Tradersworld 63

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TRADERSWORLD | Jul/Aug/Sep 2016

Issue #63

A Winning System Fundamental Analysis Objective Wave Analysis

Profitable Trading with Binary Options W.D. Gann Has to be One of the Greatest The Clash of Cycles III an Empire in Decline Proper Techniques for Profitable Trading Making Money Today in W.D. Gann’s Way WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Advertisers Jul/Aug/Sept 2016 Issue #63 World Cup Trading Championships 03 World Cup Advisor 04 World Cup Advisor 05 The Gold and Oil Guy 07 Mikula Forecasting Service 08 Sacred Science 09 Sacred Science 17 Sacred Science 18 Dan Zanger’s Chart Pattern 19 Sacred Science 24 25 Trading on Target 38 The OddsTraderApps 48 NeverLossTrading 63

Editor-in-Chief Larry Jacobs - Winner of the World Cup Trading Championship for stocks in 2001. BS, MS in Business and author of 6 trading books. Office - 2508 W. Grayrock Dr., Springfield, MO 65810 Contact Information - 417-882-9697,800-288-4266, publisher@ Copyright 2015 Halliker’s, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this publication must not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Traders World™ (ISSN 1045-7690) is published 2 to 3 times a year by Halliker’s, Inc., 2508 W. Grayrock Dr., Springfield, MO 65810. The subscription to Traders World is $19.95 per year normally it it $34.95. That gives you access to next issues plus all the past issues in flip page format. When you subscribe it automatically renews through PayPal. You can terminate the automatic renewal of your subscription directly in your PayPal account. To do so long into your PalPay account. In the overview, select the option “show all transactions”. Select the Halliker’s, Inc. Traders World transaction and click on “Details”. Click on the link “Show recurring payments”. To cancel automatic renewals, select the option “Cancel” and confirm the cancellation of the subscription in the subsequent dialog. PayPal will then confirm that your cancellation was successful. Created in the U.S.A. is prepared from information believed to be reliable but not guaranteed us without further verification and does not purport to be complete. Futures and options trading are speculative and involves risk of loss. Opinions expressed are subject to revision without further notification. We are not offering to buy or sell securities or commodities discussed. Halliker’s Inc., one or more of its officers, and/or authors may have a position in the securities or commodities discussed herein. Any article that shows hypothetical or stimulated performance results have certain inherent limitations, unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not already been executed, the results may have under - or over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designated with the benefits of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. The names of products and services presented in this magazine are used only in editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of infringing on trademark rights. Products and services in the Traders World Catalog are subject to availability and prices are subject to change without notice. Although Halliker’s, Inc. is interested in presenting you with advertisements for quality products and services, Halliker’s, Inc. cannot spend the time to do the due diligence it takes to ensure that only reliable services and products are advertised with us. Also Halliker’s, Inc. dba Tradersworld may be an affilate with some of our writers and advertisers.

U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commissions Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, options or ANY sort of chartable instrument. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.  CFTC RULE 4.41 - HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.  Use of any of this information is entirely at your own risk, for which Halliker’s, Inc. dba Traders World its affiliates, employees or owners will not be liable. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information and content found or offered in the material for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. All information exists for nothing other than entertainment and general educational purposes. We are not registered trading advisors.


July/August/September 2016


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Top finishers receive coveted Bull & Bear trophies

ENTER NOW! Call (312) 454-5000 - Futures and Forex trading is not suitable for all investors, and involves risk of loss. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


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吀爀 愀搀椀 渀最  昀 甀琀 甀爀 攀猀  椀 渀瘀漀氀 瘀攀猀  猀椀 最渀椀 昀 椀 挀愀渀琀   爀 椀 猀欀  漀昀   氀 漀猀猀  愀渀搀  椀 猀  渀漀琀   猀甀椀 琀 愀戀氀 攀  昀 漀爀   攀瘀攀爀 礀漀渀攀⸀   倀愀猀琀   瀀攀爀 昀 漀爀 洀愀渀挀攀  椀 猀  渀漀琀   渀攀挀攀猀猀愀爀 椀 氀 礀  椀 渀搀椀 挀愀琀 椀 瘀攀  漀昀   昀 甀琀 甀爀 攀  爀 攀猀甀氀 琀 猀⸀   䄀渀  椀 渀瘀攀猀琀 漀爀   洀甀猀琀   爀 攀愀搀Ⰰ   甀渀搀攀爀 猀琀 愀渀搀  愀渀搀  猀椀 最渀  愀  䰀攀琀 琀 攀爀   漀昀   䐀椀 爀 攀挀琀 椀 漀渀  昀 漀爀   圀漀爀 氀 搀䌀甀瀀䄀搀瘀椀 猀漀爀 ⸀ 挀漀洀  氀 攀愀搀攀爀 ⴀ 昀 漀氀 氀 漀眀攀爀   瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀猀  戀攀昀 漀爀 攀  椀 渀瘀攀猀琀 椀 渀最⸀   倀攀爀 昀 漀爀 洀愀渀挀攀  猀栀漀眀渀  椀 猀  昀 漀爀   瀀爀 漀瀀爀 椀 攀琀 愀爀 礀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  漀眀渀攀搀  戀礀  䴀愀爀 欀漀  䜀爀 挀椀 挀Ⰰ   愀渀搀  椀 猀  渀漀琀   渀攀挀攀猀猀愀爀 椀 氀 礀  椀 渀搀椀 挀ⴀ 愀琀 椀 瘀攀  漀昀   猀甀戀猀挀爀 椀 戀攀爀   爀 愀琀 攀  漀昀   爀 攀琀 甀爀 渀  愀渀搀  搀爀 愀眀搀漀眀渀  搀甀攀  琀 漀  攀砀攀挀甀琀 椀 漀渀Ⰰ   猀氀 椀 瀀瀀愀最攀Ⰰ   昀 甀渀搀椀 渀最  氀 攀瘀攀氀   愀渀搀  漀琀 栀攀爀   昀 愀挀琀 漀爀 猀⸀   一攀琀 ⴀ 瀀爀 漀昀 椀 琀   挀愀氀 挀甀氀 愀琀 攀搀  甀猀椀 渀最  愀搀瘀椀 猀漀爀 ᤠ 猀  椀 渀椀 琀 椀 愀氀   椀 渀瘀攀猀琀 洀攀渀琀   漀昀   ␀㄀ Ⰰ  ㄀㘀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  圀漀爀 氀 搀  䌀甀瀀  䌀栀愀洀瀀椀 漀渀猀栀椀 瀀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀   愀渀搀  ␀㄀ Ⰰ  㔀㔀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  ㈀ ㄀㘀  圀漀爀 氀 搀  䌀甀瀀  䌀栀愀洀瀀椀 漀渀猀栀椀 瀀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 ⸀   圀䌀䄀  猀甀戀猀挀爀 椀 瀀琀 椀 漀渀  爀 愀琀 攀  愀渀搀  猀琀 愀渀搀愀爀 搀椀 稀攀搀  挀漀洀洀椀 猀猀椀 漀渀  爀 愀琀 攀  昀 漀爀   攀愀挀栀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀  愀瘀愀椀 氀 愀戀氀 攀  琀 栀爀 漀甀最栀  愀渀礀  愀甀ⴀ 琀 栀漀爀 椀 稀攀搀  䄀甀琀 漀吀爀 愀搀攀  戀爀 漀欀攀爀 ⸀   吀栀攀爀 攀  栀愀瘀攀  戀攀攀渀  渀漀  挀愀猀栀  愀搀搀椀 琀 椀 漀渀猀  琀 漀  攀椀 琀 栀攀爀   氀 攀愀搀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 ⸀   䈀漀琀 栀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  栀愀瘀攀  瀀愀爀 琀 椀 挀椀 瀀愀琀 攀搀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  圀漀爀 氀 搀  䌀甀瀀  䌀栀愀洀瀀椀 漀渀猀栀椀 瀀  漀昀   䘀甀琀 甀爀 攀猀  吀爀 愀搀椀 渀最  ⠀ 圀䌀䌀⤀ ⸀   圀䌀䌀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  搀漀  渀漀琀   渀攀挀攀猀猀愀爀 椀 氀 礀  爀 攀瀀爀 攀猀攀渀琀   愀氀 氀   琀 栀攀  琀 爀 愀搀椀 渀最  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  挀漀渀ⴀ 琀 爀 漀氀 氀 攀搀  戀礀  愀  最椀 瘀攀渀  挀漀洀瀀攀琀 椀 琀 漀爀 ⸀   䄀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  琀 爀 愀搀椀 渀最  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  圀䌀䌀  洀愀礀  戀攀  猀甀戀樀 攀挀琀   琀 漀  挀漀洀洀椀 猀猀椀 漀渀  爀 愀琀 攀猀  搀椀 昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   昀 爀 漀洀  琀 栀漀猀攀  昀 漀氀 氀 漀眀椀 渀最  琀 栀攀  䄀甀琀 漀吀爀 愀搀攀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀⸀   圀䌀䌀  挀漀洀瀀攀琀 椀 琀 漀爀 猀  洀愀礀  挀漀渀琀 爀 漀氀   愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀  琀 栀愀琀   瀀爀 漀搀甀挀攀  爀 攀猀甀氀 琀 猀  猀甀戀猀琀 愀渀琀 椀 愀氀 氀 礀  搀椀 昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   琀 栀愀渀  琀 栀攀  爀 攀猀甀氀 琀 猀  愀挀栀椀 攀瘀攀搀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀椀 爀   圀䌀䌀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 猀⸀   圀䌀䌀  攀渀琀 爀 愀渀琀 猀  洀愀礀  琀 爀 愀搀攀  洀漀爀 攀  琀 栀愀渀  漀渀攀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀   椀 渀  琀 栀攀  挀漀洀瀀攀琀 椀 琀 椀 漀渀⸀   䔀愀挀栀  愀挀挀漀甀渀琀 ✀ 猀  渀攀琀   爀 攀琀 甀爀 渀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  圀漀爀 氀 搀  䌀甀瀀  䌀栀愀洀瀀椀 漀渀猀栀椀 瀀  椀 猀  栀椀 最栀攀爀   琀 栀愀渀  琀 栀攀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀✀ 猀  渀攀琀   爀 攀琀 甀爀 渀  椀 渀  琀 栀攀  圀䌀䄀  䄀甀琀 漀吀爀 愀搀攀  瀀爀 漀最爀 愀洀  搀甀攀  琀 漀  挀漀洀洀椀 猀猀椀 漀渀  搀椀 昀 ⴀ 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀 椀 愀氀   愀渀搀  琀 栀攀  愀戀猀攀渀挀攀  漀昀   猀甀戀猀挀爀 椀 瀀琀 椀 漀渀  昀 攀攀猀  椀 渀  挀漀渀琀 攀猀琀   挀愀氀 挀甀氀 愀琀 椀 漀渀猀⸀


Jul/Aug/Sep 2016 Issue #63 Proper Techniques for Profitable Trading Making Money Today in W. D. Gann’s Way By Gordon Roberts 10 W.D. Gann’s Mechanical Method And Trend Indicator By Daniel T. Ferrera 20 How to Trade Market Volatility Selling Options for Profits & Hedging A 6 Step Plan Larry Gaines 26 TRUST: THE HEART OF DISCIPLINE By Adrienne Toghraie 41 OBJECTIVE WAVE ANALYSIS by George Krum by George Krum 45 Profitable Trading with Binary Options by Gail Mercer 51 The EUR/USD: The Big Picture by Jaime Johnson 53 FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS. By Jacob Singer 58 Gold Buy Signals by Stephen Kalayjain 62 High Probability Price Prediction for Trading and Investing by Thomas Barmann 66 THE NEWS & INFORMATION: HOW IT EFFECTS THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS by Samuel Bassey 78 Elliott Wave Analysis Case Study + Fibonacci of United Technologies by Peter Goodburn 81

The Power of Ensemble Forecasting by Rob Hanna 85 SQUARING TIME AND PRICE WITH PLANETS by D. K. Burton 90 W.D.GANN HAS TO BE ONE OF THE GREATEST by D.K. Burton 99 Profiting From Planetary Pairs in Astro-Trading by Tim Bost 105 The Clash of Cycles III an Empire in Decline by Eric Hadik 111 Getting Past the Fallacy of “Almost There: What It Really Takes to Create Success in Trading Two Worlds Collide When Trading by Rande Howell 118 Trading range psychology and the Great Malaise by Clif Droke 122 How to Automate Your Trade Signals by Steve Wheeler 126 SIZE MATTERS by Al McWhirr 131 Pattern Trading Tools by Duri Duddella 135 What The Professionals Know and You Don’t -- One of the Best Kept Secrets In the Financial Trading by Andrew Pancholi 144 Trade Chart Patterns Poster 148 Master Trader Course Review by Larry Jacobs 150 Amazon Kindle Books 152

A Winning System by Ron Jenisch 83


July/August/September 2016



July/August/September 2016



July/August/September 2016





INTENT OF THIS COURSE The intent of this course is to provide a trading strategy that allows for large returns from low risk investments. Trades have an average risk:reward ratio of 1:10, with a minimum return of 500% per trade to maximum returns exceeding 5000%. The strategy employs powerful, straight forward analytical techniques explained in Gann’s How to Make Profits in Commodities to identify high value trade setups which can be employed using highly leveraged options strategies to generate large but safe returns.

The analytical techniques and strategy taught in this course do not require any prior Gann knowledge or any past trading experience. They can be easily understood and applied by any trader, new or seasoned, to great effect with very little time or difficulty. The strategy is based upon “leveraged position trading” so requires little time or effort to manage. Minimum capital requirements are very low, so someone with an account as small as a few $1000 can effectively implement this strategy.

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Low risk, high reward trades averaging 1:10 risk:reward ratio! Trade setups with minimum 500% return & average 1000% return! BIG trade setups return 2000% – 5000% when they hit! Uses simple Gann-based analytical tools, easy to learn & apply! Strategy works with small trading accounts to make big gains! Uses classical Gann risk management and account management to produce the BIG returns like those Gann is famous for… A simple technique for beginners… a new strategy for seasoned traders! Online Forum for Q&A, and also for ongoing trade analysis and identification!

463 Pages - Online Student Trading Forum



HOW TO TRADE LIKE W. D. GANN An Exploration of the Mechanical Trading Lesson on U. S. Steel BY TIMOTHY WALKER


STATEMENT OF INTENT This course presents a detailed analysis of the entire sequence of 322 trades from 1915-1931 presented in WD Gann’s US Steel trading course. The specifics of these trades and of Gann’s Mechanical Method provide profound insights into the mind of one of the greatest traders of history. With detailed charts accompanying the analysis, the reader will discover great insights in reading market action and learn to understand the specific rules and triggers that Gann used to manage an account through every phase of market activity. This course shows how Gann could turn a $3000 account into over $6 million in 15 years. But it also shows extraordinary returns in shorter trading periods. For instance, from his initial investment of $3000 in February 1915 until October 21 of the same year, Gann produced a 1,337% return increasing the account to $40,123.




Proper Techniques for Profitable Trading By Gordon Roberts Once upon a time… a man uttered a phrase that went something like, “May you live in interesting times.” He didn’t define what is and isn’t interesting. His wish was probably a curse but it is “interesting” all the same. I propose that all times are interesting in some way and to someone. For traders, however, some times are very much more interesting than others. Another man said, “Practice makes perfect.” He didn’t tell the whole story either. Surely he realized only perfect practice makes perfect. If a trader practices with poor methods or techniques, they end up with a mastery of poor methods and techniques. They probably end up poorer for the experience too. As traders, we get to make choices regarding which methods and techniques we study. We get to decide if we keep a method as being valuable or we get to cast it aside as worthless. For example, not many people will choose the trading methodologies of Bernie Madoff for their thesis. However, we can “practice” things the great masters of the past instructed us to “practice”. Many of us become students of W.D. Gann (he was/is a fascinating man). But there is a problem that comes with proper study of Mr. Gann’s many works. It literally takes decades to study his decades of study. That’s logical I suppose. He almost requires it of his students. But… we can boil his teachings down into less time consuming studies. Mr. Gann told us he used “natural laws”. I believe he showed us that markets tend to “vibrate”. In my book Market Vibrations, I show modern-day examples of his teachings at work. 60 years past his death, his teachings still echo into new reality as time passes. He said they would. I’ve proven him to be correct. He spoke of a “Law of Vibration”. The fact is that most everything vibrates. From violin strings to cellphone communications, from magnets to bean prices to atomic hydrogen, from rocks to galaxies… vibrations are EVERYWHERE/EVERYTHING. Any true “law” should cover everything. Last March, my new book was released and it included a number of market setups that I was watching and preparing to trade, all of which were shared with the first purchasers of my book, since they were included in the book. Since then a number of these trades have taken off and earned us some profits, enough profits, in fact, to have paid for the entry cost of my book for those who played along and followed these clear signals. In the Online Forum for the book, we discussed each of these trades and their setups, so that people can learn, hands on, how to evaluate potential trades.


July/August/September 2016


At the time, I included a trading signal for Soy Beans. Below, I resubmit that Soy Bean chart from the initial sample marketing materials posted online in March. I provided this Bean setup in realtime because I’m a swell guy… and I had a purpose. It was my hope that we could “circle back” to this at some future date and show you that I’m not making this stuff up on the fly. This was a public domain trading setup posted online that coincided with the book’s release. All the following charts can be verified to have been posted in March at: Beans were basing and allowing accumulation to occur. They were also at buying points per my research into Mr. Gann’s work. Mr. Gann tells us how to think about these things. We need to be patient sorts for these types of long-term trading thoughts.


July/August/September 2016


I never know what the markets will do. However, per Mr. Gann’s teachings, I had pretty decent odds to make a nice profit versus the risk I’d take for embarking upon a long Soybean trade. That’s all explained in the book. It’s simple stuff that you might consider using for yourself. I “concentrate” a very few of Mr. Gann’s simplest teachings into a stew for you to consume. Here’s the updated bean chart as of 6/9/2016. We’ve just passed Mr. Gann’s Birthday. I try to honor Mr. Gann throughout the year but his birthday is special. It was also D-Day of World War II. But that’s beside the point here. For Beans, from the low I identified to the recent high has been around $14,800 (34%) per contract, if you were trading the commodity contracts. I generally advocate attempting to avoid trading the commodity contracts while attempting to grow my trading leverage a bit with other “vehicles” like options. Options also help me control my risks but they can be illiquid markets. In those same marketing materials, we also posted a recent buy candidate for Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG). Here is that original chart posted on the same page online in March…

The next chart is from 6/10/2016. CMG has run up nicely and you’d have needed to manage your trade to protect profits. From the low to the high, the market advanced almost 36%. That’s not a WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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bad return for 8 weeks, and using options as I do, the leverage provided a nice profit.

Another “decision point” is almost upon us. We could have a “double bottom” here. Honestly, Mr. Gann’s teachings have me happy to end up either long or short in this situation. Whatever the direction, odds favor a nicely tradable move. My book explains how to approach such a trading point and to read it as a specific setup, providing a clear strategy to take advantage of the next move whichever way it goes. In the same initial marketing materials, we also included an Apache Corporation (APA) chart. It didn’t elaborate publicly that we should have already been thinking about long trades, but it has been further discussed in our Online Web Forum. However, anybody who has read my book should have been thinking about the trading setup at the lows.


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In the book, we actually discussed Crude Oil in detail. APA is a “proxy” whereby we could hunt an equity market versus the commodity market. You get to be your own decision-maker to hunt your own opportunities. Here’s the updated chart with an 85% increase from low price to high price (thus far)…

I also spoke of BABA. That’s the Chinese ALIBABA. On that chart I also didn’t provide the specifics publicly. But I was providing hints. BABA was interesting or it wouldn’t have been in the marketing materials.


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Here’s the updated chart.

From bottom price to top price (thus far), that’s around a 45% increase. If this one convincingly breaks upward, it might present another interesting point to enter a long trade. Here’s is what has been happening with Crude Oil. I was long Crude from near the bottom, though this was before the book was released. Finally, it has reacted in accordance with Mr. Gann’s teachings. From low to high is a 52% increase so far. This setup was also covered in pretty good detail in the book for a few reasons.


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Those are a few examples that demonstrate that the market is ripe with opportunity to make profits for the aware trader who knows what to look for. All of these trades (and more) were clearly on my radar a few months back, and have added profits to my account. Someone who had purchased my book a few months back could have already paid for its full cost, potentially many times over by now. Please note that some trades will lose. That’s part of reality. You need to approach losses like they are a business expense. First, you have to define your business properly. Expenses are a lesser part of profits. Losses are needed to help you understand gains. Don’t try to kick your way through a dark room filled with bedposts and ottomans. Markets are designed to break toes that way. Television and news and subscription services probably don’t serve you well. They make their money off you trying to trade rather than them trading. Think about it. You need to learn to make your own decisions. You can learn some very simple things. You can then try to build them into your psyche. It’s up to you. It really is your choice. I cannot guaranty your success. Mr. Gann said that these proper techniques and strategies pretty much ensure success. However, reality says that it really is up to you and your ability to play “the game”. I should note that my presentation above used the absolute top and bottom prices. Those are THEORETICAL values for trades. You’ll have to make your own entries and exits for whatever market you choose to trade. Your returns and my returns will be lower than those values if we’re following the rules. I struggle to find the best trade for each trading situation. I can hunt “home run” trades. They are out there to be found… all the time. However, they aren’t what I consider to be the wiser trades. After all, we can also hunt the types of market vibrations that I’ve highlighted here. If you ponder the potential, it really can be pretty hard to lose money if you catch 25%-85% market moves a few times per year… The charts above demonstrate that such returns can be found in only a few months, if one knows where and how to look. We will continue to post further updates of these trades and others that we have given in the book or the Online Forum as they progress, since many of them are still in progress, being longer term trades. Gordon Roberts Web: Email: [email protected]


July/August/September 2016












§ The Septenary division of significators. § The relationship between the lunar cycle, the ASTROLOGICAL PRINCIPLES WHICH UNDERPIN THE moment of birth and the timing of major events. MOVEMENT OF FINANCIAL MARKETS. § The pre-natal Syzygy chart and how to use it. IT OFFERS A CONTEMPORARY PRESENTATION OF THE SUPERIOR ASTROLOGICAL TECHNIQUES DERIVED BY THE § The nature of the biquintile aspect. MASTERS OF ANTIQUITY. § The significance of the rotary interaction between A CORE COMPONENT OF THIS ADVANCED SYSTEM IS THE the Moon, the North Node and the lunar SCIENCE OF CHRONOCRATORS (TIME LORDS), WITHOUT counterparts by progression and direction. WHICH FORECASTING BECOMES INEFFECTIVE. § Metaphysics of Part of Fortune & Arabic Parts. THOSE WITH A SERIOUS INTEREST IN HEAVYWEIGHT § An Arabic Part of great power and utility which is ASTROLOGY & MARKET SCIENCE WILL GAIN IMPORTANT little known and little used today. INSIGHTS AVAILABLE FROM NO OTHER SOURCE! § Secrets concerning the rotary coordinates of price. THE COURSE INCLUDES UNIQUE REVISIONS OF AN ANCIENT § Ancient Chronocrator (Time Lords) systems, METHOD BY WHICH TO RECTIFY A NATIVITY. revealing the inner and outer holograms of trend. IT EXPLAINS THE ASTROLOGICAL FACTORS WHICH § Chronocrators & astrological dynamics of trend. REGULATE THE TIMING OF PIVOTS & DIRECTION OF TREND. IT ALSO REVEALS CERTAIN ASTROLOGICAL SECRETS WHICH § The convergence of Chronocrators as a signal for culmination of trend. Forecasting trend lengths! DETERMINE PRICE. § Time keys and simplified directions. MOST IMPORTANTLY IT EXPLAINS HOW TO ISOLATE THE § The Science of Rectification - based on ancient ASTROLOGICAL SIGNALS WHICH ARE "LIVE" AT ANY GIVEN techniques, including a rectification of S&P500! POINT, AND WHICH WILL HAVE AN EFFECT UPON A MARKET.













Dr. Goulden’s advanced technical trading course Behind The Veil presents powerful trading techniques based upon the deepest scientific and metaphysical principles applied in a different way than courses in the past. It unveils many mysterious and difficult theories and applications similar in approach to those of W.D. Gann and shows a tr ader how to use these pr inciples to successfully analyze and trade the any market on any time frame. The techniques developed by Dr. Goulden will teach traders how to identify future pivot points following which profitable market moves ensue. All of the timing tools needed to forecast these pivot points and the geometric tools used to identify price entry and exit points, and to determine the nature of the ensuing trend are demonstrated in the Course. Based upon a deep level of metaphysical and cosmological insight, these techniques identify PRICE LEVELS, TIME TURNING POINTS, AND TRENDS, though proprietary HARMONIC, ASTRONOMICAL & GEOMETRICAL techniques developed by a Cambridge scholar.




July/August/September 2016






Prandelli’s 2014 & 2015 Soybean & Corn Forecasts were PERFECT! 95% Accuracy! Each Bulletin includes a PFS TIME Forecasting Model giving the swing turning points & push impulses for the year, combined with specific Key Price Levels determined by his proprietary Planetary Longitude Lines. Subscription includes ongoing updates of analysis and Key Price Levels thru the year! $250.00 For Details & 2014-15 Results see:




CREATING A PLANETARY PRICE-TIME MAP OF MARKET ACTION THROUGH SYMPATHETIC RESONANACE BY DANIELE PRANDELLI The Law of Cause & Effect unravels the correct application of WD Gann’s Planetary Longitude Lines. This cour se explains why most analysts have failed to use these lines! There is a missing conversion factor or calibration rate which must be used to adjust the planetary relationships to the scale and vibration of the market at any particular price level. This book CRACKS the conversion factor and makes Planetary Lines one of the most valuable tools you’ll have in your toolbox. These lines determine both price and time movements! They are one of the easiest but most powerful of all Gann tools. Once you see them, you will NEVER stop using these lines for trading! ONE OF OUR MOST POPULAR TRADING COURSES! CORRECT USE OF PLANETARY LINES!

Know In Advance!

Explains Missing Calibration Factor Which Fits Planetary Lines to Any Chart!

