The Mistery Of Love - Ra Uru Hu

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The People of the_Vessel

The Mystery


Love The Nature of Being The Ark, The Stone and The Grail A eosmic Fairy Tale by Hu

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A G!:Ay Work Ox To Be Documentations 1994

When Lookinq for Love, start atthe Center

lf the Human Oesign System rb rn factan absolufe and if the Cosmrb {airy Tales I was given in my experienee with the'Voice' are to De respected, then one by one, the mysteries which have daunted Humanity will be solyed. I teat tfiese Gggy Works as tales. Yet, I am astonished by their clarity and simplictty. I am forced through my Design as a ll'fessenger, in truth, a biofax machine, to experience ffese arslyers. Ihese anslvers are rooted in Design. Once the basic underlying principles are revealed everything raturally {alls into place. We are a part of an ardered Universe. In uncterstanding the nature of Human Design and that Design is universal to all forms, the microcosm can then lay the foundation for understanding the nncrocosm. This first sfep ,h understanding the nature of the totality begins in the center, in the case of Design, tlrs is the G Center. The G Center is the integrator of the genetic and personality aspects of the microcosmic totality, the Self. At the core of the G Center is the Magnetic Monopole, the Driver, that grves fie life its direction. I explored the signifrcance of this aspect of the Magnetic Monopole in The Sphinx and The Keepers of the World. Sphinx People and the Keepers as aspecfs of the Global totality maintain our link to the Universal Self and our

evolutionary direction and developement The Magnetic Monopole has a binary function in a Human Being. lt is the key to our direction inthis incarnation. Guiding us into the womb and out intothe life. lt rs our

geometric -Driver', moving us along our trajectory of destiny, in Design, guicling us along ffie axis of our Lunar Nodes. ItYe have seen tllo,t the G Center is structured on the eight. lts eigtf gEfes formtwo greatcrossesintheastrologicalZodiac. lntime,they mark the four seasons and the four interregnums. The potential otthe Magnetic Monopole to guide the life is manifested through the four gEtes of the Sphinx Cross, 7, 1, 13 and 2. The other function of the Magnetic Monopole is holdingthe relatMe seperafeness of a Human Being together. The Self. The Magnetic Manopole rs tlre -Glue'that holds us together ln ffiese forms and maintains our illusion of difference and seperation. The magnet atthe center, creating fie Vessel that holds the life. Each of us in this sense are Vesse/s . The containers of Life. Held together in our seperateness by our Monopoles. It is ironic, that the instrument of our seperafeness also is the instrument for Oneness and what we call Love. The Monopole only attracts. Neither its potential to attnct nor its power deminish at the boundary of our seperation. The Monopole lreeps on altracting, for in facl fDere rc no seperateness, and in terms of the totality, all of lifes monopobs on this planel together are holding us all together. Herein lies Love, both individual and universal. TIE potential of the Magnetic Monopole to altracl fo tove ,s manifested through the second greaf cross, Ilre Cross of Love, | 5, 25, 46 and fi.

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by



The Cross of Love

Ilre Cross of Love is in many ways much more complex than the Sphinx Cross. Each of the eight gates of the G Cenfer, are the leading Hexagrams of the eight Houses of ffie t'Ching. However, when they are oriented to the zodiacal wheel there inherent difference becomes graphicalty ctear. The Sphinx Cross ls assoct?ted with four signs of the Zodiac. TieT The Army in Leo; The I The Creative in Scorpio; The 13 Fellowship of Man in Aquarius and the 2 The Receptive in Taurus. -cusp'

hexagrams in that they each straddle two The four gAtes of the Cross of Love are zodiacat signs. The t5 Modesty in Gemini/Cancer; The 25lnnocence rn Pisces/Ar'es;

Upward in VirgdLibra and 1O Treading in Sagitarriu{Capricorn- Ihese borclers betwein the elements marks our present seasons. 25 Spring Equinox; 15 SummerSorsfrbe,' 46 Autumnal Equinox and 1O The Winter SolsttceThe 46


