With Aramco Engineering Standard & Procedure: Experience Base - 2019

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Experience Base - 2019

With ARAMCO Engineering Standard & Procedure

SHAHID ALI Course Provider (CSWIP, B.Gas, API, NDT, ISO, HSE) Cell#: 00966-599-807084 Cell#: 0092-334-7497876 Email: [email protected] Web: www.qctrainer.com

What is QA? Quality Assurance is the system of action and planning, which is required to provide maximum confidence for quality requirements. What is QC? Quality Control is the operational techniques i.e (Inspection, Testing & Examination) that are used to fulfill requirement for quality. What are the basic responsibilities of a QA/QC personal? To ensure the execution of works are comply fully as per approved Code, standard & procedure. What is schedule Q? Schedule Q is a part of contract agreement between Client and Contractor that does contain client’s minimum quality requirements for specific project or contract. What is PQP? Project Quality Plan – It is the document which describes that how contactor will manage the scope of work based their quality system correlated to client’s Schedule Q. What is PQR? Procedure Qualification Record -A PQR is a record of welding data (variables) during weld a test coupon that performed and tested (more carefully) to ensure that the procedure will produce a good weld. What is WPS? Welding Procedure Specification - It is a written document that provides the direction to the welder or welding operator for making production welds. What is WQT? Welder Qualification Test –Check the ability of welder to deposit (make) of sound weld metal. (Details in: SAEP-321) Welding: A permanent union between two metals caused by heat of pressure. Welder: (ASME Sec-IX) One who performs a manual or semiautomatic welding operation. Welding Operator: (ASME Sec-IX) One who operates machine or automatic welding equipment. What is ITPs? ITP: ITP means Inspection and Test Plan. Details of work scope and required types of inspections What are QA/QC’s ITP’s? This is procedure informs about the kinds of quality check (surveillance inspection witness or hold points) means quality of works is being done in proper sequences. Hold point (H) is the level of inspection that client inspection must required through RFI and cannot be proceed until inspection is done by client. Witness point (W) is the level of inspection that inspection activity can be proceeded without client inspection or if client is not available as per RFI timing. Surveillance: Client Inspection to monitor work in progress without notice from Construction organization Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 1/44

What is NCR? Why does it need for a QA/QC personal? NCR means Non-Conformance Report, QA/QC personal has reserve the right to issue a warning if contractor doesn’t comply or violate with the standard procedure. Contractor shall respond to all NCRs issued by COMPANY in writing within 48 hours of receiving notification of nonconformance, including his proposed corrective action. Contractor shall forward Internal NCR (INCR) respond to all NCRs issued by COMPANY in writing within 48 hours of receiving notification of nonconformance, including his proposed corrective action. Contractor shall investigate the root cause of nonconformities and initiate Corrective Actions to prevent recurrence of nonconformities maximum 7 days of the issue date. (i) Violation (ii) Root Cause (iii) Corrective Action (iv) Preventive Action (Correction) What is RFI? When an RFI will be raised? Request for Inspection (RFI), RFI shall be raised only when the status of the preliminary inspection is satisfactory, and the works (items) are hold or witness point. What is standard? A Standard can be defined as a set of technical definitions and guidelines that function as instructions for designers, manufacturers, operators, or users of equipment. Ex ASME31.3 is a standard for process piping. What is code? A standard becomes a Code when it has been adopted by one or more governmental bodies and is enforceable by law, or when it has been incorporated into a business contract. What is specification? Specification is describing the technical requirements of any given product or process and are used heavily by purchasing departments for controlling the quality of incoming materials. Ex API5L

ASME 31.1 (Pressure Piping, Power Piping) ASME 31.3 (Process Piping) ASME 31.4 (Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries) ASME 31.8 (Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems) API-1104 (Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities) ASTM - American Society of Testing Materials A WS D 1.1 - American Welding Society (Structural Welding) A WS D 1.6 - American Welding Society (Structure SS Welding) Info:Pressure Vessel Inspections (API 510) Risk Based Inspection (API 580/ ASME PCC-3) Piping Inspections (ANSI B 31.3 / 31.4, API 570) Welding Inspection (CSWIP 3.1 / API 577)

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 2/44

Daily Using SAIC & STAR as Per SATIP-W-011-01 Welding of On Plot Piping (ASME 31.1 & 31.3)

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 3/44

Daily Using SAIC & STAR as Per SATIP-W-012-01 Welding of On Pipeline (ASME 31.4, 31.8 & API-1104)

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 4/44

Welding Consumable: For Receiving SATIP-W-011-01 Rev-08

Consumable Storage, Handling, Issuance SATIP-W-011-01 Rev-08

SAIC-W-2010 SATR-W-2009 For Receiving SATIP-W-011-02 Rev-08

SAIC-W-2032 SATR-W-2010 Consumable Storage, Handling, Issuance SATIP-W-012-01 Rev-08

SAIC-W-2010 SATR-W-2009

SAIC-W-2032 SATR-W-2010

Welding Consumable Control Room Non Stop electricity should be available. Humidity: 40% to 50% <50% RH o Temperature: 5-60 c (Ideal Temp 25 oc to 30 oc) Monitor & Fulfill the Requirements:    

Available trained ROD Issuer Hygrometer placed on appropriate place and should be Calibrated All Equipment should be calibrated Safety Equipment should be installed.


Receiving Inspection of Welding Consumables (Pipelines & Plot Piping) Control of Welding Consumables - Plant Piping (Site Storage, Handling, Conditioning & Issuance) Welding Rod Oven Calibration/Verification Report Electrode Test Certificate Manufacture recommendation should be available.

