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WILL I, N.K. Malhotra S/o Late Shri. Krishan Gopal R/o B - 74, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076, a Hindu, making the following will on the day of Seventh July, 2011, voluntarily and without coercion or undue influence whatsoever, while I am in sound state of mind. With the blessings of Radha Soami, I possess considerable movable and immovable properties which are my self acquired properties and which were acquired without any detriment to the ancestral property or to the family funds and I have the absolute powers of disposal over the same. I am executing this last will and testament of mine of my own free will voluntarily, without any compulsion or pressure of any person and with a sound disposing mind and declare as follows: 1. Whereas, so long as I am alive, I shall continue to be the owner of my movable and immovable properties. 2. After my death, house at Pocket B – 74 Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 110076, shall be inherited by my son Shri. Vipon Malhotra, absolutely to be held and enjoyed by him with full and absolute powers of alienation. 3. My daughters Veena Khanna W/o Ratan Khanna and Neena Arora W/o Rakesh Arora or anyone else shall have no right, title and interest in the said property under any circumstances and any objection to be raised by them regarding this Will shall be deemed as null, void and ineffective. 4. All the cash, investment and jewellery shall be inherited by my daughters Veena Khanna W/o Ratan Khanna and Neena Arora W/o Rakesh Arora in equal proportion. The above shall be strictly followed.
May all be happy, enjoy good health and be prosperous. This is my last and irrevocable will. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the above named testator has signed this will hereunder the day and year first written above. ………………….(Sd.) (N.K. Malhotra) Signed by the above named N.K. Malhotra in our presence at the same time and each of us has in the presence of the testator signed his name hereunder as an attesting witness. WITNESSES; 1. 2.