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MODULE 7 PACKET AE 17- INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 3 OPERATING SEGMENT Welcome to Module 7 In this module, we will discuss the concept and core principles of segment reporting specifically the requirement for preparation and presentation of operating segment. You are expected to understand fully well these principles as these will be your guidance in preparing the operating segment which at the end of the lecture will be required from you. You are therefore expected to read in advance the topics pertaining to segment reporting so that you will be able to familiarize yourself with the requisites and disclosures required in segment reporting. It is important that during the discussion, you mustactively participate by giving the examples and illustrate how these shall be presented in the required disclosures. Our understanding of the financial statements will be challenged by the required disclosures for events and transactions relating to the business entity that requires presentation on segment reporting. This challenge will be translated into application where you will be required to prepare a segment reporting that must be presented in the disclosures to the financial statements. When you see this symbol that is shown across the printed discussion, thisrepresents an important point for discussion or appreciation/appraisal to be rendered by the student through either the understanding of the specific topic, illustration, giving an example or providing a solution for a certain case or scenario. At the end of this module, you will be answering multiple choice questions and straight problems focusing on the application of principles in segment reporting as a required disclosure to the financial statements.

CONSULTATION HOURS: Virtual time: During your class schedule (either Monday or Tuesday) Phone or Messenger: Every Friday from 8am to 11am and 1pm to 4pm

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this module, the students will be able to: 1. Know and understand the concept and core principle of segment reporting. 2. Identify the criteria for the recognition of a reportable segment 3. Prepare the required disclosures for the segment report and its reconciliation to the reported amounts in the financial statements.

ASSESSMENT PLAN: 1. Graded recitation through interactive participation in a question and answer format during discussion 2. Problem solving games (points awarded to the first 5 students who can submit the correct answer and solution) 3. Individual Submission and discussion of home-learning tasks through research online 4. Summative examinations in multiple choice question format

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 15 and ELEC 1 (Intermediate Accounting) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY LEARNING PLAN/SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES A. Assigned Reading  Read 1. PFRS 8 2. The concepts of segment reporting 3. Financial statements of various entities and identify the operating segments that are reported.


B. Lecture discussion 1. Read Chapter 8 of IA3 2. Watch Video 3. Interactive participation thru Q&A 4. Graded recitation

1. 2. 3.


3. 4.

4. 5. 6.

C. Synthesize the main points  Graded recitation

1. 2.

3. D. Assignment


2. E. Summative Quiz


STRATEGIES/DESCRIPTION/TOPICS/ COURSE CONTENT Read the core principles as stated in PFRS 8 which prescribes the disclosure requirements for the reporting segment in the financial statements. Understand and be able to discuss the management approach of identifying operating segment Familiarize with the identification of reportable segments of an entity. Illustrate the operating segments to be disclosed in the financial statements. Identify the Core principle of PFRS 8 Define operating segment Describe management approach of identifying operating segment Apply the criteria to identify the reportable operating segment of an enterprise Explain the information to be disclosed for each segment Distinguish between business segment and geographical segment Teacher summarizes the main points discussed. Students will be required to recite by sharing their understanding/learnings specifically pointing out the important aspects that have just been discussed regarding the disclosure requirements for segment reporting. This will validate the achievement of learning outcomes. Prepare operating segment accomplishing the disclosure requirements as specified in PFRS 8. Answer all questions and solve all problems from the textbook. Take multiple question quiz for (to be announced)


1.5 hour 1.5 hour 1.5 hour 2.0 hours 1.5 hours 1.0 hour 1.5 hours 1.5 hour

1.5 hours

1 hour


2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY 1. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. &Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Conceptual framework and accounting standards. 2019 edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.0218 V173c 2019 2. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. &Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume one. 2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 1 3. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. &Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume two. 2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 2 4. Valix, C. T., Peralta, J. F. &Valix, C. A. M. (2019). Intermediate accounting : volume three. 2019 revised edition. Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. FIL 657.044 V173c 2019 v. 3 5. Cabrera, M. E. B. & Cabrera, G. A. B. (2019). Financial accounting and reporting fundamentals. 2019-2020 edition. FIL 657.48 C117f 2019 6. Millan, Zeus Vernon B. Intermediate Financial Accounting III. Baguio City: Bandolin Enterprise 2016

COURSE CONTENT DISCUSSION 7.1 OPERATING SEGMENT  What is the core principle of segment reporting?  An entity shall disclose information to enable users of financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the business activities in which it engages and the economic environments in which it operates.  What is segment reporting?  Segment reporting is the disclosure of certain financial information about the products and services an entity produces and the geographical areas in which an entity operates. “  What is the purpose of the disclosure contained in segment reporting?  The purpose of such disclosure is to enable investors and users to make a better assessment of each business activity leading to the understanding of the performance of the entity as a whole.

