Wpg Cfm56 3 July 2013rev01

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July, 2013 Revision 01 CFM Proprietary Information The information contained in this document is CFM Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of CFM and shall not be used, disclosed to others, or reproduced without the express written of CFM. If consent is given for reproduction in whole or in part, this notice set forth on each page of this document shall appear in any such reproduction in whole or in part. The information contained in this document may also be controlled by the U.S. export control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export is prohibited.

Table of Contents

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________________________ 7 Introduction _________________________________________________________________________ 8 General Workscope Recommendation ____________________________________________________ 9 Advanced Upgrade Kit_________________________________________________________________ 9 Enhanced Performance Kit _____________________________________________________________ 9 Enhanced Durability Hardware _________________________________________________________ 9 CFM56-3 Shop Visit Key Workscope Items ______________________________________________ 21 CFM56-3 Engine Family ______________________________________________________________ 22 Engine Maintenance Planning Guide ____________________________________________________ 22 Organization of this Workscope Planning Guide __________________________________________ 22 Minimum Workscope _________________________________________________________________ 23 Performance Workscope ______________________________________________________________ 23 Full Workscope ______________________________________________________________________ 23 Life Management ____________________________________________________________________ 23 Life Limited Part Stub-Life ____________________________________________________________ 24 Special Investigation Workscopes & Test Requirements ____________________________________ 24 Workscope Planning Guide Updates ____________________________________________________ 24 Service Bulletin and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum _____________________________ 24 Service Bulletin Compliance Key Definitions: _____________________________________________ 25 ENGINE ASSEMBLY WORKSCOPE _______________________________________________________ 27 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)_________________________ 28 FAN MAJOR MODULE (72-00-01) _________________________________________________________ 33 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Fan Major Module) ___________________ 34 Fan Major Module Minimum Workscope ________________________________________________ 36 Fan Major Module Performance Workscope _____________________________________________ 37 Fan & Booster Module Minimum Workscope_____________________________________________ 39 Fan & Booster Module Performance Workscope __________________________________________ 39 Fan & Booster Module Full Workscope __________________________________________________ 39 Fan & Booster Performance Effects _____________________________________________________ 40 No. 1 and No. 2 Bearing Support Assembly Full Workscope _________________________________ 43 Fan Frame Module Assembly Full Workscope ____________________________________________ 45 Inlet, Gearbox Assembly Minimum Workscope ___________________________________________ 47 Inlet Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope _________________________________________________ 47 CORE ENGINE MAJOR MODULES (72-00-02) ______________________________________________ 49 Highly recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Core Engine Major Modules) ____________ 50 Core Engine Major Modules Minimum Workscope ________________________________________ 54

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Table of Contents HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR MODULES ______________________________________________ 55 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (High Pressure Compressor Modules) _____ 56 HPC Front Stator Assembly Full Workscope _____________________________________________ 58 HPC Rear Stator Assembly Full Workscope ______________________________________________ 61 HPC Assemblies _____________________________________________________________________ 62 HPC Rotor Assembly Full Workscope ___________________________________________________ 64 HPC Rotor Assembly Performance Workscope ___________________________________________ 65 HPC Rotor Performance Effects ________________________________________________________ 66 COMBUSTION MODULE ________________________________________________________________ 67 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Combustion Module) __________________ 68 Combustion Case Assembly Full Workscope _____________________________________________ 70 HPT Forward Inner Nozzle Support Assembly Full Workscope _____________________________ 71 Combustion Chamber Assembly Full Workscope__________________________________________ 73 HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE MODULE ____________________________________________________ 75 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (High Pressure Turbine Module) _________ 76 HPT Nozzle Assembly Full Workscope __________________________________________________ 79 HPT Rotor Assembly Full Workscope ___________________________________________________ 81 HPT Shroud/LPT Stg. 1 Nozzle Assembly Full Workscope __________________________________ 84 HPT Assemblies _____________________________________________________________________ 86 HPT Performance Effects _____________________________________________________________ 87 LOW PRESSURE TURBINE MAJOR MODULE (72-00-03) ____________________________________ 89 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (LPT Major Module Level) ______________ 90 LPT Major Module Performance Workscope _____________________________________________ 93 LPT Major Module Full Workscope ____________________________________________________ 93 LPT Major Module Performance Effects ________________________________________________ 94 LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly Full Workscope _____________________________________________ 97 LPT Shaft Assembly Full Workscope ____________________________________________________ 99 LPT Rear Frame Assembly Performance Workscope _____________________________________ 101 LPT Rear Frame Assembly Full Workscope _____________________________________________ 101 ACCESSORY DRIVE MODULE __________________________________________________________ 103 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Accessory Drive Module) ______________ 104 Accessory, and Transfer Gearbox Assemblies Minimum Workscope_________________________ 107 Transfer Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope ____________________________________________ 107 Accessory Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope ___________________________________________ 107 CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES WORKSCOPE ___________________________________________ 111 Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Controls and Accessories) _____________ 112 Component and Accessory Time Limits (Soft-Times) _____________________________________ 114 Controls & Accessories Workscopes____________________________________________________ 116

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Table of Contents

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION WORKSCOPES AND TEST REQUIREMENTS _____________________ 123 Special Test Requirements ____________________________________________________________ 124 Recommended Test Cell Procedure for Full Performance Build Workscope __________________ 125 Workscope Guidelines for Refurbishment of Engines with Slow Acceleration _________________ 126 Workscope Guidelines for MEC Improvements __________________________________________ 127 Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (MEC Improvements) ____________________________ 127 Main Engine Control (MEC) Improvements _____________________________________________ 129 HPT Blade Versus Forward Inner Nozzle Support Interchangeability _______________________ 131 Repair Codes for HPC Blade Repair and HPT Blade Repair _______________________________ 132 HPT Blade Repair Vendors ___________________________________________________________ 133 HPT Blade Repair Count Limitations __________________________________________________ 134 HPT Blade Repair Codes _____________________________________________________________ 135

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Introduction Introduction This workscope planning guide is intended to highlight and consolidate the major features of the engine technical publications into a workable engine management tool, with the goal of improving the engine time between shop visits and reducing maintenance costs, while maintaining the reliability of the CFM56 engine in service. The Workscope Planning Guide provides an approach to incorporating an "on-condition" maintenance concept. The "oncondition" maintenance concept means that maintenance planning and actions should be determined by the actual condition of the hardware in the engine, performance health and life limited parts. To perform "on-condition" maintenance, the installed engine must be trend monitored for performance, and inspected on a periodic basis to determine when the engine should be removed and overhauled. Controls & Accessories threshold recommendations are guidelines to be used to plan maintenance actions and are determined using combined knowledge of CFM 56-3 overhaul fleet experience and an operator's specific fleet experience and needs. "THRESHOLD" RECOMMENDATIONS provided in this Workscope Planning Guide ARE NOT TIME LIMITS. The workscope section is reinforced to help customers with special workscopes for cause to optimized workscope management and maintenance cost in shop. This document DOES NOT REFLECT any additional airworthiness requirements other than those currently applicable per the OPERATOR'S APPROVED MAINTENANCE PLAN. It is not the intention of CFM to use this document as a replacement for any FAA controlled document, including the CFM56-3 Manuals and Service Bulletins S/B’s. It is intended to highlight and consolidate the major features of these publications into a workable engine management tool with the goal of improving the time between shop visits and reducing maintenance costs. The responsibility for the production and the assurance of the quality of the engines and modules produced using this Engine Maintenance Guide is that of the customer. Updated recommendations introduced in this revision are highlighted with a yellow back. This is supposed to help Customers to focus on new recommendations versus those already introduced in the previous revision.

Technical Information Statement Any recommendations, limits, thresholds, etc..… referenced in this, or any other CFM documentation, were developed assuming that the engine, module or component is of original CFM design and has been maintained in accordance with CFM approved documentation and recommendations. The guidance in this document does not address parts or repairs supplied by third-party sources which have not been approved by CFM.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013


General Workscope Recommendation Any recommendations, limits, thresholds, etc. referenced in this, or any other CFMI documentation, were developed assuming that the engine, module or component is of original CFMI design and has been maintained in accordance with CFMI approved documentation and recommendations. The guidance in this document does not address parts or repairs supplied by third-party sources which have not been approved by CFMI. The previous CFM56-3 Workscope Planning Guide was issued in February 2012. A format change was done to be more consistent with other CFM56 Workscope Planning Guides. In the last 10 years, the most significant change in the CFM56-3 Engine Program is the availability of the Advanced Upgrade (TOW) (Time On Wing) and Enhanced Performance kits. These kits introduce new technology materials and 3D Aero HPC that has dramatically improved the On Wing life capability of the CFM56-3 engine. The Advanced Upgrade kit first entered service near the end of 2002. By September 2011 nearly 750 engines had been converted with no Upgrade hardware problems reported.

Advanced Upgrade Kit The Advanced Upgrade kit is introduced with S/B 72-1000, and comprises stages 1 - 8 High Pressure Compressor airfoils and vanes, High Pressure Turbine Blades, Nozzles and Shrouds, plus control items necessary for proper operation. The compressor airfoils are similar to the classic design, but the geometry is enhanced by utilization of three dimensional viscous flow analyses resulting in substantial efficiency gains. VSV actuators and feedback system are included to optimize core speed and altitude ground starts. An electrical shunt is provided to correct EGT indication due to laminar flow changes to the HPT nozzle.

Enhanced Performance Kit The Enhanced Performance kit is introduced with S/B 72-1031 (Figure 2) and is comprised of only the 3D Aero HPC. The Enhanced Performance kit requires a new VSV actuator, a new VSV feedback cable, and new feedback cable attaching hardware.

Enhanced Durability Hardware The durability improvement HPT blades and HPT shrouds introduced in S/B 72-1000 are also available separately through S/B 72-1022 for the HPT blades and S/B 72-1049 for the HPT shrouds. See Figures 1 and 3. Originally CFMI had conservatively claimed that the 3D Aero HPC upgrade would provide a reduction of 1.2% in fuel burn and a 15 degrees C increase in EGT margin. A substantial number of engines have now been installed on wing. These engines have shown an average improvement of 1.6% in fuel burn and 23 degrees C in EGT. Assuming an EGT deterioration rate of 4 degrees C per 1000 cycles (after the first 1000 cycles), this improvement should increase average cycles on wing entitlement by well over 5000 cycles for Performance removal causes. To take maximum advantage of the upgrade kit’s increased EGT margin and HP turbine durability, the following workscope enhancements are recommended: Minimum LLP stub life of 15,000 cycles Fan and Booster Module level inspection and repair Full combustor repair with dome resizing and thicker TBC applied to the combustion chamber liners Fuel nozzle overhaul Full performance restoration workscope of the Low Pressure Turbine LPT Stage 1 Nozzle lead edge wrap repair (or replacement of nozzles) Number 5 oil damped bearing Other performance, reliability, and durability improvement S/B’s are captured and highlighted in this Workscope Planning Guide. The goal of this workscope planning guide is to highlight modifications that are available to improve the CFM56 engine’s reliability, durability, and time On Wing.

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CFM56-3 Advanced Upgrades Figure 1

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CFM56-3 Enhanced Performance Figure 2

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CFM56-3 Enhanced Durability Figure 3

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The recommendations contained within this Workscope Planning Guide are not intended to alter the “on-condition” maintenance concept of the CFM56-3 engine, but to optimize the maintenance performed during each shop visit. These recommendations are directed towards improving EGT outbound performance margins, the durability of the engine hardware, as well as the overall reliability of the engine. These are RECOMMENDATIONS ONLY, and should NOT be interpreted as requirements in addition to those currently applicable per the operator’s Approved Maintenance Plan. The Workscope Planning Guide provides an approach for incorporating an “on-condition” maintenance concept for the CFM56-3 engine. Maintenance planning and the determination of the correct engine workscope to employ during shop visit should be determined by actual condition of the hardware in the engine, performance level prior to removal from wing, and accumulated cycles on the life-limited parts. To perform “on-condition” maintenance, the installed engine must be trendmonitored for performance, and inspected on a periodic basis to determine when the engine should be removed and overhauled. Guidelines for monitoring the performance and health of the installed engine are provided in Commercial Engine Service Memorandum Memorandum (CESM-015). A consolidated listing of the CFM recommended inspection and servicing tasks may be found in CESM-005. These recommendations are based on operation in typical revenue service. For engines operated in unusual service, or detrimental environmental conditions, the operator should develop a customized inspection and servicing plan. Procedures and limits for regularly inspecting the installed engine are in the CFM56 Maintenance Manual. The Workscope Planning Guide is not a replacement for any customer, government, or CFM International controlled publication, including the CFM56-3 engine shop manuals (ESM), component maintenance manuals (CMM), Service bulletins (S/B), etc. This workscope planning guide is intended to highlight and consolidate the major features of the engine technical publications into a workable engine management tool with the goal of improving the engine time between shop visits and reducing maintenance costs, while maintaining the reliability of the CFM56 engine in service. The responsibility for the production and the assurance of the quality of the engines/modules produced using this guide is that of the customer. The following charts show a distribution of shop visits (by cycle) from 2006 to 2012 for Classic engines versus the upgraded engines (TOW, Engine Performance and Engine Durability kits. With the Classic engine, these are predominately driven by workscope decisions on LLP at the last shop visit. 72% of all Shop Visit’s in this time period are LLP or performance related. Typical Cycles Since Visit (CSV) is in the 6,000 to 9,000 cycle time period. From the upgraded engines, only 38% are LLP/Performance. Note: that the lower time LLP removals were driven by a low stub life recommendation. Many of the upgraded engines have been able to reach the 20k LLP with the upgrade. Most of the low time shop visits are from hardware that was not addressed at the time of the TOW upgrade. This workscope planning guide provides a comprehensive list of Service Bulletins (S/B’s) and repair recommendations to prevent these low time removals.

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CFM56-3 Shop Visit Causes – January 2010 thru December, 2011

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CFM56-3 Classic Engine – Shop Visit Causes vs. Cycles Classic Engine Configuration 2006-2012 Shop Visit Cause vs Cycles Since Last Shop Visit

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CFM56-3 Kit Upgrade Engine Configuration – Shop Visit Cause vs Cycles Since Last Shop Visit

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CFM56-3 Shop Visit Rates – All CFM56-3 Engines Engine Upgrades Continue to Maintain Low Engine Shop Visit Rate

CFM56-3 Shop Visit Rates – 12 Month Rolling Average

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CFM56 operational experience has shown that extending the time/cycles between shop visits may optimize the cost of engine operation. Controlling the type and extent of the workscope performed at shop visit is where the operator is able to influence the time an engine remains On Wing before shop visit is required. Preparation of a workscope for an incoming engine is critical to assuring a cost effective maintenance program. The first step of this process is defining the current condition of the engine. Without a proper assessment of the engine condition at removal, the workscope might not adequately address adverse engine conditions that may exist that could result in a premature return to the shop. The second step is establishing outbound goals for the engine that meet or exceed the desired On Wing life. Ignoring this second step (defining outbound goals for the engine) may result in addressing a specific engine problem while failing to produce an engine that meets operator On Wing life expectations. Achieving or exceeding the On Wing goal is the mark of a successful workscope and will pay dividends in lower overall operating costs. Factors which help define the present condition of an engine include the removal cause (high vibration, bearing failure, overtemperature, performance deterioration, etc.), time and cycles accumulated since last engine shop visit, performance trend analysis, observed hardware conditions, On Wing operational and maintenance history, cycle-limited parts, and inbound test run results. These should all be considered when establishing the level of workscope to be performed. Outbound goals should be established to enhance On Wing longevity, and must take into account several time/cycle factors. These include the determination of a minimum stub life for cycle-limited parts, minimum performance margin based on a calculated On Wing life goal, and reliability/durability improvements, which will ease the On Wing inspection burden to the operator, while enhancing the reliability of the engine. The graph below clearly shows that the On Wing life of the CFM56-3 engine has steadily improved over the years as a result of the introduction of performance retention improvements, reliability enhancements, and improved workscoping decisions. In 2008, there were 24 CFM56-3 engines that had their first shop visit after an average of 24,600 hours in-service. CFM56-3 ESN 725-800 set a new world record for time On Wing, achieving 40,729 hours before it was removed for customer convenience.

CFM56-3 Engine Time to Shop Visit 12 Month Rolling Average - All Shop Visits 30000

Average Time to Shop Visit (hours)


Total Popular SV 12mo Total Restored 1st Run SV 12mo Total Restored Rebuilt SV 12mo Total Restored Total SV 12mo

Production Engines - SV #1 Time on Wing - 24 engines




5000 Shop Visit Engines - SV #2+ Time on Wing - 646 engines


84 19 12 85 19 12 86 19 12 87 19 12 88 19 12 89 19 12 90 19 12 91 19 12 92 19 12 93 19 12 94 19 12 95 19 12 96 19 12 97 19 12 98 19 12 99 20 12 00 20 12 01 20 12 02 20 12 03 20 12 04 20 12 05 20 12 06 20 12 07 20 12 08 12


Year - Month

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Engines through a shop visit are averaging approximately 8,800 hours between shop visits. Currently, over 73% of all mature engine shop visits (SV #2+) are caused by LLP and/or performance deterioration. Shop Visit Summary More than 67% of Shop visits driven by Performance and LLP o Stub Life Selection is key to optimizing Time On Wing. Hot Section Durability issues observed on high time engines o HPT Blade Distress o LPT Nozzle Distress o HPT Shroud Distress Shop/Workscope decisions driving low time engine removals o Focus on preventing oil leaks, Non-upgraded hot sections hardware driving low time reliability Bearing Issues – Improving Bearing Reliability o Best Practices apper to be doing good job in preventing failures in-service Upgrades available to improve Outbound Performance o Upgrade Kit Performance improving On Wing Engine Upgrades are having a significant impact on Time On Wing More than 50% increase in time On Wing with upgraded hardware and increased LLP build allowing engines to run to entitlement. Low time removals are driven by oil leaks, LPT Stg 1 Nozzle Distress, Hot Starts, non – TOW engines hardware durability Performance deterioration rate on TOW engines less than half of Classic o Performance Restoration workscoping yields excellent results The chart on page 15 shows the fleet data for a 12-month span for PSE Cause Versus the Time at which the engine was removed. It is important to note that the engines removed for performance may not have had all of the performance retention improvements incorporated, and as a result, most likely did not achieve their On Wing entitlement. In addition, there were some engines removed a very short time after shop visit, indicating that the quality of the workscope, quality of the work performed, or the quality of the removal decision (short time after shop visit) is in question. Note that there are many low time LLP removals, indicating that the decision to not replace the low time LLP hardware on the engine at the last shop visit may have been in error. Engine workscoping has a direct impact on the engine time On Wing. This includes proper selection of level of module penetration and refurbishment, Service Bulletin incorporation (reliability, performance retention, and durability improvements), and establishment of the proper stub life requirements for specific engine operation. Improved shop practices, workscoping, outbound EGT margins, reduced EGT Deterioration rates, etc., will result in CFM56-3 engine On Wing entitlement improvement (amount of time the engine is capable of staying On Wing for performance). When making LLP stub life decisions, recognize that a full performance workscope is capable of resulting in 30-45 degrees C outbound EGT margin. Based on typical performance deterioration after overhaul, engines should be capable of staying On Wing for 6,000 to 10,000 cycles (for performance removal causes), based on a1.4 hour flight leg, at normal derate, with performance retention and reliability improvements incorporated. This is shown in the chart below:

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Workscope Planning Guide On-Wing Entitlement >70% of 2nd+ Run engines are removed for Performance/LLP - How should customers select stub life? CFM56-3 Cruise Performance Deterioration 40

Engine Removal Performance Drivers:


CFM56-3-B1/-3B-2 T/O Margin C-1 : 23500 lb CFM56-3C-1 T/O Cr Margin uis 25

C-1 : 22000 lb


Thrust Category Engine Vintage Derate On-Wing Troubleshooting/Maintenance EGT Removal Policy Proper Warm-Up Procedures Environment Durability/Performance/Reliability Upgrades

e DE GT 20 (° C) 15

C-1: 18500 lb

C-1 : 20000 lb

20K, 18.5K

After SV



23.5K 5 0 0


Key Hardware Improvements: DSR142 HPT Nozzles SWET Welded HPT Blades HPTCC Timers T800 Coated W-Seal TBC Coating - Combustion Chamber Adequate Stub Life

Each Each Customer Customer needs needs to to understand understand their their On-Wing On-Wing Life Life Entitlement Entitlement







Based on Performance Deterioration Rates, Engine Stub Lives should be selected so that engines are removed for Performance and LLP simultaneously 23.5K Thrust - > 5,000 Cycles 22.1K Thrust - > 8,000 Cycles 20.1K Thrust - >10,000 Cycles 18.5K Thrust - >10,000 Cycles

From time to time, it may make sense to perform a minimum workscope to better utilize the LLPs. For example, an engine visits the shop at 16,000 cycles to replace an HPT Disk limited at 16,300 (B1). In this case, it may be cost effective to perform a hot section workscope, change out the HPT Disk, restore the HPT Blade tip clearance and 4-tooth seal, and put the engine out for 4000 additional cycles. At 20,000 cycles, the engine will be removed for LLP (core hardware limited at 20,000 cycles). The entire core LLP (minus the HPT aft shaft and HPT disk) must be retired at this point. Performing the hot section workscope should provide adequate EGT margin (at a low shop visit cost) to push the engine out to 20,000 cycles. To improve the cost effectiveness of the maintenance program, it is important to match LLP Stub Life with the amount of EGT Margin that is restored to the engine. A good engine workscope is an engine that is removed for LLP and Performance simultaneously.

CFM56-3 Shop Visit Key Workscope Items The CFM56-3 Influence Coefficients listed in this Workscope Planning Guide have been developed over the years through a combination of Diagnostic Engine Testing, Analytical Performance Analysis, and Development Engine Testing. The coefficients are an estimation of the flow path clearance effects on the performance level of the CFM56 engine. Note that the coefficients are the same between the different engine lines. In the 1987-1988 time periods CFMI performed extensive diagnostic engine testing on a commercial CFM56-3 engine. The engine had approximately 39 back-to-back tests, where modules in the engine were changed, one at a time. Performance data from these engine builds were analysed and influence coefficients assigned. In addition, a development engine, equipped with a clearance-o-meter in the HPT Shroud (to measure the effect of the blade tip clearance on EGT Margin), was run in different modes (5th stage, 9th stage, mixed) and performance was measured. The data from this testing reinforced the findings from the Diagnostic Engine testing. “Cost Effective” performance restoration workscoping requires an ability to determine what areas of the engine, if worked on, have the most potential for regaining EGT and SFC levels. Approximate delta levels can be ascertained by comparing inbound parameters (i.e. rub depths/clearances, and part surface finishes) against the values typically experienced following test cell break-in and performance runs. In the following tables, we have termed these break-in values “Post Break-In” and are therefore considered in effect as zero deterioration. By computing the difference between inbound measured values and these baseline post break-in values, then multiplying that value by the appropriate influence coefficient, the contributing losses for that particular feature can be book-kept.

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Introduction For seal teeth clearances, use the average clearance of the seal teeth (three or four tooth average). HPT nozzle flatness should be an average of the nozzle segment to nozzle segment differences. HPC Blade Erosion – o None: Implies that no blades fall out for chord and the L/E is smooth o Medium: Implies that a portion fall out for chord at shop visit, some L/E roughness o Heavy: Implies that most blades fall out for chord at shop visit, L/E is rough Note: The appropriate influence coefficients are an approximation of the effects and not an absolute value. They are intended to serve only as a guideline to the expected performance effect on a specific feature.

CFM56-3 Engine Family The CFM56-3 Engine is used to power various commercial models of the Boeing Industry’s aircraft. The table below lists takeoff thrust, flat rated temperature at standard day conditions.

