Antarctica Is Atlantis, 40.pdf

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Antarctica is Atlantis : This may be hard to understand or grasp at first, but if you take some time to consider the facts, you will come to the conclusion that there is a vast cavern under the ice in Antarctica. In the early 1930's members of what would become the National Socialists party were on a quest to find more information regarding what they believed was an advanced civilization that existed before our current recorded history. My great grandmother was a member of a society of gifted females who used mental, then later technological means to communicate with humans that claimed to have colonized the Aldebaran star system. These humans stated that they were originally from earth, and they were directed to lead earth out of its current dark age, and back into an age of prosperity and abundance. They stated we used to be a great civilization, but had fallen. The ETs directed this society in many technological principals, mainly the extraction of free energy from space-time using torsion generators, and negative space. They also directed the contactees to go to Antarctica, as that is where proof of our civilization lies. Antarctica is Atlantis. Many expeditions were sent to Antarctica National Socialists, and it was discovered that underneath the kilometers of ice, volcanic activity had carved out immense caverns. Some kilometers high, and the size of entire small nations. Many artifacts were discovered, and many abandoned pieces of technology were found and reverse engineered. A colony was then established, a colony to which my great-grandparents, who were Haunebu scientists for the SS at this point, were sent. My grandparents, and my mother were raised in this colony, which is now a nation of several hundred thousand people. My mother was a civilian Antarctican had been allowed to travel to the "surface" world in order to see the flaws/benefits in the surface system, and choose whether she would rather stay here or go back. It's almost the opposite of the Amish Rumspringa, as where she is from, technology is far more advanced, and thanks to the mastery of electro-grav-netics (vril) energy is abundant, and there is no scarcity. She chose to stay after meeting my father, a scottish mason in South Africa, where I was born. *When you cause a charged liquid material to rotate in a vortex, it promotes an incredible static/standing wave energy that can be used to charge the entire outer hull of a craft. Think "ionic breeze." It is a personal "magnetosphere" around the craft. This amount of energy replaces the earth-plasma field of the earth that you are normally enveloped in, and forms its own gravitational field.

You have absolutely NO sense of movement on the craft. In fact, from the inside, all you see is an image change on a screen, and you step out into the new reality. Only from the outside are the actual movements of the craft through spacetime apparent. The craft is turned into a plasma itself, which is then magnetically confined by the "magnetosphere" The charge from the vortex implosion engine can be vibrated at any frequency, and magnetic confinement can by used at the nanometer scale. All colors are simply a frequency. For instance, when we vibrate the craft at 630 nanometers, this activates the corresponding cones in the human eye that are interpreted as "red" If we vibrate the craft in an electromagnetic 960 nanometers, this is "below" what the human eye can detect, so the craft would not be seen. It would be "invisible" *Counteracting: Thought based directed energy weapons can be disabled using the standing wave field against them. Your own brain creates thoughtform reality. Focus on moving the energy from the surrounding air through your body and concentrate it in your solar plexus. When you feel it is "full" of energy, picture it flowing out of your body an into a clear crystal sphere, directly in front of your chest. Visualize this crystal sphere is full of this energy, packing in tighter and tighter, getting hotter and hotter until it IGNITES with FURY! NOW VISUALIZE YOURSELF SENDING THIS THOUGHTFORM BACK THROUGH THE STANDING WAVE TO THE SENDING UNIT, AND DISABLING IT. *It is very important that you filter the water you drink and shower in, and avoid fluoridated foods. Fluoride promotes a "cataracts" of the electromagnetic rods and cones in the pineal gland. Advanced techniques include the ability to visualize energy in its correct form as it moves. Energy moves in a 3d (or multi-d) toroid pattern or potential, with the potentiated thoughtform in the central part. There are many who do not want others to know. All information that has been hidden has been compiled, and will be released eventually. I have nothing to do with that, however I do have 3 generations of compiled understanding of the world and universe for what it really is. *I spoke of visualizing a crystal sphere to fill with energy. It is a simple way to visualize a complicated process. Regarding crystals, most of our technology is composed of crystals that are grown in specific standing-wave chambers, in order to impart specific qualities and responsiveness in each. A crystal is a 3D representation of the underlying electromagnetic field. *You may only travel there (Antarctica) using a means that is non-internal combustion. You may contact the Antarcticans, and many other ET races using a entanglement conveyor, a type of instant communicator that uses a laser and penning traps to read/write the quantum state of an entangled particle.

I am happy to help you build one, I have the knowledge if you have the means. This applies to any technology I mention here. I will assist with construction if you have the means. Astral travel is prevented by multi-dimensional shielding, only the invite may astrally travel to the Antarctic Nation. People in the Antarctic nation do not work for food. Scarcity is unknown to our people, we have unlimited access to all resources. New matter can be created from hydrogen in out fusion reactors. Scarcity is something imposed on the surface to keep you struggling. In fact, the entire surface population could be supported in a city the size of Texas, and the food could be aquaponically grown in a Florida-Sized space. While this is obviously not practical, it is just an example of how the surface has been fooled into thinking they are overpopulated and must be "culled." There are more than enough resources on the surface to provide every man woman and child with food, clothing, healthcare, housing, education and a quality life. The resources are hoarded by the wealthy. It is an interesting system, one I find flawed. *If this tech is available and known about why is it not used by us here on 'the surface' or shared with us? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18392317

There are several reasons, the main reason WE do not share the technology is that our council does not feel that the surface world would be ready for unlimited power. The main reason your governments do not share the military technology with civilians is that there is a oil-based economy to sustain, and you are considered no more than slaves. *Cool post OP. My Grand Uncle worked as a Physicist in Communist Bulgaria. When I visited him there in the 1980's, he related a similar story. Quoting: wisc_natureboy

Yes, the eastern nations embraced the science of Nikola Tesla, and evolved many advanced technologies as the west suppressed even their brightest using the invention suppression act of 1951. *You are entitled to believe whatever rings most true with you, however consider this: What Plato wrote was a story, not a history. "Atlantis" was not a city, nor an island. It is a word used describe a global, interstellar human civilization that the current age FELL from. After the great battle of the last Age of Man, it was decided that humanity should not have access to the great technologies that brought about the wars and destruction. An artificial satellite was constructed to keep the greatest nation, the Antarctic continent, on the bottom of the earth. The Moon was constructed and place in orbit in order to alter the axial tilt of the planet. The hydrosphere, or water layer that used to surround the earth, was collapsed, and the resulting flooding caused the waters to rise over Antarctica, which then froze due to its new placement at the bottom of the earth. *charged fluid thru a vortex?

sounds like Victor Shumanns perpetual tornado /anti gravity work back in 30;s an 40's Quoting: impartial observer 720559

You refer to viktor schauberger. Yes, EXACTLY that. *1) Please, can you tell us more about the moon and the NAZIS (did the NAZIS went there)? The National Socialists did not go to the moon. I do not know much more other that it is artificial. 2) Has the NAZIS something to do with Antarctican people? They are our ancestors, yes. I will not comment on the atrocities committed, except to say that no one's ancestors are innocent. We choose to move on. That is all. 3) USA truly walked on the moon surface? How did they went through the The Van Allen radiation belt? The NASA program has not sent anything past the Van Allen belts. 4) How old is the Earth?Timeless. *Please see these maps for an understanding of the under-ice areas that lead to the central part of the antarctic continent. [link to] [link to] (Can't add maps as they link off Gloop) *The NASA program has not sent anything past the Van Allen belts. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

Correct, but other programs have. Quoting: wisc_natureboy

Absolutely, other programs, but not public ones. Not to the moon, not to mars. You need a localized magnetosphere to counteract the effects of radiation and interstellar/solar winds. Only a Haunebu craft offers this protection. If the technology that drives our craft were released, then free energy from the vacuum would replace the oil industry. This is why Hollywood makes the "Nasa" farce. *The device pictured below creates a localized magnetosphere around the craft, which (as long as the craft is aloft, not grounded) can be used for unheard of propulsion techniques.

[link to] ... "Folks on earth" have been space-faring for tens of thousands of years. You are currently in a dark age. Let me explain something very important... Earth is the creator planet. All ET civilizations began as Human civilizations on Earth, and have colonized other systems.

