The Bang Rule

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THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

THE BANG RULE …The Ultimate Seduction Guild For Nigerian Guys

By Charles Nneji ©2013 – 2017 all rights reserved


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji


Dear friend; In this world there are two kinds of guys – the doers and the ones who don’t have the nerve to do anything. Buying this book shows me that you fall amongst the first group of guys – the doers. If you desire to learn how to effortlessly make girls interested in you then this the right book for you. Like you I used to be very terrible with girls, they played me, rejected me, called me mugu. All through my stay In the university I never had a girlfriend….not a single one. But one thing about me is that I am like you, when i don’t like a part of me I do everything possible to improve or change that part I don’t like. So I started buying books and listening to tapes on the subject of making girls take me more seriously. I came across a lot of trash, I bought a lot of books that just didn’t work out – for years I fumbled in the dark trying to really understand how the mind of women work and how to manipulate their minds.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

But one thing about those books I bought back then was that it was written by white people. All the tapes I bought and listened to were done by white people – and I noticed that the strategy they taught just didn’t work on African girls. Sure enough some of them worked. When I started practsing the art of approaching girls and getting them to fall in love with me some of those strategies failed me, some helped, some I developed by myself and all these trial and error took years. Every single thing I have learnt within those years is what I have packaged in this book so you will not have to make the same mistakes I made or go through the pain and embarasement I went through before learning these things that really work. See this book as some sort of maunal; the basics. While writing it I have resisted the urge to write something huge. Initally this book had been over 200 pages but I slashed it down and here you have a straight to the point maunal. I have taken out the bones in the book and have left you just the meat. Go through it once and you will be better than most guys who have not come across this book; but still, go through it again whenever you have a question on how to approach a particular girl you like or how to advance to another level with a particular girl you are seeing – let it me some kind of guild to taking decisions when it comes to girls. By buying this book your life is about to change drastically, trust me. When you master the contents of this book you will effortlessly make girls fall in love with you in an instant; no matter how pretty they are or how classy. And here is the easy part; you will able to do this without even 4

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spending a dime on them – even if you are not good with girls this very moment, by just reading you wont be the same as when you started…I am sure about this because I have seen a lot of guys this book had improved – guys that I am very sure you are better than. However, let this book compliment your life but don’t let it define you. read it, practise it and find a way to make it part of your personality. What this book teaches is not a change of who you are, what it teaches is strategies that you can add to your existing personality to make yourself more attractive. So don’t change who you are after reading it. Congrats once again; your decision to get this book would be the best decision you ever made in your dating life. Read on and see what I mean. Yours Faithfully Charles Nneji.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji


In the past, when humans used to live in caves they were usually involved in just two basic activities – one was sex and the other was fighting. They had nothing else to worry about so back then the guys that got the sex and the girl were the guys who were able to fight for it, guys with physical strenght. Lets call these type of guys – the “fight lords”. Way back then just the fight lords got the girl. People who understood the martial rules.. Civilization has come and luckily we don’t need to physically fight over girls again (though some stupid guys still do). To get girls in this age you don’t need to know martial rules or the law of fighting, what you need to know is a different rule that governs creating immense attraction for you in girls.. That different kind of law you need to understand is called THE BANG RULE and that law is what this book is about.

THE BANG RULE View the bang rule as some kind of key to a woman’s two most cherished properties – her heart and her pants. The strategies in this book are the tried and tested secrets to getting a woman to take interest in you like she was charmed. The bang rule is similar to martial arts – at first you get beaten but when you master it you would walk up 7

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to any girl and have her begging you to take her into your life

In this book I will be showing you secrets to getting into a woman’s head, screwing it well and making her trip real bad for you. But still, it’s not just enough to read this book and know these step by step secrets I will be reaveling – you also have to go out and practise them. That is the only way you are going to be good at this. Like I told you earlier these secrets/ law that I will show you are like martial arts and you don’t learn how to fight just by reading a book. Although reading a book is a step; it’s function is only to make things super easy for you when you start practising. You don’t learn how to play football just by reading, you have to go out and play even though a football book can help you know the rules of how to play better football. One thing this book will do for you is to show you the secrets of what works and what doesn’t and that means you will have an edge over other guys. While they are making 8

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all the wrong moves with their girlfriends this book will show you the exact strategy of stealing those girls away from them right under their nose. But like I said; you need to practise. HOW LONG IT TAKES TO MASTER THE BANG RULE From past experience advising people on the issue of becoming players I have noticed a particular partern. Although I have seen guys who become instant players 20 minutes after reading this book I have also noticed something.

To become a master at using and applying the BANG RULE in real life you have to go out and practise it for four days every week, four hours each day and approach three girls per hour and talking to each of these girls for twenty minutes…this will make you master the secrets faster. Now don’t feel scared about that; by the end of the book you will see the fear you feel now vanish.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

But still, if you do not want to follow this tight routine and schedule because you are busy you can still practise the strategies at your own pace whenever you want. Alright? Now lets begin… THE MINDSET OF GIRLS I am going to start off this whole stuff by giving you a run down about my take on how girls think, it doesn’t matter what you have watched in movies, what your friends have told you works with girl - heck it doesn’t even matter what girl themselves tell you works with them. There is always the exact same triggers that can cause any girl to melt before a man

True enough every girl can’t be the same but the fact still remains that even though every woman is not the same they still respond to the same basic set of rules and stimulus when it comes to attraction – and the fact is this, if you know the buttons to press in a woman’s head you will make her do anything you want. Before I became good with girls I used to be a total failure with them, all through my stay in the university I never had a single girlfriend – girls just didn’t want to date me, the ones I summoned up courage to approach played me real 10

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bad, cheated on me or laughed at me (sometimes to my face) Most times when guys get this kind of treatment from girls, just like I did back then, they tend to conclude that girl are complicated. But here is the fact; GIRL ARE NOT COMPLICATED, THEY ARE JUST DIFFERENT. Look at it this way, lets assume you don’t speak french – you only speak english and then maybe your own mother tongue. One day you are walked into an exam hall and asked to write a letter to a friend in french. What would be your reaction? Of course you would label the exam as hard and complicated. Now lets assume you are asked to write the same letter in English – what happens? The exam becomes easy. Why? Because you know how the english word works but you don’t know how french works – but they were the same exam, both of the exam required you to write a letter to a friend so one cant have been harder than the other. The only difference is that THE LANGUAGE WAS DIFFERENT. Because the language french was different from the english language you are familiar with you tend to conclude that the french exam was complicated. When it comes to girl and guys we are wired differently upstairs – our brains don’t work the same way. Ever wondered why most girl don’t watch football matches?, have you ever wondered why most girl love 11

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romance novels while guys hate it, have you ever wondered why most girl love romance movies while most guys don’t? The difference between guys and girl didn’t just stop in how our body is structured, it extends to how we think – it extends to how we fall in love, how we are wired upstairs to feel attraction. I had this friend in university who had really long penis, it was his pride and he loved bragging about it. One day he went to see one of his female classmates he was interested in and as arrogant as his “impressive” penis had made him, he pulled down his shorts in front of the girl so she would marvel at the sheer size of what he had inside his boxers. Yeah, you guessed right…she screamed him out of her room. Now lets assume that it had happened the other way round. Imagine you were the guy and the girl had walked into your room then pull down her bra and her pants and then waves her boobs at you – would you scream and ask her to leave your room? I will leave you to answer that. Sure, you might get suspicious of her because she is throwing herself at you, but still, you will have a certain degree of interest in what you are seeing. Doesn’t that tell you something? Also a girl would not sleep with two friends because she would be scared the guys will find out and label her a whore. But what happens when a guy bangs two friends. He will feel like a boss, right? Now what happens when a girl bangs two brothers – she feels like a whore, right? 12

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What if you are banging two sisters? You feel like a boss, right? INSIDE OUR HEADS WE ARE DIFFERENT FROM GIRLS. SHIFT YOUR THINKING When I first realised what worked with girls it just struck me that the reason I had been getting it all wrong was because I was viewing the whole thing from my angle rather than from the angle of a girl. In rome act like a roman. To get girls you have to think like them – that is just the plain simple straight-forward formular. HOW A WOMAN THINKS When you get to understand girls you will find out that they are about the easiest set of people to master and control. The fact is this, girls want to be controled. They want to hand over power to you and allow you take over them, but when you hand over power to them they hate you for it. A woman might act all tough to you and still be used like a rag by another guy. A woman thinks emotionally while a man thinks logically. Way back in school it was easier to make my mum buy me stuffs than my dad. I would ask both of them for money to get clothes for going back to school at the beginning of a semester and my dad would be like: “what happened to all your clothes”. My mother, on the other hand, will still give me money because she felt I had to look good amongst friends in school or I will tend to feel bad. When you understand this fundamental rule then you will really start seeing results with girl – guys think in logic, women think in emotions. 13

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To get a girl to fall in love with you you have to know how to touch her emotional buttons and that is exactly what you are going to learn in this book – how to touch any girl’s emotional button and make her attracted to you like crazy. HOW GIRLS VIEW SEX Sex to a lot of girls is an emotional bonding thing while to us guys it can be just physical. That is, when a woman has sex with you she bonds with you on an emotional level. However, although girls love sex as much as we guys do they don’t give in to sex easily – most times they don’t give in to sex at all (that is, if you don’t know about the BANG RULE and how to apply it on them). Why? Because to girls sex is more of an investment than it is to guys. When a woman has sex with you she faces two major risks.