Engine Type CFM56-3B-1 CFM56-3B-2 CFM56-3C-1

Thrust 18,500 - 20,000 (lb) 22,000 (lb) 18,500 - 23,500 (lb)

Aircraft Type 737 - 300, - 500 737 - 300, - 400 737 - 300, - 400, - 500

Engine Maintenance Planning Guide The on-condition maintenance concept requires that the installed engine be trend monitored and inspected on a regular basis to determine the optimum time for removal and overhaul. Procedures and limits for inspecting the installed engine are in the CFM Maintenance Manual. Also, procedures for inspecting installed engines for specific conditions may be provided in Service Bulletins (S/B). The goal of on-condition maintenance is to maximize the time / cycles an engine can be operated between shop visits. Several factors influence the time between overhaul including: the type and extent of the workscope at the previous overhaul, the engine operating procedures, the environment in which the engine is operated, and the engine type and thrust rating of the engine. Controlling the type and the extent of the workscope at overhaul is the area where the operator is best able to influence and optimize the time / cycles between overhaul. The time/cycles between overhaul is optimized by ensuring that all hardware meets integrity standards provided in the Engine Shop Manual (ESM) and Service Bulletins (S/B), and by emphasizing performance restoration procedures during the overhaul of an engine. Several benefits, such as reduced number of shop visits, optimum fuel consumption, can be derived for the operator by ensuring the integrity standards of the hardware and emphasizing performance restoration procedures during engine repair.

Organization of this Workscope Planning Guide This Workscope Planning Guide is organized in chapters by module and external hardware. Also, chapters that summarize engine workscope decision (applies to engines incoming to the shop prior to disassembly), and Service Bulletins are included. Each module chapter includes the following: A list of Highly Recommended Service Bulletins and Documents. Where applicable, a summary of calculated effects on performance restoration is most applicable Three recommended workscope levels. When using these different workscope levels, note that they build on each other. Meaning, the Performance workscope level includes the Minimum workscope recommendations and the Full workscope of an engine must include items from the Minimum and Performance workscopes. The Controls and Accessories are organized in one section of the Guide with both Minimum and Full workscope levels defined together. The level of workscope to be performed on an engine inducted in the shop is dependent on the removal cause; time accumulated on the engine modules, observed hardware conditions, trend data at removal and airlines goals.

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Introduction Minimum Workscope Engines inducted into the shop with low time since last overhaul, have sufficient performance margins, and were removed for a known cause can have this level of work and inspections performed. This level highlights preventive maintenance and helps identify if additional levels of work are required. Experience shows that it is not cost-effective to refurbish the Fan/Booster and LPT unless they are being disassembled for cause. A Minimum workscope is usually performed on these two Major Modules during an engine performance restoration.

Performance Workscope The high reliability of the CFM56-3 engine means that most engines are staying on wing for extended periods of time, and when inducted into the overhaul shop will require a performance workscope. To determine if a performance workscope is required, use the following guidelines: Engines with less than 10°C EGT margin on incoming test. Engines trending at an ADEPT delta EGT of plus 40. Engines with deteriorated performance without a specific source of the loss. Engines removed for slow acceleration. To obtain the maximum time between shop visits with the resultant lower Cost per Engine Flight Hour, the complete core should be restored (both the HPT and HPC). Experience is showing that it is not cost effective to refurbish the fan/booster and LPT unless they are being disassembled for cause. To obtain the maximum time between shop visits with resultant lower cost per Engine Flight Hour, the complete core should be restored (both the HPC and HPT). Experience shows that Performance restoration on Fan & Booster and LPT modules has limited impact on overhaul engine performance restoration results. A table of derivatives to assess the performance effect of used engine hardware, namely on the approximate change in Exhaust Gas Temperature Margin (EGTM), is entitled can be found in this chapter. Typical rub depths and clearances after test cell acceptance test (i.e. seal break-in and performance run) for new engines or engines refurbished to the performance restoration workscope are provided. The corresponding derivatives are used to assess the performance effects (bookkeep the losses) for changes beyond these “post break-in” values. Cost-effective performance restoration requires determination of the items having the greatest potential for regaining EGT and SFC margins. Approximate performance changes may be calculated by comparison of inbound measurements to baseline values (after break-in and performance testing). The post break-in values and coefficients are theoretical calculations which have been adjusted using actual engine data.

Full Workscope This workscope level applies when the module needs to be disassembled for LLP or other hardware causes. Only the workscope items pertaining to the hardware exposed, need to be completed. At this time, all priority service bulletins should be complied with, and customer option bulletins evaluated. An operator should establish the remaining life goals for each module depending on operational requirements. It may prove cost effective to replace LLP hardware at this time, although cycles may remain in their life. At this time, all priority Service Bulletins should be complied with and customer option Service Bulletins evaluated.

Life Management Refer to Engine Shop Manual Section 05-11-00 thru 05-11-04 for the latest life limits of engine rotating parts. Refer to Shop Manual Section 05-12-02 for the latest HPC Front Case lives. Refer to Shop Manual Section 05-12-04 for the latest LPT Case & Frame live. Refer to Engine Shop Manual Section 05-21-00 thru 21-05 for the latest Scheduled Inspection of engine Parts (life Limits). The operator should establish minimum remaining life goals (i.e. Stub Life) for each of the modules depending on his operational requirements.

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Life Limited Part Stub-Life The “Stub-Life” of the engine is the shortest life remaining of all life-limited parts installed in the engine. It is desirable to plan the stub-life such that engines are removed for LLP at Cycles Since Shop Visit that are consistent with operator goals.

Special Investigation Workscopes & Test Requirements Some special investigation workscopes and test requirements have been developed and included in the Workscope Planning Guide. One of the goals is to summarize the main investigations to perform for some special removal causes. Located at the end of the WPG, the Investigation Workscopes provide guidelines for troubleshooting engines which have experienced Oil Smell In Cabin, High Oil Consumption, or High N2 Vibration. CFM Product Support Engineering can provide any other specific Investigation Workscopes per customer request. Please note that all Shop Finding Reports are much appreciated to improve/update these Workscopes.

Workscope Planning Guide Updates CFM would like the WPG to be considered a document that is widely used and shared between all Customers. So, all Customer comments and proposals, which will help complete and improve the WPG, are welcome and will be taken into account when updating the document.

Service Bulletin and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum To assist the operator in the determination of the important Service Bulletins and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum to consider at a shop visit, condensed lists which highlights the Service Bulletins to be incorporated on an accelerated basis have been developed and included for each modules in its corresponding chapter. It is not all inclusive; reference should be made to the complete Service Bulletin list for recommendations on each Bulletin . These Service Bulletins and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum have been sorted (Sorting Column of S/B tables) in five categories to show their impact in terms of Durability (letter D), Performance (letter P) and / or Reliability (letter R) and to highlight some of the Inspection (letter I) Service Bulletins. The last category is for Others (letter O) Service Bulletins including either those providing some Additional Improvements (letter AI) or those mentioned for Information (Info) purpose.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013


Service Bulletin Compliance Key Definitions: Category 1 Definition: Mandatory compliance generally as a result of Direccion general de Aeronautica (GAC) or FAA Action, ie.,Consigne de Navigabilite (CD) or AD. Example; AD, pending AD, NRPM, or CFM technical requirement (safety of flight, etc.). Will cause customer action. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin before subsequent flight OR before ______ hours, ______ cycles, (OR) ______ a specified end date (OR) ______ specified interval. Category 2 Definition: When an aircraft can stay for a suitable time at a line station or maintenance base having the capability to perform the procedure. May cause customer action. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin as soon as possible without effect on revenue service but before ______ hours, ______ cycles, (OR) ______ a specified end date (OR)______ specified interval. Category 3 Definition: Requires compliance regardless of reason for shop visit. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin at the next shop visit of the engine/module. Category 4 Definition: Requires compliance when area is exposed. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin when the (area) is exposed. Category 5 Definition: Do when the affected part is exposed at the piece-part level. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin as soon as the (affected part) is removed from the engine. Category 6 Definition: Do when affected part is exposed and repair is planned. Example: CFM recommends that you do this Service Bulletin when the (affected part) is routed for repair. Category 7 Definition: Do at customer convenience after the old parts are all used. Do at customer option if the old parts will be supplied (date supported) for engines that have not been changed. Example: CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin at customer convenience (OR) option. Category 8 Definition: Customer option to incorporate. Example: Spare Parts Release. Category 9 Definition: Information only. If the Service Bulletin is no longer recommended, issue as Cat 9. Example:

Information only.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Engine Assembly Workscope


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Engine Assembly Workscope

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level) ATA

S/B #










72-0121 R07























CFM Sorting P R I O



x x x M x

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DESCRIPTIONS Flat washers are being added under the LPT cooling tubing aft strap bolts where the bolts interface with slots in the support brackets to provide improved bearing on the brackets. Sub-idle stall margin can be improved by closing (re-rigging) the stage 3 variable stator vanes by 1.3° from the original nominal position. The heater fuel return tube-coupling nut retaining pinhole (on MEC end) may be drilled from the wrong direction. This causes the retaining pin to slide out when coupling nut is torqued This S/B is superseded by S/B 72-0804, 72-0805 and 720806 The increase of deflector thickness eliminates risks of cracks. Reidentification of fuel supply tube P/N 335-263-506-0 to P/N 335-263-507-0 S/B 72-0019 was erroneous. Increase the clearance between the bracket and the harness to eliminate the risk of deterioration due to chafing. To improve the reliability of the bracket an increased thickness of the bracket overhanging section is introduced. To prevent interference and to avoid damage to the T49.5 lead assembly insulation caused by the retaining guide attached to the bracket assy Modification of ignition leads installation will assure adequate clearance. Borescope inspection to ensure that during the EDM process, the inner wall of the tube opposite the port, have not been damaged by the electrode. Securing oil inlet cover attaching screws with safetywire will prevent oil leaks at the oil inlet cover flange which have occurred due to loosening of the attaching screws. Inspection due to possible defective loop clamps on the PMC wiring harness. The suspect loop clamps may be too short and result in contact of the wiring harness with the metal part of the clamp Reduces pressure in the compressor section during start, thus increasing HPC stability margin, and reduces the potential for LPT over temperature during start

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Compl 3



9 3 3 3 3 3 4 2




CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Engine Assembly Workscope

CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #




























72-00 72-00

72-0712 72-0758











72-00 72-00

72-0795 72-0808


M x x x x x x

x x

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DESCRIPTIONS Add seal P/N 9371M19P04 between the air tube nipple and the Compressor Bleed Pressure (CBP) sensor in response to reported air leakage, thus assuring integrity related to fuel scheduling. This S/B is superseded by S/B 72-0804, 72-0805 and 72-0806

4 9

Lists those critical parts known to have been exposed to abnormal operating events that have been judged to render those parts unfit for further use. Risk of interference between bolts P/N J644P14A and VSV/VBV cable. The bonding strip is liable to interfere with the alternator cooling tube. Replacement of loop clamps with sheath improves shields attachment on tube and prevents them from turning. Given the option to install or deactivate the TCC timer and TCC timer electrovalve To provide customers the option to reactivate the TCC timer on a CFM56-3B-2 or CFM56-3C-1 engine with the TCC timer and TCC timer electrovalve installed in a deactivated configuration. Also to facilitate engine model conversion operations, engine installation on aircraft equipped or not with electrical interfaces for timer operation, and engine commonality within the same airline To improve producibility a small portion of the TCC Valve Insulation Blanket, is being removed from the HPTCC Valve Shroud Manifold Air Tube. No measurable effect on air temperature, SFC or EGT. Introduction of new hoses, with a bunch braided sheath, more flexible than the hoses with a sheet braided sheath. Announces new LPT stub shafts part numbers and new LPT conical supports part numbers with lower LCF characteristics and provides instructions for reidentification of old parts mentioned. To facilitate installation of PS12 flexible line and alternator harness. Identifies hardware containing asbestos on the CFM56-3 engine Inspect VSV feedback cable to prevent bearing seizure and eliminate a hung acceleration, in low power settings, or an engine power loss at high power settings. Provide the latest salable part information New support brackets with built-in spring clips replace the old brackets and eliminate the need for the hinged loop clamps The new hardware is introduced to reduce weight and improve the maintainability of the engine. Provides the latest salable parts information. Provides the latest salable parts information

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9 4 3 6


7 7 1 7 4 2 7 7 7 8 8

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Engine Assembly Workscope


S/B #


















72-00 72-00 72-00

72-0931 72-0937 72-0938






72-00 72-00 72-00

72-0950 72-0951 72-0964

x x



72-00 72-00

72-0970 72-0971



CFM Sorting P R I O



Length of VSV close tube is increased and the hardware of the Timer Installation Kit is improved to prevent interference risks between the VSV close tube and the MEC

x x Info

x M M x Info M

x x x x x

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Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of new nameplate to provide additional information space to facilitate spare engine conversion Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of rear stationary air/oil seal retention bushing 1960M57P01 To replace bad spring installed during Solenoid Valve Timer assembly at production. Additional information is to reference both the French and United States type certificate import and export data on all engine nameplates, regardless of their country of manufacture. Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of oil inlet cover assy, and provides accomplishment instructions to rework and reidentify the old oil inlet cover assy. Announces the deletion of metallic plug as well as the installation of plastic plug for storage purposes. Announces the suppression of cadmium parts on all engines. Provides the latest salable parts information. Info Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of HPC front flange bolts to improve maintainability. Deletes the old machine plug MS9902-04 at the engine assembly level. Incorporate sealed VSV feedback cable Provides the latest salable parts information Improve the reliability and increase the commonality of the HPC spool. Provides accomplishment instructions to replace the identification plate on a specific population of engines. Provides the latest salable parts information Provides the latest salable parts information To modify indicated EGT on engines that have Time On Wing (TOW) upgrade kit (S/B 72-1000) installed.

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7 3 3 7

7 9 7 8 9 7 9 7 8 7 2 8 8 7

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Engine Assembly Workscope


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #

























CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Inspect aft MCD To detect No. 4 bearing failure and prevent engine shutdown and perform required corrective actions. Severe out of limit wear was observed on the blade platform underside at contact point with damper. Contamination due to a manufacturing burr. A suspect batch of a total of 47 bearings which can equip all CFM56 models has been identified. Announces the spare parts availability of the following: - A new Accessory Gearbox assembly 335-300-112-0 equipped with a new handcranking line oil seal assy 335-317-805-0, a new handcranking cover assy 335-322-806-0 and a new starter drive pad assy 335-300807-0 . Refer to, and - For the details of new starter drive pad assy 335300-807-0, refer to paragraph 2.C. CONFIGURATION CHART and provides the accomplishment instructions to rework and reidentify the old AGB 335-300-110-0 to the new AGB 335-300-112-0 Reliability Modification of the AGB by the introduction of a new oil seal assy on the new starter drive pad assy and a new handcranking cover assy to prevent total oil loss from handcranking pad. In Shop Provides recommendations for a leading indicator program and maintenance actions as a result of CFM56-3 engine operations in low concentrations of volcanic ash. The new 3D aero HPC hardware will improve exhaust gas temperature (EGT) margin and specific fuel consumption (SFC), extending the on wing life of engines. Identifies new spare parts that are interchangeable with the old parts they replace. This S/B releases a new high pressure compressor (HPC) variable stator vane (VSV) bellcrank bushing as a field fix for the wear observed on master rod stage 3 bore inside diameter. CID: 392565 Announces the spare availability of the new Air/Oil Separator 337-108510-0. This Service Bulletin also provides accomplishment instructions to rework and reidentify the old Air/Oil Separator 337-108-502-0 into 337-108-520-0. In Shop

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Compl 2 2 2






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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Fan Major Module)


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #





































































Info x



x x



x M

x x

CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Lists US alternates to European standard parts installed on engine. Introduces fan blade dampers, axial stops and new bolts to improve fan blade set FOD margin (CFM56-3B-2 and CFM563C) Introduces a new stage 1 vane assembly with an internal groove for retention of splitter fairing and improved water/hail ingestion capabilities Introduces a new rotating air seal with a Viton O-ring seal to improve booster sealing Introduction of Fan Blades with 37-Degree Mid-span Shrouds to improve vibration damping characteristics Replacement of suspect fan disks due to sub-surface metallurgical anomalies in the titanium forging process Immersion Ultrasonic/Eddy Current Inspection of Fan Disk due to possible metallurgical anomalies Recondition fan rotor stage 1 pressure faces by rebroaching to remove worn material Introduction and re-identification of fan rotor stage 1 pressure faces by rebroaching to remove worn material Inspection to identify worn fan disks with heavy fretting/wear on dovetail pressure faces and recommend On Wing correction action Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of rear stationary air/oil seal retention bushing 1960M57P01 Introduction of Tightness Boxes with a new material to improve mechanical and thermal characteristics Introduction of dampers whatever the thrust rating and 37° Midspan shroud angle fan blade on all CFM56-3 Engines operated at 22Klbs and 23.5 Klbs Announces the field introduction and spare parts availability of new fan blade spacer 335-023-607-0, new fan blade shim 335107-503-0 and new fan blade retainer 335-023-402-0.To improve the reliability of the rebroached fan disk configuration. In Shop or On Wing Instructions to determine the extent of wear to booster spool by performing a one-time inspection of the booster spool forward flange and provides appropriate maintenance actions Introduces Repair Document 15-93807/000 to apply anticorrosion paint on fan and booster vane assy. Introduce new (shorter) oil separator ducts with no mixing allowed between short & long ducts Announces the production introduction of the new No. 2 Bearing Nut 301-298-211-0. In Shop Give additional torquing margin in case of engine operation under extremely severe conditions. To ease hail extraction, scoops and slides are added at the VBV ports and VBV doors at 40 deg. instead of 25 deg., at low engine power The new material used for air/oil stationary seal assemblies is the same for all CFM56-3/3B/3C engines. Introduce a new main flexible shaft assembly and flexible shaft assembly and ferrule Reduce the load on the adhesive joint and improve reliability Introduces a new No. 3 bearing aft stationary air/oil seal to replace suspect bearings Provides instructions to replace the RTV sealing on the mating face of the N1 sensor tube sleeve with the fan frame boss by a new fluorocarbon O-ring.

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Compl 9 2

6 4 7 3 2 7 7 2

3 7 3


2 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 3 6 3

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

CFM Sorting ATA

S/B #




































72-23 72-23

72-0724 72-0766




































Info x




Info x x x x x x



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Rework of T2 sensor bracket by the deletion of 2 welded spacers which interfere with the fire detection bracket (for some -3 & -3B only) No. 3 bearing aft air/oil seal installation change to improve maintainability and reduce maintenance costs Introduce longer bolts for Boeing bracket on flange B of the fan frame Introduce a new strut Replace Fiberglass aft acoustical panels with a new crisscross fiber glass cloth to improve impact resistance Replace Fiberglass forward acoustical panels with a new crisscross fiber glass cloth to improve impact resistance To ease hail extraction, scoops and slides are added at the VBV ports and VBV doors at 40 deg instead of 25 deg., at low engine power Introduce No. 3 bearing aft air/oil seal with removable composite insert at the 12 o'clock position to allow for top case capabilities Inner radial drive shaft housing rework (adding reliability) to the RDS mid-span bearing, can be done on wing provided in-shop preparation. Aluminum OGV's are replaced by composite OGV's for weight savings Stationary air/oil seals (fwd and aft) with asbestos adhesive removed (Human factor to take into account) On the fan inlet case, the PS13 blanking plugs are unused Hardwall forward acoustical panels Introduce a lightweight aluminum outlet guide vane to reduce weight by 8.8 pounds and improve acoustical performance reduce the load on the adhesive joint and improve reliability Introduces a new No. 3 bearing aft stationary air/oil seal to replace suspect bearings Replacement by alternate PS3 supply air tube with a welded joint Replace aluminum shims with stainless steel for precautionary reasons Implement new design of the No. 3 ball bearing to improve reliability Provides instructions to rework the IGB to allow the normal clearance No. 3 bearing in the new assembly Establishes a new identity for the IGB No. 3 bearing assembly Introduces a new aft stationary air/oil seal which does not have a forward extension. It is recommended that S/B (CFM563/3B/3C) 72-0483R1 (if not previously accomplished) and 720531 be accomplished concurrently with this S/B. Refer to S/B (CFM56-3/3B/3C) 72-0530. Instruction for inspecting the MCD and replacing the No. 3 Bearing. Reference S/B for correct compliance. Improve reliability of the No. 3 bearing by introducing an improved forward and aft oil nozzle. Reference S/B for additional S/B’s that are effected Provides instructions for the inspection and replacement of a limited number of suspect No. 3 bearings Instructions to locate and return certain affected No. 3 bearings where cracks have occurred in the non-active area of the inner race Provides instructions to reduce inspection intervals of the forward sump Magnetic chip Detector

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4 5 9 9 4 4 1


4 7 4 7 7 7 3 6 3 3 3 9 9


1/2/3 7 3 2 2

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan Major Module Minimum Workscope The Fan Major module is assembled for this level of workscope however Fan blades and the minor Shop modules may be removed. Refer to Fan frame & Case modules Minimum Workscope in addition to this workscope Refer to Fan blades Full Workscope for removed Fan blades Experience shows that Performance restoration on Fan module has limited impact on overhaul engine performance restoration results. The following items are the most effective. Perform hand cleaning of the Fan and the Secondary Flow Section refer to ESM 72-00-00 cleaning 001. If the Booster module is not removed during shop visit, perform a water wash during engine test to assure flowpath cleaness. Key Maintenance Tasks Inspect exposed areas of the major module per ESM 72-00-01. If the Fan Rotor is removed, inspect per ESM 72-00-21. Perform BSI after FOD event or High Speed stall per AMM. Inspect the Fan Frame per ESM 72-00-23. If the Booster Module is not removed and disassembled, borescope the Booster for serviceability. Inspect the condition of the spinner cone protective coating. Re-apply if required per ESM 72-21-05 repair 014. Introduction of dampers whatever the thrust rating and 37° Midspan shroud angle fan blade on all CFM56-3 Engines operated at 22Klbs and 23,5 Klbs per S/B 72-0916 (Alert S/B). Repetitive Inspection of the Platform Underside of the 25 Degrees Midspan Shroud Fan Blades per S/B 72-1067. Introduction of New Fan Blade Spacer, Fan Blade Shim and Fan Blade Retainer for Rebroached Fan Rotor Stage 1 Disk per S/B 72-0998. One-Time On Wing or In-Shop Inspection of the Booster Spool Forward Flange for Wear for rebroached fan rotor stage 1 disk per S/B 72-1004. Inspect fan blade for obvious distortion, FOD, and distress per ESM 72-00-21. Determine if the fan disk has had a one time immersion ultrasonic and eddy current inspection completed. A marking of the S/B will be found on top of the disk post if the fan disk has been inspected. (S/B 72-0595) Inspect the fan disk slot pressure face for fretting wear using measurement inspection tool 856A6629G03 (for information see S/B 72-0854) Does not apply to rebroached disks per ESM 72-00-21 and S/B 72-0854. Insure that the fan disk is not part of the limited disk replacement program per S/B 72-0545. Incorporate the inclement weather modifications to the VBV system if not already incorporated per S/B 72-0580. If the time since the last shop visit does not exceed 500 cycles, inspect the blades for leading edge erosion, FOD, and distress per ESM 72-00-01. If the time since last shop visit exceeds 500 cycles, remove blades from the disk and perform the following per ESM 72-21-01: o Clean and visually inspect Cu-Ni-In coating per ESM 72-21-03. o Inspect blade leading-edge contour for nicks/destortion/erosion for per ESM 72-21-01. o Inspect the fan blade mid-span shroud for abnormal wear or rubbing per ESM 72-21-01 o Re-lube the disk, dovetail, and rear shank, and mid-span shroud of the blade per CESM-019. Check the Stage 1 booster vane inner shroud for security and evidence of contact with the trailing edge of the Stage 1 fan blades, rework if necessary. (S/B 72-0503)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Perform borescope inspection of the forward rotating air/oil separator ducts. o Remove the N1 speed sensor per ESM 72-00-22. o Using a fiberscope check for duct damage, crack initiation, or other damage per ESM 72-22-05. Note: Recommended fiberscope specifications: o o o o

Outside diameter Direction of view Length Direct viewing

6 mm 0 degrees 120 mm

S/B 72-0623 introduces availability of a new air/oil separator duct with a reduced height. This will improve the reliability of the duct. If removed, clean and inspect the fan blade spacers and retainers, and dampers. Re-apply the protective coating (ESM 72-21-06 and -10. Inspect VSV Feedback Cable and replace as necessary. (S/B 72-0773) Check the fan abradible shroud for heavy wear, erosion, or rubbing. Repair as required per ESM 72-23-02. Check the condition of the VBV system per ESM 72-00-23. Install new main flexible shaft assembly, flexible shaft assembly and ferrule on VBV system. (S/B 72-0824) If exposed, inspect the No. 1 and No. 3 Forward and Aft bearing air/oil seals for evidence of oil leakage or delamination per ESM 72-22-09, 72-23-19 and 72-23-20. If exposed, modify the No. 3 aft air/oil seal per S/B 72-0881. Check the radial drive shaft housing per the following: o If the outer housing is removed, check for cracks and visually inspect fan frame strut for wear per ESM 7223-05. o Replace the three O-ring seals on the inner and outer RDS housings to prevent oil leakage. o For engines listed in S/B 72-0624, remove and rework the inner housing. Re-install with the improved bonding process. If vibration problems were reported, check system balance of the Fan/Booster Rotor. Pay careful attention to the correct rear spinner cone assembly. If any improper installation is detected after operation, contact CFM.