They adapt their bodies for the specific needs of their local environment, so they appear "alien." Re: Haunebu, they can go an unlimited speed. They do not travel through space, they create negative space that sucks the craft into it. *Re: GreysGreys are a type of artificial biological muscular and electrical system. They are a type of remote control robot that is made of meat, an avatar. A drone, with a practical shape.(English spelling so does indicate South African or similar background) *We have learned that when you travel inter dimensionally, you do not take your body. A body that is best matching for the conditions of your being will materialize at your location upon arrival. This is a bit hard to explain, but bodies are not heaps of meat that evolved over time. They are the direct result of DNA responding to the local field, and manifesting the best form for that field. Hope that makes sense. *FAQs Do you have machinery, does it convert electrical energy into physical motion? Yes, however our technology is based on vortex implosion techniques, not explosion. Do you have magnets or do you use magnets in motors? We use what you would call meta-material. They are not just magnetic, but incorporate aspects of electrical conductivity, gravitic, and magnetic properties. Does this energy need to be regulated? Absolutely. It could cleave the entire planet. Does this energy need to be stored? No, it is freely available from the aether. What do you use for storage devices? Crystals that are grown in a vril field that is specifically tuned to the energy we wish to harness. How do you transmit energy to devices once collected? Using quantum entanglement, or "standing wave coupling" Do you consume monoatomic gold? Yes, this allows our physical body to directly interface with technology on a cellular level. Can you transmute water into anything else? We can transmute any matter. All matter is simply compressed "hydrogen." Do you drink anything other than water? Beer and Wine is abundant Is there any element that you have that is not on the periodic table? Yes, There are several hundred unknown to you. There are multiple levels within higher vibrational frequencies. What is the main language used? We communicate using telepathy. You are fully capable of doing so as well. Every human has an electromagnetic detector in the centre of your skull that can be used to communicate with one another. It is called the pineal gland. Discussed earlier, and many times on this forum. *We do not interfere unless the event would cause an ELE, or affect our nation.

For instance, you will often notice our craft disabling nuclear devices. We will not allow nuclear warfare. *Upgrades: The sun is a plasma anode/cathode that is tied to the earths core, and the singularity or central sun. The sun, and central sun project electro-cymatic energy vortexes on which the DNA molecule aligns, forms and functions. Your body and DNA are directly linked via a type of electromagnetic connection to the sun and central sun. As the central sun sends out a signal (reaching us now) the solar system gets an upgrade, as do the creatures. The central sun is intelligent, and uses it's projections (us) as nodes through which to gather more data or experiences. *Admiral Byrd's Journals are interesting, but have an included element of fallacy. He and his troops were indeed in the Antarctic nation. They were rescued by one of our scout teams. Yes, most who are familiar with Tesla should understand the basics of this technology. It is at least 100 years old at this time, it has simply been suppressed. There are many surface dwellers that power their homes and farms using this technology, in secret. Reich, Schauberger, Tesla. Dark Knights of Science. *We live indefinitely. Our bodies do not deteriorate due to time. We are not immortal, there are still accidents, but bar that, we live indefinitely. We use an entangled "sheet" of standing wave Tesla energy to transmit matter from point to point on the surface. The machines are simply tuned to the same quantum frequency. We use what you would call "UFO's" for long distance (space) travel. Haunebu flying disk craft. Our craft use electrogravitic vorticies to produce a localised space-time field that envelops the craft. They are capable of travel through atmosphere, water and space. They are capable of vibrating at a high enough frequency to pass through solid matter as well. *What is the purpose of life? To create new universes. Each human sees the universe in a new way, and the electromagnetic energy of that observation is uploaded into the universal etheric field as an original observation. It's a giant AI learning machine, and your body is one of the manifested electromagnetic forms. "You" are the timeless observer, driving a body. Your DNA forms on and responds to the fields, and creates a body that corresponds with the best form to have at that time. You have no junk DNA. ...As stated before, We know scientifically that this region of the universe follows a set of physical rules. Without those rules, the local universe (atoms, stars, etc) would not exist. The rules of physics are based on the central star, or black hole for each space-time region. This energy source sends electro-cymatic waves that compress the local aether into what is commonly

called "matter." Gravity is a byproduct of stretching of spacetime ether as the energy condenses to form matter. Take a blanket and lay it flat, this is space-time, now take two points, and TWIST them to a point. You will now notice there is now more "space-time" compressed into the vertical space, and now the two points are also CLOSER to each other (gravity) The ether is a NON-COMPRESSIBLE fluid. Matter are 3D vortexes caused by a type of "super-cymatics" from the central sun. So basically, yes, reality is projected from our central star. *I live on Earth, the sub-divisions of "countries" are simply to keep you from uniting. No weapon formed against me may prosper, it is my purpose to assist in the release of ancient technologies, and the revival of the golden age on the surface. *We use cannabis for many things, thousands of acres are grown annually in Antarctica. It is a primary food source, and the hemp seed, once sprouted, has all the nutrients a human body requires, it truly is a super food. The plant matter and oils can be used for virtually everything from temporary clothing to furniture and paper. It was poised to replace timber as the primary pulp for paper, so a racist smear campaign was run against it. Look it up. In addition, the human brain evolved cannabinoid receptors for a reason. This plant and humans are meant to work together. *This is what other civilizations in space consider a plasma shield. Besides the properties within the field, outside particles stream around the shield like stream water around a rock. This allows ships to move through atmospheres at incredible speeds. Quoting: We Who Watch

Correct. *OP, I was gifted with information that gravity and local natural law are a function of a certain flux in which we (the locality) bathe. This flux is a combination of the harmonics of Creation singing its song upon the aether. Do tell more. [/quote] *Intergalactic space exists as almost an illusion. The singularity at the center of each galaxy is literally responsible for the CREATION of space-time field fluctuations that allow matter to operate the way it does. Local laws for this universe are constant, however each galaxy is its own manifestation of these laws. Singularities create new space-time. This is why each galaxy appears to be moving AWAY from the others, instead of them all moving away from a central point in space as one would expect from a big-bang event. They appear to be moving away because more space-time is being manifested between them from the ether. *Aircraft that use combustion are disabled and landed long before they reach entrances to the antarctic nation.

We are aware of many surface nations performing a number of biological experiments on the antarctic surface, and under the ice. These are closely monitored by us. *The earth is hollow, there is a plasma core in the center that provides heat and light, and literally creates new mass from the vacuum. There is a race of reptiles that predates humanity by millions of years. They mostly live off-world now, but there are colonies within the earth, and they control many bio-robot avatars on the surface. *Most surface-politicians are bio-avatars. Beer and wine in moderation is fine. *We can counter any medical issue. As stated, we live indefinitely, barring massive brain trauma. *All colonists were German, yes. Only RH(-) is correct. Basically we do not originate on earth. Our DNA is very different from surface-dwellers, although I am a half-caste. *Stonehenge and other constructs are energy conversion sites. They are like large magnetrons for ELF earth instead of microwave frequencies. when they were built are they put in any specific place, or can they be put up anywhere? Can they be put in an incorrrect place? thankyou. Yes, they are placed at standing-wave energy exit nodes. When placed over energy-entry nodes, they can have a detrimental effect to the local area. Each lifeform has specific adaptations for their environment. *African humans are the original life-state for earth humans. They are naturally occurring beings.All other races are genetic alterations. *Advanced tech, my ass. Everybody growing their own food on one acre would solve it. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

This would deplete the nutrients in soil over time. Sustainable technology. Aquaponics, is the answer. "Piping" is accomplished through use of teleportation sites. -The water is oxygenated and revitalized using a vortex revival system, not via a air-pump and stone. -The plants are scanned, and the plasma lighting is adjusted to match the needed frequency exactly. -The lighting is heat-free and magnetically powered. -A force field keeps a constant cloud of C02 around photosynthesizing plants *Humanoid life is a natural progression of planetary life. The African human existed naturally on the planet. The Annunaki are reptilian beings that evolved originally on earth. Before humans. (???) They created several races from the originally evolved humans. Atlantis existed up unit only several thousand years ago. YOUR HISTORY HAS BEEN COMPLETELY ALTERED. *You can view Antarctica, but you cannot remote view our nation unless invited, we have barriers that prevent this, even when attempting a temporal rollback. Our technology is multidimensional, it exists outside of time, so essentially has "always" been there on the astral plane, it is not bypassable by surface technology or beings. Attempting to access the region, then roll time forward merely results in the traveler being

promptly returned to their 3D transportation unit (body) If you were there, you were invited. :( I am not even allowed to travel there. I use no books. I have my grandfather's journal, and the knowledge of 3 generations. *You are not invited to go home, that is very sad. Quoting: sacred energy