The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu

Godis Love, So fo SPeaIr

ylortd, we saw that since il..]]re Earth' in fact our e evolving totatity and is located in the ;;ai Love ts lomerrhere far ofr in space in the Universal oi Cosmic Ajna Center, the souice all cultures iosmra d cert"r. rni tove which holds the universe together- That in the name of Love nistw navi renectect anct proiect?! tlat.!ni1-t12y*sat you'll pardon lf contextin God orGods rs no*terrestiar is srrbstiniatea bgicattf -this not a matter of is This pV.Love' t6gether the cliche' ,me Unkiise rs Love or a1eastiin the applied -to betief. tr rs rfie ntn"iii oi me Human Magnetic Monopole.loglcally as a Love of source this Macrocosm, There is no aiempt here to\nthropomorphEe entity' living a is us tiving entity. tt i" not-"nyioiiiiu'n.Ue Magnetii; Mon6pote^yrthrh one can say that terms It is anaspect of the iichanics of being. ilowever, in-poetic Love' and thd center of each of us is both'God'

In the Sphinx and The KegpeP




a speciat retationship t9t?:-D-e::g:!9!,!?t:^w-?!X?!r!-o' imbed itsetf in the ,;;;i;;;;E;;;;;6;;;;;*;;; th"tme turonopote.can and .---does . E L;lt;^.'^^-a iala h The Magnetic Monopote has

UJiii6iilii,';7i;;;;i,;;ir";l;h;;-.in9'11u1iy32"::YLs2!?:#:!:7* ue cosmic Magnetic M-onoPote-'jons aso ;;;f;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;Lit" mate.riat teve,', ';:'82",:;;i:;;:6;";;;;;;; r#;#Z,iliii t9"4 ptace'on ah.esientnttv2eneryted.lon n wne.n T;"";;;;;JJ nii'tii,iiiZ"oi'sidrr"airya a key mdt 3-e2"3t?!:!l"f!1" i:ii:f:::,": t described ms into a tock. As i; f;;;';;r;'i;;r';;;*;-too.-7ie-rrf,ciopote isgiven ls possrble it persryctive, proper ihe -^-:ttialht r^z t^-..^^

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in to

form' The aspects of When the Monopoteseperiafes, it leaves behind a depryssiol, a these are the loc1, form-the this up tiie One Crystal', inaViituat O,eings, tlnt rmke to our direction it relates iequency. Uonopole .Where receptors otthe Co"iii Uigiitii the via ?phlnx Peogte' and evotution, n" rr"iiiiiimanrests iirougn ine sfninxgl*" cross of tlre through f€sfs Where it relates to Love anil our Nadrr", t e iequncy man Love viathe PeoPIe of the Vessel.

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by



The Cross of Love and Human Desiqn

activate bur of the eight gates of the G Center. The G Cnter is where the Magnetic Monopole resides in the body. lt is our individual connection to the cosmic geometry. The G Center in Design analysis represenfs the 'Higher Self, IDis so called higher Setf, is in ts,ct the individual totalw, the combimtion of the unconscious and conscious aspects of being. ln terms of the Sphinx People. rf is flus total Self that must recognae its place and direction in this life, and out of this recognition emerges our Human evolution.

ln Design, the four points of the Cross of Love

ln terms of lhe Peopte of tfie Vessel rt is tfiis toa, Serf, that must first recognize its seperareness and rfs capacity to transcend the seperation through Love, out of this recognition emerges our Human Nature.

In the Body Graph, the four gates of The Cross of Love, out of the G Center, potentially activate four centers, the Sacral via 15,46 ancl 10; The Heartvia 25; The throat and Splenic Center via 10.

The Three Gates of Love The 1Sth

Modesty-The Rhythm of the Self. The Key to tf,e Senb individual potential for magnetism. A gate of extremes. lt is the potential capacity of the Self


to be in the Flow. The

25th Gaie- lnnocence-The Spirit of the Seff. The hey to tlre Se//b indNidual potentiat to compete. The gate of the Spiritual Warrior. tt ls tlre potential capacity of the Self 1o be !@s!.

