Visitor Management System

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Table of contents

1. Introduction 1.1About the project 1.2System specification 1.2.1 Hardware configuration 1.2.2 Software specification 1.3Software features 1.3.1 JavaScript 1.3.2 MySQL 2. System Study 2.1Existing system 2.1.1 Drawbacks of existing system 2.2Proposed system 2.2.1 Features 3. Testing and implementation 4. Conclusion Bibliography Appendices

Abstract The project entitled “Visitor management system” will be developed in such a way that users will be able to use the system in local area network. In this system, we can easily manage the visitor details, department details, pass for frequent visitors and food details. The main feature of this project is easy to store the visitor details and also easy to provide food details. This project is carried out using JavaScript as front end and MySQL in backend. Main objective of this project is to provide solution for company to manage most the work using computerised process. This software application will help admin to handle visitor’s information, department information, pass for frequent visitors and food details. The visitor management system also includes some special features. The administration has the unique identity for each members as well as visitor details. The food details are mentioned by the person who registers the appointment. The food details are sent to the mess or canteen incharge to prepare food for them. The modules of this project are master, appointment management, pass management, search, food details and report generation

1. Introduction

1.1About the project Visitor management system is the system that manages the visitor data, employee data, check-in and create pass. Visitor management using a desktop application system is an enormous and time-consuming process involving heavy workload. In the proposed system, one can easily manage the various function of the visitors in an efficient manner. Things like, visitor details, material details, food details, etc are entered into the database in an optimised manner. The key feature of this project is to easily provide entry, exit and passes for the visitor. The front end of the project has been created using JavaScript and the back end using MySQL. Visitor management deals with many functions of a company, namely appointment details, visitor details, material details, pass details. The system also includes a few special features such as creating unique identities for each member so visitor details can be accessed easily. This system can also be used for canteen management. The modules of this project are master, appointment management, pass management, search, food details and report generation. Things like appointment details, food details, visitor details, material details, pass details associated allotted in optimized manner. The key feature of this project is to simply allocate pass and manage visitor information. The system additionally includes a number of special options like making distinctive identities for every person thus visitor details will be accessed simply. The input quality of this mission is to simply provide passes and book appointments.

1.2System Specification 1.2.1Hardware Configuration CPU


Dual core



2 GB

Operating System :

Windows /



1c Gb



Mouse and Keyboard

1.2.2Software Specification front End



Back End





Data Reports

1.3Software features 1.3.1 JavaScript(JS) JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted or just in time compiled programming language with first class functions. While it is most well known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative. functional programming styles. free of Cost JavaScript is open source and is developed and updated by a community of developers from around the globe. Therefore, all its components are free to use and distribute. Capable It can be used to design any type of website and can handle websites with a lot of traffic. Sliding content, Alexa Buga and many other very widely visited websites use it as their framework.

Easy It has a readable and easily understandable syntax. Its code is embedded in the HTML source code and it is based on Java. Therefore, it is very familiar and programmers are very comfortable coding with it. Platform Independent It can be run on all major operating systems like Linux, Unix, Mac OS and Windows. Supports All Major Web Servers It supports all major web servers like Apache, Microsoft IIS, Netscape, personal webserver, iPlanet server, etc. Supports All Major Databases It supports all major databases including MySQL, dBase, IBM DB2, InterBase, frontBase, ODBC, SQLlite, etc. faster Developments It uses its own memory space and thus decreases the loading time and workload from the server. The processing speed is fast and web applications like Ecommerce, CRS, CMS and forums are also developed faster by it. Secure It has multiple layers of security to prevent threats and malicious attacks. Large Communities It has a large community of developers who regular and timely updates tutorials, documentation, online help and FAQs. Proven and Trusted It is being used since close to two decades now since its inception in 1995. It is trusted by thousands of websites and developers and the list is increasing day by day. It has also proven its capability and versatility by developing and maintaining some of the most highly visited and popular websites.