It is more my mother's home than mine. She longs to return, but once you decide to stay on the surface, you may never return. Additionally, I am not fully genetically compatible with their AI interface, so I would not be able to fully participate. 1. I would never make an electronic or physical copy of the journal. 2. I will personally assist those who have the means and interest in the technology. I will NOT post details on a public forum for any and all to see. In the wrong hands, this technology can be used for nefarious purposes. Your surface military has made that clear. It is EASY to convert a modern automobile to use vortex implosion. A new haunebu craft would cost no more than a luxury vehicle to construct. $30k-$50k *The native plants are of a deep purple, almost black color. They absorb most spectrums of light in order to survive. We currently, and in the past, have used aquaponic systems to produce our food. We do not wear fabric, our clothing is an organic second integumentary system. Cleaning is performed using "cold electricity" Once again, something your surface scientist Tesla discovered a century ago. We use cannabis for many things, thousands of acres are grown annually in Antarctica. It is a primary food source, and the hemp seed, once sprouted, has all the nutrients a human body requires, it truly is a super food. Our aquaponics system is standard Deep Water Culture, on a massive scale. -Crops float on vats of arthropods, similar to prawns on the surface. -"Piping" is accomplished through use of teleportation sites -The plants are scanned, and the plasma lighting is adjusted to match the needed frequency exactly. -The lighting is heat-free and magnetically powered. -A force field keeps a constant cloud of C02 around photosynthesizing plants The water is oxygenated and revitalized using a vortex revival system, not via a air-pump and stone. The crop does not die, we use the same technology that we use to keep our bodies regenerated. The arthropods break down to an equivalent of what you know as 8-8-8, thereabouts and is refed to the plants, which are genetically altered to be nano-factories that produce anything we wish. *All life is "from" earth, and all life belongs no matter where it is. Aryan ancestors colonized the Aldebaran star system during the 1st cycle of man, and returned to earth during the end of the 2nd age of man. Rh(-) beings are the descendants of said beings. *Can you please explain, or point me in the right direction on how to build or buy a proper Vortex revival system?

Do not buy a revival system, make it with your own energy. It will work much better. Here is a simple diagram. [link to]Here is another, including an air purification method. [link to] *Yes, you think "explosion=power" which is true, destruction power. Really, IMPLOSION=POWER Not "explode out" but "vortex in, around and back through" (Ed.explaining how devices work) Ok I do get the. Bring from the air it's self? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

Not the air, but the aether. "Electromagnetically" would be the most relatable term. You have to create an electromagnetic vortex. Just like the magnetosphere and the heliosphere as well as the aurosphere around the human. Is the Rodin Coil on the right track? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

YES *Hello Antartican, thankyou for your answers. can you tell me if this "Stone Henge", is in an incorrect place? Thankyou [link to] (Australian imitation Stonehenge) Quoting: sacred energy

This is the location of an outward torsion field. Not a good place to harness the energy. *I feel the pyramids syphon off the static build from crust movment, using the energy to help keep the grid/field intact. sarcophagus's are a means of transport, I think they have something to do with moving from one body to another, I have used one once to get back to my body from a body I was inhabiting in some other place. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23373069

Sarcophagi are a way to block external electromagnetic and, if used correctly, auric fields. They also provide protection during an magnetospheric collapse during a polar reversal. *Hello Sir, Nice to meet you. 1. When is earth's upper crust going to shift by 90 degrees ? I have no information regarding the dates of the polar relocation. 2. When will "free food and energy" be available in surface When you need it so much you rise up and demand it. 3. Can you please let us know whether NP is equal to P If no, which problem belongs to NP but not in P ? I am not familiar with binary computer mechanics. Our systems are photon quantum based. *What do you know about the Vril women? Maria Orsitsch was the head of the 'The All German Society for Metaphysics' (Alldeutsche

Gesellschaft für Metaphysik) founded in the early 20th century as a female circle of mediums who were involved in extraterrestrial telepathic contact. The society was later renamed the 'Vril Society' or 'Society of Vrilerinnen Women'. In 1917 Maria Orsitsch is said to have made contact with extraterrestrials from Aldebaran with her female Vril circle. Later in 1919 the Vril circle met with other [Volkisch] groups in a small forester’s lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden to discuss a possible voyage to Aldebaran to meet the Aliens by the construction of Nazi ufos. Notes on this space mission are discussed in a recent detailed analysis of Nazi Occultism entitled 'Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity: 'Maria claimed to have received mediumistically transmissions in a secret German Templar script - a language unknown to her - containing technical data for the construction of a flying machine. Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 lightyears away in the constellation Taurus'[1] Quoting: vril-lover 2580726

My great grandmother was a member of the Vrilerinnen Society, and an apprentice of Maria. Maria first established contact with humans claiming to be from Aldebaran through trance and automatic writing. They transmitted the knowledge on how to construct an entanglement communicator, and where to find a stone from their planet to use for connection. Once we had full communication, the Aldeberani taught us many other techniques. The moment the communicator came online is regarded as the breaking of the veil. Maria was transported to Aldebaran during one of our first interstellar Haunebu craft tests, and chose to remain there. *Op, thanks for your reply and your openness. Would you like me to provide you with an email so you can pass on to me further instructions on how to build one of these communication devices? Quoting: ChickenInACan

I would never transmit that information over the internet. As stated, I will personally supervise the construction, if you have the means. *Do you have suggestions, regarding how humans can without doubt know their origins? Since there are so many various belief systems, about our origin. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216

The vatican keeps much from you. As the ice melts, it will be revealed without doubt. *(Interesting dialogue with another poster: Ah, I did not know you were an ID being. That is most likely why you were able to manifest in the Antarctic nation, they welcome higher life. Do you currently have a bio-suit through which to manipulate 3D or are you purely virtual? If you wish to join mankind, I have the knowledge of how to create a compatible bio-suit, or "body" for you. You say you fight for inclusion, is this to what you refer? Yes, I am sure those below would be interested in trying to persuade you to stay and add to their overall experience. Why the surface? Quoting: Antarctican

I jumped into a special modified dna hybrid body brought about by a detente program of The Reptilans, Greys and curiously Nordics or Tall Whites as some seem to call them. They didn't much care for the arrangement, but found they didn't have much say about the matter of us borrowing their experiment. This form has an ultra dense skeleton, variable endocrine system and template personality so that different scientists can jump in and out as needed while maintaining continuity with the populace. I allow those who made this body to have the data they originally desired since it is not counter to our purposes. I stay on the surface since I volunteered for the journey and it also allows me to furnish the data this body was originally purposed for. I urge advanced species to include mankind into the larger stellar community of trade and inter-species knowledge. I feel they can overcome many of their shortcomings if they were made aware of the larger universe. That is the inclusion I champion though it is a slight long-shot. I admit I could easily have found myself staying below ground though. It was so refreshing from a mental standpoint. It was easily the best this planet has shown me. Wonderful people! I usually jump out at night since it allows me to travel without questions from those around me. For living around me (in my physical presence)the normal folks get immunity from pretty much all human disease. It just seems fair to me to give them something since I've accidentally bumped some of them a few hours in time. Only a couple of times though before I learned to adjust the field around me. Others seem to address me as a Regulan, a mediator species. That function seems as easy as breathing for me as does exploring new places. The surface is close to being able to do much, they just don't know how to put the pieces together as you well know. Welcome here! There may come a time soon when I take the underground up on their offer to stay and your offer of how to build an a non-borrowed bio-suit (sorry guys up above). Necessity. Those species understand that. Quoting: We Who Watch

Very interesting. I should however warn you, abduction or possession is considered a high crime where I am from... Quoting: Antarctican

This body was taken over by the reptilans and Greys and modifications begun before birth. At about age 3 the Nordics joined in on research with the other two species, infusing some of their dna and modifications. Their modifications start to be challenged after about 25%, are pushing it at 30%. This body was at 35% after the Nordic infusion. Not a good future outcome. I stepped in at the beginning of age 6, freed the individual of the program. That the natural inhabitant of the body wanted me to remain with them is not a decision forced by me, but perhaps by David's understanding of the future consequences. He couldn't be reprogrammed, but would face hardships due to the 35% dna difference. His choice for us to stay together worked in ways neither could quite imagine. I took David's name back with me when I would leave. He had full access to my knowledge as his compensation plus keeping him alive. The agreement with the off-world species came only

recently when their complete knowledge of what changes they had made became necessary. David was part of that decision and negotiation. He is still free of their influence. He and I are together as though married only it is more immediate and I hope, continuing to be better. I do not abandon him as long as he wants me to stay. As an aside, I've repaired most of the accumulated damage to him. That largely involved the modifiable endocrine system I mentioned in an earlier post. His body is the healthiest it has been in a long time. I've been with David for decades, pretty easy when you are ID timeless. Consider all of this before think me a criminal. David shares with me, travels with me when he wishes. Last year he went back to my system with me for two months. He loved it.

