Aff Of Fact All Loans Prepaid

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Affidavit of Fact - Automobiles/flomes/Student Loans "Bill- already Paid in Full USPO CERTIFIED MAIL TRACKINGNo. [ffi00 m00 0000 0000 0000]



From: [Your Location Here] Your Account Here #: 0123456789 To: (BANKS/SERVICING/PSE&G/WATERiETC. COMPANIES HERE) C.F.O/C.E.O. of CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE PO BOX 60511 CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716-0511 Dear Sir/Tv1adam:

Your September payment coupon of statement (No: # 0123456789) is being accepted and returned for value as consideration for settlement and closure of this accorurt for full amount of [How Much Owed Herel principal balance. It has been noted on the payrnent coupon that this coupon is a 100Yo value coupon and that it is accepted for the value indicated. I wish to thank you for obtaining the firnds from my government created 'Cestui Que Trust' account for me, but you could have informed me about this process a long time ago. The required IRS form 1099-A is attached to document/cover the process of this transaction, for lhe funds that you have withdrawn from US Treasury CESTUI QUE Trust Account - [NAME- LEGAL FICTION HERE (STRAWMANiCESTLI QUE TRUST)SSN # 1234fi789. The 1099-A is so the IRS accountine denartment can properly account for the transfer of these funds from this account to your account.

The first item on the 1099-A is for an Acquisition which means for the Lender (buyer, purchaser, acquirer) and the Borrower (seller, supplier, provider). By the correct understanding of the form this means that the debt as noted in block 5 is really payment and this 1099-A is documenting that fact.

If any questions you can write me

at the location above. If it is not written to this proper location, your mail did not meet proper service and shall be retumed to its sender a.s.a.p. (As soon as possible). So please update my mailing location:rs you were directed to do so as well as send me a "True Invoice" of a bill, NOT a statement of a bill, you have refused which is a direct violation of proper response and your duties to me. (See- Attaehment of Aflidavit of Statement af Bill Protest) (This sectional paragraph here is only used for

Automobiles Protest that Cars is already Paid for, it can also be used on Homes and Strdent l,oan Debts, but coasult with document owner for a freewill offering donation for the Attachment oJ Affidavit af Statement of Bill Protest.\ (Right Thumb of


Living Woiltlan)




[Name Herel: (Audmrized Representative) Natural Person, In Propria Person4 Sui Juris Atl Rights Reserved 'Without Prejudice U.C.C. t-207 /t-308/t-103

A little extra information for you but I am sure you already knew it: BE INFORMED, any actoq agent or fiduciary who delays, restricts, or otherwise prohibits the movement ofthis Negotiable Debt Instrument in its lawful progression* destined to, or for, the Holder In Due Course, Secured Party, or Claimant must shAlu_gAglg_u&y 3 coatempt charge** should not issue against him/trer in his/tre.r/their True Character, or suffer the consequences of said action, or lack of action.

It is noted that said actors, agents, and fiduciaries are subject to the seliexecuting regulations ofthe 3d and 4e sections ofthe 14ft Amendment to the BiIl of Riehts to the Constitution for the United States of America whereby their offices are vacated and their salaries and retirement benefits me extinguished when they do not perforrr the duties of said ofiices. * Established in 1933 under IIJR 192 and exercised by actors, agents, and frduciaries of every commercial transaction by commercial banking institutions since that date with the "Abrogation of the Gold Clause".

All Natural Rights Reserved 'Without Prejudice' U.C.C.l-207/l-308i l-103.6

Page I

Affidavit of Fact - Automobiles/IlomeVStudent Ioans "Bilf'aheady Paid in Full ** Damages equal to double the amormt of the Negotiable Debt Insuument (under civil action) or nipie the amormt of the Negotiable Debt Instrrment (mder Admiralty hrrisdiction). Copies of

All paperwork shall

be fonrarded to:

To: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commicsion (SEC) Offrce of Investor Education and 100 F Sheet WashingSon, DC 20 5 49 4213




To: Consumer Rmponse Center Federal Trade Commission Washington, D.C.20580

All Natural Rights Reserved 'Without Prejudice' U.C.C .l-2O7ll-30811-103.6


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