The 46th

Gat* Pushing Upward-The Determination of the Self. The Key to ttte Serfs individual potential to recognize its good fortune. lt is the potential capacfi of the Self fo Succeed where others Fail.

The Gate of Human Nature The

Key to tDe Selfs individual potentialto express its nature. lt is the potential capaciU of the Selt to be Awahened, to Survtve and to Follow its Convictions-

tqth Gat* Treading.The Belnviour of the Self. The

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The stone and The


A cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu

The Stetlar Program that streams its Neutrino fted to us here on Earth is not frxed. Like the rest af Creation, it is in mavement sfiice ffie start This movement of the background fietd is called the Procession of the Equinox. ffiis ls a very slow gradual movement. ln terms of Design, every 65 -67 years, this background fretd shifts, transitting a single line of a hexagram gate constelladonThe Gates of Love, from here in referred fo as ffe Vessel Forma{, does not atways manifest the same energy- Like the Sphinx format it is constantly shifting. The People of the Vesset. carry the turmat (15,25,46 and 1O ) through which the evolution of our seperate nature and its capacfi to Love and seek Oneness. Trey do not however, carry the Love energy. The Monopole frequency is rooted in the Stetiar Neutrino stream. Its source ,s slars or combination of stars and the Uniu.erlql !-oJe Cvqle- ln the position of these sfars t?as shifted over time. Ifiis 's Round which began in 1615 h of this the last Epoc of our'present era, the fourth cycle A.D., the Vesse/ data is manifesting through gptes 62,42,32 and 61. Only when the Humans carrying tfie present Vessel data and the People of the 'Vessel who bare the format come together, only then can the totaltty express its true potential for Love!


We have seen tfe nature of these four gates of the Cross of Love in individual Design. When considered for the totality, ft?ese gates illustrate universal themes.

The Three Gates of Love The 1Sth Gat* Magnetism potential. Global rhythm. The 25th

Gat* lnitiation potential. Global Spirit.

The 46th

Gat* Discavery potential. Global determination.

The Gate of Human Nature The

loth Gat* Survival potential.

Global behaviour-

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone ancJ The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu


The Present Universal LoveCvcle 1615 - 2027 61



1615 6th Line - opening of the cYcle 1684 0th line 1755 4th line 1824 3rd line 1892 2nd line 1961 lst line


Gate Shift - Close of the cYcle

The Universal Love Themes 1961 - 2027 Masnetism - Global Rhvthm 62.1 Routin* The ability to organize detail through {antasy. Neptune The need for express ion which ignores the details. Mars lnitiation - Global Spirit

42.1 Diversification- Growth through expnsion particularly when defined to the root.Sun Too much expansion can ieadto decadence. Venus Discoverv - Global Determination 32.1 Conseruatio* The potential to develope inslincts through the detailed attention to

aprocess. Sun The fear of lack of potential and the corresponding lack of anention. Mars.

Suruival - Global Behaviour


OccuttKnowleclg* Ihepressure toknow tfiemysteries through esoten?s. Neptune Where the pressure may be so stong that one can be eventually incapable of lnndling the exoteric realities. Venus

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu

The Present Universal Love Cvcle 1615 - 2027 61



1615 6th line - opening of the cycle 1884 5th line 1755 4th line 1824 3rd line 1892 2nd line 1961 lst line 2027

Gate Shrfr- close of the cycle

The Universal Love Themes 1892

- t96l

Maanetism - Global Rhvthm

62.2 Restraint- The discipline necessary for detail work. Saturn The expression of anxiety and restlessness when kced with detail work. Mars-

Initiation - Global S-pirit

42.2 Indentificatio* The power for growth through participating in trends. Sun Growth which stops in reaction to trends or change. Venus Discoverv - Giobal Determination

32.2 Restraint- The potential for transformation that may be benefrcial to others. Venus Frustration with controls or being controlled. Jupiter

Suruival - Global Behaviour 61


Natural Brillianc* A gift for inspiration tfiat is both attactive and beneficial. Moon A delusion that any inspiration deserves recognition. Mars

