The Power Of Magic K 2016

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The Power of Magick 1.16

Damon Brand Copyright © 2016 Damon Brand All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, Damon Brand. Disclaimer: Consider all information in this book to be speculation and not professional advice, to be used at your own risk. Damon Brand is not responsible for the consequences of your actions. Success depends on the integrity of your workings, the initial conditions of your life and your natural abilities so results will vary. The information is provided on the understanding that you will use it in accordance with the laws of your country. Please Note: Magick is not for everybody. If you are drawn to magick, you will get good results. If you are afraid of magick, you will not. The magick in Damon Brand’s books has been developed by The Gallery of Magick to get results safely. There is plenty of evil in the world, but there is no evil in these books. You will not be punished by karma or chased down by demons. But if you are afraid of magick or think that magick is evil, these books are not for you. If you’re uncertain, you can read more about magick on the website. If you feel that magick can help you take control of your life, then welcome the power that these books offer. This PDF ebook may be distributed freely, on condition that it is distributed in this form, and is not in any way edited, modified or retitled and that it is not distributed for commercial gain. Please note the copyright notice above. Although you are free to distribute the book, you may not use excerpts without permission.


CONTENTS Does Magick Work for Everybody? Five Ways to Get Magickal Results Banishing Your Lust For Result Precise and Personal Magick Making Contact with Spirits The Power of the Possible Finding Magick That Works For You The Secret of Instant Magick What Magick Are You Afraid Of? The Reality Pact You Don’t Need to Believe in Magick The Power of Magickal Sounds Lighting The Magickal Fire What’s The Big Secret? Recharge Your Magickal Power The Pathways of Magick When The Magick Works


The Power of Magick This book contains some of the essential truths I know about magick. These chapters were previously published in shorter form on my blog The ebook was first published in May 2015, but has been updated in early 2016. If you’ve studied the blog extensively there may be nothing new in this book, but these are some of the most important magickal concepts I know. Rather than repeating the ideas in every single book I publish they are collected here for easy reference. If you want to get your magick working or get better results, this book can help whether you are an experienced practitioner or a complete newcomer. Some ideas are explained several times, in slightly different forms. That’s because these are the most important concepts of results-based magick. If you see repetition, know that it is a signpost to an important truth. The advice given also applies to books written by Zanna Blaise and Gordon Winterfield. Many readers have suggested that this information should be considered essential reading if you want to become proficient at occult work while using my books.


Does Magick Work for Everybody? It should and it can, but it doesn’t always. Whether you have obvious psychic abilities and supernatural skills, or feel as ordinary as cardboard, magick can work for you. If it doesn’t, there’s usually a reason and a solution. My books work for thousands of readers, but the truth is they don’t work for some people at first. Rather than denying that and pretending I’m a miracle worker, I’ve identified the main obstacles to magickal success. I know how easy it is to make mistakes with magick, even when you have perfect instruction. I’ve got over three decades of magickal mistakes to my credit, so I know how easy it can be to stuff up your magick. Thankfully, the most common mistakes can be cured quite easily. The best news is that you don’t need natural ability, but magick is reserved for an elite group of people that can do the following: Be Open Minded You don’t need faith or belief, but you need to be open to the possibility that the magick will work. Without an open mind, you can’t perform the magick with commitment. If you’re attracted to magick this shouldn’t be a challenge. If you think magick sounds far-fetched and ridiculous and you want to test it out to see if it works, you may need to be a little more playful. Open your mind to the possibility of results.


Be Imaginative A lot of magick is almost like pretending. You pretend something is listening and it listens. You pretend a result has already occurred and then it does. You can call it visualization or something even more exotic, but it can be seen as quite playful pretending. This does not mean that the spirits only exist in your imagination, but that your imagination is a gateway. Your imagination gives your will a way to access the world of spirits. You don’t need to be able to visualize with perfect clarity, but you do need to be able to pretend things are happening, or to act as though they are happening. Think of parents you see playing with children. Some are going through the motions, but others are just as involved as the kids – they can almost see the fantasyland they’re playing in, or believe they are the monster that’s chasing the children. This sort of imaginative approach, devoid of restraint or embarrassment, is a key to magick. Be Casual Being casual about magick is more important than having belief. If you do believe that your magick will work, great, that’s a bonus, but the ultimate way to show the universe and the spirits that you trust them, is to be casual. So don’t keep checking your email, don’t keep seeing if the result has shown up, don’t keep testing the magick. It does help to keep a record of the magick you do, and reflect later to see what’s worked best, but while doing magick, be casual. Act as though you expect it’s going to work out fine. You should be so casual that when the result turns up, you’re not that surprised. (If you can’t get this casual, try this: Do a ritual


for something you know if going to happen anyway. Weirdly, this can kick start magick and put you in a more casual frame of mind about results.) Be Serious As well as being casual you have to perform magick as though you mean it. You are effectively trying to change the universe to align with your desires. That’s no small thing. Be playful, be imaginative and be casual, but also be serious and know that you are working with fundamental powers. Be Confident Be confident that you’re doing the magick right. So many people worry that they are doing it wrong, and that the spirits might get upset. The spirits really don’t care how you align that symbol or whether you’re facing East or what kind of ink you use. Yes, getting all the details right can help make things run smoothly, but a confident occultist who makes mistakes will get the attention of the spirits. Spirits sense authority and they love it. A fearful occultist who worries about every detail is easily ignored. Be confident that you’re doing it right, whether you are or not. Stop obsessing and do some magick! Be Patient Do not panic if results don’t come immediately. It’s often said that


results can come in three days, three weeks or three months. I work with that in mind, but the results often come faster than three months. Sometimes they take much longer. Hope is nothing more than glorified doubt, so every time you sit around hoping for a result you are doubting that result. Really powerful magick can work despite your doubts, but a lot of magick can be mangled by impatience and doubt. Not least, an impatient person is less likely to be calm and intuitive and pick up on the synchronicities that lead to a magickal result. Be Clear Know what you want. There is no more important magickal act than knowing what will make you happy or relieved. It sounds easy, but it’s probably the most difficult part to get right. People often ask if they can do lots of magick at the same time. Of course that’s fine. But it can indicate a sense of panic and a lack of clarity about priorities. It’s better to know what you want and work on it until you get it. The more time you spend working out what you genuinely want to do with your life, the more your magick will flow into place and provide results that you genuinely want. There’s more, but those are the main points. Magick can work for anybody who adopts the correct approach and mindset. A natural ability can make you better at magick and give you faster results. But somebody with enormous natural magickal talent who uses the wrong approach and mindset will get rubbish results. If you have zero natural ability, but have the


right approach and mindset, you will get results. Revisit the points listed above. There are ways to develop your supernatural abilities too, which can help, and the chapter at the end of this book gives details on Generating Magickal Power. Most of the messages I get are from people who have had amazing results. The people who don’t get results nearly always reveal that, one way or another, they are closing themselves off to the magick. A man wrote to me at one point and said he was doing all the magick he could think of but then added, ‘I work and work and work and never get any reward.’ What a powerful spell that was. He was cursing himself with that statement. I pointed that out to him, and he replied by saying, ‘I’m always making mistakes like that.’ Another powerful spell, directed straight at himself. That’s not to say you need to go around being a New Age positive thinker. Magick gives us the ability to rise above our personalities and our flaws, and to get results that exceed who we would ordinarily be. But there are some personalities that are unable to be casual, imaginative, confident, patient or clear, and so the results will never come. What I like best, though, is that when I’ve pointed this out to people, many of them are able to work on these aspects of their personality and – as if by magick – they start getting results.


Five Ways to Get Magickal Results It’s true. Sometimes, magick doesn’t work. If the magick in my books is so powerful, how can it ever fail? I get a lot of messages and thankfully most of them are from people who are thriving with magick. The results are frequently stunning and prove to me that we’ve done everything we could to create a magickal system that is accessible and effective. Some messages are from people who are getting a few results, but not quite what they want. For others, there are no results at all. Thankfully, there is always a way to improve your chances of a good magickal result. (There are also some people who get a result – sometimes a truly stunning result – but dismiss it as a coincidence. That is a fast way to shut down your magickal power, because coincidence is the engine of magick. Welcome and enjoy coincidence and you will be rewarded.) This chapter looks at five ways to get your magick working. Enjoy the act of magick as much as the result. Some occultists like to spend hours each day meditating and contacting spirits. I don’t. I like to do as little magick as possible, but when I perform magick I enjoy it as much as I can. If you can approach magick with a sense of wonder rather than obligation, fear or doubt, you stand a much better chance of getting results. Magick should provide results, and if it doesn’t, then it’s right to question the validity of the magick. I am a great believer in Results Magick, so if something doesn’t work I throw it out. The


only problem with this approach is that it can lead to an attitude that is too skeptical. I have received messages from people saying, ‘Well, we’ll see if this works then,’ and the tone is very much along the lines of, ‘I think you’re trying to fool me, but I’ll go through the motions and see if there are any results, but I doubt there will be.’ The problem with this level of skepticism is that it creates a sort of antagonism towards your magick. It’s as though you’re saying, ‘I don’t believe this nonsense, so it’s going to have to be miraculous to convince me.’ It’s far better to get into magick with a sense of childlike wonder. Treat it as an interesting game, and be willing to keep enjoying the ritual without worrying about the results. When some time has passed, review your results skeptically, but when you’re doing the magick, don’t see it as a test of the magick. The magick works, so commit to the ritual as an actor commits to a performance, with imagination and concentration. You don’t have to believe in magick, but if you can pretend to believe while you’re doing the ritual, and then just keep acting as though the result is inevitable, rather than testing, hoping, checking to see if your wish has come true, you will get better results. When magick fails you aren’t necessarily doing anything wrong, but there’s more you can do to ensure success. Get Involved With The Magick Often, magick produces results out of nowhere. This is one of the joys of working with the occult. You sometimes get such astonishing results, without much effort, that you find yourself


