Tesla & Free Energy

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Introduction and Brief Electrical History: INTRODUCTION~ "Free Energy" is many t hings to different people. Here's my take on it... "Free Energy" is kind of a mi snomer because in all actuality, nothing is really absolutely FREE! Everything t akes work...even the impulses in your brain take energy for you to think...It ta kes energy to breathe in the "FREE" air! Just as the air is "free", we are surro unded in a seething sea of energy!!! EVERYTHING we know of contains massive amou nts of energy!!! Even "empty space" is jam packed full of energy such as cosmic rays, solar radiation, and ambient electromagnetic frequencies bombarding us suc h as with cell phones. Small "scavenger" devices can pick up this energy and tur n it into useful work energy! After you have a Free Energy device, then it can p roduce free energy after the device pays for itself! There are a few devices alr eady available such as hydro-electric, solar panels and wind turbines. ENERGY ~We must distinguish the differences between "dirty" energy and "clean" e nergy. As we all know fossil fuels and nuclear are as dirty as it gets! Many of the politicians and public figures throw around a lot of energy jargon. We have this huge debate about global warming...Some say it's out of control and we are all going to die soon if we don't "fix it now"! Others may simply call it climat e change and accuse Al Gore of running a sham for his own benefit, thus giving " Green Energy" a bad name! Now, I'll admit that I don't keep up with all that hoo pla...ALL I know is that we are at THE most critical point in our short existenc e as human beings! Over the past 100 years, we as people, have allowed our plane t to nearly be destroyed by the Big Oil and greedy Elite who sell us dirty, poll uting fuels to our demise! Now many of these same companies realize the clean en ergy shift and offer "major break-though solutions" such as bio-fuels...This is a farce...another sham! It's like putting a "band-aid" on the problem! INVENTORS ~A common question that many skeptics ask is: "If "free energy" is rea l, then how come we don't all have them?!" Well, there are a few reasons... Firs t of all, inventors face many challenges to get their invention to the market. P atenting, prototyping and production literally costs can typically be at least 1 0's of thousands of dollars!Many inventors pour their hearts out over their inve ntions spending countless hours researching studying and experimenting. They oft en put their life savings into their inventions...scrimping and scrounging to ge t the parts they need and still be able to feed their family...all the while hop ing and praying that this is the answer to all of their problems! Dreaming of fo rtune and riches... Often hiding and hoarding their secrets carefully while risk ing imprisonment or being the unfortunate victim of an unusual, untimely and mys terious death! Many inventors have taken their secrets to their grave because of their greed!Here in the Free Energy Party, we are "awakened" to the world probl ems and we offer real solutions! We have a highly intelligent and compassionate group who believe that we should ALL have clean Free Energy devices powering our homes, cars and businesses! Free Energy will change the world and bring in a Ne w Golden Age of peace, prosperity and abundance for ALL!!! We are at a cross roa ds of human history like never before...we can continue down the dirty path of f ossil and nuclear fuels or embrace the new ideal of free, clean energy for all o f mankind! So, Free Energy is not just a concept, but a whole paradigm shift in consciousness and awareness of our obligation to take care of each other and Mot her Nature! Be a part of the solution!As a proud member of the Free Energy Party I would like to propose that we get together a small group of masterminds that can work together and brainstorm to develop a product NOW! If we could get an in vestor interested in our group and what we are doing, then I'm sure that they wo uld see our great potential! Time is of the essence here!!! Maybe we can have a lab/shop...maybe like a reality tv show where we build free energy devices or ha ve "competitions"... explain how stuff works...Get some publicity!!! Show the wo rld that these free energy devices are REAL! The Free Energy Party will go fract al and WIN in a landslide victory when we resonate together and create a new vib ration through out the world!I'm sure that you have all heard the stories of Ben jamin Franklin and his famous experiment with a kite and a key that lead to the modern discovery of electricity, Sammuel Morse and the telegraph and Alexander G raham Bell and the telephone. But, have you heard of Nikola Tesla, the most gen