*(SFA = Specification of filler analysis)

ASME SEC II C - Specification for Welding rods, Electrodes & Filler metals CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (PMI ... "BUTTON"): Details vary per Spec. Refer to Fig. 1 - Pad for Chemical Analyses of Undiluted Weld Metal

Button Size:ASME Sec-II C (SFA 5.5, etc) and refer to the Figure 1 - Pad for Chemical Analysis of undiluted Weld Metal

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 5/44


M = Military requirements (Greater toughness and lower Moisture Contents) (i.e E7018M As received 0.1% Moisture Contents & As exposed 0.4%) C1 = Improved toughness (due to presence of Ni) (i.e E8018-C1 ranges are 2 to 2.75% Ni but Considered 2.4% at -75⁰C) HZ= Diffusible Hydrogen Test, an optional supplement test of the weld metal from Low “H” electrodes as received or conditioned with as average valve not exceeding “Z” ml of H2 Per 100g of deposited metal where “Z” is 4,8,16 (Example – E7018 H4, E7018 H8) R = Electrode meets the requirements of the absorbed Moisture Test. Normally E 7018 has 0.6% Moisture as received But E7018R has 0.3% Moisture as received and 0.4% as exposed E7018M has 0.1% Moisture as received and 0.4% as exposed E6010 or E6011 has = 3% to 7% Moisture Level B2 = Moisture Resist Pickup Coating Note: 1.43g/Kg = Atmospheric condition shall be an absolute humidity of dry air at the time of welding. P1 = The P1 has a CVN requirement of 20 ft-lbs @ 0 degrees F. The P1 has a slightly higher yield strength requirement (60 ksi vs 57 ksi) than the G classification. The P1 does not require PWHT to achieve it's optimum mechanical properties, aging accomplishes this. The G classification may require PWHT if the proponent requires. The P1 has a CVN requirement of 20 ft-lbs @ 0 degrees F. CVN testing is not required for the G classification. I also don't think I would compare the E7010G as being "better" then the E7010-P1 due the fact that the P1 has more stringent mechanical property requirements. I would approach this issue as "Does the E7010G electrode meet the requirements of an E7010-P1 electrode?" My answer would be "no".

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 6/44

INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT USE ELECTRODE OR FILLER MAT'L "LOTS" on SA Projects for production welding until PMI tests verify composition. At the latest, test the first production weld. Test consumables immediately after receipt to avoid "surprise" of "bad batches". Specs requiring PMI at SA are: For Intervie w

Specification of Filler Analysis (SFA)



Carbon Steel



SS Electrodes (SMAW)



Low-Alloy Electrodes (SMAW)



Copper & Alloy Electrode



Copper & Alloy Rods & Electrodes



Bare SS Electrodes & Rods



Nickel & Alloy Electrodes (SMAW)



Tungsten & Alloy Electrodes



Surfacing Electrode (SMAW)



Nickel & Alloy Bare Electrodes & Rods



SAW Solid Wire – i.e EM12K






Bare Electrodes & Rods, Surfacing



SS Electrodes (FCAW) & SS Flux Cored Rods (GTAW)



Low-Alloy Electrodes & Fluxes (SAW)



Low-Alloy Electrodes & Rods (GMAW) i.e ER80S-Ni1 also LTCS



Low-Alloy Electrodes (FCAW)



SFA- 5.36

FCAW = E81T8


Electrode , Electrode Wire & Filler Wire

F No.

Consumable: (ASME Sec-II-C) ER70S-2 & 3: Filler metals are used extensively to produce high quality; high toughness welds with the GTAW Process. These filler metals are also well suited for use in single side, melt through welding without a protective root shielding gas on the backside of the joint. ER70S-6: Not Use is Saudi ARAMCO without prior Approval: This electrode is greater than 200 BHN and unfit for sour services, PWHT required. Because: Maximum hardness for P-1 after heat treatment should be less than or equal to: Sweet Service = 225 BHN Sour Services = 200BHN Welding Consumables shall have a SAP ID number to show their purchase from an approved vendor for specific consumable. Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 7/44

PMI (Positive Material Identification) SAES-A-206 There are two globally accepted analytical methods for simple on-site Positive Material Identification: 1- X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) 2-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). Hand Held Spectrometer is used for performing PMI PMI by XRF Metal Analyzer X-MET8000 Methods The instruments and methods used for PMI testing shall be suitable for identifying the material by quantitative measurement of the major alloying elements required in the applicable material specification or welding procedure specification.

The primary acceptable method is X-ray emission analysis, also known as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis with a calibrated portable instrument Because of inherent limitations of some XRF analysers, it is not possible to detect all elements. Elements lighter than sulfur (S) cannot be detected by these tools. Therefore, this technique can not be used to detect carbon (C). An optical emission spectrograph may be used to check for all the required elements, including carbon. A hot work permit may be required before using this equipment. Any burn damage resulting from the usage of the emission spectrograph shall be removed by grinding. It is noted that some newer XRF analysers can analyze elements such Mg, Al, Si, P, S which are lighter than sulfur (S), PMI: Positive Material Identification – Verification that the nominal chemical composition of an alloy material is as specified and ordered. The term applies to programs, processes, procedures, and tests in accordance with this standard. PMI Testing: Any physical evaluation or test of a material, meeting the requirements of this standard, to confirm that the material which has been or will be placed into service is consistent with the selected or specified alloy material. Lot: Same batch of particular components -- the same supplier, type of component, size, rating, material, etc., and from the same shipment. Material Specifications: ASME SEC II, Parts Acceptance Criteria 10.1 For acceptance, it must be demonstrated that materials contain the amounts of alloying elements shown in the material specification. Alloys shall be acceptable if the alloying elements are each within 10% of the specified range of values. (Weld Metal VS Base Metal = 10% Variation accepted)

10.2 Welds with consumables that match, or nearly match, the base metal composition shall be within ±12.5% of the ranges allowed in ASME SEC IIC for each element. (Consumable =

±12.5% Variation accepted)

Results showing Copper Content greater than 0.7% indicate unacceptable "cross contamination".

