Yosha Direct Street Game

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how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally Yosha PUATRAINING



Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally I Have a Confession To Make... I have really bad night-game. I find it hard even opening at night. Me and my friends regularly host nights at top London nightclubs, which is where we invite out girls to - so I’m SURROUNDED by girls on our table, who I dance and have fun with. But other hot girls in the club that aren’t in our group? I’m terrified of talking to them. I just find the whole environment completely

stifling. I’m intimidated by much better looking, more confident seeming guys, and I always ASSUME hot girls in a nightclub won’t be interested in me. So just to clarify - I’m like a complete AFC when it comes to the classic understanding of ‘THE GAME’ - i.e, approaching and attracting hot girls in a nightclub environment. But I am currently dating three beautiful girls. Infact, I’m very

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally confident that in a couple of months time, I’ll have twice that. By this time next year, I’m VERY VERY confident that I would have found a girl of such high quality that I’ll want to have a serious monogamous relationship with her. “Eh? But I thought you said your game was shit?” Yup. Wanna know how? Street game. And not just “excuse me, I’m looking for the nearest treehouse” kind of street-game - I’m talking about DIRECT street-game. I’m talking about going up to the hottest girls you can find and letting them know straight away that you’re interested in them. I’m talking about not really having a clue exactly what you’re going to say when you approach, but instead trusting yourself to come up with what is needed in the moment.

I can guarantee you now - if you dedicate yourself to doing what I say to do, battle through all rejections, correcting your mistakes and persevering - you will be in a position where you can date as many hot girls as you like, without using any scripted openers, routines, or gimmicks - just being yourself.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally Now. Sitting comfortably? Gum? Ok, let’s begin.

Forget About How You Think It Should Be Done Firstly, forget anything you’ve ever experienced about direct street game. I hear so many people tell me “but I’ve tried direct, and they just tell you straight away they’ve got a boyfriend”. They probably do. ME. I got there first ;)

When I first started doing direct, I got exactly the same response. The difference is I didn’t give up. I made a firm decision that DIRECT STREET GAME was what I wanted to do. It’s how I’ve decided to play the game. So I put on my seatbelt, and rode it out, till the bitter end. So forget about any negative experiences you’ve had TRYING direct street game. You were just doing it wrong. I’m going to tell you how to do it right.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally

The Difference Between Direct and Indirect When you approach a girl indirectly on the street (ask for directions, a female opinion), you are HIDING your true intentions (that you are interesting in the girl romantically/sexually). Because of this, the girl isn’t considering you as a potential romantic interest, so if you are dressed poorly, have poor body language,

clearly don’t take care of yourself, and generally sound like an uncalibrated weirdo 99% of the time she will stop to answer your question, as doing so isn’t conveying any romantic or sexual interest towards you. Girls are generally nice, polite people as long as you are nice and polite to them. Infact, it is impossible to get rejected from going indirect. You can’t reject someone HONESTLY asking for a female opinion - infact to do

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally so would actually be quite rude. People get rejected when their intentions ARE unintentionally coming through, despite the indirect verbal communication. So now the girl can reject you, because she is now rejecting what she perceives to be your COVERT advances. If you go indirect, you need to be 100% indirect, so as not to arouse suspicion in the girl. If you are going indirect, but they

can TELL that you really have romantic/sexual intentions towards them, it is perceives as WEAK behaviour, because you are clearly too scared of saying what’s really on your mind, for fear or rejection. When you approach a girl directly, you are forcing her to make a second by second decision whether or not she can see you as a potential date/boyfriend/sexual

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally partner. She might reject your straight away, she might listen to you for a few seconds then decide you’re not her cup of tea, or you might be talking to her for 10 minutes, give you her number, then when you call, decide not to answer the phone then.

Approaching Directly From a Position of High Value If she perceives you as a HIGH VALUE guy, approaching her

directly is VERY POWERFUL. If she perceives you as low value, it’s not. Two people could approach a hot girl, say exactly the same thing, but get complete different results. Depending on what is being communicated, you will either be perceives as a high value, confidence, exciting man who isn’t afraid to say what’s on is mind.... or not. I’m going to teach you how to come across as high value. It’s the classic fake it before you make it thing. Actually BEING

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally high value is your ultimate goal - but this takes time and high value experiences. Infact, alot of guys I have shown this stuff to REALLY ARE high value people. They either don’t realise it, or they just FORGET their value when they are in the presence of a hot girl. The only way to combat this is to approach, approach, approach untill you are desensitised to it. Eventually you won’t forget your value, you won’t be afraid any more. You’ll be

able to approach the hottest girls, and act with the same confidence as when you talk to your best friend. Afterall, isn’t confidence just the absence of fear?