ius of them all? If not, then you should have! The world needs to wake up! Tesla is the Grandfather of Electrical Engineering...PERIOD! Nikola Tesla invented A. C. electricity, A.C. motors, radio, wireless communications, fluorescent tubes, neon bulbs, x-ray machines, robotics, remote control, lasers, Tesla coils AND WI RELESS TRANSMISSION OF UNLIMITED AND INFINITE FREE ENERGY! Nikola Tesla VS.Thomas Edison: The Current Wars ~In the late 1800's, a Serbian f rom Croatia, Nikola Tesla, immigrated as a young man to America to partner with the inventor of D.c. motors and the filiment light bulb, Thomas Edison. Nikola T esla invented the brushless A.C. motor, which Edison resented him for. Only abou t a year long, their partnership soon came to an end. In 1893, Tesla lit up the Chicago World's Fair Expo with his invention, the hydro-electic power plant at N iagra Falls. Tesla became an instant success and millionaire! Edison, once Tesla 's partner, was very bitter over Tesla's success of A.C. power over Edison's D.C . power! Soon, Edison became Tesla's rival and arch nemisis! Edison went to extr emes to try and prove how dangerous and deadly Tesla's A.C. power by electrocuti ng animals such as dogs and elephants in public! In response, Tesla lit himself up like a neon bulb on stage to prove how safe A.C. CAN be! In 1895, Tesla's lab "mysteriously" burned to the ground along with years worth of valuable notes an d equipment. A few years later, Tesla went to Colorado springs, Colorado to buil d a new lab for his electrical experiments. In Colorado Springs, Tesla made the most profound discoveries in the history of human civilization, calling electromagnetism his biggest failure! Tesla had discovered by increasing oscillations a nd very fast high voltage D.C. pulses in his coils, he was able to transmit and recieve power WIRELESSLY through the Earth and the air, 157% the Speed of Light. ..YES! 57% FASTER than the speed of light! Therefore, Tesla rejected the views o f most of the main stream scientists and embraced the concept of the Aether inst ead. Tesla headed back to New York to start his famous Wardenclyffe Tower. I n the early 1900's, Tesla was building the Wardenclyffe tower in Shoreham, Long Island New York. Greedy millionaire, J.P. Morgan was funding the project which h e believed was going to be a radio transmission tower. Tesla discovered that he could wirelessly transmit electrical power with the tower. Excited, Tesla went t o J.P. Morgan and told him the "great news" that everyone...everywhere could hav e unlimited FREE electricity, Morgan became furious sputtering, "How can you put a meter on it?!" Tesla's tower was soon destroyed and Tesla was ridiculed into obscurity destined to die a lonely old man in a hotel room in New York. Altogeth er, tTesla held over 700 U.S. patents and credited with over 1400 world wide! Th e CIA confiscated most of his work. But, unbeknown to most, luckily his closest living relative and nephew, collected as much as possible from Tesla's hotel roo m presumably before the CIA did! The collection was donated to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia...where it remains today! Electrical Field and Aether Theory In Simple Terms: First and foremost, we shoul d all thank Nikola Tesla for bringing us our modern world and the Industrial Rev olution! And although almost all of this presentation is my own words, I must gi ve credit here to Borderlands Science from Eureka, California. Much of the infor mation presented will be based on the work of Eric Dollard, Peter Lindemann, and Thomas Joseph Brown, true pioneers in modern Electrical Engineering. A big than k you goes out my modern day "mentors". Energy is everywhere...We are surrounded in a seething sea of energy! This sea of energy is called the Aether. Aether is a super high frequency energy medium that fills all space that allows the other energies to travel through space. Energy comes from the Aether field itself. Wh en a disturbance is caused by energy or matter, then the Aether field tries to r estore itself back to an equallibrium balanced state of the surrounding ambient environment, thus drawing energy from the Aether field itself.Aether theory was the prevailing theory of the ages until the misconception of Einstein's Theory o f Relativity. With out the Aether concept, you will never be able to truly under stand "Free Energy" concepts! NOW, you must erase a few silly notions of classic al electrical theory and download new info into your brain! I'm sure you have al l heard Einstein's Theory of Relativity...If you don't understand it, then, GOOD

! Einstein was wrong! Light is NOT the fastest energy, only a constant of 186,28 2 miles per second, not a speed limit of energy; otherwise Black Holes could not exist! This is just one of the fundamental flaws of Einstein's theory. Now that flawed theory is erased, right?A photon of light behaves both as a wave and a p article, on the cusp of physical dimensions, thus making it a thresh hold point. Energies beyond this point are massless and therefore ignored by the Michaelson -Morely experiment resulting in their false conclusion that the Aether does not exist. As Tesla said,"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, then thi nk in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."Next, we might ask, what is ener gy and electricity. Energy is the ability to do work. Electricity is energy in i t's most natural, archetypal form. Or as Tesla described it, Aether under pressu re. Next, you must realize that electricity flows on the OUTSIDE of a wire or co nductive surface such as a metal plate or a copper pipe. Electricity does NOT fl ow inside the wire! This is called the "skin effect". {PRESENT CHART GRAPH #1}------------------------In Electrical Engineering, we have 4 basic electrical com ponents of the Aether. All other expressions of electricity are derived from the se 4: TIME & SPACE (Metrical) = Determined only by measurements. Time is an illu sion. It is simply movement OR existence in space. The rate speed at which an ob ject or