5e More Epic Boons

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  • February 2021
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effect. Once you do so, you can use this boon again until you finish a long rest.

BOON OF ALCHEMY Whenever creating an alchemical item or substance, you can choose to make it more powerful than normal by adding +10 to the DC required to create it and multiplying its price by 5. If the item or substance deals damage, double the damage dealt. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage, double the duration of its effect. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage and doesn’t have a specific listed duration (or has an instantaneous duration), double all dimensions of its area. If the item or substance doesn’t fit any of these categories, then it cannot be affected by this Boon.

BOON OF DIRE CHARGE If you take the Dash action toward a foe during the first round of combat you can make an Attack action against the opponent.

BOON OF THE ARCHMAGE You gain one 8th-level arcane spell slot, provided that you already have one. Additionally, you can cast any ritual spell you know or have prepared without increasing its casting time. Once you do so, you can’t use this boon again until you finish a long rest. BOON OF ARMOR SKIN You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. When you are hit with an attack you can give yourself a +10 bonus to AC against the triggering attack, and lasting until then start of your next turn. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest. You can take this Boon up to three times. BOON OF THE ARTIFICER You can attune one additional magic item. BOON OF BLINDING SPEED You can act as if hasted for up to 5 rounds. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a bonus action. Once you’ve used all 5 rounds, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. BOON OF COMBAT REFLEXES There is no limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in one round, and the opportunity attack doesn’t expend your reaction (you still can’t make more than one attack of opportunity for a given opportunity). If anything, such as the incapacitated condition or the shocking grasp spell, is preventing you from taking reactions, you can’t take any opportunity attacks.

BOON OF DIVINE RESISTANCE You spend one of your Channel Divinity uses to imbue all allies within a 60-foot burst with resistance to acid, cold, fire, electricity, cold, and thunder. This protection lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. BOON OF EFFICIENT ITEM CREATION You can create magic items 10 times faster than normal. Over the course of a short rest, you can create an uncommon consumable magic item lasting for 24 hours. Once you do so, you can’t use this boon again until you finish a long rest. BOON OF ENERGY RESISTANCE You gain resistance to three types of energy damage of your choice (acid, cold, lightning, fire, and thunder). BOON OF ENEMIES Any weapon you wield against one of your favored enemies is treated as a magic weapon and gains a +2 to hit and it deals +2d6 points of damage. BOON OF EPIC COUNTERSPELL When you cast counterspell it doesn’t expend your reaction, but you can’t cast counterspell if anything, such as the incapacitated condition or the shocking grasp spell, is preventing you from taking reactions. You are still limited to one counterspell per turn. In addition, you can use a reaction to cast dispel magic immediately after a spell is cast, before it takes effect. Once you do so, you can't do so again until you finish a short rest. BOON OF EPIC CRITICAL When you score a critical hit, roll all of the attack’s damage dice three times and add them together, instead of twice. BOON OF EPIC MAGIC You gain one Epic-level arcane spell slot, provided that you already have the Boon of High Magic.

BOON OF DAMAGE REDUCTION You reduce the damage from slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage by 3.

BOON OF EXPANDED KNOWLEDGE You learn one additional discipline power, even one that is part of another disciplines list.

BOON OF DOMAIN Choose an additional domain from your deity’s domain list, provided you have the Divine Domain class feature. You now have access to that domain’s 1st level and 2nd level class features. You can take this Boon again, up to three times, gaining the 6th and 8th level domain feature, then the 17th level domain feature as normal for your Divine Domain class feature.

BOON OF EPIC INSPIRATION All bonuses granted by your bardic inspiration ability increase by +1. Additionally, you can give someone the maximum result on your bardic inspiration die. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest.

BOON OF DEVASTATING CRITICAL Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 8 + proficiency modifier + your attack Ability modifier) or die instantly. Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat. BOON OF DEXTEROUS FORTITUDE When targeted by an effect that requires a Constitution saving throw, you may turn it into a Dexterity save instead to avoid the effect. Once you do so, you can use this boon again until you finish a short rest. BOON OF DEXTEROUS WILL When targeted by an effect that requires a Wisdom saving throw, you may turn it into a Dexterity save instead to avoid the

BOON OF THE EPIC POISON CRAFTER The character can craft the epic poisons described below. In addition, the character gains a +10 bonus to skill checks made to craft poisons. BOON OF EPIC REPUTATION You gain advantage on all Charisma skill checks. Additionally, you can give yourself a +10 bonus to any Charisma skill check. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest. BOON OF EPIC RESILIENCY You gain proficiency in one saving throw of your choice, and have advantage on this saving throw.