feeling extremely grateful to be on this path. It seems a little too good to be true. When that happens, relish the moment. More often, however, you get the best magickal results when you put in an effort in the mundane world. That is, if you’re doing magick to increase sales you should also read a book on the latest sales techniques. If you’re into online marketing, you should read the latest books on that subject or hire an expert to help. The cynical response to this is to say, ‘Oh well, if I put all that extra effort in I’d probably get the results anyway.’ That may be true. If it is true, then what are you wasting your time with magick for? The beauty of magick is that when you put an effort in, your efforts are rewarded. Magick alone can produce decent results. Effort alone can produce decent results. When you combine the two, the results can be ten times stronger. It is best to act as though you are a partner in the magick, rather than asking angels to help and sitting back and waiting for a result. Imagine you are a writer about to embark on a new novel, and there is an angel sitting by your side – an angel of inspiration. You ask that angel for inspiration and then walk away from the desk, hoping something will occur to you or appear on the page. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. This is how many people approach magick. They make a request and then do nothing about it. Magick, they seem to think, should produce something from nothing. Not only is this approach less effective, but it also means you miss the pleasure of enjoying an alchemical moment. Magick shouldn’t change your circumstances alone. It should change you. When you sit at the table with the angel, get your pen moving, and the angel will sing out the inspiration you need. Be willing to


do what you can for the results to occur. When you dive into the process, along with the magick, your experience changes, your response to the world changes and you enjoy the work you are doing more. If you ask for writing inspiration, write. If you ask for money, open yourself to opportunities. If you are trying to seduce, convince, influence, persuade or inspire, be around people. If, by some chance, you have magickally requested something you don’t actually want, this hands-on approach is the best way to find out. After five days of increased sales, you might realize, ‘I hate sales and want to be a musician.’ Or after your first audition for a band you might say, ‘I was chasing the wrong dream. I’d rather work in sales.’ If you’ve made a mistake by choosing something that doesn’t genuinely make you happy, it will show up rapidly, and that is as beneficial as getting the result you want. This is one of the hidden gifts of magick. It speeds up your experience and growth. When you approach magick as a partner, acting with the spirits, you are more likely to get those wonderful chance encounters, surprising results and unexpected rewards. Enjoy them without guilt and know you’ve got your magick flowing. Keep doing your magick, rather than worrying. Magick works for many people, so if you ever get a failure it could be that you were requesting too sudden or dramatic a change. It could also be that your concentration was off, or your desire was not focused. It may be down to you worrying, being impatient or lusting for result. Often, though, I have found that people worry too much about the details, rather than getting on with the magick.


This is one of the best ways to make magick fail. In my books I always aim to simplify everything, so you get just what you need to get results, but the downside to this is that some people want much more detail. I can understand that people may want to know exactly what it is they’re getting into, and the history of every spirit we employ, and how we came to use them along with the way we devised our methods. But most people aren’t interested, and these details would make the books long and impractical. Most people just want to do magick and that is the best approach. I am not suggesting you should have no interest in the occult. I read endlessly on the subject, but you learn more doing an hour of magick than you do in a week of reading about the history of an obscure occultist. Don’t worry too much about the details. Most of the messages I receive are about how to print sigils, pronounce words, when to do magick, whether rituals can be combined, whether to use astrology, whether a certain image is right, how exactly to stand or think or breathe and so on. These details barely matter compared to just having a go at a ritual. It is far better to do magick a little bit wrong, for eleven days, than to spend eleven days perfecting a ritual and performing it once. Repetition isn’t always important, but it can certainly help. Repetition gives you the opportunity to experience the magick. In short, don’t overthink, don’t over-plan and don’t worry about results. I am not somebody who believes that magick needs to be practiced every day. I know some occult authors who spend hours every day giving offerings and prayers, and although I respect that, I would rather go for a walk and enjoy myself more. I do enjoy magick, but not so much that I want to do it every


day, or so that I feel continually tied to spirits and living my whole life in the service of magick. Magick is there for me to use. I am not its servant. Most of the time I use magick to shift circumstances to get what I want. When these times come, I do the magick and I do it often until I get a result. Above all else, when you want magick to work, do magick. If it doesn’t work, do it again. If it still doesn’t work you might want to change something or try a different magickal approach. Use your intuition. Again, don’t overthink. Instinctively feel for what might help, and then experiment. Do the magick boldly and often, for the results you really want, and you should get your magick working. Know What You Really Want If you want to get magick working, knowing what you really want is more important than effort, faith, belief, imagination or anything else you might throw at a working. If you genuinely know what you want, magick is just a final push to get your result to manifest. What I’m suggesting might sound like nonsense, because you’re probably pretty sure about what you want out of life. But to get an idea of what I mean, have a look at how many secondhand musical instruments are on sale in shops and online. Sometimes the instruments are on sale because a player is upgrading and still loves to play, but most of the instruments are on sale because those people never wanted that guitar in the first place. They dreamed about it, pictured it, longed for it and eventually they bought it, but then they barely played it, and they let it sit in a corner of the room as a sense of shame grew to the


point that they could longer bear it and so they put it on sale. I know because I have bought a lot of guitars, and although I buy some brand new, I get lots secondhand and just about every time the seller tells me the same story. They dreamed of being in a band, writing songs, playing brilliantly and maybe even being quite famous, but then they admit that they never really played the instrument because it just didn’t feel right, and you can tell they’re telling the truth because the guitar is in perfect condition. You could say that people buy instruments and then are too lazy to play, but I think it’s more complex than that. I think people buy the wrong dreams. Plenty of people want to play guitar and do so. Plenty of people think they want to play guitar, and then feel wretched when they realize they bought into a dream that was never real for them. The dreams that excite us quickly – that make us want an urgent solution – are often the dreams that burn out the fastest when they come true. I’ve seen this at all levels of society. I’ve known poor people who are convinced that if they could just get $1000 they’d be happy. What they really want is comfort, shelter and a sense of security, but they’re convinced they want $1000. I’ve known people who wanted a career in Hollywood, but within minutes of meeting industry people in tinsel town they realized that it’s a soul-sucking place and ran back to the local theatre. What they really wanted was to act. I’ve known people who’ve learned to drive racing cars, fly airplanes, buy mansions and take vacations in exotic places only to be disappointed. Why? Because it wasn’t what they really wanted. They wanted greater selfesteem and thought they could get it from buying bigger objects or doing more impressive things. Having worked with people directly and indirectly, as well as dealing with my own issues, I know that people waste a lot of


effort on magickal results that they don’t really desire. I knew a woman who performed a ritual to help find a dream job, only to realize she actually wanted to travel the world, and off she went. I have a close friend who used magick to get more artistic fame, only to realize she wanted to live on a quiet farm. You could say that these are positive magickal results. If people get the result, and then realize they wanted something else, the magick has been educational or even enlightening. But there are two problems. One is that this is a very disruptive way to get an insight into who you are, and secondly, magick is less likely to work when you don’t really want the result. Magick that’s aimed at a desire you don’t want can even sap your energy and make you feel low. When you ask anybody what they want, the first answer is usually ‘more money’, but it’s rare for people to actually want more money. Usually they want to be out of debt, feel security, or possess specific objects or live in particular places. Although money is required to buy a car, it isn’t the money you want – it’s the car. An exercise that I use is to clear my mind, and then imagine the end result coming about to see how it feels. This is nothing more than casual daydreaming, but you have to make sure you do this passively. If you’ve been excited about buying a guitar, don’t picture yourself playing the guitar with that familiar excitement. Instead, just remain calm, emotionless and picture the end result. Emotions will arise by themselves. If the emotions are good, then go ahead and do magick to get that result. If you feel any anguish or doubt, then you may want to think about this result more deeply. At one point in my career I was shortlisted for a contract to ghost-write a novel for somebody. I was excited about the news,


especially because of the money that was on offer, so I was about to perform a few magick rituals to ensure that I got the deal. But first I had to make sure it was what I really wanted. So I sat quietly and pictured myself working on the book. I imagined the money being paid to me. I imagined the book being published. And as I did this I felt nothing other than frustration and disappointment. I didn’t like the book or its subject mater and I felt that the payment was lower than I deserved for such a complex project. On the surface, I was sure I wanted that contract. Within moments of picturing the end result, I knew it was something I didn’t want. This is not divination, exactly, but a way of knowing yourself a little better. Any time you have a desire, go through this process, even if your desire seems obvious. The technique can throw up some interesting results that give you deeper insight into yourself. A while back I used this technique even when I thought I was absolutely certain about the magickal result I wanted. I had a friend who was becoming troublesome. I decided that I wanted to get that person out of my life, and I know some very simple magick for removing somebody. It’s harmless and effective, so I was ready to go ahead. However, when I sat and imagined the result, I realized that even though my friend was annoying me, I would miss him when he was gone. What I really wanted was for him to modify his behavior. So I worked on that and he became a better friend. I’m glad I took the time to work out what I really wanted, or I would have been emotionally damaged by the loss of my friend. You can go ahead and use magick every time you have a desire, and magick may let you know what you really want by giving you results that force you to face who you really are. Or the magick may simply not work. That in itself will tell you