Fan Major Module Performance Workscope Experience shows that it is not cost-effective to disassemble the Fan Major Module for performance restoration. This module should only be separated for cause. Inspect Fan Abradable condition for heavy erosion at the 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock area of the case per ESM 72-00-23. If heavy erosion is noted, resulting in a forward facing step in this area, refurbish fan abradable. Perform secondary flowpath cleaning with OGV per ESM 72-00-23. o Eliminate steps and gaps on second flowpath per ESM 72-00-23. Inspect Fan Blade leading edge for nicks/distortion/erosion per ESM 72-21-01. Repair as required. Assure that the fan blade tip clearance is within the limits per ESM 72-00-01. Inspect Fan OGV’s for erosion, cleanliness, and FOD damage per ESM 72-23-03. Inspect the VBV system linkage for looseness and/or damage per ESM 72-00-01. Assure that the doors are seated and rigged properly. With AGB installed, check AGB Mounts Damper eccentricity, at 25,000 hours and above 25,000 hours. (ESM 7200-01) If booster is not disassembled, perform booster water wash during engine test, or On Wing. If booster is removed, pay attention to excessive rub on Abradable stg.1 and stg.4. If required restore abradable surface. (ESM 72-00-21) If booster is removed, perform an LPC system balancing. (ESM 72-21-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan & Booster Module (72-21-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan & Booster Module Minimum Workscope Fan and Booster module should be removed and remain assembled for this level of workscope. Fan blades and associated hardware (spinner cones, fan blades, and spacers) are removed to piece part level. Experience has shown that performance restoration of the Fan module has limited impact on overhaul engine performance restoration results. The following items are the most performance effective items at this level of assembly: Perform a water cleaning of the module assembly once it is removed from the core assembly. If stage 1 & 4 booster outer shroud abradable show rubs or erosion, perform partial disassembly of the fan and booster module to restore if needed per ESM 72-21-09, Repair 003 and restore booster inner shroud abradable for rub per ESM 72-21-09 Repair 002.

Fan & Booster Module Performance Workscope Clean and inspect the fan blades, spacers, and retainers. Visually inspect fan blade chord and leading-edge contour for erosion and distortion per ESM 72-21-01. o Remove Molydag and Cu-Ni-In coating on the dovetails and FPI prior to reapplication of the Cu-Ni-In coating per ESM 72-21-01. Check the fan abradable shroud for heavy wear or rubbing. Repair or replace if required ESM 72-23-02. Thoroughly inspect both the rotating and stationary seals on the No. 1 and No. 2 bearing support assembly and repair or replace as necessary to optimize performance and reduce oil leakage per ESM 72-00-22.

Fan & Booster Module Full Workscope The fan/booster assembly must be removed from the engine for this level of maintenance. Fan blades, booster blades, and spacers will be removed; however, the fan disk should be separated from the booster spool for cause only. Visually inspect the exposed areas of the fan disk and booster spool per ESM 72-00-21. Remove the fan blades and perform the following: o Clean and visually inspect the blades including the leading-edge contour for erosion and distortion. Inspect dovetail and mid-span shroud for wear and Cu-Ni-In serviceability per ESM 72-21-01. o Replace Molydag and Cu-Ni-In coatings on the dovetails. FPI prior to reapplication of the Cu-Ni-In coating. (ESM 72-21-01 Repair 002/003) o Re-molykote the dovetail, damper, disk, and near the shank before reinstallation. (ESM 72-21-01 Repair 002) Clean and inspect the fan blade dampers for sheet metal debonding per ESM 72-21-16 Clean and inspect the fan blade spacers and retainers. If coating is worn, recoat with sulfuric anodize.(ESM 72-2110 Repair 001) Inspect the fan disk slot pressure face for fretting wear using measurement inspection tool (856A6629G03) (for information see S/B 72-0854 US inspection). Not applicable on rebroached disks. (ESM 72-00-21) Determine if the fan disk is above 1,000 cycles since new and has had a one-time immersion ultrasonic and eddycurrent inspection performed. Remove and perform inspection if required. (S/B 72-0595) Inspect the booster spool forward flange for wear/fretting.(ESM 72-21-04) Clean blades and vanes and restore surface condition with abrasive blast cleaning per ESM 72-21-02 and 72-2109. Inspect the booster blades and restore the Molydag coating as required. (ESM 72-21-02) Inspect the booster outer shroud abradible surface for excessive rubs and deterioration per ESM 72-21-09 Repair 003. Check the stage 1 booster vane inner shroud for security of attachment and evidence of contact with the trailing edge of the fan blades per ESM 72-21-09, rework if not previously complied with per S/B 72-0503 and 72-0749. Improvement of the Fan and Booster Vane Assy to Prevent the Corrosion for operation under severe condition. (S/B 72-1013) Clean and inspect the spinner cone or elliptical spinner, paying close attention to erosion on the spinner cone. Restore surface finish per ESM 72-21-05. At assembly, check that the fan blade tip clearance is within the limits of the ESM 72-21-00. Inspect booster blade spacer dovetails for cracking. Re-lube serviceable spacers per ESM 72-21-07. Perform booster water wash during engine test or on wing. If vibration problems were reported, check system balance of the Fan/Booster Rotor. Incorporate Molydag coating on the booster blade interstage spacers on applicable engines per S/B 72-0325. Replace tightness boxes by a new material per S/B 72-0872. Perform an LPC system balancing per ESM 72-21-00.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan & Booster Performance Effects




Post Break-In (1 mil = 0.001 inch)


Fan Blade Tip Clearance (For Each 0.001 Inch Clearance)



75 mils


Fan Blade Surface Finish (For Each 0.001 Inch)





Fan OGV Surface Finish (For Each 0.001 Inch)





Booster Tip Clearance (For Each 0.001 Inch Clearance)



20 mils


Booster Interstage Seal Rub, Stage 1 (For Each 0.001 Inch Clearance)



6 mils


Booster Interstage Seal Rub, Stage 2 (For Each 0.001 Inch Clearance)



20 mils


Booster Interstage Seal Rub, Stage 3 (For Each 0.001 Inch Clearance)



20 mils


Booster Rotor and Stator Surface Finish (For Each 0.001 Inch)




NOTE: Surface Finish are described in the ESM. Fan Blades: ESM 72-21-01 REP 001 & REP 004. Booster Blades 2-5: ESM 72-21-02 REP 001. Booster Vanes 1-5: ESM 72-21-09 REP 001.

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Fan Major Module

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

No. 1 and No. 2 Bearing Support Assembly (72-22-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

No. 1 and No. 2 Bearing Support Assembly Full Workscope No. 1 and No. 2 bearing support module should be removed from the fan case for this level of overhaul. The No. 1 and No. 2 bearings should only be disassembled for cause. Inspect the bearing support piece-parts. (ESM 72-22-00) If removed, inspect the bearings per ESM 72-09-01. Inspect the fan shaft including magnetic particle inspection (MPI) per ESM72-22-01. o Check the fan shaft for corrosion pitting in the forward diameter area. At installation, perform airflow check of the forward sump assembly as part of the fan frame assembly. (ESM 72-0001) Check the No. 1 Bearing Air/Oil Seal for missing abradible material and/or or delaminated outer skin. Repair or replace per ESM 72-22-11. o Replace air/oil stationary seal assembly with a new material per S/B 72-0814. Perform borescope inspection of the forward rotating air/oil separator ducts. o Inspect the air/oil separator ducts for cracking and missing pieces per ESM 72-00-01. If air/oil separator ducts are un-serviceable, replace with low profile ducts per S/B 72-0623. S/B 72-0291 introduces availability of new air/oil separator duct with a reduced height. This will improve the reliability of the duct. Remove the N1 speed sensor per ESM 72-00-22 Removal. Using a fiberscope, check for duct damage, crack initiation, or other damage. Note:

Recommended fiberscope specifications: o o o o

Outside diameter Direction of view Length Direct viewing

6 mm 0 degrees 120 mm

Thoroughly inspect per ESM 72-09-01 both the rotating and stationary seals on the No. 1 and No. 2 bearing support assembly and repair or replace as necessary to optimize performance and reduce leakage. During installation of the No. 1 and No. 2 Bearing support module in the fan frame, incorporate 24 spacers/longer bolts to improve the joint load capability in case of engine operation under extremely severe conditions. (ESM 7200-01 and S/B 72-0567)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan Frame Module Assembly (72-23-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Fan Frame Module Assembly Full Workscope Inspect the exposed areas of the fan frames and case per ESM 72-00-01. Incorporate the VBV modification for inclement weather per S/B 72-0580. Perform the following to the radial drive shaft housing (ESM 72-23-05): o If the ESN is listed in the S/B 72-0264, remove the housing and reinstall with the improved bonding process. o If the housing is removed, check for cracks and wear on fan frame strut, and replace the O-ring seals. Check the fan OGVs for erosion, FOD, and cleanliness per ESM 72-23-03 Check the fan duct panels and acoustic panels for damage per ESM 72-23-07 and 72-23-08. Inspect the VBV system linkage for looseness or damage. Assure the doors are seated and rigged properly o Inspect VBV Flex Cables for distortion/serviceability. Replace per ESM or, install new main flexible shaft assembly and ferrule per S/B 72-0824. o Clean and inspect the VBV system. Re-lube using Mobil 28 lubricant. Visually check the AGB mount brackets for wear and security per 72-23-15. Check AGB Mounts Damper eccentricity. (ESM 72-00-01) Check for evidence of oil leaks at the fan frame struts and possible radial drive shaft housing cracks. Check the No. 3 aft air/oil seal abradible for serviceability per ESM 72-23-20. Repair as required Incorporate six tabbed bushing on No. 3 Aft Air/Oil Seal per S/B 72-0855. Modify No. 3 aft air/oil seal per S/B 72-0881 to allow seal to be installed from the aft side or incorporate new seal design per S/B 72-0920. Note: It is not necessary that the retention bushing be re-installed after S/B 72-0881 is complied with. For S/B 72-0920 seals, the retention bushing S/B 72-0855 must be eliminated or an oil leak will occur. Modify No. 3 aft air/oil seal per S/B 72-0583 to allow top case capability for long dove tail stage 1 compressor blades. Replace the RTV sealing on the mating face of the N1 sensor tube sleeve with the fan frame boss by a new fluorocarbon O-ring. (S/B 72-0979) Check the fan abradible shroud for heavy wear, erosion, or rubbing. Repair as required per ESM 72-23-02. Inspect the No. 1 and No. 3 Forward and Aft bearing air/oil seals for evidence of oil leakage or delamination per ESM 72-22-09, 72-23-19 and 72-23-20. Thoroughly inspect all mounting points, brackets, and hardware on the fan case and frame including the main engine mounting points, gearbox mounting points, oil tank mounts, tubing, etc. (ESM 72-23-01 through 72-23-35)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module

Inlet Gearbox Assembly (72-61-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Fan Major Module Inlet, Gearbox Assembly Minimum Workscope Minimum Workscope is applied on Inlet, AGB and TGB assemblies remaining on the engine (no removal cause). Replace suspect No. 3 bearings prior to releasing the engine back into service per S/B 72-0236. This is a Campaign Change. Note: Incoming log books should be reviewed for any reports of high oil consumption. Remove and check all magnetic chip detectors and evaluate any material found per NDT Manual.

Inlet Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope The inlet gearbox (IGB) should only be disassembled per ESM 72-61-00 for cause after completion of the No. 3 bearing improvement program with the following exception. Inspect the piece-parts. Inspect all bearings per the ESM 72-09-01. When installing the IGB, assure that No. 3 bearing locknut/locking ring is properly seated. Incorporate concurrently the M50NiL No. 3 bearing, improved lubrication nozzles, and reworked static air seal. This action will also satisfy the recommendations to eliminate the suspect bearings listed in S/B 72-0529, 72-0530, and 0531). During piece-part inspection pay particular attention to the No. 3 bearing locking nut. o Inspect for damaged thread, serrated ring damage, and shoulder damage which may have occurred during core installation or removal. (ESM 72-61-05) o Check the condition of serrated ring in the No. 3 bearing locknut. Reduce inspection intervals of the forward sump Magnetic chip Detector (On Wing only) (S/B 72-0923) to be deleted.

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Core Engine Major Modules


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Core Engine Major Modules

Highly recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Core Engine Major Modules) D

CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #























72-31 72-31

72-0809 72-0833








72-32 72-32

72-0170 72-0171

x x






72-32 72-32 72-32 72-32 72-32

72-0617 72-0726 72-0775 72-0776 72-0781




72-33 72-33

72-0170 72-0171










x x x M x x



M x x x x x x x M x

CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Provides rework instruction to improve the life capability of some P/N 4-9 spools Inspect blades with more than 10,000 cycles since new for dovetail cracks. Describes the equipment, techniques, and procedures for conducting component and module lever (with blades removed) ultrasonic inspections of the CFM56-3/3B/3C HPCR stage 1-2 spool stages 1 and 2 dovetail posts for examination of the pressure face areas. Introduces improved coatings to protect against erosion, increase temperature capability and improve surface finish Improves dovetail cracking and fretting and eliminates need for blade and spool dovetail inspection. Introduces a once- through-the-fleet immersion ultrasonic inspection and eddy current inspection for older material compressor rotor stage 3 disks. Newer material parts are no longer affected by this S/B. Introduces improved coatings to protect against erosion, increase temperature capability and improve surface finish to cover move of the airfoil Introduce a one-time immersion ultrasonic inspection and eddy current inspection for older material compressor rotor stage 1-2 spool. Provides rework instruction to replace damaged threads on the forward end of the front shafts Inspect spools from a heat lot with a tungsten inclusion Allows use of HPC blade P/N's from other engine models. Removal From Service HPC Stage 1 and 2 Spools that had contacted the No. 3 Bearing Rear Stationary Air/Oil Seal Improved wear resistance of dovetail coating. Provides recommended instructions for all uninstalled high pressure compressor (HPC) stage 8 and 9 blade locks, P/N 9984M29P02, purchased from CFM. These blade locks should be returned to CFM in exchange for blade locks that have been through an improved inspection procedure and marked with a white dot. Addition of pilot brackets for HPC rear case concentricity. Addition of pilot brackets for HPC rear case concentricity. Adds vespel bushing to the VSV bellcrank master rod assembly for each repair. Introduced a slabbed-head pin to reduce shroud wear and eliminates release of pins into the flow path. Introduced a slabbed-head pin to reduce shroud wear. To prevent accidental ring release during disassembly. Incorporate GENR-150 inner bushing To eliminate VSV mis-assembly and prevent dove tail failures. Incorporate GENR-150 inner bushing Ruggedized IGV lever arms to prevent failures at 12:30 and 6:30, eliminating HPC dovetail failures. Addition of pilot brackets for HPC rear case concentricity. Addition of pilot brackets for HPC rear case concentricity. Introduces HPC Vane Sectors with INCO718 Outer Bands to eliminate inner platform liberations. Introduces a case with no rub land coating. Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of new HPC stage 6-8 vane sectors without antirotational blocks on the new vane sectors adjacent to the split line.

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Compl 3 3


5 7



4 6 3 9 2 7


4 4 6 4 7 7 4 7 4 4 4 4 4 7 8

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Core Engine Major Modules


S/B #



















































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DESCRIPTIONS Introduces a TBC consisting of a Microalloy base coat and a Yttria-Zierconia topcoat. Inspect outer cowls and fuel nozzles for cowl distress and contact with the stem of the fuel nozzles

Compl 7 1

Introduce TBC on uncoated parts in service x x


M x

x x x x x x

M x




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Inspection of the combustor outer cowls to detect and prevent contact with, and possible wear-through of, the fuel nozzle stem A new combustion chamber assembly is identified which improves reliability. Rework the combustion chamber dome to increase commonality, reparability and productivity improvement Provides borescope inspection instructions of the combustor outer cowl to find outer cowl wire contact and with the fuel nozzle or wear on the fuel nozzle set Introduce a new combustion chamber assembly to reduce vibrations in the cowl and reduce wear Announces the introduction of combustion chamber dome Introduces a TBC consisting of a Microalloy base coat and a Yttria-Zierconia topcoat. Inspect outer cowls and fuel nozzles for cowl distress and contact with the stem of the fuel nozzles Introduce TBC on uncoated parts in service Inspection of the combustor outer cowls to detect and prevent contact with, and possible wear-through of, the fuel nozzle stem A new combustion chamber assembly is identified which improves reliability Rework the combustion chamber dome to increase commonality, reparability and productivity improvement Provides borescope inspection instructions of the combustor outer cowl to find outer cowl wire contact and with the fuel nozzle or wear on the fuel nozzle set Provides repair procedures to rework the combustion chamber inner liner as described in repair document (RD) 124-559, and the combustion chamber outer liner as described in RD 124-561. In Shop Introduce a new combustion chamber assembly to reduce vibrations in the cowl and reduce wear Announces the introduction of combustion chamber dome 9977M58G16 Reduces temperature of HPT FOS - Early modification - All engines should be complied with by this time. Corrects the air-metering hole locations identified, announces the production and field introduction of HPT outer nozzle supports, and provides rework instructions for modification of HPT outer nozzle supports. Increases HPTSS contact with Combustor outer liner, prevents combustor outer liner from moving inside the HPTSS flange

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6 8 3



CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Core Engine Major Modules


S/B #




CFM Sorting P R I O



720482R3 72-0504













72-51 72-51

72-0962 72-0981

x x










































M x M x





M x x

x x

CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Provides instructions to rework the outer nozzle supports 1283M11G01, 1441M32P01/P03, 1523M82P01/P03, 1523M88G01, and 9523M63G01/G03. The rework consists of drilling eight cooling holes in addition to the existing 46 holes on the outer nozzle supports. If the outer nozzle support to be reworked is 9523M63G02 or 1441M32P02, make sure that compliance with CFM56-3/3B/3C S/B 72-0295 is met before accomplishing this S/B. In Shop Announces the field rework of Outer Nozzle Supports. It also provides rework instructions for repairing wear. Introduction of DSR142 material Part numbers for HPT nozzle sets with selected nozzle area sizes Increased A41 area to improve high pressure compressor stall margin Field repair/modification procedure is introduced which replaces the X40 material vane airfoils with DSR142 material vane airfoils. The purpose is to prolong the life of the part and improve its resistance to subsequent airfoil cracking and trailing edge bowing. Provides rework procedures as described in RD 172-177 (latest version) for the HPT nozzle segments. recommended that CFM56-3 S/B 72-0932 be accomplished in conjunction with this S/B. In Shop Field rework to allow PtAl coating on Re-Airfoiled HPT Nozzles (post S/B 72-0905 or post S/B 72-0932) Provides the latest salable parts information Provides the latest salable parts information Introduces a new HPT stator nozzle segment P/N 2002M64G07. The new HPT stator nozzle segment is made of a more durable N515 material. The new HPT stator nozzle segment is coated so it will have improved resistance to corrosion and oxidation. In Shop Introduce new forward seal to increase cyclic life capability Repair the HPT shafts with wall grooves in cooling holes which could create stress concentrations leading to a reduction in the life of the part Introduces a rework to increase the LCF life of the HPT front shaft by removing fatigue-damaged material from the interior fillet on the forward flange. Identify mis-marked HPT forward shafts and remark them to eliminate an additional balancing step Provides instructions for inspecting the HPT forward shafts and remarking them if an 8 degree ramp angle is found Introduce new HPTR disk and new HPTR disk aft flange self locking nut to improve producability Remove HPT front shaft with 6.5° ramp angle from service because it cannot be reworked for life extension Provides instructions to perform an eddy current inspection of suspect HPTR blade surfaces. Inspection of HPT front shafts to determine if an inadequate amount of fatigue damaged material was removed from the forward flange fillet One Time Accelerated Eddy Current Inspection of the Disk Rim Bolt Holes on certain SN disks Introduces a modified double cut HPT shroud off-set grind with the lobe depth at the 4:30 o'clock position (ALF) One Time Accelerated Eddy Current Inspection of the Front Rotating Air Seal Bolt holes on certain SN seals. Inspect and rework the HPT the sir spacer shields as necessary to eliminate confusion Provides for inspection of the part number marking for the affected engine and, if marked incorrectly, re-identifying to the correct part number.

- 52 -



7 7 7 9



7 8 8


4 1

4 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 7 1 6 5

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Core Engine Major Modules

CFM Sorting ATA

S/B #


























72-0421 720421R1 72-0432


























x x

x x x

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New air distributor added to HPTSS, directs cooling air to aft rail Plug weld holes to reduce cooling holes in row 5 and 6 & increase backflow margin of shroud Announces the introduction of HPT Shroud and Stage 1 LPT Nozzle Assembly, P/N 9995M27G04, and provides instructions to accomplish the following: (1) Rework HPT Shroud Support Assembly to provide mounting brackets and modified bolt shields for use with the LPT cooling air deflectors.(2) Rework HPT Shroud and Stage 1 LPT Nozzle Assembly by adding deflectors and attaching hardware. HPT Shroud Support Assembly, P/N 9528M88G06/G14/G15, may be reworked to HPT Shroud Support Assembly, P/N 1499M74G06, per S/B (CFM56-3/3B/3C) 72-0354R5. Deflectors may then be added per this S/B. Announces the production introduction of a new HPT stator shroud P/N 9514M98G18. new HPT stator shroud has 13 fewer cooling holes (in rows 5 and 6) in the trailing edge region of the shroud.The elimination of the holes causes the air pressure on the shroud trailing edge to rise, in effect creating a larger pressure difference across the remaining cooling holes. As a result, the leading edge holes of the shroud will receive the increase in cooling air flow needed to prevent backflow of hot gases which cause oxidation. This S/B also provides instructions for reworking the HPT stator shroud P/N 9514M98G17 to 9514M98G18 by plug welding 13 flowpath cooling holes in the shroud trailing edge. S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0295 and (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0339 must be accomplished prior to or concurrently with this S/B. Provides rework instructions to repair cracked or oxidized aft rails of HPT Shroud Support Assemblies (Inconel 903) 9528M88G06/ G08/ G14/ G17/ G20 and (Inconel 907) 9528M88G07/ G09/ G15/ G17/ G19/ G21/ G23/ G24. New Shroud P/N 1499M62G06 and 07 introduced, reduce L/E oxidation New Inco 718 bolt and nut introduced, Old wasp-alloy bolts/nuts deleted, New Inco nuts/bolts introduced by S/B 720480 TDC HPT shrouds introduced, P/N 1499M69GO2 and GO3 Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT shrouds Deleted wasp-alloy c-clips and replaced with R41 c-clips New Inco 718 nuts and bolts with varying diameters to allow for oversized holes in HPTSS forward flange introduced Production introduction of HPTSS assemblies, P/N 1667M55GO1-GO3 that had new aft rail configuration Serviceable limits for missing bolts Replaced 321 stainless steel deflectors with INCO 718 to prevent deformation during torquing of the nut. Lock EB welds in HPTSS Allows modification of all 12 HPT shrouds introduced to the CFM56 fleet, 1 common shroud P/N after mod. Coating reduces corrosion on LPT nozzle airfoil Introduces a new thermal densified coating (TDC) perform spare parts drawing (SPD) as an alternative to the old HPT stator shroud. The old HPT stator shroud is used in the repair of the CFM56-3 HPT stage 1 shrouds in repair document (RD) 170-891.