BOON OF EXCEPTIONAL DEFLECTION You can use your Deflect Missiles ability to reduce the damage of ranged magical attacks (including spells that require attack rolls) as if they were ranged attacks. BOON OF FAST HEALING At the start of each of your turns, you regain 3 hit points if you have no more than half of your hit points left. BOON OF GROUP INSPIRATION The number of allies you can affect with your bardic inspiration doubles. When inspiring competence in multiple allies, you can choose different rolls to inspire for different allies. BOON OF HOLY STRIKE Any weapon you wield is treated as a magic weapon (and deals an extra 2d6 points of radiant damage against creatures of evil alignment). BOON OF HEIGHTEN SPELL Choose one of your spells of 1st through 3rd level. Targets are at disadvantage against saving throws from that spell. BOON OF THE HIEROPHANT You gain one 8th-level divine spell slot, provided that you already have one. Additionally, you can cast any ritual spell you know or have prepared without increasing its casting time. Once you do so, you can’t use this boon again until you finish a long rest. BOON OF IMPROVED SPELL CAPACITY. You gain one 10th level spell slot, provided you already have the Boon of High Magic. You can take this Boon up to three times gaining one slot of one level higher up to 12th level slots. BOON OF INTENSIFY SPELL You can apply the effect of your Overchannel feature to spells above 5th level. BOON OF INFINITE DEFLECTION You may perform any number of deflections each round without expending a reaction. If anything, such as the incapacitated condition or the shocking grasp spell, is preventing you from taking reactions, you can’t make a deflection. BOON OF KI Add +2 to the DC of your Ki attacks. BOON OF KEEN STRIKE Your unarmed strike is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 and deals slashing damage (at your option any attack can deal bludgeoning damage, but cannot then take advantage of the enhanced critical range). BOON OF LEGENDARY RESISTANCE When you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

BOON OF THE MASTER STAFF When you activate a staff, you can substitute a spell slot instead of using a charge. The spell slot must be one you have not used for the day. The spell slot lost must be equal to or higher in level than the specific spell stored in the staff. You cannot emulate a charge for a staff function that does not match a specific spell. BOON OF MULTISPELL You can cast another spell of any level during the same turn as you cast a spell with a bonus action. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest. You can take this Boon up to three times. BOON OF MULTIWEAPON REND If you hit an opponent with two or more weapons (wielded in different hands) in the same round, you may automatically rend the opponent. This rending deals additional damage equal to the base damage of the smallest weapon that hit plus your Ability modifier. You can only rend once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks you make. BOON OF NEGATIVE ENERGY BURST You can use one Channel Divinity ability to unleash a wave of negative energy in a 60-foot-burst, except that the negative energy burst affects living creatures rather than undead. Any creature that would be rebuked by this result takes 21 (6d6) points of necrotic damage and has its maximum hit points reduced by that amount. The Constitution save DC to reduce the damage by half is equal to 8 + proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier. BOON OF OVERWHELMING CRITICAL When using the weapon you have selected, you deal maximum damage on a successful critical hit. Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat. BOON OF PERFECT MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING You may attack one time per round with an offhand weapon without spending a bonus action. If you choose to spend a bonus action you can attack twice with an offhand weapon. BOON OF PERMANENT EMANATION Designate any one of your spells whose target is self, and has a radius around the caster. This spell’s effect is permanent (though you can dismiss it as a free action, or restart it as a bonus action). Effects that would normally dispel this spell instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds. BOON OF POSITIVE ENERGY AURA Every undead creature that comes within 15 feet of you is automatically affected as if you had used Channel Divinity. This doesn’t cost a Channel Divinity, and it automatically affects all undead in a 15-foot burst, but it only turns undead with CR 6 or lower (and automatically destroys undead with CR 1 or lower). Just as with normal Channel Divinity, you can’t affect undead that have total cover relative to you. BOON OF PROWESS You gain a +1 bonus on all attacks.

BOON OF LINGERING DAMAGE Any time you deal damage with a sneak attack, that target takes damage equal to your sneak attack bonus damage on your next turn as well.

BOON OF QUEST MAGIC You gain one Epic-level divine spell slot, provided that you already have the Boon of High Magic.