Determine Important Energy Levels Using Precise Mathematical Rules

  

Key Prices to Take Trading Positions Forecast Clear Target Exit Levels

Know Important Time Turning Points Thru Confluence of Planetary Lines

Determine the Slope of the Expected Trend Through Planetary Angles





Prandelli’s Polarity Factor System forecasting model is based upon the power ful insights of the great market master, W. D. Gann, and particularly upon his Master Time Factor, presented in one of his AN INTEGRATED FORECASTING & TRADING STRATEGY rarest and most secret courses. Prandelli has INSPIRED BY W. D. GANN’S MASTER TIME FACTOR redeveloped Gann’s Master Time Factor and created proprietary software to create yearly forecasts BY DANIELE PRANDELLI of the market with an accuracy similar to that Black Suede Hardcover 242 Pages & Software produced by Gann in his Supply and Demand Letter, almost 100 years ago. This PFS timing technique CREATE DIRECTIONAL TIME FORECASTS forecasts market tops and bottoms with a high degree of accuracy, giving clear directional indications. It LIKE WD GANN’S IN MULTIPLE MARKETS also includes a sophisticated risk management system S&P, CORN, WHEAT and strategy to trade the forecast, which Prandelli FOR A DETAILED WRITEUP & EXAMPLES SEE: uses for his own trading. Integrates seamlessly with WWW.SACREDSCIENCE.COM/PRANDELLI/PRANDELLIthe Planetary Longitude lines from his first course. POLARITY-FACTOR-SYSTEM.HTM




July/August/September 2016


10 Jan/Feb/Mar 2013


July/August/September 2016


W.D. Gann’s Mechanical Method And Trend Indicator By Daniel T. Ferrera Over his 50-year trading and advising career, W.D. Gann developed approximately 40 different trading tools, calculators and/or mechanical methods to trade the various stock, options and commodities markets. Gann was a prolific writer and published six market related books beginning in 1923 with The Truth of the Stock Tape, 1927’s The Tunnel Thru The Air, 1930 Wall Street Stock Selector, 1936 New Stock Trend Detector, 1937 How to Make Profits Trading in Puts and Calls, 1941 How To Make Profits Trading in Commodities and 1949’s 45 Years in Wall Street. In addition, Gann published and released several very expensive private courses ranging from $1500 to $5000 that sold from the early 1920’s to 1950. Several of the private courses pertained to a specific trading approach based upon a swing indicator and chart formations that Mr. Gann considered to be low risk, high reward opportunities. Today’s technical analysis has a large variety of recognized chart patterns. Some have colorful names like the cup & handle and black swan formations. Most of the simple patterns Gann highlighted were useful for identifying relatively low risk entry points on his mechanical swing style charts. Over his career, Gann sold a number of these courses under different titles that each used the same “Mechanical Method and Trend Indicator,” which in essence was a simple swing charting approach. He sold a version for Wheat-Corn-Rye and Oats, a version for Cotton, one for Stocks, Soybeans, etc., but each course is essentially identical other than the title marketing to a specific market audience. The swing indicator is used on multiple time frames to determine the trend of the market and aid with stop loss placement and pattern recognition. This indicator is used primarily on a 1-day chart for the minor indications and a 3-day chart as the higher time frame for the main trend. That said, Gann also recommended to chart the swings on a weekly chart and monthly chart. The monthly chart should go back 15 to 20-years so that all of the important tops and bottoms can be easily seen as well as the old levels of support and resistance. Gann taught that chart formations that developed over several weeks, months or even years where of much greater significance that those registered by the 1-day or 3-day swing charts.


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Gann’s Mechanical Method or swing indicator is based on the definition of trend. An up trend has a series of higher highs and higher lows. A down trend has a series of lower highs and lower lows. As long as the particular price movement is making higher highs and higher lows, the trend indicator continues to move up to the highest level reached. The instant that the market has both a lower high and a lower low, the trend indicator changes to down direction to follow the duration of the declining price movement. It continues to follow the downtrend as long as the market continues to make both lower highs and lower lows and moves down to the lowest price level reached. As soon as the market has both a higher high and a higher low, the trend indicator changes direction again to follow the new upward movement. In this way, the trend indicator identifies the termination levels of up and down swings in the market for both entry and stop loss placement. This can be expressed as a basic “If, Then” statement: (1) If today’s high is greater than yesterday’s high and today’s low is greater than yesterday’s low, move the Trend Line up to the highest high. (2) If today’s low is less than yesterday’s low and today’s high is less than yesterday’s high, move the Trend Line down to the lowest low. Many software programs and trading platforms have several swing indicators that allow for this specific type of charting or something comparable. The example below illustrates Gann’s Mechanical Swings from Market Analysts charting tools. The indicator is green for up mode and red for down.


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A very basic understanding of this mechanical method is useful for identifying price levels where protective stop loss orders should be placed. Here is what Gann himself published on this topic: WHERE TO PLACE STOP LOSS ORDERS: “You must place STOP LOSS orders below the lows of swings and not just below the lows on the daily chart. STOPS must be above old tops or below old bottoms on a weekly or monthly chart. STOP LOSS orders placed below closing prices on the daily or weekly chart are much safer and less likely to be caught because you are moving your STOPS according to the trend. STOPS placed above closing prices on the daily or weekly chart are caught a smaller number of times than if you place them below a daily bottom or a daily top. The swings or reversals in a market are the prices to place STOP LOSS orders one way or the other. It is of great importance to know where to place a STOP LOSS order properly.” In terms of trade entry on either the long or short side of the market, Double Top & Bottom formations, Triple Top & Bottom formations as well as The Fourth Time at the Same Level, represent the main chart patterns for the swing indicator that were presented in the various course versions of Gann’s Mechanical Method. These patterns typically allow for smaller risk exposure as the protective stop loss order can be placed fairly close to the entry level. The following illustrations graphically demonstrate these specific trading patterns presented in W.D. Gann’s Mechanical Method.


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Pay close attention to these types of formations, especially when they occur on the weekly and monthly charts and have taken considerable time to develop. Gann’s market advice is very straight forward in this regard. (1) Sell Short when price tops at or near the same price level a second time (Double Top), use a tight stop loss order just above the prior high level. In other words, keep the financial level of risk on the trade small. (2) Sell Short when price tops at or near the same price level a third time (Triple Top), use a tight stop loss order for protection. The inverse applies to the buying signals. (1) Buy Long when price bottoms at or near the same price level a second time (Double Bottom). (2) Buy Long when price bottoms at or near the same price level a third time (Triple Bottom). Always use a protective stop loss order to keep financial risk at a minimum. These are the basics of Gann’s so called: Mechanical Method and Trend Indicator. There are other tools such as geometric angles, support and resistance levels and timing methods that can be incorporated as well, but because this particular subject requires more space that a magazine article can accommodate, interested readers for a limited time can obtain a FREE electronic copy of my book on Gann Analysis, Gann for The Active Trader by simply sending an email to [email protected] with “Free Book” in the subject line. In addition, Gann frequently talked about market cycles, history repeating and periodicity. Those interested in this topic can also view a recent blog post article at


July/August/September 2016








"“We use the square of odd and even numbers to

get not only the proof of market movements, but the cause." - - - W.D. Gann

How to square the natural whole numbers (odd and even), along with their midpoints. How to define prices scales by "The Basis of Money” How to set the proper scale, and use the 1x1 angle to square or balance price with time. How the natural squares (even & odd) sub-cycle would not be possible without understanding the Spiral chart (Square of 9).... expressing the square root as an "inner square" time period. How to assimilate all of these elements together as a sequential methodology once the "basis of Gann's forecasting method" has been worked out. How Gann’s price squaring techniques and master charts are NOT completely separate and independent methods, but are tied together thru geometric angles. How the inner square root sub cycle & natural squares of numbers reveals unique market turns.

   

  

Intent of This Gann Course The intent of Ferrera’s new course is to provide the most comprehensive elaboration of W.D. Gann's most powerful technical trading tools. It presents, with great precision, all of Gann’s foundational mathematical and geometrical techniques expressed in his master calculators, angles, trend channels, squaring processes, pattern formations, spiral charts and much more, leading to the clear identification of profitable Trade Setups, important trend indications, and critical price/time culminations. The material further elaborates for the first time ever, a number of Gann’s most advanced geometrical tools and applications, such as the natural squares (even & odd) sub-cycle and the square root as an "inner square" time period, which were well hidden within Gann’s different courses, but never explained, showing how to properly unify disparate tools into an integrated methodology according to Gann’s very specific rules. There has never been a Gann course that so clearly developed every detail of this element of his trading technology so as to be both easily comprehensible to newer Gann students and highly informative to the most seasoned Gann analysts, providing new insights that most will have never seen. It provides both practical and actionable trading signals and a valuable structural perspective to any market on any time frame. With 300 pages of detailed text, over 150 charts and diagrams, and 190 pages of the rarest Gann’s supplementary material, we consider this 500 page treatise to be THE TEXTBOOK on Gann’s geometrical techniques that no serious Gann analyst can be without!




Topping Formation In Process


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July/August/September 2016


Full time trader and best selling author Kevin Davey can improve your trading 2 ways: Strategy Factory Workshop: Learn to build trading strategies the correct way, by following the step by step process Kevin used to win the world's premier futures trading contest:   

1 day live online workshop 3 strategies you can immediately trade 4 months one-on-one e-mail support

Plus, through a special program with Kevin's preferred broker, the course can actually not cost you a penny! KJ Diversified Trading Signals: Auto-trade a 5 market futures portfolio Kevin developed. >100% return since its inception in August 2015. Past performance is not indicative of future results.



July/August/September 2016


How to Trade Market Volatility Selling Options for Profits & Hedging A 6 Step Plan Presented by Larry Gaines A 6 Step Plan for Option Trading Success Step 1. Avoiding the #1 Option Trading Mistake Step 2. Most Important Option Factor Step 3. How Option Pricing Works Step 4. Knowing & Using the Market Maker’s Secrets Step 5. Highest Probability Option Strategies for Every Market Step 6. Risk-to-reward

Step 1. Avoiding the #1 Option Trading Mistake Option trading has many more advantages than trading stock, but, as you probably know, it is a bit more complicated, as well. And, for the individual trader, options can be a little intimidating. That’s why many investors trade options by purchasing Out-of-the-money options (often short-term options), since they cost less than long-term options, and it’s a simple strategy. For example, Out-of-the-money calls are especially popular because they are cheap and seem to follow the old Warrant Buffet paradigm we all love: buy low, sell high.

But is this always the best option strategy? Imagine you’re bullish on Facebook (FB) trading at $100. As a beginning option trader, you might be tempted to buy calls 30 days from expiration with a strike price of $120 at a cost of $0.15, or $15 per contract. Why? Because you can buy a lot of them. Let’s do the math. Purchasing 100 shares of FB at $100 would cost $10,000. But, for the same $10,000, you could WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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buy 666 contracts of $120 calls and control 66,660 shares. WOW. Imagine FB hits $121 within the next 30 days, and the $120 calls are trading at $1.05 or $105 per option contract just prior to expiration. You’d make $59,940 in a month! At first glance, this kind of leverage is awesome!

But don’t let this glitter FOOL YOU . . . because not losing money is just as important as making money! One problem with short-term, Out-of-the-money options is that you not only have to be right about the direction the stock moves, but you also have to be right about the timing. That ratchets up the degree of difficulty. To make a profit, the stock doesn’t just need to go past the strike price but also must do this within a defined period of time. In the case of the $120 calls on FB, you’d need the stock to reach $120 within 30 days to make a profit. This dual objective of having to be right on direction plus on timing really lessens the probability of an option trade being a winning trade when buying options. And everything that I teach my clients is based on managing risk and increasing the probability of winning trades. In the Facebook option trade, you are wanting the stock to move more than 20% in less than a month. This would be like a 2 Standard Deviation move! How many stocks are likely to do that? “Not many.” In all probability the stock would not reach the strike price, and the options would expire completely worthless. Based on probability, using Standard Deviation, there is only about a 5% chance of this stock reaching $120 to $121 by expiration.

So in order to make money on an Out-of-the-money call, you either need to outwit the market or get plain lucky. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Being close means no cigar. Imagine that FB rose to $110 during the 30 days of your option’s lifetime. You were right about the direction the stock moved. But, since you were wrong about how far it would go within a specific time frame, you’d lose your entire investment.

And this is outright painful! So, based on this trade example, a better goal for every trader would be to select trades based on what provides the most consistent, positive returns, not a one-time big winner. And consistency is derived from making HIGH PROBABILITY trades based on reliable data and facts. Where there’s a big disadvantage, such as the one you saw in the option buying scenario, you can usually just look at the flip side of the coin and see an equal and opposite advantage. In this case, being a SELLER of options gives you a huge advantage over being a buyer of options. All of the pros know this and take advantage of it, and so can you.

So as a Seller, all of the things in this example are the same, but in your favor, instead of against you. This is why a lot of people take advantage of Selling Options for Profit Generation & Hedging . . . By selling options, we are, in essence, “selling time.” What a powerful dynamic . . . And it’s a strategy that’s yours for the taking . . . An option is like a coupon that must be redeemed by an expiration date or else it is no longer valid.

But how is this done & what is involved? Step 2. The most important option factor for income generation is understanding the concept of TIME, and that’s pretty simple, as you just saw . . . WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Time Value ~ is used for trading strategies that take advantage of the accelerated Time Decay of an option into its Expiration. Option Income Strategies are very tied to Time Value and the impact it has on the price of an option.

What exactly is Time Value? √ Time value (TV) (extrinsic) of an option is the premium a rational investor would pay over its current exercise value (intrinsic value), based on its potential to increase in value before expiring. √ This probability is always greater than zero, thus an option is always worth more than its current exercise value.

Take a look at the following chart to see just how predictable and powerful this option paradigm is! And answer the question that follows:

So if the underlying security price was to go sideways, having no directional trend, would you have wanted to have BOUGHT an option 120 to 90 days out, or would you have rather SOLD an option? This is the common natural time value progression for all options. And it’s seriously like falling off a cliff . . . blindfolded! WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Step 3. How Option Pricing Works How to value an option Time Value (x) Implied Volatility (x) Intrinsic/Extrinsic Value . . . Note: Once you know these variables, then you are ready to price an option & know what its option premium should be.

Step 4. The Market Maker’s Secret What they don’t want you to know . . . WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Broad markets tend to have 2 to 3 week cycles and will trade in sideways channels 70% to 80% of the time. Based on this sideways price movement Out-of-the-money (OTM) option buyers will lose approximately 70% of the time. Market makers know these statistics and, therefore, tend to trade from the sell side. This is the professional money, so you need to think like a market maker.

It’s all based on the Math! Market Makers use mathematical market probability statistics for pricing the movement of an option to its expiration. Knowing the probability of an underlying security finishing within a certain range at expiration is key when determining what options to buy or sell and what option strategies to implement. These statistics forecast how likely it is that an option will fall within a certain price, up or down, by its expiration. This statistical forecast is referred to as the Implied Move of the Stock. The Implied move is an estimate of a +/- standard deviation move of the underlying security by its expiration. Based on these probability statistics, Selling options & option spreads, when used correctly, provides the highest probability trade set-ups for generating consistent profits and is also a great way to hedge risk . . . And it’s all based on the math of probabilities . . . GOOGL – Implied Move: +/- 4

Option Expiration 10 days


July/August/September 2016


Trading Probabilities Trading is a business of probabilities, and to be successful a trader needs to focus on controlling risk. One important step is to know the winning probabilities of any trade taken . . . One simple & free tool for measuring probabilities is: The Option Delta It will tell you the value of an option based on the underlying move. It is also used to measure the probability of a price move on the underlying move itself. An Option Delta of 68/70 equates that the strike has a 68%/70% probability of being ITM at expiration. An Option Delta of approximately +/- 16 is equivalent to the outside point of a 1 STD Implied move at expiration.

This equates that the 16 Delta strike has only a 16% theoretical probability of being ITM at expiration.

GOOGL: A 1 Standard Deviation Implied Move using the ThinkorSwim (TOS) Option Analyzer & showing the call option delta.


July/August/September 2016


• Using this probability analysis provides traders with a very useful tool for determining price targets to trade against and it’s also very useful for setting hedges. • So, based on the math of probability, you can see that approximately 68.2% of options bought expire worthless, and, based on this, it’s a good idea for all traders or investors to consider selling options as well as simply buying them. This added option strategy for profits and hedging will make a dramatic and positive difference in one’s trading performance when used correctly.

And this is why professional money takes advantage of Selling Options for Profit Generation & Risk Management. Step 5. Selecting the Right Income Option Strategy The goal of every trader should be to select trades based on what provides the most consistent positive return and not always the greatest return. And one of the best ways to achieve this is by knowing the income option strategies that are available and then selecting the one that is best for your trading style and trading plan.

Income Strategies √ Covered Calls √ Calendar Spreads √ Diagonal Spread √ Long Iron Condors √ Credit Spreads

My favorite income option strategy is the Credit Spread for 4 reasons: √ It can work regardless of market direction √ It almost always works even if you’re wrong! √ The winning probability of profit is over 68% even without adding technical analysis, which then increases the profit probability even more √ Perfect for HEDGING. . .

There are 3 types of Credit Spreads: 1. Bear Call Credit Spread 2. Bull Put Credit Spread 3. Long Iron Condor


July/August/September 2016


1. Bear Call Credit Spread is best if you think the market is probably going to go down. Strategy: Selling one call with a lower strike while simultaneously buying one call with a higher strike in the same month. Selling a Bear Call Credit Spread 25% Return on Margin Credit Spread/Max Profit: $100/Ct. Return on Margin: $100/$400 = 25%

2. Bull Put Credit Spread is best when you think the market will probably go up Strategy: Sell one put while simultaneously buying one put with a lower strike in the same month. Selling Bull Put Credit Spread Credit Spread/Max Profit: $130/Ct. Return on Margin: $130/$370 = 35%


July/August/September 2016


3. Long Iron Condor – Known for being a non-directional, low-risk trading strategy Strategy: Combine Bull Put Credit Spread and a Bear Call Credit Spread Step 6. Comparing the Risk vs. Reward 2 Long Directional Options Strategies Strategy 1. Buying Directional Calls Strategy 2. Selling an Out-of-the-Money Bull Put Credit Spread Wynn Resorts: Bullish Option Strategies (1) Buying Directional Calls Vs (2) Selling Bull Put Credit Spread Entry: May 1 Wynn Trading at $207 Strategy 1: Bought the ATM June $207 Call Strike for $11.40 or $1,140 per option contract Strategy 2: Sold the $187/$182 OTM Bull Put Credit Spread. Spread sold below Wynn’s prior low of $189 which was 9.50% below its trading price of $207 on May 1st. Strategy 1:

Buying Long June $207 Calls

Entry: May 1 Trading at: $207 WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Debit & Capital at Risk: $1,140 per option contract Return potential = Infinite

Open position P/L May 8 June Monthly $207 call original cost:

$1,140 per option contract

WYNN trading at $196

P/L: - $583 per option CT.

Open position P/L May 21 June Monthly $207 call original cost:

$1,140 per option contract

WYNN trading at $205

P/L: - $518 per option CT.


July/August/September 2016


Strategy 2: Entry: May 1

Selling Bull Put Credit Spread

Trading at: $207 Credit Spread/Max Profit: $130/Ct. Return on Margin: $130/$370 = 35%

Strategy 2: June $187/$182 Bull Put Credit Spread: $130/Ct. Open position P/L May 8: WYNN trading at $196 Credit Spread: -$38.50/Ct. Vs Long Call -$583

Strategy 2: June $187/$182 Bull Put Credit Spread: $130/Ct. Open position P/L May 21 WYNN trading at $205 Credit Spread: $78.50/Ct. Vs Long Call -$518/Ct. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Based on this example which option strategy would you prefer? CONCLUSION Whether trading a small account or large account selling options and option spreads will have a major positive impact on your trading bottom line while reducing your trading risk. These low risk trading strategies offer income and profit while also providing the perfect hedging strategy. The single trader can easily execute these option strategies that can turn that small trading account into a large trading account and with much lower risk than the traditional buy only option strategy.

About Larry Gaines Larry Gaines has become one of the leading coaches for successful traders and investors. He continues to develop and host, every month, new trading educational programs to help traders and investors generate greater income from their investment capital with less risk exposure. He founded and the Power Cycle Virtual Trading Room following over 30 years of professional trading experience in the commodity and equity markets. During his tenure as head of an international trading company that often traded a billion dollars’ worth of commodities in a single day, he learned first-hand the necessary elements of a successful trading system and the use of options. Using this in-depth knowledge and experience, Larry developed the Power Cycle Trading™ Model to allow for greater profits with a more disciplined, systematic degree of trading success.


July/August/September 2016



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Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst.

to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. CFTC












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July/August/September 2016


Trading on Target Free Newsletter

Adrienne Toghraie, Trader’s Success Coach

Visit to receive a free newsletter on Discipline for Traders Adrienne Toghraie, Trader’s Success Coach, writes articles that are dedicated to those of you who have mere minutes a day to absorb helpful ideas and creative solutions to nagging problems about discipline in trading.

Visit to receive a free newsletter on Discipline for Traders. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


TRUST: THE HEART OF DISCIPLINE By Adrienne Toghraie Trader’s Coach

Your ability to trust yourself will determine your ability to be disciplined in trading.

Without trust there is no dependable relationship between you and yourself, between you and another person, or between you and your faith in your ability to follow your own trading rules. All of these relationships exist, whether you are consciously aware of them or not, because your conscious and unconscious mind divide up into parts, which have different and often competing roles and belief systems. The Four Elements of Trust In order to gain long-term trust, four elements must be present. The first element is inner security. The foundation of inner security starts when you are in the womb. Infants must know that their basic needs are being met: they must feel that they are safe in their environment, that their need for nourishment and comforts will be met, and that they are loved, wanted and accepted. Too many of the traders with whom I have worked did not feel loved as a child even though they recognize the fact now that their parents loved them. But, being aware that they were loved does not change the insecurity in their inner child. The Second Element The second element in creating self-trust is knowledge. Many people call me and say, “I’m ready to trade because I just finished reading a couple of books about trading.” Unfortunately, there are many people who enter trading believing that they don’t have to have an extremely good education to become a successful trader. I know that a person is ready, educationally, to trade when he says, “I’ve read almost everything in trading that is out there. I have a business plan and a system that is back-tested which I believe will be profitable.” Assuming what he says is true, the only thing needed for his success is whether he has the inner security to trade. Education builds trust in your ability. The Third Element The third element necessary to build trust is evidence. For a trader, the evidence he needs is WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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evidence that he: 1. Has successfully developed skills and abilities in the past. 2. Has carried through on goals he has set for himself. 3. Has created the probability of making money by back-testing. 4. Will make money, when he develops a system or methodology as a trader 5. through study and training. Successful back-testing gives a trader the confidence to believe that the probabilities of making money are in his favor. The Fourth Element The fourth element in building trust is the experience of repeated success in real-time trading. I enjoy working with traders who experience a setback because of personal issues or because they have not adjusted their system to changing markets. It is easy to direct them to even greater success because they have already experienced success through their own study and selfdiscipline. If you would like to measure the level of trust you have for yourself and for others, all you have to do is look at your day-to-day behaviors. They will also indicate whether or not you have the discipline necessary to become a good trader. Here is a quiz that will give you an idea of the level of trust you have in yourself and others through your daily behaviors. The Self-Trust Quiz: • Do you have a pattern of always being late (15 minutes, half an hour, etc?) • Do you break or miss many of your appointments? • Do you make commitments to yourself and break them such as: • starting diets and exercise regimes and breaking? • promising to stop a negative behavior and then breaking the promise as soon as you are tempted? 6. Do you fail to follow through with plans and promises to yourself and others? 7. Do you borrow money and then not pay it back? 8. Do you break the promises you make with your children? 9. Have you betrayed your marriage vows? 10. Do you break serious traffic laws without thinking about it? 11. Do you justify breaking rules at work or in other settings in your life? 12. Do you believe that, “Rules are meant to be broken?”


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If you can truthfully answer NO to these questions, you are well on the way to becoming a disciplined trader or investor. However, if you give your unconscious mind the message that it is okay to break the rules, it will be okay with your unconscious mind to support you in breaking trading rules. Breaking trading rules is like trading without a system. Making Rules that You Can Live by Is it ever okay to break your trading rules? The answer is No, Never! If you have anticipated all contingencies, you will have a rule for everything, so you won’t be breaking rules. You’ll be following the contingencies. For example, if you say, “I’m going on a diet and I’m never going to eat anything fattening,” suddenly you will have an overwhelming urge to eat a piece of chocolate cake. However, if you will make the rule about going on a diet to include a periodic slice of chocolate cake as part of the diet, then you will not be breaking your rules. The result is that you will stay on your diet. The same principle of creating rules you can live by applies to your trading. Your rules must cover special conditions and exceptions. When they are part of your rules, you will find it not only possible, but easy to stay within your rules at all times. The message that you then send to your unconscious mind is that you can be trusted. What Do You Do if You’re Not Trustworthy? Basically, you start by keeping your agreements. This may sound easy, but it is not. If you are unable to trust yourself to keep even small agreements because of a pattern of broken agreements, this could present a challenge. It is essential that you must keep all your agreements. For that reason, if you want to send your unconscious the right message, you need to make only those agreements which are very easy to keep and which you have a strong desire to keep. They may be things which you want to do so that you know you won’t break them. You may develop back-up systems so that you can’t forget. The important thing is to do this one step at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself with agreements. The danger would be that you would slip up and then fall off the wagon as soon as you fail once. Each time you keep an agreement, acknowledge your achievement and reward yourself. Give yourself a verbal pat on the back. You may even have a special treat you give yourself each day for keeping all of your promises, agreements and rules. After a month of keeping each and every agreement and then rewarding yourself, you will have established a strong pattern of self-trust. From that point, trading discipline is no longer a problem.


July/August/September 2016


Conclusion Self-trust is the backbone of trading discipline. If you can trust yourself to do what you say you are going to do, you can follow your own trading rules. However, if you have been raised

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in an environment which neither nurtures and supports you nor provides you with a model for keeping agreements, you will develop trust issues that will continually undermine your ability to trust yourself and those around you. You will find it difficult to keep agreements with yourself and others. This problem will spill over to your trading so that you will not be able to follow your trading rules. The slow, steady process of making small agreements which are easy to keep and then forcing yourself to keep each one, one after another, is an effective strategy for building self-trust and a successful trading career.

QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

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July/August/September 2016


OBJECTIVE WAVE ANALYSIS By George Krum In the realm of technical analysis few theories have captured the investment public’s imagination in the same way as the Elliott Wave Theory. After all, who would not get excited about a theory that, in the modest words of its creator, claims to be based on Nature’s Law, and to have revealed the Secret of the Universe? When it comes to its practical application to trading, one must agree however with its key proponent, Robert Prechter, who wrote that “despite the basic simplicity of the concept itself, ‘Elliott’ wave analysis is not easy to do… it is one thing to recognize that the Wave principle governs stock prices, while it is quite another to predict the next wave and still another to profit from the exercise.” If that is not enough to pour cold water on your wave enthusiasm, consider the well-known fact that no two self-respecting Elliott wave practitioners will agree upon not only a future, but also a past wave count. While none of this should detract from the major achievement of wave theory – which is that it gives investors a general framework for market and human society observation -the problems associated with its successful application to trading still remain and must be addressed. The key problem stems from the complex wave count rules which open the door to subjective wave identification and interpretation in order to fit the requisite number of waves into a larger degree wave. Therefore, we sought to introduce an objective way for visualizing waves or swings, which is immune to subjective definition and implementation, and can serve as a basis for an unbiased and improved analysis. The Swing Price indicator (Chart 1) is a swing/wave recognition overlay which marks the beginning and end of price swings detected by the indicator’s algorithm. Up swings are painted green, down swings are painted red. By “overlay” we mean that the indicator has no relation to price levels but solely to pattern, and is overlaid over the price chart to merely highlight price swings, not actual price levels. What sets it apart from traditional wave definition methods is that the analysis is done automatically, in real time, based on precise mathematical rules, and not on a forced, ex post facto 12345, ABC, xyz, etc. count. In addition, it incorporates a time element, a subject which will be discussed briefly below:


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Chart 1 It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict that after glancing at the chart above, some “wave practitioners” will not agree with the definition of the waves. We have no objection whatsoever to them sneaking in or ignoring a wave in order to fit their count quota. They should remember, however, that price is the ultimate indicator, and when they subjectively alter the waves, they are finding fault with price, not with the indicator itself. We are leaving the swings/waves unlabeled on purpose, to allow even those who are not Elliott wave (EW) practitioners to incorporate them into their analysis. For those who use the EW nomenclature, it will be easy to discern between motive and corrective waves, between waves of equal duration and waves of different degrees, and they can feel free to apply any count and labeling they see fit. Besides objectivity, there are several other benefits to using this type of wave/swing detection. First is the speed and ease of use, as the indicator will display automatically for any instrument in any time frame. Second, you can display the indicator in its current and higher time frame on the same chart (e.g. daily and weekly [thicker line], Chart 2):


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Chart 2 Third, you can use the data supplied by the indicator to extract information about the current, maximum and average swing/wave duration of a particular instrument. The incorporation of a time element into the visual depiction of the waves adds a new dimension to the analysis. The SwingTime indicator (bottom panel, Chart 3) takes care of this task, and displays the duration information for the respective time frame. It should be noted that waves which fall short of the average wave length are usually of the corrective variety:


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Insight into the swing duration of a particular instrument can be invaluable for fine tuning many other indicators. There are entire books devoted to the topic of adapting the default settings of the most popular TA indicators, so we will not delve into the subject. Suffice it to say that armed with the information from the SwingTime indicator, you no longer will be confined to the default settings club, but will be able to adapt many indicators (think MA’s, MACD, RSI, Stochastic, etc.) to the requirements of a particular instrument in a specific time frame. In addition, the indicator makes it very easy to figure out when to be more liberal or conservative with your stop/loss levels. We have used this insight to fine tune our Hurst channels, which helps us to identify price targets months in advance to within a few cents, as documented here. And we also use this information, among other things, to calibrate our market breadth studies, which have a good track record of signaling price turns (Chart 4):

Chart 4 If a price overlay looks too abstract to some, we have also developed an indicator which combines price pattern and pivot point recognition into one simple but very effective tool (chart 5):


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Chart 5 The SwingPivot indicator gives you the added benefit of highlighting pivot levels directly on the chart, making it very easy to use them as long/short, support/resistance levels, and as price targets above/below which to place stop/loss orders. For options traders, they provide a convenient tool for choosing strike prices for executing their favorite option strategies. Most importantly, they help tremendously with identifying higher highs and higher lows, or lower highs and lower lows, which is indispensable for an accurate definition of trend. In summary, the indicators discussed above have one goal in mind: to make your technical analysis objective, easier and more relevant. You can use them as a stand-alone tool or for a variety of other purposes, such as helping you with placing your stop/loss levels, with your wave identification and count, with fine-tuning the default settings of the many other traditional indicators included in most charting packages, and as a stimulant for further research.