- 53 -

3 3




4 4 7 7 3 4 7 1 4 3 7 7


CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Core Engine Major Modules Core Engine Major Modules Minimum Workscope Visually inspect exposed areas of the major module per ESM 72-00-02. o Inspect the HPC stator cases with a white light, paying close attention to all flanges per ESM 72-00-32. Spot FPI any areas suspected of cracking. o Inspect for borescope boss cracks in the HPC extension case per ESM 72-00-32. o Check the variable stator vanes for proper engagement of lever arms, thread protrusion and witness marks, lever arm pins for proper engagement in actuation rings, and bridge connectors per CESM-028 and ESM 72-00-02. o Check variable stator vanes for looseness and missing bushings per ESM 72-00-02. Note: If the VSV vanes are exposed replace old inner and outer bushings with new material per S/B 72-0401 and 72-0518. o Incorporate new IGV ruggedized lever arms at a minimum of 5 places at 6:30 and 5 places at 12:30.(S/B 72-0834) o Inspect stage 6, 7, and 8 borescope ports for partial or complete blockage. May indicate vane segment yielding. If ports are blocked, disassemble and investigate. o Inspect the combustion case with a white light, paying close attention to the front and rear flanges, the fuel nozzle pads, and bosses per ESM 72-00-41. o Check the fuel lines, manifolds, and nozzles for security, damage, and/or evidence of leakage. o Check the HPT shroud support borescope boss and tack welds for cracks. o Inspect LPT cooling air tubes for security and damage per ESM 72-09-04. Incorporate check valve modification if applicable per S/B 75-0023 and 75-0041. Check if combustion case midflange has new configuration bolts (S/B 72-0414R3 or 72-0480) and Inconel 718 air deflectors (S/B 72-0553). Perform visual inspection and retorquing of the nuts if required per S/B 72-0552. Perform S/B 72-0220 and S/B 72-0231 ultrasonic inspections of stage 1 compressor blades if applicable. Perform IGV 3 degree closure if applicable. BSI all blade stages of the HPC prior to engine disassembly into major modules per ESM 72-00-31. o If the BSI of the HPC indicates damage beyond serviceable limits, top case the HPC module to replace HPC airfoils. (ESM 72-00-32, 72-00-33, and 72-00-31) Note: If vanes are removed for inspection or replacement, the circumferential position should be marked for reassembly at the same location. Borescope the combustor outer cowl and fuel nozzles for evidence of cowl distress and contact with the stem of the fuel nozzle. Not Applical if S/B 72-0586 previously complied with. (S/B 72-0350, 72-0750, 72-0897) Note: If combustor is exposed at piece-part level inspect per S/B 72-0268, install damper wire outer cowl assembly per S/B 72-0170. Note: Anytime the HPT shroud/LPT nozzle assembly is exposed it is recommended that the Full Workscope section actions be performed as applicable to ensure maximum On Wing life of the assembly upon return to service. Borescope inspect the HPT blades and verify serviceability and condition of components prior to disassembly of engine into major modules. (ESM 72-00-52) o Determine the number of blade tip notches remaining. Check the engine build records to see if the HPT Front Shaft needs to be removed from revenue service per S/B 72-0359. Recommended removal of shafts prior to reaching 6000 cycles since new. (S/B 72-0128) Determine if the HPT Disk is part of a suspect group of disks requiring eddy current inspection of the disk rim bolt hole. All disks must be removed and inspected by 12/31/97 (S/B 72-0843 and 72-0844) BSI HPT Shrouds and verify serviceability and condition of components per ESM 72-00-53. Perform combustion case mid-flange inspection per S/B 72-0879. Check S/B for effectivity. Inspect all exposed HPC vanes and perform S/B 72-0233 ultrasonic inspection if applicable. Note: If HPC blades are removed for inspection or repair their circumferential position should be marked for reassembly if they are to be reinstalled into the same rotor to minimize unbalance

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High Pressure Compressor Modules


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Compressor Modules

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (High Pressure Compressor Modules)

ATA 72-0002

S/B #


CFM Sorting P R I O
























72-32 72-32 72-32 72-32 72-32

72-0617 72-0726 72-0775 72-0776 72-0781



















M x x x x x M

x x x


CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Improve the reliability and increase the commonality of the HPC spool. Inspect blades with more than 10,000 cycles since new for dovetail cracks. Improves dovetail cracking and fretting and eliminates need for blade and spool dovetail inspection. Introduces a once- through-the-fleet immersion ultrasonic inspection and eddy current inspection for older material compressor rotor stage 3 disks. Newer material parts are no longer affected by this S/B. Introduces improved coatings to protect against erosion, increase temperature capability and improve surface finish to cover move of the airfoil Announces the one-time immersion ultrasonic inspection and eddy current inspection (ECI) of all older material stages 1 and 2 spools. These inspections can be performed only by CFM approved inspection sites. Inspect spools from a heat lot with a tungsten inclusion Describes the equipment, techniques, and procedures for conducting component and module lever (with blades removed) ultrasonic inspections of the CFM56-3/3B/3C HPCR stage 1-2 spool stages 1 and 2 dovetail posts for examination of the pressure face areas. Introduced a slabbed-head pin to reduce shroud wear and eliminates release of pins into the flow path. Introduced a slabbed-head pin to reduce shroud wear. To prevent accidental ring release during disassembly. Incorporate GENR-150 inner bushing. To eliminate VSV mis-assembly and prevent dove tail failures. Incorporate GENR-150 inner bushing. Ruggedized IGV lever arms to prevent failures at 12:30 and 6:30, eliminating HPC dovetail failures Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of HPC VSV stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3 inner bushings and the IGV through stage 3 washers. Announces the deletion of the compressor stator inlet guide vane (IGV) P210P04 from the EP kits 737L365G01 and 737L365G02 The new HPC VSV inner shroud honeycomb seal straight headed pin has a head that prevents the pin from either being assembled incorrectly or moving axially during operation, thereby maintaining full head engagement with the seal. Addition of pilot brackets for HPC rear case concentricity. Introduces HPC Vane Sectors with INCO718 Outer Bands to eliminate inner platform liberations. Introduces a modification for the compressor stator rear cases with the new nickel-chromium-aluminum-yttrium powder (CP6023) rub coating. Refer to the Repair Document (RD) 080118.

- 56 -

Compl 7 3 4



4 3


4 7 7 8 7 8 7 8 9

7 7 8


CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Front Stator Assembly (72-32-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Front Stator Assembly Full Workscope HPC Front Stator assembly should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul. Inspect the front stator case per ESM 72-32-01 with close attention for cracking to the following: o Antirotation stops, Forward and aft flanges, Borescope ports (Configuration 1 titanium case only) Inspect liners for looseness. If liners are to be removed, repair T-slots in front stator case for wear. (ESM 72-00-32 and 72-32-01) Inspect the variable stator vanes and vane sectors per ESM 72-32-02 with close attention to: o The airfoils for FOD, cracks, distortion, and erosion o Leading-edge erosion o Cracks at the braze line of the airfoil on stator vanes Incorporate ST2010 inner bushings on stage 1 variable stator vanes and DG20 inner bushings on stages 2 and 3 variable stator vanes. (S/B 72-0968 and 72-0989) Incorporate DG10 outer bushing on stages 2 and 3 variable stator vanes. Incorporate the modified D-head shroud pin and addition of RTV to the shank and under the head of the pin per S/B 72-0616 (Stage 1), S/B 72-0617 (Stages 2-3). Visually inspect the interstage seals: (ESM 72-32-05) o Backing strip cracks o Honeycomb for wear and unbonded cells Note: In most cases the honeycomb will need to be replaced. Modify VSV Master Rods with Vespel Bushings. (S/B 72-0607) Incorporate new VSV lever arms with retention feature for actuation ring. (S/B 72-0726) Incorporate “Murphy-proofed” VSV lever arms. (S/B 72-0776) Incorporate new bellcrank links with vespel busings for improved wear characteristics. (S/B 72-0726) Remove the IGV, stage 1-3 variable vanes, and 4-5 stator vane segments from front stator assembly. (ESM 72-3200) o Replace all interstage seal honeycomb with new or refurbished hardware. Grind the honeycomb diameter to the minimum shop manual limit. Eliminate circumferential steps. Restore the end gaps of interstage seals per ESM 72-32-05 limits. o Vibratory clean (SWECO) the serviceable VSV and IGV airfoils per ESM 72-32-02. o Alkaline clean or abrasive blast fixed vane segments. (ESM 72-32-03) Inspect VSV actuation system paying particular attention to: (ESM 72-00-32, CESM-028) o Lever arms, rings, and connecting links for wear, cracks, distortion, and proper engagement. Incorporate new IGV ruggedized lever arms. (S/B 72-0834) o Actuator assembly bell crank, master rods, jamnut, support plate and clevis, and link for wear, cracks, or distortion. o Check rod-end and spherical bearings for wear and freedom of movement. (S/B 72-0773) o Inspect the actuation rings and connecting links for wear, cracks, distortion, elongated holes, etc. (ESM 7200-32) o IGV and VSV lever arms for any damage or distortion. Pay particular attention to the IGV lever arms near 12:30 and 6:30 for cracks. Very minor damage to any IGV or VSV lever arm can produce massive internal engine damage. If there is any question of the serviceability of the lever arm, replace it. o Inspect VSV actuation (lever) arms for proper marking. (S/B 72-0161) o Upon assembly take every precaution to ensure the entire variable vane system is correctly installed. Slight variation of the angle of any single IGV or VSV due to improper assembly can produce massive internal engine damage. (ESM 72-32-00) o Incorporate S/B 72-0122 new stage 5 manifold segments which serve both the manifolding function of the previous segments and the restraint function of the pilot brackets. If pilot brackets are installed inspect both the brackets and cases for wear and repair as required. (ESM 72-00-32 and 72-32-12) (Configuration 1 titanium case). Inspect casing liner rub coats for positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rubs. Remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with flowpath contour. (ESM 72-32-10) (Configuration 2 steel case). Inspect casing for positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rubs. Remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with flowpath contour. (ESM 72-32-01) Note: Increased performance can be obtained by hand-blending. Inspect Diameter “B” and “C” of the HPC Front Case and repair as required per ESM 72-32-01 Repair 004.

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

Reinstall repaired or new vanes in the forward stator case per ESM 72-32-00. o Assure all variable stator vane lever arm pins have been assembled into the correct holes in the actuation ring. o Apply RTV sealant to stage 1-3 inner shroud mating faces (performance). o Apply RTV sealant to stage 1-3 inner shroud pins (reliability). o Apply RTV sealant to stage 1-3 case liner leading and trailing edges and mating faces (titanium case). o Incorporate DG 10/20 inner and outer bushings on stages 1, 2, and 3 variable stator vanes. (S/B 72-0502 and 72-0518) o Inspect the IGV number 1, 2 and 3 outer bushings per ESM and incorporate new DG bushings if not already installed. For optimum performance and reliability, ensure that all tooling associated with the inspection and assembly of the HPC rear stator is cleaned and periodically inspected to ensure the accuracy of all major interface measurements and processes.

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rear Stator Assembly (72-33-00)

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rear Stator Assembly Full Workscope HPC Rear Stator Case should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul. Visually inspect the rear stator case per the shop manual with close attention for cracking to the following per ESM 72-33-01: o Antirotation stops o Borescope ports o Aft flange Rub land coating for missing material, scabs, or high material Note: FPI any suspected areas of cracking Remove stage 6-8 stator vane sectors from the rear stator assembly per ESM 72-33-00. o Replace all interstage honeycomb seals with new or refurbished hardware. Restore the end gaps to the minimum ESM 72-33-03 limit. o For new honeycomb (or partial sets), machine to eliminate circumferential steps, maintain a minimum diameter for repaired honeycomb, grind minimum ESM limits. Note: Total effect on EGT are approximately 1-3 degrees. o Alkaline clean or abrasive blast vane segments per ESM 72-33-02. Inspect vane sectors per ESM 72-33-02 with close attention to the following: o Outer platforms for length o The airfoils for FOD, cracks, distortion, and erosion o Leading-edge erosion o Cracks at the braze line of the airfoil at inner and outer platforms Replace Inco 600 HPC Vane sectors with Inco 718 vane sectors in stages 6, 7, and 8 at the split lines. (S/B 720554) o Four (4) per stage (2 at each splitline). On the top case, place 2 vane sectors at 2:30 o’clock (aft looking forward). On the bottom case, place two vane sectors at 8:30 o’clock (aft looking forward). Refurbish Stages 6 thru 9 flowpath surface per ESM 72-33-01Repair 008 at the same time the forward rabbet diameter is refurbished (ESM 72-33-01Repair 004). Or replace case with new liner less rear case per S/B 72-0349. If pilot brackets are installed, refurbish pilot bracket wear on the rabbet diameter of the HPC rear stator case concurrent with the flowpath surface of the rear stator case. (ESM 72-31-01 repair 006) Note: Assure that the locally manufactured fixture to retain the case during machining maintains the flatness and perpendicularity of the rabbet. For optimum performance and reliability, ensure that all tooling associated with the inspection and assembly of the HPC rear stator is cleaned and periodically inspected to ensure the accuracy of all major interface measurements and processes. Inspect borescope bosses on the extension case for cracking on titanium cases.

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Assemblies When disassembling or reassembling the HPC module here are a few things to consider: o To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPC assembly, the following tooling must be used and periodically inspected to insure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions. o HPC alignment tool (856A1266) for proper HPC stator case alignment. o HPC stator grind fixture (856A1056) with an aft rabbet diameter critical for assuring roundness and concentricity of the stator case. o HPC core stack stand that is critical for HPC rotor centering. Assemble the front and rear stator halves together for grinding and dimensional inspection. Horizontal flange bolts should be torqued before the circumferential flanges. (ESM 72-32-00 and 72-33-00) o Assure proper length alignment pins (856A1266 and 856A1260).are being used in each location. Note: Periodic inspection of tooling required to assure that pins maintain proper alignment force. o Record the final diameters of the liners (titanium case) or rub lands (steel case) for determination of rotor blade match grind. (ESM 72-32-00 and 72-33-00) o Ensure that the minimum rub land dimensions are used for the blade tip grind lengths. Match grind HPC Rotor to the HPC Stator per ESM 72-31-00 to achieve optimal clearances. This has been determined to benefit both Steel and Titanium HPC Stator cases. If match grinding is not possible, grind rotor to values listed in the HPC Rotor assembly section of the ESM 72-31-00 and 72-00-31 Special Procedure 008. Perform linipot inspection of the HPC in the vertical position. (ESM 72-00-02 Special procedure 001,002, and 003)

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rotor Assembly (72-31-00)

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rotor Assembly Full Workscope The HPC Rotor should be disassembled to piece part for this level of overhaul. Typical causes for disassembly are LLP replacement, blade erosion, Stg. 1-2 spool D/T cracking and fretting, seal tooth wear, and FOD. All parts disassembled from the rotor must be cleaned and inspected at the piece part level of the ESM. Refer to HPC Rotor Assembly Performance Workscope and HPC Performance Effects for additional details. If the HPC Stg. 1 and 2 blades are pre S/B 72-0582 configuration (short dovetail): Note: Stage 1-2 spool inspection should be performed concurrently. (S/B 72-0512) o Inspect the dovetail if blades are under 10,000 cycles since new and have not previously been inspected. o Inspect the dovetail if the cycles since new is above 10,000 cycles and the cycles since last inspection is above 5,000 cycles. If stage 1 HPC blades P111P05/ P06/ P07/ P08/ P10/ P15/ P16 are currently installed, incorporate P161 blades. Note: If P111P05/ P06/ P07/ P08/ P10/ P15/ P16 blades are installed and the decision is made not to upgrade to the P161 blades, perform the ultrasonic inspections of the blades as applicable and incorporate the 3 degree IGV closure if not previously performed. The blades should as a minimum conform to the P111P10 configuration per S/B 72-0115, 72-0220, 72-0094. Inspect stage 1-9 HPC blades per ESM 72-31-01, 72-31-02 and 72-31-03 for dimensional and visual limits. Dimensionally inspect the blades for chord width and erosion on the leading and trailing edges. To obtain performance benefit, replace blades with new/refurbished HPC blades. (Gages 856A1275 and 856A127) Note: Refurbished HPC Blades should meet tip length and chord requirements, have their leading edges re-contoured, SWECO cleaned to improve surface finish, dovetail coatings re-applied, improved erosion coatings applied and RTV replaced. (S/B 72-0270) If the HPC Stage 1-2 spool is per S/B 72-0266 configuration (short dovetail): Note: If spool or blades are scrapped after inspection, install long dovetail spool/blades per S/B 72-0266. This requires rework of No. 3 bearing aft air/oil seal and stage 1 blade retainer. See S/B 72-0267 for related documents. o Ultrasonic inspection of dovetail post if spool is above 10,000 cycles since new or has accumulated 5,000 cycles since last inspection. o Ultrasonic inspection of dovetail posts if stage 1 and 2 HPC blades are being inspected. One-time immersion ultrasonic and eddy-current inspection of stage 1-2 spool over 1,000 cycles since new for applicable S/N’s. (S/B 72-0303) Visual inspection of stage 1-2 spool dovetail slots for fretting and coating condition, and retainer hooks for cracking per ESM 72-31-04. Conduct component and module level (with blades removed) ultrasonic inspections of the HPCR stage 1-2 spool stages 1 and 2 dovetail posts for examination of the pressure face areas. One-time immersion inspection of stage 3 disk if first exposure above 1000 cycles since new for applicable S/N’s.(S/B 72-0269) If exposed, inspect HPC Rotor Air Duct per ESM 72-31-11. Pay attention to the pin engagement of the inner screen, and wear on the forward mating surface and aft support lugs. Repair as required. Inspect HPC forward shaft for wear from retaining ring per ESM 72-31-07. Inspect all exposed areas of the HPC 4-9 spool including the blade locks. Inspect all seal teeth on the HPC rotor, including the CDP seal, for serviceability and repair as required. Inspect all exposed areas of the stage 3 disk with particular attention for retainer hook cracking. Replace the 4-9 blade seal wires with new hardware and install RTV beneath the stage 1-3 blades. (ESM 72-31-00) Perform a dynamic balance of the HPC Rotor assembly if the compressor blades are removed/repaired/replaced per 72-31-00 Assembly. Install blades per ESM 72-31-00 and measure the tip radii using high-speed grind system. HPC Rotor grinding recommendation per ESM 72-00-31. Match grinding possible.

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High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rotor Assembly Performance Workscope For optimum performance replace the stage 1 HPC blades with new blades or blades with recontoured leading edges. Reblade remaining stages as required to obtain minimum tip clearances. (ESM 72-31-01) For optimum performance and to ensure thorough inspection, alkaline or vibratory clean all HPC blades prior to inspection. (ESM 72-31-00) Refurbish all airfoil and dovetail wear coatings per ESM. For optimum performance and reliability, ensure that all tooling associated with the HPC rotor is cleaned and periodically inspected.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Compressor Modules

HPC Rotor Performance Effects

HPC Stage

SFC Effect (% / mils)

EGT Effect (Deg C / mils)

59 47 21 32 26 29 28 28 27

0.0081 0.0045 0.0051 0.0065 0.0062 0.0062 0.0066 0.0072 0.0063

0.1323 0.0738 0.0828 0.1062 0.1008 0.1008 0.1080 0.1179 0.1026





HPC Stage 1 I/S seal rub depth(***) HPC Stage 2 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 3 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 4 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 5 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 6 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 7 I/S seal rub depth HPC Stage 8 I/S seal rub depth CDP Seal Rub Depth General HPC airfoil erosion (*)

15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 15 None Medium Heavy

15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 15

0.0017 0.0023 0.0026 0.0035 0.0043 0.0047 0.0054 0.0061 0.0400 0 0.4 0.7

0.0270 0.0369 0.0432 0.0567 0.0702 0.0774 0.0891 0.0999 0.560 0 4 7

Stage 1-3 blade RTV liberation

Percent Missing

Percent Missing

0.00165 SFC


HPC Stage 1 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 2 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 3 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 4 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 5 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 6 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 7 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 8 blade tip clearance HPC Stage 9 blade tip clearance HPC stage 4-9 average blade tip clearance throttling impact(**)

Post breakin value (mils)

Post break-in value (mils)

Titanium Case

Steel Case

60 47 31 35 30 29 28 28 27

(*) Erosion values are estimates. Consider "Medium" as serviceable / repairable type of chord loss. Consider "Heavy" as chord loss beyond repair. (**) To calculate Throttling impact, calculate average clearance of Stage 6 thru 9 blades. Calculate difference between green run and measured value. Multiply this value times the EGT coefficient to determine impact on EGT Margin. (***) Note: Replacement of honeycomb will recover a small amount of EGT Margin. To determine the amount of EGT recovery,measure the honeycomb rub depth in 4 to 8 locations and calculate an average rub depth. Calculate the change in rub depth versus green run average and then multiply this times the EGT impact listed above. For example: If the stage 8 honeycomb rub depth measures 28 mils (0.028”), the additional rub versus green run is 28 – 20 = 8 mils. The impact on EGT is 8 * 0.0891 = 7.128 °C EGT Margin. impact. Note: Stage 8 has the highest EGT coefficient of all stages. Typical EGT recovery for all stages of honeycomb replacement is typically a total of 2-3°C EGT Margin.

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Combustion Module


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Combustion Module

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Combustion Module)


S/B #















































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DESCRIPTIONS New bore primary swirler nozzles are introduced to be compatible with large tip fuel nozzles to minimize tip wear. Announces the introduction of R125 HPT Rotor Blades to replace DSR8OH blades. A Forward Inner Nozzle Support (FINS) with 0.925 sq. in. flow area is introduced to replace the current FINS. The combustion case and forward inner nozzle support are also changed to maintain commonality and to provide optimum cooling air flow to the R125 HPT blades. Because of the requirement to match locating pins and holes (Murphy Proofing) between FINS and the combustion cases, FINS and combustion case configurations must be matched as shown in Table 1. FINS and Combustion Case Interchangeability Table 1 in this S/B.


Removal of STA. HPT Inner CDP Seals P/N 9523M68G04/G05


Replaced 321 stainless steel deflectors with INCO 718 to prevent deformation during torquing of the nut. Provides instructions that allow modification of FINS 9529M97G06 to either a high flow or low flow FINS to support the CFM56-3 fleet procedures. Refer to the latest version of RD 121-044. Inspect cracks in the CDP fuel nozzle pad area Recommendation for repair of a select number of HPT outer stationary seals with a potential undersized rabbet diameter X-ray and FPI inspection for midflange cracking Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of combustion chamber assembly, and provides instructions to remove the old combustion dome swirler supports (bird bumpers) from the combustion chamber assembly. The rework provides a new material and heat treatment to reduce cracks on the Compressor Stator Case support. Provides rework instructions as described in the Repair Document (RD) to rework the HPT inner stationary seal. New bore primary swirler nozzles are introduced to be compatible with large tip fuel nozzles to minimizes tip wear Announces the production introduction of a new combustion chamber for increased wear resistance on OL aft outer support. Inspection of the combustor outer cowls to detect and prevent contact with, and possible wear-through of the fuel nozzle stem Introduces a L605 lug ring for field use and provides rework instructions for installation to improve the reliability and maintainability of the combustor lug ring. Rework the combustion chamber dome to increase commonality, reparability and productivity improvement Provides borescope inspection instructions of the combustor outer cowl to find outer cowl wire contact and with the fuel nozzle or wear on the fuel nozzle set Provides repair procedures to rework the combustion chamber inner liner as described in repair document to improve the reliability of the combustion chamber assembly. Introduce a new combustion chamber assembly with HS188 outer cowl for increased durability/wear characteristics to reduce vibrations in the cowl and reduce wear Identifies swirlers with improved durability, and new and rework dome assemblies with the new swirlers. New flanges are identified to be welded to the thin swirlers to create the more durable thick swirlers. The new combustion chamber dome can be repaired with fewer braze joints.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Combustion Module

Combustion Case and Forward Inner Nozzle Support Assembly (72-41-00)

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Combustion Module

Combustion Case Assembly Full Workscope Combustion assembly should be removed from the engine for this level of inspection. Disassembly in piece part level of module should be performed only if conditions dictate. The Combustion Case module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-41. If damage is suspected downstream of the combustor due to a fuel nozzle, record the fuel nozzle location at removal and flow check it prior to cleaning. Perform a high-sensitivity FPI in the CDP pad/fuel nozzle pad areas for cast part only. (ESM 72-41-01) If the combustion case is part of the suspect list and above the applicable cycles since new, the CDP and fuel nozzle pads must be spot FPI and any found crack length recorded for disposition per S/B 72-0674. Visually inspect the case per the ESM 72-41-01. Spot FPI any indications on the flanges, bosses, and the fuel nozzle pads for cast parts only. Visually inspect per ESM 72-41-01 the HPC outlet guide vanes for erosion and cracking. Check for air deflector configuration. Replace 321 stainless steel deflectors with Inconel 718 deflectors. (S/B 720553) Dimensionally inspect rabbet dimensions per ESM 72-41-01. Inspect the stationary CDP airseal for circumferential cracking per ESM 72-41-03. o Replace with new seal if P/N is on suspect list. (S/B 72-0176) o Replace honeycomb with new or refurbished hardware (performance item). Visually inspect the inner and outer flanges of the compressor rear stator support for damage or fretting per ESM 72-41-07. o Dimensionally inspect rabbet diameters if disassembled per ESM72-41-07. Perform combustor case mid-flange inspection per S/B 72-0879. (Check S/B effectivity listing) Perform a spot FPI of the CDP/fuel nozzle bosses (Area A) per ESM 72-41-01. Inspect the outlet guide vanes for cracking per ESM 72-41-01. Inspect the fuel manifold for damage and repair or replace as required per ESM 72-41-04 Pressurize the fuel manifold and inspect for leakage.