BOON OF METAMAGIC The Sorcery point cost of any metamagic you use is reduced by one to a minimum of 1.

BOON OF REFLECT ARROWS When you deflect an arrow or other ranged attack, the attack is reflected back upon the attacker at your base ranged attack bonus is higher than the attack bonus of the attacker. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest.

BOON OF SELF-CONCEALMENT Attacks against you have disadvantage if the attack relies on sight. BOON OF SKILL FOCUS You gain a +10 bonus to skill checks with a chosen skill, and have advantage on skills checks with that skill. BOON OF SNEAK ATTACK Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage, provided you have the sneak attack class feature. BOON OF SNEAK ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY Any attack of opportunity you make is considered a sneak attack. BOON OF SPECTRAL STRIKE You can turn your unarmed attacks from bludgeoning damage into Force damage. BOON OF SPELL FOCUS You gain a +1 to spell attack rolls and +1 bonus to saving throw DC of a school of your choice. BOON OF SPELL KNOWLEDGE You learn two new spells from your arcane spellcasting class list of any level up to the maximum level you can cast. BOON OF SPELL PENETRATION You can bypass resistance to spell damage, or, you can remove the targets advantage to save against spells you cast. BOON OF SPELL STOWAWAY Choose a spell you can cast. You are attuned to the magic you choose. If another spellcaster within 300 feet of you uses this magic, you also immediately gain the magic’s effect as if it had been used on you by the same caster. You must have direct line of effect to the spellcaster in order to gain the benefit of the attuned magic (though you do not have to know the spellcaster is present, and you can be flat-footed). The magic’s duration, effect, and other specifics are determined by its original caster’s level. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest. BOON OF SUBTLE SPELL Choose one of your spells of 1st through 3rd level. That spell can now be cast without any somatic or verbal components. BOON OF TENACIOUS MAGIC Choose one spell you know or possess. Whenever the chosen form of magic would otherwise end due to a dispel effect, the magic is instead only suppressed for 1d4 rounds. The magic still ends when its duration expires, but the suppressed rounds do not count against its duration. You can dismiss your own spell (if dismissible) or dispel your own tenacious magic normally. BOON OF UNDEAD MASTERY You may command up to ten times your level in CR of undead. BOON OF UNHOLY STRIKE Any weapon your wield is treated as a magic weapon (deals an extra 2d6 points of necrotic damage against creatures of good alignment). BOON OF VORPAL STRIKE Your unarmed strike is considered to be a slashing vorpal weapon. (At your option, any unarmed strike can do bludgeoning damage instead, but it loses the vorpal quality.) BOON OF WEAPON FOCUS Add a +2 bonus to all attack rolls you make using one selected weapon in your possession.

BOON OF WEAPON SPECIALIZATION Add +4 to all damage you deal using the weapon you selected for your Boon of Weapon Focus, provided you have the Dueling Fighting Style. BOON OF WIDEN AURA Your auras extends to all allies within 100 feet of you. BOON OF THE OVERSIZED WEAPON You can treat any weapon as if it were one size category smaller than normal for the purpose of wielding it in combat.

EPIC POISONS While most high-level characters largely ignore the threat of deadly toxins, some particularly devious villains have devised variant poisons that bypass common defenses. These poisons, often referred to as antimagic poisons, are effectively an antimagic field in toxic liquid (or gel) form. As such, they are totally unaffected by any magical effects that might protect against their effects, including spells such as delay poison or neutralize poison, periapt of proof against poison, magical resistances or immunities to poison, or even magical bonuses on saves against poison (such as from a ring of protection). Furthermore, magical means are useless in restoring damage inflicted by these toxins. Only rest can restore such losses. Chaos ichor (Contact). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns or gain another level of exhaustion. Until this poison ends, the exhaustion levels can't be removed by any means. After three successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can recover normally. Lyzeum (Injury). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw each round or become poisoned and paralyzed for 24 hours, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. After three successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can recover normally. Until this poison ends, the conditions can't be removed by any means. Illis thyr (Injury). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one and become poisoned, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can't be healed by any means. After five successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally. Milk of Atropos (Injury). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 28 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours and enfeebled (as the ray of enfeeblement spell), and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. After five successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can recover normally. Until this poison ends, the enfeebled effect can’t be removed by any means. Godsblood (Injury). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 30 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours and feebleminded (as the feeblemind spell), and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can recover normally. Until this poison ends, the feebleminded effect can't be removed by any means.

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