1. She faces the risk of been seen or called a slut (due to social conditioning) 2. She faces the risk of getting pregnant (while we guys leave them at it) We don’t face either of these problems so we can get attracted to a lot of girls and still feel good about 14

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themselves. Girls, on the other hand, can’t trip for every guy they meet. The enviroment has made them so – they view sex as both a large investment (because they risk been called sluts) and they also see sex as a dangerous affair (due to the issue of pregnancy). How does this affect you and weather you get girls or not? Simple - It makes girl more picky when it comes to guys they allow into their life; if they will allow you in then they have to see you as a special kind of guy who is different from other guys. The reason why girls don’t go out accepting every guy that walks up to them is because of these two major factors I listed up there. It is not because their hormones is less strong than ours, it is because those two factors hold them back – they are wired to make sure that the guy that comes into their life is really worth it. They are not complicated; you just need to learn the Bang rule to crack their codes. Now, lets first start from the basics before the more advanced stuffs


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

IMPORTANT BULLET POINTS FROM CHAPTER ONE  The only way to master “THE BANG RULE” is to really practice them, don’t just read and drop this book.  You can improve beyond your wildest imaginations with women just by reading this book but you have to strive to not just be good but to become a Bang rule master.

 Although no two girls are exactly alike they still fall for the basic tricks of creating attraction. They might be different in character but when it comes to creating attraction they fall from the same triggers.  Girls are not complicated; they just speak a different emotional language from guys and the bang rule decodes that language.

 Girls avoid getting too intimate with guys because it exposes them to two risks – the risk of been seen as a slut and the risk of getting pregnant. A guy can have sex with lots of girls but girls are wired to avoid this and even when they sleep around they are wired to hide it while guys are wired to brag about it.

 Due to the risks girls associates with getting intimate with a guy they tend to be selective with a guy they let into their life, this is why they don’t easily fall for the same thing that will make a guy fall.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

 The risks associated with getting intimate with a guy has made girls mount a defense on their emotional wall, to make the fall you need to learn how to break those defenses without her knowing.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji


WHAT DOES GIRLS WANT? To master the BANG RULE you must first understand what girls want and to understand what girls want you have to see them as some form of cats. HOW GIRL ARE LIKE CATS Cats love going behind closed doors, when you lock up a cat in a room with one door it automatically wants to go into the next room behind the closed door, then when you let it into the closed door it automatically wants to go back into the room it has come from.

A woman might want an alpha male but when she gets one she starts working towards taming and controlling him. When she finally controls and tames him she is satisfied 18

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but with time she starts hating the guy because he is now under her control. This is the exact same reason while girls say they want a caring romantic guy but when this type of guy comes along they do not find him as fascinating as he was in their imagination and so they reject him. Now what does this mean? It means that girls do not think logically, they are governed by emotions and emotions are never stable. Through some real life experiences the bang rule was developed to manipulate these unstable emotions in such a way that it is beneficial to us guys. But before we go into the rules proper let’s quickly take a look at what motivates a woman’s behavior and how we can take advantage of them. THE MOTIVATIONS These are usually the factors that can influence a woman’s selection process when it comes to guys.

- LOOKS AND HEIGHT Girls are usually attracted to tall handsome guys, as a matter of fact ask any girl the qualities she wants in a man and she might probably name these two. But still, If you are short and ugly it still doesn’t matter – I have seen short and ugly guys who use the BANG RULE to get massively gorgeous girls


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

- BEING HEALTHY AND IN SHAPE It is quite possible not to have six packs and rippling muscles and still make girls trip for you but still, girls are generally attracted to guys who are in good shape because they mostly look good and also because they give out some form of energy that is appealing to girls. - HYGIENE AND GROOMING. Every woman loves a neat man. If she is going to kiss you or make love to you then you just have to be neat. Nobody would want to be intimate with a bag of manure - FASHION SENSE Girls are usually fashion conscious freaks, they notice when a guy doesn’t have a good fashion sense and these lowers a guy’s value in a girl’s eyes. If you don’t get compliments often for your dress sense then you need to fix your dressing. - BEING COMFORTABLE. Forget about looking or acting confident and focus more on been and acting comfortable. Sure, when you are confident you appear comfortable but still, when you try to act confident you tend to become uncomfortable. It is pretty easier to force yourself to become comfortable than to become confident. Relax and take up space in a comfortable way, lean back and enjoy yourself.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

- SMILING AND HAVING A SENSE OF HUMOR. Don’t always keep your face screwed like you are fighting with the world. Have a sense of humor. Smile, joke, don’t take yourself too seriously. Happiness is contagious and you need to be fun to be around. - DON’T BE NEEDY AND DON’T BE AFFECTED Girls hate desperate guys who go after them bumber to fender. You need to be laid back, don’t go after a woman like your life depends on it. You want to give a woman the impression that you are in control, that you can go out and replace her easily – girl are attracted by this. Don’t try to impress people, when a woman senses this in you it will put her off – trying to impress people makes you look like someone of lesser value. SOME MORE LITTLE TIPS ABOUT GIRL To lay the foundation of what you are going to learn in this book there is need for you to understand the following basic stuffs. WHY IT SEEMS GIRL ARE “FISH BRAINS” Human beings are motivated by emotions, emotions influence what we choose to do and what we choose not do, for both guys and girl, but for girls emotions are taken much more seriously. When a woman wants to explain why she did something (like cheating on you for instance) she will often use emotions as the legitimate reason for doing it.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

NEVER TRY TO CONVINCE A WOMAN… We guys think logically – girl don’t, they think with their emotions, therefore, never argue with them or try to convince them into liking you. what a woman thinks she likes is not usually what she likes. She might say she wants a very caring man but shower her with love and care and she will dump you. FOCUS ON MANIPULATING HER EMOTIONS Like I said before – one; girls think with emotions instead of logic. Two; trying to convince a woman is useless because she just doesn’t get logic, she will rather base her actions on emotions. What this means is that once she feels right about you she will do anything you want.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

But however, girls know how vulnerable they can be in an emotional state so what they do to avoid this is to become unresponsive to a guy who they feel is either below them or who doesn’t match their taste. To get into a woman’s head you must learn to influence her on an emotional level and make her drop the silly fantasy she wants in a man. It is important to give a woman some kind of emotions, making her feel jealousy or frustration is far better than if she doesn’t feel anything with you at all. However; the trick lies in giving her a wide range of emotions instead of just making her feel good. That is, instead of just being fun and loving to her – make her feel curiousity, anger, connection, fear of loosing you, happiness, sadnesss and so on. The more she is stimulated with different emotions all from you the more possible it is for you to bend her to your will. I will explain more about this in the coming chapters.