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Combustion Module

HPT Forward Inner Nozzle Support Assembly Full Workscope HPT Forward Inner Nozzle Support Assembly should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul. Check the HPT outer stationary seal to determine if it has one of the suspected undersized rabbet diameters. Restore dimension of rabbet if required. (S/B 72-0678) Replace the HPT outer stationary (4 tooth) seal with new or refurbished honeycomb per ESM 72-41-03. Provides rework instructions as described in the Repair Document (RD) to rework the HPT inner stationary seal.(S/B 72-0954) Inspect nozzle support for erosion on the forward flange, bolt heads, bolt shields, and counterbores, and inspect the erosion coating for serviceability. (ESM 72-00-41 and 72-41-02) Inspect nozzle support seal for angular wear grooves and plugged cells per ESM 72-41-02. Inspect nozzle support inducer vanes for cracking and blockage per ESM 72-41-00 and 02. Check the HPT outer stationary seal to determine if it has one of the suspected undersized rabbet diameters. Restore dimension of rabbet if required. (S/B 72-0678) o Replace the HPT outer stationary (4 tooth) seal with new or refurbished honeycomb per ESM 72-41-03. Determine the HPT blade configuration to be installed. Match the proper flow forward inner nozzle support to the HPT blades as shown in Table 1 S/B 72-0247. Reference Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements section on HPT Blade Versus Forward Inner Nozzle Support Interchangeability. Do in conjunction with S/B 72-0673. Perform modification of FINS 9529M97G06 to either a high flow or low flow FINS to support the CFM56-3 fleet procedures. (S/B 72-0673) Provides rework instructions as described in the Repair Document (RD) to rework the HPT inner stationary seal. (S/B 72-0954) Replace the HPT Inner Stationary Seal (CDP Seal) with new or refurbished honeycomb. For optimized seal clearance, measure rotating seal and match grind honeycomb seal to the minimum radial clearance shown below (ESM 72-41-03 Replacement of Honeycomb Seal Repairs) but not below the honeycomb minimum diameter: Diameter C D E F G

Radial Grind Size Required CDP Rotating seal measured radius D + 0.014 inch CDP Rotating seal measured radius E + 0.014 inch CDP Rotating seal measured radius F + 0.011 inch CDP Rotating seal measured radius G + 0.009 inch CDP Rotating seal measured radius H + 0.009 inch

For optimum performance, replace the honeycomb on the HPT nozzle forward inner support seal. (ESM 72-41-02)

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Combustion Module

Combustion Chamber Assembly (72-42-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Combustion Module

Combustion Chamber Assembly Full Workscope The combustion chamber serviceability determination does not require disassembly of the module. Disassembly is only required if serviceability requirements are exceeded or replacement/repair of components is required. If damage is suspected downstream of the combustor due to a fuel nozzle, record the fuel nozzle location at removal and flow check it prior to cleaning. Insure that the combustor outer cowl is HS188 damper wire configuration. (S/B 72-0919) Inspect the outer cowl by under spec limit procedure in the ESM 72-42-01 INSP for minimal thickness. Incorporate big bore swirlers into the combustion chamber in order to reduce fuel nozzle tip wear and eliminate the need for On Wing inspection for small tip fuel nozzle wear. (S/B 72-0144) To improve wear capabilities of the outer support ring, modify with a dabber TIG weld buildup of L605 material. (S/B 72-0301) o Or replace lug ring L605. (S/B 72-0812) Coat liners with Thermal Barrier Coating. (S/B 72-0915) o Coat inner liner with thicker TBC per ESM 72-41-03 Repair 006, 012. o Coat outer liner with thicker TBC per ESM 72-42-04 Repair 009, 013. Remove dome swirler supports (bird bumpers) to improve inner cowl bolt retention per S/B 72-0904. Inspect the combustion chamber for serviceability per ESM 72-00-42. Install L605 aft outer support lug ring for field use. (S/B 72-0301 or S/B 72-0812) Rework the combustion chamber inner liner as described in repair document. (S/B 72-0915) Clean, inspect, and bench test fuel nozzles per ESM 73-11-42.

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High Pressure Turbine Module


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High Pressure Turbine Module Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (High Pressure Turbine Module)

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S/B #





























































DESCRIPTIONS Increases HPTSS contact with Combustor outer liner, prevents combustor outer liner from moving inside the HPTSS flange Improved outer band cooling system




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Required ONS rework when HPTSS is modified per S/B 720354 or 72-0709 Minimizes forward flange wear depth on ONS, later ONS have T800 coating on forward flange Increased A41 area to improve high pressure compressor stall margin Production introduction of R41 ONS with 1.1% flow & T800 coating Provides instructions that allow modification of FINS 9529M97G06 to either a high flow or low flow FINS to support the CFM56-3 fleet procedures. Refer to the latest version of RD 121-044. Introduces improved HPT nozzle outer seal which decreases the air leakage between the HPTN segments to improve the performance. New coated configuration, improves cavity sealing and on wing accel Introduction and Field rework to add platinum aluminide (PtAl) coating to serviceable DSR142 HPT nozzles Field rework of PV aero X40 material nozzle segments and X40 outer bands with DSR142 material. Introduces Repair Document (RD) 172-196 to rework the HPT nozzle stator segments Field rework to allow PtAl coating on Re-Airfoiled HPT Nozzles (post S/B 72-0905 or post S/B 72-0932) Field Rework of DSR142 HPT Nozzles – Replacement on Airfoil and Outer band Corrects the air-metering hole locations identified, announces the production and field introduction of HPT outer nozzle supports, and provides rework instructions for modification of HPT outer nozzle supports. Announces the introduction of R125 HPT Rotor Blades to replace DSR8OH blades. A Forward Inner Nozzle Support (FINS) with 0.925 sq. in. flow area is introduced to replace the current FINS The combustion case and forward inner nozzle support are also changed to maintain commonality and to provide optimum cooling air flow to the R125 HPT blades. Because of the requirement to match locating pins and holes (Murphy Proofing) between FINS and the combustion cases, FINS and combustion case configurations must be matched as shown in Table 1. FINS and Combustion Case Interchangeability Table 1 in this S/B. Improve pressure side cooling and low cycle fatigue capability of the HPT blade Inspection of HPT front shafts to determine if an inadequate amount of fatigue damaged material was removed from the forward flange fillet One Time Accelerated Eddy Current Inspection of the Disk Rim Bolt Holes on certain SN disks One Time Accelerated Eddy Current Inspection of the Front Rotating Air Seal Provides instructions to perform an eddy current inspection of suspect HPTR blade surfaces. Plug weld holes to reduce cooling holes in row 5 and 6 & increase backflow margin of shroud.

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High Pressure Turbine Module


S/B #



















72-53 72-53

72-0421 72-0432

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DESCRIPTIONS Announces the introduction of HPT Shroud and Stage 1 LPT Nozzle Assembly, P/N 9995M27G04, and provides instructions to accomplish the following: (1) Rework HPT Shroud Support Assembly to provide mounting brackets and modified bolt shields for use with the LPT cooling air deflectors.(2) Rework HPT Shroud and Stage 1 LPT Nozzle Assembly by adding deflectors and attaching hardware. HPT Shroud Support Assembly, P/N 9528M88G06/G14/G15, may be reworked to HPT Shroud Support Assembly, P/N 1499M74G06, per S/B (CFM56-3/3B/3C) 72-0354R5. Deflectors may then be added per this S/B. Announces the production introduction of a new HPT stator shroud P/N 9514M98G18. new HPT stator shroud has 13 fewer cooling holes (in rows 5 and 6) in the trailing edge region of the shroud. The elimination of the holes causes the air pressure on the shroud trailing edge to rise, in effect creating a larger pressure difference across the remaining cooling holes. As a result, the leading edge holes of the shroud will receive the increase in cooling air flow needed to prevent backflow of hot gases which cause oxidation. This S/B also provides instructions for reworking the HPT stator shroud P/N 9514M98G17 to 9514M98G18 by plug welding 13 flowpath cooling holes in the shroud trailing edge. S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0295 and (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0339 must be accomplished prior to or concurrently with this S/B. A new air impingement distributor P/N 9528M25P04 is being introduced to HPT shroud supports P/N 9528M88G07/G08/G09/G14. Angling the fifth row of distributor impingement holes permits the use of HPT shrouds with increased backflow margin. S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0338 introduces HPT Stator Shroud P/N 9514M98G18 with increased backflow margin. S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0295 introduces HPT Outer Nozzle Supports with 1.1% airflow. (This S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0339 and S/B (CFM563/3B) 72-0295 must be accomplished prior to or concurrently with S/B (CFM56-3/3B) 72-0338.) Provides rework instructions to repair cracked or oxidized aft rails of HPT Shroud Support Assemblies (Inconel 903) 9528M88G06/G08/ G14/ G17/ G20 and (Inconel 907) 9528M88G07/ G09/ G15/ G17/ G19/ G21/ G23/ G24. New shroud P/N 1499M62G06 and G07 introduced, reduce L/E oxidation New Inco 718 bolt and nut introduced, Old waspalloy bolts/nuts deleted, New Inco nuts/bolts introduced by S/B 72-0480 TDC HPT shrouds introduced, P/N 1499M69GO2 and GO3 Deleted waspalloy c-clips and replaced with R41 c-clips New Inco 718 nuts and bolts with varying diameters to allow for oversized holes in HPTSS forward flange introduced Production introduction of HPTSS assemblies, P/N 1667M55GO1GO3 that had new aft rail configuration Serviceable limits for missing bolts Replaced 321 stainless steel deflectors with INCO 718 to prevent deformation during torquing of the nut. Lock EB welds in HPTSS Inco 903, 907 or 909 material removed from the HPTSS, new HPT shroud support P/N 1667M63GO1 introduced. Reduce leaks at the LPT Stage 1 nozzle outer platform by a new design sealing strip. Allows modification of all 12 HPT shrouds introduced to the CFM56 fleet, 1 common shroud P/N after mod. Coating reduces corrosion on LPT nozzle airfoil Dentifies for field use on all engines the improved time on wing (TOW) HPT 2084M33P02 blades from the upgrade kit of CFM56-3 S/B 72-1000. Field rework of 1.1% flow R41 ONS to 1.3% flow The new HPT shroud does not have the axial rib in the pocket of the shroud and eliminates the possibility of stress induced cracks. The new HPT shroud is made of RENE N2 material and requires no coatings to be applied.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Nozzle Assembly (72-51-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Nozzle Assembly Full Workscope HPT Nozzle assembly should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul: Visually inspect the HPT nozzle assembly per the ESM 72-51-00: o Check the nozzle segments for cracking, burning, and cooling air blockage. o Maintain trailing-edge bow limit of 0.010 inch. o Identify the nozzle flow and arrange nozzle segments to obtain the total nozzle flow limits. HPT nozzles P/Ns 9527M50G05 and 9527M50G06 should have the platform cooling modification incorporated at repair. (S/B 72-0340) Note: This does not apply to CFM56-3C-1 engines. Incorporate PtAl coating on the DSR142 HPT nozzles (New/serviceable and re-airfoiled X40 or DSR142) (S/B 720883 and 72-0921) Repair for vane/outer platform replacement available for DSR142 HPT nozzles with unserviceable distress. (S/B 720932) Replace or rework the HPT Outer Nozzle Support, apply a T800 material wear coat to the forward flange. (S/B 720570 and ESM 72-51-02) Note: When adding the wear coat refer to matrix in S/B 72-0570 for proper part number and bulletin reference. Modify the forward flange of the outer nozzle support with T800 wear coat, bearing surface increase, and increase flow to 1.3% (Required for CFM56-3C-1 nameplate engines) (S/B 72-0482, -0302, -0353, -0656) Incorporate increased cooling airflow configuration on HPT outer nozzle supports. (S/B 72-0089) Incorporate improved HPT nozzle shroud support assembly with additional distributor cooling holes per S/B 720091. On an attrition basis replace HPT nozzles of X40 material with improved performance retention DSR’ 142 material nozzles. (S/B 72-0354) Modify X40 nozzles to incorporate the DSR’ 142 airfoil and outer band. (S/B 72-0469) Note: HPT nozzle area management (A41) is not necessary with DSR142 HPT nozzles. Field data indicates that the nozzle area increases less than 1percent during the parts life. This is less than 2.5 degrees impact on EGT margin. When assembling nozzles, install improved L-seals per S/B 72-0254 for reduction in leakage between nozzle segments. Inspect nozzle segments to ensure the trailing-edge bow limits are not exceeded per ESM 72-51-01. Replace HPT 4-tooth outer stationary seal honeycomb for optimized seal clearance, measure rotating seal and match grind honeycomb seal per ESM 72-51-05 Repair 001. Note: Honeycomb can be restored at piece-part level or combustion case assembly level. For optimized concentricity, grind the honeycomb diameters to finished dimensions after installation into the combustion case. Replace the nozzle External Pressure Seal with the newest configuration per S/B 72-0703. Replace the INCO 903 inducer with INCO 909 inducer.(S/B 72-0326) With the HPT nozzle segments assembled to the inner support only, on a flat surface, check the runout of each nozzle segment aft out surface. If the average runout of the segments is above 0.002 inch, change nozzle segments as required to obtain an average runout less than 0.002 inch. (ESM 72-51-00)

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High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Rotor Assembly (72-52-00)

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High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Rotor Assembly Full Workscope HPT Rotor Assembly should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul. The HPT disk, the HPT shafts, the HPT FOS rotating, and the HPT aft air seal should be unstacked for LLP or cause only. All visible areas of the HPT disk, the HPT shafts, the HPT FOS rotating, and the HPT aft air seal should be inspected following piece part ESM 72-52-02/03/04/05/10. Visually inspect the rotor. Dis-assemble the rotor for LLP or cause. (ESM 72-52-00) Rotor is dis-assembled to piece part level, FPI the rotating hardware. (ESM 72-52-xx) With rotor dis-assembled (ESM 72-52-02): o FPI rotor parts. (ESM 72-52-xx) o ECI HPT disk rim bolt holes and bore. (ESM 72-52-02, 05-21-04 and 72-52-03) o ECI FOS (front rotating air seal) bolt holes and bore. (ESM 05-21-04) o HPT Disk – perform a hardness check per the following:  Do a hardness test at points A and B on the aft face of the one disk post as follows, Refer to ESM 70-31-13 (Rockwell Hardness Testing).  Make sure the hardness is a mimimum of 38Rc.  Blend the high metal caused by the hardness test per ESM 70-41-11 (Hand Blending). Eddy-current inspect the HPT aft shaft outer seal teeth per engine shop manual. This can be done at both piecepart and at module level. Perform a dimensional check to assure that the HPT front seal is properly seated to the HPT disk per ESM 72-5203. o If the HPT forward outer seal is removed, perform a dimensional inspection of the seal teeth and recoat teeth as required. Check engine build record to see if any of the HPT Blades are part of the dovetail cracking serial number listing. If they are, blades must be eddy current inspected to disposition HPT Disk. (S/B 72-0575) Discard bolts removed from the forward outer seal/HPT Disk joint. All other bolts may be re-used provided that they meet serviceability criteria in ESM. All nuts in the HPT Rotor assembly should be replaced with new nuts during reassembly. (ESM 72-52-00) Inspect for HPT front rotating air seal arm bow per ESM 72-00-52. Remove HPT rotor forward shaft damper sleeve and FPI for cracks per ESM 72-52-00 and 72-52-07. The 6.5 degree ramp angle front shafts must be retired from service prior to reaching 6,000 cycles. (S/B 72-0359). Prior to inspection, Versene clean and vibratory clean the HPT blades.(ESM 75-52-01 Cleaning) Replace the HPT rotor seal wires with new hardware. Remove the HPT blades. Check for the presence of the damper seals between HPT platforms. If a seal is found to be missing, contact CFM for special blade and disk inspections. (ESM 72-52-01) If the HPT aft shaft-to-disk nuts are removed, take care to reinstall the proper nuts, per S/B 72-0349. Inspect the turbine blades for tip condition and blade length. Replace, if necessary, with new or refurbished blades per ESM 72-52-00. Note:

Blade sent to repair should have the two additional rows of cooling holes modification performed if not already present per S/B 72-0492.

Match grind the blade tip radius using the radial distance (J05 clearance in mils) from the shroud finish grind radius to the HPT Blade tip per the following:

Model CFM56-3B1 CFM56-3B2 CFM56-3C1 CFM56-3B1 Post S/B 72-1000 or Post S/B 72-1031 CFM56-3B2 Post S/B 72-1000 or Post S/B 72-1031 CFM56-3C1 Post S/B 72-1000 or Post S/B 72-1031


Recommended J05 Clearance 0.080 in. (2,03 mm) 0.082 in. (2,08 mm) 0.082 in. (2,08 mm) 0.076 in (1,93 mm) 0.080 in. (2,03 mm) 0.080 in. (2,03 mm)

Installation of refurbished or new blades and/or shroud segments to obtain minimum allowed clearances will provide substantial performance improvement. (ESM 72-00-52 and 72-52-00)

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High Pressure Turbine Module

Tip notch two blades to monitor blade rub during engine operation per ESM 72-52-00 Assembly. Inspect HPT rotor per ESM 72-00-52 paying close attention to the aft shaft seal teeth on outer rack including performing an Eddy Current Inspection per ESM 72-00-52 Special Procedure 005. Check for S/B 72-0922 applicability to FOS (Front Rotating Air Seal). Perform an eddy current inspection of suspect HPTR blade dovetail surfaces per S/B 72-0575. For optimum performance, refurbish the seal teeth on the HPT aft shaft at each shop visit per ESM 72-52-00. For optimum performance, refurbish the seal teeth coating on the HPT front rotating air seal per ESM 72-52-03.

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High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Shroud/LPT Stg. 1 Nozzle Assembly (72-53-00)

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High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Shroud/LPT Stg. 1 Nozzle Assembly Full Workscope The HPT Shroud & LPT Stg. 1 Nozzle Assembly is remove and remains assembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-53, unless otherwise stated. Inspect all exposed areas of the HPT shroud/LPT nozzle support. All hardware removed from the assembly must be inspected at the piece-part level (72-53-00 through 72-53-10). Incorporate the Waspaloy HPT hanger into the HPT shroud support as required. (S/B 72-0354 and 72-0709) The following modifications must be done concurrently: o Install new air distributors or alternate configuration. (See Note 2 below) (S/B 72-0339) o Install the new hanger cover and Waspaloy hangers. (See Notes 1 and 2 below) (S/B 72-0354 and 720709) Note 1: Incorporate the shrouds with increased backflow margin (4-row cooling hole configuration) (S/B 720338, 0801, 0413, 0421). Also S/B 72-0126 introduces HPT Stator Shroud P/N 9514M98G18 with increased backflow margin. S/B 72-0089 introduces HPT Outer Nozzle Supports with 1.1% airflow. (This S/B 72-0143 and S/B 72-0089 must be accomplished prior to or concurrently with S/B 72-0126.) Note 2: The increased flow outer nozzle support (1.3 percent) must be installed to use the increased backflow margin shrouds. (S/B 72-0302 and 0353) Use the improved Inco 718 bolt for the combustion case midflange joint (S/B 72-0414 and 0480) Replace deflectors (if applicable) (S/B 72-0553) Determine if the HPT shroud support should be inspected for cracking at the EB welds. (S/B 72-0561) Replace the Waspaloy C-clips with R41 material C-clips (S/B 72-0432) Visually check the honeycomb on the LPT stationary air seals for erosion, unbonded cells, or excessive wear per ESM 72-53-08. When the HPT shroud support is disassembled, pay particular attention to the aft rail, the borescope boss tack welds, busing tack welds, and EB welds. (ESM 72-53-02) o It is important to FPI the support per ESM 72-53-02 Inspection 001. o It is important to inspect the aft rail per ESM 72-53-02 Inspection 002 on original, configuration 1 supports. If determined unserviceable, repair the support per S/B 72-0248. If serviceable, incorporate the new impingment air manifold to improve the cooling flow to the assembly components per S/B 72-0339 (S/B 720353 is also required on the HPT outer nozzle support when S/B 72-0413 is incorporated.) o Incorporate reduced contact area on the aft rail, if applicable, to reduce oxidation and cracking by thermal stress on the component per S/B 72-0094. Visually inspect the cooling air ducts for serviceability per ESM 72-53-10. Inspect the borescope bosses for cracking in the HPT Shroud Support per ESM 72-53-02. Incorporate wide HPT stator seals, if applicable, to improve the purging effectiveness and assembly durability per S/B 72-0124. Dimensionally inspect Diameter “C” of the LPT Stage 1 Nozzle inner air seal per ESM 72-53-07. During re-assembly of the module, incorporate new sealing strips on the LPT Stage 1 Nozzle outer platform per S/B 72-0715. Note: When you observe missing material or radial crack, do not repair LPT nozzle more than 3 times (code 3X) to minimize the risk of UER between 2 subsequent Engine shop visits. (ESM 72-53-06) o Inspect the LPT stage 1 nozzles for DOD, cracking, burning, and erosion per the ESM 72-53-06. o Repair available for LPT stage 1 nozzle leading edge distress due to hot gas erosion per ESM 72-53-06 Repair 009. o Inspect LE thickness using ultrasonic inspection. Apply vapor phase Aluminide coating to the LPT stage 1 nozzle segments for improved hardware durability. (S/B 72-0848) Assure freedom of movement of the HPT hanger leaf seals. Restore stationary air seal and LPT Nozzle inner shroud honeycomb seal diameters as required. (ESM 72-53-07 and 72-53-08) With HPT shroud/LPT nozzle assembly installed in the HPT shroud grind fixture, target grind the shrouds to a radius of 14.404 inches. Record dimension operation for blade tip radius determination. (ESM 72-53-00) Note: If the target grind radius is not used, control the HPT shroud radius to within 14.384 – 14.410 inches. This will minimize any possible steps in the flowpath.