July/August/September 2016



July/August/September 2016


Profitable Trading with Binary Options By Gail Mercer While there are many rumors that suggest binary options are not profitable, with the right mindset and indicators traders can make money with the Nadex Binary Options. Today, June 15th, is a great example of just how easy it is to make money with the Nadex Binary Options, even when the market is not moving because of impending news announcements. The U.S. indices were barely moving. Yet, there were two signals issued. One signal said to buy the 2-hour binary option for the e-mini Dow Jones at 17615 with a minimum expiration of 48 minutes (or the equivalent of a 2-hour binary option). The other signal was for the e-mini S&P 500 to buy at or near 2070.50 with a minimum expiration of 48 minutes. The chart below shows where price was on entry. Basically price was at the TradersHelpDesk Trend Average True Range indicator (plus sign on the chart below). The beauty of binary options is that price doesn’t need to move. It just needs to stay above the strike price. In this case, binaries were entered to the long side for the following strike prices with and expiration at 1pm New York time: US 500 (underlying instrument is the e-min S&P 500) > 2069.8. Risk of $55 per contract was paid on entry. Wall St 30 (underlying instrument is the e-mini Dow Jones) > 17614. Risk of $58 per contract was paid on entry. Typical behavior would be for the ATR to offer support for price to go up or at least bounce thus the charts indicated that price would stay above the ATR for the duration. Although the trader can allow the binary to expire, in this case, a profit target was set at $80 for both binaries. Of course, at any time during the trade, the trader can exit the position with Nadex Binary Options, which is very useful if conditions change (ie price closes below the ATR level). Within one hour the profit target was achieved. The profit (excluding exchange fees) were: S&P 500, $25 per contract traded or $50 trading two contracts Wall St 30 (uses the YM as the underlying), $22 per contract traded or $44 trading two contracts Total profit on trading 2 contracts on each instrument was $94.  The return on investment was 41.59%.  Considering price is hardly moving (less than 10 points on the e-mini Dow and 12 ticks on the e-mini S&P 500), making a return on investment of 41.59% in less than an hour is not bad. Of course, if the market is trending, then binary options give the additional advantage of allowing the trader to build on a great signal, as well (sort of like adding to positions in futures and forex without the unlimited risk exposure). For example, a trader with a bias to the upside, can build long positions using the 2-hour expiration in combination with the daily expiration. Since a new 2-hour expiration is offered every hour on the indices between 8am – 2pm New York time and one daily expirations, one setup can actually generate eight setups. TradersHelpDesk offers state-of-the-art indicators for trading binary options, as well as WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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a binary option signal service for only $99 per month. Simply visit our website at www. or to find out more information.


July/August/September 2016


The EUR/USD: The Big Picture By Jaime Johnson The EUR/USD has, for the most part, traded sideways for the past year and a half with very small net trend change. It has also traded within the same March 2015-August 2015 range. In other words, it has been in a consolidation for the past 16 plus months. The questions are, when will the consolidation end, if not already complete, and what will be the breakout direction? In this article, we will discuss the probable answers to these questions and my reasoning and analysis behind them. We are going to look at pattern and momentum/oscillator position to determine the trend direction and the probable breakout direction from the current consolidation range. While the bottom oscillator used in these charts is a propriety oscillator to the Dynamic Trader software, any oscillator can be used in which the bearish and bullish reversals of the oscillator (or highs and lows of the oscillator) correlate relatively well with the swing highs and lows of the markets. The top oscillator is a Slow Stochastic. This article was written mid-June 2016.

The Bear Trend from the May 2014 High is Probably Not Complete Chart 1 is a EUR/USD monthly chart. Let’s first look at the facts. The May 2014 high completed a corrective high off the July 2012 low and resulted in a very strong bear trend to


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the March 2015 low. Since the Jan. 2015 close, the EUR/USD has had a very small net change as of the time of this writing (mid-June), characteristic of a consolidation. While there may be a breakout up from the consolidation range (in this case, the March 2015 – Aug. 2015 range), a consolidation may also be a correction. The pattern off the March 2015 low has strong corrective characteristics (better seen in Chart 2, weekly EUR/USD data). Corrections usually have overlapping wave patterns just like the pattern from the March 2015 low. If the rally off the March 2015 low is corrective, once the correction is complete, if not already complete, the bear trend off the May 2014 high should continue to eventually below the March 2015 low. Let’s now take a look at the monthly momentum or oscillator position. Chart 1 has two oscillators in which their settings have highs and lows that correlate relatively well with the swing highs and lows of the monthly EUR/USD. Both oscillators are currently Bear, a strong momentum signal the outside reversal month of May is very likely a multi-month high. So regardless if a corrective high off the March 2015 low is complete or not, the net trend of the EUR/USD should be down for at least a few, if not several months. Let’s now talk about the possibility a corrective high off the March 2015 low may not be complete.

EUR/USD Weekly Data Chart 2 is weekly EUR/USD data from the March 2015 low. The overall wave pattern off the March 2015 low is overlapping, characteristic of a correction. However, it is characteristic of a complex correction and when and where a complex correction completes is often difficult to


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determine. The main factor that makes the probable corrective rally off the March 2015 low complex is there are Bullish and Bearish corrective patterns. The March 2015 – Aug. 2015 rally unfolded in an ABC corrective pattern, the Aug. 2015 – Dec. 2015 decline also unfolded in an ABC corrective pattern and the May 2016 high has potentially completed an ABCDE corrective pattern off the Dec. 2015 low. Here is where it gets tricky and confusing. If the May 2016 high is a corrective high, then Dec. 2015 low should eventually be taken out. However, if the Dec. 2016 low is a corrective low, then the Aug. 2015 high should eventually be exceeded and it has not yet been exceeded. This is a warning that a corrective rally off the March 2015 low may not yet be complete. Let’s take a look at weekly closing data to see if it helps clear this up.

EUR/USD Weekly Closing Data Chart 3 is weekly closing data of the EUR/USD off the March 2015 low. Closing data often cleans up the noise caused by intraweek volatility so we can see a clearer pattern. However, since the Forex market is a 24-hour market, it is not a good idea to use closing data in the daily timeframe or lower. However, the Forex market does close every week, so closing data may be used in the weekly timeframe. Looking at the closing data, it looks like there is a clear ABC corrective rally off the March 2015 low. If this is the case and a W.C high is already complete, it could very likely be the completion of the corrective rally off the March 2015 low. If this is the case, the EUR/USD


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should be in a bear trend for several months to below the March 2015 low, if not further. The ABC corrective pattern in weekly closing data and the Bear monthly oscillators suggest an ABC corrective high or at least a multi-month high should be complete. Let’s discuss what other signals may suggest this may be the case.

Signals at least a Multi-Month High Should Be Complete Looking back at the Chart 2, the EUR/USD weekly chart, the swing low of the week ending April 22, 2016 is circled. The trade and weekly close below this low is the initial signal a multi-month high should be complete and any multi-month high in this market could be the completion of a corrective rally off the March 2015 low. Let’s take a look at the weekly oscillators. We already know the monthly oscillators are Bear, but the weeklies are Bull which signal the net trend of the EUR/USD should be sideways to up for the next 2-3 weeks. However, if there is weekly oscillator Bear Reversal (the fast line crosses below the slow line) without the May high exceeded, this would be another strong signal a multi-month high is complete, the May high is very likely an ABCDE corrective high off the Dec. 2015 low and another signal a potential corrective high off the March 2015 low may be complete. Please recall, this article was written mid-June, so this Bear Reversal may have already been made or the May high may have been exceeded voiding the completion of the corrective highs. It is always important to have signals that support or void your analysis in order to make good trading decisions.

Our Outlook is Bearish With a probable overload of information just given, I will simply state the probable direction of the EUR/USD over the next several months: DOWN, BEAR! With the monthly oscillator Bear, the next weekly oscillator Bear Reversal will very likely be followed by the continuation of the Bear trend off the May high for several trading months and if the corrective highs are complete, the Dec. 2015 low, if not the March 2015 low should be taken out.

So, What Side of the Market Should You Be On? While there are many global ramifications caused by the long term trend directions of the EUR/USD and its inverse Dollar, you may not have much interest in this if you are a shorter term trader of the EUR/USD or Dollar. So, please keep in mind, during a multi- month Bear trend, there should be multi-day to multi-week corrective rallies to the Bear trend which can also be taken advantage of in the lower degree time frames. So regardless the direction or time frame you choose to trade, always use objective trade entry strategies, always use stop-losses, trade more than one unit and have exit strategies for each unit, use stop-loss adjustment strategies, use a money management plan and most importantly, be disciplined enough to stick to these trade strategies. For education on practical trade strategies for every timeframe to take advantage of the potential multi-month decline in the EUR/USD and for corrective rallies during this decline, check out my NoBSFX Trading course (info below).


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More Information as the Market Unfolds With the EUR/USD, as well as any other market, more information is revealed on whether the longer term outlook is correct or not as the market unfolds. For continued analysis of the EUR/USD as well as many more top Forex markets as they unfold and for further education on the analysis used in this article, check out the NoBSFX Daily Reports and the NoBSFX Net Trend Video Reports (info below). Jaime Johnson is a full time trader and the author of the NoBSFX Trading Workshop, the NoBSFX Daily Reports and the NoBSFX Net Trend Video Reports. For complete information, go to or send him an email at [email protected].

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Get everything we have for only $19.95 per year Save 50% over our regular subscription of $39.95

QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


July/August/September 2016



Long term analysts are calling for a correction in the stock market that should last approximately five years. Elliott Wave charts are suggesting that the present wave is major WAVE V up, with an ABC correction to follow. This can be seen in the chart in Figure 1, where the Elliott Wave count is suggesting a WAVE V failure, a very bearish indicator. With computer trading gradually taking over market trading, a wave five failure is becoming more and more common. In the book, Elliott Wave Principle, by Frost and Prechter, published November 1978, they show charts in the initial pages, where WAVE 5 is equal to WAVE 1. ‘For the most part, five-wave formations have clear-cut wavelike characteristics with infrequent irregularities except for what are known as extensions.’ The book further explains Failures. (page 32) Elliott used the word failure to describe a five-wave pattern of movement in which the fifth impulse wave fails to move above the end of the third. – Failures give warning of underlying weakness or strength in the market and tell us more about the reality of stock market life than most of us care to hear.” In all my years of stock market trading (I started in 1969), I have found that a WAVE 5 failure leads to a long term Bear market. In recent years, with computer trading becoming more and more active, I have noticed that WAVE 5 failures are becoming more and more common. Is this because of the algorithms used in the computer programs or is it because computers are becoming more and more intelligent in analyzing the market? Time alone will tell. My chart in Figure 1 is a monthly chart of the S&P500 index with an Elliott Wave count suggesting a WAVE V failure. This is confirmed by both the RSI 14 and MACD indicators which are both in SELL mode. Figure 1.


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The other charts I watch that are suggesting that the market could be moving into a recession, are the Presidential cycle (Figure 2) and the Kondratieff Wave (Figure 3). Figure 2.

Figure 3.

The Presidential cycle in Figure 2 shows how the share market always tends to correct in the final year of a President’s term of office, and only starts correcting upwards when a newly elected President starts exerting his influence on the financial market. With President Bush, the chart shows that it took two years before the market started recovering. With President Obama, recovery was immediate. What for the year 2017? Whoever the next President will be, WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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one can only guess how long it will take for the Index to start recovering. Of course this will depend on the financial policy of that President. The Kondratieff Wave shown in Figure 3, was developed by the Soviet economist Nikolai Kondratieff and brought to international attention in his book The Major Economic Cycles, in 1925. The K-Wave is calling for a minor correction in 2016 with a major correction in 2019. This does tie in with an Elliot Wave ABC correction, Wave A being a down wave, Wave B an up wave and Wave C a major long term down correction. As we can see from the chart, the corrections down never occurred exactly as called for by the K-wave, and the recovery always occurred before the recovery date predicted by the K-Wave. This is because the Kondratieff Wave is an analysis of the economic cycle, and the S&P500 index is a measure of the stock market cycle. However, the K-Wave does give us an indication of what to expect for the future. Combined with the Presidential cycle, it is something that should not be ignored. So, what is the strategy one should follow when the market goes BEAR? Sell everything and hide the money under the mattress, or are there other strategies one could follow? Many investors buy conservative dividend or interest paying stocks. Their strategy being that as the market falls, hopefully the cash they receive as the dividend/interest, will cover the loss of the share price. Other investors go for gold, believing that price of gold will rise as the market corrects. Still others however follow the strategy of a very successful market investor. His name? WARREN BUFFETT. Warren Buffet looks for solid companies; companies he knows will survive a major market correction, and recover strongly. His BUY and HOLD strategy is well known, but many smaller investors find it emotionally difficult to handle. Buying shares that Warren Buffett owns can be expensive. So, following the Buy and Hold strategy, and looking for little known companies that have a solid financial position can be difficult. However, below is a strategy I developed to analyze a company fundamentally and tell one whether the company is one that can be bought without fear of a major collapse as the market corrects. In 1986, I worked for a stock broking company in South Africa as a technical analyst. In the office, next to me, was a fundamental analyst. We would often sit and chat over a cup of coffee and he taught me a great deal about how to analyze a company fundamentally. With his assistance, I developed an excel spreadsheet strategy that would tell me whether a company was a sound company that should be invested in. The strategy worked so well when combined with Technical Analysis, that the South African Securities Commission accused me of insider trading after I advised investors on what to buy. I spent a nervous morning explaining to their committee the method I used to analyze a company. Figure 4.


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The chart in Figure 4 is a copy of a portion of my spreadsheet that shows the values I would look for. I adopted four targets for investing. If the Buy If = 5, then I would analyze the company technically looking for a possible entry point. If the Buy if = 6, I would look for that entry point and advise investors to raise an overdraft at the bank to buy the share. If the Buy if = 7, I would advise investors to raise an overdraft, put their house in mortgage and buy the share. If the Buy if = 8, I would advise investors to raise an overdraft, mortgage their house, sell their motorcar and golf clubs and buy the share. In all my years of analyzing companies, I had only one Buy if = 8, and that was when the South African Securities Commission accused me of insider trading after I had advised clients to buy the shares of the company. If you, the Reader, are interested in using the spreadsheet, you may contact me at jaxxinn@, and I will send it to you. There is a charge for it, however. You have to place $1 in the tin cup of a female beggar sitting on a street corner. I must add that one shareholder in Spain did so well using the strategy, that he put $1000.00 in the tin cup of a female beggar, then had to call an ambulance because she fainted. So, to conclude. With a major market collapse in the offing, looking for a share to buy following the Warren Buffett strategy of Buy and Hold, use the Fundamental Analysis strategy shown in Figure 4. Identify a company you would like to own shares of and then use technical analysis to determine the entry point to buy the share. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Gold Buy Signals By Stephen Kalayjian Gold prices declined in October and November of 2015, falling to the 1,046 level in early December. Gold had significant support at the 1,040 level. This was the level at which the International Monetary Fund sold 200 metric tons of gold to India’s central bank in 2009, prompting a move in gold prices up to the 1,100 level. The U.S. dollar was gaining strength with the expectation that the Federal Reserve was going to be more hawkish than dovish. This rally in the U.S. dollar put heavy pressure on the gold commodity. When the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided to raise the federal funds rate by 0.25% at their December meeting they were optimistic that the U.S. economy was going to gain strength and that their 2% inflation target would be met in 2016. The Federal Reserve also forecast four rate hikes in 2016. Everyone was bearish gold with the thought that the Federal Reserve would maintain a very hawkish tone. The selloff in gold ended once the Federal Reserve was done with their comments for 2015. I started to see some significant buy divergences on the daily chart for gold. There were two great buy divergences in gold that I caught below the 1,100 level. Gold investors did not seem to believe the Federal Reserve in any way. Typically when the Federal Reserve has a significantly hawkish tone it will put downward pressure on commodity prices. Gold continued making higher highs. Gold investors respectfully disagreed with the Federal Reserve’s 2016 rate hike forecast, providing underlying support of the commodity. In late January I stated that if gold took out the 1131.30 level on the weekly chart it would test the 1,300 level within the next six months. Gold closed above this level in the week ending February 5th, providing a significant buy signal on the weekly chart for gold. With this significant buy signal gold continued to trend higher in the months ahead.


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After their March meeting the FOMC stated that they were now only forecasting two rate hikes in 2016 and that their inflation target may not be met in 2016. In addition European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi stated that he expected inflation in the Eurozone to remain low for quite some time. These statements helped push gold even higher. Using my proprietary software one can see the double buy divergence on the weekly chart for gold. The first buy divergence is the stochastic getting oversold with a positive MACD. The second buy divergence is the stochastic getting oversold with a rising ADX. With this double buy divergence gold rallied almost 100 dollars from a low of 1207.70 in the week ending April 1st up to a high of 1306.00 in the week ending May 6th. In addition the KnowVera Trend Channel was very strong during this pullback into my 10-bar weighted moving average, setting up a beautiful pattern. Currently the central banks of Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, and the Eurozone have negative interest rates. Denmark’s central bank has been experimenting with negative

interest rates for the longest period of time, setting their interest rate below zero for the first time in 2012. The experiment of negative interest rates has not been effective in stimulating economies. Gold is in a perfect scenario for a move to higher levels. The technicals are significantly bullish for gold on the daily, weekly, and monthly charts. With the worldwide economic slowdown and weak U.S. economic data expectations for hikes in the federal funds rate during 2016 are low. Central banks are attempting to be as dovish as possible in both their language and approach. Gold traders do not believe that the Federal Reserve will be raising the federal funds rate with the current worldwide economic slowdown. I do not believe that the FOMC will choose to raise the federal funds rate at any meeting before the November presidential election. I believe there is a 50-50 chance that they will choose to raise the federal funds rate during 2016 after the election is over. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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In the last 8-9 years the Federal Reserve has spent over 4.5 trillion dollars on quantitative easing. After all of this spending the second estimate of U.S. 2016 first-quarter GDP was reported at a mere 0.8%. In addition durable goods and retail sales are significantly sluggish and the U.S. manufacturing sector is weakening. Investors are losing faith in the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is under significant pressure to kick start the economy; however its mandate is to maintain price stability and monitor employment. The employment was the bright hope for the U.S. economy but is now pulling back. In April nonfarm payrolls increased by 160,000, less than the expected increase of 200,000. In May nonfarm payrolls increased by 38,000, much less than the expected increase of 158,000. Now is not the time for the Federal Reserve to even be thinking about raising the federal funds rate. In 2012 when the unemployment rate was above 8.5% the Federal Reserve stated that they would look to start raising the federal funds rate once the unemployment rate fell below 6.5%. If they had done so the federal funds rate would now be around 1.0%, providing the Federal Reserve the option to cut the federal funds rate. The unemployment rate was at 5.1% when the FOMC decided to raise the federal funds rate by 0.25% at their December 2015 meeting. The Federal Reserve waited until too late in the recovery cycle to begin raising the federal funds rate. A hike of the federal funds rate would be bearish for gold. If the FOMC does choose to raise the federal funds rate at any meeting before the presidential election it would be for political reasons. It would be done with the goal of strengthening the U.S. dollar to help the Bank of Japan and the ECB by devaluing the yen and the euro. A devaluation of their currency would make their exports more attractive, giving a boost to their economies. I believe there is only a 15% chance of the FOMC choosing to act for these reasons. -Stephen Kalayjian is the Chief Market Strategist of KnowVera and the creator of Pattern Recognition 101. More information on Pattern Recognition 101 can be found at www. Sign up for his daily newsletter, “The Kalayjian Report”, at www. Follow Steve on Twitter at @stevekalayjian.


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July/August/September 2016


High Probability Price Prediction for Trading and Investing By Thomas Barmann of NeverLossTrading Today, you are invited for interpreting the actual chart situation with the help of mathematical models to specify the future happening with high predictability. Price moves of all underlying assets show a cyclic nature, with at times radical directional price moves in the one or other direction. Simple math models will not allow predicting such dynamic happenings; however, pre-stages of stronger price moves can be measured and their outcome predicted in a Markov chain, where the measuring of the happening of NOW helps us to predict the future. Chart-1: Seismic Reading and Predicting of the Price Motion

Markov chains are mathematical systems that hop from one “state” (a situation or set of values) to another. For example, if you made a Markov chain model of price behavior, you might include “upwards moving”, “sideways moving”, and “down moves” as states, which together with other behaviors could form a ‘state space’: a list of all possible states. In addition, on top of the state space, a Markov chain tells you the probability of hopping, or transitioning, from one state to any other state---e.g., the chance for a price move from currently being sideways will move up in a defined time period, without moving down first. You might see now, why simple moving-average-based systems like MACD, Stochastic, CCI, RSI, and Bollinger Band… do only consider one dimension of trading, relating the happening of the past to portray the future. Ask yourself, what does the price move from the last 50 and 200 days have to do with the price action of now? If trading or investing was manageable with such simple math: one moving average crossing over the other is giving an indication to go long or short in an asset; everybody would be rich already. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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However, considering a Markov chain alone is not good enough for a high predictive system; hence, additional help was found in the chaos theory, where a disorder is detectable: a disorder is a happening that can be measured and extrapolated by filtering and portraying an underlying pattern to describe the actual- and future happening and how to react. Using this knowledge and combining chaos theory and Markov chain with filtering mechanisms from the signal transmission theory: Hamming distance and analogue digital conversion, NeverLossTrading was developed into a high probability trading system, where mathematical relations are used to predict the future by the happening of NOW. Chart-2: How Filtering Models Help to Find Price Turning Points

Chart-2 shows our newest development: NeverLossTrading TurnPoint trading, where multiple algorithms help you to determine new price directions, price limiting and price breakout lines (horizontal lines: NLT Box Lines). Why does signal theory help to determine future price moves? You take the help of a computer to analyze the underlying price pattern, filtering patterns which more likely lead to a directional price move from others that do not. In technical terms: you are filtering the signal from noise, determining instances that have the underlying pattern that might lead to a price action from those that do not produce a predictable future happening. Math is the science we use to translate the natural model of changes in supply and demand into something predictable: Institutional investments stand for more than 85% of all market happening and help us to make the price action predictable. When institutional leaders take action, other market participants notice this and act. When a new price direction develops and is confirmed by the price action of other institutional investors, it is time to participate in a directional trade: WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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The action of one, leads to the action of another. This is why we call our model activity based trading. It follows a natural model, using computers to determine and follow underlying price action. Our models are not auto trading systems: the final decision is yours and we share with you how to balance the power of the human mind with the power of data analysis by real time computers, which you can operate from the comfort of your home or any place with internet connection. Chart-3: NeverLossTrading Price Move Model

NeverLossTrading is using a fractal based math: A fractal is a never-ending pattern with the following characteristics: Fractals are infinitely repeating patterns that are self-similar across different scales: various time frames, tick charts, range bars. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop: an initiation of a price change causes a reaction. Driven by recursion, fractals portray dynamic systems and thus, give an ability to predict the future happening with a high probability. Chart-4: Fractal Diagram, Based on the Mandelbrot Theory


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Chart-4 demonstrates how to spot those repetitive patterns, allowing you to act on all considerable times, ticks, or ranges; however, we also share in our mentorships preferred and meaningful considerations. Based on this knowledge, NeverLossTrading and were developed and are shared as mentorship programs; working together one-on-one with experienced- and new traders over longer periods of time to ensure the learned is applied accordingly. In summary: there are four dimensions to measure and extrapolate a pre-price-move happening: Price Momentum Change measured as acceleration in the price move of the underlying. Statistical Volatility Change: price moves per observed time frame. Price Move Constellation over time. Volume Momentum Change in the observed time frames, similar but measured differently to price momentum change. In a simple summary: with the help of multiple algorithms, pre-stages of a change in supply and demand are detected and dissected that might lead to a directional price move; however, trades are not immediately accepted, other market participants have to confirm the new price direction and only when this is given, a trade or an investment is accepted: see chart-3. Using real time data, NeverLossTrading algorithms paint the happening with the help of modern vector graphics on your chart, helping you to easily spot and follow supply and demand patterns that repeat themselves based on the happening of NOW for all asset classes and all considerable time-, tick- or range-frames and is applied by day traders, swing traders and long-term investors. NeverLossTrading is not a promise that you never lose a trade, the brand name comes from teaching trade repair concepts: when a trade goes against you, you have the ability for a trade repair, with the potential that you can even turn a loser into a winner: Never Stop Loss Trading was a bit lengthy. After a lot of theory, let us give you some practical examples: Many traders rather prefer short- to long-term engagements. If this is the case, how can you benefit from long-term price happenings that are for example expressed in the NLT Long-Term Investor Alert? In our teaching, we share the relation of weekly- and 4-hour charts; however, the question is: How to put this into action? WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Here are the action steps to take: Carry the symbols with weekly NLT Top-Line Signals (Power Tower, Early Up, Early Down) onto your watch list for the entire week. Use the NLT TurnPoint lower study signal and trade the buy- or sell signals, preferred at NLT Box breakouts (this study indicates assumed institutional buy-/sell-programs). Either trade very short-term after signal confirmation, for 1-candle; or hold overnight on a stronger directional price-move: up to 4-candles. When trading for a 4-candle-price-move, please consider that after a 2-SPU price expansion, we assume an 85% risk of the price-move for haltering or reversing and thus you better take profits. The dot target on the charts is set at 1-SPU. In case you have a stock symbol with a last hour NLT TurnPoint signal that is confirmed on at the opening of the new week, trade this instance for two candles and exit your trade. Swing-/Day Trading Example In the week of April 11, 2016, JPM had a weekly NLT Top-Line PowerTower signal (Buy>62.91) to the upside (blue). Unfortunately a NLT Box Line cut the potential price-move-to-target short, which limits the trading opportunity; however you can capitalize in this trade situation by using a 4-hour chart and the NLT TurnPoint signal from the lower study. Chart-5: JPM Weekly Signal

At the above chart, the chosen trade was with the direction of the PowerTower candle; however, if you find a confirmed NLT TurnPoint signal that points in the opposite direction, it is valid too. We report symbols with the referring chart setups on multiple time frames. When you are using NLT Top-Line, you are even in possession of a scanner that helps you to find symbols with a desired strong individual price move setup. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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To help the beginning trader, our basic system: has a watch list indicator that helps you to filter up to 50 symbols for the desired trade setup, at the click of your mouse. From the NLT Alert, JPM came on the 4-hour watch list and is traded with one of the NLT TurnPoint signals that was developed to identify assumed institutional buy- and sell programs: a strong price happening with high predictability. Chart-6: JPM 4-Hour Chart

On the JPM chart, the lower study signal is moved to the price chart for demonstration purposes, indicating that an institutional buy program was confirmed and followed through for 4-candles. The stop is set 2%-of-1-SPU below the low of the trade initiation candle and produced a very favorable reward/risk constellation on a one- or four-bar trade. Let us continue to validate the JPM signals, moving to the left, looking at the orange earlyup signal (scroll up and see the JPM Weekly Signal Chart) on the weekly chart on 01-25-2016 candle at the price action of the 4-hour chart. Chart-7: JPM 4-Hour Chart 2/1-2/5/2016 with two confirmed signals on 2/2 and 2/8/2016


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The JPM’s signal confirmation in this case was opposite to the original NLT Early Up signal and good for a solid directional price move with favorable reward/risk setup. If you are not yet subscribed to the NLT Long-Term Investor Alert, you can subscribe online: In case you are not yet familiar with NLT TurnPoint trading, our latest development, please feel free to email us: [email protected] Another alternative to participate with a limited risk in weekly NLT Top-Line setups is to engage into specifically defined option trades, with the following imperatives: Assumed 2-week duration. Favorable SPU-based price-offer to buy put or call options inexpensive; allowing for high leverage, as demonstrated below in our SPU-related calculation table: Option trades carry a high risk; hence, you want to trade for solid returns.

