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What are the 6 Harmonies of Liuhebafa? Written by: Ian Prescott Liuhebafa Quan is translated as meaning the 6 harmonies and 8 methods fist, or boxing. But what are these six harmonies really? They can be many different things on many different levels depending upon who you are talking to and their understanding of the art itself. To truly understand our water boxing as a true internal art this is a concept that needs to be truly understood. The six harmonies in Liuhebafa, on a very basic level, refer to both what is known as the 6 internal harmonies and the six external harmonies. The 6 internal harmonies are:
The Body combines with the mind The Mind combines with intent Intent combines with Energy Energy combines with Movement Movement combines with Spirit Spirit combines with the void.
But what does this really mean? Essentially we can look at this as the movement of energy from solid mass to an energetic form. In Liuhebafa Water Boxing this is also looked at as the three forms of water: solid (ice), liquid (water), vapor (steam). It is the same energetic concept but from a more simplified level. So if we look at the 6 harmonies as being a movement of energy or an energetic process we can surmise that it runs in a complete cycle. As ice melts and turns into a liquid, the process of heating causes evaporation that brings it into the vapor/gas stage. When water sits in the atmosphere long enough the process of condensation changes the vapor stage back into water (rain) and eventually back into a solid (ice) stage depending upon climate and season. So it is with the 6 Harmonies as well. We concentrate our bodies and minds with our intent. This intent causes the energy to flow and cause movement which then stimulates the spirit which reaches out towards the void. The energy then returns from the void to our spirit which inspires our movements, which makes the energy flow, to be driven by our intent, and settles in our bodies and our minds. This can be likened to the movement of energy in the microcosmic orbit. The intent of our concentrated minds drives the energy through our bodies from the air into the Dan Tien, through the huyin, ming men, dorsal gate, up to the tops of our heads. The energy then descends down the “front” of our bodies back down to the Dan Tien. This is a similar process to the ascending channel liberation current and descending channel manifesting current used in the Kundalini system as well.
Of course all of the preceding is just one meaning of what the 6 harmonies are about. In Liuhebafa, the number 6 also refers to the six directions. These directions are up, down, left, right, forward, and backwards. This is a reference to movement in all directions. So if we look at the 6 harmonies in this way we see the teaching of projecting harmony all around ourselves or being in harmony with all things. This includes our perception of other people as well. If we try to be in harmony with the others around us then no one is seen as an enemy, even those that may desire to do us harm. That being said, it is in the interests of harmony to end an altercation without ourselves being harmed and at the same time not harming our would be assailants. This seems to be the opposite of what a martial art is about, but this does not mean we cannot use force, the admonition is to not harm even if they mean us harm. Yet there are times when this cannot be avoided on any level. If we attempt to be in harmony with all things and conduct ourselves by the 6 harmonies with intent, then maybe we will not be seen as a target on any level and a potential adversary will know to stand down. As we can see, the concept of the 6 Harmonies in the Liuhebafa system goes much deeper that can at first be seen on the surface. To greater understand any system of martial arts requires that we have a deep understanding of ourselves and our inherent nature. There are many layers to get into and the deeper we go the more balance and harmony we will naturally have. © 2012 Ian Prescott/Wu Lung Water Boxing