 What is the scope of PFRS 8 that requires for segment reporting?  PFRS 8 shall apply to the separate or individual financial statements of an entity and to the consolidated financial statements of a group with a parent: a. Whose debt or equity instruments are traded in a public market b. That files or is in the process of filing the consolidated financial statements with a securities commission or other regulatory organization for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY  What is the requirement for segment reporting of a parent company?  If a financial report contains both the consolidated financial statements of a parent and the parent’s separate financial statements, segment information is required only in the consolidated financial statements.

 What is an operating segment?  An operating segment is a component of an entity: a. That engages in business activities to derive revenue as well as incur expenses, including revenue and expenses relating to transactions with other groups of the same entity. b. Whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating decision maker regarding the allocation of the resources to the segments and assess its performance. c. For which discrete financial information is available.  An operating segment can generally be thought of as a distinguishable component of an entity that is engaged in business activities which generate revenue and incur expenses.  What are required in order to be classified as operating segment? a. A separate financial information must be available about the segment b. Its operating results shall be regularly reviewed by a chief operating decision maker. c. It may engage in business activities for which it has yet to earn revenue.  For example, start-up operations may be considered operating segments before earning revenue.  What is not considered an operating segment or part of an operating segment?  Corporate headquarters or some functional departments that may earn revenue or may earn revenue that is incidental only to the activities of the entity would not be considered as operating segments.

 What is chief operating decision maker?  The term “chief operating decision maker” identifies a function and not necessarily a manager with a specific title whose function is “to allocate resources to the segments and assess their performance.”

 Who is the chief operating decision maker in the organization of an entity?  The chief operating decision maker may be the entity's chief executive officer, chief operating officer or a group of executive directors depending on who within the organization is responsible for the allocation of resources and assessing the performance of operating segments.

 How are operating segments identified? a. The “management approach” is used in identifying operating segments.  What does the management approach mean?  The management approach means that the operating segments are identified on the basis of internal reports about components of an entity that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess its performance. b. Operating segments are identified based on the components of the entity that are considered to be important for internal management reporting purposes. 2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY  A component of entity that sells primarily or exclusively to other operating segments is included in the definition of an operating segment if the entity is managed that way. c. The idea is that reporting of segment information is seen through the “eyes of management” and users would wish to see the business as the chief operating decision maker sees it.

 When shall an operating segment be considered as reportable segments?  An entity shall report information about an operating segment that meets ANYof the following quantitative thresholds: a. The segment revenue, including both sales to external customers and intersegment sales or transfers, is 10% or more of the combined revenue, internal and external, of all operating segments. b. The absolute amount(no figurative sign is applied) of profit or loss of the segment is 10% or more of the greater in absolute amount of: 1. Combined profit of all operating segments that reported a profit. 2. Combined loss of all operating segments that reported a loss. c. The assets of the segments are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments.

 What happens to operating segments that do not meet any of the quantitative thresholds as mentioned above?  The operating segment may be considered reportable and separately disclosed on a voluntary basis if management believes that information about the segments would be useful to the users of the financial statements.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY Illustration Revenue, profit or loss, and assets for each operating segments are as follows: Segment  Segment A  Segment B  Segment C  Segment D  Segment E

Revenue 16,000,000 13,000,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 40,000,000

Profit (Loss) 1,700,000 500,000 (1,000,000) 200,000 (100,000) 1,300,000

Assets 25,000,000 11,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 45,000,000

 Based on revenues  A, B and C are reportable segments because revenue associated with each of these segments is at least P4,000,000 which is 10% of the total revenue of P40,000,000.  D and E are not reportable segments because revenue of such segments is less than 10% of the total revenue.

 Based on segment assets  A and B are reportable segments because assets of such segments are at least 

P4,500,000 which is P10% of the total segments assets of P45,000,000. C, D and E are not reportable segments because their assets are less than 10% of the total segment assets.

 Based on profit and loss  Applying the criteria of 10% of profit or loss is somewhat complicated because some 

segments have profit and others have losses. The profit must be combined and the losses must be combined to determine which is greater between the two. Profit A B C D E

1,700,000 500,000 1,000,000 200,000 2,400,000

  


100,000 1,100,000

Because the total profit (P2,400,000) figure is greater than the total loss (P1,100,000) figure (absolute), P2,400,000 is the basis for identifying reportable segment. Any segment with profit or loss of P240,000 (10% of P2,400,000) or greater qualifies as reportable segment.   Therefore, A, B and C are identified as  reportable segments under the profit or loss criterion.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY  In conclusion, A, B and C are identified as reportable segments.  D & E are not reportable segments because they do not meet any one of the 10% quantitative thresholds for identification as reportable segments.  Thus, D & E  may be combined for reporting purposes.  But A, B and C, being reportable segments, shall be disclosed separately.