something. To save time and effort, it’s worth taking the time to find out what you really want. When you apply magick to a genuine desire, the results can be fast and miraculous. Accept and Welcome Change Sometimes you may really want a result, but you are held back by fear of change. Disruption is exactly what you want. You don’t want chaos and disorder and problems, but you want your life to change. If you are living a life with a poor income, then a wealthy life will be so very different to the life you lead now. Some time ago, during one month, I spent time in Vancouver and Singapore, and I stayed in beautiful hotels with astonishing views over the cities. I compared this to my first visits to those cities, many years earlier. My first trip to Singapore had me staying in a room so small that I could touch all the walls without moving, and a thick, sickly heat that made my stomach churn. In Vancouver, I first stayed in an area that was so rough, my hire-car was destroyed (right outside my filthy motel) by the second morning. I was ‘wealthy’ enough to travel the world back then, but I did it rough. Thankfully, I welcomed disruption. I welcomed change. I do not want to travel that way any more. I do not want to think twice before hiring a cab, or buying a meal or taking a trip or purchasing gifts. To reach that level of wealth I had to accept change. A lot of change. From the messages I receive I can tell that this is a major sticking point for many people, and some don’t even attempt magick because they fear disruption. Sometimes, I may see a comment such as, ‘I don’t mind change, but I don’t want to have


to leave my family and live in another country.’ That’s understandable. Although magick will take the path of least resistance, it won’t wreck your life to give you what you want. If the prosperity you seek involves staying in a particular place, you can. You remain in charge. Of course, the more limits you place on your magick, the more difficult it will be to succeed. If you insist on living in a tiny English village and want to be a rock star, you may struggle. I know somebody who tried. I once worked in an industry (that I won’t name here), and I was living in a country that made working in that industry difficult. I used magick to make things as smooth as possible, but I knew that if I really wanted to improve matters all I really had to do was move to a different city. For personal reasons, I didn’t do that. So I do understand that nobody wants change to be too disruptive. But if you want your life to change from how it is now, you have to be willing to accept that change. Many people use magick to end relationships. Sometimes, a jealous partner will go all-out and curse their partner, and force a dramatic separation. It works. At other times, though, I see people using magick to bring about a separation, but then they simply never leave their partner for fear of hurting them. I have done this myself, so I’m offering no judgment. I stayed with the wrong partner for many, many years because I was afraid of causing pain, to her and to myself. It was only when I realized that pain was unavoidable that I was able to go ahead. And then I used magick to keep her as calm and friendly as possible while the separation went ahead. It was only when I was able to welcome the change that it could happen. No amount of magick would have made her end the relationship. Magick certainly made her less interested in me


and more willing to let the relationship die, but ultimately, I was still the one who had to walk out the door. (Of course, you can use magick to make somebody leave the house while you stay, if you’re willing to use really powerful demonic magick, but my point is that you’re still most likely the one who has to make the decision, if you want to be in control rather than at the mercy of somebody else’s choices.) It is possible to influence other people with magick, but I look back at so many situations where I have used magick to influence people and realize that no influence was required. All I needed was to be willing to accept change and use magick to bring about that change. Change is frightening. This is why most people never rise out of their social class, why most people keep doing the same sort of work they have always done and mixing with the same people, thinking the same thoughts. If you want change, you have to be willing to accept change. If you want a different life, it’s going to be different. This may sound insultingly obvious, but I get many messages from people saying that they want a new life, but then list all the reasons they want things to stay the same. Magick is all about change, and brief disruption is nothing more than discomfort while you adjust to your new way of life. This doesn’t mean you have to be a share trader or rock star, because true wealth means having enough money that you feel happy and free to do what you want without fear of loss. For one reader disruption came in the form of realizations about her work practice. She didn’t have to leave the country or become a stock market trader. She just had to see what she was doing wrong. If you are afraid of change, reexamine exactly what you want from your magick. If you genuinely know what you want, you are


more likely to welcome the change, and when you do, you make it easy for the magick to bring results into your life.


Banishing Your Lust For Result What’s the one thing most likely to ruin your magick? Lust For Result. But look at this another way. What’s the one change you can make that will give all your magick more power? Banishing your Lust For Result. When you can rid yourself of Lust For Result, you will get more magickal outcomes than you ever thought possible. Magick is about getting results, so how are you meant to avoid desire? There’s no point in doing magick for something you don’t want. By definition, that means you want the result. Is such desire considered to be lust? Thankfully, it isn’t. Desire is an essential part of magick. There’s little point in doing an eleven-day angelic working for something you’re only vaguely interested in obtaining. ‘Lust For Result’ is not about extreme desire, but about the times when your eagerness for a magickal result is more important than your actual desire. For example, if you desperately want to sell your novel, you can still want that with all your heart. But if you’ve performed magick to get your novel published, you cannot sit around hoping that the magick has worked. You need to keep your focus on the feeling of your desire having come to pass, and take your focus off the magick you’ve completed. There are some stars that you can only see out of the corner of your eyes. They are so dim that if you look at them, straight on, they vanish, because the center of the eye is not sensitive enough to see them. Look to one side and you can see the star again. Magick is like that. If you put your focus on the magick itself, the magick disappears. When you put the magick to one side, it becomes real.


Why does Lust For Result matter? Why can’t you do magick, long for your result and still get it? The simplest answer is to say that when you check up on the magick, test the magick or hope that it’s working, you are reinforcing your current state of doubt. Magick is about trying to change yourself and an external circumstance. You never just attract money. You change your willingness to attract money and you attract money. That is the process of magick. When you lust for a result and then focus on the magick you’ve performed, it means you aren’t really expecting change. You’re wishing for it. Although wishes might make us feel better, they don’t change the world. When you wish, you are sending out an energy that says, ‘I am lacking the magical result I desire.’ Given that magick reinforces your mental state, magick can amplify your feeling of lack. This is why so much of the magick that I believe in uses emotional transmutation. You change your emotions from a place of lack to a state of having, and in doing so, you side-step Lust For Result. When people tell me that magick isn’t working for them as well as they hoped, it often means that they’re putting all their focus on getting the words, chants and images right, rather than getting to grips with the emotional aspect required to charge up the magick. For those who have no faith in the magick, or for people who find it difficult to believe, the solution is to keep your attention on the magick only when you are performing magick. After that, you keep your attention on your ordinary world. I sometimes hear from people who are desperate to get magick working, and the best advice I can offer is as follows. When you are desperate, you are in great danger of ruining the magick. Your emotions are in the wrong place. But the good news is that you


can do something about it. Firstly, you should focus on getting the emotional state right, as described in my books. Secondly, you should then carry on with your life as though the magick never occurred at all. When you are doing the magick, it is as though there is nothing other than magick. That should be your complete focus. The moment the magick is done, you forget about it, and carry on trying to solve your problems, without any expectation of result. It can take practice, but if you do this, magick can work even in desperate times. Just last night, somebody asked me if the following suggestion was the right way to perform magick: ‘You state your intention, give your trust to magick, and let it take over. You don’t worry about when it will happen. You don’t doubt that it will happen. You just go on with your life knowing that it will happen at the most appropriate time.’ To some extent this is true. If you can feel a genuine faith in the magick, then this sort of trust is ideal. Some people find it easy to create this feeling of faith from the outset. Others build it gradually as they see more results. Some find it impossible to feel trust in the magick. When that happens, what are the alternatives? There are many ways to side-step lust. One solution is to perform a mass of continual rituals, for many different results, all of which matter to you, but none of which are overwhelmingly vital. By performing magick constantly, you won’t even be able to keep track of what you’ve requested. Although this is a hack that can trigger results, it’s not generally the best way to work, because it disconnects you from feeling gratitude when a result comes. You pay the spirits with your pleasure, so it’s important to enjoy your results. I prefer to focus my magick on the things I really want, but I also know this trick can work, so long as it doesn’t actually increase your sense of frustration.


Avoiding the feeling of Lust For Result does not mean you should avoid thinking about your result. If you are trying to get that first novel published, you need to think about your novel daily. You need to keep working on it, refining it, making contact with agents and publishers and negotiating the best deal you can. There is no way you can forget about your desire. It’s your desire that will see you through. Desire itself is fine, so long as it doesn’t lead to fear. The less you can focus on negative emotions associated with your desire, the easier it will be for magick to work. You can still dream of having your novel published, but daydream in a way that feels like certainty rather than hope. If you hope and wish, you choke the magick. What you can do is let go of lust, by almost acting as though you never performed the magick. That means you continue to put in as much real world effort as you can. This is a tricky mental balancing act. On the one hand you are showing complete faith in the magick, trusting that it will work, but on the other you are acting as though the magick isn’t even required. Although this mental doublethink sounds difficult to achieve, it is quite easy when you make sure your focus is on the present moment. When doing magick, perform the magick as instructed, and be present, feeling the emotions as required. When the magick is over, be in the world, and act as though the magick never happened. This is not insulting to the spirits you work with, and is not a denial of the magick. It is your way of showing that you have truly handed over the problem to another power, and now you will do your part. I have repeated this many times recently, but it is worth saying again. If you are genuinely willing to wait a year for results, the result can come in hours. If you need the result to come in hours, it might take years. If you can get to grips with this, and perform


your magick as though it will genuinely change your world, but then immediately act as though you have never performed the magick, your real world effort will be rewarded. If you can’t do this, the solution is simple. Practice. You will get better at it. It’s worth remembering that the reason you do magick, is that you are asking for help from another source. It’s vital that you accept that help. You can’t ask for help, and then keep checking to see if the help is coming. You have asked, so now get on with your life and let the results come when they come. As I point out in Magickal Riches, it’s best to avoid the phrase, ‘That ritual didn’t work’, because you don’t know whether it’s worked or not. Give it more time. If you say it hasn’t worked, you switch off the magick. Leave your magick open, and let the results come when they come. One person wrote to me and said that he kept daydreaming about his result, imagining the immense satisfaction he would feel when his result came about. He hoped this wasn’t lusting for result. There is no harm in daydreaming about your result, but note two important points. Firstly, try to feel the emotion in the present tense. Feel as though it has already happened, and feel grateful that your dream has come to pass. Secondly, take the magick out of your daydreaming. Don’t daydream about the magick solving your problem. Simply daydream about the feeling of having the problem solved. Don’t be afraid of intrusive thoughts. Desire is a useful emotion that can motivate you, and it feels entirely different to desperate lust, which is all about doubt, fear, checking up, hoping, counting the days and wondering what you did wrong with your magick. Remember that the magick is extremely simple, and that most of the details don’t matter too much, so long as you can find a way to feel as though the magick has worked. If you can do that,


the reality you desire will come toward you faster than you can imagine.


