

T-Bar Rows - 10 reps ss Band PullAparts - 15 reps x 4 sets

DB Arnold Presses

3 sets x 8 reps

Shoulder Superset

Leaning Cable Lateral Raises - 10 reps ss Unilateral Cable Reverse Flies - 10 reps x 4 sets


Paused 5 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral RDLs

3 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Chest Superset 1

Incline BB Bench - 10 reps ss Incline DB Flies -12 reps x 4 sets

Chest Superset 2

Feet Elevated Push-ups x submaximal reps ss Machine Flies - 15 reps x 4 sets

Closegrip BB Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

4 sets x 8 reps

Arm Superset

Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Standing DB Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DB Curls - Run the Rack Up and Down

3 sets x 5 reps at each weight - starting with 5lb and going up to 30lb to 40 lb and then down again

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

Paused 3 sec on first rep - with belt 3RM, then -10% for 4 sets x 3 reps not paused

Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats

4 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Leg Press (Switch Foot Position Each Set)

4 sets x 20 reps

Posterior Chain Work

Goodmornings - 8 reps ss Standing Leg Curls - 8 reps x 5 sets

Walking Lunges



Paused 1 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Weighted Pull-Ups

5 sets x submaximal reps

Back Superset

Standing One-Arm Cable Rows from low pulley - 10 reps ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Standing Strict Press

3RM, then -10% for 3 sets x 3 reps

DB Tri-Delts

4 sets x 8 to 10 reps each exercise

DAY 3: CHEST AND ARMS High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec - with belt - 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Walking Lunges


Bench Press

3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps, then -20% for max reps

Chest Superset

Decline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley - 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 1

Dips - 10 reps ss Standing BB Curls 10 reps x 4 sets

Arm Superset 2

Unilateral Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

No pause - with belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm) - If all sets are competed unbroken, increase weight next week

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: BACK AND SHOULDERS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 40lb to 60lb of Bands

No pause - with belt - 1RM, then remove bands and 1RM

Walking Lunges



3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Back Superset 1

Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns - 10 reps ss DB Rows - 10 reps x 4 sets

Back Superset 2

T-Bar Rows - 10 reps ss Band PullAparts - 15 reps x 4 sets

DB Arnold Presses

4 sets x 8 reps

Shoulder Superset

Leaning Cable Lateral Raises - 10 reps ss Unilateral Cable Reverse Flies - 10 reps x 4 sets


Paused 3 sec on first rep 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral RDLs

4 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Chest Superset 1

Incline BB Bench - 10 reps ss Incline DB Flies -12 reps x 4 sets

Chest Superset 2

Feet Elevated Push-ups x submaximal reps ss Machine Flies - 15 reps x 4 sets

Closegrip BB Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

4 sets x 8 reps

Arm Superset

Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Standing DB Curls - 10 reps x 4 sets

DB Curls - Run the Rack Up and Down

4 sets x 5 reps at each weight - starting with 5lb and going up to 30lb to 40 lb and then down again

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


DAY 1: LEGS Pre-Exhaust

Leg Extensions - 10 reps ss Leg Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat

No pause - with belt - 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats

3 sets x 10 reps (each leg)

Leg Press (Switch Foot Position Each Set)

3 sets x 20 reps

Posterior Chain Work

Goodmornings - 8 reps ss Standing Leg Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges



No pause - with belt - 1RM

Weighted Pull-Ups

3 sets x submaximal reps

Back Superset

Standing One-Arm Cable Rows from low pulley - 10 reps ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Standing Strict Press


DB Tri-Delts

3 sets x 8 to 10 reps each exercise

DAY 3: CHEST AND ARMS High Bar Back Squat

No pause - with belt - 1RM

Walking Lunges


Bench Press

3RM, then -20% for max reps

Chest Superset

Decline DB Bench - 10 reps ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley - 10 reps x 3 sets