NEVER KISS AND TELL All girls’ lives they have always been afraid of been labelled as cheap and this affects their behaviour. Like I told you previously, this is the major reason aside from getting pregnant why it is difficult for a girl to get into the bed with a man easily – it is not because they don’t enjoy sex as much as guys do, it is because of this.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

Therefore, as you practise the bang rule you will become very successful with girls and take them to bed easily BUT never brag about your sexcapades, if it gets to the girl you had contacts with that would be the end and also, if other girls get to hear you brag about your sexual relations with other girls it raises her defence and she assumes that having sex with you or having any form of intimacy with you will always be exposed by you – when that happens you are never going to get off her friendzone. So, for example, when you get a woman’s phone number never be seen by her or her friends walk up to your friends and take a high five for collecting her number – it will spoil things for you real bad. ANTI-LOOSE-KNOT (ALK) I can not overemphasize this enough; a girl has this great fear of been seen as loose. It affects her behaviour, it controls every single behaviour she makes when it comes to getting her attracted to you or moving in to kiss her. Not only that she doesn’t want to be seen as loose, she also doesn’t want to be feel like she is loose – this is important, even if a gil likes you and somewhere along the line she feels she is giving in easily it will make her pull back. 24

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The contents of this book is aimed at giving you secrets to use in making her to loosen her ALK (Anti-Loose-knot) When you practise the bang rule often enough time will come when you can move from just meeting her to getting physical with her without triggering her ALK (Anti-Looseknot) LIMITED LIABILITY When you are trying to get a woman to get physical with you or fall in love with you she will never make her own moves, she wants to beileve within herself that she wasn’t the one who choose her actions. She wants to push the liability unto you. What this means is that when you tell a girl….”come over to my house let’s have sex”, this will trigger her ALK (Anti loose knot) and she will always say no or bring up some excuse not to come. But when you say to her, “come over to my house let me show you my new laptop”….she sees a reason to show up and “mistakenly” have sex with you. She wants to beileve she wasn’t the one who made the decision, she wants to beileve it was fate – that that was 25

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how it was meant to be and not that it was planned. Once a girl gets the hint that you are PLANNING to have sex with her or planing to make her fall in love with you she will automatically start “shutting down” her system. LEAD THE WAY EVERY TIME With girls you have to be leading the way all the time, you have to be taking the whole interaction to where you want it to go because she would never lead the way. She wants limited liability, remember?

So you need to be the one making things to happen. For instance, when meeting a woman for the first time it is important that you sound interesting and bring up interesting topics for you two to talk about. If you don’t raise interesting topics she will bring up boring ones and then blame it on you, in her mind, and accuse you of been uninteresting while she is the uninteresting person. And if she feels other guys are more interesting than you then she wouldn’t waste time with you.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

HER LITMUS TESTS A woman, above all, wants to feel secure and protected. She wants to have a man who will make her feel safe and secure, this is why it seems they love men who have money. But she would never go about asking you directly if you would make her feel safe and secure – she will just test you and based on how you pass this test will determine the future you two have together.

I will show you in later chapters how to remain cool and pass her tests. NEVER APPEASE HER When I pointed out that girl test guys I don’t mean you should go all out and try to impress her or appease her when thoese tests come up. See girl as little babies, they want to know where the boundaries starts – they would keep pushing at you till they feel some form of resistance then that is when they will feel secure with you. 27

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Let her and she will walk over you and when she does walk over you she will loose attraction she feels for you. Just because she says she wants you to act the way she wants doesn’t mean she will like you for it; girl don’t usually know what they want. MAKE HER INVEST Been attractive and knowing how to use the Bang rule is not enough, the fact is this – if another guy who knows how to apply these same techniques comes along you might loose the girl you are working on. So whats the solution? Simple - Make her invest in you


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

Here is how it works; the girl you are going for might probally really like you at the onset but if she does not put in much into the interaction then there is a probability she will move on to the next flashy thing that shows up. The trick is to make her invest her time, money and attention in you. when she does that she is less likely to walk away with the next interesting guy that shows up because she would want a return on the investment she has put into you. The bang rule formular of investment is – PET ME P – Physical investments: A girl who you kiss will become a bit more invested in you when all you did before was just to hug her, then when you have sex with her the level of investment increases too. You have to work on always increasing her level of investment all the time. (Note; for most girl sex is the greatest investguyst of all) E – Emotional investment: a girl who has cried for you, really laughed hard around you has done more investment than a girl who doesn’t do any of that. 29

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T – Time: the more time a girl spends with you the more invested she will be. This is why girls rarely leave a guy they have dated for more than 2 years and then when that guy leaves them they become extremely bitter. M – Money: when a girl puts in money into your life it also increases her level of investment. This doesn’t mean you should go about asking her money for things, it will only make her loose respect for you, but still, at some points you have to make her spend on you. The strategies in this book are aimed at giving you secrets that will make a girl more invested in you. ON THE ATTITUDES OF SOME GIRL. Learning the strategies in this book and been able to practise them till they become part of you will skyrocket your performace with girls by 80 percent. You want to be a 100 percent perfect, right? The problem is that that can never be possible. You have to face the fact that although you would become so good after reading and implementing what you read in this book but still, sometimes you will meet girls who have already invested in other guys. Remember what I told you earlier – the more invested a girl has become in a guy the less likely that she will leave him.


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These kind of girls might turn you down; just move on. The secret to been a master of the bang rule is the ability to not focus on results but on the process because, trust me, starting out you are going to see a lot of sucesses but they won’t be as half mindblowing as it would be when you remove your mind from trying to get a particular girl and focus on approaching the girl so you can work on your skills.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

BULLET POINTS FROM CHAPTER 2  Forget trying to act confident around a girl, it will only make you rigid and been rigid puts a girl off. Focus more on been relaxed and seeing the whole interaction with her as fun catching.  No matter what never show a girl how much you like her, she is to be kept guessing. Never be desperate for her attention. She should work to impress you and not the other way round.

 You cannot convince or talk a girl into liking you or be interested in you; focus more on manipulating her emotions with the strategies in this book.

 To manipulate a woman into falling in love with you, you don’t only have to make her feel good always with you, you have to give her a wide range of different types of emotions – sadness and joy; a sense of connection and a fear of losing you, a sense of mystery and curiosity. The more confusing you appear to her the more intense her feeling for you will be and the more likely that you will bend her to your will.

 Never brag about your escapades with girls in front of other girls you are interested in, it will make her feel you will brag about it to others when you finally get her – this can raise her defense system against you. Also, never say bad things about other girls in front of her, it will cause the same effect. 32

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 Always keep making the decisions always when you are with a girl you like; girls are attracted to guys who are always in control and who leads the way.  Never let a woman control you or allow her see that she has power over you, she will hate you for it.

 Never argue with a girl and don’t appease her unless it is on your own term. That is, rather than apologizing when she is throwing tantrums at you, walk away from her without speaking and take her on a romantic date the next day when you feel like (You can add your own variation to this).

 The more a girl invests in you the less likely that she will leave you easily therefore make her invest in you from time to time.

 Investments can take the form of; sex, her money and her time but the greatest investment a girl can make is sex.

 When you approach a girl, focus more on practicing the tricks you learnt from this book and remove your mind from trying to get her – this will improve your chances of improving and also your chances of getting her. If a girl is nasty to you never let it get to you or you will never improve.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

CHAPTER 3 THE BANG RULE What you are about to learn are the basic skills for approaching girl and getting them interested in you in split seconds. However, like I mentioned earlier, to be good at this you really need to go out and practice and with time you will get better at it. As you practice these strategies I am about to show you it might take time before they become part of you but still, with time you will be able to know when to do what and when not to do what and they will all just flow naturally to you – to practice these stuffs are super easy, trust me. View this guild as the same guild that teaches how to play football, you will know how to get a woman but it is only when you go out and practice them that you will be able to become really good at using them. You have to focus on your journey and not the outcome; what this means is that as you go out and practice what I am about to teach, don’t bother or worry about getting a girlfriend rather focus more on developing your skills. It’s just like playing football, at first a good striker might not be really good at scoring the goal but as he practices more his skill grows and he starts to notice that he now effortlessly gives goals.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

THE BANG RULE STAGES As you practice the bang rule you have to be very critical and watchful of these stages; they will always appear and the ability to be watchful of these stages and not go against them or jump one without completing the first is very important


These three stages have one end result – to trigger a sexual attraction in a girl. To make a girl feel comfortable enough to want to have sex with you and because of that you can escalate the whole interaction the way you want by making her your girlfriend or friends with benefit. That is; using these strategies you can just get a girl to have sex with you if that is all you want or you may just escalate it and use it to make her your girlfriend. Before I show you the individual applications in each stage I will have to first take you through the meaning of each stage. THE SIGHTING STAGE: This stage focuses on making a girl attracted to you. The number one rule in the bang rule is never to try to get a girl 35