Precise and Personal Magick When you want a magickal result, you call on a spirit for help. You evoke a spirit, or divine power, to shape reality to your will. This is the essence of most magick. It is also possible to generate results without contacting spirits. Magick can be driven by pure desire. In a book that is no longer published, I recounted a basic method for attracting a result without the intervention of outside entities. This process uses sexual energy, and I will describe it in an abridged form, but I will expand it to include other forms of magickal energy. Although sexual energy can be powerful, it’s not for everybody, so what follows may be more useful. This is a form of Personal Magick that uses directed magickal energy to manifest a result. When I was building my career as a novelist, I was shortlisted for a reasonably large writing prize. Not a major prize, but a decent one, with a cash handout. During the ritual I thought about the result I wanted, then forgot about it while generating sexual energy, and then I pictured myself winning the prize and chanted the word ‘success’ at the point of orgasm. I won the prize, and found variations on this method to be highly effective. If you don’t want to use sex magick, you can use the same approach with other forms of magick such as Light From The Dark, which is revealed in Magickal Riches. You think about the result you want, casually, then you put that thought aside and generate Light From The Dark, and then picture the end result, chant a word that sums up the result, and feel the light pouring into the image and into the chanted word. There are many variations on this, for generating emotional energy or magickal power, and I encourage experimentation. It


works best when there is a short-term goal in the near future, as described above. You should also ensure that when you chant the word and picture the result, that you picture it in the present tense, as though it is happening now. Do not look forward to winning or obtaining your result. In that moment, experience it as though it has already happened, and feel as though you’re enjoying the moment. The main challenge with this type of magick is that it is often highly precise. You call out for a specific and exact result. In magick, you need to find a balance between being open and being precise. If you perform a ritual ‘To get rich’ it’s probably too broad a request. But if you perform a ritual ‘To get a pay rise of $25,500,’ it’s way too precise. A sound magickal approach would be to open yourself up to random sources of money, while looking for a substantial financial increase at work. When working magick, finding the sweet spot between precision and openness is a game we play often. Sometimes, though, the result you are asking for is precise, and there’s no way around that. If you want to win a sporting event, that’s the result you want, and there’s no point in pretending otherwise. If you want to stop a specific enemy from disrupting your life, you want to stop that enemy. This is why I sometimes find the ideal solution is to use a mix of magick. Combine a general success ritual with something more precise, and the results can be stunning. You can, for example, perform a general ritual and then add in some Personal Magick to make it more specific. This does require care. Being too precise can limit your chance of getting results, because you are narrowing down the possible forms of manifestation. But if the result you want is by it’s nature


precise, then adding in this Personal Magick can be an excellent way to fine tune the working to get your desired result. It’s also important, when you are being so precise, to aim for a result that is within reach, but not certain. In the above example, the prize was a goal just outside my normal level of expectation. That is where you should direct this magick. Look for a good result, not a miracle, and the result you obtain will be almost miraculous.


Making Contact with Spirits So much occult work is about nothing more than catching the attention of a spirit that can bring the result you want. In many cases, the ritual is constructed in such a way that the spirit is compelled to respond. When you put it this way, magick sounds simple. Ask and you receive. Every angel, demon, genius spirit and other supernatural being has preferences, styles of work and methods that make this contact more accessible. This is why there are different rituals for every different class of spirit. Some require elaborate rituals, while others only need to sense a sincere need. Some thrive on gratitude, while others only require that you command them clearly. The books we publish give you the specific guidelines for the spirits that you have chosen to work with. Whatever books you use, however, you need to develop a relaxed confidence in order to make repeated and successful contact. Magickal Cashbook was published first because the spirit Nitika is so easy to contact, and this can give beginners a confidence boost that makes other magick feel plausible. The manifestation of your result depends on many other factors, such as overcoming lust for result, requesting a result that is just outside of your current reality, and other influences that are detailed in the books. When you contact a spirit in the right way, the spirit will respond. The less attention you place on the spirit and its response to you, and the more you place on overcoming lust and opening pathways for manifestation, the more success you will have. Despite this, it’s easy to worry about the nature of supernatural contact.


Many people ask me if they may have offended the spirits, by making a mistake during the ritual or missing a day of the ritual. While it is certainly true that you can build an affinity with a spirit through repeated successful workings, these spirits do not take offence easily. They are unlikely to take offence because you mispronounced a word or got the ritual ‘wrong’. There is no objectively correct way to perform a ritual. It is there merely as a means to make contact. You tune the ritual to make contact as effectively as you can, and then the spirit hears you and responds. As mentioned above, there are details of style and form that can help your message be heard by the spirit in the most receptive way, but the spirit does not sit on high, waiting for you to get your ritual ‘right’, judging you if you slip up. So you should perform your magick with a free confidence rather than fear about precision. This doesn’t mean you should skip instructions or rush a ritual. If you want to ride a bicycle down a mountain (which I witnessed in Canada), you need to learn how to ride, you need to gather the skills and practice them, and then when the big day comes you need to let go of your learning and ride down that mountain with confidence. If you miss out the disciplined learning, you will fail. If you make the ride while filled with trepidation and fear, you will make more mistakes than if you are relaxed. Ideally you should be focused, relaxed and expecting the best. It’s important to know that you are commanding the spirits, rather than begging or pleading or praying. To some people the word ‘command’ seems too authoritarian. We are dealing with angels, not dogs, after all. I have found, however, that polite, firm commands are responded to more frequently than obsequious


requests. This is not to say that you are meant to order the spirits around. I often use the analogy of a good manager. The best managers respect every worker, but they give instructions (or ‘commands’), rather than making requests. But they do so in a way that is filled with respect, admiration and gratitude. Vitally, managers do not beg or plead with their workers. If they did, they would be undermined. The same is true in magick. The rituals place you in a position of authority, by using sets of divine names and words of power, and it is then your role to speak your commands with calm authority. You can get results if you simply ask. For some people, this is the only way they can work. They sense the presence of an angelic power, and they do not want to command. If so, that’s OK, but remember that you are making a statement about what you require, rather asking the angel (or demon) if it thinks it’s OK for you to have that. Magick is about you selecting the future events that you require in order to express your true will. You select those results and command them to come into being. We often use the word ‘request’ in place of ‘command’ because it is more palatable. I am fully aware that people feel uncomfortable commanding angels and demons. But it is worth noting that any time you make a request, rather than giving a command, you are opening yourself to the possibility of failure. Saying, ‘Can I borrow your hammer?’ might lead to a polite refusal. ‘Please pass me your hammer,’ will usually result in the hammer being passed to you. It’s a small difference, but it underlines that although we should be extremely polite and respectful of spirits, we do not need to be too humble. With this in mind, you should know that your confident intent is often more important than the structure of the ritual. If you


catch the spirit’s attention, and get your message through with a confident command, the spirit will be compelled to help. The result is change, and that is the power of magick. NOTE: Books currently published by The Gallery of Magick (as of January 2016) do not involve direct evocation where the spirit is manifested in a form where it can be seen and heard. The current methods are about being heard by the spirits so that you get a result. In the future, a book on direct evocation will be published, but this is not scheduled for some time.


The Power of the Possible When you want a result, you need to find the most suitable magick. This is why there will always be lots of magick on offer, rather than one book. You can then choose the magick that’s appropriate to your needs. This gives you freedom, power and choice. But how do you know what’s going to work best for you? When you’ve worked with magick for a while, this starts to become clear, because you find some results satisfying, others a little disappointing, and you also begin to see a world of potential opening up. There are some people who come to magick, however, with the hope that there will be one spell or ritual that solves all their problems. I get messages from people saying, ‘I am struggling with money and a difficult neighbor, while suffering from ill health and a bad marriage. Can you tell me which ritual to use?’ This is a bit like saying, ‘Can I have an instant miracle that lasts forever?’ Magick can do amazing things, truly amazing things, but it is a practice that you integrate into your life, rather than something you do once to change everything. Sometimes, one quick ritual can have a life-changing effect. Five minutes of magickal work really can give you an instant miracle that lasts forever – sometimes. But that’s rare. It would be misleading to suggest that this is how magick works on a daily basis. If you want to get the best results from magick, you learn when to use the magick that’s appropriate to your desires and your true will. One of the interesting things that happens is that your desires change, or clarify, as you work with magick. You realize that the miracle you were seeking would not have made you happy after


all. A lottery win would have left you bored, because really, you wanted a promotion. Or, conversely, the promotion would not have made you happy, because really you wanted to start your own business, or become a writer, or travel the world. It is easy to get caught up in habitual desires, and lose sight of what you really want, but when you start working with magick you begin to see the power of the possible. You see that life can be guided and shaped according to your will. Once you realize that, your dreams change. It is exciting to spend some time with your thoughts, working out what you really want and knowing that you can get it. When you realize that you can get what you want, you dare to dream in a different way. This doesn’t necessarily mean ‘thinking big’. Many people find that the dreams they once had – of riches and mansions – are nothing to do with the life they genuinely want. Others find that money is something that makes them happier than they ever thought possible. The process of inner change can be quite exhilarating. Magick can clarify your perception and helps you know who you are and what you want. When you know that, and find the right magick for your immediate and long-term needs, everything falls into place. One of the reasons that The 72 Sigils of Power has been so popular, is that it works directly on helping you uncover your real needs. But it’s true that all magick can help to uncover the power of the possible, and make you begin to see a world beyond the immediate. There will rarely be an instant miracle that lasts forever, but working with magick will help you become open to the things you truly want. When you are open to possibility, a new reality is almost yours.