Arm Superset 1

Dips - 10 reps ss Standing BB Curls 10 reps x 3 sets

Arm Superset 2

Unilateral Rope Pushdowns - 10 reps ss Preacher Curls - 10 reps x 2 sets

DAY 4: RECOVERY Front Squat

No pause - with belt - 3RM

One-Arm KB OH Carries

3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

Sled Drag Variations

(See Cardio, GPP, HIIT List in Appendix)

DAY 5: BACK AND SHOULDERS Low or High Bar Back Squat with 40lb to 60lb of Bands

No pause - with belt - 1RM

Walking Lunges




Back Superset 1

Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns - 10 reps ss DB Rows - 10 reps x 3 sets

Back Superset 2

T-Bar Rows - 10 reps ss Band PullAparts - 15 reps x 3 sets

DB Arnold Presses

3 sets x 8 reps

Shoulder Superset

Leaning Cable Lateral Raises - 10 reps ss Unilateral Cable Reverse Flies - 10 reps x 3 sets


No pause 3RM, then -10% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Unilateral RDLs

2 sets x 8 reps (each side)

Chest Superset 1

Incline BB Bench - 10 reps ss Incline DB Flies -12 reps x 3 sets

Chest Superset 2

Feet Elevated Push-ups x submaximal reps ss Machine Flies - 15 reps x 3 sets

Closegrip BB Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

3 sets x 8 reps

Arm Superset

Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extensions - 10 reps ss Standing DB Curls - 10 reps x 3 sets

DB Curls - Run the Rack Up and Down

2 sets x 5 reps at each weight - starting with 5lb and going up to 30lb to 40 lb and then down again

DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


INTRODUCTION Many people have asked me about how I trained for my super total meet. Training for five lifts at a time is truly a chess match when you’re performing even close to a high level - especially if you’re 42 years old like me! So here it is! As a bonus, here is the very workout that I used to prepare for my recent super total competitions.


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat - work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 8 reps ss Bentover Rows - 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carries - 3 sets x 45 seconds

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec, 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 90%

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 70% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 1 down set

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 1 down set

Clean Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

5 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from blocks with bar at knees


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 400m

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat - work up to 78% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 8 reps ss Bentover Rows - 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carries - 3 sets x 45 seconds

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 10 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec, 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 73% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 2 down sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 2 down sets

Clean Pulls

Start at 98% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

5 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from blocks with bar at knees


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 400m

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat - work up to 80% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 8 reps ss Bentover Rows - 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Dip and Catch

1RM, then -20% for 3 sets x 2 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 95% - 3 sets x 3 reps with 6 sec eccentric - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carries - 3 sets x 45 seconds

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 12 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec, 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 75% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch to Hang Snatch 1RM, then -10% for 2 down sets

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk 1RM, then -15% for 2 down sets

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

3-Board 1RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused go to 1RM if good

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from blocks with bar at knees


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 400m

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

3RM, then -15% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 4 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

2 Snatch Grip Push Presses and 1 OH Squat - work up to 70% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Snatch from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 8 reps ss Bentover Rows - 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from High Blocks EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks

1RM (no pauses)

Snatch Pulls


Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Axle OH Carries - 3 sets x 45 seconds

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec, 2 Inches off Floor

Start at 70% - 5 sets x 1 rep - working up but not past 85%

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 65% - 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 90% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Unilateral Farmer Walks - 3 sets x 45 sec (each arm)

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

3 sec pause - 1RM

Bench Max Effort

Closegrip Floor Presses 5RM

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from blocks with bar at knees


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 400m

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster


Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat - work up to 75% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -25% for 5 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 5 reps ss Bentover Rows - 5 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 seconds (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 80% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch and 1 OH Squat 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

5 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from 6 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges

200m to 400m

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat - work up to 78% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 5 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 5 reps ss Bentover Rows - 5 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 seconds (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 5 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 10 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 83% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch and 1 OH Squat 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

5 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

5RM from 6 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat - work up to 80% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 2 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 5 reps ss Bentover Rows - 5 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Catch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 seconds (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 3 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 12 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 85% - 1 rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb to 50lb of Chains

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 103% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

3 sec pause - 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Bench Max Effort