Connection Handling Internally in JavaScript a connection status is maintained. There are 9 possible states*    


When a JavaScript is running successfully, NORMAL state is active. If the remote client disconnects, the ABORTED state is activated. A remote client disconnect is usually caused by the user hitting his STOP button. If the JS imposed time limit set Timeout is hit, the TIMEOUT state flag is turned on. One can decide whether or not one want a client disconnect to cause one's script to be aborted. Sometimes it is handy to always have one's scripts run to completion even if there is no remote browser receiving the output. The default behaviour is however for one's script to be aborted when the remote client disconnects. The one exception is if one have registered a shutdownfq using register shutdown function. With a shutdown function, when the remote user hits his STOP button, the next time one's script tries to output something JS will detect that the connection has been aborted and the shutdown function is called. 1.3.2MySQL MySQL is a relational database system. If one can believe many diehard MySQL fans, MySQL is faster, more reliable, and cheaper or, simply put, better than any other database system including commercial systems such as MySQL and DB2q. Any MySQL opponents continue to challenge this viewpoint, going even so far as to assert that MySQL is not even a relational database system. features of MySQL The following list shows the most important properties of MySQL. This section is directed to the reader who already has some knowledge of relational databases. Some terminology will be used from the relational database world without defining the terms exactly. On the other hand, the explanations should make it possible for database novices to understand to some extent.

Relational Database System Like almost all other database systems on the market, MySQL is a relational database system.

SQL Compatibility MySQL supports as its database language uu as its name suggests SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL is a standardised language for querying and updating data and for the administration of a database. There are several SQL dialects out as many as there are database systems). MySQL adheres to the current SQL standard fat the moment SQLu2cc3), although with significant restrictions and a large number of extensions. Through the configuration setting sql-mode one can make the MySQL server behave for the most part compatibly with various database systems. Among these are IBM DB/2and MySQL. Client/Server Architecture MySQL is a client/server system. There is a database server (MySQL) and arbitrarily many clients (application programs), which communicate with the server; that is, they query data, save changes, etc. The clients can run on the same computer as the server or on another computer (communication via a local network or the Internet). Almost all of the familiar large database systems (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.) are client/server systems. These are in contrast to the file server systems, which include Microsoft Access, dBase and FoxPro. The decisive drawback to file server systems is that when run over a network, they become extremely inefficient as the number of users grows. Views Put simply, views relate to an SQL query that is viewed as a distinct database object and makes possible a particular view of the database. MySQL has supported views since version 3.8. Stored, procedures Stored procedures (SP for short) are generally used to simplify certain steps, such as inserting or deleting a data record. For client programmers this has the advantage that they do not have to process the tables directly, but can rely on

SPs. Like views, SPs help in the administration of large database projects. SPs can also increase efficiency. MySQL has supported SPs since version 3.8. Triggers Triggers are SQL commands that are automatically executed by the server in certain database operation (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE). MySQL has supported triggers in a limited form from version 3.8, and additional functionality is promised for version 3.5. Unicode MySQL has supported all conceivable character sets since version 9.5, including Latin-1, Latin-2, and Unicode (either in the variant UTF8 and UCS2). User interface There are a number of convenient user interfaces for administering a MySQL server. Full Text search Full text search simplifies and accelerates the search for words that are located within a text field. If one employ MySQL for storing text (such as in an Internet discussion group),one can use full text search to implement simply an efficient search function. Replication Replication allows the contents of a database to be copied (replicated) onto a number of computers. In practice, this is done for two reasons* to increase protection against system failure (so that if one computer goes down, another can be put into service) and to improve the speed of database queries. GIS functions Since version 9.5, MySQL has supported the storing and processing of two dimensional geographical data. Thus MySQL is well suited for GIS (geographic information systems) applications. Programming languages There are quite a number of APIs (application programming interfaces) and libraries for the development of MySQL applications. For client programming

one can use, among others, the languages C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and JavaScript. ODBC MySQL supports the ODBC interface Connector/ODBC. This allows MySQL to be addressed by all the usual programming languages that run under Microsoft. The ODBC interface can also be implemented under Unix, though that is seldom necessary. Windows programmers who have migrated to Microsoft’s new .NET platform can, if they wish, use the ODBC provider or the .NET interface Connector/NET.