Finding Magick That Works For You Effective magick doesn’t need to be complicated. You want results, because you have needs. Knowing which ritual to use is often the key to getting good results. If you find the right magick for your problem, you might be able to do one quick ritual and then you’ve got your solution. Words of Power was designed to solve problems with simple rituals that are performed just once. But even that book requires that you work the magick that’s best suited to your real needs. Working out which magick you need to use on your problem is a skill that develops with time, and it can improve the results you obtain. If somebody says to me, ‘How can I use magick to pass an exam that I’ve failed several times?’ I cannot give a direct answer. Even when using Words of Power, I can’t know which magick would apply best, because I don’t know the specific cause of the problem for that person. Is it a lack of willpower, an inability to recall facts or something else? When you are faced with a complex problem your challenge is to break it down into its component parts, and then tackle each of those. Some problems can be solved by mundane methods and others will require magick. In this example, you might find that you’re failing the exam because you’re working long hours in another job and don’t have the time to commit to study. In that case, the best approach might be to use magick to find a job that pays better, so you can work fewer hours. It’s not the first thing that might occur to you, but it might be more effective than trying to perform an ‘exam ritual’. Or if the problem is that you can’t commit to learning, you may need to perform rituals that enable you to increase your willpower. If you’re not even sure whether you want to do the


exam, you might want to use contemplation magick (from The 72 Sigils of Power by Zanna Blaise) to discover more about yourself and your motivations. It sounds obvious when you break it down like this, but when you’re wrapped up in a problem it can be difficult to see this simple truth. Problems frequently feel so overwhelming, and goals seem so far removed from the current situation, it’s difficult to picture how things could ever change. Before using magick, it’s worth taking the time to work out what really needs to change. This is where Zanna’s book has been so useful to people. When you know yourself and what you really want, getting it is far easier than when you’re fighting your own inner nature and your real desires. No matter how large a problem may seem, you can break it down into areas that can be worked on. Many people ask if there’s magick that helps with weight loss. Is there an angel to help with overeating? Can you perform a ritual to encourage exercise? It’s not quite that simple, but it doesn’t need to be overly complicated if you are able to look at the root cause of the problem. When people ask me if there’s a sigil to lose weight, I say that the magick has to be more personal than that. If you’re overweight and want to lose weight, you need to find out what’s stopping you from losing weight. It may be that you need to increase willpower, make more time become available or attract a guide or mentor. It might be all three. In some cases, when you break a problem down it might require a lot of magick. Although I love to simplify magick, I never want to dumb it down. In some cases, a solution to a seemingly simple problem – such as unwanted weight gain – may require a lot of work. It may take contemplation magick, along with angelic help to increase willpower, and magick to


remove other obstacles that are preventing you from taking the steps required to lose weight. A few weeks ago I was asked about using magick to tackle addiction. I’ve used magick to help others with addiction, but in two of the more memorable cases the solutions were entirely different. In once case, the person I was working with needed only a small insight in order to discover more willpower and selfcontrol. In the second case, the person was heavily addicted to a prescription medicine – there was no inner pain to be discovered, as such; I just had to help this person through. The solution was complex, requiring magick that could ease symptoms of withdrawal, help solve other life problems so that the experience wasn’t as stressful, and ensure that adequate family support was in place. All this could have been achieved without magick, but it would still have required us to break the problem down, to know where best to direct our attention. Once we knew all the things that need to change, we were able to use magick to make the process run more smoothly. You might find that contemplation magick is the best way to break a problem down. Or you might make notes, brainstorm or otherwise dig through your preconceptions about a problem. It can help to pretend you’re solving the problem for somebody else, or to picture the problem being far in the past and seeing how it was solved. This does take imagination and the courage to dive into yourself, but it is always worthwhile. When you do this kind of work, you may be surprised at how often the obvious ‘surface’ problem is not the real problem at all. This in itself makes magick valuable. You are encouraged to discover your real needs, and before you even perform a ritual, your magickal intention has put you back on track. When you’re


aligned with your true will, magickal results manifest with the greatest ease.


The Secret of Instant Magick When you perform magick you want quick results, and the good news is that magick can bring results instantly. I have performed rituals and received results within seconds. It’s also important to acknowledge that in some cases I’ve waited many months for a result to come about. Magick can take time, but there are a few tricks that can make it work faster. Is there really such a thing as instant magick? All magick is instant, because when a ritual is complete, the mechanisms of reality begin to shift in accordance with your will. Seeing results, however, requires some finesse in your perception of magick, and the technique described in this post is a shortcut to getting the results you want. Despite this, it’s worth accepting that results will come about when they come about. Instant magick can happen, but it shouldn’t be your primary aim. Getting good results is better than getting results fast, but I will show you a technique that can make things happen much more rapidly. When you perform a ritual, you often use magick on the most pressing issue, or the aspect of your life that you most want to change. This makes sense, but it does run the risk of having you lust for the result because you desire it so strongly. That urgency and need for a result can feel like desperation, and desperation can slow the magick down. When you allow the magick to manifest by casually expecting it to manifest, it does. So how do you do this? There is great power in performing magick for something that you already expect to happen. In a book (now unpublished), I told the following story: ‘When the first iPhone came out I immediately decided I wanted one and was going to queue up on the first morning to buy one.


Did I do a ritual to get an iPhone? Of course not. I was so certain that I was just going to go out and buy one that I didn’t bother with magick. The iPhone was easy to get. I assumed it was coming to me and it did. That implies that magick is often filled with a sense of doubt. It’s performed because we think something is difficult to obtain. We perform the magick because we’re worried we won’t actually receive the result we want.’ When you reverse this observation, you see a beautiful truth: a fantastically powerful way to get your magick working is to perform a ritual for something that is already going to happen very easily. In practice, how does this work? Let’s imagine that you’re doing an angelic working To Create Music (from The Greater Magickal Angels). This is your primary goal. You work in the music industry, and you desperately need to create a new composition that shows off your talent. It makes sense to perform the ritual To Create Music. But given that this is your major goal, you may be filled with doubts, fears and lust for result. To get around this, you add in some magick for something that feels easy, or for something that you know is going to happen. If you have a birthday or other celebration coming up, you could throw in the ritual To Be The Center of Attention (from Words of Power). You already know you will be center of attention, so you perform the magick to make it happen. You should do this on a day when you are still working on the angelic ritual To Create Music. This one example, and it should be easy to come up with others. Performing this extra magick has the uncanny effect of making your magick feel real and effective and inevitable. Results start to feel completely inevitable, and so all results begin to come about.


You can take this even further and perform magick for something that has already happened. If you win a competition, you could then use the ritual To Win A Competition (from Words of Power). Although you know the end result has already come about, this is still worthwhile. By performing the magick, you are stirring up your perception of time and reality, and making the potential of your existence far more malleable. You also get to experience a very real sense that the magick is absolutely certain to work (because you know it already has). When you can apply this same feeling to all your magick, results will come about much faster. This strange technique does require a playful imagination, but it really can give you a taste for the level of confidence you need for magick to work fast. Why perform magick for something you don’t need? Isn’t it a waste of time? Do not underestimate the power of this idea. You may be tempted to ignore this, because it’s time consuming and requires magickal effort, but it can trigger success. It works when you are blocked, when you’re performing magick for a major goal, or when you’re starting out and looking for your first result.


What Magick Are You Afraid Of? Some people are terrified of demons. I get messages, almost every day, from people who would love to try magick, but fear they may be dragged down to hell by demons. And there are those that feel that any magickal success will lead to them being punished for having an unfair advantage. Even people who love the idea of magick are terrified of the side effects. Using magick is about taking control of your life rather than being controlled by chaos, circumstances or other people. You’re not going to get dragged to hell and success is not dangerous. The only danger is fear itself, because it stops you enjoying magick. Sometimes, when people perform particularly violent curses, their own guilt about the spectacular result leads them into a negative state that attracts bad luck. This rare phenomenon has contributed to a widespread belief that magick always rebounds in some way and is inherently dangerous. Many occultists share this belief, but we have found that it is simply not true. The magick itself does not punish you, and magick is usually safe. Despite this, I wrote a book called Magickal Protection, because I know people want and need this power. There are times when you need to fend off various attacks, from mild bullying to a full-on curse. If that’s the case, why haven’t I published protection in the earlier previous books? The books published prior to that one have contained in-built constraints and protection, along with major behind-the-scenes magick that we have employed to ensure that the workings are safe. In future books I will explore some of the darker sides of magick, and this can leave you more vulnerable. Access to protection magick will be useful, so now is the right time for this book to be released.


