Twelfth Temple Degree Monographs

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Degree 12, Initiation Degree 12, No. 1 Degree 12, No. 2 Degree 12, No. 3 Degree 12, No. 4 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 1 Degree 12, No. 5 Degree 12, No. 6 Degree 12, No. 7 Degree 12, Liber 1 Degree 12, No. 8 Degree 12, No. 9 Degree 12, No. 10 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 2 Degree 12, No. 11 Degree 12, No. 12 Degree 12, No. 13 Degree 12, Liber 2 Degree 12, No. 14 Degree 12, No. 15 Degree 12, No. 16 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 3 Degree 12, No. 17 Degree 12, No. 18 Degree 12, No. 19 Degree 12, Liber 3 Degree 12, No. 20 Degree 12, No. 21 Degree 12, No. 22 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 4 Degree 12, No. 23 Degree 12, No. 24 Degree 12, No. 25 Degree 12, Liber 4 Degree 12, No. 26 Degree 12, No. 27 Degree 12, No. 28 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 5 Degree 12, No. 29 Degree 12, No. 30 Degree 12, No. 31 Degree 12, Liber 5 Degree 12, No. 32 Degree 12, No. 33 Degree 12, No. 34 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 6 Degree 12, No. 35 Degree 12, No. 36 Degree 12, No. 37

Twelfth Temple Degree Monographs Index 12th Temple Degree Initiation Imperator's Welcome Letter From Mystery to Mystery (The Mystery Schools) The Maya Civilization Knowledge Assumption Chilvary Paracelsus The Power of Speech Michael Maier Druidism The Rosicrucian Manifestos The Philosophy of Plato Mystical Healing Cosmic Initiation John the Evangelist Solar Consciousness The Secret of Chivalry, Victor-Émile Michelet Mystical Silence The Symbolism of the Rose in Psychology The Cathars Mental Creation Daoist Mysticism Symbolism of Fire in the Bible The Enlightened, Raymond Lully Doctrine of Life, Emanuel Swedenborg Universal Love The Evolution of Consciousness Time and Space Using the Lost Word Maat The Seven Liberal Arts The Troubadours The Tree of Examples, Raymond Lully Light Hatshepsut, Queen of Egypt and Pharaoh The Mystical Power of Song Psychic Projection The Historic Origins of the Atom The Evolution of Humanity The Symbolism of the Tree Comenius - Universal Education Laughter of the Sages Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, A Great Initiate The Four Principals The Vowel Sound RA The Spiritualization of Humanity Positive Thinking Jung and Alchemy

Degree 12, Liber 6 Degree 12, No. 38 Degree 12, No. 39 Degree 12, No. 40 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 7 Degree 12, No. 41 Degree 12, No. 42 Degree 12, No. 43 Degree 12, Liber 7 Degree 12, No. 44 Degree 12, No. 45 Degree 12, No. 46 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 8 Degree 12, No. 47 Degree 12, No. 48 Degree 12, No. 49 Degree 12, Liber 8 Degree 12, No. 50 Degree 12, No. 51 Degree 12, No. 52 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 9 Degree 12, No. 53 Degree 12, No. 54 Degree 12, No. 55 Degree 12, Liber 9 Degree 12, No. 56 Degree 12, No. 57 Degree 12, No. 58 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 10 Degree 12, No. 59 Degree 12, No. 60 Degree 12, No. 61 Degree 12, Liber 10 Degree 12, No. 62 Degree 12, No. 63 Degree 12, No. 64 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 11 Degree 12, No. 65 Degree 12, No. 66 Degree 12, No. 67 Degree 12, Liber 11 Degree 12, No. 68 Degree 12, No. 69 Degree 12, No. 70 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 12 Degree 12, No. 71 Degree 12, No. 72 Degree 12, No. 73 Degree 12, Liber 12 Degree 12, No. 74