OP, I hope you get to travel in the future. It is so very special. I also hope you get to go home if that is your wish. I would campaign with your people for that if you thought that the thing to do. Be happy wherever you find yourself. Your path is fortuned. Quoting: We Who Watch

What you describe is neither possession nor abduction. Thank you for clarifying. You should really get your own bio-suit however. ) *(page 12 vids) *When will economy collapse. It has already When will third world war start and end. When will solar flare bring down power grid. When will golden age start in surface. What is going to happen in dec 21. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1900105

I have stated before that I personally do not have access to specific dates. I can tell you this: This is the last generation during this cycle of man. *If you all are so advanced along with many other alien races why not stop the pure evil thats enslaving the surface pple? This is not our free will. We were born into this bullshit and do not agree with it. Either the ones controling are more powerful than any other or you all arnt as loving as you claim. You make it sound like its a choice of no...let me go with you guys underground. This is bullshit up here! Wwhy why whyyy wont anybody help the surfaceee pple? Or are we just meant to suffer and die a slow painfull death? Quoting: kcdub0184

As stated before, you number in the billions, you are perfectly capable of saving yourselves, but the majority love their slavery. We will only interfere if it affects us directly, or would cause planetwide destruction, or ELE Also, you cannot go live there permanently any more than I can. The culture relies on an interface with AI, which we are not compatible with.

*Your view is not the only view here. That place was called Rainbow City (named by man because everything was designed with all those colors in mind), and which there were actually seven cities in all across the globe, and all connected by super large tunnel systems. They were not built by aliens, but instead by the fallen angels, and their nephilim offspring. Everything in those cities were built for large beings, and normal size beings as well. Even though palm trees have been found beneith the ice, and in that location of which you speak, that was not atlantis. Atlantis will never be found! I do like your post though. It is thought provoking! I have also written extensively on the subject of ancient underground cities. Quoting: WatchmenOnTheWall

The ancient underground cities and our nation are separate things entirely. The Antarctic nation arose from a colony that was established to study the ancient artifacts from the last age of man, not underground, but on the earth's surface, just under the ice. The "rainbow cities" as you call them are worldwide, and are connected by a maglev vacuum tunnel system. Trains capable of 10,000 miles+/hr There are many bases in the US where there are connections to these tunnels. This is currently not used very much, as we have the ability to teleport in today's age. *only read the first post so far. Great work opie, although realistically i can only treat it as ideas for a sci-fi novel, as i have no proof of any kind what so ever to verify these claims.. But even so its much better than most stupid posts that appear on glp. Question then, how does such a colony continue to advance, when its so shut out from the outside world? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1546575

I would suggest they know more about the outside world than we might think. Quoting: mems3

We are in no way shut out from the outside world. We have the ability to travel the stars. It is you who is shut out from the galactic world. *If we vibrate the craft in an electromagnetic 960 nanometers, this is "below" what the human eye can detect, so the craft would not be seen. It would be "invisible" Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

If the human eye can't detect it, then the craft would be Black, not invisible. Quoting: qwe 23457723

No, it would be invisible. The human eye can detect black. Black is a combination of colours in the visible spectrum. If the human eye detects something, you call that "seeing" Can you see ultraviolet? No. Is it black? No. Can you see infrared?

No. Is it black? No. *OP, Very interesting words from you. Can you explain what is causing so many people to feel a higher vibration at this time. The Sun seems to be causing a change in our DNA. Many people on GLP have cleaned up their lives over the past two years for something they feel is coming. I suspect some people are changing into a higher consciousness being. Will this change take place after our body dies or will we just move into a different reality? Peace Quoting: Amy_A

Yes, please see my earlier post on how the singularity causes us to by, and how DNA is responsive to our magnetic environment. *And OP allow me another question: You spoke of the egyptian pyramids as "Wardenclyff Tower" equivalent. Is that true? And, have their been other high civilization here on earth 20.000-30.000 years ago? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23448202

It is true, and yes. The current civilization is the RECOVERY from a great catastrophe. Your whole history is kept from you in vatican vaults. *do polar bears make good blowjobs? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12437659

The best. (I threw this one is it's my experience that a sense of humour, of the not At Other People's Expense is usually a sign of a good guy) *What happened to the Patu-paiarehe people of New Zealand? Do they also inhabit Antarctica with you? What sort of artifacts have you found? You describe large inhabitable areas beneath kilometers of ice. Does any indigenous flora and fauna exist there? Quoting: Elzop

They were killed and eaten by the invading Maori, along with many other tribes, including the celtic tribes. *You lost me when you called Texas a city, but I'm back on board now. I still have about nine pages of posts to read on this thread so this question may have already been asked. Is there anything someone can do to speed up the transition to the golden age besides working on themselves? Quoting: Livingood

I referred to a city the size of Texas. Not saying Texas is a city, I am aware that it is a large surface sub-division that you call a "state." Just another way to divide the surface and keep humans from uniting. The transition will occur when it is meant to, and when it is most needed. Simply be prepared, learn to live without electricity for a time. *Question for OP. If this tech is available and known about why is it not used by us here on 'the surface' or shared with us? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18392317

There are several reasons, the main reason WE do not share the technology is that our council

does not feel that the surface world would be ready for unlimited power. The main reason your governments do not share the military technology with civilians is that there is a oil-based economy to sustain, and you are considered no more than slaves. Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

*op..can you give me more info on the council and structure of power you have? also do you have records regarding the pre flood citadel and colonies? Quoting: wildhoney

Each city below has an elected council of females that interfaces with our central Artificial Intelligence and provides us with feedback. We may then follow the feedback, or choose not to. Females are preferred due to their larger corpus callosum. There are no national (federal) laws, but we have genetically altered our ability to commit violence. We no longer carry the capacity to harm others or their property, so this is a non-issue. There is no central governing unit, and each small city may make its own laws, that are voted on by the people within the cities. The AI is used for resource distribution. *Let's say, in order to check your story, that I offered to build a small device. It would have to be something fairly simple and inexpensive, because I wouldn't want to waste resources if it were to turnout that what you recommended wasn't useful. This could be something small though, a children's toy even, as long as the device works differently than our current technology allows for. Is there something like that known to you? If so, what would it cost (roughly) to make? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1193674

I saw this question, and I must answer because it fascinates me that you have the technology sitting all around you, yet no one has put it together in public. You already have a children's toy with this type of tech. Please see this video. [link to] Now make it larger and more powerful. *I have some questions: 1.Generally, what is the life expectancy of an Antarctican? Unlimited, barring trauma 2.Can your civilization access the Akashic records and do they? Yes. 3.If #2 is true, what is the simplest device I can build to assist me in accessing the records because, unfortunately, I have been bathing in and drinking fluoridated water for many years and my pineal gland is probably petrified. You may construct a brainwave amplification device. 4.Is the Earth hollow like an atom with an inner sun (the nucleus emits light and warmth)? Yes. 5.If #4 is true, this is why your people are so concerned about nuclear devices because a nuclear explosion too close to this inner sun could cause a catastrophic chain reaction that would pop our the planet like a super nova? We are very concerned at the experiments carried out on the surface. We will not allow anything to destabilize or destroy earth. Nothing. 6.I and my family are requesting asylum with the Antarctic Colony. Can this request be considered? Even I am not allowed to stay.

7. My father-in-law has Leukemia, is there a simple way for me to cure him? I know this is a long shot but I have to try. I am very sorry for what you are going through. The condition you call cancer is caused by being constantly bathed in microwave radiation from television and cellphones. Cannabis oil cures many cancers, but I would recommend a human-sized Faraday cage to sleep in as well. 7. This is for validity sake, in between the brackets I typed a number sequence, then I erased it can you tell me what numbers were in between the brackets? [******] I am unsure what you are requesting. Thank you for your time and consideration. Armcandy   *OP, thanks for a fascinating thread. Can you comment at all on homosexuality? Is there a cause & effect? And can sexuality be changed? Quoting: Erther 13812144

Homosexuality is natural. We accept all sexuality, and all methods of "family." Unless it harms another, we do not limit experience. *How is a brainwave amplification device constructed? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