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 8/44

Tungsten Electrode: (Non-Consumable) Zirconated (Brown) or Pure (Green) Thoriated (Red) 2% Thoriated or Zirconated

Use for AC (Cooper / Alloy, Mg, Mi, Plain Carbon, SS) Use for DC-ve (Steel & Most Metals) Use on DE+ve

Note: Ceriated (Orange) and Lanthanated (Gold) can be used in place of Thoriated. Cutting and grinding contaminated and or oxidized tungsten electrode tips using the common unacceptable practice of silicon carbide grinding wheels spreads contamination and does not produce quality GTAW welds because of a tendency for tip fracturing & splintering & thus the need for frequent redressing Properly prepare new tungsten with diamond type cutting equipment specifically designed for Tungsten (Tungsten Sharpener Model-Piranha, etc)

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 9/44

Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines - AWS A5.01 Lot Classification Covered Electrodes (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) Bare Solid Electrodes and Rods, Brazing and Braze Welding Filler Metal, and Consumable Inserts (S1, S2, S3, S4) Flux Cored Electrodes and Metal Cored Electrodes and Rods (T1, T2, T3, T4) Flux for Submerged Arc Welding and Brazing and Braze Welding (F1, F2)

All electrodes shall be purchased with certified lot testing in accordance with AWS A5.01 or BS EN ISO 14344. Note: The Lot classification shall be S2, T2, C2, F2 or higher. The schedule of testing shall be "4 or I" or higher for AWS A5.01 and "Schedule 4" or higher for BS EN ISO 14344.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 10/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 11/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

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(Drying mean Backing)

A 5.1 Low Hydrogen Electrode 60XX Dried: 260-430 For 2-Hrs

A 5.5 Low Hydrogen Electrode 70XX & 80XX Dried: 370-430 For 2-Hrs

The drying step may be deleted if the electrodes are supplied in the dried condition in a hermetically sealed metal can with a positive indication of seal integrity or vacuum sealed package (Vac-Pack) Electrodes may be re-dried only once. After drying the electrode shall be stored continuously in oven at 120-200 minimum Exposure Limitation:A 5.1 (Carbon Steel) Low Hydrogen Electrode 60XX Not be exposed if:4-Hr Open in Atmosphere 8-Hr in Portable Oven minimum 65oC

A 5.5 (Low Alloy Steel) Low Hydrogen Electrode 70XX & 80XX Not be exposed if:2-Hr Open in Atmosphere 4-Hr in Portable Oven minimum 65oC

Re-Conditioning: Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for less than the permitted time period may be returned to a holding oven maintained at 120°C minimum; After a minimum holding period of 4-hours at 120°C minimum the electrodes may be reissued. Stainless Steel & Non Ferrous Electrodes:-

Drying: 120C – 250C (2-Hr) Store: 120C – 200C Minimum

Exposure Limitation: Not be exposed if:4-Hr Open in Atmosphere 8-Hr in Portable Oven minimum 65oC

Electrode Shelf Life = 2-Year maximum Note: Lincoln currently recommends a 3-year shelf life in certain brands of SMAW electrodes. When a manufacturer data sheet specifically states detailed storage conditions (humidity & temperature) and a shelf life beyond three years, and storage requirements have been followed (as verified by Quality), electrodes may be used for a period per manufacturer's instructions (to a three-year limit).

Contractor shall assure electrode issue control follows a "First In, First Out" Rule. Check E6010 storage closely. For field welding, remote Current controls shall be used if welding is more than 30 m from welding power source or when welders are working in "remote" locations (e.g., on an elevated pipe-rack). Surface Porosity, uneven Profile and undercut remove by grinding. Inert gas flow time over an extinguishing arc follows the "15 second rule" = Zero Contamination Note: 15* seconds cooling under gas flow will result in zero oxidation

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 13/44

As Per Aramco Standard (SAES-W-012) Shielding Gases shall conform to the requirements of AWS A5.32 or BS EN ISO 14175. 1. Carbon dioxide (CO2): Federal Specification BC-C-101, Type B or Compressed Gas Association CGA G-6.2, Type F. 2. Argon (Ar): Compressed Gas Association CGA G-11.1, Grade A. Note: 1) Use of other gases and gas mixtures shall require CSD approval. 2) Certs attest to purity, check dew point, moisture content, etc

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 14/44

DUTIES BEFORE WELDING CHECK ACTION Application Standard Approved WPS / PQR & Drawing (welding package) Have been approved and WPS is available to welders (and inspectors) Composition & Condition: Material (Base In accordance with drawing/WPS>Identified and can be traced to a test certificate Metal) Traceability In suitable condition (free from damage and contamination In suitable condition and calibrated as appropriate Welding equipment Those to be used are as specified by the WPS are being stored/controlled as Welding consumables specified by the QC Procedure Identification of welders qualified for each WPS to be used. Welder qualifications All welder qualification certificates JCC are valid (in date) In accordance with WPS (and/or drawings)Edge Preparation: Weld preparations In accordance with WPS/drawings tack welds are to good workmanship standard Joint fit-ups and to code/WPS are free from defects, contamination and damage Weld faces (if required) Minimum temperature is in accordance with WPS Preheat All base materials (by spec, grade, P-No, Piping Diameter range) and wall thicknesses to be used shall be included in the Weld Table. Weld Table Each Weld Table shall be completed & show all line designations to be used for the entire complete job or contract. DUTIES DURING WELDING (CHECK ACTION) Ensure weather conditions are suitable/comply with Code (conditions will not affect welding) In accordance with WPS Welding process (if required) Minimum temperature is being maintained in accordance with WPS Preheat Temperature Inter-pass temperature Maximum temperature is in accordance with WPS In accordance with WPS and being controlled as Procedure (Handling) Welding consumables Current, volts, travel speed are in accordance with WPS Welding parameters Visually acceptable to Code (before filling the joint) (for single sided welds) Root run By an approved method and to good workmanship standard Gouging/grinding To good workmanship standard Interrun cleaning On the approval register/qualified for the WPS being used Welder Site/field welding

DUTIES AFTER WELDINGCHECK ACTION Weld identification Weld appearance Dimensional survey

Drawings NDT Repairs PWHT Pressure/load Documentation Records

Each weld is marked with the welder's identification and is identified in accordance with drawing/weld map Ensure welds are suitable for all NDT (profile, cleanness etc)Visually inspect welds and sentence in accordance with Code Check dimensions are in accordance with drawing/Code Ensure any modifications are included on as-built drawings Ensure all NDT is complete and reports are available for records Monitor in accordance with the Procedure (if required) Monitor for compliance with Procedure (check chart record) test (if required) Ensure test equipment is calibrated Monitor test to ensure compliance with Procedure/Code. Ensure reports/records are available Ensure all reports/records are completed and collated as required

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 15/44

ASME Sec-IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications (Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators)

ASME SECTIONS (ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers) SECTION-1 SECTION II




Flanges Butt welded fittings Gasket Socket & Threaded fittings Valves

Rules for Construction of Power Boilers Materials Part A - Ferrous Material Specifications (Iron) Part B - Nonferrous Material Specifications (Al, Cu, Ni, Ti, Zinc, Brass) Part C - Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals Part D - Properties (Customary) Part E - Properties (Metric) Subsection NCA Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers Nondestructive Examination RT (Article-2) UT (Article-4 for Testing of Welds & Article 23 (Thickness measurement only) PT (Article-6 All methods) MT (Article 7 (Yoke & Prod Methods only) Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1- (PWHT) Division 2 - Alternative Rules Division 3 - Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels Welding and Brazing Qualifications Fiber - Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels Rules for In service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components Rules for Construction and Continued S e r v i c e of Transport T a n ks.