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to have sex with you or to try to make her kiss you rather the focus is to make her want to do those things because she wants to do them real bad. What does this means? A girl kissing you because you spent on her or because you are funny or because you have nice lips is not what the bang rule does. What it does is it makes a girl want to kiss you because she feels like kissing you and just can’t explain why. To really understand that lets take a look at the “Attraction switches” in both male and female. What happens when you see a very pretty girl with full boobs putting on just pants and bras? What if that same girl tries to rock you or dance on your laps? Now imagine that another girl who is very muscular with small boobs and almost no buttocks tries to the same thing to you. It doesn’t work, right? What this means is that in our head as guys there is a certain specific switch that triggers sexual attraction in us but have you ever stopped to wonder what it is that triggers that of girl. I mean, they seem to know that all they have to do is show up in semi-nudes and they have our attention so what then happens to get them interested in us on a sexual level. Once you understand this then you can press the sexual switches of a girl and when the sexual switches of a girl is pressed then you can turn her into anything you want – a girlfriend or a wife. 36

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Now let’s study what it is that can trigger a girl’s sexual buttons. The way we guys are wired upstairs is to respond to what will make us have sex, we were made that way by nature. We get interested or get attracted to girls with specific types of hips, type of face, or maybe size of her breast. Girls on the other hand are wired to respond to a different thing and that is – IMPRESSIONS. What does this mean? Simple; while we are attracted by how a woman looks a woman is attracted by what she feels we are. For instance; you would look more attractive to a woman if she feels that other girls are attracted to you. That is, a guy who walks into a room in the company of a very pretty girl will look more attractive to the girls in the room than a guy that walks in alone. Having a lipstick stain on your check can get a girl to take notice. The same way you feel when you see a girl who has nice lips is the same way most girls will feel when they see a lipstick stain on your lip. Also; a guy who drives a big car will look more attractive than a guy who drives just a golf car– impression. Does this means you have to be fake to get girls? The answer is no. the main trick is to give her the impression of been valuable and also demonstrating that other girls are interested in you. This doesn’t mean you should go around bragging about the number of girls you have dated or the number of girls you have slept with. It has to be more subtle than that.


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I will explain this concept later but first let’s check out the stage two of the Bang rule THE BONDING STAGE: Most mistake guys who practice the bang rule make is that they practice all the tricks of the sighting stage and when the girl starts showing signs of sexual interest in them they escalate into getting physical with them without passing through one stage – The blanket stage.

What is the blanket stage? This is the stage after making a girl attracted in you when you have to make her feel comfortable around you. Go past this stage into getting physical and you might destroy everything. Let me give you a pictorial explanation of the bonding stage before going on to explain more.


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getting physical stage blanket stage Interest building stage

To understand the above diagram you have to start from the outside. First; you build a girl’s interest in you, then you make her feel comfortable with you before you escalate it to the last two. Notice that getting physical (That is - kissing, sex, making out) lies far inside the circle – what this means is that it should come last when you want to get a girl and never let her know you are following a map. Here is the part that gets trickier… When you want to get a girl to fall in love with you should not jump into the blanket stage fast (stage where you two become like friends). You have to spend as much time in the interest building stage as possible if not you will become friend zoned. As a matter of fact, when you handle the interest building stage well enough she would personally want to get you into the blanket stage herself by wanting to get to know you better. 39

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However the four mistakes a lot of guys also make with the Bang rule is 1. Trying to go straight into the physical stage first: This might sound obvious but a lot of guys do it. When you make a girl sense you are interested in her sexually from the onset it will automatically raise her Anti-loose knot and when that happens you never get into the creating interest stage or the blanket stage. It doesn’t matter if she liked you when she first saw you; quickly moving into this stage will raise her defense system so very fast it will surprise you how fast it was raised. This doesn’t mean you should directly tell her you are not interested in her; there is more subtle way to it. 2. Going straight into the blanket stage first: A lot of guys make this mistake often, when you make a girl feel too comfortable around you first before she has become attracted to you then you will be friend zoned and you will remain friend zoned for a very long time. Going into this stage before creating attraction or interest in you results in making a girl feel you are nice but not the kind of guy she would want to date. Also, walking up to a girl and trying to build comfort with her before creating an attraction will not work. Never walk up to a girl and start by introducing yourself, why would she want to know your name when she is not even interested in you. Fact is this; if a woman is not interested in you then any attempt to make her feel comfortable around you will either bore her or make her friend-zone you. 40

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3. Building interest but not entering the blanket stage: Building all the attraction is not enough, when you focus on just building attraction and do not attempt to go into the blanket stage then you will fail in the game. You need to make her invest, remember? The blanket stage serves the purpose of gradually make her invest a little bit. 4. Remaining in just the Interest building stage and the blanket stage: You have to keep advancing to the stage of getting physical with her, remember when I talked about the need to get a girl invested in you? That is why you have to advance to the physical stage. If you remain in the first two too long she would fly away with the next guy who knows how to play his game right. THE FOUR MISTAKES AT A GLANCE • This shuts down the other bang rule stages automatically

• This activates her friend-zoning mode

Physical stage first

Blanket stage first


Staying in blanket and interest building stage too long

• This will enventaually make her loose interest

• will make her move on easily when opportunity com


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

DON’T BE A PLAYER… I will like to point this out here; this book is not about how to become a player. What a player does is to make a woman attracted to him and then manages to escalate that attraction to the physical stage without growing through the blanket stage (stage of building comfort). Then after the sex, he leaves. To successfully implement the bang rule you must have to KNOW the tripple laws of seducing pretty girls. They are… 1. Make a girl believe that you are not interested in her looks that much but more interested in her as a person 2. You must understand the importance of building comfort with a girl before moving to the physical stage 3. You must stop yourself and the girl you are engaged in from going too far too soon. Let me explain the tripple laws of seducing pretty girls in details. Law #1..HER LOOK DOESN’T MATTER On no condition should you tell a pretty girl that she is pretty. She should never hear that from you and you should never make her suspect that you think she is beautiful. When you fail to abide with this law you will give her the impression that you are like other guys and she wants a special kind of guy– to successfully win this race you have to be different. However, when a woman starts getting the impression that you are not interested in her looks she tries to make you notice it and when she starts doing this it automatically 42

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means she is interested in you and when you start seeing this signs that is when you have to consider moving from the building interest stage to the blanket stage. But still, never return a woman’s interest as soon as she starts showing interest in you. You have to make her work for it. If you are too easy she will lose her attraction for you. The signs that a girl is interested in you is known as THE GREEN LIGHT and here are some examples of green lights. 1. She laughs at your jokes even when they are not funny. 2. She holds your hands and shows up around you often. 3. She calls you up frequently or is the first to send you chats messages When she starts showing green lights after you have created an interest in her then you have to make her feel she is gradually getting you attracted to her because of some qualities she is developing. Note; the keyword here is “gradually”. Don’t rush into it. RULE #2…BUILD COMFORT FIRST BEFORE GOING PHYSICAL. To really get this and how long you have to wait before going physical you have to understand that it takes a period of three days to build comfort with a girl and as you get better it will take even shorter periods of time. But however, it’s only when you go out and practice that you will you know for sure when it is time to take the whole game to the next level.


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When you do not go through the blanket stage first before jumping into the getting physical stage you will turn off her attraction for you.

RULE #3…STOP YOURSELF FROM GOING TOO FAR TOO SOON Now here is a very important point about the blanket stage, as you are in the comfort stage building stage it is fine to kiss a girl but here is the rule – ALWAYS BE THE ONE TO STOP and always stop it before it escalates then pull back. The reason for this is, by kissing her, you avoid getting into friend zone and by pulling back you make her grow more comfortable with you because pulling back is different from what most guys do. Sex raises a woman’s ALK and it might spoil things in the long run. Give her bits by bits and when you finally strike she will be fine with it.


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BULLET POINTS FROM CHAPTER 3  Focus more on the process of improving your skills rather than on an outcome between you and a particular girl you are using the Bang rule on.  The focus of the bang rule is to make a girl feel comfortable with you enough to want to kiss you or have sex with you; when you achieve this you can lead the whole interaction to whatever direction you want – either to make her a girlfriend or just to keep her as a side chick.

 Guys are attracted by what they see while girls are attracted to what we are. That is; when it comes to attraction with girls they don’t care about looks.

 Build interest of a girl in you before you focus on trying to become her friend or to make her comfortable around you; never build comfort first. Don’t approach a girl giving off the impression that you want to be just a friend.

 To build interest you have to be as mysterious as possible; this can been done by giving her mixed signals – show her you are interested in her in a romantic way and then mix it up with showing a little amount of disinterest.