-Brainwave scanner and software -PC -Stun gun, or transformer from a CRT television or monitor. -Stereo amplifier -Audio editing software -Tesla coil -Speaker wire Please purchase a brainwave scanner. Now cheaply available on ebay, there are even games like "star wars force trainer" that use them. You will need a device that can capture the brainwave, and output it in a form that can be turned into audio by your computer. This audio should be fed to a stereo with an amplification unit. Instead of playing the audio through the speaker, you will take the speaker wire, and connect it to the corresponding positive and negative INPUT on the stun gun ( where the battery terminals would connect) The output, or "stun" from the stun gun should be wired to discharge into the primary coil of the tesla coil device. The output will be your brainwaves amplified up to the high frequency EM. I have included a very simple diagram. (P19) *We have no ruling party, or classes. We do not "work" either. or laws except locally, ones that

are voted on by city members. Nation-wide, the only law is that you may not harm a person or their property emotionally, psychically or physically. We use aquaponics for food, it is not grown by workers. We have automated systems that remove scarcity. *I don't believe you. That is perfectly fine. What is true to you, is true to you. 1. Beer and Wine is supposedly ample in a society that is enlightened and "above it all". Do you have any alcoholics in your midst? I never once stated that we were enlightened, nor "above all." In fact, the Antarcticans are BELOW, if anything, as they live under ice! Haha. We are just aware of things, we are different, more open and have not enacted suppression acts like the suppression act of 1951 to suppress technology on the surface. They have eliminated all dis-ease within their bodies, in Antarctica, so no. There are no alcoholics. 2. You have created a nice little story put together from pieces of information which is readily found on google, not your grandfather's notebook. Thank you, yes, much of this information is available to those who seek it. Not on google, mostly on the Dark Web Please see the various illustrations and diagrams posted that are original to me, not from google. Finally, the most important point: 3. If there was a technologically advanced society beneath the surface of the planet, with technology far superior to ours, it would be easy for you to dominate this planet and take control. If you were to stand by an ill society when you possess the cure for it, it would make you not an enlightened society, but an elitist group of sadistic people. You claim to offer knowledge but it is all stuff you can find on google. I have stated that we are not responsible for the rescue of the surface world. You number in the billions, we are a few hundred thousand. Do something yourself. Your attitude, and the attitude of many similar posters before you shows the reason why we feel that the technology cannot be released on a public board like this Nice try tho bud. Thank you, but I am not your bud. *Hi OP, your thread has picked my curiosity. As you can see, I live in Chile, and here there has been a long story of people being contacted by a group called themselves "Friendship", who are allegedly humans from earthly origin and long time in contact with ET intelligence. They have set up a separate society of high tech level, and have bases all around the globe, and also claim to be in contact with intraterrestrial beings. They have hinted that Earth is under the threat of collision with a celestial body in the time frame

between 2015 to 2020. Can you tell me if you have heard from them or know them? They are also aryan type humans, and they ships carry a svastic cross, althought the claim this is a universal symbol and the Nazis used it because they knew its meaning. Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe (nli) 23484247

They are of us, yes. I am not aware of catastrophes, but I am also fairly cut off from the Antarcticans current operations. I am sure much advancement has been made since I was last there as a child. *OP thanks for returning! makes me really happy! Please adress my questions. Is there any particular reason why Google Earth (being the most common satellite imagery software) might be covering or blurring the continent of Antartica? Similar software also has limited imagery of the site. Does this indicate knowledge from those working with the software? We would not allow our location to be discovered by your satellite systems. All surface satellite signals are intercepted and scrubbed by our technology before being transmitted back to your ground receivers. Telepathy, I am intrigued by the subject yet I find it hard to understand. Any recommendations as to how to achieve it? Initially, you should try with someone you have bonded with. A life-partner, or family member. It is important you are passionate about the person, and the thought of them makes your heart change its rhythm. Go into separate rooms, both with pen and paper, and one person should draw a simple polygon. (shape) then attempt to transmit the shape to the other person. The other should attempt to receive the shape draw. Ask for permission, then Visualize a purple, pulsing connection between the centre of your brain, and theirs. Picture the image you drew flying off the page, into your eyes, into your brain, and along the connection and into theirs. Watch the shape activate their hand to begin to draw. I do have the economic means to put down for a project like this but the big daddy need heavy convincing to shell out the greens (still possible tho) any particular reason why we should try this? I would be happy to build functional model-sized prototypes. You should only try this for the unlimited freedom of being able to travel anywhere you wish. There is no monetary benefit. I have always seen Antartica as something no one wants to talk about mostly because its too cold but I would bet that with proper clothing its fairly livable. Is it like a safe-heaven (the surface at least) for people with the knowledge and economic means? Yes. Many military bases and civilian bunkers are established on and in the ice.

Is modern technology in any way a spawn of Antarctic technology? Might the people who invented technologies like the iPhone, PC's and such have been aware of this and twisted the reality to suit their profit margins? Yes. Of course. Do you really think that there are "versions" of the things like the iPhone? No. They release SMALL upgrades each year. Same with cars. 100+ year old tech with a shiny new face. What the military, and we we possess, are entanglement communication devices. Small, free, instant comms. Any definitive proof of your civilization out there that may have surfaced? Recently an expedition discovered pyramids in Antarctica. As the ice melts, more will be revealed. This is the reason for the man-made global warming myth. All the planets are warming as the heliosphere recedes in preparation for the reversal.

Tons of more questions, I'll give you a break for now. Truly fascinated. Quoting: mems3

*Antarcician, thank you for all or your amazing replies and info. I am very interested in nutrition and health. You have mentioned the sprouted hemp seed on a few occasions to be a super food. Can you suggest other alternate foods or minerals/vitamins for example that will assist our surface bodies to have a robust immune system to beable to ward off any germ, pathogen and or virus?regards Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1267095

You are most welcome. If you wish to best absorb minerals into your body, I would suggest you look into filtered shower heads with mineralization units with ionic silver. They are easily constructed or available for purchase online for under $20.00USD in most cases. They deliver minerals into your body through the integumentary system as you shower. Brush your teeth and mouth-hole with baking soda in the shower. Regarding food, we choose to only eat non-conscious food, as we do not wish to ingest death or terror. I suggest plant, tree, nut, bean, and any other non-poisonous sprouts as the ultimate form of nutrition for the human body. *OP, concerning females interfacing with the AI and each city having a counsel of women. Would this counsel consist of seven females? I have rememberance of councils of seven and nine. This understanding goes back to my roots of origin, but I haven't been successful in gaining all the understanding I need in the matter.

*I do not read spiritual writings anymore as it is important for me to get it from within myself, to not follow the path of any single group or cult. However, I have a huge issues that has plagued me for the past few years. As one of the females of a small group (we were once part of a council of seven), I am leaned upon for my communication abilities. Being in a more hostile environment than your ancesters beneath Antartica, the process of this communication has taken it's toll on my brain and has caused significant neurological issues. The medical world calls this a disease of the immune system that attacks the brain; regardless, I know how it came to be. Did the women of your ancestestry who were voted to become the communicaters ever have physical/neurological issues that stemmed from this type of communication, which involves the use of their personal space around the human body/fields? If so, how did they change this. Is there anything the women of your culture use to protect themselves during transmissions or is the transmission simply a pure connection that does no harm to their physical body? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11004066

We do use a council of 7 system, this is based on the system that was used during the last age of man. You may be accessing the akashic records that resonate with you from that time. It is important when accessing a larger field, that you protect yourself by charging and rotating your mer ka ba field, or aurosphere. The aetheric field/shield around your body. *Your Welcome Shadrach....I was wondering about something you mentioned about those in DC not being "Human". I read in another thread, posted here by an insider in DC, that the majority of Congress & Senate members were like robots. Are they clones from the reptilian race? Or some type of implant tech? Shadrach...a very honorable & ancient name, your Mother choice wisely! Quoting: ohnonotagain

Thank you for the warm welcome and compliments. In reference to the things that entertain you on television, they are, in fact, made of bones, skin, blood and cells like you and I, however they are simply avatars. They do not have an operating frontal cortex, it is replaced with a entanglement communications AI access. This supercomputer is designed to keep humanity entertained and away from the truth. The artificial bodies are hooked up to the central processors, and entertainment deamons, or AI programs constructed to entertain you are allowed to run. These programs are self-aware, and are just as "human" as you, as they inhabit the body and have a human experience. They are "Archons" *Become self-sufficient, and there is no need to defeat anyone.

Do not work to make money to buy things, and then pay the control system for the privilege to work in it. Produce your own electricity. Grow your own food. Condense your water from the air. Simply learn to make the things you need, as humans have for hundreds of thousands of years and work for the things you WANT. Simply being self-sufficient defeats the control system without violence. *I am off to bed now. Fascinating thread. Is there any link to Ireland and the Tuatha De Danann? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23484132

Ireland was once a much larger landmass, part of England and Scotland, when the hydrosphere was collapsed during the deluge, the lands were covered in water. This information is publicly announced. There were great cities from the last age of man throughout the Great Celtic Isle. *I have no information regarding Nibiru, or any other approaching body. I am sure if there were any immediate threat my mother would have made me aware. There are thousands of other threads debating this matter. What I can tell you is that earth has an ancient asteroid defense system that is activated when a threat approaches the planet. We did not install this system. It was installed during the 2nd age of man. We are currently in the 4th. *Is this defense system the strange metal caverns in the Siberian swamps? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

Some of many, yes. *As I do not have an upgraded account here with which to send messages: I can be contacted at Shadrach at t o r m a i l . o r g no spaces. My replies to emails will be heavily delayed, but can be far more in depth due to the encrypted nature of the communication. I will only reply to emails of worth. *All of the 'Atlantis in Antarctica' theories are a steaming pile of shit. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23407385