This Is How Girls Want To Be Approached This is the stuff movies are made of. Every girl I’ve ever been with who I met using this

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally approach has told me they LOVED the way I approached. They told me they’d never been approached that way. Listen guys - 99.99999% of guys DON’T do this. Despite what you’ve heard GIRLS DON’T GET APPROACHED LIKE THIS. Sure, guys try to ‘strike up conversation’ with hot girls. But NOONE goes straight up and does what I do. If you do this right, you can forget about DHVing. Your approach is the demonstration of high value.

So How Do You Do It In A High Value Way? They are many things that communicate high value when you do a direct street approach. Here are the main ones that you need:

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally 1. Fashion & Grooming Before you take any pickup courses or spend ANY money what so ever on material or products - WORK ON YOUR FASHION. The fabrics that you decide to adorn your body with say more about you than you probably know. I girl WILL REJECT YOU, just because you are wearing clothes that communicate low value. This isn’t so important for indirect game - but for direct game it is ESSENTIAL. When you’re selling your house, you are always advised to spend a few thousand pounds on making it look more presentable, so people will be more likely to buy it, even if the things you are buying won’t even be there when you’ve moved, like plants, furniture and curtains.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally The point is, potential buyers (with little imagination) come in and make a quick decision based on the FEELING that the house gives them. If you spend a few thousand making the house FEEL like a home, they are far more likely to buy it. So don’t like your fashion be the reason they girl rejects you. Ask the girl later why she didn’t stop and talk to you, and she probably won’t know. If you don’t know ANYTHING about fashion, then I would strongly advice seeing a professional who does. I went to see Ollie from PUATraining and the change was staggering. You can download his PDF from the website (www.puatraining. com) - on there you’ll see he actually used me as a casestudy). If you don’t have any money, then start paying attention to fashion

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally magazines, or getting some advice from any friends who do have really good fashion sense. As a general rule, make sure your clothes are WELL FITTED, and if you’re unsure, keep the colours to a minimum. If you like funky, rocky kinda stuff, then go for that kind of look. If you’re more of a suave, gentleman type of fello, then go for that kind of look. DON’T TRY AND DRESS IN A WAY THAT DOESN’T SUIT YOUR PERSONALITY.

2. Vibe This is the hardest thing to master, but with practice it will come. I would describe your vibe as the ‘general feeling’, or the energy that is coming from you. The coolest guys I know just emit a never ending supply of positivity, self-contentment and joy. We’ve all spoken to people who aren’t really saying anything to turn us off, but there’s just SOMETHING about him that communicates an unhappiness, or a deep

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally

insecurity that is preventing him from truly expressing himself. His VIBE is just a bit off. In RSD’s Blueprint, Tyler says the ‘The Self is ALWAYS Coming Through’. This is your vibe. Having the right vibe will get you laid. Naturals don’t know game. They just have an awesome vibe. I’ve seen people approach, and get blown up. And they’re vibe is really.... serious. Not perhaps very negative, but there’s just something not quite right. Watching him talk to the girl, there’s just a SERIOUSness to him.... I tell him to smile, and he does, but his VIBE is just kinda.....

serious. Then later in the day he comes across a really friendly, sexy girl who gives him a really positive response, which REMINDS HIM that he IS actually a cool, high value guy. From this point onwards, every girl he approaches is different. He’s not saying anything different before... but his vibe has changed. I can see he is more positive now. He’s happier. I can’t tell you what it is he’s DOING that is making come across this way.... maybe a slight cheeky smile after saying something... maybe it’s a glint in his eye but its because he actually feeling more confident with what he’s doing.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally He’s ACTUALLY ENJOYING talking to this girl. THAT is the core of what I want you to take from this. You need to learn to ENJOY this. Your vibe needs to communicate that you are a HAPPY person. If you aren’t happy, then you need to really focus on why this is. If it’s your job, then you need to take time away from pick up and focus on your career, if it’s your friends, then you need to take time away from pick-up and focus on finding a better peer group. If it’s just the fact that you’re single and you wan’t a girlfriend then try and start ENJOYING the process of learning how to talk to girls. This alone will improve your success rate dramatically. See your vibe as gift-wrapped present that your giving the girl. No girl wants to unwrap it to find a yucky bundle of

hatred, anger and self-pity. They want to find a shiny ball of FUN and HAPPINESS. Figure out a way to make learning pick-up FUN.