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu

16.513 46/ 25 15/ 10

16,101 6/36 12/11


15,277 14,865


47 64

/ 22 / 63

45 35

/ 26 /5


/ 55


/ 34

ln/37 16/9

14,041 29/30 8/14 13,629 4/49 23/43 13,217 7/13 2/1




33 / 31 /


19 41

24 / 44 27 / 28

56/ & 3/ W 62/61 42/32

11,157 53/ 54 51 / gl 10,745 39 / 38 21 / 48 t0,333 52/ # 17 / l8 9.921 t5 / l0 25 / 46

9,il9 t2/11 36/6 9,097 45 / 26 22 / 47 8,685 35/5 8/A 8,273 16/9 37/40 7,861 20 / 34 55 / 59

7,449 8/14 7,A37

23 /


16,513 B.C. - 3,263 A.D.

30/29 /4


There are three components to a round. The round rtse/f is a period of 19,776 years. The beginning of this Round of Civilization began in 16,513 B-C. when the Spring Equinox was in the lst gate in Scorpio aligning the Sphinx energy with its format and when the Universal Love energy was aligned to the Vesse/ format. Round is divided into sixEpocfis. Our present Epoch began in 379 A.D. when the Spring Equinox entered the


36th gate in Pisces. Each Epoch contains eight cycles. There are a total of 48 ccyles to a RoundOn the left of this oa1ge are the dates and the hexagrams which manifest the lJniversal Love data for each cycle of this Round.

6,625 2/1 13/7

6,213 24/44 19/33 5,801 27 / 28 41 / 31 5,389 3/W ffi/56 4,977 42 /32 61 / 62 4,565 51 / 57 54 /53 4,153 21 /48 38/39 3,741 17 / 18 58 / 52 3.329 25 / 46 10 / 15 2,917

2,&5 2,O93

36/6 1l/12 22/47 26/45 63/U 5/35

37/40 9/16 l,2N 55/59 34/20 1,81


30/29 14/8


49/4 43/23 13/7 l/2




/ 33 44 / 24

791 4l/31 28/27

1,203 &/56 fi/3 1,615 61 I 62 32 / 42 * 2,027 Ul53 57151 x 2,439 3e/39 #/21 2,851 8/52 t8/17 3.28 fi/15 46/25

Thg Mysteryof Love : The Ark, The Stone and The Grail

A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu 10

The People of the Vessel

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The Grail

A Cosmic Fairy Tale by






The Aura. The Blood. The Flesh and The Life







Four is the number of form. 7he Cross of Love ,s made up of four points which activate t'?e Vessel Fo rmat of the G Center. ,f is tt is format as we have seen which connecfs us to the Universal Self and Love. The use of the term Vessel, in the sense of a container, is ffie essense of the work of this aspecf of the G Center and its Magnetic Monopole. lt is the Magnetic Monopole which holds our seperate realfi together. The Magnetic Monopole esraDrishes the boundary within which life can manifesL A vesse/rc also a tour. There rs tfie oufside boundary, ffie rhsrde boundary, what it contains and how it can be emptied and frlled. Using this analogy we could say thatthe outside boundary is the Aura, the inside bounclary is tfie flesh, the content is the blood and the outlet rc flre life.

Ihe Vessel Format is made up of three gpfes of

Love and a gate of Human Nature.

The Three Gates of Love The 15th Gate',Uodesty: The Love of Humanity. The Aura The 25th

Gat*lnnocence: Universal Love. The Blood

The 46-tlt Gat*Pushing Upward: Self Love- The Flesh

The Gate of Human Nature



loth Gat*Treading: Sutvival.

The Life

Within f/pse four fields lies four mysferres waiting to be revealed. The Mystery of the ArR / The Aura; the mystery of the Philosophers Sfone/ The Biood; the mystery of the Grail / The Flesh and the Nature of Being / The Life.

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Hu




The Ark

t T T

There are nany sfories that are rooted in mytlts of a great flood. Western tradition from the time of ltr in Mesopohmh traces the beginnings of our civilaation from the escape trom the flood. Whathas come down to us as the Noah Myth is also found in many other

culfitres throughout the world.

