Anti Defection Law 3

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Thei wordi defectioni appearsi toi hadi been,i derivedi fromi thei Latini wordi ‘defectio’,i indicatingi ‘Desertioni ofi ai personi andi supportingi oppositei person’.i It,i similarly,i indicatesi mutiny,i disagreement,i andi rebellioni byi thei personi ori thei party.i Defectioni thusi connotesi thei processi ofi desertingi thei causei ori withdrawingi fromi iti ori fromi thei party.i Iti hadi ani element,i oni thei onei hand,i ofi givingi upi onei and,i oni thei other,i ani elementi ofi joiningi another.i Wheni thei processi wasi completei byi reasoni ofi thei personi defectingi fromi thei causei ori thei partyi ori thei programme,i hei wasi termedi asi thei defector.i Defectioni wasi thei processi byi whichi thei personi abandonsi ori withdrawsi hisi allegiancei ori duty.i Thisi phenomenoni wasi alsoi calledi asi ‘floori crossing’i whichi hadi originatedi ini thei Britishi Housei ofi Commonsi wherei thei legislatori changedi hisi commitmenti wheni hei crossedi thei floori andi changedi fromi thei Governmenti toi thei oppositioni side,i ori vice-versa.i

2.1 Tenthi Schedulei andi thei 52ndi Amendmenti toi thei Constitutioni ofi India Thei Tenthi Schedulei toi thei Constitutioni knowni asi thei Anti-Defectioni Law,i introducedi byi thei Constitutioni (Fifty-secondi Amendment)i Act,i 1985i andi amendedi byi thei Constitutioni (Ninety-Firsti









disqualification,i oni groundi ofi floori crossing.i Thei maini provisionsi ofi thei Tenthi Schedulei werei summarizedi below:— (i) Ani electedi memberi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai ori thei Statei Assembly,i whoi hadi beeni electedi asi thei contestanti seti upi byi thei partyi andi thei nominatedi memberi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai ori thei Statei Assemblyi whoi wasi thei memberi ofi partyi ati thei phasei hei takesi hisi seati wouldi bei disqualifiedi oni thei groundi ofi defectioni ifi hei willinglyi givesi upi hisi membershipi ofi suchi partyi ori votesi ori refrainsi fromi votingi ini thei Housei contraryi toi

anyi directioni ofi suchi party. (ii) Ani independenti personi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai ori thei Statei Assemblyi willi alsoi bei disqualifiedi ifi hei joinsi anyi partyi afteri hisi election. (iii) THEi nominatedi memberi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai ori thei Statei Assemblyi whoi wasi noti thei memberi ofi thei partyi ati thei timei ofi hisi nominationi andi whoi hadi noti becomei thei memberi ofi anyi partyi beforei thei finishingi ofi sixi monthsi fromi thei datei oni whichi hei takesi hisi seati shalli bei disqualifiedi ifi hei joinsi anyi partyi afteri thei expiryi ofi thei saidi periodi ofi sixi months. (iv) Provisionsi hadi beeni madei withi respecti toi mergingi ofi politicali parties.i Therei wouldi bei noi disqualificationi wheni thei partyi decidesi toi mergei withi anotheri partyi andi suchi decisioni wasi supportedi byi noti lessi thani two-thirdsi ofi itsi members.i (v) Speciali provisioni hadi beeni madei toi enablei thei personi whoi hadi beeni electedi toi thei officei ofi thei Presidingi officeri ori thei Deputyi Presidingi officeri ofi thei Housei ofi Peoplei ori ofi thei Legislativei Assemblyi ofi thei Statei ori toi thei officei ofi thei Deputyi Presidingi officeri ofi thei Councili ofi Statesi ori thei Presidingi officeri ori thei Deputyi Presidingi officeri ofi Legislativei Councili ofi thei State,i toi severi hisi connectionsi withi hisi partyi withouti experiencingi disqualifications. (vi) Thei questioni asi toi whetheri thei memberi ofi thei Housei ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai ori Statei Assemblyi hadi becomei issuei toi thei disqualificationi willi bei determinedi byi thei presidingi officeri ofi thei House;i wherei thei problemi wasi withi referencei toi thei presidingi officeri himselfi iti willi bei decidedi byi thei memberi ofi thei Housei electedi byi thei Housei oni thati behalf. (vii) Thei Presidingi officeri ori thei Presidingi officeri ofi thei Housei hadi beeni permittedi toi makei rulesi fori givingi effecti toi thei provisionsi ofi thei Tenthi Schedule.i Thei rulesi shalli bei placedi beforei thei Housei andi shalli bei subjecti toi amendments/disapprovali byi thei House.