 What is the overall size test for external revenues to be classified as reportable segment?  If the total external revenue of reportable operating segments constitutes less than 75% of the entity external revenue, additional operating segments shall be identified as reportable segments even if they do not meet the 10% quantitative thresholds until at least 75% of the entity external revenue is included in reportable segments.

 When are we allowed to do an aggregation of segments?  Two or more operating segments may be aggregated into a “single operating segment” if the segments have similar economic characteristics and the segments share a majority of the following five aggregation criteria: a. Nature of product or service b. Nature of production process c. Type or class of customers d. Marketing method or the method used to distribute the product  e. The nature of the regulatory environment, for example, banking, insurance for public utility Illustration An entity has no intersegment sales and has the following operating segments with their corresponding revenue: Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Revenue 2,400,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 720,000 640,000 560,000 480,000 400,000 8,000,000

Percentage 30% 20% 15% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 100%

Based on the revenue criterion, the reportable segments are segments 1, 2 and 3. The remaining segments are not reportable. Assume that the remaining segments did not also meet the other criteria of “profit or loss” and “total assets.”

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY The total external revenue of the reportable segments is as follows: Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3

Revenue 2,400,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 5,200,000

    Percentage 30% 20% 15% 65%

Observe that the total percentage of the reportable segments is only 65%. In this case, additional operating segments shall be identified even if they do not meet any of the 10% quantitative thresholds. Assume that segments 7 and 8 have similar products, similar production process, similar marketing method and are not operating under regulated environment. Accordingly, segments 7 and 8 can be aggregated as one reportable segment to achieve the 75% threshold. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segments 7 and 8 (6% + 5%)

30% 20% 15% 11% 76%

Thus, the remaining segments 4, 5 and 6 shall be considered not reportable and lump into the other segments category.

 Is there a limit on the number of segments to be reported?  There may be practical limit to the number of reportable segments to be disclosed separately by an entity beyond which segments information may become too detailed.  Although no precise limit has been determined, as the number increases above ten, the entity shall consider whether a practical limit has been reached.  In other words, if the number of reportable segments exceeds ten, it is likely that the information may become too detailed and consequently lose its usefulness.

 What happens to the segment if it does not meet the criteria for segment reporting anymore?  If the management judges that an operating segment identified as a reportable segment in the immediately preceding period is of continuing significance, information about the segments shall continue to be reported separately in the current period even if it no longer meets any of the 10% quantitative thresholds for reportability.

 How will a segment that did not previously meet the criteria for segment reporting be reported if it is now a reportable segment based on the criteria?  If an operating segment is identified as a reportable segment in the current period in accordance with the 10% quantitative thresholds, segment data for a prior period presented

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY for comparative purposes shall be restated to reflect the newly reportable segment even if that segment did not satisfy any of the quantitative thresholds in the prior period.  However, prior period segment information shall not be restated if the necessary information is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive.

 What information is required to be disclosed for each segment?  An entity shall disclose the following for each reportable operating segment: a. General information about the operating segment  What is the requirement for the general information as a disclosure for the operating segment? o An entity shall disclose the following general information about an operating segment: 1. Factors used to identify the reportable segments  For example, whether management has chosen to organize the entity around differences in products and services, geographical areas, regulatory environment, or a combination of factors and whether operating segments have been aggregated. 2. Type of products and services from which each reportable segment derives revenue  Example of disclosure about type of products and services  An entity has three (3) reportable operating segments, namely car parts, motor vessels and software.  The car parts segment produces replacement parts for sale to car parts retailers.  The motor vessels segment produces small motor vessels to serve the offshore oil industry and similar businesses.  The software segment produces application software for sale to computer manufacturers and retailers. b. Information about profit or loss including specified revenue and expenses included in the measure of profit or loss as well as the assets and segment liabilities and the basis of measurement.  What should be included in the disclosure of profits and loss for operating segments? o An entity shall disclose for each reportable segment a measure of profit or loss under all circumstances.  What about the segment assets and segment liabilities? o An entity shall disclose a measure total assets and total liabilities for each reportable segment if such an amount is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker. Illustration - Disclosure of segment profit or loss, total assets and total liabilities An entity provided the following financial information relating to one of the reportable operating segments (amounts are assumed):

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY Sales - External Sales - Internal Total sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Interest revenue Distribution costs Administrative expenses Doubtful accounts Employee benefit expense Depreciation and amortisation Interest expense Impairment loss Profit or loss Total assets Addition to non-current assets Carrying amount of noncurrent assets sold Total liabilities

60,000 10,000 70,000 (30,000) 40,000 3,000 (8,000) (4,000) (1,000) (500) (2,500) (2,000) (5,000) 20,000 60,000 8,000 5,000 20,000