2. System Study 2.1 Existing Systems Existing system is based on desktop application work and all the process are done through desktop application, so they maintain several database registers for recording all the details of the system. They maintain several registers for recording the entry of daily transactions such as visitors visited, visitor pass, etc. They maintain the record of the visitors so they keep entire information regarding the visitor in the visitor master file. In the similar fashion they maintain the records of their visits so they keep entire information regarding their visits in the visit master file. They keep the visitor book to maintain the record for the visits. They maintain the register or book for visitor information, visitor list, check in and checkout information and all the things are done with the help of desktop application.

2.1.1 Drawbacks of existing system The phase of analysis process deals with problems that are affecting in the current desktop application system. The problems are those, which are affecting the organisation in its daily routine work. As the growing trend in InfoTech World of computers need of accuracy, perfectness, speed and high memory data storage is a must. Each and every problem must be solved with a least amount of time and energy. The problems faced by existing system are described as below:

      

Difficulty in maintaining records Time consuming Editing of data becomes a tedious job No security of data Lack of efficiency and man power High data redundancy Data inconsistency

Difficulty in maintenance of records It is very difficult to maintain data record in the system as all the records are entered in the register or the respective record books. There are chances of the record books or files in which all the data is kept may be torn or wearied out or some other damages which results in destroyed data. Also a problem occurs if the data file or register is misplaced somewhere else and is lost at the time of actual requirement of the data stored. It is also difficult to maintain old files and registers which have data of past years, which the government has kept for future references.

Time consuming It is very time consuming process to write each and every entry in the database register. Also it takes a lot of time if all the entries are repeated. In the system processes such as making different type of reports, preparing visitors lists are examples of time consuming process in the system.

Editing of Data Desktop application written data cannot be changed or edited once written. If there is a mistake and if we try to rub and write it again it makes the register very dirty and untidy, which creates a bad impression of the business. If data is entered incorrect whole document gets incorrect while editing wrongly entered data cannot easily solve errors. If one had done some wrong entry then to edit the data one has to go through lots of records and, again and again editing the record makes it difficult to read.

Data Insecurity As the data is stored in files or registers, it is not in a secure place. As the storage media here are files and books or registers there are chances of getting

these storage media lost, torn, or it may go in the hand of wrong person, which can destroy the database, or it can also be destroyed accidentally.

High Data Redundancy As mentioned in the current system, due to maintenance of so many registers there is a high redundancy of data i.e. same data is recorded repeatedly.

Data Inconsistency Here as mentioned in the above step the same information is written in more than one place that creates the problem, when there is a change or deletion in the recorded data for example if we would like to change the name of the visitor due to some mistake earlier or due to some other circumstances.

2.2 Proposed system The desktop application system is to be computerised in order to overcome the problems, which affects the existing desktop application system. Computerising the existing system with the help of some programming language, database package ease the work of the system up to a great extent. Generally, there has been a criterion to work on any job or task for a specific purpose. Nobody works without specific detailed information about the particular task he is performing. Thus, any transaction can be performed either or check in and check out. In the computerised system, the first screen of the system would be a welcome message and a list of menus. These menus contain the options of collecting the information of any visitor. Any transaction can be performed in the visitor management system i.e. routine processes. After the transaction is completed the user can log off from the system by simply quitting from the system. The main objective of the proposed system is to help the user. The system can be handy to the user in the following reasons • To provide quick and efficient means for gathering the visitor information • To automate the work such as gathering visitor information and allocating the zones they are allowed to visit.

• To automate the check in and check outs.

