Yohami Zerpa Open Your Eyes

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ON ASKING FOR PERMISSIONS I was listening to some video product from Badboy. He’s talking at a seminar of some kind, and he brings a guy up from the audience. The guy plays “the girl,” and Badboy demonstrates what happens when you “ask permission:”

BadBoy: Hey, hey, would you like to go there and sit down? Girl: Ahh, no. BadBoy: Can I kiss you? Girl: Eh, no. BadBoy: Can I ask for dance? Girl: Ehh, not now. BadBoy: Can we go there? Girl: Uh uh. BadBoy: Can we go there? Girl: No. BadBoy: Can I… *pfffft*… take you home??? Girl: No. And then he breaks out of the role play and his conclusion is:

BadBoy: It’s always a “no.” So why do you ask??! *laughs* It’s useless. Stop asking for it. Always lead. Get used to it, so you stop asking for something.

ON OVERGAMING Yes, you overgamed and could have fucked her that night. Overgamed is the wrong word. You are not reading HER. The missing piece here is this: She’s screening if she wants to have sex with you. From what you write here she was ready, multiple times. Girls dont say they love to suck cock and swallow sperm to men they dont intend to suck cock’s from. She’s giving you plenty of terrain to move forward, which you miss by doing push pulls and doing game jerkoffs. She’s not an adversary, she’s there to fuck you. Even the day. Going out on a friday – she could have gone out with every other guy who she has in her phone, she went out with you, talked about sex, hinted about going somewhere else, talked about sucking cock and swallowing sperm, and what do you do, fight. She’s gone. But for next time, next girl, get in your head that she’s there to see if she wants to fuck you. All the time and energy she spends on you she’s giving you opportunities to advance and take her. Not taking these opportunities and not moving forward disqualifies you. You’re not there to chit chat and tease, you’re there to put your dick inside of her. Or, you’re not there to Game, you’re there to fuck. She was. The text game was very lame so if she went on a date with you on a friday she wanted dick. Anyway. She says “I love sucking cock” She’s inviting “Im not sure if you like me” translates to: “Im giving you opportunities to fuck me and you are not taking them, why” She’ll evaluate some and determine if the reason is you’re a creep, gay, or if you have issues. Only if you tease the shit out of her (teasing meaning, putting what she wants in front of her and then not giving it) she’ll put up with mistreatment. What I see with this angle of overgaming is a lack of understanding of what the push pull and negs are. Negs are valuable because they let you establish a frame where you are the authority and the commanding frame. Negs are your tool for setting borders. Girls love men with authority, so when you present yourself as that man, they will try to submit to you and please you. When they submit to you and please you, then your job is to reward that behavior by accepting her and validating her. You validate her submission and neg her brattiness. You neg her down anytime she’s pulling a power hand on you, and you’re sweet and generous when she’s rubbing her nipples in you. And you’re confident the whole time. What you dont do is to neg her so she shows submission, and then neg her again when she shows submission. You dont neg her to get into sexual territory, and neg her again when she goes into sexual territory. You are the one leading the frame, your goal is to take her home and have your dick inside of her and make her come a few times and come all over her a few times, like rabbits. So of course it doesnt make sense that she wants to suck your cock and you neg her. You confused the shit out of her and disqualified yourself in the process. But live and learn. And in the positives: you picked up a girl during day, and she wanted to suck your dick and that you fuck her shortly after. So you can do this stuff. She probably saw your day approach as a strong dominant move, and the strange text game as your way to set a fuckdate arrangement. So she went in expecting action. The core of why this was an overgaming situation is that you didnt know how close you were, so you thought you had to do things, like, create attraction or intimacy and stuff, you acted off-frame. The frame she was reacting to is that there’s a dominant man who wants to fuck her and it’s maybe a catch for her. If you’re a dominant man, an alpha man, which is what she’s responding to, she’ll fuck you first and figure you out later. So all the things you did to Game are indeed walls between you and her, you placed obstacles where there were none.

But the good thing is that a woman saw you as a dominant man she would have sex immediately with. Which means you have more cards in your favor that you give yourself credit for. it’s just a matter of playing them right, which in this case means, less Game, more initiative. It’s a good practice to go with a clear mind about what you want, which should be, to have sex that night, and keep moving in that direction, and have the logistics set, so when she says “now what are we doing” you can smirk and tell her you want to take her to your place. And all this can be subtext. I rarely engage in all that sexual talk – why talk about it when you can be doing it? figure out how much she likes dick while you put it in her mouth. All the verbalization tends to activate the wrong side of the brain and switch the vibe off. Anyway, dont chase this one, let her be, if you see her again just fuck her.

SELF-SABOTAGE The “most guys” is a red herring and a distraction, ditch it. Turn it around. Of all the guys who are taking care of the basics, and doing the things that matter, how many are seeing results? See how your initial response blocked you? that’s where the issue is, inside, and why “most guys” wont get the results. For the same reason that when presented with an idea that you could be there NOW, in WEEKS time, your approach was “not very realistic for most people” as opposed to “HOW, TELL ME HOW AND I’LL DO IT”. Too esoteric? look. The reasons why you’re not killing it with women is you lack certain instincts and reflexes and mindsets and you’re not trained to see opportunities and capitalize on them. The thing holding you back with women is also holding you back in every other area in your life. The issue with women is not even with women – it’s with yourself and your definition of you as a man. Your resistance to be the TOP MAN is the same resistance you face when given the opportunity to bang girls left and right and get real results in a short time – you didnt jump on it, you hide behind an idea that other guys, most guys, couldnt do it, and you placed yourself in that group, in the middle of them, without a name, constrained by the same force constraining these guys, which remains undefined. You defeated yourself. Which to a woman is intrinsically unattractive. For example Riv is a great photographer, but he’s hiding. The same reason he’s afraid to take the shot and become “the one”, is the reason he doesnt embody the alpha, is the same reason why women are not jumping on him all the time.

COLD APPROACHES DON’T WORK AND ALTERNATIVES “Cold approaches work very, very badly” Cold approach is bad for learning, period. Yours and everone elses thousands of approaches are proof enough, but if you take a look at the basics you’ll see why. You have to convey you are a high value man in order for a girl to be attracted to you. But the reason why you’re doing cold approaches is because you’re a low value man (you’re scarce, girls dont want to fuck you, etc). You need to learn how to BE a high value man, and learn how to communicate it, and be at ease with people, and display swagger and humor and be relaxed while at it. Attempting to learn that through cold approach and getting rejected is like trying to learn to be funny by jumping on a state where everyone is booing you. It’s not just “hard”, it’s dumb and a waste of your time. There are better ways to pick up the skills and ingrain the things you need, and become a man of value, so you then can communicate all that in a short interaction and “cold approach”. If you’re not a high value man, when you approach you get rejected in half a second and no girl will tell you what you did wrong nor how to improve. So all you have is your own mind and your recollections – but you DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, you have no framework to compare against, so that’s how you burn thousands of approaches and are still stuck in the same place. All that effort well invested will get you more far if you play it smarter. If you put the focus on transforming yourself, not in “opening girls” while remaining at the same value. To add to that – if you replace the idea of “cold approach” to “I talk to everyone that I find attractive / interesting” and you do that a lot, WHILE you’re increasing your value as a man, that alone will work wonders in getting laid super fast. Likely you will do more “approaches” and lose all the fear. I stopped feeling fear about a couple months into it when I switched from PUA to Player, following the same advise Im giving you. First: congrats. Second: don’t delete all these numbers. Before you do so, since you consider them dead, do something risky – send very sexual innuendo. Maybe some of them will respond and you’ll learn something. Third: Learn not to say what you are going to do and what you want to do, instead, do these things. If you really feel the need to say “I want to get you naked”, flip it and turn it into a commad: “take your clothes off’. The reason is you’re operating under the wrong frame when you say that you want things that you could have just make happen. Fourth: fuck the shit out of her. :-) Nash, responding your message at Riv’s here. “50% (I bet) was because I had some action recently” You got it. Now double check everything I’ve been telling you, including that this switch into alpha is FAST if you do what matters, and that repeating a frame creates more of it. I’ts not that you felt entitled – it’s what’s behind it. You fucked, so your biochemistry changed, your beliefs changed (at least momentarily), you just had a woman, so you will treat every other woman you meet with some of how you just treated the woman you fucked, it carries on with you in a million micro expressions, body posture, tonality, demeanor, etc. For all intents and purposes, you were more congruent with a guy who fucks and women like, than you were before. In response, women like you more. If you would be fucking more women, then that thing would detonate. When this really clicked in me was the morning after my first threesome – I was still somewhat drunk, with a headache, feeling like shit, walking the street to get some cigs – in a distance of about four blocks I had over ten girls look at me and want to jump on me, from women driving, girls passing by, girls on windows, the girl at the kiosk selling me the stuff, college girls passing by, I was like “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?”. I went out that night and girls were touching me and introducing themselves. A couple of days later it had wore off. process this. Doing “alpha male things” which include fucking women, give YOU the feeling and experience of an alpha, and also make women, and men and everyone, respond to YOU like you’re the alpha, which makes YOU be more of it. If you know what you are doing. All it takes is that you know what you are doing and where you’re going.

So yes, you could be banging girls left and right and living the life of an alpha, fulltime, in weeks. It means you would have to clear your life so you can do a couple of alpha things, stop anything that is not alpha, and do more of the alpha and pick up the retro-feed wave and you’d climb it and build on top. Then you would lose and and crash. Then you would do it again. The more time you spend as an alpha, the more your eyes get in tune to it, and your compass, your gut, starts telling you what to do to keep it and make it stronger. Now compare that against daygame. It’s not that meeting girls during day is wrong. It’s that your baseline experience is being rejected by women, which goes in total opposite direction of the cycle I described above, and also doesnt give you enough data on how to improve things when you fail, because you are too far from the action. I’ll tackle more. “but you are so black/white about stuff that has more nuance.” You felt it. It was brief, but you saw how the new girl reacted. Now imagine that every girl you meet not just reacts but is actively trying to find more about you and offering you her facebook. The reality out there is more black and white than you’re making it to be. What you know so far are just shades of rejection. Open the door so you can experience the light of acceptance and women competing for you. That’s the spectrum missing. You dont have all the data, so you think Im the one making it more exaggerated than it is. I am not. Your sample is too small, too limited. “I don’t think it’s ONLY linear like this, man.” But you’re conceding my point here: “I can feel a real different in my swagger. I am getting much better responses from women all over…” It’s first the swagger, then the results from the girls. It’s the who, not the what. Check my older comments. “I did build this feeling, and it is having an effect on my game.” It’s not the game. Your value increased. It actually makes you require less “game”. “1. Leader of men, environmental, Beiber game. is harder to build short term. You’re not promising short term, I get this is real, but it’s harder to do.” It’s not harder to do. Get a job as a bouncer in a hotel. Work for free guiding tourists. Go to a camp and volunteer as a community organizer. Or just make it a point to yourself that in every interaction that you do, you are the commanding force and the leader. Or make it real – figure your life and remove the obstacles that are preventing you from leading your life to where you want it. That’s where it starts and ultimately where it ends. “2. Entitlement, in general” I rarely use that word, you’re the one talking about entitlement! “All of sudden, being successful feels normal.” Great. So the goal is that success is normal, being with hot women is normal, having everyone sucking up to you is normal, having your needs met first is normal, etc. So how do you develop a life where all of that is normal, always? “you don’t recognize that a dude that isn’t “alpha” can “level up,” build on his own success, that he CAN, in fact, create what feels like abundance, and that that itself will kick him into the next gear.” It’s not that I dont recognize it – it’s that its a fucked up bad way to go about it, and the proof is that it took you 1000 approaches and years to get laid once. I dont mean to put you down with that statement, for all intent and purposes: congratulations for getting something out of all the work you put into it. But still it’s what, years chasing pussy and getting nothing. Chasing pussy and getting nothing is the OPPOSITE of what you should and could be doing, and the fact that you doubled down instead of changing lanes shows somewhere there’s something to fix, or you wouldnt have thought it was a good idea. Again you could be banging girls left and right in a few weeks, if you find a way to make your life make you more alpha. Approaching girls and getting rejected will drain the energy you have now, fast. How can you keep it and detonate it? Win more. How to win more? Do you know? FIx for one idea above: It’s not that I dont recognize it – it’s that [ Daygame, Pickup, PUA ] a fucked up bad way to go about it.

The reason is that every pickup is a question: do you like me? That’s all it is. In night game, the girls are out there actively looking for a man to fuck, and sometimes drunk, and entertaining many men at the same time, and having the balls to go talk to them automatically gets you above the rest. Then you’ll fail a lot, but you are going to be there, and you’ll see the kind of men who get approved, and men with good game, or good vibe, so you’ll be able to compare against them and have a model, a role to emulate – you will fail but you will also see success, the two ends give you a spectrum. In daygame, if the girl says no thank you you walk out and that’s it. There’s nothing to compare against but your imagination and your recollection of things, which is probably wrong (because otherwise you’d master it fast), and no one to emulate and no external success to learn from. On top, the girls are not actively looking for a man, are not pre-horny, etc, they are not in mating mode. So if you were attractive and had game, doing pickup, asking “do you like me” would work night and day, it doesnt matter, the answer will be yes. If you are not attractive and dont have good game, then you ask “do you like me” and the answer will be NO so much, that your inner value will even go lower. And what did you learn from it? who did THAT GIRL you just talked to, said yes to? what DID SHE LIKE? WHAT WOULD SHE HAD SAID YES TO? if you dont have that data, how do you improve? well you dont, so you do it 999 more times. It’s the facepalm approach. So it’s not that I dont see that a man can build and win. It’s that the system you decided to go for doesnt let YOU build and win. But let’s say you love daygame and hate night game. Ok great. Figure out something more in your life where you can alpha up and be in command of people. When you’re high from that feeling, also talk to girls. Check my other comments. I repeat the same stuff so often.

REFLECTION QUIZ AND RANDOM THOUGHTS OK LONG comment ahead, Im draining my thoughts on this subject. ———A few questions for you Nash, plus any other guys doing Daygame. 1) What’s stopping you, if anything, from joining social groups and being “the alpha guy” of that setup? 2) What’s stopping you from taking your job or skills into something that gives you social visibility, so girls gravitate to you? 3) If we agree that the world is setup in a way where the men at the top (cool guys) get the girls interest, and the men in the periphery get no action, and you want women: why does hunting women from the periphery, where the basic assumption is rejection, seems like a good idea as opposed to hunting women from the top or inner circle, where the basic assumption is approval? 4) If you would have to choose, for learning game, would you like to start off a position where no girl is interested in you, or from a position where girls dig you and want to get in your pants? 5) do you know about this particular thing in “frames” and behavior, that the thing you repeat the most, is the thing you are? which in this case means that if you put yourself in the periphery, that becomes your reality, and likewise if you put yourself at the top and center, it becomes your reality, too? ————— Some random thoughts: BETA AND GAME – Game is by definition something marketed and created for and by men in the periphery, the men who NEED to do something or wont see any action at all. Rockstars and natural alphas didnt invent Game, the behaviors came to them naturally because of their social status, their abundance in women, their natural dominance, charisma or whatever else. Game starts from a Beta frame: What Can I Do To Get Women To Like Me? – When I made the questions above Im presenting a choice that is invisible to the beta frame. The choice is: would you rather be rich and famous or poor and miserable? Like I said, the beta frame doesnt think it’s a choice. Pay attention. – The beta frame sees it’s own value as something transactional. The frame gains value for being USEFUL and DOING things, performing services in exchange of goods. – All this leads to Game being a series of doings, techniques, masks, postures, performed to create an impression of value that the frame doesnt have in it’s core. – Compare to the alpha frame, the value is in it’s being, and all the behavior, which is naturally attractive to women, comes from a place where the frame puts itself first, its own desires, boundaries, commands, pleasure and pain, first, with authority, and backed by enough real life skill to make the frame survive. – So when I ask the questions above, the beta doesnt see the choice. “well I have no option” it says “Im already in the periphery, so what can I do from HERE?”. —————————TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THE QUESTIONS Here’s what I think goes through the minds of people with the Beta frame in them: QUESTION: 1) What’s stopping you, if anything, from joining social groups and being “the alpha guy” of that setup? ANSWER: But Im not an alpha guy! I dont know how to join a group and be the alpha guy! I dont like these groups, this doesnt “feel right”, Im not that guy! QUESTION: 2) What’s stopping you from taking your job or skills into something that gives you social visibility, so girls gravitate to you? ANSWER: But that’s hard! I dont want to be rich and a lamborgini or fame, dont want to put all that work, look at that other guy he’s not even famous and he gets all the girls! that’s enough for me! QUESTION 3) If we agree that the world is setup in a way where the men at the top (cool guys) get the girls interest, and the men in the periphery get no action, and you want women: why does hunting women from the periphery, where the basic assumption is rejection, seems like a good idea as opposed to hunting women from the top or inner circle, where the basic assumption is approval? ANSWER: But I am in the periphery already, and being rejected already, that is REALITY, so what can I do taking into account the reality where I am? Im not a cool guy, or I wouldnt be talking to you, mr. Yohami Guru!

QUESTION: 4) If you would have to choose, for learning game, would you like to start off a position where no girl is interested in you, or from a position where girls dig you and want to get in your pants? ANSWER: Pfff no brainer, I would love if girls were after me, but since they are not, this is not even a valid question. But I do see value in improving myself, I see value in learning Game from where I am, of course it’s harder for me than for a rich cool good looking guy, but I will put the work and see some profits. QUESTION: 5) do you know about this particular thing in “frames” and behavior, that the thing you repeat the most, is the thing you are? which in this case means that if you put yourself in the periphery, that becomes your reality, and likewise if you put yourself at the top and center, it becomes your reality, too? ANSWER: This sounds like mambo jumbo. Sounds like “fake it till you make it”. Sure I have a few affirmations that I do, but come on repeating that I am “the shit” doesnt make me “the shit”, I need to have my feet on the ground. —————————————

MY STORY What game and red pill showed me, about ten years ago, was something about the nature of the world around me that I hadnt seen before. I saw the pyramid for what it is. I started being a PUA. I noticed shortly after that it drained my energy, even when I would get the lay, it was WORK. I saw, in the pyramid model, that the “cool guys” dont put any of that work, therefore they have it EASIER than I had it. So I put my focus on being a “cool guy” that girls gravitate towards, as opposed to be a “SCARCE GUY” who chases women. As a “cool guy” I got tons and tons and tons of social interactions, coming my way, and expanding from me, that let me acquire “extreme social savviness”, without having to work my way up for every lead, saving energy I could put somewhere else. – I changed my life so I could have time to party like an animal – Changed my work so it didnt drain me as much – Changed where I lived so I had a “bachelor pad” near to one popular venue with bars and pubs – Enrolled as many social things possible, acting classes, couch surfing gatherings, meetups, themed parties – Consumed all the material I could find on how to change my body posture, language, tone, voice, to convey being the “cool” guy – Picked a couple of celebrities and changed my style and fashion to be like them – Found where my resistances to being “happy” were and changed my life so I could be happy – Consumed all the material I could find on charisma, how to have conversations, make jokes, also pickup etc. So all of that was an investment on my and my new frame. Not an investment chasing people for their interactions. The difference is that all that energy, I kept. I used it to build. It led to better business, better life path, better body, better social skills, better everything – no time wasted at all pushing against walls or rejection, only time and energy invested in making a broader path for myself and building a castle – (nod to Riv). So girls came my way and I said hi, take your panties off. So they did. Nash – compare the experience of being in Girl Tornado, where you have dates and sexual experiences with all these girls, vs the experience of hitting the streets in Daygame. Which experience makes you grow more? Here your answer is probably going to be “but I was able to get into Girl Tornado BECAUSE of Daygame”. My response to that is, you did, and kudos to you, but you didnt need Daygame, you could have started straight on Girl Tornado, if you had tried that directly. ————————————DAYGAME All my first pickups and lays after discovering game were “Daygame”, before it was called that. I would go out but I was shy and quiet, not very adept to participating in drunk culture, the girls there were obviously not looking for a guy like ME, more intellectual and with other interests – so I was a mismatch for night culture. What I could do was talk and flirt, so I did. Wherever I was. Flirted with the neighbors, with clients, with bosses, with men, with women, with kids “Game Everyone”. I still remember where I got that. It was Lance from pickup 101. He said in a video about kino and touching women, that the way to be able to touch a girl was to touch everyone else also. You had to be the “touchy guy”, the guy that greets with a hug and becomes physical with everyone – not just with her. He said that if you’re physical just with her, then it will come across as something that you do TO HER, and show that you want something from HER, so she’ll put barriers to it. But that if you touch everyone, and you’re relaxed with kino, she will be ok with you touching her, and it will arouse her, because you touched her. So I said ok, if Im going to Game I will game EVERYONE and not just the girl I like. I’ll game her, and her mom, dad, boyfriend if she has it, game everyone, I AM game now. Im this guy. That meant flirting with girls in the street as they pass by. In the cues. In the movies. In the stores. The difference between this and daygame is the frame only. I DID NOT CARE for numbers, leads, therefore I was detached, and had margin for escalation as nothing could be “fucked up” or go wrong, I was just me being the cool guy. Turning situations with strangers into funny sexual remarks, making strangers into friends, creating interesting social situations, “approaching”, no, TALKING to groups, guys, girls, everyone, becoming more social, with no attachment whatsoever. Which to my surprise turned into a lot of girls wanting to give me THEIR number and asking for facebook details. And then I learned to ask for these myself when I recognized

the desire. The difference with this and the PUA model is the frame. I started from the top, from an ABUNDANCE frame, rather than from a HUNTING HUNGRY frame, I started off assuming that I had the vale and dripping it down, as opposed to trying to get value into my life. Giving away instead of stealing. But I tried that because that’s what the top guys would have done. I was still imitating, following a fantasy in my mind, trying to see the shape I had to adopt. DAYGAME The problem with daygame and most other forms of game is that you start from Beta. That’s it, you can go home now. An alpha guy can do “daygame” aka “flirt with girls” and all will be fine. But how do you teach the Beta guy who wants sex and love from girls, to get it? All the chasing will reinforce the beta frame. All the taking notes and pain and gains will reinforce the beta frame. How do you take that guy and teleport him a few inches away, into the Alpha frame, so then he can flirt with girls from a different position? The beta guy running Daygame, attached to a “model” (lol) will see some results, because taking action in the world always gives you results, positive and negative. Of the 1000 girls that you talk to, one, in a specific day, will like you. Then you treasure that memory and use it to cement the “reference experience”, aka, “I am a loser but here, I am capable of more! here’s one girl who liked me! it happened! Im a man who can be liked!”. – I would take that guy instead and give him a job as a pub bouncer. So he’d have all the attention from the 9’s and the 10’s rubbing their breasts on his arm trying to get in. I would have him experience that FIRST. – I would have him up on a stage, doing art or music or giving a conference or whatever he has skills on, with just enough charisma to have him validated by everyone, and then cash on the attention from the girls. I’d have him experience that FIRST. – I’d have him in a VIP room where all the ho’s are, in an expensive table, with bimbos trying to do lapdances on him, so many that he cannot give attention to them all. I’d have him experience that FIRST. – I’d have him having girls competing for his attention. I’d have him experience women for what they are, not what they pretend to be to betas, which is just a funnel to extract attention and resources. I’d have him experience women as they really are: competing with each other for alpha cock. Your cock. I’d have him experience that FIRST. – I’d have him be in a group, any kind of group, and experiencing being the alpha guy of that group, aka, the guy with a louder voice, taking initiative first, taking risks, breaking ice, being sociable, organizing the interactions, leading the pack. Then see the FLOCK of girls wanting to get into his pants. THAT FIRST. – I’d have him go where the women go when they are horny and want to meet cool guys. Bars, night clubs, after hours, concerts, expositions, parks, whatever, and I’d have him be the one acting and taking the lead and being “that guy”. FIRST. THEN once the frame has some substance, expand it. Then maybe do daygame. Which should be nothing other than flirting with girls. Maybe not even Day-game, just game. Maybe not even game. Just life. But how do you become THAT guy by chasing? More on this: “you didnt need Daygame, you could have started straight on Girl Tornado, if you had tried that directly.” The same thing that is preventing you from being “the cool guy”, or “the alpha version of you”, whatever excuse or reason you have to NOT go in that direction, is the same thing that prevented you from attempting to go in “Girl Tornado” directly, probably, you didnt know the option was there you didnt see the choice. So you took a choice based on your current reality, which is scarcity, and in that setup, chasing women looks reasonable because it’s coherent with reality. But at the end – now you’re in Girl Tornado, and what you will have to learn to be successful with it, the end lesson, will require that you… go back and face whatever you have in you that is preventing you from being “the cool guy”, and didnt let you go for the tornado from day one. In other words, all the other stuff you did is a distraction, postponing something that you are going to have to face anyway. You took an “easy road that is compatible with reality”, that may “eventually lead you to acquire enough experiences so you can start changing reality”, and you’ll find that as long as that “reality” is there, you will fail in your new setup, because the new setup belongs to another reality, that you will have to embrace. So you could have just embraced the different reality from the beginning.

(And THIS and above is where my mind is all the time and why I dont really have commonalities with girls, and couldnt care less about when and how they got their first kiss or how they come) But does it make sense? Look at you now – 4 different girls a week. Keep the pace and you’ll be banging 2 or more different girls a week. That’s exactly what I did for about two years. How long for you to let go of who you think you are, and ‘reality’? and change? Nash, thanks for keeping your mind open. I know this is a point where we’ll disagree, but that’s ok. Im curious about the questions I asked above, could you address them? Some pointers: “daygame. ” It’s a trigger for you.” When I talk about daygame, I mean having this as a sexual strategy: – Talk to many women a day, ask for their phone numbers, occasionally have an instadate – The ones that give you their phone numbers, set dates – The ones that go in dates, do day 2 and day 3 – In the middle of all that, do “love bubble”, get her to invest, do funnel – Try to have sex by day 3 (sooner is better of course) That is not an “alpha” sexual strategy, and it’s not the same as an “alpha flirting in the street”. As a sexual strategy, the setup I just described as “Daygame” is MAGNITUDES HARDER than being a valuable girl that girls want to have around. Daygame is a harder puzzle. Not harder in a way that makes you better – but harder in that way where the best player gets the easier puzzle, and the worse player gets the harder puzzle. All the good players are at the center of their tribes, because they are “that good”, and girls want to join in (and take possession), while the tribeless men are wondering around, and have to chase girls that wont give them time of the day – that sort of “harder” situation. So if you had two options, to have it easy, or hard, with women, what would you pick? Ah, the alpha sexual strategy is different to that funnel, in that alphas dont do funnels. I dont mean this in dumb way. Imagine the average male celebrity. Walking down the street, chatting with 20 girls, doing an autograph, then he sees a cute face, hey hello who are you? here are my details, let’s chat later, bye” Back to you – “I see MYSELF, facing my fears, again and again, and doing what I need to do, to grow into a powerful man.” This is powerful. I tried to address to that desire in my intro questions. What is, if anything, preventing you from entering social circles and being the powerful man in these setups? using this power to make your job / skills into something that gives you social visibility? ” I am proud of myself, 9 out of 10 sessions. I feel pride. ” Makes sense, you’re doing stuff to get what you want. “I’m on my purpose.” What is your purpose? ” I’m not asking to be lead or to have my lift fed to me. I will hunt. I will earn my kills. I will enjoy it it… I will love it. And I do.” All that masculine drive, why are you not the leader of men, the center of the party, somewhere? The girls want to know. “Steve Jabba” He’s a natural from what I’ve seen, a beast of sexual power, a very well defined product, for girls who are horny and want some alpha fuck asap. More power to him. ”I think your POV on daygame would be more interesting to me, if you said “you have to have the correct frame or this will not help you.”” Interesting, that’s what I think Im doing. Here’s what I said to Riv on this topic in another thread: “Yohami doesnt believe that hitting girls when they are not looking for sex, in a setup where your value is not raised or assumed, and you have to display it in a short amount of time or be discarded, all after you’ve chased her because you’re scarce, is a good ENVIRONMENT for the AVERAGE GUY to learn the behaviors to be naturally good with women, and experience success quick” My POV is that beta must become an alpha man or all the work is pointless, because when you operate from a frame you feed that frame. It’s about the frame. LOL, funny typo: “MAGNITUDES HARDER than being a valuable [MAN, not girl!] that girls want to have around.”

But of course if you’re a hot lesbian your life is a piece of cake. At least sexually. Cake, Female hypergamy is all there is. When a girl likes you that means you’re satisfying her hypergamy, it means she sees you above her, means she sees you in contrast to her boy tornado, or the men at her disposal, real and imagined, and you stand out favorably. When a girl doesnt look up to you, when you don’t satiate her hypergamy, then you’re nothing but a tool to her, a beta. She may be married to you but you have no value, you’re not a man. Let’s assume that’s true. That means it only makes sense to date down. All the women below your value: that’s your market. All the women equal above your value: there’s nothing but hell for you. So if you’re an average, aka unattractive guy, the women below your value are the 4s and 3s. The 5s only want to use you as a beta tool. You’re screwed. What do you do? Naturally, you increase your value so you’re not an average guy anymore. Where Game fails, because of the marketing gurus, is in promising that you’ll get abs with no work or diet, or that you’ll bang 8s and 9s while being still an average guy, if you just become good at Game. Unpack it. The selling point here, the hook, is this: BANG HOTTIES WITHOUT CHANGING. Which is impossible, so they sell it as a long road, aka, you’ll have to do thousands of approaches, it will be horrible, but worth it at the end! it’s just a skill, follow these steps! but what happens if you actually do the stuff? You change. You stop being the average guy. Your value raises. Now you can bang the 5s and 6s, and the occasional hottie who thinks your value is higher than hers. There’s no cheating Hypergamy. The lesson here is that you must stop being the average guy, and be the exceptional guy. Let the average guys fuck themselves. They are not my problem, they are not your problem. Not every man has the balls to go in the streets and face his fears and approach women. You do. You’re not average. What you may not be doing is using your strengths to actually raise your value in a way that is sustainable. But it’s there, or you wouldnt be already breaking the norm and trying to get the prize. So there’s no cheating hypergamy. There’s a lot of game that is posturing, faking it etc. You know what happens with it? you go through a screening process with the girl. She’ll evaluate you in 4 seconds and determine where you stand. If at a simple glance you stand below the kind of men she can get, there’s nothing you can do. If you stand among them, then she’ll screen you, she’ll offer “the puzzle” and give you opportunities to “turn her on”, and how you respond to that, and where you take her, ranks you among the men she can have, be near the top, and the lock opens. But she’ll screen the shit out of you as long as she’s not sure of your worth – and likewise if she’s sure of your worth she will present no puzzle at all, just her open legs. So how do you pass through the whole thing? with actual value. Heck – just check this post. “Extreme social savvy”. That’s real value. That’s the result of hundreds of interactions and being able to read human nature etc. That’s an actual trait. That changes your life. The more of the good top man traits you can acquire, the higher you rank. Imagine Nash and another guy picking up the same girl, Nash has the ESS and the other guy just pretends to have it, or not even: Nash takes the girl. The real thing is the real thing. If you can define what the real thing is, or the traits you must have, or the traits that are attractive, if you can define what value is, go and get it. More on this: “BANG HOTTIES WITHOUT CHANGING.” Even krauser says it somewhere: “Bang girls who are 2 points above your value” Even Luke when he’s doing the promo for Social Game: “even a fat guy like me can bang the 10s” Even Todd when promoting his Daygame: “I have no charisma, but I bang the hotties” Tyler everywhere: “Im a balding ginger with a beer gut, yey!” Max, while promoting The Natural: “Im just a nerdy guy” They are either a bunch of idiots, or a bunch of idiots. Julien doesnt do it, he calls it “Ten Game”, all his advise is on point. No fakery.

But how big is the market for the people who want to change, vs the market of men who want to bang “above their value”? All these guys (hey maybe even Krauser) are not “average guys”. They are all leaders of men, with jobs that require dominance and social savyness, thousands of hours dealing with people, able to talk forever, command rooms, with loads of money in their banks accounts, assertive and going for what they want, traveling, with a lot of groupies of both sexes treating them like they are “the shit”, being always the coolest guy in the room, some of them good looking (Max) some with incredible social savy and sense of humor (Luke) dominant as fuck (julien) risky and bold, they are closer to acting and being like messiah reincarnated than the average joe etc. Whats “average” about it? Then you can say “but they are not movie stars!” and “they are not ridiculously good looking” then I’ll say this: They are still banging girls below their value. They raised their value. The value of a man is measured: hierarchy first, personality second, body third. They hit if off with personality. Hiearchy and body, they can lose. If any of these guys is competing with DiCaprio for a girl, DiCaprio will take her. You think you can win against hypergamy? All these super PUAs are still not banging the supermodels. Because they are in the periphery of that world, not inside. The rules are always the same. Luke has a good point on social circle about that – if you get inside of the super model world, and you’re the alpha guy there, then you’ll bang supermodels. Even with the Beer Gut. As long as DiCaprio doesnt want the same girl. Aight. My comment about acting classes has a different connotation. I did “improv” for a couple years, at several different workshops. You get things from there, skills, taught and repeated, and social circles of people who are into acting, which tend to be full of girls with high libido and low morals. So the “improv” thing gives you skills on its own, and is not structured like “pick up”, it’s not about “getting better at a technique” but “get deeper into yourself, do whatever comes to mind, and learn to not give an actual fuck”, while at the same time teaches you crowd control since people do laugh and boo as you come up with shit. I found so many insecurities based on the stories that I would come up with while improvising, and also strengths. So it’s a form of social therapy. Talking to girl 1 on 1 to get into her pants is not the same thing. Necessary but not the same. I dont know if you saw that comment Nash, it was a long time ago. I advised that you’d go in the street and talked to a lot of people without any agenda, just one thing: learning what made them tick, or “what they responded to and what they didnt respond to”. Back then I said a couple of weeks of that and you should be banging left and right. This was before your girl tornado. Talking to random people about whatever and learning about what makes them move is a more similar skill to acting, in the context Im using it. Riv, what are you defending, and what are you critiquing exactly? I ask because every of the points you bring up are either a misrepresentation, or a “duh”. So what is it? go to my other comment where I ask you about the Madonna/Whore good girl thing. I’ld like to get your ideas there. Comments: “again, all he sees is value.” What I see is irrelevant. What women see is what you should pay attention to. What do they see? “in his pickup model, trust does not exist.” Im not describing a pickup model, Im describing the world as it is and what women respond to. I asked you about this Trust idea since you keep bringing it up, this is what you said: “[TRUST IS] is he safe? is he normal? will he kill me? will he rape me?” I find interesting that you bring this as a component of game. Do you find yourself doing things that demonstrate that you are safe, normal, you wont kill her, you wont rape her? if so, why do you need to bring these up, do you feel that if you wouldnt, then she would feel threatened by you? is your base assumption that she’s scared of you, thinks you’re not normal, are going to kill her and rape her? what’s going on here? Look – what makes a girl feel the safest is being in the company of a strong dominant man, bigger than her, who is chilling and having a good time, pressing the right buttons, with social and intrapersonal intelligence,

making her laugh and sharing interesting, fun moments. Having sex with that man makes her feel safe. Being embraced by that man makes her feel safe. “Trust” is the result of that man being congruent, and since we’re talking sex, congruent with high value. Since women get grossed out by low value. If you were coming from an Omega frame I’d understand that you need to explicitly communicate to the girl that you’re not a creep and not dangerous. That is not assumed from high value men – ironically, being dangerous is a turn on, if you’re a high value man, because EVERYTHING coming from high value is a turn on, and EVERYTHING coming from low value is creepy to women. But is this something you can see in the world? do you differ? if so, how? So: “in his pickup model, trust does not exist.” Is false. You’ll gain her trust while addressing her puzzle and turning her on. If we adhere to the definition you are giving, you’re excluding a bunch of girls. This mix of Trust is not universal: “is he safe?” Lots of girls dont like safe. Think of your needles girl. ” is he normal?” Lots of girls dont like normal. But you know that: all the appeal of your IFF (internal frame fucked up?) is counting on a segment of girls not liking normal. “will he kill me?” Some girls like killers, check girls who are into soldiers, girls who are into serial killers – hey not my type, just saying “will he rape me?” And disturbingly enough, girls have rape fantasies. So for a bunch of them, a “yes he would rape you” would make her want to be with you. Check every story of the blondie girl hanging out with the gang that raped her. She surely didnt see that coming. So when you say that Trust is needed in game, what do you mean exactly? I like my definition of “giving her what she wants”, “solving her puzzle” and “turning her on”. The result of that will be that she experiences comfort and trust, though no necessarily the mix you prescribed. “he believes that the minute she realizes he is higher value than her, she wants to get on her knees and suck his cock.” That’s just true. I advise that you get more female friends and listen to them talk. That’s a travel to the red pill faster than anything I can write here. Go ahead and let it break your heart. “no need to get to know him, to develop trust for him.” Correct. Have you heard of this thing called “celebrity crush”? girls dont need to “know” the guy to be horny for the guy. Just like you dont need to know the girl to be horny for the girl. “it’s a very cynical model” It’s not. “i am guessing it comes from years of experience being chased by power-hungry and fame-hungry girls” You give me more credit than I deserve – I am not that famous. So no, you’re wrong. “which sounds great, but clearly can fuck with your head.” It would be great if you could put your ideas together, and present an argument. Thinking some more about this. Maybe you see Trust as a such important component of seduction, for the same reason you’re doing Daygame – as in, you approach lone women from the periphery, like a lone wolf jumping on sheep, so half your work is to get her to not escape? This is the only thing I can think of. But if you pay attention. Let’s say that you scare the shit out of her and she runs away, where does she go to? To the nearest strong man who can kill the wolf. That strong confident man that laughs at danger and makes her feel safe just by being there, the man that she and every other girl would love to be able to spend some more time with. That would be me. — Jokes aside, that would be the archetype she runs towards. The high male inside of the tribe. If you are running game from the periphery you are, by definition, the creep. I can see why infusing “Im normal Im not a Rapist” is important in that case.

You “chose” the worst possible setup to approach the girls. “worse” is a matter of opinion though. Did you chose that because you like that more from all the models, or is it your only choice, aka, not a choice at all? are you able to be the man in the center, the man she runs to when she’s in danger, the man that doesnt “need” to demonstrate he’s safe because HE IS safety, dripping down, are you able to be that, and from all the models you decided to jump on women from the shadows? Is it a choice or you have no choice? If you have no choice, why? or? Because it’s the who, not the what. What is broken is the frame, not the action – the action is only broken because of the who is doing it. Identical actions have different meanings and repercussions. Or, when Justin Bieber says hi to a girl, it’s not the same as when I say hi to the girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxuUkYiaUc8 If you go back – from the beginning my point of attack of daygame is that it’s sustented in the wrong frame. You’ve been correctly addressing it “if an alpha does it, is fine!!”. The solution for the koan is “be alpha”. Daygame is irrelevant. We can talk day and night about how to peel an orange. At the end it doesnt matter. The girl will see you and you’ll be in front of her. Who are you? If you’re in front of her because you’re scarce, you’re screwed. —Then I have all these other considerations about what’s the best environment to learn game. I’d throw the students in how water, aka Girl Tornado, from day one. Anyone saying it’s not possible doesnt have the whole picture. Look at the whole picture before making a choice – that’s what I say.

Something you can try – Get your phone and chat with your 5-6 girls, get the banter you’re doing with one and use it in another, mix them up, raise the temperature. When you’re “hot”, include a few other girls from dating sites or dead leads in your setup, so you are talking to 10 girls or more. Go out and talk to girls – but this is important – with the MINIMUM amount of investment and less amount of giving a fuck possible, do a passing remark, throw a funny sexual banter to a waitress, say something to the cute girl that you see X, dont chase, dont yadstop (unless you see a drop dead gorgeous girl and is mandatory), keep it light fresh. Do this with men and whatever else, if something catches your attention, socialize, all while KEEPING the “hot” you have all this time with your chat harem right there. Treat everyone, every girl out there, like she’s already yours. That’s the alpha starting point to game. The girls that will open, engage them in conversation, pay attention to what they respond to, what they volunteer, what they dont, pay attention to the puzzle offered, it’s aways quick and upfront, and what turns them “on” or what lights them up, double down in what gains energy, and suppress what doesnt. This will get you laid before you ask for numbers. Following up in the frames thing, I’ll run some comparisons in FRAMES. Now assume both BETA and ALPHA result in the SAME IDENTICAL ACTION: 1) When you see the girl and want to say hi ALPHA: that’s hot, I so want my dick inside of her, “Hey you!” BETA: she’s out of me league and Im intimidated but I will approach her anyway, I’ll try to be confident 2) When you’re with the girl ALPHA: this bitch is so into me, I’ll tease her some, where’s that giggle? BETA: I wonder if she likes me, Im going to try to push the envelope and raise the temperature to find out 3) When you wanna kiss her ALPHA: come here BETA: is now the right time? would I get blown out? 4) When in an environment where sex can happen, like your apartment

ALPHA: come here I want to feel these boobs and pussy, mmm this feels good BETA: I want to fuck her, I’ll move to the next base, I’ll try not to fuck this up ——————————————So all of this resulted in both frames producing the same action, you said “hey you”, you did rapport, you went for a kiss, you escalated in your apartment – all is compatible with both frames, but what she is screening for and reacting to is the Alpha frame. You’re going through the motions and moving AS IF you’re the alpha, even if Beta. Until you fuck up one move and expose the beta, then she’ll pull the breaks and increase the puzzle, to see where you’re coming from. How do you fuck up you ask? The ALPHA frame assumes victory, assumes low effort, flow, she wants it, it’s not work, it’s abundant, she’s replaceable, she’s hot for you, you’ll fuck her, it wont matter to you. The investment is close to zero, it’s so low that you actually get more energy for her investment in you than you lose by pursuing her. You’re self amused and detached and high risk because you really don’t give a fuck. At the same time that means you’re open and “vulnerable” in the sense that you’re not using a mask to get her, because that wasnt a problem at any moment, she’s not that special for you to have to fake and protect yourself. She’s nothing. The BETA frame assumes rejection but attempts victory, assumes that there’s work, problems to solve, has to convince the girl to want him and secure her affection, she’s a rare one that has been responding to him so he better not fuck it up, she’s not decided yet but is opening to him, would like to fuck her but better not to rush things, because THIS MATTERS. There’s lots of investment and it’s a draining experience. You try to amuse yourself since you know it’s attractive, and try to be detached but ultimately all this is a dance to get into her pants without scaring her. You’re protected under layers and layers of masks and somewhere in there is the real you, but lets better not bring that up, not yet, lots of sour experiences there. —————— When beta frame shows up, and it doesnt match “the specific personal preferences of the girl” or what I call “the freak” (the snowflake), you fuck up. All the time you’re doing seduction, all you’re doing is shape-fitting into Alpha frame, acting like a man who knows what he wants, goes for what he wants, and simultaneously is proactive, relaxed, knows how to win, doenst invest too much, doesnt give a fuck, but gets it done. It’s the winner frame. Every girl wants a different part of that picture, that frame, but it’s always the same picture. Different aspects of it, different flavors. If she girl is insecure then she wants the “wanted” part of the picture, if she’s independent then she wants the “detached” part of the picture, but it’s always a picture from the ALPHA frame, for her to open sexually. —————– What’s wrong with Game, and also with Krauser game, and almost all pickup, it’s that it is all catered to the BETA frame, it’s more techniques, ways to do things, setups, frameworks, for the Beta frame. Read it along and recognize yourself, I know that I do in part and specially remember all the times that was exactly how I operated, and how much mindfuck some of the techniques were against me, like “flipping the script” “playing hard to get” “negs” “self amusement” etc, when all I wanted was to give the girl everything good, exchange little in return, and show her how much I CARED, and how SPECIAL she was to me. But girls are attracted sexually to the men at the top of the pyramid, and the behaviors that go along with it, and the ALPHA frame is the bone structure where these behaviors come from. So how do you acquire it? You have to go deeper and see why you dont have it in the first place, and fix that. It is VERY FUCKING HARD to adopt behaviors from a frame that you dont incarnate, it means posturing and trial and error and imitation and lots of shit eating, and being uncomfortable all while doing it. If your base reality is BETA and that means you want to show the girl that YOU CARE but you KNOW that she’ll respond better to you NOT CARING, but you also know she likes that you ARE YOURSELF but WHO YOU ARE is someone who needs her and is weak, HOW THE FUCK do you get out of that puzzle? well you put yourself in that situation by acting out of your slot in life. The result will always be the same, you’ll fuck it up, the girl will ditch you, and once and again all the work and time and energy you put in the structure, it all will be wasted and collapse. Just like it did for me like sixty times. What do you get out of this? the man that you become. In other words, the frame you acquire.

If you put emphasis on becoming alpha from the start, as opposed to a beta running game, then you’re doing the right thing that is ultimately the end goal, all while making SEDUCTION EASIER. So it blows my mind why this is always such a contrived point in the community. And why I started my comments here with these questions – that nobody answered so far. What’s stopping you from moving into alpha? Are you aware that’s where you’re going anyway? will be the key that makes you succeed, or make you fuck up for not having it, every time? What’s going on.

fTALKING VS DOING Nash, Is about telling a girl that when you bring her home you’re going to kiss her everywhere, talking about fucking her the whole date, asking her to go to your place, when “she hasnt even kissed you yet” then she declines extraction and kissing. She declining extraction means that she wasnt ready (turned on enough). She declining kissing means she wasnt ready (turned on enough). Since she was there for sex, and is there wanting to figure out, or getting turned on enough to “let it happen”, there were windows and paths for escalation that you didnt see, didnt take, little tests you failed, things she offered and you didnt take, little elevators you didnt pursue, and shes till either waiting for you to take advantage, or already made up her mind and is not going to happen. In that area is where Im saying “maybe its all the sex talk”. or, “maybe you’re too comfortable doing what you always do and not paying attention to her puzzle, what she wants, what turns her on, and HOW she wants this to happen tonight”. I never engaged in sex talk for another reason – I learned not to go in interview mode. In my real life I dont care, dont care about her past, dont care when she was kissed, dont care about what she comes, she’s not that interesting, I only care about a few things: is she fun, is she good at conversation, is she sexy, and, what can we do spontaneously to have fun and escalate, paying attention to puzzle / wants / turns on. With every girl that was something different, recollections: – Few of them would talk family or relationship tragedies, I just stood there asking more questions, getting deep, watching them cry (first fucking date), telling them what I know about how to get better (feel the pain, embrace life, live fully – yes you know there this is going), hug, kiss, taxi. – Few of them sub segment of topics, politics, religion, social norms, etc, smart but fighty girls. There a good laughs and “let me show you how Im right and you’re wrong” – Lots of them, sexual banter, creating situations that are sexual and fun, check Luke’s videos, that sort of thing – In social setups, fucking immense lots of amoging, teasing, leading, organizing of the whole group, again check Luke’s videos, there’s always someone who’s leading the party, he gets the most girls – Lots of them, plain chit chat – Lots of them love to judge, so it’s about judging people and what not – A few of them actual sexual talk like what you do Nash – With guys in parties, most of the time mini coaching them about some chick they want to fuck or wants to fuck them, often setting them up, which has the side effect of validating me in the eyes of all the girls around the situation What I learned not to do was to set my own subject of conversation and repeat it every time. I dont have a subject. The subjects that I like the most are not mainstream, and I dont have them as commonalities. My subjects scare people. Which is fine “Im dangerous”. But bottom line is who cares. Constants are the same. The girl is there for sex, will present a puzzle, will have something that will turn her on. IF I like her and find her fun, I’ll entertain her while she entertains me, display my values, roleplay with her, find what she wants, if that’s compatible with me I’ll give it to her, but teasing her first, I’ll turn her on, she’ll say Im a jerk, I’ll make out and grab her ass, boobs and pussy, she’ll say “wow that’s the best first kiss ever”, I’ll take her home and bang her. Then I’ll figure out where she was born, her name, pets, if she gives me a reason to care. Back to you Nash – If you love the sex talk keep it, if it’s a strength of yours, play to your strengths. Try adding the rest of things to your mix – go after what she wants, puzzle, turns on, and escalate physically with teasings and what not. Just pay attention that you’re not “playing to your strengths” to the point where you’re blind to what’s being offered to you. A story about that: When I was starting Game but mid way, I was in a bar alone, hanging against a wall, kind of clueless, watching everyone, seeing the patterns of behavior of who chases who. I was in high introspective analytic mode. A guy came talk to me to socialize, we had a couple drinks. There was a cute girl across the bar alone, looking around. I raised my arm and voice “HEY, come HERE”. She came with a strangely happy face. I asked her what she was doing looking around, told her how me and the guy friend where analysing stuff. She

turned out to be kind of smart so we kept talking. The guy friend left, Then new girl’s girl-friend that she was waiting for arrived and we ended up having a super deep conversation about sexual dynamics, pick up, philosophy and what not until the bar closed, we had to walk out at 8am and went to a mac donalds to have breakfast (sandwiches and coffee) and continue talking, then “good bye” and stuff. Of course they got my facebook. I did see them again. Looking back, both girls where just waiting for me to make a move and pick one, or escalate and fuck both of them. Instead I was so into my own reality that I didnt understand what it meant that “the girl came to me when I called her across the bar” or “she brought her girlfriend and both stayed with me”, I didnt see all the paths for escalation, didnt see what they were saying “yes” to. I “didnt see sex on the table”. On the other hand if I had said out of nowhere “ok let’s go home and I’ll fuck both of you” I wouldnt have gotten it, because I hadnt escalated yet. I could have said “lets go home, I have breakfast there” and then escalated at home. Many things. I just didnt see them. But of course I did fuck them both weeks later. Good times. To make it more precise: “I never engaged in sex talk for another reason” Means: I never made it the subject unless that was the subject – like this pro volunteering the threesome story, or the other one saying that she wanted to experience sexually. Likewise interview mode talking about her life, never made the conversation about it unless she’s fixated on it (in which case I’d talk about to to redirect it to where we can have fun) Making a list or a plan, like “Im going to talk about this subject on the date”, or “Im going to be vulnerable and enthusiastic” or “I talk sex” or “Im going to talk deep philosophical shit” makes you go off-synch with the girl. It’s like playing chess and thinking you know what you’re going to do in the game, before she even makes a move. Or making a plan of what you’re going to do in a tennis match before knowing who you’re playing against.

TAKING THE REDPILL AND NOT SWALLOWING IT “1. yohami thinks most girls are closer to being professional sex workers than to being idealistic good girls.” Correct. “2. yohami doesn’t believe in daygame.” This makes no sense. Game can only exist as 1 is true. You’re holding contradictory beliefs, by thinking you can display flashy value, emulate alpha behavior, press the right buttons, and get sex with a girl, while at the same time thinking that girls are “good girls” Stop making yourself crazy. Second, game is not a “belief”, here’s what you would have to write to make sense: “Yohami doesnt believe that a man can go in the streets during day and pick up hotties” No, of course I believe that, I can do it, I’ve seen others do it, plenty of RDS videos and other guys do it, try again. “Yohami doesnt believe than an average guy can go in the streets during day and pick up hotties” That’s closer but that’s not the whole story, try again: “Yohami doesnt believe that an average guy can go in the streets and approach 15-20 girls a day, hotties and plain janes, do it thousands of times, get flake numbers, and eventually find some girl who likes him” Oh no, I BELIEVE THAT COMPLETELY. Now ask me if that’s a good idea or use of your time, if you’re real about learning game. “Yohami doesnt believe that hitting girls when they are not looking for sex, in a setup where your value is not raised or assumed, and you have to display it in a short amount of time or be discarded, all after you’ve chased her because you’re scarce, is a good ENVIROMENT for the AVERAGE GUY to learn the behaviors to be naturally good with women, and experience success quick” Bingo, now you got it. I totally believe there are way better ways, specially for newcomers. “Yohami doesnt believe there’s an easy 1-2-3 model that the average guy can follow and fuck model-quality girls at easy, just by perfecting the 1-2-3” Correct. What I believe is that every man who wants to take the prize has to realize their position in the world, in life, clear his life from bullshit, and do the thing for real, that’s the adventure. I see all the 1-2-3 methods as distractions to not do the real thing. Ways to stay in the same place, same position, same excuses. “the first one is sad” I’ll give you a hug. But yes, women are carnivorous. Red pill bro. “and the second is also sad” No that was your lack of understanding. “but i think yohami is finally coming around to realizing he was wrong — isn’t that right, yohami?” No you’re wrong as usual. By the way man, you’re probably not going to reply this but if you read it, think about it. Madona/Whore. I go to your Twitter page and I find “If she’s wearing high heels, she want’s anal” right there in the banner. Pinned tweet: “One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to think she is innocent.” Your blog, call women sluts and whores all the time. Dickslap, choke, denigrate. Little house of horror. But then the rest of the time, you’re offended about “alphas” wanting to have sex quick, and you’re defending girls, rooting for a vague concept of “good girls” (will stop being vague when you define it) etc. What’s up with that? It’s like watching two different people fight over principles, one each the other, and one hates himself. What’s up with that? In my mind you took a red pillow but you didnt swallow and it’s fucking you up. Your mind and heart are at different places, with anger communicating between the two. You know that girls are sluts but that makes you mad. Your heart wants salvation in the form of a good girl. That you would proceed to abuse? what’s up with this. What do you want? do you know? In my mind I always saw a clear path to victory for you – you’re a talented photographer, great sensibility, with a lot of intelligence, great writer, in a city that favors all these things. Clear path to success = embrace who you are and go in for the fame. Get big and let the girls come to you. Whatever is holding you back, I can’t see.

Which is why I come back to thinking maybe you don’t want it easy? dont want the thousand girls coming to you? dont want that the girls are knocking in your life to be part of it? do you WANT the struggle of not having it? Am I actually wrong and not every man wants the prize? do some men prefer the shadows, even when light is at their reach? is this form the final form and not a transitional form? What’s your take?

LACK OF ESCALATION Great story “I feel like experimenting sexually” Welcome to the real world. “I have been talking about fucking her for most of the date” See, for me, that’s the issue. She was there for sex and is in for crazy sex stuff, just like every other girl, specially every other girl who said yes to a guy who picked up in the street. There is a type of girl who will say yes to that. It IS a very straightforward sexual setup, so you have to keep it consistent. You’re taking a different route and instead of escalating in HER you’re escalating verbally and doing interviews. Nothing wrong with having a conversation, but that’s not the road. Just like with “Honest girl” the path was to be low energy, dominant” and take her in a boring way (the more you do it the more her LUST goes up), with this one it was about “sexual experience” as she clearly told you that was her puzzle. TALKING about it is not DOING IT. The escalation needs to happen. Anyway: “I tell her we should go to my place” You haven escalated physically yet. “but she won’t do it.” Told ya. ” “Next time.” Second time I’ve heard that this week.” Like I said, the girl tornado will put you in the same situation once and again until you figure it out. Few tips on physical escalation, no particular order, just tips – When in the bar talking to each other play with her hands, your fingers in her palm – Grab her hands – When standing, grab her by the waist, pull her body into your body – Ask her to kiss you in the cheek, tell her she’s turning you on – If sitting next to each other, your hand in her leg – When doing any physical move, focus on feeling that you are PULLING, you’re going to take this girl somewhere, you’re a magnet, you’re excercising gravity, youre the earth, she’s the moon, her body will collapse in you. This as opposed to you PUSHING on her, looking for entrances or resistances. When you PULL, she must be soft and light. When you push, you turn her into solid and resistant. physics. Let her be the girl. The exception is when you have your cock in her pussy (still clothed), then that’s a push, but your hands in her ass are the PULL). – For all the physical interactions, you need a tease, tension, and release. The tease is visual contact, if you’re going for a kiss stop and look at her and her libs, LET HER feel the tension, then raise your chin and tell her to kiss you. When you touch her, specially at the beginning, make that contact very decisive, as if you’re taking her and she’s your territory. After you’ve done physical things, LET HER GO, create a void, that’s the release, will make her want more, and give you room for being detached and escalate. My default behavior when I was in a date: chat chat chat drink chat hand play hands in her, tell her “give me a kiss”, hands in ass, make out (depending on location) hand in boob, hand in pussy, “taxi!”, go home for explosive sex. Back to you: “It’s already after 10. She is in a panic to get a car home when she realizes that.” BS. She exited the date. ” I tell her to tell him to put a key under the rug. ” I like that. Tell her to do things. This was missing with firecraker that other day. This one wasnt in the point to have sex (lack of escalation), but if you get her to the point where she wants to have sex chances are she wouldnt even tell you about that she had plans, she’ll cancel them on her own. “For now… the plan is that she might come over tomorrow afternoon. Or Monday morning.” Good luck. More on this: “Nothing wrong with having a conversation, but that’s not the road.” The exception is that when doing sexual conversation is what turns her on. You have to find what is what turns her on in the date. So find what the puzzle is, and what turns her on. What turns her on is the key of the puzzle. The way you have to deliver what turns her on, or the ingredient that you must always add to the mix, is “alpha”, or to avoid confusions: “dominance, decisiveness, asertiveness, confidence, sexual swagger, fun vibe, aggression (related to taking lead), up in the hierarchy”.

So with THAI girl Im lost because something is missing in the story FireCracker likes YOU so what comes to you normally turns her on. What you did physically with her would work on any girl. But she got to your apartment before escalating physically, that’s how much she likes you. So her puzzle is something about using her for sex and not interfering her her other emotional ties, and what turns her on is the physical interactions and all the banter humor. See how that interaction lets you be “the man” and now every other girl wants a piece of you? that’s “the real world”. Do all you can to break out of your old-current reality and embrace the new one. This including picking up girls in the street by not doing pick up but talking to them. Let me know if that makes sense. Then Honest Girl, her puzzle was the ambivalence, and what turner her on was the low key dominant stuff. This one, the puzzle is the “sexual experience”. What turn her on, or, “what does she want”? If you go back when I started commenting on your pickup, my dislike of daygame is that you would be rejected by a lot of girls in under two minutes but you wouldnt be able to find WHY, aka, you wouldnt know their puzzles, and wouldnt know what turns them on. THIS is the key to everything, because otherwise you dont have a Game to do, since you dont know the rules, and cant improve because there’s no framework. The Girl Tornado is the best thing that can happen to you because you’ll see all these things and have time to explore them. Make no. 1 priority that that you KNOW what the girl puzzle is, and what turns her on. This is “what she wants”. Without it, you only have your own recollection, and your own recollection gets tampered with personal bias and preferences. Hope that helps.