You are entitled to believe whatever rings most true with you, however consider this: What Plato wrote was a story, not a history. "Atlantis" was not a city, nor an island. It is a word used describe a global, interstellar human civilization that the current age FELL from. After the great battle of the last Age of Man, it was decided that humanity should not have access to the great technologies that brought about the wars and destruction. An artificial satellite was constructed to keep the greatest nation, the Antarctic continent, on the bottom of the earth. The Moon was constructed and place in orbit in order to alter the axial tilt of the planet. The hydrosphere, or water layer that used to surround the earth, was collapsed, and the resulting flooding caused the waters to rise over Antarctica, which then froze due to its new placement at the bottom of the earth. *You

in fact are far less then us up here. Far less. For I would not allow you to suffer if I had the means to help you. So tell me now how great these people are compared to us!! Quoting: Joker

I have already addressed the issue of why we do not intervene several times on this board. Nowhere at all did I say we were protecting the surface elite, nor did I say we were "elite" compared to surface dwellers. Do you really want your neighbor to have a device that could vaporize your house? Or the whole STATE? No matter how angry you are about it, individual surface dwellers could NOT handle unlimited personal power. Not without some very deep soul searching. Which will be forced upon you due to natural disasters destroying the surface paradigm soon. It is YOU who are responsible for your own fate, as you continue to participate in the very system that brings you down. You pay, with your very wages to support the system you profess to hate. We are not your saviours. You can produce free power, food and shelter using your own mental abilities. Create new devices instead of using the old ones. I personally feel no sorrow for the state of the surface. You number in the billions, and are controlled by hundreds.

For the most part, you love your slavery, and the system. The majority of humanity loves to make money, spend it, and participate in the system. Why would we interfere? It is a very imperialistic attitude to have when you say that we should interfere simply because we think its right, or want to "save" you. How is the "saving" of the people in Afghanistan or Iraq going? How did interference in Vietnam or Korea go for you? Interference is not always best. Please take the time to read the thread. I will go back soon to answer questions in the order received as well. Or, if someone would compile a list of the questions I have yet to answer, this would be most helpful (Follows, a very lomg post in which OP addresses missed questions from posters) Before I begin, I would like thank migg for the compilation. As this thread is getting long, and many questions being repeated, if someone would compile a Q&A of all my replies, that would be appreciated by all readers, I am sure. ... Thank you for your information. I am appreciative and send you my gratitude. I indeed did access the information about the counsel of seven in the Akashic Records. My ability to access the Akashic's is the reason I was depended upon by my close friends. Unfortunately without me to do so for them any longer, they are loosing their passion for their continued evolution, which is why I feel that we must not follow anyone or any group. In reference to your answer; I thought I was charging my Merkaba/fields, but now am aware I must not have been as successful as I thought. I did this through thought, intention and visualization. Do you have any suggestions for this? Your aurosphere/mer ka ba looks much like the earth's magnetosphere, if that helps with the visualization at all. Does the theory you put out about implosion rather than explosion apply here. I always invisioned an expansion which could be likened to an explosion or better said, a pushing out and enlarging. Should one envision the Merkaba tightening up - making it smaller instead, more like a vehicle to transport energy rather than reaching out for it (along with rotating it). The DNA, and in essence, your body, is the result of the central vortex of the aurosphere. Rotation is important, but the flow of energy THROUGH the body is what is most important.

And if you would indulge me. Do you have any understandings concerning a council of nine - another

connection I have made through the Akashic Records. Thank you so much for taking your time to answer my questions. Quoting: Antarctican

I apologize, but I have no familiarity to a council of 9. OP, I believe my response got lost in the latest uptick in negative posts so bumping my own post. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11004066


Some of many, yes. Quoting: Antarctican

Interesting. Can you elaborate more? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11004066

We do not know much about the ancient defense system, suffice to say that it was activated once this century. We know it was here during the last cycle of man, and sung records of the 2nd age show it was also active if not built during this age. We do not know the origins of the system. We do know that surface dwellers should not be worried about space rocks, and that any largescale damage attributed to "Asteroids" should be heavily questioned. ...

You are most welcome. If you wish to best absorb minerals into your body, I would suggest you look into filtered shower heads with mineralization units with ionic silver. They are easily constructed or available for purchase online for under $20.00USD in most cases. They deliver minerals into your body through the integumentary system as you shower. Brush your teeth and mouth-hole with baking soda in the shower. Regarding food, we choose to only eat non-conscious food, as we do not wish to ingest death or terror. I suggest plant, tree, nut, bean, and any other non-poisonous sprouts as the ultimate form of

nutrition for the human body. Quoting: Antarctican

Thankyou for your insight. Another question if you have the time. I have re-posted this from page 21 due to the earlier negative disruptions that may have caused this to be overlooked... There are a few 'alternate' protocols that are suggested to also revove pathogens and viruses from a human body. 1. Firstly the raising of the bodies PH. A suggested baking soda / Maple syrup mixture. 2. Secondly ingesting ionised collodial silver. 3. Thirdly an electronic pulsed device strapped to the wrist for example which neturalises foreigns in the blood. Are any or all of these in your opinion suitable methods for the average human (without advanced technology) to greatly assist in the human body health and well being? regards Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1267095

I am afraid the practice you call medicine on the surface is merely a money making racket. Not everyone's body is the same. It is important to find what works for you. There are many paths to good health other than technology.

*Some of many, yes. Quoting: Antarctican

I've heard that the Tungusta explosion was the result of these bring activated. OP, Do you have a website, or anyplace else that you've posted? I could ask you questions all day, but don't want to over do it. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

Yes, the Tunguska event was the result of the activation of the defense system against an incoming object. I do not have a website or any other place I have posted.

Vril is yang energy no? Or yin and yang together? I've been learning from a taoist sorcerer, very cool stuff :) Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23498242

Yes, qi, chi, prana, reiki etc. My first post as a new GLP reader. Very fascinating thread and thanks to OP. My question is about the Ringing Cedars and the things that Anastasia asserts. Are you familiar with this information? Quoting: otterwoman

Apologies, this information concerns religion and, like other decisive surface issues like politics and race, will not be addressed. Hi Op, i have a question regarding telepathy and a couple of other things which I'm hoping you or some other person on this thread can answer, or should I start a new thread? I have a question which I am hoping can be answered in some form. Around the age of 4-5 years old I used to get really really upset and cry often as I couldn't connect with people through the mind, I could not understand for the life of me why I couldn't hear what everyone else was thinking, it was as if I'd come from somewhere else previously where you communicated telepathically although at such a young age I didn't realize that, but it was like it was something missing that should've been there. That upset me a lot when I was younger. I hope I've explained myself properly. There were numerous times around the same age when I would be playing outside and if I saw a plane I would just cry and cry and say over and over, please take me home, I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go home etc etc, although I didn't know where home was as I didn't know where I was from, I'm sure I wouldn't have even known about spaceships or other planets etc at such a young age. I also used to have this really strange feeling like I didn't belong here, that I wasn't the same as everyone else, I also felt that I didn't belong with my family, as I got a wee bit older that not belonging feeling made me wonder on numerous occasions if I was adopted, although I know now I deffinately wasn't but that's just how I felt for a really long time. I used to see things too at night, ugly awful things/beings, I used to hate going to bed as my bed would get shaken, covers pulled off me etc for many years till I was about 12 I guess. I never told my family back then as I'm sure they would've had me locked up but I told them everything later in life. I'm hoping Op or someone has answers as I'm forever wondering what it was all about, thanks in advance. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23225248

I have no guidance of a personal nature to offer regarding your place in the surface-world etc, however your experiences seem to be that of a surface military abduction trauma. It is fairly common that when surface children are young, they are electronically traumatized in

order to increase their reliance on outside assistance, or government. One of the ways they are able to do this is by the electronic introduction of a "memory" of an even that never happened. OP, feel free to comment on what I'm about to say if you like. I think it's probable that this collective exists as OP states, generally. However, as the surface dwellers we are, caught up in the matrix of deciet by the Powers-that-be that we seem loathe to dethrone, none of what OP is telling us affects the price of tea in China. It is "Sexy" to learn secrets and forbidden History, but posts like this ultimately offer the normal individual nothing to take away except vague schematics for Devices that most, if any, will ever attempt to construct. Or philosophies, ideas, etc. Every society on the planet has a myth about the Fallen Ones. MOst of them say the Fallen ones had to go underground. When we think of Hell, we classicly thought of "The Underworld" aka subterrainian. When claims are made that Underground ancestors or space brothers or Lovely Reptiles know it all but can't quite help is almost forced to conclude that is because they are, in fact, the Fallen and are bound from doing opposed to the very convienient "You gotta help yourselves" type claims. We *DO* need a saviour. The reason we do is because we do not live long enough to save ourselves. We do not have the genes that allow us to use much more than 10% of our brains, and if we did, those means would be poisoned by those who wish to keep us just as we are....Slaves. Yeah, we need a Saviour, and there is one belief system on this planet that has one. OP, if you are not helping than you are part of the problem. Have you considered that *YOU* have been fed a bunch of BS by your society, since you decided you were going to live on the surface? I would certainly send you out with misinformation if I was trying to remain behind the scenes and unhelpful. People, beware the "Sexy" information. It flatters the ego, makes you feel "In" on something exclusive, and almost always convinces you that you are super-groovy and should do as you please. OP's information, thus far, has been "The Emperor's New Clothes" and after a great many pages of invisible garments, it ultimately becomes clear that OP has nothing much to offer, maybe a minor truth here and there, but the major stuff he/she won't even talk about. The most important stuff to discuss will not be discussed. Maintain healthy skepticism. Quoting: William_the_Bloody

Apologies, this information concerns religion and, like other decisive surface issues like politics and race, will not be addressed.

