A B U N D A N C E & P R O S P E R I T Y M A N I F E S T A T I O N E M P O W E R M E N T

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ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT May All Your Dreams Come True Founded By : Hari Andri Winarso

Official Website : www.dharmasatya.com www.soulunfoldment.com

Email : [email protected]

ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY : ABUNDANCE&PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT is channeled and copyrighted by Hari Andri Winarso 2009. All artwork in this manual is channeled by Hari Andri Winarso. ABUNDANCE&PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT is NOT affiliated with any other Reiki system and others healing systems that may or may not already exist at the present time or in the future. There is no set fee for the ABUNDANCE&PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT, BUT Please No LESS from US $20. Please do respect the energies and time and work that went into channeling this system and bringing it to you, and charge a reasonable price as you are guided. Do not change any part of this manual. Please ask permission of the founder before translating the manual. May this system to be usefull for your life, helpful to your goals, purposes, and desires about your life.

Much Love & Blessings, Hari Andri Winarso Dharmasatya Workshops Multiple Reiki Master / Teacher Vajra Master gTummo www.dharmasatya.com www.soulunfoldment.com [email protected]


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved.


Abundance&Prosperity Manifestation Amber Essence Amethyst Flower Essence Astral Wave Audio Program Aura Beauty Ray Empowerment Beauty Reiki Birthstones Healing Program BlackStar Sapphire Energy Attunement Chakra Healing Deep Blue Reiki Divine Clearing Ray DNA 4 Success Dolphin Crystal Essence Emerald Heart Erotic Empowerment Ethereal Sacred Protection Fire Crystal Reiki Full Abundance Golden Sunrise Gems Lover Holy Fire gTummo (With EDWIN ALDRIAN) Inner Child Essence Jade Dragon Empowerment

Kundalini Quartz Essence Lingga Yoni Fertility Lotus Crystal Reiki Love & Sexual Audio Program Magical Flowers Money Essence Reiki New Energy Healing Pure Heart Quantum Body Qi Rainbow Aura Essence Rainbow Mandala Empowerment Ruby Essence Sacred Sun 1 Sacred Sun 2 Sacred Sun 3 Sapphires Essence Sathya Tummo Solar Star Energy Attunement (With ESTHER B) Spiritual Lights Of Abundance Success Flush Tibetan Black Quartz Healing Universal Abundance

For Further Information about the systems above, visit on : www.dharmasatya.com www.soulunfoldment.com


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved.


You likely know someone who is a great at manifesting. You may even have felt somewhat jealous of that person because it appears they have everything, seemingly getting these things with little effort as if they were born under a lucky star. W ell, it may be that they very well were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact. I say this because I believe once we learn something in another life (Yes, I believe in past lives, parallel existences) it is not lost, and that we can choose to bring those talents with us as we move into a new life experience.

Attracting Abundance is Knowledge : As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the piano or flipping pancakes in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it. And, although some of us are better at certain skills that doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another. Those people who are efficient in attracting have trained their minds to focus on their desires. They have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. Abundance comes to them naturally. They wouldn't blink an eye if someone suggested they don't deserve something, it isn't part of their reality. Grasping a better understanding of how the "Law of Attraction" works is the first step in bringing abundance into your life.

Law of Attraction : W e create our own reality. W e attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your thoughts or feelings are negating the positive. W hen we focus on "having less" then we create that experience for ourselves. W hen we focus on "I hate my job" then we will never notice the aspects of our employment that might be satisfying. Basically, just wanting something isn't going to bring that to us when we continue to obsess on the not having of that something. All we will experience is "not having" and will be ultimately blocking our true desires.


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved. Better to focus on a particular object or scenario rather than on winnings or cash. Another mistake that we make is that we tend to think of abundance in terms of how much money we have in our bank accounts. I personally think focusing on winning the lottery is a fruitless event. Focusing on winning the lottery is kind of like focusing on "not having." I say this because of some discussions I've had with those who have held this desire, They have shared what they would do with the winnings if they won. Yet, some of the things they say they would do with the money they could actually already be doing with their current incomes on a smaller scale, but they don't. W hy not? Because they cling to what they perceive as their "meager savings" with the attitude that they don't have enough out of fear. Here is an example of this: A man's mother owns a car that is need of repair. The son says "If I won the lottery I would buy my mother a new car." But actually, the son has the means to take her car to the mechanics and pay out $400 needed in repairs to assure that his mom has a dependable car to drive back and forth to the market. W hen asked why he doesn't then just go ahead and have her current car repaired, he answers, "W ell gee, I only have $800 in the bank, and doing that would knock out half my savings. W hat happens if my car needs repairs next week or my daughter gets sick and needs to see a doctor?" So you see, the person's true focus is on "not enough" rather than being focused on winning the lottery. W hen we are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much money we have, it will never be enough. Suggesting that he pay for his mother's car repairs brought his fears out into the open. It would be nice if the fellow could trust that by helping his mother and paying for the repairs he would not put himself at financial risk. But for the time being, while he feels he must hold onto that fear reality, I would suggest this man focus on visualizing his mother driving safely to and from the market in comfort and without experiencing any mechanical breakdowns. This would be a positive image/thought to get that picture to become a reality. Another suggestion would be to introduce the Law of Attraction to his mother so she can start attracting a new car for herself among other things she might desire.