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High Pressure Turbine Module

Check the HPT shroud support T-flange with the LPT stage 1 shroud support to assure that a tight fit exists at the rabbet diameters. o Recommend 0.004-0.008 inch radial interference fit between the LPT Stage 1 Shroud support and the Tflange for improved linipot results. (ESM 72-00-53, 72-53-02, and 72-54-07) Determine if the HPT shroud support has been previously updated per S/B 72-0537. o If HPT shroud support has not been updated see S/B 72-0354 and 72-0709. Rework HPT Shroud Support Assemblies with/without baffles and relocated purge holes, and LPT Nozzle Assemblies. (S/B 72-0354) Address Advanced Upgrade Kit. (S/B 72-1000) o It is highly recommended to install new Stage 1 LPT nozzles when incorporating Advanced Upgrade kit

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High Pressure Turbine Module HPT Assemblies To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPT assembly the following tooling must be used and periodically inspected to insure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions: o HPT rotor-to-combustion case centering fixture (858A1041) for inspection of interface dimensions and linipot clearance determination. Critical for CDP bore runout check o HPT shroud grind fixture (856A1135) to ensure round and concentric shroud grinding. o Module 12 installation fixture (856A1240). to insure correct HPT clearance by centering the module on the HPT shroud support T-flange aft rabbet diameter. Improper tooling conditions can create HPT blade rubs and effect linipot inspection results When installing the HPT shroud support assembly to the combustion case, assure that the 28 T-flange bolts are tightened prior to torquing the combustion case midflange bolts. (ESM 72-00-02) Perform linipot inspections in both the vertical and horizontal positions. If linipot values are not obtained, troubleshoot to correct the problem per ESM 72-00-02 Special Procedures 001 and 002.

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High Pressure Turbine Module

HPT Performance Effects


3 5




Blade-to-Stator Case Clearance

Post Break-In

(For each 0.001 inch (0.025 mm))

(mil - 0.001 inch)





80-85 mils

HPT Seal Rubs (For Each 0.001 Inch (0.025 mm)) 2-tooth seal SFC %




20 mils

4-tooth seal






15 mils

HPT Nozzle Area Per 1% area change = 2.5 EGT °C




HPT Nozzle Bow (set average) SFC %




1 mil

HPT Nozzle Flatness * SFC %




1 mil

HPT Nozzle ‘W’ Seal SFC %




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per 1 % missing

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Low Pressure Turbine Major Module


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Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (LPT Major Module Level)

CFM Sorting D P R I


S/B #









































72-0943 /0848R6



















x M

x x M






x x x x x

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DESCRIPTIONS Announces new LPT stub shafts part numbers and new LPT conical supports part numbers with lower LCF characteristics and provides instructions for reidentification of old parts mentioned Use of newly designed reference edges will allow to apply the repair of the notch contact surfaces with lower risk Increase the stage 1 abradable honeycomb height to decrease the clearance between the stage 1 blades and the honeycomb to increase efficiency Introduce a new stage 4 blade which includes a welded wear strip made of T800 Inspect for creeped and elongated stage 1 blades Facilitate the manufacture of platform Z surfaces, introduction of a hardened wear strip of brazed presintered RBD191B Reindentification affected stage 1 to 4 LPT disks to distinguish between two sources Introduce new stage 2, 3 and 4 segment stationary air outer seals with improved anti-rotation lock Introduce new reinforced outer stationary air seal segments with improved resistance Introduce new borescope plugs to increase margin against LPT vane rotation. This provides a secondary mean of anti-rotation for LPT stage 2 and 3 nozzles Introduce a rework to increase the LCF life of the LPT Stage 2 disk by removing fatigue damaged material from the forward flange scallops and improving the forward flange scallop shape Rework/replace stage 3 and 4 stationary air seal segments to increase seal clearance and reduce the drag on the rotor seal teeth Improve the attachment of LPT cooling manifold Visual inspection of stg 2 and 3 rigid borescope plugs to detect partial rotation of the vane segments On Wing Replacement of the stage 2 and 3 LPT vane segment anti-rotation function to increase the mechanical properties and prevent vane rotation AVPS application to the LPT stg 2 blades and Vanes to Improve parts resistance to oxidation / hot corrosion under severe operating conditions. Inspection of the forward LPT shaft for missing paint to detect deterioration by flaking with Bolicone paint operated with MJ0291 oil. Definitive list of LPT blades stg.1 to be discarded when removed Inspection and cleaning will avoid potential aft sump oil lines blockage due to pre-existing coke shedding Improved No. 4 bearing with a new cage design to improve reliability Introduce new conical supports with higher LCF characteristics Remove and replace suspect No. 4 bearings due to deterioration of the outer race Return to CFMI of No. 4 Roller Bearing 335-352-301-0 Stored as Spares

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Compl 1 7 9 7 1 7 5 4 7 2


7 7 2 5


2 5 2 3 5 2 2

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module


S/B #

















CFM Sorting P R I O x

x x


x x x


DESCRIPTIONS Additional O-ring on LPT shaft plug to prevent mis-location of the O-ring in maintenance operation when the LPT plug preformed packing is reinstalled Introduce new damper seals on center vent tube to preclude the center vent tube from wear due to metal contact Removal of suspect No. 4 roller bearings for deterioration of the outer race Thicker center vent tube (301-319-722-0 replaced by 301-319724-0) Introduce a repair or replacement of the centering ring and central vent tube

Compl 4 4 3 7 5

New LPT stub shaft with a new forging process



Deletion of alternate roller bearing which is the source of the majority of TGB removals for roller bearing problems




Deletion of a Source For No. 4 Roller Bearing











































Inspection of the low pressure turbine (LPT) shaft suspected for hydrogen embrittlement On Wing Introduction of a new No. 4 roller bearing with outer race improvement which help reliability Introduction of new center vent tube supports to prevent excessive tightening (Harmless during assembly) Announces the production introduction and spare parts availability of No. 4 roller bearing. Provides instructions to reduce inspection intervals of the Aft sump, magnetic chip detector (MCD) of the CFM56-3 engines equipped with a No. 4 roller bearing Remove and replace the concerned No. 4 roller bearing from CFM56-3 engines at shop visit opportunity before December 31, 2001 or before engines have accumulated 2000 hours since S/B issuance whichever comes first.


A new outer race material is introduced

M x x

x x

M x

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7 7 7 2



Replacement of the outer race made of M50 or M50NIL by an outer race made of 32CDV13 with deep nitriding Announces the deletion of the alternate No. 4 Roller Bearings 305-355-717-0 , 335-352-302-0 and 340-167-901-0 Introduce an oil damped No. 5 bearing to reduce the potential for high TRF vibration levels at high speed Removal of suspect No. 4 roller bearings for deterioration of the outer race The installation of two seals on the front and back faces of the inlet cover prevent the oil deposits Thicker center vent tube (301-319-722-0 replaced by 301-319724-0) Introduction and identification of offset No. 5 bearing sleeve configuration to reduce rubbing on the HPT shrouds Introduction of new oil inlet cover assembly to optimize a good lubrication of No. 4 & 5 bearings The introduction of new connector nut with removable retaining ring proposed by this S/B will facilitate the removal of the oil supply tube elbow assy. On Wing

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7 7 3 3 7 7 4 7 7

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Major Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-03) Low Pressure Turbine Major module is assumed to be removed and assembled for this level of workscope. Replace at each exposure the oil inlet cover seals (gasket seal and O-ring post S/B 72-1046) for better durability Visually inspect exposed areas per ESM 72-00-54 Check stage 4 LPT blades for damage, paying close attention to the tip shroud interlocks for evidence of unlatching, shingling, or excessive looseness per ESM 72-00-54. Note: Measure mis-match of tip shrouds at locations where interlock wear appears significant. If LPT Blades are unlatched, or do not meet serviceability criteria, perform ESM 72-00-03 Special Procedure 004. Install LPT blades with either T800 or RBD 191 interlock material per S/B 72-0149 or 72-0465. Inspect the LPT case and flanges for cracking or distress. Inspect the LPT borescope plugs and EGT probes for damage indicating LPT nozzle rotation. If LPT nozzle rotation is found, the LPT stator/rotor disassembly is necessary for piece-part inspection per ESM 72-00-54. Ensure rigid plugs are installed per S/B 72-0648. Note: The rigid borescope plug is capable of resisting vane loads to control vane rotation. Installation of the rigid plug is strongly recommended. Visually inspect the air cooling system and associated brackets for cracking and looseness. If cracking is found, inspect the LPT case for wear. Replace manifolds / brackets as necessary. (ESM 72-00-03 and 54 and S/B 720681) Visually inspect the No. 4 and No. 5 bearing areas for carbon or debris buildup per ESM 72-56-03. Visually inspect the aft sump assembly for evidence of cracking. Spot FPI areas suspected of cracking. (ESM 7256-01) Inspect the stage 1 LPT blades for cracking, burning, and/or evidence of stretching. (S/B 72-0464) Inspect all exposed areas of the LPT stage 1 shroud support assembly including the forward rabbet diameter (core module to LPT module interface) and stage 1 outer Honeycomb. Incorporate improved shield attachment on the aft sump oil supply tube on applicable engines per S/B 72-0256. Perform a visual inspection of the LPT Rear Frame, paying close attention to the clevis mounts and fairing for cracking and/or missing material per ESM 72-00-03. Clean coke and carbon buildup from the supply and scavenge lines as well as the oil restrictor in the LPT Rear Frame assembly. Refer to SPM 70-21-17. If engine had reports of high oil pressure, this is a sign of coke and carbon buildup. May require the replacement of the supply tube.(SPM 70-21-17 and S/B 79-0078) o For engines with Oil Damped No. 5 Bearings, inspect and clean the oil supply line to the oil damped bearing. Inspect the center vent tube for cracking using the pressure test for P/N 301-319-722-0 only. (ESM 72-00-03 Special Procedure 08) Inspect the LPT Rotor for dust/sand accumulation in the disk cavities if exposed. Remove by vacuum cleaning to prevent vibration problems. Perform a borescope inspection of the LPT Shaft inner diameter to look for corrosion/missing paint (refer to ESM 72-00-03) Perform HPT Horizontal Linipot during LPT Major Module Installation per ESM 72-00-02 Special Procedure 001 and 002. Note: If stage 1 bladed disk is removed per ESM 72-00-03 SPECIAL PROCEDURE 010, check S/N of blades per S/B 72-1113 and scrap as necessary. Perform an LPT system balancing per ESM 72-00-03. Replace centerbody studs if looseness per ESM 72-56-01. Note: Do not weld if bearing is installed with frame. Remove bearing before welding. If case of interlock heavy wear, replace stg. 4 rotor blades. Incorporate T800 hard coating on the mate faces on all set. Avoid intermix T800/CM64 and intermix of different repair sources per ESM 72-00-03 Special Procedure 004 and 72-54-01 and S/B 72-0436.

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Low Pressure Turbine Major Module LPT Major Module Performance Workscope For optimum performance, recondition the LPT case forward and aft flange rabbet diameters per ESM 72-54-07. For optimum performance, replace all honeycomb seals if the module is disassembled. If not disassembled, the stage1 honeycomb should be replaced to enhance performance. (ESM 72-54-12)

LPT Major Module Full Workscope The LPT Major Module should be disassembled in shop module for this level of workscope per ESM. NOTE: CFM highly recommends that you follow shop best practices related to No. 4 and No. 5 bearings during disassembly / assembly and installation of the LPT module per CESM-054. Visually inspect per ESM 72-00-03 all exposed areas of the LPT module. o Visually inspect per ESM 72-00-03 the stage 1 LPT blades for evidence of cracking, burning, and stretching. o Check stage 4 LPT blades for damage with attention to the shroud interlocks for evidence of unlatching, shingling, pre-twist gaps, or excessive looseness. Replace blades or repair as required. (ESM 72-00-03 and 72-54-02). o Visually inspect the LPT case and flanges for cracking and distress per ESM 72-00-03. o Visually inspect the LPT frame with attention to the clevis mounts and fairings for cracking or missing material per ESM 72-00-03. o Inspect the cooling air manifold assemblies for damage including dented tubes, and cracked manifolds, and brackets. If broken brackets are found, inspect the LPT case for wear per ESM 72-00-03 and 54. Incorporate S/B 72-0681. Remove and inspect the borescope plugs and EGT probes for damage or indications of LPT nozzle rotation. If LPT nozzle rotation is discovered the LPT rotor/stator must be disassembled for piece-part inspection. Ensure rigid plugs are installed per S/B 72-0315. o If the LPT stator is disassembled per ESM 72-54-08, it is recommended that new or reworked outer seal segments be incorporated per S/B 72-0606 to eliminate the possibility of future LPT nozzle rotation and that the nozzle segment locking slots be reconditioned. Inspect the center vent tube for cracking using the pressure test for P/N 301-319-722-0 only. (ESM 72-00-03 Special Procedure 08) Visually inspect the LPT rotor/stator for dust accumulation in the disk cavities. Dust should be removed by vacuuming. Flush coke and carbon buildup from the oil supply and scavenge lines per SPM 70-21-17 and S/B 79-0078. o For engines with Oil Damped No. 5 Bearings, inspect and clean the oil supply line to the oil damped bearing. Visually inspect the No. 4 bearing area per ESM 72-00-03 and 72-09-01. Visually inspect the No. 5 bearing if exposed per ESM 72-09-01. Visually inspect the aft sump assembly for evidence of cracking. Spot FPI areas suspected of cracking per ESM 7200-03 and 72-56-01. Incorporate new rear sump cover bolts per S/B 72-0266 on applicable engines to facilitate safetywire. Incorporate improved shield attachment per S/B 72-0564 on the aft sump oil supply tube on applicable engines.

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Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Major Module Performance Effects

Feature LPTOuter Seals Rub Stg 1 Blades Stg 2 Blades Stg 3 Blades Stg 4 Blades

Feature Inter Stage Seals Rub Stg2 Stg3 Stg4

Post break-in value SFC Effect (mils / micro inch) (mils / micro inch)

11 mils 18 mils 16 mils 0 mils

0.0044 0.0032 0.0032 0.0025

Post break-in value SFC Effect (mils / micro inch) (mils/ micro inch)

11 mils 9 mils 20 mils

0.0025 0.0025 0.0013

Feature Post break-in value SFC Effect LPT Blades Airfoil Surface (mils / micro inch) (mils/ micro inch) Finish Stg 1 Blades 43 mils 0.0013 Stg 2 Blades 51 mils 0.0000 Stg 3 Blades 43 mils 0.0000 Stg 4 Blades 43 mils 0.0013

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% EGT Effect (mils / micro inch)


0.0356 0.0292 0.0280 0.0152

% EGT Effect °C (mils/ micro inch)

0.0191 0.0178 0.0102

% EGT Effect °C (mils/ micro inch)

0.0076 0.0051 0.0025 0.0076

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Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly (72-54-00)

LPT Rotor Assembly

LPT Stator Assembly

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly Full Workscope A full overhaul of the LPT rotor/stator should only be performed for cause or if life limited parts are being replaced. Note: CFM highly recommends that you follow shop best practices related to No. 4 and No. 5 bearings during disassembly / assembly and installation of the LPT module per CESM-054. Disassemble the LPT Rotor/Stator Assembly and inspect per ESM 72-54-00. Inspect the rotor for dust accumulation in the disk cavities. Dust can be removed by cleaning Check the LPT outer seal segments for distortion and antirotation lock damage. During refurbishment incorporate seal segment modifications (S/B 72-0606 and 72-0731) If stage 4 blades require repair of the interlocks, incorporate T800 hard coating on the mate faces. on the entire blade set. Avoid intermix of T800/CM64 and intermix of different repair sources. (S/B 72-0436 and ESM 72-54-01) Determine if the vane segment antirotation slot requires weld buildup repair per ESM 72-54-08. Perform lock replacement on outer stationary seal stages 2 and 3 per S/B 72-0731. Inspect, and if permitted by S/B (S/N specific), re-identify the LPT Disks P/N, for increased LLP capability. (S/B 720571, ESM 05-11-04 and S/B 72-0767) Inspect, and if permitted by S/B (S/N specific), re-identify the LPT Conical Support P/N’s and Stub Shafts P/N’s, for increased LLP capability. (S/B 72-0653 and ESM 05-11-04) Determine if the LPT Stage 2 disk can be economically re-worked to increase its LLP capability. (S/B 72-0653 and ESM 05-11-04) For operations in high sulfidation environments, apply AVPS coating to stages 2-4 LPT nozzles per ESM 72-54-08 Repair 005. To improve part resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion under severe operating conditions on LPT blades stg 2. (S/B 72-0943) LPT Blades stg.1 P/N 301-330-114-0 and 301-330-115 with the batch number listed in S/B 72-1113 are recommended to be scrapped when removed from the disk. Experience shows that it is not cost-effective to disassemble the rotor/stator for performance. Inspect LPT case/LPT Shroud Support forward flange diameter with HPT Shroud Support (T-Flange) aft diameter. Repair as necessary to assure proper flatness and interference fit with the T-flange (ESM 72-54-04 REP 004) Replace all honeycomb seals (ESM 72-54-12) Inspect the No. 5 bearing sleeve runout. If the runout is greater than 0.002 inch with respect to the LPT stage 1 shroud support, remove and replace the sleeve. Check the LPT case forward and aft flange rabbet diameters per ESM 72-54-07. Inspect the LPT case and flanges for cracking or distress. Inspect the LPT borescope plugs and EGT probes for damage indicating LPT nozzle rotation. If LPT nozzle rotation is found, the LPT stator/rotor disassembly is necessary for piece-part inspection. Ensure rigid plugs are installed.(S/B 72-0648) Visually inspect the air cooling system and associated brackets for cracking and looseness per ESM 72-00-03 and 72-00-54. If cracking is found, inspect the LPT case for wear. Replace manifolds / brackets as necessary. (S/B 720681)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Shaft Assembly (72-55-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Shaft Assembly Full Workscope The LPT shaft will need to be removed from the LPT major module for this level of maintenance. Remove and inspect the No. 4 and No. 5 bearings. (ESM 72-09-01) o Check to determine if the No. 4 bearing part number is 305 355 715 0 and replace the bearing per S/B 720278. o If No. 4 bearing is P/N 335 352 301 0, stored as a spare part, return to CFMI per S/B 72-0908. o If No. 4 bearing is P/N 305 355 622 0, insure that it is not part of the suspect list for replacement per S/B 72-0441. o If No. 4 bearing is P/N 305 355 717 0, insure that it is not part of the suspect list for replacement per S/B 72-0893. o Introduce new or reworked No. 4 bearing. (S/B 72-0975 and 72-0988) Inspect the shaft for corrosion/missing paint on the inner and outer diameter per the ESM 72-55-01. Check the axial position and installation of the CVT supports. Removal of the center vent tube can change the axial location and flatness of the supports.(ESM 72-55-06) o Incorporate new design CVT supports on an attrition basis.(S/B 72-0913) Inspect the center vent tube for axial cracking in the mid section of the tube. This can be accomplished with a pressure test in the assembled state or an FPI at piece part level. Modify the center vent tube per S/B 72-0598 or replace with thick section center vent tube. At reassembly to the LPT rotor/stator, perform a system balance per ESM 72-00-03. Determine if the flatness of the stub shaft Surface K is greater than 0.002 inch. Remove and reseat the stub shaft to the LPT shaft if necessary.(ESM 72-00-03

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Rear Frame Assembly (72-56-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

LPT Rear Frame Assembly Performance Workscope If the oil-damped No. 5 bearing is installed and has the production offset defined in S/B 72-0664, check the identification plate at the 8:00 o’clock position on the rear face of the turbine seal forward flange for a marking showing that the bearing sleeve has been offset. Note: For oil-damped bearings, if several inbound engines with oil-damped bearings show rubs at the bottom, an offset may be required. Contact CFM. (ESM 72-56-01) o If offset number is not marked on the identification plate, mark permanently the offset value of 0.005 inch. o A review of the HPT shroud rubs from production and overhauled engines indicate that an offset of the No. 5 bearing sleeve is not required. CFMI's recommendation is to centerline grind the No. 5 bearing offset sleeve. o LPT modules with the offset sleeves should not be changed between engines unless the HPT blade tip and 4-tooth honeycomb seals are restored. Check the diameter of the forward rabbet on the turbine rear frame. Be sure that the LPT case to LPT Rear frame rabbet has an interference fit. Repair the frame rabbet diameter to assure a proper interference is obtained. (ESM 72-56-01)

LPT Rear Frame Assembly Full Workscope Inspect the TRF including the outer skin per ESM 72-56-00. Inspect the No. 5 bearing, stationary seal, and bearing housing per ESM 72-56-02. Clean/flush the oil supply tubes, aft sump, and jet nozzle per ESM 72-56-03. Replace the No. 5 bearing adjustment sleeve if the runout of the sleeve with respect to the LPT Stage 1 Shroud Support is >0.002 inch. Introduce new seals to the front and back faces of the oil inlet cover to reduce oil deposits/leakage. (S/B 72-0597) Check the diameter of the forward rabbet on the turbine rear frame. Be sure that the LPT case to LPT Rear frame rabbet has an interference fit. Repair the frame rabbet diameter to assure a proper interference is obtained. (ESM 72-56-01) Incorporate improved shield attachment on the aft sump oil supply tube on applicable engines. (S/B 72-0564) Clean coke and carbon buildup from the supply and scavenge lines as well as the oil restrictor in the LPT Rear Frame assembly. If engine had reports of high oil pressure, this is a sign of coke and carbon buildup. May require the replacement of the supply tube.(SPM 70-21-17)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Accessory Drive Module)


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #


























































x x M x

CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Install a reinforced oil deflector to prevent risk of cracks and separation on the horizontal bevel gear deflector Replace the TGB radial drive shaft bearing inner race to avoid interference with the radial drive shaft radius Provides information for inspecting and replacing ball bearing P/N 335-304-101-0.To avoid possible bearing failure on the transfer gearbox input bevel gear, replacement of ball bearing on engines listed in Paragraph 1.A. Effectivity. In Shop Detection of cracks and damaged tabs on tab washer P/N SLW40227M045 due to the use of inappropriate stamping tool. Introduce modified TGB module to improve reliability from tab washers breaking and laminated shim delimitation Introduce a new oil retaining sleeve and oil distributor made of new material Introduce four new bolts to ease assembly of the TGB on the bracket Change TGB module to improve retention of the oil distributor to the gearshaft Introduce 26-tooth gearshaft assembly to improve total contact ratio of the gear train and reduce TGB vibratory levels Introduce a bonded inner radial drive shaft housing to improve the operating conditions of the RDS mid-span bearing Introduce a new TGB scavenge oil hose with a modified shape to avoid any risk of interference Increase the inspection frequency of the TGB magnetic chop detector on engines having interference fit housing to identify wear on the radial drive shaft mid-span bearing Deletion of two roller bearings that have been identified as the source of the majority of TGB removals for roller bearing problems Introduce a new TGB, bevel gear assembly, 27-tooth gearshaft to improve reliability due to the loosening of the "VESPEL" nut that tooths the gearshaft Introduce a bolts configuration housing on the input bevel gear to eliminate the gap between the stud and TGB housing which could generate flapping and rupture of the stud CFM56-3C engines operated with accessory gearbox 335-300110-0 prior S/B 72-0863 R 1 and transfer gearbox 335-300-012-0 prior to S/B 72-0865 are affected by this S/B. Increase the inspection frequency of the magnetic chip detector on engines with suspect AGB and TGB Provides instructions to replace the suspect transfer gearbox assy of affected engines listed in the table 1 of S/B. On Wing Provides instructions to reduce inspection intervals of the forward sump Magnetic chip Detector The new identification plates reference the new manufacturing manager code In Shop Increased internal diameter new VESPEL nuts 335-322-201-0 and 335-322-101-0. In Shop or On Wing

- 104 -

Compl 3 3


3 3 4 9 9 4 2 7 2





2 2 7 7

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #






























































x x x


CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Delete the Sealol seal assembly to improve tightness of the accessory gearbox and reduce wear Replace plug to prevent displacement and wear of the splined shaft in the event of retaining system failure Introduce a new rotating oil seal assembly to improve life and reliability Introduce 31 x 61 tooth starter gear cluster assembly to eliminate from the fleet the AGB starter gears that may have a welding quality problem Introduce new oil distributors, oil retaining sleeves and plugs made of new material to improve reliability Introduce a new oil restrictor installed in the started engine gearbox gearshaft to replace the oil distributor and reduce leakage in the event of a missing or damaged O-ring Introduce a new AGB hand cranking cover assembly equipped with a cable to prevent inadvertent omission after maintenance operations Introduce a magnetic seal assembly in alternate with oil seal assembly to facilitate procurement Introduce a new front hydraulic pump drive pad assembly with an increased spot facing diameter to eliminate the risk of interference between the airframer's parts and the AGB Inspect the suspect accessory gearboxes for locking plugs improperly installed in the axial oil nozzles Inspect by borescoping the suspect AGB starter gearshaft ball bearings for riveting problems Replacement of the O-ring by a new bal seal on the AGB starter pad to avoid oil leaks and improve the seal reliability Eliminate from the fleet suspect Accessory Gearbox (AGB) 62 tooth gearshafts Replace suspect gears due to improper application of black oxide finishing Return gears for investigation at the manufacturer plant Replace suspect AGB to eliminate gearshaft assy’s (73 x 44 tooth) that were improperly manufactured during the black oxide process. Provides instructions to replace the suspect gearshafts of affected engines listed in the Appendix A Rework suspect AGB to eliminate starter gearshafts which may rupture due to high residual tensile stress in the gear Replace suspect AGB to eliminate starter gearshafts which may rupture due to high residual tensile stress in the gear Introduce a paint-marked cover assembly on accessory gearbox Introduced a bonded caution plate on hand cranking cover assembly to reduce omission risk of cover reinstallation

- 105 -

Compl 3 3 4 2 9 3

9 9 9 3 3 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 4

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #



















CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Replace suspect accessory gearbox starter gearshafts due to induced crack initiation and fatigue propagation under vibration conditions Improvement of the manufacturing process accordingly Elastomer damper provides dampening and cancel the link weight effect by limiting the gap between the link ends and the fittings The new identification plates reference the new manufacturing manager code Announces production introduction and spare parts availability of new magnetic seal assy, 305-102-303-0, 305-102-304-0 and 335-310-803-0 , new sealol seal assy 305-115-709-0 and 335310-708-0, also provides instruction to rework old magnetic seal assembly 305-102-301-0, 305-102-302-0 and 335-310-802-0 to the new magnetic seal assy 305-102-303-0 ,305-102-304-0 and 335-310-803-0, and rework old sealol seal assy 305-115-704-0 and 335-310-707-0 to the new sealol seal assy 305-115-709-0 and 335-310-708-0 . New Accessory Gearbox assembly 335-300-112-0 equipped with a new handcranking line oil seal assy 335-317-805-0 , a new handcranking cover assy 335-322-806-0 and a new starter drive pad assy 335-300-807-0, of new starter drive pad assy 335-300807-0 also the accomplishment instructions to rework and reidentify the old AGB 335-300-110-0 to the new AGB 335-300112-0.