 Never become sexually intimate with a girl without building comfort first. You may kiss her during the 45

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stage of building comfort but never allow the kiss to become too sexual; that is, don’t grab her “wares” or smooch her during this stage. Just focus on the kiss and always end it first

 If she is focusing on your friendship more than she is trying to know more about you then you are not been mysterious enough or giving enough mixed signals…build interest first before making her see you as a friend.

 Don’t focus too long in building interest and been mysterious, once you notice her interest in you has been sparked – advance to making her comfortable around you. This can be done by hugging her more often, holding her from time to time and planting kisses on her forehead and places close to her lips. A light kiss on the lip is also another strategy for building comfort.

 Keep advancing – the ultimate is to become intimate with her, let her feel it was not planned. This can be achieved by not asking her for sex but by, for instance, “unwillingly” allowing a kiss turn into “something more serious”

 Give her the impression that you don’t care much about her physical looks.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

 Don’t appear too eager, make her work for your interest.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION OF THE BANG RULE Just for a quick recap before we dive into this…. The bang rule has three stages: The sighting stage, The bond bang stage and the explosion or the break up stage. Sighting stage involves when you first meet a girl you want to make fall in love with you and getting her ready to bring into the interest building stage. Within the Bond Bang Stage are three stages; the building interest stage, the blanket stage and the getting physical stage. The bang rule is like a game of chess, with time it will come naturally but first study the moves involved; these moves covers everything from the sighting stage to the last part of the bond stage. THE BANG RULE MOVES:


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The exact steps that will occur when you plan on either taking a girl to bed or making her fall in love or making her your girlfriend will always start from the first time you say hi to her, this is because a girl can usually unconsciously decide how far she is willingly to go with a guy after just ten minutes of meeting him for the first time. The following are the process of creating attraction. I will represent some of them with numbers so you can easily get it. Numbers #1 - #3 moves involved in the SIGHTING STAGE Numbers #4 – BLANKET STAGE Numbers #5 – GETTING PHYSICAL STAGE. And now, to what is involved in each of these moves. I will take each of the categories one by one and for each of the categories I will explain each of the three moves within it one step at a time. Stay with me. Alright? SIGHTING STAGE – #1 - #3

2. value bomb 1. open


3.reward her

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1. THE OPEN MOVE. There is a rule that governs this move. If you see a girl you like for the first time you have 3 seconds to walk up to her and start talking to her (this is called the 3 seconds rule).

On the other hand, if it is a girl you already know and you two have interacted before, she is not to know for sure that you like her, rather you are to take her through the Bang rule stages without formally asking her to be your girlfriend. What this means is that you should never show interest by been too friendly or by telling her friends that you like her 50

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or by even directly telling her that you like her. Never allow her be sure you like her – that is the picture I am trying to create. Don’t look at that 3 seconds rule and freak out; there are two reasons for the 3 seconds rule – one; it doesn’t allow you time to talk yourself out of approaching the girl. The law states that a guy will succeed in convincing himself not to approach a girl 3 seconds after he considers it. The law leverages on this, to make your move you have to do it before the resistance creeps in and also, this conveys a sense of confidence to a girl you want to approach. Now let’s explain the open move; first of all I will like to point out that the bang rule works more with very beautiful girls than it works on average ones. This is because very pretty girls always get worshipped by guys and due to this, attraction is only triggered when a guy who is way above their league comes along. This is the same reason why very beautiful girls date well to do guys – it is not because of the money, it is a “league” thing. These guys are above their league and that is what they want. The bang rule shows you how to give a woman the impression that will make her look at you the same way she would look at someone who is out of her league. To do this your opening has to be right; the first time you walk up to a girl and start talking to her you has to take her to the BANG RULE HOOK POINT. The bang rule hook point is the point after you start talking to a girl and you


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hook her to the point where she feels it had been awesome talking to you. Before we dive deeper into this I will first have to give you a few basic tips about the open move… #1. When you first approach a girl forget about trying to look like an alpha male, tough guy, cool, swagger guy - it is going to bore her. To be relaxed is far more important than trying to look confident. Note; this does not mean you should appear scared – just relaxed. #2. When you first approach a girl you have to look really really happy; that stuff is contagious. This doesn’t mean you should appear too eager, no – as a matter of fact appearing too eager to meet a girl will make her see you as someone who is below her. The trick lies in projecting enthusiasm because you are feeling good with yourself and not because she is standing before you. Now we are done with that lets continue with explaining more about the open move. It would be rare to see a pretty girl on her own, she will always be surrounded by either guys or friends. The reason why this is so is because her looks naturally attracts friends and she also uses those same friends she has attracted to hold other people back – this called the “BARRING” or “THE BAR”.


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Now, when a woman puts up a bar she will be nasty to any guy that approaches her, she will be rude and she will not be nice to any guy who tries to approach her – she has gotten it too much attention from guys and it has started to bore her. Here is the problem; trying to be persistent would never work. When a girl has put up a bar trying to push your way through that bar by continuing to talk to her when she is been nasty to you will never work. The strategy of a nice open move is to try to trick her into lowering her bar the first time you work. How do you do this? By making her feel, at first, that you are not hitting on her. That you are not even interested in her at all. This is the reason why a pretty girl will be nice with you when you ask her for a pen in the bank but walk up to that same girl and try hitting on her and you will see a different person. Now one thing about the open move strategy is that it takes the whole stress and anxiety away from you. You are not walking up to her to hit on her upfront, rather, you are walking up to her to lower her bar – it’s way easier and more effective. The trick is to penetrate her defense first then seduce her later because by allowing you penetrate her defense she has opened herself up for the “attack” you will be unleashing on her emotions. There are three weapons to consider using when making the opening move.


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The opening move weapon can either be used together or separately but note; it is more powerful when used together. Now let’s explain these weapons in detail LEVEARAGE WEAPON. Like I explained to you earlier, girl are more attracted to someone they believe is attractive to other people – a type of leverage use is to approach a girl after she has seen you hanging around with a girl who is prettier than her or in some way better than her; this girl can either be just a friend or a pretty girl you have asked to be your leverage. The best option is to have pretty girl leverage handy always. 54

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You might ask why you should go after another girl while you already have a pretty girl as a friend. The answer is this; there is absolute need to have a pretty girl as leverage. She would be a powerful weapon to use in getting girl lower their defense for you. Two; when you are starting out in the practice of the BANG RULE you will find that making a girl interested in you would be easy, however, making a girl interested in you is one thing but leveraging that interest to make her want to kiss you is another. As you start out practicing the bang rule take each stage once at a time, this is where a pretty girl comes in, when you walk up to her focus more on raising her interest in you by been mysterious around her and keep her wondering what you really want from her…however, do not progress from this stage. She should be kept aside for the main time. Then when you become good in creating interest, use the pretty girl as a leverage to get another girl and then practice creating interest and moving on to the blanket stage with the next girl. This is how to practice the Bang Rule stages – practice one step at a time with one girl then move over to the next girl and practice the two stages on them, then the next one – take her through the three stages. Another form of leverage while approaching a woman in order to open her up for your seduction tactics is the INDIRECT APPROACH. This involves walking up to her with seemingly innocent intentions. The best type of this approach is the OPINION APPROACH. How this works is 55

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to walk up to a girl and ask her what she thinks about something. Now; be careful about this approach; One, you don’t just walk up to a girl and ask her about her opinion on something – that something has to be something interesting. Two; you have to give her a reason why you are asking her opinion on something and Three; you have to close indirectly. Let me explain those in detail with the following example. Let’s assume you see this girl you want to walk up to and you want to use the opinion approach on her; you maybe like: YOU: “Hey; I need your opinion on something, wouldn’t take long. It’s something only a girl would have an answer to and you seem like the smart type so I think I will just have to ask you the question (1). Ready?” *pause, she might probably say something – usually it would be an affirmative for you to go on* YOU: “A friend of mine just broke up with his girlfriend. The girl cheated on him with someone who we all thought was just a friend and my friend is starting to have bad thoughts about girls – I need to give him advise and I want to give him advise from a lady’s perspective (2). *pause, she might give another affirmative or say something else here* YOU: “we all thought they were just friends and we used to think that girls never pick interest in guys they had friendzoned, thing is – the guy she cheated with is rich. My guy 56

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now thinks it was because of the money, I think It wasn’t because of the money. Maybe he was doing something wrong. What do you think?” Then the conversation starts from there; you can inject questions here and there then inject a little Jonse-humorshock (JHS) here and there during the conversation (will explain JHS soon). I want you to notice some certain stuffs in this approach above. There are two numberings within that conversation. (1) – This is an indirect compliment; you should never give a girl you just met a direct compliment. Also; that compliment does not focus on a physical attribute…this makes it more effective. I will like to quickly throw in a thing or two about complimenting girls – although you should never compliment a girl always, unless if she deserves it and had worked for it in your eye (will explain this in detail soon), but when you have to compliment her it has to be specific – it works better. That is; instead of saying “you look good” you should say “I like your blouse” – specific. Instead of saying “you are beautiful” you can say “I like your eyes” – specific. But still, don’t overdo it. Now back to the conversation above: (2) This is the reason for asking her the question, you always have to add a reason to any opinion approach line you develop and would want to use.