ASME B16.1 ASME B16.5 ASME B16.47 ASME B16.9 ASME B16.28 ASME B16.20 / API -601 ASME B16.21

Cast iron pipes flanges & flanged fittings Carbon steel pipes flanges & flanged fittings. (Up to 24”) Large Diameter steel flanges. (Above 24”) Steel butt welding fittings Butt-welded short radius elbows & returns bends. Metallic gaskets for pipe flanges- Spiral wound Non metallic gasket

ASME B16.11

Forged steel socket welding & threaded fittings

ASME B16.10

Face to face & end to end dimension of valves. Flanged & butt-welded ends steel valves (Pressure &Temperature ratings) except Ball, Plug & Butter fly Valves

ASME B16.34

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 16/44

Spec No. API-5L API-5L API-5L API-5L API-5L API-5L API-5L A 106 A 106 A 106 A-234 A-234

Table QW/QB-422 Ferrous/Non Ferrous P-Numbers Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification Min Tensile Type or Grade P. No. (MPa) A 49 1 B 60 1 X52 67 1 X60 75 1 X65 78 1 X70 83 1 X80-Q 91 1 A 48 1 B 60 1 C 70 1 WPB 60 1 WPC 70 1

Group No. 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 2

P – Numbers:To reduce the number of welding procedure qualification required, BASE METALS have been assigned P – Numbers. Weld ability and Mechanical properties. (P No.2 is not applied) P – Numbers 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 & 11 21 – 25 31 – 35 41 – 47 51 – 53 61 – 62

Types of Material Carbon-Manganese steel Carbon - ½ % Mo. (Alloy Steel) 1 % Cr – ½ % Mo. (Alloy Steel) 2 ¼ % Cr – 1 % Mo, 5 Cr. (Alloy Steel) High Alloy Martensitic stainless steel. High Alloy Ferritic stainless steel Austenitic stainless steel. Nickel steel. Quenched & Tempered Steel. Al & Al base Alloys Cu & Cu base Alloys Ni & Ni base Alloys Ti & Ti base Alloys Zr & Zr base Alloys.

Diameter (ID) ½” 1” 1½” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12”

OD & WT Outer Diameter (OD) 22mm 33.4mm 42 mm 60.3 mm 90 mm 114 mm 168 mm 219 mm 273 mm 324 mm

Circumference Length 69.10 mm (3) 103.65 mm (2) 131.92 mm (2) 188.46 mm (1) -------

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 17/44

A – Numbers: A – Numbers are used to identify the weld metal chemical composition of ferrous metals. Table QW-442 A-Numbers Classification of Ferrous Weld Metal Analysis for Procedure Qualification (For PQR / WPS)

A. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Types of weld deposit







Mild steel Carbon-Molybdenum Chrome (0.4% to 2%)-Mo Chrome (2% to 6%)-Mo Chrome (6% to 10.5%)-Mo Chrome-Martensitic Chrome-Ferritic Chrome-Nickle Chrome-Nickle Nickle to 4% (Low Temp) Mn-Mo Ni-Cr-Mo

0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.17 0.15

--0.50 0.4-2.0 2.0 –6.0 6.0-10.5 11-15 11-30 14.5-30 25-30 ----1.50

--0.4-0.65 0.4-0.65 0.4-1.50 0.4-1.50 0.70 1.0 4.0 4.0 0.55 0.25-0.75 0.25-0.80

--------------7.5-15 15-37 0.80-4.0 0.85 1.25-2.80

1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.20 2.0 1.0 2.50 2.50 1.70 1.25-2.25 0.75-2.25

1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

F – Numbers:

F – Numbers are used for filler metal designation & grouping of electrodes & welding rods. It is based essentially on their usability characteristics. The main purpose of F – Numbers grouping is to reduce the number of welding procedure and performance qualifications, where this can logically be done. F No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Class. Of Filler Metals Heavy Rutile Consumable (E7024) Most Rutile Consumable (E6013) Cellulosic Electrode (E6010-6011)

F Nos. 21 – 25 31 – 37 41 –45

Low hydrogen electrode. (E7016, E7018, E8018) All stainless steel Electrode. (SMAW) Bare wires/Core wires of CS, SS &LAS

51 –54

Class. Of Filler Metals Al & Al base alloys. Cu & Cu base alloys. Ni & Ni base alloys. (43-ER-NiCr-3) Ti & Ti alloys.

61 71 – 72

Zr & Zr alloys. Hard-facing weld metal.


ALTERNATE F-NUMBERS FOR WELDER PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION If one welder is qualified on F4 (i.e E7018) without backing than he is qualified on all below F1, F2, F3 with backing.

Consumable Insert:

Filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding and is intended to be completely fused in the joint root to become part of world. Filler metal Product Form i.e. a-Bare to b-Flux cored to a flux coated c- via-versa

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 18/44

What are the different types of Base Material w i t h Grade? Material with


P No.

CS P No.1

A106 Gr. A – 0.25 % A106 Gr. B – 0.30 % A106 Gr. C – 0.35 % API-5L Gr- B A-53 Gr-B


(ASTM-312) 304,308,310, 316,317,321, 347,348

A 304 A 304L A 308L A 321L A 321M A 347 (L,H,M)

Dissimilar Material

CS A-53 to SS-304L (BM T=<12mm) CSA-53 to SS-304L


Aluminum P No.21 to 25

SMAW Electrode

A335-P-11 A335-P-22

Pre Heat

Interpass Temp Max



See PWHT Page No.


