1v1 Soccer Drills

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  • January 2021
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1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance 1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

If we (over) simplify a game of soccer we could say; Soccer is basically just a game of lots and lots of 1 v 1 situations repeated over the course of 90 minutes. Yes, you do have 3 v 2, 2 v 1, 3 v 3 and other types of scenarios that happen in a game of soccer. (And, for the record you should definitely be developing these areas in training) But, unless you join 1 or more of those players together and they can produce the same movement, in the same space, at the same time – you’re essentially attacking or defending 1 v 1. Now of course, I am over-simplifying it but I use that example to stress the importance of developing your players using 1 v 1 drills. The beauty of 1 v 1 soccer drills is that you can help your players not only develop the attacking side of their game but also help them improve their defensive game too. 1 v 1 Soccer Drills are so important. The thing is without the proper setup and thought process behind each drill they can get pretty boring – quickly. Below I have listed a number of drills I have used in my own coaching over the years and you are more than welcome to take, change around and adapt to suit the needs of your group.

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1 v 1 Soccer Drills Coaching Points Here’s a list of key coaching points to keep in mind when coaching 1 v 1 drills. Under each drill I have also listed and repeated a few of the more important ones to keep in mind.

Attacking   eep the ball close to your feet K  Attack & exploit the space  Use a change of pace to beat the defender  Try and get the defender to commit so you can accelerate past them  Use disguise to beat the defender  Get comfortable with using both feet  Vary the intensity of your attacking play  Stay focused / Stay Sharp

Defending   hut down the space S  Force attacker out wide  Approach the ball side on  Jockey backwards  Keep your head up  Watch the movements of the ball as well as the player  Slow the attacker down  Be aware of the space around you  Win the ball

Essential Equipment Needed All the drills below require a few essential pieces of equipment;   occer Balls: I recommend that you have no less that at least 1 soccer ball per player. Sometimes, for S whatever reason this isn’t possible – for these case’s I’d recommend getting as many as possible close to 1 per player and no less than 1 ball between 2 players.  Set of Cones: Although you’ll essentially only need one set and one type of cone/marker to get the drills going, I’d recommend having at least 2 different types of cones. So for example, a set of disc cones and a set of mini traffic cones. The reason for this is so you can clearly mark out the different sections of your drills with minimal room for confusion.  Training Vests: Lastly, you’ll need some training vests. Again, at least 1 per player.

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

What Soccer Drill Software Am I Using?

I’ve been using Soccer Tutor’s Tactics Manager 3.0 for some time now and I really like the simplicity of the software. You can easily create your own drills from scratch in minutes and then export them to an image format or PDF at a click of a button. While it might be a little bit ‘behind’ the high priced coaching softwares on the market, for the sum total of $60 (no monthly fee) it’s an absolute steel. My only regret is not having purchased it sooner in my coaching career. You can check it out here if you’re interested…

1 v 1 Technical Quad


1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance 1. Setup: Ensure you have enough room to have 4 large quadrants. See below for individual drill setups Objective: To develop attacking and defending in 1v1 situations. Can be used as a warm up activity and / 2. or event   3. Age Group: Suitable for; Under 8’s, Under 9’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s and Under 12’s.

Drill Details 1  ) Two teams – Two goals with a ball in the middle of the goal / gates as the the target. Teams alternate attack and defend in in a 1 v 1 situation. After attacking the attacker must turn quickly to defend. The first team to hit the target 10 times is the winner  2) Coach feeds the ball between 2 players, who battle it out to get possession, turn and place the ball between the oppositions gate.  3) Straight 1 v 1 situation  4) Player A plays the ball into player B and then closes down the space while Player B tries to create space for the shot on goal

1 v 1 4-Goal

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1. Setup:  This game requires 4 small goals (or gates) and 5 players. 4 Players take up a position in goal. 1 Player becomes the attacker 2. Objective: To attack each goal in a 1 v 1 situation, get past the defender and score. 3. Age Group:  This warm up drill can, and should be used will all age groups. For younger age groups (Under 7’s-Under 12’s) it can be used as a standalone drill. For older age groups (Under 13’s – Under 16’s) you could use it as a warm up drill.

Coaching Points   eep the ball close K  Use disguise skills to try and beat the defender  If the defender over commits, can you accelerate to get past him?  Keep your head up

Drill Details The attacker must attack 1 goal and try and score. If the attacker scores, they return back to the middle, get another ball and try again with another goal. If the defender tackles them and wins the ball, the attacker and the defender swap roles – the attacker now becomes the defender and the defender now becomes the attacker. This is a continuous game. The player with the most goals at the end of time wins.

Progression I ntroduce 2 attackers working at the same time  Remove the attacker and play with 1 v 1 v 1 v 1. If a player concedes a goal they are replaced by another player on the outside – players have 3 ‘lives’ each

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Mini Game

Setup:  Super simple setup with smaller cones used to layout the pitch dimensions and larger traffic 1. cones to make the goals 2. Objective: To attack and defend (1v1) in a small confined area Age Group:  Under 7’s, Under 9’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 13’s, Under 14’s, Under 15’s, 3. Under 16’s

Coaching Points Attack   eep the ball close to your feet K  Use disguise to get past the player

Defend   hut the space down S  Push the attacker away from the goal  Approach the ball side on

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance Drill Details This drill can be setup multiple times across a large area to accommodate all your players. The ball starts with one player attacking the the opposite goal. The attacker must keep the ball close to his feet and try and dribble the ball through the two cones. The defender must try and win the ball. If the defender wins the ball, he now becomes the attacker and the original attacker must get in position to defend the attack.


