Types Of Organization

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An organization is a collection of people working together under a division of labor and a hierarchy of authority to achieve a common goal. Continuously working together under authority toward a goal implies management. The activities of organized people don’t just happen, but they are managed. DEFINITION  The organization can be defined as "a group of persons with a common objective." TYPES OF ORGANIZATION •

Formal organization

Nonformal organization

Informal organization

Line organization

Staff organization

Line and staff organization

Committee organization

Social organization

FORMAL ORGANIZATION The formal organization is the system of well defined jobs, each bearing definite measures of authority, responsibility and accountability to enable the people of the enterprise to work most effectively in accomplishing their objectives and organizational goals. In the formal organization, the work that each individual does is part of a larger pattern; in the formal organization. NONFORMAL ORGANIZATION Existing within formal organization is nonformal organization that permits and sometimes encourages behavior by

members. This nonformal behavior is frequently desirable and work oriented and contributes significantly to efficiency. Behavioural factor such as unnecessary socializing on job, group values and cultural likes and dislikes serve as bases for nonformal behavior in formal organizations Nonformal organization always exists with formal organization. It serves as as adjunct, is intangible, and takes on different degrees of importance depending upon the activity and the persons involved. A manager should be awre of the presence and influence of non formal organization.

INFORMAL ORGANIZATION It refers largely to what people do because they are human personalities , their actions are directed in terms of needs, emotions and attitude and not only in terms of procedures and regulations. Organization is nothing systems of employees and employees groups which develop in any work environment for achieving explicit goals . in the informal organization, people work together because of their personal likes and dislikes . informal group may extend it activities to other groups as well as to the existing one within the organizational unit. The effectiveness of this group depends upon the internal relations, the recognition of common goal and desire to work together in accomplishing it. The formal organization which fails to recognize and provide for the effective operation of such groups loses its own effectiveness . the formal organization can always be represented through line of authority and responsibility between superior nad subordinates. Changing concepts of organization requires distinction between the formal, defined and highly structured organizations and the informal organization. The existence of both these organization is necessary. The aim of the management should be to develop formal organization of such scope as to encompass the varying , highly personal needs of the informal organization .organization as descrbed below , is extremely important to business enterprise . it facilitates administration, encourages sound and balanced growth and diversification . it provides for the best use of human being and stimulate creativity for the over all growth. LINE ORGANIZATION

The line type organization is commonly used for small enterprises, especially by retailer and manufacturers having perhaps seven to eight employees. It has outstanding advantages; quick decision making is fostered ; buck passing is eliminated excellent management training experiences provided ; and the type of authority relationships are clearly understood. This type of organization has inherent disadvantages; executives tend to become overloaded with too many duties; specialization is not practiced; management members may be difficult to replace; and insufficient time and effort is given to activities such as managerial planning, research and development , and over all controlling measures.



Deputy nursing officer

Deputy nursing

Deputy nursing


Staff nurse


Staff nurse

Staff nurse

STAFF ORGANIZATION The use of the gives rise to many misunderstanding in management. Literally, the word means stick carried in hand for support.

Hence staff authority relationships. This concept exist today and valid . staff means a supporting role and functions; it is intended to help the ‘ order’. With the passing of time additional meanings of staff authority, or what this help consisits of, have developed and the team support, instead of staff is currently in use. In most enterprise use of staff in organization structure can be traced to the need for help in handling details, locating data required for decisions, and offering counsel on specific managerial problems. Most staff authority relationships are characteristically a managermanager authority relationship and exist among any managerial levels of an organization structure. The manageriall recipient of staff authority is commonly called a staff executive or staff officer. He has the charge of this respective staff organizational unit. Yhr concept of staff authority is quiet old; staffs were employed by government and armies.

Nursing superintendent

Deputy nursing superintendent

Ward sister

Ward sister

Head sister

Head sister

Ward sister

Head sister

Ward sister

Head sister

Staff nurse’s

LINE AND STAFF ORGANIZATION; Most enterprises operate amid complexities and ever increasing advances in knowledge and technologies. These long with expansion of an enterprise make it necessary eventually to relieve management members with line authority of sudden duties . the need for certain specialists is recognized. For example the expert in establishing wort standards, the legal advisor, the researcher, and the tax expert are incorporated into the formal organization structure primarily so that the line manager is relieved part of his duties and thus able to concentrate his efforts on the direct ding activities in keeping with the enterprise objective. The line authority remains the avenue for command or performance of the work. It consists of the authority relationships between line managers . generally speaking most staff managers do not exercise their staff authority along the channels of line authority. Staff managers exercise their proper staff authority to help the managers who command to achieve work performance. What is a line manager and what is staff manager depends on the type of authority possessed.

COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION It can be defined as ‘ A body of persons elected or appointed to meet on an organized basis for the discussion and dealing of mates brought before it’. Committees are common yet controversial in most organizations. They can do exist at any organizational level, serve in various capacities and for different names, and enjoy wide degrees of acceptance among management members . extremely important work is accomplished via the committee, route. Typically, educational enterprises are loaded with committee, and they are common in government and in business. In trade associations and most professional socities, the major portion of the organization structure is made up of committees.

The committee usually has a formally recognized and permanent place in the organization structure. It makeup duties , membership and decision making power may be carefully spelled out. For example, some business enterprises have at the top level, a planning and policy committee, or a general management committee made up of selected company executives. The committee meets regularly, may be weekly, makes decisions, ensures that they are enforced, and participates in the management affairs of the company or hospital or health care institution. The reasons for the widespread use of committees as given below. Expert and collective knowledge can be concentrated upon a specific problem; A wide range of experience can be tapped, exchanges of ideas encouraged, and effective give- and -take discussion encouraged. Coordination is assisted ; Different views can be unified and integrated. Agreed and prescribed courses of action established, and maximum understanding among committee participants achieved. Too much authority concentrated in one person is prevented; By its very nature, a committee members, who can watch and check each other’s actions. Social values are provided; committee membership provide prestige, permits recognition as an equal with other members who can watch and check each others actions.

Motivations is supplied; People like participation , and committee use encourages it. Cooperation is enhanced in the execution of a proposed action and is reasonably assured if the committee develops the plan. There is also knowledge acquired by the committee members and possibly pride of authorship gained by a member . such characteristics have strong motivational value.

Education of members is promoted; Each participant’s view point is broadened; he gains; and there is appreciation of the other unit’s problems as well as those of the enterprise. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION; It is apparent that in a democratic society, the ultimate authority of a business enterprise rests with public or society. The professional privileges are derived and cotrolled through laws and marketing process. Then beginning with the policies , a management system is organized to achieve the organizational objectives. Procedures and control mechanism is introduced by the management in a systematic way. THEORIES OF ORGANIZATION An organization is a collection of people working together under a division of labor and a hierarchy of authority to achieve a common goal. Continuously working together under authority toward a goal implies management. The activities of organized people don’t just happen, but they are managed. Organizational theory is the study of organizational structure. And since all science has as its aim, the understanding, prediction, and control of an end, organizational theory is the process of creating knowledge to understand organizational structure so that we can predict and control organizational effectiveness or productivity by designing organizations. There are four major contributing management, namely: 1. Classical Theory. 2. Human Relations Theory. 3. Contingency/decision theory, and 4. Modern Systems Theory.





Evolution of management can be divided into three broad classification as given under 

The classical theory of management

Bureaucratic model introduced by Max Weber

Scientific Management by FW Taylor

Process management by Henry Fayol

Neo- classical theory

Human relations propounded by Elton Mayo

Behavioral sciences movements by A Maslow.

The modern theory of organization

Quantitative approach to management

Systems approach to management by Vennetht

Contingency approach by Johnson WoodWard

1. Classical Theory: (Scientific management theory) ………………………………………. Scientific management has been thought of broadly as the application of the scientific method of study, analysis, and problem solving to the organizational problems. Scientific management assumptions: 1. Improved practice will come from the application of the scientific method of analysis to organizational problems. Following are the nine important concepts highlighting the present concepts of management.  Scientific management a key to productivity  Decentralization for quicker decisions and better control  Personnel management as a means of selecting people into organization.

 Managers development programme to train mangers how to meet the needs to tomorrow.  Management accounting – a foundation for managerial decisions .  Marketing  Long range planning  Role of operational research in management decision making  Financial management for effective utilization of money resources in the organization. Elements of the classical theory 2. The good worker is viewed as one who accepts orders, but does not initiate actions. There are four main elements determined by the classical theory: 1) Principles of management. 2) Concepts of line and staff. 3) Committees. 4) Functions of management. 1) Principles of management: A principle of management is simply something seen as fundamental. These principles include: 1. Division of work (specialization) which gives higher productivity. 2. Authority and responsibility: Authority is the right to give orders, while Responsibility is the obligation that individuals have for their actions. 3. Discipline: There must be respect for, and obedience to, the rules and objectives of the organization. 4. Unity of command: Each member should receive orders from (and responsible to) one supervisor to reduce confusion and conflict. 5. Unity of direction: The organization is effective when members work together toward the same objectives. 6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: The interests of one employee (or group of employees) should not prevail over that of the organization. 7. Remuneration of personnel: performance should be rewarded.