T man, following the instuctions of God builds a vessel tn preparation oi me flooiand when complete fiits ffe vessel with two of every form of life. Ilre vesset and its confents are all that uttimately suwive the flood and Gods' wrath-

ln the Noah Myth, the righteous






Though there are many who have tried to substantiate this myth as fact lts mystery does not tie in roned y'emains being found on Mt AraraL Ifirc ls a myth relating to one the three aspecfs of Love. The Loie of Humanity ancl life in general.

The Love of Humanity


activated through the


gat.o-.M9d.esty' This-is the- ga-te of part of, the Channel of Being in the flow is


Chainet of which this gite is a of Design among att tVing things from the compleltU o! Hury7ryty to the simplesrngle celt. Thi-s is the gate otthe diversity of lifl.itself, big and small,.fast and sbw, vlgitariin or carnivore. Atl of these forms manifest divers rhythms- The 1.5th gate of MAde;ry is about frnding a batance bewteen the extremes. Only when perceived as a totatity cait tne srhgte unmza rhythm of tife oe wifnessed, only when the totaliu is linked toge{her in common purpose does a single rhythm emerge.



universal in terms

The lSth gafe ,s a magnetic source. tt is the magnetism to attract lt is the power of love to attractbthers, to bling mem into the flow. lt operates through the Auric Bocly. The ArR is the symbol of our Gtobal Aura. The oneness of all life'

The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The


A Cosmic Fairy Tale by






t t I



I t T


The Philosophers Sfone

ln-Human Qgsign, the 25th gate lnnocenc*the gate of the spirit of theSeffs part of the CIPnnel of lnitiation. Itus is one of the three iysticat chaniets in thte oooti circuitry. AIso assoc iated with fie Vessel, throlgh the ioth gate is anomei ol6iipn ttiese mystical channels. Initiation is rooted in competitiveness. HEre the competitiveness of th.e SpirlL Tlis gate is always open to shock. ln from The Book of Lettei.s. mer. is a chart of the Designs of all Forms, both animate a@rs'iiatrty Crystals never manifestthrough itanimate objects, alt of these'uor-lLre Forms'are enclowed with a Design Crysfal and a Magneic Monopole. Every seperate object in our universe tssoendowed. TheDesign Crysaldeterminesthenaiure'of theFolrm,astong, ydlhe Magnetic Monopole mantains rts seperafeness and determines i* ptace. ln the pesign of Forms, the imnimate object has 6nly a single gate through which it can interactwith the Universe, fDis rs the 25th gate. tts poteitiat of tni{ation is ctependant on shock. It is the inanimate oby'ecrs of the uiiverse that determine the potentia inniation process {or the tota,W! What is Life? The tradition of the Phitosophers Slore is fhe mW that through it the ryystery of Life is answe-re!. petorg gging any further, tets reiurn to the coicept of srhg{e crystal, the cosmicbesign e rystat oi ue tota,ity. Accorcting {o the F3rt!, 'Voice'!s.a the entire tJniverse is one tuing eitity, 5 netus. We have seen in ear-lier documents that the space between us is an iitusion and that from another perspectue w.e all conpressed lhto a oneness, whether t/lat is the kitchen table, a humLn being, the Earth, ff|e Solar System or in fact the entire tJniverse! tf there ls a perspe ctive that allqts the entire universe fo De see as a oneness and given that that onenness from that


perspective would be considered to be 'ative' our differentiations from our perspective , foose ffieir authority. tris norso much a matter that the sfone is alive On mat n ii rret