WHAT THE MAN WOULD DO YOHAMI: First, congrats on the girl tornado. Second, here you can see first hand the result of going with one frame vs another. I told you “get other frames / techniques / pick what’s more powerful”. The tussle sabotaged you, and this girl is probably gone. Unless you un-tussle it. This puzzle was more difficult that then last one, which can mean many things or none – women are inconsistent, like water – regardless, your job is always the same. Last time you conquered her by ignoring the limit, you jumped on top of it – acted with your body, progressed, you took her, acted as if, moved forward. This time you stopped before the imaginary line she draw and then proceeded to fight. I call that “pushing against rejection” but you labeled Tussle. So you tussled. Until you were frustrated, then you quit. What you didnt see is that this situation was identical to the time before it. She escalated the puzzle, the solution was to escalate the solution. So the same thing you did last time, but more. Just like she did. ————– The girl says there wont be sex (any more) and that she has a dinner after the date, effectively neutralizing you. She also wont kiss you etc from her previously set boundaries. What you did: You (I guess) respected her previously set boundaries, so you didnt kiss her (or fuck her in the ass or put your dick in her mouth). Also accepted that there wouldnt be sex (but you flirted through it which is ok for the most part), and accepted that there wouldnt be sex and that she had a date later. What “the man” would do: Kiss her when she says hello, or kiss her when there’s some emotional ramp in the date, while kissing her grab her by the pussy, stop a cab, take her back to your place and fuck her, have her call her friends and cancel the dinner (if it was even real) and fuck her again, ass and mouth. What you did, again: You went in a quasi relationship date in a setup that de-escalated sexually from the previous date (instead of ramping up), you accepted the boundaries she gave you, superficially, but then proceeded to pressure and play emotional games, in a roadmap that you already know and maybe sometimes works, most likely not. What “the man” would do, again: Fuck her, fuck her good. What you did: Not that. Why was she there? Because you fucked her the last time, she wanted more of what she got. Now the puzzle is higher for whatever reason. It doesnt matter. She’s there because there’s sexual tension. Sex is on the table. You know what you want. You know she wants it. She’ll present a puzzle. You do checkmate while avoiding the traps, take valuable pieces, get what you want. What you did: Not that. Her reaction: Girls live in “boy tornado” themselves, always ranking men and trying to stick to the best option. All it takes is a slip like this and you’re done, so it depends on how bad she wanted your cock and how disappointed she was that you didnt provide, and how she managed to feel good again, it may involve fucking another dude. Yes, girls also have phones full of numbers. Basically, Nash, the trick you’re trying to pull by getting them to “surrender” and punish them emotionally doesnt work, and never will, because it’s not masculine. It’s not a turn on for them. I dont mean this in a pejorative way, it’s that there are masculine and feminine forms. Girls will react with horniness to the masculine frame and not to the feminine frame. What you WANTED was that she cancels her dinner and comes to home to fuck with you. Thats your true desire. But you’re not stating it, not taking it, not making it happen. So TAKE IT, MAKE IT HAPPEN, STATE IT, DO IT. I’ll do several comments on some lines now.

NASH: >> grab her by the pussy, stop a cab, take her back to your place and fuck her, have her call her friends and cancel the dinner (if it was even real) and fuck her again, ass and mouth. Yeah. Urrrrggg. This is the part I didn’t really see. I should have walked out of the museum, and grabbed us a cab, told her “I wanted to show her something.” Tom T’s line, “We’re going to Disneyland.” Honestly, I don’t know that I could have “pulled that off.” I bet that doesn’t surprise you. I’m on the edge with this stuff, Yohami. Sometimes, I can. Sometimes… this is just a bit outside my reality. We could have sexed in that space after the museum closed. I couldn’t see it. Her “puzzle” of dinner with her friends rattled me a bit. I was doing a little better by trying to set up that booty call. But she wants me to take her. She doesn’t want to “come over.”

YOHAMI: “But she wants me to take her. ” Go to her place and fuck her, eat her food, watch a show. ” I’m on the edge with this stuff, Yohami. Sometimes, I can. Sometimes… this is just a bit outside my reality.” That’s fine, dont go hard on yourself, what’s great is that you’ve being given chances to try and error, the more the better. “Honestly, I don’t know that I could have “pulled that off.”” The trick, for now, is not to try to “pull anything off”. Be normal, move in the direction you want to move. This is where the less you care, the better. Having the girl come to your place to fuck is not “pulling something off”. It’s an action. Perform it. That’s why she’s there to begin with. She may present another puzzle and then another and then another. The key that opens all these doors is the same door, it’s your master key: know what you want and go for it. NASH: > Basically, Nash, the trick you’re trying to pull by getting them to “surrender” and punish them emotionally doesnt work, and never will, because it’s not masculine. It’s not a turn on for them. I dont mean this in a pejorative way, it’s that there are masculine and feminine forms. Girls will react with horniness to the masculine frame and not to the feminine frame. What you WANTED was that she cancels her dinner and comes to home to fuck with you. Thats your true desire. But you’re not stating it, not taking it, not making it happen. So TAKE IT, MAKE IT HAPPEN, STATE IT, DO IT. Yeah. That is what I wanted. Well said, Yohami. I wasn’t about punishing her, I was about not rewarding her for that set up… not being her gay best friend for 2 hours until her dinner, then I go home alone. But I still think your right. I could have lead us better yesterday. I need to see this.

YOHAMI: “NASH: Omg… You’re so racist!” All that flirtation is good and fun, A+ “I could spend some real time with this one. ” Good, but this is a cheater motherfucker with a cold heart, cheating on the BF, fucking a guy she doesnt know in the first date. She is all these things, plus this. “Best “first night” sex I think I’ve had. ” Most likely because you were “the man” and took her. The first sex with an alpha is the most intense sex they have. “HER: But I won’t spend nights with you. Anymore”

This is a puzzle and can mean many things. For starters, it means that she does want it, but what to see where you stand. Will you tell her to? ask her to? beg her to? can even mean that she wants to fuck in a hotel now. But this is a NO that means YES. [ “HER: No kidnapping cute girl to your place. XP” This basically means she’s ready to be kidnapped. She introduced this frame, right? “kidnapping”. She wants to be taken “by force” against “her will”, which is why she’s doing the charade that this may never happen. Oh no Im never going to have sex with you, you would have to time up! look at there, there’s some rope!! “NASH: It’s a nice art museum, so you can’t put your hands all over me, okay.” “NASH: Omg… You’re so racist!” All that flirtation is good and fun, A+ “I could spend some real time with this one. ” Good, but this is a cheater motherfucker with a cold heart, cheating on the BF, fucking a guy she doesnt know in the first date. She is all these things, plus this. “Best “first night” sex I think I’ve had. ” Most likely because you were “the man” and took her. The first sex with an alpha is the most intense sex they have. “HER: But I won’t spend nights with you. Anymore” This is a puzzle and can mean many things. For starters, it means that she does want it, but what to see where you stand. Will you tell her to? ask her to? beg her to? can even mean that she wants to fuck in a hotel now. But this is a NO that means YES. [ “HER: No kidnapping cute girl to your place. XP” This basically means she’s ready to be kidnapped. She introduced this frame, right? “kidnapping”. She wants to be taken “by force” against “her will”, which is why she’s doing the charade that this may never happen. Oh no Im never going to have sex with you, you would have to time up! look at there, there’s some rope!! “NASH: It’s a nice art museum, so you can’t put your hands all over me, okay.” “I’ll play the cards I’m dealt. And I’ll play them well.” Except you’re not. You’re playing with her rules. In her rules you will always lose. Your job is to go for checkmate. You listen to her to understand where you’re both at, then you go for what you want. There’s no game where you do what the girl tells you she wants you to do, and as a reward you get what you want. That’s not the puzzle. “Game is turning “maybes” into “yeses.”” Actually, no. You can tell by the framing, the starting point is a “maybe”, and you work hard to turn it into a “yes” That’s not how you fucked her. She never told you “maybe you rub my pussy and I’ll get super wet”. You went for the yes. Game is the art of behaving like the man, so women turn themselves into “yeses” ” this is a place I am already “high on the ladder.” Playing to my strengths.” This sounds like a great place to take some girl you havent fucked yet. Or a girlfriend. Who is she? “. I really don’t know if she and I will ever end up naked again” This is entirely up to you. ” I will give her a couple more dates before I give up on her.” You totally regressed on frame. This is a girl you already fucked – now you want to “work up” your way into her vagina, a couple dates more. The signal you’re sending is you’re that much below her, that she giving yourself to you in the first date was a mistake. “So this date, I touch her a lot. I want the frame caddish and sexual. ” This is great and should have some kissing on it. But the museum setup is weird, as in, what do you want from her? “You, do, in fact, have… coffee breath.” That was the moment for the makeout. ” But I am setting the frame as if it’s on. ” All that is great. You’re working it a little too hard instead of taking what you want. From here is where the off-frame completely sabotages you.

“So the museum closes, and her dinner plans with friends aren’t for another 2 hours… she is a long way from home… so now is my chance to put some pressure on her.” PRESSURE dude, no. No. No. No. No. No. No. PULL. This is the perfect place for you to look at it. Look at the difference of PRESSURE and PULL.. When you unbuttoned her bra and played with her nipples, these things are actions that go in a direction and turn her on, you’re taking her where you want her to be, that’s a PULL. See how quicker she was assuming there was going to be sex, like multiplied by your leading force. In contrast the PRESSURE, the PUSH, you want something but you see resistance on her so you nag and splash and manipualate and want her to give you something specific, as in, you’re the one giving a puzzle instead of solving the one in front of you, that you could, always, solve by taking what you want. Which is what she wants you to do. ” So I tell her I’m ditching her. ” You could have said “Im taking you home” “I want to tool her for making plans on the night of our date.” You already conceded defeat because you were given a puzzle, and now you want her to pay for it. That’s not how you solve the puzzle – becacuse that’s not what gives you what you want. Another thing you could have done is stop in the middle of the street and say: kiss me. Come here. The winning scenario is taking her home, fucking her, she cancels her dinner, or goes to it full of your semen under her clothing. “She has not surrendered to me yet and she’s not sweet and adoring.” Why would she? “Man, she got me fast.” The issue here is not that she got you – but that she got you to reverse back to a frame where she’s not crazy about you, a frame where you work your ass up to her, climbing uphill. This Tussle frame. Stop doing that bullshit. ” I know she is stuck with nothing to do for 2 hours. ” Because the plan was always that you fuck her. “HER: What do you have to do before 7?” She wants it so much she’s willing to start solving the puzzle for you, guiding your hand. Here’s your second chance. “I ignore that. ” See how stupid this is? “I want her to ache a little. This is war… until she surrenders.” She’s willing to ease the puzzle so you can fuck her – but you want to inflict pain and make her surrender… to what? to your unwillingness to take what you want? I applaud that you went into girl tornado – means you’ll live this exact situation again and again and again until you figure it out. “NASH: Are you a cheesecake friend? HER: Yup… huge friend.” Dude. YOHAMI: That’s what Im calling “manipulation”. You want thing X, but instead of thing X you do Y, because you think she’ll do X in response, but then she does N, which surprises you, so you do YY. Let’s put it this way, this is a battle of frames, or a dance that is broken. You’re doing chachacha and she’s doing salsa, then you switch to technomusic because you want her to dance reaggetton. When you move that to the proper (alpha) frame and it’s simplicity, this is what you’ll see: – You behave and act like you want sex, you tell her “cancel your dinner” “I dont care about your other plans, you’re with me now” – She’s a woman, she gets turned on by your dominance, she complies, you fuck. OR:

– She’s a woman, she’s fickle and had other plans, she doesnt care about you, she says “no” or increases the puzzle – When you see that she’s not going to give you what you want, you effectively have no use for her and walk away, not because you want that she changes and gives you something. You’re actually not giving a fuck and walking away – She’s a woman, she gets turned on by your dominance and chases you, like a cat. OR: – She effectively didnt want you that much, in which case you just saved yourself a lot of trouble investing where there was no profit. —————What doesnt make sense is jumping into “I’ll walk away” before even having been exposed to the rejection, before even having gone for what you want. You’re imagining scenarios where you move forward and get rejected and planning what to do and reacting to that scenario, when what you should be doing (in frame) is picturing what you want, how to get it, and doing checkmate – and if you cant win, cant get what you want, then move on cleanly, which is also a super turn on for women and can make you win by quitting, if it’s an honest move. This reminds me of that smoker ex girlfriend with boobs who wanted you after you broke up. Walking away = strength = turn on. Pretending to walk away when you actually want to fuck = manipulation. NASH: >> I applaud that you went into girl tornado – means you’ll live this exact situation again and again and again until you figure it out. Uh. Yeah. Ha. Fucking “beta boi karma.” I get it. The tornado will teach me… with a little help from the Yohami. Man… talk to me about this? I don’t get folks that meet up, lets say from an online exchange, and just go straight into sex. I don’t get that. That’s not even what I want. This is not about Madonna/whore. But I like to spend a little bit of time w/ a girl before I fuck her… at least at first. For long term lovers… yeah… they walk in the door, I push her up against the wall, makeout with her, and take her upstairs. Yes. This is very typical me, once she/I are in it. But when I am first getting to know a girl… I want a little time. Like an hour! A drink, the vibe is set, and I’m ready. I can’t take a girl I know nothing about, and march her straight to my room. I assume I can… but that doesn’t even sound good. That’s what the museum was for. That’s why I like taking girls to dinner. A little time to get in synch, and I’m very happy to escalate from there. I don’t think that’s weird. Maybe it is, outside of “top alpha” game. Maybe I just can’t see it yet? I get that I have to solve the puzzle (I love that analogy, Yohami, very, very good one). I get it. And I want to get some new tools here… I’m listening to you. Urrr. Learning is hard. Good thing I like girls as much as I do.

YOHAMI: “I don’t get folks that meet up, lets say from an online exchange, and just go straight into sex. I don’t get that. That’s not even what I want.” I agree on personal preference. I used to require DEEP connection to a girl before having sex with her. For the most part I learned to move all the getting-to-know-each-other for after sex, and let the animal take charge and center and let lust be what it is. But, nothing wrong with the drinks and museum and stuff. You need a playground to be yourself. Just know that it’s not required FOR HER. You’re doing that for you. You’re effectively taking your time (even an hour!) before having sex with her, because you’re not a slut (heh). That’s a good frame to have.

To clarify this: “>> But, nothing wrong with the drinks and museum and stuff. You need a playground to be yourself. Just know that it’s not required FOR HER.” This doesnt mean that she’s ready to be fucked – this means that the plan you made is YOUR progression, not HER progression. Her progression is the puzzle. The progression you planned serves YOU to elevate your status and display attributes and set the mood and frame, which may or not be compatible with what she needs. What she needs may include some of these, or none, hence her puzzle. What you must pay attention to is what she responds to, and what she doesnt respond to. Then you do more of what she responds to and less of what she doesnt respond to, while you keep progressing towards the checkmate. The most important thing is that you jump as far as you can towards the checkmate whenever you see the possibility, and sometimes when you don’t even see it. That’s the ‘escalation’ Moving at a constant pace in your predetermined plan is not enough and is counter producent. If you see a way to kill it in one move, do that. To know where you’re at, look at her and see what’s the status of her puzzle. She’s there and she wants something. Put your focus there. The end result is that she wants the same as you, she just wants you to take her in a particular way. She wont express it frontally but she’ll let you know, as long as you keep moving her there, she’ll verbalize (and otherwise) what’s next. This sometimes will mean she wants to fuck immediately, sometimes will mean she wants some other type of game o connection, and the same girl will want different things, and some girls will want something specific from you and something from other men, etc. She wants something, figure out what it is. This goes on top of all the other stuff, it’s not a replacement. The bottom line is she’s there because she wants cock.

RIV: nash, is it possible that one girl needs very little trust and emotional connect to fuck a high value man because she is more impulsive, more adventurous, more sensation seeking, or simply more horny at that moment? and, is it possible that another girl needs more trust and emotional connection because she is less impulsive, less adventurous, less sexually experienced, or simply less horny at the moment? or, is it possible that ALL GIRLS BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME AT ALL TIMES?

YOHAMI: Riv, “is it possible that one girl needs very little trust and emotional connect to fuck a high value man because she is more impulsive, more adventurous, more sensation seeking, or simply more horny at that moment?” Yes. “and, is it possible that another girl needs more trust and emotional connection because she is less impulsive, less adventurous, less sexually experienced, or simply less horny at the moment?” It’s not only “possible”, that’s exactly right. More so, even the same girl will require a different cocktail every time, because are inconsistent, have the ovulation period, have drama spikes, horniness spikes, jealousy spikes, insecurity spikes, etc. Every day the mix will be different, and every girl is different. If you nitpick and zoom, every girl is a human, and no human is identical to any other. But if you zoom out and see the big picture, then all girls are girls and all girls what the same thing. There are broad strokes and fine strokes. “or, is it possible that ALL GIRLS BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME AT ALL TIMES?” Depends on the level of zoom that you’re at, but the way you’re wording it means you didnt get the idea yet. Women are women. Are you ok with that? for sure? *But if you zoom out and see the big picture, then all girls are girls and all girls WANT the same thing. There are broad strokes and fine strokes.

Namely, they want “the man”, “the high value guy”, “the cool guy”, the “confident sexual guy who takes no shit from anyone”, the “guy with a sense of humor”, the “swagger”. If this wasnt the case, then GAME would be impossible. You either embrace the generalities as a starting point to understand not just women, but men, and society, or you reject it to embrace individualism and unicorns where the rules dont apply to you for whatever reason – except they do. First go to the general and then break the rules individually. We’re humans, we have shared traits. We’re men and women, we have shared and distinctive traits. We have instincts, psychology, patterns, we act in predictable ways. Then at very close range everyone is different, just a little.

BREAKING OUT OF FRAME I like how you were hearing my quotes as you were seeing the movie in front of your eyes. The same happened to me when I was breaking out of my frame, and remembering quotes by RSDTyler (he had some good ideas even back then), Bad Boy and DiAngelo. I also had this constant vision that a girl would give herself to a kind of man, and I embeded that man. Glad that my stuff was useful. — So you fucked this one – great. See, if you hadnt, she was, like every girl, trying to find “the man” or “the cock” and she saw, or she thought that she saw him on you when you approached her. And yes, it is a sexual setup, and yes, “the man” would try to fuck her if she gives him a chance. Because “the man” could call any other of his 200 girls to fuck that night but chose HER, so this is her only chance. So, she actually wants to be the chosen one and take that chance, but first she must come to terms and figure if you are “the man” or not. Because if not, she has someone else to call. This girl with a “boyfriend” could call so many other guys who want to fuck her. But she came here, for you, because she thinks you’re better. So you better do checkmate. This is how every girl fucks in the first date. This is how every girl fucks in the first 20 min after meeting you. All it takes is that you’re “the man”. If you had remained on your usual frame, aka “let’s just progress forward, and try later”, you’d have disqualified yourself and put in a different category, not “the man” category, but “a guy with less options than her”. Then she may still want to fuck you or not, but more often not. When you do pick up like what you did, that sets the sexual frame very direct (pick up in the street) you have to ramp UP instead of slow DOWN. Well you have to ramp up always anyway, but you’re starting with a bang, you have very little room to slow down. If you had met her in a social gathering or work or something asexual then there’s plenty of room because you have somewhere else to go. When you start sexual, that’s the only rope you’ve got, so you have to make it happen. So, some girls will want to fuck you even if you’re not “the man” because you’re still better than the other options they have, these are the ones you fuck even you fight and hesitate and wait and dance around. This one, this was your chance and you took it. If you fucked her well she’ll come for more, find ways to keep ramping it up. The THAI girl is “gone” in my book, because you missed the window. Or maybe she likes you and will stay, but in my experience one shot is all it takes. Why? Because “the man” doesn’t give a fuck about her rules. “The man” is not her pet, and this is what she ultimately wanted. She told you so. “puzzles” There are two kinds of men, one who do as she says, and the ones she does as they say. Which kind of men does she want to fuck? She would have dumped that BF so fast. A bunch of my experiences ended up in the girls skypeing their BFs in the morning, wearing one of my shirts. Girls are ruthless. But now that you know this, would you be her boyfriend? wtf is a BF? — While you’re carrying with this experience fresh in you, go out and talk to girls. Dont even “game them”, just talk to them. Watch them light up.

NOTE ON ANNOUNCING AND VERBALIZING YOHAMI: “Announcing it this like was a way to transition in that direction” Exercise for you: do without permission, do, don’t announce. Take, don’t ask. NASH: Ha… the “Yohami voice” has been in my head now again as I do this stuff. I know how you feel about this, Sensei. Yeah… I think you’re right, I could just *do* some of the this, not talk about it. And sometimes, I do. If I think the kiss is there, if she feels compliant, like she’s ready or “floppy” enough to take it when it comes, I’d just kiss her. Taiwanese girl… we had talked some sex, yes, but as I kissed her the first time, I just did it. I felt like it, I did it, she was totally compliant. But if it feels like the kiss isn’t there… like compliance isn’t there… like an attempted would just get pushed away… I think announcing it serves the same purpose as going for it and getting rejected. Both are fine. Both can be good, actually. They both serve the purpose of making sure she knows that this is not about friends or anything else. Making sure she knows you won’t wait long for sex… If she sticks around after a failed kiss, or a verbally rejected one, she knows you’re going to escalate. That’s what this is all about for me. For shy/traditional girls, this has helped me move things along. Push it further every time, and if she keeps coming out, that’s her saying “yes.” Someone could have taken this farther last night, I’m sure. But that girl was not ready to kiss me. She was about 1/2 step behind me most of the night and I felt like I moved her along pretty well. If she comes out w/ me again, she knows I’ll escalate. And I know she’s ready for it. You’re not wrong, man. But I know this process works. I don’t do it like this every time… but this is a way to move things along.

YOHAMI: Framing. You kiss her when she wants it. You can also request a kiss when you want it. In contrast, the frame where you’re going with this is one where she may not want the kiss and you’re going uphill towards rejection. Explanation. The frame you put in is the frame you create. You are the leader, she follows. Whatever happened in your life, you were placed in a position where life was uphill and women rejected you. You learned that frame, learned to move in that frame, learned the rules and how to operate and how to take advantage and how to move there. And now you embrace the frame and take it along with you to every new girl you want. Literally, you’re proposing an uphill frame where you conquer obstacles and have to fight and deal with rejection. That’s the game you are inviting them to play. Then you may win sometimes and you reinforce the cycle and the frame. Line by line; “But if it feels like the kiss isn’t there… like compliance isn’t there… like an attempted would just get pushed away… ” If she’s not submissive use body language, tone, “swing your dick in front of her” which translates to “display your attributes” or “show high value” and escalate with kino, move her around, get closer, invade her space, bring her to yours, etc. This is not rocket science – Lance from Pickup 101 has dvds after dvd about this, and the guys from RSD do only that, few verbal signals, some kino, and kiss, all under one minute. This is a girl who went out with you because there’s sexual tension already. So “like an attempted would just get pushed away… ” You’re creating that on your own. “I think announcing it serves the same purpose as going for it and getting rejected. ”

No, it signals that you want to test waters to avoid rejection. Which is not compatible with a strong masculine frame, but compatible with a weak unmasculine frame. So the act of verbalizing it DECREASES the sexual tension. The exception is when she’s craving for the kiss and practically nothing you do matters because she will guide you towards sex herself. Or yes, if you read that slowly: “Announcing it serves the same purpose as going for it and getting rejected. ” Yes – announcing it serves the same purpose as getting rejected. GETTING REJECTED. Get rid of that frame. “Both are fine. Both can be good, actually.” No. “They both serve the purpose of making sure she knows that this is not about friends or anything else.” No. She’s there because she wants to fuck you already. The idea that you have to convey that this is not about friendship, at this stage, means you’re going at it off frame. This is a girl you picked up, and she’s there to have sex with you. You having to create things to signal that this is not “friendship” actually drags in the barriers that were not there. So now she’ll have to push away and see where you’re standing. When she pushes away you’ll probably think “aha! she would have rejected the kiss! I was right in verbalizing it first! now I’ll work uphill some more” No wonder you get exhausted. “Making sure she knows you won’t wait long for sex…” You still dealing with rejection. She came to see you because she wants to fuck you. She’s ready. Are you? “If she sticks around after a failed kiss, or a verbally rejected one, she knows you’re going to escalate. That’s what this is all about for me.” Rejection, rejection, rejection, rejection, rejection. She came to you after you picked her up. Accept that fact. “For shy/traditional girls, this has helped me move things along.” You only have one technique and one frame and you use it and sometimes it works. Now get other frames and other techniques and compare and pick the most powerful one. “Push it further every time, and if she keeps coming out, that’s her saying “yes.”” PUSH is the wrong frame. You’re pushing towards a barrier, arent you. Rejection. When we talk about Push Pull, the PUSH is actually pushing her away, the PULL is pulling her into you. The push shows you dont give a fuck, which is a signal of high value, the PULL is getting her into your space, which is showing that you want her. Instead, in your frame you PUSH when you WANT HER, so you push against a wall. One of your own making. With a girl who already wants you and can be TAKEN (PULLED). “Someone could have taken this farther last night, I’m sure. ” YOU could have, since she was there FOR YOU. “But that girl was not ready to kiss me.” No wonder. “She was about 1/2 step behind me most of the night and I felt like I moved her along pretty well.” Nice. “If she comes out w/ me again, she knows I’ll escalate. And I know she’s ready for it.” If she doesnt is because you didnt escalate. “You’re not wrong, man. ” Im always right :-) btw: “Making sure she knows you won’t wait long for sex…”

You ARE waiting for sex, and even waiting to kiss her. Your actions let her know things. You are telling her that you are willing to go for a whole date and talk about sex and kisses but not make a move. Which means you’re afraid and you don’t have the balls she thought you had when you approached her. The bottom line is you are already past the barrier. This is a girl you opened and she said YES. Now act like a man that women say YES to, instead of a man women say NO to. The reason you’re in this crux is that you’re doing daygame BECAUSE you’re the man women say NO to. So that’s your starting frame, you got this one doing numbers game after hitting hundreds of girls, you are experienced with the NO instead of with the YES. Then this one is saying YES and you’re still dealing with a NO. YES means YES! Go for it. “Push it further every time, and if she keeps coming out, that’s her saying “yes.”” I just read the story with the THAI girl. Maybe this will serve as an example: Imagine that we’re playing chess. The objective is to checkmate the King. As soon as you have a way to do checkmate, do the checkmate. – The alternative scenario is when you’re uber confident and intentionally delay the checkmate to toy with my feelings, like a cat. – Now. This is a special scenario where the girl is trying to determine how good of a chess player you are. To evaluate you, she’ll offer little puzzles, little problems, and expect you to do checkmate or take valuable pieces and not fall in the traps. When a girl likes you she’s rooting for you to do well. She wants you to win the game. She’ll also give you obvious problems and puzzles. Every time you move at a slower pace, not take the pieces, not do checkmate, not move forward, you fail. She may give you a few more and guide you more. But every time you play it “safe” and not move forward, you’re showing the kind of chess player you are – one that doesnt take the prize when offered, one that doesnt win. The less of a good player you are, the less attracted she becomes, which makes her increase the difficulty of the puzzles. Yes, the best player in the world gets the easiest puzzle, and the worst player in the world gets the hardest puzzle. It’s exponentially reversal. So, let’s say you pick up a girl. She went out with you. Which means she likes you. Which means she’ll make it easy for you. Which means she expects you to do a move on her, kiss her, arouse her, entertain her, fuck her. If you don’t do these things, then you’re “not the man she was expecting” and suddenly the rules change and the whole thing realigns, and you get harder puzzle, and less attraction. This is like you started and she gave you a direct move to the checkmate. But you decided to use 5 moves aligning pawns, moving horse to one side of the board, and moving a tower back and forth. Then she moves the queen so you can eat it, but you cover your queen instead. The result is that the girl experiences a mix of disappointment, rejection, boredom, frustration, and anxiety. I get the feeling you’re too familiar with that mix. The girl will try to stay in the game until it’s obvious you don’t either dont have a clue of what you’re doing, or have no intention to move and win. Depending on the setup one emotion will win, she will either feel rejected “he doesn’t like me” or disappointed “he’s no the man I thought he was”, frustrated “I wanted to be fucked, now I’ll better go home and masturbate, or call Mir Big Dick again”, etc. If she’s really into you she may bypass your whole ineptitude and take control, telling you what to do and how. I get the feeling you’re very aware of that facet as well. With the THAI girl – when she was sucking your neck you could have unbuttoned her shirt (she would have helped you), massage / finger her pussy, tell her to undress, fuck her in the kitchen. At the bare minimum. That’s the Queen / King exposed and offered for you to win the game, easiest level of difficulty. Provided to you and given on a plate like a champ. Not moving forward and being safe doesnt make things easier, it makes them harder. But at the same time you have to keep an eye on how you move forward. It’s not a “push”, it’s a pull. A pull as in, you tell her what to do and you set the frame and you do as you want with her. It’s not a blind push and its nor forcible. It’s not imposing. It’s assertive.

Btw your story reminded me of a girl that I started dating when I was just brand new into the PUA / Player thing. She was a beauty. Very young. She was 17 or 18 and I was 35. I felt guilty for wanting to fuck her and wanted to also protect her or something. She was at my apartment on our second date after having met on a dating site. We were watching a scary movie on my bed and she started rubbing herself on me like an animal. I put my hand or her pussy and she started sucking my neck and I grabbed a boob and then I calmed her down. I told her that I wasnt going to take advantage of her and that nothing was going to happen. So we chilled some but I was two fold, because now there was some thing awkward about it. Then she wanted to go home. I never saw her again. I never made that mistake again.

NASH: About the verbals… Yohami. Didn’t you talk to Riv about not kissing the girl before he gets her back to his place? Am I making that up? I think your POV was that he *should* makeout w/ a girl ASAP, out on the date, and then get her home. This is how the verbal part works for me… talking sex is not, my fear of rejection. I love to talk about sex, in general, and especially with women. And my thoughts as you/I kick this around are… that that talk helps create some common ground, a shared vocabulary, and some sexual comfort, before she’s back at my place. I don’t think it lets off the pressure, I think it builds pressure… but also comfort and familiarity. I am very much listening to you, and I need to test some new strategies. I am listening… and thank you again for the time, man. Viva Yohami!

YOHAMI: Maybe. I guess it can create tension if done in a flirty way. With the THAI girl it obviously turned her on. With this one from what I read (and filling the gaps) I guess it worked as a replacement from making a move. ” I think she came out because I wasn’t a know, and she wanted to see what else was there.” That is exactly right. That’s right for every step and forever as long as you’re with a girl. The only point where I’ve ever seen a girl think that a guy is a total YES FOREVER is when she’s not with that guy and that guy is fucking someone else. Once the guy is on reach the process resumes and all she has to give are puzzles. If she’s attracted the puzzles will be easy, but, they can be failed. But. Having the attitude that she’s there to fuck you is Game 101. That means you have the value already, and having that as a starting point, having that status, permeates everything else. If you dont have that as a starting point, that will also permeate everything else. And you’ll get a matching treatment. Looking back, I was lucky in that I approached Game in the way that I did. I knew that girls would behave in a certain way with super high value men like Brad Pitt. Also knew that I could get away with pretty much anything as long as I acted natural, because girls follow your frame. So I adquired, fabricated, emulated the super high top value immediately and refused to do anything else – if I was in a social situation and I didnt see what I could do to convey that kind of value, I’d just not do anything at all. If I didn’t have relationships that conferred me that kind of value, I’d not have any relationships at all. I only grabbed top value roles, activities, approaches, frames, I was Brad Pitt acting like Brad Pitt. So when I failed it usually was because I progressed to a point where Brad Pitt would have done something different, for example, fuck the girl, but I hesitated. Or I’d start getting attached / jealous when a Brad Pitt would have moved on and fuck other girls. So I always had a contrast because I could SEE the frame. The girls I chased all my life were giving themselves freely to Brad Pitt. I wanted that, or nothing. When I fucked that girl in the first date all was so natural and trick-less. I was just there, kissed her like it was the most normal thing in the world, then brought her home and fucked her. No big deal. I did that so many times. And to my shock a lot of the girls let me know after that I had lost some opportunities. A super hot girl that saw me singing and came to tell me that my voice was beautiful – I fucked her two dates after that. She told me I could have taken her to a room and fuck her when she came to talk to me, so I almost lost her by

“waiting”. Of course after that I started fucking girls 15 minutes after meeting them. Because yes, all girls are like that, all girls are like that with BRAD PITT. They all open to the same key. So yeah. That idea that you push it forward every time and keep moving forward as long as you don’t hear resistance, and promising not to cross the line. That is embedded in the BETA frame because you’re progressing towards rejection. I wish I could make a hologram and point at it but words is all there is. The idea that there’s rejection at some point and that it is something you have to deal with belongs to the frame that is under women, where they are the judge and you perform to please. All it takes is that you adopt the frame that is above them, where you are the judge and they perform to please you, and that’s where the puzzle switches and becomes super easy, and they are the ones trying to please and not to be rejected, and they LOVE IT because THAT is what they are trying to get all the time. That’s the type of men they want. Whenever you switch to the other frame is a turn off. So doing seduction from that other frame is such a bad idea. I remember back when that was my life and it’s such a heartache.

NOTES ON ANNOUNCING AND VERBALIZING PART 2 YOHAMI: Good story, comments: “I am talking sex almost the whole time.” Hum. More on this later. “I tell her, “kiss me”” Perfect. “… but I look toward the bar” Why? “She says she can’t kiss me in front of the whole bar. ” She wants you to take her somewhere else, she’s ready for extraction. Here’s where you can say “let’s go” “She’s basically accepting that frame.” She’s ready. “I tell her I’m happy to take her back to my house to have sex with her… and she laughs again.” She’s ready. “I tell her to call herself an Uber” What the fuck. This is a Push but you’re not aware of it. This one wants cock and you don’t acknowledge it. “I tell her she can come back to my place, and that I promise I won’t try to have sex with her” What the fuck again. I dont get this idea of telling a girl that you wont have sex with her. This is a Push ( a rejection) but the vibe I get is you want her to be comfortable. You’re offering NO-Sex as comfort, when she actually wants the sex (that you’ve been advertising all along). “just kissing?” See what Im saying? what would she have to say so you understand? this is a girl – she’s not likely to tell you “I want you to fuck me” until much later down in the road. This is a sexual setup, if she puts herself in situations where you can make the move, SHE WANTS YOU TO MAKE THE MOVE. “I promise I won’t put my cock inside you unless you ask for it.” Why? are you her next lover or her white knight that protects her from having sex? who are you? “She is… an immature goofball for the next 20 minutes.” She’s ready and waiting for you to take her. ” It will be… fucking easy to get her back here next time. ” Next time – why. Why are you not deep balls inside of her already? what do you think she’s doing at your apartment? it was fucking easy to bring her there now. What are you using for a timeframe and putting the prize out of your reach, when she’s there in your reach because she wants it? “Kitchen. She’s looking at the view.” She’s fucking ready. Even stopped moving to signal that its your turn to take her. No more confusion here. “I kiss her. She is… a fantastic kisser. Best kiss I’ve had all year. Passionate, lots of tongue.” Fuck yes, finally you make a move. Good. Great. Fuck yes. Way to go. Hours later but nevermind. Cash on it. “I feed her some cheesecake.” What the fuck are you doing. “She thanks me after every bite. We kiss some more.” She reframed the cake as a submissive action. Golden. She’s waiting for it. “She sucks on my neck.” She’s BEGGING for it. “It’s about 1 AM now. I’m tired, and I really don’t think sex is on the table. ” WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Copy and paste that 100 times. ” I tell her I’m going to bed, and she is welcome to stay over. I tell her I will take her clothes off, and touch her everywhere, but — again — I won’t put my cock in her unless she begs for it” WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. “She thinks about it, and declines. ” As expected. Keep pushing her out, raising barriers and sabotaging it and NOT TAKING HER and she’ll take the clue and respect your decision to NOT HAVE SEX with her. It’s not like she was begging you to make the move or anything. “She tells me she is spending the night next time. I believe her.”

Yeah well, I hope you see her again. For now, file this under the facepalm archives, and as a prime example of how verbalizing and announcing instead of doing, and how setting up barriers when there are none lets you empty handed. Great narrative otherwise but seriously wtf was all that :-D How often do you experience this when you’re with a girl and things are moving then you get tired and call it off? most of the stories I’ve read from you are like that. Time to change the script bro. Cheers. YOHAMI: “You: When we get there, I’m going to kiss you.” Yep, fuck that line. – Why do you need ‘balls’ to kiss her? – Why are you injecting an artificial barrier that must overcome in order to kiss her? – Why do you assume that the combination of the two things above is alright? Going to the root it’s bottom guy to the core and inserting walls and trouble to where it’s none. You’re not supposed to be afraid of her, and not supposed to take that fear and put it as a barrier between you two and then tell her how you’re gonna climb that barrier to get her. All that is you sabotaging the damn thing. So are there exceptions? yes, when what you want is actually out of reach and the barrier is physical or has a high cost, in which case the ‘announcing’ doesn’t reflect your own desire to have barriers in the middle of you two, but your willingness to take the actual barriers down. Examples: – You’re on the phone and tell her you’re gonna or wanna do X thing to her her

– You’re long distance and tell her you want to X same above This is specially good when she’s the one go has to go through the barrier, example: – You’re long distance and you tell her you want her to come – She’s busy with exams / friends / family / has other plans and you tell her to drop all that for you You can turn this into ‘roleplay’ and make fun while escalating things as well, this is now very specific to the girl and the actual story and situation and how you’re leading things, example: – When we get to that building, we’re getting married, do you have your docs with you? (and when we get to that other one we’re getting divorced, hey nothing lasts these days!) – When we get to that post, you’re going to do a lap dance for me – When we get to there, you’re going to tell me your darkest secret ——————– But you don’t need balls to kiss her. If you actually do, well you shouldn’t, and you don’t get bonus points for rapporting your progress to her. This should be obvious but you need something to compare against – because with SOME girls this won’t matter, they are already turned on so they only hear ‘kiss’, they don’t see what you actually did. But if she’s screening, like most girls will be with you, she’ll just feel something is ‘off’ about it, something is ‘a little awkward’ about it, it may not be immediately ‘hey just be a fucking man and kiss me’, but the seed of it will be there, bothering her, and because this damn thing comes from your frame, you’ll repeat the damn thing in small or big ways, making that thing grow and solidify, till it makes her do the switch and move on. Which is how guys lose girls. Grow your balls before the damn date, your balls should already be huge. The date is not the place to grow balls, but the place to use them. ———– Another thing I’ve been exploring is that girls dislike bottom guy so much, and bottom guy is ‘worker’ so they dislike ‘work’ to the point they don’t understand it’s part of the travel a man has to go through. All this thing like Rollo saying women don’t show appreciation for their men, what he’s probably referring to is women don’t show appreciation for the ‘work’ he puts into. But zooming out, women showing appreciation for ‘work’ would mean they’d be rewarding all the bottom men working hard to please them, and that’s not how it’s wired. The guy they are attracted to is all present and powerful, he doesn’t need to ‘work’, he makes others work, including her. Things to ponder. And ah yea, fuck that line. But that line is still ways better than “I want to kiss you” which gotta be among the worsts thing you can say, specially when you don’t actually do it. “I want to kiss you” and not doing it is asking for permission. It’s creating the wrong kind of ‘tension’ and you’ll pay for it. Krauser’s line “Im going to kiss you” is better in that it’s not asking for permission, he goes in to say her feedback doesn’t matter, basically you put it out there’ and you’re not being reactive. This is a step upwards. It’s like putting your dick out and now it’s her problem. Lots of courage there – of the wrong kind, because now she’s forced to be on the spot and make her own mind about it, aka, all the ‘tension’ is now on her side and she’s the one who has to make a move. This thing of “I will insert tension here so you now have to make a move” That’s not the path. Specially most of these times the move she has available is to stop you, or to not act (in the case of the dick out) then what? you’d chase some more. The sort of tension that works in arousing the woman is this: Anticipation and not knowing what you will do next. That in bold, big font, uppercase. *ANTICIPATION AND NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU WILL DO NEXT* For her it has to feel magical / frictionless. It has to ping her emotions, and then give it to her in a big way when she’s ready for it. So yeah it’s not about you having to show balls. She was most likely licking someone’s balls that morning, she’s seen dick before, she’s kissed before, men better and more ballsy than you probably, this is not about she appreciating you for trying to conquer your fears, she’s looking for someone else, and asking herself if that could be you, right now

YOHAMI ON PUSH/PULL YOHAMI: “I do not like pressure, I do not want pressure”. Push and pull – but Im redefining terms here, because bottom frame doesn’t understand push and pull. ————————– You dont ‘push’ to get into her pants. You ‘push’ to push her away and let her go fuck herself. Push are negs and taking away your attention. Also breaking rapport. Also teases. Also some form of roleplays are push (like casting her in a character where she has to justify herself out of). Also any form of boundary setting. Basically anything where you exec your judgement on her and doesn’t paint her on the best light. All that is push, you’re literally increasing the amount of distance between you too. You do this when she doesn’t follow your lead, when she doesn’t offer compliance, when she shit tests you, when she roleplays that you’re bottom guy, when she acts as if it’s your job to chase her, and / or when you think pushing her away is just fun. This is VERY attractive for a woman. ————————– You ‘pull’ to fuck her. Pull is showing leadership, telling her what to do, giving her attention, and it comes with a ‘space’ where she’s free to come to you. You ping her desire, and let her come to you. You tell her what to do, then allow her to follow you. Doing what you want and pleasing you and giving you compliance is the default female behavior, so you show authority, then let her free to obey. You act dominant, then let her free to be submissive. This is ‘pull’ because this is you using your male gravity, and letting the girl be the girl. The basic nature of women is that this is what they want. That’s the ‘come here’ and then letting them actually come here. This is the ‘get naked’ and then letting them get naked. So you ping her desire, then you get out of the way and let her come to you. Pull is how you lead. —————————— So because Bottom Guy doesn’t know shit he tries to fuck her by pushing and doesn’t understand wtf is pulling. He tries to force pulling to “hey come here” as a push. So the push happens when she’s not aroused, it becomes pushing against her resistance. And ‘girls don’t like pressure’ Because pressure doesn’t let her be submissive to you. Pressure means you’re not leading her. ——————————“My thinking is they mean what the thirsty guys lower ranked in the tribe do, which is they pursue pursue pursue clinging to any little attention the girls give.” Like desperate chihuahuas with a boner. “They do not mean pressure as in the king giving them attention.” Correct. When the king tells them what to do and waits – the girls know this is their chance to grab what they want or otherwise it’s gone forever, because some other girl will comply where they don’t. If the king then comes ‘but do what I want, do it, do what I want’ etc that stops being King like behavior and turns into childish – it breaks the script, so she’ll set walls up. ——————————“Because some guys like that Alex Social says to put zero pressure” Alex is bottom guy. Or being generous, Alex lives in bottom guy frame (he can still get out of there). The issue with bottom frame is that your desire when there is toxic, so when you want things, you act as if there’s a wall preventing you from getting them, so all your intent comes with ‘pressure’ embedded. So to actually get what you want you need to tune your own self down and act as if you don’t really care – this allows you to channel the ‘pull’ more. Alex acts as a pushy chihuahua and he has to tune the shit out of it so he stops pushing against the girl’s resistance and allow her to turn herself on by his manly attributes, which he has when he’s not too busy impersonating flipper the dolphin.

Every time you see a ‘paradox’ in game it’s about talking to the bottom frame about not being as needy in wanting what he wants. “so all you do is be around the girl without leading to sex at all, and at some point, sex will happen.” Well do you see it. “even if you’re not pushing the sex will somehow happen” BECAUSE GIRLS ARE THERE FOR THE SEX. They just wont fuck the bottom guy you keep bringing to the date.

RULEBOOK YOHAMI: Some further thoughts ————————————– ————————————– RULE: GRUESOME WORK IS DEATH When your self perceived value is beneath the girl’s (you’re bottom guy), closing that gap is ‘gruesome work’, and is unattractive. Any and all of your work deflates your value and pushes you down further the bottom. Anyone telling you that ‘pickup is work’ / ‘seduction is gruesome work’ is working on filling the gap of value from bottom guy to the girls value. This is seduction as an uphill battle, and at the end of the day it can’t be won – any success means the girl either doesn’t see you as bottom (she gets the right combination of value so she pushes aside or can’t see what’s actually happening), or is intentionally exploiting your bottom frame and benefiting form all your free work. So any success while on bottom frame is either: A) Her actual self perceived value is under yours, so to her you’re not bottom (thus all your work was unnecessary). This disorients you as you don’t know exactly what you did to get this girl? it’s not something you can repeat on command, what happened?? Or B) She’s taking you BECAUSE of the value gap AND because she benefits from all the work you’re putting in. This is the real danger as it gives you a taste of validation. This one teaches you to work more, and fixates you on specific things you did that somehow don’t tend to repeat and can’t get another girl by working the same exact bits, but you keep trying!!! When Im writing about seduction here Im always talking about case 1. The girl who is seeing you as above her value and is offering compliance, is turned on, is not playing machiavelic games, doesn’t want your demise: the girl who is HAPPY to see you UP, wants your leadership, wants to play the feminine to your masculine. So that’s the context for all what follows. Girls type A are the majority, it’s the natural order of things, they all want the ‘top guy’ and run away from the bottom guy. You playing bottom guy games explains the super high rejection rate in PUA, basically you’re screening all of them out. Then end with a handful of girls who have a self perceived value inferior than yours, girls who actually see the ‘top guy’ in you in spite of all the unnecessary gap/closing games you’re playing, AND A bunch of B type girls, vampires, crazies, dysfunctional girls who likely have ‘holes’ on their personas and require external work for them to be functional, AKA, they are using your bottom guy work for their own sustainance. But the more you work on them, the more you have to work! Death. What would be non death? Seduction without any of the gruesome work. Seduction with no work put in whatsoever. Seduction for the A type girls. Seducing “girls who like you” Heh. Seducing girls who like you!!!! But is it possible? yes. But here I’ll write about how Beta is death, then do some pointers to illustrate the difference. ————————————– ————————————– RULE: CHASE IS DEATH When the girl perceives you’re bottom, she’ll raise walls. Any attempt to bring these walls down by putting more ‘work’ only increases the value difference, and likely makes her raise the walls some more. ————————————– ————————————– RULE: BETA IMPERSONATION IS DEATH One of the “gruesome work / ways to fill the gap” behaviors that come from bottom frame is the adoption of a beta personality. But what is it? “I am like you, and Im not a threat” Basically ‘friendship’. Any time where you’d require the girl to engage in your SAME EXACT BEHAVIOR for things to work out.

Asking questions but she doesn’t ask any? telling stories but she doesn’t tell any? you’re investing but she doesn’t invest back? Would that be solved if she would JUST do the same as you’re doing? Then you’re playing a beta game – or, look at it: *** Do you want the girl to behave like you? Then you’re acting like a girl. *** You can’t get a girl to ‘chase you’ or invest, or ask questions, or tell the truth, or anything, by ‘leading by example’. You need to LEAD, but you can’t “lead by example” Seduction, or ‘the courtship’ is not about sameness. ————————————– ————————————– RULE: BETA INTERROGATION IS DEATH When you ask questions, then act as if you care about the answers she gave you (and believe anything she says), and proceed to ask more questions. So the energy is going down and you try to fill that gap by asking more stuff. Hey! If she would just engage more and ask questions back, everything would be fine! *** Me: Are you going to university? Her: yes Me: What do you study? Her: Medicine Me: Do you know how to stitch a wound? Her: I do Or Me: How many boyfriends have you had? Her: one Me: Did you kiss? Her: a little Me: Are you a virgin??????? Her: …. yes? (Nash we’ve found another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ————————————– ————————————– RULE: BETA STORY TELLING IS DEATH 1) When you’re giving unprompted information / telling stories that require her to be invested and ask more information for any of it to work If she would just care, everything would be fine!! *** Me: I have an uncle that studies architecture Her: oh yeah? Me: Yes, he went to Boston Her: oh Me: my other uncle studied engineering Her: … Me: When I was a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian Her: puppies are cute! Me: I liked cows… *** 2) When you’re telling stories or sharing unprompted information that serves the purpose of telling her “Im like you / Im in your tribe”. If she would just find this sameness attractive, everything would be fine!!! *** Her: Im ecuadorian

Me: (talking with latin american accent) hola como estas?? Me: I went to ecuador, muy bonitas playas! (beautiful beaches) Her: yes… they are pretty Me: I know how to cook enchiladas, look at this enchilada I made (shows picture) Her: …. ————————————– ————————————– RULE: BETA ROLE PLAYING IS DEATH A ‘roleplay’ is when you narrate a reality outside of normal reality and make it about you both and this progresses escalation. So, a ‘beta’ roleplay takes you out of the equation, makes it just about her, and puts her on a pedestal to be admired. Or, take all the edge of a roleplay, tamper down all the tease, and fill it with compliments. *** Me: I have to tell you I like your style! Her: yeah? Me: You have a flair.. look like a singer, I can imagine you on your room trying a dress and singing to the hairbrush… Her: …hehe Me: Singing britney spears songs!!! Her: oh I like britney spears Me: (impersonating) Toxic!! you’re like tooxic to mee! A few minutes later Me: I have an uncle that studied medicine Her: … Me: His name is frank Her: ok Me: Good music here don’t you think? Her: yes I like it Me: I have a friend on a band, they play Me: What kind of music do you listen to? Her: I like cumbia Me: (dancing) cumbia is like this right? Me: my friend pedro used to dance cumbia Fuck all this. I’ll follow up with more later.

CONQUERING PUZZLES YOHAMI: Great read. Comments: “no fighting, just leading toward a space that would make us both happy.” Perfect. “But I feel like i am cheating on my bf” The irony – girl who’s fucking (at least one) man other than the bf, feels “like she is cheating” no really ;-D. However what this means is she’s getting involved emotionally. In my experience it takes 3 good fucks before girls start developing actual feelings, barriers come down etc. 3 Fucks is the threshold, it’s getting real for her. Kisses and blowjobs coming. Then a fight with the bf. Then a laundry list for you. Enjoy. “I am trying to understand this “punish” vs “reward” thing.” Yep. On point. You can be “a good guy” as a reward for good behavior, and “nasty negging bastard” to punish bad behavior. ” Let me think about what might be fun to do and I’ll get back to you.” I like that. “come here” Most powerful line in Game. “Should have done that from the start.” You can also do this with girls you don’t know yet, if you do the same exact thing with the same natural manner. “I win. Which is exactly what she wants.” That’s exactly what all of them want. They want you to win. The wrestle is part of the fun. Foreplay. The puzzle is offered so you conquer them. Show them what you’re made of. Take possession of them. “. When I get home, she is in the kitchen, playing w/ the cats, wearing the long yellow t-shirt I had given her” Like in a movie. All these dreamy things forming. Enjoy man. “HER: Okay HER: Where. HER: I don’t want to be late again” That’s beautiful.

GAMING LIFE YOHAMI: And to circle back things, in case you havent. All these things we’re talking about in how to deal with girls, the punish, reward, puzzle, what she wants, etc – it’s the same thing in business and rest of life. The “tussle” is something you’re applying somewhere else in life and is creating other walls that look very real to you elsewhere. Use the same and take it away, and paths will open, just like are opening with girls. It’s all the same. The skills gained here can be used elsewhere, and the skills elsewhere can be used with girls. You becoming ‘the man’ with girls is the same as becoming a winner in life. Same frame same techinques, same everything. If you do art use this to deal with galleries and what not. “come here” “this is what we’re going to do” “I’ll think of a good arrangement and come back to you” “never means friday”. This is Game applied to “the climb”, that’s actually where I started, since I was too afraid of gaming women, I gamed life, first. Life responds to game better than women.

MISS KOREA DATE BREAKDOWN YOHAMI: Congrats for making it happen, I’ll repeat my usual questions, what was her puzzle, what did she want, what turn her on, etc, and point to the missed opportunities. Comments: ““hot streak,” and it won’t necessarily last” Hot streak, momentum, etc – what’s happening is that you’re in Girl Tornado, which is real and you subcomunicate it every time, and girls want to jump in. The actual abundance changes your frame and everything you do. Go back to what I’ve been saying about treating every new girl like she’s already yours / already part of your tornado. The point here is to jump over your existing framework of chasing / going uphill towards women, into a frame of “Im the king”, downhill, dripping value, not caring, aka alpha frame. Abundance is compatible with Alpha, scarcity is compatible with Beta. Abundance has to become the normal. The “not necessarily last” has to go, that’s the beta column sustaining you. Knock it away. “I don’t really notice anymore.” Yes, become numb to abundance. Check my recommendation about increasing the amount of girls you’re talking to, then include everyone in it. Numb the shit out of your current frame, it cannot handle it. The overload will require that you change frames, like a car changing gears. Then you’ll have to learn to identify them, which is what I do when I read your recollections. Your EX wants to fuck you btw. “She is on time.” She’s ready. “I asked about her dinner date, telling her that I’m curious about how that guy handled himself. ” Recommendation for next dates: figure her out without going in interview mode. That means doing things forward. Commenting on things, talking subjects, playing games, doing physical things, all while doing “game” and kino which means teasing, sexual framing, all to create energy. If this is too abstract, just “play” with her, “enjoy each other”. Let me know if this is too abstract and I’ll find a way to write down actual things. The goal is to bypass / disable the rational brain, because this is a sexual setup, and let the creative brain and the animal brain, take charge, to make things spontaneous and vivid. Let things go free. All that said, commenting on her previous date CAN be a good setup to show that you are a better man, what krauser would call “you belong in the secret society”. The higher level to that is ignoring that guy entirely and acting as if you’re in the secret society already, and to focus on her. “I get into some of my usual stuff. She had sex for the first time at 21. A BF she had been with for 3 months, sex was not good.” For me this is an issue as you’re going down interview mode, sex talking, without doing any escalation that I can figure out in the story so far. The last escalation you did was to have her sitting next to you. Are you palms touching, is your hand in her leg, is she reclining with dreamy eyes as she tells you how much she likes her voice? if she’s not, if you’re not looking for that “magic” moment that you found by accident with the other girls, then you’re going offsync already. If I can tell, she can tell by x100. What does she want, what turns her on? are you going to find it by doing “the usual stuff”? “She said I am the first “stranger” with whom she has ever talked about this kind of stuff.” She’s calling you stranger a lot – there’s the first cue to the puzzle and why is she there. My first reading is that she wants to find more about you. “I am noticing now that she called me “stranger” twice in this little affair. That’s a clue to her mindset.” Yes. Deliver more of that, show her your stranger attributes, something there will make her resonate and open. “This is all an excuse to kino her and make her think about kissing me.” I facepalm with the “make her think about kissing me”. She went to a date with you after you picked her on the street. She’s thinking about kissing you already. “tell her to pull away when I try to kiss her” WHY? not long ago you told another girl to kiss you, but you looked away. You’re introducing her to a role where there’s an impossibility between you two. Don’t do it. The exception is when you’re having her chase you, then you become “difficult” on purpose, then you kiss her. Cat and mouse. Here though you’re going 1 mile per hour and you’re putting walls in the middle. SHE doesnt need it, look:

“so I move in for the kiss and she just sits there happily” Did you kiss her? The path is open, did you move forward? my guess is no, since it’s not in the story. If so, why did you not? “NASH: Do you like cheesecake?” Dont try to move into sex until you’ve escalated and she’s horny. Anything you do before the girl is ready creates resistance. If what you do happens slightly matching her but a little past it, then it will make her reject you but also turn her on – that’s when going for it once and again even when getting rejected works, you keep pushing a little past her resistance point, in a way that rubs her the right way. In this story though, so far, I read no escalation on HER. You doing the games and displaying your sexual conversation skills, let’s say that fits into “display your value in front of her” which is OK. Next step is to see what she reacts to, what she opens to, then deliver twice of that, and suppress anything she didnt click or react to. In this story, she responded positively to your (fake) attempt to kiss her, so she’s ready to be physical and be kissed. The proper response here is to double down in kino, kissing, escalating physically – she opened to it – and stop anything else that is not turning her on. She may be available for sex tonight (likely so), but she needs to be taken there, you need to get her to the point where her body is content with it. This wont happen in her rational mind, but in her body and her emotional body. “My usual offer of cheesecakes and cute cats.” Plausible deniability is good. The real reason why go to your apartment is to “keep doing while you’re doing there, but better”. That’s what I said when the girl would ask why I want to take them home. I didnt have chessecake or cats, so I’d just say “let’s go” where? “somewhere special” it’s all understood. But this after kissing, which in my case turns into making out, because I did build a lot of sexual chemistry by incrementing what turns her on and neutralizing the rest. “I think I said she’d definitely get kissed.” You are talking to her logical brain, removing plausible deniability, showing that you need to ask for permission before making a move. If there is a mistake, this is it. This is anti game. Get rid of it. “I still like the sound of that.” I think you like it because it shows some boldness. The issue it’s that it’s a tenth of the boldness required here, and talking to the rational brain, where the puzzles and rejections are written, instead of talking to her animal brain, where orgasms are written. written.