energy moves, determines the "time" it takes to travel.Space is ONE dime nsion, NOT three dimensions! A triangulated point in space is just a co-ordinate , not actual space. It is a point of reference in space itself. A cylinder can b e expressed in two dimensions, height and circumference so where is the third di mension? Gone?MAGNETISM & DIELECTRICTY (Physical) = Determined by tangible effec ts. Just as time & space are two aspects of the same field that work together; w e must also look at electricity as being two aspects of the same field. One can' t exist with out the other. Think not simply in terms of positive and negative c harges, but more like Ying & Yang, Male & Female, Night & Day. The two technical terms are known as the Hertzian Transverse Electromagnetic waves and the Teslia n Longnitudinal Magneto Dielectric waves. Although there two technical terms may sound confusing at first, once we understand the dual nature of electricity, th en we can simplify our understanding by using symbolic representations and abstr act analogies. Here we have PHI & PSI. PHI represents the "female" analogous asp ect and PSI represents the "male" analogous aspect. Maxwell's Equations & Laws of Thermodynamics---------------------------------------------Originally, Maxwell had 20 "known" factors and 20 "unknown" factors. H is mathematical formulas were so advanced and complex, that few understood the m ath. When Oliver Heavyside condensed the formulas to make them more understandab le, he left out the "unknown" factors which resulted in an incomplete model to w ork with. Our ideas of enegy, electricity, nature and laws of physics has been d istorted ever since! There is still much "unexplainable" phenomenons which are c onsidered a mystery by mainstream science's so called "experts"! RESONANCE:--------------There are many different ways to harness "free energy" f rom the Aether! Resonance draws extra energy. In an ideal resonant circuit, ther e is no electrical resistance, thus acting like a "super-conductor". An easy way to understand it is like this: Say you have 2 guitars, one is a classical acous tic and one is an electric guitar, WITH OUT the amp on... You strum the strings on the electric guitar and you hear just a little twang sound. You strum the str ings of the acoustic guitar and beautiful notes come out! It is the shape of the chamber that allows the sound to resonate, thus increasing the energy of the so und. Then if you turn on the amp with the electric guitar and you have the guita r too close, then you hear a loud screeching sound making you want to cover your ears. The feed back from the guitar is "unwanted" resonance, but resonance none the less. Unless you are Jimi Hendrix! We can ~demonstrate~ this effect with th is wine glass. I wet my finger and gently rub the edge. Soon, the wine glass sta rts to sing, although I haven't increased the speed or pressure; it has remained constant. My finger causes the vibrations, vibrations cause oscillations, oscil lations at the right frequency creates resonance. Now if an Opera singer were to sing at the same resonant frequency, it will cause the wine glass to vibrate. I

f she exceeds the capacity of the glass, then the wine glass shatters. "STATIC" ELECTRICITY IS DYNAMIC, NOT "STATIC"! (R.T.)What we call "Static electricity" is a misnamer ...uh...misnomer ... LOL! It is better defined as the Longitudinal M agneto Dielectric field. "Static electricity" is far from static. A charge build s up to it's thresh-hold, then discharges rapidly. If the charge builds up to th e thresh-hold faster than the dielectric material can hold it, then an electrica l explosion happens. I.E. capacitor pops! KAPOW! TESLA COILS AND WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSMISSION AND RECIEVING-----------------------------------------------------------In oder to understand a typical Tesla coil circuit we must understand certain components. It is actually a very simple air core transformer. Which of course produces Tesla waves of energy.Resonance is t he most important factor in Tesla coils. There are many different ways to harnes s "free energy" from the Aether! Resonance draws "free energy" from the Aether. In an ideal resonant circuit, there is no electrical resistance, thus acting lik e a "super-conductor". Impulses of energy, at precise timing, creates resonance. An easy way to understand it is like this: Let's say you are pushing a child on a swing. To get the child started moving takes a burst of energy for the initia l push. The next time you push, if you time it right, very little effort is need ed to make the child swing higher with each push. But the wrong timing will expe nd and waste much energy, slowing the child down.Another example is: Say you hav e 2 guitars, one is a classical acoustic and one is an electric guitar, WITH OUT the amp on... You strum the strings on the electric guitar and you hear just a little twang sound. You strum the strings of the acoustic guitar and beautiful n otes come out! It is the shape of the chamber that allows the sound to resonate, thus increasing the energy of the sound. Then if you turn on the amp with the e lectric guitar and you have the guitar too close, then you hear a loud screechin g sound making you want to cover your ears. The feed back from the guitar is "un wanted" resonance, but resonance none the less. Unless you are Jimi Hendrix! Nex t, we will discuss how the