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ETAP Knowledge Base
Torque parameters in Motor Name Plate Library Description: How torque parameters, FLt, Tmax, and Tlr in motor name plate library are used in the motor editor Category:
Motor Name Plate Library, Induction Motor Editor, Parameter Estimation
Motor Name Plate Library, Induction Motor, Tmax, Tlr, FLt, Parameter estimation, Motor starting, transient stability
Q: Do I need to put the FLT (Full Load Torque) value in the library in order to run motor starting or transient stability? How about the usage of the Tmax (Maximum Torque) and the Tlr (Locked Rotor Torque) values in the library? A: To answer that question, the image below shows the LRT and the MaxT fields in the Induction Machine editor. Those fields are only found in the induction motor because those values are only used for the Parameter Estimation module which is only available for the induction motor. The values, 35% for LRT, and 210% for MaxT are the default values entered by ETAP if they are found to be zero in the Motor Name Plate Library.
This document is confidential and proprietary to Operation Technology, Inc. and may not be reproduced, published or disclosed to others without the written authorization of Operation Technology, Inc., 17 Goodyear, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. © 2010 by Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
© Operation Technology, Inc.
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ETAP Knowledge Base
Torque parameters in Motor Name Plate Library This image below shows the fields that are imported by the Induction motor editor and is used for the Parameter Estimation module.
* * * Next, Let’s add some values to the Tlr, Tmax, and the Tfl fields in the Motor Name Plate library and see their effect on the induction motor Editor. Let’s set Tlr=4000, Tmax=3000, and Tfl=500.
As per the image below, we choose name plate library parameters from the name plate library which can be accessed by the library button in the name plate page of the motor editor.
This document is confidential and proprietary to Operation Technology, Inc. and may not be reproduced, published or disclosed to others without the written authorization of Operation Technology, Inc., 17 Goodyear, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. © 2010 by Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
© Operation Technology, Inc.
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ETAP Knowledge Base
Torque parameters in Motor Name Plate Library
Going to the Model page of the motor, you will find that the LRT=800% and the Max T=600%. From the Name plate library, we find that the LRT = (TLR/TFL) *100 and the MaxT= (Tmax/TFL) * 100. (image below). As it can be seen, the LRT and the MaxT values are in percent and they use the TFL in the library as their base value. The TFL field value that is in the library is not being used by the Motor Starting study or the Transient stability study. The TFL that is used for those studies are calculated internally by ETAP.
This document is confidential and proprietary to Operation Technology, Inc. and may not be reproduced, published or disclosed to others without the written authorization of Operation Technology, Inc., 17 Goodyear, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. © 2010 by Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
© Operation Technology, Inc.
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ETAP Knowledge Base
Torque parameters in Motor Name Plate Library
By clicking on the parameter Estimation button, you will find that the Locked Rotor Torque and the Maximum Torque values are imported for use into the parameter estimation module.
This document is confidential and proprietary to Operation Technology, Inc. and may not be reproduced, published or disclosed to others without the written authorization of Operation Technology, Inc., 17 Goodyear, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. © 2010 by Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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