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THE CLOSING: When you two have had a great conversation and you have opened her up then it is time to advance to the next stage; remember at the beginning I told you that you have to be leading the way constantly. The next thing is the closing, this is where you have to collect her number. Never be direct in collecting numbers; when I say direct this is what I mean. Instead of saying: “Can I have your number”. Say; “I think I like the way you think, your insight is kinda nice. Would have loved to continue the conversation but I need to go check out something now. Let me have your number, we will continue this some other time. We still have lots to discuss on this” Note; you have to be the first to end the conversation. It makes you in control and it gives her the feeling that you are somehow different from other guys who just hang around too long. Also; the close will not work if you do not have a great conversation with her or if you do not apply the JHS strategy well. Also; don’t focus on trying to have a great conversation. It’s not about her; it is about you. Focus on having a nice time. Like I told you before; with practices your closing will become more perfect but for now don’t focus on the results rather focus on working on your skills. If she refuses to give you her number, say “alright then. Take care of yourself” then turn and leave. Never beg. What it means is that your skills have not be developed, find another target and practice. When you sharpen you JHS skills a girl can never turn you down for anything. 58

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JONSE-HUMOR-SHOCK (JHS) WEAPON: This can be either used to value bomb (will explain that later) or it can be used as an Opening weapon. However; this strategy only works more on pretty girls than it works on average girls but still, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work on average girls – it still does. But first, before you use this strategy you first have to value bomb a girl. What does this means; if a girl thinks you are below her levels it wont work on her. What this means is that a person who is considered by everybody in a street as a clown or a nobody can not walk up to a girl and use this strategy and it will work. Still; everybody can use it. Even you. you don’t have to be rich or to be seen as a big boy to use it. Just be normal and it will work fine. Now here is how the JHS works; Girls get a lot of approaches from guys and they all scramble to be the one to impress her more. The more goodlooking she is the more guys will aproach her and try to please her. This is what we will exploit; instead of trying to please her the bang rule states that you have to make fun of her. This doesn’t mean you should insult her or say mean things to her (although doing just that might work sometimes), but the strategy involves opening her a little bit by approaching her with a seemingly innocent intention and starting up a conversation then as the conversation continues you mock her in a playful way so as to shock her into wondering why you are not trying to please her like other guys do.


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When you do this you give her an impression that since you are not trying to impress her then somehow she is below your levels and you are exploiting that. When she gets that impression it will automatically switch on her switch and she will try to get you to see her like other guys see her. When that happens then it makes her vulnerable to falling other your manipulations. The right way to JHS a girl is to mock her in such a way that both of you will know that you are joking. It doesn’t mean you should walk up to a girl, start up a conversation and then midway through the conversation you tell her that her weaves smells. To do it correctly you switch it in only when her defence has dropped a little bit, a girl who is still uptight with you will view the JHS as an insult. If you are just meeting her for the first time and you tell her that her weaves looks funny it wont work. But if you walk up to her, start up a conversation with the indirect opening you can throw in little mockings as you two keep talking. The right way to do this is to tease her in a funny way. For instance, as she is giving her opinion on something you asked her you could chip in and say; “say the last thing you said again” Then when she does you can smile and say: “nice, just wanted to check if you have nice lips. You can know someone whose lips are ugly when they say the last word you just said”


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What this does is to give an impression that you are assessing her; she is not used to that – guys don’t access her, they just walk up and say sweet things to her. Your focus is to upset this way of thinking; you need to give her the impression that her looks or the fact that she is a girl would not make you view her like she is way above you. Note; you have to do this with humor. However, when you tease her don’t try too hard to make her see you are joking – just smiling is enough.

STOP WATCH WEAPON I have already hinted about this previously but still I want you to really get it. When you approach a girl you have to give the impression that you won’t stay long; this will aid you to execute the opening properly. You also have to give her the impression that you didn’t really think about approaching her and when the conversation starts becoming interesting you have to end it and leave. This makes the closing more effective and makes her more likely to give you her number or want to meet you again. How do you know when it is time to do what? Only practise will tell you that. Also, you should be able to make a woman miss you. it’s very important. When you two start getting to know each over crowding her would kill the attraction she feels for you. Instead of always chatting her up every time or calling her up every two days you have to give her some space and do all this sparsely – for instance, calling her on Monday should not be followed with another call the next day – give her three days inbetween. 61

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Also; you have to be less available for her – don’t always be around for her to talk with or chat with you often. Girls have a way of keeping guys suspended and making them beg for their attention, the trick lies in turning it around and doing the same thing to them in order to get the same results they get when they do it on guys.


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BULLET POINTS FROM CHAPTER 4  A girl unconsciously decides how far she is willing to go with a guy even minutes after meeting him; you need to start using the bang rule on her from the onset.  Practicing the 3 seconds rule, that is, walking up to a girl and starting up a conversation 3 seconds after you set eyes on her will make you overcome your fear of approaching a girl you like. If the girl has seen you make the decision that quick and approaching her almost instantly she will assume you are confident.

 If you must create attraction in a girl you have had earlier interactions with then you have to make sure she is not really sure about your feelings for her. You are to take her through the bang rule stages and be mysterious while at it.

 Penetrate her defense first by starting a neutral conversation then as the conversation continues then you can squeeze in a little JHS to make her see you as someone who she should try to impress.

 Projecting the impression that other girls find you attractive can make a girl find you more attractive – this called leverage.

 Girls always put up barriers that will scare guys away from hitting on them, to break this barrier you have to make her bring down her defense using an “opinion approach” 63

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 If you must compliment a girl you just met let that compliment not be on her physical attributes. That is, it doesn’t work to tell a girl that she is pretty but it is cool to tell her that her blouse looks great and then to further the conversation you could ask her how you can get one like that for your sister – this is a nice way to start a conversation, it lowers her defense.

 Always be the first to end interactions at the onset when you two met for the first time.

 Focus more on enjoying yourself than on trying to make an interesting conversation.

 Making fun of a girl in a mild and jovial way is a great way to bring her level down to yours and can also make her find you more attractive.

 Don’t call her often or always try to be around her all the time, be scarce a little bit and make her miss you.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

CHAPTER FIVE MOVES We have already covered the first stage of the sighting stage; which is the open. However; within the sighting stage (That is; moment of approach to when you take her into the blanket stage) there are two more moves, like I mentioned before; the value bomb and the reward system. Let me take you through these concepts. THE VALUE BOMB The value bomb is by far one of the most important concepts you should pick from this book. Before you can apply the bang rule successfully over and over again you must learn how to project an impression of higher value – the art of projecting that impression is called Value bombing. What this means is that to successfully execute the bang rule on a girl and make her fall in love you first have to make her feel she has to look up to you and not the other way round. You have to be in control; she has to see you as above her. To do this effectively doesn’t mean you should go out acting annoyingly rude or acting fake, rather, you can effectively project an impression of been above her by just following all the instructions in the part of this book below with the heading as “Final Words”. Also you could also project the same impression of been in control and out of her league by using the three weapons enumerated above. These includes; JHS, Leverage, and the stop watch. 65

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REWARD SYSTEM The mistake I have noticed that most users of the Bang Rule make is to start acting totally cold to a woman. That is far from what the rules in this book advocates. Although you have to show a degree of disinterest there is a best way to do it – I will explain this best way by using an analogy. When a dolphin trainer wants to train a baby dolphin to leap he puts the dolphin in a pool, ties a fish to a rope and throws it at the dolphin. At this point the dolphin doesn’t jump, it just waits for the fish to drop before slowly and sluggishly moving towards it. What the trainer does is to pull the fish away. The trainer does it over and over again till the dolphin becomes frustrated and doesn’t wait for the fish to drop into the water before jumping up to catch it. When it gets by jumping it is delighted at this and consequently it jumps and catches the next fish that is thrown at it – that is how it learns how to jump. The next step is to dangle the fish on a lever and because the dolphin has learnt to jump it keeps jumping and getting the fish all the time. But here is the problem; the dolphin becomes accustomed to jumping to that height and therefore to make it jump to a higher height than the one it is accustomed to the trainer takes the fish higher.. And higher… And higher…and that way the dolphin learns to jump pretty high. Now let’s apply this to girls. The right way to use the bang rule is to reward her when she does something you like. She should see that you behave in a certain favorable way 66

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only when she does certain things you like. She should be made to want to impress you.