This type trading is explained in the NLT-mentorships and we also show you how to repair trades that do not work in the desired direction. SPU is an NLT-in-house development to calculate the expected price move after institutional engagement is detected and confirmed: SPU stands for speed unit, a statistical volatility measure specific to NeverLossTrading. Please take a look at our offering…click. Let us know if there is a system that catches your attention and feel free to receive a personal, live demonstration: [email protected] If you are not yet part of our free trading tips, reports, and webinars, you can sign up here…click. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


In the next example, we are sharing a US stock market opening trade with you: Many of the US-stocks trade at other exchanges around the globe and thus, new price points are established prior to the US-market opening and investors will quickly catch up to those. Our scanners use an algorithm to find stocks, which have institutional pre-market attention and we can take trades on various time-bases to follow the anticipated directional price moves. In this publication, we focus on what we call the NLT Speed Trade, which is showing the following repetitive chart setup: A price-move signal on the selected stocks, initiated in the first five minutes of the market opening; closing the trade the latest by 9:46 a.m. EST. From our NLT Pre-Market Movers Alert, we also accept trades initiated at or after 10 a.m. EST, for day trading the selected stocks, which we will not further explain here. The NLT Pre-Market-Movers-Alert is sent out on a daily basis prior to 9 a.m. EST, highlighting stocks, futures and FOREX pairs, where our scanners found institutional activity and trade potentials. Chart-9: NLT Pre Market Movers Alert Pre-Market P/E Ratio Movers



(8) Energy Equipment & Services (1) Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels 38 Machinery 47 Household Products 16 Biotechnology 26 Pharmaceuticals 9 Banks 10 Consumer Finance 9 Insurance 3 Internet Software & Services 30 Internet Software & Services (40) Software





$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

44.82 54.01 72.43 71.98 267.25 50.92 44.47 69.95 43.42 79.80 70.43 59.03

Expected Expected 20- 20-Min. 20-Min. Min. Return Option Price Potential Move

Expected Expected Gap Potential Opening Price Opening Yesterday's Yesterday's NLT Yesterday's Yesterday's Yesterday's Pre- Weekly Opening Opening Announcer Point Price Move Momentum Trend Reference Purple Zone NLT NLT Volume Market Options Move Move (careful) Indicator Volatility Volume Return (mill.)

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1.29 1.55 1.19 0.63 3.91 1.15 0.63 1.05 0.66 0.98 1.16 0.88

2.9% Potential 2.9% Potential 1.6% Potential 0.9% 1.5% Potential 2.3% Potential 1.4% 1.5% Potential 1.5% 1.2% Potential 1.7% Potential 1.6% Potential

0.45 0.54 0.42 0.22 1.37 0.41 0.22 0.37 0.23 0.34 0.41 0.31

1.0% 1.0% 0.6% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.6% 0.5%

higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ higher @ lower @ lower @

$ 44.80 $ 54.06 $ 72.95 $ 71.98 $ 268.01 $ 51.00 $ 44.73 $ 67.70 $ 43.46 $ 80.11 $ 67.75 $ 56.00

0.0% down 0.1% HF up 0.7% up 0.0% up 0.3% HF down 0.2% down 0.6% down -3.2% down 0.1% down 0.4% up -3.8% up -5.1% down

up new up down up down down up up down up down up



Strong Down Breakout Diff. Down

HF Down Power Tower Strong Down Strong Down Strong Down

Strong Down Strong Down Strong Down Strong Down Strong Down

Trend Strong Down

Trend Diff. Down Strong Down

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1



The NLT Pre-Market Movers Alert indicates:

Symbols highlighted in: red and green – preferred stocks with less expectancy for an intraday gap. Yellow symbols might show an intraday gap, based on spotty volumes. P/E-ration (not important for this trade). Sector: helping you to not select multiple stocks from one industry sector. NASDAQ stock, highlighting preferred assets. Last: yesterday’s closing price. Expected 20-minute price move, when the opening NLT Box is surpassed. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


Expected return on the 20-minute price move (speaks for itself). 20-Min. Option Potential: Highlighted are stocks with a price move above the minimum price threshold, while we prefer red and green highlighted stocks for option trades. Expected Opening Price Move: This is important to set your initial target and stop for the Speed Trade. Expected Opening Return: Calculation of your return on cash for the Speed Trade at the expected target. Gap Announcer: highlighting symbols with what we call a strong opening gap and you learn how to handle those in a separate teaching. Potential Opening Price: Indication of the stock being expected to open higher or lower compared to the closing price, with an estimated opening price. By calculating this price point about 1-hour prior to market opening, you can expect some variance. Opening Price Move (%): Indication of the percentage-move: last price to opening price. Yesterday’s Momentum and Trend, telling you on a daily chart basis how the prices progressed. NLT Reference indicator shows where and which strongest daily signal was reported by the end of the prior day. NLT Purple Zone highlights stocks with an ambiguous price development and expected higher volatility. NLT Volatility is a measure of price fluctuation per time unit, indicating a pre-stage of institutional activity. NLT Volume, indicates volume changes over time. Pre-Market volume tells you how many stocks were exchanged by the time we took the premarket measure. Weekly options, highlights stocks with weekly options. We teach you the meaning of above variables and how to integrate them into your trading. With such alert on hand, you can daily operate with clear cut mechanical rules, trading the markets in you favor, by utilizing high predictability of continued happenings. Day Trading Example: NLT Speed Trade Execution


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Put your trading candidates on a four- or six-grid chart. Best: select one share per industry sector only. Find your potential chart setup, only when a new NLT Box is drawn at the opening candle of the observed stock. On a box-width > opening price move, take the candle off the considered symbol list. When the second candle breaks the box, it indicates a buy- or sell opportunity and you can find your entry multiple ways: Conservative: Set a buy-stop-order, 2-cents above the NLT Box Line; a sell stop, 2-cents below the box line. Another alternative is a market order, given the fact that we are operating with penny-wide bid/ask spreads. Progressive: Enter with a limit order on a potential pull back price level, which is giving you a favorable entry price, but you are risking that the trade might run away from you. Order type: Prepare a bracket order, using the expected opening price move as target and stop; then adjust your stop after your order is filled, setting it 2-cents below the opposite box line On an intraday gap, try to catch it by using the Conservative rule above:

Chart-10: AFL from May 11, 2016 At the second candle, the price gapped up and validated the entry; hence, you place your buystop-order two cents above the NLT Box line. In the continuation of this candle, the target price was reached and got you in the trade.

AFL is one of the stocks we highlight in yellow/orange and thus they are more prone to a potential intraday gap than red or green highlighted stocks.

Time Based Exit: If the target is not reached by 9:46 a.m. EST, close your position. Odds Evaluation: When a very big first candle is drawn, never risk more than the expected price move. When our stop price level violates this rule, do not take the trade. The idea of the trade is WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


to rather trade for a bigger distance than the risk you take. Chart-11: BP on May 10, 2016

Chart Summary: The stock was on the list of highlighted symbols on the NLT Pre-Market Movers Alert and opened higher. The first candle drew a NLT Box, meeting the pre-conditions for the trade. The second candle highlighted the breakout and gave the buying opportunity, with a buy stop order at the NLT Box Line or a market order below. The expected price move from the NLT Box-Line was18-cents (blue line). The initial stop was 18-cents wide, however was adjusted to 15-cents by the Box Line. The setup fulfilled the minimum conditions that we do not accept a risk higher than the reward. The time based exit was triggered prior to a target being reached. Had you stayed for further 2-minutes in the trade, you would have harvested at the original target. We also operate with clear cut rules for Futures- and FOREX trading. You experience in our mentorships how we work one-on-one with you, focusing on your personal wants and needs, developing a business plan for you: Financial plan and action plan.


July/August/September 2016


If you want to be part of our NeverLossTrading network, please check our offering…click. Let us know if there is a system that catches your attention and feel free to receive a

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personal, live demonstration: contact@ If you are not yet part of our free trading tips, reports, and webinars, you can sign up here… click. We are looking forward to hearing back from you. Good trading, Thomas Disclaimer This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative







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July/August/September 2016



The news has always had a trying effect on the financial markets. Stock markets, commodity markets, stock markets, futures and forex markets all can be attributed by how the news is projected within certain world events. News and information that deal with the economy, finance and politics tend to be leading indicators on how global markets may react, in most cases. Corruption in governments, financial and political policies, Federal Reserve statements and economic policies have impacted or somehow subjected a certain role on how the markets distribute certain outcomes, because of how information and the news are portrayed to the public invariably. When global uncertainty is are on the horizon, stocks tend to be more negative and begin to falter downward or drop. When good information or news is brought about, for example a company’s earnings beat expectations or analysts predicate the economy with a “good bill of health” the stock market tends to make drastic progress and raise higher. Federal Reserve policies have enormous effects on the global markets. When the Fed increase or decreases the interest rates, the market reacts and the reaction may be good, subtle or bad. This is all relative to the trader and the position he/she has on their trading techniques. In trading (depending on the side that you may be on); there is a massive inclination that either you will profit or you will lose money. Your stop losses minimize your losses and assist you to maximize your gains. The Feds policies have an effect on the financial markets and the position one may take, because when the news and information if forthcoming; enlists how the global markets will move entirely. Information is important when coming to the global markets, when new information is presented the markets have a field day, no one quite knows which direction the financial markets will tend to lean toward but news presented on certain information can sway market directions instantly and probably decisively in some occassions, either up or down, sideway movements, directly or indirectly, this can all be approached because of the how the markets decipher information and relevant news sources, along with price action and other indicating variables. All news and information may not be credible and rumors can play a major role on how the markets take in the information and news that is relayed upon. Rumors of false information can mislead investors and traders, which then can leads to false returns for the investor, speculator or trader. Traders, analysts, speculators and Investors seek information and news sources to anticipate the trend of the markets they are dealing with. Information and news for the day approaches, then the speculators, traders and investors along with analysts can take an educated and systematic approach on their trades to get the best and highest returns. The news perceived to them has a huge effect because they want to foresee if they are in the WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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“money” or “out the money” and know how to proceed if they are in the wrong side of the trade. All these factors can bring about how the movements of the global markets are swayed and which angle or direction the markets will move in. The news detail how and if the markets will respond accordingly or spontaneously, given certain responses. World views inclination of the markets and the news that is issued is important to monitor in all cases because this shows how information or world views can shape policy; which then shapes how the markets should scale the information that is coming to it. Once news andinformation comes about and is out there for the public, the trajectory is wide and clear and the outcome is totally dependent on what the markets want to do with that information that has come about. A person can’t predict the direction or trend of the market even if he/she is a fortune teller; they still would get the prediction wrong. The market has its own mind; it decides if it wants to be choppy or if it wants to be trend like and most times it will both factors in one. The portrayal by the investor, trader, and/or analyst is to monetize from the market s, and to scope out what direction the markets may or may not want to go in, in hindsight the choice is entirely up to the global financial markets. The big news story and credible information that being perceived lately as of the spring of 2016 has been the BREXIT, Great Britain instituting a referendum vote to leave the European Union. The global markets have been carefully treading the outcome of the decision by the citizens of Great Britain, and seeing how the outcome can affect the markets significantly. Great Britain leaving the EU would have a serious effect on the currency markets, and possibly every other market associated with the economic and financial stability of the global community. The domino effect on the euro currency as well as the British pound may have serious implications as well, or it may not, no one truly knows yet. No one can really know what the outcome may be until it actually happens. There will be strong volatility because the markets had anticipated being friction with the outcome, if and when Great Britain was to leave. Analysts, spectators and observers are watching how the outcome may affect the European region and the markets, when one sees financial reporting on the subject no one or news entity has a clear indication on how the markets will respond to it, but one thing is for sure that strong volatile and fluctuations of the markets; will continue to occur and the outcome may not be what most expect to happen, it really comes down to how an individual will trade the market when the vote is announced at the end of it all. The news and the information relayed have an effect on the global financial markets in many ways, whether one looks at it objectively or subjectively; the implications could not be clearer. The trend that the markets portray are fundamental and technical in nature, but major political, financial and economical information that is released to the public masses tend to reflect the state of emotion; that can presented by the markets anticipation and trend settings. Does one use his and her emotion to trade most of the time? Absolutely, in fact the majority of people who invest or trade use their emotions to relay on their unique trading styles, this may come from information and/or a news sources they read, heard about, and rely on; now whether the information or news sources they attain are credible; in retrospect that is a different issue. –SB INFO ABOUT THE WRITER: Samuel Bassey has an MBA degree, he is an avid and loyal WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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trader, as well as real estate investor. He is an entrepreneur, investor, trader, writer, columnist, consultant and all around talented guy. He is founder and writer for his own & websites, which has a Youtube Channel (EFR.TV) and an acclaimed podcast show on www.soundcloud. com/economic-financereport entitled EFR Podcast (Economic & Finance Report Podcast). Sammy has a real estate investment website, which covers all aspects of real estate buying, selling and investing, his website can be seen at Check more from Samuel Bassey, MBA aka “Businessman Bassey” & “Financier Sammy Bassey”@ & You can hear his economic, finance and business show @ He can be reached via email @ [email protected].

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QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

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July/August/September 2016


Elliott Wave Analysis Case Study + Fibonacci of United Technologies By Peter Goodburn

 The United Aircraft Corporation was an American aircraft manufacturer formed in 1934 at the break-up of United Aircraft and Transport Corporation. In 1975, the company became the United Technologies Corporation. Our historical data begins tracking this equity from January 1972 – it incorporates the major low traded in Dec,’73 at 0.64 which also defined the end of major declines for benchmark indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (570.00 – Dec.’74).  The Dec.’73 low synchronises with cycle wave 4 in all major U.S. indices. The following medium-term uptrend is labelled cycle wave 5 – so far this remains incomplete. Original upside targets to 240.18 have now been raised to 392.81-410.74+/-. An attempt to this area is consistent with our prolonged cycle degree uptrend for major indices.  Cycle wave 5 must ultimately unfold into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, in primary degree. Primary wave 5 began this final advance from the financial-crisis low of 37.40 – with ultimate targets to 392.81410.74+/-, it is considered an attempt will still take several more years, ending into the end of this decade, perhaps extending into the first few years of the next.  Shorter-term, we consider the Feb.’16 low at 83.39 as ending a counter-trend phase of declines that began from the all-time-high of 124.45, traded exactly one-year earlier, in Feb.’15. Even though there remains an outside risk of a break below 83.39 to 73.56+/-, this would only occur if major indices break below the equivalent Feb.’16 lows and even if it does, it would not change the implications of continuing the mediumterm uptrend unless the Oct.’11 low is breached below 66.87. Elliott Wave Analysis The medium-term uptrend updated in our last report remains intact with UTX building higher from the financial-crisis lows as primary wave 5 – see fig #1. It must be said however that the depth of its decline during the last year, from all-time-high of 124.45 has been deeper by comparison to the major indices, the Dow Jones (DJIA) and the S&P 500. This means its relative wave count changes too, although the implications for the next several years remains bullish, within its dominant uptrend. Medium-term upside targets for cycle wave 5 that began from the Dec.’73 low of 0.64 are raised to 392.81-410.74+/- as a direct result of the depth of more recent declines over the last 12-month period. Cycle wave 5 must ultimately subdivide into a primary degree five wave pattern, labelled 1-2-3-4-5. Wave 3 can be seen undergoing ‘price-expansion’, is the longest ‘impulse’ wave sequence beginning from the March ’82 low of 1.95. Furthermore, it ‘resonates’ to perfect Fibonacci-Price-Ratio measurements that coalesce into its high at 82.50 of Oct.’07. This is derived where intermediate waves (1)-(4) are extended by a fib. 61.8% ratio. This validates the authenticity of primary wave 3’s completion. This is corroborated where primary wave 1 is extended by a fib. 161.8% ratio (0.64-4.11) measuring to close proximity, at 83.30! Primary wave 4’s decline during the financial-crisis collapse ended into the March ’09 date, the same as all major U.S. indices. Primary wave 5 has since begun a final advance as part of this medium-term uptrend that is already 36-years of age. Its ultimate targets are derived as follows - by extending the beginning of the medium-term uptrend, the initial 1-2-1 sequence that incorporates primary wave 1 to intermediate wave (1)’s high (0.64-7.56) by a fib. 161.8% ratio, projecting 410.74+/-. Primary wave 5 is subdividing into a five wave expanding-impulse pattern, labelled in in intermediate WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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degree, (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5). Extending intermediate wave (1) to 91.83 by a fib. 161.8% ratio projects a final high at 392.81+/-. Final Remarks Note that the overlap of the July ’11 high of 91.83 with the Feb.’16 low at 83.39 necessitates labeling primary wave 5 as beginning a 1-2-1-2 sequence, i.e. (1)-(2)-i.-ii. There is a short-term risk that minor wave ii. two could break the 83.39 level and seek lower support at 73.56+/-, but this is considered unlikely given major lows for indices. The medium-term uptrend will only be negated below the Oct.’11 low of 66.87. Peter Goodburn is the senior Elliott Wave analyst at WaveTrack International and is the author of the monthly institutional Elliott Wave-Navigator report and the bi-weekly private client Elliott Wave-Compass report. Details at


July/August/September 2016


A Winning System by Ron Jaenisch

When using the Andrews techniques, Professor Alan Andrews suggested that one should make well over one hundred percent per year. When he demonstrated the techniques, he was known for easily performing at that level in a three month period, trading leveraged futures. Technical Analysis takes study and historical testing, to find what actually works. Many part time traders have careers that take up considerable time. Is there a technique that one can verify


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historically that has proved to be useful, and can be easily improved upon? Lets start with a technique that has shown positive results in the S&P Index. One that has resulted in a substantial gains over the last 80 plus years. The test showed a net result of 2000 S&P points by going long only and 2057 by taking longs and shorts. The results are from using the fifty week and one hundred week moving average cross over.

Now its time for you, the reader to come up with ways to improve upon this and test it out. To see Ron Jaenisch live with Alan Andrews go to:


July/August/September 2016


The Power of Ensemble Forecasting By Rob Hanna

A common question discussed among traders is “What is your favorite indicator?”. Often I believe the person that asks this question may be a bit misguided. Certainly an indicator that offers good delineation can be used to create a winning trading strategy. But more important than finding the one-best indicator, traders should be focused on examining multiple lowlycorrelated indicators and examining what they might suggest in combination. This is referred to as “ensemble forecasting” and it is at the heart of much of the strategy creation I have done over the years. To demonstrate, I will first explain two concepts that were used in the InvestiQuant Swing Edges guides to help generate statistical odds of a short-term, multi-day move. I will then show how they could be combined for some real horsepower. The two concepts I will cover are “Acceleration” and “Seasonality”. When we look to measure Acceleration, we examine how fast the market is moving and where that movement is occurring within the greater trend. Let’s look at some studies to see why speed and positioning are important. For the studies below, which use SPY, an S&P 500 tracking ETF, I will use a 1% down day as a crude way to define a sharp decline. I will then show how the impact of a 1% decline may vary based on where that sharp movement is occurring. For simplicity, I grouped the 1% decline into 3 categories: 1) 1% declines following a 50-day closing high, 2) 1% declines following a 50-day closing low, and 3) 1% declines when the market had closed at neither a 50-day high nor low the day before. Here are the results for each of the categories.

Returns here are generally not much better than breakeven. It does not appear there is a strong directional edge following a 1% drop from 50-day high. Now let’s look at times the 1% drop followed a 50-day low.


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Here there appears to be a strong bullish edge based on many of the metrics shown. The % Profitable, Win/Loss Ratio, and Profit Factor are all impressive, as is the Average Trade. Next, let’s look at instances that initiated between a 50-day high and a 50-day low.

Results here come in between the two extremes – better than coming off a 50-day high, but not as compelling as following a 50-day low. Overall, there appears to be a slight bullish edge in these situations. So we see here that market position matters. The 50-day low results were by far the best. But let’s also make sure that the strong drop was a factor in creating the edge as well. To do this, I created a study looks at times SPY closed down from a 50-day low, but it did not suffer a 1% drop on the day.


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As you can see, without the 1% drop, the edge just isn’t there. These studies suggest that both the magnitude of the move and the place that the move is occurring from make a difference in future price action. In our Acceleration measures at InvestiQuant we do not use crude measurements like 1% drops, but the general concept is similar. We are looking to see how fast the market is moving and where it is moving from. Because as we saw in the examples shown, both of these things matter. Next let’s look at Seasonality. Seasonality indicators will often take into account things like long-term cycles, day of month, time of year, holidays, and more. I have found great use in Seasonality studies over the years. I especially like them because they utilize different data than price-based indicators. One seasonal influence I have studied in-depth and found great value from is Fed Days. Fed Days are the 8 days each year in which the Fed concludes a policy meeting and then announces any policy or interest rate changes. While there tends to be a lot of build-up and anxiety leading into many Fed Days, they have performed very well over the years. The study here shows results of buying the close before every Fed Day and the selling at the close on the Fed Day.

As you can see, these days have generated strong gains over the years. They have been profitable 60% of the time. Gross gains have more than doubled gross losses. The average Fed Day netted a profit of about 0.32%. And total profits reached over $58k. Let’s keep these numbers in mind as we look and see how the market has done since 1993 on all days excluding Fed Days.


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The difference here is striking. On the 5700 days that were not Fed Days the market did not make a whole lot of headway. Despite there being more than 30x as many non-Fed Days, these days only generated 2.3x the amount of total profits. The average Fed Day outperformed the average non-Fed Day by 13-fold. This certainly seems to make a case that traders should pay attention to Fed Days. So a trader could take either of these concepts and create a winning trading system. Acceleration can stand on its own, and Seasonality can stand on its own. But the real power comes when concepts like these are combined. So as a last study, let’s look at what happens if we combine the 1% drop (not from a 50-day high) and the Fed Day edge above.

There are not a whole lot of instances, but the returns are very powerful. The average instance posted a gain of over 1% the next day. That is substantially better than either a Fed Day or a 1% drop strategy would have produced on their own. Groups of indicators or ensembles of systems will almost always outperform a system based on a single indicator or concept. At InvestiQuant, our Swing Edges guides also utilize a 3rd concept called Momentum. Momentum looks at the persistency of a move. I am often asked which group of systems I favor - our Acceleration, Momentum, or Seasonality systems. The WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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answer is “none of the above”. While they can all generate solid results on their own, it is the combination that is most powerful. Using the average readings of the 3 will most often produce better results than the single “best” system. This is important to grasp, so I will restate it. An average forecast of multiple independent systems (or indicators) will often be more accurate than a forecast from the single best among them. Traders should not concern themselves too much with any one indicator or system. Rather, they should find ways to measure what the indicators are saying in combination. By doing this, they have a great chance of improving their strategies.

About Rob Rob Hanna is InvestiQuant’s Co-Founder and Vice President of Research.  Rob graduated with a BS from Boston College in 1992 and has been a full-time market professional since 2001. He has served as president of Hanna Capital Management, LLC since that time. He first began publishing his market views and research in 2003. From 2003 to 2007 his column “Rob Hanna’s Putting It All Together” could be found twice a week on “TradingMarkets.” In January of 2008 Rob began Quantifiable Edges. In 2012 Rob opened his 2nd website, Overnight Edges, which is now part of InvestiQuant. Both sites use historical analysis to assess current market action and odds. His work has been widely referenced and quoted over the years, and is often linked to in blogs, tweets, Stocktwits messages, magazine articles and more.