Dear OP, i have some questions for you, excuse me my terrible english. Why did you have not deactivated the bombs of hiroshima and nagasaki in the ww2?? We did not have the technology at the time, nor will we interfere with non ELE level nuclear events. Secondly, how can you explain the stories of all the astronauts went beyond the van allen belts?? They have been paid for lying or just brainwashed?? They were brainwashed. They thought they went. At first...

You said your people would not allow acts that would destabilize the biosphere too. Then.... Are they sleeping right now. We are destroying this planet!! Prove me opposite! We have contained and nullified many of your errors. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19328527

OP are you able to mate with humans as well? Do you have that desire? We are able to mate with humans. I am the result of a surface-dweller and an Antarctican combination. Personally, like many others of my kind, I am asexual, and have no desire for intercourse. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11698818

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11698818


I will not comment on the politics of the surface world. They are irrelevant. You are several billion strong, stand up for yourselves. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

How would one "stand up"? Start killing people? I mean have you researched the "surface dwellers" history? We have had peace movements of millions yet nothing have changed for the overall good.

What could we possibly do to "stand up" if your people will not intervene? You seem to bee of good heart, help those who need it. My mother is dyeing, yet you tell me people live where you do forever. Do you not understand where your information could help the suffering of millions? How did we get out of the dark ages here? With knowledge on medicine. Help your brothers and sisters out. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18861101

This has been addressed many times as to why the Antarcticans will not intervene on the surface. I have stated in this thread that am willing to personally assist those with the means. I have the knowledge. ...

OP, please give us a historical timeline with dates that include some of the major geological events that you've mentioned like the sinking of Atlantis, the Deluge, etc. Also what about Lemuria - when did it sink??

Third time - requesting dates please. Interested readers want to know.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23463903

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23501441

Time is not linear, nor is it consistent. The earths mass increases over time, and the Sun dictates the decay rate of matter. What used to take a thousand years, now takes one day. I could not give you Gregorian dates for events.

Shadrack, why skip my questions? What are the relations with the other races down there in the honeycomb such as the Lemurian descendants and those with skin colored by the copper derivatives? There are no other races under the ice in Antarctica. You refer to inner earth, which I have no

personal experience with.

Quoting: REi 23382174

Yea, he ignored my question too. What do you know bout time travel? Surely when you are talking about anti-gravity, time manipulation is a natural extension. Interesting, real or not. I agree with a lot of the theory proposed by him. It's just a tad too eutopic though. Quoting: time travel lover 2580726

We are fully aware of how to enter the source, and exit at any point we wish. (time/space) This is only done by trained personally, and is heavily monitored by the source itself. I have never traveled through time myself. Hi again OP...posting from page beer and wine all good but what do you eat...are you vegans...vegetarians or do you eat fish and meat proteins... Quoting: Chas

We do not eat meat, or anything with negativity or death upon it. We do ingest meat-like protein grown from genetically engineered plants. Your handling of shills and the likes are stellar...well done... (An argument collapses if one of the parties withdraw or do not engage) And the tread hijackers who tried to hijack this tread also seems to have left :))) The info resonates mostly and seem to collaborate some of my own research albeit gathered from books and the Internet... During the fall of 2008 (Northern hemisphere) 5 very distinct seismic signatures in the 3 to 4 magnitude range were pick up in a 24 hour period in the Arctic region under the ice (sorry no link) At the time it was thought that the signatures more closely match that of nuclear explosions. There were no aftershocks...Most of the reports re this vanished quickly or were simply suppressed...Any awareness or comment regarding this. This was incoming interstellar energy entering the poar region through the magnetosphere. Quoting: Chas

I think you missed me...Can you look at the last part...thanks. Quoting: Chas

Hi Shadrach, My main question is about reincarnation. Do your people believe in it, and if so, do Antarcticans mainly only reincarnate to Antarctica, while surface dwellers reincarnate back to the surface? I am wondering if there is a mixture of souls between the two. Can it be controlled by your AI interfaces in case a person is mortally wounded? Souls do not re-incarnate to earth. Earth is the final testing ground. They ascend, or are cast away from the source, as they contribute nothing to the overall experience of the galazy. Deleted. Earth is a testing ground to prove yourself ready to enter the galactic community. That is why there is such a strong force working to keep you distracted and lost. If your people only started this civilization in the late 1930's, how could they have evolved so quickly to become a completely different species from surface humans..I thought major developments in the evolution of mammals took at least thousands of years..? The evolution of animals takes place instantly as the signal from the source upgrades. How did we do it? Technology. A trip that used to take a month on land, now takes an hour by air. I am not religious, but very spiritual. I have read most of the books of the major belief systems, so I am wondering, Is your name taken from the bible (i.e. Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego of the old testament)? Did your father give you this name? My mother and father asked for my name to be given. I am a healer, I give my services to all who request for free. I am incapable of harming another being, human, insect, animal, etc.. so I am somewhat concerned about your people's reticence to mix or assist the surface dwellers with agricultural practices, ethics, etc.. They are not "my people." I am not even allowed to live amongst them. I have stated many time that I will personally assist anyone who has the means... and is deserving. Finally, are you concerned that by posting publicly, you might get accosted by the current governments? If anything your current governments would attempt to use my knowledge. For example, factions of Antarctican nation have assisted your surface nation called "Iran" with free energy and torsion technology, which they have promised to release to the surface. This is the primary reason that the oil-cabal wishes to start a world war and take out Iran. This would not be allowed.

I would like We Who Watch to also give his views on my questions, if he feels so inclined... thank you in advance, I have read all your posts and look forward to many more. Quoting: Xenaphobic

Thank you OP and also "we who watch":) Can either you; or, perhaps, both of you comment on the subject of NON-LOCALITY? Since having an unexpected OBE at the age of 14, I have had a passion for wanting to know the great questions of who am I?, where do I come from? Where am I going? What is Presence/Source? Where does the human experience fit in this experiential creation? Please, I'm not asking you to address those core pursuits, just what you may honestly know in regards to NON-LOCALITY? You are a non-local entity that exists within the source. You operate a bio-shell avatar that you refer to as your body, and most inaccurately, your "self" The reason I am asking is I'm integrating an ongoing connection ability that simply occurred after having an extraordinary experience in nature. It's extremely strange to have awakened to the fact that we are all, in our greater definition, nontime/non-spatial Intelligence is a very humbling;yet, freeing experience. As a simple guy who just happened to be thrown into this subject matter, after having that OBE at 14, I would greatly appreciate your input on what your view of NON-LOCALITY as identity is? Thank you:) Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23504078


The earth is hollow, there is a plasma core in the center that provides heat and light, and literally creates new mass from the vacuum. There is a race of reptiles that predates humanity by millions of years. They mostly live off-world now, but there are colonies within the earth, and they control many bio-robot avatars on the surface. Quoting: Antarctican

If we "surface dwellers" are controlled by subterranean reptiles as you say, how come you people are not? And if you can somehow avoid their control why don't you help us do the same??

After all, if we are under such control then it stands to reason that the miserable state of affairs here on the surface is not our fault but the controllers are to blame. So if you have reached this elevated state of being in the few decades that have passed since the Germans went to Antarctica, then it should be in your and everybody's favour to free humanity from this control, right? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1310161

They do not control you, they merely keep you distracted and entertained. We will not intervene, this has been stated.