And for every of her mess up you are to punish her. This does not mean you should beat her up, never do that. Rather, let her see you show some negative behavior for every of her misdeed. Note; this works more effectively in the blanket stage. The more invested she becomes the less you punish her; this is how people finally get married after been at constant loggerheads with themselves. As she gets more invested punish her less often. BLANKET STAGE MOVES When you have effectively applied JHS, Value Bomb and Stop watch strategy on a girl she opens up and becomes interested in you because you are different and also because those strategies had made you look like somebody she must have. This causes her to take a serious interest in you and she starts showing it. At this point there is serious sexual


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

tension between you two as she becomes attracted to you; this is the point where you take her into the blanket stage. The following are the rule that governs the blanket stage… 1. Don’t take her to a restaurant for a date; rather take her out to do something fun with you; for an errand, to your friends place. heck, it’s even better to take her out on a picnic (even though it seems yankee-ish). The reason for this is that taking a girl out on a proper date in a restaurant can raise her defense because she senses you want a romantic relationship from her and then she starts playing hard to get. But when you do things different from other guys it takes her unaware when you finally make a move to kiss her, for instance. Also; when you take a woman to do something together with you it is more possible to bond with her than when you take her to a restaurant and she is waiting for when you will ask her to be your girlfriend. 2. At this stage you are to start making boyfriend compliments or else she might consider you as just a friend. This is the point to start boyfriend-teasing her. How is this done? To avoid making her friend-zone you or thinking you are not interested in her in a romantic way you are to start giving her mixed green light and teasing her in a possessive way. For instance you could look at her tummy and say “that tummy is too flat, what did you do to my baby”. Or you say;


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

“the way you are looking at my lips don’t try kissing it o or I will just have to fight you” This way you are both value bombing her by telling her she is the one who is thinking about kissing you and at the same time making her see you as a potential romantic partner. 3. The first day you will kiss her be the first to withdraw. To do this effectively you have to have an anchor. An anchor is the reason why you are withdrawing. For instance you could kiss her for a moment, stop, smile then tell her you guys need to continue watching the movie you guys were watching (assuming you guys had been watching a movie together) This confuses her because it goes against what she always thought guys behave like; and confusion is good when it comes to girl. Confuse her strong enough and you will drive her wild. 4. Make her believe you have high standard for choosing who you kiss or have sex with; she should believe that you are very selective. Girls enjoy sex as much as guys do but when you give her the feeling that she is the one who should have to choose you then you might never get chosen. She should have the impression that you are the chooser and not her. To convey this effectively you might jokingly tell her that with the way she applies lipsticks that you will never kiss her the day she comes for your lips. Or you might tell her you are not attracted to her and that you are thinking of friend-zoning her. This brings out the hunter in her and makes her want to change the way you see her


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because it hurts her pride that you don’t see her the way other guys do. 5. Never agree to her request; if she asks for something outrightly say no or say later and then do that stuff (if you want to) at your own time. She should be made to sense that you only do things because you want to do it and not because she wants it. Sometimes it is wise to abandon this rule but only practice will show you when. There are certain things you cannot put into writing. PHYSICAL STAGE MOVES Never ask a girl for sex; it never works. But still, Remember, you are to be leading the way all the time. However, directly asking a girl for sex will only raise her Anti- loose-knot and make her play hard to get. The best way to escalate to sex is through kissing and even at this point she will resist. For instance you might kiss her and she will draw back when you reach for her bras – at that point pull back, kiss her some more then try again. If it doesn’t work that day stick to never asking her directly for sex and one day she will yield to this strategy. That is how to be persistant with girls, never complain. Make them feel like thier resistances do not affect you in any way.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

BULLET POINTS FROM CHAPTER 5  The tricks in this book work more when you give a girl an impression of higher value; she should feel lucky for having you in her life – this can be achieved using JHS, Leverage of a pretty girl who is your friend or stop watch strategy.

 Don’t act totally cold to a girl you like, rather, reward her with a warm feeling whenever she does what you like and also reprimand her when she does what you don’t like – however, don’t overdo the reprimanding part or she will get used to it and it will become ineffective. Only reprimand her over things that are worth reprimanding; like if she doesn’t show up on a date and doesn’t call to apologize

 The best dates are ones in which you two go out to do something together. The restaurant thing should come later on when you two become closer.

 Make boyfriend compliments and comments if you don’t want to stay in the friend-zone; for instance, even though you two are not dating, you could tell her that you would break up with her if she doesn’t stop eyeing you. I know, it sounds silly but it still works – that is the most important thing.

 Make her believe you are selective of the girls you date; the best way to do this is to make her feel special for been in your life. Do this indirectly, if you say it directly the effect


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will be lost. You are the chooser and not the choosen, she should be made to understand that.

 Do things for her at your own time.

 Directly asking a girl for sex never works, let it flow.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

FINAL WORDS GIRL ARE MORE INTERESTED IN HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL RATHER THAN MONEY OR ANYTHING ELSE This is the reason some girls refuse to marry a rich guy who they don’t like and this is also a reason why those ones who marry a rich guy because of his money ends up cheating on him. If you do not know how to press her emotional button she is not going to stay long. You have to press every single button imaginable – the good, the painful, the ugly – every single button. For we guys when a girl doesn’t have the physical attributes we desire in a girl there would be almost no possibility that we will be interested in them but for girls it is different. Although your looks might not be what she wants in her dream guy but once you can penetrate her defense and press the buttons with the BANG RULE she will want you and no other person. BE SELECTIVE AND LET HER KNOW Girl don’t love an easy catch. Due to the fact that a lot of guys are interested in sex, girls are able to get any guy she wants interested in her just by showing her a little green light. However, when you project an image of been very selective of the kind of girls you go out with you will ignite 73

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the hunter in her. You have to give her the impression that she is not choosing you, that you are actually the one “considering” her. You shouldn’t approach a girl to be chosen rather you should approach her with the mindset that she appears interesting and you want to check out if she is interesting as she looks but if she is not then you are kicking her out – that is the kind of impression you should project. This doesn’t mean you should be rude. The JHS method can be used to project this well without coming off as been rude; you could tell her “see, if you don’t make me laugh hundrend times a day then I am never going to date you” – it is a joke but it still projects the impression that you are the one choosing her. Knowing how to JHS you can tell a pretty fair girl, for instance, that you are not attracted to her because she is too fair and you like dark girls, that someone like her can’t be your girlfriend but to stand a chance she should allow you bath her with black ink. However, it is not what you say that matters. It is how you say it. Two guys can say those exact same lines above to the same girl and get totally different results. The trick lies in saying them in a funny way; like you are joking but in such a way that will make her feel like you are a little bit serious. The strategy lies in taking the strategies and the hard to get games girls use on guys and using it on them…stuffs like not chatting with them immediately when you come online and they say hi. Not returning her missed calls two days in a row, telling her you are busy to go out with her but that you will try and make out time. 74

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You get the gist, right? All their games – unleash it on her and she will pursue you. That is how to give the impression of being selective. DON’T TAKE HER NONSENSE. Girls, while growing up, have come to notice that guys try really hard not to offend them. As a result of this they can throw a lot of trash at you because they feel you will take them. Sometimes they even do this unconsciously without knowing they are doing it. Your task is to notice when she is trying to play games and make her know you are not like other guys she messes with. For instance; if you fix a date with her and she doesn’t call you up before time to cancel, you have to scold her for it. She should know that you guard your time closely and you don’t waste it sitting around waiting for someone who doesn’t keep appointmens. To be able to be immune against a girl’s nonsense you have to have multiple options. It is harder keeping to the BANG RULE if you focus all your attention on one girl. Starting out in learning the bang rule and practicing it, you have to accept the fact that no girl is special – and consequently you should be working on at least two girls and at most three girls at the same time. I don’t mean you should be sleeping with three of them at once; rather, keeping more than one option will make you not fall into the trap of getting lost and letting a girl make you unable to keep your head straight with her. By having options you will be able to call a girl who is messing up to order without fear of losing her because you know that even though you loose her you still have option B. 75