3. Body Language When you approach, you need to use your body in a confident way. Look at the way you stand in the mirror and compare it to the way people like tom cruise stand. The best way to improve your posture and the way you move your body is to pick someone you admire, and model the way they use their body. I have modelled various high value people I’ve come across on my little journey, not of them famous, but just high value people with good body language. Look at the way they gesture with their hands. Look at the way they stand. Look at the way they

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally talk to people. SERIOUSLY do this. Personally I think this is more beneficial than spending money on any pickup material. We all know that your physiology follows your psychology. When someone is depressed, you can tell by the way they are walking and moving. If someone is joyfull and happy, they have a ‘spring in their step’. But

also a firm believer that your psychology also follows your physiology. If you move your body in ‘the way a confident person would move it’, I believe you will start to feel more confident. If you slouch and act like a nervous, shy person, I believe you actually start to feel worse. So model body language role models, and start to work on how you use your body. As a rule I would suggest the following the next time you approach a girl. - Don’t slouch. Make sure you’re standing up fairly straight - I like to feel my pecs against the insides of my clothes, this reminds me that my chest is out and i’m standing up straight. - Son’t shift around. Stand solid, rooted to the ground. Any movement should be as an extended expressional

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally gesture, rather than out of nervousness or discomfort. - Use your hands to gesture. Make a point of using your hands to express yourself more. Also, if your hands are already out of your pockets, gesturing in the air, you only need to gesture a little further to kino the girl quite naturally as part of a gesture.

4. Smile Ok, this one is a new pick-up technology I have recently invented. I call it smiling. You need to smile when you stop a moving girl! If you don’t smile, the chances are she won’t stop. Who wants to stop and talk to a miserable person? I definitely don’t. You don’t need a cartoon grin, but as a general rule I like to say: “The faster the girl is moving, the bigger

the smile you need”. So if she’s sprinting at fall speed, you need to be laughing hysterically. hehe (i’m only half joking).

5. Eye Contact You’ve all heard the term laser eyes right? Well, when you approach a girl directly on the street, you need to be looking at her directly in the eyes. Don’t shift your eyes away and look behind her, or down or to the side as you talk to her. You need to be laser eying her. Imagine her naked, on your bed. Imagine all the things you could be doing to her in just a day or two. It’s not STARING.... its a soft, yet focused eye contact that lets her know that you and her and the only things that exist in the moment.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally 6. Voice Tone, Speed & Volume This is one of the biggest sticking points I had to deal with. I have always talked to fast. I don’t know why, but it’s always been a problem of mine. During a one-onone with Adam Lyons ages ago, the first thing he told me is that I need to slow down how fast I talk, and it’s been something that I’ve been working on ever since. When you approach a girl, YOU ARE IN NO RUSH TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY. The end of ‘the opener’ isn’t the goal. Getting her to stop isn’t the goal. The goal is to come across as high value. So when you open, just START TALKING, and starting talking slowly. Smoothly does it big man.

Just start talking slowly, and you’ll be amazed how it changes to whole interaction. You’ll actually feel alot calmer and more confident because of this. If you can sense that she isn’t interested in THIS MOMENT, i.e, she begins to slowly walk off - DO NOT speed up in order to FINISH what you were saying in the hope that by finishing what you have to say is going to CONVINCE her to stop. Remember, your VALUE is what is going to make her want to talk to you, NOT what you have to say. So if she starts walking off, CARRY ON talking at exactly the same pace as before. Talking fast communicates that you are the kind of person that expects people to interrupt you at any minute, or that people generally don’t listen to you, so you

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally have to get what you have to say out fast, before people lost interest.

conversation, practice NOT filling it, and EXPECTING her to fill it.

People who talk at a leisurely pace, who add pauses into their speech, communicate that they are the kind of people that people LISTEN TO.