600 C o 200 C-2Hr

177 ºC



ER-70S-2 to 6 can use on CS

7018,7018 -1

<25mm : 10 C o >25mm: 80 C (ASME 31.3 Ed 2014)

ER-80SNi1  E8018-C3  <20mm Thickness ER-80SNi2  E8018-C1  >20mm Thickness A 316 A 316L A 316H

SS P No.8

GTAW Filler Wire



ER 308 L

E 308 L



Max 10 C


ER 347 & 347 L

E 347

ER 347 ERNiCr-3


177 ºC


Pll 260°C P22 300°C

13 mm> 704°C to 760° High Alloy 730°C to 790°C

ER-309 See 6.1.6 SAES-W-12 o

P-11 = 150 C o P-22=149 C

SB 241 Gr 5083

ASME SA335 / ASTM A335 , Chrome-Moly pipe is a seamless ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe produced in nominal or minimum wall thickness for high temperature service. ... Sometimes referred to as “P Grade” materials, chrome moly pipe comes in more than 17 grades with the most widely used PGrades being P5, P9, P11, P22 and P91.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 19/44

QW-400 VARIABLES (ASME SEC-IX) Definitions: Essential Variables as PQR, WPS (QW-401.1) A change in a welding condition which will affect the mechanical properties (other than notch toughness) of the weldment (e.g., change in P-Number, welding process, filler metal, electrode, preheat or postweld heat treatment). Essential Variables as WQT - Performance (QW-401.2) A change in a welding condition which will affect the ability of a welder to deposit sound weld metal (such as a change in welding process, deletion of backing, electrode, F-Number, technique, etc.). Supplementary Essential Variable (Procedure) (QW-401.3) A change in a welding condition which will affect the notch-toughness properties of a weldment (for example, change in welding process, uphill or down vertical welding, heat input, preheat or PWHT, etc.). Supplementary essential variables are in addition to the essential variables for each welding process. Nonessential Variable (Procedure) (QW-401.4) A change in a welding condition which will not affect the mechanical properties of a weldment (such as joint design, method of back gouging or cleaning, etc.)

What is the difference between Pipe and Tube? Pipe is identified by NB (Inner Dia) and thickness is defined by Schedule. Whereas Tube is identified by OD. From which size onwards NB of pipe is equal to OD of Pipe? From the size 14” and onwards NB = OD of pipe. What is the difference between machine bolt and stud bolt? Machine bolt has a head on one side and nut on other side but stud bolt have nuts on both sides. What is the thumb rule to calculate spanner size for given bolt? Answer: 1.5 x diameter of Bolt What is the thumb rule to calculate Current required for Welding? Answer: Current (Amp) = [Diameter of Electrode (mm) X 40] + 20 What should be the radius of long radius elbow? Answer: 1.5D (Where “D” is the diameter of the pipe) What is the min. distance to be maintained between two welds in a pipe Minimum spacing of circumferential welds between centre lines shall not be less than 3-times the pipe wall thickness or 25 mm whichever is greater.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 20/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 21/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 22/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 23/44

Position Qualification:

QW-452.3 Groove Weld Diameter Limits OD of Test Coupon in (mm)

½" ¾" 1" to 2⅞ " (73mm) 2⅞ " (73mm) to above

OD Qualified, in (mm) Min


½" Welded Test ¾" Welded Test 1" 2⅞ " (73mm)

Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Welder Qualification:ASME Sec-IX & SAEP-324 must be qualified JCC's shall be returned to PID when contractor welder goes on home leave or is terminated from the project. NOTE: Contractor welders that return to work within three months from home leave (to the same project) may be reinstated without retesting.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 24/44

Table QW-451 Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens (PQR, WPS) Thickness T of Test Coupon, Welded (mm)

Range of Thickness T of Base Metal Qualified (mm) Min Max

Less than 1.5mm 1.5mm to 10mm 10mm to <19mm >19mm to <38mm >38mm to 150mm

T 1.5 mm 5mm 5mm 5mm

Max Thickness t of Deposited Weld Metal Qualified (mm) Max Tensile R F

2T 2T 2T 2T 200mm

2t 2t 2t 2t 2t

2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 4-Side 4-Side

Note: 2* change Tension from 25mm. Thickness Range Qualification for WQT OD Qualified, in (mm)

Test Coupon in (mm)

<10mm >10mm to <13mm >13mm



1.5 mm 1/2 t 1/2 t

2 T Deposit Thickness 2 T Deposit Thickness Unlimited

Minimum thickness that applies to welders qualified is it 1/2 t thickness. If the coupon's thickness is more than 13mm and he deposits a minimum of 3 layers, he is qualified unlimited. QW-452.1 (a) WQT Test Coupon in (mm)

<10mm >10mm to <19mm >19mm

Side Bend

Face Bend

Root Bend

2 2

1 -

1 -

Note: One face & Root bend may be substituted for the two side bends.

As per ASME B31.3, what is the maximum weld reinforcement allowed? Wall thickness Less than 6 mm 6 ~ 12.5 mm 12.5 ~ 25 mm Above 25 mm

Max. Weld Reinforcement 1.5 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm

Process Used on base of Material Thickness: SMAW = All above 3mm GTAW = Thin Section <10mm GMAW/FCAW= Typically 3 to 30mm SAW = 15 to 150mm or above GTAW process is mandatory for all Lines that will be less than 24” in Dia.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 25/44

Contract Welders and Welder Operators performance criteria to meet 0.2% Linear and 5% joint basis, with linear being the over-riding factor. From the performance data the welders shall be categorized from the linear WRR criteria as follows:

A. B. C. D.

0 - 0.2% >0.2% - 0.4% >0.4% - 0.5% > 0.5%

(Length) Joint (Qty)

= =

Level A Level B Level C Level D, Revoke RT Rejected / RT Done x 100 RT Rejected / RT Done x 100

Level A, B & C Welders  In all cases, Welder performance should target “A” Classification results with the lowest possible Linear & Joint Repair Rates achievable.  Continuing Process Improvement, Cost Effectiveness is acceptable for Cat. A & B welders.  Cat. C welders are not cost effective and require close supervision) Level D Welders  Welders may exceed the 7.5% joint WRR weekly for a maximum period of 2-3 weeks with close surveillance on all repairs.  Additional supervision / additional NDT (to 100%) is required until consistent results of 7.5% WRR or less (joint repair rate) are achieved.  If WRR target is not achieved within 2-3 weeks, the options are: (i) welder may be considered candidate for re-training and retesting or (ii) revoke qualification and remove from production work. Tack Weld: Thickness Length

= =

Upto 4” Dia = Above to 4” Dia = Tack Weld: Bridging:

3.2 to 4.8 12.5 to 25.4 Use 3-Nos Tacking Use 4-Nos Tacking Less then 10” Dia Tacking without Clit Use of Clit

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 26/44


To reduce the cooling rate of weld area and HAZ. Improving ductility with great resistance of cracking Provides the opportunity for H2 that may be present to defuse out. To reduce the shrinkage stress in weld and base metal. Reducing the potential of cracking.