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When you are afraid to lose a girl it will show and when it shows it reduces the value a girl places on you. But when you are not afraid to lose her she will wonder why and it will make her want to make you fear losing her so she will try to get you to fall in love with her by investing in you. However, the mistake guys make is to apply this principle of calling her to order before the interest building stage. When you first approach a girl, who you have never met in all your life she has zero interest in you, but still, you have to call her to order when she messes up. But the best way to call her to order at this stage is not to scold her; rather, you turn and walk away. A girl who is rude is not worth your time so what you do is while she is still talking; you turn around and walk away…not like someone scared, you walk away like she is someone who doesn’t fit to come into your life. It will get her notice. DON’T TRY TO BUY HER AFFECTION Money does not buy love; the moment you understand that the better for you. Interest is one thing and sure enough, money makes some girls take notice but turning that interest into something stronger is something else and that’s what this book is all about. When a girl notices that all you have in your arsenal is how well you spend on her she will only turn you into her personal ATM and would definitely not take you seriously. You have to know how to press all her emotional buttons at once and you can do that by applying the strategies in this book.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

IMPROVE ON YOUR LOOK Girls are human beings and like all human beings we want to associate with people who will make us look good. You can’t make a woman look good if your dressing sense is zero. You have to learn how to combine clothes, you have to invest in clothes – no matter how cheap, just be able to combine them well to look good. There are a lot of websites on the internet that will show you how to do just that. PRACTISE AND WHEN YOU PRACTISE DON’T JUDGE YOURSELF I will keep hitting on the need to go out and practice what you have learnt in this book and I will also keep hitting on the need to focus more on improving rather than on getting a particular girl. When you start out practicing the strategies in this book you have to view any girl you approach as a tool to help you get better. At first you might fail here and there but never allow those failures get to you. once you do you will lose form. You are to keep been positive at all time. Most times when a girl turns a guy down it is usually not because the guy is not good enough – she might be having a bad day, she might be a lesbian, she might be engaged, she might be scared of something – it is not you. A girl has no right to make you feel bad about yourself. You are the boss, not she. You have to really understand that. ROLL WITH THE BEST. To fasten up the process of been good with girls you have to become friends with guys who are already good with girls. When you stay around such guys you will notice that they follow almost all the rules in this book. 77

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What associating with this kind of guys does to you is that it changes the way you think and upgrades it. This is called the law of association; when you interact with people who are good with something the way they think rubs off on you and you start thinking like them. When you start thinking like them you automatically start getting the same results they get. FOCUS ON MAKING A GIRL WANT YOU RATHER THAN ON CHASING HER The mistake a lot of guys make is to think that in order to get a girl you have to chase her. We humans are like chickens; when you chase us we tend to run away. Take yourself for instance; how many of the girls that have shown you that they are madly in love with you have you felt the same way for? Before you start professing love for a girl you have to make her so interested in you that she asks you how you feel about her. To work on a girl’s mind and make her attracted to you first is much more profitable and easier than telling her you love her before she starts loving you. if possible she should be the first to reveal that she loves you before you show any signs of having any feelings for her. BE ALOOF AND UNPREDICTABLE When a woman feels, from the onset, that you need her badly you are never going to get her. Although you should show a girl that you are interested in her, you are never to let her know how much you are interested in her until you are sure she feels two times what you feel. And even at that, you should still keep her wondering. To keep a girl wondering the best way to do that is to push and pull. What this means is that you should alternate between 78

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making her feel like she has you interested like crazy and then the next moment make her feel like she is losing you. HERE IS THE FORMULAR: Give one sign of interest, take one step back. Give two signs of interests and take two steps back. Keep her wondering. Also, although I told you about calling a girl to order but that doesn’t mean you should cling to her. Calling her to order should be done only once in a while, when you do it all the time you will make her get used to it and when she does it will stop working on her and you will start to lose her. So what happens when you are not calling her to order – show disinterest. If she takes a picture with another guy and puts it on Facebook; go ahead and like the picture. If you call her and she says she is in a guy’s house, tell her to make sure she doesn’t say no if the guy tries to kiss her. If she says she is breaking up because of another guy; tell her that you hope the guy is cute. You get the picture? Showing disinterest will make her wonder why you are so different from other guys, make her see you as more confident and make her chase you and want to invest in you because she thinks that will make you more interested. Nice trick, isn’t it? AVOID TO SHOW YOU WANT A RELATIONSHIP Personally I never ask a girl to be my girlfriend; I go out with them, make out with them, have sex with them till they just pop the question and ask me when I am going to ask them to be my girlfriend.


THE BANG RULE: Charles nneji

When you want a relationship from a girl it will show in your actions and when it shows she will likely not get physical (kiss, sex) with you because she will believe it would be better keeping that part sealed till when you two start officially dating. But however; raising a girl’s interest in you she would get physical even without you asking her to be your girlfriend. But when you ask her first or show her you want a relationship from the onset there is a huge possibility that it will shut down the physical side of the whole thing.

USE MYSTERY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE It would be a huge mistake if a girl knows everything about you within the first few months of knowing you. if a girl knows a lot of things about you from the onset then it means you have been talking too much. You are to lay back and make sure that if anybody is talking about their life history then it has to be her. Instead of telling her things about yourself - show her, let her find out about them herself. This will raise the value she places on you. Also; been mysterious causes girls to feel the need to know more about you and so they start digging and trying to get to know you more. This is a powerful way to use in lowering girls’ defences. Let her look back after spending a day with you and be like: “I don’t really know much about this dude” To achieve this you have to talk less of yourself and focus more on her.


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NEVER TRY TO READ HER; JUST ADVANCE The only indicator when it comes to girls is just to see if she is friendly. If she is friendly when you meet her for the first time, advance – collect her number. If she is receptive and friendly when you JHS her – advance. That’s the only indicator you need – a sign of friendliness. You don’t have to waste time trying to read her or see if she means anything deep by what she says. DON’T BE NICE BUT BE A GENTLEMAN No matter what, girls still love romantic gestures. But the best way to approach been a gentleman is to do it on your own terms and to give her mixed signals while at it. Open doors for her and then joke about it; tell her you see how happy she is because she is now turning you into a door man. Cook for her then while she is eating the food tell her that you are not been this nice for nothing, that cooking for her was the only way to slip in love portion into her food. You get the picture? A “nice guy” doesn’t succed in actually impressing girls because he does all the nice things with the sole aim to impress them and this puts girls off. While a gentleman, on the other hand, will do things for them not because they asked for it but because he wants. If she asks you to take her out tell her you can’t then the next day, surprise her. She asks you to buy something for her – say no then have someone deliver it to them when you feel like.


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ACT UNINTERESTED The gravest sin in seduction is to act too interested in a girl, no matter how special you think she is. Most guys make this mistake, they meet a girl who is attractive and they act excited and too interested when they talk to such girls. Attractive girls get that all the time but when you give her the impression that she is to impress you and not the other way round it turns the table around and she starts trying to attract you.

SO NOW; WHAT IS NEXT? First you need to start practicing what you have learnt in this book. You can start practicing it on social media or via chat networks before you go out into the real world and start meeting girls. When you practice the bang rule on your BBM female friends or Facebook female friends you will be amazed at the result you will achieve and it would motivate you to go out and start using the strategies on girls you meet outdoors. However; a lot of people who read this book start practicing it on social media and sometimes it lands them a pretty girlfriend and they stop practicing. I think this is wrong, even as the strategies in this book brings you success as you practice it on social media – don’t stop practicing there. Keep improving, keep learning. I will also want to add one more thing; this book you just read is the beginning – we still have a long way to go. 82

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Although the strategies you learnt in this book will do magic in your dating life I will still show you some advanced stuffs, keep your eyes on my website for info on when my advanced secrets on how to get women attracted to you by almost not doing anything will be out. Now, go out there and rule your world. Goodluck, pal. For questions, comments or you want to share the exploits you have achieved using the strategies in this book, feel free to send me a message at [email protected]


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