1998 Phylameana lila Désy


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved. The Science Behind The Law Of Attraction : The Law of Attraction is best understood by describing what energy is. According to Quantum physics, the Universe is made up of energy. How energy manifests is defined by the characteristics of energy. The amplitude or frequency of energy produces very different results. Quantum mechanics examines the relationship between energy and matter. It has also been found that like energies attract. It may sound like a load of crap but this type of study is supported by science and experiments. In fact, this study can lead to an increased understanding of our existence and how we relate to our environment and each other electro dynamically. One of the first things learned in chemistry is that what goes in must come out. Nothing is created or destroyed, but simply takes on a different form. Therefore, energy and matter is not destroyed, but transits to a different form. There is a spectrum of energy that exists in the Universe. It is said that God or The Ultimate Source resonates at the highest frequency. Because like energy attracts, it goes to mean that positive energies attract more positive ones and negative energies attract negative ones. Imagine that you are a magnet, attracting into yourself a field of creative energy vibrations that matches your current state of feeling. Every single thought and feeling generates vibrations that feed and change this energy field, and give rise to the experiences of your daily life. A negative vibration such as anger will create situations that produce anger. Conversely, a positive vibration such joy will create situations of joy in your experience.


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved.


The Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment is more stronger, more than Full Abundance. The concept of Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment is abundance comes from within, if for any reason you feel you don’t deserve unlimited abundance, this will be projected into your holographic reality. On the other hand you could have all the material abundance available and continue to feel like you lack something. There is much more to abundance than material possessions and money. Get rid of the beliefs, attitudes, feelings, thought-forms, etc. that are not letting you live in abundance and enjoy it. Get rid of poverty conscious ids, raise your wealth consciousness, activate the energy receiving conduits in your auric field. Experience and discover the state of inner and outer abundance. Abundance Manifestation Empowerment will activate your DNA and auric field with the frequencies to attract and manifest the material abundance you desire.

To Activate The Abundance & Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment : For yourself : 1. Sit on meditation pose, close your eyes. 2. Mentally say : "Now, i would like to activate the Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment to release any negativity about abundance and prosperity that may be in or around me and attract the abundance and prosperity to myself and around me." 3. Entering a deep meditation for approximately 10-15 minutes and allow the energies to release any blockages and negativity.

For Another Person : 1. Sit on meditation pose, close your eyes. 2. Mentally say : "Now, i would like to send the Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment to release any negativity about abundance and prosperity that may be in or around ... (Name of Person) and attract the abundance and prosperity to him/her and around this person." 3. Entering a deep meditation for approximately 10-15 minutes and allow the energies to release any blockages and negativity.


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved. ATTUNEMENT : To Receive : 1. Take a position that make you comfort and relax, but always keep straight your spinal column, but i’ll suggest you to sit on a meditation pose. Close your eyes, deep and slow breath. 2. Mentally say : “I ask my Higher Self to receive the attunement of Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment from … (Mention your teacher’s name). Thank you !” 3. Do a meditation approximately 15 minutes.

To Pass : 1. Take a position that make you comfort and relax, but always keep straight your spinal column, but i’ll suggest you to sit on a meditation pose. Close your eyes, deep and slow breath. 2. Mentally say : “I ask my Higher Self to send the attunement of Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment to … (Mention your student’s name) at … (Student’s location). Thank you !” 3. Do a short meditation.


ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT ©2009, By Dharmasatya Workshops. All Rights Reserved.

I Hope You Have Enjoyed To Reading And Learning This Manual and Also Enjoy Your Attunement.

With Love,

HARI ANDRI WINARSO Multiple Reiki Master / Teacher

www.dharmasatya.com www.soulunfoldment.com www.dharmasatya.ning.com [email protected] Please, Don't Give This Manual And Attunement For Others With Freely. This Can Be An Attunement Exchange or Money Exchange. If With Money Exchange, Please should Be Sold For MINIMUM US $20 No Less and Can More.


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