2.2.1 Features The “visitor management system” of the organisation is developed to overcome the most of the problems occurring in the desktop application system by computerising the existing system. The features of the newly proposed computerised system are described in brief as below. After computerising the system, the committee of the organisation or the user of the system can finish their work in least amount of time and efforts. The computerised system has many gains and efforts, which the desktop application system can't give, in any type of situations. In any desktop application system if we take, the main problem arising is to maintain the number of records and finding a particular record. In desktop application system the user has to note down that the check in and check out of each and every visitor but in the case of computerised system the user just has to enter once and automatically all the messages delivered by all the visitors will be displayed and thus the user does not have to worry because all the work done is automatically and the system itself. Computerised systems are most helpful in dealing with areas where database comes into the existence. A computer can hold large amount of data in its storage devices and it can operate at very high speed. The user can put the entire information in the computer and can be able to perform any type of task which when done desktop application is tedious and time consuming. The new system will have the facility to sort data according to any specific type on the basis of what the user wants in any order. Also with the help of computerised system if the user wants to access any single user's data from many users’ data he can automatically get the desired data of the desired visitor. In a fraction of second which is again time saving and very quick. Some of the features of the proposed system are given below • Maintaining the database for the visitor, check-in and check-out, etc. • Removal of data redundancy. • Data consistency. • Menu driven interface. • Ensure data security.

3. Testing and implementation The common view of testing held by users is that it is performed to prove that there are no errors in a program. This is extremely difficult since designer cannot prove to be one hundred percent accurate. Therefore, the most useful and practical approach is with the understanding that testing is the process of executing a program with explicit intention of finding errors that make the program fail. Testing has its own cycle. The testing process begins with the product requirements phase and from there parallels the entire development process. In other words, for each phase of the development process there is an important testing activity. Successful testing requires a methodical approach. It requires focusing on basic critical factors • Planning • Project and process control • Risk management • Inspections • Measurement tools • Organisation and professionalism

Test Plan Before going for testing, first we have to decide upon the type of testing to be carried out. The following factors are taken into consideration • To ensure that information properly flows into and out of program • To find out whether the local data structures maintains its integrity during all steps in an algorithm execution • To ensure that the module operate properly at boundaries established to limit or restrict processing •To find out whether error handling paths are working correctly or not

•To find out whether the values are correctly updated or not check for Validations

Unit Testing Unit or module testing is the process of testing the individual components (subprograms or procedures) of a program. The purpose is to discover discrepancies between the modules interface specification and its actual behaviour. In our system each module must be tested independently for validation.

Validation Testing Validation testing provides the final assurance that software meets all functional, behavioural and performance requirement. The software once validated must be combined with other system elements. System testing verifies that as elements combine properly and that overall system function and performance is achieved.

Integration Testing Integration testing is the process of combining and testing multiple components together. The primary objective of integration testing is to discover errors in the interfaces between the components. In our system each of the modules mentioned above, are tested for checking the integration between them, after each of them are tested individually.

Implementation System implementation is the important stage of project when the theoretical design is tunes into practical system. The main stages in the implementation are as follows • Planning • Training • System testing and • Changeover planning Planning is the first task in the system implementation. Planning is deciding on the method and the time scale to be adapted. At the time of implementation of any system people from different departments and system analysis

involved. They are confined to practical problem of controlling various activities of people outside their own data processing departments. The line manager controlled through an implementation co-ordinate committee. The committee consists of ideas, problems and complaints of user department. It must also consider • The implementation of system environment. • Self-selection and allocation for implementation tasks. • Consultation with unions and resources available. • Standby facilities and channels of communication.

4. Conclusion

The system is completely menu driven and extremely user friendly since it is developed in an efficient front end tool JavaScript. Appropriate error messages are also provided to guide the user in a proper and user friendly manner. The software “Visitor management system” has been developed in windows environment using JavaScript as front end and MySQL as back end. Time consumptions reduced to a great extent and user as less complexity in handling it database. The project is fully fledged and user friendly, end users will be lightened in using its software because it is easy to have the reports and mostly all contents to be entered are to selected from combo box. It reduces the efforts to be carried out by the staff.

Bibliography Reference websites • • •

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1. Data flow diagram

2. Use Case Diagram

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