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QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

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July/August/September 2016


SQUARING TIME AND PRICE WITH PLANETS By D.K.Burton There are many parts to the W.D.Gann method; one is squaring “TIME and PRICE”. He talks about squaring the high, low and range. This is basically converting the PRICE to TIME. If the high is 90 then you would add 90 days, which is close to 90 degrees of the circle, as 90 x 4 = 360, but there’s 365.25 days to 360 degrees based on the earth going around the sun. But what if he’s talking about Mercury squaring the high or Venus or any other planet? Don’t get me wrong I haven’t seen this in his writings or charts, this is my idea, and he may have done it he may have not, not sure. Wait I could make it up, like so many others and say I found his secret. If it was Mercury it would be 22 days to equal 90 degrees, if Venus it would be every 56 days. If we take the high of May soybeans on 15th January 1948 of 436.75 we could start counting 436.75 days to that date or 436.75 degrees of Mercury, Mercury rules grains. Gann had a non-disclosure document, which he had people sign on the “Average of Planets”. You would have seen a number he wrote about that the planets (the letters everyone has) but I have discovered he had a number he did write about, but he’s never written how to use them, I guess that was passed on verbally or in code as all secrets were and are today especially in India where Gann visited. He wrote about “Mean of 5” -. M.O.F – Mars out. This could mean a number of things, average from Jupiter to Pluto, which is 5 planets from Mars or don’t use Mars at all then use all the combinations of 5 planets, which would give more than 125 combinations. This is the sort of things I study eight hours a day, six days a week, because I only look for trades that set up every six weeks and last for six weeks or so, therefore have plenty of time for research. When people have money, no debt, no needs, its not that interesting to them any more, as Gann says money is only a means to an end, it wasn’t his goal, money is a product of knowledge this is why, Gann, me and other people seek the knowledge as its way more interesting than money. If you don’t even spend $120,000 a year and you live say another 30 years its only $3.6 million, not much at all. You always only trade with funds that never affect you life style or living. Also when not trading keep your money in the bank, don’t leave funds with a broker, many have gone broke over the last few years and more to come. He also wrote about C.E “Calculation of eight” and – “Circle of eight”, these are two different systems. If we convert the high in soybeans to the C.E we end up with 14 degrees Sagittarius or 254 degrees of a circle. This is covered in this article of the secret soybean scale. There are many things you can start studying here, Jupiter rules Sagittarius so look for all aspects to 14 degrees. So using sidereal astrology, not the housewife astrology, you would look to study when Jupiter hits 1/8ths and 1/3rds. To that degree. So you just add 45 to get the 8ths to 254, which is 299,344,29,74,119,164 and 209 degrees of a circle. For example it hits 164 degrees or 14 degrees Virgo on 18th October 2016, it’s easy to do just look up manually in your ephemeris and see if that works or not from 1948 to present, if it doesn’t you move on to something different. The 3rds is 14 and 134 degrees, Jupiter was at 14 degree Aries on 23rd July 2011. 134 degrees got hit on 18th September 2015. Now Mercury rules Gemini opposite sign to Sagittarius, Mercury hits 14 degrees Sagittarius on these dates: 23/12/1948 a top in Soybeans 16/12/1949 a top in Soybeans WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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10/12/1950 a low in middle of bull market 19/1/1952 minor low 2 days later 11/1/1953 minor low 2 days before 4/1/1954 a low in middle of bull market Then you can look at Venus: 19/1/1949 top 2 days later then collapse 13/11/1949 major low 3 days before 21/12/1950 low half way in bull market 2/2/1952 high 2 days before a collapse 4/1/1954 good low for bull market 13/1/1955 low 2 days later for a two-week rally. Or do you take Mercury/Jupiter conjunctions and oppositions and do the averages only on that day. I have done this below and done the average of “6” planets and left out Mercury/Jupiter. The average of “6” was one that he had written on his ephemeris from Lambert-Gann. Conj 15/12/1947 = 166 Opp 25/5/1948 = 99 Conj 24/12/1948 = 185 Opp 24/7/ 1949 = 135 Conj 2/3/1950 = 180 Opp 5/8/1950 = 151 Conj 11/3/1951 = 106 Opp 7/10/1951 = 156 Conj 17/5/1952 = 148 Opp 23/10/1952 = 195 Conj 25/5/1953 = 124 Opp 24/12/1953 = 192 Conj 1/6/1954 = 174 Conj 11/7/1954 = 181 Conj 28/7/1954 = 184 Opp 8/1/1955 = 216 Squaring the high of 436.75 in days are: - 27/3/1949, 7/6/1950,18/8/1951,28/10/1952 and 8/1/1954. You can get more changes in trend by breaking this into 1/8ths and rds. Also do this with lows and ranges. From that letter Gann wrote on 24th January 1955, just six months before he died he gives what happen in 1954 to May Soybeans. May Beans Daily High and Low 1954 Nov. 4, High 299, a signal day. Then trend turned down. Nov. 15, the price was on the angle of 2 x 1 from 265.75 a support level and the market rallied. Nov. 30, High 292.25, closed below the 2 x 1 from 299. Minor trend still down. Dec. 7, Low 277, on the 45-degree angle from 299 and the 4 x 1 from 265.75. Time and Price had balanced and the market was due for a rally. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Dec. 10, High 283.5, a lower top and below the 45 degree angle from 292.5 Trend still down. Dec. 14, Low 274.5 (is 36, as per previous Soybean article, July/August 2008 on secret Soybean scale, 36 + 180 = 216), (Gann most likely wrote this small piece to show Mercury on this day hit 14 Sagittarius). Had a wide-open gap. Never sold below the opening and closed at the top, a Signal Day and an indication that the market was ready to rally. Note the low on that day was 274, marking this a double bottom. There are a number of documents that is in public domain; one is the price scale in degrees to price and time in relationship to “The Average of Planets”. There are: 1. 60 degrees = 1 point price or time 2. 12 degrees = 30 points price or time 3. 18 degrees = 20 points price or time 4. 24 degrees = 15 points price or time 5. 30 degrees = 12 points price or time 6. 36 degrees = 10 points price or time 7. 42 degrees = 8.5 points price or time 8. 48 degrees = 7.5 points price or time 9. 54 degrees = 6.5 points price or time 10. 60 degrees = 6 points price or time 11. 66 degrees = 5.5 points price or time 12. 72 degrees = 5 points price or time 13. 78 degrees = 4.5 points price or time 14. 84 degrees = 4.10 points price or time 15. 90 degrees = 4 points price or time 16. 96 degrees = 3.45 points price or time 17. 102 degrees = 3.5 points price or time 18. 108 degrees = 3.25 points price or time 19. 114 degrees = 3.10 points price or time 20. 120 degrees = 3 points price or time THE SECRET SOYBEAN SCALE After a while I worked out his scale of converting price to degrees. This scale is lows and highs swings from 1932 to 1950. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

44 = 22 Pisces 67 = 26 Virgo 68.5 = 8 Libra 69 = 12 Libra 170 = 11 Sagittarius 131.5 = 1 Pisces 154.5 = 1 Virgo 164 = 20 Scorpio 182.5 = 21 Aries

19. 276.75 = 24 Taurus 20. 265.75 = 27 Aquarius 21. 268.25 = 16 Pisces 22. 279.75 = 19 Gemini 23. 281 = 26 Gemini 24. 299 = 20 Scorpio 25. 306.75 = 5 Capricorn 26. 309 = 13 Aquarius 27. 309.75 = 17 Aquarius WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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10. 201.5 = 23 Virgo 28. 320.5 = 13 Taurus 11. 202 = 26 Virgo 29. 323.5 = 8 Gemini 12. 203 = 4 Libra 30. 334 = 1 Virgo 13. 210 = 1 Sagittarius 31. 334.5 = 27 Scorpio 14. 220.5 = 4 Libra 32. 361 = 7 Aries 15. 224 = 13 Pisces 33. 422 = 16 Leo 16. 232.5 1 Taurus 34. 425 = 8 Virgo 17. 239.5 = 25 Cancer 35. 436.75 = 14 Sagittarius 18. 239 = 22 Cancer 36. 405 = 30 Pisces PRICE The price in 1932 was 44 on the cash market (44 x 8 =352), 352 is 22 Pisces. But when the number after you times by 8 you have to do the calculation this way: EXAMPLE: the high of 436.75 436.75 x 8 = 3494, divide 3494 by 360 = 9.7056 (subtract the whole number 9) and multiply the remainder by 360 (.7056 x 360 = 254). 254 = 14 degrees Sagittarius. TIME PERIODS (24th January 1955, Gann’s article) May Soybeans started trading again after the war in October 1947. The most important Time Periods up to date (24th January 1955) he says are: 15th February 1920, 28th December 1932, 27th July 1939, 15th January 1948, 14th February 1948 and 9th February 1949. Next most important are: 16th October 1950, 8th February 1951, 13th February 1953, 20th August 1953, 27th April 1954 and 27th July 1954. You look at the TIME PERIODS and see how many weeks are up or down on the Weekly Chart Table (refer to Gann’s table). He didn’t have the “Average of Planets” in this part, so I will add one of the “Average of Planets” so you can study it, in this I will use the average of “6”. 16th October 1950 = 199 8th February 1951 = 217 13th February 1953 = 117 20th August 1953 = 146 27th April 1954 = 172 27th July 1954 = 174 He may have been using different averages to the example I gave above; you will have to test the others, not for me to give away secrets, its not being true to Gann, he believed in you doing the work. You can write things down like he did above, but never really know how or what he was doing as you keep the “Keys” in your head, this is clearly what he was doing. All his work sheets were for himself, they weren’t a manual for the public, and this is why no one has cracked the code to the “Holly Grail”. You could spent a decade just on this above with commodity prices and averaging the different planets and you still might not find how he was using them. He was in the above scale using WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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either 6-degree movement or 12-degree movements. Another scale he had was for commodities was 12 degrees for Jupiter, 30 degrees for Saturn and 84 degrees for Uranus going through the zodiac therefore for example 30 degrees of Aries using Jupiter scale had a price ending at 360 (30 x 12), 720 at the end of Taurus (60 x 12) etc. Uranus would be 2520 (30 x 84) .I reproduced these scales about 20 years ago for myself, you can do the same. If you were looking for example for cotton a date say 25th January 2017, and just looking at Jupiter, Jupiter on that date is at nearly 23 degrees Libra, this is 203 degrees of a circle. 203 X 12 = 2436 or 24.36 cents/lb. The next major level would be 6036 (2436 + 3600). On the same day if we took Uranus at 21 degrees Aries, which is 21 x 84 = 1764. 1764 + 3600 = 5364, 1764 + 1800 = 3564, 1764 + 900 = 2664. Since the cycles are down you would watch the price support levels. Enclosed Gann scale chart. You can see that he has 18,900 = 30 degrees Sagittarius at 30 points it equals this degree. When you use 18,900 at 84 points per degree it equals 15 degrees Scorpio, at 12 points per degree it equals 15 degrees Leo. You would have never seen this written before and if you look at the chart you should be able to see what commodity he is using this on. Some homework for you there fore sure, wait!! You could find it on a $60 DVD somewhere in the world. As you can see to study what Gann did, you need be working by yourself, have enough time to put in 8 hours a day (full time in 1990 haven’t worked for anyone since then) and start doing this in your 20s. I started when I was 23 years old and still learning more after 35 years (not like others know it all now, after only 5 years), feels like I’m just scratching the surface of what he was doing. The reason I’m covering these periods when Gann was trading was that he wrote booklet on soybeans dated 24/1/1955 where he explains weekly time periods. Part of the article is below on May Soybeans. He has all the Time periods from 1920 to 1954 in his article. 1920 High 405 on 7.75 years 1932 low 44 down 361 on 7/8th year and 7 years 1933 High 104 up 60 on 2 years and 1-1/8th years I won’t list them all but there is another full page like this to November 1954. What it means 104 High equals 2 years, because the is 52 weeks in a year time two equals 104. th 1.1/8 years equals 60 weeks (60 weeks minus 52 weeks). If you were to go to say high in February 2016 from 1920 would be 4992 weeks. So in February we divide the price by 2,3,4,6 and 8 we get: 2496, 1664, 1248, 832 and 624. If May soybeans are below or above these numbers it will be in a strong or weak position. To get another price you just keep adding 52 to 405, which is 457,509 ,561,613,665,717,769,821,873,925, 977 etc. if say market is at 821 it would be up 416 cents from 405 which would be in the 8 year column. Therefore it would be in the 96-year column and the 8-year column. So you do all highs and lows up to today in conjunction with his square of 52 overlay to determine the position of a commodity of stock. You have to make up the tables, hand draw charts of each commodity you wish to analyse. You have to also do all the other highs and lows in this article written in 1955 and study the position of May Soybeans. There would be very few people who have the time or want to do this Gann system correctly; especially people teaching Gann, you just don’t have time to teach. This is why I have done one workshop in the last seven years, I never did workshop for money. I only write to show you the amount of work Gann did which no one else is doing to his level, and it’s a level again way above what I’m writing. Gann quoted “Before you make a trade, analyse the position on the daily, weekly and monthly high and low charts”. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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In the “Hindu Tea Calculator article written in 2015, I said grains would be happy and fall in price, wheat went to 5 year lows, so I shorted Wheat and Soybean on a rally and made great profits. If it was just based on the Saturn line of 599 (239 + 360) wheat was in a bearish position below that number on the high date of 30th June 2015 at $6.22. 625 is the square of 25 of course. The number 617 is opposite on square of nine chart as well. On the wheel of 24 which I wrote an article about 10 years ago here, 15 x 26 = 624, Gann had the Egg chart (this chart the public has seen) which was 45 days to a scale of 45 points, which is only the a simple 15 degrees to 15 days x 3, or 3 hours on the wheel of 24 as the earth rotates 15 degrees every hour. When wheat dropped below 576 it was below the square of itself of 24 and in a weak position. Of course you would know that 30-degree movement of the Earth is only a two-week chart. Of course there many more things I look at as well. Enclosed this chart of Gann’s for the D.J.I.A If you are a true Gann person you would do exactly do what he does, that is don’t reveal important information, so far that’s covered, no one has got any good information from what I have seen over my 35 years of study. Now the best way to study is buy all Gann books, read them once a month for 12 months, draw hand charts that are in the book and follow what he’s saying. Follow all his rules. This would keep you busy alone for a five years full time. When I did teach workshops and told people not to do astrology, they didn’t listen, when and did “House Wife Astrology” and haven’t heard from them since, I guess they a lost in the planets somewhere. Gann wasn’t an astrologer; he never said he was astrologer. This is all you need, doing what I do is way to hard for people (the harder the better for me), but I enjoy it, so best not to start is my recommendation, you will only get confused and lost, then drop out. 99% of people drop out of everything (straw man, this is why people want handouts) in life and this is one of the hardest subjects in the world to understand. There’s no need to do astrology to trade the Gann way and be successful. Economics 101, sell high, buy low, save and have no debt. No need to go you university, its that simple. The amount of work Gann did was remarkable; here is his work, which is a video of 200 pages on the Lottery work alone. On his ephemeris he wrote won lottery, some $3,700 which in those days was nearly a cost of a house, so maybe about $500,000 today. ?type=2&theater How many Gann experts are in the world again? Wouldn’t be close to what he was doing as you can see from the above video. Why do you think Gann never wrote books on financial astrology, horse racing and lottery? Its simple it’s to valuable to him, and people just copy stuff and package it up and resell it. He knew this, he didn’t trust people until they proved they were worthy, this also a Masonic philosophy. From what I have seen people doing financial astrology they just print out all the aspects of planets and say these are the aspects of planets, any ape (Gann said “humans come from apes”) could do that. HOW TO KEEP SECRETS? “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” ― Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” ― George Orwell, 1984 “The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn’t one.” ― Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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“Once exposed, a secret loses all its power.” ― Ann Aguirre, Grimspace Now you can see that people giving away secrets ($60 DVDs) they don’t have secrets. Gann himself said “They aren’t for sale”. You are looking for two things in my articles, you study what I write (some have mistakes so a fool copying them will show them as a fool), and then you look for what I’m not writing in articles for the “Key” secrets. See knowledge screens out the weak people as Gann said (knowledge is power). They will not last teaching Gann, as they have very little knowledge especially when the markets collapse as people wont have money to waste on useless information. Yet many people in the world have his secrets, how does that happen? It can’t can it? To be pure Gann person, you don’t do Elliot Wave, indictors or mix other things he never did. It just shows you they have never studied pure Gann; it shows you need support from other things, as you haven’t worked Gann out, that’s all. You also, if you had a secret you would never sell it as Gann said. If it’s in public domain, its not a secret, Gann knew this as well. I have never found and secrets in Housewife astrology books. If fact I have thrown them in the rubbish bin as George Bayer suggested. I will show you how bad astrology is here and doesn’t work. The two greatest golfers of all time are Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods, Jack has Sun square Saturn, Tiger Woods has Sun square Pluto, Greg Norman who won over 90 tournaments and world number one for 10 years has Sun square Saturn. Richie McCaw has Sun square Saturn, the greatest All Black captain ever with a two world cups, world record test played of 148. I have Sun square Mars. I have won two NZ senior golf tournaments and played for NZ. All these people are Capricorn’s, me as well, except Greg Norman who is Aquarian, but ruled by Saturn. One astrology told me that a disaster was going to happen when my transiting Saturn squares my moon, this person still looking for the MH 370 plane, I double my money being short grains as predicted in the Hindu Tea Calculator article. Astrology is just rubbish. Lets look at the D.J.I.A we have had seven Uranus square Pluto (bad aspects) from June 2012 to March 2015, D.J.I.A hit record highs in May 2015. But if you go to a housewife astrologer they say bad aspects are bad, it just proves what they say is rubbish, I have had plenty of bad aspects, and made money. They have no idea. Anyway no one cares if a straw man has bad or good aspects. Shows you how little they know about normal astrology and they are trying to emulate Gann doing financial astrology, what a joke. Gann wasn’t doing that kind of cycle work. Every Astrologer in the world has been talking about “Blood Moons” what happened? nothing as per usual in the markets. I guarantee you will go broke following normal astrology, just as CHART WELL did. I have never been to an astrologer to fine out what Gann was doing, that’s the dumbest thing you can do. You would notice, Bayer, Gann and Livermore made more money than people today without a computer or software, doesn’t that tell you something? There’s no one in the world teaching pure and true Gann Astronomy, Astrology, Geometry the way Gann was using it. David Burton has been using the Gann methods since 1983 for predicting weather, markets and more recently for horse racing for his own personal use. He doesn’t teach as it takes up to much time and the time he wants to continue to research into deep secrets of Gann. He writes only to keep Gann’s name a live in a pure form. Website and


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W.D.GANN HAS TO BE ONE OF THE GREATEST By D.K.Burton W.D.Gann from what I found on the internet (looks like relievable source) used Trade Marked name “OROLO” for some reason in his adds. These adds written in 1909 clearly states the he didn’t believe in astrology and was basically rubbish, until he found the “Law of Vibration” as applied to the Wireless Telegraphy (see his booklist that suggest he use more astronomy of the ancients than anything else and this is what the wireless is based off). It’s most likely because the earth has more than 10 different motions and astrologer’s work on one motion. These ideas are in some of the book on his reading list below. He said he made his greatest discovery on August 8th 1908 so these ads would seem to be true. Some how Gann use sound waves, radio waves as part of his market forecasts and he’s says he’s the only man alive using these method by using knowledge of the ancients on the markets, wait we must have about 100 Gann experts who all think they are way better than Gann today. Of course they are, yep sure, they have worked out his “Horse racing” system, his “lottery” system and his “Stocks and Commodity” system all under 12 months, way smarter the Gann don’t you think? Then why are they selling books, seminars and all his secrets of $49, funny don’t you think? He clearly didn’t get his knowledge from the Masons, as he wasn’t a Mason until 1923 as everyone claimed and only a completed the third degree (people claim he’s 33 degree, he wasn’t , I have had his papers from the New York Lodge 1992). Gann was clearly on a same level like “Einstein”, “Tesla” and others, wait! I forgot and the same as “House Wife” astrologers. If you think you will trade markets using astrology, you will lose all your capital fore sure, we have seen many astrologers’ forecasts, and if you did 100% opposite you would make a fortune. Most astrologers are as poor as church mouse’s to boot. Gann’s interview in 1909 also supports he had discovered the “Law of Vibration”. “One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last summer [1909] when he predicted that September Wheat would sell at $1.20. This meant that it must touch that figure before the end of the month of September. At twelve o’clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled. Mr. Gann said, ‘If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now, it must go there.’ It is common history that September Wheat surprised the whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour of trading, closing at that figure.” The birth chart of W.D.Gann could have been made by Luke Broughton, Gann would have been 21 years old chart. There is a chart with the exact time published by Robert Zoller. Broughton predicted his own death in the newspaper a month in advance, there’s not one “House Wife” astrologer in the world that can do that. Gann wasn’t doing what I call “House Wife “ astrology. The great Hindu astrologers call them “ three book astrologers”, read three books and they are astrologers. Broughton had over 300 hundred very rare astrology books; maybe he lent some to Gann. Or Gann bought some after his death. Here’s his ad:


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Text reads: “I shall die September 22 at 4 o’clock in the morning.  The sun, Saturn and Mars will be in such positions at that time that I cannot possibly survive.  I give warning, as there is no possible hope of my surviving that date.  Let us be prepared for the end and meet it calmly.” -- Statement made to his family August 22 by Dr. Luke D. Broughton, astrologer, who died on the day and at the hour he had set.

PREDICTED THE TIME OF HIS DEMISE Dr. Luke D. Broughton, Famous Astrologer, Dies Nearly at the Time He Had Foretold. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.1899 Dr. Luke D. Broughton, president of the Astrological Society of America, died to-day. He cast his horoscope many years ago and predicted that the critical periods of his life were the fifteenth, sixteenth and twenty-first days of the present month and present year. His death he predicted would occur on September 22. Dr. Broughton was born at 10 a. m. April 20, 1828. In Leeds, Yorkshire, Kaplan. He came from a family of astrologers and early began the study of astrology. Dr. Broughton has made many successful predictions. On his advice his eldest son did not marry, as his father had predicted the exact time of his death in 1885. Mrs. Broughton also died as predicted in 1891. He wrote many pamphlets and one book on astrology.


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You would also notice that the above address of 120 x room No.1206 = 144,720 the square of 12 and two circles of 360, he’s telling you something there. Only three adds had the room number, 3 x 120 = 360. 144,720

You would also notice that the above address of 120 x room No.1206 = 144,720 the square of 12 and two circles of 360, he’s telling you something there. Only three adds had the room number, 3 x 120 = 360. 144,720 adds up to 18, which what he’s charging a monthly subscription of $18. (18 X 12 = 216) 144 + 72 = 216.


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In the above ad he talk about an author which is on his book list called “Popular Astronomy” by Flammarion, this is 686 pages and of course I have this book. There is what Gann mostly study was astronomy of the ancients. So how can any Gann expert be a astrologer? They have to be astronomers, he said astrology didn’t work, I agree with him. He made two great statements “ I will never reveal my secrets or sell them”. Why would you? Just because you cant work out what Gann was doing (Larry Williams calls Gann a fraud) there’s no need to call him a fraud. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Example of one of my many prediction on weather, also used for horse racing and markets. Below I sent an email to India on 28th November 2015, I found some thing on the “Law of vibration” on weather not in any books. They had the worst floods in 100 years, with 490 mls in a day, on 1st December 2015. 400 hundred died. Of course I didn’t tell him how I did it, or sell it. Gann said “ My secrets aren’t for sale, his secrets went to the grave, except his coding in his books like “TTTTA” which I have decoded. Hello Mr. Burton,  Your predictions were spot on !!! See this web site. It is the number one private meteorological web site in India How did you make it? Kindly explain astrologically.  Sincerely,  Sachin On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Hi I’m looking at something on the weather, see if there’s heavy rain after the 1st Dec in India Regards David Most of you would have one of the last articles Gann wrote which was a nine-page article called “Cash and May Soybean futures” dated 24th January 1955. All his dates seemed to be coded, firstly you would notice that was the date that Robert Gordon made his first trade in TTTTA on 24th January 1927, which is 28 years or 4 x 7 years. This date also points to date in 1940, remember the book is called TTTTA or “looking back from 1940”, what dated in 1940 is related to 24th January 1955? This a very simple one, good one to ask those Gann experts don’t you think? He is using coded dates, which point to astrological timing; bible chronology and this is why it’s so hard to decode his stuff for 99.9% of the Gann students. This is Gann’s reading list for students I believe: Most people wouldn’t even have bought or read these books that claim to be Gann experts let alone studied them. You couldn’t study his book list in under 20 years. Gann was in a class of his own. Gann also would have had Sepharials private “Key” books which you will having trouble getting them today: London bullion Exchange (private subscription only) Key to market operations Key to successful market operations Key to market trading Key to successful trading Secret progression WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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As you can see what people provide to the public and what they had privately is two different things. What about all the books he had that he didn’t list? It really shows how little everyone knows about Gann, I really don’t think there’s anyone remotely close to what he’s doing. I’m still finding new stuff after 35 years full time working on his ideas. If you read books on his reading list, you will find books by Johndro who talks about Tesla, and Flammarion, reading these books you will understand a bit more on radio waves/sound waves and how Gann was applying them to markets, horse racing and lottery. There’s not one astrologer in the world doing what Gann was studying in full, some are doing about 5%. Remember all old books are only the basis for you to search for the hidden “KEYS”, the secret stuff was passed on verbally if at all. David Burton has been using the Gann methods since 1983 for predicting weather, markets and more recently for horse racing for his own personal use. He doesn’t teach as it takes up to much time and the time he wants to continue to research into deep secrets of Gann. He writes only to keep Gann’s name a live in a pure form. Website and www.

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July/August/September 2016


Profiting From Planetary Pairs in Astro-Trading by Tim Bost Market movements, and the trading opportunities that accompany them, are always a byproduct of the dynamic interactions of contrasting forces. We can observe these critical contrasts in many ways: Buyers vs. Sellers. Bulls vs. Bears. Supply vs. Demand. Optimism vs. Pessimism. Hope vs. Fear. Expansion vs. Contraction. But no matter what terminology we choose or which specific factors we track, we typically spot the highest-probability trading opportunities when the contrasts are the strongest, at the points of the most extreme dynamics, at the peaks and troughs of cyclical waves. When we consider that essential contrasting duality as we look for trading opportunities, we can do a much better job of developing and refining profitable strategies that offer us consistent advantages. When we can define both support and resistance, for example, or when we can track two moving averages and watch for signals generated by their cross-overs, we can trade with much higher confidence.

Big Mistakes in Astro-Trading The same basic principle applies to the use of planetary dynamics in market timing and analysis. Oddly enough, however, many would-be astro-traders overlook this important concept, and their trading returns suffer as a result. This oversight is sometimes due to the sheer excitement that novice traders experience when they first realize that planetary cycles actually provide a genuine advantage in the markets. After all, once we observe some kind of correlation between an event in the solar system and changes in market trend, it’s natural to feel a burst of enthusiasm! Our feelings become even more positive if we can observe that correlation being repeated a time or two – in fact, it usually doesn’t take much reinforcement for us to start convincing ourselves that we have stumbled upon the Holy Grail of trading. We begin to nurture an unconscious bias in favor of our newlydiscovered astro-trading timing signal, and start searching for fresh opportunities to time our trades accordingly. That’s often a big mistake, especially when we believe that we have found a simple one-onone correlation between planetary actions and price behaviors in the markets. We run the risk of succumbing to magical thinking, believing that if we just wait for that particularly potent planetary phenomenon to repeat itself, and then use that occasion to jump into the market, we will be guaranteed success. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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It doesn’t take much trading experience (or many losses in the markets) for us to understand just how foolish that kind of assumption can be. But sometimes our ability to shoot ourselves in the foot doesn’t stop there. We compound our problems if we are oblivious to the true nature of planetary cycles. For example, we may observe planetary correlations with the markets just enough to conclude that there is a direct correspondence between the movement of Jupiter through the degrees of the tropical zodiac and the price cycles in the equities markets. That was certainly true in the early decades of the 20th century, and it’s a correlation that still has some merit today. On that basis, we may conclude that trading tops in the stock market are likely to coincide with Jupiter’s passage over 15 degrees of Gemini. But even if that conclusion proves correct when Jupiter next hits that point in the zodiac, it’s actually of little practical use to us as active astro-traders. That’s because Jupiter takes 11.875 years to complete a full circuit of the zodiac, so this correspondence will only offer us trading opportunities every 12 years, no matter how reliable the correlation of Jupiter’s position in the zodiac to stock market trends may actually be.

