The Rapid Induction Ebook 2018

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Dear Reader, Firstly, thank you for subscribing to my mailing list – this e-book is your first reward! I’ve created this ebook to whet your appetite about all things ‘rapid induction’ related. So, prepare to get an insight into the world of instant hypnosis and how you can learn to hypnotise people fast. If, when you finish this e-book, you are interested in learning more, right down on the last page I have included links to courses/books that may be of interest to you in your pursuit of rapid induction proficiency! There’s even a link to a FREE hypno resource (the ‘Rapid Hypnotists’ Facebook group!) Anyway, here we are, minds open (hopefully) and ready to learn some stuff about rapid inductions… Now, before we begin, I have to assume that a lot of people reading this e-book might be complete beginners with little/no hypnosis experience at all (so, for those of you who HAVE done some hypnosis before, keep reading anyway… Never assume that you know everything! You may pick up a tip or two that could help you improve your rapid inductions). The information in this e-book is not necessarily ground-breaking or new, but it IS accurate and effective (to the best of my knowledge and in my own experience). So, by the end of this e-book, you should have a deeper understanding of how rapid inductions work and you may even have an idea of how you can hypnotise people fast! Enjoy!

Rory Z Fulcher

So, I’d like to start by answering a quick question: What is a ‘rapid induction’ and how does it work? A ‘rapid induction’ is a way to put someone into a state of hypnosis fast (or ‘rapidly). There are many different types of hypnotic inductions available for the hypnotist/hypnotherapist to use, from progressive relaxation, through to eye fixation and even using the old ‘pocket watches’ of yore…

Rapid inductions, however, tend to rely on one of three concepts: • • •

Shock Confusion Pattern interruption

Shock inductions involve (guess what?) shocking the person into hypnosis. With confusion inductions, you give someone too much stuff to do, until they get so confused that they’re more likely to accept the suggestion to go into hypnosis. Pattern interrupt inductions involve interrupting a well-established (unconscious) pattern in order to create a state of

hypnosis. All three of these types of induction rely on the fact that the human mind, when shocked, confused or interrupted from a set routine, will have a momentary lapse of reason, whereby an ‘outside suggestion’ (such as to ‘sleep!’) is much easier to understand and carry out than trying to figure out what’s actually going on. That’s pretty much how rapid inductions work. So, with ‘normal’ (read: slower/progressive) inductions, the idea is (usually) to focus the imagination and cause a state of physical relaxation. With rapid inductions, you’re looking to confuse/distract the conscious mind to a point where they’ll accept the next logical suggestion (to go into hypnosis). Does rapid hypnosis create a more powerful state of hypnosis than slower inductions? Well, to put it bluntly, no. You’re putting a subject into the same ‘state’ of hypnosis with any kind of hypnotic induction. However, some people find that rapid inductions allow them to go deeper into hypnosis, quicker. This is why rapid inductions can appear to be more ‘powerful’, or seem to be creating a more profound state. At the end of the day, you must remember that ‘all hypnosis is self-hypnosis’. No hypnotist can ‘make’ someone go into hypnosis against their will, because the subject always has the choice whether or not they’re going to respond to your inductions/ suggestions or not. Similar to the fact that no hypnotist (even a really good one) can make a poor hypnotic subject respond as well as a good hypnotic subject. This is because all people have their own natural hypnotic abilities, some people are easy to hypnotise and will respond to most suggestions, others are less easy to hypnotise and less responsive to suggestion (I’ll tell you how to figure out if someone’s responsive to suggestions in a little while).

Can I learn to do rapid inductions? How? Anyone (well, almost anyone) can learn to do hypnosis (rapid inductions included). How do we do that? Well the same way that we learn to do any other skill; research & study, test your new theories & learned skills, then practice, practice, practice until you get good at it. Being a good hypnotist is not an inherent natural ability that someone is born with (though you might think it, sometimes!). Rapid inductions are simply a set of skills that are available to anybody in the world to research, learn, practice and perfect. I would have rolled my eyes and laughed incredulously if someone had said to my 17year-old self that in a couple of years I would be a successful and ‘powerful hypnotist’ (lol – I love that phrase, because it is ridiculously inaccurate – hypnotists aren’t ‘powerful’. What IS powerful is the innate ability that any person has in his/her mind to change their own subjective realities, even without realising it. Now that’s REAL power!) The point is, before I learned how to do hypnosis, I wasn’t a hypnotist. I could barely get a pizza delivery guy to bring the pizza to the right house, let alone turn a guy into a chicken, put someone into an altered state of consciousness by shouting ‘SLEEP!’ or stop a girl from craving cigarettes with some choice words and phrases…