- 106 -

Compl 3 3 7 7



CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module

Accessory, and Transfer Gearbox Assemblies Minimum Workscope Minimum Workscope is applied on Inlet, AGB and TGB assemblies remaining on the engine (no removal cause). Visually inspect the accessory gearbox and transfer gearbox for security and damage per ESM 72-00-01. Incoming logs should be checked for any reports of high oil consumption. Visually check the gearboxes for evidence of oil leakage. Pay particular attention to carbon seal areas on Accessory Gearbox. (ESM 72-00-62 and 72-00-63) Remove and check all magnetic chip detectors. Use the CFM56 NDT Manual to assist in analyzing any debris. o If particles found on the AGB MCD, or in case of pollution, perform the Accessory drive module full overhaul workscope. Determine if the Transfer Gearbox contains roller bearing P/N 335-304-602-1 or 355-304-601-0. If answer is positive then remove the gearbox and replace the roller bearing. (S/B 72-0732) If the Transfer Gearbox was removed for Aluminum chips discovered in the AGB/TGB chip detector, disassemble and introduce retaining ring modification. Refer to Full Workscope Recommendations for the TGB in Section 5.0. (S/B 72-0788R6) Introduce a bonded caution plate on hand cranking cover assy. (S/B 72-0889) If at the last Accessory Gearbox magnetic chip detector inspection a locking plug was found, replace all axial oil nozzles. (S/B 72-0700) Introduction or rework of Magnetic Seal and Sealol Seal with New O-Ring Material for engine operating with oil BP2197 or MJO254. (S/B 72-1079) Rework old AGB 335-300-110 to 335-300-112 introducing new starter drive pad and new hand cranking cover per S/B 72-1129.

Transfer Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope The Transfer Gearbox assembly should be removed from the fan frame and disassembled in piece part for this level of inspection. Inspect bearings per ESM 72-09-01. Handle bearings with care per CESM 054. Replace the roller bearing P/Ns 335 304 602 0 and 335 304 601 0. (S/B 72-0732) Incorporate 26-tooth gearshaft assembly. This improved gearshaft introduces a new gear tooth summary that results in a reduced vibration level in the TGB. (S/B 72-0599) Replace vespel nut with crimped retaining ring. This requires the modification of the horizontal (27 tooth) bevel gear. (S/B 72-0788 Rev 6) Note: The assembly tooling and process was updated in revision 5 of the S/B to assure a proper assembly. TGB’s modified prior to Revision 4 should be inspected at shop visit for tightness between the ring and the shaft. Incorporate the new 27 tooth gearshaft assembly and crimping ring as a package. (S/B 72-0788) Introduce bolted configuration housing modification at TGB disassembly. (S/B 72-0807) Engines with suspect TGB gears. (S/B 72-0624) Note: Refer to S/B’s for affected engines. o For reduced MCD inspection interval. (S/B 72-0861) o For TGB assembly replacement. (S/B 72-0865) o For replacement of the bevel gears in shop. (S/B 72-0867)

Accessory Gearbox Assembly Full Workscope The Accessory Gearbox Assembly should be separated from the engine for this level of inspection. In addition, Minimum Workscope items must also be taken into account. Inspect bearings per ESM 72-09-01. Handle bearings with care per CESM 054. Check carbon seal for evidence of leakage per ESM 72-63-00. Introduction or rework of Magnetic Seal and Sealol Seal with New O-Ring material for engine operating with oil BP2197 or MJO254. (S/B 72-1079) If the accessory gearbox is disassembled, inspect the axial oil nozzles to assure that they are properly installed (limited to 40 gearbox S/N’s) as listed in S/B 72-0700. Check the starter pad bearing - remove pad and inspect the bearing at piece part per S/B 72-0768. Starter Pad - Replace Sealol Seal with the Ball Seal per S/B 72-0811. Rework old AGB 335-300-110 to 335-300-112 introducing new starter drive pad and new hand cranking cover per S/B 72-1129.

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module

Check Oil Flow Restrictor on the Starter Gearshaft per S/B 72-0407. Introduce a bonded caution plate on hand cranking cover assembly per S/B 72-0889. Engines with suspect AGB gears: Note: Refer to S/B’s for affected engines. o o o o o o

Reduced MCD inspection interval. (S/B 72-0861) 62 tooth gearshaft replacement. (S/B 72-0861) Lube unit, fuel package, intermediate, and CSD gearshaft replacement (S/B 72-0869). Gearshaft Assy (73 x 44 tooth) equipped replacement (S/B 72-0873). Starter gearshaft replacement per (S/B 72-0877) Starter gearshaft rework per (S/B 72-0882)

If an AGB bearing is found damaged after inspection per ESM 72-63-00 and no particles found on the AGB MCD, change only the bearing damaged. (NDT Manual 72-63-00) If an AGB bearing is found damaged after inspection per ESM 72-63-00 and particles found on the AGB MCD and/or the AGB line is found eccentric, change all the AGB ball bearings and the adjacent lines and roller bearings. (NDT Manual 72-63-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module

Accessory Gearbox Assembly (72-63-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Accessory Drive Module

Transfer Gearbox Assembly (72-63-00)

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope


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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Controls and Accessories)


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #









































73-00 73-00

73-0126 73-0132
















74-00 74-00 74-00

74-0004 74-0008 74-0009

x x

x x







75-00 75-00

72-0950 75-0008




75-00 75-00 75-00

75-0020 75-0022 75-0030

x x


M x M


x x x



x M


CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

DESCRIPTIONS Check of identification of center bolt clamping the end cover to the matrix Introduces large tip fuel nozzles with have an outer wear sleeve welded onto the existing small tip and a flange pin to engage a scallop in the mating surface with the combustion case. This will reduce tip wear at the point of contact with the combustor swirler. Introduce a new fuel pump with a modified shimming of the boost stage impeller/inducer cluster and impeller shroud Introduce new PMC to address N1 oscillations and EGT overshoot issues Increase in Torque Motor Current (TMC) Authority Limits Check and Replacement of Self-Locking Inserts Replace low running torque nuts (could lose clamp force) Introduce a new stationary shaft seal to improve reliability against shaft leaks Remove the fuel nozzle flange pin to increase commonality A known quantity of boost stage drive shafts V/I/N 216160 have been machined incorrectly, possibly reducing shaft service life by up to 30%. Introduce a new interface gasket between MEC and fuel pump Introduce a new impeller drive shaft that is more resistant to spline wear Introduce a new boost stage drive shaft that is more resistant to spline wear Perform a field check to determine the extent of tip wear on fuel nozzles Convert MFP solid bronze bearings to Aluminum/Bronze Bearings Inspection of Fuel Filter Cover Attachment Parts Introduction of a New Bearing Seal Introduction of the fuel meter downstream filter to prevent nozzle from contamination New filter element with anti-rotation tab at each end cap and preinstalled preformed packings To introduce a new matched set of gears with proven resistance to gear tooth scoring Provide an improved filter cover retention design that precludes cover bolt over torque damage Reduces spark rate and energy from ignition exciter (better plug, lead life) Changes plug and lead - improves lead life Additional brackets for chafing problems Introduction of ignition leads with type 4 connectors Inspection of VSV feedback cable plain rod-end bearings Introduction of a new main flexible shaft assembly and flexible shaft and ferrule Incorporate sealed VSV feedback cable Introduction of new gear bore epoxy coating Introduction of TCC valve with metal gasket stage 5 valve Lee plug assembly installation fix Introduction of a new hydraulic gear motor Introduction of TCC valve, P/N 7061M31G04

- 112 -

Compl 3


4 7 Next MEC shop visit 3 3 6 2 3 7 6 6 2 3 4 3 3 7 6 3 3 3 7 7 2 7 7 7 2 3 7 3

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope


CFM Sorting P R I O


S/B #



75-00 75-00 75-00

75-0034 75-0037 75-0039











































x x x x


O x x M x x

x x

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DESCRIPTIONS Master ballscrew actuator and ballscrew actuator inspection of the matched bevel gear set V/I/N 3238242-1 Inspection/Rework of VBV stop mechanism support arm New HPTCC air manifold with redesigned check valve Rework or replacement of stop mechanism ball bearings Rework or replacement of master ballscrew actuator and ballscrew actuator components to increase service life Introduction of turbine clearance control valve 7061M31G05 Introduction of new EGT fwd wiring harness with lug terminal Modification of the 9 probes harness mounting system from a rigid to a flexible configuration Introduce an improved electrical insulation block material to eliminate the potential loss of seal and ensure better reliability Provides instructions to improve the integrity of the electrical connectors that prevents oil from contaminating the solder joints Introduction of new or reworked EGT wiring harnesses and new or reworked extension cable Introduction of new lub unit with new split bushings Introduction of a new retention bar assy for magnetic chip detector Replacement of magnetic plug by standard plug Introduction of a new gasket seal between the heat exchanger and the servo fuel heater Replacement of Fluorosilicone by Fluorocarbone O-rings (Category 2 for engines using or having used Mobil Jet Oil 290. Category 5 for others.) Replacement of fluorosilicone by fluorocarbone o-rings Replacement of fluorosilicone by fluorocarbone diaphgram on the indicator cap assembly Monitor oil pressure rend and oil consumption trend in order to implement cleaning procedures if necessary Introduction of New Packing Preformed O-Rings in Fluorocarbone with Better Performance at Low Temperature Oil consumption monitoring will allow to detect the oil leak only on engine lubricated by BP2197 or MJO254 pre-SB 72-1079

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Compl 4 4 7 7 7 6 7 2 3

4 7 2 2 7 2 2, 5 2 2 2 3


CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope Component and Accessory Time Limits (Soft-Times) It is recommended that the following actions be carried out at the first shop visit after the component/accessory reaches the threshold time:


Aging (Hours) <6000 6000<_<12000 >12000 <6000 >6000 >6000 6000<_<12000 >12000 <6000 >6000

Minimum Workscope Test Overhaul Minimum Workscope Test Minimum Workscope Bench Overhaul Minimum Workscope Test


Minimum Workscope

<15000 >15000 <12000 >12000 <25000 >25000 <12000 >12000 <12000 >12000 <6000 >6000

Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope Full Workscope


Refer to CESM 005

Minimum Workscope (CESM 005)



Minimum Workscope



Main Fuel Pump



Fuel Nozzles

73-11-42 73-11-42


73-21-13 73-21-16 73-21-17


CIT Sensor



PMC Control Assembly

73-21-33 73-21-35 73-21-36


Servo Fuel Heater



T12 Sensor

73-21-41 73-21-43


Downstream Fuel Filter (DSFF)



Control Parameter Wiring Harness



Alternator Electrical Lead Assembly

73-21-63 73-21-73


Fan Inlet Temperature (T2) Sensor



Main Engine Control (MEC)

Igniter Plug

Ignition Exciter

74-21-32 74-21-34 74-21-35 74-21-36 74-21-37 74-11-12 74-11-15

Ignition Lead




Turbine Clearance Control Timer



Solenoid Valve Timer



>6000 < 6000 >6000

Turbine Clearance Control Valve



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Task To Be Done

Minimum Workscope (CESM 005) Test Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Overhaul (On-Condition After S/B 75-0030)

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope



VBV Gear Motor



VBV Doors (with Master)

75-31-51 75-31-61


VBV Stop Mechanism



VBV Flexible Shaft



VBV Feedback Cable

75-31-72 75-31-82


VSV Actuator

75-32-11 75-32-15


VSV Feedback Cable

75-31-79 75-32-21


Start Bleed Valve N1 Speed Sensor

75-25-11 77-11-13

All All

Aging (Hours) <6000 6000< _ <12000 >12000 <6000 6000< _ <12000 >12000 <6000 6000< _ <12000 >12000 <6000 6000<_<12000 >12000 <3000 3000<_<12000 >12000 <6000 6000<_<12000 >12000 <3000 3000<_<12000 >12000 >15000 On-Condition

Rotor/Generator Stator Alternating current




Minimum Workscope

All All

<12000 >12000 >12000

Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Test


Shop Visit


On- Condition

Minimum Workscope

Oil Cap

77-21-23 77-21-24 77-21-43 77-31-13 77-31-15 77-31-17 77-31-18 79-11-14


Lubrication Unit



Oil/Fuel Heat Exchanger

79-21-22 79-21-24


On- Condition <12000 >12000 <10000 >10000

Oil Scavenge Filter Assembly

79-21-31 79-21-35


On- Condition

Oil Tank




Minimum Workscope Minimum Workscope Overhaul Minimum Workscope Full Workscope Minimum Workscope, if not removed Full Workscocpe, if removed Minimum Workscope


T495 thermocouple wiring harness EGT Trim Box No. 1 Bearing Vibration Sensor TRF Vibration Sensor

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Task To Be Done Minimum Workscope Test Overhaul Minimum Workscope Test Overhaul Minimum Workscope Test Overhaul Minimum Workscope Inspect per AMM Inspect/Test CMM Minimum Workscope Engine Level Pull Check CMM Level Pull Check Minimum Workscope Test Overhaul Minimum Workscope Engine level Pull Check CMM Level Pull Check Test Minimum Workscope

Resistance Check

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Controls and Accessories Workscope

Controls & Accessories Workscopes Refer to previous page for recommended component and overhaul timing guidelines. Refer to applicable Component Maintenance Manual (CMM), Engine Shop Manual (ESM), or Service Bulletin (S/B) as required to address unusual conditions, maintenance tasks, and component inspections and/or rework.

Fuel and Control Systems (ATA 73) Main Fuel Pump (MFP) CMM 73-11-11 Check if MFP is included in S/B 73-0115 for recalled suspect MFP’s with impeller nuts. If so, comply with S/B 73-0115. Comply with CESM 060 to determine if MFP is affected by gear tooth scoring. Minimum Workscope o Replace fuel filter element and check pump and old filter for contamination. If bronze contamination is found, clean and overhaul the following components and flush all fuel lines and manifolds: MEC, MFP, CIT sensor, main and servo heat exchangers, VBV gear motor, VSV actuators, and fuel nozzles. o Inspect MFP fuel filter for particles. Note: If DSFF is installed, replace DSFF but, do not replace fuel Nozzles. o Determine if the boost stage drive shaft is in a suspect group per S/B 73-0108. o Incorporate the new fuel pump cover with new filter cover attachment per S/B 73-A0129 to preclude cover bolt over-torque damage. o Introduce a new bearing seal per S/B 73-0132 o Introduce a downstream fuel filter per S/B 73-0134 o Determine the type of self-locking MEC-to-MFP attachment nuts. Replace low-running torque with the standard-running torque per S/B 73-0080. o Convert MFP solid bronze bearings to Aluminum/Bronze Bearings per S/B 73-0120. o Inspect the boost stage spline shafts for wear. If wear is found, perform full overhaul. (CESM 044) Test Note: Check filter element before testing MFP o Replace filter element. o Bench test per corresponding Component Maintenance Manual. o Check the free rotation of the impeller shaft o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary. Overhaul o Inspect MFP Fuel Filter for Particles. o Incorporate the new impeller drive shaft and boost stage drive shaft per S/B 73-0112 and 73-0113. o Incorporate improved gasket whenever pump and MEC are separated. (S/B 73-0109) o Introduction of new pump gears per S/B 73-0144. o Inspect filter cover attachment parts per S/B 73-0126. o Modify the shimming of the boost stage impeller/inducer cluster and impeller shroud per S/B 73-0036. o Determine if the new stationary seal configuration should be installed (P/N 218304 - Rev C is recommended) per S/B 73-0085. o Incorporate new filter element with anti-rotation tab per S/B 73-0141 o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary. o Overhaul per corresponding CMM: disassemble, clean, inspect, repair as/if required, assemble and test

Main Engine Control (MEC installed on the engine) CMM 73-21-15, 73-21-16 or 73-21-17 Refer to APPENDIX Section (Workscope Guidelines for MEC Improvements)

Fuel Nozzles CMM 73-11-42 and -43 Minimum Workscope o o o

Visually inspect the manifold for leaks. If fuel nozzle requires replacement, ensure that the mating surfaces are clean. Replace C-ring seals. Replace the lugless fuel nozzles per S/B 73-0107

Full Workscope o Clean, inspect, and bench test fuel nozzles. o Incorporate large-tip fuel nozzles with proper changes to the combustion case and combustor per S/B 73-0022. o Pressurize the fuel manifold and inspect for leakage. o X-ray inspect fuel nozzles per CESM 046. CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

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Note: If Fuel Nozzles are exposed to contamination (I.E. The DSFF is not installed and a MFP bearing failure occurs, or other contamination, overhaul Fuel Nozzles.

Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor (T25) CMM 73-21-22 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect exposed areas of the sensing coils for nicks, dents, and accumulation of oil or debris per CMM 73-21-22. o Check for security of attachment per CMM 73-21-22. Full Workscope o Bench Test

Power Management Control (PMC) CMM 73-21-33, 73-21-35 or 73-21-36 Minimum Workscope o Inspect all electrical connections for damage and corrosion, take action as required in CMM. o If fluctuating parameters exist, consider disassembly and inspection for chafed wiring. Full Workscope o Bench test the PMC o Introduce new PMC per S/B 73-0043

T12 Temperature Sensor CMM 73-21-41 or 43 Minimum Workscope o In addition to the normal visual inspection, disconnect the connector plug and inspect electrical connection for damage and corrosion. Take action as required. (CMM 73-21-41 / 43) Full Workscope o Bench test as per CMM 73-21-41 or 43

Control Parameter Wiring Harness CMM 73-21-61 Minimum Workscope o Perform Visual Inspections of Harness per CMM 73-21-61 o Disconnect all cannon plugs and inspect the electrical connections for damage and corrosion. Take corrective action as required. (CMM 73-21-61) Full Workscope o Bench test as per CMM 73-21-61

Alternator Electrical Lead Assembly CMM 73-21-63 or 73-21-73 Minimum Workscope o Perform Visual Inspections of Harness per CMM 73-21-63 or 73 o Disconnect all connector plugs and inspect the electrical connections for damage and corrosion. Take corrective action as required. (CMM 73-21-63 or 73) Full Workscope o Bench test as per CMM 73-21-63 or 73

Fan Inlet Temperature Assembly (T2) Sensor CMM 73-21-71 Minimum Workscope o During normal visual inspection pay particular attention to exposed areas of the sensing coils for nicks, dents, and accumulation of debris per CMM 73-21-71. Full Workscope o Bench test CMM 73-21-71

Servo Fuel Heater CMM 73-11-22 or 73-11-78 Minimum Workscope o Visually check for security and leakage o Check the housing for cracks or bulges o Clean and inspect per CMM 73-11-22 or 78 o Inspect bolts and replace per S/B 73-0018 o Inspect inserts and replace per S/B 73-0068 CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

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Full Workscope o Bench check per CMM 73-11-22 or 78 o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary.

Fuel nozzle filter (DSFF) CMM 73-11-47 Minimum Workscope o Visually check for security and leakage o Introduce a Downstream Fuel Filter o In any case, replace filter if a Downstream Fuel Filter was already installed o In case of Main Fuel Pump bearing failure or MFP filter clogging/bypass, replace filter per S/B 73-0134 Full Workscope o Comply with CMM 73-11-47 o Replace fuel filter cartridge and install a new one o The following components have only one level workscope:  PMC  Incorporate the increased downtrim authority per CMM 73-21-35 and S/B 73-0048 o If fluctuating parameters exist, consider disassembly and inspection for chafed wiring. o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary

Ignition System (ATA 74) Ignition Exciter CMM 74-11-12 / 15 Minimum Workscope o Replace suspect ignition exciters per S/B 74-0012. o Check ignition exciter mounting and ground straps for security, and connector threads for damage. (ESM 72-00-01, CMM 74-11-12, 74-11-15) Full Workscope o Bench Test ignition exciters. Inspect solder joint between the case and lid assuring airtight seal. o Change to low energy exciter per S/B 74-0002

Ignition Leads CMM 74-21-12 Minimum Workscope o Replace outer seal on type 4 style lead per CMM 74-21-12 o Polish lead contact per CMM 74-21-12. Full Workscope o Upgrade to type 4 ignition leads and plugs per S/B 74-0004 o Incorporate improved routing for the left hand lead per S/B 74-0008 o Upgrade to symmetrical outer seal on leads with type 4 connectors per S/B 74-0009 o Rebuild ignition leads (rest ring) per CMM 74-21-12. o Inspect/repair conduit. o Replace cable, contacts, insulators, etc.

Igniter Plug CMM 74-21-32 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 Minimum Workscope o Establish life remaining for the plugs per CESM 005 and take appropriate action. Full Workscope o Upgrade to type 4 ignition leads and plugs per S/B 74-0004 o Replace ignition plugs.

Air System (ATA 75) Turbine Clearence Control Timer CMM 75-21-21 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect the TCC timer for damage or leaks per CMM 75-21-21 Full Workscope o Bench Check the TCC timer and inspect the housing for leaks at plugged ports. Repair if necessary per CMM 75-21-21 and S/B 75-0020. CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

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Controls and Accessories Workscope

Solenoid Valve Timer CMM 75-21-23 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect the Timer valve lockout solenoid for damage or leaks. Full Workscope o Clean, inspect, and test for proper operation per CMM 75-21-23

Turbine Clearance Control Valve CMM 75-21-30 Minimum Workscope o Clean and visually inspect all piping o Inspect the valve and check actuation arm for wear and overtravel per CMM 75-21-30 o Incorporate new TCC valve gasket per S/B 75-0011 Full Workscope o Overhaul the TCC valve per CMM 75-21-30 and incorporate the butterfly stops if not previously installed per S/B 75-0030 o Incorporate improved manifold check valve per S/B 75-0037 o Introduce new TCC valve per S/B 75-0048

VBV Fuel Gear Motor CMM 75-31-12 Minimum Workscope o o o

Visually inspect the VBV and Fuel Gear Motor for evidence of leakage per CMM 75-31-12 Pump the Bleed valve door open and closed checking for binding or sticking. In case of binding, perform ESM Task 72-00-00-801-073. Check Bleed Valve Fuel Gear Motor inlet screens for evidence of expoxy material per S/B 75-0008 and replace the VBV Fuel Gear Motor if any is found.