2-Board 1RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused, go to 1RM if good

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from 6 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster - Paused 3 Sec in Bottom

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps not paused

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 8 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Heaving Snatch Balance and 1 OH Squat - work up to 70% of Snatch

Front Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM

Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Closegrip Bench Press Paused 3 Sec

Work up to 1RM

Snatch Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Weighted Pushups - 5 reps ss Bentover Rows - 5 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Clean from Blocks with Bar at Knees EMOMs

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Jerk from Blocks - Paused 3 Sec in Catch


Core Muscular Imbalance 1

One-arm OH Carries with a fat grip DB 3 sets x 45 seconds (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Bench Press with 25lb to 50lb of Chains - Pause All Reps

Start at 60% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 6 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Upper Muscular Imbalance 2

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 88% - 1 rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM (no chains)

Core Muscular Imbalance 2

Bilateral Farmer Carries - 3 sets x 45 sec

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Low or High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM (no chains)

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean to Front Squat and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls

Start at 100% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

Walking Lunges


DAY 6 Heaving Snatch Balance

3 sec pause - 1RM

Bench Max Effort

Closegrip Floor Presses 3RM

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 6 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM (no pause)

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat - Paused 5 sec - work up to 75% of Snatch

Back Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 5 reps

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

Start at 105% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Elevated Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts 3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

Walking Lunges


DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 reps

Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled - Pause All Reps

Start at 50% - 8 sets x 3 reps - working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs - Paused 2 Sec at Knee

Start at 70% - 8 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 80% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch Pull to Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and 2 Jerks 1RM

Clean Pulls from Blocks

Start at 105% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat Paused 5 sec 1RM

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

3RM from 2 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat - Paused 3 sec - work up to 78% of Snatch

Back Squat

Paused 3 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 5 reps

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

Start at 105% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

Walking Lunges


DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Elevated Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts 3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 2 sec with belt 1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 3 reps not paused

Power Clean

1RM, then -20% for 2 sets x 2 reps

Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled - Pause All Reps

Start at 50% - 10 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 10 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 83% - 1 rep paused 5 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat with Green or Purple Bands

No pause with belt 1RM (no misses), then remove bands and 1RM

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls from Blocks

Start at 105% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat Paused 3 sec 1RM

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 3RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 2 inch blocks


3 sets x 8 reps

Walking Lunges


OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)


Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat - Paused 3 sec - work up to 80% of Snatch

Back Squat

Paused 1 sec without belt 1RM, then -20% for 3 reps not paused

Snatch EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 1RM, then -15% for 2 sets x 3 reps

Snatch Pulls from Blocks

Start at 110% - 3 sets x 3 reps working up

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Power Snatch


Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy, allowed 1 miss

Core Muscular Imbalance 1

Elevated Unilateral Suitcase Deadlifts 3 sets x 8 reps (each arm)

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Paused 1 sec with belt 1RM

Power Clean


Bench Press with Mini-Bands Doubled - Pause All Reps

Start at 50% - 12 sets x 3 reps working up heavy but no misses

Deadlift EMOMs

Start at 70% - 12 sets x 1 rep - working up heavy but no misses

DAY 4 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Work up to 85% - 1 rep paused 3 sec

Front Squat

No pause with belt 1RM

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 High Bar Back Squat

No pause with belt 1RM (no bands)

Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

Clean Pulls from Blocks

Start at 110% - 3 sets x 3 reps - working up

DAY 6 OH Squat Variation Max Effort

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat Paused 3 sec 1RM

Bench Max Effort

1-Board 1RM, then work up to 90% of Bench to Chest 1RM for 1 rep paused, go to 1RM if good

Deadlift Max Effort

1RM from 2 inch deficit


3 sets x 8 reps

OPTIONAL DAY 7 Thruster or Cluster

1RM, then -25% for 3 reps

Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

WEEK 12 DAY 1 Warm Up with OH Squat Variations

Snatch Grip Thruster and 1 OH Squat work up to 70% of Snatch

Back Squat

Work up to 90% of last week’s pause for 1 rep paused 1 sec

Snatch EMOMs

Snatch 1RM (no misses)