Tesla coil circuit works.First, we have the power sup ply of course. In our case we are using a Neon Sign Transformer. The current run s along the wires and into the capacitor which obviously builds up the charge to what we call capacitance. Steinmetz says in his introductory book Electric Disc harges, Waves and Impulses; Quote, "Unfortunately, to large extent in dealing wi th dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge (ele ctron) on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy betwee n the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated." (End q uote)Capacitance is a Static/Dynamic electrical charge, which is the Teslian in nature. "STATIC" ELECTRICITY IS DYNAMIC, NOT "STATIC"! What we call "Static elec tricity" is a misnomer. It is better defined as the Longitudinal Magneto Dielect ric field. A charge builds up to it's thresh-hold, then discharges rapidly. So t he capacitor then releases the higher potential charge in successive rapid disch arges of thousands of times a second. If the charge builds up to the thresh-hol d faster than the dielectric material can hold it, then an electrical explosion happens. (I.E. capacitor pops! "KAPOW!") So the capacitors must match the power supply for the best results. The electricity then travels from the capacitors in to the spark gap. The spark gap allows the potential to build up until the elect ricity jumps the spark gap which creates a plasma in the gap. If you can quench the spark gap, then it will increase your power output tremendously, up to milli ons of volts and hunredes of amps! The question then becomes: how you can safely handle that amount of power!? REMEMBER, electricity will always want to jump to the nearest and easiest conductive path, back to the ground...so DON'T be in it 's path! The Earth is like a giant capacitor that actually absorbs and holds a c harge and can be conductive too! Next we have inductance in our wire. Inductanc e is the electrical charge that flows along the wire. As it does, it then create s a Hertzian electro-magnetic field INSIDE the wire that permeates out a very sh ort distance. While Teslian dielectric waves propagate out perpendicular to the wire, in all directions, infinitely!!! This dielectrical energy of Teslian waves allows for wireless transmission of energy!!! Tesla called it Radiant Energy.So

in a straight piece of wire, an electrical pulse runs along the wire and the el ectro-magnetic field forms. When the pulse stops, then the electro-magnetic fiel d collapses rapidly until another electrical charge is supplied. When we coil a piece of wire, it then changes the properties and charcateristics of the energy flow. As the wire coils, it builds electro-magnetic energy; voltage increases as amperage decreases up the coil. The electro-magnetic energy transforms into con densed dielectricity as the coil increases in length or height. Thus producing t housands or even millions of Volts at a low Amperage. The Amps are what will kil l you!In our Tesla coil circuit, we have two coils; a primary and a secondary. W hen we apply the electrical power into the primary, it induces into the secondar y coil which is simply grounded and not touching the primary coil. The coils MUS T resonate at the same frequency. This is called inductive coupling. Thus a high ly charged electrical ion field rises to the ball or toroid on top that acts as a capacitor storing the charge. The discharge will seek the nearest conductive p ath back to ground. If it can't find a near enough conductive path, then it disb urses into the surrounding air. The ions charge the surrounding air making it mo re conductive thus allowing a lightning like discharge spark. In a Tesla Magnify ing Transmitter, we have a third resonant coil or an "extra coil" as Tesla call ed it. This gives it the "extra energy" boost by extracting energy from the Aeth er by resonance. Once we understand how the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter works, then we can start to understand the secrets of the pyramids. Recent studies hav e revealed astounding information that the pyramids were in fact ancient power p lants with elaborate channels of water underneath known as aquafers! The aquafer s were channels of moving water that creates a build up of charged ions to be di rected through the pyramid.The pyramids have been carbon dated back at least 25, 000 years, and that was before the Great Flood! It is now believed by experts th at the pyramids created wireless energy, much like Tesla intended to do with War denclyffe! The principles are virtually the same.In Colorado Springs, Colorado w hile doing his research and experiments; Tesla made his most profound discoverie s ever!!! The discoveries so profound in fact, that he considered electro-magnet ism his biggest failure!Here Tesla discovered a strange phenomena when observing the effects of lightning. While it's absolutely counter-intuitive, Tesla discov ered that a lightning storm at a distance caused effects in his sensitive equipm ent. As the storm approached, the effects diminished...Then as the storm drifted father away, the signals would increase with distance rather than diminish, up to it's thresh hold point!!! This allowed Tesla to form the conclusion that it i s indeed possible to transmit energy through the Earth! The electrical impulses were stronger at a particular distance allowing Tesla to discover how the waves amplify in the