I remember a bunch of times in your stories where you promise the girl that you’ll kiss her, or kiss her in many places, and that you will do this and that to her. Or that you’re telegraphing your intent so NEXT TIME SHE KNOWS WHATS UP. All of this is off frame – all of this is putting in the future something that is not happening now, all of this is not-action, all of this is energy paralized, in fear, probably, not put into the bold moves that turn the girls on. But pay attention: the bold moves need to happen when the path is open, need to escalate and turn her on. The bold moves are not to be thrown against a wall, real or imagined, and increase rejection. Man this stuff is so simple but so hard to communicate with words. “And the congruency and realness of telling her she will get kissed is treating us both like adults. Ahhh… that’s my theory.” No this is all bs. You’re moving past the entry point because you didnt pay attention when the path was offered, and now you’re producing a rejection where you put yourself the prize out of your reach, and you like it. Drop all this bs. “In this case, she does not jump in my offer. ” Of course she doesnt. “I am walking her along, and I move her up onto the curb to get her out of traffic, and say, “come here,” give her a little kiss. She takes it very well. Next block, real kiss. I tell her to open her mouth for me, she does, and she is great kisser.” FUCK YES. The “come here” is my favourite line and is alpha as fuck. “shes a great kisser” because he’s fucking horny. Now, double down. “So when this little one kissed me with no issues… felt fucking great.” Take what you did with this one, “come here” and do it with the other girls. New girls specially, the old ones already set barriers that you respected, so the puzzle is harder for you (the more you fail, the harder the puzzles get, it’s not a game designed to be fair, but to keep the weaker men out). “We get to her hostel and we’re across the street making out… she is delicious.” OK see. 1) you opened her, told her to see you late at night, ignoring that she had a previous date, this is bold and masculine as fuck 2) in the date you went into raunchy sex talk, she hasnt done that before, she keeps calling you stranger, you went for a fake kiss that she didnt reject, you didnt kiss her, missed opportunity 3) Then you moved too fast ahead of yourself trying to fuck her but in a way that she’s likely to decline because you havent gone that far with her yet (not even a kiss) 4) Then you finally make a move, in the street, now she IS kissing a stranger, which she likes, ‘great kisser’ and ‘delicious’, things are going where they have to go. NOW is the time for grabbing her against your body, really turning her on, and taking her to somewhere to fuck her. This is what you want, and this is what she wants. You already tried to fuck her (chessecake) but she wasnt ready, now she is catching up with you phyisically, turning herself on, reacting positively to the body advance (just like before), sex is on the table, she’s showing you how. “I try a couple more times to get her to come home with me. ” Good. Pay attention: “She talks about her safety” Ties ties in with the Stranger theme. Stranger, safety, etc. This is the puzzle, it’s a simple one. She either wants the danger, or she wants to tame the stranger a little. This can result in you spending more time kissing and talking in the street, as long as temperature keeps going up – then taking her home (my move is just to stop a cab, and tell her to get in, it will be fun) or go into her place and fuck her there. If there’s hesitation, take charge, make it happen, be the man. “I agree with her, tell her I’m proud of her for taking good care of herself, and that my place is safe and very comfortable (which it is)” Ok, this is some more BS. You went down in frame to supplication and pedestalization. I bet you, there was not any point in this date where she reacted magically to you telling her you’re proud of her, or telling her you’re safe.

So you hear a rejection (a puzzle) and you’re using a key that doesnt fit – a key that you think is what she needs (based on your previous experience, or ideals, or whatever), instead of paying attention to HER and what SHE WANTS. Nash: I’ll keep you safe, let’s go. There are more options: she’s the dangerous one (roleplay), etc, it doesnt matter. She’s telling you specifically how to fuck her. 2) in the date you went into raunchy sex talk, she hasnt done that before, she keeps calling you stranger, you went for a fake kiss that she didnt reject, you didnt kiss her, missed opportunity Then you moved too fast ahead of yourself trying to fuck her but in a way that she’s likely to decline because you havent gone that far with her yet (not even a kiss) Then you finally make a move, in the street, now she IS kissing a stranger, which she likes, ‘great kisser’ and ‘delicious’, things are going where they have to go. NOW is the time for grabbing her against your body, really turning her on, and taking her to somewhere to fuck her. This is what you want, and this is what she wants. You already tried to fuck her (chessecake) but she wasnt ready, now she is catching up with you phyisically, turning herself on, reacting positively to the body advance (just like before), sex is on the table, she’s showing you how. “I try a couple more times to get her to come home with me. ” Good. Pay attention: “She talks about her safety” Ties ties in with the Stranger theme. Stranger, safety, etc. This is the puzzle, it’s a simple one. She either wants the danger, or she wants to tame the stranger a little. This can result in you spending more time kissing and talking in the street, as long as temperature keeps going up – then taking her home (my move is just to stop a cab, and tell her to get in, it will be fun) or go into her place and fuck her there. If there’s hesitation, take charge, make it happen, be the man. “I agree with her, tell her I’m proud of her for taking good care of herself, and that my place is safe and very comfortable (which it is)” Ok, this is some more BS. You went down in frame to supplication and pedestalization. I bet you, there was not any point in this date where she reacted magically to you telling her you’re proud of her, or telling her you’re safe. So you hear a rejection (a puzzle) and you’re using a key that doesnt fit – a key that you think is what she needs (based on your previous experience, or ideals, or whatever), instead of paying attention to HER and what SHE WANTS. Nash: I’ll keep you safe, let’s go. There are more options: she’s the dangerous one (roleplay), etc, it doesnt matter. She’s telling you specifically how to fuck her. “and try the cake/cats bait some more” She’s not there for cake, cats, you blew up the plausible deniability before. In reality you’re bringing this up because you already assumed there’s no sex happening. Sex is still happening, but you’re increasing the difficulty of the puzzle. “but it’s not happening.” Aight, you decide the wall is real and walk away. She goes back turned on and frustrated to her room. “HER: Kkk thanks giving me a totally new experience! Have a good night!” That’s when she settled down into the reality that sex didnt happen. It’s also a window to make it happen. Nash: you too. What are you doing now? …. “I hit the club and it was a great night to dance. ” This is great – you can use the momentum, aka FRAME from making out with this girl and carry that and have a bunch of girls into you. By smoking pot and doing ‘the usual’ you’re making it impossible for you. But it’s there. Congrats though. I see the light at the end.

YOHAMI: “that some/most girls actually do have comfort they want before they’ll spread for a man…”

Yes sure, but at the end it all comes down to when they are ready. This is not measured in time but in energy. It may take a lot of time for you two to build that energy, or no time at all. The way you build that energy is by rubbing in the right place at the right moments. This is just like your squirting technique – you’re finding her persona-clit, and rubbing your Game on it. If at any point you get off-clit and stop rubbing, you’re likely to have to start again. If you dont know what the spot is or what to do about it, it may take you a LOT of time, it may not happen at all. So with all this puzzle – what she wants – what turns her on, Im trying to get you to see her clit. When you game, take advances, progress, double down in what she responds to, there’s a curve there that elevates the temperature of the girl and has her wanting more and more and more. This can be very quick. I mean, you had her making out with you in no time at all. You spent what, like two hours with her. If you go back in your memories now, and put together the movie of the things that she reacted to, and leave out the things that didnt escalate, you’ll have like 10 min of things or less. Now imagine what happens when you do these things for two hours straight. It’s an “out of this world” experience for them. Take this as another skill – for me, seduction is only about this. Listening to what she wants and giving it. All from the bold, alpha, dont give a fuck frame, which is the key to the puzzle – that’s what opens the legs, the rubbing that clit with Game. Yes I would have made out, figure some more about her “stranger” “safety” puzzle, then stop a cab and take command. I did that just that a lot of times. It didnt always get me laid, sometimes she girl actually wanted to stop before dick in pussy, that was fine, we fucked the next time. But I didnt push any breaks until the girl told me to and it was real. Press that accelerator and rub that clit until there’s an actual wall. When there are conditions, like “my safety” or “Without kissing” or “I dont feel anything for you”, what they are doing is telling you exactly how to get them, how to fuck them. It’s a puzzle, but the puzzle is also the instructions manual. Fuck words! :-) “Quoting this again… you so on here, Yohami. This is crazy simple… but hard to do… hard to get.” I had that ah-ha in several steps. I had my first girlfriend that I had gotten thanks to game, she was a very, very nice girl. She responded well to cocky-funny (my only tool at the moment). She was complaining about her mom. The mom had expectations but was a bad communicator, my girlfriend was failing at meeting the mom’s expectations, the mom would be rude and demanding, my gf was pissed, then I told her this: “Your mom wants that everyone meets her demands without having to express them” When I said that loud I was ponting to a defect, like it was an injustice or something. But then used that to measure my gf and she was the same, I extrapolated that to every woman “A woman wants her needs to be satisfied without having to express them” “Women want everyone else to read their minds” “When a woman has to tell you what her wants, out loud, is because you failed to read her mind, so it will be too late now” That made me start paying attention to what women wanted, and how they went about it. Going back in memories, looking at women everywhere – because, you know, women are not frontal and blunt, they subcomunicate, give hints, they talk in the meta-language, not in what they are saying but HOW they are saying it, and have multiple levels of that, which is how they make frenemies and what not, and why we have such a hard time communicating when men try to be logic, and women are being emotional. Then the usual “men dont listen” and all that stuff. For women, communication is the art of getting what they want. For men too, but we also DO things. Women mostly communicate, and get other people, mostly men, to do these things. Everything women do, everything women communicate, has the subtext, the telegraph that the people interacting with them has to “get it” and act accordingly. Everything is there, in the meta. Being able to read it is what Krauser describes as the “secret society”. If the girl says NO but means yes and you take the NO, then you disqualify yourself. When Firecraker was presenting resistance but still there and letting you stimulate her, that is a NO with a YES on it. All of that just to see if you “get it” and what you do about it.

In my beta days women would make me crazy with the mixed signals. Then I understood it’s not mixel signals, it’s a filtering mechanism. They are telling you exactly what they want. It just comes encrypted in a way that only the right person would understand it. Because once you know what they want they have no defenses against you. You can do literally whatever you want with them. They will tell you so even.

DATE WITH 19 YEAR OLD YOHAMI: Good story – but oh my oh my again, you again, you again. The story: a plain jane is picked up by a dangerous alpha wolf, she’s unexperienced, she wants the cock, she says yes. Then, instead of escalating, the dangerous wolf puts on a sheep costume and let’s her go. But hey, if she comes to me again, she KNOWS it’s for real hey! you even threw some tussle on it, just for effect. Questions: 1) What was her puzzle? did she disqualify you in any way, put you through some hoops, carried any framework, or did she responded openly to everything (that’s how she sounds in the story) which means you can escalate and progress? 2) What turned her on? she responded well to compliments, she wants to feel beautiful and get attention, what else? this one is a piece of cake 3) What did she want? what is she there for? what’s the role she sees for you in her life, in that date, and after? usually I ask this as “what kind of men would se say yes to?”, but based on this story, you are the kind of man she says yes to. Comments: “I was going to take this girl on a daytime date” Let HER put the brakes. Set your dates after 10pm for a change, you see what happened the last time. “But, as she is 19, I can’t guarantee she has “seen it all.” In this case, she has seen almost nothing.” 19 year old going on a date with a 43 year old womanizer. What does she want? “(I’m sure she has her own power)” She’s getting you hard – her powers are fine. “but I am intentionally being a little less aggressive with her” Goes without comments. “She skips the distant day date, and takes an asap date at night.” She’s ready, and wants it now. “Okay, good. So much for a the daytime date.” You try to go slow, and the girl herself tells you to go faster and riskier. “for some reason she had to be home by 8” This is tipically to be a false time constraint, like the PUA technique “I only have a couple minutes”, gives them an easy out if things dont go well, but can be lifted and ignored if things go well. Firecraker comes to mind. “Just in case… I had my place ready, Cheesecake Trap was set, I even had condoms in my pocket ” Bravo. “I expected a quick simple date, and it was that.” Advice, try to make dates exciting and physical. The more endorphines the better, it creates high-peak emotional bonds, and lust, and spark. Check what they do in the dates in the Bachelor. You don’t have to go all over the top but adventure + risk + body movements + closeness + kino + good chemistry = great sex. “Really not as cute as I want to be dating, but she made my cock hard over and over on the date. No girl has ever done that to me before — all without being overtly sexual. ” She’s probably ovulating and you’re genetically compatible. “And she seemed very happy to be on the date… and surprisingly comfortable.” She’s ready. “I am curious, so I’ll ask… are you a virgin?” I let a precious virgin escape for not making a move. Bah it was quite a few of them. Funny some of my girlfriends were virgins, different story. “I dreamed I kissed my favorite movie star recently.” Funny, I brought up “Bieber” game in the last comment. Good girl = dreams to fuck the uber alpha. “but I felt like I had seen a lot of what she had to show” And she’s with you now because she wants more experiences. “She didn’t blink.”

She’s ready. No resistance. No puzzle. Only rapport and surrendering. The initial attraction was a good peak for her, now she wants to soak it in, and let herself go, where will the dangerous wolf she’s surrendering to take her? where oh my oh my. “She is young, but smart and the whole adventure is about the experience of her and the world through her eyes. She delivered on that. I had a great time being with her. She was feminine and adorable at every turn. ” She sounds fun. “She laughs often and easy. She covers her mouth in a very cute way. Little flushes of embarrassment. Takes compliments extremely well” It’s like she’s taking herself to bed. “And she got so fem when she said it. That was amazing to see. I inspired that moment. I was inspired by that moment. She’s precious.” THIS. TREASURE THIS MOMENT. Well done, look at it. Remember when you went low energy and intimate with the sad girl, and it felt strangely magical. And now this moment when you “understood” her and delivered. Or that moment with firecraker when you stimulated her physically before the first sex and she told you she was wet. And Im assuming there was a very upfront sexual moment with the 30 year old squirting hooker – maybe when you made her squirt? whatever. That is “what turns her on”. That’s the path for escalation, it’s the key for the puzzle, and is what matters in this specific interaction. Girls have several of these spots. Find them, double down there, and escalate to YOUR agenda, which is the same as their agenda really. I think your Tussle for example was the “turn on” for some previous relationship and why you use it, like it was a game seduction tool. Here’s where every girl is different, a different combination, a special flower. Where they are all the same though, is that when you touch them there, and you know what you are doing, they all come. Or squirt in your case. Turn them on. “So I told her I was not going to kiss her” Sure why don’t you add some Tussle in the mix. “My reasoning for that was that I want her to know what she is getting in to” That would be a reasoning if it didnt happen so often in so, so many different situations with so different girls. What you’re doing here, I assume, is creating a puzzle of your own, a barrier that she must jump into. YOU don’t believe that she’s there for sex, you dont believe that she likes you, so you invent an imaginary test that she must pass so you get the message that she wants it. You could have paid attention to the validation she gave you just a second before. The correct response for that validation, was to escalate. You built a wall instead. Your job is to tear walls down. “Maybe I will regret that.” The last time you did this I told ya “the girl tornado will put you in this same exact scenario until you figure it out”. And here you go. “But given she is a young 19, I am telegraphing my intent. She loves it. Eyes popping, she was gushing. Very hot. I know she is ready to kiss me, and start some sexuality, if she sees me again. Who knows if she will?” blah blah blah. “I will try to see her again.” My reading of this story is, again, that this girl is gone, unless you un-tussle it. The exception is when either girls like you a lot and they let you do stuff like this, or when they are freaks and like you ‘because of this’ (these are the worst). My reading is that this girl is gone because she didnt get the product she was advertised. I did this kind of thing often, not moving forward when the path was open (not knowing what is a path and when it’s open), and girls dont like it, it presses the wrong button. But congrats anyway, how do we learn? Viva Girl Tornado. “I dreamed I kissed my favorite movie star recently.” Questions I’d ask: who is he? what do you like about him? – lots of information there. And of course it was not just kissing, she probably had him tied up while she did unthinkable things.

RIVELINO: “she probably had him tied up while she did unthinkable things.” another example where yohami fails as a mentor and as a man. yohami is convinced all women are dirty whores, all the time, since they are born apparently. i mean, i think we all agree, like jimmy jambone said, that all women have THE POTENTIAL to be slutty, but i like the spectrum that JJ said. that spectrum is from “less slutty” to “more slutty” — and of course, there is a HUGE time factor. i would say many or most 35 yo women have started to experiment with stuff like anal sex or whatever bc, hey we all get curious. but this girl was 19 and not that experienced — why does she have to be thinking such dirty thoughts? can’t any girl be a “late bloomer” yohami? or does every girl have to have the mind of a whore since the age of four??

YOHAMI: Riv, “she probably had him tied up while she did unthinkable things.” That is a classical tease, has humour on it – unthinkable things makes you think of things without stating them – and you can use it to frame, tease, roleplay etc, aka seduce the girl. Try this the next time. When you hear a girl saying she dreamed “kissing” her favourite movie star, accuse her (jokingly) that it was not just “kissing” but that she probably had him tied up and she did unthinkable things to him. This is a basic roleplay, bad girl scenario, and girls love it, and they love it because it’s true, and love being free to express it. You, as the man who is going to bang them, are the terrain where they can express it. “yohami is convinced all women are dirty whores, all the time, since they are born apparently.” I scratch my head with you, my man, because all of this is coming from a very, BLUE PILL AS FUCK place. What is up with this? it’s like you’re offended at your core at the suggestion that women want cock, then the rest of the time you’re saying the all want anal and you’re gonna dickslap them. What’s going on with you? to the point: “yohami is convinced all women are dirty whores” No, and I don’t understand the proposition. The truth is that women are sexual. Is being sexual the same as being a whore? can you define what is a whore? can you define what you find offensive here. “whores, all the time” What is this? “since they are born apparently.” All women whores since they are born? what are you talking about? But then clueless and confused: “this girl was 19 and not that experienced” How do you know that “lack of experience” is not the hook she’s using on you to get you attracted? “why does she have to be thinking such dirty thoughts?” What is “dirty” here? ” can’t any girl be a “late bloomer” yohami?” A 19 year old girl is going out with a 43 year old womanizer who picked her on the street. What does she want? “does every girl have to have the mind of a whore since the age of four??” Age of four – what are you even talking about? what is “the mind of a whore” ? Dude.

NASH: Riv… have you read My Secret Garden? Story after story about girls thinking about having sex with dogs, horses, lots of black guy fantasies, etc. It’s not that they are “whores”… it’s that this kind of CONTENT is already on their minds. Maybe they haven’t done it, maybe they want to wait 3 dates before they have missionary sex… but they have thought a lot of things. When we get on the level to share that with them, they “feel seen” as the hippies say. My ex… best sex of my life… one time in the shower, she was closing her eyes and standing under the flow of the water, and she said she was imagining it was my come, raining down all over her face, and she opened her mouth as she said it. I loved that about her.. that she had thoughts like that… of showering in my come… and would tell me about them. There is no such thing as a good girl… that box is much smaller than we think it is, and there are very few girls in there that we didn’t mistakenly put there ourselves. I want to let those girls out of that “good girl” box.

YOHAMI: I’d say the first step is to define what is a “good girl”, what is a “whore” etc, all I see is words flying with emotion tied to them, but no proper meaning NASH: >> but oh my oh my again, you again, you again. Yeah… I know. I did add some tussle here. I don’t think she was coming home w/ me… but the daytime date… all that thinking… unnecessary. >> “for some reason she had to be home by 8” >> This is tipically to be a false time constraint, Yeah. I took it seriously. It was play a video game, but I took the appointment with the friend at face value. >> 30 year old squirting hooker Hahahahaah

YOHAMI: “I don’t think she was coming home w/ me…” Maybe she wasnt, but “Eyes popping, she was gushing. Very hot. ” Kiss her – btw did you do kino, play with hands, etc. NASH: Some… touched her lower back a lot. Moved her around (hands on her shoulders) when we walked. Played with her hair during dinner, quite a bit. Touched her a lot as we walked back from dinner. There is a big disconnect for me with how warm she was at the end of that date, and her going completely quiet since then. Something about that doesn’t make sense. My guess is that she told some friends that I am “more than 30” or “twice her age” and they talked her out of this. That’s my guess. I don’t think it was our date, nor my age, but my age + her friends… “stranger danger.” I think I saw her on the street yesterday… I was with my wing and she was with some little friends… she didn’t make eye contact, and that might have been on purpose. I think it was. I msg’d her a few minutes later saying “I saw you… wasn’t sure if you wanted to chat in front of your friends… happy Friday.” No response. She was even less cute than I remembered… but I still would. I’ll try her again later this week… curious.

YOHAMI: Cool. Lower back and shoulders are more of the asexual type (nothing wrong with it). Go for the open palms, legs, and hips. No boobs or pussy until you’ve kissed :-) you dont want a random squirt letting you blind. “There is a big disconnect for me with how warm she was at the end of that date, and her going completely quiet since then.” Well, girls dont give a fuck about you. Giving a fuck takes them time. Her warmth means she’s open for something. Everything in a girl is a funnel. After date something changed (could be very well the age thing, but that is YOUR premade excuse, so you can be just bias-validating your pre-existing opinion) and she passed the switch. My experience is that men long for girls 20 times more than girls do for guys. Girls live in too much abundance, since way too early, every day is a new rainbow of opportunity. They only long for the alpha cock they cannot get (when they get it, and secure it, also stop giving a fuck). That’s the animal you’re dealing with. The less you care about them back the better. Which will incidentally make you fit in the uber alpha male role, who actually doesnt give a fuck because also lives in way too much abundance. So the fairy tale up there is “the man doesnt care” and “she tries to please him so he cares a little” but “will dump him when he complies”. Our species are stupid if you think we’re doing this for happiness. But it’s not happiness, it’s about genes trying to match with the best possible fit, the higher quality stuff. The rest is laws of the market. High quality stuff is on demand. When you’re in demand you dont give a fuck. Everything flows from there. So of course all these girls you chase / you’re below / they dont give a fuck. Specially the ones you really like. ! RIVELINO: “The story: a plain jane is picked up by a dangerous alpha wolf, she’s unexperienced, she wants the cock, she says yes.” does she: 1. want the cock THAT VERY NIGHT or can it be that: 2. she is CURIOUS about the cock but also needs MORE TRUST before it can penetrate her pussy? more TRUST and more TIME. i swear, yohami, didn’t you ever have to be patience with a girl for more than one night, more than one date??? or did every one of your 300 bangs happen the very night you met the girl. that’s what i still don’t understand about you. it’s frustrating. you start off giving such great advice, and then you turn around and give such foolish, uncalibrated, parody alpha BAD advice. but i shouldn’t get too frustrated. i know nash is smarter than this. YOHAMI: Riv, “Does she want the cock THAT VERY NIGHT?” Probably not. “she is CURIOUS about the cock but also needs MORE TRUST before it can penetrate her pussy? more TRUST and more TIME.” You were unable to define Trust when I asked, also unable to define Comfort. What she needs is to be more “turned on”. What Im calling being turned on, in this particular girl, happens (so far in the story) through rapport, intimacy and compliments, that’s what clicked, so she needs more of that. How much more? to be seen, as Nash didnt escalate and raised a wall instead. Raising a wall is not “trust” or “comfort” unless that’s what the girl wants. If “what the girl wants” is a “wall” then raising a wall will be a turn on for her, and creating safety will turn her on. You have failed to provide a definition for the concepts of “comfort” and “trust” that you find so precious – when you use them, though, you seem to be using them to signal “lack of danger” and “asexuality” and “Im a

normal person”. My response to that is that these are not universal triggers for every girl, and every girl wants something slightly different, which means some dont want normal, some dont want safe, some dont want asexual – and this, pay attention: A girl you picked up in the street sees you a potential alpha fuck, and she said yes. Or: a man who approaches the girl is either an alpha fuck, or a beta, or a creep. She said yes. Which of the categories is she putting you in? If she wanted a beta there are plenty in the world, and they dont approach her and take her to dates, they insist on being nice and offering “comfort and trust”. No girl wants a creep unless she’s one, that’s another option. Since you’re running game and trying to look high value and consistent, you’re trying to emulate alpha, she likely saw you as an alpha. Alpha wants sex quickly, wants to escalate and knows how to turn on the girl. She came to the date wanting you to escalate. If she opens the doors for you to escalate, AKA no puzzle, just submission and compliance, and you dont – then you fail to deliver on the promise of your first interaction, and she changes your category to beta or creep. All of this your doing for choosing a direct method of approach – you are giving yourself little rope. This is like going with the “armageddon opener” hey do you want to have sex with me? and shen she goes out with you decide that you want to chill and talk serious subjects. Girls experience this dissonance x10 and move on quicker that you can imagine, because you’re just a tool for her. A tool to get what she wants. Seduction is the art of understanding what the girl wants, and the skill to give it to her, all while being congruent with yourself. Or to make it simpler for yourself, Game is the art of acting like “the man” so every girl turns herself into a “yes girl”. Because “the man” is the base desire they all have. Let me know if that makes sense. “didn’t you ever have to be patience with a girl for more than one night” Of course. I moved at the pace of the girl. But the pace of the girl can be vary freaking fast when you let HER pull the brakes, and you have your feet on the accelerator, pressing accelerator in what works and not falling in traps. “did every one of your 300 bangs happen the very night you met the girl” Probably half of them “that’s what i still don’t understand about you.” Improve your comprehension skills and it will all make sense. “you start off giving such great advice, and then you turn around and give such foolish, uncalibrated, parody alpha BAD advice” I have no idea what’s in your mind but you’ve been obviously not reading what I write, I suspect you’re knee jerking to certain words and triggers, and to the meaning they have in YOUR model, instead of understanding what I keep presenting. Im describing something that has more nuance than a tree step process, cant be described as “attraction and comfort”, for whatever reason you’re interpreting this as: PUSH THE GIRL INTO SEX or MAKE THE WHORE SAY NO Which ironically you loved and I always found stupid. So how about this, instead of knee jerk reaction, can you read what I wrote above, and point at what you find wrong, and explain why? Cheers. “I think she’s gone. No response to msgs.” Yeah, they are quite trigger happy with that NEXT button. Hey maybe she just needed a lot of more trust, comfort and time – and look there’s plenty of time ahead, maybe you can give her some more.

NASH: >> My reading of this story is, again, that this girl is gone, unless you un-tussle it. I think she’s gone. No response to msgs. I would bet $2 that she is gone because I am too old (very possibly a limiting belief on my part). I am 24 years older than her… that doesn’t mean I can’t have girls that age, but I should expect some “friction” due to that extreme age difference. That’s not a weird thing to think. But yeah, maybe I’d throw down another $1 that she disappeared because I didn’t take her home. I should have tried. I did try with the married girl, and it wasn’t right for her… but maybe I should have tried here too. Riv… I am with you that many girls won’t have sex for 2-3 dates, and that that is normal and cool. I’m even cool with that (…but I am learning that I don’t have to wait if I don’t want to). I don’t think I can/should fuck every girl on the first date. Agreed. However… I do believe we lose a lot of girls by going to slow. It’s not just that they “don’t get what they want.” It’s also that we were so “hot” on the approach, that to go “cool” on the date, is going to be disappointing. I think daygame has a lot of fast sex potential… as it’s a hot approach. And lastly… I am very into the “good girl” conversation. And one of the ways I am thinking about this, is that when we go slow, we send her a signal that we think SHE is a good girl… we put her in that box. What if that’s not who she is? That’s a lack of calibration on our part. That is bad game. What if she is that girl… but she was hoping she could be something else on the night she’s out with us? More disappointment. Missed opportunity.. for both her and me. I know a lot of why I don’t move faster, is that I’m not “ready” or comfortable enough with that level of game… it’s not actually about the girl. Yohami can spot this in me every time. This story is a good example. She may not have been interested in me… but a lot of this story was me holding back, because she was 19 and that was a different kind of intimidating for me… not her. I want to be very careful I don’t take a story that is about me, and my limitations, and make it about her and some Madonna/whore scenario. Men do this all the time… maybe most of the time. There is no such thing as a “good girl.” I say that with tremendous love and interest for women. I don’t want to put them in a box that isn’t theirs to sit it. That’s not “seeing clearly.”

YOHAMI: “I am too old (very possibly a limiting belief on my part). ” Yes that’s you disqualifying yourself, let her be the one in charge of disqualifying you, so you can put your focus on why age doesnt matter – which is what she wants or she wouldnt be there. “I should expect some “friction”” You create what you expect. There WILL be friction or rejection with girls for whatever reasons, meaning you’re not what every girl wants (nobody is), so there will be a segment of them with reasons not to want you. When you like a girl and go talk to her though, your expectation should be that flirting, arousing, fucking her is the most normal thing in the world. If you dont, then you induce the friction (tussle) yourself. Girls are not likely to jump over that barrier, and more likely to feel grossed / unwell / weird about it.

DATE BREAKDOWN WITH MISS SHANGAI YOHAMI: Thanks for sharing. When you touched her years ago – was the touching sexual in nature? was there an explicit sexual opportunity that you didn’t take? I’ve been telling you to “go for it” so congrats on going for it. Here you were off sync with the girl. The fix for never going of sync with a girl is to pay attention to her puzzle (setup or refusal to sex, screening process), what turns her on (what makes her increase her lust and forget about her puzzle), and what she wants (what she specifically wants from you, what does she get out of all of this). When you dont follow that you may fall behind and not take the sex when it’s on the table, confusing her puzzle with a rejection – or you can go with your own plan and ignore her agenda and move too fast. The rule of thumb is display, pay attention, maximize what she responds to, neutralize the rest, turn her on, take her. IN THIS CASE I assumed she was ready, so did you, there was something off, maybe you were the gay friend category now. But no big fucking deal, congrats. —————————————————————————————— —————————Comments: “At another, she asks if there is something funny about her hair.” That is a soft rejection, she knows what’s up, but this is not what she wants. Here is a good moment to stop and understand what her puzzle is about. What does she want? why is she there right now? “Anyway… I make my move.” Bold, I like. “Reach up for her head and move in. No announcement.” Increasing sexual tension with flirting, kino, eye contact, proximity is always good. I assumed you were doing these things before bringing her home. I always recommend to bring her home when you elevated the sexual temperature already. Otherwise, since coming to your house means sex can happen, if she’s not horny, she may do a mental block to tell herself this is an asexual setup and that you wont make a move. I’ve seen guys explicitly tell girls “sex is not going to happen” before bringing them home, and then try to revert it. Let home be the place for sex. Dont even have to bring it up, it can be subtext, warm her, raise her temperature, bring her home, she knows what’s up. In this case though… “And she rejects the kiss. She does not look tempted” For HER there was no context, she’s blindsided. Why is she there? “I hold that position, watching her, and she says I’m making her uncomfortable. ” Holding the position creates tension, this is good when there’s sexual chemistry before you do something. Holding the position after a rejection also creates tension, but of the creepy type. If there was a mistake, this is it. Instead of creating tension after a rejection, dissipate it, ignore, and usually you can try again later. Dont ever amplify the rejection. “I doubt I’ll see her again. I didn’t apologize.” Nothing to apologize for. ” I have a date with a 19 year old girl tomorrow” Viva Girl Tornado. ——————————————————————————————So the question for you is, what did she want? if you dont know this, you cant improve it, so: 1) What is her puzzle 2) What turns her on 3) What does she want Make sure you know these things, when you get laid, AND when you get rejected. Best of luck on your new iteration tomorrow. Couple more comments:

“It is interesting she didn’t think to mention her husband as the objection.” Good insight. “life is too short for me to spend much time with girls that don’t want to give me the kind of time and attention I want.” Big fucking yes. THAT is the real deal. That’s the diamond. That one propels you up. It belongs to the right frame. Make it real: I dont spend time with women who don’t give me what I want.

ABUNDANCE IS NOT THE DESTINATION, IT’S THE PATH Good stuff man. “I don’t know if I should keep seeing you, I don’t want to be one of many many girls you’ve flirted with.” She wants the validation and investment. With this one the “yes I am sure I want you”, she probably needs it x10. The payoff is probably not going to be x10. “What I would say at this point is that I’m closer to abundance than I’ve ever been” Fantastic. “but I don’t really feel that way. I have emotional ups/downs, every day. I wonder if a certain girl is going to stop talking to me? I wonder if the tornado will end? Plenty of doubt.” Abundance is not compatible with the frame. Going after 18 new girls only reinforces it. You are what you do. With this I dont mean it’s wrong to talk to 18 new girls, you can talk to 50 every day – the issue is the why – scarcity is at the bottom of this machine, and is the force pulling the strings. You fill the cup with new girls, but they dont stick, you lose some, SPECIALLY the ones you CARE about, so you put more work to add more girls to the mix. It’s putting work in filling a cup that is broken. Even when it’s full you’re being drained. The beauty though is in all the interaction with women you’re having. All that experience can give you what you need to fix the base, the frame. — Personal story – I was having issues like this well down years into “abundance”. Fucking a girl in the middle of the night, interrupting to get a text message from another girl who was alone at a bar looking for me, and having this sinking feeling of losing that other one as I resume to fuck the one in my bed, same bed where I fucked a third one in the morning, and Im going to be fucking a fourth one tomorrow. When you reach abundance that doesnt fix any issues, it only gives new problems to the guy that only knows how to deal with scarcity. But at least abundance lets you see yourself and figure it out. When you’re scarce you have this excuse that everything is gonna be fine “just if” you get that other thing. Abundance shows you that you’re broken and that it’s all you. Abundance is not the destination, it’s the path.

HUNTING SDL Cool stuff. “And we have this very interesting negotiation” Yeah – negotiation is another word for tussle. Just pay attention to how effective that negotiation is in giving you the sex, as opposed to leading / going for it and ramping things up. “And I have been thinking the whole time that Yohami would say that she only came on the date because she wants sex… but I don’t feel that from her at all.” She wants it, what follows is the puzzle. She’s watching you perform, so what did she want, what did she respond to etc? In some cases they want it after monogamy or marriage (or the complete opposite) but if she didn’t want the sex she wouldnt be there. The exception is when you lead in a complete non-sexual way or pretend to be they gay friend, which you’re not doing. From this story it sounds that she liked to experience danger you offered from the safety of her celibacy character (true or not). “How is this possible??” Also every girl told you they would never do this and that you’re the first in some regard. Really mindblowing :-) Congrats man, I hope you land a few pretty girls this christmas. NASH: >> “How is this possible??” >> >> Also every girl told you they would never do this and that you’re the first in some regard. Really mindblowing :-) Are you pointing to the “I’ve never done this before” line from girls, and how I believe them, and how you tell me “You’re funny!” when I believe them??? Ahhh… sometime I feel like I am starting to know girls. And other times, I’m sure I have no clue. YOHAMI: Yes pointing at that. Even squirting girl told you that you were the first. Here’s the situation. The girl is doing something with you, which conveys information about her. But she doesnt want that the information is used against her, she doesnt want to show her hand, so she covers up the information by saying this has never happened before and that you’re special because you’re the only one who has ever seen this. The game is to inflate your ego, which makes you blind, to blind you about some facet of hers that she wants to remain cover. Example: she meets you in the street and 2 hours later is sucking your dick, but hey she’s not a slut, she has never done this before. Bottom line is they don’t want to be figured out. They will reward you if you figure them out, but they will put barriers to dissuade and filter out the guys, which also serves to filter in the stronger men. So whenever they tell you the story, and you believe it at face value, you’re failing that particular test and giving them the upperhand. What do instead? assume is a game and tease. This is again “Never means Friday”. Btw if you want SDL, try going out at night again. Don’t do drugs and dont get drunk, just do game. Use what you’ve learned. You’ll find how easy it is and has always been to get a horny girl home once you know what you’re doing, which you know by now.

COMMAND AND CONQUER Fuck yes! plus a hundred. “The Siren is exactly what I wanted.” Very happy for you. Just couple comments: “HER: Let’s meet tomorrow” She’s absolutely ready. “Let’s” is alpha language. Like when she took you to the coffee. She’s leading you. In this context, she is going to fuck you. So Quiet + out of this world + Alpha, interesting combination. And she’s gonna fuck you for sure. “Did I play that right? It worked, but if I hadn’t contacted her, would she have spoken up? I don’t know. ” You played it right. In general you text too much, but that will settle down. You’re past the threshold. The “What if” sets the right frame most of the time, though in comparison with her ‘let’s’ puts you in the feminine spectrum and her in the masculine, she’s more frontally about this than you. Still generally it’s well played. “I didn’t kiss her.. I wanted to. ” Don’t hold back, do as you want. Just make sure you do in the proper frame (commanding / leading). ” I sat her on the table, wrapped a blanket around her, and made us tea. ” Another beautiful movie scene. Ok, there’s a little mindfuck that Im gonna show you: “telling her we were going to have “highschool” sex” She’s at your home because she’s going to have sex with you. She went to dinner tonight to have sex with you. Then specifics is something you have to make happen (puzzle), but she’s there for it. So here when you tell her that you’re going to have sex with her you’re putting your mouth ahead of you. Speaking of it at this point shouldnt be a problem, except that you: “I didn’t think I was going to fuck her.” See what’s going on? She’s been ready to fuck you – she’s even leading. She’s at your place to have sex. You’ve even went down in her pussy, she’s ready to stay the night, check this out: she cleared out her schedule to be able to stay at your place, she planned for this, like filipino who shaved for you. This girl is SO ahead of your game right now. You want to go step by step and dont know what things mean, while she’s already in lingerie making herself come and with a finger in your anus. This: “I didn’t think I was going to fuck her.” There’s something blocking or distorting your perception, get rid of it, you’ll gain a lot by doing so. Obviously is not preventing you from fucking this girl (bravo) but it’s there, dissolve it with a wash on reality. “This girl was very ready. ” Yes. Am I right and she has that streak of alpha? was she more active in sex? “she told me I am the first boy she has ever talked to on the street ” This is just a story. She’s playing a character and in this story you’re that special because you’re the one who got her, and she’s so special she would have never done this with anyone else. What’s interesting about is that almost every other girl will say the same story (except pros like skirting girl, who tell something closer to the truth, exaggerated in the opposite direction). “I believe her.” You’re funny. What you can take about her story is that she wants you to believe that about her, she wants that you feel you’re special, she wants that you feel that she will screen a guy a lot and only fuck really alpha guys and not losers. Still this is a girl who had sex on the third date with a guy who has a cold and she doesnt really know, and you could have had sex on the second date, or if you were really, mad good, even the first one (think thai girl you could have fucked) had you done the same things you did in a more condensed succession (because it’s not about physical time). So there. I find it funny when going full player on a girl makes her open, then she says she’d never go out with a player. You know it only happened because of the compatibility of the souls. Except you picked her doing daygame

and did most things any good player would do on her, and she reacted like any other girl would when she’s turned on by a guy like you or me. Anyway. At least she cares enough about you to want to save face. Don’t let her own your sense or reality. “She makes me want to say “I love you”” That’s beautiful. “I want to be the man that pins your down, that kisses you, that fucks you… but I also want you to be free.”” Hard stop. You dont want her to be free, you’re saying that because that’s what she told you. That’s what she said she wants. You’re preceding that with what you want “I want this” followed by “I want that you have that”. By doing this you’ve just made a beta statement where you have a transactional relationship. This is beta to the core, which is bad in that it will bite you in the ass. You don’t want her to be free, you want to own her. You don’t have to state it, I know it, you “feel love”, she knows it. A “real man” would do this, there are options: 1) Fuck her boundaries, you want her, she’s yours, double down and take her, fuck freedom When done in masculine form she has no option but to say yes, because this is what she ultimately wants from a man. Or: 2) Realize you don’t actually want her for real, and she’s saying “freedom”, so take her void words at face value and you be free yourself, not committing and fooling around, being free yourself. This would inevitably become in her becoming so invested in you that she wants to change the rules and ditch freedom for a committed relationship. In some cases the 2 road leads to you having threesomes with her and some other stuff. But this freedom thing is ridiculous. Women are hardwired to pin down a man, have his babies, serve him, get security. Freedom is a card offered to betas as in “don’t try to hold me back, Im not your possession, Im still looking for higher quality seed, Im gonna be fucking men more attractive than you”. In my last player room I wore the freedom card in my sleeve, talking about being free, and acting as a free man, which included hitting on other girls in front of girls I was fucking, girls knowing other girls I was fucking, fucking several girls in the same social groups, not caring (much) when the girls were out chasing other guys, being openly a player with a harem etc. My state of mind was that I was in a stable position because all the cards were on the table. The revelation was that all the girls, about 7 at that time, all turned out to be “in love” and wanted exclusivity, and started doing every drama plot in the book to pin me down, from tantrums to shit talking to whatever else. It was really something. Then I went back in my memories when it happened with other fuck buddies and paid attention outsite, how the free girl has always an agenda. So “I want to pin you down, I want that you are free” Is a contradictory beta mind fuck in that you’re putting her spoken words on a pedestal and you want to take from her but want that she has what she say she wants even when it goes in contradiction to your desire. This will make you lose her for not being congruent, and will twist you inside. Again: 1) If you want her, take her 2) If you dont want to take her yet, be FREE YOURSELF Fuck what she wants. Instead of taking her words for it apply the same principle, see what she responds to. If she responds (turned on) to freedom, then do more of that. Then watch how well she reacts to you fucking other girls and having lot of space for yourself. Freedom is delicious!. Anyway, rant aside, Im happy for you. Command and conquer bro. Cheers. *In my last player room – meant to say my player RUN. But my room was a fine place too.

“I moved her body to where I wanted it to go, and she stayed there until I moved her to the next position. ” Alright, I was misreading it then. There’s only so much I can squeeze from written words. “Alpha” is not masculine, but a social hierarchy position. Mothers are alphas to their kids, for example. The father just happens to be the alpha of the mother plus the one being male. In gendered relationships the ubber alpha will be a male, that’s how nature ruled things. But female groups have their alpha females, which are the girls who decide who, what, and when, and how. There are obnoxious girls who want to out-alpha the man, so if you propose friday they will change the date just to be in control (when you find one of these, run). With this girl, from what I read there’s something quietly frontal about her. “I didnt reply your email” “suggests going for a coffee” – changing your plan “I’ll tell you about by boyfriend” – volunteering the framework so you can get her “let’s meet on saturday” as a response to a more vague “what if I told you…” So she’s not beta, she’s initiating things. But then she keeps in the position you put her when you’re fucking her and doesnt move until you change it – she’s sounding like a great mix. ——“Let’s” is alpha in that it assumes compliance. “I want” can be alpha, but it can be needy too, depends on other things. “Let’s hang out on friday” as a proposal assumes that it will happen “I want to hang out on friday” see, this phrase is like waiting for a “…but”, it relies on the other person completing it “… let me know if you are available” More alpha is to just assume the sale “Friday, 10pm, I’ll pick you up”

NASH: >> “Let’s” is alpha in that it assumes compliance. >> “Let’s hang out on friday” as a proposal assumes that it will happen Okay… always think this sound like “sharing,” like asking for agreement. >> “I want” can be alpha, but it can be needy too, depends on other things. >> “I want to hang out on friday” see, this phrase is like waiting for a “…but”, it relies on the other person completing it “… let me know if you are available” Okay… I see that. >> More alpha is to just assume the sale >> “Friday, 10pm, I’ll pick you up” Hmmm. — 1. “This Friday, 8 PM, meet me at XYZ” is GREATER THAN… — 2. “Let’s meet this Friday, at 8PM at XYZ” is GREATER THAN… — 3. “I want to see you this Friday, at 8PM at XYZ” Something like that? I like the energy behind all that. I think there needs to be context to say 1… which I would set up by saying, “I want to see you… This Friday, 8PM, meet me at XYZ.” Hmmm. YOHAMI: “— 1. “This Friday, 8 PM, meet me at XYZ” is GREATER THAN… — 2. “Let’s meet this Friday, at 8PM at XYZ” is GREATER THAN… — 3. “I want to see you this Friday, at 8PM at XYZ”” Now it requires context, so it all depends. If this it out of the blue coming with the desire plus day and time is obnoxious and doesn’t breathe. If there’s been already some back and forth and just need to settle on day, all of them are fine, 3 being the weakest. but “I want to see you” Open ended is a great text. “Im going to order mexican / watch a movie / wanna come / want some?” Is a great text. “hey let’s do X tomorrow”

Is a great text. I sent a lot of “let’s” texts, or “Im doing X, wanna come / want some”, all well landed. Then in became minimal text “hungry?” “sup” “come on over” “ping me when you’re back, I’ll come over”

YOHAMI: When you tell her “reply saying that you’d love to” Are you telling her what to do, or letting her decide? :-) Women want to be in chains. That’s their freedom. Don’t ask me why. Or ask me, but my response isnt as good as theirs. They want the place under a powerful man. They want to feel that power. Part of that power expresses itself by robbing them their freedom. It’s like belonging to a tribe – belonging is also submitting to the law of the tribe. Breaking the law means being expelled. Breaking the law of the alpha means losing him. And laws are to be enforced. There’s a lot of circular stuff there. So when she says ‘never’ and you reply “never means friday” you’re saying “fuck what you want, this is what I want and we’re doing it” The line in the sand is not about freedom and power but about alpha and beta. The beta is trying to impose laws on a woman that would rather run away, he’s a prison, because otherwise he couldn’t get her. While the alpha is a castle and the woman is desperately trying to get under it’s protection. ” I was being a beta by “sharing” what we would do next. Some of what I want, and some of what she wants. ” The beta is in the desire to give her what she wants, in exchange for what you want. Then it gets more beta in that the two are contradictory. But beta is not an insult – it’s just a framework. Almost every man was raised into it. This is the “give her compliments / flowers / do nice things for her / so she likes you”. While the alpha, or the “high value man”, or “cool guy” framework is, “she already likes me, will she be able to make me commit? dont think so, but this is fun” In what you’re doing when fucking – doubling down when she responds, following the moan, etc, all of that is not “I’ll give you what you want so you give me what I want”, but “I behave like an alpha man you surrender to” and “here’s my value, open your legs and get it”. There’s no external value giving you value, she’s not into you because you’re giving her something else, what you’re giving her is yourself. Beta doesnt have self value so it needs to bring additional stuff. Props, tricks, gifts, to inflate the price (which makes the man’s value go even lower). So she likes you already, for you. No need to try to secure her with transactional relationships.

DATE BREAKDOWN WITH MISS SIREN YOHAMI: Cool stuff. “will take a full breath… maybe two… before she’ll respond to a comment. Don’t defiant as much as out-oftime.” Interesting. She’s a feeler. She’s asking her deeper conscience. She doesnt fit in the world, partially like Honest Girl, but this one is floating next to the world (not above). This paused, quiet contemplation is part of the “puzzle”. She’s watching you in slow motion. You’ve got nowhere to hide. “I didnt respond to your email” Very subtle shit test for a hi. “I know” Han solo move. Good. “I told her it is my job to make offers. That when she is ready, she can accept one my offers. And she gave me that long, deep stare and matching smile in response.” You passed a test. ” She is a composer.” Interesting. Is she good? “Here is my number, text me and say, ‘I’d love to!’”” Fuck. Yes. Perfect. “We looked at the art for maybe 2 minutes before she suggested we go to the cafe. ” She’s leading you. “She brought up an ex boyfriend right away.” She’s leading you straight into the puzzle, grabbing your key into her lock, and making you spin it to see it will open. There are no mindgames here, just going through the motions. Girls offer all the required information upfront. “Yohami sometimes talks about a girls “puzzle.” About how she’ll give you a puzzle to solve, and I think he is mostly talking about what needs to happen to sex her.” You picked up this girl because you want to fuck her. She said yes to your proposal but presents a scenario, a context, a game for you to perform. And she’s watching. Perform like an alpha male that knows that game and knows how to get her, and you solve the puzzle. Perform like beta male needing her guidance because you dont know the game, or act like an omega brat and protest that there’s a game at all, and you lose quickly. The puzzle elements are simple. She wants something from you, but you dont know what it is so you must figure it out. She has some things that turn her on, you dont know what they are so you must figure that out. She has a worldview and a context, she is a type of person, you dont know these things, and you have to figure them out. All of this wraps around sex, and the solution means you fuck her and you put your semen in her. I point this out because this is not about getting to know her for real or discuss real things – all that is going on is a screening process in her part to see if you ‘fit’ in her. The question that will show you her puzzle: – What does she want? What does she do NOT want? Or: – What does she respond to, what she doesn’t respond to? Or: – There’s a kind of man she would say YES to, what kind of man is that? — “Her “trance words” as I see them are: quiet, boring, and independent.” These are good descriptive words, or labels, but dont tell you much about how to fuck her – yet. ] You could say that she wants a man who is quiet, boring and independent but that wont make it. Can say that she needs a man that lets her be quiet, boring and independent, but that wont make it. Instead look back, to this moment:

“I told her it is my job to make offers. That when she is ready, she can accept one my offers. And she gave me that long, deep stare and matching smile in response.” This is the path. She’s in a deep state of contemplation, you perform something and state some grander truth of the universe, and she surrenders. Then: “Here is my number, text me and say, ‘I’d love to!’”” You double down and take command. You’ll find that these two things work universally with girls. What special about this case is where she’s at. She’s sitting at a very high place, slow place, really feeling, processing everything meticulously. This is a great setup for you to learn btw, low room for bullshit, very clear indicators. “Boyfriend” By the way what I tried a few times is ask questions about the ex since that carries all the information you’ll need. They’ll tell you straight away what they wanted, what they didnt get, how the guy was a jerk or a loser for specific reasons, and what you get from there is what kind of man she’d say YES to because she said yes to that guy, plus all the new information. For example if she says the guy treated her badly and cheated on her, you’ll be able to fuck her by being a cheater and treating her badly. White knights get nothing. The exception for this is girls who already have a boyfriend but are in the dance with you – in that case they’ll talk about the bf in contrast to you and how he’s a loser and your job is to simply put him down, so they feel good that you’re a better option to fuck and they are justified. Though I stopped asking because the truth is, I already know, I don’t care, and Im more interesting than all their baggage. Back to you. “She’s has a delicious feel to her.” Nice. “We walked around, looked at some art. ” She moved you away from the art to go for a cafe, which is an indicator that she’s ready to be taken somewhere else (she’s switching venues!). How did you get back at the art place? My guess is that you took her back and she offered some minimal awkward resistance. Big place -> smaller place -> you could have taken her to an even more quiet and private environment, not necessarily your place, but a place where she can blossom. She showed you the direction. Add that to her list. Some girls will blossom taking them to crowd places with parties, some will by taking them to long mute walks on the beach. It’s whatever their emotional world requires. This one would to great in after sex conversations. “Not sexy, but we’re moving her in that direction. ” There’s some stuff missing in the story. You were touching her, she led you to a more quiet place. Why is the setup not sexy yet? You picked her up. She said yes. Then she volunteers all these items on how to get her, even the bf story, all laid out. Why are you not kissing her? Why “not yet” Is it you or her? Viva Nash game.

ON THE PUZZLE About my description of the puzzle again and the things you must figure out – You don’t get that information by asking directly. Even when the girls are presenting all the info upfront, they wont say the truth, because when they communicate they only say things to manipulate the way in which they are perceived. They dont present facts, but a story, and they are a character. This character must be perceived and understood so you can deal with her, this character is part of the puzzle. But you cant ask directly because it breaks the story, breaks the magic, interrupts the flow, asks the wrong side of the brain (the logic side). Also you can’t ask directly because it sends you in interview mode – in that mode you’re interviewing a celebrity or asking for cues or chasing, and can quickly deviate to boring subjects (work, mundane things) instead of going for where the meat is (emotions, compatibility matching). That said there are ways you can ask for things directly, when it helps the emotional setup – when it shows you’re bold, or when you’re leading to a specific territory. And there are girls who only understand straightforward, explicit language (squirting girl probably, maybe even Honest girl) But most girls live in the meta, like Firecracker. Anyway. Since asking directly is dumb, how do you get the information? By “swinging your dick” in front of them, or “showing your value”, or being more concrete: talking random stuff, setting the tone, making jokes, doing judgement on things, self amusing yourself, doing conversation, leading into activities, teasing – then watching her give you all the cues back, seeing how she reacts, seeing what turns her on, what doesnt, etc. In a way is like doing standup and having an audience, and following the mood of the crowd, doubling down when a joke lands, skipping through subjects when the public isnt receptive. In a way is like sex, you keep going for your own pleasure but that involves handling her body, and her constant moaning tells you what’s working and what’s not, for her, gives you feedback on the energy. In a way is just like a normal conversation, you hit the shit and something picks up, and you follow that. Here, in the sexual setup of pickup, or seduction, it’s all about going from hi to sex. And it always have to be on the table, the sexual energy has to be charging everything – it’s your job to carry that energy and stimulate hers. This is the “being a sexual man”. Your presence has to become sexual by being always fueled by strong sexual, masculine energy, it always has to be coming through, which makes girls react to it, specially the girl you’re talking to, then you pick up the hanging fruit.

ON WAINTING AND RANDOM COMMENTS YOHAMI: Congrats man! comments: “Yohami thinks this girl is gross because of her age.” I blame biology. “I am of the opinion 2-3 dates is a perfectly normal, healthy pace for sex. ” Notice the framing. “Healthy” and “Normal”, that should tell you everything. Now ask this question. Would Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber wait 3 dates? would SHE wait three dates? What has healthy and normal gotta do with it? For whom? Sex, for her, is about collecting your seed. For you, it’s about planting your seed. You already qualified her, for the most part, by taking action and pursuing it. She qualifies you back by saying YES to your advance. The rest of the time spent from Hi to sex is a mix of foreplay and further screening, you screen if she’s worthy of your semen and she screen’s for quality. This doesn’t have a time stamp set, and specially not a time that can be quantified in dates. I’ve been laying out what you have to pay attention to in her to move forward. When guys fail at this is because they miss the cues and dont push forward when there is an opening, and instead push forward against walls, or create riddles or complexities on their own, like your ‘tussle’ where you play that weird conflict game against yourself. You don’t have to be “normal”, you have to be ‘exceptional’ and you don’t have to be ‘healthy’ but ‘superior’ and ‘natural’. What follows is you swinging your dick (your value) in front of her, watching her react, you double down when she’s aroused, and hold back when there’s a wall, waiting for an opening to double down in. You elevate the temperature, guiding her hand, leading her home, not presenting any obstacle, while ignoring hers. It’s like fucking, since the beginning. You put the dick in and then follow that moan, changing positions to keep the energy up excercising your dominance. Anyway, who’s Chad? “Are Chad and Yohami the same guy? Perhaps.” Nope. “Torrero and Krauser have talked about losing girls when you try to go faster than that.” Don’t have game. :-) If you push past the point where she’s ready you lose the girl for showing miscalibration. If you wait past the point the same. If you show lack of congruence with the Pitt/Bieber guy she thinks she’s bedding, she’ll switch your category to creep or beta. You gotta be consistent with the alpha behavior that you exhibited when you picked her up. The guy who can open a girl in the street and take her to a date can fuck her quickly because his semen is high value. Unless you water it down and take a beta road which goes in contradiction with what you did before. “The kind of DTF where you should take her straight to the sex location and get it done.” This is every girl when you have pressed the right buttons. This one is taking you off-base so you don’t know what she reacted to. You solved “the puzzle” without trying. The danger here is it will validate the wrong framework. Pay attention to what they respond to – doesn’t matter if you succeed or fail. Always KNOW what she responds to, what she wants, what’s the puzzle, where are the walls, where are the openings. ALWAYS pay attention, so you dont fall in self-reaffirming loops that lead you in the wrong directions. A success where you don’t know what worked is more dangerous than a failure where you don’t know what worked, in that the success will prompt you to think you found a law and repeat a scheme (chesscake trap, tussle, number of dates) and become a ‘culture’ for you that is dissasociated from reality. Pay attention to reality. In this case, the reality is her. ” I asked if she was hungry, and she makes a face like “meh.” ” She wants to go straight to sex, easy puzzle. ” And she jumps into it.” Yep. “I consider canceling dinner and going straight to my place.” Your gut is wise.

“Sometimes… Yohami is exactly right.” Hey Im always right. ” I am about to offer the traditional Nash Game cheesecake” Watch yourself and how your previous successes become the new bullshit. This is how your tussle pattern originated. You don’t need the cheesecake. She’s there for you. “No resistance whatsoever” Which is the natural thing. This is the path. The path of no resistance. This is what you’ve been looking for. This is what you have to memorize and learn to find. This is firecracker when you made her wet the first time, Honest girl when you went down and intimate the first time, Thai girl when you made out in the street. Your lesson here is to find that moment, then raise it to 11 and make them come. Then go for the next one as if this all meant nothing to you. No resistance whatsoever. Specially none coming from you. This is what I call “put the foot in the accelerator”. Let her have the brake. Then drive in a way she never uses it. “I’m not used to this” […] ” I notice that she is very recently shaved clean.” Anti slut defense but she clearly prepared for this, so she knows whats going on and PLANNED for this. Burn that image of her shaved for you, while you still think you needed the cheesecake. She’s playing ahead of you. To become really good you have to be playing ahead of them. Then all of them are YES girls. “I tell her I am holding back.” Tussle? “Getting her off is not a requirement, but my ego likes to think that girls are enjoying the sex too. My ego clapped a little bit.” Sex is better when they come. “She reaffirms that… she has very little experience.” You know, she’s just a nice prude girl who has sex on the second date with a guy she just met on the street and hasnt seen for more than 3 hours. A real unicorn. “I ask, so I am the 2nd guy you’ve had sex with? She says yes.” A rare gem. She would never do this. She’s practically brand new. “I believe her. ” Whiplash. “I could tell by the look in her eyes that she has almost zero experience with foreplay. That was real.” Oh absolutely, but then… “and gives me a tense glance. ” You’ve found the wall when exposing her BS and putting her on the spotlight. “You knew I was going to fuck you tonight, didn’t you.” Since you talked to her on the street. “I am happy.” That’s what counts man. Cheers. Unrelated but related. Im finishing my first original game and talking to publishers. I contact them out of the blue with a demo for my game and some sales pitch. Most of them ignored me. A couple responded me but didn’t understand what it is about and rejected it for absurd reasons. A couple want to see more of it when it’s more ready. One wants it now and would turn abusive if I said yes. Everything is like pick up. I gathered some info, not much because the interactions are so short, but I think I know what to improve on the game to increase it’s value, and do another round when the game is closer to it’s ideal Pitt/Bieber state, then I’ll pitch to the same women, sorry, publishers and see which legs, eh, opportunities open, then iterate. I hate this phase.