8. Centralization: Good balance should be found between centralization and decentralization 9. Scalar chain: There is a hierarchy dictated by the principle of unity of command linking all members in the organization from top to bottom. 10. Order: There is a place for every thing and every person. 11. Equality: Kindness and justice among workers. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel: Time is required for an employee to get used to new work and succeed in doing it well. 13. Initiative: Thinking out and execute plans at all levels. 14. Esprit de corps (union is strength): Superior performance comes from pride, loyalty, and a sense of belonging. 2) Line and Staff organizational relationships:  The concept of staff persons who assist the managers with primary authority and responsibility (LINE) has developed in response to the development of large and complex organization.  Line officials are those employees with general authority and in the direct chain of command over other employees (subordinates) who accomplish the organizational objectives through their efforts.  Staff officials are those who provide information, advice, and counsel of experts to line managers. 3) Committees:  Committees provide an organizational structure in addition to the line and staff.  They can contribute to creativity, communication, motivation, coordination, education, advising, and broad representation of points of view. 4) Functions of management:  One of the most durable contributions of the classical theory is the study of management as a set of functions.

 There have been many opinions of which management functions are important.  Management functions are classified into: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling, or planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Fig. (3): Classical management functions. Limitations of the scientific theory:  The classical view of organizations (and man) focused on structure, order, the formal organization, economic factors, and objective rationality.  It ignored factors such as individual freedom, motivation, consideration of the environment in which the organization functions. BUREAUCRATIC THEORY OF ORGANIZATION; The word bureaucracy was firt coined by Vincent de Gournay [1712-1759], now the term lends itself to two usages; it refers to the tasks and procedures of administration, as well as a collective word for a body of administrative officials. Frequently, it also stands for inefficiency and an improper exercise of power on the part of officials, and then has become a term of abuse. In 1978, French Academy accepted the word and defined it as ‘power’ , influence of the heads and staff of government bureau’ The characteristics of bureaucracy such as precision, continuity, discipline, strictness, reliability are technically most satisfactory form of organization . the other features of bureaucracy as enumerated by MAX WEBER are,  The staff members are personally free, observing only the impersonal duties of their offices.  There is a clear hierarchy of offices. The functions of the offices are clearly specified. Officials are appointed on the basis of a contract. They are selected on basis of professional qualifications. They have money salary and pension rights. The official’s post is his sole or major occupation. There is career structure and promotion. The official’s may appropriate neither the post nor the resources which go with it.  It is subjected to unified control and disciplinary system .       

Neoclassical theory Neoclassical theory was built on the base of classical theory. Neo-classical theory it deals with human factor Mary Parker Follet;Elton and Roeth’s Berges pioneered the human relations movement. In this era, they proceeded on the framework of the classical thinkers but introduced many new elements, specially in the areas of leadership, group psychology, human relations and organizational integration. The neo classical theory anticipated some of the recent trends of evident in the behavioral approaches. New thinking with the behavioral science with the development of need hierarchy by Maslow followed by the works of Fredric Herzberg , Douglas. The essence of behavior approach is the integration between the needs of employees and the goals of the organization . behavioral science movement is regarded as a further refinement of human relations movement . it covers much wider aspects in interpersonal roles and relationships. Some of the important aspects of behavioral science approach are,  Employee motivation  Organization as a social system  Leadership  Communication  Employee development Herzberg maintained that the working conditions should atleast be kept at satisfactory level for preventing dissatisfiers and satisfiers must be introduced into the work itself for obtaining a high level of performance. Human Relations Theory Elton Mayo and his colleagues conducted experiments at the western electrical company at Hawthorne, proved that men are not inert or isolated responding for example to a motivational variable other than the lighting. These studies proved that an organization was also a social system, a group of people behaving. The essence of the human relation theory lies in its dominant emphasis on people , on human motivations and on informed group functioning. This theory rejects the formal institutionalization. Organization is the act of designing the administrative structure. An organization is formed to translate policy into action There are two theories related to organization as follows; THE STRUCTURAL APPROACH of the mechanistic approach emphazises formal structure of an organization where relationships are established by