Preheat Temperature not be less than 10°C Preheat Temperature shall be established over a minimum distance 75mm of each side. Temperature Equalization 1mint = For 25mm Thickness When we required more than 93°C Temperature in Preheat so we use Electrical Coil.

For (CS) P-1 Material: (ASME 31.3 Table 330.1.1) 10°C < 25mm Thickness 80°C > 25mm Thickness Maximum Interpass Temperature: (SAES-W-11) P-1,3,4,5 315°C P-3x, P-4x, P-8 177°C Maximum Interpass Temperature: (SAES-W-12) P-1 315°C P-4x, P-8 177°C Preheat employ as per (SAES-W-11 31.3) & (SAES-W-12 31.4, 31.8) For More Details: SAES-W-012 Welding Requirements for Pipelines

Appendix 3 – Preheat Temperatures Tables - Tables 3A and 3B:

Pre-heat For CS Flange = 52oC Pipe, Reducer, Elbo, Tee = 25 oC ASME D 1.1 Structural = 10 oC

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 27/44

Post Weld Heat Treatment Requirements and Exemption Only for P-1 Material ASME 31.8 ASME 31.3 Edition 2014 Required: PWHT required if Material Thickness > 25mm and Preheat apply Less than 95°C

Required: PWHT required if Material Thickness ≥ 32mm

Not Required: (Exemption) Material Thickness > 5mm to And > 25mm if minimum Preheat apply 95°C

Not Required: (Exemption) Less than 32mm no need PWHT


To reduce the residual stress and hardness. To improve the ductility To regain the mechanical properties. To refine the grain size.


PWHT selected by Material P No. wise i.e P3, P4-Gr-1, P5A, P5B, P6, P11, P12 P-6 (High Alloy Steel All thickness Required PWHT) P No. 7 (High Alloy Ferritic Stainless Steel) – Not allowed PWHT in Saudi Aramco. P No. 8 (Austenitic Stainless Steel ) – Not allowed PWHT in Saudi Aramco. PWHT all P-No. 4 & P-No. 5 mat'l welds & pressure boundary attachments when Sour Service exists or nominal chrome content is above 1.5%.

Sr # 1 2 3 4 5


ASME 31.3 Table 331.1.1 Thickness Temp C

CS <25mm Not required CS >25mm 595-650* Alloy Steel (P-4 & 5) >13mm 704-746* High Alloy Steel (P-6) All Thickness 732-788 Nickel Alloy (P-9 A &B) >20mm 595-650 * 620 °C ± 20 * 720°C ± 20

Soak Time 1-Hr 2-Hr 2-Hr 1-Hr

Note: P No. 7 (High Alloy Ferritic stainless steel) & 8 (Austenitic stainless steel.) Not Done PWHT Heating & Cooling Rate in PWHT is :-

222oC/Hr/In after 316oC

Example: 19mm 19/25 for Convert in Inch : 0.76 0.76 x 222 = 168.72 oC/Hr Insulation shall be applied a minimum of 300 mm on either side of the weld that is to be PWHTed. The insulation shall not be removed before the temperature has cooled to below 150°C. The ends of open lines shall be closed off in order to eliminate drafts or air circulation that could lower the temperature on the inside surface of the joint unless the internal surface is also insulated.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 28/44

Thermocouple Requirement: (J & K Types) Pipe Dia = 305mm (12”) or Less = Pipe Dia = 305 to 610 = Pipe Dia = 610 and above =

1 No. 2 No. 4 No.

In this chart, X-axis represents temperature and Y-axis represents Time. In X-axis each line to line distance represents 10Deg C In Y-axis each line to line distance represents half an hour. That means the time between 2 and 3 represents one hour. The graph contains several lines, AB, BC, CD, AE 1 ) AB is RATE OF HEATING curve 3) CD is RATE OF COOLING curve 2) BC is SOAKING TEMPERATURE 4) AE is ROOM TEMPERATURE curve When you check the WPS you can see the required values for each of these.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 29/44


Procedure: A Main Line (Cross Country Line) 4-Pass = Down Hill Procedure: C Tie-in Weld (For Repair Weld) Root Pass = Up Hill 2-Pass = Down Hill Capping = Up or Down

Procedure: B Tie-in Weld (After Main Line the Tie-in Weld) Root Pass = Up Hill 3-Pass = Down Hill Procedure: D Tie-in Weld (For Fabrication Weld) Root Pass = Up Hill 2-Pass = Down Hill Capping = Up Hill

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 30/44

Types of Bead: 1Wider / Weaving Bead


Narrow / Stringer Bead

Note: Included and Bevel angle of Aluminum is larger then CS.

Welding Imperfections Definitions: Imperfection / Discontinuity: Defect:

Any deviation from the ideal weld. An unacceptable imperfection.