I’d love if I could sit on the table with publishers and clear out the details, go back and forth and get honest, detailed information about what to do, what’s lacking, how to improve, how much it would be, what can be the profits. But Im not on that table because I havent crossed the threshold yet. Im a nobody- my game has potential but is not fully realized. The publishers are being bombarded by better opportunities than me – investing that time in having that conversation with me is a waste of their time – But these conversations do happen, these opportunities are taken, deals happen fast, games make millions, it’s all there. It’s all happening. Just not for me, yet, at this stage. So the LAST thing I’d want to do is make this space Im into, into my reality. This is a transitional stage. There’s nothing, or, very little to be gained in sending this same game, same everything, to more and more publishers, magazines and what not and try to move it. More of THIS wont get me to where I want, which is to be at the top. Which summarizes why I blast against PUA / Daygame. This is a transition stage. The game really starts once I cross the threshold and Im the one having conversations, making deals, leading the market. There’s an infinite world up there. And none down here. Or, Girl Tornado is where it’s at. That’s where all the learning is. If I had spent 10 years in the gaming industry I could make my first game and send it to publishers and I’d already knew what buttons to press and what they want, the game would be a ‘brad pitt’, they would say yes, cold approach would work. Cold approach is not working for me because it’s not the method. It’s the who. Im improving the game for round 2. Then more publishers will be interested. My goal is that in a few months I don’t even need a publisher and the market is craving the game, or that publishers are fighting for it. We’ll see. Your goal in Game is to become that man who has the girls fighting for him. It’s not about collecting leads and funneling them, but picking up which one of them you want to fuck. I did it in seduction. Same skills apply everywhere. Gonna make me rich. Get rich too! I hate it because I get rejected but don’t get enough info on how to change, what to adapt to, what to raise to, not enough info on what’s lacking.

SURPRISINGLY SEXUAL YOHAMI: Good man. Congrats. “surprisingly sexual.” It is. not. surprising. I’ll repeat it just so you have a reminder every time. You picked her up because you want to fuck her. She said yes because she wants to fuck you. This is a fuck date. What’s left is logistics and further screening (or, ‘how does this feel’). “HER: I will kiss you but I won’t have sex with you.” This means she will. “fake punching” Means you’re doing great. “27 year old virgin.” This has a 2% probability of being true. With the other stories she told you, and she being ‘surprisingly sexual’ on first date, the chances go down to zero. “asked if she liked gelato. The Cheesecake trap has morphed into gelato-baiting.” Yeah, that’s bait. You’re mixing up a bait and a ramp, but it’s more bait than ramp. It’s a mix of bait and anti slut defense. It is similar to what I showed you in that chat – but the key point is that I followed that line with “an hour of good sex”. That makes the difference between bait and ramp, one is bait and switch, the other is escalation and delivery. “he cautioned me about the question format. ” It’s two things. One, that yes she can say ‘no’ to see what you’ll come up with, because she knows what this is really about. Two, that making it a question means you care, so it can come from the wrong frame. When Tyler told the 2 girls to get some food he didn’t ask “hey do you like pizza”. Even typing that feels wrong. “I told her we’d go to my place, I would definitely try to kiss her, but would not take my pants off, unless she asked me to. She squirmed and protested. I promised to make sure she was comfortable, and to get her back to the train on time. There was some back/forth, but she was in after some time. Done.” Ok this is anti-game. 100% tussle. Get rid of it. Here’s why and how: “Let’s go to my place and have some gelato” she will know it’s about sex, whatever she says next, tell her it’s the best gelato she’ll have in her life and kiss her. Done. This is anti game in many layers: “I would definitely try to kiss her” Unadultered bs, “try” to kiss her, you could be kissing her if you wanted. Your place is the location to have sex, you’re pulling her there, you didnt escalate yet, but you’re trying to fuck her, except you’re not, you’re telling her it’s not happening, but you’ll try to kiss her, but you wont take your pants off. Man I don’t know how to make this more evident. You’re introducing a lot of noise here and disqualifying yourself. “but would not take my pants off” As if this is something that would make her feel more safe. SHE IS GOING TO YOUR PLACE TO FUCK YOU. “unless she asked me to” This is where the tussle happens. You transfer the power to her, and make her to be the one in command, so now if she wants the dick she has to verbalize it, which goes against her nature. When she wants dick all she has to do, naturally, is to put herself in a situation where you can make a move, and she can reciprocate the move by being receptive. Example you can start unbottoning her pants and she can hold your head with her two hands while you kiss her belly. You have replaced that natural sequence with a “I wont take my pants off UNLESS YOU ASK ME” so you’re playing a game, a puzzle of your own, that cuts and interrupts the natural escalation that she is there for. And you’re doing so for approaching this from the wrong, ‘beta’ frame where you’re conquering rejection and going step by step. Except there’s no rejection here, you’re injecting it yourself. “I promised to make sure she was comfortable, and to get her back to the train on time. ”

All these promises of comfort because you think putting your big dick in her is something she’ll have to suffer or endure or be uncomfortable about, instead of the very thing she craves and needs and came to the date for. So, try it next time. Shut up and do. Tell her “let’s go to my place” and leave it like that. She’ll ask what for, say “same we are doing here but better” or “I have the best gelato in the world” and kiss her. Dont oversell, dont offer extra comfort, dont do any extra negotiation – there’s nothing to negotiate. When she’s there and you go for the gelato you’ll find, probably to your surprise, how much she’s there for the sex and not the icecream – even though you NEVER talked about sex. But she did. She knows what’s up. She went there for it. She was for the sex the whole time.

ON VOLUME AND GETTING THE SWAGGER YOHAMI: “In any case, it’s only the volume that allows you to do this.” Here’s the puzzle for you: Acting like a man who has volume, gives you the volume. —This is why I’ve been insisting on girl tornado as opposed to ‘daygame’ or any other form of game really: threat every other girl you talk to any point of the day the same way you treat the girls you’re having sex with in your girl tornado. Let’s call this “Girl tornado game”. Or, the kind of man who is fucking a lot of women and is confident, unproblematic, relaxed, deatched, flirty, dominant with women, is the kind of man every other woman wants as well. NASH: >> threat every other girl you talk to any point of the day the same way you treat the girls you’re having sex with in your girl tornado. Let’s call this “Girl tornado game”. I hear you. >> confident, unproblematic, relaxed, deatched, flirty, dominant with women This idea is what I would call “bi-directional.” You get this kind of swagger when you have volume. And you get volume, when you have this kind of swagger. Believe me… my approaches this week, have been some of my best ever. Because I have “proof” in my life I am the man that can take these girls down. I think when I surprised you in the Fall as I built my first Tornado from daygame, it was the fact that you can, in fact, work your way into this swagger. Hard work can get it started… but hard work is not the goal here. For me, it’s still the only way I know how to get there, in terms of my attitude. That’s what I did here in Tokyo. Hard work, then results, then swagger, than ++ results, then ++ swagger, then +++results, then ++++++swagger. I know you can start with +++++++swagger and skip a lot of the work, but I can’t just turn that on. Not yet. But each time I make a new Tornado… and I will have to make new one when I get home, my starting point is at a higher level. When I get home, I will start at +swagger, and skip a whole around of work… jump in with some initial entitlement. YOHAMI: “bi-directional.” Yes – it’s circular. It’s static. It re-feeds itself. It auto sustains. Doing more of it allows you to do more of it. Being more of it allows you to be more of it. Also valid for every frame – which is why put so much emphasis on not doing anything that doesnt belong to that frame, as, the more you do other stuff the more to frame yourself in other frames as well. “You get this kind of swagger when you have volume. And you get volume, when you have this kind of swagger.” Yes. “I think when I surprised you in the Fall as I built my first Tornado from daygame, it was the fact that you can, in fact, work your way into this swagger. Hard work can get it started… but hard work is not the goal here.” Without bitching about it too much: anyone who says that the way to get into the swagger is to do 1000s of approaches and get rejected and rejected and grow an inch every time has mental issues or lack of understanding of the bigger scheme or reality avoidance or something. Since this is a circular thing and you need volume to learn the swagger and swagger to get the volume – do whatever it takes to start off a position of swagger and volume already. This is why advocate that guys learning game take on a job or activity that has situational social status and go from there. All the time spent chasing women and getting them through the funnel is *not* the path to the swagger. When I started talking to you is because I saw you going out talking to 20 girls a day and getting rejected and getting hundreds of repetitions of that under your belt.

If you’d do what I advise instead you could had been banging hotties in a week with no work and getting super fast with game learning – because all the lessons are when you are in abundance, that’s where you learn. You’re learning to be an abundant man. In correlation, acting like an abundant man makes you display attractive characteristics, gives you the focus, the skill, the know how, the certainty. It makes the girls you talk to open easier, faster, be more ready, flake less, make them chase you, by doing less, by investing less on your side. Because at the end of the day the thing missing is that there’s a very particular character set that is universally attractive to women and they all open to that same guy. They dont do all the stuff to avoid and make you work for when you are that guy. The offer the easiest puzzle possible for that guy. That guy is you. When you are the version of you who lives in abundance. “For me, it’s still the only way I know how to get there, in terms of my attitude. That’s what I did here in Tokyo. Hard work” You’ll get to a point where it’s not work. Just walk by, see a girl in a cue, talk to her, fuck her that night. Meanwhile the other girl who saw you doing that gives you her number. Their friends want you too. “I know you can start with +++++++swagger and skip a lot of the work, but I can’t just turn that on. Not yet.” Its easier than you think. “Volume” Yes. The next switch is when you have that volume, but it’s the girls coming your way as opposed you you chasing them. And I call that a ‘switch’ because 1) You get to see the girls frontally, as opposed to seeing their backs. That means that you get to see them for what they are, not by the crumb trails they leave. Also means that whenever you’re interacting with a girl she wants something from you, as opposed to you wanting something from her and she resisting it. The front would be the ‘yes’ and the back would be the ‘no’. The front is where they are looking at all the time – the center of the tribe, or the top of the pyramid -, the place where they want to be, so where they use a side of them where they are being seductive, their actual face. The back is what they are running away from, the exit of the tribe, so that would be the ‘no’ girl. 2) The above makes a switch in you, and teaches you to turn any girl you meet into a ‘yes’ girl, because you’re just flipping her until you see her front, and then everything is exposed. Because every girl is a ‘yes’ as they are saying ‘yes’ to something. And that something is always the same – it’s the center of the tribe, at the top of it, where “the man” they are looking for lives. You do need a lot of volume of ‘yes’ girls to understand it and ingrain it. Most men live in ‘no’ world. They only see the back of the girls. A lot of PUA stuff is about catching the lost girls on the peripherals off the tribe. A lot of game is about faking being an insider so you get glimpses of ‘yes’ which are taken away immediately. The real – the REAL game starts when you move to the top and center. That’s when the game reveals itself in all it’s splendor and ugliness. The problem with all the approaching and game forms is that as long as you’re a man who deals with the ‘no’ girls, it only teaches you how to deal with MORE ‘no’ girls, and cash in the random lucky one that doesn’t teach you a damn thing – because you need a volume of YES to figure it out. So more power to you for the yesses you’re turning. Try making that ‘switch’ a priority, it will pay off. “I know you would want us to start from a position of authority” Also because as a trait, “authority” is the big piece that makes all the other pieces fit. It’s also a piece that is incongruent with Beta. And a piece you need to have mastered back and forth a million times to the point it’s always there but it’s not ‘pushing down’ unless needed. Leading, pacing, commanding, setting boundaries = authority. The beta frame rejects it so it will sabotage it, either by asking that the girl leads and paces, or failing to lead and pace etc. The whole beta frame is about not having authority, while the whole alpha frame is about having it. And the whole shit-testing and back and forth girls put you through is about pinging where you’re at with it. And then you must have the known-how and grace to succeed at exercising the authority and be natural and fun while at it, which means all must be second nature, which means it must come from experience – which comes from the trial and error and repetition of SUCCESS.

So yeah it’s not a minor thing. Starting from a position of authority is, internally, the frame of mind that must be there for you to pull the girl and dance the dance. And externally, what arranges the loop around you and gives you the good things in life, or puts you in an environment where you can make things happen while being in-synch with the world around you. Which is easier than, say, not doing any of that ;-) “This is sort of a “middle step” for those of us that are going at this path via daygame and cold approach” Try to simultaneously be as authoritative as you can, while as relaxed as you can. Pull in both directions to your limits. Like a “Hey” with a loud commanding voice, while smiling. Or a tease saying something outrageous while not moving into her space (but leaning back). Make the world spin around you. All that is the ‘dick swinging’. Then she’ll lit up at some point, and that’s the ramp.

BLACK AND WHITE YOHAMI: “But not every…” We’re playing a lego game and there are big blocks and small blocks. Or we’re playing a puzzle game and there are big pieces and small pieces. Or we’re dealing with the world out there, and there are major rules, generalities and principles, and then you have individual variation, combinations, flavors and outliers. “But not every…” Not every woman likes alpha men? sure. Also not every woman likes men. And not every woman has a vagina. Not every woman is a woman! 1 is not always 1. But why do you care about this exactly? Not everyone likes jokes – but are jokes funny? “But not every…” We’re talking about Game. Game is a very constrained environment. Game assumes that you’re dealing with heteronormative women, who are attracted to classically attractive men, and are out to screen the top men from the bottom men and would bang the top men and reject the bottom men. Which covers about 90% of all women. The whole Game rulebook, all the puas and styles revolve around how to play that game better. “But not every…” There are women who don’t like men. Acting masculine turns them off. There are women who don’t like penises, having one turns them off. There are women who don’t like humor, so having a sense of humor turns them off. There are women who don’t like athletic bodies, so being in shape turns them off. There are women who reject the whole male archetype. But why do you care? Most women, and likely all the women you’d like to bang are attracted to ‘flavors’ of the thing. They will like a flavor of alpha, and your job in mating would be to find what that is and deliver that – hopefully one closer to your core nature. Also your job is to find your own flavor of alpha, so you can be always ON instead of trying to be many flavors and having to switch on and off while pretending for many different girls. But again why do you care about this ‘every’? My read is that when you say “not every girl likes alpha” it is because you’re putting yourself out of the alpha bag, and you’re looking for the girls who wont like alpha but would like you. If so, don’t do that, you’d be doing yourself a horrible disservice. Continuing. “Yohami presents his arguments as absolutes. I’m not sure why that is, and maybe he can elaborate on this.” That’s just how my brain works. “My guess is that it’s because he’s been offering advice to clueless guys on the internet for a long, long time now, and the only way he can get through to them is to offer advice in absolutes.” There are a couple of mind traps here: first the whole thing about ‘absolutes’, and then the idea that these are only for clueless guys. Actually there are principles and generalities. And when you get a firm grap on them you stop being clueless. The ‘advanced guys’ have the principles handled, so they can take on all the inifinite variations. You can’t go advanced without having the basis handled. I hammer on the basics because that’s where most men fail, since most men come from Beta, and the beta framework will attempt to take what fits with beta and use it, thus missing the point (and the girl). “Very clearly, nothing in Game is absolute.” There’s plenty of absolute in game. – Women are attracted to men. – Masculinity is attractive. – Higher status is more attractive than lower status. – Confidence is more attractive than insecurity.

– Leading is more attractive than following. – Hypergamy. – Being in good shape and strong is more attractive than being fat and weak. – Acting like a guy who’s at the top of the world is more attractive than acting like a bottom feeder. – Etc. Without these there’s no Game – but ‘games’ For example: how to bang the feminist chick who hates men? sure there’s a way, it won’t be Game. How to bang the christian girl who won’t do sex till marriage and will only respond to betas, extended courtship and providers? it won’t be Game. Then there’s something else. When presented with the picture of the Top guy riding the Bottom guy, a segment of girls will pick the bottom guy. My experience is that these girls will take the Bottom guy for a ride and exploit him. So be wary of girls who like betas. “Not every girl who comes to your place wants to fuck you” True, but also not every girl is a girl. But “a girl” in the general sense, coming to your place, wants sex. First the obvious: if a costumer sees a commercial about a pizzeria on tv, then goes to the pizza place and takes a table, do they want a pizza? Second, an obvious reframe: If you were an unattractive, non sex-viable candidate, for example if you didn’t have the sexual parts she prefers, and you were an unattractive fat slob with no game, would SHE be at your place? Third, the obvious thing I’ve been hammering: What is she there for? what does she want? Fourth, the truth, which is the biological setup: you’ve been doing a biological courtship dance. The whole and only purpose of the dance is to evaluate each other (though she’s doing most of the evaluation usually) and that culminates on you fucking and your seed fertilizing her eggs. There’s absolutely nothing else going on. You picked her on Tinder or the street or the club or somewhere because you want your dick in her, and IF SHE SAID YES then she wants your dick in her, and all what’s left is the screening necessary to A) get in the mood and B) make extra sure the whole thing is not a mistake, which is why you’re doing all the dance. But if it’s not you she’ll go back to the pond and find another guy who will do the dance properly and get it done. So: “Not every girl who comes to your place wants to fuck you” Instead of stating stuff like that, find out what she wants. Tune your senses to understand what they respond to, and what they don’t respond to. And in the context that this is a sexual setup and it ends in sex. Because that’s what is. If the dance doesn’t lead there then you missed the cues. This is most of the time for A) not sticking to the principles (hypergamy) and B) not reading the nuances (ramps, puzzles, opportunities, escalation). Or it can be that she actually likes girls and just found out you have a penis. Gross. “not every girl is attracted to an alpha” I don’t see how that does anything for you, unless your’e saying here “Im not alpha, but that’s fine not every girl likes alpha so some will like me” and condemning yourself to enduring a lot of shit as a result. When you narrow it down, all – ALL feminine, heteronormative, cisgendered, non-crazy fertile girls who are looking for a good seed for their eggs, are looking for confident, strong, masculine, socially savvy, knowwhat-they-are-doing, MEN with options. If you don’t believe me, ask them. Then watch what they do. Then try different things and check what they respond to. — “when I finally did leave, I don’t think any of my fuckbuddies actually cared too much.” Yeah. Women don’t care. “if I had been completely honest with them and said I was only thinking of being there for the summer, some may not have fucked me.” It depends on how it affects your value. There’s a setup in which being a traveler in passing increases your value (rarity), but it decreases your value in social standing. If you need time to build social value then being in passing deflates you. If you can build social value instantly (naturally extroverted, good with people) then being in passing multiplies that, you get both social value and rarity. Then there are social niches – if you join these communities where they do parties with foreigners, these have preselected all the girls who like rarity over social value. So many little combinations. So very few basics.

ALPHA SWITCH YOHAMI: Some expansion on the idea of Beta trying to pull Game. If you have a Beta frame and you try any of the fundamentals of game, it will seem to you as something advanced, out of this world, unimaginable. The Beta frame is basically a follower, cover your dick frame. It acommodates to external value, as opposed to leading with your core value. So the idea of ‘lead with your value sounds like nonsense. The whole ‘be yourself’ is a trap because ‘yourself’, while beta, is unattractive. I’d go to the extent of saying that if you’re a beta, or as long as you’re operating through a beta frame, you don’t exist. You haven’t been born yet. You’re potentially you, but you’re not here. Not yet. You need an external shape to mold you – therefore you’re not you. You follow instead of leading, so you’re motives are covered, and your final expression not only not revealed, but not even articulated yet. If you’re a Beta and do Game, then you’ll start doing and emulating ‘alpha things’ from a Beta perspective, as something that you have to run on top of your persona, a mask, and often going against the things that you’d actually like to do. For example: The Beta needs validation from a superior, so it will put the woman as it’s superior and kiss up. Thats AT THE CORE, so it will happen. When it happens then it reveals the beta hand and the girls loses interest Then that is translated by the Beta frame as “don’t reveal your intentions” or “mask your desire” and because it works, it gets added to the Game rulebook. Then some guy one day switches to Alpha and finds out that acting on your desire and setting boundaries and being upfront with what you want actually works, so what happens with “hide your desire”? well that’s basic and now the “show your desire” is “advanced”. All this because I recently saw something from Torero where he passed a fundamental of game and called it advanced. Being Alpha is not “advanced”. It’s just a way of being. You don’t advance to Alpha through iterations of beta. All the work you put to make the Beta frame work, even if all the perks you’re adding come from the Alpha frame, make you more beta. So what will make you Alpha – well, are you even trying? What will make you Alpha, if you’re NOT trying, is exposure. The reason I commend Nash and his Tornado game is because even if he wont take my word – he’ll have to take reality for what is when he has a bunch of women, collectively (which is important, as this becomes a generality and exposes the principles, as opposed to be an individuality setup, which would only expose the small variations) reacting to him and giving feedback on his Alpha impersonation. Because all these girls don’t care about Nash (or they would all stay), they care about Game, because they only care about the Alpha, the mythical one, the archetype, and how that abstract form, personified on a physical man, presses their buttons – buttons they largely share with every other women. So this thing. It’s better to grab the fundamentals and principles first and move your frame and keep moving it. Instead of perfecting Beta with the things that Beta can handle, and then when you’re faced with some fundamentals call then ‘advanced’. But alpha is not an advanced beta! :-D And a clarification “how to bang the feminist chick who hates men? […] How to bang the christian girl […] it won’t be Game.” It wont be Game as in – you wont be emulating the traits of alpha womanizers. But the other part of game – the puzzle, ramps and other stuff I talk about will still apply. You still need to swing the value in front of them, or ping ping ping and deliver that, double down when something works and avoid the things that don’t. Depending on the chick, specially when you deviate from the norm – that may end up taking the shape of – you wearing a strap on with a dick on your own ass, dressed as a baby. Or married without having sex and

being pushed down as a provider (whatever rocks your boat)- it all depends on what they want and where you double down and what you do and don’t. So the whole thing about starting from alpha frame, all the double downs and ramps and opportunities you take – these are ALSO your own filtering mechanisms. So it’s true that ‘not every girl will respond to alpha’ which is why it’s also important that you screen these out. The relationship of alpha guy – adoring chick is the most favorable, but not the only one, and not even the most favorable if you’re into other things.

SIGMA (INTROVERTED ALPHA) YOHAMI: “(I’d talk about Sigma, which I truly believe is valid)” From what I’ve seen, the Sigma (introverted alpha) is being brought up by men who want to cash on the status of being at the top of the pyramid, but don’t want to play by the rules and actually climb the pyramid. The example I see often is “wolverine”, or “hemingway” or the lone wolf, a force of nature – But the guys bringing that up are Krauser and Vox – both of those are actually Alphas creating their own pyramid. So they may not want to compete on the mainstream pyramid (and try to dethrone, say, Dicaprio), but they are still doing the classic hierarchy and putting themselves at the top. Which wouldn’t be sigma. Show me a fully dominant man living out of the hierarchy – and how that man has access to the mainstream attractive women. Then reverse this and look at it from the female perspective. They don’t wake up in the morning with this thought “I wish today I would meet a strong, masculine, force of nature man, confident, know-how, who wants me and knows how to makes me feel special…. who is also out of the social hierarchy” That last part “out of the social hierarchy” doesn’t matter at all for her perspective if you fit the important part which is the at the beginning. The thing about the social part – is that it is ‘the pond’, or, she will look at the men who belong to the same tribe FIRST. So men who are out of the social hierarchy will synch with her if she’s also out of the social hierarchy. The first screening is the tribe and the coherence with the tribe. The more out of the tribe she is, the more open she’ll be to men who are also out of the tribe. If for whatever reason you don’t want to climb the pyramid, that’s fine, as long as you still manage to be the important thing – dominant, confident, know-how, etc. The issue here is that PROBABLY the reason you don’t want to climb the hierarchy is that you don’t have what it takes, or are afraid, or are in the wrong field, or are covering your dick, etc, likely you’re starting on a weak frame or spot and you don’t see the way up. IF that is your case, then you will carry all of that to your “game” and the awkward-fest starts. You’ll be trying to pull a Wolverine when you don’t actually have what it takes to leave all the tribes behind and be a true lone wolf – you wont be a wolf, but a sheep scared to bite. You won’t be a strong force of nature who COULD be the leader of men but CHOSE not to – but instead a weakling who doesn’t think he can make it and is trying to take a shortcut. When you add THAT frame into the mix it invariably fucks up everything that follows. Which is why I put all my insistence in “fix your life first” So girls don’t go out trying to find a “Sigma” – unless they are asocial themselves, but then you’re screening for these types of girls. Any social girl you’re able to pull is not seeing you as a “Sigma”, they are seeing you as an Alpha – because they are only paying attention to their OWN buttons that are being pressed. They only care about how they feel. It’s not about you. And because it’s not about you – at the end of the day why do you care about the label you’re using for yourself. Go to the actual frame set, toolset, your skills and views. Are you a confident, know-how, dominant, successful man with a pride, non-needy, sexual beast who takes what he wants? Are you strong and dominant? do you have the experience and repetition, are you congruent with ‘top guy’ all the time, with no effort whatsoever so you have extra energy to spare and add fun and cocky on top of it all? If not, how do you acquire it? If you’re biologically normal – the easiest and probably the only way to acquire is through socialization and competition, and actually climbing some pyramid, so your testosterone goes up and your actual frame of reference with the world gives you the feedback loop necessary to sustain the top guy frame – in other words, it has to be REAL. Which is why these self professed Sigmas are still building a pyramid and running a herd. And why the RSD guys for example run workshop after workshop leading MEN. Or, how do you acquire a frame of dominance and abundance unless you live a life of dominance and abundance? So there’s that.

THE TUSSLE YOHAMI: Good stuff. I’ll take a longer read later, for now this: “And then… I was thinking about how to kiss her. ” That is tussle. ” “I had a great time with you,” and given her some intensity via my eyes, and moved in.” That is tussle. I remember when it was the last time I tried that – some brit chick with a french look who was passing by in argentina. She was staying with a female friend. I took them for icecream, then on the way back the friend went upstairs and I held this chick back, to her amusement and surprise, I engaged in some rapport and said how nice it was to spend time with her, then some intense eye contact, then moved in, and got rejected (even though she liked me). Before that instance I also tried it a hundred times with other girls. It did work with some girls who already wanted to fuck me, so I didn’t see it clear up until that point – I was learning game now, and had contrast. So what’s going on here is that you want the kiss to be special. You’re “thinking about how to kiss her” You “want to take her but you don’t want to screw things up” You “want to do things with her but you don’t know if she likes you” and “you don’t want to be rejected” All of which is beta frame or below. So even if you were doing ok and she was getting turned on – that move makes you a creep. You’re creating a wall. What is the wall? Dissect: “I had a great time with you” Nobody gives a fuck about how good of a time you had, and there are so many layers of onion here. – You are stating that you had a good time as a call for rapport “expressing deep feelings” – You’re stating that you had a good time as an attempt to make her mirror you. This is what you’d like her to say. – You’re giving free validation which can be conductive to putting her on a pedestal – You’re making it about your emotions and how you feel. Women don’t care. Specially don’t care during the screening phase. The only thing they care about is how they feel, and how you make them feel. So this moment wouldn’t be a creep moment on itself. I replaced the “I had a great time” with a nonverbal wink. When verbalized, I changed it to “this was fun (wink)”, usually when leaving her place after having sex. But the creep is the intense stare “given her some intensity via my eyes” The phrase + the intense stare creates a wall. What this is doing is repressing your energy and accumulating it on your end. Because you’re not moving, and not pressing her buttons, that means it’s her turn to move. What do you think she’ll do? Would this make her jump into you and kiss you? When you say the phrase and increase the intense stare, is she supposed to kiss you? what is she supposed to feel? or do? is it your turn to act, or hers? What you are doing there is creating a vacuum, stopping the flow. You may not see it because the fact that you do a move like that, means for you this is congruent, which means the vacuum and repressing feeling is there for you all the time. Like it was for me back then. So compare it to this. If you have energy to say “I had a great time” and put some intensity on your eyes, use that energy to have her have a great time, and feel some intensity. How much energy is that and how long it takes to say the phrase – 5 to 10 seconds? use the same amount seconds like this: – Tickle her (makes feel something, it’s kino, leads) – When she laughs, bring her closer, if she doesn’t, tell her you want to smell her – Hug her and smell her neck, compliment her smell – “c’mere” and kiss her Do you see the ramp there? – Tickle initiates physical contact, she will react positively or negatively to that. If positive, escalate, if not, you can escalate and see what happens but – Bring her closer. If she reacts positively to that, escalate. If she doesn’t, push her away (literally) and do push pull, “she smells like cheese sandwich”, tease or neg, and when she laughs, escalate. Im using “laugh” for these examples but the ioi can be other things – Hug her and smell

her neck. At this point this is the equivalent of fucking, you’re already in bed, and there’s no other possible end to this story. “you smell good” is a validation and a reward for her, it’s a reward for her compliance (always reward compliance). If she reacts positively escalate, if she doesn’t, hey, if she puts a wall HERE you are for a hell of a ride and she’s a monster tease, to treat accordingly – Cmere, put your tongue in her mouth. If she reacts positively escalate, put your hand on her butt, if she reacts positively escalate, make out harder, if she reacts positively escalate, put a hand on her breast, if she reacts positively escalate, pull her close to your hips, if she reacts positively escalate, put your hand in her vagina, if she reacts positively… and if at any point you sense a wall coming, then you deflect and give space. And even after some iterations of escalation, retreat and give space, chill, enjoy. Now – the “I had a great time, look at my intense stare”, put it in contrast. What is supposed to happen next? The problem with having random success with moves like that, when you happen to find a girl who is already into you and doesn’t need to screen you, because she already knows, is that then you get fixated to bullshit and think the bullshit is what got you there. In my case, I was a little repressed wannabe with romantic ideas. I needed to convey all of that before making a move because I thought I had to show myself to her so she could accept me. Then the whole thing was about getting her acceptance. With the brit/french girl I had this romantic notion that I had to make the kiss special, so I went to create a special moment, a “movie like moment”. But that’s not how women work. How do women work? with their bodies. So tickle, pull, hug, smell, kiss, and fuck. They are slaves to their bodies. That’s how they have no defense when you know what to do with their bodies. That’s how you ‘sweep them off their feet’, that’s how they lose control. “touch them the right way'”. That’s why the kino 101 pickup crap was so important when I was learning. Watch tyler and the other RSD video guys. They are making out with a new girl in under 1 minute after meeting her. Check if they mention the great time they are having and doing intense silent stares. It’s the opposite. But specially like I said other times – this is a girl you picked up, because you want sex, and she said yes, because she wants sex, then you SMS and arrange a date, she dresses for the date, puts perfume, makeout, makes shure she looks hot, FOR YOU. FOR YOU. OF ALL THE OTHER MEN SHE COULD HAVE HAD THAT DAY. YOU. She comes to you to give you a room to make your moves and she how she’d feel. But she already has envisioned and wondering what would it be to be fucked by you a hundred times. And she’s wondering how it’d feel to be savaged by you. Or she wouldn’t be there. And you’re “thinking about how to kiss her” And “not finding the right time to do so” Or “not expecting my kiss to land but I communicate this is about sex so if she comes again she knows what’s up” Do you see the disconnect? Kiss her like someone you’ve kissed a million times already. If the mood or situation is not feeling like this is someone you’ve kissed a million times already, then make it your job to turn the situation into one that feels familiar, bring the “we’ve done this already” mood, bring the fun mood. That’s what I call “treat every girl like one of the girls you’re banging already”, this is also the “be natural”. This is not supposed to be a super special moment and have spikes and stuff, or even bubbles. This is about you being the womanizer that knows how to deal with women, that’s the guy she came out to see. That’s not the guy who ”wonders about how to kiss her” Hope that helps. Ok Nash, here, this is your answer “I pushed it just far enough to make her eyes pop open. And they did pop. And she was into it.” That’s how you kiss her – she specifically. That is what she responded to. Usually in your writeups you identify the girls main characteristics, and how there was a special moment when something clicked. I pointed at these before calling them “the puzzle” but let’s replace that with the “ramp”. That thing where the special moment happened – that’s where you must escalate, as soon as it happen: there’s where you have to double down.

The play that let you to that place was the ‘swing dick’, and once the click happens (different with every chick) there’s where you must double down. In short, that was the moment to kiss her. And if you wanted to kiss her later, then simply recreate that moment. All the dick swinging is to find one or more of these instances. That’s the whole courtship. You ping ping ping and eventually she’ll lit up. Double down when that happens. Somehow you think that when it happens it’s a simulation, a game, or like you labeled it here, an ‘exercise’, like when you asked that other girl to reject you when you went for a kiss but she turned to be receptive to it (to your dismay :-)) – so, the thing that would help you become stronger here is to realize that what is happening, is actually happening. You ‘may not see it’ but it’s happening, because this aint about you, but about her and what she’s experiencing. The moment she was turned on – that was real. If you don’t take it, it’s gone. Continuing: “And even though this was at the level of an exercise” Doesn’t compute. Courtship, the whole thing, is a roleplay, a forecast. A non-attractive guy doesn’t get the same result from doing that specific exercise. “when she lit up” It was real. Double down and take her. “I got turned on” Use it. “I told her” Telling her that she got you turned on is anti game unless you at the same time act on it and take her. If you are turned on but you’re not making out with her, then you’re controlling yourself. Why. Another game variation for telling her and not acting on it would be saying it as a tease. “wow, now you turned me on” and a shit eating grin and then command her to do something – some puas make her rotate or whatever. But if there’s no escalation, then the verbalization is a replacement of the real thing – which would be anti game, and will cost you. “I could see it in her eyes. She agreed.” So that’s how you kiss her :-) Cheers man, and kudos on all the mileage you’ve gotten.

LEARNING GAME AS AN ADULT Any man needing to learn Game as an adult is ‘broken’ by definition. That’s why it’s even more important to weed out the broken instructors / gurus. No need to double down on the wrong things If you’re an adult man and you don’t know how to deal with women then you’re not a functional man, therefore you’re a non-performing tool, therefore you’re a broken tool. If you need to learn game as an adult – then what have you been doing so far? Absent father, femcentric society, lack of models – all these are possible causes that prevented you from developing as a man. Learning Game is learning to speak like a man, learning to behave as a man, think as a man, perform as a man. And hopefully you use it to actually become a man. A man without Game is not a man. May be just a person, or a guy, or a tool. A broken one. So there. So Im not ditching on game – the emphasis is on MAN and ADULT. This is something we should have learned from infancy. Learning it as an adult means deprogramming and deconstructing, destroying habits, making new ones, switching frames, changing your whole self. Because you were lost and useless. So yeah I stand by that. ON CHI-KONG YOHAMI: “chi-kung” I was just going to recommend that. Chi-kung – when I was 17 or so, in a book at my aunt’s place. I started using to jerk off without losing energy. I proved useful to remain young, and to be able to manage a harem once I got Game about 20 years later 1004

FRAMES You’re going to hit gold soon. “I don’t escalate when they’re not going to say yes, why would I do that?” Compare this to “make the ho say no” and “try to maker her say no”. And tie her in to what you were saying about life being a mess, then being science, then being art. ———— At the beginning you are a boy or a beta, you don’t exist as a man, you don’t take space, you are a follower, you don’t belong to the action, you’re not in the party. Then you start taking action, having initiative, learning things, and failing. Failing means you’re moving, failing means you’re trying. Finding walls means you’re pushing forward. Hearing ‘no’ means you’re going for a ‘yes’. Then you learn to hear the feedback and you can regulate your input, you learn to properly set the course, lead and invest – become ‘wise’ or skilled, and turn it into art, you give it the shape you want it to have, by taking the forces of nature and giving them direction, not by fighting them, but by using them. That’s when you hear only ‘yes’. The girl is in front of you because she’s saying ‘yes’ to something. To that little thing, that’s what you work with. That’s what gets amplified, until the whole girl is a ‘yes’. All the things that are a ‘no’ in her, you don’t interact with, you don’t invest there. This is like putting money where it gives you profits and not spending money in what doesnt. She’s in front of you interacting with you because she wants something. She’s saying ‘yes’ to something. You dance in front of her and adopt your shapes to see what resonates, what increases the connection, and what doesn’t. When you find what she responds to, you double down on that. And the ‘yes’ intesifies. Then you

dance around a bit more and find another ‘yes’ and double down on that. Take a break, and do it again. You’re rubbing that clit since moment one. Putting your ‘dick’ where her pussies are. Not wasting your energy, not overinvesting, never hearing a ‘no’. You might, will, find walls, but you don’t crash on them, they just show you where the doors are, which you proceed to cross with no resistance. All it takes is you can hear the feedback and know how to do with it. And that you’re not fixated on ‘doing things one way’, so more listening and more repertoire, and a clear direction. That being said: “So, based on my failed kiss attempt, I did not offer to take her home.” You fucked firecracker without a kiss – without having more context I cannot tell if this one was DTF or not. Some girls will get turned on because you want to fuck them and not because you want to kiss them. So don’t just rule it out. You can still ask her to come home for a romp, even if she didn’t want to kiss you. My go to was “come here” – kiss – “let’s go”. But there are as many little variations as there are girls in the world. Missing a ramp doesnt automatically mean the next one isn’t available. This is again something that is flexible. NASH: >> You’re going to hit gold soon. I’m on the path. I think the lesson above that you and Tyler are teaching is so ripe for potential for a guy at my level. I think if I can make that normal “bread and butter” in my game, I can see another big wave of progress. >> The girl is in front of you because she’s saying ‘yes’ to something. >> She’s in front of you interacting with you because she wants something. This is a great lesson. You convinced me last year that if she comes to my place, it means she wants something. That will be a key point in a post I will make tomorrow. I think it applies to daygame, also, assuming she hits hook point. The hook means she wants something. Give it to her. >> To that little thing, that’s what you work with. That’s what gets amplified, until the whole girl is a ‘yes’. Hmmm. I am listening. I can feel it, but I know I don’t totally get how to apply this yet. >> You dance in front of her and adopt your shapes to see what resonates, what increases the connection, and what doesn’t. When you find what she responds to, you double down on that. And the ‘yes’ intesifies. Then you dance around a bit more and find another ‘yes’ and double down on that. Yes. This is your “swing your dick.” I think what helped me see this is that Tyler specifically says that means “make her feel amazing.” I think this was harder for you to articulate, because you are naturally good at giving her positive emotions (the alpha stuff, perhaps). So you just need to time your escalation. Tyler helped me see what you are saying, as he pointed out how he INTENTIONALLY creates the positive emotion, and then uses that “good feelings” to escalate. I also think Tyler is showing some true genius in female psychology when he says this: “Women typically… the man suggests something that escalates the situation, she goes within, sees how she feels, and if she likes how she feels, she says yes. “If you joke, and have some good energy and momentum behind that energy, and you say lets go here, she goes within herself, she likes the direction the energy is going and she is more inclined to say yes” — Tyler So, in the very, very SHORT TERM (not about the guy in general, but about HER, in that second), you spike her, and in that immediate moment, escalate. And to be more strategic, we get the order correct: if you want to escalate, then… spike with good emotions, and do it. It’s a two-stage process. “if she likes how she feels, she says yes.” So the spike is first, to set up “how she feels,” and then the escalation is easy. This is like saying “please” before you ask for something. Except in this place, you make her feel good and then take what you want. >> You’re rubbing that clit since moment one. Putting your ‘dick’ where her pussies are. Yes. Her “pussies” are what makes her feel good. Give her that pussy moment, then put your cock in her life.

YOHAMI: Yup. The problem with communication is all the things that are assumed. Most of this is is second nature or intrinsically obvious (to me at this point) and the words perfectly describe what Im seeing, even though I don’t necessarily know why. From “swing your dick” to “make her feel amazing” there are a few assumptions and bridges even though it’s technically correct. You see that tyler intentionally makes her feel amazing. I can see that with my rational brain. But how does he measure what feels amazing, how does he know what will make her feel good in the first place? what differentiates giving her a rose and going on one knee to tell her she’s the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen / to telling her she’s lying and that she should do X for X time? how do you know what is what? What is self evident for me here – is the comparison of how women treat different kinds of men. I already know what women want, and how they behave. Their behavior towards me in a particular situation reflects perfectly the category, the role they put me in. I ‘know’ how they would be treating me if they would be seeing me as the man they want to fuck, so I keep moving and adopting shapes until they do. But the core again would snap to this: All these girls want to fuck an alpha and would fuck an alpha right now. So which model of alpha? So “adopting shapes” means doing alpha stuff. Doing alpha stuff means acting in a dominant manner. See, when Tyler grabs the two girls attention is because he is LOUD and demands their attention. He didnt run after them to tell them they are beautiful, or to tell them that he cares about them. He goes LOUD and is “look at me I am telling you what to do and expect you to react to me positively” which is 100% alpha and can’t be interpreted as anything else. The completely predictable reaction is that the girls turn and are amused and ‘feeling amazing’ because THIS IS WHAT GIRLS LIKE. If one of them hand’t reacted amazing and would turn more bitchy, then to that you react with another alpha shape, doubling down in snarky ness with a shit eating smirk, etc – the frame never goes to follower / caring / beta / tell me what to do, but a succession of Here, Now, Present, Dominant man who wants something and is directing the action. This is what Julien does and gets make outs in seconds, just by demanding it. Todd does it too in a very subdued way. Max does it while laughing is ass about it. Luke does it while being friendly and social and untouchable. These are ‘flavors’ with distinct personalities and emotional range but they all incarnate the same alpha, in command, frame, which is what pushes the button so the girl feels ‘amazing’. Why do they feel amazing? because they are getting exactly what they want. Then – why do I use the phrase ‘swing your dick’. I had to understand my own body right now to come up with this: google “male flirting pose” and check images. You’ll find that a male flirting has the center of his body off balance, against a wall or putting the wall on a table or something, and with the legs open. When you’re telling stories, roleplaying, making jokes and stuff, your dick is actually swinging if you’re in this pose. Your body is relaxed, you’re being dominant and playful, your dick is swinging – which makes her feel amazing, because this is what she wants – that man. All Im doing when Im interacting is increasing her perception that I am that man, because I am.

SHORT TIME STORY Short story time. In my beta years I had one dance available and I used it all the time. It involved finding ONE girl that I could feel I’d trade my life for and be committed forever. I’d involve that girl in friendly non sexual activities and move very slowly into being comfortable with each other. I’d talk hours and days online about deep intellectual subjects and let the feelings accumulate. Then some of these would be verbalized. Then I’d go for a relationship – I would for sure be in a committed relationship before going for sex. As you can imagine, only a tiny percent of girls were willing to go through that process, and I had already a tiny percentage of girls I liked enough to start that dance, so this meant years of celibacy at a time. Then when I’d land a girl, she’d likely be a crazy one. When I found game I was in the middle of one of such courtships, trying to get into a relationship with a girl for about 8 months, and she was making me mad. When I started learning game I learned, or read about, a million different tricks. As soon as I started parroting them, to all girls, not just the ones I’d put through my original dance, I got positive responses, from all girls, including the girls I didn’t like. When I was dealing with a specific girl I’d always be clueless about which of the 1 million tricks I should do on her to get her to open, so when she passed on me or I’d burn the set I was clueless about what went wrong. But that’s game done as a beta. What is the core frame of reference? “she’s the prize” “she’s the prize and I must inflate my value so she doesn’t reject me” “I must do things to generate attraction” “I must not screw up” At the center of this is the belief that she has the value and you take it, or you earn it through an exchange. You’re offering “an experience” or “value” or whatever you repeat to yourself in your mind so you give yourself permission to hit on that girl who you see has more value than you do. So “screwing up” is showing your hand. “being honest” is losing the girl. This is why I bitch about game and anti pua. What is missing here? the question, simple: What does she want? what do girls want? why is she talking to you? what is in this for her? The answer to that, the universal answer, is that she wants to fuck / get into a relationship with / marry / get impregnated by / spend time with / a top guy, and she’s thinking you’re one, which is why she’s giving you time, so you can do your thing, and girls enjoy immensely time spent with ‘top guy’. What is top guy? You. The version of you who is unapologetic, direct, confident, winner, self reassured, with a sense of humor, going for what you want, sexual, winner, cocky. You, the man. You’re not the man? then there’s nothing for you. She’s into you? she’s seeing you as the man. She’s not into you? she’s not seeing you as the man. How do you make sure she sees you as the man? Be it. And when you are it, who gives a fuck about what she sees in you? That’s the beauty. If you climb to the top of yourself and let yourself be, who gives a fuck about how they see you? you swing your dick waiting for her to see you, and when she does, you laugh because you know she no longer has defenses and you can do with her whatever you want, so you do. And everyone’s happy. The reason this is a paradox (and even Tyler has issues with it at times) is that you’re doing game because you see women as the prize. But the way to win the game is becoming the prize yourself. That’s the way to win it, and the only game worth playing.

REDPILL 101 YOHAMI: Also girls lying about their experience etc – girls lie about everything all the time. Everything about female comunication is about framing and exaggeration. Look at make up, clothing, etc. All energy is spent in appareance and saleskill, most communication in their own groups is spent passing judgement and ranking themselves – putting all agency in others and casting themselves as the morally superior / victim. Very rarely you’ll find a girl with morals based on principles and not self survival instinct. This is not something to be jaded about – this is what is. When women talk to you, the message is that they want you to feel in a certain way and act in a certain way towards them. They are also always trying to determine where you stand in the rank of men and in the rank of the tribe, and you’ll be treated very, very differently depending on where they see you. Red pill 101. Dont be bitter. Put chocolate on it. MADONNA/WHORE COMPLEX He’s basically wrong. “good girls on their occasional indiscretion.” Define good girls, because “a good girl who fucks womanizers” doesn’t work. Madona / whore is male made. It doesn’t help to divide the world in categories when the categories don’t exist. So instead look at the world and at what is going on. Madona / whore is not a definition of what is, but a description of male preference. Men prefer virgins girls over sluts. Where virgin is a girl who has never had sex with another man and is inexperienced, vs a slut who has sex several times a day with multiple men. One triggers the man and the man “wants to be good to her”, and “position above herself” as a protector, in other words it triggers the equivalent of female hypergamy in men – it makes the man want to position himself above the woman to lock her hypergamy and lock himself into her, it’s a safe position. The other one, the slut, doesn’t make you feel safe but threatened, you’re competing against multiple men, multiple sperm, the woman is lower value to you as it’s a less safe recipient for your sperm. Even reading Nash story about the pro for example gives me a discomfort. This is gut stuff. Base biology. Male preference. But the male preference is still full of shit because men want to fuck all the women – all the virgins, all the “best” ones, I know I do – without committing to anyone because there’s more pussy to be explored, and men want to turn a virginal into an experienced “whore” who can please him good. So this is the equivalent of women wanting alphas to turn them into betas. Always chasing the top dog to make him a pet dog. Men chase virgins to turn them into whores. Look at yourself. We’re all beasts. So recognize what is and how is mismatches with reality. Men prefer virginal – that’s a preference, you put the word “good” on it, then look at the whore and put “bad” on it, then create a (false) dichotomy on WOMEN like they are themselves classified in good and bad, when this dichotomy is about what you like, and not about what they are. A “good girl who fucks players”. Think about it. “Hey Im a virginal good girl, I had sex with Yohami who fucked me real good then dumped me, then I fucked Krauser and Tom, they were gentlemen! hi Nash and Riv how are you doing? Pancake are you having a good day?” Get it? So what is in the other side? what is in the actual reality? You have: Girls who are very promiscuous and girls who are less. Girls who are more crazy and girls who are more sane. Girls who are more malignant in their intent and girls who are less. Girls who are more takers, girls who are more nurturing. Girls who are smarter, girls who are more dumb. Girls who are more adventurous, girls who are more conventional. All of them as long they are heterosexual will chose an alpha before a beta, will fuck an alpha with not strings attached as long as the situation is a net gain for her, is a girl you can fuck, if you’re the kind of man she will fuck, and you rub her the right way.

But in the multiple combinations of traits and overlaps, you’ll have a combination where girls are crazier, more takers, highly promiscuous, and “bad” (unless that’s what you like) and girls who are more sane, nurturing, less promiscuous, who are “good” (if that’s what you like) The “sane nurturing less promiscuous girl who is relationship oriented” will tend to fuck very well validated alphas in her social circle after some sort of investment has been secured, basically, she’ll try to relationshipgame the alpha in her group, and block any random player that wants her pussy. The “crazier adventurous more promiscuous girl” will be open to different kind of men and experiences as long as they make her feel good, will be welcoming new men and new experiences. Which of these are more likely to say YES to you when you approach her on the street because you want to fuck her? Which of these is more likely to require that you’re in a social group and have validation that she can test before interacting with you in a sexual courtship? I bring this up because the natural disgust of betas for alphas creates this illusion that the alphas are fucking the sluts, when in the natural progression of things, all the good girls are pinning for the alphas, and all the sluts who want experience open so wide that they can take cock from the social rejects who were unable to build a castle and are now wandering the streets at day and night. —— Men rank themselves, the kind of girl you fuck is yet another thing we rank ourselves on. So when Krauser says “there are two kinds of game” he’s doing alpha shaming and slut shaming in one line. Translation: The girls that go out at night are dirty sluts, and the players fucking them are low value because they fuck low value girls. But the girls at day are virginal girls, high value, so me Krauser and daygame guys are fucking better quality girls, so Krauser is better than night game players! Except, you know, that “good girl” is fucking Krauser. Of all people. She fucks a guy she meets on the street, says a couple lines he’s been saying to other girls all morning, and she decides that’s the cock she wants inside. That’s pretty virginal behavior. That’s untouched nature. That’s just virtue. Top that motherfuckers.

NASH: >> The “sane nurturing less promiscuous girl who is relationship oriented” will tend to fuck very well validated alphas in her social circle after some sort of investment has been secured, basically, she’ll try to relationship-game the alpha in her group, and block any random player that wants her pussy. And >> all the good girls are pinning for the alphas I agree, but I also know time is not static. Things move on… and old things get stale. Everyone needs fresh air. So “good girl” goes to work, and the gym, and has dinner in a big group of friends on Saturday nights. That’s her world. There are alphas and betas in her life. And if the alphas are taken, and she’s rejected the betas… now she is “unsatisfied,” just like the rest of us. Of course she dreams of something better. So yes, she wants a “top guy.” And she meets a daygamer, and she has a sneaking suspicion that he want to fuck her. But every guy she’s met since she was 12 wanted to fuck her, so that goes almost unnoticed… it’s assumed. If the daygamer tried to take her home that minute, yes… if she agrees, she is likely the “crazier adventurous more promiscuous girl.” True. Unless he young, or you caught her on the first day away from her mom. But if he takes her number… and seems like a cool guy to her… because he has lots of swagger, this is “easy” for him, he assumes she wants him, and she does, because in many/most areas of his life, he is a top guy… if he asks her out later, this could be her… thinking she is getting a shot a “top guy.” And if she does the dance and waits 3 dates (or makes him wait), maybe she is fucking a daygamer AND is the “sane nurturing less promiscuous girl who is relationship oriented” type. She needed fresh air. She felt like life never gives her what she wants. He comes along… wow, it’s what she was hoping for all along. Back in her social circle, that alpha is still fucking someone else, and she still thinks the betas are gross orbiters… her social circle is stale. “What else” is her best option, and here I am on the sidewalk. ….

It is funny to watch you go back and forth from “every girl wants it, or she wouldn’t be talking to you” (which I believe you are right about) vs “if she fucks you, she’s a crazy, promiscuous girl” (if she does it fast, or outside of social circle). The ideas are not incompatible, but it’s fun to watch you switch perspectives. YOHAMI: Im not switching perspectives, Im exploring that “bad girl good girl” dichotomy that I no longer have, because it doesnt match the world. “Everyone needs fresh air.” You’re not offering air, you’re offering sex. “she meets a daygamer, and she has a sneaking suspicion that he want to fuck her.” Haha no. Full stop. She knows 100% sure that you want to fuck her. This is something where you don’t have to listen to me – ask women. She knows 100% that you want to fuck her, and she’s going along because she sees the possibility that it might happen, if you pass the screening process (puzzle). There’s no sneaking suspicion, that’s coming from fantasy land :-) “But every guy she’s met since she was 12 wanted to fuck her, so that goes almost unnoticed… it’s assumed.” Fantasy land bro. “But if he takes her number…” If she gives you her number – in that moment, she’s saying yes to sex, she can see it happening, her body is saying yes. What happens in the next iterations will determine if she does or not, but at that point, it’s a yes to sex. “maybe she is fucking a daygamer AND is the “sane nurturing less promiscuous girl who is relationship oriented” type.” Here’s where you have to define “good girl” which is why I attempt Riv to do, and now you. What is a good girl? is a girl cheating on the boyfriend, good? a girl having sex with a man without asking to be in a committed monogamy relationship, good? what is good. Define that then we can have principles. But yes – there is overlap, there are many nurturing girls who are major sluts, for example the first girl “Cein” in that twitter chat that I sent you, she’s relationship oriented, nurturing – AND a slut. What is a slut? a woman who’ll have sex with a man who she is not in a committed relationship with. “She needed fresh air.” Sex. “She felt like life never gives her what she wants. He comes along… wow, it’s what she was hoping for all along.” This is you romantizing things. There’s no need to do so. You’re offering sex, she’s taking the offer. “here I am on the sidewalk.” That is male fantasy that doesnt match female reality. “every girl wants it, or she wouldn’t be talking to you” Every girl wants it, but not every girl wants it with you. The one talking to you wants it with you, as long as you go through the screening process and win. “if she fucks you, she’s a crazy, promiscuous girl” I made the division of the two groups to match your (Riv’s?) madonna / whore dichotomy, after explaining it doesnt exist. There are not two groups, one full of crazies and other full of sanes. There are particular traits that go from 0 to 100 and then there are so many different kind of combinations and overlaps, that instead of going with a fixed formula, Im advising “just look at the woman in front of you” because her puzzle will be unique. So no, “if she fucks you she’s crazy”, no. If you are crazy and she fucks you, yes. If you’re banging her in 15 min, then she’s promiscuous, etc. Whatever key you use to solve her puzzle – that says who she is. If you stop her on the street and she fucks you in under two hours, then she’s the kind of girl who will fuck a stranger in under two hours (she’ll make a point to say that’s not the case, every time). Likewise if you fuck a girl who has a boyfriend / husband, then she’s a girl who will cheat on her boyfriends and husbands. The way she allows / wants you to fuck her matches who she is.

Any woman you stop on the street and she says yes to that approach – is a woman who fucks random men – because that man is you. It’s not about dichotomies: you’re introducing the filtering mechanism. “The ideas are not incompatible, but it’s fun to watch you switch perspectives.” It aint happening ;-) “They can meet both sane and wild on the street. But they will have different paths/timelines if they want to fuck different types of girls.” Got it, fair enough. “I think the structure of daygame leads to more “crazy/adventure” girls than to “sane/loyal” ones.” It’s because you’re stopping a girl and offering dick while you’re on the sidewalk. There’s a specific kind of girl who will say yes to that. You’re offering a product, it caters to a niche. You’re introducing the filtering mechanism. “Becoming situationally alpha is great, and he should do that, but his “pool” will get stale too” Yes. When I advocate that guys become situational alphas is so they get into a position where they can learn Game in a natural way, downhill, instead of uphill, from the top position instead of from the bottom, as a hot girl, instead of as a fat girl. When / if you develop natural game then it doesnt matter what you do, you can approach girls during day, or any other time, it will be different than what you’re doing as Daygame now, since it’s not a “funnel” and comes from a different place. It’s more similar to talking to your girl tornado girls, which is why I call it girl tornado game. “And then… if he wants “sane/loyal” girls, he should not expect sex on the same date. ” That’s the conundrum. You are stopping girls on the street because you want to fuck them. The ones who say yes want to have sex and are on a sexual peak. If then you switch to LTR courtship you’re not delivering on the product you offered. So. If you go direct (daygame is direct) then you must be consistent and go for the kill, which is what she thought you would do and where she set the bar. She said YES to that opportunity to jump on your bones, so deliver the bone. I was mentioning this in comments long ago and saying that with daygame you have very little wiggle room so it has to be all on point. “If she fucks hims same-day… she is likely not a “nice” girl” Define nice – it really doesn’t mean anything until you make a definition for it. I fucked plenty of nice, very nice girls on day one. I also had a couple of LTRs with very nasty girls. So what does the word mean – to you? “But if she does the “dance,” and waits 3+ dates, to give her a chance to see you prove that you really are a top guy, better than her social circle, truly her best option after careful consideration…. ” 3 or 10 dates doesn’t mean anything – it only measures the time that it took YOU to arouse her. To qualify HER the question is not if she made you wait, but what did she made you give in exchange for the sex. If you didn’t have to marry her, commit to her, enter a monogamy, then this is still casual sex non strings attached and she’s probably doing this with more than one man at a time – as your current successes have shown you. All girls with boyfriends or boy tornados of some sort. “You want a “wife material” and a mother for your kids… screen for girls that screen.” You’re putting yourself in a complicated situation if you’re screening for wife while approaching 35 girls because you’re horny. “Look for girls that screen you heavily, that aren’t that adventurous, wont fuck you that minute, just because you asked.” Most of these are the girls who will refuse the approach. By the way man, the things you are saying about daygame are just as true of Night game, bars clubs and streets. There are some difference in that ‘everyone’ is out to get sex, so it’s like daygame on steroids, a lot easy in some key points, but I get it doesn’t match everyone’s taste. “It’s a spectrum”

Then we agree. My point is against the dichotomy, but not even because it’s an artificial grouping – but because the other things that are grouped in it. By dividing the large group of women in whores and madonnas, you put all the bad attributes in one and all the good attributes in another, which creates the illusion of an asexual pristine virgin full of virtue and awesome character traits, who will love beta courtship – vs a raw disgusting acid squirting whore who spits semen as she talks and you must fuck with seven condoms, would steal your money and mess up with your brain (whore). I am making these up, but that’s the result of the dichotomy. The dichotomy is an illusion, it leads to pedestalization, it makes you interact with women not in the basis of what they are, which you can get experienced on, but on the basis of your illusions, which you can chase forever. All the girls that could classify as madonna and whore because of their level of sexual activity, would still pick the alpha before the beta, fuck the same man, respond equally well to the same courtship dance, fuck quickly, etc, as long as they are getting what they want. What they want is a different mix of different things for every girl. You cant, channeling Rivelino / Todd, give “comfort” to the inexperienced one and “value” (whatever the fuck that means in this context) to the whore and just fuck them. If that’s how this worked, you wouldnt have a blog and I woundnt be talking about this subject, there wouldnt be no Game. So not only there’s a spectrum, but the spectrum is meaningless until you introduce the whole set of variables. Knowing that the girl is promiscuous (whore) doesnt mean shit and doesn’t mean you can fuck her. You’ll be put to test. Knowing that the girls is more virginal (madona) doesn’t mean you can fuck her by doing a slowed down dance. This is not how this works.