Regarding voice tone - If you talk, you should feel the vibration of your voice in your lower throat and chest. You’ll notice that as your tone gets higher, the vibrations go up to your mouth, your nose and even further, depending on how high you go. Raising your voice tone is SEEKING RAPPORT. Imagine how you

Your goal should be to pronounce your words CLEARLY, and confidently, and at a casual, relaxed pace. If there’s a pause in the

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally walk talk to a gentle granny. You would want to seem as non threatening as possible, so you would raise your voice tone right up to sounds really nice, friendly and agreeable. When you approach, you want to make a habit of keeping your voice tone down to a chest area. This is very important. Going direct on a girl with a lower voice range

will communicate extremely high value as you are not seeking rapport. If you say the same thing to a girl, but your raise your voice tone as you say it, it will communicate to the girl that you are WANT HER APPROVAL for your approach. Your saying “I like you - is that ok?”, rather than “I like you, and i don’t give a fuck what you think of that.” (don’t actually say this! haha)

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally The Approach Ok, here’s the juicy bit. How it’s actually done! The girl is moving, so you need to stop her.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally Jog past her (on either side), and as you do, turning to face her as you pass. Make sure you have eye contact with her, so she can clearly see that your intention is to speak to her. Make sure you EASE into her field of vision so you don’t startle her.

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally Remember to smile!

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally If you look at my hands, you can see they are infront of me, and slightly to the sides, in a kind of ‘PLEASE STOP’ posture. This is a subtle thing that can sometimes make the difference between her stopping, and her walking past. I always do it. A very important thing to point out here, is you HAVE to stop DIRECTLY infront of her. You need to give her room to stop - if you jump in too close, she’s likely to continue straight past you. The faster she’s moving, the more space you need to give her to stop. The reason you need to get directly infront of her, and not a bit to the side, is what it is communicating. Charity people don’t get right infront of you. They wouldn’d dare. Homeless people asking for change wouldn’t presume to stop directly infront of you. Club

promoters don’t stop directly in front of you. You see they all EXPECT you to not want to talk to them. You on the other hand, are a HIGH VALUE MAN. And you are about to make a girls day. So of course she’s going to want to listen to you. So GET RIGHT INFRONT OF HER. BLOCK HER PATH. DO IT YOU PUSSY!!! hahaha Ok, now what you say to her. There are varying degree’s of DIRECT... obviously going up to a girl and telling her you would love to fuck her would have less chance of success that telling a girl she ‘caught you eye’, so I would say it just comes down to personal preference. But I would recommend a spirit of adventure and experimentation. Try these ones out:

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally 1) Hey you - I’m just on the way home... but I just saw you. I’d be kicking myself if I didn’t come over and tell you *enter a sincere compliment here*. I’m Yosha. 2) Look at you - you look fucking incredible. I had to meet you. 3) Hey, sorry to bother you... er... I’ve just ran away from my friends... I saw you walk past and I had to meet you. Who the hell are you?! I’d rather you not try and remember too many ‘scripted openers’... the spirit of the opener should be IN THE MOMENT. I’d rather you use these ideas as templates for making your own up. And I want you to be honest with the compliments. Make them unique to the girl. And don’t say “I like your dress. Say YOU look amazing in that dress. See the difference?

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally Now - the TRANSITION. This is very important. So many people deliver their direct opener, then kind of wait for the girls response before they move on. Remember you want to communicate that you don’t want her approval, your just the kind of man that isn’t afraid to go for what he wants in life. You want to deliver your opener, then immediately transition into a conversation. How do you do this? Ok, this is the part of the interaction that is going to mess up the most interactions. This is actually the hard part that takes the most practice. But if you follow my advice, and with enough practice, you should be fine. When you first start doing this, you’ll probably be bricking it, worrying about what you’re gonna say after