statute or top management . here the organization is established and supported by authority and can be supported by authority and can be set out clearly on a chart or diagram . under this approach , an organization is seen as machine , considering the workers in the organization as more cogs. The pioneers of this theory are FW Taylor and Henry Fayol. The humanistic approach emphasizes the people in an organization, human motivations and informal group functioning rather than formal relationship determined through charts or diagrams. Elton Mayo and Herbert Simon contributed much to the development of humanistic approach, called as participative management. Assumption of the human relations theory:  The psychological and social aspects of the worker as an individual and his work group ought to be emphasized. Elements of neoclassical theory: 1. Emphasizing differences among individuals and as a result the ways of motivating people are different. 2. Emphasizing the importance of the social aspects of the informal organizations that exists within the structure of the formal organizations. 3. Emphasizing the importance of participative management and decision making. Limitation of the theory: 1. The major limitation is that many of the studies upon which the theory is based have been poorly designed. 2. Limited view of human motivation. 2. No consideration of the environment in which organization function. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF ORGANIZATION o Determines the number of position and scope and responsibility of each faculty and staff. o Analyses the job to be done in terms of needs of education program. o Prepares the job description , indicate line of authority, responsibility in the relationships and channels of communication by means of organizational chart and other methods.

o Consider preparation, ability and interest personally in equating responsibility. o Delegates authority commensurate with responsibility. o Maintains plan of work load among staff members. o Provides an organizational framework for functioning such as meeting of the staff, etc.



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS IN  Hospital  Community.  College Norms recommended for nursing service and educational hospital setting Nursing superintendent; 1:200 beds[hospital with 200 or more beds]. Deputy nursing superintendent;1:300 beds [wherever the beds are over 200] Assistant nursing superintendent; 1:50 beds. Ward sister/ Ward supervisor -1:25beds ] For OPD and emergency department; 1: 100 patients For intensive care units 1:1 COMMUNITY NURSING SERVICES; 1ANM for 2500 a population[2 per subcenter] 1 ANM for 1500 population for hilly areas. 1 Health supervisor for 7500 population[ for supervision of 3 ANMs] 1 Public health nurse for 1 PHC [30,000 population to supervise 4 health supervisors] 1 Pubic health nursing officer for 10000 population[ community health center] Two district public health nursing officers for each district. Total Nursing manpower required Total nursing personnel for urban and rural nursing services. Nurse midwives supervisors- 743114 Public health nurse - 34875

Health – 107960. TEACHING STAFF FOR SCHOOLS/ COLLEGE OF NURSING AS PER NORMS OF THE INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL. One nurse teacher to 10 students , Guidelines and Minimum Requirements for setting up of a College of Nursing 1. Any organization under the Central Government, State Government, Local body or a Private Trust, Mission, Voluntary registered under Society Registration Act or a company registered under company’s act wishes to open a M.Sc. Nursing course should obtain the No Objection/Essentiality certificate from the State Government. 2. The Indian Nursing Council on receipt of the proposal from the Institution to start nursing course, will undertake the first inspection to assess suitability with regard to physical infrastructure, clinical facility and teaching faculty in order to give permission to start the course. 3. After the receipt of the permission to start the nursing course from Indian Nursing Council, the Institution shall obtain the approval from the State Nursing Council and University. 4. Institution will admit the students only after taking approval of State Nursing Council and University. 5. The Indian Nursing Council will conduct inspection every year till the first batch completes the course. Permission will be given year by year till the first batch completes. 6. Institute can start M.Sc (N) course where in one batch of B.Sc (N) students have p0assed out from College of Nursing. 7. Super Speciality Hospital can start M.Sc (N) course without having College of Nursing.

STAFFING PATTERN RELAXED TILL 2012 POST QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF TEACHERS OF Post Qualification and Experience COLLEGE OF NURSING Sl. No. 1. Professor-cum-Principal Masters Degree in Nursing 10 years of experience and minimum of 5 years of teaching and 5 years administrative experience in nursing. Desirable: Independent published work of high standard / doctorate degree / M.Phil. 2. Professor-cum-Vice Principal -Master Degree in Nursing -10 years of experience and minimum of 5 years of teaching experience in Nursing and 5 years administrative experience in Nursing Desirable: Independent published work of high standard / doctorate degree / M.Phil. 3. Reader/ Associate Professor -Master Degree in Nursing -7 years of experience and minimum of 3 years teaching experience in nursing Desirable: Independent published work of high standard / doctorate degree / M.Phil. 4. Lecturer -Master Degree in Nursing -2years of experience including minimum 1 year of teaching experience B.Sc (N) and M.Sc (N) Annual intake of 60 students for B.Sc (N) and 25 students 1 for M.Sc (N) course Professor-cum-Principal Professor-cum-Vice Principal 1 Reader/Associate Professor 5 Lecturer 8 Tutor/Clinical Instructor 19 Total 34 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: Organizational theory is the study of

organizational structure. And since all science has as its aim, the understanding, prediction, and control of an end, organizational theory is the process of creating

knowledge to understand organizational structure so that we can predict and control organizational effectiveness or productivity by designing organizations.


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