Threadgill - The Illustrated Mentalist

  • Uploaded by: joe mckay
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  • February 2021
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  • Words: 620
  • Pages: 31
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From the pages of Ted Annemann's J INX, come s "Voodoo" . This outstanding effec t by Arthur Monroe Is the basis for the fol lowing occurrence o f weird phenomenon . Although the basic presenta t ion in both event s is similar, the effect and method are not. Elfect: A spec tator se l ects a page fr"om a book and secretly notes the page number". T he book is then wrapped In a pap er sack and the top of the b a g lightl y secur"ed w ith a ribbon . Thi s wrapping o f the book i s all p erformed by the spectator" to exc lude any tricker"y by the per"for"mer. T h e packaged book i s next taken by the spec ta tor and hidden in another room. Upon the r etu r n of this ass i sting spectator, the I ights are lowered l eav ing the r oom in u tter da r kness. A f ter" a moment or two of silence, the performer's appearance i s seen to be ou tl ined by the glow of a small green light. In his hands, he Is seen to be holding a paper sack secured with a ribbon. Giving the ribboo a gentle shake, it is seen to fall off with no r esistance at al I . The performer now reaches into the paper bag and removes a book. The on looking spectators recognize It as the same b ook i ntroduced earlier. · The book is op ened and a page i s R I P PED OUT . T he b ook i s r eturned to the paper sack, the ribbon replaced, and th e green l igh t dimin i sh es into the engu l fing d arkness. T he l ights are immediately switched on and the perf ormer , having a waken from his se l f-induced tranc e, ins truc t s the ass isting sp ec tator to bring forth the hidden sack and b ook. T h e sack is op ened, the book is removed, and the spectator i s requested to turn to th e se l ected page . However, in turning to the page, the spectator notices that it has been RIPPED OU T. Only the torn edges of where it had once been remain. Approaching the spectator, the perf ormer extends his hand forward. Within h i s fingertips , h e holds the se l ected page . T o add futher evidence to this interl ude of astra l body projec tion, the spectator not only ver"ifies his page numb er" , but carefu lly lines up th e torn edges of hi s se lect ed p a ge with those w ithin th e book.

Method: The method used i n this chilling effect is similar to the preced ing myster"y, "A Case of P sychokines i s". On ce again, the " bookma rker for"ce" i s used . In addition to thi s , you will al so need t wo Identi ca l paper back books . These b ook s

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