Earth. Tesla apparently re-discovered ancient technology to be c ombined with modern technology. There is a great voltage potential the higher in the atmosphere increasing with each foot above the Earth. Thus, the higher we g o into the atmosphere, the more energy we can harness from the sun's energy. Als o, the higher elevation we get into the atmosphere, the more electrically conduc tive the atmosphere becomes. Tesla knew this and had a metal ball like shape on top of his Wardenclyffe tower that serves as a capacitor to hold electrical char ge and as a transmitter and reciever apparatus.The The sun's energy interacts wi th our Ionosphere and the Ionoshpere then interacts with the magnetic-energy vie ns of the Earth called Telliuric currents. This interaction also causes the Nort hern Lights, Aurora Borealis where the lines of force are closer to the Earth ne arest the poles. The underground tunnels were to allow the sea water tides to eb b and flow into and the ions from the motion of the water creates energy flow. T esla was using a network of steel pipes and tunnels. He said it was a necessary expense in order to grip the Earth and make it quiver. In other words, Tesla pla nned to transmit energy through the Earth with stationary waves. He needed to re sonate with the frequency of the Earth. Tesla was going to pump the Earth full o f energy! But where on Earth would he get all that energy?! NOT from the Earth o nly, but from the Ionosphere as well! To induce the natural energies of the univ erse, Tesla planned to use an oscillator to create discharges with the power of lightning or greater, reaching thousands or even millions of volts! Tesla then p lanned to pump this energy at the right frequency, through the Earth to be "refl

ected" from the other part of the Earth, the reciever is preferably diametricall y opposed to the transmitter. As the Teslian waves propagate, they do so faster than the speed of light and with only a few percent loss. As the wave returns fr om it's "reflected" point of the Earth, another impulse wave is sent out. Thus, the waves overlap each other creating a Stationary wave, also called a "Standing " wave or a Scalar wave.. This amplifies the energy greatly and allows for trans mission of energy to anywhere on Earth!!! RESONANCE IS THE KEY! That is the basi cs of the theory thus far...The Wardenclyffe tower in Long Island, New York was supposed to be Tesla's greatest crowning achievement, but it was never finished. Greedy corporate monopolists ruined any chance of his success! I'm planning to rebuild Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower to provide free WIRELESS energy to everyone!W e need to recreate the Wardenclyffe tower! One of Tesla's secrets is that the Wa rdenclyffe was a prototype model for a larger tower! But his biggest secret was that these towers would produce Aetheric energy and thus increasing the vibratio nal frequency of the whole planet allowing us higher states of conciousness phys ically, emotionally and spiritually!Now that we understand Teslian energy, Tesla coils, the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter and some of the secrets of pyramid powe r; then we can explore strange and different powerful phenomena, unexplainable by most conventional, mainstream scientists. Next, we will explore statements ma de by other experts in the field starting with Nikola Tesla. Tesla said, "The da y science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it's existance."We will continu e with an excerpt from an interview with Eric Dollard by Thomas Joseph Brown. T : "Have you found any evidence in your research relating the dielectric field to orgone energy?"E: "Yes, the cosmic superimposition effect. If you take a low pr essure gas (in a bulb) and place it in two superimposed dielectric fields, then you get spiral formations such as Reich wrote about in his book COSMIC SUPERIMPO SITION. These formations appear as spheres, galaxies and other cosmic forms."T: "So the high voltage terminal of a properly built Tesla transmitter puts out a d a dielectric current a current of many amperes flowin ielectric field?"E: "Right g through free space without any electrons. This is a true electrical current."< END OF EXCEPERPT>COLD ELECTRICITY!!!-----------------------I'm very familiar wit h Peter Lindemann and learned from Peter's book, "The Secrets of Cold Electricit y"! With the help of his book, my dad and I WIRELESSLY transmitted Cold Electric ity about 10 feet across our living room! That was about 5 years ago and I reall y wish I had a video to prove it! So, you'll have to just take my word for it, I guess...or recreate the experiment yourself!Under very specific conditions, one can create "Cold Electricity" current.cold Electricity doesn't cause shock or h arm! You can submerse a light bulb with bare wires into a container of water usi ng your bare hands! Cold Electricity is highly more efficient and far more power ful than conventional household electricity! Motors will barely draw any extra a mperage if any, even when over loaded up to it's thresh-hold point! The motor ca n actually ice up and freeze instead of getting hot and burning up. The principl e of the operation of the magnifying transmitter was first reported by Nikola Te sla in his later research in the late 1800 s, after he had already completed his w ork with alternating current (AC) generators and generators. His key patent, Elec trical Transformer, number 593,138, was filed in March 1897, and was issued on No v. 2, 1897. Tesla followed this with two other important patents within a few ye ars: Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy, number 685,958, dated November 5, 1901; a nd Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through The Natural Mediums, number 787,4 12, dated April 18, 1905. These patents form the basis for this repeatable and o bservable effect.So next we have excerpts from: The Free Energy Secrets of Cold E lectricity By Peter Lindemann (With some added info!)