We have seen that ffie Vesse/fias four aspects, its inner and outer boundarieg what it contains and how it ca! be.emptied or fitled. The 25th gate of lnnocence, represents what the Vessel contains, in the tanguage of Design anitysis, Spirrt, me ipirn oiine sett

is the gate of lJniversal Love. ti is the gate o/me vaite najority of thl mais of the universe. lt r.s fie substance of life, the Btoocl of the universe.' It i6 onty in this tanscendental understanding of life, that within our perspective it is eierywhere, onty then can initiation tuke place. The'phito ' in phitosoithy,'maans Love. Tirougn ihe Stone comes the recognition that there is only one iite.' This

t L L t_


The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The stone and rhe


A cosmic Fairy Tale by





The Grail



t t T T T T T

t t

Ifie Vessel has an inner boundary. The boundary which contains the life. When we translate the four aspecfs of fhe Vessellhto our Human perspective, we have seen that we have The Aura, the outer boundary, the Ftesh , the inner boundary, the blood the confenfs and the ouflef is the life. The 46th gate: Pushing Upward-the gate of the Determinationof the Selfrc partoftheChannelof Succeedingwhereotherstuil;inthe abstract, Sensing Circuit. Ihis ,s the gate of the Flesh.

Thie gate in Design Analysis is a gate of Serendipity, of the capacity to realize that one is in the right place. lt is a gate of great good fortune once this perspective has been established. The quality of determination is to maintain such an awareness. ln this sense good fortune lies in accepting the body, its gualities and limitations. Here lies the potential for Self-Love- The love of being alive in a form. A love for the form itseff. The title of this Channel of Succeedrhg is Orscovery. To discoyer love through the flesh and that the flesh r.s to be loved.

The traditions of the Grail are an embodiment of the Vesset The Container of the Life. The magic that was possrbtg to drin? in life from its contents. We have seen that the contents, the blood is ffie life. The Grail is the Flesh and is indeed Holy.

I have listened for many years now to dlbcusslbns about the nature of tife after death, The vain assumption that consciousness, self-consciousness is atways available. Humans know absolutely nothing about death- Death is on the other side of our

perspeetive and we have Humans only know about dying. The Holiness of the Grail lies in its to the life, to wovide a framework, remember the worl< of the Magnetic Monopole, our'glue' , through which Seff-Conscious awareness rc possrb/e. ft is the Grail that makes rfs confents Hoty not the other way around. Honour and l6ve the body, the l?esfi.




The Mystery of Love : The Ark, The Stone and The Grail

A Cosmic Fairy Tale by





The Nature of Being tn Human Design the loth gate: Treadingithe gate of the Behaviour of the Self is of the most signifrcait ot att tfie gnfes in the Body graph. Coming out of the Self and conditi6ning the Setfs beiaviour itis ftre potential expression of the Self nature. The loth gate iipart of a complex circuitry that unlike the other seven gates of the G Center openl up n6t into one ctnnnet but inio three. When defrned to tre Throat Center via the iOm gnie: Contemptatiotythe onty exbtentiat gAte, the_defrnition forms one of the three mysicat channeg , Awahening. When defined tothe Splenic.Center and its awareness vnme ilth gate: ihe Gentl*me gate of Clarity, the Channel is called Perfected Form-a design tor Survivat; and frnatly when connected to the Sacral Center via the 34th gate: Thebower of the Great-the gate of power, it activates the Channel of Following your Convictions. Ifiese three dlfferenlpossibrrfes are conditioned bythe Behaviour of the Seff. IDe l1th g1te is how the coniainer, the Vesse/ can be emptied and filled- lt is the life and its nature.

tn this way, it can be seen tfiat the Nature of Being fias tfiree aspects;


Su1ivab The fundemental reguirement fur tifu, its very definition. h lrte, it is the survival of the form that matters. our relative perspective is dependant on the perfection of our form, through aclaptian and evolution-

Z. Foltowing Convictions- The exptoration of the possiDill0bs of the Self and the tndividual tife. The p6wer to follow ones own nature and explore the unique posslb/rBes of each life. The possibility to be aware of ones own nature in the now. The higher 3. Awa1eningr -planes-of tife are possibte onty existentially. lt is the most mystical aspect ot life and being.

The Biood

The Aura

Ihe Flesh




fith gnfe sands between to sets of threes. lt is the magical point at the center of the six-pdintec! star. On one side ne the three gates of Lo,ve., The Aura and its potential tove of'Humanrty; the Ftesh and its potential Hunnn and Self-Love; and the Blood, the potential for universat Love. On the other side, tln above three aspecfs of tlre nature of being,survivat, Following Convictlons and AwakeningThe

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