Bench Press Competition Grip and Competition Pause

Work up to 85% of 1RM for 1 rep

Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1

Chest to Bar Pull-ups x submaximal reps ss Dips - 8 reps ss KB High Pulls 8 reps x 3 sets

DAY 2 Front Squat

Work up to 85% of paused 1RM with belt for 1 rep

Power Snatch

Work up to 85% of Power Snatch

Clean and Jerk EMOMs

Work up to Clean and Jerk opener

DAY 3 High Bar Back Squat

Work up to 80% of paused 1RM with belt for 1 rep

Power Clean

Work up to 75% of Power Clean

Bench Press - Pause All Reps

(No bands) Start at 65% - 6 sets x 3 reps - working up but no misses

DAY 4 Front Squat

Work up to 80% for 1 rep

Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

(See List in Appendix)

DAY 5 Snatch Max Effort

Snatch 1RM

Clean and Jerk Max Effort

Clean and Jerk 1RM

DAY 6 Bench Max Effort

Bench Press 1RM

Deadlift Max Effort

Deadlift 1RM


3 sets x 8 reps


(See List in Appendix)


(See List in Appendix)

THE MOVEMENT #SquatEveryDay has done a lot more than just get me stronger. It has given my athleticism back to me one more time. I am able to train with guys literally half my age, and I can give them a run for their money in the Olympic movements. I am stronger than I have been in over 12 years. When I snatched 135k/297lb recently, I realized that I have the ability to snatch 140k+ one more time in my lifetime. You could say that this program has been my fountain of youth. Now I give it to you all!

MINDSET But the benefits of #SquatEveryDay go far beyond getting stronger. #SquatEveryDay has been a whole lot more to me than just a program or a way to workout. It has been a reminder. It has reminded me that the possibilities are endless. I have been able to accomplish things that I haven’t come close to in over 15 years. I am reminded again of the power of a paradigm – the power of one’s view of reality. I come from a place deep in the Appalachian Mountains, where things are hard. Really hard at times! The locals set a lot of limits.

Come on, Travis, be realistic! That is a phrase that I heard all too often. I never really understood that one. What is realistic? Most people’s view of reality never seemed to match mine. When I decided that I wanted to be the strongest powerlifter of all-time, most people thought that I was crazy. I was hearing Be realistic or Travis, that’s ridiculous. Who were these people to tell me what is realistic? Look, I am about to tell you all something that is absolute truth. We all define our own realities. No one does it for us. So what is your definition?

GOALS When I first started #SquatEveryDay, I set small goals like: Snatch 115k/253lb Clean & Jerk 150k/330lb Back Squat 550lb Bench Press 350lb Deadlift 615lb 12 weeks later, I had crushed all of these goals. Now, I have all new goals: Snatch 145k/319lb Clean & Jerk 182k/400lb Back Squat 700lb Bench Press 440lb Deadlift 725lb

Normal people would say these numbers are only for younger elite athletes - but then again, I am not the normal person. I didn’t let people define my reality when I was young. I am not going to let them define it now that I am 42 years old. I will decide where this thing will go. I will be the one that decides how far I am going to take it. After meeting Cory Gregory, I have once again been inspired to reach for new limits. Cory is the most driven man on earth, and he comes from an area much like my own. He grew up in a coal mining family just like I did. He actually worked in the coal mines and used that money to open his first gym. He then went on to be the cofounder of a $200,000,000 company, MusclePharm. Now he is starting his own website designed to encourage and motivate people to strive for something better in their lives. He has inspired me to use this middle section of my life to reach for all new heights. Now, I want #SquatEveryDay to do the same for you. I want you to learn that setting goals, defining expectations, and working hard is the way to reach all new paradigms.