BACK TO BASICS RIVELINO: “What did she want?” yes, this is the most advanced way to look at it. the hardest too. game 101 attraction-comfort-seduction game 202 todd’s “two cups” model yohami’s zen game what does she want? YOHAMI: “advanced” this is actually the simplest question and the easiest way. Im having a hard time understanding what you guy thinks is the biggie. My guess is an inability from the beta frame to read into the female psyche for being used to attribute her with characteristics that she doesnt have, aka “pedestalization” so you basically gaslight yourself while trying to read her. But this is basic. So basic stuff. This is like when you show your pics – asking you: which one does people like the most? Is that an advanced question? You tell a bunch of jokes in a party. Which did they like the most? With pictures people point at the one they like more, or open up more, with jokes people laugh more, etc. All the time you’re getting feedback from the world. “What do they want” is the same as asking “what do they respond to”. From where I stand there’s nothing advanced about asking that question. All it requires is you look at the feedback. So my guess is there’s a battle between the feedback and your models of perception, which is distorting the feedback and making it unintelligible. So I ask questions. If I ask you which of your art people like more, can you answer that? With the people that deal with you on a day to day basis, which version of Rivelino do they want? what do they reward, what do they punish. What do they respond to. NASH: >> But this is basic. So basic stuff. >> “What do they want” is the same as asking “what do they respond to”. Ahhh.. “basic?” You’re right, w/ the picture analogy, it can be as simple as “which one she likes most.” Or in bed… what makes her really squirm with pleasure. Not that hard. But that is about SPOTTING WINS. What about when you’re getting little or nothing? This is about her “puzzle,” and that is not so obvious. I think this kind of experience comes from having a lot of one of kind interactions, where you eventually win, or get more time with her, and slowly figure her out, and what her early behaviors actually meant. I think this is how you develop that level of “knowing.” Or when you said The Siren “wasn’t from this world.” That wasn’t a matter of swinging my dick and seeing what she likes (which also works on her, but I’m talking about a different level of insight). That was about having a lot of experience with girls. You were exactly right about her, and I learned that from you, and I can now see it in other girls… but it took experience. Sometimes you will read the girl correctly. And sometimes you will guess. And sometimes you will never fucking know. The “Come and Go” girls, where I had very little time with them, the ones that were silent or a no, are the ones I am the least certain about… I don’t know. But I didn’t have much time. It’s not weird that I don’t know. YOHAMI: Maybe this will give you the next piece of your progression – I showed you the picture of the two guys, the top and the bottom guy. I told you girls give no puzzle or little to the top guy and lots of puzzle to the bottom guy. I told you the puzzle is designed to make you reveal if you’re a top or bottom guy. Also the puzzle is something specific about her about how she wants to be taken, and by

what kind of man. I told you that the whole thing, since the beginning, has been a sexual intercourse – and you’ve seen it with the girls who were ready, they jumped into sex like it’s no big deal, and some others that rejected you said “no sex” even you (think) you never brought up sex up, because it’s always about sex, since the first moment, they know it, you know it. I told you what’s impeding your progress here is the addition of your ‘tussle’ which is a form of negotiation where you cede the power to her and then demand that she makes the move. You saw how ‘easy’ it is when the girl wants it, how little requires from you. I told you that the way to do it the alpha way is with ten times less effort – less investment, less chase, less. Maybe you can see how the world divides in two and there are things that operate from the hot girl frame, and how things operate differently for the not-hot girl. So keep all that on mind, and now: “But that is about SPOTTING WINS.” Exactly. When you’re picking her up, talking to her, because you want to fuck her – as long as she’s there in front of you there is a YES, there is a WIN. Finding that win is your ‘puzzle’ – but this has the same level of simplicity as moving her in bed while you’re fucking her and feeling / listening to / following what works the most. What exactly is that level of difficulty? Close to zero. The difficulty you experience is because you’re not following the WIN, but following something else. Somehow you think the Win is not on the table already so you go to manufacture it. In the process, you reveal yourself as a bottom guy, which ‘increases the level of the puzzle’ or, more precisely, you make her less aroused. In the analogy, this is the equivalent of you fucking her and she not liking it, then you moving to a position where she likes it less – and you not correcting course but keep moving into further positions that don’t work, instead of ‘sticking to the basics’ and just fuck her, with all the ‘switching positions’ coming from a frame / belief that she doesn’t like you and you cannot please her, aka the bottom guy. “What about when you’re getting little or nothing?” Stick to the basics. When the girls like a guy / see a top guy they offer little to no puzzle and give themselves to him. To bottom guys they offer a wall. To guys they are trying to figure out they offer little puzzles to see how the guy operates, to see if the guy is a top guy. The puzzle here, as usual – remember, they give you a path to take them, that should be obvious for a top guy (because he knows he can fuck her and has done this many times before) but look like a wall for a bottom guy (because he doesnt think he can fuck her and is clueless) so the bottom guy would disqualify himself. So guess what. The answer to every time you ask a question on how to get laid with a specific girl or how to do X to X girl always goes back to the same answer: be a top guy. Even if you don’t figure her out at all, she’ll give herself to the top guy. So continue flirting, “switching positions” and spotting the wins. This is what will be different with every girl. This is a specific flavor – a different position on the dial. With Firecracker it was when you went all physical on her, with honest? girl it was when you went down and intimate, with the virgin on the street is when you became all adventurer, etc. All the girls will tell you upfront their fantasy, they can’t stop themselves – all you have to do is listen. You ‘swing your dick’, you spend some time entertaining yourself and showing your attributes in front of her, and keep going in the direction of fucking her, and spot when you find a “Yes” and double down on that. “But that is about SPOTTING WINS.” YES. There is nothing else here but the ability to spot the wins. Paraphrasing myself from other stuff I’ve said here: You put your feet on the accelerator and let her have the brake, then drive in a way she never uses it. Or, you don’t deal with rejection, you deal with her approval. You put your energy in what works, you dont put your energy in what doesnt. If you escalate you do so when she will say yes, you dont put your energy in what she’ll say no to. If there’s no obvious pack to take, you change the mood, set the pace, find a new position, go faster, slower, etc. You’re fucking her. It is not rocket science. It only looks like rocket science when you’re the bottom guy, because girls ask you to do things so you disqualify yourself, then you proceed to disqualify yourself.

This: Any and every time you introduce pressure, when it’s excruciating, when you’re convincing, chasing, when you tussle – and any time that you are tolerant of bad behaviour, act needy, o weak – you reveal that you’re a bottom guy and get disqualified. If the girl really likes you she may turn the head and solve the situation herself but the line is on the sand and you’ll lose. Because bottom guys can never win. Go and check that picture. And if the path is not obvious and she’s not bitting then the answer is: nothing. The answer is never “put more effort and more chase”, the answer is never “try harder” or “chase more”. Anything that comes from bottom guy increases the dissatisfaction and makes you more unattractive. Nature set this up so bottom guys die without reproducing. This is why I make so much emphasis on that if you want to get laid and want this process to be easy for you, first switch to the top guy version of yourself, which will require work, but will still be a walk on the park compared to trying to win while being a bottom guy and trying not to show your hand. “I think this kind of experience comes from having a lot of one of kind interactions” Sure, I got laid with a few hundred women. At the beginning though I was clueless. What I didn’t do was to persist doing bottom guy stuff, so I would do little, but it was all top guy stuff, which was enough. A lot of the time I was just non-reactive because all the things that came to my mind were bottom guy stuff. Turns out that non-reaction is also a top-guy trait, so by doing less / responding less / you’re increasing your value in her eyes, even if you don’t know what you’re doing. “where you eventually win, or get more time with her, and slowly figure her out, and what her early behaviors actually meant.” Actually, just go back to basics. When you stop her anywhere and talk to her you’re doing so because you want to fuck her. She knows this, plus she puts you in comparison against every other guy she can fuck or is fucking at the moment, and gives you a rank in there. You don’t know what your rank is, so your mission is to become the no. 1 guy she can fuck, and you do so by displaying your value (displaying dominance, confidence, success related, top guy traits) and arousing her (paying attention to what she responds to and doubling down on it, aka giving her what she wants). With that framework, because we’re talking about fucking her, basically every aspect of the interaction is reduced to she saying YES and NO to things. That’s it. She’s there because there’s a YES, you press that YES, the sexual temperature elevates. You press the NO, the sexual temperature decreases. All of her behavior, when you’re in this mating dance, is mating behavior. All of her behavior is the equivalent of she contorting on bed when you’re fucking her – you don’t need to ‘know’ or care what every little tiny twist she makes means. Take care of the basics – dick in pussy, thrust, change speed, change positions, follow the pleasure. Nature has a great way of taking care of things if you do what matters, which is usually simple. “That was about having a lot of experience with girls. You were exactly right about her, and I learned that from you, and I can now see it in other girls… but it took experience.” Yep. Even if we can’t figure this out via comments on a blog (lol) experience will teach you. “Sometimes you will read the girl correctly. And sometimes you will guess. And sometimes you will never fucking know.” You can always tell what they responded to and what they didn’t respond to. Sometimes a ‘swish’ can confuse you because if she says YES to everything that gives you little to know – but that just means you were exactly what she needed, you were the exact kind of top guy she was looking for at that moment, so you experienced what it is to be Justin Bieber for one date. Good for you. More girls will be a ‘swish’ clean notches the more your behavior is congruent with top guy behavior – also social status cannot hurt. “The “Come and Go” girls, where I had very little time with them […] It’s not weird that I don’t know.” As long as you’re paying attention to what they respond to, and letting that change your perception of the world, that’s enough. More on this: “What about when you’re getting little or nothing?” If she’s giving you little or nothing it means she’s not seeing you as a top guy – or she would give you more. So you keep doing your stuff, but also do little or nothing. Example. A lot of girls turned ‘cold’ when I was courting them, or would go silent etc – that meant they found better prospects than me. Instead o chasing or trying to compete, I blew them off, nothing big, just found

myself other girls who were more interested. That “walking away” counts more than adding “more chase and working harder”, because “walking away” is compatible with top guy, therefore it’s attractive, while “stay enduring cold treatment” is compatible with bottom guy, thus unattractive. So being able to walk away and reciprocate low interest with a big nothing is more attractive than walking the extra mile to figure her out. In other words she likes it more, so that’s what she wants. NASH: Really excellent comments, Yohami. I clustered them up, and will take on a few here. >> remember, they give you a path to take them, that should be obvious for a top guy (because he knows he can fuck her and has done this many times before) >> The answer to every time you ask a question on how to get laid with a specific girl or how to do X to X girl always goes back to the same answer: be a top guy. I mostly think this is hard to understand. This is what I was hearing from you last summer that I would always argue with. This is very much like your “Beiber game” type of teachings. You’re not wrong, but this way of teaching is hard for me to understand. I think I can appreciate it more now… as I’m getting closer to understanding all this. For me, I started to get this, and to understand you better… when I talked about “make it look easy.” As I typed that up, it was a breakthrough for me. Top guy? I get it, but it can be distracting. But when I think “make it look easy,” it’s easier for me to get this. Not “fake it,” but actually be “easy” (which is hard for a noob to imagine, but I’m not a noob anymore). I think this is THE thing I was doing well on those idates in Japan. They were totally unusual moments for me and those girls, but I made them look so easy, so natural, so “everyday,” they all went really well. >> remember, they give you a path to take them, that [PATH IS EASY] for a top guy (because he knows he can fuck her and has done this many times before [SO IT’S EASY]) ^ This is me paraphrasing you This is partly why all that tussle/convincing is so wrong… it’s clearly not easy. And if it’s not easy, you’re not the top guy. Going back to your picture, there is nothing easy for the bottom guy. The top guy, it’s so easy, he doesn’t even know what we’re talking about.

YOHAMI: “The top guy, it’s so easy, he doesn’t even know what we’re talking about.” Haha that got me laughing. Yes – even though I was the bottom guy for most my life, Im having a really hard time understanding what’s the hold up and communicating what has to happen, because it slips out of my reality. If we were talking to guy who was born up there, or for whom things happened naturally and only knew to be on top, he’d say “wtf dude, just take her out and chill” and look at you weird. “be yourself” […] “don’t overthink it” . “make it look easy,” Yeah. Take what works for you. Channel that ‘hot girl’ mindset you found. All of the behaviours that will come to you from that are attractive to women. Even your indifference towards them. NASH: >> instead of ‘sticking to the basics’ >> You ‘swing your dick’, you spend some time entertaining yourself and showing your attributes in front of her >> If there’s no obvious path to take, you change the mood, set the pace, find a new position, go faster, slower, etc. >> you do so by displaying your value (displaying dominance, confidence, success related, top guy traits) and arousing her I love this. This is really helpful. You are very close to being “easy to understand” here. This is less “zen,” more practical for me. And I am studying that RSD Hotseat program now, and Tyler says some very similar stuff…

“Sticking to the basics” is not about being Sherlock Holmes, and trying to focus on the girl. It’s about being top guy, and swinging your dick. Swinging your dick, means being yourself, your attractive, fun, “leader of men,” cocky self. You basically say that in your last line above… >> displaying dominance, confidence, success related top guy traits Here’s Tyler, saying something very similar: “Dude, it’s the vibe. We teach you how to free associate, I am free associating, I’m flowing, clarity of intent, I have good intent, freedom from outcome… What does the girl feel from me? I’m clear in what I want, I got no outcome at all towards it, I am congruent, I have got a high entitlement to it, and I’m self amused. I mean, it’s just the shit we’re teaching. It’s the shit we fucking teach.” — TD, Hotseat at Home I thinking I am starting to see a larger truth here… it’s about going to YOUR WORLD, and letting her join you. You don’t try to figure out her little world, so you fit in. When “there’s no obvious path to take,” you go back to your world, get BIG, swing your dick and see what that does for both of you. I’m sure you would correct some of what I’m saying here, Yohami… but I think I’m headed toward the direction you want me to go. >> Even if you don’t figure her out at all, she’ll give herself to the top guy. Yeah. ^ And this is a really poetic line, BTW. I love it. I like the analogy of YOUR WORLD. You don’t need to figure her out, just be “easy” and in your own world, where you are masterful, and she will want more of that experience… Beiber doesn’t have to know the girls that well, they are in his world, not the other way around.

YOHAMI: “YOUR WORLD” Yep, that’s the ‘swing dick’ part, you do that on your own, flaunt your stuff. That can and is enough a lot of the time, but then the other part “AROUSE HER” While you’re swinging, you’ll find little things that she responds very eager too, she chills, relax, or gets hyped, her pupils dilate, opens up, gets warmer – that’s the YES, that’s “what she responds to” and you double down on that, create a peak, then let it go or break it, then go back to it. When you are able to identify these spots and trigger them on command, that’s when you’re playing ahead of her, that’s how you get the YES on every girl. But the swinging part is so important that without it you never get to the other half of the dance. So when you proceed to try to rub her and make her aroused you find walls / rejections / problems to solve / things to negotiate / and get wasted against multiple layers of rejections / that wouldnt be there if you had just swung your value in front of her and doubled down when you found the YES spots. Again this is just like fucking. You don’t ‘negotiate an orgasm’. Well some weirdos do but you get the point. NASH: >> Any and every time you introduce pressure, when it’s excruciating, when you’re convincing, chasing, when you tussle – and any time that you are tolerant of bad behaviour, act needy, o weak – you reveal that you’re a bottom guy and get disqualified >> The answer is never “put more effort and more chase”, the answer is never “try harder” or “chase more”. Anything that comes from bottom guy increases the dissatisfaction and makes you more unattractive Yes. I have a couple of big take-aways after the intensity of Japan and that hunting trip… “I chase too much” is still a problem I have. I think a lot of 2017 will be about giving this up. I’m not sure how to stop (and I know that sounds crazy, I’m just being honest), but I’ll have a lot of time to think and practice on this idea. For now… the main thing I have here is that I can create new options, SPOT THE WINS in those new approaches, and focus my attention there. This I can do.

And this fits with what I said above about how you GO TO YOUR WORLD. So if with some girl it’s not “easy,” so I go to my world… SHORT TERM, right there next to her, in that moment, “be in my world” means I do my thing, look/be BIG, be top guy, focus on topics where I am the master, see if that creates wins with that particular girl. LONG TERM, create options, move toward wins, move away from “tussle.” >> Example. A lot of girls turned ‘cold’ when I was courting them, or would go silent etc – that meant they found better prospects than me. Instead o chasing or trying to compete, I blew them off, nothing big, just found myself other girls who were more interested. That “walking away” counts more than adding “more chase and working harder”, because “walking away” is compatible with top guy, therefore it’s attractive >> A lot of the time I was just non-reactive because all the things that came to my mind were bottom guy stuff. Turns out that non-reaction is also a top-guy trait, so by doing less / responding less / you’re increasing your value in her eyes, even if you don’t know what you’re doing. This is really helpful. Specific examples make this much more clear to me. >> just found myself other girls who were more interested Again, this part… I am all over it. Going back to the street, adding more energy to the Tornado, is really working for me. New options, bigger swagger, and I don’t even have time to look at the “difficult” situations. Top guys don’t have time to dwell in “no,” they are too busy SPOTTING WINS. I hit up Firecracker this week. After a little back and forth, she said she doesn’t want to get naked (I am certain I said nothing sexual at all, just invited her for a drink). I thanked her for being clear, and then I asked “what’s up?” She came back with “What what’s up”… and I didn’t respond. I’m not going to. I don’t want to chase her or convince her. Fuck that. I think I’ll wait until I have an empty night and I’m hungry for sex, and I’ll just tell her to come over. That’s it. And if she doesn’t say yes, I’ll ignore her response and move on. Until then, I’ll focus on the “yes” I have. Tonight… the Siren. Tuesday, Velvet Mouth is coming over. Adding new girls to the funnel this week. YOHAMI: Yep, you’re on the path. “(I am certain I said nothing sexual at all, just invited her for a drink).” You’re pinging her because you want to fuck her. She knows this. Every girl you talk to knows this. It’s only in your mind, for some unspecified reason that I can’t understand anymore, that you believe that by not saying ‘sex’ explicitly you think she thinks the interaction is about something else. Every girl you stop anywhere knows you want to fuck her. When they say yes to see you or give you their contact or text they are dealing with a fuck buddy – that’s you. Act the part and there’s sex on the table. Firecracker – either she’s feeling guilty, or she found a new guy to ‘not cheat’ on the bf, or both. Re-framings like “never means friday” are not chase. Pinging her when you want to fuck her is a good move.

ON COMFORT “What I am saying is, she didn’t have enough comfort.” Talking about comfort is meaningless unless you already know what the girl wants. You can’t do carrot and stick, or, escalate and de-scalate, or, push pull, or Todd’s “value and comfort” which he uses in another meaningless way, unless you first know what the girl wants, since that’s the measure for everything. So the focus has to be on what the girl responds to – what she wants, what triggers her, the reason she’s interacting with you, that will give you the playground to things. Until you have that, forget about value and comfort. If you don’t know what she wants, there’s no data for you to calibrate anything. “comfort” can be diametral opposite things from girl to girl. It’s not one single thing. Even Todd contradicts himself in under 40 seconds when he’s starting to talk about it in his video on this subject. “comfort and value subtract each other, but there are things that raise both” lol. Which means there are also things that decrease both. Find that thing, then understand why, you’ll land in the macro ideas of hypergamy and what all girls want – then fine tune and find what SHE wants, then you can make her comfortable by giving her your value, or teasing her with it.


Once you have a shitload of girls who are sweet and seemingly down when you first meet them, block your contact, after you decide to be a gentleman and ask her out for dinner – that frustration will mount to the point you’ll realize there’s no point leaving things to later because mañana will never come. That’s why I decided SDL is the way to go. And you’ll also come to realize that the fact you banged her on the day, has little to do with whether you’ll see her again. Another point of reference for game in Japan, never make sex or the possibility of sex too explicit. This point is debatable and needs more research, however that’s the reason I never tell girls “come to my place” or “I’m gonna ravage you in bed” before the bang. Especially on text, that’s the worst thing you could ever do for a girl to flake – even if you’ve already banged her. My routine would be: Mask “home” with ice cream or cheesecake (your favorite) and just pull them straight home without telling them they’re coming to your place. If you feel they are reluctant, use time constraint – “I gotta go back out in an hour to meet a friend, so I’m gonna kick you out after I feed you cake”. Another thing I do is use their bitch shields against them: “just to make sure, you’re not gonna try to eat me up, you’re not dangerous are you?” – I would use it if you have a cocky funny frame using a teasing tone. YOHAMI: Stealth. All on point. The only difference with me is I’d escalate first. The reason is that the few times I took them home and then escalated there, I found ‘last minute resistance’, in which I found out that I was escalating before they were ready, and they went along with it but making a mental note of not going too far. While that if I escalated physically (even just a kiss) before going home all the resistances were gone.

ON BECOMING THE MAN YOHAMI: The notes are not bad, don’t take this as a criticism – this is rant. If you’re serious about becoming the kind of man that gets laid, become that man in every way possible. You want the insights to come naturally to you, change your life so being that man is the natural thing. Follow Luke’s method and join a VIP lil group where all the hot girls want to join in and that gets you laid immediately even if you don’t have game. Or travel to a place where you have upper value. Or what I advocate – get a job or a hobby or anything we’re you’re the social alpha (teacher, bouncer, guide, actor, performer, boss, manager) Anything really – where you’re the one who starts with the social upperhand, and then learn game from there, so all the insights come naturally to you, instead of doing an uphill battle and fighting for crumbs. I didn’t even do any of that, but I did do stop all the chasing, cold. So I only did stuff that would give me power. So when I’d interact with girls any time of day I’d do so from an upperhand position or I wouldnt interact at all. I changed my wardrobe, started to go out a lot, engaged in many social groups etc. Then started joining the dots. I didnt even know what I was doing (all the pua systems were not as good as they are now). But it sure didn’t take ‘1000 rejections’. 1000 rejections is what I got before Game. If you’re serious about becoming the kind of man that gets laid, become that man in every way possible. I get that there may be some idealization of the grind. Gruesome work has an appeal. Still the stuff that I’ve been preaching here, and what RSD is focusing on lately is impossible to see unless you have social upperhand. Gruesome work and social upperhand are opposites. Ok, important stuff: “[getting laid without game] There is not such thing… [delivery mechanisms]” 1) Women come to this world to breed with the winner man, the man that is above their own status. The difference in status is, as far as I know, the only sexual trigger in a woman other than their own fetishes (nitpicking preferences like liking a skin tone, beard, specific grooming, etc, like men who like feet). The status difference is called ‘hypergamy’. All the things we talk about in Game are ways to either convey higher value to trigger hypergamy, or trigger hypergamy directly, or try to bypass it. 2) Men come to this world to breed with as many women as they can, after having competed with each other and settled on ranks, winners and losers. The winners get all the girls attention, the losers get none. Game, at is core, is the study of the winners behaviors so the losers know what to emulate to get pass themselves as one of the winners. 3) Seducing a woman is the art to make her see you as the best available man. Emphasis in ‘best’ and ‘available’. Again, her mission is to breed with the man above her. Seducing her is facilitating HER agenda, giving her something she WANTS, and is available, NOW, to her, like a hot sale. At the same time, like in sales, when something is “too good to be true” it creates resistance, example if Im offered a ferrari for a hundred bucks I’ll feel there must be something wrong with it, and if someone is chasing me around wanting to sell me a car, even if its a car I’d been looking for, the chase will raise red flags. The expectance is that things that are within my reach ‘just happen’, I buy milk and cheese and stuff from the store with no friction or resistance, it’s all seamless and coherent. Having a ferrari, even if I’d like one, is not ‘real’, so for me to get into one the specific scenario must happen, example, I can be invited for an afternoon ride, and I’ll take it. And I still wont take the volskwagen that wants me to pay the full price and get in a committed ownership relationship. So to make this more clear: A person can interact with higher value if it’s short and a peak and has no strings attached, because a person cannot incorporate higher value into their lives unless something special breaks that reality, AND a person will reject lower value assets coming with strings. For women, the alphas are the ferraris and very few of them can buy one or see themselves owning one, but ALL of them will take a ride if offered such, because that’s their mission. And Betas are lower volkswagens trying to get into their garage, and they spend unordinary amounts of time ranking these lower cars and switching them in place trying to determine which one they should stick to based on a never ending list of nitpicking – that they drop as soon as they see a ferrari, no questions asked.

3) Getting laid without game. There are a LOT of famous and rich people who get laid and don’t have game. This actor deFranco has anti game. The benji brothers from the Good Charlotte have beta game. A lot of artists are omega and have omega game, a mix of suicidal tendencies and self destruction. They still get laid like rockstars. Because it’s not about game – it’s about being higher status. But then this, and all I wrote here was to get into this point: 4) We are biological creatures and we respond predictably to general situations. Barring personal traumas and deviations, having approval, for example, makes your self esteem grow. Having sex makes your mood improve. Having abundance makes you care less about things and relaxes you. Being in a position of authority makes you dominant. Being sucessful makes you cocky. Etc. The point being: If you are put in the social life of an alpha and get the kind of stimuli an alpha gets, then you naturally start developing the sort of attitudes, mindframes, beliefs, etc. This is x10 true when you’re in company of other alphas, so you have a reference framework, or rules of the game, to follow. Like in point 2, men’s mission is to get lad by competing, and competition has rules. We all copy the rules from the winners, so we can satisfy our own mission. Being in company of winners gives you the rules you need to win like they do. Game is just another thing where we’re all looking for a winner to emulate so we can breed. The fact that we’re focusing on breeding directly is because the rest of the rules we followed to get here didnt work, so we’re trying to figure out the core issues, so we can go back to life and keep winning. So. When I say “become a social alpha”, “get in a VIP social group”, ‘change your life’ Im not speaking as a replacement of game, but as a facilitator situation for game. It’s not “don’t do game, get status”, but “you must learn game, so get status” The reason why guys spend years and years into game and see poor results is because they ignored the basics, aka, what women want, and what men want as well, and instead of climbing the ladder to become the ferraris, they try to improve the selling skills needed to push a volkswagen. Becoming the ferrari is easier than selling a volkswagen. It’s less work. If you know what you’re doing, it’s quite fast too. Abundance is the entry point, not the end point. The ‘hot girl’ mindset is the actual first step of the journey. Welcome aboard! “But daygame does not have to be about the dynamic of chasing.” Yes. But if you have a chaser (beta) and put her in a situation where he has to run after women and stopping them to try to get something from them, how do you teach THAT guy not to chase? This is why the whole PUA / Game community finds the ‘paradoxes’. “Ha, I didn’t get a 1000 rejections before I got laid.” That comment isnt about you specifically, but about being proud of the number of approaches PUAs do, some counting into the thousands and thousands to get laid one or twice. “And I would have gotten laid much, much faster, if I knew what I know now” THIS. It could even be so much faster man. If you knew more. For example if you had been hanging with Stealth since the beginning. “I couldn’t understand swagger until my game was better.” “But cold approach is also not a barrier to being a better, more desirable man.” It’s not a barrier but the mindset is. The reason WHY guys have to do cold approach is that women are not chasing them. So the cold approach is NECESSARY. That tension right there will kill all the things that need to be there to turn the interactions into getting laid. The place you’re arriving into, the ‘hot girl frame’ is where you have to be. To get there you need abundance. Means you have to not care. How do you teach the guy making a list of his approaches not to care? ‘paradox’ “Fuck the grind.” Amen. There are things where grinding increases your value, and yes to that area. The higher the value the less you have to sell it, the lower the value the more you have to sell it. The more you sell it the lower the value, the less you sell it the higher the value. Less is literally more.

PANCAKE: I agree with what you say about status. Status trumps everything. Money, looks, etc. Yet some of us are not status-seekers. And some of us don’t want to fuck within our social circle. I have no intention of chasing status or having sex with anyone I know, or who knows my friends. Never have, never will. So strangers is what I settle on. There’s something beautiful about having sex with a complete stranger. If that gets me less lays, so be it. YOHAMI: Pancake, “Status trumps everything.” Actually Game trumps status. Check the video with Tyler stealing the hottie from the status guy. “Yet some of us are not status-seekers” This doesn’t make any sense. “And some of us don’t want to fuck within our social circle.” Even less sense. “So strangers is what I settle on.” Sex with strangers is the best. Most of my lays were girls I knew for less than two hours. I don’t want to keep repeating myself so here’s a succinct version. Check the picture of the two guys I posted below, the one at the top and the one at the bottom. – Sex will be offered to the guy at the top, by girls who know them, and by strangers. The guy at the bottom will have to chase skirt and retort and suffer and endure. – The guy at the top can ‘be himself’ to get laid. The guy at the bottom has to change, or to fake, to get laid. For what the guy at the top comes natural, the guy at the bottom can never figure out. They live in different realities. – If you’re seducing a girl, known or stranger, you have to make her perceive as the top guy, the best top guy she can have right now. If you’re an actual ‘guy at the top’ this doesn’t mean anything, it’s just saying ‘hello’. If you’re a ‘bottom guy’ then you’re presented with a succession of tests and puzzles and riddles and always close to showing your hand – you’re a bottom guy trying to get laid – and getting rejected. – If after knowing that you still want to be a bottom guy, more power to you. All Im doing is showing you what is. Nash – as for portability. I can go out any day of the week, any time of the day, anywhere, and get laid. I enter new social circles, stay for 20 min, and I am the guy all the girls are trying to get. I enter a new circle and say a few things and everyone is laughing and trying to get my approval. I spent about a year in 2012 without going out or having sex, then one day I felt I was ready for the madness again, I went out, got laid, went out again, got laid, every day, got laid. Two months later an harem of 10 girls. All strangers – than then I made the mistake of incorporating into a social circle and created drama -. I went with my wife and kids to a train station minding my own business. When I bother to look around – all the girls are looking at me with these eyes and wanting me to approach them. I am good(ish) looking but Im not dicaprio. What is going on is girls can read my body language, how I talk, walk, the volume, the facial expressions etc, and they know what I think of myself: Im the fucking boss. I took over the twitter account of a guy wanting some help and got two girls to want to have sex with him in less than 20 lines. Portability: there’s nothing more portable than being. When I advocate for going for positions of status – that’s me trying to figure out how to take a normal guy and put him in the right path by doing the things that matter in a way that doesn’t take the 2-4 years that it took me, but a couple months if so. Because this is many things but it isnt rocket science. What is missing from all the models is that the girls already want something. Everyone is obsessed tuning a model and a system and a series of steps – when in reality is just about giving girls what they want. And they all want the same. The top guy. There’s no way around it, and there shouldnt be. Whatever is blocking guys into embracing their “higher status self” is the same thing keeping pussy away.

“You have recommended getting a good “environment”” Yeah, there are good and bad environments to learn. “you have to be the man that women want… and there aren’t really any shortcuts for that” Well, the shortcut is attempting that directly, as opposed to taking a long round trying to avoid it, thinking you can cheat your way into the rewards without paying the price. “but I’m on the path.” Yup, I can tell. >> then one day I felt I was ready for the madness again “I think you mean “ready for the madness to end.”” Banging many girls, going out every day, texting, fucking, managing, dating and having a harem and the girl tornado is madness, too. I stopped for about a year then I felt ready to do a round of that kind of madness again. That second time was easier and I learn most of what Im sharing here now. My first round was more pua / technique / method based, the second round was all insight and improvisation, on steroids. “How do we just “stop” the madness?” That specific madness. You stop it by not being a bottom guy who daydreams he can get the results from the top by doing some ‘trick’, and start being a top guy who takes things he wants and does what comes natural to him. The road of the bottom guy trying to win by doing a trick is an endless distraction that leads nowhere, while the road for the top guy doing what comes natural is fast, hard and rich. “First you start. Then you slow learn to read the manual. Then you get those deeper lessons. Then you apply them. Then… you’re really fucking good.” Yes. If you’re the guy at the bottom, good luck trying to develop the cockiness, dominance and swagger of the guy at the top. The guy at the top is wanted, the guy at the bottom is both invisible and disposable – to women. The guy at the top will say “let’s go” and “come here”, the guy at the bottom will try to give her reasons not to run away. When women meet men they automatically screen, very fast, to find the guy at the top. Which is easy because it’s where all the action is happening. It doesn’t matter how many lower guys are at the same location. She’ll do whatever it takes to either go for the top guy directly or do room politics, group politics to make herself available for that guy. If she’s in multiple groups at the same time, she’ll do this with different guys in different rooms at the same time (!). If you meet her on the street or wherever else and she doesn’t drop her panties it’s because you didn’t convey you’re the guy on the top. The reason being, most likely the case you have to be doing Game at all is that you’re the guy at the bottom. Look at that constipated face. The guy at the top gets offered no puzzle no resistance etc. The guy at the bottom gets a wall. A guy that is not easy to pinpoint at either will be offered a sequence of puzzles. The puzzles are designed to make the guy reveal if he’s a top or bottom guy. All the set of traits of behaviors etc that are congruent with the top guy are attractive, all the sets from the lower guy are unattractive. But the poles are so strong everything gets tainted. For example all other things being equal, if you put “pedestalization” on the guy on the top, it will become an attractive form of pedestalization, while on the guy on the bottom it will be straight off creepy. This is the most important thing in game. Cool, note that all Im going about here is that top and bottom are actual posts – the one at the bottom is a slave (for real) of the top guy, carrying him around and being hit with a stick. The guy at the top has all the leisure time and doesn’t give a shit while he rubs his cock on things. For the guy at the bottom learning game and talking to girls will be an uphill battle, for the guy at the top will be a walk on the park, as he’ll get many many more opportunities, and basically he just has to keep being himself from that place. So that girl. “This girl gets to the table, and refuses to sit side by side.”

Right. So the girls puzzle and girl progressions. They allow you a space where you can make a move. They need to see your move so they can progress you to the next step. This is the same you do. Where I make emphasis is in that you look at her so you know where SHE is at, so you can go as fast as she goes – since girls go extremely fast when they see alpha, which means no barriers and no micro steps – and going slower than she does means missing the beat and showing that you’re a bottom guy who expects to be put to work, instead of a top guy who expects being rewarded pussy. So she doesn’t want to sit next to you, it means that she’s not ready yet, she wants to see you across the table performing some other shit before she’s sure you have what she wants – alpha dick. Which is not a big deal and does’t matter. A few hours back you were across the street and she didn’t know you. She didn’t come to you and suck your dick. She came and you hit on her and she gave your her contact and she’s at step X in her lust scale towards you. Figure where she is and deliver the X remaining so she opens and you can take her. That most likely means sitting across the table and going on with life. Sitting next to her shouldnt be a fixed point of your game. This is similar to relying on the chessecake, and what can happen when you ask if they like it and they say ‘no’. What then, game ruined? She’s there because she wants the cock, the rest is further screening and logistics. “I agree. If I had more value, was higher up on the ladder, this wouldn’t have been an issue (most likely not).” Some girls still wont do X thing if that’s out of their boundaries. Maybe sitting next to a guy is in her out of boundaries list, but she’ll still suck your dick. Who knows and who cares. Firecraker is giving you pussy but not kisses. Laundry lists. Ignore barriers and move on. “What would you have done, with that puzzle?” Sit across to her and resume as normal. “Sit next to me or leave.” That can be a very powerful line – IF what she needs to see from you is dominance. But why do you care that much? It can also come across as you validating yourself through her (which is what’s going on here). Your value should come from you being the top guy. She’s gaining access to you. Play the part. “I know I impressed her, many times at dinner, but she ran off for drinks w/ friends after.” She may still come back.

ON THE PULL STEALTH: Congrats bro!! Your post is an inspiration, now I’m hungry for some sarging! An idol I’m currently seeing also gives me the best BJ in the world – maybe she does BJ lessons x3/week along with her dances LOL Btw I’m very Stealth-like when I pull girls home. But the Legend I told you about who’s been killing it in Tokyo for 15+years is also semi-explicit. His usual line is: “let’s go watch a DVD”. He doesn’t say “home” – which makes it semi-explicit. He does this because he wants to determine the DTF’ness of the girl before trying to pull her home. “If she’s not compliant enough to come home, she’s not compliant for sex” – is his thought. If she’s reluctant to “watch a DVD”, he ends the date and go hunts. On the other hand, to me the battle starts when she’s back at my place. I don’t physically escalate until then. The reason being, 90% of girls become DTF when you finger a girl. No matter what. When your finger is in there, a girl will almost ALWAYS be DTF. I’ve had the most non-DTF girls in the world turn-ON once the finger was in her. There must be a switch in there LOLLL

YOHAMI: “let’s go watch a DVD” I heard that one… let’s watch a movie, and it’s saturday midnight and you’re in a bar. Sure let’s go home watch the Little Mermaid. “to me the battle starts when she’s back at my place.” Not even a kiss before moving her to your place? if she’s at your place before any escalation that usually means she made up her mind not to have sex = increased barriers. “The reason being, 90% of girls become DTF when you finger a girl.” Yeah. You put the hand on her pussy and she’s DTF. You can be in public and she’ll want to go somewhere. A lot of my first kisses, I moved the hand to the boob and then to the pussy and that resulted in having sex sometimes 20 min after meeting a new girl. It’s magic. “There must be a switch in there LOLLL” It’s where rainbows are made!

STEALTH: Yohami Nope, not even a kiss. A lot of girls in Japan dislike public affection (even sluts!), and I’m so lazy bouncing her to a secluded area (because home is usually so close), so 90% of the time, I don’t kiss until she’s at home. Another reason is the possibility of added resistance. Kiss -> Invite Home means possibility of escalation to sex. Some girls are excited but some avoid going home with you because sex might be on the table. I play it safe in that regards. Down to experiment more escalation pre-pulling for science though! ^^ Fingering in public is something I gotta try this year!! YOHAMI: “Down to experiment more escalation pre-pulling for science though!” When I did it in public we were in bars / crowds both under some alcohol / OR alone in a private space in a public, like a corner or elevator where I pulled her. But no doubt some will like to do it in pub… Nevermind I remembered at least one where it was very in public and everyone was looking at us, we were even in an elevated place. So it will depend on the girl and culture for sure, Im curious as how this would be like in Tokyo. And yeah Home is the sex location. --ON NASH POST YOHAMI: Very happy for you man.

“this kind of abundance is similar to what hot girls have.” Yes! so when they come to you, reply to you, are interested in you – means you’re the best option of the 100 fuckdates you were competing against. “I am acting like a hot girl.” Good. ““I have some really delicious gelato. Let’s go to my place and we’ll have some gelato and listen to some music and I’ll show you some of my art.” No argument, she said “okay.”” FUCKING BRAVO. She’s saying yes to sex. No need to ‘you’ll be kissed but I wont take my pants off” thing. GOOD. Score. “Damn, that was easy.” YES! :-D ” “come here” and stepped in and kissed her.” Like a champ. “Moved her to the bed, started undressing her as we made out. No resistance at all.” YES. YES. YES. YES. Fucking yes. It is this easy. “I asked if she had a BF, and she does.” Yep. Nature is cruel. “She swears I am the second guy she has fucked.” Of course Nash, you’re special. Actually you are – you are pulling the moves. You’re moving to the special category, so kudos for that. Still, this kind of thing is what every girl will say, and has said to you, me, and every other player. See, she’s not a girl who would fuck a player the same day he picks her up, she’s NOT that kind of girl, she’s actually a quasi virgin who actually requires a lot of more comfort, you know, like dating and commitment. Dont you dare think that her marriage value is represented at all by her ability to give a complete stranger the best blow job 50 min after meeting him. “Yohami thinks I am gullible” Girl tornado will cure that. “I didn’t fuck her again, despite my obvious inspiration, because I wanted to save some drive for The Nurse” Yes. That’s the abundance. Hey hun that was fun I’d love you to fuck you again but I need my energies for another fuckdate that I have in 40 min, get out of the way please? “I had to fight not to telling her I loved her all night” Yep. It does mess up with your heart. Very happy and proud of you bro. Cheers.


YOHAMI: “but I had her in my bed 5 goddamn times and could never get her panties off. I don’t want to do that again.” There’s a lot going on here. If you stop being willing to push against a resisting girl (which means acting before time, therefore making her push the breaks and take control), and instead tease and then double down when she’s aroused (which means she never pushes the breaks, and you have control) you’ll likely stop experiencing this stuff, for two reasons. “don’t want to do that again.” First, the man who doesn’t want to wait will filter these girls out, so you’d likely have had spent the afternoon with a more willing girl. Second, read above – that is the kind of man who is very attractive to women, and would make an inexperienced girl want to let go of control and spend the afternoon with. So by not being the kind of man who pushes against walls and is willing to spend an afternoon pushing for sex but not getting it – you act like a kind of man who is attractive and has these same girls offering no resistance and willing to give sex to. Or, your willingness to filter her out will arouse her and make her want to give you pussy. While your willingness to work for nothing will not arouse her and maker her want to raise walls. One is top guy, the other is bottom guy. “could never get her panties off.” Did you tell her to get naked? Here’s the thing for you to look at “I had told her 100 times she could leave any time she wanted.” The question is why? what made you say that. Let me ask a better question. When you’re telling her that she can go, and you repeat that framing 3-4 times, is she getting aroused? Or, are you trying to arouse her, or give her comfort? which is it, and why Here’s what I read of the interaction. You’re moving on her which may make her uncomfortable so you want to balance things out by giving her a way out. Is that reading correct? When you’re moving to her – are you pushing towards her, or pulling her into you? The girl who just saw you and is moving into an unknown destination is a different setup of a girl in your apartment. Backing away signals that you’re not a chaser. Write that down. It’s not because you’re not dangerous – it’s because you’re not a chaser. The part that works from giving her a way out is that it shows that you don’t care, you’re not invested, she’s not the prey, you don’t chase. This is congruent with top guy. This is not “about comfort”. The only point when this works is when you signal that you’re not a desperate man trying to get laid and will use force. Aka, you’re not a bottom guy. When she’s at your apartment is a different story. She’s there be because she wants what you have to offer, and she’s in the process of screening that. The framework where you think that offering a way out is “comfort” is one where you are making advances that are not preceded by her arousal – she’s not going to say yes, so you give her a safe out in case she gets too triggered by you. This is bottom guy. This is pushing against rejection, and giving her the power to stop you, or run away.

What this ignores is what girls want. The girl is not a passive thing that you conquer. The girl is a hungry beast. Instead of pushing when she’s not ready and giving her a way out, move when she’s going to say yes and use her hunger for you and give her what she wants. This stuff is super obvious but gets lost in translation. Figure that you have a huge collection of art and you’re displaying them to her. At any point it is required that you verbalize “are you bored? you can leave”, and repeating that doesn’t create comfort, it creates dissonance with what should happen: Display piece after piece of art and when she likes something, give her more pieces of art like the one she liked, then shuffle some more, find what she responds to, and give her more of that. She’s not there because she wants a way out – so offering it / repeatedly doesnt make any sense. Offer your dick instead, that’s what she’s there for. But she has to want it first. The way to find how / when she wants it is all the courtship and push pull that precedes it, aka flirting, talking, kino, etc. Imagine that you’re fucking a girl and she keeps telling you that you can leave if you want. What does it do to your mood? Bottom stuff. “In her case, she had her arms tight across her chest, and her shoulders up to her ears… full fucking defense… ” Yes, that’s a wall, so something happened for her to create that wall, likely you moved in before she was ready for it, so she had to raise defenses, now her mind and feelings are focused on defending and putting and keeping barriers, which is what they do to bottom guys, so whatever happened set you in the wrong framing. “so I would offer her a way out, not as my move, but as my reaction to her display.” And her display is a reaction to something previous “But doing this over… thinking about what you’re saying about not creating resistance, I could keep backing up. Trying something else, less of that kind of escalation, as I am getting that kind of display. Try moving her around.” This is why I ask is you’re pulling or pushing. The power of the “come here” is that she is the one walking the steps towards you, so she can regulate her own speed and make up her own mind as you tell her what to do – as opposed to you acting on her, “pushing”, which makes her passive and gives the role of a judge who will decide when it’s enough. If you act from the “come here” higher position, she still has the option to not go there, to do something else, to leave, it’s always her choice. But it’s never “Im gonna keep pushing and you tell me where to stop” (bottom guy), but “Im having a party here, come” and if she doesn’t that’s her problem (top guy). Some more insight. The nature of girls is to make you do things. They are passive but they become active by controlling what everyone else does. When interacting with men, during the sexual courtship they regulate this by letting the man do things, and prompting him to do things. And they cant stop themselves. The same girl that is covering her whole body as a defense, will be offering herself frontally exposed when she wants the man to take action on her. These girls sitting on your lap on the pubs wanted you to take action. Girls standing in front of you with a smile want you to take action. Girls rubbing boobs or body parts want your sexual attention. Girls punching you on the arm want to escalate physically, want more touch, etc. When they want these things, then “you deliver what they want”. Do any of these same things when they are not wanting them, and they will inevitably raise walls and further attempts to do the same will be increasingly more resisted. To fuck a woman you dont ‘tear down her defenses with sexual pressure and game’ The woman will signal when she’s ready and when there’s no resistance. A lot of the time my perception is that you’re blind to this – you confirmed that saying that you don’t know when a girl is aroused. My interpretation is that the life spent being bottom guy reframed reality and makes you see that girls have one face and it’s rejection, aka a wall, and that to get to the girl you must push against

that wall and conquer. That’s the framework most men have, and it’s integral part of game, still permeates a lot of RSD (probably they need that to cater to their audiences, which is the bottom men trying to get laid). But the reality is that there’s no wall – there’s no wall when she wants it. The wall is only there when you’re not attractive. If you’re attractive girls chase you around telling you there’s no wall, there’s no wall, please please take some action, take them out, fuck them, be nice to them. Game is not the art of tearing down walls. Tearinga down walls is what betas do, non attractive men do, bottom men do – since girls dont want them, so they have to fight it up and ‘get lucky’ and pay a big price and get pretty much nothing in return. But when you’re doing Game, when you’re opening these girls, the ones who say yes are not responding to a beta who must tear walls – they are seeing alpha behavior and characteristics exposed – so they are not offering a wall but a path to fuck them, a path of no resistance. They make themselves available – in the form of time spent and dates and moments where you can make a move, so you make the move. If you find walls and back and forth with girls, you’re going back and forth within yourself between having value and chasing value. Stop chasing value. In some of your best stories here you had a special magical moment with a girl – it was a different thing with every girl. That special moment is “the path” or “the key that solves the puzzle” or “the no resistance” or “what she wants”. That’s the YES, while all the things surrounding that yes, are the NO, so you scan the No and get to the YES, but the YES is there. With Sincere girl you could do all game stuff but what will open her was that intimate lower key tone and deep rapport. Which wouldnt do anything with Firecraker since her composition is different and she’ll respond to direct physicality (which) would make Sincere run away). With the thai girl on the street it was the adventure. With Siren it’s that outer worldly thing that you share. Each girl has an opening or several of them (pun intended) where there’s no wall and no rejection as long as you match what they want and require right there, if you can match it, they want it more and more and more – and at the same time they don’t want anything else and for all else there’s a wall. Picture that like an egg with one opening – you can be a sperm and push like a motherfucker everywhere but there’s only a spot that will not only not offer resistance, but will suck you in and attempt to merge with you (and kill you :-D ) with such voracity. Stop the madness means stop hitting against walls, pushing through rejection, etc. It means, understand the basics, understand what women want, and learn to provide that, be the thing that they want, be wanted. There’s no negotiation or tussle required, there’s no wall. Unless you push the girls with things they are not requesting at that moment, then wall is the only thing you’ll see. “The girl that gets “taken,” isn’t standing there advertising that she’s ready. ” Yes, she’s standing there advertising that she’s ready. But are you reading her advertisement? “she didn’t “tell him what to do, how to seducer her”” All girls say and do has the ultimate motive of tell you what to do and how to seduce them. “she loved that feeling…” Her internal feelings make her give external cues. If she is loving it, she is giving you external indicators to move forward. To give her more of that. “She is not helping with the seduction, other than by not running away. ” Girls role is to put themselves in situations where you can make a move, and follow your lead. If she’s there standing with you and not running – she is helping with the seduction. “That’s her only role, to stand there… just long enough… to be taken.” That’s every girl. If she’s turned on enough and you’re not moving they will try to force you to make a move. But the standard setup is just being available and compliant. You lead, they follow. That’s their part. If she’s following your lead she’s helping with the seduction. What she responds to, and what she doesnt respond to, while your leading, is the specific combination of how to fuck her.

So yes all of them are telling you. “I think part of what you’re suggesting is a kind of seduction that is great, is real, is good game, but is slowseduction” No, this is x10 faster than what you’re doing. And takes x10 less work. “where you are asking for her to participate, to send lots of signals.” They are sending signals nonstop. It’s about what you do, how you read them, what you double down on, what you dont. “wow, how did that happen!” Yet they were wearing sexy lingerie and shaved that morning – but hey what a surprise. “SOME GIRLS WANT TO BE SWEPT OFF THEIR FEET” All girls. “but is of a different flavor than what I hear you saying here.” No. The issue here is where you are. She’s not a boss that will tell you what to do and how, she’s not the man. But she is sending signals, she is feeling, she’s reacting to YOUR INPUT. Your job is to arouse her, and when you do, you double down. When you do it like that, you don’t find any walls – or you find walls but you don’t crash on these, dont push forward against walls and rejection, you keep screening, swinging, and escalate / double down when she’s aroused and will say “yes”. This has the effect of a very, very lubricated dance where the only thing she experiences is arousal, and finds herself flying very, very high very soon, hungry for cock. That’s how you sweep her off her feet. The opposite route is to pressure her, put your weight on her and tell her to make you stop – ceding her control – when something is too much for her. This means literally pushing against her wall waiting for something to break down. Courting the wall. This makes her go into her rational mind since she’s the one in control – instead of letting go and going with her feelings. And if she goes with her feelings on this dance then the feelings will say “no” because the wall is a ‘no’ and that’s what you’re rubbing against. “I do not think “sweeping a girl off her feet” is the same as breaking down her walls.” Yeah they are opposites. “But “taking girls” and “sweeping girls off their feet” is not the same as Beiber game” The contrary. All these girls are sweeping themselves off her own feet and all it takes is a smile from Bieber and they are already coming, and they have no control over themselves. There’s no resistance and no wall. They are flying. “Most men don’t have enough value to get girls to work this hard” When you act as if you do, you make her feel that you do. This is Game in a line. “But there is more than one flavor of game.” There are flavors but the same principles always apply. ———————Now – I read that you mixed up the idea of the girl who wants to be taken while she’s resisting it. That’s rape fantasy. “I want to be taken by force”. These want to feel the brute man who doesn’t give a fuck and moves forward. But these are the kind of girls who tell you “kill me”. These are the kind of girls who arouse you physically and elevate the temperature, then raise barriers when you move on them. But read it. They are telling you exactly how they want it. “But the standard setup is just being available and compliant.” A note on that – when she’s available but not compliant, aka went on a date but is busting your balls and wasting your time, she’s pinging the top guy, and pinging the bottom guy, and forcing you to reveal your hand.

If you reveal top guy hand they go to the real default mode which is compliance. In the Penguin chat there was a girl who didn’t drink (heh) and I busted her balls and got into a mini power fight, which resulted in her apologizing and becoming compliant when I doubled down four times on top guy frame. For some girls this kind of back and forth is how they get to experience top guy – so this power play would be an integral part of the relationship. Pass. The other girl Cein is submissive and her top/bottom guy screening was much more subtle, offering situations where a bottom guy would chase. I didn’t chase, which made her her want to come and fuck. This is not “slow seduction” This is touching girls right and making them go crazy, burn their house, travel distances to come and have sex with you. After you talked to them for one minute. More on this: “Most men don’t have enough value to get girls to work this hard” Women don’t want most men. Game was designed as the art of imitating the kind of men women work hard for (chase). What Game should be is the art of BECOMING the kind of men women chase. What it shouldnt be is the manual for bottom me to work harder in chasing girls. Chasing girls is anti game. Even the original PUA systems were framed as “reversing the role” as in – you stop chasing for once and let her do it (mind blowing!). Even current bad systems that focus on you doing all the work still feature ideas like “make her invest” and “make her chase you”. It’s funny how this is so out of the reality of the common man (like me over 10 years ago) that it looks like dark magic. But it’s not dark magic – this is the most core basic nature of women. If the girl is not pinning for you, press next. Figure out what is lacking in you that girls are not pinning for you. This is how I started talking to you by the way. “But I can see how an alpha with tons of interest from a girl could say “come here” and actually let her come to him.” Yep – it’s a top guy move, so it arouses the girl, and makes want to go there, even if she wasnt feeling it before. Try. Cool story. Yes, of course that works. From this story he sounds like he was posturing – as in, he was “aggressive” instead of “cool” and he submitted under you as soon as you went to talk to them, apologizing and stuff. So that smells like posture. But of course telling the girl to “come here” works. If you’re cool and high value. If you are cool and high value, though, you can also run after a girl on the street and do a yadstop and it will work. If you’re cool and high value you can also send flowers and a clown and embarrass yourself with public displays of unsolicited love and it will work. Because it’s the who not the what. But it’s easier to be the “top guy” when telling a girl to come here, than it is when you run after her, or when doing romantic beta stuff. I keep insisting in that you do the top guy stuff, so you find the who, so then you can port that elsewhere. If not – then the girl tornado will teach you, by rejecting the bottom guy no matter how you present it, and rewarding the top guy no matter if you believe on it or not, and if you’re just doing things by chance.

DESAGREEING WITH THESE IDEAS YOHAMI: Always disagree with these ideas. Peterson for example, I’ve been trying to understand why he’s appealing but he lacks logic when building his ideas – case example he says women want dangerous men but then white knights. Then he’s full of shit: “How do you turn that into a game that can be played in a sustainable manner across large stretches of time without disrupting your entire life.” He’s a male celebrity so he’s being pinged by groupies all the time, so he knows how to. Success, dominance, visibility on a field, plus his constant take downs of other men and taking the lead, makes him the women in that intellectual(ish) tribe will screen and bang first. —Krauser, I find the K/R selection model flawed to describe and predict the marketplace. Case point, women are looking for ‘good, strong, better’ offspring, not ‘cheap and quantity’. The men who can bang many women do so because they have the ‘better’ stuff, not the ‘cheaper’ stuff. Ask women. —Nietzsche, he was like a 4chan edgelord of his time. Bombastic lines that need to be deconstructed by someone intelligent, like Peterson who was able to reverse engineer it: “morality is cowardice” translates to “obeying societal norms because you’re afraid is not related morality”. Which taken to a logical conclusion would mean that “true morality is not rooted in fear” and that’s why Nietszshe sucks “Morality is cowardice” means “true morality is not rooted in fear”, but the first way of putting it is clickbait o trigger an emotional response, and will be taken literal by anyone who wants to exploit that sequence of words, example “everyone would be a criminal if they were not cowards, so Im not a criminal, Im brave” – while the true meaning “true morality is not rooted in fear” escapes the ego so it’s less juicy, more boring, less applicable, so instead of arguing I’ll just give it back to him: “Nietszshe is cowardice” When I look at the sexual marketplace I always remember how ants do it, and the tragedy of it. A few female winged princesses are released, and thousands upon thousands of males are released shortly afterwards to chase them. All the males fly knowing that they have to chase this princess down, that’s their only mission and function, they have to “find the one” and put it all into her. Any mistake means they fail. Not being the fastest means they die. Touching the floor means losing their wings and die. So it’s a long race, flying through the unknown, being prey of other animals, in the dark, in ignorance, but with a powerful push and drive to find “the one”. Almost every one of them just dies without succeeding. Having that drive and doing “everything right” is not enough. Most just die. Then one brave male ant finds the princess and they make love. In his mind, probably he thinks he was saved. He found salvation. He landed home. Everything will be fine now. Or maybe he thinks “was this it?”. Regardless, he also loses his wings and dies. All male ants die. All within a day of being born. So the whole thing was nature’s screening mechanism, by no means perfect, to kill the weak and transfer the more fit genes to the princess. The more fit genes for this particular configuration of nature, for that day, for that hour, for that instant. All male ants die, to fine tune to that specific day and hour. Just so the more fine tuned can pass their genes to the females and produce the next iteration. — That’s where “you can’t do this thing in a sustainable way without disrupting your whole life” falls in a void. “Do the right thing and be moral” falls in another void. What all males are doing is following the same blind, but very pushy, drive to go there and find “the one”. Finding the “one” makes the man channel the strength needed to actually become a better – more fit – male. The blindness and push and the ‘improvement’ required to win the race towards the princess that is yet unknown puts her on a pedestal, as in “I must improve myself and make me the most fit one in order to win over other men and get access to the princess and be saved” which is how the princess becomes a symbol of “everything that is good” and idealized – even before you *actually* met any woman.