Whether you use magick or not, it’s easy to be the victim of an attack, from random violence and road rage, to directed hate, subconscious psychic attack and deliberate curses. So, this book provides protection. Fear of attack, chaos and accidents is reasonable, but I want to look at unfounded fears. I don’t want you to go around protecting themselves if your fear is needless. I get so many messages about fear that I dug a little deeper and I found there are five main types of fear. Fear of a supernatural experience. This is a fascinating one, because many people long for a supernatural experience – a glimpse of an entity, the brush of an angel’s wing, the cooling of the room as magick begins to work, a creak in the celling to show that a spirit is present. But when it actually happens, people are terrified. Magickal Protection provides a banishing so you can shut down any supernatural events, but more often than not I think that what appears to be supernatural is quite mundane. Although I say occultists should never ignore coincidence, I think you should remain calm and confident if you suddenly hear strange noises after you perform a ritual. There are always strange noises, and you’ve probably just worked yourself up into a vulnerable state. If you fear the supernatural, put on the TV and watch comedy. Spirits don’t stand much chance of getting your attention when you’re laughing. (The book does contain a complete banishing for those rare occasions when something supernatural lingers in the room.) Fear of things getting out of control or losing your mind.


This is related to the above. When you perform magick, even simple magick such as Words of Power, its usual to enter a slightly altered state of consciousness, and this leads some people to worry that they will go crazy. I’ve known a lot of people go crazy during the past forty-odd years, some to the point of suicide, but none of them were using magick. Fear of karma or ‘payback’. This can also be called fear of success. When magick starts to work, you feel like you have an unfair advantage. The truth is, you do have an advantage. I look at it like this: I was born into a situation that would seem like utter privilege to 90 percent of the world, but seemed like absolute poverty to my peers. It’s a matter of perspective. I could have chosen to stay where I was or rise above my situation. I believed that if I could gain an ability to change my circumstances, through magick, it felt like my life’s duty to use that ability to control my life. The happier I am, the more happiness and success I can share with the people I love. If karma exists, I doubt I’ll suffer for being happier and sharing the joy. Fear that you’re evil or that God will punish you. This one is worse if you had a strict religious upbringing. I am fascinated by how many people appear to have chosen a magickal path, but are still deeply connected to religious fears. Recently, a woman asked me if she should try magick or just keep praying, because she was worried that magick was evil. I asked her how many of her prayers had been answered, and she said none. She was in her forties and had prayed her whole life, so I’m not sure how literal her answer was. But I suggested that the


greater evil was wasting time on prayers that weren’t being heard. I said magick might be worth a try, and that if she got turned into a pillar of salt she could sue me. Of course, we may all bunt in hell for performing magick, but I’ll be really surprised if that’s the case. Fear that it just won’t work. This is reasonable. When you perform magick you want a result, but the best way to get results is to go into it with a serious but playful confidence. If you worry or wait for results, they are less likely to come. If nothing happens, it’s not the end of the world. Keep doing magick until you get a steady stream of results that you want. It doesn’t take much time or effort to build magick into your life.


The Reality Pact When you perform magick, you are making a pact with reality. You are asking reality to promise you a result, and you are promising to live with that result. If you are serious about getting a result, you should do everything you can to make the result come about. The more effort you put into a situation in the real world, the more the magick works. The beautiful thing about this is that if you double your efforts, magick works ten times harder for you. If you triple your efforts, magick works a hundred times harder. These aren’t exact numbers, but you get the idea. I should say that sometimes, extra effort isn’t required, for certain types of working. If you’re doing a ritual from Magickal Cashbook then you’re trying to make money appear out of the blue. There’s not much you can do in the real world other than let go of your lust for result and allow the manifestation to occur in whatever way it wants. On the other hand, if you’re doing a working to increase sales in your shop, for example, there’s plenty you could do to help. When you’re doing magick to increase sales, this is the time to start making changes to your advertising, to your shop’s layout, to the products you stock or whatever else occurs to you. If you work for an employer, and you want a promotion or a better job, there are hundreds of ways to increase your abilities and potential, rather than sitting back and hoping. By stirring up the potential for change, you give magick many more ways to manifest. This doesn’t just mean working harder, but breaking a goal down into several stages. If you want to become a painter, then you should do magick to improve your skills, do magick to get


people to like your work, do magick to get your first exhibition and sales, and then do magick to improve your popularity. This is better than just doing one ritual to make you a famous artist. I knew a would-be writer, some years ago, who wanted to become a popular horror novelist. He came to me for magickal advice, willing to pay me to launch his career. I asked him what he’d written, but he hadn’t written anything. He’d made some notes and had some ideas. He thought these might interest a publisher, and he wanted the magick to kick-start his career. But he hadn’t actually written anything. I pointed out that every successful writer I knew had spent thousands of hours practicing their craft. They worked hard to sell short stories to magazines, for tiny amounts of cash, just to get their names out there. Every one of them that became successful did so by putting themselves out there, gradually, and ensuring that they wrote and wrote and wrote. To be a writer you have to write. You can’t just make notes. I knew a few ‘overnight successes’, but even they had spent years crafting their skills before being discovered. Every overnight success has put in years of work that most people never hear about. You can’t be discovered unless you have something to offer, and if you don’t actually like writing, why are you trying to be a writer? This sounds like common sense, but because magick offers such exciting opportunities, it’s easy to aim for a huge end result, rather than building things carefully and gradually in line with your true will. In Magickal Angels, there is an angel called Poiel who is said to make any desire manifest. The angel works best when you have been questing after a goal for some time, when you need a final breakthrough to achieve your result. It also works when you have a desire that seems to suit your life, but the goal seems out of


reach. In other words, Poiel should be the last angel you use, rather than the first. When you’ve put everything else in place and done all you can, that’s when you call on Poiel. Unfortunately, because Poiel is described as an angel who brings wealth and obtains any desire, many people are tempted to use this angel first. It would be far wiser to break down a goal into smaller stages, and use a small host of angels to gradually build up to your final goal. Although this may take more time, it is more likely to work and more likely to give you long-lasting results. When approached in this way, Poiel can perform the final miracle you need to obtain fame or wealth. The Greater Magickal Angels gives advice on breaking down goals into stages, with a new method for choosing the correct angel for your desired result. But I think that whatever magick you are working on, it makes sense to study your goal and break it down – see what needs to occur for you to get what you want. Sometimes people see that all they need is one small change, such as a new job, relocation or improved sales. Other times, people see that their goal is going to require lots of changes, both internal and external. At the same time, you do not want to limit your magick by insisting it should manifest in a particular way. So if you’re a novelist, be willing for any of your novels to sell, rather than just your favorite. Be willing to sell the film rights! But if you want to be a novelist, know that you need to learn your craft, write more books than will ever be published, make connections with agents and publishers, meet other writers and live the writing life – knowing all this is your way of showing you want the result. This is how you make a pact with reality, and connect to the current of your magick.



You Don’t Need to Believe in Magick People write to me asking how they can improve their faith and belief in magick. My answer is that you don’t need to believe. But you should do some magick that works. Start with something small and simple. Once you see a result, you will believe and the whole process becomes free of doubt. Belief is not a requirement for magick to work. Although some magickal systems work with belief as the main source of power, belief isn’t even necessary. Belief is difficult to generate out of thin air. It’s difficult to have faith in something you don’t really have any faith in. You can pretend to believe for a while, and then after a while you will start to believe. That works. But thankfully, belief isn’t even required for you to get magickal results. I know this because I’ve experienced it myself, and I receive many messages from people telling me that they weren’t even sure the magick was going to work, and yet it did. Others tell me they had doubts, but they did the magick anyway, with the results coming soon after. Some even go so far as to test the magick scientifically, having no belief at all until they see results. (This is not an approach I recommend for most people, and I’ll explain why later – but for some people, there is no doubt that this works.) Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, once the results start to come, the question of ‘belief’ may seem alien to you. It’s almost like somebody asking you if you believe in electricity. You know that if you switch on an electrical device, it works. You don’t need to put any effort into believing in electricity, because you have sense of knowing. You know that it will be there and that it will provide you with what you need. Magick is no different. In time,


you come to see it as something that works. This doesn’t mean you have faith or belief – only that you are connected to magick, and have seen the results often enough to know that magick is real. I like to approach magick with a playful yet calm confidence. The reason for this is that it gets rid of doubt and fear. Although you don’t need to believe, you do need to free yourself of fear. If you’re worried about the results, and keep trying to check for results, or stressing about when results will manifest, and how they will manifest, that can stop results from manifesting. This is why people who lack belief can get good results. They just perform the magick as instructed, and because they’re not obsessing over the results – but sitting back without any real concern – they are in the ideal state to receive a result. Strange as it may sound, this is more effective than having really strong belief and performing your magick with complete faith but then worrying about whether the magick has worked. The calm skeptic who has no concerns about results is more likely to get results than a worried believer. Results come when you are not looking for them, or when you already feel relief that the result is inevitable. In my books, I instruct you to perform magick with the feeling that the result has already been achieved. You don’t have to force yourself to believe this, you just have to imagine the relief you would feel if the magick worked. This is a powerful way of switching on the magick. It’s far more powerful than belief. With time, when you use magick and get results, you will find that you do believe in magick, even if you don’t know why it works. You see results, and even though they might seem like coincidences, you eventually see there are too many coincidences for them to be pure chance. You know that your magick is having an effect.