  Play a game of Panna

Attack & Defend

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance 1. Setup: For this drill you’ll need 2 goals / gates. 2. Objective: To alternate between attacking and defending in 1v1 situations 3. Age Group: Under 7’s – Under 13’s

Coaching Points Attack   eep the ball close K  Use a change of pace to beat the player  Use a disguise to beat the player  Use both feet

Defend   ower your center of gravity L  bend your knees  Be aware of the space around you  Follow the attackers movements  Close the space down  Push them out side  Win the ball

Drill Details Teams will take it in turns to attack and defend. While one team attacks the goal, the other team defends it – on the next the go the defending team become the attackers and the original attackers will become the the defenders

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

Quick Transition

  etup: Having use of a an 18 yard area for this drill will help. Set up two players either side of the goal S and two players out the area. This is also a great drill to get your goalkeeper training with the team  Objective:  A continuous game aimed at developing both attacking and defending in a dynamic 1v1 situation  Age Group: Under 9’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 13’s, Under 14’s

Coaching Points Attack   ttack the space A  Keep the ball close to your feet  Accelerate to beat the player

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance Defend   lose the space down quickly C  Show the attacker the outside  Win the ball

Drill Details   layer A passes the ball out to player B P  Player A then runs out to close the space down and defend 1 v 1.  Once a goal has either been scored or the ball becomes ‘dead’  Player D feeds another ball into Player A  Player C now quickly comes out to close down the space and stop Player A from turning and scoring.


1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance   etup:  For this drill mark out 4 sections; 3 areas will each have a defender in, the last area will have a S goalkeeper.  Objective:  Attackers: To make their way through the different areas by beating the defenders in 1v1 situations Defenders: To win the ball when it enters their area  Age Group: I’d recommend this drill for ages 9 and upwards. Although, as a regression for younger age groups you could remove the defenders and place cones down instead

Coaching Points Attack   ttack the space A  Use a change of pace

Defend   hut the space down S  push the attackers out wide

Drill Details The first player tries to beat the first defender. If he succeeds, then the next player goes. If a defender manages to win the ball and knock it out of their area, the attacker must go to the back of the line and the next attacker goes. Defenders get a point every time they win the ball and attackers get a point every time they beat and attacker and 2 bonus points if they complete the challenge and score at the end.

Progression Change the the size of areas

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1 v 1 Practice

  etup:  Two teams – Two Goals with a ball in the middle of the goal as the the target. (Side note: You S could add in goalkeepers instead).  Objective: To develop attacking and defending in 1v1 situations  Age Group: Suitable for; Under 9’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 13’s, Under 14’s, Under 15’s

Coaching Points   eep the ball close to your feet K  Alternate the goals in which you attack  Increase intensity of the attacking play

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance Drill Details Teams alternate attack and defend in in a 1 v 1 situation. After attacking the attacker must turn quickly to defend. The first team to hit the target 10 times is the winner

Progression   or this drill you add goalkeepers to the mix F  You can also add boxed areas to confine the spaces in which each player attacks and defends


1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance   etup: For this drill you’ll need at least 8-10 players. Split them up into 2 teams. S  Objective:  To develop 1 v 1 attacking and defending principles by ‘breaking out’ of the boxed area and attacking the goal.  Age Group: Suitable for; Under 8’s, Under 9’s, Under 10’s, Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 13’s, Under 14’s

Coaching Points Attack   xploit the space E  Change of pace

Defend   lose the space quickly C  Keep your eye on the attackers movements  Win the ball

Drill Details The drill starts by having 2 players inside a 10 x 10 square. Player A attempts to beat Player B, get outside the area and attack 1 v 1 against the second defender to score. If Player B wins the ball, before that happens then Player B can break out and try and score a goal.

Progression   his game can easily start with NO second defender. Then as a progression introduce the second T defender  As a regression for younger players you replace goalkeepers with targets

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

Ultimate Transition

  etup:  Setup involves 4 gates – 2 red and 2 blue. To make things easier and psychologically more S competitive I recommend matching the color gates with the color of the team.  Objective:  To develop 1v1 attacking and defending through smooth transition when gaining or losing possession of the ball  Age Group: Under 7’s right through to Under 14’s/ 15’s Coaching Points

Attack   eep the ball close K  Use a turn of pace to beat the defender  Exploit the space  Use disguise  Stay sharp


1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance   hut the space down quickly S  Jockey back while keeping your eye on the ball  Push attacker out wide

Drill Details This 1 v 1 drills starts with the blue player dribbling into the area and attacking 1 of the blue gates. The red player must close the space down quick and stop the attacker. If the red player wins the ball they must now attack while the blue player defends. The last team to score a goal is the team that attacks next. The becomes ‘dead’ if it leaves the drill area.

Progression   tart with shooting through gates then progress to dribbling through the gates S  This drill could also be easily progress into a simple overload practice

1v1 Soccer Drills: Developing Individual Brilliance

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