The minimum disclosure relating to the reportable operating segments shall include the following: Sales - External Sales - Internal Interest revenue Interest expense Depreciation and amortization Impairment loss Profit or loss Total assets Addition to non-current assets Total liabilities

60,000 10,000 3,000 (2,000) (2,500) (5,000) 20,000 ۞ 60,000 8,000 20,000

۞Note that the amount of profit or loss is disclosed under all circumstances. c. What other disclosures are required for the operating segment financial information?  The other items disclosed are specified in PFRS 8 and are disclosed only because these are included in the measure of profit or loss, measure of total assets and measure of total liabilities reviewed by the chief operating decision maker.  The impairment loss is disclosed because the amount is deemed material.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY  How should the financial information such as the profit and loss, segment assets and segment liabilities be verified in relation to the entity-wide financial statements?  The entity shall provide a reconciliation of the amounts of segment revenue, segment profit or loss, segment assets, segment liabilities and other material segment items to corresponding items in the entity's financial statements related to ALL of the following: 1. The total revenue of all reportable segments to the entity revenue. 2. The total profit or loss of all reportable segments to the entity profit or loss before income tax expense and discontinued operations. 3. The total assets of all reportable segments to the entity total assets. 4. The total liabilities of all reportable segments to the entity total liabilities. 5. The total for every other material item of information disclosed by the reportable segments to the corresponding amount for the entity. Illustration The implementing Guidance 3 of PFRS 8 provided the following suggested format for disclosing information about reportable segment profit or loss, total assets and total liabilities. In this illustration, the chief operating decision maker decided not to allocate income tax expense to reportable as a measure of profit or loss. The entity has three reportable segments namely software, electronics and car parts. The “other segments” which are not reportable include a small property business, equipment rental business and warehouse leasing. All amounts are assumed. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Revenue -  external Revenue -  internal Interest revenue Interest expense Depreciation Profit or loss Impairment loss Total assets Expenditure for non current assets Total liabilities

Software 12,500 3,000 1,500 1,000 300 1,100 25,000 800 16,000

Electronics 17,000 1,500 2,300 1,700 1,600 2,400 200 47,000 1,500 24,000

Car Parts 5,000

Others 1,000

1,100 500


7,000 600 4,000

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

2,000 200

Total 35,500 4,500 3,800 2,700 3,000 4,100 200 81,000 2,900 44,200

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY The following reconciliations are necessary:   REVENUE Revenue of reportable segments Revenue of nonreportable segments Elimination of intersegment revenue Entity revenue shown in income statement

39,000 1,000 (4,500) 35,500

PROFIT OR LOSS Profit or loss of reportable segments Profit or loss of nonreportablesegments Elimination of intersegment profit Unallocated amount Litigation settlement received Corporate expenses Entity profit or loss shown in income statement

4,000 100 (500) 500 (750) 3,350

INTERSEGMENT PROFIT IS THE “GROSS PROFIT” ON INTERSEGMENT SALES Total assets Total assets of reportable segments Total assets of nonreportable segments Unallocated corporate assets Entity total assets shown in statement of financial position

79,000 2,000 1,500 82,500


Interest revenue Interest expense Depreciation Impairment loss Expenditure for non current assets *

Segment Total 3,800 2,700 3,000 200

Adjustment 150 100

Entity Total 3,950 2,800 3,000 200




*The reconciling item to adjust expenditure for noncurrent assets is the amount incurred for the corporate headquarters building.

 How will the change in internal organization affecting the operating segment be disclosed?  If an entity changes the structure of the internal organization in a manner that causes the composition of the reportable segments to change, the corresponding information for earlier periods including interim periods shall be restated.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY  However, no restatement is made if the corresponding information for earlier periods is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive.

 What is an entity-wide disclosure in relation to segment reporting?  Entity-wide disclosures are additional information that is required to be disclosed by all entities if such information is not provided as part of the reportable segment information.

 What is required for entity-wide disclosure related to segment reporting?  An entity shall disclose information about the following: a. Information about products and services  An entity shall disclose the revenue from external customers for each product and service. b. Information about geographical areas  An entity shall disclose the following geographical information: 1. Revenue from external customers in the entity's country of domicile, in all foreign operations in total. 2. Separate disclosure of material revenue from external customers in an individual foreign country. c. Information about major customers  A major customer is defined as a single external customer providing revenue which amounts to 10% or more of an entity's external revenue.  The entity shall disclose the fact of reliance on major customers, the total amount of revenue from major customers and the identity of the segment or segments reporting the revenue.  The entity is not required to disclose the identity of the major customer or the amount of revenue that each segment reports from that customer.

2020-2021 Module Packets for AE 17 (Intermediate Accounting 3) | College of Commerce | University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines

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