The Aurora, Jacob Boehme Francis Bacon The Imaginal World of the Ancient Egyptians Listening The Aura From the "Big Bang" to the Human Species Theocracy Egyptian Monotheism The Cherubinic Pilgrim, Angelus Silesius Buddhism and Christianity Divine Plants Self-Knowledge Clairvoyance Reincarnation The Aztecs The Eleusinian Mysteries The Anatomy of Melancholy, Robert Burton About Confession Leonardo da Vinci, An Initiate The Code of Ptahhotep Spiritual Alchemy The Symbolism of Music The Mystery of Jesus The Qabalah as an Initiatic Path Essays, Civil and Moral, Francis Bacon The Spirituality of the Martial Arts Melchizedek Dreams, Messengers of the Unconscious The Vowel Sound MA The Symbolism of Mermaids and Sirens Akhnaton, The Mystic Pharaoh Angels The Wisdom of the Prophets, Ibn-‘Arabi St. John of the Cross The Mystery of Easter Island Hercules, Symbol of the Human Quest Prayer - The Language of the Soul The Mystery of Creativity Air - Its Properties and Symbolism Music, A Mystic Art Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man and of the Adamic Race, Antoine Fabre d’Olivet The Sources of Buddhism Dante, The Utopian What the Ancient Greeks Though About Death Harmonization with Earth Science and Mysticism The Ultimate Aim of Mystic Initiation Understanding the Nature of God The Spirit of Prayer, William Law The Inca Empire

Degree 12, No. 75 Degree 12, No. 76 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 13 Degree 12, No. 77 Degree 12, No. 78 Degree 12, No. 79 Degree 12, Liber 13 Degree 12, No. 80 Degree 12, No. 81 Degree 12, No. 82 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 14 Degree 12, No. 83 Degree 12, No. 84 Degree 12, No. 85 Degree 12, Liber 14 Degree 12, No. 86 Degree 12, No. 87 Degree 12, No. 88 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 15 Degree 12, No. 89 Degree 12, No. 90 Degree 12, No. 91 Degree 12, Liber 15 Degree 12, No. 92 Degree 12, No. 93 Degree 12, No. 94 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 16 Degree 12, No. 95 Degree 12, No. 96 Degree 12, No. 97 Degree 12, Liber 16 Degree 12, No. 98 Degree 12, No. 99 Degree 12, No. 100 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 17 Degree 12, No. 101 Degree 12, No. 102 Degree 12, No. 103 Degree 12, Liber 17 Degree 12, No. 104 Degree 12, No. 105 Degree 12, No. 106 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 18 Degree 12, No. 107 Degree 12, No. 108 Degree 12, No. 109 Degree 12, Liber 18 Degree 12, No. 110 Degree 12, No. 111 Degree 12, No. 112

Reflections on Suffering Medicine in Ancient Egypt Cosmic Protection The Symbolism of Numbers The Art of Music Giordano Bruno, A Great Mystic The History of Magic, Éliphas Lévi The Way of the Heart via the Qabalah Theories on Education The Art of Prayer The Vowel Sound MAR The Masters of the Past The Concept of the Heavenly Mother Dharma The Duties of the Heart, Bahya ibn-Paquda The Christianity of the Cathars Mysticism and Psychology From Human Love to Divine Love Mystical Regeneration Meditation Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, the Unknown Philosopher Thutmose III, an Exceptional Pharaoh Divine Names, Dionysius the Areopagite The Quest for Happiness The Order of the Temple Pilgrimage: An Inner Quest Universal Love The Properties and Symbolism of Water Initiatory Greece Astronomy and Astrology On Virtue, Plotinus In the Heart of Alchemy The Psychology of Dreams The Mantra in Hinduism Transition Cagliostro Karma Yoga Islam and Sufism Anthroposophia Theomagica, Thomas Vaughn (Eugenius Philalethes) The Mystery of the Black Virgins The Heliopolitan Myth From the Music of Humanity to the Music of the Spheres The Vowel Sound THA Ma Anandamayi From Ordinary Consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness The Rosicrucians and Alchemy Oration on the Dignity of Man, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Unity of Religions Reflections on Death The Mysteries of Life

Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 19 Degree 12, No. 113 Degree 12, No. 114 Degree 12, No. 115 Degree 12, Liber 19 Degree 12, No. 116 Degree 12, No. 117 Degree 12, No. 118 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 20 Degree 12, No. 119 Degree 12, No. 120 Degree 12, No. 121 Degree 12, Liber 20 Degree 12, No. 122 Degree 12, No. 123 Degree 12, No. 124 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 21 Degree 12, No. 125 Degree 12, No. 126 Degree 12, No. 127 Degree 12, Liber 21 Degree 12, No. 128 Degree 12, No. 129 Degree 12, No. 130 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 22 Degree 12, No. 131 Degree 12, No. 132 Degree 12, No. 133 Degree 12, Liber 22 Degree 12, No. 134 Degree 12, No. 135 Degree 12, No. 136 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 23 Degree 12, No. 137 Degree 12, No. 138 Degree 12, No. 139 Degree 12, Liber 23 Degree 12, No. 140 Degree 12, No. 141 Degree 12, No. 142 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 24 Degree 12, No. 143 Degree 12, No. 144 Degree 12, No. 145 Degree 12, Liber 24 Degree 12, No. 146 Degree 12, No. 147 Degree 12, No. 148 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 25 Degree 12, No. 149

Meditation The Gayatri Mantra The Rainbow: A Mystical Bridge From Human Schemata to the Divine Schema Missions des Juifs (Mission of the Jews), Joseph-Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre Pharaoh and the Divine Cult Earth: Its Properties and Symbolism Solar Goddesses The Negative Treatment The Science of Numbers Immortality The Tree of Life, an Aid to Prayer Corpus Hermeticum, Hermes Trismegistus St. Gregory Palamas, the Hesychastic Doctor Christic Love Genesis in Various Traditions The Mystery of Birth The Great Cycles of Time The Mysteries of the Brain Descartes, an Initiate of the Rose-Croix Meditationes de prima philosophia (Meditations on First Philosophy), René Descartes The Artisans of the Royal Tombs The Quintessence: Its Properties and Symbolism Dreams from a Scientific Standpoint The Vowel Sound EH Androgyny Pythagoras, a Great Initiate The Feminine Initiatory Tradition Rebirth and Karma, Sri Aurobindo Reflections on the Garden The Mystery of Megaliths The Pater (The Orison of Christ) Autosuggestion Symbols Pagan and Religious Holy Days The Unicorn: Myth or Reality? Treatise on the Eight Chapters, Maimonides (Moshe ben Maimon) Count St. Germain, Initiate of the Rose Cross The Roots of Greek Philosophy The Kabbalah and the Rose Cross Earth From Darkness into Light The Cathar Doctrine A Study on Prayer The Harmonies of Being, Paul-François Gaspard Lacuria The Sources of Life The Realization of Self Hermeticism: Eternal Wisdom Materialization About Angelology

Degree 12, No. 150 Degree 12, Liber 25 Degree 12, No. 151 Degree 12, No. 152 Degree 12, No. 153 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 26 Degree 12, No. 154 Degree 12, No. 155 Degree 12, No. 156 Degree 12, Liber 26 Degree 12, No. 157 Degree 12, No. 158 Degree 12, No. 159 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 27 Degree 12, No. 160 Degree 12, No. 161 Degree 12, No. 162 Degree 12, Liber 27 Degree 12, No. 163 Degree 12, No. 164 Degree 12, No. 165 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 28 Degree 12, No. 166 Degree 12, No. 167 Degree 12, No. 168 Degree 12, Liber 28 Degree 12, No. 169 Degree 12, No. 170 Degree 12, No. 171 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 29 Degree 12, No. 172 Degree 12, No. 173 Degree 12, No. 174 Degree 12, Liber 29 Degree 12, No. 175 Degree 12, No. 176 Degree 12, No. 177 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 30 Degree 12, No. 178 Degree 12, No. 179 Degree 12, No. 180 Degree 12, Liber 30 Degree 12, No. 181 Degree 12, No. 182 Degree 12, No. 183 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 31 Degree 12, No. 184 Degree 12, No. 185 Degree 12, No. 186 Degree 12, Liber 31

