10 Interesting Facts About Astrology

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10 Interesting Facts about Astrology People are so drawn after activities of fortune telling like astrology. By nature, we are inquisitive of the things ahead of us. True or not, anticipating things that might happen is not a bad idea. To aid our curiosity, here are some interesting facts about astrology. 1. Astrology is preceded by Astronomy, which is the study of the celestial objects, space and the physical universe as a whole. Yet, for astrology, it studies about the effect of astronomy in human behavior. 2. Astrologers believe in the notion that the moon has the same effect to humans, as it does to the ocean. If the moon can pull huge tides it can do the same to human body which is consist of 75 percent water. It is thought that the moon has provoking influence towards the attitude of people. Thus, it can trigger deep emotions. 3. One third or 33 percent of Americans believe in astrology. In fact, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on astrology every year in United States alone. Executives and high-ranked people are the fastest-growing group of astrology believers, according to a study by USA Today. 4. Nostradamus is the most famous astrologer. He had predicted events such as the World War II, President John F. Kennedy Assassination, and the most recent attack on the World Trade Center. 5. The word astrology is the most searched on Google which brought about 2 million websites. Thus, it is amongst the most searched topics according to the study of searchterms.com. 6. The Zodiac was originally a calendar used as agricultural method which dated sowing and harvesting of crops. It was based on the star constellations especially Sirius and the Pleiades. Now, zodiac is also being used by Horoscopo diario (daily horoscope). 7. The first institution in the western hemisphere to issue BA and MA degrees in Astrological studies is the Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences in Seattle, USA. The first courses were started in July 2000 which cost $5000 a year. The college is named after Johannes Kepler, the noted German mathematician and astronomer who also practiced astrology. 8. Astrology is considered as both a science and art. It is a science because it requires knowledge about Astronomy and an art because interpretation is necessary to relate it to individual character and traits of people. More so, it uses creativity in interpreting the La Tarot (the Tarot).

9. Astrocartography is the practice that determines how geographical location affects people. It is thought to determine which part of the world you’ll be most successful and happy. 10. Elsbeth Ebertin is a renowned German astrologer who accurately predicted that Hitler would become a Fuhrer. The prediction was through Hitler’s birth chart given by a female fan in 1924.

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