Thei 91sti Amendmenti toi thei Constitutioni wasi enactedi ini 2003i toi strengtheni thei anti-defectioni provisionsi ofi thei Tenthi Schedulei whichi wasi enactedi ini 1985.i Thisi amendmenti makesi iti obligatoryi fori alli thosei changingi politicali sidesi —i whetheri

singlyi ori ini groupsi —i toi leavei theiri legislativei membership.i Theyi hadi toi strivei fori re-electioni ifi theyi defecti andi cannoti continuei ini office.i Thei amendmenti alsoi blocksi legislatorsi fromi holding,anyi officei ofi profiti post-i defection.i Thisi amendmenti hadi thusi madei defectionsi impossiblei andi wasi ani importanti stagei forwardi ini cleansingi politics.

2.2 Thei Whipsi Underi Anti-defectioni Law Ini thei dictionaryi meaning,i thei wordi “thei whip”i meansi thei lashi withi thei sticki ori handlei usedi fori punishingi thei personi fori ani offencei ori ini drivingi thei horse-driveni carriagei fori lashingi ori beatingi thei horsei toi movei forwardi quicker.i Asi thei verbi ‘toi whip’i similarlyi meansi toi lashi thei individuali ori animali

Ini thei contexti ofi politicali partiesi andi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhaaryi life,i thei officei ofi thei “Whip”i wasi thei importanti linki ini thei relationshipi amongi thei partiesi andi theiri members.i Thei “whip”i actsi asi thei two-i wayi channeli fori passingi ofi informationi betweeni partyi leadersi andi members.i Thei “Whip”i wasi thei officeri ofi thei Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhaaryi partyi ori groupi responsiblei fori implementingi attendancei ofi thei members,i keepingi themi informedi ofi thei partyi linei oni differenti issuesi andi fromi timei toi timei issuingi necessaryi instructions—ori Whips—regardingi toi partyi disciplinei ini thei matteri ofi pollingi oni issuesi goesi toi thei floori ofi thei House.i Oni thei otheri hand,i thei Whipi alsoi collectsi informationi abouti thei opinioni amongi membersi oni differenti issuesi andi providesi valuablei feedbacki toi partyi leaders. Thei Chiefi Whipi ofi thei Governmenti partyi ini Loki Sabha/i Rajyai Sabhai wasi thei Ministeri ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai Affairsi andi hei wasi directlyi answerablei toi thei Leaderi ofi thei House.i Iti wasi hisi dutyi toi advisei thei Governmenti oni Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai i business.i Thei Chiefi Whipi wasi assistedi byi twoi Ministersi ofi State.i Thisi dutyi ofi keepingi everybodyi ati hisi posti andi keepingi hisi partyi unifiedi isi oni him. Thei Whipsi ofi thei rulingi partyi andi ofi partiesi ini oppositioni comei intoi contacti withi eachi otheri toi deali outi mattersi ofi commoni interesti andi toi recognizei

andi accommodatei eachi otheri oni manyi importanti matters.i Whipsi ofi thei rulingi partyi asi welli asi thosei ini oppositioni playi thei veryi importanti rolei ini thei smoothi functioningi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhaaryi democracy. Besidesi thei officei ofi thei whip,i thei termi ‘whip’i hadi anotheri connotation.i Duringi sessions,i whipsi ofi differenti partiesi sendi toi theiri member’si noticesi andi instructionsi informingi themi ofi vitali debatesi andi divisions,i tellingi themi ofi thei houri ofi votingi andi demandingi theiri presencei ati thati time.i Suchi noticesi and/or,i instructionsi werei alsoi calledi ‘whips’. Thei officei ofi thei Whipi wasi noti mentionedi ini thei Constitutioni ofi India.i Ini fact,i tilli recentlyi thei politicali partiesi alsoi foundi noi suchi mention.i Withi thei passingi ofi Anti-Defectioni Law,i thei ‘Whip’i

hadi assumedi thei veryi importanti rolei ini ouri

country.i Thei Amendmenti providesi fori disqualificationi oni groundi ofi defectioni under Iti wasi thusi obviousi thati afteri comingi intoi forcei ofi thei Constitutioni (FiftySecondi Amendment)i Act,i 1985i andi thei Anti-Defectioni Rulesi framedi therei under,i politicali partiesi camei toi hadi constitutionali recognitioni andi legitimacyi andi thei directivesi issuedi byi partyi leadershipi camei toi hadi relevancei ini law.i Disobediencei ofi partyi instructionsi ori Whipsi thereafteri resultsi ini disqualifyingi thei memberi andi losingi hisi membership.i Iti was,i however,i toi bei notedi thati ini orderi toi sufferi disqualificationi thei memberi hadi toi votei ori abstaini fromi “votingi ini suchi Housei contraryi toi anyi directioni issuedi byi thei party”.i Iti didi noti applyi toi actsi otheri thani voting,i i.e.i iti didi noti interferei withi thei member’si righti ofi freedomi ofi speechi ini thei House.i Thei rolesi andi thei correspondingi rolei perceptionsi werei soi differenti ini thei twoi contextsi thati onei mayi welli wonderi ifi iti wasi properi toi usei thei termi partyi fori bothi systems.i Theyi doi noti standi upi ini thei Housei toi calli righti asi righti ori wrongi asi wrong.i Havingi beeni confinedi toi theiri owni interestsi theyi hadi noi hesitationi ini pullingi downi Governmenti withouti rhymei ori reason.i