(Yes, that’s a pic of me from years ago, lol)

…back then, I didn’t even KNOW it was possible to learn to do these things, but then I stumbled across a book… I learned a new set of skills… I compiled a set of new beliefs and had a whole bunch of experiences that convinced me that actually, yes, I can do hypnosis. I am a hypnotist. I have those skills, I’ve learned to do the right things in the right order with the right intention and hypnosis happens. Who’d have thought it? Not 17 year old me, that’s for sure!!! Rapid inductions without the positive intention… It’s like trying to play golf with a cricket bat A great big part of your success inducing a state of hypnosis in people is ‘intention’. If you don’t have the intention that someone is going to be hypnotised – i.e. if you don’t BELIEVE they are going to go into trance – then you’re probably setting yourself up for failure (not necessarily every time, because some people are just so ‘suggestible’ that you could sneeze at them and they’d go into trance… but don’t expect that type of volunteer to be ‘the norm’). You can use intention alone to hypnotise a person rapidly, without any fancy techniques. I found myself on a bus into Cambridge city centre with a friend and I told him I was going to hypnotise him on the bus journey, he replied ‘but I don’t want to be hypnotised on this bus, so I’m not going to listen to you!’ At this point it could have gone a couple of ways, I could have begged him to let me hypnotise him, and tried to convince him to agree to it. I could have just jumped into doing a regular hypnotic induction (a set routine to get a person into hypnotic trance) but I did something different… When he told me ‘I’m not going to listen to you’, I replied ‘that’s fine, you don’t need to listen to me to go in to trance, in fact you just need to look at me now’. So, he looked at me (thereby consenting to go into hypnosis) and I held his gaze with 100% focus and with the unwavering intention that he WOULD go into trance – can you guess what happened? That’s right; he went into trance right there on the

seat of the bus (and the people around us would have been thoroughly impressed/freaked out… if they weren’t busy being hypnotised by their smart phones at the time…) Anyway, this is a fact: Intention is a tool that you are going to need in order to successfully hypnotise most people… especially with rapid inductions. It’s easy to half-heartedly ‘try and do hypnosis’ on people, stumbling through words and routines, hoping it will work and not really believing in your own abilities… but is it really easy to just try and wing it and hope it’ll work? Sure, the process would seem a bit easier for you, but I’m pretty sure the failures would come pretty hard! So, if you want to make things easier for yourself in the long run, set your intention! Always ensure that you have your intention in mind before you set out to hypnotise. Use a statement of intention as an ‘affirmation’ before you go to do any hypnosis, but rather than the standard Émile Coué style affirmation…

…instead you should tailor your affirmation to directly relate to your skill as a hypnotist, creating a feeling of confidence and of success even before you enter into the hypnosis-scenario. So your intention should be something like: ‘I will hypnotise this person and everything that I say and do will help me to put this person into hypnosis, because I am a successful and confident hypnotist.’ If you repeat something like this to yourself a couple of times before you do hypnosis (and even during hypnosis), then you’ll find your confidence and your

success rate will improve greatly… Even more so if you actually trick yourself into believing in the words you’re telling yourself! (Note: It’ll only be a ‘trick’ at first, because once you start believing in the words you tell yourself, you will start to actually believe in yourself and your new-found abilities as a hypnotist!) How to tell if someone’s suggestible Remember earlier when I told you some people are more suggestible than others (and generally easier to hypnotise)? Well, there’s an easy way for you to figure out if you’ve got someone responsive to suggestion or not… Use a ‘suggestibility test’. Suggestibility tests are something that I personally use, whether for stage, street or even hypnotherapy clients. They’re a great way to get an idea of where your subject ‘is at’ in terms of following your suggestions and they’re all relatively easy to accomplish. There are a number of suggestibility tests out there, such as: • • • • • •