GETTING THERE Let’s look at the formula! 1. THROW AWAY What ever your paradigm is now, throw it away! Get rid of it because it isn’t true. It was formed from parents, friends,

and relatives that don’t get it. They are okay with working for the local power plant, drinking a sixer every night, and watching their children repeat the process. That is not the #SquatEveryDay mentality. It has never been my mentality, and it will never be my mentality. My son and daughter will be encouraged to dream and dream big. Whatever their paradigm is, I am going to try and shift it up a notch. This leads me to my second point. 2. DREAM Dream as big as possible! This is a huge second step. If you can’t dream it, then you can’t do it. You won’t accidentally become the President. You won’t slip, trip, and become the CEO of Apple. Let your brain wander! 3. WRITE Once you dream it, you have to write the dream down. Once you write it down, you then give it life. It starts the process of coming to life. 4. PLAN That dream is now a goal! Make a detailed plan for that and every other goal. This is where precision takes place. Broad will not work. 5. COMMIT Now, one must commit to that process. Without commitment, goals and a plan are just talk or hot air.

Commitment means that you are going to stick to the process. You are going to see things through even when things get hard. 6. REVIEW Constantly remind yourself of the goals and the process.

WHAT IT TAKES I want you to use #SquatEveryDay to reach whatever athletic goals you set. I want you dream big. Maybe you want to medal at the Nationals in powerlifting or weightlifting. I want you to use this book to set goals, make a plan, and carry out the process of reaching your goals. Then, I want you to use this same process to reach any goal in life that you might have. If you learn that lesson, then I have done my job. A single mother in a small house in the Blue Ridge Mountains raised me. We were so poor that I remember thinking several times that we might lose our home. My mother was working three jobs at times, but she never complained. She was willing to sacrifice so that I might have a better life. She was scared when I first started focusing on the barbell. She was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills or raise a family. Now, she knows that she taught me to have a relentless work ethic that wouldn’t take failure as an option. She had to feed us. She couldn’t fail.

I want to show the world that people can be successful doing exactly what they love. I want that as bad as I want to breathe. That’s how bad you have to want your own dreams. There is nothing worse than someone telling me they want to accomplish this or that, and then they aren’t willing to put in the work. Things are going to get rough. You are going to have failures along the way. What are you prepared to do? I was prepared to do whatever that it took to be the best in the world, and that is exactly what I became. I was relentless. I was focused. I paid attention to every mundane detail like nutrition, mobility, recovery, and muscular balance. Every small detail I added to my arsenal was an edge I had over my competition. Those little mundane details add up, and they will always separate the champion from the guy or gal who just talked a big game. I want to inspire the world to be better. I want to be on my deathbed knowing I changed lives. This goal starts right here with all of you reading this book. Hopefully, this book will make you all stronger and better athletes. But more importantly, I hope that when you put this book down, you are ready to take on this world. I hope you bring that dream to life, and your whole reality is changed for the better. #SquatEveryDay is more than a program. It is a movement. It is the start of you taking responsibility for your own life. You are going to reach athletic goals you never dreamed of, and you are going to build a life that will change your own family for the better. I want generations to come to know it all started right here and right now.

APPENDIX A: CARDIO, GPP, HIIT If you choose to incorporate more conditioning elements into your programming, here are some options for you to choose from. You may choose any of these four.

CHOICE 1: PROWLER WORK Start with a 45lb plate and a 25lb plate on each handle. Push the prowler on the high handles for 25 yards. Then, take off the 25lb plates and push it on the low handles for 25 yards. Perform 4 sets. Work on increasing the difficulty each week. You could do this by adding another 25lb plate, pushing the prowler farther, adding a set, or performing everything faster.

CHOICE 2: SLED DRAGS 70lb - pulling forwards - 4 sets x 25 yards 70lb - pulling backwards - 4 sets x 25 yards 70lb - forwards walk and press - 2 sets x 10 reps 70lb - forwards walk and row - 2 sets x 10 reps

To increase the difficulty of this exercise each week: add 10lb to 25lb, increase the distance by 5 yards, go faster, increase the reps, or add a set.