Full Workscope o Overhaul the VBV gear motor o Incorporate new gear motor per S/B 75-0022

VBV Stop Mechanism CMM 75-31-21 Minimum Workscope o Check for damage and smooth operation during the VBV fuel gear motor cycle check. o Clean, inspect, and lubricate the feedback arm uniballs with LPS-1. Use Mobil 28 grease on the VBV stop mechanism per CMM 75-31-21. Full Workscope o Overhaul the VBV stop mechanism per CMM 75-31-21. o Determine if the VBV stop mechanism support arms are part of the suspect list to inspect per S/B 75-0034 o Rework or replace stop mechanism ball bearings and Torque Tube per S/B 75-0049.

VBV Flexible Shaft Assembly CMM 75-31-31 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect flexible shaft assembly for damage. o Disengage the VBV flex shaft from the actuator and visually inspect for wear on shaft ends and check for loose wires per CMM 75-31-31. In case of wear, perform ESM task 72-00-00-810-073. Note:

Once all of the VBV system components are determined serviceable perform static rigging on systems and adjust as required.

Full Workscope o Disengage the VBV flex shaft from the actuator and visually inspect for wear on shaft ends and check for loose wires per CMM 75-31-31. o Introduce new flexible shaft and ferrule per S/B 72-0824

VBV Master Ballscrew Actuator and Ballscrew Actuator CMM 75-31-51 and 75-31-61 Minimum Workscope o Check for full travel and smooth operation of the actuators during the VBV fuel gear motor cycle check.

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Controls and Accessories Workscope Full Workscope o Determine if the VBV master/slave ball screw actuators requires replacement of the powdered metal gears per S/B 75-0032 o Overhaul the VBV ball screw actuators as required per S/B 75-0040, CMM 75-31-51 and 75-31-61 o Incorporate sealed bearings and grease fittings per S/B 75-0046 and S/B 75-0047.

VBV Feedback Cable CMM 75-31-72 or 75-31-82 Minimum Workscope o Perform cable travel and pull checks o Clean, inspect, and lubricate the cable uniballs with LPS-1 Note: Once the VBV systems components are determined serviceable, perform static rigging on systems and adjust as required.

VSV Actuator CMM 75-32-11 or 75-32-15 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect the VSV actuator for security and leakage. Pump open and close, checking for any binding, sticking, or evidence of heat damage per CMM 75-32-11 or 15. Full Worksccope o Clean, inspect, and bench test both VSV actuators per CMM 75-32-11 or 15. o Determine if new VSV Rod End Bearings should be installed per S/B 72-0773

VSV Feedback Cable CMM 75-32-21 or 75-31-79 Minimum Workscope o Perform cable travel and pull checks o Clean, inspect, and lubricate the cable uniballs with LPS-1 o Incorporate sealed VSV feedback cable if applicable per S/B 72-0950. Note: Once the VSV systems components are determined serviceable, perform static rigging on systems and adjust as required. Full Worksccope o Perform a bench test per the CMM. Overhaul as necessary. (CMM 75-31-72 and 75-32-27)

Indication System (ATA 77) N1 Speed Sensor CMM 77-11-13 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect the threads and pins for security or damage per CMM 77-11-13. Full Workscope o Overhaul and test the sensor per CMM 77-11-13. o Incorporate improved N1 Speed Sensor Head Sealing per S/B 77-0022

AC Generator (Stator and Rotor Assemblies) N2 Alternator CMM 77-11-21 Minimum Workscope o Incorporate the grommetless design per S/B 77-0023. Note: Previous configuration may lead to PMC off without cockpit indication. o Check security and inspect the electrical connector. Full Workscope o Test the N2 Alternator per CMM 77-11-21

T495 Thermocople Wiring Harness CMM 77-21-24 Minimum Workscope o Before removal, check with hot air gun the electromotive force (EMF) probe reaction o Inspect the thermocouple harness for cracks, erosion, or burning per S/B 77-0015 o Examine the EGT probes for damage indicating possible LPT nozzle rotation. o Check for incorporation of S/B 77-0028

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Controls and Accessories Workscope Full Workscope o Inspect and perform EGT harness operational and electrical checks per CMM 77-21-23 or 24 o Comply with S/B 77-0018 o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary.

EGT Trim Box CMM 77-21-43 Inspection & bench Test per CMM 77-21-43

No. 1 Bearing Vibration Sensor CMM 77-31-13 or 77-31-15 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect the vibration sensor electrical connector threads and pins for damage or corrosion o Test per ESM 72-00-01-220-071 If removed perform Full Workscope o Inspect and Bench test per CMM 77-31-13 or 77-31-15

TRF Vibration Sensor CMM 77-31-17 / 77-31-18 Minimum workscope o Visually inspect the vibration sensor electrical connector threads and pins for damage Full Workscope o Inspect and Bench test per CMM 77-31-17 or 77-31-18.

Oil System (ATA 79) Oil Cap CMM 79-11-14 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect for damage per CMM 79-11-14. o Insure that the oil tank cap can be properly locked to tank per CMM 79-11-14. o Incorporate S/B 79-0079 if not previously done o Incorporate S/B 79-0082 if not previously done

Oil Tank CMM 79-11-13 Minimum Workscope o Visually inspect for damage or signs of leakage per CMM 79-11-13. o Flushing and cleaning to be sure that there is no build up of RTV or any other contamination per CMM 7911-13. o Incorporate S/B 79-0057 and 79-0077 if not previously incorporated. If necessary, perform: Full Workscope o Bench test per CMM 79-11-13

Lubrication Unit CMM 79-21-12 Minimum Workscope Note: If the engine had a bearing failure prior to overhaul the lube and scavenge pump must be fully overhauled and the fuel/oil heat exchanger must be thoroughly flushed to remove debris. o Check for evidence of leakage, clogging indicators, and debris in the scavenge screens (3) and magnetic plugs. o Replace both the supply and scavenge filter and associated seals. Lubricate the filter bowls with dry-film lubricant prior to installation. o If oil system shows heavy contamination, overhaul the lube unit per the CMM 79-21-12. o Check and incorporate S/B 79-0017, 79-0055, 79-0075 and 79-0080 if not previously done. Full Workscope o Overhaul and test the lube pump per CMM 79-21-12 o Check the S/B’s mentioned in the Minimum Workscope. Comply with, if necessary.

Oil/Fuel Heat Exchanger CMM 79-21-22 or 79-21-24 Minimum Workscope CFM Proprietary Information Subject to restrictions on the front page

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Controls and Accessories Workscope o Visually check for security and leakage per CMM 79-21-22 and 79-21-24 o Check the housing for cracks or bulges. Full workscope o Bench check per CMM 79-21-22 and 79-21-24 o New gasket seal between the heat exchanger and servo fuel heater before 1500 flight hours for engines using Jet Oil 291 (MJO 291) (S/B 79-0073). o Introduction of new fluorocarbon O-rings. (S/B 79-0075 and 0076)

Oil scavenge filter assembly CMM 79-21-31 or 79-21-35 If not removed, perform Minimum Workscope Note: If the engine had a bearing failure prior to overhaul, the oil scavenge filter assembly must be fully overhauled and flushed to remove debris. o Visually inspect for evidence of leaks and damage. Check the clogging indicator. o Replace the filter element and associated seals. Lubricate the filter bowls with dry-film lubricant prior to installation. o If oil system shows heavy contamination, overhaul the oil scavenge filter per CMM. If removed, perform Full Workscope o Overhaul and test the oil scavenge filter assembly per CMM

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements


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Special Test Requirements A. B. C D.

Test cell must be equipped with isolation soft forward and aft engine mounts and a fan nozzle in which the area is capable of being increased. not-to-exceed guideline of 6 mils vibration should be used during all running to prevent unnecessary rubs and performance loss. HPT clearance control timer (if installed) must be deactivated for all testing. Engine damage may occur if timer is activated in the incorrect sequence. The following vibration guidelines are recommended to reduce installed engine maintenance intervention due to cabin noise, vibration/rumble complaints and performance deterioration: HP System:

1.3 ips on both No. 1 bearing and TRF at Steady State and Transient

LP System:

2.5 mils on No. 1 bearing up to 4,900 rpm 3.5 mils on No. 1 bearing above 4,900 rpm 2.5 mils on TRF up to 4,900 rpm 3.5 mils on TRF above 4,900 rpm

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Recommended Test Cell Procedure for Full Performance Build Workscope Note: If deviations to these recommendations are considered for special testing or other reasons, contact CFMI for review to avoid unexpected adverse engine effects. A.

Follow Engine Shop Mannual (ESM) procedures. The following comments highlight special testing concerns: Air motor engine, while observing starter limitations: o Start:  If the engine has not been operated during the previous eight (8) hours, dry motor the engine for 90 seconds. Obey the starter duty cycle limit.  If the engine has not been operated during the previous eight (8) hours, dry motor the engine for four (4) minutes. Obey the starter duty cycle limits. o Shutdown:  After core coast-down, air motor the engine for a minimum of two minutes. If the engine is still above 100°C, continue to air motor to under 100°C EGT.

B. C. D. E.


5,100 rpm high speed vibration survey should not be performed on engines with No. 5 oil damped bearing installed. Stall testing should not be performed for fully refurbished engines. (Include for partially refurbished engines and especially for continue-timed HP compressors.) Eliminate throttle burst other than those specified in the Engine Shop Manual (ESM). Eliminate additional high power running other than those specified in the (ESM). Avoid: o CFM56-3-B1, CFM56-3B-2, and CFM56-3C performance points during the same test o Added time at power, especially M/C and takeoff. If the engine is shut down after the 30 second accel/decel during testing, perform the following warm-up on restart (provides adequate warm-up and stabilization prior to taking performance points): Start engine. Hold at minimum idle (Ground Idle) for five minutes. One minute accel to Max Continous, hold for five minutes. One minute decel to Ground Idle, hold for five minutes (if the next step is to hold at Ground Idle for five minutes, then limit total time at Ground Idle to five minutes).

G. Limit time at Max Continous to five minutes just prior to takeoff performance point during performance test. Previous requirement was 10 minutes at Max Continous if engine was shut down. Warm-up requirements (defined in Step F.) reduces 10 minutes Max Continuous ESM requirement to five minutes.

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Workscope Guidelines for Refurbishment of Engines with Slow Acceleration Perform an inbound test cell run to confirm the slow acceleration. Confirm that the VBV rigging is acceptable; the VSV rigging is acceptable and check the CIT sensor. If slow acceleration is confirmed, run TEMPER to assess module health. A. Engines with good EGT Margin (Greater Than 10°C) Remove LPT Major Module. Remove Module 12 (HPT Shroud Support Assembly). Remove HPT Rotor. Remove HPTR Nozzle Assembly. Inspect: o HPT Nozzle Trailing Edge Bow TO 0.020-Inch Assembly Level (ESM Limits). o Remove and Inspect External Pressure Seal for cracking and missing material (replace with coated external pressure seal, (If Required). o Measure and record HPT J05 clearance (HPT blades to shrouds). Compare to ESM 72-00-02 Assembly Limits. o Refurbish 4Tooth honeycomb seal (HPT Outer Stationary Seal). See performance workscope for match grinding of seal. Assemble per ESM, including HPT Horizontal Linipot. Perform HPT vertical linipot if core removed. B. Engines with poor EGTM (Less Than 10°C) Remove LPT Major Module. Remove and Disassemble Core. Refurbish CORE (HPC, Combustor And HPT) to full performance restoration workscope. In addition to the items mentioned above, measure and re-furbish aft stages of the High-Pressure Compressor and perform tasks included in CESM055 and Workscope Guidelines for MEC Improvement per this section.

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Workscope Guidelines for MEC Improvements Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (MEC Improvements)


S/B #




Introduction of a new MEC N2K (Top Hat) filter screen V/I/N 3005-184.



Incorporate the altitude bias servo stop mechanism



Incorporate Increased Downtrim Authority

Compl Ref. S/B Ref. S/B Ref. S/B

Do Full Workscope Full Workscope Full Workscope

If the engine/MEC has experienced High Altitude descent N1 Hang-Up 73-00


Incorporate the new MEC decal multiplier

Ref. S/B

Full Workscope

Note: The increased minimum flow and 5th stage start bleed valve modification must be incorporated concurrently. 73-00


Incorporate the improved altitude relight capability

Ref. S/B

Full Workscope



Replace non-running torque MEC attach nuts with standard running torque nuts

Ref. S/B

Full Workscope


Full Workscope


Full Workscope


Full Workscope

Use of Fluorocarbon (Viton) Preformed Packings in Main Engine Controls 73-00


Symptom: Fuel leaks due to fluorosilicone seals. External seals are fluorosilicone and have a high compression set over time. Viton o-rings are used in place of fluorosilicone O-rings. TC3 Cam Follower Replacement



Symptoms: Failure of the HPT clearance control system to activate. Improvement in T3 cam follower to prevent disengagement of follower from the cam. Improvement of plug retention on pilot valves and unloading valves



Symptom: Slow accel, fluctuations, minimum fuel flow condition. Double retention of the governor pilot valve lee plug, CDP, CIT, and Tach pilot valve orifice plates and pump unloading valve plug prevent liberation of the plugs and orifice plates.

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S/B #





Full Workscope


Full Workscope

Introduction of Nitronic 60 Pins 73-00


Symptom: "Rich fuel flow scheduling due to wear of the fuel flow scheduling linkage". Linkage wear can cause rich fuel flow resulting in hot starts or slow / hung decels. Improved linkage pin material will increase pin life. (Ref. Fleet Highlites February '99) Improvements to Buffer Spring Assembly Design



Symptoms: High time MECs can allow engine fluctuations/instabilities due to side loading, friction, and wear of the buffer piston spring assembly. New spring design will result in less side loading and reduce the wear rate and reduce the friction which can lead to instabilities. Improvements to CDP needle bearing design



Symptoms: Wear can lead to rich fuel flow scheduling causing high EGT at low engine rpm. Friction can cause low flows and starting problems.


Full Workscope

Improved Jump & Rate Assembly Design 73-00


Symptoms: Flameout during sudden deceleration on the ground due to disbanding of the orifice plate. Double retention of the orifice plate is introduced.

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Full Workscope

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements Main Engine Control (MEC) Improvements A.


The Main Engine Control (MEC) has proven to be very reliable through the history of the CFM56-3 engine operation. Most of the problems that are being seen to date On Wing are due to high time between overhauls or MECs that had received a limited workscope which resulted in a life shorter than expected. Additionally, there have been many reliability improvements made to the MEC hardware that operators are not incorporating. Several events have occurred recently due to MEC hardware that failed but a critical improvement to the hardware had been made available by a service bulletin issued over fifteen years ago. In these cases, the MECs had several shop visits since the introduction of the improvement but the improvements were not incorporated. MEC hardware improvements are available through S/B’s and can be incorporated at customer option but this document lists highly recommended S/B’s that will prevent operational problems. For a comprehensive list of service bulletins and improvements, by MEC part number, refer to Commercial Engine Service Memorandum (CESM) No.055 as well as the CFM56 Power of Flight S/B listing. Minimum Level (MEC installed on the engine) o Visually inspect for leakage and damage per CMM 73-21-16. o Check the pull force on the VSV and VBV feedback cables and rigging per applicable CMM. o Check VSV reversing rod, reversing arm, VSV and VBV feedback levers for corrosion and looseness o Check the power trim screw for evidence of leakage. o Lubricate the VSV and VBV rod-end bearings using LPS-1. Full Overhaul Level o Incorporate Increased Downtrim Authority per S/B 73-0048. o Incorporate the improved altitude relight capability per S/B 73-0070. o Incorporate the altitude bias servo stop mechanism per S/B 73-0045. o If the engine/MEC has experienced high altitude descent N1 hang-up, incorporate the new MEC decel multiplier per S/B 73-0058. Note: The increased minimum flow and 5th stage start bleed valve modification must be incorporated concurrently. o o o o o o

Incorporate the increased torque motor authority limits (S/B 73-0048) and N2K screen replacement per S/B 73-0041. Inspect the power trim screws for leaks. Replace with latest configuration screw to prevent leaks per appropriate CMM. Replace non-running torque MEC attach nuts with standard running torque nuts per S/B 730080. Replace the fluorosilicone seals (blue) with Viton seals (black) per S/B 73-0084. Rework the TC3 cam follower on engines configured with a TCC timer per S/B 73-0104. Rework MEC Plugs to minimize acceleration problems per S/B 73-0117.

Caution: Do not reuse wire clips per CMM. Operational problems have been seen that resulted from a broken wire retaining clip. o o



Example of CMM statements regarding reuse of clips and retaining rings. DISASSEMBLY TASK 73-21-17-99C-301-A01  3.1 General  3.1.6. Clips, wire retaining rings, and preformed packings should be discarded when removed and not reused. Task and Subtask List for ASSEMBLY (INCLUDING STORAGE)  General  7.1.6. Some pins are retained by clips. Verify proper installation and retention of all clips. If a clip is removed during assembly, discard the clip and replace it.

Service Evaluation to Determine Soft Time 44% of the MEC removals that are confirmed for removal cause are due to high fuel flow due to wear of fuel scheduling hardware. The units are typically exhibiting wear of the fuel summing linkage pins and adjoining linkage. As wear increases, the fuel schedule becomes richer at all rpm. Eventually, this becomes noticeable during engine start

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when starting EGT begins to approach the 725°C limit. At top of descent, the affected engine may exhibit a slow decel and a high N1 rpm resulting in a mismatched N1. 15% of the MEC removals that are confirmed for removal cause are due to engine rpm fluctuation or instabilities. These units are found to have wear in the governor system that results in friction and inability for the system to maintain a constant rpm. Both of the above problems are typical of high time MECs. In order to provide the most reliable operation, CFM provides a general recommendation of a bench test at 6,000 hours and a full overhaul at 12,000 hours Some operators have experienced operational problems in fewer hours than the CFM recommendation. Therefore, each operator must determine the optimal overhaul interval for their operating environment. In order to determine an appropriate soft time for full overhaul, the average deterioration rate of MECs can be accomplished at incoming bench test in order to determine the fuel schedule enrichment, governor system stability, and overall serviceability. For the best results, this evaluation must be performed on MECs that were fully overhauled at last shop visit and had full compliance of S/B 730130. If available, the evaluation should be performed on at least 10 units. Fuel enrichment - The amount of fuel enrichment that is opserved will be instrumental in determining a soft time for overhaul. Engines that have consistantly been experiencing start EGT of 650°C or more and/or hung decels may have approximately 10% or more fuel enrichment. Establish overhaul soft time that will prevent MEC from reaching 10% enrichment. Over the years, the CFM56-3 engine is seeing higher On Wing times with introduction of improved hardware. The Advanced Upgrade engines are operating 20,000 cycles following upgrade (S/B 721000). This results in engine On Wing time exceeding On Wing capability of the MEC. MECs that will be installed on Advanced Upgrade engines should receive a full overhaul at each shop visit as determined by the operator’s established soft time. Since the fuel summing linkage has a large impact on reliability, it is recommended that all pins and adjoining linkage are replaced at a full overhaul.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements

HPT Blade Versus Forward Inner Nozzle Support Interchangeability Reference S/B 72-0247 for complete details about interchangeability. Use of low-flow fins with Rene’ 125 HPT Blades will result in a slight HPT Blade life reduction.

DSR’80 Blade Quantity

Rene’ 125 Blade Quantity



Low flow only

5 or more


Low flow only

Up to 4


Low or high flow



Low or high flow

HPT Forward Inner Nozzle Support (Fins) Configuration

HPT Blade Configuration o DSR’80: 9530M95P03, P06 o Rene’ 125: All other CFM56-3 part numbers HPT Forward Inner Nozzle Support Configuration o Low Flow: 1317M70G01 o 1808M30G01, G03, G04, G06, G08 o 9529M97G02, G05, G07, G08, G10, G12, G14 High Flow: o o o

1275M71G09, G11 1476M15G02, G03, G04, G06, G07 1808M30G05, G09, G10, G11, G12 9529M97G06, G09, G11, G13, G15

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements

Repair Codes for HPC Blade Repair and HPT Blade Repair High Pressure Compressor) Blade Repair Codes


Repair Vendor




ESM Blade Chord Repair


TSE (Turbine Support Europa)

Fan & Compressor Blades


Marked at the top of the platform represents 3D aero Blades

D EDM or Δ

EDM of Texas






GEASO Singapore



GE-ATI Singapore

HPC Blade/vane Repair


Werk Spoor

Letter H marked at the top of the platform represents Tech Insertion Aero, last version of the HPC blade. It also a code from Werk Spoor when marked at the bottom.


HPC Blade Repair


Airfoil Services Sdn. Believed to be Chromalloy Thailand Strother and Lufthansa



Platform Reword S 4-9



All kind of repairs




Praxair Surface Technologies

ESM Repair heat treatment Marked at the top of the platform represents Laser Shock Peen (LSP) blades, but is also a marking code from Praxair Surface Technologies when marked at the bottom.


Tip Repair Salvage Hardare





GE Seattle



Available Code



Available Code


CFM56-3 S/B 72-0053

WT-1 coated blades





Airfoil Management



Available Code

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements

HPT Blade Repair Vendors


** Repair Vender

Approved for Repair Number for CFM56-3 HPTB (May-2009) 01







Full Yes


GEES McAllen





GEES Celma (Brazil)





Chromalloy Los Angeles (CA, USA)




Chromalloy Nevada (NE, USA) GEES Singapore Chromalloy Los Angeles (CA, USA) old code SIFCO (Ireland) SRT owns Lufthansa (Germany) LHT

18 Rejuve w/o PtAl

28 Rejuve w/PtAl

29 Enh Rejuve













Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Sochata Snecma (France) Yes GEES (Cincinnati, OH, Yes USA) old code GEES (Cincinnati, OH, Yes USA)











Lufthansa Shannon Turbine Yes Tech (Ireland) LTTS



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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements

HPT Blade Repair Count Limitations HPT Blade Repair Count Limitations Repairs ESM 72-52-01 Repair Number


RD #

Repair Count Limitations

Clean and Serviceability Inspection 01


Tip Repair



Full Repair



Mini Tip Repair (DSR 80H)



Full Repair (DSR 80H)



Forward Seal Lip Repair



Rejuvenation for Blades w/o PtAl

Rejuvenation repairs must be separated by a Full repair



Rejuvenation for Blades with PtAl

Rejuvenation repairs must be separated by a Full repair



Enhanced Rejuvenation

Total of 3 Full and Enhanced Rejuvenation Repairs

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Maximum of (2) full repairs Recommended to retire DSR 80H material blades 9530M95P03 and P06 Recommended to retire DSR 80H material blades 9530M95P03 and P06

CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Requirements

HPT Blade Repair Codes HPT Blade Repair Codes Character Position





Decoder Test; Use A thru. D to determine repair type, then see section to decode the characters A

If Pos 1 = M, then Mini

M= Mini (Tip)


R = Rejuve

If Pos 2 = R, then Rejuve


E = Enhanced Rejuve

If Pos 2 = E, then Enhcd Rejuve

D Mini (Tip) Repair Examples: M1L8, M2G2, M1HSP (does not fit the model), M1CNR2 (DER “rejuve” by Chromalloy)

Not “M”


Not “R” or “E”

= Full Repair

otherwise Full

# Times had Mini

Vendor List

Tip Weld Mat’l (optional) 8 = R’ 80 2 = R’142

Tip Weld Mat’l (optional) 8 = R’80 2 = R’142

Rejuve Repair & Enhanced Rejuve Examples: BR12, GR22, GE22, GR32

Vender (See List)

R = Rejuve E = Enhanced Rejuve

# Times & relation to Full 1 = Rejuve before any Full 2 = Rejuve st After 1 Full 3 = Rejuve nd After 2 Full

Full Repair Examples: G12P, I18P, CN1P2 (P is out of place)

Vender (See List)

# Times had Full

Tip Weld Mat'l (optional)

Modifier (Optional)

8 = R’80 2 = R’142

P = PtAl Coating A = Acid Strip A = Aviall (incorrect for Mini) S = AWET Welded

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CFM56-3 WPG Rev 01 July 2013

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