But then females are in a difference race with different goals. They are racing for their lives, they wont bang the thousand ants, they need the good genes, and are aligned with nature, who will kill all of them. All the princess ant needs is the most fit male she can get. If she thinks she’s got one, and a better one comes nearby she’ll switch and trade up. “It’s all for the better”. It’s all playing the rules of the game. The male who got discarded will then lose the wings and die – but so will “the winner”, shortly after. While all the other thousand males also die in solitude, banging against things, meandering around aimlessly waiting for death to come, eaten by other ants, chased by cats. “what’s the meaning of all of this”. The game is bigger than them. More on this: “That’s where “you can’t do this thing in a sustainable way without disrupting your whole life” falls in a void. It falls in a void because your whole life is nothing but the pursue of pussy. Your betterment as a man, your journey, is nothing but a long screening process. “Do the right thing and be moral” falls in another void.” Falls in a void because the moral of the story is that you reproduce or fail. The loser of the game disappears from the pool along with his morals. The men who are trying to “do the right thing” and “white knight” even guys like Peterson dictating rules for the tribe – are still in a screening process, trying to display and showcase value to make themselves attractive to women. The betas / men who are “acting cowardly” – it’s not that they fear the rejection of the tribe by acting out, they fear the rejection of women. They are following morals to make themselves more attractive to women. Peterson says “women likes bad men” but then proceeds to white knight and shame men because deep down his surface level knowledge he still thinks the white knight is what passes the test, being a protector of women, being the good guy. When he says “women want bad men but they want civilized men” he’s selling his own brand to women “Im dangerous, and civilized, and I will even take your side and defend you, and shame all these other men”. Men’s instinct is to tell women why they should have sex with them. It’s all a sale. Peterson is selling. If you stop selling (you’d have to go full omega for that, or zen) and you look at what women in general are going for you’ll find a different story. Often “the fit man” and “civilized” are against each other in the screening spectrum, find out what women tend to prefer. I’ve been watching a lot of Peterson videos, I get his appeal now. This is one of the best I’ve seen from him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eieVE-xFXuo He’s still full of shit in some ideas – like that the money you get from above lower class doesn’t improve your life, and that liberty and happiness don’t correlate, and stuff like that. But he’s a good ranter and smarter than most people ————– Nietzsche – I read him a lot a long time ago. The reason he is famous is the same reason Kant is famous and so many others like anyone from the positivism movement or even Marx: Their works were useful in the divorce between Church and State, they provided many one-liners that push the right buttons. Most of them are just nonsense, but useful to fight against the nonsense coming from religious dogma. The line you got from Nietzsche has the context of being anti-christian for example. But he didn’t understand the Christ symbol properly. ————Ants and marketplace. Humans differ from the story I wrote here in that we’re mammals and we form sedentary groups. In our case, the tribes have a male center, a male leader, and they are surrounded by a harem of females procreating with that strong male, and surrounding them there’s a circle of beta males and young kids keeping the tribe safe. So the alpha male in the center of the tribe is THE ONE all the females want and will copulate with, and any other male who wants to copulate has to go fight that guy or rape.

Then in our case the tribe is made of millions of people, so it breaks down vertically, horizontally, randomly, based on many different criteria and many things that balance each other, so we have millions of very small tribes that share the same people – groups of friends, groups of work, groups of ethnicity, commonalities, language etc. Each tribe organizes again in the same way, alpha guy surrounded by women who want to and will copulate with him, surrounded by beta males. Then groups can have more than one alpha, and alphas can be ranked different at a different time depending on what’s going on. Horses do something interesting, the females are always walking directly towards the alpha and if he cedes he loses his alpha status. Chickens do a pecking order abusing each other until it’s clear who is the strongest and who’s the weaker. Sea lions do pretty much what I described above. Dogs have several sub groups inside of a group. Monkeys have a mix where they have several alphas and then some form relationships with beta monkeys. Lions are pretty much king + harem + kids. And so on. There’s variation. When the groups are settled like that the princesses don’t run on the dark like with ants. They settle down and try to consolidate their status on the tribe, trying to be as close to the alpha as possible and as much in charge or resources as possible. So there’s a lot of chit chat with other females and political plays. The alpha is decided by consensus, so they share with each other how much they like X guy and if the friends are not also turned on by them, the alpha can lose the status. And it changes when a new male enters the room, the pecking order is reset, even if only for a moment. So yeah for the men in the periphery the race is similar to the ants – throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. For the men in the inner side of the tribe it’s more similar to game of thrones. The more women in your life the more game of thrones it is. But all this to say that the betas and lower chase women, from the periphery of the tribe, and the women run towards the center of the tribe, chasing value and kissing up to each other, trying to catch and fighting for the attention, semen, cock and resources of the king who’s at the middle, the alpha in the room. That’d be me. :-)

ON ACTING BITCHY YOHAMI: It’s about what you compare it against. Let’s say a girl is acting bitchy, and you’re tempted to tell her to go fuck herself. On surface you have two options: 1) Tell her that if she continues doing what she’s doing you’ll leave 2) Just leave Believe it or not, number one, even if it’s reasonable and mostly reasonable most of the time and good for a bunch of things, it’s bottom guy, and decreases attraction. Here’s why you may think that it’s showing strength – let’s add the real bottom guy option 0) Put up with it So we have: 0) Put up with it 1) Tell her that if she continues doing what she’s doing you’ll leave 2) Just leave Option Zero is where most men are. Not just putting up with crap but mixing in caramel and pushing through and doing dance moves to the beat to try to please her and get something in return. Every move done here decreases your value, and tons of different types of girls enjoy when a man is devaluing himself like this, because it’s a vampiric exchange and it raises their value. They will not give you sex in return – or if in specific occasions they do, it’s to further extract more resources from you by making you put up with heavier stuff down the line. This is the life of a beta. Option One in comparison is drawing a line, and communicating what repercussions may happen. It relies in communication and it assumes that all parties share the same objective, and it’s leading towards a common objective. The problem with it in the sexual courtship is that you both don’t share the same objective. Your objective is to fuck her – that’s fixed. Her objective though is to fuck you, if she can be sure that you’re a top guy and not a bottom guy. So her objective is to screen you, which can be satisfied by disqualifying you, or qualifying you. She’s there because either you qualify already, or she sees the potential for qualification (that’s the % yes). The “If this happens then X will happen” communicates that a line has been crossed and that repercussions might happen. So it communicates a boundary. But it doesnt communicate what kind of man you are. It still raises the question. Are you a bottom guy who will put with it, or a top guy who will enforce the boundary? So, literally, the only option you have given her, is to cross your boundary more to see if you will follow through and enforce the boundary. So you have just told her to push your buttons some more and now she will want to see you actually going through the motions. Which makes this the only top guy option: 2) Just leave But that’s drastic right? not really. Bad behaviour doesn’t start out of the blue, it comes in gradually. She doesn’t just start acting out and pushing your boundaries. Like everything in courtship, things come announced, teased, in micro dosis, before amping up. When having a boundary crossed actually means you’ll walk out, and you have zero tolerance for bullshit, it will show up as soon as the micro transgressions happen. This permeates the whole thing since your very first moment. It’s not that you’ll put up with some shit until you’ve had enough, but that you’ll put up with no shit at all. So when she does the first minimal shit-testing, she already finds a wall. It wont be you “walking out” but you setting a wall, not doing a chase, not going to some place, not bitting the bait. In other words you two never get to the stage where you have to communicate that there’s a problem and that there will be consequences, because she experienced the wall and the situation was resolved by your much earlier determination to not put up with any kind of shit whatsoever, which is only compatible with top guy, which makes the question solved in her mind already, which makes her respond by opening up and giving you pussy. So when there’s a real power play, already act like a top guy would, instead of letting know “a top guy wouldnt put up with this so if you continue I will be forced to act like a top guy would”. And when power plays start, already do the thing. I can be more specific with specific scenarios. One that comes to mind was Penguin talking to this virgin girl who was trying to friendzone him while telling him that she liked him. This

was a trap designed to make him chase and beg. I advised him to reply “sure let’s be friends, let me know when you want to hang out, cheers ;-)”, and to consider that lead closed and wait until she messaged him with sexual intent and compliance. She predictable sent a few “friends” type text which he ignored. A couple days later she wanted to meet and they had sex. Like clockwork. Why was his reply top guy? because he acknowledged her frame, but dismissed it, didn’t chase, and stood with the “hang out” only viable option, and “cheers” which means goodbye, it’s my way or the highway, but still non-invested. That poor girl had no chance.

ON LEARNING SHITVILLE: Wow, this got interesting really fast… So many clashing points of view and yet the common goal of understanding these ever so mysterious beings called women and – more importantly – understanding ourselves. I think this is what a good blog should be about: sharing personal points of view, always backed up with one’s own experience, and trying to make one’s mind fertile for the ideas of those who have walked, perhaps, a different path. I am first to recognize my own shortcomings, that being mainly what Yohami describes as “tussle” and “drama” (Mafia style game, ha!). I do have quite a lot of that – that’s my inner misogynist and control freak trying to take the reins (notice how I said “lose the battle to win the ‘war’ instead of ‘game'” – so… tussle?… Touchée). Not saying that a little “chauvinism” and drama are necessarily bad, but each knows what should be kept under check. What Yohami said that definitely rings a bell is that of “not agreeing because of having invested for so long in a certain attitude or viewpoint”. That makes so much sense to me. Doing something about that is a huge part of growth, in my opinion. On the other hand, I don’t really think there’s just one way of going about things, especially regarding women. It could be argued that each one plays to his strengths and personality (think alpha vs. sigma, and so on). Yohami – as I see it, he can correct me if I’m wrong – views the active chase of tail on the streets as a waste of time (which makes a lot of sense, given his personality and social status). I guess he leans toward alpha. Nash, much llike me, loves the struggle and reward of the hunt partly because he’s more of an introvert (again, feel free to prove me wrong) and leans toward sigma. Now, the question is: can one learn from the other despite their basic differences? Absolutely, if the proper personal filters are in place. YOHAMI: Yeah it’s all learning. I learn a lot here too. There are girls who like the drama, and even the tussle, in such cases, do more of that, if that’s the kind of girl you’re into. I learned not to chase women with argentinean girls. The more you chase the more they run away, so eventually I got the clue. It wasnt until I was fully stablished as alpha that I saw their other side of the coin – they are always running, when they are running ‘towards you’ it’s quite something. Argentinean girls are specially crazy, which also taught me to set the walls and direction very early. All this to say that the little tantrum drama episode you’re participating is just regular culture over there. A lot of the girls there not only are going to be ok with the drama but will require it. For some of them make-up-sex is the only kind of sex. They want the fight and will provoke it. “On the other hand, I don’t really think there’s just one way of going about things, especially regarding women.” Yeah, which is why I prefer to talk about principles instead of specifics. Here Im always “pay attention to what she responds to” and “ask yourself what does she want” “views the active chase of tail on the streets as a waste of time” The active chase of tail is a waste of time regardless of time of day. Im trying to show here what’s in the other side and how to get there. “I guess he leans toward alpha […] introvert […] sigma” Well there’s the danger. Im an introvert. Growing up I was an omega. I was so shy I would tremble when trying to say hi to people and everyone thought I was a freak. I prefer to be alone than to being with multitudes of people. But – when Im with multitudes of people, everyone adores me, girls want to have sex with me, and Im the boss, because I learned this human thing and I mastered it. The way to flip the coin is actually very easy and straightforward, but it has a price. The price is to cease to be yourself. The game is hard / and improvement is hard, because the desires you are trying to satiate are rooted in a frame, a persona that ultimately has to die so you can reconfigure again in the proper shape. So all the time spent trying to do things X way actually reinforces all the things that need to change. Chasing tail is a waste of time because of the WHO is chasing the tail. The reason why you chase tail is that you’re low value. Since you’re low value you learn game. Then game is applied from a low value framework, because ‘thats you’, and

everything is put through that lense, so you’re introducing the bias that was preventing you from having pussy, into the method that is supposedly gonna help you get it, but all ends up being a distraction to avoid change, because all of this is driven by the survival mechanism, and at the bottom you want to live, which means you don’t want to change. I often paraphrase this by saying that guys are trying to get the rewards destined for top guys, while being bottom guys, and that doing more of the same wont work, and that actually being top guy is easier than posturing it. So the danger I refer to is thinking you’re something. You’re not. More specifically, regardless of being an introvert, if you’re not a dominant person and every social situation doesn’t naturally go your way, you’re not a sigma. If girls make you chase them you’re not a sigma. A sigma is a man who could be at the top of the pyramid but prefers to stay out of it, but still performing and functioning like a boss through his day. A sigma won’t chase tail on the street, because tail is below his own value. If you see how women behave when they are in presence of high value men, sigma or alpha, you’ll understand what Im talking about.

SHITSVILLE: Perhaps you’re right… Perhaps I’m nothing; that’s a good point. In fact, I’m positive I’m nothing. I’m not sure what you consider “top guy”, but I’m pretty sure I’m far from it. Just this weird ghost who is often found ambling the streets, thinking his life will be over all too soon – thank goodness! In the meantime, I do share the view that we, as men, should initiate the ultimately purposeless courtship ritual – I don’t want kids ;) – and that’s what I call “chasing tail”. I am aware that some women feel repulsed by it, and some love it. I am willing to play the male role of such ritual and honestly hope for the best, resting assured that I’ve played to the best of my current ability and my value as a man (which is not high, thus the focus on the numbers). I am positive the rewards – fleeting in their nature – are well worth all the nonsense – equally fleeting in its nature. Possibly one day I will look back and think too there are better ways to get laid; until then, I can say I enjoy the process and will stay on this path wherever it may lead.

YOHAMI: Sorry – that poorly phrased on my part. This: “So the danger I refer to is thinking you’re something. You’re not.” What I mean is that whatever you think you are, that’s not it. Being an introvert, or extrovert, or x characteristics, that you think you are and are fixed, that’s not it. Whatever story runs in your mind telling you who and what you are, that’s not it. All the fixation and investment and all that you think you are and value, that’s not it. This is what is “zen” about what I talk about – you’re not who you think you are. You don’t have the characteristics and limitations that you think you have. You don’t have the talents that you think you have. Whatever you think it’s you, that’s not it. It goes like this. Life and genes and countries and social circles and circumstances gave you a name, a language, and reinforced you into a specific series of habits, each with their own little logic and emotional content, and you grew repeating these and got used to these, and you proved to being good at some and bat at some, proved to excel at some games and suck at some. And the story of this little life form doing these things has your name and that’s what you call you. That story. The same life form in a different country, culture, language, under another name, different class, etc, would be doing completely different patterns, and you’d still call that “you”. So “you” is nothing. Nothing you can define like that. You only become something when you have exhausted and awakened all the attributes you have and tapped into the potential you have, regardless of where you’ve been put into by external and internal circumstances. So when you’ve tapped from the bottom of you, to the top of you, to the darkest of you, to the lighter of you, and when you have control and dominion over yourself, and you can decide where exactly you want to be in

life, and you have the freedom to be – then that’s something where you start being you. But that’s not something that you’ll be able to define with words as easily. That’s not “Im an introvert”. There are a thousand different ways you can approach the game. You’re not constrained to one because of x reasons. You’re free to go up and down. It’s choice. The “you” is not the limiting factor. It only becomes the limiting factor when you decide not to change but to get comfy. This not about you specifically of course. “I can say I enjoy the process and will stay on this path wherever it may lead.” Enjoy :-)

RAISING TESTOSTERONE Lifting weights will increase your testosterone faster. Mix it with intermittent fasting. A martial art is a good thing to add in as well, or a sport where you’re required to be violent / exposed to the aggression or other men.

PASSING COMMENTS YOHAMI: “To ramp up” is to warm up before making a move. This is the tease / swing dick part. You flirt and look for when she’s open for a move, then you make the move, and when she’s responding to the move you make an extra move. Then retreat and give space. Then iterate. On the elevator – making the move seems ok because she leaned against the wall in a seductive manner – inviting you to make a move, which she was expecting. Sounds like that particular “no” was part of her routine, so this went along with her plan and why she looked satisfied afterwards. Me – if Im in an elevator and the girl is leaning in a provocative manner prompting me to make a move, I would tease and escalate while breaking her pattern. (with my cocky grin) – so, have you had sex in an elevator? This is an instance of “announcing” that is cocky funny and breaks that tension she’s creating while elevating the temperature. She’ll react to that with a similar “pleased” look because I was able to read her language. She’ll probably laugh. If so that’s the “ramp”, I come closer and say “mm you smell good”. If she reacts positively I kiss her, if I sense any kind of wall, I deflect that and say that she smells like a cheese sandwich. Shen she laughs to that, I kiss her. Do you see how the resistance is never faced frontally. Ramp – gradual. Each peek is preceded by something smaller. The smaller thing is the tease. When you see the opening (that look) you make a move. When she likes the move you triple down. Then guy chill out again. Break her pattern means – there’s no gain in doing *exactly* what a girl is telling you do to, specially during the screening phase, it equals to becoming her puppet and being a follower, even if what she is prompting you to do looks like progression. So if she’s prompting you to do a specific move, you can probably do better by taking an alternative move that also uses the opening, it will reveal if there was a trap. In this particular case she was leaning against the wall to make him move (like every other guy) and then she says no like she does to every other guy. So breaking her pattern and asking her if she’s had sex in an elevator is taking the opening into a new more frisky direction, which she wasnt expecting, so that will elicit emotions and make her lose control, she’ll experience that little peak, which is the foot for your actual move to tell her to come here and kiss you. Basically don’t let her dictate specifically what’s the next move you’ll take. But do follow the dance and when she’s open for a move do make one. But one of your own. I spent an hour writing a breakdown then I hit the “previous post” instead of post comment. Fuck. Here’s the succint. The parts in your story where she seemed turned on where right before you made a move (that she elicited) and she bounced you back. That means she’s turned on by turning down advances. It goes along with she trying to put the word “pretty’ in your mouth, and saying she’s unapproachable. That is her game. Her sexuality involves a wall, which you detected saying there’s something dark about it. There’s something raunchy about her, shown by the belly flower tattoo, it’s all an act. Her main skill is dealing with out of control beta attention that she’s good at getting, and also deflecting, and that activity is also what turns her on, so that would indicate that to have sex with her you have to do more of that, which means, more unsolicited advances. Yes, this seems to be a girl who WANTS you to splash against her wall. This is not something I’d do and I may have done the tease / dominance thing that you did at the end of the date, reading her and telling her things. But she reacted with more enthusiasm to bouncing advances, so that’s her “puzzle”, and eventually she’d open up after you’ve wasted enough energy on her. That thing that she’s a bisexual AND a virgin is unadultered beta bait to make you fantasize of having her. Most men will try to have that trophy, which is how she looks at herself. My conclusion though is that she’s a sex worker, travelling companion, because it matches all the checkboxes including the raunchy belly flower tattoo, her functional english, and her ability to elicit beta moves and her skill and calm when deflecting them. She’s done this too many times.

BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS The book of pook is great The mystery method has good stuff on it but fails at the framing. Anything that tells you Game is a grind, or done through hoops of rejection is failing at the core level and missing the grander scheme of things. “If you’re advanced, why is the girl constantly “setting traps” instead of being swept off her feet? “Girl is your mirror.”” Now we’re talking :-) The bottom guy gets all the shit so he thinks Game is about becoming super good at dealing with the shit. The whole Mystery game is about dealing with shit. But if you’re good with women you don’t get shit, you get free pussy. Plus the willingness to put up with shit is anti-game. So in a way the whole Game is anti-game, if you don’t have the fundamentals covered. Well I was going to write that the advanced guy will get a lot of shit – but likely after quite a few sexual encounters. At some point she’ll attempt a power grab, she has to decide if you’re the one she’ll try to keep or the one she’ll say goodbye to. As opposed the one she’ll have sex with or not (what I call screening phase) If she didn’t want to send a pic of her lips, likely she was in a social situation that didn’t allow for it. Maybe she was even with her bf or fuckbuddy. This line was tussle: “Would I be seeing the generous, fun, sexy girl? Or miss “can’t always get what you want?” See what Im saying about questions? that’s sending the ball to her court, but not in a power move. You’re giving her the power to be a bitch, and with a conditional in that now she has to turn herself into a nicer person. What would be an actual power move? a reply like: “I’ll see you only if you give me everything that I want” Which will make her come in her panties. She may want to challenge that, then you reply “Everything that I want” Now compare this frame against the place where you were when you asked that question. Why ask? score the point. In case you’re wondering, your actual good move was to not text anything after that. THAT silence and detachment signaled the power that otherwise you’re deflating with that sort of mini tussle. It’s the ‘let go’. “We are ONLY sex, and I don’t have any time to build trust/comfort with her” Funny right? you’re fucking her and your problem is that you don’t have time to build comfort, and there she is sending you topless pics. The truth is that she’ll initiate the comfort / trust herself when she’s ready. Do enough power moves and she’ll write you love letters. She’ll also try to move in.

TRANSFERING POWER Well again congrats. Nice how you did bring her to your neighbourhood. Now check this: “drink or tea?” and then: “Well, now I will give you two choices. You can come back to my place for desert…” — The Cheesecake Trap was set — “…or we can take you to your train.” See how I’ve been saying that you transfer the power to her and become passive. In a way it’s true – the man is always “offering options” and the girl is picking one. But this works best when you’re leading, aka, you get the vibe of what is going to work, option A or option B, and then go for it. If you say option A and you experience less than full enthusiasm then you say option B, if you experience less enthusiasm you say option A again. That is leading. Like this you’re stopping in the crucial moment and having her decide what is going to happen. She’s the one in power: “drink or tea?” “Well, now I will give you two choices.” Here’s what you may not be seeing: “You can come back to my place for desert” You’re asking her to come to your place and fuck. That is overt. She decided to go there and get some dick. But then: “I know I could have fucked her. I knew it then. But I didn’t do it.” My read is that you’re expecting her to do something so you can follow, as opposed to you taking the initiative and let her follow. What this looks like is you take option A “hey let’s grab coffee near my neighborhood” because you’ll take her home after that, and you proceed with conviction, and she knows you’re taking her home. Then you say “hey come home I’ll introduce you to my cats” and she’ll say yes because you know you will bang her, and you know you will bang her. With every proposal and every compliance of her, her temperature goes up, and you get more of a free reign. When you’re home then some chit chat and then make up and then take her by the hand and into your room and either take her clothes off or tell her to undress, or she’ll take yours off in an explosive manner. With the little becoming passive before each decision, you’re likely deflating some momentum So – option A or option B? is still asking and announcing. There’s yet more margin for you to act and lead and take it. You can use your hands and your body and get it done, it’s easier than to ask, takes less energy than to follow. Let it happen. See where you want to go and go. She’ll come along. The more that’s the setup the easier the ‘pickup’ becomes. So you’d likely be able to just bring her to your place skipping museum coffee and dinner (plus second date). In the big picture you’re telling her to follow you around to many places and she’s doing it. Because she wants the cock. Make sure you make it happen. This is the best insight btw “Wow. How often do I do this in life?” That’s the key that unlocks everything. This this with the other day when you said to the girl (four times) “you can leave at any point” Don’t have to bring up that many options. Go for the one you want. Yep, you’re getting it. Let’s isolate it here: “This reminds me of how you liked that part of my idate with her, when I lead she/I away from the homeless guy. I didn’t say much, just nudged her arm and got us walking.” Now imagine instead you had said “hey there’s a homeless guy and is making me feel uncomfortable, do you want to stay here or want to come over with me there or do you want to leave?” Sit on it. Non verbal communication takes an instant, doesn’t consume your energy (since it’s put to action as soon as you have a desire, you see the path, you take it), and it creates energy – this is attractive to women so the moment that you nudged her and set the path, she felt turned on, so that is energy created. Compare with the second one. In there you’re effectively reading the situation, and you have a favoured path, but you don’t take it, instead you bounce it back to her. She then will have to put all these words in her brain,

read the situation, including your invitation to leave, and come up with an action herself. We’re talking very small inches of game here – but the kind of inches that reveal if you’re alpha or beta, top or bottom, etc, here’s what will have to happen, you read it correctly: “She had to add a little energy there to choose” That energy she has to add is she taking the lead, which means you didn’t, which means momentum deflates, so does her attraction. We’re talking inches here. But game is often about inches. The nudge is power. The question is not. “Drink or tea” can or not be the tussle, if you felt powerful then it was probably ok. Good game is when she never has to add a little energy to choose. That’s what Im referring to when I say that you take the accelerator and let her have the break, but then you drive in a way she never has to use the break. She has control but is never required to use it, because you’re the one taking action. Then you still double down when something works and do less of what doesn’t – that’s the dynamite.

WOMEN’S DELIBERATE PROCESS You’re so into Girl Tornado now, well done. “It’s not feminine… it’s aggressive.” That’s the thing – it is feminine. All the girls in your rotation will either will either do just that, or dump you so they can find a man they can “encroach” with. I love how you were able to see ‘that look’ in her when she attempted to leave some product at your house. Now can you go back and see her process. She took that product from her place. She put it in a plastic bag and then in her purse. She came to the date. Had sex. Then she brings it out and lands the mine, or pulls the claw, or takes the territory. So deliberate. As deliberate as the sexy clothing they wear for the first date when you think sex is not going to happen, or you think that they ‘vagely know you want to fuck them’. When they already depilated and chose lingerie. As deliberate as replying to your text the first time. As deliberate as giving you their number. Probably what you don’t like about this setup is that she is taking initiative in a way that you were able to see it. Most guys wouldn’t be able to see it. Just like you (still) don’t see the very deliberate action and taking initiative behind every and all their seemingly passive choices. In this case you saw the move on plain sight and you didn’t like it. But it’s always happening. The other three girls in your harem, and any / every other girl you ever have, will go through the same patterns of, screening, sexual seduction, hooking you up, and nesting. The encroachment is the nesting. She has to secure that nest to have babies and safe and you must be put under chains so your resources are secure. It “ruins things” as it progresses you through the funnel, but this isn’t about your or her. This is biology trying to make children. Once I peaked alpha I saw so many girls go through that so quickly. Sometimes it started after the first bang, sometimes even before it. When girls really want something, see something value, that ‘hunt’ is activated. In my beta days I thought the encroachment was love. Haha. I was so happy when a girl would want to form a nest. Back then I thought it was about me and her. There’s no such thing.

DREAD GAME YOHAMI: Agree that #dreadgame is bs, but I get it if your main frame reference is #reassurancegame and #comfortgame. “dread” will happen naturally if you’re self asserting and act like a man with options acts. If you have to worry in any way about injecting dread, then it’s not happen naturally. If it’s not happening naturally, then focus on putting yourself first. And the way to deal with dread is to provide #reassurancegame. You comfort the girl turning these bad emotions good. So reassurance has a place when your main framework is self affirmation, or, when your main game doesn’t revolve around chasing a girl, putting her on a pedestal and kissing up to her, but around putting yourself first, setting your terms and conditions and going at your pace, then at points she’ll freak out, in a good way, due to intrasexual competition, and that’s where a little reassurance or gesture or double affirmation in that she’s “the girl” at least for today will work fine. All that to say that avoiding conflict is weak, and the worst part in the written story was the change of subject, and change of opinion. Here’s what I’d have said with no hesitation: – Why, your boyfriend doesn’t let you leave it at his place? and – Nah, you’re going to make all the other girls jealous. And if asked if I see other girls, I say “millions” First like exposes the framing, and makes it clear the game she’s playing is not your role. She may laugh it off. If she pushes against that she finds the next line, that’s the truth, that will hurt / in the good way. She may laugh it off or go for the kill, trying to test your bone and go deeper, there you say “millions”, or one of my favourite lines, stolen from DeAngelo – “I’ve got 8 girlfriends” – “You’re number 9” So the longer she pushes, the farther she’s from the goal, the more step the hill is, the more “dread”. But it’s not dread game. For dread game you’d start seeing a girl and telling her about how many girls you band and how she’s maybe not good enough. That should be the stick, not the carrot. The girl who will go directly to these emotions is ultimately not the girl that you want to hang around with. So this one, after experiencing these bad emotions as a result of her taking territory, may do one of three things: 1) Laugh it off, which means you’re sport fucking and is all ok, she’ll try to nest with other guy and fuck you on the side 2) Start a fight, that means you’re “the one” she designated and she’ll take no for an answer, or thinks she can outmanouvre you by escalating the conflict. Here you can win by setting the wall in the same manner as above, or by getting her out of your life. She’ll remember you forever. 3) Get hurt but take it well and work harder to please and have good times so she can climb and move from spot #9 to maybe spot #3. This is most girls, and it means the situation will repeat in a loop until eventually she’s either just sportfucking you because she got another man, or she’s invested enough she’ll fight you.

ON JORDAN PETERSON YOHAMI: Yep. If you watch that whole thing (the video I posted contains this segment) he tells his story. He met a girl when he was 7 years old, she was one year older, he fell in love and chased her for years while she treated him like a wimp. At age 13 she “went her own way” which means she started to be interested in masculine men. Then he eventually won her over. So his core reality is basic beta / blue pill even when he’s red pill in many ideas – he continually fails to tie the dots. For him it’s all symbology and not life experience. Or bluntly – with lots of subjects he just doesn’t “know” what he’s talking about. In personal it bothers me that he’s just bad at logic – the ideas he puts together lack cohesion, the only string pulling them together is his narrative and it has lots of gaps. But still one of the smartest guys I’ve seen around. The things he could do if he’d fill that brain with better data. Another thing – he answers this video with the same stories, pauses, etc that I’ve seen him doing live, he repeats the same argument verbatim, even with the same changes in subject and reflexions, so even if it looks like he’s ranting this is all performance art – this is a guy who’s been saying the same things for who knows how many years to his students, and now is repeating the same thing to the cameras. So that’s not a man thinking in front of you. He’s repeating something the thought once and then ironed in public. Like a stand up comedian. His ideas are not necessarily still breathing and changing, it’s not an alive thing. RIVELINO: “So his core reality is basic beta / blue pill even when he’s red pill in many ideas – he continually fails to tie the dots.” “So that’s not a man thinking in front of you. He’s repeating something the thought once and then ironed in public. His ideas are not necessarily still breathing and changing, it’s not an alive thing.” interesting stuff, man. i am open to listening to your critique of JP, since his advice on how to find love was so bad! YOHAMI: Well – stuff like he starts framing the attraction between men and women as “mysterious” and repeats the word a few times, then cites biology, which isn’t mysterious (could be unknown, but with very clear and predictable rules). Then talks about being able to tell the truth and the value of having your partner locked up to you so she cannot run. Think about that. In other video talks about the value of being able to have long conversations with his partner to change her behaviour (which are surely still going after 20 years of conversations). But then he says women want dangerous men, (civilized) men that women would want to be taking part in making them civilized – so basically this is where the woman is there invested on changing the man. 90% of that is beta frame, even the last part, as maybe he sees “nagging” as an attempt of civilizing a man. Still when he says that women wants dangerous men who have the power to be cruel – but don’t use the power – he gets it. When he says the nature of men is being less agreeable and more competitive he gets it. When he describes how women find biologically fit men attractive, he gets it. When he talks about compromise / responsibility as the source for your own happiness, he gets it. Moral as a succession of prohibitions, he gets it. What he’s not getting is how the things relate to each other. It’s flashes of reality without structure. The guy saying “it’s mysterious” it’s not the same guy saying “women are attracted to fit dangerous men”, nor the guy trying to change women’s behaviour by arguing, or the guy thinking it’s a good thing to lock his women or she’d run away. Would be nice to have a talk with him about this. Yeah – when he’s talking about responsibility and meaning he’s cohesive, all these dots are tied and proper. In another talk he starts about how first you organize little bits of your life and after a while you go from a “fix it” to “build it” mentality and you find grander objectives. He’s got a lot of things there well placed.

But then, for example, he circles that in another talk saying that part of the hero path is to return home and save your dead father, which means bringing back christianity – and the reason for that is that it is an arcane religion and humans are historical creatures, and that if you reject your history you cannot live. Which is hot air – though, it matches his particular story. Then he talks about male female relationships – and the talks with the same conviction, but with much less of a clue, which for me it’s a red flag. You know, people talking vehemently about things they don’t know about. Lastly – he ties things up in the air like he’s a sculpture – the subjects rarely relate to each other in a logical manner (with the exception of when he’s talking about responsibility and meaning, when he goes in detail and with full resolution, as he calls it, everything is there in order), but instead it’s non-related ideas that give context, or flavor to each other, it has a 3D effect and let’s you see past the courtain in some cases, he’s doing an art form. But that carries other issues as in – his ideas are not necessarily connected and is missing important things in the gaps. I’ve been watching many hours of his stuff too after you posted that link. I had dismissed him quick before because the first thing I saw from him was some clueless MTGOW rant followed by that (misguided) pinoccio story that he likes. But he’s a powerhouse and we need more guys like him. You don’t have to get everything right, no one does, I don’t – what’s needed is people out there moving these neurons and asking questions and revealing things. So kudos to him, and I hope I get to talk to mr P in the future. That’d be something. Nash – here’s another example of Peterson rambling incoherently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqeVWrtxclc So – it’s not that he’s speaking falsehoods, but he starts on a subject, then uses a tangent to illustrate the point and instead of returning to the subject, switches to the tangent, then he brings another tangent, which he also follows. In this case he doesn’t deviate from the main idea too much so it can still be structured. That jumping reminds me of my own mind when I used to smoke marijuana. I smoke for over a year trying to retain that skill, which I kind of did. What keeps Peterson’s speech articulated there is not the cohesiveness of the ideas he’s presenting, but his tone. The speed, the intention, the place where he’s going, the gesticulation – so Peterson himself is the substance. Like an artist, a painter, a sculptor, etc. He’s more like a priest. I’ve seen him talking with people asking direct questions and he does all the circling on them. Maybe he’s always stoned, or his brain works like that by nature. On the other hand I’ve seen a lot of his videos and when he revisits a subject, he takes the same tangents and their derivations – it’s like for him these ideas are connected in a fixed way like they were a logical structure, when they are not. It’s strange but has a mesmerizing effect. Another brilliant rambling by Peterson where he builds the wrong castle. He’s got the bricks right – but he’s got some gaps. Because he doesnt go about this logically, he jumps over the gaps, and lands in the wrong conclusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA96Kf30TQU&feature=push-u&attr_tag=rxBJOXvECksRewLi-6 So – women are not “let’s make sure everyone receives enough”. Women apply to that only when they are the beneficiaries of that proposal. When they are uncover, in the mass, then they demand that “everyone” gets something, so they can receive their share without being exposed, and all in the name of “fairness” But the story is completely different when women are actually in charge of distribution. Because women quickly pick favourites, enemies, and all the distributions are made according to how they feel about specific individuals and never about a “fairness” that can be pointed as a principle. Women will not “make sure everyone has enough”. Not even do that with their own kids. That’s not the female archetype. Which Peterson would be able to discover very easily if he’d stop and question his assumptions (where I say he lacks real life experience) instead of jumping from tangents. No that’s me communicating with the bs part of his intellect – my issue is not with his awkwardness but with the lack of logic. If anything is my omega battling his.

I was in some ways like Peterson when I was an omega. He found a way to make it work in the academia and now became an alpha in that sphere – he’s taking the power away the academia and getting a tribe to follow him, he wants to take humanities out of college and teach people how to think and how to write, in short, he wants people to be like him, and he’s there taking the lead. Pure alpha. So more power to that. He’s still wrong and there’s no excuse really, when he’s got the right bricks. The assertion that “women are about giving each fairly” has no basis on that ramble, when in another video he states that empathy for your child, which is very strong in women, can and is often used to commit atrocities against many. And that there are more women in SJW, and SJW is obviously, in practice, not a “give everyone what’s fair” but “give me everything I want and I’ll destroy”. These things are out there in front of him. He touches on them, then he builds the wrong castle. Brain on drugs :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGGB3QArS5I The third or so video where I’ve seen him say the same exact 5-6 speech, with same inflexions, pauses for laughs, etc. It’s performance art / standup. Mostly on point but then he goes with fallacies – “once you have enough money to be lower middle class, or a little lower than that, extra money doesn’t help you, it does not improve your life” Coming from someone who’s experienced a range from poverty from high class – really mr Peterson, fuck off and shut up. But he knows it – he makes 40K a month on Patreon only. He calls money a blessing and a tool – a tool that allows him to do things, in this case being more influential and gaining power. So does that money help him improve his life? if he knows, why does he state the opposite with that face and tone? – Then he points at women hypergamy and he’s on point there. So a man’s extra money is a requisite to attract these women. Is that money helping him? if he knows, why does he ask why are there any men working at higher positions? – His comment about lottery winners is valid, but these people didn’t earn the money, the result is they don’t have a frame that can sustain that reality. They can’t get there on their own, so all that money can only go to waste. Or, give a kid the 40K a month Peterson makes, and watch the kid fail at life as a result. Then he switches to talk about nature being a rigged game and he’s on point again. So I don’t know what to think about the lack of cohesion when he touches certain topics, other than he has not stopped to think about them for real. It’s not that he cant. But he’s ironed some of these speeches and repeats them, and they have huge gaps in the middle. More Peterson spam :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZPU2ImiY9w So this girl is an interesting example of dynamics. She was in a leftist tribe she didn’t really belong to, meandering around, flirting with the unknown and the danger of the “right” and conservatism, watching videos in secret. Then she saw Peterson screaming to Antifa kids. And she saw him so strong, so dignified, that she was no longer confused and she switched tribes. Now she’s been posting about a dozen of videos where she talks about how Peterson changed her, and how much in distress she is, ‘help!’ In a few words – this is a female switching tribes because she found an alpha. Now she wants to get to the center of the new tribe and get impregnated. Well done mr P.

MENTAL POINT OF ORIGIN YOHAMI: “My life is a “train station.” I am at the center of that train station, I am the center of my life” There. This is why my first advice to you and others is to get to a role in life where you’re at the center of the social interaction, it doesn’t matter if it’s a job or a hobby or a temporary position. What’s important is that you normal life gives you this base already, so you can grow on top of it. If you have this archetype to grow from – that you’re the center, then “building alpha” happens on it’ own, if you know what you’re doing. It’s a natural process. On the opposite idea – if your frame of reference is that the center is elsewhere, and you’re in the periphery, hunting, then you can never “grow alpha”, and all you see is girls, and value, running away from you towards some other center, likely towards another man. So this is why I “oppose daygame”. The reason men get into game is because they are not train stations, they are not at the center, they are not tornadoes, girls and value don’t gravitate towards them – and in the occasion when it happens, they don’t “behave” like guys who are train stations, tornadoes etc, so they can’t retain it or produce enough gravity. So the last thing a guy with no center should be doing is chasing after others to take some of their value. All focus should be on growing a center. Using nature to help yourself. I’ve seen guys trying game for a decade and not moving an inch towards growing a center. The community still fails at this – I just saw a MaxRSD promo for the Natural saying “you don’t have to change yourself to bang hot girls” and there’s the problem with everything. The truth is that you must change. The first thing that will need to happen is that you address your whole, real life, and figure that one out. If you don’t do that first, then the progress with the second goal (hot girls) will become impossible, and any progress will require that your life crumbles, rebuilds, then crumbles again as you adapt to the expanding reality. So either you change yourself and your life from the start and make it easy, or you change yourself and your life after being forced by reality pushing you back after you tried for long years and crashed, or when the new reality demands that now you become the center (which I infer is where you’re at). “But I still feel the impact of each connection.” Enjoy man. “they had a ‘sex room’ and created a sexually tense working environment.” Yeah – they built a social trap so pussy would come to them so they didn’t have to change themselves. That’s the product, right there. Thats everyones desire. “Learn game so you can keep being yourself, and bang chicks out of your league” or “Keep being a beta creep but use this trick to make girls into you”. The more artificially forced the more it will give you the creeps – and the fake kings in that story give me the creeps. But so does every PUA really. As long as you’re relying on something external you’re displacing the center and you can’t be it. But you can use your external reality to change, because it’s a feedback loop. So these guys could have built the startup, learn to be dominant men, better, stronger, sharper men, and bang women on the side. Just that they didn’t want to change. Now they’re probably being “changed” in the prison bathrooms.

BOTTOM GUY BEHAVIOR YOHAMI: Acting like top guy creates top guy things, acting like bottom guy creates bottom guy things. There’s not a reality where acting like bottom guy leaves you with more abundance. (Well there is – I can come up with examples, but let’s stick to the basics) You know how moods are contagious. And how frames incite others, say, if you’re dominant submissive people will attach to you, if you’re masculine feminine girls will attach to you, if you’re childlike children will attach to you, if you’re a pushover abusers will attach to you, etc. To avoid metaphysics let’s just call this ‘games people play’. You’re playing games, all day, at all point, you find people to play the game with, you’re playing their games, and they are playing yours, they are telling you what are the rules of their games, and you’re telling them yours. Nonstop. This is all we do. And all the games are the ways we use to get the actual things we need, material and emotional. So all the above is a negotiation. Playing certain games with certain type of rules makes you feel in different well defined ways. For example, in broad strokes, dealing with someone who is abrasive and imposing makes you feel ‘small’. Dealing with a small defenseless delicate being makes you feel ‘protective’. The frames and games from others make you feel things, which makes you switch your frame to match. Even if you’re a good person, if a pushover interacts long enough with you, you’ll end up becoming their abuser. We play games. ——— The courtship is a game, and it’s predefined. It’s simple – the man wants to fuck the girl if she’s hot (receptive) enough, and the girl wants to fuck the man if he’s top (dominant) enough. To that there are a million variations including some that subvert the whole thing, but at the basics, it’s penis and vagina. The girl is pushing and make you react to ‘taste’ how much of a top guy you are. And you push and make her react to ‘taste” how receptive she is. So you’re always stimulating her taking initiative and rubbing against her (experiment, swing your dick) (leading, roleplaying, flirting, push pull) to arouse her and make her receptive. She in turn is always giving you hoops to jump, walls to avoid, goals to reach, and putting herself in situations where you can make your moves, all that to see if you go hard or soft, up or down, if you’re confident or weak, etc. That’s male/female and nature and there’s nothing you can do about it. All the girl does all the time nonstop figuring out if you’re top guy or bottom guy and all her behaviors and responses to each are predetermined. With flavors, but pre-scripted, hard. What all this means is that ‘top guy’ is what she wants by default. So. Any. Inch. Of. It. Works. And bottom guy is what she rejects by default, so any inch of it backfires. Increases walls, resistance, aprehension, disgust. ————Top Guy frame comes from having authority, power, abundance, and skill. The result of these previous traits is dominance, self amusement, outcome independence, a tendency to cross boundaries in a non-caring, bordeline abusive playful manner that comes with usually blunt honesty and humor. That frame, and it’s associated behavior, is a game, and when you play it, people play it with you. In girls, this means arousal. Not as a trick or a mental thing or something you have to chase. Slow down the frame: Interacting with a top guy IS arousal. Arousal means receptiveness. Willingness to engage more. Wet vagina. Hunger. Top guy is attractive. —————

So all this to tell you that ok, if you’re in scarcity and bottom guy, there’s NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL that acting in any way in concordance with your actual reality is going to leave you with more abundance that moving your core to top guy frame, even if an inch at a time. Yes, being willing to walk away works even if you’re at your core, bottom guy. Because there’s not a situation where ‘not being willing to walk away’ is more attractive than ‘not being willing to walk away’ Being able to push a girl, or neg a girl (playfully or not) IS attractive, and there’s not a reality where not being able to push a girl, being unable to set boundaries is attractive. There’s not a reality out there where being bottom guy is conductive. ———————So back to you. “So won’t rejecting girls who are not on enough means” First what things mean – “reacting girls who are not on enough” means you’re giving more time and energy to girls who are more into you. Just like with a single girl you’re looking for her arousal and not investing energy trying to go through her ‘non arousal points’ because you know there’s only resistance there, and why would you spend time pushing through resistance when next to it there’s a clit you can rub that opens the whole girl – when dealing with multiple girls some are more open than others so these are the ones you deal with more, and give your energy to more. But also that thing I just described above IS top guy behavior, it IS a game you’re playing with all the girls, not just the one you’re giving the attention to. The other girls you engaged in contact but then stopped or slowed down your attention to, they are STILL in the game with you and just watched you walk away from them, when they were not that ‘on’, or started playing games with you, you walked away. So you walking away was your response to their ‘non arousal’, you didn’t chase because you have better pussy, which is all Top Guy, which they find attractive, so they get aroused. So when you do the cycle back and ping again, now they have changed and are more aroused and receptive, and want to try again but this time making things easier and more favorable for you. Do you see it? “(1) you’ll only be picking up Yes girls and not deal with Maybe girls?” Maybe girls are yes girls that you just need to spend some more time with. If you have the time, then you spend it there. Till some other luck girl turns into a Yes then bad luck to this one, she can have another chance tomorrow. ” (2) if you think you are a top guy but in reality you are still work in progress, will you not just end up with zero girls?” You’d end up with zero girls when you are congruent with bottom guy. Say you forget about all this and start playing a game where the girl has the power and you’re begging her “please stop begging games, just tell me what to do” You’re out. “It is especially for us, the guys who daygame, because girls do not have a way to know we are cool based on our reputation or our place in the hierarchy.” Precisely my issue with Daygame is you don’t have a proper platform to learn top guy behavior. You have to stop a girl and convey all the stuff then she walks away then you iterate – but there’s not enough feedback loop. This is different if a guy who is already alpha does Daygame because the behavior is already there – he’s not trying to acquire it through pickup. The other issue with Daygame is that you’re probably in it because you’re already out of the top guy reality and accepted bottom guy frame and now you’re trying to catch the girls while they move fast and loose and no top guys are watching. All this is bottom guy and I assume this is why it takes thousands of approaches to get leads. Which is insane (that’s thousands of girls who told you you are bottom guy, and you decided to iterate instead of to change). So my advice if you like Daygame is to find other venues where you can develop top guy frame and then apply it to pickup. Other venues like, probably the sort of thing you’re not naturally inclined to do (or you would be doing already) like organizing stuff, being the center of attention, boss of something, contextual alpha in a job, or a hobby, plus doing highly aggressive masculine stuff, maybe combat sports etc. The frame has to change, it’s up to you. It won’t change on it’s on by doing pickup, specially if you’re coming from the wrong frame, as

that’s a game you’re playing, and then the girls also play it with you, by pointing effectively that you’re bottom guy and not giving you time of the day or a playground to play. So more power to nash for pushing through with his thing but man on man if there are faster ways to get this done. “So in your experience, do girls stick to you more when they feel you are willing to walk out on them?” Yes. “even if you are on the outside a normal average man who is working on himself” Yes, every inch counts. “does the internal belief that you are a top guy makes that much of a difference even if on paper you are not yet there?” Yes but you get shit tested. The shit test will come every time there’s an incongruence between your self belief and your behavior vs your actual reality and context. And when the shit test comes you either perform like top guy or you’re out. Also reality and context gives you plenty of opportunities to perform as well. And then there are actual life sized important things to solve, and the whole thing that is you. And who you are in these things. All sums up. That said a girl is just a girl and she’s not God, she’s fickle. She has specific needs and all is rather small and petty. This is not about you becoming the god of greece so you can score a girl – girls are not that high, they are all, rather, very low. All I write out is just a guide, or an attempt of guide on how and why to do the switch in frame, which is just the basic, very basic step that makes everything else click. “I guess my question is will you get more and better girls because you are rejecting girls” Yes plus a thousand. Rejecting girls is more attractive than chasing girls. Plus a million. “willing to reject each and every girl, or do you end up with less girls but better experiences for you?” You end up with MORE and BETTER experiences. Abundance leads to abundance, and abundance produces quality (because it lets you pick). Makes sense? I’ll reply in more detail later, but in the meantime: “Till now I do not understand why “borderline abuse” is attractive to women” Because it’s about polarity. The key is ‘borderline’: When you are having sex with a girl, what is your dick doing exactly? Just go there. Is your dick crossing boundaries? Or respecting boundaries? Does it do so with the intention to hurt, or to cause and gain pleasure? Is your dick thrusting as it pleases, or is it asking for permission? Is it hard and pushy an decisive? ——————— “I imagine a leader is not abusive to his tribe” Look outside instead of imagining, that helps. Authority is not abusive in nature, but it’s where abuse happens. The abuse is attractive because it comes from authority – so you can be authoritative without abuse. But still. Authority means that your boundaries matter more than the people you have authority over. Your decisions matter more, too. Go there. Why is it attractive to women? because women like men. And men compete against each other till a winner is decided, and the man becomes the center and top on the tribe, in command. And ‘playful dominance’ is one of the traits that flourish there. “I imagine it is graceful clemency but strong dominance only in very extreme cases.” No don’t imagine: look. Go to tribes and look at the leaders and pay attention. This is important: “every time I try to take more charge […] people get pissed so I have to calm down and just follow to appease everyone”

Important stuff. – How often do you attempt to take charge? – Is this a stablished group, aka always the same people with already stablished dynamics? say, your family? or are you attempting that on many places? – Who is ‘people get pissed’? is it the same person, or always someone else gets pissed? – Why do you submit to appease? who is everyone? My gut reaction is that you’re talking about a specific group where you are at the bottom, and what’s next for you is to quit that group. Let’s put it this way: Game is how Top Guy normally operates. Being “authentic” from Top Guy means running superb God Like game. You have to learn Game because that’s how we learn – we imitate. That’s how you learned to talk. But the end goal is to change yourself into Top Guy: the real act you’re doing is imitating to become, not just imitating. When you approach it like that, everything changes. That change is what Im preaching about. That thing from 2011 – the translation is this: She’s been exposed to men for a long time and all men want one thing and one thing only. If she’s interacting with you it means she sees the possibility to have sex with you. So instead of playing hide and seek and acting like you’re a Game magician trying to manipulate her into having sex with you, stand strong, and go for her arousal. Standing strong and going for her arousal IS a mechanic, it’s a game, but it’s not a ‘trick’. Or: All Game is an attempt to extract, study and emulate the behaviors of the guys who are naturally good with women. So, imitate the behaviors, learn what you have to change in your persona so these behaviors are natural, and become the kind of man who is naturally attractive to women. That above is what I label ‘top guy’. Again I could be labeling ‘Alpha’. Or “top guy is the frame where Alpha can be born” —– “And if you’re an average Bottom Guy, even with the best tactics and strategies and lines and body language you will not get the girl?” Correct – but more importantly how are you going to pull the body language alone, not even the lines etc if you’re starting on the wrong frame? ” So do you believe that learning game amplifies a Top Guy’s interactions, but doesn’t really help a Bottom Guy? ” Game is Top Guy behavior. Game can help dissolve bottom guy, if you do it with that intention. If you don’t, then you’ll have your identity dissolved (hopefully) after you fail enough. “Does this mean we should be authentic” You have to be authentic. That’s the only thing you’re going to be able to sustain on the long run. And if being your authentic self is not enough to win, then change yourself. That’s easier than it sounds. Money / visible social status is a strata. All the girls are looking up (materialistic hypergamy) so the guys with money and contextual power are screened first – they are screened for behavioral traits (behavioral hypergamy). If you don’t have money you’ll have to close that gap somehow, but most of the time it just means you wont have access to most women. (No, stopping them on the street doesn’t give you access to most women, you’re just making them screen you, but the act of pickup doesn’t magically reset all their history and what they are looking for.) If you have money but no behavioral top guy in you, you’re screwed, probably worse than if you didn’t have money, because you’ll get either nothing or the leechers.

If you don’t have money and want to try to seduce women, go to where money doesn’t matter: social clubs, travel / hostel / pubs, anything where everyone in the same room has a similar social status. That isn’t the street: go for closed environments. The rule is that girls gravitate towards focal points that are in the center of their social groups, and the guys there are getting all the attention. Be there

MORE COMMENTS YOHAMI: The whole rabbit vs wolf is misleading, specially with these labels. It’s the wrong map. I can lay down (again) what’s the proper map but it’s better, and easier, for you, to go out there with different maps, krauser, mine, RSD’s etc and try to match reality and see for yourself what works better. For rabbit vs wolf specifically – be suspicious of anything that is coming out of resentment. What I do at all times is to stop the story and ask on every ‘frame’ – is it true? Watch the girls and the men they bang, is ‘rabbit’ a word that matches the behavior of these dudes? When you say ‘fun’, what IS fun? Or, you shared the video of that homeless guy who gets laid. In the video there are also other men, his friends, who don’t get laid. What’s the difference between them? lets say they are all homeless, is that all it takes? Can you go homeless and start getting laid like a champ? Can you “switch off” your judgement of women and be “fun” and “no relationship prospect” and start getting laid like a champ immediately? Or is there something else? How do you explain (to yourself, and within this frame) that Julien bases his entire game about actively judging the girl? why do negs work if judging is bad? why is drama attractive if ‘fun’ is where the gold is? why do all the RSD guys roleplay relationship things very early in the seduction if being ‘no relationship material’ is where the gold is? why do all the girls who Nash bangs for a while start switching the tone to be in a relationship, if relationship was never on the plate? Wrong map, that’s why things don’t match. I can lay it down for you and probably will, as these writedowns are fun and useful for me, but, get out of your head and match and mix the maps against reality. Try your thing. Be a ‘rabbit’ and see where that leads you. See you on the other side. “Some argue” Arguing makes no sense – look at what women respond to. When they are interacting with the guy, what are they getting out of it? how does the guy handles them? which buttons does he press? which traps does he avoid? and to bring it back to my core message in this thread, is he behaving like a top guy, or a bottom guy? The guy Tyler talks about in the video, says something like: “I’ve got a bald spot on my head, the bitches think I am attainable now, bitches think they have a chance, haha!” Is that “women are the prize and I must find ways to fry their forebrain” – or is it “women are hungry vaginas and I better screen them first”? Is he the man being hunted down by women, or is he the hunter of women? The second guy who doesn’t change his tshirt – he goes to girls saying ‘do you like my scent’ and hugs them. his car is dying but he says “I believe in this car” Is that a top guy frame or a bottom guy frame? What do you think is going on? is the first guy ‘pushing away the hungry vaginas’ and the second one just taking girls as he pleases – because? Try wearing a bad tshirt and driving a shitty car This is what will happen You’ll be pushed down by your environment – the feedback you will get is that you are shit. Then its HOW YOU REACT TO THAT. Do you push that feedback down and elevate yourself, or do you go down with it? do you accept the rejection “Im a loser” or do you push for “Im the best”. “Im the best” is what’s attractive. Being in a loser position in life will make people attack you, or, you get rejection and negative loops, then after that it’s how you handle it – and if you handle these from a top guy frame, then you also get feedback for that frame, too. In the case of the girls you get them wet assuming your loser status didn’t dissuade them on the first stage (which will happen to most of the girls). Flip that – if you’re successful and at the top and center you also get attacked, and it’s the same peacock effect. Then it’s how you handle it. If you are weak and mellow you lose, and if you handle it from top guy frame you multiply it. With girls, that means they came around because they naturally gravitate towards the top and center of all their social groups, and then the top frame feedback loop makes them wet – so they are blown out to the space.