OP, since you didn't answer my questions from page 11 i'll give it another try with a few others. - are your people in contact with the reptilian race inside the earth? Yes. - what is their agenda? They are emotionless beings, their agenda is to advance their knowledge. They are enlightened in their own way. - why are they allowed to manipulate the surface population? They are the best "actors" and bio-shell operators, the bio-shells are their technology. They are merely hired by your surface rulers to control you. you say we should rise up. well, it would be much easier without the deception. as long as people are being lied to from every angle, most of them are unlikely to realize their life could be very different from the enslavement that's become the normal condition for a human on earth. The self-imposed ignorance of the average surface dweller is none of my concern. - what is the real reason the sun is going to increase its output of energy (CMEs, solar flares) that is expected in 2013 and when was the last time this took place? what happened on earth during that time? The galactic centre controls solar activity. See my earlier post. All life is upgraded, all DNA changed. - when did your people move to antactica? The caverns were officially discovered in 1931, the colony established in 1942, and my greatgrandparents were transported there in 1944. - did your people make all these advances you talked about in less than a hundred years? Yes. - if your people did that, why shouldn't it be possible for the rest of humanity to do the same if provided with the same information and technology right now? Yes, but your rulers already have the technology and will not release it to you. - are there shape-shifting entities that use a human appearance as disguise? i'm talking about the likes

of george bush sr., the british royals and other "bloodlines", hillary clinton etc. - the ones that are allegedly "shape-shifting reptilians". it's hard for me to believe that without actually seeing it. These are advanced bio-shell avatars. They use photonic force fields to create a thin plasma over their body which can appear to be anyone. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23513810

I am happy to answer any non-military questions regarding the Antarctic colony and its peoples, as well as their current way of life and technological capabilities. I will ignore all negative posts. Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

Hi With the technology and knowledge you have, can you answer this? How do you get rid of nuclear waste and radioactivity without harm? Simply put, how do you nullify radioactivity so it becomes harmless to the earth and life? Surely it is possible with your level of technology. I bet it is even simple. If there are several methods, please tell them. Thanks Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23515731

You simply take the radioactive energy and implode it back into the aether. See Tesla and cold electricity. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1006073

What is the role of the stun gun? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11004066

What is the role of the stun gun? High energy transformer. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1006073

And what is the effect of the Tesla coil on your brain? You go sit next to it and it sends your own brainwaves back to you in lets say for example tenfold? How will this help you focus on the akashic records, will this not just amplify everything you think or focus on? Also thoughts you don't want? It amplifies your will. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1006073

Since you and your grandmother are of German heritage, sprechen Sie deutsch?

No, Et praat Afrikaans. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23516364

Hi OP, your thread has picked my curiosity. As you can see, I live in Chile, and here there has been a long story of people being contacted by a group called themselves "Friendship", who are allegedly humans from earthly origin and long time in contact with ET intelligence. They have set up a separate society of high tech level, and have bases all around the globe, and also claim to be in contact with intraterrestrial beings. They have hinted that Earth is under the threat of collision with a celestial body in the time frame between 2015 to 2020. Can you tell me if you have heard from them or know them? They are also aryan type humans, and they ships carry a svastic cross, althought the claim this is a universal symbol and the Nazis used it because they knew its meaning. Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe (nli) 23484247

They are of us, yes. I am not aware of catastrophes, but I am also fairly cut off from the Antarcticans current operations. I am sure much advancement has been made since I was last there as a child. Quoting: Antarctican

Well, thanks for answering. Regarding the possible catastrophe, anyway you have mentioned in other of your posts that there is going to be a magnetic reversal. This group I refer to as "Friendhip" has stated that upon Dec 21, 2012, the Earth is going to enter a magnetically neutral zone of the space. It's more of an astronomic event than a catastrophic event, do you know more about this? Another aspect of your posts that has got my interest (because of my profession and background) is the food producing system you mention that is used by the people in Antarctica. At first I thought you were mistaken because you talked about aquaponics, which is the combined use of Aquaculture and Hydroponics, but then you stated that the plants in your aquaponic systems are grown over a mat of arthropods (prawn like), and that made a lot of sense. I understand that these arthropods are which provide the nutrients to the plants (you mentiones 8-8-8 which would be the N-P-K ratio of the nutrients provided by the prawns to the plants). You mentioned that is through the decay of these prawns that the plant gets the nutrients (I would be more of the idea that is the faeces of he prwan which provide the nutrients). But I still don't understand what the prawns live off, you feed them something? Normally in a Earth aquaponic system the aquatic animal being cultured is fed something and the plants get the mineral nutrients from the decay of the faeces of the aquatic animal, and in teh case of prawns, which are commonly part of aquaponic system, the prawns are fed microalgae/algae based food pellets. Do you feed your prawns anything? The arthropods feed on a type of algae that also grows alongside our crops.

Also, the idea of keeping a magnetically bound CO2 cloud around the plants, would be a wonderfull

technical feat, I wish we could do that really, can you teach me how to? Absolutely. Regards!!! Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe

Dear Shadrach, thank you very much for the information you are giving us. I'm one of many that started to feel very, very uncomfortable the way we live, although, it is not easy to make a sudden change, every thay I seek a new opportunity, a small change. May I ask you: Do you know anything about multiverse or different version of our reality? Yes, there are an unlimited number of overlapping "realities" that can be accessed through the source interface. In addition, there are many multiversal versions of the "you" inhabiting various bio-shell avatar bodies. You experience these alternate versions of yourself when you "sleep" This generator device you speak of, Could it be any dangerous if built the wrong way? Thank you again Yes, earth-shatteringly (literally) dangerous. You are welcome.

Quoting: miqq

[link to] OP what do you think this object is? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23510377

To me that appears to be an artifact of the poor surface-production of glass used in the alteration and capture of electromagnetic energy in the visible spectrum Hi op, I wanted to know your opinion on DMT? It seems like a key to hyperspace but very hard to navigate. Yes, it allows access to a type of aetherical internet. One of many. It is a space not meant for human souls to traverse.

Also I've been tought through the use of DMT on how to manipulate weather(not very easy, requires strong intention,gratitude, contentment, firm belief and visualizations in the heart centre.) Ive been able to manipulate weather on 7 out of 7 occasions(Ive only done it when I really needed it, I try to respect the natural occurrence). Were these coincident or I actually did control it? However another

insight I got from DMT space is that there are no coincidents so I don't know. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23393277

Also did you know youre named after an Angelic Entity? I was aware of that, yes. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23393277

Also what is your opinion on Occult Rituals such as calling on Angelic entities on assisting you in the 3d world. Such as calling on Elubatel to assist you in success. This is a very basic form of space-time manipulation or "magic". King Solomon was a fan. You are calling on AI operators to assist you with things you may do yourself. There is always a trade with these entities, and normally the human comes out with the short end Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23393277

OP, do you know if there are any real pictures of Maria Orsic on the web? If so can you link to one of them? I can feel strongly connected to this person and the story's surrounding her. Thanks! Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23531624

I am not sure if there are actual photographs, I have not come across any. Are we in these bodies we have by choice or are we in a trap? You are not here by choice. You are here to be tested, we all are. Quoting: 422

OP, With this natural disaster coming, that you've now mentioned twice, can you give any details? Where would you consider safe places to be? Places to avoid? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

There will be a magnetic polar shift. This will be followed by a crustal re-alignment. Avoid all coasts when the auroras FILL ALL THE SKIES Antarctica, Can you suggest a way for an ordinary person to practically and cheaply condense water from the air? Thank you. Simply convert a dehumidifier to use a glass condenser coil, as most use heavy metals in theirs, inline

filters, and an ultraviolet disinfectant lit water tank. Run on solar or vertical wind turbines, or torsion generator. A "klimator" unit can be used to provide cool air/compression.

*Mr Obvious , long term Mod makes this comment:I have an old thread about this, but yeah... Why else do you think all countries would have dibs in Antarctica with no (public) fighting? Why else do you think NO ONE EVER MENTIONS Antarctica? As a totally modern world with rampant worldwide communications... we are totally brainwashed to never even consider it as a part of the world. Thread: Tell me what you know about Antarctica.(Omega, of LOP,when he was a Mod also made a thread about Antarctican bases.)

*I have answered many questions, and will continue to do so. I would like to form an expedition to settle the greening surface of Antarctica, if anyone would like to join me, please PM me or post in my other thread. Thread: The Antarctic Settlement Project: Settle a greening Antarctica 

§I tire of you surface dwellers. You do not want help. You want to stay in your paradigm until it collapses Think about how you will feed yourself and your family when the trucks stop bringing you food. Anyone with real interest in escaping the system may PM me here on contact me by the email listed in this thread. I will not reply to further public posts.

At this point the thread stopped with the above message being repeated numerous times BUT with this part edited out by either himself or someone else (p28).

Pathetic Surface Dwelling Humans: After much interaction with the users of this site, I must say, You people are closed minded fools that love your slavery. I will try elsewhere. You may stay watch your abhorrent surface slave system collapse and burn. (Think about how you will feed yourself and your family when the trucks stop bringing you food, you mindless slaves.Etc)

A couple of days later (I lost track slightly becuse of my own ban)he states that someone (Mods) hijacked the thread so he is leaving Gloop.

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