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally the opener. So you’ll go in, say the opener, stand there for a few seconds, and they say something like “so what are you up to?”. And that’s fine. Well... it’s not fine. It’s shit. But I mean it’s GOING TO HAPPEN to you. And it’s just because you CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY. You’ve started this direct game journey, so congrats for having the balls to go up and do it. Now’s where the real learning starts. The more you approach, the more desensitised your become to approaching a girl and saying something direct. This is the first step; getting rid of your AA. Eventually, you’ll actually really start to enjoy it as the majority of responses will be full of smiles. You’ll make their day, which is cool in-of-itself. As you become less afraid of it, you’ll start to become a bit

more relaxed doing it. This is where it can start to get fun. When you are scared of a given result, you using all of your mental capacities to try and find a way to avoid that result. In this case, you’re scanning your mind for that ‘next thing to say’, for fear of that dreaded awkward pause. I like to think of it like that scene in Wallace And Gromit (the one with the evil penguin) where Gromit of on the train, frantically laying down railtrack infront of him so the train doesn’t crash. So in relation to this, you’re afraid your going to reach back and not be able to find a piece of track...... CRAASH!!! The problem is, the mindset, the feeling of having to USE YOUR BRAIN to try and WORK OUT what to say, so the complete opposite thing you need to be doing. Infact, it’s when you do this that

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally you’re MOST LIKELY to run out of things to say. Instead, you have to be in the moment. You have to LET GO of everything you’ve ever learnt about pick-up. Just relax. Observe. Take everything in. LISTEN to everything she’s saying. EVERYTHING around you is a potential lead into a conversation, including yourself, and this crazy situation you’ve just put the both of you in. Does she have an accent? Has she got shopping bags? Is she wearing anything that you like? Is she tall? Short? Did she smile when you approached? Does she seem

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally friendly? Does she remind you of anyone? What’s the weather like? Why did you approach her? Are you crazy? Is she crazy? Do you do this all the time? Does she get stopped all the time? Has she always lived in London? Why did she come to London?

her know about you - open up to her and she will open up to you.

All of that shouldn’t come from your memory, but from THE MOMENT. And the only way to do that, is the be RELAXED and CALM. Your focus needs to be shifted from INWARDS to OUTWARDS.

Then #close when you feel like you have had a solid interaction. The longer the interaction, the more chance the number won’t flake. If you can, instant date. Girls never flake after an instant date ;)

Notice how close I am to her face. This was a direct approach, so don’t be afraid to invade her personal space a bit.

Finally - text her within 10 minutes of leaving her. You want to keep the interaction going continuously, otherwise when you call or text in a few days, the memory of the fun you had together might have faded and you might just be ‘some guy’ again.

Now just have a natural conversation with her. Get to know her. If your intention for the conversation is to find out about her, then you will naturally qualify her. Let

But don’t forget, this was a direct approach. Don’t let her forget that. Throw in the occasional direct comment to keep the interaction spicey.

That’s it - hope this helps guys! Go out and practice

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally it, and let me know how it goes! Oh, before I end it, as a final thought let’s just quickly cover one more small thing which is very relevant to direct game:

Rejection I have a second confession for you guys. These photos make me look like a pimp, but that’s just showing you guys when it goes right. ALOT of the time, it just doesn’t hit. The girl has a boyfriend, is in a serious rush to be somewhere or just isn’t interested at all. Some guys who teach this stuff would have you believe that they are perfect, but unfortunately I’m only human. I’m also a bit of a character who isn’t going to ‘fit’ with every girl I meet. When I go out there I’m being MYSELF. I’m not hiding

Yosha how to approach girls on the street, directly & naturally behind any scripted stuff, I’m just putting my personality out there on the line, and I bet there’s some girls out there that just WONT go for that. I’m also a bit goofy. I like to have a laugh, all the time. I hardly ever take anything seriously. Some girls hate this! If I approach one of these girls, you can bet the interaction won’t end up on youtube! My point is that getting good at game is the first step. But once you get to a certain level where you start getting some really cool results, it’s just a process of meeting AS MANY GIRLS AS YOU CAN, so you can find the ones that are really right for you. The ones that love the kind of person you are. Look - somewhere out there on the streets there is your perfect 10. I don’t just mean

physically, I mean the one who will totally LOVE you. The one who will totally love everything about you. She’s out there man, and every second you spend sitting at your computer and not out on the street is one less second you could be spending with the girl of your dreams. I would love to hear of any success stories from anyone - feel free to contact me on [email protected] MASSIVE thanks to Yad, one of the trainers at PUATraining who took me under his wing when I first started doing daygame all those months ago. If it wasn’t for him I would never have been able to write this article! Love you dude! All the best, - Yosha


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