And all the guys in the middle are invisible – so they have to go around chasing girls, trying to show that though they are not at the top they actually have what it takes to be top guy (which is mostly not the case), while the girls try to run away in their hunt for an actual top guy (and sometimes stumbling on one). So it doesn’t matter if you shower or have a broken car etc – at the end of the day if you want success with women and tangible skills you’ll have to move your frame to top guy. Otherwise you’ll be offcenter, and any skills you get will make you unbalance because that – you’ll be pulling moves from ‘another man’ so any rewards you get from these wont be ‘for you’, it’s a game where everything just slips away all the time. It’s a constant chase uphill, while other (better) men just have all that stuff ‘coming naturally to them’. To that your response should be to snap out of it, or what I call ‘stop the madness’, understand the rules of the game and make them work for you, aka develop your own gravity, become the prize. How? well right now what are you scared of? beat that. Get into situations where you have to display the behaviors (command, lead, dominate, exec, responsibility), find a role model and try to be that person, imitate, then find the things inside of you that resist it and kill these things. Repeat until it comes second nature. Find what you have to change in you so all these things are natural. Most of the things that need to go away are your own desires – the desires that made you get into Game to begin with – because these are desires of the wrong frame. For example you may desire to ‘be saved’ and this needs to be replaced with ‘you don’t need saving’ (and you have to take care of all the adjustments in your life until this makes sense. You may be after girls approval as it makes you feel confident – and this needs to be replaced by “im confident no matter what, and girls get their confidence from me” and you have to do all the life adjustments where this is true and it doesn’t take your energy. So it is imitation, followed by life changes where this thing is your normal default behavior and is frictionless, and a lot of paying attention to your own state. Better if you can do it in every aspect of your life simultaneously, so it’s not something you do three times a week for two hours a session (pickup) but something that is there at all times and is who you become. In my case I entered many social groups and aimed to be the cool guy in such groups. I socialized everybody I met along the way. Practiced many ways to introduce myself and paid attention to what worked and not, then figured who I had to be so these things were true. I filled questionnaires guessing what a womanizer would say till the results said I was a womanizer, then put all my own answers in practice until they were true. Etc. But all the time I didn’t really know what I was doing. What I had to find was the ‘top guy frame’ that is above the ‘bottom guy frame’. That’s the ‘state’ the puas try to reach in frenetic loops of positive feedback, and what most RSD call now “the place where your game is coming from”, and it’s the mythical alpha and the beta is wired to hate and fear because it cannot compete with. “game is focused on turning the girl on until she loses all capacity for logic or judgement” That frame is still assuming that the normal posture of the girl is to be guarded, and that you push against it with your tricks until she’s so turned on her logic and judgement stops working and you manage to get in. This is bottom guy frame. And it doesn’t match reality either, or doesn’t match it in its entirely. Here’s the cue: Girls don’t live in a rational world built on logical judgement and with well set walls. All girls have is emotion. When you’re being rejected, it’s also her emotions doing it. There’s no ‘turning off her logic’ because it was never turned on. From your side, because you’re a man and you do have a logic thread (just see our conversations here), the task is for YOU to stop dealing with her as IF she had a logical thread, and start talking to her emotions instead, where she actually lives. So this is a wall that is ‘not there’ as in ‘she doesn’t have it’ but something for YOU to move out of your own way. The bottom guy sees the damsel on the top of the pedestal and wonders how to get there. Wrong frame. The top guy sees a hungry vagina that actually needs to be screened because it may not be an entirely good idea to put his dick there. Guess which frame produces what when you put in in contact with the girl’s. Small break down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgC340jPe2g

Tall guy with confidence and an emotional story has a spotlight moment throwing the inaugural pitch at a baseball game. He does an horrible pitch, missing the area by a lot, the ball flies on a curve and hits some pink shirted fat guy on the groin. The tall guy now loses all his confidence and walks away humiliated. Stop the frame. That’s the guy getting to the top and center of the tribe, doing his ‘dick swing’, failing, and admitting defeat. All very human and normal. His ambition is to do better, he fails, that pushes him down on the tribe, now he has to climb up. This is the moving of a top guy frame, to a bottom guy frame, all due to the feedback loop that is tied to his performance. Now imagine that after hitting the fat guy on the groin, tall guy would have laughed and do a victory dance, then raise his hand to the air like it was the best shot ever. That ^ above is Top Guy frame in isolation. Isolated because it’s independent of the feedback loop, so it’s more ‘true’ than reality. You can’t sustain a frame like that, as it’s ‘non-human’, but the interesting thing is what happens when you expose it, when you express it, and how predictable it is. The response to exposing top guy frame in that situation is the Logan Paul thing. Tall guy would make headlines and be in every interview show with people trying to shame him, and he’d keep the grin and victory pose, and every girl watching him do that would at the same time be fighty and horny about him, “that guy is just a jerk – I want to fuck him”. He’d be just fucking amazing. Or he can be a normal guy with ambition and desire to belong to the tribe and let the feedback loop make him bottom guy – where he actually belongs. — So the way this was done, the way this works is that you develop the top guy frame organically as you become more competent in society and can hold the feedback loop, can develop the victory lap and sustain it. Once you’re actually up there, you gain even extra points by NOT doing the victory lap and remaining humble, that means you’re even ABOVE the top guy frame. You’re God. When the guy is walking to the center, his ‘smirk’ is great because it ‘reveals the potential to top guy frame’. Everyone is anticipating his move. The girls are wondering, is he the real deal? Then he performs and feedback loops happen. Then her performs to the feedback loop. You can attempt to grab only one part of it – say, try to become a psychopath splitting the frame from the feedback loop, and to an extent you can do that. What I advise is that then you move your core center and increase your competence so your reality lands close to your frame, so you are actually moving towards it instead of just pretending, because ultimately the pretense will collapse, due to the feedback loop and that you’re just a human, so you’ll regress (crash and burn) towards your center. —That guy should totally have done a victory dance, he’d become a celebrity in an instant. That top guy frame in isolation above, how does that translate to what pickup/game cares about: You ask for the girl to come out, she says “never”, you reply “never means friday, I’ll pick you at 10pm”. That means you’re not operating on her feedback loop, but on yours, and yours ends with a victory dance, on your bed. This is both “amused mastery” and “leading” and “skipping all the shit tests” which is different to “passing them”, and “swagger” and “untussle” and a lot of other things I can put into quotes to make them seem more deep. In short you’re doing the victory dance from the get go, and the more shit thrown at you the more you persist, then remain humble on top of it all because all this is also below you and you’re God. Then you adjust your life so this is also true. You go walking somewhere and it’s like “hey, hello, Im God, how’s your day going?” And it’s expressed through language – body language, verbal language, etc. You cross boundaries when you want to, set boundaries when you want to, flirt when you want to, stop when you want to, take on responsibility when you want to, delegate when you want to, tell others what to do when you want to, and at the center, the truth, is your frame and victory dance is already set, it’s your party, music or not – but there will be music for it if you want to. That thing above is the place that PUA / Game tries to slice and imitate, and it’s the destination whether you want it or not, whether you’re trying or not.

CALIBRATION YOHAMI: Aight, It’s “first guy first” and “calibration second” The calibration is your actual know-how and competence. The calibration is what makes it real – the calibration is what makes the top guy frame actually happen, in this world, beyond your delusion / projection. The calibration is the channel. How. ————I’ll slow it down and slice it more. The end result is the victory lap and the audiences cheering you. You are already carrying that in you, but the audience is just expecting and unaware of what may happen. You enter the baseball field, walking straight, with swagger, a smirk and an emotional story, the bets are on your favor, and pointing at the victory lap. Half the audience is cheering, the other half are hoping that you make a mess and embarrass yourself. Either way ‘the audience’ get what they want. But they want a victory dance more. You perform. Some of the feedback of the audience will be there to cheer you up, they can see the victory dance. Some of the feedback of the audience is there to push you down, they want that you screw up and lose. You channel the audience who is looking at the victory dance that is about to happen – you perform your feedback loop to THEM, you fine tune and increase, now you have an audience, let that audience grow. You ignore, push back, set aside the audience who is there to bring you down, you offset the balance in favor of the positive feedback loop, thus inviting the undecided to join the winners. In the case of the guy who hits the fat guy on the groin – the thing is that the situation is FUNNY, it’s embarrasingly funny. The guy narrating it on the video can’t stop laughing, everyone is laughing. Laughing means that it’s fun, there’s positive stuff going on. The tall guy can JOIN that group and perform the victory dance for them, it’s even more funny, as a whole, if he does that lap dance in spite of his bad performance. The part of the audience who’s on the ‘push him down’ gets angry. “that’s not his proper place on the tribe” and proceed to get more infuriated, attempting to push him down. If he reacts to this feedback loop by not reacting, not apologizing, not submitting, but re-estating that what happened was the best pitch ever, that “double down” makes a boundary wall that cannot be brought down, which in turn converts more people to his side, because these two things are things people want for themselves and respect. So he’d end up with a huge YES and a few NOs, and more people would want to come and watch to feel both in awe and in outrage. Now without the metaphor – every person is a whole audience, every person has a thousand different little threads and personalities inside. When you’re dealing with a girl, a percentage of her is a yes, and another is a no. If she’s dealing with you AT ALL there’s a percentage of her that is a yes, and for that, and only that aspect of her you give your attention to, while you push back, set aside, ignore, all the aspects of her that are ‘no’. That on and itself, the capacity or lack of willingness to not deal with any kind of bullshit coming from a girl, is on and itself ‘the prize’. In other words the process of you calibrating to her so you can deliver your top guy to her, or operate as a top guy with her, is your actual competence. Calibration means it’s real. When you operate in pure delusion you miss the cues from reality and end up burning the house, aka you don’t know what you’re doing. Operating from delusion means you can’t be trusted. You’ll fool some, but it all ends in burned bridges. You don’t know what you’re doing. You’ll hit the guy on the balls, you’ll make your team lose the match. Etc. Calibration is how you adopt to every situation to arrive to the same destination that you set beforehand: the victory lap, the realization of your persona in the winning frame. So – this from a beta frame would be asking the girl “tell me what you want and I will do it”. But this comes from bottom guy needing leadership, so the girl will instinctively close up and push him away, and what she wants is that he goes away. As opposed to calibrating the alpha frame, or top guy frame: you’re already operating there, then you get the feedback loop, and you insist and double down and seize the moment and take that spot, without insisting,

pushing against or “trying to convince” the naysayers, and ultimately it’s your party, and will happen with out without them. Or comparing to sex – you put that dick in her vagina and while looking for your own fun, you adjust positions and calibrate to hers. You do that by instinct, following her sounds. This is not ‘beta’. The beta would stop a meter from her and ask where is the dick supposed to go, and ask what are the movements that she wants the most, and try to pre-gain approval before doing anything, and then wonder in the middle of it all if he’s doing it right. The top guy calibrates AFTER the feedback, and the calibration is there to increase the frame. The bottom guy calibrates BEFORE the feedback, and the calibration is there to show how good of a bottom guy he is – he’d do anything you want him to, if you would just give him a chance! The top guy and delusion is “I fuck bitches and they love it” The calibration is how you actually make her come ten times in a row, it makes the ‘delusion’ happen and be real. —– The top guy / delusion is “Im a famous baseball player” The calibration is what makes you test waters and keep chasing it until you make it happen. —– Without the first assertion you’re beta or bottom guy. Or, you don’t know what or who you are, you have no core, you’ll be at the mercy of your own undefined impulses, prisoner of whatever options the world throws at you. You’re trapped in the feedback loop and nobody is driving. The bottom guy is not an inferiority complex really, it’s a child like state. It’s you at the mercy of what happens, as opposed to you as the source and cause. It’s you on the passenger seat instead of the driver seat. From a self esteem / value point, the bottom guy doesn’t have value on its core, and that’s ‘his gift’. His gift is that he’ll give you whatever you want in exchange of what he wants, but what he wants is not defined either. The bottom guy is a liquefied blend of a ‘man’ to the point it’s feminine. In Alpha / beta dichotomy, the bottom guy is the beta who belongs to a group to feel safe and follows the alpha and plays to be good by the rules of the tribe, without any of these rules coming from himself, so he’s doing what’s “right” without anything inside of him actually judging what’s good and whats right. On a leader / follower dichotomy, the bottom guy is the follower. On a buyer / seller dichotomy, the bottom guy is the seller, he wants the ‘money’ and in exchange he does twists and turns to prove himself to the buyer. And the top guy would be the alpha / leader/ buyer etc. “so is there a tipping point where you are Top Guy enough to stand out?” You don’t need to be ‘top guy’ to get laid – that’s not what Im talking about here. Top Guy is the frame where all the Game techniques can flow in a natural state, and it’s the frame where you can fully grow as a man instead of as a shadow of one. It’s the frame where you can be your best self. Plus the frame that is naturally attractive to all heterosexual women. Still. You don’t need to be 100% top guy to get laid, obviously. Even betas can get laid. Just like a woman doesn’t need to be a 10 to get laid. What does she need? a pussy, boobs, be reasonably attractive – or just match some guy’s fetish. To get laid as a man you need to be the best option she has right there right now, put in the context of the other men she has or can have, and logistics and plenty of other stuff play a part as well. So the more top guy the more the cards are in your favor, but here even a few inches of top guy make a difference. Just like “five minutes of alpha matter more than five years of beta”, just a few touches of top guy matter more than the rest of your personality if you’re mostly beta, and it already makes a difference. It’s so strong that just a couple of borrowed lines from top guy frame, repeated verbatim (like negs) already have an effect even if you’re really a pushover. Luke says he gets laid without having inner game – so he’s ‘bottom guy’ and operating through simple behaviors and logistics. So of course all you need is very basic. You’re not being measured by God – but by women, and women are fickle. They will shit test you and screen you for the single purpose they have for you that day, which

sometimes is just they want to be ‘aroused enough’ and ‘find you attractive enough’. You don’t need to be God to get laid – women are much more basic than that. “can’t say “Ok, I am Top Guy now” and magically turn into one.” Actually you can do that. And that’s how you do it. Just that you have to do it on every instance where you’d take a bottom guy approach, you switch. So a dozen times a day, till you’re not longer fighting the bottom guy inertia. “I believe in the 80/20 rule, so is there a tipping point where you are Top Guy enough to stand out?” Well that’s the thing – in MY case I saw a clear cut difference after two weeks of going Player. I was focused on the vibe and body language and kino and a lot of other stuff that was all ‘top guy’ but I didn’t know at the time. Two weeks and I had girls everywhere fawning over me. My thing to learn there was to do with all that, how to handle women and all the others stuff, but the core raw attraction was there, because I was tiptoing the archetype. So this whole thing should take 1-2 months if you know what you’re doing, or where you’re going. “do you believe that women can tell if you are a Top Guy just through your vibe? That you can be standing, not saying or doing anything, and yet project “Top Guy energy”” Yes. Vibe, energy, flavor, presence, yes a million times. You can just go anywhere and stand against a wall and the tribe will form around you and girls throwing themselves at you. I did that a hundred times. I still do. It’s not the ‘looks’ – it’s the pose, it’s how you stand and how other men stand next to you, it’s the words you say and how you say them and the frame people adopt to match yours. It’s not ‘magic’, it’s biology. This is all hardwired. Also even if you have all that, all it takes is a stronger male presence and it all goes away, everything flocks to that other guy (then comes back to you if he can’t hold it).

FULL ARCHETYPE OF TOP GUY PLAN CHULO4LIFE: Great posts Yohami, I what you’re saying A LOT. If you could go back and retrace what worked for you. Let’s say you could go back to your incel self and give him a plan to turn into the full archetype of a Top Guy, what would that plan be? What should he tell himself when his inner bottom guy creeps out? How would he work on in his vibe and HOW? How would he retrain his mind and kill anything that isn’t Top Guy so he is 100% congruent? What should he do daily to get to a point where all the behaviors that are VERY attractive are naturally in him rather than him acting them out? In the body language of a Top Guy, is what Madison teaches in the video you linked what constitutes Top Guy body language, or would you add some other things? And would you create a “Top Guy mantra”? Something that anytime the Bottom Guy frame creeps out, your older self would say to remember how to view the world? Something like Scarface’s “The World is Yours”, or something like that. I personally do not think Scarface is a Top Guy. He was reckless. He had no strategic thinking, he was just acting out of impulse which forced him to be on the defense and go into reactive mode. He didn’t care about the feedback loop from the world, it was as if he couldn’t control the impulse of doing what his “balls” tell him to do. YOHAMI: Good questions. It all comes down to this: Add a reminder to your conscious mind to measure yourself against the archetype. When in dissonance, find what is causing the dissonance, ask yourself what should change so you could be the archetype: and then do exactly that. The above sounds simple but it relies on a few things: – Your definitions must be correct so you can orient yourself (this is why I insist on defining the damn thing once and again, and why writing it down helps me too). To make your definitions correct, look around, ask ‘is it true’ every time you get an idea etc – The temptation is to create a delusion for yourself where rules don’t apply to you because you’re special, you have a special weapon, you have a subset of rules etc. Kill that thing. First adopt the rules, then develop your specialties. Or, your quirks will come back, because you can’t do otherwise, but push them aside and get the basics right first – Make a list of all the things that constitute the archetype that you can notice and put that map on top of everything. Are you acting like the guy, are you taking the opportunities that the guy would take, taking the chances he would, are you getting the feedback he would, etc. When in dissonance, find what’s creating it, and change. If this is too abstract it’s because it requires the visual component. Probably story bits would help. I have too many, will drop some later. Should write a book with all this stuff. In the meantime I hope Nash is killing it over there. “The above sounds simple but it relies on a few things:” + – You must be willing to go through pain, be uncomfortable, and die. Must be willing to disassociate with who you think you are and sacrifice that to the ideal that you’ll become. And have to go through that every time you get a reward that looks tasty for your current self (when you don’t you end up paying an extra price) – Must be willing to put yourself last, as in, no comfort for you, must be willing to push past your limits. Say you are an introvert – it means learning to be an extrovert. Say you’re intellectual – it means learning to have banal chit chat. Say you’re violence advert – means you get into a violent sport or martial art. And not only you have to go these places but you must be aiming to be the ‘top guy’ at these places, not because they are ‘better’ than your preferences, but because thats where your fears are, and you have to expand so you’re not limited by the things you like (you don’t know what you like yet, until you expand). Basically all has to be your choice instead of something you’re at the mercy of, including your preferences.

Basically whatever you are becomes a sacrificial lamb. And all that energy and pieces are used to build an imperfect reconstruction of a top guy, which will be increasingly functional but missing pieces, then you have to sacrifice that one, too. Or put in simpler terms: The moment you start improving yourself by pushing against your limits, you find a new comfort zone, one that looks just perfect for the part of you who doesn’t want to change. And likely you’ll stagnate there. And when you do so all the old problems will crawl back in, so you’ll have to choose again, keep pushing forward or roll back. That back and forth between archetypes will keep destroying everything you try to hold into as long as you’re in transition. So the best and easier way is to stop holding to whatever you think you are and dedicate to the change fully. “But won’t that lead to a negative feedback loop” At points – but that’s the whole point as well. When you get the negative feedback loop, you perform to it with top guy frame, and when you get attacked for it, you reply to that from top guy frame, etc. Every iteration is yet again the opportunity for you to be the real thing (or to lose it all). That’s why I pointed at that video from the baseball guy who turned from confident mofo to bottom guy in 5 seconds. If he replies to the booing with a victory dance, and then when confronted with that he doubles, down etc – that path ends up with him on the cover of every magazine and tv show and banging Taylor Swift (lol). Or look at what’s going on with Peterson – he is CLEARLY pushing against his limits all the time, at at many times he has a weirdo vibe. But he hammers on it on and on, and at every iteration he gets more comfortable on it, it becomes a step gained, his territory increases, and he pushes more. “Because a guy who is projecting an energy of pain and being afraid as he is staying always in no comfort” Your energy gets unblocked when you movilize it – pain becomes freedom, fear becomes anger, anger becomes action, stagnation becomes a thrill. You’re not ‘afraid’ when you’re going frontally to kill your demons. You’re ‘afraid’ when you’re not moving and trying to stay safe. From an energetic point of view, the one projecting fear and pain is the one who doesn’t grow because he’s living in the shadow. “you can be in pain inside as long as you are behaving as a Top Guy” If you’re top guy the girls see the pain inside of you as romantic. True story. What girls don’t understand about any of this is the idea of growth and becoming. Value for girls is something static – that changes second by second into a new static state. “while you are slaying the inner Bottom Guy and adopting the behaviors and attitudes of the Top Guy archetypes, won’t you be incongruent as fuck?” At points. But what do you think it’s better: A) A congruent bottom guy B) An incongruent top guy “Which women might sense as anxiety which a Top Guy wouldn’t feel?” Yes and they will shit test you for it, which is yet again an iteration for you to figure it out. “Could you please just give it one good solid try to define everything important about the archetype so when we move towards that” This depends on the level of zoom. The basic word is ‘dominance’, the secondary word is ‘success’. Put them together and it’s ‘successful dominance’. All drips down from there. Success means you know how to, it’s the actionable part. Dominance is the intentional part and the aggressive part. Success makes you happy and high energy, but relaxed in comparison to a dominance that is not successful, etc. Dominance is not just a word though, it’s a shape – look at dominant animals. I guess I can write a hundred pages on this thing alone and it wouldn’t cover it all. I prefer the basics for that sole reason. Top guy is: You call the shots, you know how to do so, you’ve done it before, you expect things to go your way, they have gone your way before, you’re in control, you’ve been in control before, you’ll be in control in the future, you got this, so you are chill about the whole thing, and if someone messes with you, they are as good as dead. “I have not met any true Top Guy where I live.” There are none. Some guys have flashes of it. The RSD guys have different variations of it but there’s a lot of performance to it, you can tell it takes energy to sustain it. The closes one is probably Max – he’s missing the

‘you’ll die if you mess with me’ piece, lovely guy, not scary, respect inducing guy. Peterson has the scary part. Clooney has the chilling success part. “narcissists ” Narcissists have a big kryptonite, their narcissistic injury thing. “Because when what you do works well enough, you don’t consider that there might be geometrically better ways of being out there.” There’s plenty.

ON HYPERGAMY YOHAMI: Game is hypergamy. Your desire to be a better man maches women’s desires to find a better man for themselves. Men compete to climb the male ranks and women want the winners. So hypergamy is the only thing there is. Or, there’s nothing out there for hypergamy. It also means that success with women is a given if you’re the kind of man that women see as having more value than themselves – which is the whole point of Game. Whatever bitterness comes from the realization that women don’t care about men but only about the top tier men, and that this upscaling never ends – comes from something in men that tells them they don’t have what it takes. Or, it’s bottom guy resenting women for wanting top guy, after realizing that none of that slaving himself and servitude will end up well. The study of game is the study of Hypergamy. The “what she responds to” means “what triggers her hypergamy” All you do in Daygame is checking which girls you can trigger hypergamy on. Etc. Hypergamy is female attraction, and it responds to your own Alpha or Top Guy nature when you can pull it of, display it and incarnate it. ON RELATIONSHIPS YOHAMI: Women want to trade up and economically independent enough to not have to settle with a lower value men (till they are 35 and need to use these eggs), so they spend all their youth fighting to have access to the top men, all while all the top men are spinning plates and banging all the hotties and all the sixes. By the time the woman is 35 she’s burned and jaded and snags a beta who will never be able to measure in fun, or in backbone, or in raw value, or in anything that matters other than stability, to any of the top guys she managed to get involved with when she had more sexual market value, so she grows to hate him, all while the beta tries his best to cooperate, thus devaluing himself more. Then that relationship either ends and the cycle repeats, or the relationship endures and deteriorates. That covers about all the relationships I’ve ever seen other than a few rare and sparse outliers. So it’s not that ‘we have to do that’, that’s simply what’s going on, and there are not incentives to do anything else.

ABOUT WOMEN SCREENING FOR RESOURCES Women want safety and resources. They want to be in the ingroup. They will switch lower tribes for higher tribes, ditch old friends for new friends, etc, it’s a never ending quest for getting to the center of the tribe, which is also the hierarchical pyramid built by men, but it’s flatter in the eyes of women because it’s not climbed through work and competition, but in relationship nodes, social cues, idioms, slangs, ideologies, identification markers, signaling. It’s a soft net or relationships – all destined to secure her position on the tribe and advance her to the center. What’s in the center? unlimited security and resources. What also is there? the King. What will the king do? fuck her wild. So that’s the fantasy, that’s the script. Turn that script reverse and from the eyes of men, you build and climb that pyramid with work and competition, becoming a better man in the process, build a world, that then spins around you and erects you as a god, and then you see the never ending flow of women coming your way. So as a man you’re at the center or you’re a transition point to the center, or a supportive cast, or a step on a ladder. As a woman you’re a node on a net, pulsing to get closer to the center of the net. So. Women are always moving there, entering new social circles, and screening the men there. The tribe, social status, level of competence is where the screening starts. Girls start by screening the men who are higher on the tribe, all the way up they can, and then screen down for alpha male traits and try to get the best balance. So the girl will find the “big salary guy” attractive even if he’s not alpha, will move into his life as a friend or as a soft girlfriend, connect with his tribe, then ditch the guy for one of his friends or his boss or whoever the alpha guy of that tribe is. Rinse and repeat. Climb up in the ladder of the tribe and get the king there. Then trade up. That’d be the basic normal. —– Also why Daygame is flawed in that it targets the girls who’re not actively in that cycle – unless you can communicate in seconds that you’re a king of a tribe she’d like to belong to, you’ll get the outliers who wont or can’t engage in the normal female script, aka are broken somehow (more than normal), which would match your also broken script, because you didn’t go and became the king but are looking for the outliers. The exception for this would be to be the king of something and then ‘flirt’ – the difference is in all the things being subcommunicated. RSMax pulls that one of – like he’s just picking girls along the way but his interest and castle is somewhere else. So daygame is fine when an alpha does it – a guy who’s already top guy will go out at anytime and flirt with girls who’ll react with a Yes because they sense the top guy and it’s all congruent, but it will also lead to something. While a guy who’s not top guy (yet) will just reinforce the wrong things and communicate that he’s a man who can’t do the thing yet, is not a king yet, and relies on the girls who don’t actually want a top guy. Which is just asking for trouble.

THE RAMP BLUE VALENTINE: I do pre-approaching so when I walk around I keep focused eye contact on all the girls, and when a girl keeps eye contact or light up, I approach her. It’s the “next thing,” that Krauser talks about in Daygame Infinite, where rather than facing a sea of rejection you only approach girls who are interested because they keep eye contact with you. So I do not get bad rejections or girls making me think I am bottom guy. All girls are nice. About 1/3 like to chat but say they have a boyfriend, 1/3 I might approach by mistake because the eye contact is not clear whether they are interested or wondering why the fuck is this guy unwaveringly looking at me in the eyes, and I get 1/3 numbers. So 9 approaches, 3 numbers, 6 nice interactions and 3 neutral. When you approach blindly, it is 1 number out of 10 or 15 approaches. It is hard, it breaks your spirit especially girls who give harsh rejections that makes you think you are a criminal robbing them lol. Another benefit is when I approach girls I screened for interest my approach is stronger because I know she likes me. So I am not “trying to make her like me” which happens when you approach all girls, because the majority do not like you, so it feels like “I hope this one likes me, let me be nice!”. That stopped. Krauser is right. His new book is about advanced calibration, and one of the things is to not embrace the grind, but to pre-approach with your eyes and only go for interested girls. So now I might approach 5 girls, get 4 nice interested interactions and 2 numbers (the other 2 have fiance, married, BF and just want male attention), rather than need to approach 30 girls, get rejected 28 times to get 2 numbers like Nash does. YOHAMI: “pre-approach with your eyes and only go for interested girls.” Well that sounds like the purest common sense to me. Pre-approach = ramp / flirt. Only go for interested girls = Double down on arousal / go for the opening / move forward when they are going to say yes. —— The next thing is doing this with the girl as well, so you keep the same ‘pre approach ramp’ aka swinging your dick and moving forward when she’s going to say yes, or you ask her number when she’s going to give you, and not when she’s not going to give you – to that one you ‘let her go’, which makes her feel attracted, so she gives you her number without you asking This flips all the girls man. All of them. BLUE VALENTINE: Ok. What do you mean exactly with “let her go”? Because let her go means I leave, then there is no chance of her giving me her number. YOHAMI: You say goodbye or send her with a grin on your face and no intention to ever see her again BLUE VALENTINE: [to that one you ‘let her go’, which makes her feel attracted] [You say goodbye or send her with a grin on your face and no intention to ever see her again] Ok, to understand how this related to texting: If a girl stays silent for 3+ days, do I “let her go”? Won’t pinging her after a week be the opposite of letting her go? What’s the rationale then with pinging while I let go girls who are not very interested?

YOHAMI: The answer is ‘it depends’, but you can ping her after a few days if she went silent. Depends on what happened before. Rule: after you send a flirt or an invitation to go out, always ‘let her go’. She may go silent for a few days, don’t talk to her there, let your invitation or flirt be the last thing that was said, don’t ‘chase’ there, don’t add more. When she comes back, regardless of the time passed, that means now she’s ready, and will be compliant. But if the conversation just stalled, or went nowhere (like in your texts), ping her back after a few days, and do things right that time. Rule: every time you flirt or take action, WAIT. Wait for her to react. Don’t oversell, dont stack, wait. Let her come to you. When she comes to you, she’s ready. Don’t chase her away with propositions, interest, rapport. Ping, and wait. When she comes to you, escalate. BLUEVANTINE: Ok, so really, if I send an invitation to go out and she goes silent, I never ping her again? I just “let her go” until she comes back on her own? But pinging is just for normal conversation that stopped, then after a few days I ping. Right? YOHAMI: “Ok, so really, if I send an invitation to go out and she goes silent, I never ping her again? I just “let her go” until she comes back on her own?” YES. Rule: Every time you move forward on her and escalate, be READY to let her go. After you move, it’s her turn to move. If she stalls, she’s gone. This means you will never chase her. This above, when you get it ingrained, will be communicated in the subtext of everything you do and come across as ZERO NEEDINESS and will cut half the bullshit you’re currently doing over text (and potentially in person) For example after you said “you know what I like about you – nothing ;-)” HORRIBLE text line, because that’s a flirt, now WAIT. WAIT forever. Let her react. That also will teach you exactly what is the impact of the things you do. In this case you aborted the whole thing and chased, following immediately with a ‘want adventure?” No. Wait. Flirt. Wait. Ping. Wait. let her do her part. How she reacts will give you the status of where she is and how what you’re doing is working. Ping, wait. Flirt, wait. Tease, wait. Take action, wait. Invite, wait. Its a ‘dance’. It’s not your solo act. Ping her and let her open. You’re not a hammer hitting a wall. Ping her and let her accommodate her body so she puts her vagina closer to your dick so your next thrust finds the proper spot. This is a cooperation thing. BLUE VALENTINE: Ok Yohami, let me see if I understood this correctly: Women are actively eager to get fucked by a Top Guy, and will make it easy for him to fuck her.

If a girl shows interest in a man, she sees a level of a Top Guy in him. Every inch of top guy counts. So the man is not making a girl “like him”, it’s already there at some level. So what a Top Guy does is he pushes and pulls: when a girl does something he likes, he gives her an opportunity to get his semen, and then waits for her to proactively take her part. If she doesn’t do it, he let her go. If she does something he does not like, he punishes her which means to her she risks not getting Top Guy semen, so that makes her comply. All thought this time he is finding out her arousal spots and doubling down on those, and ignoring the walls. Therefore, chasing or trying to make girls like you is useless because she wouldn’t even talk to you in a pickup context if there wasn’t a level of liking. And chasing and trying to make girls like you is counter productive because it is bottom guy behavior. Did I understand right? YOHAMI: Yep BLUE VALENTINE: Fuck! Now Bottom Guy makes so much sense! If I am trying to chase and go through hardship to get a girl, it means I am bottom guy chasing the top girl who is choosing and picky and is not easy to attain! But if I am Top Guy, which she has to see at some level otherwise she wouldn’t even talk to me, I am the one giving her opportunity to get my cock which she craves and cannot get anywhere else! FUCK FUCK FUCK! It makes more sense now! And I am sure it will sink in deeper and deeper over time. But this changes EVERYTHING! I was even thinking if I get a girl on a date, I have to make her like me enough for sex, but SHE WOULDN’T EVEN GO ON A DATE IF SHE DIDN’T THINK I HAVE SOME TOP GUY IN ME!!! YOHAMI: Yes. If she is giving you time of the day and going on a date, she is already seeing something in you that she wants. That’s the ‘what she wants’ that you pay attention to. You don’t have to make her like you. You have to find what she already likes in you, isolate that from the other things – because that spot where she likes something, that’s her arousal, and that’s where you invest. So “what does she want” and “what does she respond to”. Every girl will have a different variant. In the Nash story above, it seems to be exclusively about physicality. With some girls it will be banter, with some it will be slow emotional talks. Each has a different flavor, each gets stimulated with something different. If they are giving any hint of attention: you already have what they want. Now find what specifically they are reacting to, and increase that. And because this is a sexual dance, this always is leading to sex. This is not about ‘you making her like you’ – that’s the assumption of ‘bottom guy’ who assumes you don’t have value to begin with and need to make tricks to make that happen. Wrong assumption. You already have value, what follows is just ‘a dance’ The dance before sex. BLUE VALENTINE: Because then I am doing it wrong, I assume a girl is a “maybe” and I have to make her like me, while the thing is she already likes me, is DTF, and all I need to do is sexually arouse her rather than comfort her or make her think I am an awesome guy. She already feels I am an awesome guy at some level, and all I do is rub her clits on the way to sex. Right?

YOHAMI: Yes. Even if the girl is a ‘maybe’ (every girl is a maybe, even ‘yes’ girls), you act on the part that is a ‘yes’ of that maybe, not on the part that is a ‘no’ of that maybe. You focus on the yes, you ‘assume attraction’, instead of focusing on the ‘no’, which is ‘pushing against rejection’ or ‘chase’. That attitude above is on itself, attractive, which makes the ‘maybe’ flip itself to ‘yes’. Every girl is a combination of ‘noes’ and ‘yeses’, or ‘arousal spots’ and ‘non arousal spots’. Your job is to rub her arousal spots and either ignore their ‘noes’, or push them away from you if they bother you. At the same time she is actively screening you – she’ll offer you game after game where you have to choose if you’re top or bottom guy. How you demonstrate which one you are? by doing the above, because all the ‘yeses’ are for top guy and all the ‘noes’ are for bottom guy. Every time you deal with resistance you lower in value, and every time you capitalize in arousal you rise in value. The higher the value, the more opportunities to increase the value and the lower, the more opportunities to decrease the value.

BLUE VALENTINE: [Even if the girl is a ‘maybe’ (every girl is a maybe, even ‘yes’ girls), you act on the part that is a ‘yes’ of that maybe, not on the part that is a ‘no’ of that maybe. You focus on the yes, you ‘assume attraction’, instead of focusing on the ‘no’, which is ‘pushing against rejection’ or ‘chase’.] Yes, but the biggest epiphany is that the Yes part of every maybe girl is STRONG and EAGER for Top Guy semen, so I don’t have to worry about making the girl like me, the part is there, all I have to do is rub it out! I thought all this time that the No part is the strongest, so I have to make it milder to allow the yes part to come out, but the YES part is eager for a Top Guy and wishes it was me, and even if I show an inch of a Top Guy the YES part of her gets stronger and stronger! I was assuming all this time that the No part is what will win in her most of the time, but that is Bottom Guy that only knows walls!!!! You words make so much more sense now!!! YOHAMI: “I thought all this time that the No part is the strongest” Basically the part that is a No is not your fucking problem. “I already have a lover” Me: not my fucking problem. When are you free? I’ll take you out. “Shave your beard” Me: maybe. When are you free? I’ll take you out Etc.

BLUE VALENTINE: [“I thought all this time that the No part is the strongest” Basically the part that is a No is not your fucking problem. “I already have a lover” Me: not my fucking problem. When are you free? I’ll take you out. “Shave your beard” Me: maybe. When are you free? I’ll take you out Etc.] Ok, and just to confirm, after any invitation like the above, I let her go. If she answers, I am back, if not, there are many other girls who want my semen so this specific one doesn’t matter.

My GOD this makes much more sense now, you are a freaking genius Yohami, so much so that your words were so outside of my reality I couldn’t even understand most of what you said! But it was my fault because I was coming from a Bottom Guy frame where your ideas cannot even be imagined! YOHAMI: Yep! And then in every interaction, she’ll expose something that is revealing ‘what she wants’ like in the texts from Robinhood. Then you rub her there. And when she comes to you aroused you double down / take her. Every time you show an inch of top guy and rub her the right way she comes to you with more arousal.

BLUE VALENTINE: [all the ‘yeses’ are for top guy and all the ‘noes’ are for bottom guy.] This is SO FUCKING DEEP. I get it now, and I am starting to get why you don’t do frame clashing, BECAUSE AS A TOP GUY FRAME NOS ARE NOT FOR YOU, THEY DON’T CONCERN YOU!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is such an epiphany I had now!! So by trying to get girls to like me I am pushing them away because I am being Bottom Guy!!!!!!!! They already want my cock, and all I do is dance with them through non needy pull when they are complying, push when they are not complying, swinging my dick to find her clits, then focusing on rubbing those clits! This simplifies the theoretical understanding of game so much Yohami, I thought it was way more complicated lol OMG, this is so simple yet when you come from a Bottom Guy frame it is so hard to see because it’s not even in a Bottom Guy’s reality that this can exist! YOHAMI: Yeah man. It’s really, really, really simple. Talking about it with someone who’s in bottom frame is, strange, because if all you see is walls and resistance, how do I talk to you about doors and arousal? All the ‘paradox’ is translating top guy frame to bottom guy frame in a way that doesn’t make bottom guy run scared. In part because this is ‘death’ for bottom guy. “They already want my cock, and all I do is dance with them through non needy pull when they are complying, push when they are not complying, swinging my dick to find her clits, then focusing on rubbing those clits!” It’s like playing air guitar.

SEXUAL VS SOCIAL CONTEXT BLUE VALENTINE: Btw, Yohami, I remember you talk often how things in a sexual context are very different from in a social context. Could you please go back to basic and explain what you mean with that? Sometimes, people do not get your advanced stuff because their “basics” from your point of view are actually not in place. YOHAMI: “Btw, Yohami, I remember you talk often how things in a sexual context are very different from in a social context.” In a social context you don’t necessarily get punished for chasing, pleasing and being bottom guy. You can make a career out of being ‘bottom’ and using it to promote yourself, aka, most service-oriented careers, sales positions (which is why I insist on not doing Game like you’re selling, or servicing). There are plenty of situations where it’s fine to be humble, bottom, servicer, hardworker, teamplayer, and more. There’s also cases where CHASE is good for you. Say you’re selling something, or you want a position on a company and they keep telling you there may be a position later, being insistent etc can work and there’s no reason not to be pushy. But not in a sexual context. Not with women. Not in courtship (NEVER in courtship). Once in a relationship you can tune that in to a degree, but every time you are being ‘nice’ expect a shit test to come your way. Then – in social context, the best advantage for you is to be top first and bottom second, so bottom is the fine tuning of your negotiation and not the core of your deal. Even when you are performing on a job and your job is to do as being told, the winning proposition for you is that once the task is on your park, you’re on top of it, as opposed to ‘under it’. Let me know if that makes sense. Story – when I was learning to be Beta and leaving Omega behind I took a teaching job. I was teaching students 10 hours a day for a year and a half. That helped me cure of my shyness and game me some extroversion. But back then I learned that role from a ‘service caring’ role. I’d be firm, but patient, caring, I’d explain things again and again, give people a pass for not doing stuff, side with students against the institute, etc, I was my students backrubber in a way, all in addition to doing well my job. That worked fine for me and I got the ‘best teacher’ vote every six months for the duration of my thing there. A few years later when I started my first company I approached it the same way – I had 15 people working for me and I played the same role, caring, listening, teaching, supporting, siding with then, trying to make them happy, I took the leadership / boss position as it was my ‘service’ and I was bottom to all my employees. The result (predictable) was chaos, instability, eventually bankrupcy. So the same bottom role played fine for a teacher and badly for an actual boss. Now, I found game at the end of my first company and learned to be a BOSS (while in pua/player phase). The difference is that as a teacher, the mission is accomplished when the students learn, the game is won when the students get something out of it, all your value relies on how much you give to your students. While when you’re running a company, the mission is accomplished when the employees do their job to my satisfaction, I am there in support only so they can function better in pleasing me, my job is to make it easier for them to please me, and give them incentives to please me, and punishments when they don’t do so. Being a boss would have worked fine for the teacher role too, with some fine tuning, but at the core the frames are reversed. The sexual courtship is rigged in that the male needs the skills and frames that come from being a BOSS, and not a Teacher. Or a student, or an employee.

Your job as a BOSS is that your employees feel satisfaction when they are doing their very BEST in pleasing you. This is why in sexual courtship you REWARD when she’s in good behavior. She has to feel good about it. And then you PUNISH or neg or retract attention when she’s in bad behavior, so she knows where the line is. And that above is magnetic to women (because they are naturally, rigged, to be attracted to the man who is a boss, who is also, naturally, working from the top/center of the tribe, aka all this is nothing but hypergamy). So when you reward them and neg them in the right places, they all surrender, they all want it. Predictably so.

TOP GUY TALK YOHAMI: TOP GUY talk again. When a guy is on top of the social circle, and he’s good at being there and he’s translating that to his sexual life, that is a very specific set of traits and behaviors. These pack of behaviors and attitudes are, on their own, attractive to women. Women are both attracted to both the social status, and the behavior that comes associated with that status. They may be attracted to a guy because of his social status, but if they interact with a guy and he doesn’t act the part, the the attraction is gone. SO THIS IS YOUR ENTRY POINT: ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– She may not be attracted to a guy because of his social status, but get increasingly attracted because he has the behavior of a top guy. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– Top guy behavior is attractive. Bottom guy behavior is unattractive. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– When a girl finds you attractive, she pursues you. When a girl doesn’t find you attractive, she puts barriers. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– AND THIS: ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– All the sexual courtship is a game in which the girl gives you game after game after game after game, in which she offers you opportunities for you to chose if you are bottom guy or top guy. She will give you plenty of clues, and put you in situations where she’s expecting you to do a move, and she has an idea, a feel of what the top guy would do, and what the bottom guy would do, and her responses are prescripted for each. She does this with a mix of her own biological preferences, cultural references, life experiences with other men that have turned her on or off. All the time, from the moment 0 when you started interacting with her. she is both 1) Hopeful, hungry, desiring that you exhibit top guy behavior and turn her on so you get in And 2) Uninterested, repulsed, angry, desiring that you exhibit bottom guy behavior and turn her off so she expels you out. Both sides are there. You’ll choose the path yourself. Your job is to find her desire and rub it. How? By acting like a top guy and not like a bottom guy in all the minigames. What does that mean? That’s just “Game” How does it look in practice? You are: Centered, confident, dominant, self reassured, self amused, non needy, commanding, sexual. You exhibit your value (stories, conversation, body posture, your own self comfort) and swing that in front of her until something shines. What does that mean? She’ll give you a different look, she’ll look pleased, she’ll punch you, she’ll come closer, she’ll show compliance, she’ll be invested, etc. That’s the ‘what she responds to’ or arousal. Then you focus on that and ramp up, increase it, take to the next level. Then retreat and keep swinging.

Every time you do that her ‘desire’ increases, her hunger increases, the more she comes to you. The more she comes to you, the more arousal spots are exposed, the ‘easier’ the game gets because the less you have to figure out in blind, it becomes less about ‘swinging and seeing what shines’ and more about actually rubbing stuff. So what does Top / bottom guy means here? Bottom guy chooses the obstacles, the hard work, the plowing, the resistance, the confusion, the neediness. So in every instance there’s conflict, stuff to be negotiated. Bottom guy is tussle, chase, plowing, neediness, work. Bottom guy is unattractive so all of that, every time it’s chosen, it’s decreasing your value and making ‘the game harder’, it’s making her arousal spots more hidden, the vagina dries some, she puts more barriers. While Top guy chooses opportunities, effortless actions, not pushing against resistance, clarity, abundance. In every instance there’s resolution, a path straighforward. Top guy is confidence, ‘know how’. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– So Bottom guy is working ‘against the girl’. Against the girl defenses. Top guy is working ‘with the girl’. With the girl desires. ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————————— —————– If you’re having problems with this then likely you’re carrying in behaviors from bottom guy frame and inserting them where they don’t belong, likely: You had a successful pickup and the girl is aroused by you and wants more of that. She’s seeing the top guy shit she wants. Then you bait and switch and pursue her with bottom guy frame so she starts rising up walls and putting resistance till she figures out what is going on with it. So in some cases you’ll arouse her and in many cases you’ll push her away. —— Why I don’t like Daygame for learning this? because you don’t have context. When I was learning this stuff I was in night game, or bars or clubs, or social circles. I saw (quite a few times) the kind of men the girls I was pursuing said YES to, right after rejecting me. I remember with some sourness how I was pursuing some girls and chasing hard, and then how they would end up fucking some other guy with ZERO effort. I remember, right before turning pua, pursuing this hot girl for MONTHS and being friends and beta shit, and how then she landed some hotter stud who didn’t give fucks about her. So being in the presence of the whole tribe and watching the dynamics first hand is the ‘red pill’. Doing it in isolation and trying many different girls without witnessing what needed to happen for they to open with OTHER MEN is a very sloppy ride. Which is why I say… get into a tribe a be an alpha there. You need exposure. Once you know what you’re doing and where you’re going, go back solo if that’s your thing. But fix that compass. End of mini rant :-) ——Addressing your lines here “A wolf chases the rabbit…” In sexual courtship the man is not a wolf and the woman is not a rabbit. You got that backwards, even though this is in front of you. It’s invisible because of where you put yourself in the pyramid. All these girls you think are rabbits, are sending nude pics and doing raunchy talk with some guy they want to hunt down. For every wall and rejection they give to most men, they are giving highways and opportunities to the top guys they want to bang / snatch. Women are not innocent pristine asexual pure creatures who are afraid of sex, so They are not ‘rabbit’s for your wolf.

You know they wear make up, dress in clothing that reinforces their sexuality, act all seductive and get closer to the men they find attractive, backstab each other, form their whole friendships just so they can have access to top guys and they often share them. You saw all the cute girls circling around the ‘cool guys’ from that boy band in a corner. You know groupies exist. You have seen girls open to you quite fast (and not care, like this is a regular monday for them), and you’ve seen girls increasingly get hungrier after banging you and want ‘more more more’ and wanting to get it all and capitalize on all your resources. But somehow you think you’re a wolf and they are rabbits so your job is to run after them as they run away from you. You’ve got your frame references mixed up. Im trying to help you make a line on the sand and pick one. Hint: one of them gets you laid. :-) —————————— “Your Top Guy has crazy high value. It all comes from that.” There’s the external, and the internal. The internal is your behavior. The external is your position on the tribe hierarchy. The external gives you access to the better girls, not just in logistics, but they come ‘pre open’, there’s intrinsic arousal added to the mix, the game gets ‘easy’ by default. This is the reason why ‘bartenders get laid’ and girls were all around that group of boybands. This is natural biology, girls want the guys top center, and want to run away from non top center guys. Can’t fight this. But The internal is the real deal, and wherever, whenever you run from there, you re-create the external. This is why I go to meeting with guys who run the companies I work for and their wives girlfriends and sisters want to bang ME. Because it doesn’t matter where we go or what the actual societal rules are, Im the top guy and Im running behavior and my life is all seen through the top guy frame. So when I interact with them I – Challenge their boundaries – Reward compliance, punish not compliance – Act funny, confident, self reassured – Flirt – Double down in what shines, avoid walls and traps – Always choose to be top and not bottom – Dont chase – Don’t work hard / be abundant / go for opportunities not for conflict / escalate All of which is attractive, so in every instance and iteration the ‘game gets easier’, not ‘harder’. And this is working on all levels with all the people, not just women. Take the best things you’ve learned from game and apply them to your interactions with men. It’s all the same. And women are not rabbits :D they are wolves too. Just look at what they wear lol. It’s all bait to hunt down top guy. “hey mr top guy won’t you look at me?”. All the walls and facades are to simmultaneously push bottom guys away. It’s a filtering mechanism. Decide that these barriers are not for YOU. ——————“And that is a problem with layering Top Guy philosophy on most of our interactions… most of us don’t have that high-level value” Actually the problem is that must guys decide they are bottom and that this is something they won’t change, but still want the pussy. Enter the paradoxes. Check that Fuckboy guy. He’s a skinny bad looking guy with horrible hair, but full on top-guy. He wont bang the supermodels now but he’s very, very on the path. If he’s stays on the path, watch him in 10 years. “It does not apply to most guys. It COULD… but we don’t have the value to make it happen” You don’t have the value, internal or external? If external, you don’t need ‘that much’, the girls you’re going for are not banging Leonardo Dicaprio. You’re competing in a much lower societal value ladder. All you need is competent clothing and grooming and a fashion style, and the be in command of the little social circles where you’ll be with the girl, like the

restaurant, the hotel etc, all you need is to be ‘top’ in these mini circles (for her to be attracted to you because of the external frame) If internal, why not? this should be your main thing to work on at all times and forever. This is what is carried along with you. “most guys don’t have the internal value to pull top guy behavior”. Well fix that. :-D what are you waiting for? shit is not going to get fixed by itself. “And/or, not with every girl. And/or… we’re working up to that level… because we haven’t collected enough ref experience to know that this all means.” Yeah that’s very important. So how do you collect enough ref experience? “I am 100% moving toward something more Top Guy” I applaud you man. “but I get why most of us can’t follow this discussion.” Yeah. Not sure what to do here. “It ONLY applies to crazy high value guys” The bartender is not a ‘crazy high value guy’ When I go somewhere and people don’t know me Im not a ‘crazy high value guy’. By the end of the interactions I am the ‘omg that guy I want to have him’ guy. So how did that happen? Come to the realization that women are hunters and they go for what they want man. Their sexual dance is not to run-away. They come closer when they want it. Your job is not to plow through their defenses. Your job is to be close, flirt, let them open, and then reward them for doing so, and escalate. This is not ‘crazy value omg magic only dicaprio can pull that stuff’ This is basic male-female dance. And the one you’re doing as well, just intermixed with stuff that shouldn’t be there because you are coming off the wrong assumptions. But the girl tornado will show you, eventually, as you are able to repeat things that work, and what happens when you do these things only, and nothing of the other stuff. “Yes, totally true. No way hot girls feel that way about Luke.” Fuck Luke, but again – When I was partying a lot I saw worse looking guys than Luke getting laid with hot stripper like girls because the guys were: top, commanding, decisive, funny, teasy, non caring. And all the other guys in the room were either bottom guys, or were top guys with more girls that they could handle (like me). Cheers man. Im waiting on your part 2- 3 -4 on your adventures there. I assume you’re too busy having sex to write these pots :-) More on this: “When a girl finds you attractive, she pursues you.” What a girl does to pursue you still has the ‘passive flavor’ on it: – She gives you time and space to make your moves. – She gives you attention so you can make your moves. – She puts herself in situations where it’s easy for you to make your moves. – She puts her arousal spots right in front of you so basically anything you do will be a right move – Offer compliance and follow your lead and be positive when you make your moves – If you’re still not getting it but she’s aroused enough otherwise, she’ll even make the move for you (the one she’s been waiting for), she’ll take your hand and put it on her boob, she’ll ask “you have a condom?”, if you’re in a relationship she’ll ask for the flowers or date or whatever. The more they have to force your moves, the worse though, because it means you’ve been missing out and things will go downhill unless you pick up the pace So basically what the girl does to pursue you is to put herself in front of you, so you can pursue her. Give you hints and offer arousal spots that you can rub, then moan in pleasure when you are rubbing them. Chase you a little around with their arousal spots and put them on your face when you’re not getting it, and ultimately force your hand and make you win if you’re too behind. This can also result in ‘please fuck me’ depending on the girl.

If their arousal is too high and you’re unavailable, if for example they are behind a cue of girls, then this results in intersexual fight with other girls and they send nudes and wear explicit sexual clothing to out-do their competition. Hint: makeup is sexually-explicit-lingerie and all of them wear it. They are all in this game. They are all pursuing someone. Since their hormones hit at age 13. All they do all day is try to find this guy who will have the right answers for their particular flavor of girl game. BLUE VALENTINE: [But somehow you think you’re a wolf and they are rabbits so your job is to run after them as they run away from you.] I get this much deeper now. If you’re the wolf running after the rabbits, you are bottom guy. If you are top guy, they are the ones trying to run after you. The only time this works where you run after a rabbit and after some resistance gives itself to you is if the girl has no other real options, she’s not at the level where she can be with Top Guys or have no access to them, so they give in because you are the least Bottom of the Bottom Guys they know. Like black Tim says: “Most girls who sleep with PUAs doing techniques do not really desire those guys. But every fuckboy they fuck they think about him when he is not and desire him with every fiber of their body.” He also talks about how you shouldn’t experience resistance with a girl or LMR. Now I understand also why Nash’s sticking point of girls fucking one time and then disappearing and now wanting to continue the sexual relationship. They did not desire Nash at that level. They had sex for whatever reason of their own, like too long without sex, or because it was a new experience, or because it seemed fun, but it was more about the situation and the experience than viewing the man as truly attractive. Girls don’t leave or disappear when they meet a Top Guy. They desire, pursue him and want to please him again and again. If a girl has sex and then disappears, sex happened for another reason other than desiring and viewing the man as Top Guy. YOHAMI: “If you’re the wolf running after the rabbits, you are bottom guy.” Yep, that was my most painful realization and what flipped me into PUA. That was the crack on my own frame that made me crash and burn from that old identity into the new one (not that it was the last!). I had this girl and I pursued her fully and completely, put all my eggs in there. All the best of me, all my beta spiritual rapport, all my pursuing, persistent, chase abilities, all my beta well built nice guy confident guy but also chasey and romantic, all in one basket, all for one girl who should have liked me, because ‘we were a right fit’. Then understanding that if I had to do all that chase, I was ‘below her value’ and she wanted someone ‘above her value’ and that she wouldn’t put that guy through any of these hoops I was jumping like crazy and which such skill. “hey look at me jumping and bending, see how much I want you”. She went to bang someone less invested, and to that one she put her boobs on his face and danced closely to him (figuratively) and he had to do so little to take her. ———— So the first thing I did was to stop doing bottom guy stuff. I didn’t know what ‘top guy’ behavior was like yet. I just watched myself and stopped doing bottom guy stuff. I stopped all the chase. I refrained to just ‘ping’. That changed everything in an instant. I though it was going to take more time. But with women, they SWITCH on and off and switch you into top or bottom frame in every iteration. So when they offer bait and you don’t reply with bottom frame, the INSTANTLY offer top guy bait (or arousal) right way, thus, making the game easier immediately. Then I went to burn many leads because I still didn’t know how to take on the opportunities. But stopping bottom guy stuff should come first. There’s no instance when any kind of bottom guy stuff gives you anything good or makes things for the better. Even the situations where you chased and worked and

plowed – you could have banged these same chicks EASIER with LESS work from the right frame. And you would also be able to bang everyone else. There’s no excuse :-)

VIEWS BLUE VALENTINE: Me too Philander, I tested it today and couldn’t believe how well it worked. In the beginning for a few minutes I talked about some things that I like in women, so I talked about Yoga, what she does to keep fit, whether she likes to read, and on the topic of books she started talking so I shut up and let her talk and every now and then judge what she is saying. At multiple times she would run out of things to say and I just look at her and shut up and she will find another subject to talk about. After 1h, I knew about her cats, her grandmother, her childhood memories at the beach, her dreams, where she wants to go on vacation in the summer, what kind of people she likes and dislikes, her favorite movies, why she chose what she studies, her views on society, etc, etc, etc. And I wasn’t even asking, all I did is look at her in the eyes, let any silences happen and she filled them all and judge by saying what I think about what she says and what kind of person it makes her seem to be. I am sure if this girl had some attraction for me I would have fucked her after that 1h conversation. I barely talked and she told me how interesting and friendly and smart I am. And I barely talked, in my brain I was like “wtf, this girl knows nothing about me, all she did is talk about herself and I listened, and now she things I am so interesting and smart and friendly? This is nice.” I think it’s the best date I ever had. I should do this often. The thing I am getting the hang of is: if you invest more than the girl, she won’t like you. If she invests more, she views you as worthy of the investment. Before, I used to talk more than the girl. It was some cool true authentic shit I was sharing about myself. Still, they all viewed it as Bottom Guy because I invested more than them, which ended up in no responses to texts after dates. Now, with this new experience, I am understanding things better and better.

PHILANDER: [‚… if … had some attraction …‘] What makes you think she‘s NOT attracted? After 1h (this 60 minutes!) telling you personal stuff. BLUE VALENTINE: * Zero IOIs. Especially in the eyes, no Bambi / big pupils. * Saying she has a BF who she loves very much, and saying it in an honest voice as a fact. * Not allowing me to come close enough to her personal space. No kino possible. So this was a very good social hook. At this point in time I did not see a sexual hook with this girl. But of course MAYBE there was attraction signs that I did not see. Luke says: if she talks to you more than 5min, it is ON. It is just that compared to the girls who were giving me a lot of IOIs, this girl showed maybe 4 IOIs in 1h, which is her laughing when I teased her. And told me in the end I was smart and interesting etc. I guess if there is no sexual tension, I assume there is no attraction. Maybe because she is very cute, she is one of the girls Tyler says that very beautiful women do not give IOIs. I do not know. Again, I saw no signs of sexual tension and she did not show compliance for physicality or big pupils. Maybe like you said staying with a stranger in an instant date for 60 minutes is all the sign I need? Not sure. Let’s see if she texts me. PHILANDER: at what point and how did you let her know you want to fuck her? BLUE VALENTINE: * I told her she reminds me of the renaissance naked girls paintings. * I talked to her about how her body has a sexy hourglass shape, which I like. * I said she looks single, I am single too. * I tried to touch her 3 times. I also pinched her cute cheeks. She was not comfortable with any of this. * I looked deep into her eyes

imagining we are having sex. * I said her face is so cute it puts a smile on my face. * When leaving, I gave her a tight hug. She liked the verbal talk of her being pretty and having a sexy body. She did not comply to touches, so I did not push those walls further. I did not tell her “I want to fuck you.” Every time I did that, the girl never responds after that. It is also announcing rather than doing. YOHAMI: Try cutting all that stuff in half, maybe cut it to 10% Basically your adoration for her body and your verbalization of it is bottom frame. Your job is not to stand there and tell her how pretty she is a gain and again Just in case. Not sure if this is all you did or what did you do other than try to validate her Try to interact with the person, make her react to you – as opposed to you being there telling her how much you like her body. Makes sense? Figure out who she is, and give her things to react to. Things from top guy frame. Aka, tell her what to do, tease, judge, roleplay, display your value, arouse hers. She’s not a painting and if she was, your job is to rub that painting with your dick, not to admire it. Anyway “* I told her she reminds me of the renaissance naked girls paintings.” Give yourself permission to say something like this ONCE. You get ONE compliment about her body, and you’re done. Figure something else to do and say next. “* I talked to her about how her body has a sexy hourglass shape, which I like.” That would make two, so delete this one or the previous. Pick your fav body compliment. “* I said she looks single, I am single too.” This is you signaling that you want a relationship. Delete this from your toolbox and never do it again. “* I tried to touch her 3 times. I also pinched her cute cheeks. She was not comfortable with any of this.” Don’t ever pinch her cheeks. This is not sexual behavior – so any time you do kino that is not sexual you’re moving in the wrong direction. “* I looked deep into her eyes imagining we are having sex” Good. So what does your face look like when you’re imagining that? is it a nice guy face, a predatory face, a friendly face, a romantic face – what is in your face? The proper face should be ‘cocky and confident’ “* I said her face is so cute it puts a smile on my face.” Stop this. Pick one. “* When leaving, I gave her a tight hug.” You’re not her friend. If you hug her, grab her ass. Hope this helps – you dont need YEARS OF SUCK. What you need is to do the right things, as opposed to doing the wrong things.