Important: Planner, 2-Dimension and Linear one thing means same. Non-Planner & Volumetric are one thing Full Thickness Defects = Volumetric Defects Planner (Linear) Lack of Side Wall Fusion Inter Run Fusion Burn Through Cracks

Non-Planner (Volumetric) Gas Pore Porosity / Cluster Porosity Root Concavity Crater Pipe, Undercut Slag Inclusion

Classification of imperfections according to BS EN ISO 6520-1: Group

Type Solidification (Hot) HICC (Cold) Lamellar Tearing Weld Decay

Cause /Location Impurities Centerline (Weld Metal) Hydrogen Induce (Toe to HAZ) Lamination (Base Metal) Bead to HAZ

2- Cavities

Porosity (Cluster Porosity) Gas Pore ≤ 1.5mm ∅ Blow Hole >1.6mm ∅

Damp Electrode Un-cleaned Parent Metal Loss of Gas Shield

3- Solid Inclusion

Slag (MMA,SAW) Silica (MAG) (TIG) Tungsten (TIG) Copper (MIG/MAG)

Poor Inter-run Cleaning Dipping Tungsten / TIP in Weld Pool

4-Lack of Fusion

Lack of Side wall Fusion (Can be Surface Breaking)

Slag Not Proper Cleaning High Travel Speed Gas Inclusion Same to Incomplete Root Fusion Positional Welding Technique


Lack of Roof Fusion Cold Lap / Over Lap

Weld Bead Weld Bead Weld Bead

Lack of Fusion= (Cold Laps(Laps), Lack of Side Wall Fusion, Lack of Inter run Fusion) Lack of Side wall Fusion occur cause of ARC Blow Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 31/44

5- Surface & Profile

Poor Toe Blend Arc Strike Incomplete Penetration Incomplete Root Penetration

Under-fill (incomplete Fillet Groove) Spatter Undercut Root Concavity

Excess Penetration Burn through Crater pipe (Mainly TIG) 6-Mechanical Damage

Hammer/Grinding marks

Incorrect Welding Technique Poor Welding Technique Root Face too Large Root Gap too Small Current Setting being too low Linear Misalignment Incorrect Welding Technique Damp Consumables High Current High Current / Poor Welding Technique Slow Travel Speed • Excessive back purge pressure during TIG welding • Excessive root bead grinding before the application of the second pass • welding current too high for 2nd pass overhead welding • root gap too large - excessive ‘weaving’ Too Large Root Gap / Amp Too Small a root Face Incorrect Current Slope-out Poor Work man ship

Welding of Tie-in Joint (Normal & Temperature Tie In) All tie-ins shall be done in accordance with SAES-L-450. Tie-in shall be carried out as per approved procedure. QC Inspector shall maintain a permanent record of all actual tie-ins performed. Minimum tie-in temp, shall be 70 -deg. F. or as given in the Safety Instruction Sheets (SIS). A tie-in welds is a weld that connects the pipeline string to another or the pipeline under construction or to an anchor. The segment of the pipeline between the tie-in points remains fully restrained at the tie-in temp., if shrinkage of the segment is prevented by adequate anchorage at both ends. For normal daily temp., variations during construction, one of the following will provide adequate: • • •

Full Thrust Anchor Intermediate anchor with a full string of pipe welded to each side of the anchor; or Frictional forces along the tail: at least 450 m. of buried pipeline; a 900 to 1200 or long string on wooden skids or sand; or 1800 to 2400 of pipe, a double string resting on steel supports.

The pipes to be tied-in shall be kept near to each other. During the peak temperature of the day, the pipe shall be marked and cut. The bevel end shall be brought together and aligned using an external clamp. The joint shall be welded using dolly mix procedure. The pipe string shall not be lifted to take the slack in the string. The tie-in temperature shall be equal to or greater than the highest mean temperature of the previous three days. Notice of inspection shall be issued to Project Inspection 24 hours in advance for witnessing tie ins.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 32/44

Tie-In to Existing Facilities All tie-ins to existing facilities as indicated in construction drawings shall be verified with regards to location, orientation and dimension prior to final fabrication. Detailed Tie-in Procedure will be submitted to Company Representative, Tie-in Package shall be submitted for approval by Saudi Aramco PMT and Project Inspection. SAIC-W-2057 SATR-W-2014

Welding On SS (Austenitic Stainless steel)  Only 300 series SS brushes are used on austenitic & nickel alloys.  Where tape is used for back purging, the tape uses an adhesive with a water soluble chloride content not exceeding 50-ppm. Gray duct tape is prohibited (chlorides)  Austenitic & nickel alloy material fabrication areas are separated from CS areas (upwind to prevent cross contamination).  Wind velocity in the weld area for GTAW, GMAW, or gas shielded FCAW shall not exceed 8 kph (2.2 m/s)  Oil, moisture, scale, rust, paint (except approved weld-able primers), metallic coatings (e.g. zinc) or other foreign matter, has been removed from weld surfaces at least 25mm adjacent to weld joint. PIKOTEK Pickling and Passivation:Both are chemical treatments applied to the surface of stainless steel to remove contaminants which assist the formation of a continuous chromium-oxide, passive film. Both are acid treatments and neither will remove grease or oil. Back Purging: Purging is applied on P-5 and Greater materials, For process GTAW & GMAW root passes single sided grove welds, Purging shall be maintained until at least 10mm of the weld deposit thickness has been completed. Not use of Nitrogen as purging gas in Austenitic Stainless steel. The purge shall achieve actual oxygen levels inside or exiting the joint (via the vent) never greater than 50 ppm O2 (maximum 0.005%) prior to and during welding, as measured with an O2 analyzer with low-level read-out capability. (ppm=Parts Per Millions) 12 ppm O2 = No oxide tint ... ACCEPTABLE Oxygen level reduce by Purging: In Low Alloy Steel = 1% In SS & Ni = 0.05% Weld Repair:  For Crack defect first evaluated by CSD  Crater Crack do not required special repair and shall be ground out only.  During production do not require a separate repair procedure except for crack  Replacement weld (Cut Out) shall be examined as repair.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 33/44