Skeptics can get results too, as mentioned above, but this is not the approach I recommend, because true skepticism is a sort of extreme detachment where you are fully prepared to see a positive or negative result, with no investment in that result. This kind of detachment is difficult to achieve, and most people who ‘test’ magick are actually doubting that magick. They call it a test because they are worried it won’t work. This is not ideal. The scientific approach can work for some people, when they can truly detach from results, but for most people I think that having a calm confidence is a more surefire way to get results. Even if you just pretend to have a calm confidence, that is better than waiting doubtfully. This is why you need to practice magick. Practical magick brings real world results. There are many people who read books and never actually carry out the rituals. That’s fine if you just have an interest, but to really know magick you should experience magick and get a result you desire. You don’t need to believe a thing. Just act as though the magick might work. That means you perform the magick as though it is real, generating feelings and images as instructed. If you perform magick, and then free yourself of doubts, results will come whether you believe or not.


The Power of Magickal Sounds Sounds are an important part of magick. Most occult systems require you to say words, phrases or call on spirits using your voice. If that’s the case, why do I always tell people not to worry about the pronunciation of magickal words? Surely the sound has to be absolutely correct if the magick is going to work. If bad pronunciation actually had an effect on magick, very little magick would work. Hardly anybody gets it right. My pronunciation is far from ‘correct’. Also, if you cross-check between different primary sources, every angel, demon or other entity usually has several names, all pronounced differently. There are typos in the original grimoires - bad typos and rushed writing and lots of reinterpretation. And yet the magick works. People worry about pronunciation so much that I think they imagine some great angel sitting on a throne, listening to every magickal act, and only letting through the correct pronunciations. Thankfully, that just isn’t the case. It’s better to get the magick wrong, but to do it with conviction, than to get it perfectly right, because there’s no such thing as ‘right’. You don’t even have to say the words out loud in many cases. If you whisper them, or imagine them, you can call them out with your imagination and that works just as well. Many occultists disagree with this, saying that the physical vibration is essential, but I’ve done years of silent magick without any problems. Most importantly, we have simplified pronunciation in the books as much as possible, so there is no need for audio recordings, although people still ask for them every now and then. I asked readers on the Facebook page whether they wanted them,


and only a tiny minority showed an interest. It’s my belief that audio recordings could easily confuse the issue. Everybody has a different voice, local accent and a different way of using their voice. If we put out a female voice with a New York accent, saying the words, how are men from the North of England going to react? Everybody would want something different. It’s better to spend some time attuning yourself to the words, by finding your own pronunciation, than to listen to somebody else. We have also made the books Pronunciation Proof. In most of the books, the spoken words are also written out in the sigils, meaning that you don’t need to get the pronunciation right, because the written words are there. This is especially true of Words of Power, Magickal Angels and The Greater Magickal Angels. These books are based on saying words out loud, where possible, so many people assume that the pronunciation has to be spot on. Nothing could be further from the truth. The magick involves you seeing the words, even if only subconsciously, before you say anything. This means you can get the pronunciation absolutely wrong and it will still work. This is what I mean by Pronunciation Proof, and it’s one of the reasons the magick works so easily for people. No pronunciation in my books is ‘correct’. Sometimes the pronunciation looks wildly different to the spelling of the original word. This is sometimes down to traditional pronunciations that have been passed down to us. At other times, the suggested pronunciation is a guide to getting a sound that is closest to the ideal sound, even if it looks incorrect. And sometimes, the pronunciation is one we adopted a long time ago, and we use it because it works for everybody who uses it, even though a scholar may say it’s not the ‘correct’ pronunciation. The books contain the pronunciations that have worked for


me, for other members of The Gallery of Magick, and that have worked best when tested in wider groups of people. Getting it right seems to be unimportant. Interpreting the phonetics is really quite easy. If you look at a word like VEE-AH, then VEE obviously just sounds like the letter V, and AH sounds like the English word Ah! It can get more complicated with sounds such as TZ, but even that, if you just sound it out, is the sound of T and Z pushed together, a bit like the end of the word CATS, but as though spelt CATZ. Mind you, this paragraph shows that when you try to explain pronunciation, it can start to look way more complicated than it is. If you just make an educated guess, you’ll be doing a good job and getting it right. I know this is true because there are so many times when I said a name incorrectly, for years at a time, and still made contact with the right entity and got a good result. Your intent is more important than the sound you make, and if you use my books, the visual part of the magick makes them truly Pronunciation Proof. Sounds are clearly an important part of magick, but somehow they don’t need to be exactly right in an objective sense. It’s far more important to know what you really want and carry out your magick with confidence and joy – then let go and allow the manifestation to occur. This is the process that matters. Pronunciation does not.


Lighting The Magickal Fire When I first got into magick I didn’t use any form of banishing. Like most people, I learned to banish because I was little afraid, and it was highly recommended by people more experienced than me. I was told that if I ever wanted to join a magickal order I’d probably have to do nothing but banish for the first year. That seemed like madness. All I wanted to do was make contact with spirits, and yet I was being urged to learn a magickal technique that pushed everything magickal away. It seemed like an over-cautious approach, and a boring one at that. What I didn’t know at the time is that protection magick does more than protect. At it’s best, protection magick makes you shine brightly on the astral plane, so that you attract the spirits you want to attract. When done well, this makes your magick much more powerful than it ever was before. Once I knew that, I was interested. My mistake was using a banishing that was so cumbersome, and employing entities that were so difficult to contact, that I didn’t get good results for well over a year. That’s why they make people do it for so long, I realized – it takes that long to work. Years later, with the help of the wiser members of The Gallery of Magick, we developed a banishing of our own, along with a Master Protection Ritual. When we published Magickal Protection, I was hoping to fill the needs of my readers. People had been asking for protection magick for a long time, and while writing the book I barely even mentioned that it could have the pleasant side-effect of making your magick more powerful. It was wonderful to hear that protection magick was, in fact, lighting some magickal fires, within days of publication.


A public comment from one of my readers on Facebook put it this way: ‘I LOVE the Sword and Master Protection Rituals!! They have given my work over the past two days so much added power it’s unreal. The MPR immediately changed the atmosphere around me. It’s amazing what you can get used to that feels ‘normal’ to you after years. When it’s gone, you realize how much there was throwing a wet blanket over your work. To you I say THANK YOU for this amazing addition. To everyone else, even if you don’t think you need protection….do it anyway. It’s easy…it’s fast and it will light serious fire under your workings!! EVERYONE needs the MPR because it is SO much more than protection. Even if you feel nothing else when you’re doing your other workings, this is hands down the extra edge you need. It gives you that much more passion in your ritual when you feel that light and safety enter your space.’ Others have reported similar results, especially those who were feeling a bit stuck with their magick. I think I’d underestimated how important a sense of protection was to people. I know that fear is a great barrier to effective magick. Fear and desperation stop magick from working. Protection magick can take fear away and make you calm, so it shouldn’t be surprising that this book is setting off magickal sparks for many people. At face value, it’s good protection magick, but if you do any other magick at all, it can clear away your fears and barriers, as well as making you shine with magickal energy.


What’s The Big Secret? There’s an old saying in magick that goes something like this: Know, will, dare and keep silent. The basic idea is that you should learn magick well, know your true will, be willing to accept the consequences of your magick and keep your mouth shut. Some people believe that all occult work, whether performed alone or in groups, should be carried out in absolute secrecy. Secrecy has power, but it might not be as important as people think. To some degree, it’s optional. Once your magick is complete, sharing your success can actually make magick work more effectively. Sometimes secrecy is nothing more than a lifestyle choice. Most of my friends have no idea that I do magick. Also, I work as a novelist, so I use a pseudonym. Let’s imagine I was a children’s’ novelist. Would I want all those parents knowing that I was summoning up strange entities before sunrise? Not really. If you’re not bothered about what people think then it doesn’t matter if people know you’re an occultist or that you just performed a ritual. The thing you need to keep secret is the magickal result that you are seeking. I can’t say that I’ve deliberately experimented with this, but given that I took up magick when I was twelve years old, I’ve been through a lot of magickal situations, from the glorious to the disastrous. At times, I’ve openly let people know that I’m an occultist for years at a time. At other times, I’ve pretended that I know almost nothing of the occult. If anybody heard rumors that I ‘did magick’ I’d say that I could do a few card tricks. That seemed to satisfy people. Nobody wants to believe that a mild-mannered novelist is out in the woods at midnight chanting to the gods. Of course, I never am out in the woods at midnight chanting


to anything, but that’s probably what they’d picture. What I noticed is that whether people know about my activities or not, it had no effect whatsoever on my magickal results. I usually keep a magickal diary, and at times I have kept one with extremely detailed reports. It doesn’t take much analysis to see that being open about my occult lifestyle had absolutely no effect on the success of my workings. Secrecy was not important after all. When it comes to results, though, it’s a different matter. If you tell somebody that you’ve performed a ritual to make more money from a particular venture, you’ve stated your desired result out loud, and that means you might get the opposite result. You don’t just get less money than you wanted – the venture fails completely. There is something about revealing your magickal intent that stops it coming to pass. This isn’t always the case, but it happens often enough that most occultists suggest that you shouldn’t go around bragging about your latest ritual. I will discuss the reasons behind this in my book about living a magickal life, when I eventually get around to writing it, but to a degree I think it’s quite mundane. It’s not all that different to a writer telling you all about the screenplay they’re planning to write. As soon as they tell you, the energy’s all gone and the doubts creep in and they never bother to write it after all. All writers know that you keep your mouth shut until the writing is done, or the energy dissipates. I think it’s the same with magick. Sometimes, the sheer weight of a roomful of people looking embarrassed at your magickal desire is enough to make your magick collapse. Secrecy is powerful, but you don’t have to be completely secretive. You can tell people that you’re doing magick, and