CHOICE 3: HIIT Choose a treadmill, rower, or bike. Push hard for 30 to 90 seconds, then rest for 15 to 60 seconds. Perform this for a total of 5 to 8 sets. I recommend starting with 45 seconds on and 45 seconds off for 5 sets. The goal is to progress each week in one way or another. You could increase resistance, treadmill incline, or RPMs. You could also add 5 seconds of exercise to each set, decrease the rest time by 5 seconds, or add a set.

CHOICE 4: SIMPLE CARDIO Choose a treadmill, rower, or bike. Exercise for 25 to 35 minutes with a heart rate of 75% to 85% of your max.

APPENDIX B: MOBILITY EXERCISES Below are some of the exercises that all of my athletes perform from time to time. It is a general list of exercises meant to help the athlete move better into positions. The Barbell movements and complexes are our favorite ways to mobilize our athletes. Here are some videos that will explain and demonstrate a lot of the exercises we use. I will be updating a lot of these exercises on my YouTube page on an ongoing basis, so check it out here.

GENERAL MOBILITY • Jump Rope - 3 Minutes • Foam Roll IT Band - 30 sec each side • Foam Roll Quads - 30 sec • Roam Roll Hams - 30 sec • Foam Roll Low Back - 30 sec • Foam Roll T-Spine with Hands OH - 30 sec • Foam Roller T-Spine Open Ups - 10 • Lacrosse Ball Glutes and Piriformis • KB Potato Squat Holds - 5 Reps for 5 Sec • Leg Swings - 10 each leg and each direction

• Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation - 10 each side • Cobra Pose and look each way - 8 • Frog Pose and Shimmy - 8 • Lying Leg Circles - 10 each way each leg • Arm Circles - 10 each direction • Lat Stretch - 20 sec • Shoulder Stretch from Above - 10 BARBELL MOBILITY: • BB Ankle Mobility - 20 to 30 sec each • BB Behind Neck Elbow Shoots - 10 • Snatch Complex: High Pulls - 5 reps Muscle Snatches - 5 reps Klokov Presses - 5 reps Sotts Press - 5 reps OH Squats - 5 reps • Clean Complex: High Pulls - 5 reps Clean & Press - 5 reps Back Squat & Press - 5 reps Goodmornings - 5 reps Bentover Row - 5 reps

SPECIFIC MOBILITY: THORACIC SPINE AND SHOULDER DIRECTED • Foam Roll T-Spine w Hands OH - 30 sec • Foam Roller T-Spine Open Ups - 10 • Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation - 10 each side

• Cobra Pose and look each way - 8 • Quadruped Thoracic Extension and Rotation with Internal Rotation - 10 each side • Peanut Drive the Bus - 10 to 20 turns • Peanut Plate Rotations - 10 to 20 turns • Wall Slide - 10 - 20 reps • Arm Circles - 10 each direction • Lat Stretch - 20 sec • Shoulder Stretch from Above - 10 • Band Around Wrist Pec Rotations - 10, Rear Delt Rotations - 10, and Lat Rotations - 10 • Band Around Shoulder from Behind Arm Circles - 10 and Arm Pull Across - 10 • Band Around Shoulder from Below - 10 sec in each position

SPECIFIC MOBILITY: HIP DIRECTED • Foam Roll IT Band - 30 sec each side • Lacrosse Ball Glutes and Piriformis • KB Potato Squat Holds - 5 reps for 5 sec • Leg Swings - 10 each leg and each direction • Frog Pose and Shimmy - 8 • Lying Leg Circles - 10 each way each leg • Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 15 sec each position • Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with Rear Leg Elevated 15 sec each position • Russian Baby Makers - 10 • Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with Band - 15 sec each position • Squat Lunge and Lunge - 10 • Fire Hydrants - 10 each direction and each leg • Hamstring Sweeps - 10 each leg

SPECIFIC MOBILITY: ANKLE DIRECTED • Squatted Forearm on Knee - 20 to 30 sec each • BB Ankle Mobility - 20 to 30 sec each • Band Around Ankle Squats - 20 to 30 sec each • Calf Stretch - 30 sec each • Foam Roll or Stick the Calf and Achilles - 30 to 60 sec • Calf Stretch Again - 30 sec each

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