PINGING AFTER NO REPLIES BLUE VALENTINE: [If your last message was tease / flirt and she doesn’t reply, let that lead die. It may take her a day, a week or a year but she’ll come back to you.] Yohami, what Daygame people say, even Todd Valentine, is if she doesn’t reply, you keep sending fun interesting messages that do not require a reply. It’s because of the concept of Social Capital: When we approach her on the street, we start with negative value then we get to zero and with our texts we build a bit more and a bit more. If we delay or do no keep in touch with a girl we’ve met only for 5 minutes, in a few days she will forget we exist and would have met other guys who would keep her distracted. So unless you are either someone who stands out in her tribe or someone she knows for a while, you are forgettable, and many guys are talking to her anyway if she is attractive, so you’re lost in the noise. What do you think about this? That’s why I (1) fear just letting the lead die, (2) if I don’t text girls from daygame, they do not text. If I text them, even after a tease / flirt / date request that she ignored, some reply with a text that has some investment on her side in it. So letting the lead die would lose us too many girls. Here is a video that explains Social Capital more: YOHAMI: You need to add the “it depends” [When you get busy with other girls and you’re in a situation where you don’t give a fuck at all about her, THEN it’s ok to ping her back, there you are on a level playing field.] Otherwise, what are you doing, chase? “you keep sending fun interesting messages that do not require a reply.” If you have a cue of 5 girls willing to come to your home and suck your dick, and another 10 who reply your messages quickly, and another 20 you know you can bang if you move your lazy comfortable ass and talk to them and take them out (and take the risk that they may not be worth your time – IF that is your current context, then WHAT kind of ‘fun and interesting messages that don’t require a reply’ would you be sending to a non-responsive girl? How much do you actually care? The answer is nothing and barely anything. If you send something, if anything at all, it’ll be a ‘ping’ to see if she comes back. Stuff that I had sent for example, I’d send one of these a couple weeks after the last communication “I fucking hate gym in the morning” “I thought I had bought black tint for my hair and it was dark purple. Now I look like a raver” “Justin Biever is again in front of the building and a million horny girls are jumping so much my whole building is trembling. Someone give them a salchiche!” “What’s up” If the girl is dtf in any way she’ll say haha and come back, if not she’s gone In some other ocassions I’d be texting with a girl and some sexual innuendo would pop, that I thought was good, and I’d send these lines to 50 “dead lead” girls I had on my phone. Same exact text “Im going for a shower, wanna come?” But here’s the problem with Todd, 4WeekNatural and other people who advise to fill her phone with texts and stories and being an entertainer and keeping it alive when she’s not responding 1) Its fucking asexual 2) It’s bottom guy 3) It’s framing the interaction as in ‘you put way more effort than she does’ and ‘she doesn’t even need to respond’ Then, if she’s not responding to all your attention, how do you switch this dynamic to take her out and bang her? And, more importantly WHY IS SHE NOT RESPONDING TO BEGIN WITH? The reason is that you’re not attractive enough. Or: whatever you’re doing on her, how you’re acting with her, doesn’t arouse her. So she doesn’t want ‘more of that’. So your wall of text and interesting story are not ‘what she wants’, so just ‘doing more of that’ is like trying to arouse her by rubbing her knee. In short: 1) That she’s not reactive means you did stuff wrong already

2) Your focus shouldn’t be to keep ‘that’ alive, but to pay attention and do more of what she DOES respond to, what DOES arouse her, pay attention to the openings she actually gave you, instead of insisting on doing your solo act which is becoming you sending a lot of stuff her way, which is you throwing yourself on the garbage bin one text at a time. —– “If we delay or do no keep in touch with a girl we’ve met only for 5 minutes, in a few days she will forget we exist and would have met other guys who would keep her distracted.” Then your value to her is zero. You’re not going to elevate your value by sending puppy pictures. “So unless you are either someone who stands out in her tribe” Exactly – you have to be someone who stands out. BOLDLY. “or someone she knows for a while, you are forgettable,” If you’re forgettable, fix everything about you. “so you’re lost in the noise.” Be stronger than noise. “So letting the lead die would lose us too many girls.” No. If you actually let die anything and everything that is not compatible with Top Guy reality, then you’re forced to YOU become the top guy. The sooner you stop playing in bottom guy games, the quicker you stop being bottom guy. The sooner that you stop being someone who will entertain a non-interested girl, the sooner that will reflect in your own behavior, from the moment you open her, so the more likely she’ll actually see a guy in top-guy frame, and she’ll react to that, and respond to that. Makes sense? “So letting the lead die would lose us too many girls.” The funny and tragic part of that line of thought… … is that YOU DONT HAVE ANY GIRLS The girls you think you’re losing if you don’t chase them: You don’t have them. And you don’t have them precisely because you’re the kind of man who chases them. You’re afraid of losing something you don’t have. And you don’t have it, because you’re the kind of man who is afraid. So your chase is the kind of interaction that you know: and it consists on throwing yourself away against a non-interested girl, and to try to bring down her defenses. Trying to convince her not to push you away. And that’s so fucking sad and pathetic. The sooner you see it for what it is, the sooner you can do the click. That same girl could be jumping on your bones and giving you more pussy that you can live with. All of them – every girl. Would be saying YES. If you’d change and become the man you can be. Or, you can remain the same and ‘chase them’. And not have them. FACTORY: “Yes, that’s “swing your dick” His advice is good enough there.” However, you wouldnt go so far as to text a photo (Todd kinda mentioned that as an idea)? As this is trying too hard/bottom guy? Reason being I was chatting to this Croatian girl (she had me guess where she was from and I picked it funnily enough) last night after my date with the Brazilian (which ended up being two Brazilians! wtf – no bang!). We danced, she would have felt my boner for sure but wouldnt kiss me (said she wont be picked up in clubs lol) but was super feisty and a firecracker.

I teased her that I think all Croatians are feisty like her and a bit crazy while recalling some stories of my travels along the Dalmatian Coast (where she is from). She was into that. I took her number. She went home with her friends. Now I have a photo from that trip a mate took of me where I was dancing up on a table with 2 Croatian 8-9’s with hot bods, lots of flesh. They had pulled my shirt off and I’m kinda just laughing holding my shirt and theyre sticking tongues out, full feisty party looking – hot. I fucking laugh when I look at it. I was thinking of sending this pic to her as a first off ping (with impact). With some short analogy between her/us/this scene. What you think? Too much? This chick was tall. She told me she is 5’9 (Im 5’10) but had heels on so was taller than me at the club. We joked about that a fair bit (I opened her with “she’s probably too tall for me”) so I thought this could be another thread to open/ping with maybe? YOHAMI: Without knowing the specifics of the interaction – yes, that’s too much. She gave you her number, now it’s about you and her. Ping, flirt, take her out, bang her. So why is it too much? If you send her pics of you with other girls now, it’s you introducing other girls into you and her, you’re ‘triangulating’ Why? to show her you have preselection and try to trigger her intersexual competition. Why are you doing that? probably because you think just saying “hi, sup, let’s go out” is not enough. Why not enough? you think you’re not attractive enough. But there’s more. Sending the picture that matches the conversation you were having also means you remember, and you care, and it’s you looking to have ‘rapport’ with her. Rapport is friendzone. Plus instead of leading forward, you’re going back. Your job is to lead this forward. Where do you take it from here? (in a way this is similar to your ‘nice kiss last night’ line). But there’s more! Sending a picture of you with the two 8s sticking their tonges is a framing device, it’s roleplaying that she’s one of these girls (because the interaction is them? – that’s what she’ll interpret out of it), so you’re making her switch, intentionally or not, into the role of these girls. And there’s more Going back and looking for the picture and sending it is ‘high investment’ compared to saying “sup girl”. High investment means you like her a lot, which gives the power to her, to what she’ll reply more often than not with raising a wall to seeing how high you can jump. —————– So there’s enough load in that move to guarantee she’ll give you at least a couple of shit tests. She giving you shit tests is not necessarily bad: if you are already accounting for them and you know what you’ll do to reframe and win these (winning shit tests is a plus, it arouses them). But how about going straight and clean to her pussy? say hi. I know that I wouldn’t send the pic. I’d be leading forward. “Sup girl” “When are you free? let’s have a drink” Then if anything I’d use the pic when it fits, if it ever fits. But you narrating the memory makes a higher impact in her than you showing proof. So I’d tell the story. When it fits. But you maybe already did that – it’s enough then. —————— And the disclaimer: all of the above is null IF she’s the type of girl who’s blinded by intersexual competition and wants to bang any guy her slut friends would bang and the girls on the pic are her friends. Or, for every ‘common sense rule’ there’s going to be a weirdo for which the rules don’t apply. Also all of the above is null if she’s so DTF she’s been touching herself the whole day thinking of you – in which case you could send a picture of a dead rabbit and she’d find a way to justify that’s soooo fuuucking hooot omg you’re so cool. When girls are DTF nothing matters.

But more often than not, go low investment, tease, flirt, when they open, lead, when they are aroused, take them. No need to do this high investment rapport triangulation play. It’s low value.

CONNECTING DOTS YOHAMI: The more you’re the guy at top and center, the more women come with their arousal spots exposed and open. Their arousal spots are not just ‘sensitive’, they are ‘hungry’. When they are in presence of what they want, they not just ‘reveal’ themselves, they ‘open and salivate’. The vagina itself opens, gets wet, the clit tenses, same happens with their nipples, they get a flush of blood on the cheeks, pupils dilate, body gets tense, ass comes out – all the reproductive parts get ready, and she wants ‘more’, she wants it ‘inside’. With desperation. To get it, she sets herself as your subordinate, offers compliance, puts herself in position so you can do your moves, so you can take her somewhere, and give her what she wants. Imagine there’s a bar from non arousal to yes arousal, that thing above being arousal. When the girl is on 0 you see the complete opposite of that, when the girl is on 100 the girl herself is running after you screaming because she wants cock. Look how girls in groups scream when they see a celebrity – men don’t do that, girls do. It’s an “arousal” scream, it’s a LUST scream. ———————– The more you’re the man up and center the more the girls come to you with these spots already exposed and wanted more. The more you’re exposed to how girls look when aroused, the more you get used to differentiate what it looks like. The more you interact with girls who are into you, the more you learn to differentiate the ones that don’t. The ‘sea of approval’ shows you exactly what arousal looks like. When you’re up and center, all the eyes are on you so your impact is maximized. Very tiny things produce very visible results. So when you say that things are subtle – they are not. They are huge. It comes down to the frame of reference, and knowing what is what. ————————So – you’re in top center, with a position of authority, every little thing you do has an impact, positive and negative, you get a sea of pre approval with arousal spots exposed and a default ‘give me more’, you can see clearly what is on and what is off, you see which of your actions resulted in losing arousal and which produced more, and because this is centered on your position the whole interactions are ‘low stakes’ and cheap. Compare with bottom guy, he’s out of the circle tribe and no power, pretty much nothing he does has an impact, positive or negative (but most things go negative), you get a sea of rejection, with arousal spots mostly passing by, hidden most of the time, exposed only when open for other guys, girls in a default position of ‘no, thanks’, you can’t see clearly what’s on and off, can’t see which of your actions result in arousal and which don’t because women are trying to hide their reactions from you (they haven’t lost control, and you have no control), and because you’re in this position all the interactions, for you, are high stakes and expensive. These two things above are pre-scripted. To make it more ‘unfair’, girls are naturally attracted to the first scenario and naturally repelled by the second, so any hint of vibe of each will also result in ‘more of that’, give hints of ‘high stakes’ for example and that’s a turn off, give hints that you’ve faced a ‘sea of rejection’ and that’s a turn off. Etc. There’s a switch, on and off, that then leads the destination of your interaction with her. ———————– The top guy sees a lot of YES, so it’s easier to double down on the YES which closes the loop and gives him the swagger, as you say. And then the swagger is itself attractive because it belongs to the attractive frame. ———————–

Then ‘bottom guy frame’ is not more ‘natural’ than the top guy frame, both are natural. When I hear this thing about ‘most guys whatever’ I scratch my head and I know this is hard to communicate, but: That reality you experience where girls are a sea of rejection and you have to hunt them down, that’s not reality, that’s just one of the two frames. These same girls are hungry needy beasts and want nothing but get more more more more more more more. All the time. ———————– When you interact with a girl, what you do is find that hunger and ping it. Then pull back a little so it comes more to the surface, then you do it again. That’s all really. The reason this becomes easy when you’re top guy in the societal ladder is you ‘know’ what it looks like because you’ve seen a lot of it, you’ve dealt with it before, you know the rules and what increases and what decreases it etc (and this on itself is attractive so when the girl perceives it, she’s aroused, it’s a loop) Bottom guy thinks “the wall” or her rejection is all there is so he pushes against it. Like girls are ‘naturally’ entitled and pushy and rule setters and that winning for them is just pushing you away. Nope – winning for a girl is both taking in the top guy, and pushing out the bottom guy. You don’t have control over this. What you have control over is which of the two guys you are. And all you’re doing when interacting with a girl during a courtship is roleplaying one of these two guys. ————————I was a teacher at a design institute for a while – I had dozens of girls looking me with these eyes, I didn’t get it. I was a boss at a couple of companies – I had a few girls giving me eyes and stuff for a while, I didn’t get it. I got in decent shape and musculature and went to parties and pubs – I saw girls touching my arms and smiling, I didn’t get it. Up until I found “Game” I just didn’t get any of it even though it was on my face, my ‘frame’ of reference told me what things meant, so I didn’t take in any other information, I mean I saw all these girls shiny and happy and all trying to interact with me, but that DOESN’T POSSIBLY MEAN I CAN JUST FUCK THEM RIGHT? Yes, that’s what it means. That’s exactly what it means as long as that when I interact with them Im leading towards sex, and I keep that flame alive and make it burn more. To that you ‘pay attention’ and ‘give her more of what she wants’ or ‘arouse her more’. And the things that will arouse more are, all of them, things that come from that ‘top guy’ space, that she’s already reacting to. —————————– See a girl that you like, but she’s not paying attention to you? Say hi. Chit chat, screen things, do types of humor, tease, etc. Eventually she’ll light up, as soon as something ‘pings her’, then you double down some, cross the line some, then give some little space so she comes after you (she comes closer, punches you, touches you) etc, that’s the ‘escalation’. All the stuff that she’s not reacting to? why would you invest any time there? any attempt that she makes to frame you as bottom guy? you flip that back (eh no thanks Im good) and keep pinging the arousal. The more aroused she is, the more compliance she shows, the more ‘going with the flow’ it is for her, the more you’re allowed to lead, less resistances you find, the more she herself starts taking your hand to put it on her pussy because she cannot resist any more. This above is so predictable, is why I say girls are not ‘chaos’. Water looks more chaotic than rocks but it’s still fully predictable, aka, add cold and it freezes, add heat and it melts, more heat ant it turns to vapor and wind can push it away, the more cold and it condenses or rains, then… it may be beautiful and mysterious as in ‘we don’t know the meaning of life’ but as far as being able to be predicted, women are fully, completely, predictable. Specially in courtship and sexual dance. Like clockwork. What all the women want is a guy who is: “Confident” Who the fuck is confident? who is confident WITH WOMEN? “Knows what he wants and how to get it”

Who the fuck knows what he wants? most guys cant even tell a girl what they want (tell her what to do) and how to get it (which is why ‘announcing’ but not ‘doing’ kills you). Who the fuck knows ‘how to get what you want’ from women? “Non needy” Who is non needy about women? given the insatiable hunger men have for women, who can have this hunger and ‘know what he wants from her’ and being confident while at the same time not need her? Why is not needing HER attractive? how can he WANT but not NEED? “Doesn’t take shit from anyone” Who the fuck doesn’t take shit from ANYONE? and if this is what she likes then why in hell is she going to be the one throwing shit at you? why is she throwing shit at you if what she finds attractive is that you dont take HER shit? “Treats me right” Who the fuck knows how to treat her right, when in the middle of all that she’s bouncing in both directions, giving you as many cues that lead to disaster (bait for bottom guy) as cues that lead to a better place? why do they give you both and who knows how to ‘treat that right’? what is exactly the ‘right treatment’ that she finds attractive? this one kills so many betas btw. Betas really want to do the ‘right thing’ which is sad because it has no meaning unless you know what the right thing is. And she won’t just tell you, even though, she actually is. If you’d just listen. ————All the leads lead to the same place and this crap has been screaming on your face your whole life. Tying more dots: “And then the swagger is itself attractive because it belongs to the attractive frame.” When the girl sees the ‘swagger’, that arouses her, which makes her expose herself to that swagger, offer ‘her arousal spots’ because she wants to experience it. Then experiencing it makes her more aroused so she wants more. When the girl sees ‘tussle’ instead, that kills arousal, but that regression if it was mixed with arousal is not ‘clean’ so it’s presented forward as conditionals and drama, aka ‘puzzle’, so it’s a combination of arousal and rejection, thrown back at you – and if you reply with more tussle, the more non-arousal is added to the mix, thus ‘making the puzzle harder’ or ‘hiding more the arousal spot’ until it’s not visible anymore, she buries it so she’s able to move on. The thing that is never negotiated is what she actually finds attractive and what she actually aroused by. “what she wants” never changes. At any point of the interaction, ever, that you ping ‘what she wants’, her only reaction possible, doesn’t matter anything else, is to then react to that positively, and expose herself more, so she can feel it, thus ‘mixing up more arousal’ or ‘making the puzzle easier’. Aka “the best players get the easiest game” Not “the best players solve harder puzzles” You may get a hard puzzle but if you’re a good player all you do is find the spot and touch THAT, while ignoring the rest of the garbage. Rub that spot and any other spot that gets exposed while you are it, and it doesn’t matter who is she or what’s going on, every woman is a YES. I’ll write more later, but: “I feel like I train girls to want to me…” Do you see it? :-) You can train girls to do things in specific ways, but ‘want’ is what belongs to them. You ask (yourself) what they want, then you ping that thing, rub that thing. That’s not you ‘training them to want you’, that’s you delivering to them what they already wanted. This frame of you having to train them to want you stars of the assumption that they don’t want you already. That’s a wall you’re setting up for yourself. It makes your progression ‘pushy’ but not pushing against her specific arousal spots. These you have to ‘pay attention’ I know you’re getting all this.

But you don’t have to train them to want you. You train them to respect you at best. They want you if you have what they want. And what they want is the pretty basic and common “the real man” that I keep refining in that top guy frame idea. ————————“It almost seems impossible.” Interesting, right? Well, try! Tell the to cmere and look at them with a cocky green and they’ll come and kiss you. Tell them to undress and they will take their clothes off. A lot of the things when you stall it’s because you think you have to keep pushing against these sweet no’s. Maybe too much focus put on where these no’s are. Maybe you’re going specifically for the resistance points and the mini frame clashes. Sure some of that results in arousal, sometimes. If the girl already got to your room she’s been getting the other stuff she likes, she’s been getting what she wants, so she’ll play to be pushed a little while her thermometer fills drop by drop. All the other girls who didn’t get to your room, these you put aside by not understanding what they wanted first and putting your attention there. ——————————Shy girls like being told what to do. It removes the burden off them. Then they get wild once hot.

SEX ON THE FIRST DATE VS. ON THE THIRD A few pointers *** Having sex on the first date vs the third date, is this about you, or her? *** Since you’re doing day game with cold pickup, you already set up the frame that this is about fast, hard sex. And she said yes, hence she’s on the date. Wearing lingerie. You preselected all the girls by telling them “let’s have a quickie” and there she is. *** As a general rule girls don’t develop emotions until they have been having sex with you for a while. It takes 34 times before they start bonding, if they do so at all. *** Girls only care about themselves and how they feel. Once they bond, they add you to their internal rooster of characters and they feed you love like young girls do with their dolls, but you’re ‘inside’ of them as a representation, so that’s still about ‘them’. All this to say that at the beginning you’re nothing but a tool for their self gratification. They are there with you because they want to feel something. If they hit and run, they didn’t like what they felt. They don’t want ‘more of that’, whatever it was. *** Having recurring lovers has nothing to do with taking it fast or slow. She wont become ‘more invested’ by taking it slow. Specially not when you did cold approach and flaunted your dick in front of her: she’ll screen hard to evaluate if the real deal is there, but at least she said yes, so she’s a ‘yes girl’ now, all you have to do is stay on track. Switching to a longer, asexual courtship dissolves whatever momentum you had. *** The time it takes you to have sex with a girl is not measured in dates but in arousal and momentum. So all things being equal, go for sex immediately. Just don’t go as “hey here’s my dick let me know if it bothers you” but “I’ll rub your arousal spots so well I’ll make you mad” *** Give girls what they like and they all return for more. *** As a personal reference – all the girls who wanted recurring relationships saw me like the big deal. I banged half them on the first date, the rest on the second date. One took two years (long story, basically I was busy with other girls). Some girls already wanted recurring business before the first date. Some girls started nesting right even before the sex happened. So this isn’t measured in time, and certainly not in ‘dates’, and time spent doesn’t make her more invested in you the longer you take to bang her. This isn’t about getting to know you, this is about stimuli for her own vagina. *** And, girls despise bottom guy, and bottom guy is ‘worker’, so if you ‘work to get them’ you’re out. And, girls love top guy, and top guy is ‘easy and magical’, so when everything flows you’re in. Not about dates. Cheers man.

WOMEN ALWAYS CHOOSE TOP GUY YOHAMI: The girl is always making a choice. A lot of the time she already made the choice before you even said anything. Most girls know already if they are going to fuck you – long before you even started ‘seducing and escalating’. The most common error and miscalibration is going too-slow, and adding obstacles and dealing with walls and things like they mattered. Which brings me to the point: Me: hey, let’s go to that starbucks and chat some more? And expecting that she’ll say YES, and enjoying that you know she’ll say yes, vs: Me: hey, let’s go to that starbucks and chat some more? And expecting that now she has to make a Yes / No choice, and enjoying that decisions —Are VASTLY different scenarios. It’s the difference between fucking and not fucking. In the first scenario you’re leading and she’s following. You take the reigns and set the pace. The more you do that, the more you do that. The more you lead, the more she follows. The more she follows, the more her compliance increases. Me, personally, I don’t even think a girl would even say no. I offer the minimal thing she’d say yes to, which is how the hi ramps into the ‘how are you’ and it ramps into more flirting and ramps into going to locations and ramps into having sex and it can all happen in under an hour. She could say no at any point, but why would she? The second scenario, the focus is to make the girl do the choice, so there’s onus put there, she’s ‘on the spot’, which means the dance is progressing also using her proactive agency. This means half the time she will say no. This is a two parter. FIRST, girls instinct is to stay safe, so given the chance they will slow things down so they can absorb the most info so they can be completely sure of everything, or, given the chance they go from emotions to rational mind (heh) to settle things down, and then things usually die there, as they move forward to something that has more emotion charge and makes them think less. SECOND, top guys don’t interact in this way, so the ‘now you decide girl’ is a tell that she’s dealing with a bottom guy, so it’s an invitation for her to pull the brakes and do a shit test, set a wall, play hard to get etc. So it may look similar and small but it’s not. This is the difference between: Looking at her, moving towards her, grabbing her waist, offering your chin, going for the kiss To: Looking at her [ are you sure? ] moving towards her [ can you also move towards me too a little?] grabbing her waist [ you can exit at any moment you want ] offering your chin [ I don’t know if I should kiss you are you ready? ] going for the kiss [ hey I don’t expect this to land ] It’s the difference between fucking and not fucking. It’s likely what’s enabling Nash dates to keep pulling the resistance all the way down to the bed. There’s a metagame going on. That summed to the strangely “I am dangerous” metagame. Girls don’t want a ‘dangerous’ man. They feel SAFE with what you call a dangerous man. The CAD who fucks her well makes her feel sage. That’s not danger. ] The hypergamy / attraction to the strong man is aligned with her sense of security. She’s the safest she’s ever been right there when the strong man has his dick inside of her. That’s her heaven. But you don’t have to believe me: ask the women. Then watch them do and act. —————Lead. Let them follow. What girls feel ‘dangerous’ is the creep, not the player. They are attracted to the player. So you can call yourself ‘dangerous’ but that’s creating a game on top of the current game. The current game is that she will tell you, early on, exactly how to fuck her, and that you have to pay attention and rub her on the right spot, while displaying your manly attributes, and not falling on the traps that she sets to disqualify bottom guy. That’s the actual game.

Now if you add layers on top of that “dangerous you and me” that’s an invitation for her to drop her current game. So things there will work when she actually doesn’t care about her own game, or when her needs align perfectly with what you’re playing there. So, roughly, 1 in 200 girls? As opposed to 100 in 100 girls that would respond to the normal top guy / high status man > girl interaction. Hah man, nope. Got some thing right. Let’s try this: ————– She’s always DTF. That’s not a question. The question is what type of man she’s DTF for, and if you’re that type of man. That’s a question for her, but also for you. So you ask yourself: is this the kind of girl I want to fuck? because she’ll require a certain type of man for her to be a YES girl. She will offer a series of riddles and instructions which is how to fuck her. Are YOU compatible with that? and is she compatible with you? So she’s DTF. Will you go for it? is it worth your time? So: SHE IS ALWAYS DTF And SHE IS ALWAYS READY TO FUCK MR TOP GUY That’s never a question. She’s DTF before you even talk to her. When you say hi, all you have to convey is you’re mr Top Guy. Then there are more moving parts, and specifics. The framing is 1) Are you mr top guy? 2) Is she compatible with your needs? 3) Are you the type of top guy that she’ll bang? 4) Will you put the required amount of work to dance the dance and arouse her till you fuck her? is it worth your time? ——————– Here’s how the dance goes 1) You call to action, initiate action, ping. The first ‘hi’ and opener falls in this category. 2) She reacts, she does her part. She’ll respond to what you just did with a level of interest and a level of rejection, or “a door” and “a wall” 3) You focus on the part of her that is a “door”, or the part of her that is receptive, and double down there. Repeat 1) 4) Chill back and relax, tell stories, DHV, “swing your dick”, display your manly attributes. This is different than 1 in that you’re not doing a move or call to action, just vibing, asking questions, getting her to qualify, teasing her, making her laugh, doing kino, etc. Being. To every little thing you do, she will immediately do 2) React. Girls at the beginning show you exactly how to bang them, they volunteer all the information that you need right away. It’s a reflex. You ping them sexually, and they tell you how. They will tell you the things that matter the most. They will react strongly to some themes and be cold towards themes. There’s no room for confusion: just pay attention and listen. From there on, you repeat the 1) command, take action, escalate, lead. Then 2) watch her react and 3) triple down on what works and don’t repeat the stuff that doesn’t work. Then there are other things like ‘ ramps’ A ramp: before making a big jump ahead, tease it. Every call to action or escalation works better if you tease it before hand. Teasing makes her ‘want it’, then when you deliver it it has extra impact. This is no different than the basics of storytelling, creating anticipation, telling a joke, etc. For girls more than half of arousal is the anticipation. So you ‘ramp’ to create anticipation, then deliver. What’s a ramp? say you are going to say hi, you initiate eye contact first. Say you’re going to grab her ass, you caress the back of her back first. Say you’re going to kiss her, you bring her close and smell her neck first. Etc. Then Compliments / negs or rewards / punishments. Or, you treat her well when she’s in good behavior, and neg her / put her down when she’s in bad behavior. You set walls to any transgression, and give her rewards for playing nice. Give her attention when she’s compliant, and retract your attention when she’s not. Then Commands

All your lines where you tell her what to do are free of obstacles, free of begging, free of whatever bad shit you carry along from scarcity – the ‘frame is clean’, so all your escalation is done assuming success instead of assuming roadblocks (which is what I was talking about here) ————And you do all of the above like she doesn’t matter at all and she has no effect on your life other than your own pleasure and entertainment. Then you can bang them all.

ON RAPPORT YOHAMI: It’s simpler, and it’s because biology. What hols the whole scheme together, is that girls are intrinsically attracted to the men at the top of the power pyramid. Everything about these men is attractive. When a behavior is naturally attractive to women, it’s always a behavior that is compatible with being at the top of the pyramid. When a behavior is naturally unattractive, it’s always a behavior that is incompatible with being at the top, or worse, compatible with being at the bottom. When a behavior is neutral, then it’s always a behavior that can be done by both men at the top and the bottom. In such cases you’ll see that girls love the behavior when a man from the top does it, but hate it when it comes from a man from the bottom. —– So what’s the deal with rapport? Think of the male celebrities when they enter a room and everyone knows who they are and want a piece. Or, imagine you’re a celebrity and enter a room and there are 40 guys looking up to you, 20 other wanting to start trouble with you, and 50 girls all dying to fuck your brains out. You enter that place, you say hi. You go from one person to another, do some chit chat, and move on. Eventually a group forms around you, you talk to the group, then you escape the group, and a new one forms around you, Then you find a couple of people you already like and you talk to them for some longer time, then someone important comes trying to drag you away to introduce you to someone else. And on, and on, and on, and on. Now look at what each interaction consists of. There are all micro relationships, all high intensity, all full of significance, you probably were nice to a bunch of people, an asshole to a few of them, and then you move on. For everyone who wanted more of you, which is everyone there, everyone of them is hung up wanting ‘more’. That interaction is something girls crave. That interaction precisely. And it’s hardwired. Now contrast – in that same room there’s another guy who nobody is interested in, a perfectly reasonable and good looking and smart and nice guy with all the time and attention in the world to give. He starts talking to a girl he likes and wants to engage in conversation, wants to get to know her, what are her dreams and aspirations, who is she, also would love to share his own thoughts and secrets and expose himself, and has all the time in the world to do so. So he’s having a conversation with this girl, and then… The famous dude comes to order some drink, sees the girl, tells the bartender “give this girl anything she likes” then stops by, rants / flirts for a couple minutes and leaves. Then the girl is set against the bar again talking to the nicer guy. So – who does she want to fuck now? ————————————– It’s hardwired. Breaking rapport is attractive because it’s compatible with top guy frame. That’s all. If you want to micro analyze it, breaking rapport means you don’t need the interaction and have better things to do, and she’s not interesting enough – YET. She may earn that in the future, but right now, going to the point, the top guy would talk to her to screen if she’s fertile and not crazy and figure if she passes his boner test and then bang her shortly after. THIS is the sexual courtship. He may get to know her AFTER. After sex, maybe, have a nice chat. Maybe after five or six encounters. But the sexual courtship is about penis in vagina (that’s why you are talking to her, isn’t it), not about what’s your childhood like and what are your passions and what’s your job like and what did you have for breakfast, is your car working, tell me the names of your pets, and keep stretching this kind of bullshit for DATES. So again. Rapport is unattractive because it’s what beta guys do when they can’t just fuck the girl. And rapport is specially unattractive when the bottom guy tries to offer it as it had any value, like when rapport comes along with “caring” and then the rapport is done basically to tell the girl how good of a heart you have and how motherly you can be, aka, you’re trying to be a girl. Makes sense?

———— Then rapport has a value elsewhere, just not in courtship. And there’s an exception for this: girls who get aroused by doing rapport exclusively. Aka girls who talk a lot, or shy girls who are repressed and need a space to explode and come out. You’ll identify them easily because as soon as any instance of rapport, even if casual happens, they can’t stop talking, and when you touch on certain subjects they lit up or get all IOI. In these cases, well, talk more, do more rapport before breaking it, or, rapport till they get in that state, then break it so you keep escalating, then do rapport again.

More laser focus: Breaking rapport is intrinsically non-needy, so it’s only compatible with top guy: highly attractive Rapport can go both ways: can be done by a needy person, and can be done by a non-needy person, so it can be either attractive or unattractive, depending on the context. Chasing Rapport (investing more than she does with the hopes she invests back): Can only be done by needy guy so it’s intrinsically unattractive. Insisting on having a conversation about food or work or family or hobbies when she’s there to be fucked, or, ‘talking’ when you could be ‘doing’, or ‘talking when you could be escalating’ or ‘talking about stuff when you could be doing roleplaying, judging, teasing, making her laugh, leading’ falls in this category. ——————Looking at the above, that’s why it’s ok to initiate rapport and then break it. You get the good things from rapport, then flip it to high value by breaking it. And breaking rapport is not just ‘stop talking’. Breaking rapport is using rapport as a bridge between your ping and your call to action. Or changing subjects. Or interrupting a conversation that is turning boring with something that is more interesting. Or inserting judgement in your rapport. Or making a joke. Or moving her around. etc. “when are you free? I’ll take you out” Is an example of Rapport -> Breaking Rapport so it’s highly attractive Questions are rapport seeking Calls to action are leadership If you do this: “I’ll take you out, when are you free?” The intention is stated, but you end on a high pitch which passes the ball to her as if you are doing conversation. The power is fully passed to her. If you do this instead “When are you free? I’ll take you out” You ask the question, which is rapport, but then the call to action breaks the rapport. So the question is not the core of the line, but the call to action is Or, the first one is beta and the second one is alpha. We’re talking inches, but at the same time the difference is huge. Why? ————————————————– Your job is to find the sweet spots, or the arousal spots, or the opportunities, and take action on them. So let’s replace the lines with the frames of each [ What are the opportunities?] [I will invest my money] This frame above has your choice already made, or, you’re going laser focus to take action as soon as you see the opportunity. Or, the question is a brief ping to the external world and as soon as the world give you the cue, you’re ready to act. Vs. [I will invest my money] [What are the opportunities?] Do you see it?

This frame has the action set under a conditional and the opportunities are unknown. So this is more ‘chill’ but also may likely result in not investing any money and studying more opportunities since it goes out to the world in search of something but who knows what it will find. ————————Or [Where are the good looking girls?] [I will have sex tonight] This IS HAPPENING. Compare [I will have sex tonight] [Where are the good looking girls?] Do you see how this question, at the end, opens a dimension for a negative outcome? I do. If I do, girls see this x100.

ON STACKING YOHAMI: Yeah but get a little deeper, or closer. The reason you like attractive girls is because they are fertile. Boobs are good for breastfeeding, good skin means good health, wide hips means kids can come out easy. However you’re not “thinking” about any of this when you see a girl you like. The attraction happens before you are able to think. ——————Girls are attracted not jut to physicality but also to behavior. They are attracted to both the man who is physically dominant and shows strength and good genes, AS WELL to the natural behaviors that come from men who are high on the hierarchy. So —————— The reason the [WAIT] ‘works’ is because this is how men who are top in the hierarchy communicate. What are they waiting for? that the girl will play along and say yes. When you WAIT what you’re doing is letting the girl say yes. When you DONT WAIT then you’re stacking because you think the girl will say no so you keep trying to improve the offer or manipulate her. The stacking and no pause means you’re trying to fill a gap. This means the girl needs to pause herself and get distance and look at you from the far to understand where you’re coming from. Again, laser focus: You stack lines because you’re trying to get the girl. Top guy doesn’t “TRY” to get the girl. He takes the girl. How? by stating his intention, and specting the girl to play along. This is what in Game is mentioned as “assuming attraction” But when bottom guy you’re trying to “create attraction” because you assume you have no value, so you have to “create it” Top guy says “hi” and smiles expects the girl to play along and drop her panties. Bottom guy says “hi, I saw you and thought I wanted to talk to you and you have a nice dress is that seasonal or how do you combine that with this hey don’t run away!” Bottom guy is dealing with rejection and trying to overcome it. Top guy is pinging her desire. ————————————————But this is not what the girl is thinking about at all. It’s more simple. When you talk like a top guy talks, the girl reacts like girls react when they interact with top guy. Which means they drop their panties. Just like what happens in you when you interact with a super hot girl, you get a boner. There’s no defense. ————————————————– Some comments “I imagine that girls are approached by guys with such regularity” Yes but has nothing to do with this. Get a girl who has never seen a man and she reacts in the same exact way. This is biology and is hard wired. “the girl brain will quickly use the bottom guy label and eventually cut the interaction.” Yep, but it happens in their emotions. They fit you in a category and then that’s ‘true forever’ because they feel that way about you, right there. And they have no control over their feelings. “trying to confirm what type of guy he is – perhaps trying to resolve cognitive dissonance?” Yes – they are carrying two stories, at all times (and this never ends), in one you’re “the one” and in the other “you’re a piece of shit”, or, in one you’re “in” and in the other you’re “out”. Both endings are always valid and she’ll try to make you fit in either all the time, forever. The ending where you’re are out is you as a bottom guy. The ending where you are in is you as a top guy.

This above is why women can’t ever lead: half their drive is to ‘ruin things’ Also why you can’t let a girl lead you in the courtship. Half her clues are to kick you out of the tribe. But because the ‘bad ending’ is for bottom guy and the ‘good ending’ for top guy, all you have to do is channel the top guy yourself and be that, then from there handle the moment by moment in the relationship. When you’re rewarding / punishing / storytelling what you are is channeling the good ending and kicking away or nullifying the bad ending. And because bottom guy can only deal with rejection it can create complicated narratives on how to get the girl DESPITE she trying to push him away. Which is nonsense. Just ping her desire heh. “Just” “would have an effect because it breaks the bottom guy pattern template.” It’s not that it breaks the bottom guy template. Command – obedience IS the template of Top Guy frame. So waiting for her to follow is how the proper script was written. You’re not supposed to stack and chase and caramel and negotiate and beg and compensate to fuck the girl. “doesnt make one ‘top guy’” How not? If you have a plain jane girl and she hits the gim, gets boobs, loses the belly, goes to the hairdresser etc and looks like a 10 When you deal with her, is she a 10 or not? AKA If you talk like a top guy, then you’re a top guy while talking. Then if you act like a bottom guy, then you’re bottom guy in that other area. Your job is to get rid of the crap and channel the gold. You don’t necessarily have to be ‘top guy’ 100% to have sex with a girl. Just like a girl doesn’t have to be a ‘perfect ten’ to be attractive. Once you’re pass the threshold you’re set, and it’s only win and profits from there. Imagine you’re talking to 10 girls at the same time, you say “who want’s pizza” Then one by one they start responding. You’ll reply to each one in the order they respond, right? After you’ve talked to all of them and maybe had pizza with half of them already, when you’re bored, maybe you’ll ping a girl who didn’t reply. And say “yo?” ————The “wait” is the natural behavior when you’re spinning plates. The time it takes the girl to reply is filled by other girls who were quicker and they get whatever you were offering first. If the girl doesn’t take the offer, the offer is gone. Imagine you’re talking to 10 girls at the same time, you say “who want’s pizza” Then one by one they start responding. You’ll reply to each one in the order they respond, right? After you’ve talked to all of them and maybe had pizza with half of them already, when you’re bored, maybe you’ll ping a girl who didn’t reply. And say “yo?” ————The “wait” is the natural behavior when you’re spinning plates. The time it takes the girl to reply is filled by other girls who were quicker and they get whatever you were offering first. If the girl doesn’t take the offer, the offer is gone.

SOCIAL, IN POWER AND SEXUAL MAN MANIFESTO (USAR COMO INTRODUCAO) YOHAMI: So, here’s a fucking manifesto The stuff happening in the Blue’s texting game matches a lot of what I saw in Cobrantula’s texting, as well as Robinhood. Is there a reason for that? maybe you’re all following a ‘daygame’ rulebook or something. Lucretius texts had a flavor of this as well. What am I talking about? Disjointed. Random. Neggy. Obtuse. Non flirty. Chasing. Going for rapport. Etc. There’s a pattern here. I will call it: BUTTON MASHING GAME The good news is that because it’s all the same crap all over again, the remedy is the same. The solution is the same. Here’s it: ======================================================== You need to learn to be an attractive man. So this is not just about ‘what phrases can you say’. You’re going to dance a courtship routine with a girl. So you can’t just memorize a few moves and then do them on your own at random times. That’s now what the dance is about. What is the dance about you say? She will screen you and compare you against all the other men she can also have, see how you measure against them, she’ll offer you her fertility but ‘puzzled’ in between walls and obstacles and you have to do the right combination. This is why you can’t ‘button mash’ your way into her. You do the wrong sequence at the wrong moment and it’s over. And she will explicitly set you up in situations where you either do the right sequence or it’s over, and she will do that over and over and over again till forever. Do you understand? You need to LOOK at her and understand what is going on. You need to KNOW what you are doing. You can’t button mash. At the end of every interaction with a girl you need to KNOW what went right and what went wrong. You need to know what she responded positively to, and negatively too, you need to have a map, at the end, of where are the doors and what are the walls. Even if you failed, you need to know why. And if you ‘succeed’ and bang her, you also need to know why. If you don’t know what is going on, then you’re not doing Game. But I said you have to learn to be an attractive man. How do you do that? 1) You need to learn to be a sociable human first. 2) Then you need to learn to be a dominant human who is at the top of the human hierarchy and it’s associated behaviors. 3) Then you need to learn to express sexually from that position. 4) Then you need skill and experience I can succint the ‘bottom mash game pattern’ like this: You are acting like a non-fully human being, doing socially inept interactions, acting as someone who’s at the bottom pole of the hierarchy and needs to please and kiss butt, unable to express sexual interest in a way that is not ‘pushing against rejection’ or ‘incorporating defeat in your own intent’, plus unskilled at it Do you see it? This is why you can’t just do ‘1000 more approaches’ and get good. It’s like going to the gym for 1000 days but doing the wrong stuff and eating pizza. This won’t work. You need to FOCUS and do it right. Like you’re playing and instrument. You need to do the RIGHT THING again and again and again and again until it becomes muscle memory and it becomes an integral part of who you are. You won’t hit that with button mashing quick fix parrot game. And you wont have success with girls either. 1 in 200 means you’re disposable and you’re just being used by a random girl who couldn’t ABSOLUTELY do any better. Don’t be a fucking trashcan.

So how do you fix it. Drop Game for a while. Fix the stuff from the ground up. YOU NEED TO BE A SOCIABLE HUMAN Become good at dealing with people, reacting on your feet to social interactions, being comfortable with being the center of attention, and being a supportive character, learn to chit chat, deep chat, make jokes, etc. How? meet more people, put yourself in uncomfortable situations, etc. Doing pickup is useless here and doesn’t count, because in pickup you’re interacting with a predetermined formula and a predetermined goal. Pickup means you’re trying to do the same thing again and again and again to get better at it. What I recommend is taking an ‘improv’ or improvisation theatre course and hit it hard. To supplement that join as many social groups as you can and do as weird shit as you possibly can. What you need to get from this is to channel what it is to be human, how humans respond, etc, need to be able to read human interactions. This is the basic cure for the ‘randomness’ of the button mashing game. YOU NEED TO LEARN TO BE A DOMINANT HUMAN WHO IS AT THE TOP OF THE HUMAN HIERARCHY AND IT’S ASSOCIATED BEHAVIORS Besides social interactions being ‘easy’, they need to be easy for you when you’re in power. The tricky part here is that as soon as a human gets in power they become an asshole. People are not used to have power and become the worst part of themselves when get get a taste of it and become abusive and hideous. Then some people don’t want to touch having power, I hear the ‘I don’t want to be alpha’ all the time, or “I am not top guy” which is fucking nonsense. If you want to be good at Game then you need to be an attractive man which means you must become a ‘self reassured, dominant, confident man who takes shit from no one’ and there’s one, and only one, way to get that done which is to become the guy who is at the top of the pyramid. And you must go there in behavior and socially. How? Stop being a fucking victim. Take fucking full control of your life and your circumstances. Focus on who you want to be. Find out what your boundaries are. Enforce your boundaries. Kick out the people out of your life who wont respect your boundaries. Put yourself in life situations where you are the one in charge, and where choices and decisions have repercussions and you’re the one to blame and to point at when things go right and when they go wrong. Organize events. Be the boss of the hobby club. Be the master of the ‘dungeons and dragons’ party. Make parties. Be the one volunteering to the ‘improv’ sessions so all the eyes are on you. Be the lead singer on a band. Be the guy with the photography project that everyone is going to look at. Be the center. Then find the way to be at EASE there. Learn to expect that your voice is heard, that your commands are obeyed, that your desires matter, learn to grow appreciation for when people are in compliance, learn how to reward people for wanting to play along with you. Learn to be GOOD at being on top. But how to speed things up? In my case I made a list of all the behaviors that were ‘bottom guy’ and I just stopped doing these. The social rules are hardcoded and if you’re acting like bottom guy, then you get slotted as a bottom guy and get the associated rewards. So, try stopping all bottom guy behavior. You’ll have a lot of ‘free time’ and anxiety. That’s fine. You’ll fill that vacuum with more top guy and leadership activities, more social groups, more high-life type of stuff. But first you have to drop the bad framing you set for yourself. Yes, you’re the one framing you there. It’s you. The rest of the world is just playing along with you. You told them who you were, now they play along. What are the behaviors attached to top guy / dominant male / top of the hierarchy? Entitlement, dominance, sense of humor, playfulness, asertiveness, confidence, swagger. Then breaking rapport, non-chase, self-sustained, boundary pushing, boundary asserting, attention seeking (and mastery) and so on. YOU NEED TO LEARN TO EXPRESS YOURSELF SEXUALLY AS A DESIRABLE MAN

When bottom guy expresses sexual interest it’s always as if you’re doing them a favor. Or, you’re paying them back for some effort or sacrifice they made. Or they are expressing their pain that they can’t get what they want in hopes that someone will throw them a bone. Or it comes as a ‘trick’ like it’s a con-job, how to fool a girl or how to find the flaw in a girl or how to make her weak so bottom guy can get away with a quasi rape. What all this comes from is from being an undesirable male. All this is an undesirable male trying to have sex. There’s no amount of Game that will fix it. So how does the desirable man express his sexuality? Where bottom guy is always interacting with rejection, top guy is always interacting with desire. But how? Fucking laser focus. When you interact with the girl, you ping her desire, instead of pinging her rejection. But how? You flirt. Aka, you express nuanced sexual interest. When she reacts positively, you invest more. That thing that sounds so simple ‘when she reacts positively, you invest more’ is the whole thing. 1) You ping. You tease. You flirt. You initiate. You display. You propose. You invite her to dance. 2) She reciprocates. She opens. She complies. She follows. She responds with ‘arousal’ 3) You double down on her YES, which makes it bigger. You TAKE ACTION and escalate. 4) Iterate Without this in place, or what bottom guy would do goes like this 1) You go against her wall trying to climb it or smash it or punish her for having a wall, you go too far, or don’t go at all, try to make the ho say no, or are scared of the ho saying no 2) She sets a wall because what is she supposed to do with this crap? 3) Iterate Do you see it? YOU NEED SKILL AND EXPERIENCE You need to be repeating the whole thing, all at once. Being sociable, being in power, and being sexual. Being sociable, being in power, and being sexual. Being social, being in power, and sexual. Power, social, sexual. You need to hammer the right archetype and hammer and hammer and hammer and hammer and hammer and hammer and hammer and repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat. And with every iteration, like when you’re gaining any other skill, new things come clearer to you. And you can’t do this with ‘daygame’ or ‘pickup’ it’s not enough. You need to be on this train from the moment you open your eyes in the morning, to the moment you close your eyes. It needs to be all-life encompassing. Because this isn’t about ‘banging girls’ this is about WHO YOU ARE. You need to be social, in power, and sexual. Always. Enter a social interaction? be social. Make it interesting. Make them laugh. Learn something new. Touch people Enter a social interaction? be in power. Make it work. Enforce boundaries. Test boundaries. Inject humor. Draw attention. Make everyone like pleasing you. Enter a social interaction? are they cute girls? Flirt. Make sexual remarks. Arouse them. When they switch to ‘yes’ even a little, and they ALWAYS DO, then double down, raise the temperature, then let them go, then iterate. Watch every fucking single guy who is good with women. SOCIAL. IN POWER. SEXUAL. ======================================================== And now the most painful thing I’ve read in a month. Blue’s texting paradigm. ======================================================== She was difficult. She told me she is difficult. That’s her problem, not yours. And I set boundaries with her and contradicted her.

This is frame clash, aka you going against her walls and putting walls to her walls. Do this only when you are going to arouse her with it. So, are you trying to arouse her, or are you just naturally attracted to a girl’s defenses? are you trying to arouse her, or are you trying to bring her defenses down? Even when getting her number, she gave me the number without the last digit, so I had to try all numbers from 1-9 to find her lol She’s used to being a boss of men. Did she tell you that the number was missing a digit? was in in purpose? Is this how she would treat Leonardo Dicaprio? if not, what does that say about how she looks at you? Guys get confused here “but I am not Dicaprio”. The point is that your BEHAVIOR has to be in match with top guy, or your behavior will be unattractive. Capisce? So she may not treat you like Dicaprio, but you have to reply as if you are, which makes her align with you and treat you like you are. This is just about aligning her behavior with who you really are, and you have to be THE FUCKING MAN. Her: Here’s my number, without the last digit Me: Well I can’t call you like that can I Her: Try the numbers 19 and you’ll find me Me: What’s in it for me? Her: .. that you will talk to me? Me: Im talking to you now. You’re silly (pass her the phone) Me: Put your whole number or forget about it. Be the fucking man. Me: Hello girl that is so nice and easy with me Me: I found you ;-) Your impression with her was pathetic enough she set a wall to her fucking phone number. Now you’re showing her you’ll go the extra mile and jump through the hoops. And you even ‘flirt’ with that emoticon to that. You’re flirting to the wall. You’re rewarding bad behavior. You are telling her ‘do more of this, I like it’. Like a submissive dog. This shit is infuriating for me, and repulsive to the bone for women, which means Me: I found your number, where’s my blowjob? Her: Hahahaha You’re dealing with an EVIL motherfucker. Is this the 1 in 200 you can bang? This is the kind of motherfucker evil bitch you have to stay away from. Me: This is you Me: [Photo of a cartoon girl that looks like her] This is free validation. But it shows you put the extra effort in finding a cartoon so you’re putting her forward up on a pedestal. Like doing the pickup, dealing with a bad phone number is not enough, then putting the work like a good dog and getting a machiavellian ‘hahaha’ is not enough, you want to sweeten the deal even more and put extra fucking work and put her on a pedestal even more. If anything the reverse would have worked. Neg the shit out of her with an ugly picture. This would have been ‘better’ but we’re dealing with a bitch in a broken frame. This is not a situation where you should be ‘gaming’ Me: (picture of a fat woman in bed) Me: Remember to exercise or you’re become like this Her: Yes, that is me Her: Very beautiful She takes the free validation and gives nothing in return Me: Eh sorry, I meant this one (pic of something outrageous) It’s not that negging is the only way to deal with girls: We’re dealing with a girl who is pushing down and needs to be brought down. This is a simple dominance contest. She’s pushing down, you push her down. What you’re doing, Blue, is rolling on the floor with your belly up. Me: I like parks. I like books. And I like ice cream. But not chocolate ice cream. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS THIS. I read that this is you ‘swinging your dick’. Nope. ‘Swinging’ is about expressing your ‘social, sexual, in power’ vibe with some story telling, teasing, messing with her, crossing boundaries, bossing her around, flirting, negging, etc, all the small but fun stuff that happens in social / sexual interactions when you’re not having sex but are going to have it (you need exposure to that world if you don’t know what Im talking about, go where players fuck the bitches and look at them in action, please). Your line is random asexual statements. There’s nothing she can do with them. Maybe you’re expecting that she says “oooohh I love parks, parks are the best!!!” ? should she orgasm with the ice cream line? are you setting a boundary by saying no to chocolate? what the fuck is going on? Her: Good boy She’s a savage. There you go, pushing down just for the sake of it. Good dog. Me: tell me something that makes me smile… let’s see if you have magical powers

Random jump. This is a feminine line by the way. You are the one arousing her, she’s the one evaluating you. Your job is also to find if she’s receptive, and you find that out by ‘swinging dick’ (not talking about parks and icecream) and seeing what she responds to. The only thing she’s been responsive so far is to push you down, while you greatly help her do so. Her: I have but not willing to use ;-) And she does it again. Down you go. More walls for you. The wink is an invitation for you to try again, so she pushes down again. Great game you’re playing here man. Nope. Me: You know, if I get drunk, you’re really cute. Me: But I never get that drunk ;-) Random jump again. Your first line is FREE VALIDATION. The second line tries to rob the validation away from her. Are you expecting that she will jump “nooo please don’t take away the free validation…. please get drunk so I can look cute for you”??? Because the line is free validation with a hint of neg on it, you can use it to FLIRT in a different setup (not here). If you’re in some other place with some other girl in a semi formal environment you could perfectly say this Me: You know, with a couple beers on me you’d be damn cute ;-) She’d smile and think you’re such a badass and drip wet a little. Not here. Her: This is not a problem, because we will never meet again :) :) :) She actually ESCALATES your wall, see? you tried to do a neg, now she increases the gap, so now you’d have to jump HARDER. She adds THREE emoticons now which is your invitation to keep filling that gap hader. How desperate can she make you? This stuff is like the completely opposite of what actual seduction looks like. To bang the girl you ping her interest, she gives you an opening, you escalate, so the opening gets bigger. With this psycho bitch paired to your bottom castrated puppy mindset, you ping her wall, she increases the WALL and then you keep dancing and escalating on rejection. LOL! And this is fantastic to illustrate the point further: Me: You like girls?! Random. Here you’re looking for ANOTHER WALL that is not even there, or, you’re looking for ADDITIONAL CRITERIA she may be rejecting you on. Where a top guy / top frame / social power sexual guy would be looking for ADDITIONAL OPENINGS or more arousal spots or more things she’d say yes to etc, you keep finding more rejection points, and trying to bring more walls to the table. What the fuck! Her: No :D She loves. Burn the witch. Me: i thought you’re lesbian. That’s why you don’t wear make up :P Now try to turn the wall into a flirt / neg. Her: You can think anything you want :) Not my problem ;-) She’s getting bored. You need to get more creative on different ways she can reject you. Try harder. Me: Thank you. Yes, I am a smart thinker. Such a cool man ;-) You’re trying to validate yourself to contrast how much she’s putting you down. This is a sane instinct. Use this instinct to not let yourself involved in games like the one you’re playing here Me: Do you know how to cook, sick girl? [She’s in bed sick these days because of a leg injury] Random. The ‘sick girl’ means ‘you remember and you care’ Her: Yes Me: Come cook Pasta Bolognese for me Me: I like it Nobody gives a fuck. I wonder if all the back and forth so far makes you think she’s ‘invested’ and will play along with your call to action. The call to action in itself is fine, but it’s random / misplaced / socially inept placed here considering what’s going on. You’re playing a game where she gives you a hoop to jump and you jump it, just so she can push you down and give you another hoop. She doesn’t give a fuck about what you want, desire, etc. Any subject is just a way that she’ll use to reject you again, and she expects you to be happy about it. Her: I have no possibility and no desire Trapped in a loop

Me: That’s the real secret. I only talk with you because I miss homemade Pasta Bolognese. It is delicious, [Girl Name]. So delicious I talk to you just to eat it. Me: [Angel Emoji] “I only talk to you” again you’re trying to take away the free validation by making it conditional. Is that how you seduce girls? give them a lot of free candy till they are fat, then you threaten to take the candy away? Is that true to your core mechanics? did someone raise you like that? are you open to maybe ditching this whole approach to life? Her: A smart man understands that a human being with a leg in pain cannot go anywhere You notice this? the ONLY thing you’ve asserted yourself on was that you’re a smart guy. And now a few moments later she is using it to neg you. Can you see what type of person she is? Me: It is ok. Your can jump on other leg. It is sexy) I am a man, I tell you what is sexy in a girl. Me: I am the boss of sexy Now you’re trying to switch to a dominant position. It’s a weak attempt but follow the trajectory. We started filling random numbers on a bad phone lead, then sending cartoons and giving free shit, to finding new excuses on how to reject you, to trying to assert your own value, to now being domineering. That’s a clear path. So – you set a trap with candy, then try to be a kids abuser or something. You could bring it up a notch and buy a pedo-van. Her: Seriously? Her: [Troll face sticker] She’s not happy you’re changing the game Me: Wow, such romantic stickers… You’re back to pushover mode. She sets a wall, now you’re rewarding her for the wall. You think walls are ladders. VERY interesting stuff. Girl gives wall to guy. Guy tries to make love to the wall. It’s like when a dog tries to fuck someone’s leg. Me: It makes me imagine you’re a vampire girl Me: And you drink blood to recover your leg :-) Me: Hahahah Calling her a vampire is fitting. When Julian says ‘laugh of your own jokes’ – go find the charisma on command videos and find the types of humor. When you are saying a joke you have to find it funny yourself, so when you’re saying it the smile is building in your face. And your laugh, if you laugh, can be contagious and set the mood. That’s not what’s happening here though. The ‘hahaha’ comes across as you trying to fill her spot in the dance. She’s not playing along so you’re trying to be the girl Her: [Angry face sticker] Wall. Me: I like it when you’re angry. It makes you look younger. Me: hahaha Iterating on all fronts. “like when you’re angry” is rewarding the wall. “makes you look younger” is trying to neg to take the free validation away “hahaha” is you trying to fill in the gap because laughing is what she should be doing, if she was aroused at all Her: If 24 is too old, I’m beyond saving! Me: yes, your best years are behind you ========= Blue, man, get out of this fucking trap. If you do 1000 interactions of this kind you’ll only get WORSE. And that’s on you. Focus on doing it right. Repeat the dance as it’s supposed to dance. This is not it. Do better. Cheers man.

ON FLIRTING, TEASING, PASSING JUDMENT YOHAMI: FLIRT Display of nuanced sexual interest Eye contact Body posture Saying hi / hey / sup ;-) ============ TEASE Give her / them something to prove, give her a role to play, or get herself out of. Cold reading falls into this, the difference is that the tease is an invitation to play, so when they play, you reward them You look like a [category] Do you [come here often] Are you [doing this or that] Are you [stuff, attribute, etc] Where are you from, or are you from [xxx] Check the classic pickup stuff Me: Yo GIrls: Hi Me: We’re are you guys from Girls: Miami Me: Wow! miami that’s awesome (reward) Or Me: oh no miami girls are trouble (more tease) ============ PASS JUDGEMENT State that stuff is good or bad. It has to come from you, as you being the authority. Passing judgement is what you do after the tease so you evaluate the situation and her performance. You also pass judgement on other things – the venue, whatever. The more clear and cut and black and white your judgement, the better. And then of course ============ ROLEPLAYING / RAPPORT + BREAK RAPPORT / CALLS TO ACTION etc

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