nothing bad will happen. If you have one close friend or partner that you trust, telling that person the details of a ritual usually has no detrimental effect. (It has to be a good, close, trusting relationship.) You can talk about your magick online and nothing bad will happen, if you keep out the identifying details. So if you come to a forum such as my Facebook page and say, ‘I’m trying to seduce my boss using Magickal Seduction,’ or ‘I’m trying to build my marketing company through Wealth Magick’, nothing bad will happen. Just don’t name names. Once a magickal result has come to pass, there seems to be a positive benefit in sharing the news. When the magick is done, secrecy is the last thing you want. Of course, I could just be saying this so you’ll tell people about my books, post great results and write lovely reviews on Amazon. That’s not why I’m telling you (honest!), but sharing stories of magickal success makes magickal success come more easily. We’ve known this for a long time but it became very clear during the first twelve months of The Gallery of Magick publishing project. Everybody in The Gallery has noticed a massive improvement in all our magickal work, as well as our lives in general, since we began sharing this magick publicly. We’re still keeping our identities a secret, but sharing the magickal methods and results just makes life better and better. When you feel the urge to tell somebody about a ritual you’ve done, try to be patient and wait until you get your result. Look forward to telling them about the result, knowing that it will come to pass. That can actually help the to speed the result into manifestation. Keeping secrets gives you power, but you don’t have to keep them forever.



Recharge Your Magickal Power Magick never operates in complete isolation. When you set out to perform a ritual, you will be in a particular place, a certain mood, with a set amount of energy. Good rituals are constructed so that whatever your personal state may be, you generate the right emotions for the ritual, and the magick takes effect. If you’re not in the best state of mind to perform magick, however, you can do more to ensure that you give your magick the best possible chance to work. You do not need to fast, rest, cleanse, meditate or anything like that – although there’s nothing to stop you, if it takes your fancy – but there is a tried and tested method that can improve your energy and approach to magick. This does not need to be used every day, but can be employed if you feel that you’re a bit under the weather, or when you feel bored by the prospect of performing a ritual. Any time that you feel like your magick isn’t going to sparkle, you can give this method a go. All you need to do is capture a sense of wonder. When you’ve been practicing magick for a while, you see things change in accordance with your will. You may become overwhelmed at times, tying to coordinate all the changes that you’re putting in place, and all the changes that are coming about, which makes you lose sight of the fact that you are manipulating reality with your will. Magick can become a part of your routine, and starts to feel quite ordinary. This is a good thing in so many ways, because when magick feels ordinary it feels real and believable; this can lead to rapid results. The problem is that you can forget the sense of wonder you first experienced when you discovered that magick


works. Recapturing this wonder can add great energy to your workings. A friend of mine talks about watching Star Wars as a young boy, and how he spent many hours genuinely trying to use The Force to move objects with the power of his mind. Like millions of other children who tried this, he was disappointed that he never developed Jedi powers. But years later, when he used magick, he did get results. He couldn’t move objects with his mind (and I’ve yet to meet an occultist who can), but he could change his world with nothing more than a simple ritual. That is stunning, and when you first experience such a result, it is almost beyond belief. It is worth remembering the sense of wonder you experienced when magick worked for the first time, when you first saw the synchronicities and coincidences lining up to bring about your desires. If your memory of that doesn’t generate any wonder, contemplate infinity. I love watching people trying to contemplate infinity, especially children. ‘But the universe can’t go on forever. But if it ends, what’s on the other side?’ Whatever your beliefs about the creation of reality may be, the scale and wonder of the universe is undeniably fantastic. A few minutes spent reading about the scale of the universe can leave my head reeling in wonder. Or a few minutes reading about the way the heart functions, or how a wing provides lift, or the intricacies of genetics. For me, it’s science. For you it may be a painting, a piece of music. There is always something that can make you feel stunned by the rich beauty and complexity of the world. The sense of wonder is not a state of disbelief, but a state of awe in the face of reality. Magick is a part of your reality, and when you bring wonder to it, your magick will be given an extra


boost of power. When you feel jaded, find a way to recapture this sense of wonder, and when you feel it, just for a moment, begin your magick.


The Pathways of Magick One of the best ways to get magickal results is to perform your magick, and then detach from the result. In short, you allow results to come, rather than lusting after them. For most people, this is the ultimate key to magickal success. This post may seem like repetition – because the subject has already been covered on the blog and in the books – but it’s an attempt to shed more light on a subtle truth that can enlighten your occult work. When you allow results to come, without forcing them, they come. Understanding this, and working with it on a practical level, can unleash your magick. The main reason we tell people not to lust for result, is that it works. You will see countless posts where people say that the moment they let go of their lust for result, they got the result they were looking for. We aim for the practical, so this aspect of the magick must be emphasized. If you follow this blog, or read our books, you will know that we talk about this subject a lot, and with good reason. When you let go of the results, when you truly detach from the magick, the results come quickly. When you are patient, you don’t need to wait. But why is this? If the spirits respond to your request, why can’t they just create the result for you? The spirits we work with are not constrained by lust for result. When you perform angelic magick, for example, the angel responds. But for the result to manifest, you need to open the pathways to manifestation. The work is done, but you need to let the result into your reality. When you open the pathways – by doing all you can to make the result come about, while simultaneously letting go of any


desperate need for the result – the result comes. You hear many stories of people doing magick, and then all of sudden they get a rush of results at once, because they finally forgot about the magick. In time, you will find you don’t have to forget about the magick, because you can remain aware of it without hoping for a result. At first, though, forgetting the ritual can be a shortcut to success. This mysterious need to get out of your own way is seen throughout art and the occult. When you get in your own way, there can be no inspiration. If you strain and struggle, you create more strain and struggle. Writers faced with a blank page know that it can be far more effective to simply start writing, than to strain for the best idea. This approach shows trust. In magickal terms, trust is important. By letting go and not lusting for results, you show that you have actually handed that side of things over to the spirits. You’re expecting them to do the magick, and expectation is more powerful than hope. If you lust, you’re showing that you feel the ritual is incomplete or ineffective. This feeling of doubt can pass into the magick. When you truly let go, it’s like signing off on your magick. You’ve given your commands, and you can now go about your business, knowing that the magick will work. This is very different to making a hopeful request that you keep checking up on. When you can attain a state of calm confidence, magick works faster and with more intensity. Most of the books published by The Gallery of Magick sidestep the issue to an extent, by using emotional transmutation. During the ritual, you consciously change how you feel about the result. Doing this, even for a moment, opens the pathways to manifestation. This is a good starting point, and helps you to feel that the magick is real, rather than settling into hope and doubt.


Although people find ‘letting go’ to be quite difficult, it’s something you do all the time. Knowing this can make it easier. When you order your dinner in a restaurant, you don’t keep checking to see if it’s coming. You just get on with your conversation and the meal is there all too soon. So this genuine ‘handing over’ is important, but so too is putting in real-world effort. By putting in your own effort, you take your focus off the magick and put it on what you can contribute to the result. In a restaurant that means nothing more than placing your order and having a conversation. For magickal results it may mean doing more. The forces that work with magick work best when they work in harmony with your efforts. If you ask the angels for the inspiration to write a novel, all you need to do is start writing and you will find your inspiration. If you wait around for a good idea, you may have to wait for a long time. Your contribution to the result opens the pathways. Real-world effort is important, but it is probably not as important as the calm confidence of genuine expectation that comes when you move beyond lust for result. When you become truly adept at magick, you can manifest results quite readily, with only the smallest real-world effort, so long as you get out of your own way. Have you ever watched a baby trying to speak? It might copy your mouth movements for weeks and weeks. And then one morning, when you say hello, the baby says hello back at you without even trying. Or when you’re practicing a new guitar solo, you can practice and practice, but it doesn’t sound right until you take a day off and forget about it. Then you find you can play it without effort. Giving the new reality some space to manifest is better than continual practice and attention.


Magick should be performed with great diligence, focus and pleasure, but once it is over, it is over, and you should continue with your life. If you want to make money, do what you can to make money. If you want to create art, do what you can to create art. If you want to pass an exam, put in your best effort when preparing and sitting the exam, and then once the exam is over, forget about it. The last thing you want to do is keep checking the mail for a result. Checking, testing, and stressing about an outcome is the opposite of the confidence you need to acquire. Sometimes, magick doesn’t give us the result we want, when we want it. It’s OK to acknowledge that you could do things differently next time – by asking for a result that is closer to your present reality, for example – but it’s also good practice to see such magick as being ‘in progress’. If you write off a ritual as a failure, the magick may close off, because you’ve imprinted a reality of failure upon it. When you accept that the result will come when it comes, you can get pleasant surprises long after a ritual was performed. Think of your rituals as investments that can mature beautifully and unexpectedly. The spirits are not constrained by your lust for result. They will do the work if they hear you, and they will work with greater power if you also work toward the result. But once the magick is in motion, the result can only manifest if you make the appropriate room for it. Open the pathways and the result will come.


When The Magick Works Please Like the Gallery of Magick Facebook page for tips and ideas. The Gallery of Magick blog contains advice, updated on a regular basis. There are many articles on the site that can help to get your magick working. You can read countless success stories here:


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