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Lines 122 to 130 on page 2 in th is later patent by Tesla state: I have found it practicable to produce in this man ner electrical movement thousands of times greater than the initial that is, the one impressed on upon the secondary by the primary A and I have this reached ac tivities or rates of flow of electrical energy in the system E C E measured by ma ny tens of thousands of horsepower. So next we have excerpts from: The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity By Peter Lindemann (With some added info!)All three o

f these patents by Tesla are reproduced in the Appendix of this book.In this boo k, on page 26, we find:[Pages 15 through 29 are actually excerpted from Chapter 1 of Secrets of Cold War Technologies: Project HAARP and Beyond, by Gerry Vassilat os, Adventures Unlimited Press.] Tesla viewed voltage as streams of aether under v arious states of pressure. Raising these stresses could produce enormous aether streams, where the observed voltage would then be extremely high and luminous. T his was the very condition which Tesla had come to believe had been established in his Transformers. On page 33, Peter Lindemann states: Obviously, Tesla did not ag ree with the work of Helmholtz, Hertz, and Maxwell! For those readers who do not know who these gentlemen are, Hermann von Helmholz laid the foundation for what is now known as the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that Energy can be c hanged from one form to another, but it is neither created nor destroyed. James C lerk-Maxwell s equations are the backbone of modern electromagnetic theory, and He inrich Hertz supposed verification of Maxwell s work was deemed so important that t hey named the measurement of frequency after him. These esteemed gentlemen are p ivotal personalities in the way electrical science is taught today. But, as we c an see, Tesla dismissed them all as not being relevant to his experimental findi ngs. In other words, if we follow the path back to the aethers, we must be willi ng to leave behind the ideas and limitations defined by the First Law of Thermody namics and Maxwell s equations. We now will peer beyond the boundaries of these roo ts, and move into a completely different realm of study. From page 42: So, now we ha ve what I believe are ample and sufficient references in Tesla s own words support ive of Vassilatos main thesis that, indeed Tesla was actively engaged in charging capacitors with high voltage DC sources; he was discharging them through magnet ically quenched spark-gaps; he was doing this at extremely high rates of vibrati on, even up to many millions of times per second, and finally, that this was the method of operating his magnifying transmitter, the device that produced and capt ured what Tesla called Radiant Energy. From page 44, there are specific conditions to be met in order to successfully produce Cold Electricity from Radiant energy: Peter Lindemann refers to it as an Electro-Radiant event.Here we have the Summary of The Electro-Radiant Event". 1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted ab ruptly before any reversals of current can occur2. This effect is greatly increa sed when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.3. The Electro-Radi ant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage t hat can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic light-like ray tha t behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure.6. Electro-Radiant e ffects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spar k-gap7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create electronic res ponses in metals like copper and silver. In this case, electronic responses means t hat an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Rad iant emissions.8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are com pletely safe to handle and will not shock or cause harm.9. Electro-Radiant impul ses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in v acuum globes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that you understand the secrets of the universe, I encourage you all to do your own research and carefully experiment whenever possible! We all have great potential and have been greatly discouraged by special interests when disc overing and developing new clean energy technologies for free energy! Life isn't supposed to be this way and we know it!We need self sustainable communities for all! NOW is the time for change! We are creating the paradigm shift into a high er consciousness of being to bring in a new Golden Age of peace, prosperity and love! We would be honored if you could join us in helping to make this happen! C heck out theselinks, it's absolutely free and you have nothing to lose my friend !

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