After Welding Re-Cutting & Modification After Receiving NTI Raise the RFI of Modification (Only Cutting and Beveling) After Re-Cutting and Beveling, (Joint PT will be Done) than Fit-up will done. Now again Raise the RFI for Pre-welding/ Fit-up , In Process Welding Note: If required Drawing Will be Change / Modification, for Addition Joint or Joint No. Changing Gap Control Procedure & Inspection Check all Individual Axial gaps on socket-welded joints before welding. Fit-up follows an approved Gap Control procedure! Pre-Welding = 1.5 - 3 mm gap exists SA CSD recommends 3 mm target gap on fit-ups. After welding: Maximum gap of 50% engagement is acceptable. Note: At a minimum, 50% engagement is obtained, this easily verified If SMAW welding is used for socket welding, the largest size of electrode permitted is 3.2mm Dia. The axial gap between male and female component, shall be maximum of 3 mm and minimum of 1.5 mm. This gap is required prior to welding. (It does not apply to piping already installed and welding was completed successfully) Butt joint Internal misalignment shall not exceed 1.5 mm. NOTE: Internal tapering (ASME B31.3) by machining, back welding, or a combination may be used to correct any misalignment. If external surfaces of the components are not aligned, the weld shall be tapered between them. [ASME B31.3, Para. 328.4.3 (2). For Socket Welding:For steel piping in hazardous services, threaded and socket welding fittings shall conform to ASME B16.11 Class 3000, Class 6000 or higher and Pipe unions shall be limited to Class 3000 threaded or socket welding forged steel unions in accordance with MSS SP-83 Welding Procedure used is approved & socket weld 2-pass minimum welding sequence (tacking method, root pass, weld profile/form detail) is available to provide the welder adequate instruction in the field. Welder has been qualified for socket welding by passing RT on the first three production welds.

Buttering / Weld buildup:Buttering or weld build-up on the prepared surfaces shall not exceed the lesser of ⅓ of the base metal thickness or 10mm without the approval of CSD. Permanent backing rings or strips shall not be used. Full penetration groove joint included angles < 30 degrees, except portions of compound bevels, shall not be used without approval. Minimum distance between parallel butt welds shall be 25 mm or three times the wall thickness of the joint, whichever is greater.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 34/44

Line Class:- (SAES-L-105) 3CS1P11 First = Second = Third = Forth = Fifth =

Pressure rating Pipe Material Corrosion Allowance Service Modification Suffix – Optional

An example of a complete piping line class designator is "3CS1P11". This designator specifies an ASME pressure class 300, carbon steel piping system with 1.6 mm corrosion allowance designed for general process service & fifth field is optional Project Specific requirements. Exceptions, modification, or additions may be made to the base piping line class to meet specific requirements through the use of the fifth field location, i.e., modification suffix. Line classes with listed fields shall be approved the Chairman of the Piping Standards Committee.

1. 2. 3.

CB (Chilled Carbon Steel). CC (Low Carbon Steel)

SX (Duplex Stainless Steel).

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 35/44

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 36/44

SATIP-W-012-01 Electrode & Maximum Size can be used:- SAIC-W-2005 Electrode type Low Hydrogen Electrode Non-Low Hydrogen Electrode

Maximum Size 5mm for 1G/1F Position 4mm for other Position 5mm for All Position

Welding Sequence & Pipe Handling meets SA workmanship requirements. Prevent any associated NDE penalty (RT) with the process: • • • • • • • •

For pipelines greater than 16 inch, two welders are used, operating simultaneously and in opposite quadrants Second or hot pass is added ASAP after completing root pass. Time shall not exceed 5 minutes (Vertical down, Cellulose electrode) Time shall not exceed 15 minutes for vertical up welding. Hot pass was made while pipe was fully supported (tractor, etc) The pipe shall not be lifted or moved during welding. Partially welded joints shall not be lifted or lowered into the ditch. The weld joint shall be completed within 24 hours of starting.

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 37/44

Fluid Services: (B 31.1) Applies to all fluids where steam vapor is generated at 15 psig or higher. Steam condensate (liquids) where water is 160 psig or temperatures exceed 250F.

SAES-W-11 Radiography Fluid Class basis Fluid Services: (B 31.3) Normal Fluid Service Fluid service that is covered by 31.3 but not subject to the rules for Category D, Category M or High Pressure Fluid definitions. 10% Not subjected to D,M or High Pressure Fluid Service.

Category D Fluid Class Fluid Services (Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable) –No changes to human Tissues (Temp -29 oC ~ 186 oC) Shop = 10% Site = 100% • Design Gauge pressure is below 150 psi (1,035 kPa) • Design Temperature is between -20F to 366F (-29C to 186C) An example of Category D fluid might be utility water in a plant or low pressure steam condensate.

Category M Fluid Class Fluid Services (Toxic & Flammable Fluid) Shop = 100% Site = 100% An example of Category M fluid could be Hydrogen Sulfide gas, high concentrations of HydroChloric Acid or high pressure steam. P4, P5, P6 = 100%

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 38/44

AWS D 1.1 Structural SATIP-M-001-01 SAIC-M-2012 Pre Welding: 3.11 In Process 3.12 Post Weld 3.13 I


100% Contactor Inspection

AWS A2.4 In Fillet Weld Size of the weld is the Leg Length (Z=Leg Length) Only write 6 mean leg length is 6mm

In a Butt Weld Size of the weld is based on the depth of Joint preparation S= Depth of Penetration (ATT)

DTT= Leg Length x 0.7 Leg Length = DTT x 1.4

Pre Qualified WPS as per AWS D 1.1 Sec-3 Joint Design B-U2 B-U4b TC-U4b TC-L1b C-U2 BTC-P4

Backing Only For Material TC-U4a P 1 Gr. 1 & 2 C-U2a ASTM B-U2a A36 A516 A53-Gr B A106-Gr B API 5L Gr-B A 572 Gr-55

PRE HEAT T 3 to 38 mm = 10 oC T 39 ~ 63mm = 66 oC T 63> = 107 oC When the bas metal temp is below 0 oC, the base metal shall be preheated to minimum of 20 oC. Single V-groove Weld (2) Corner Joint (C)


Square groove weld (1) T-Joint (T), Corner Joint (C)


Single V-groove Weld (2) Butt Joint (B)


Single Bevel -groove Weld (4) T-Joint (T), Corner Joint (C)

Fillet Size As Per Base Metal Thickness T≤ 6.40 = 3 6.40 < T ≥ 12.7 = 5 12.7 < T ≥ 19.0 = 6 T > 19.7 = 8

Interpass Temp 315 oC


Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 39/44

In Fillet Weld Convexity:Width of weld face W < 8mm W > 8 to < 25mm W ≥ 25mm

Maximum convexity 2mm 3mm 5mm

Complied By: Shahid Ali (Pak: 0334-7497876)–(KSA: 0599-807084) Email: [email protected]

P: 40/44

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