The Power of Sound Theodicy, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz The Three Theological Virtues Parallel Worlds The Egyptian Temple: The Dwelling of Deities The Vowel Sound MEH The Creation of the Universe About the Soul To the Sources of Martriarchate The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky Hésychasm: The Quietude of the Soul From Universal Consciousness to Human Consciousness Ibn Arabi and Sufism The Akashic Records Dreams, Messengers from the Soul Beauty - Ugliness Mysticism, an Art of Living On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance, Plutarch The Path of Evolution Om Mani Padme Hum The History and Legend of the Grail Historie de la chimie (History of Chemistry), Ferdinand Hoefer Psychology and Mysticism From Zero to Infinity Looking for the Lost Paradise On the Spirit of Things, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin Light, Essence of Creation The Emergence of Consciousness The Search for the Divine The Masters The Egyptian Genesis The Mandala, a Support for Meditation Good and Evil Monarchy of the Messiah, Tommaso Campanella Regarding Love Active Feminine, Solar Feminine Plotinian Philosophy The Vowel Sound EHM The Rosicrucian Quest Amenhotep IV, Forerunner of Yeshua The Chivalric Ideal Platonic Theology on the Immortality of Souls, Marsilio Ficino From Christianity to Islam Concerning the Magi Origen Invisibility Reflections on Alchemy From the Builders to the Rose-Croix The Eastern Concept of Karma History and Culture, Johann Gottfried Von Herder

Degree 12, No. 187 Degree 12, No. 188 Degree 12, No. 189 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 32 Degree 12, No. 190 Degree 12, No. 191 Degree 12, No. 192 Degree 12, Liber 32 Degree 12, No. 193 Degree 12, No. 194 Degree 12, No. 195 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 33 Degree 12, No. 196 Degree 12, No. 197 Degree 12, No. 198 Degree 12, Liber 33 Degree 12, No. 199 Degree 12, No. 200 Degree 12, No. 201 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 34 Degree 12, No. 202 Degree 12, No. 203 Degree 12, No. 204 Degree 12, Liber 34 Degree 12, No. 205 Degree 12, No. 206 Degree 12, No. 207 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 35 Degree 12, No. 208 Degree 12, No. 209 Degree 12, No. 210 Degree 12, Liber 35 Degree 12, No. 211 Degree 12, No. 212 Degree 12, No. 213 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 36 Degree 12, No. 214 Degree 12, No. 215 Degree 12, No. 216 Degree 12, Liber 36 Degree 12, No. 217 Degree 12, No. 218 Degree 12, No. 219 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent No. 37 Degree 12, No. 220 Degree 12, No. 221 Degree 12, No. 222 Degree 12, Liber 37 Degree 12, No. 223 Degree 12, No. 224

The Endocrine Glands The God of the Hebrews Reflections on Prayer Water The Importance of Ritual The Influence of Women in Antiquity Reincarnation in the Judeo-Christian Tradition Rubaiyat, Jalal ad-Din Rumi The Birth of Mantras The Future of the Human Being The Soul and the Heart Sleep Quantum Medicine Grief, a Stage of Life Meeting the Toltecs The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, Karl von Eckartshausen Manna: Myth or Reality? Reflections on Happiness The Primordian Tradition The Vowel Sound EHR Avicenna, an Initiate of Medieval Islam The Priests of Ancient Egypt Karma and Samsara Jasmine of the Lovers, Abu Mohammad Ruzbehan Science and Knowledge Moses Maimonides From Material Alchemy to Spiritual Alchemy Creative Imagination String Theory Universal Consciousness in Humans From Matter to the Sacred Dao De Ching, Lao Tzu Human Beings, Incarnations of the Divine Time and Psychology Romanesque Art, a Mystico-Religious Art Fire Divine Love Resonances Kabbalah and Catharism Thoughts, Blaise Pascal The Atom: a Bridge Between Physics and Metaphysics Harmony The Sacred Postmortem Assistance Shamanism The Divine Origin and the Power of Pharoah The Foundations of Love The Science of Numbers, Papus (Gérard Encausse) The Corpus Hermeticum The Rosicrucian Conception of the Divine

Degree 12, No. 225 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent 38 Degree 12, No. 226 Degree 12, No. 227 Degree 12, No. 228 Degree 12, Liber 38 Degree 12, No. 229 Degree 12, No. 230 Degree 12, N0. 231 Degree 12, Celestial Ascent 39 Degree 12, No. 232

Dreams, a Path of Knowledge The Vowel Sound THO Mastering the Ego Human-Animal Relationships From Atlantis to Ancient Egypt The Philosophical Principles of Integral Knowledge, Vladimir Solovyov The Age of Aquarius The Sages of Ancient Egypt Assisting the Dying The Music of the Spheres Manichaeism March 2017

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