The magnetic fingers test The magnetic hands test The heavy & light hands test The Handlock test The Eyelock test The Chevreul’s Pendulum test

As well as testing for suggestibility, these tests are fun and interesting in and of themselves. They’re a great way to demonstrate the power of the mind, without needing to formally hypnotise someone. Here’s a cool little susceptibility test that you can use for your own amusement (and to test if someone’s suggestible, lol): The Waking Arm Lock Test As you might know, you don’t need formal ‘hypnosis inductions’ to successfully utilise hypnotic suggestions, ‘waking hypnosis’ demonstrations are proof of this fact.

In this demonstration, you will have the subject imagine and believe that their arm is locked, and that they cannot move it, no matter how hard they try. It goes down like this: Explanation → Statement of intention → Suggestions → Repetition → Result Let’s break those steps down: 1 – Explanation: Briefly tell the participants exactly what is going to happen during this demonstration. 2 – Statement of intention: You let the participants know that you expect their arm to stay completely ‘locked’ until you remove the suggestion. 3 – Suggestion: There are many different suggestions you can use to accomplish the intended result, many of these suggestions utilise the subjects imaginative capacities (imagine that arm is like a stiff iron bar…), whereas others are more direct (your arm is locked, locked tight, completely solid, firm and immovable…), often the more imagination the suggestion requires, the better it will work. 4 – Repetition: You want to pretty much bombard the participants with suggestions, quickly, over and over, repeating the same suggestion a couple of times, so that they end up really focussing on what it is that you want them to achieve. As with all hypnotic-suggestions, repetition is a great tool to use. 5 – Result: Most of the time, if done smoothly and with ‘intention’ (remember that part?) it will work great. If their arm bends (which sometimes happens), it often means that they aren’t concentrating enough, tell them this, and have them try again… and that the goal is to test how powerful their imagination is, to lock their arm, not how powerful their arms are to override their imagination!

Note: You can perform this test with their eyes open OR closed, it doesn’t matter, but having the eyes closed allows a subject to concentrate more, rather than trying to concentrate AND watch what’s going on around them (or what other participants are doing, if you’re doing this with a group). I have written a comprehensive arm lock script for you to read, copy and modify to suit your own needs. The script has 3 different examples for the ‘suggestion’ step.

Arm Lock Script (Step 1 – Explanation) ‘The arm lock test that you are about to practice is not hypnosis, it is simply an exercise I use to determine how powerful your subconscious mind is, how well YOU can easily use your imagination and how easily YOU will follow my instructions, and you will find you can easily succeed at this simple test.’ (Step 2 – Statement of intention) ‘During this exercise in imagination, when your eyes are closed and your arm is out in front of you, you’ll be able to use your imagination and your subconscious mind will cause that arm to become stiff, rigid and immovable, without CONSCIOUSLY trying to; simply by using your thought, and when your arm remains fixed, as if it’s stuck in that position,

you’ll know that you subconscious mind…’





(Step 3 – Suggestion) & (Step 4 – Repetition) ‘OK, so put your right arm out straight in front of you, lock it at the elbow, and give me a ‘thumbs up’… now squeeze your fist and squeeze your thumb down on top of it… and close your eyes…’ OPTION 1: ‘Now I’d like you to imagine that in the centre of your hand is a button that when you press it hard enough, it will lock your arm in this exact position, and when you squeeze that hand into a fist, now, that button has been activated and has locked your arm in place now, all the way from your locked hand over your locked, stiff elbow and to your shoulders, completely immovable, locked tight and locking tighter and harder with every breath that you exhale. Doubling, tighter and squeezing…’ OPTION 2: ‘Now I’d like you to squeeze that hand right into a tight, locked arm fist, really use your imagination now, and imagine that it’s as if your arm is carved from one piece of wood. Imagine now that it’s like your arm has been carved from one strong, rigid piece of oak. Your arm is stiff and strong and rigid. Completely rigid and inflexible, like a giant oak tree, covered in bark and getting stiffer and stronger and tighter with every breath that you exhale now. Imagine this limb of your arm as the limb of a tree, completely locked in place now… Completely immovable and locked tight, tight, tight…’ OPTION 3: ‘Now I’d like you to imagine what your arm would feel like if you couldn’t physically bend it. How would that arm feel for you to not be able to bend it? Imagine and feel that feeling now. Allow that arm to become completely stiff and rigid now, as you squeeze all of those muscles, tighter and tighter, completely locking as if that arm is held straight by an imaginary force, this tightness and stiffness growing more powerful with every breath, tighter, and stronger as you breathe in and out… The tighter