Paying Attention to Planetary Speed It’s far more useful to look at planetary cycles that reoccur more frequently if we are going to use them as a basis for taking positions in the markets. The key distinction here is one of relative speed. Planets that complete their orbits through the zodiac more rapidly will provide us with more frequent cyclic repetitions than those with slower orbits. As a convenient reference, here is a listing of fast and slow planets. Note that we’ve included some minor orbital factors in our list, but our purpose here is not to engage in a discussion of what is or is not a planet in terms of strict astronomical definitions, but rather to provide a characterization of relative speeds of zodiacal orbits. With that in mind, we’ve followed the astrological tradition of listing the Sun and Moon as “planets” as well, based on their apparent motion as seen from our perspective here on Earth. FAST PLANETS Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Asteroids


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SLOW PLANETS Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Eris Transneptunian Factors Kuiper Belt Objects Simply looking at the correspondences between price fluctuations and the cycles of a fastmoving planet can often give us helpful information. For example, there is a fairly strong correlation between the Sun’s passage over 8 degrees of Capricorn and trading lows in Gold. As Figure 1 illustrates, this particular zodiacal phenomenon doesn’t always coincide with the exact bottom in the Gold market. Our back-testing shows that this solar alignment marks trend reversals in Gold about 75% of the time, with those reversals evenly divided between trend changes up and trend changes down. Considering those odds, we can certainly conclude that it is useful in identifying potential entry points for profitable positions in the yellow metal.

[figure 1] While it is certainly more useful to have a planetary trading signal that comes once a year instead of one with a 12-year cycle, using this recurring position of the Sun can open the door to even greater benefits. We can also use this planetary factor as a springboard for further explorations of the relationship between solar dynamics and price trends in Gold. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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The Power of Planetary Price Lines By employing the kind of correlations between zodiacal positions and market prices that W. D. Gann used in some of his work, we can generate planetary price lines which illustrate the progression of price and time coordinates based on the passage of the Sun through the entire 360 degrees of the zodiac. In Figure 2 we have added those planetary price lines for the Sun to our trading chart for Gold, projecting them in the sixth harmonic.

[figure 2] The heavier diagonal lines moving through the chart indicate the first-harmonic positions of the Sun which are direct correspondences in price to the Sun’s sequential positions in the zodiac. The intervening diagonal lines divide these first-harmonic planetary dynamics into 60° spans, giving us a sixth-harmonic projection. Note that while these sixth-harmonic solar price lines do not define all the trading actions for Gold, they do help us see some instances in which Gold has traded specifically within solar channels as it has made significant price movements. Whenever the yellow metal has been trading in a solar channel, and then breaks out of that planetary trading range, it is often a powerful indicator of important price action just ahead. This is especially true if other technical indicators provide a confirmation for a trend reversal. As astro-traders we are offered a clear advantage through the use of planetary price line dynamics like the one we have illustrated here for Gold. But those planetary dynamics become even more effective as tools for forecasting and trading when we look at the impact of pairs of WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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planetary forces.

Contrasting Planetary Forces in Astro-Trading When we use more than one planet in considering the cyclic phenomena that can correlate with price and time in the markets, we have an opportunity to connect with the kind of essential duality that typically offers us a genuine advantage in our trading. That’s where the distinctions between fast and slow planets becomes important. In looking for planetary pairs to use in identifying potential trading opportunities, the most practical rule of thumb is to combine one faster-moving planet with one slower-moving one. Since we’ve already observed the clear role that cycles of the Sun play in defining price movements in Gold, we can use it as the fast planet in our charting for the precious metal. For our slower-moving planet in this case, we have chosen the Transneptunian factor that was designated as Kronos by the 20th-century German astrologer Alfred Witte. Kronos is much slower than the Sun – it has an orbital period through the zodiac of 521.834 years, giving it an annual mean motion of 0º42’.

[figure 3] When we add sixth-harmonic projections of Kronos to our chart with the sixth-harmonic planetary price lines for the Sun, we get the result shown in Figure 3. Because of its slower movement, the planetary price lines for Kronos are more evenly horizontal than the Sun’s sixthWWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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harmonic lines. The first thing that we notice after adding the planetary price lines for Kronos is how often they define key levels of support or resistance for the trading action in Gold. This is especially

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true of the first-harmonic Kronos line, which is the heavier horizontal line about two-thirds of the way down from the top of the chart. Note that the trading lows on both December 30, 2013 and December 30, 2014 were anchored on this first-harmonic Kronos line. Each of the crossing points between the Sun lines and the Kronos lines shown on the chart represents a sixth-harmonic angular alignment between the Sun and Kronos – 0º, 60º, 120º, 180º, 240º, or 300º. In many cases these sixth-harmonic meetings indicate important inflection points in Gold trading. In tracking Gold trading during the past quarter-century we can back-test 142 of these sixth-harmonic alignments, observing 42% of them have corresponded with trend reversals up, 26% have corresponded with trend reversals down, and 32% have shown no correspondence to trend reversals. While using a pair of planetary factors in analyzing a market doesn’t guarantee accurate forecasting or profitable trading, it does offer us valuable insights into market behavior and trading opportunities. It can help us set aside

QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

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the magical thinking that some novice astrotraders succumb to, so we can focus on getting profitable results.

Tim Bost has been editor and publisher of newsletter since 1988. He is the author of Mercury, Money & The Markets; Profitable Trading with Planetary Timing; and Gann Secrets Revealed. Contact him directly at [email protected].


July/August/September 2016


The Clash of Cycles III An Empire in Decline By Eric Hadik

2016 - The Golden Year Update In January 2016 (Trader’s World Issue #62), this author wrote The Clash of Cycles II & reiterated analysis from June--Dec. 2015 - concluding that 2016 would be The Golden Year and would begin with an initial Gold surge into late-Feb./early-March… and then a second surge in April. A third rally is forecast for the first half of June 2016, with important intermediate cycles pinpointing when & where the next peak is most likely. That analysis had been detailed in INSIIDE Track throughout 2015 and was emphasized when Gold & Silver triggered 3--6 month buy signals in mid-Dec. 2015. Those signals reach (initial) fruition in June 2016. While the actual price action is very important, more noteworthy is what a move like this often portends… Action like that is often a harbinger of instability & uncertainty in financial markets… and/or a waning faith in fiat currency (of which the Dollar is NOT the worst). It is also often an omen of geopolitical upheaval. There are several cycles that are projecting all of the above - in the near future…

The 8-Year Cycle One of the most recognized cycles in the stock market is the 8-Year Cycle (and its 2-year & 4-year divisions). A look at a longer-term chart reveals the 8-year span from 1966 peak to 1974 low to 1982 low to 1990 high & low to 1998 high & low. A slightly offset 8-Year Cycle took hold in 2000 (and was linked to secondary turning points in 1992 & 1984) and ushered in the bursting of the bubble. The Nasdaq 100 led the way lower, plummeting in 2000. That same Index led the bottoming formation of the next meltdown - the 2007/2008 collapse - setting its low in Nov. 2008 - ~8 years from its greatest collapse. The collapses of 2000 & 2008 focus attention on 2016… 8 years later. However, since I view this as an approximate 8.6 Year Cycle - about half of an uncanny 17-Year Cycle - that focus extends into 2017… 8+ years from the Aug.--Nov. 2008 meltdowns & 17 years from the 2000 peak & collapse.


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Another 8-Year Cycle Throughout the past decade, I have described another 8-Year Cycle - the 8-Year Cycle of Attacks against America. That cycle was again recounted in the April 2016 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression Report - pinpointing 2017 as the time for a new shift in those attacks. A brief recap of that cycle and its corresponding events is included in the accompanying table. [See 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression Report for related analysis, poised to dramatically impact stocks, gold & the Dollar.]

8-Year Cycle of Attacks Against America Late-1952/early-1953 witnessed an escalation of the ‘Mad Bomber’ - George Metesky - marking the first time his bombs caused any injuries… a pattern that would escalate in 1953--1956. His overall reign of terror encompassed two 8-Year Cycles and dozens of bombings, culminating in 1957. Late-1960 - 8 years later - timed the terror reign of the Sunday Bomber on the NYC Subway. 8 years (and a few months) later… Early-1969 ushered in an escalating phase of attacks, plane hijackings and hundreds of bombings… including NY-based attacks (370 bombings from Jan. ’69--Oct. ’70) on Dept of Commerce, the Federal Building & Manhattan Criminal Court. 1969 witnessed the bulk of ‘8200 bombings, attempted bombings and bomb threats’ in the US between Jan. 1, 1969 and April 15, 1970 ( 8 years later (one 40-Year Cycle ago), an ideological shift took hold in March 1977 - with the Hanafi Siege in Washington DC. 12 Muslim gunmen seized three buildings - taking 149 hostages and killing a journalist. 8 years later, another shift took place… 1985 timed an intensification of overseas attacks against Americans, including 2 bombings and an assassination of American targets in Germany, attacks at Rome & Vienna airports (5 Americans killed), the hijacking of an Egypt Air flight with Americans and Israelis shot & killed and the hijacking & killing of an American Naval diver in Lebanon. In each case, Americans were singled out and executed - making clear the intent. 8 years later, another shift, bringing the siege back ‘stateside’… 1993 witnessed the (truck) bomb attack on the World Trade Center, ushering in an 8-year period of truck (and boat) bombs - aimed at American targets, embassies (Africa) & a US Naval vessel (Yemen). As America would later discover, attackers used this 8-year period to train for a second, more WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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successful attack against American targets, in… 2001 shifted the delivery means for attacks, from trucks & boats to airplanes - beginning with 4 airplane-based bombs/missiles aimed at American buildings & landmarks on 9/11… and related airline-based attacks thwarted in the ensuing months & years. The ‘shoe-bomb’ attack was one of those that would have brought a jetliner down over the Atlantic Ocean. 8 years later… 2009 timed another significant shift by attackers… and another ideological shift. That is when the all-out attack against America’s infrastructure took hold. Whereas a plane, truck or boat bomb can only impact lives in a concentrated region, 2009 ushered in attempts to take down large entities (corporations, government offices, utilities, etc.) with cyber-attacks that would spread the damage far & wide. That also ushered in a period of attacking American ‘soft targets’ - like Boston & San Bernadino - and attacking the power grid (Metcalf sniper attack). As discussed in ’40-Year Cycle - Date of Aggression’, April 2016--April 2017 is a dangerous period in which those soft-target attacks should continue/escalate. And that would lead into… 2017 - the next phase of the 8-Year Cycle of Attacks and the time when, cyclically, these attacks are likely to escalate and transition again. 2017 is also a complete 40-Year Cycle from the Hanafi Siege - one of the original Muslim-based attacks against America’s government & citizens… targeted at America’s capital. As increasing evidence of Chinese, Russian & Iranian cyber-attacks emerge, the potential for the next 8-Year Cycle is sobering. 2017 is also a precise 60-Year Cycle - the ‘cycle of life’ (& Gann’s Grand Cycle) - from the satellite events of 1957. That is when the USSR shocked the US and the world by launching Sputnik, the first Earth satellite, after which the US launched its Vanguard rocket - the precursor to our satellite program. 30 years later (midpoint of 60-Year Cycle) - in 1987 - the Iridium constellation was conceived. Could 2017 witness new shocks to the US satellite industry? If that seems far-fetched, keep in mind that 2007 is when China demonstrated their capabilities to the world (the result of Executive-authorized transfer of America’s highly technical military applications to China in 1993--1997) - when they plucked one of their own weather satellites out of orbit with a missile. Since then, the world knows what China can do… if backed into a corner. There is a consistent 10-year cycle related to satellite technology that recurs in 2017… along WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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with the 8-Year Cycle of Attacks Against America… and the transition of a 40-Year Cycle of Muslim-inspired attacks against America. Could any one of these cycles have an impact in 2017?

A Third 8-Year Cycle There is another intriguing 8-Year Cycle with no obvious connection. This one involves Britain/ UK and is worth discussing in light of next month’s (June 23) vote on their continued inclusion in the EU. One of the intriguing aspects of this cycle is its larger-degree multiples - both an 80-Year Cycle AND an 800-Year Cycle… all pinpointing 2016/2017 for watershed events in the rise and fall of the British Empire(s). On a more contemporary basis, a good place to begin this cyclic discussion is 1960 - when Britain was eclipsed by France & Germany as the economic powerhouses within Europe. It was one of the most salient validations that ‘the sun was indeed setting’ on the British Empire. In a couple decades, the UK had gone from global power to (only) European power to third place (or lower) in Europe. This turning point came on the heels of the 1957 Treaty of Rome and the establishment of the European Economic Community… out with the old, in with the new. In 1960, the UK (and others) launched the competing EFTA (European Free Trade Association) but subsequently (in 1961) attempted to join the EEC, a bid that was ultimately rejected due to the objection of Charles de Gaulle… pounding another nail in the coffin of the once mighty empire. This seismic shift - in Britain’s economic standing & influence - set the stage for the ensuing 50+ years of economic & currency crisis, repeatedly pushing the Pound Sterling to the brink of disaster. In late-1967--1968, Britain went through a tumultuous period of economic upheaval that included devaluing Sterling - resulting in a debilitating financial crisis in late-’67/early- ‘68. March 1968 - 8 years from 1960 - was the culmination of that financial crisis as investors threatened to abandon their currency completely AND America asked Britain to shut down the gold market. 8 years later, in Sept. 1976, the UK experienced another humiliating economic crisis - ultimately being forced to go to the International Monetary Fund - hat in hand - for a bailout of their currency. That immediately followed June 1976 - when the Pound reached a record low after suffering a sharp drop in value… in perfect sync with the Jamaica Accord in 1976. 8 years later, in Sept. 1984, the UK was experiencing record high unemployment during the WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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culmination of a 4-year period that saw their industrial output plummet by ~25%. As their global clout plummeted, the once-expansionist Great Britain signed a deal to return Hong Kong to China. Economic & currency malaise returned 8 years later - in Sept. 1992 (many of these 8-Year Cycle events occurred during the month of September) - when George Soros broke the Bank of England on Black Wednesday… forcing them out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in Europe while pummeling the value of Britain’s currency. 3 of the latest 4 phases (1968, 1976 & 1992) - of the 8-Year Cycle - involved Sterling-bashing. 8 years later, in Sept. 2000, it was an inflationary debacle - on the heels of the Pound declining for 8 years (to its lowest low in 13+ years) - with Britain possessing the highest gas prices in the developed world. That triggered fuel protests & blockades, resulting in ~90% of petrol stations running dry. It also prompted the instituting of food rationing as a result. The plummeting Pound created chaos as the 8-Year Cycle continued to wreak havoc! 8 years later, in Sept. 2008, the UK joined the rest of the world in a global economic meltdown as the Pound was again pummeled, dropping about 35% in 14 months and to its lowest low since 1985. 1960, 1968, 1976, 1984, 1992, 2000, 2008… an uncanny, 8-Year Cycle at work! Could another UK financial crisis be about to emerge - in/around Sept. 2016? Could the Sterling be in for another pummeling?? The actual price lows in the Pound have also come on a very consistent 8-Year Cycle, slightly offset from these debacles. It has seen multi-year lows set in 1985, 1993, 2001 & 2009. So, it is reasonable to conclude that another multi-year low could ultimately take hold in 2017.

2016/2017: A Crumbling Empire? On a larger-degree basis, 2016/2017 is also the culmination of much larger-degree (8-year related) cycles. 80 + 80 + 80 years ago, in 1776, Britain lost the American colonies - a devastating blow to the British Empire. So, she set out to build a ‘Second British Empire’ - with India & Asia as primary components. But that only worked for so long… After 80 years of development, that Empire was dealt its own serious blow - beginning with the Indian Rebellion of 1857.


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2016/2017 is 240 years & 160 years from two British Empires being dealt severe blows. In the ensuing ~80 years, Britain suffered two massive depressions - with the first one (1873-1896) culminating at the 40-Year Cycle midpoint (1856--1896--1936) and the second one unfolding throughout the 1930’s. The 1930’s were also a time of great transition between the UK and Asia - another critical component of the ‘Second British Empire’ ... Leading up to 1936/1937, Britain was redefining her relationship with both China & Japan - a delicate balancing act. All that led to naught as the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out and ultimately dealt a 3rd & final (knockout) blow against Britain’s global empire. The 80-Year Cycle was recurring with great precision. 2016/2017 is 240 years, 160 years AND 80 years (higher-degree 8-Year Cycles) from the British Empires being dealt severe & ultimately fatal blows. 2016/2017 is also an exact 800-Year Cycle (larger-degree 8-Year & 80-Year Cycle) from the French invasion of England - under Prince Louis (later to be Louis VIII) - during the First Baron’s War in 1216--1217. The invasion - and the War - were a direct result of England’s King John refusing to abide by the Magna Carta of 1215 (ultimately influencing the US Constitution in 1787). Could 2016/2017 perpetuate this 8-Year AND 40- / 80-Year & 800-Year Cycle in the U.K.?

2016--2017: Food Crises Cycles The first 4+ months of 2016 have provided powerful corroboration to ongoing projections (since 2013) for a Major Food Crisis in 2016/2017… mirroring events surrounding 1976/1977, 1936/1937, 1896/1897, 1856/1857 & 1816/1817… and prompting surging food prices (grains & softs) in 2016--2017. Locust plagues - in Aug. 2015--Jan. 2016 (from S. Russia to S. America) - have been exacerbated by El Nino-related drought AND flooding in South America… and that is just the beginning. While grain markets are poised for a culminating surge in late-May and into the first half of June, another advance could soon follow. See 40-Year Cycle: Food Crisis Reports & Trader’s World #62 for more details. While these diverse cycles might appear unrelated on the surface, they are all part & parcel of a MAJOR cyclical shift expected for 2016--2021 - impacting markets, currencies, commodities, nations and empires… not to mention geophysical & solar instability. Already, key markets WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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are providing unique trading opportunities in preparation for this.

For more info & analysis on all these topics, please go to

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Eric S. Hadik is President of INSIIDE Track Trading and can be e-mailed at INSIIDE@ INSIIDE Track’s website is at More information on the 40-Year Cycle can be found at and on the 17-Year Cycle at

QUARTERLY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Read articles explaining classical trading techniques, such as W.D. Gann, Elliott Wave, astro-trading as well as modern technical analysis explaining indicators in eSignal, NinjaTraders, MetaStock & Market Analyst. COMPLETE BACK ISSUES OF TRADERS WORLD Magazine (ISSUES 1-63) You also get our complete archive of 60 back issues from 1986 to present. This, contains articles, product reviews, hundreds of chart examples, how-to-trade articles and much format, which you can read online anytime. In every issue, you get the information you need to trade the markets better with charting, astro, cycles, oscillator tools. Works for stocks, bonds, futures, options.

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July/August/September 2016


Getting Past the Fallacy of “Almost There”: What It Really Takes to Create Success in Trading Two Worlds Collide When Trading By Rande Howell

Trading makes so much sense and seems so do-able when looking at it from a distance. After getting comfortable with the theory and assumptions, the student of trading can see the rules that govern success in trading. Intellectually it’s really not that hard to grasp. Everybody knows that trading is about managing Probability. Everybody knows that no one trade is important. Everybody knows that success is found in a statistically large enough sample size where you trust the edge you have developed in your methodology over time to extract capital from the markets. No reason to get fluxed over a couple of trades that don’t go your way. At a distance, it is easy to understand. Everybody knows this. All traders “know” this in theory – until they are put to the test and discover they don’t know how to apply their knowledge in practice. Then, in another part of your brain, a circuit is tripped, without your ever knowing it, and all your knowledge becomes mush. This is where the two worlds of trading collide. You know the drill. And you’ve experienced the gap between Logic and Emotion. You’ve been there a thousand times, day in and day out. You know this stuff – at a distance. Then when you actually trade, with capital at risk (not at a distance, but viscerally in the here and now) you discover again and again that you don’t know what you thought you knew. Not really. All that understanding just flies out the door. “If only” you could force the markets to conform to your beautiful mind. Hordes of traders stay for years at this threshold until they burn out, only to be replaced by scores of new dreamers starting afresh having no idea what they are getting into. All are mesmerized by the possibility of success that trading offers and are sure they can learn how to extract capital from the markets consistently. As they mature, they stay stuck in “almost there”, running from one teacher to another and buying stuff and more stuff to help them get the edge. They earnestly believe that the answer (the Holy Grail) is “out there”. Then, all their troubles will be over! But no matter how seductive the promises of trading may be, success remains “right around the corner”. Each day, each week, each month, and each year – they pick up the broken pieces and try again the next day. This is how performance-challenged traders fritter their time and capital away. This is the experience of trading for the vast amount of people who are striving to become successful traders.

The Magical World of Being In Control The two worlds that collide in trading are really rooted in your biology of survival, not in your psychology. You come to trading with a hard-wired need to be in control of outcome and to predict the future. It is called the Self Preservation Principle. This principle is wired into the WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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very fabric of your being, so, of course, you are bringing it to trading as part of your historical baggage. And you come to trading with a hardwired need to deny Uncertainty, even at the cost of irrationally believing something that is not supported by evidence. So, you come equipped with an evolutionary bias bred into your genes for untold generations to believe you can control outcome and avoid uncertainty despite evidence to the contrary. If you want to see these principles in action, look no further than the Fallacy of Almost There. It is this biologically rooted bias that keeps you hanging on to consistently under-performing ways and customs in your trading – while you maintain hope that things will turn around. This is not trading psychology. This is trading biology, or what can be called the behavioral or emotional finance embedded in your brain that creates flaws in your trading psychology. It is primitive; therefore it is happening below the threshold of conscious awareness for those who are not trained to look deeper. A psychology develops around these primitive drives. Applied to other endeavors before trading, these drives led to the development of a psychology of winning by taking control (α - alpha) or a psychology of not losing by virtue of being right (perfectionist). These biases proved successful in other endeavors and were wired into the psyche as personality traits. These new psychological biases, so successful in those other endeavors before trading, quite naturally were brought into trading along with the biological drives of Self-Preservation for short-term survival. They feel right, so the trader acts as if they are true. This is the tragic mistake that traders make…the assumption that the rules of success learned outside of trading will apply to trading. They do not. They are different animals, but the brain (and then the trader’s mind) feels they are the same. And out of that feeling, traders discount evidence to the contrary – including the evidence provided by their trading account balance.

The Illusion of Control is Busted Because of the long time frames found in everyday life, people are lulled into a sense that they are in control or that being right is almost a concrete probability. And because humans have a brain that is short-term oriented and everything appears to go their way in the short term, they assume (incorrectly) that they are in control in the long term. If you have ever lived in an earthquake prone area, like the San Francisco Bay Area in California where I once lived, you see this principle in action. People do not think and act in the long term. If they did, life would be very different in that area. Though they know that an earthquake is coming in the long term, they continue to plan and act in the short term - because “out of sight is out of mind”. My wife and I lived through the catastrophic Loma Prieta earthquake in the Bay Area in 1989 (and saw its massive destruction) and, knowing that more were on the horizon, we chose to leave California. We left behind millions of people who discounted the future because of the bias of short term focus. Out of sight, out of mind. The difference in trading is that the earthquake (not being in control over outcome or engaging Uncertainty) is made apparent in the short-term, rather than the far-off distant future. In trading the short-term and the long-term are compressed together. Trading outcomes happen so much faster than real life outcomes (in slow motion) that the past, the present, and the future are much more jumbled together than in the slowness of WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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real life. The trader is forced to face consequences of his actions much faster than in real life. Because of that, traders are faced with recognizing their real lack of control over outcome much faster than people living in an earthquake prone area – where an earthquake probably will not happen in the near future. And one may not occur for another 20-30 years – out of sight, out of mind. The “almost there” crowd in trading is only just beginning to become sensitive to the near-term future. When they started, many traders began with good-sized capital at their disposal. Over time, that capital dwindles until a short-term alert begins to go off. The end is in sight. If you don’t get your act together, you are going to run out of capital. You’ve got to do something. In trading, the short-term and the long-term come to have a mutual time frame for evaluation, unlike an earthquake. It is at this time that many traders wake up to the self-induced deception of “Almost There – Success is just around the corner”. They may feel that their perception is still right – almost there – but the distance to danger is so close at hand that the belief can no longer be maintained. Cognitive Dissonance has met its match in urgency to avoid financial disaster.

Bridging the Gap Between Short-Term Survival and Long-Term Orientation Everybody talks about a Probability-Based mind, but how do you actually develop one? A mind that stays disciplined WHILE applying the knowledge under pressure of financial risk in the face of Uncertainty. It starts with acknowledging that your brain evolved to ensure short-term survival and with no regard for long-term gain. In fact, if you were to create the antithesis of what the brain was designed for, it would be trading – where Uncertainty is actively being managed while risking survival. There is nothing wrong with your brain. Solving this problem is more about regulating emotional biases rooted in antiquity and using the neuroplasticity of the brain to create the capacity to embrace Probability as the new normal. Fortunately the brain, and therefore the mind you bring to manage Uncertainty, is an organ of adaptation. As the potential designer of your brain’s engagement with the world, you need to shift from random selection and past experience with your environment and shift to become the active designer of how your brain and mind adapts to environmental pressures. Fortunately, humans are capable of this – if they take the blinders off that keep them from seeing the long-term as well as the short-term.

First Steps First. It starts with Emotional Regulation and Emotional Intelligence. Until you are able to manage the triggering and intensity of emotions that were designed by nature for your survival in the short-term, there is no getting to the door of the mind. Most traders never recognize that their mind has been hijacked emotionally until after the fact. You have to train yourself to spot the triggering of negative emotion in the face of Uncertainty before it becomes a runaway freight train. Not only do you have to learn how to spot the emotional triggering, you also have to learn how to regulate emotions and manage under pressure. This takes retraining your emotional responses. And it takes practice. In my work it starts WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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out as a 2-3 week process to get started and evolves into a lifelong skill to be maintained.

Development of a Mindfulness Practice. Nearly every human being has the facility of self-observation, though few grow the gift into a skill. In Mindfulness the trader begins to recognize that he/she is not his/her thoughts and beliefs – they represent only one possible organization of a potential Self. It is in recognizing that the structure of the Self is actually quite fluid (neuroplasticity) that the trader gains the opportunity to redesign the mind that he brings to the management of Uncertainty. And he realizes that he does not have to stay stuck in a construction of the Self that historically is focused solely on short-term preservation for survival’s sake. Instead, he can develop an organization of the mind that embraces the Uncertainty and Probability found in trading. This is not a magical change – it takes time and guidance to handle effectively.

Applied Mindfulness. Mindfulness is like a telescope that, when handled properly and focused correctly, can allow you to discover new possibilities where, before, nothing could be perceived. You find that you did have the raw talent all along, but you did not know where or how to look to find it. Even discovering the empowering aspects of the hidden gold mine within you is not enough. The talents have to be honed into usable skills. Nearly everyone has the hidden talents, but few awaken the talents and develop them into skills that are available when exposed to the trading environment – where Uncertainty and Probability are the norm to acclimate to. This is a much larger task than to stay stuck in the fallacy of “Almost There” and the feeling of Certainty in your beliefs. But the difference is competency as measured by equity growth. In professional sports, such as golf, nearly all elite athletes have psychologists working with them to achieve the mind that produces peak performance. All golfers on the PGA tour can drive and put. But only a few become the elite money players. At this level of competition, psychology of performance is what separates the leader from the pack. It is no different in trading – except that trading is probably a tougher mental game to master than golf. Good enough is not good enough to get to the top. Being stuck in “Almost There” is not going to help you become an elite trader. “Almost There” traders are the pack trying to get better without understanding what they need to get better at. The jump between the pack and the elite is found in the mind that the trader brings into the moment of performance. Getting from “Almost There” performances to elite performances requires change that is scary to the brain of the pack trader. Why not stay in the Comfort Zone – it’s, well, comfortable there. But when you watch an elite trader consistently extracting capital out of the markets, don’t you wish you were there? You could be if you are willing to challenge the organization of the Self that keeps you in the pack and re-order the mind that you bring to trading. That’s the difference maker.


July/August/September 2016


Trading range psychology and the Great Malaise By Clif Droke

The lateral trading range that has developed over the last year or so is a big reason why investors are feeling so glum. Even though the SPX isn’t far from its all-time high, to many participants it feels almost like a bear market. If it feels like the doldrums to you, that’s because the market has made no net progress since this time last year. In fact, the SPX is even a little below the year-ago high as the following graph testifies.

It has been observed that nothing spoils investors’ appetite for equities faster than a sideways trend. Trading ranges can actually exert a devastating influence on mass psychology – sometimes even more so than even a market crash. That’s because humans are hardwired for progress and trading ranges represent the opposite of progress, namely stagnation. Most investors, if they’re honest, would rather experience a market crash than several months (or years) of sideways equity prices. That’s because at least a crash brings excitement and the sense of movement. Even if that movement is to the downside, anything is better than going nowhere for a prolonged period (or so they reason).


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That’s why investor participation tends to drop off dramatically once the major indices settle into established sideways patterns. According to Gallup, for instance, only about 52 percent of Americans say they own stock, which matches a record low set in 2013. By comparison, stock ownership peaked just prior to the 2008 financial crisis, with nearly two-thirds of Americans then investors in the stock market. This is quite extraordinary given that the economy isn’t in recession and the major indices, while range-bound, are closer to multi-year highs than lows. One way of graphically describing the total lack of interest in equities right now is the latest AAII investor sentiment poll. This week the percentage of bullish investors dropped to a mere 19 percent – the lowest since the bottom of the 2008-09 credit crash. It’s extremely rare to see bullish sentiment this low given that the market hasn’t actually experienced a significant decline. Yet the percentage of bearish investors isn’t much higher, either. For much of this spring the AAII bears have averaged 25-30 percent. On any given week the majority of respondents have been “neutral” in their intermediate-term market outlook. That’s very typical of a rangebound market that is finally being recognized as trendless by the great masses of investors. Sideways trading range markets have their own unique characteristics – both technically and psychologically.  More than any other emotion trading ranges tend to elicit frustration from investors.  Nothing, after all, is more irritating to an investor than having to sit through long periods where stocks are making little or no progress.  The longer the trading range persists, the more frustrated and impatient investors tend to become.  If the trading range is established in the midst of a longer-term uptrend it’s not uncommon for investor sentiment to remain stubbornly bullish for an extended period.  Investors have become so conditioned to rising stock prices that it often takes several months of a grinding lateral trend before they finally lose their enthusiasm.  It’s when investors finally become more pessimistic on equities that the market commonly breaks out from the trading range.  In other words, investors normally have to be “head faked” before the market can proceed to a higher level. What’s happening now certainly can’t be called a Great Depression (in terms of mass psychology). But it could be called a Great Malaise. The dictionary definition for a malaise is “a general feeling of discomfort, illness or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.” I think that pretty well describes what investors are experiencing right now. They’re not actually suffering, but to them it feels like something is wrong with the financial market and/ or economy. They just can’t quite put their finger on what’s bothering them. Allow me to diagnose the root of their uneasiness: the trading range itself. The trading range was first established in the NYSE Composite Index (NYA), which is the broadest measure of the U.S. stock market, almost two years ago. The cause of this in my estimation was the loss of financial stimulus after the Fed brought to a close its quantitative easing (QE) program in late 2014. Since then the stock market has lost forward momentum with each year, as reflected in the NYA chart shown below. One of the problems with a trading range is that while stock prices appear to be going sideways, if you look at the market from a rate of change (momentum) perspective, you’ll see that it’s actually going lower. This is why it feels like a bear market to many investors; the WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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market’s longer-term rate of change has declined since the heady days of 2013 even if prices have more or less remained steady. Since investors are primarily governed by their feelings instead of their intelligence, they have missed out on some of the worthwhile rallies that have occurred within the boundaries of the 2014-2016 trading range. They’ve allowed the malaise to undermine their confidence and enthusiasm, which in the long run has cost them. Another aspect of trading range psychology is what I call “trading range trepidation.”  I coined this term back in 2005 and have long observed its repeated influence of investors’ collective psyche.  Trading range trepidation is a mental state which investors collectively feel when the major indices have spent many weeks or months in the lower portion of a range, then rally up to test the trading range ceiling.  As the upper range is reached, investors become apprehensive.  They’ve long been conditioned to seeing stocks rally to the former price highs, only to fall back and fail to pierce through the upper trading range boundary.  Skepticism has been thoroughly established at this point and scarcely anyone believes that the market will break free from the confines of its upper limit. “Trading range terror” by contrast occurs when prices decline to the lower boundary of an established trading range. When prices reach the upper band of the range, participation even among active traders tends to wane except among short sellers.  Few traders are interested in buying along a trading range ceiling.  Only when a decisive breakout is made above the ceiling do investors begin to show any interest. “Breakout shock” is a term that describes the psychological state experienced by investors once the major indices finally push out from a long established trading range.  Investors have become so numbed to the lack of action in the market that they’re simply unable to feel WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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optimistic about a breakout from a trading range.  It usually takes several weeks after the breakout before enthusiasm returns for equities. The following provides a brief overview of the stages that investor psychology passes through during the lifespan of a trading range in the major indices. When equities get stuck in a sideways trend for several months, investor psychology goes through four basic stages of change: 1.) initially they feel expectant that stock prices will quickly breakout of the newly formed range; 2.) when this fails to materialize sentiment turns sour as stocks drop to the lower boundary of the range; 3.) as stocks continue bouncing from the top to the bottom of the range investors begin to lose interest and eventually quit participating altogether with many selling their stock holdings. This is what forms the basis of a bullish accumulation pattern since “smart money” professional investors eagerly snap up the disgorged supply from disgruntled retail investors. 4.) Finally, as the range is nearing its final resolution, small investors who may, or may not, be invested are thoroughly frustrated at the lack of directional movement and capitulate altogether, thus providing the stimulus for the end of the trading range and the beginning of the market’s next breakout phase. Clif Droke is a recognized authority on moving averages, internal momentum and Kress Cycles, three valuable tools as applied to the equity market.  He is the editor of the Momentum Strategies Report newsletter, published three times a week since 1997.  He has also authored several books on trading and technical analysis, including his most recent one, Mastering Moving Averages. For more information visit  

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July/August/September 2016


How to Automate Your Trade Signals By Steve Wheeler

Introduction Let me start by introducing myself. I am a full time trader and trainer in the futures markets. I run a real time trading room two hours each trading day. I have traded for over 20 years, and concentrate primarily on the currency (FOREX), crude oil, gold, and stock index futures markets, such as the S & P E-mini. In a previous career, I was a practicing C.P.A . in the state of Florida. I have developed a full suite of charts and indicators known as the Trendicators™ and a market analyzer known as the TradeFinder™, as well as a number of automated trading systems and automated buy, sell, and trade management systems. What follows are the fundamental elements you need to be consistently profitable in the futures markets. I have also included information below that is crucial to your overall success and in managing your risk. Preparation for trading profitably consists of market observation over a period of time so that the trader can build confidence in knowing what usually happens in the market, and how to profit from the recurring market behavior that repeats itself every day. To take advantage of cycles in the markets, observe the typical move that a market moves after it moves up or down out of a range contraction pattern. The real objective is to build a knowledge of probabilities of market behavior so as to take consistent profits out of specific trading instruments. The following are observations of market behavior that will help to put the probabilities in your favor. ____________________

How to Automate Your Trade Signals To put the probabilities in your favor, you must have an objective method or system for your trading. Patterns repeat themselves over and over in all markets, so knowing these patterns can help to put the probabilities in your favor. The more you can automate your trading signals, the more objective you will be in your trade selection. You need to determine a set of technical conditions for which you would take a long or short position in any market. You can use technical indicators that are widely available, or you can develop your own indicators. Once you have chosen the indicators you want to use, test them for validity in your trading. As in any testing, the more data the more reliable the results will be. Below is an example of a market analyzer where I have chosen a number of technical indicators that need to match up for a long or short position. Tools, such as this, enable you to scan multiple markets to determine the best instrument to trade at any given time. You will be able to run the analyzer in a back or forward test to check for validity. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Making money in the market is a matter of being on the right side of the market. Specific to the futures markets, there are both up and down moves each day that provide many trading opportunities. One approach to the market is to look for evidence of major support and resistance levels based on chart history. Many people ask me to identify which time frame I look at for my trading. My best answer is that I look at all of them. A good analogy would be that if you were going to buy or short a stock, you would most likely start by looking at a weekly or daily chart. Why would you approach the futures markets any differently? To put the odds in your favor, you must find things that occur over and over and trade with this information. Below, you will see two examples of Navi-Renko charts for the S & P Futures E-mini. These charts have buy and sell signals. The buy signals are the Green arrows pointing up and the sell signals are the magenta arrows pointing down, as noted on the chart.


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The above charts and the system displayed by the charts represents an example of signals that will enable you to objectively test a signal on any chart time frame or data series that you would like to test. Other examples would be using indicators such as moving averages for buy and sell signals One method of testing is to use a trade simulator such as the Market Replay function of the Ninjatrader® platform. You can download market replay data and test based on historical data taking trades based on your entry and exit criteria. You will be able to test various stop and profit target levels over a series of trades. I would suggest that you test during the time periods in which you plan to trade. An example would be to test the S & P futures from 9:45 AM Eastern time through 11:00 AM Eastern time if that is the part of the day that you intend to trade.

How to Develop a System with a Positive Expectancy To develop a plan that has a probability of success, you must test a sufficient amount of data to get a statistically significant sample of trades. I suggest testing at least 75 trades during the time period in which you plan to trade, taking the trades based on your plan and managing the open positions according to your plan. This process will enable you to gather data on your average winning trade, and your average losing trade in dollar terms. You will also know the percentage of winners versus the percentage of losing trades. From that data, perform a calculation as follows: Probability of winning trade times Average Winning trade in dollars minus the probability of a losing trade times the Average Losing trade.


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Example: (

.7 x

200 )



.3 x

100 )



When you have a positive value from this calculation, it means that you have a positive expectancy based on your data. In other words, you have a system that has put the probabilities in your favor of being profitable. Probabilities favor the continuation of a trend, therefore you want to trade or invest in the direction of the major trend. For purposes of intra-day trading or even investing, a daily chart is a very good place to start to analyze the major trend. To put the odds even further in your favor, I recommend that you analyze whatever you want to trade to find out the consistency of the trend. This can be done by measuring the trend in various time frames all the way from short term trends such as a five minute chart all the way to daily, weekly and monthly charts.

Risk Management A primary downfall of beginning traders lies in not knowing how to manage risk. The use of protective stop losses (known as stops); is one important tool in trading futures. An even more important tool is known as position sizing. Position sizing answers the question of how many contracts you should trade in the futures market as well as how many shares you should buy or short in the stock market. We know that trading is all about how to react to your successes as well as how to react when trades don’t go your way. No discussion of trading would be complete without a discussion of risk management. For futures trading, risk management is established with a combination of the use of stop orders combined with position sizing. You need to pair a proven strategy along with risk management. Risk management is accomplished, in general, by never taking a “big” loss on any one trade. I suggest that you start by making sure that on any one trade, you do not risk any more than one percent of your trading account. You will need to calculate before you enter a trade whether you would be risking more than one percent of your trading account. To calculate position-size, you need to know some basic information such as the following: Account Size Risk Percentage that you are assuming Tick value of contract you are trading Number of ticks of your initial stop loss order

A Risk Management calculation example for the e-mini would be as follows: Entry price = 1438.25 Initial Stop level = 1436.25 = 8 ticks


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8 ticks x tick value of $12.50 Account Size = $10,000

= $100

$100 x 1 contract =

$100 risk on this trade.

In this example, you would be able to trade 1 contract $10,000 x 1% = $100 maximum risk Like any profession, you need to be prepared to take on the markets in a structured and methodical manner. If you study the above principles, you will better understand overall market behavior and you will be equipped to begin to consistently benefit from the great opportunities that exist each day in the markets.

Platform: As you develop your trading skills, I suggest that you use a professional trading platform that will allow you to trade directly from the charts. Be sure that the trading platform allows you to trade in simulation mode as well as execute trades in your live futures account. In my opinion, it only makes sense to utilize the very best that technology has to offer in today’s world. Using a professional trading platform will improve your odds of success and help to eliminate trading errors. As with any skill, the more that you practice, the better you get at it. It is important to develop your skills regarding the proper use of your trading platform while in simulation mode so as to minimize trading errors after you are trading your actual trading account. Trading in simulation mode will help you to develop your confidence and an overall methodology that fits your personality.

Developing a Belief in Your Approach and Overcoming Fear: Most traders will develop fear as they trade due to a history of losses. Like any fear, the way to overcome it is to continue to do what you fear the most. An advantage of having a trading platform that provides for simulation is that you will be able to trade in simulation mode to build a plan with a positive expectancy and thereby develop greater confidence in your approach to trading. As you trade in simulation mode, develop a set of notes that will act as the beginning of your trading plan. Trade in simulation mode until you have mastered the use of the trading platform you have chosen. As you trade in simulation mode, practice developing the discipline needed to execute your trading plan. Through repetition, you will begin to develop into a polished and profitable trader. Please let us know if you need any help in developing your approach to profitable trading. Send an e-mail to [email protected] with any questions and visit our website at www. Above charts use the NaviTrader Trendicator charts© and Automator System© running in the NinjaTrader platform If you have any questions on the material in this publication, please send an e-mail to support@ Steve Wheeler WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016



No, no, no,… it’s not what you think, so let’s get back to your trading screen. It is a fact that many traders have a difficult time earning consistent profits trading. From what I have read as well as what I have observed when I attend various webinars, it seems as though many traders believe that the cause of their lack of success is due to the method or methods they are using. To be honest, I do attend some of the webinars. Is it because I am looking for a method? Absolutely not. My EminiScalp methods are just fine and there is no reason to even attempt to use something else. I am just curious as to what is being offered by others and I am more curious as to why, with the variety of methods that are available, why the lack of trading success is still prevalent. This has been an ongoing issue for years and unless something changes, it will continue. I have written about our EminiScalp methods in previous articles. This article will offer my personal insight on trader account size and the relation to trader confidence. Many traders believe that their lack of success is due to the terrible method they are using. When I visit a vendor’s website and read the testimonials on just how great the method is, I have to wonder what is going on. Why is it that some traders seem to be doing very well with a method while others are struggling. Are the testimonials false? In most cases, I would like to believe they are true, although there may be those that are questionable. No matter how many testimonials and great reviews a vendor receives, there seems to be as many unhappy and frustrated traders who can’t make heads nor tails from the particular method, not to mention a profit. So, what gives? How is it that some can prosper but many fail. Does it have to do with discipline? Or is it focus. How about determination. Ahh, could it be…emotions. Is it a combination of all of what was just mentioned, or is it something else? One vendor says only $1000 is needed in the account to trade their method, and another vendor says $2500 may be required for their method. I have seen some vendors who insist that a trader have an account of at least $10,000 in order to trade their method Experience has taught me that trading confidence can be attributed to account size. Traders are more apt to take risks if their trading account has a substantial balance. The “confidence” begins to erode as the trading account dwindles. I believe that the rule of thumb is never to risk more than 2% of your trading account on any one trade. Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule, but it is one that seems to be the industry standard. For many traders, 2% is not a huge amount (taking in consideration the average size of a trading account), but unfortunately, it can also be unrealistic. I am not sure if many traders adhere to that rule, or if they are even aware of it. This 2% rule can work out just great, or it can mean the temporary or permanent end to a trading endeavor. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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I believe most day traders are far more focused on the stop amount for a particular trade rather than a percentage amount. No matter how the risk is determined, the size of the trading account must be considered. I believe some brokers allow a trading account to be opened with as little as $500. Not a good idea to trade live with this account size, but it is certainly a way to learn when using it to SIM trade. Over a period of time, as a trader progresses, more funds can be added to the account. When the trader feels he or she is ready to go live, there will be sufficient funds available. What amount is sufficient? What should an account size be? This may be difficult to determine as there are many factors that may have to be considered. As we move on, hopefully our readers can get some insight on this. I would like to share an experience I had with one of our traders, who we will call James. His situation was not very different from the many, many traders who have contacted and joined our EminiScalp team. It all started with an email from James asking if I could call him. We spoke on the phone at length, and this was his story. About 13 months prior to him contacting me, James had purchased a method for $3000 that featured an 8 tick target with a 5 tick stop. I asked him if this was the same management for all markets and he said it was, although he was encourages by the vendor to focus on the ES. This meant that every time a trade was entered, the trader was either going to hit the 8 tick target or be stopped at 5. James was disciplined and stayed with the rules. To make a long story short, his trading account was just about cleaned out by the time he contacted me. Unfortunately, the outcome was not what he had expected. Was there a flaw with the method he was using? Not necessarily. The issue may have been with the management. There is no way that for every market, every trade, every time of day, that there is a strict hard and fast stop and target rule. In trading, discipline is certainly a necessary attribute, but so is logical flexibility. I asked James if he had taken profits at 3 or 4 ticks for each trade, would there be a possibility of a more positive result. Thinking about this, he believed he would still have money in his account. But he commented, there would have been an imbalance between risk and reward because the stop would have been more than his target. As far as I am concerned, there is no relation between stops and targets. Commentary regarding this will be reserved for a future article. In any case, logical flexibility over discipline, for a method that really did not understand risk and reward, could have possibly put James in the profit column. I am not saying that the method was not working, as the method itself seemed to be fine. The risk and reward just needed tweaking. Anyway, James began trading this method with an account size of $3000. Since a 5 tick stop for the ES would be $62.50 per contract, this would have exceeded the 2% rule by a small amount. If the method claimed an 80% success rate, then all should have been fine, as long as this claim was true. But, even if this was the case, trading with an account size of $3000 could be a problem. On a given day, if the first two trades were not successful, then the account would have been down to $2875 not including commission. I am not saying that the first couple of trades will not be a success, but this certainly does happen. If it didn’t, the success rate for trading may be different. Anyway, now that the account size WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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is less, there is a confidence issue. After losing a few trades, the fear takes over. Actually it may not be so much that any subsequent trades will lose, it is the anxiety one feels when the funds in the account begins to shrink. The mindset is different when there is $10,000 in the account. Losing trades with an account of this size still enables the trader to continue because there is a financial cushion that a smaller account does not offer. The fear is not so much that a trade will not be successful, the fear is anticipating a loss of money. As the funds dwindle, so does the confidence, and the anxiety builds. There were many instances where James had at least 2 losses in a row. Hypothetically, if you have 2 losses in a trading day, then the next eight should be successful, assuming the vendor claims an 80% success rate. This can be misleading as well. Does this mean that if 10 trades are taken each day, 8 will show a profit? Or is it calculated over a period of time, such as a month. If so, there could be considerable draw downs over a short period of time, to be possibly made up in the near future. For the most part, small trading accounts are not able to withstand this instability. The chart below is an illustration of the type of trades James had encountered with his method. This was not a trade James took, it is just an example. As shown, the method called for a long at A. It was a good entry point, but not the best. With his account size of $3000, the 5 tick stop, at B was not enough leeway to keep James in the trade. Unfortunately not many methods make allowances for the way a market may trade, such as highs, lows, recent activity, etc. The two blue arrows at the bottom of the chart show EminiScalp ABL auto trade long entries. The ABL does take into account the various market conditions. In any case, having the knowledge of where trade areas may occur, would have allowed for a very nice trade. The EminiScalp ABL knew where to take this entry.


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I believe that the rule of thumb is for every $500, one contract can be traded. With an account size of $3000, that would be 6 contracts. Under those conditions, $375 would have vanished from the account with this stop. That is over 10% of the account size. It would be very difficult emotionally for a trader to continue trading if this happened to be the first trade of the day. Of course, not all trades are stopped, there are certainly profitable trades. The question is though, why is it so difficult for the majority of traders to be successful? Possibly because of tight stops, unrealistic targets, human emotion, or account size. If James had $10,000 in his account, his confidence may not have eroded as fast as his funds did. What is my point with all of this? Working with aspiring traders through the past years, I have found that adhering to specific rules as required by vendors, is very difficult, especially when account size decreases. Trading is a very emotional business and the lack of funds compound the anxiety. After all my years of trading, I have come to the conclusion that auto trade methods are probably a better solution for many traders. The rules are preset, there is no emotion involved and stops and targets are set prior to an entry. There is no real reason for a day trader to learn the internal workings of the market. If one wants to learn, it can be done while auto trading and not when the trader is physically attempting to take entries and looking for exits. If the opportunity presents itself, become profitable first, then take the time to learn the market internals, assuming this is what is important to you. Trades need room to breathe, so stops must be determined accordingly. If you know the critical trade areas, then you should be fine. If not, consider an auto trade such as the ones offered by EminiScalp. Traders with deep pockets have the ability to let a trade go against them because , in many cases, they recognize that there will be an eventual pullback or reversal. Knowing where trade areas are is a big plus because a trader will have an indication where price may move in her or his favor. So, in conclusion, if James gave trades more breathing room and took a little less profit for each trade, he is certain that he would not have had a need to contact me. In order for this to have happened though, he agrees that a larger size trading account would have definitely helped him. So, size matters. Thanks for taking the time to read my article. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


July/August/September 2016


Pattern Trading Tools by Suri Duddella In this article, I plan to discuss my pattern trading process and pattern trading tools. I trade Harmonic/Geometric chart pattern setups like ABCs, Gartley/Butterfly with market context both in automated and discretionary process using TradeStation platform. I trade Emini futures intraday and trade Stocks/Options using End-Of-Day (EOD), weekly charts from swing trading (Short to Medium term) perspective. I will discuss few of my trading tools and trade setups and my psychological and emotional preparation for trading process.

Trading Plan Here is my Intraday Futures trading plan. I have a similar plan for End-Of-Day equities/options plans and I'll write about them in my future articles. All the ideas and tools I use are well designed and tested in real time and end-of-ay analysis in auto/discretionary trading styles for the past 20+ years of my full-time trading. 1. Trading decisions are made using "Trading tools" only, whereas "Support tools" are used to validate/support the "Trade Tools." An example of "Trade Tools" are pattern recognition tools like Auto ABC, Auto Gartley, Head & Shoulders etc. and an example of "Support tools" are part of market context tools like moving averages, pivots, fib. bands and gaps etc. 2.Trade in the same direction of Market Internals direction. Current pattern or setup trade direction must be same using Combined Market Internals indicator. 3. Trade pattern based and computed entry, stops, targets only, and never guess or overthink non-computed price levels. 4. Current Volatility (VLTY) must be within the tradable condition. 6. Entry, Exit and Targets must fit my Trading Plan and risk profile. 7. Never trade micro chart patterns and never scalp counter-trend based chart patterns. Check for the confluence of target levels or zones with other key support/resistance levels. 8. Must adhere to strict discipline for my entry and exit rules and money management rules. 9. If any point during the trade, if my trade decision is violated or becomes wrong, exit the trade regardless of Profit or Loss. 10. Scale-In and Scale-Out must be planned before the trade started. Never add to a losing trade.

List of tools I use in my trading 1. Auto Chart Pattern detection tools (like ABCs, Gartley, Butterfly, Double Bottoms/Tops, H&S etc.) 2. Support tools like Market Structure, Pivots (Floor, Globex, Fib. Zone), MAs and Fib. Bands. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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3. Market Internals indicator (for Intraday Trading only) -- Combined Market Internals (CMI) 4. Follow underlying trend detection tools (SuperBars, EVTrend) 5. Market Volatility (VLTY) tools.

Tools I use in Pattern Trading Auto ABC Pattern with PRZ/Targets Auto ABC pattern is the simplest but most unique and universal pattern in trading. ABC chart patterns also embedded in many other chart patterns like Gartley, Butterfly, Head and Shoulders, Double Top/Bottoms, Head and Shoulders, Elliott Waves, Dragons etc. The “ABC” patterns forecast key market turning points and profit targets for traders. “ABC” patterns pinpoint important pivot levels with high and low prices and identify key trading zones. The key process in identifying an “ABC” is correctly finding the A, B, and C swing points in a chart without any delays. Once A, B, and C pivots are identified, an Auto-levels algorithm generates the Entry, Stop and Target levels. The “C” pivot in “ABC” patterns are determined by the Fibonacci retracement of (38.2 to 61.8 percent) of AB swing. The projection from “C” level is measured using fib-ratios of AB and BC swings. A Radar Screen component finds ABCs for multiple instruments and multiple time-frames. When price starts to trade above 'EL' level in ABC Bullish pattern, it signals pattern completion and a trade entry signal. A long trade is entered above EL level and a Stop is placed below 'C'. Targets are computed using the length of 'AB' (from C) using Fib. ratios. These projections are automatically plotted to show 'ABC' pattern entry, stop and targets. Bearish ABCs will have similar trade setups in reverse.

Fib. Bands


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Fibonacci Bands are derived from Fibonacci ratios expansion from a derived key moving average and standard deviation. These bands help traders find key areas of support and resistance. “Fibonacci bands” are computed by adding a Fibonacci ratio distance (Up and Down) from a “key dynamically adjusted moving average.”

Pivots (Floor, Globex and Fib. Zone Pivots) Traders believe the Pivot levels acts as key support and resistance levels during market trends. I use Pivot levels as part of "Support Tools" to determine the validity and strength of the pattern but never trade Pivot levels by themselves. Analysis based Pivot levels are very crucial and I use Floor, Globex, and Fib. Zone Pivots for my trading. A confluence of pivots increases the chance of potential support/resistance compared to a single pivot level. Pivots are very efficient for both day and swing trading. Pivot trading is quite profitable using these support/resistance levels in the direction of the trend along with good money management techniques.

Combined Market Internals Indicator (CMI) Market Internals use market breadth indicators and work as leading indicators. The key aspect is to find a group of market breadth indicators and combine them to form a single Combined Market Internals (CMI) Indicator and follow its direction. Combine Market Internals Indicator shows a Combined Market Trend of Internals of $ADV, $DECL, $TICK, $TRIN, $ESINX, XLF, SPY in real-time. CMI shows the underlying trend in a histogram. CMI Ribbon shows the detail of internal trends. I look for CMI direction in 3m and 5m charts to assist my pattern trade for entry. Any bullish pattern setup must match the CMI direction (in GREEN) at the entry point and vice-versa for bearish setups. CMI also assists me in finding divergences.


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SuperBars (A Trend Indicator) Most traders know the axiom -- Trend is your Friend. Traders who capture market trends are most successful than traders who trade counter-trend methods. Counter-trend is also a successful method but it is much harder

and unforgiving when a mistake is made compared

to Trend based methods. Super-Bars is a methodology to detect the underlying trend based on multiple trend techniques to build a composite trend and project the super-trend on the pricebars. Superbars provide trend information at a quick glance using color scheme. plotted in all markets and in all time-frames. Super-bars underlying trend in the simple color scheme.

Superbars can be

are color coded and decipher the

Red:Bear, Green: Bull, LightRed: pre-Bearish,

LightGreen: pre-Bullish. Superbars is NOT a buy/sell indicator as it is part of "Support Tools". It is used along with other pattern setups, technical indicators to spot trends and trend changes.

Market Volatility Zones (VLTY) One of the most significant indicators for my trading analysis (part of Support Tools) is Market Volatility (VLTY) Zones Indicator. Market Volatility (VLTY) provides a way to gauge the current instrument volatility in its time-frame. It is plotted in a sub-graph for my trading instrument (primarily Intraday). When VLTY range is above 25 and below 50, it is suggesting balanced and calmer VLTY range trade. If VLTY is trading above 50 to 100, it may be signaling higher volatile period and considered risky zone and I usually avoid taking new trades. VLTY above 100 is considered to be extremely risky and signaling extreme volatile conditions to persist and I'll exit all the trades from the markets and wait for it to return to normal condition (below 50). VLTY below 25 signals choppy conditions and sideways/whipsaw trading.