your squeeze, the stronger the arm sticks, the more it sticks, the more you can enjoy this feeling of subconscious power as that arm is stuck now, stuck, stuck completely.’ (Step 5 – Result) ‘OK, as you keep that stiff arm exactly where it is now, I’d like you to try and fail to bend that arm… try and fail now to move that stuck arm. The more you try, the stiffer it becomes… Ok you can stop trying now and relax your arm… open the fist. Give it a shake, and relax.’

Note: As with all scripts, this is not set in stone, so adapt, combine and modify these ideas to suit YOU. Remember, you’re probably not going to have this script available to read when you’re doing this demonstration… But if you practice, you will have the basic ‘bullet points’ committed to memory EASILY! The more you can practice, the more easily your words will flow, the better you will become. So, the armlock technically IS hypnosis (eyes-open hypnosis, if you’re interested) and if you know how, you can definitely lead the arm lock test easily into a ‘hypnotic induction’… (I.e. actually putting someone into hypnosis). Pretty cool right? Transitioning into a rapid induction So, there’s a really easily way to transition from the arm lock into a rapid induction. After getting their consent first, you’d then take the subject’s arm (holding it just above the wrist), then tell them to relax their arm muscles completely (so that their arm unlocks and goes loose and floppy). You’d then simply tell them to look up as far as they can, as you give their arm a little tug and firmly command them to ‘sleep!’. This is known as an ‘arm pull’ induction and is a really quick shock induction. Ensure that the subject is seated safely and that if they were to lean/fall forwards off the chair, that you’re ready to catch them (gently) with a hand on their shoulder and moving them back into the chair

(as you suggest they sit back). You’d then follow up the process with any ‘deepener’ that you like. Note: Physical rapid deepeners tend to work really well with rapid inductions and they keep the pace moving quite fast, rather than transitioning from a rapid induction into a slow, progressive deepener.

Further Study is Required As mentioned on the first page, further study is required for you to begin your career/hobby as a hypnotist, so I have listed a couple of ways that you can continue your hypnotic-journey. Now, if you are simply looking to learn and perfect your instant hypnosis/rapid induction techniques, then my book ‘The Instant Hypnosis and Rapid Inductions Guidebook’ is a very useful tool to have in your hypnotic arsenal…

Perhaps you prefer watching as opposed to reading… if so, the ‘Hypnosis 101 – Learn to Hypnotise FAST’ video is just what you need. It’s all about rapid inductions (and was shot at a live rapid induction training course).

Maybe you’re done studying, and you would like some hands-on, practical hypnosis experience? Well, your next logical step is to get a space (if there’s one available) on one of my hypnosis courses. You can read all the hypnosis books in the world, you can watch all the videos…but until you get out there and actually PRACTICE, your hypnosis skills will be ‘read-only’ and tricky to transition into actually DOING IT. This is why a course is the absolute BEST way to learn to do rapid inductions.

I personally offer training for • Rapid inductions • Stage & street hypnosis • Hypnotherapy • And even 1-to-1 training and mentoring All products and training information mentioned above can be found in full at If you’re interested in learning more, do feel free to contact me personally, because I’m always happy to help. Also, you can join me (and many ‘Rory Z’ course graduates in my ‘Rapid Hypnotists’ Facebook group, which is completely FREE to join, and you can chat to other likeminded individuals about all things hypnosis, ask questions, get opinions and learn lots of new information – It’s a great resource and it’s free, so come and join us! Thanks for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed this free e-book. If you have any questions or queries, you can contact me personally via email at: [email protected] Or find me on social media: Until then, good luck on your hypnotic journey… …and SLEEP! Rory Z Fulcher

Photo by © Rory Z Fulcher – 2018

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