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Example Trade 1: Confluence zones from multiple pattern or trade setups act as key areas for price-action. Trading solely with these price levels may not be the best choice for any trader, but using these confluence zones with pattern setups may result in profitable trades. Here I present a trade how I anticipate these confluence price zones and trade ABC chart pattern with market context. Following chart shows an ABC Bullish pattern in @ES 1220 tick chart with a C retracement of 58%. ABC Bullish trades are made when price trades above Entry Level (EL) level. Notice also price closed above mid-Fib. band and 200 SMA. Now monitoring the market context elements, the price is trading above Mid Fib. Band and VLTY are comfortably less than 50 (normal). BarTime is showing about 60-90 seconds for ES 1220 Tick (my trade chart). CMI is also green signaling potential ABC bullish setup.

Trade Info. A long entry was taken at 1383 with an initial stop set 1381. Targets are computed from 'C' using AB Length and Fibonacci numbers. I look for projected targets confluence with other pivot levels, MAs or any other support or resistance levels. About 30mins after trade entry, ABC long trade from 1383 level reached its first Target: 1386.5. I exited half of my position at 1386.5 (3.5 pts profit) and then I waited for my next target 1389 and raised stop from 1381 to 1385. Price went up to 1387.5 (79%AB) to complete target zone.


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Trade1_Fig2: ABC Bullish Pattern with Entry, Stop and Targets

Trade1_Fig. 3: All Pivots, BarTime and Volatility Chart


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Trade1_Fig 6: Trade Chart showing Entry and Exits

Example2: Trade with the Trend The following example shows how to trade patterns with trend confirmation. This example also uses Auto ABC, SuperBars with Fib. Bands to identify a trade. The central idea behind the trade is to wait for trend confirmation in the pattern trades. This example chart shows an ABC Bullish pattern setup with entry level (EL) above 1376.5 with a stop at 1375. The ABC is well set but the underlying trend (using SuperBars indicator) is showing a bearish trend (RED). Superbars is signaling the continuation of bearish trend and price may retrace further. CMI also was signaling a continuation of market internals bearish trend.


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Trade2_Fig 1: ABC Pattern with SuperBars and double bottom formation. After about 90 minutes later, ES completed a Double bottom pattern (ABC with C at 94% retracement). Superbars signaled a potential trend change (with GREEN bars) and completion of double bottom and ABC Bullish Trade setup. CMI started to market internals were turning to green. A Long trade using ABC /Double Bottom pattern is entered at 1374.5 with a Stop at 1372.5 (below C) . Targets were placed at 1374.5 (+2), 1376.5 (+4) and 1378 (+5.5). Stop was set at -2 points at 1372.5.

Trade2_Fig. 2: ABC/Double Bottom Trade Entry with Stop and Targets WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Trade Exits

Trade2_Fig 3: Trade entry, Targets Within 90 minutes of time, all my targets were hit as I trailed the stops. Patience and discipline

Trade2_Fig.4 : Trade Chart with Entry and Exits WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


What The Professionals Know and You Don’t -- One of the Best Kept Secrets In the Financial Trading by Andrew Pancholi

Making money investing and trading is a difficult business.  Much is written about it and it is made out to be simple accessible and even glamorous.  The truth is that 94% of people who open a trading account are out of business within nine months.  They have either lost the entire contents of their account or decided to give up.  This means that 6% of traders, which include all the professionals, are taking money from the 94% who are losing it or put another way one person in twenty succeeds!  The professionals have many secrets that they don›t want the public to know about and I am about to reveal one of them.  Most private individuals do not take the time to educate themselves so that they can be successful.  However, once an individual has mastered markets they are firmly on the path to untold wealth. You may well have heard of the phrase «Sell in May and Go Away» referring to the stock market and specifically the UK FTSE 100 index or the American Dow Jones Industrial Averages or the S&P 500.  This is a very broad statement that introduces us to the concept of seasonality in markets.  By the way, as our market chart below shows, this is not really true.  Just as the natural world has four seasons ranging from spring through summer, autumn to winter during the course of which we experience cold weather, warmer times, as well as wet and windy times, markets show similar tendencies.  However these tendencies are somewhat veiled in as much as they do not fall into four quarters. However markets do exhibit up moves, down moves and sideways moves which can be likened to ‘times of the market year’.   Take a look at the chart below. 


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The curving thick Red Line shows the average movement of the S&P500 Index over the course of the year.  You can see that the lowest point is in January and typically the high falls at the very end of the year at the end of December. A significant high comes in around May 4th on average. It is not necessarily followed by a large sell off. A major low comes in around October 5th from when some years see a major rally into yearend. Students of W D Gann will recognize these dates! What is not commonly known to the public is that commodity markets generally display even stronger seasonal bias in trend with some very high probability opportunities.  Historically, these markets have not been so easy to trade but now with the advent of commodity ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) there is greater access for the general public to these markets.  These are in addition to the more complex instruments or futures contracts and options which are also available. Crude Oil shows definite seasonal trending.


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Most noticeable is the big move down from October to December as shown on the charts below.


The data from our system shows that since 1983, Crude Oil has closed lower on the 10th December than it was trading on 17th October on 71.9% of occasions. This represents 23 occasions. This does not mean that the market went straight down. It merely shows that the close was lower on the December date than the market was trading on the October date. In some years the market may have traded in the opposite direction creating a drawdown for some period of the duration. Hence money management is essential. However this information is useful to us and does give us a potential edge. So what can we do to enhance this system? At the Market Timing Report we are able to find high probability turning points using our Profit Finding Oracle System. This gives seasonal trading a massive boost. We do this is different time frames from super macro down to weekly and daily cycles. Using these latter two types we can get confirmation of whether seasonality is likely to work this year. Take a look at the following chart. There are several points to note. Firstly, this chart is showing a medium term cycles histogram set underneath it. Looking at the bottom left you will note that where the histograms spike, as shown by the vertical blue lines, the market usually reverses direction. Returning to our seasonal set up above, we would be looking for a change for the week of 17th October 2016. There is already a histogram spike coming into play at that time point this year. Remember these histograms are derived from a completely separate methodology. So this is already providing a degree of confirmation for the seasonal move. If the oil market is heading up into the October time window then a reversal can be expected. As the time approaches we would check our indicators and money management setups to see if the trade can be entered safely and with good risk reward. If on the other hand the crude oil market is selling off into that point then an up move is possible as an inversion may be taking place. This would be counter to seasonality so a more risky set up. Future potential turning points are making themselves evident to the bottom right of the chart. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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  The use of seasonal trading knowledge when combined with trading strategy and sensible money management such as the use of stop losses can become a very effective tool for trading and investment.  Exchange traded funds come in different forms and avoid the issues of contract rollovers etc which occur in futures markets. Futures markets are traded by month for delivery.  Additionally some ETFs are geared so, for example, if you expect a market to rise in price, then you would buy an ETF. If the ETF is geared then for every point or penny that the underlying market moves, then the geared ETF will move up twice or even three times as much. The Market Timing Report is published monthly and gives information on forthcoming potential turning points and seasonality on the S&P500, Crude Oil, Gold, Dollar Index and EURUSD. Try it risk free with a 28 day no questions asked money back guarantee!


July/August/September 2016


Trade Chart Patterns Poster Trade Chart Patterns Poster (24" x 36") Chart Patterns is a Wall chart poster displays 30 Chart Patterns (color) for active market traders and investors with illustrated Entries, Stops and Targets on a 24" x 36" (2 ft. x 3 ft.), glossy 100 lb. paper. Chart patterns are organized for bullish and bearish color mapped columns. Each Chart pattern is marked with trade direction (Long, Short), Stop and Target Levels and features trade types (reversal or continuous), trade conditions and trade rules. The chart patterns are auto-detected and generated in TradeStation software for accurate depiction and precision. This poster is digitally printed with glossy finish and features a water-resistant coating. It is rolled and shipped in a rigid kraft mailing tube. For more information or to order please go to:


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Patterns List 1. ABC Bullish 2. ABC Bearish 3. AB=CD Bullish 4. AB=CD Bearish 5. Ascending Triangle 6. Butterfly Bullish 7. Butterfly Bearish 8. Cup & Handle 9.Descending Triangle 10. Diamond Top 11. Diamond Bottom 12. Double Bottom 13. Double Tops 14. Flags & Pennants 15. Gartley Bullish 16. Gartley Bearish 17. Head & Shoulders 18. Inverse Head & Shoulders 19. MegaPhone (Broadening) 20. Parabolic Arc 21. Rectangle Channel 22. Rising Wedge 23. Falling Wedge 24. Symmetric Triangle 25 V-Top 26. V-Bottom 27. 3-Drives Bullish 28. 3-Drives Bearish 29. 5-Wave Bullish 30. 5-Wave Bearish Suri Duddella, is a 20+ year full-time Patterns based Algorithmic Trader. He trades Futures/ Equities/Options markets using his mathematical and algorithmic models. He is also the author of “Trade Chart Patterns Like The Pros” book and many other markets related articles. His website and blog for Automated Patterns/Research and Tools is: http://www.suriNotes. com and his email: [email protected]


July/August/September 2016


Master Trader Course Review by Larry Jacobs Dean Jenkins has the site. He allows you to follow his trades and has some impressive yearly gains for his track record. He has consistent profitability because he follows strict risk management rules, maintains a high win ratio on his trades and also maintains a high payout ratio on his trades. Because his wanted his subscribers to be more successful he created a Master Trader Course. I took the course to see what it was all about. Here is the course outline:

Module One: Dow Theory Trend Analysis Trend Change Confirmation


Module Two: Simple Elliott Wave Theory Wave Counts Impulsivity Versus Correcting Waves Using Dow And Elliott Together

Module Three: Risk Management Theory Risk Of Ruin Trade Size Calculation Scaling in Adding Two Positions

Module Four: Trading Rules Trade Setups Risk Reward Analysis Trade Entry Criteria WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Trade Management Trade Exit Criteria

Module Five: Trading Business Plan Tracking Results Trading Psychology Dealing With Losing Trades

Module Six: Scanning Techniques Scanning Tools Sector Analysis Instant Chart Pattern Recognition The first module is really about trend analysis. Are you in a trend and when did it start and when did it change. He talks about the rules and the data around that. He talks about Dow Theory. He touches on a few indicators that can help with that analysis. In module two he jumps into a simple approach to Elliott Wave Theory. He talks about wave counts and impulsive vs corrective waves and how to use Dow and Elliott together.

In modules six he talks about scanning techniques with the tool to use. How to use sector analysis and instant chart pattern recognition? How to find really good trades and narrow it down to the best? Each module has both written study material PDF in the course area, teaching videos, quizzes and worksheets – self-administered. It has answer keys for quizzes and worksheets. The couse also has webinars and teaching via Q&A. Valid stock trades are reviewed in the webinars. If you read the study materials first and watch the videos to reinforce the lessons and look closely at the examples, take the quizzes, grade them yourself, review the areas you have trouble with and email Dean with any questions you should learn a lot about trading profitability. I recommend the course. If you are interested in taking the couse or if you have any question please email [email protected]

In module three he gets into risk management. He talks about risk of ruin and how to avoid it and how to get the right trade size and how to scale in. In module four he talks about getting into the trade with trading rules with the exact setup he uses in his trading. How he does reward to risk analysis making sure the trade has enough profitability. He talks about the entry, how to manage it and get out. In module five he talks about the business plan and a method to track the results and trading psychology. How to deal with losers?


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Amazon Kindle Books Gann Masters Course by Larry Jacobs $9.95 As you know, W.D. Gann was a legendary trader. Some say he amassed a fortune in the the markets. He wrote several important books on trading as well as a commodity trading course and a stock market trading course. He charged $3000 to $5000 for the trading courses which included 6 months of personal instruction by phone. The Gann Masters Trading Course to help traders become successful.

A Unique Approach to Forecasting by Ivan Sargent $32.95 This book is possibly one of most advanced books in technical analysis you will read regarding price and time reversals. Knowing the Price and time of a stocks reversal point is undeniably an important element for to successful trading. Unlike most trading books which use indicators, oscillators, and basic geometry to forecast the markets outcome; this technique uses a series of lines which when accurately placed can deliver reversal points with amazing accuracy. Trend lines, retracements lines, channels, fan lines, pivot points etc, all inspect a stock chart from the outside, which is more or less the obvious point of view.

Patterns and Ellipses by Larry Jacobs $9.99 This book concerns itself with a highly technical subject, the subject of technical analysis of the financial market. This book specifically deals with ellipses and pattern formations used for trading the markets. It also covers many other technical analysis tools that can be used effectively by the trader.

Gann’s Master Charts Unveiled by Larry Jacobs $9.99 We know that Gann used the Pythagorean Square because he was found carrying it with him into the trading pit all the time. This square was hidden in the palm of his hand. How did he use this square? Why did he not discuss the use of this square in his courses? There is only one page covering the Square of Nine in all of his books and courses. Was this square his most valuable tool? These and all the other squares Gann used will be discussed in detail in this book with many illustns and examples to prove how they work.

Gann Trade Real Time by Larry Jacobs $9.99 When you opened this book you took the one step that will help you learn how to be successful at the most desirable, but hardest profession in the world. That profession is real time trading. This book is not going to give you an instant secret to day trading. It is going to give you the basics so that you might start the path to understanding how the markets work both short term and long term. You need to know and fully understand the markets and develop successful trading WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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strategies to become successful at this endeavor.

Best Trading Strategies: Master Trading the Futures, Stocks, ETFs, Forex and Option Markets $3.99 This is one of the most fascinating books that was ever written about trading because it is written by over thirty expert traders. These traders have many years of experience and they have learned how to turn technical analysis into profits in the markets. This is extremely difficult to do and if you have ever tried to trade the markets with technical analysis you would know what I mean. These writers have some of the best trading strategies they use and have the conviction and the discipline to act assertively and pull the buy or sell trigger regardless of pressures they have against them. They have presented these strategies at the Traders World Online Expo #14 in video presentations and in this book. What sets these traders apart from other traders? Many think that beating the markets has something to do with discovering and using some secret formula. The traders in this book have the right attitude and many employ a combination of fundamental analysis, technical analysis principles and formulas in their best trading strategies. Trading is one of the best ways to make a lot of money in the world if one does it right. One needs to find successful trading strategies and implement them in their own trading method. The purpose of this book is to present to you the best trading strategies of these traders so that you might be able to select those that fit you best and then implement them into your own trading. I wish to express my appreciation to all the writers in this book who made the book possible. They have spent many hours of their time and hard work in writing their section of the book and the putting together their video presentation for the online expo.

Finding Your Trading Method $3.99 Finding your trading method is the main problem you need to solve if you want to become a successful trader. You may be asking yourself, can I find my own trading method that will reflect my own personality toward trading? For example, do you have the patience to sit in front of a computer and trade all day? Do you prefer to swing trade from 3-5 days or do you like to hold positions for weeks and even months? Every trader is different. You need to find your own trading method. Finding out your trading method is extremely important to produce a profitable benchmark that can be replicated in your live account. Perhaps the best way to find a successful trading method is to listen to many expert traders to understand what they have done to be successful. The best way to do that is to listen to the Traders World Online Expos presentations. This book duplicates what these experts have said in their presentations, WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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which explains what they have done to find their own trading method. If you have a trading method that gives you a predictable profit, then that type of objectivity contributes to your trading edge. The problem with most traders is that being inconsistent will never allow them to have an edge. After you find your trading method that you feel comfortable with, you must have the following: An overall plan to: 1) Set your rule set and plan and then stick with it in all of your trading. 2) To give you a trading plan for every day. The trade plan then should: 1) Have an exact entry price 2) Have a stop price 3) Have a way to add positions 4) Tell you where to take profits 5) Have a way to protect your profits By reviewing all the methods given in this book by the expert traders, it will give, you the preliminary steps that you need to find your footing in finding your own trading method. Reading this book and by seeing the actual recorded presentations on the Traders World Online Expo site can act as a reference tool for selecting your method of trading, investment strategies and tactics. It took many of these expert traders in this book 15 – 30 years to finally come up and find the answers to find their trading method to make consistent profit. Finding your trading method could be then much easier when you read this book and incorporate the techniques that best fit your personality and style from these traders. This book will enable you to that fastest way to do that. So if you want help to find your own trading method to be successful in the markets then buy and read this book.

Learn the Secrets of Successful Trading $3.99 Learn specific trading strategies to improve your trading, learn trading ideas and tactics to be more profitable, better optimize your trading system, find the fatal flaws in your trading, understand and use Elliott Wave to strengthen your trading, position using correct sizing to trade more profitable, understand Mercury cycles in trading the S&P, get consistently profitable trade setups, reduce risk and increase profits using volume, detect and trade the hidden market cycles, short term trading by taking the money and running, develop your mind for trading, overcoming Fear in WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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Trading, trade with the smart money following volume, understand and use the Ultimate Oscillator, use high power trading with geometry, get better entries, understand the three legs to trading, use technical analysis with NinjaTrader 7, use a breakout system with cycles for greater returns with less risk, use TurnSignal for better entries and exits, trade with an edge, use options profitably, learn to trade online, map supply and demand on charts, quantify and execute portfolio rotation for auto trading. Written by Many Expert Traders The book was written by a large group of 35 expert traders, with high qualifications, most of who trade professionally and/or offer trading services and expensive courses to their clients. Some of them charge thousands of dollars per day for personal trading! These expert traders give generally 45-minute presentations covering the same topics given in this book at the Traders World Online Expo #12. By combining their talents in this book, they introduce a new dimension to finding a profitable trading edge in the market. You can use ideas and techniques of this group of experts to leverage your ability to find an edge to successfully trade. Using a group of experts in this manner to insure your trading success is unprecedented. You’ll never find a book like this anywhere! This unique trading book will help you uncover the underlying reasons for your lack of consistency in trading and will help you overcome poor habits that cost you money in trading. It will help you to expose the myths of the market one by one teaching you the right way to trade and to understand the realities of risk and to be comfortable with trading with market. The book is priceless! Parallels to the Traders World Online Expo 12

Trade the Markets with and Edge $3.99 This is an important book discussing the use of different strategies methods about trading. It was written by over 30 expert traders. The book was designed to help you develop your own trading edge in the markets to put you above others who don’t have an edge and just trade by the seat of their pants. 90% of traders actually lose in the markets and the main reason is simply that they don’t have an edge. All of the writers in this book are very experienced and knowledgeable of different ways. Each of them has their own expertise in trading the markets. What sets these traders apart from other traders? Many think that beating the markets has something to do with discovering and using some secret formula. The traders in this book have the right attitude and many employ a combination of fundamental analysis, technical analysis principles and formulas in their best trading strategies. This gives WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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them a trading edge over other traders. If you want to be successful at trading, you too must have your edge. One needs to find successful trading strategies and implement them in their own trading method. The purpose of this book is to present to you the best trading strategies of these traders so that you might be able to select those that fit you best and then implement them into your own trading style. I wish to express my appreciation to all the writers in this book who made the book possible. They have spent many hours of their time and hard work in writing their section of the book and the putting together their video presentation for the online expo.

Guide to Successful Online Trading - Secrets from the Pros $3.99 This is one of the finest trading books you’ll ever see about trading. The reason is that it comes from a group of expert pro traders with multiple years of experience. Trading as you know is extremely difficult. It is estimated that 90% of traders lose money in the markets. To help you overcome this statistic, the pro traders in this book give you their ideas on trading with some of the best trading methods ever developed through their long time experience. By reading about these trading methods and implementing them in the markets you will then have a chance to then join the ranks of the 10% of the successful traders. The traders in this book have through experience the right attitude and employ a combination of technical analysis principles and strategies to be successful. You can develop these also. Trading is one of the best ways to make money. Apply the trading methods in this book and treat it as a business. The purpose of this book is to help you be successful in trading. From this book you will get all the strategies, Indicators and trading methods that you need to make big profits in the markets. This book gives you: 1) Audio/Visual Links to presentations from pro traders 2) The best strategies that the professional traders are using now 3) The broad perspective you need in today’s difficult markets 4) The Exact tools that you need to make profitable trading decisions 5) The finest trading education


July/August/September 2016


CRAIG TRADING: Craig Haugaard made 300.9% in his World Cup Trading Championships® Account in 2014 - Want to Know How? $3.99 This book contains an interview that I made with Craig Haugaard, third-place finisher in the 2014 World Cup Championship of Futures Trading® with a 300.9% net profit. I asked him many questions on exactly how he did it. In the rest of the book I explain to you how to use the indicators that Craig used to make his 300.9% return. Here are the indicators that he used: • • • • • •

Seasonality MACD Stochastics Moving Averages Trailing Stops Fibonacci Retracements & Extensions

All of the charts in this book are produced using my favorite charting software Market-Analyst®. I have also arranged for you to get a FREE trial so that you might have the chance to actually work with these indicators with a real charting platform. You will also be able to view the video presentations that I personally created so you can see how these indicators can be setup and followed with clear and concise step-by-step instructions. After you understand how these indicators work, I would then recommend that you go to and consider following Craig Haugaard’s real-time trades. This one-of-a-kind book teaches you how to identify the direction of the markets and trade the markets by using popular trading indicators. This is done by concise instructions backed by learning videos, hands on practice with real trading software and by following real-time trades of a master trader.

Mastering Your Trading: Learn from Expert Trading Advisors “Mastering Your Trading” is the perfect source for learning various methods of trading the market from expert advisers. $3.99 This book focuses on various methods of trading developed by many top trading advisors. There are 17 well written articles and it is packed by insight that can benefit the beginning to the expert trader. This is a must read. The trading methods and strategies presented in this book can help to succeed in today’s volatile market environment. From preparing your psychology to the demands of timing the market and managing the risk, this book tells it all. The book provides you the tools that are necessary for making the right trades and when to get in and out of the market. The book covers: WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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• • • • • • • • • • • •

Price and Volume the only True Indicators Uncovering Market Secrets How to handle capital exposure Secrets of Safe Profitable Day Trading Using Social Media Sentiment Cycles How to Dramatically Improve Your Trading Psychology How to Handle Trading Losses Using a Market Scanner to Save Time How to Stop Guessing How to Get the Right Trading Computer Simple and Practical Trading Tips And much more…

This book is an enhanced Edition which means that the articles are backed with audio visual presentation links. Most of the presentations are in HD quality and are put together by the writers of the articles in the book and really help the learning process. Successful trading is based on knowledge and having the right psychology to trade the markets. This book will lift your trading to a much higher level and will save you an enormous amount to time.


July/August/September 2016


Trading with Success $4.99 This book contains an interview in Chapter 1 with Rob Mitchell, who finished in 2nd place in the 2014 World Cup Championship® of CME E-mini Trading with a 57% net profit. Rob Mitchell is the president of Axiom Research & Trading, Inc. and has been a trading system developer for over 20 years and has developed a number of commercially successful trading systems. He has at various times been the largest eMini S&P trader in the world. Rob has also acted as a Commodity Trading Adviser, has traded for hedge funds and has won the Robbins World Cup eMini trading championship in the past. Rob is a trading teacher and mentor and is the founder and head trader of Oil Trading Room which is devoted to providing advanced educational resources to traders at all levels. In the rest of the book I will explain to you some of the trading ideas of Rob that he uses in both his Oil Trading Room and in his World Cup Advisor Account. You can then actually see and understand how some of his ideas work. I am not going to tell you exactly how Rob used the ideas to make his return of 57% on a $10,000 investment. That information is not public and belongs only to Rob. I will tell you some of the trading ideas he uses and help you understand how these ideas work. I would then recommend that you go to World Cup Advisor and consider following Rob’s trades. You will be able to automatically mirror Rob’s trades in your own brokerage account with World Cup Leader-Follower AutoTrade™ service. You will also be able to see what his trades look like on your own charts and better understand why he made the trades.

Takumaru Forex Trading $4.99 This book contains an interview in Chapter 1 with Takumaru Sakakibara, who finished in 2nd place in the 2014 World Cup Championship of Forex Trading® with a 122.6% net profit. “Takumaru’s largest drawdown (cumulative peak-to-valley percentage decline in month-end net equity during the life of the account) was -21.5% from 6-30-15 to 10-31-15.” “Please remember that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.” “Please remember that Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss, and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.” In the rest of the book I will explain to you some of the trading ideas Takumaru said he used WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

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in the championship. You can then actually see and understand how his ideas work. I am not going to tell you exactly how Takumaru used the ideas to make his return of 122.6% on a $10,000 investment. That information is not public and belongs only to Takumaru. I will tell you which indicators he used and help you understand how these indicators work.

Michael Trading: Learn about some of the trading tools he used $4.99 Michael Cook, was the first-place finisher in the 2014 WORLD CUP Championship of Futures Trading® with a 366% net profit. In this book there is a detailed interview with Michael with questions and answers of exactly what he used to win the championship. In this book I will explain to you the indicators that he said he used in the interview. You can then actually see and understand how they work. Here are some the indicators and methods that he said he used: 1) Moving Averages 2) Seasonality 3) Cycles 4) Seasonality 5) Price Patterns 6) William’s %R 7) Long with Stops 8) Commitment of Traders Report You will also be able to download a video presentation that I personally created so you can see how these indicators can be setup and followed in a step-by-step manner. After you understand how these indicators work, I would then recommend that you go to and consider following Michael Cook’s trades.


July/August/September 2016


Elliott Wave Techniques Simplified How to Use the Probability Matrix to Profit on More Trades By Bennett A. McDowell One of the biggest complaints from Elliott wave traders is that many of them feel it is too subjective making it unreliable. When you use Elliott wave analysis correctly it is not overly complex nor is it cumbersome, if you employ the techniques covered in this book. Elliott wave analysis does become reliable when you understand it because you know how to identify wave counts with the highest probability. The author has designed this book to simplify the process and make it easy for anyone to learn how to use the Elliott wave count. If done according to this book it is possible to remove the subjectivity many have experienced in the past. It is the wave three that professional traders generate the most of their profits with. With this book you’ll also see how to place a numerical probability percentage on Elliott wave counts using the McDowell probability matrix separating stronger wave counts from weaker ones. Plus, in this book you’ll also learn how to apply what is known as the classical approach to Elliott wave analysis in conjunction with more modern approaches that yield higher probability wave counts. The methods you’ll learn in this book don’t require any specialized software other than a high-quality charting platform and the market data feed which you probably already are using. Relying on Elliott wave can give you the roadmap of the markets on all markets and all time frames. Elliott Wave has rewarded the author time and time again with profits analyzing and trading the markets. The concepts in this book are easy to learn and structured so that they can be applied to any market you want to trade. Don’t be concerned if you’re completely new to Elliott wave trading because this book is written with the assumption the reader is starting it at the beginning and knows very little about the markets. Read this book and practice the principles until they become second nature to you so you become proficient in the use of these Elliott wave methods and then go on to develop a good solid track record by practice trading using simulated paper trading while you learn. You will find that this book will help you to take the guesswork out of your trading strategy, help you to analyze mass psychological signals in the market, identify market wave counts with higher then normal probabilities, anticpate and prepare for the future price action in the markets and really sharpen your trading skills for both short-term and long-term success in the markets. If you’re serious about trading with the Elliott wave theory I highly recommend this book. For more information go here. WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM

July/August/September 2016


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