2.3 Analysisi ofi thei Powersi ofi Presidingi officeri underi thei Tenthi Schedule Thei completei harmonyi betweeni judiciali reviewi andi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai supremacyi wasi ani outstandingi achievementi byi thei architectsi ofi thei Indiani Constitution.i Thei doctrinei ofi ani absolutei balancei ofi powersi betweeni thei differenti wingsi ofi thei Governmenti wasi noti feasible.i Practically,i someonei musti bei empoweredi withi havingi thei finali sayi ini thei matteri ofi disputes.i Thisi wasi thei reasoni thati thei systemi ofi separationi ofi powersi ini thei Constitutioni ofi Americai hadi failedi ini reali practice.i Thei judiciaryi ini Americai hadi itsi dominancei overi otheri organsi ofi thei Governmenti underi thei poweri ofi interpretationi ofi thei Constitution.i Duei toi thisi domineeringi tendency,i iti wasi knowni asi ‘safetyi valve’i ori thei ‘balancei wheel’i ofi thei Constitution.i Chiefi Justicei Hughesi hadi aptlyi remarked,i “Thei Constitutioni ofi thei USAi wasi whati thei Supremei Courti saysi iti was”.i Iti hadi poweri toi declarei thei lawi nulli andi voidi passedi byi thei assemblyi eveni oni thei groundi thati iti wasi noti consistenti withi thei generali principlesi ofi thei Constitution.i Thus,i thei Americani judiciaryi cani pokei itsi nosei intoi thei legislativei policyi likei thei thirdi chamberi ori super-i chamberi ofi thei assembly Ini England,i Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai wasi supreme.i Iti wasi freei toi doi whati iti pleases.i Everyi wingi ofi thei Governmenti hadi toi heedi whati Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai saysi ori does.i Blackstonei hadi rightlyi describedi thei mighti andi majestyi ofi thei Britishi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabha,i “iti cani doi everythingi thati wasi noti naturallyi impossible”.i Thati wasi whyi thei Britishi judgesi refusei havingi anyi poweri “toi siti asi thei courti ofi appeali againsti Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabha.” Withi thei viewi toi avoidingi eitheri extreme,i thei Indiani Constitutioni hadi adoptedi thei goldeni meani betweeni supremacyi ofi Americani courtsi andi thei supremacyi ofi Britishi houses.i Ifi thei judiciaryi ridesi thei highi horsei andi behavesi arrogantly,i thei Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai cani bringi ani amendmenti ini thei Constitution.i Panditi Nehrui hadi rightlyi describedi thisi uniquei featurei ofi thei Indiani Constitution,i “Noi Supremei Court,i noi judiciary,i cani standi ini judgmenti overi thei solei willi ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabha,i signifyingi thei willi ofi thei entirei country.i Iti cani pulli upi thati sovereigni willi ifi iti goesi wrong,i but,i ini thei ultimatei analysis,i wheni thei futurei ofi

thei communityi wasi concerned,i noi courtsi cani comei ini thei way.i Finally,i thei facti remainsi thati thei assemblyi musti bei ultimatei andi musti noti bei interferedi withi byi thei Courti ofi Lawi ini suchi eventsi asi sociali reforms Moreover,i thei Indiani judiciaryi hadi stoodi byi thei peoplei throughi thicki andi thin.i Iti hadi everi paidi duei regardi toi thei “Sovereigni will”i ofi thei peoplei buti duringi emergencyi itsi wingsi werei clippedi andi lefti iti ini traumai throughi 42ndi Amendmenti buti afterwardsi ini thei regimei ofi thei Jantai Governmenti iti wasi restoredi toi thei pre1976i positioni toi thei greati extent.i Now,i iti hadi gainedi groundi byi declaringi itselfi thati judiciali reviewi wasi thei basici featurei ofi thei Constitution.i Iti hadi helpedi thei courti toi coveri thei widei rangei ofi judiciali activitiesi toi doi “completei justice”.i Asi S.B.i Jaii Singhanii says,i “underi Arti 142i ofi thei Constitution,i thei Apexi Courti wasi giveni ani extraordinaryi poweri ofi thei widesti amplitudei toi passi anyi decreei ori makei anyi orderi asi wasi consideredi necessaryi fori doingi i justicei ini anyi i matteri pendingi beforei it—noi matteri whetheri thei ordinaryi lawi ofi thei landi providedi fori suchi thei measure Ifi mosti ofi thei nationsi ini thei worldi hadi adoptedi democracy,i iti wasi noti becausei iti wasi thei perfecti systemi ori thei besti wayi toi leadi thei contendedi lifei buti becausei iti wasi thei betteri system.i Thei termi ‘democracy’i hadi beeni discussedi fromi Platoi toi thei presenti dayi byi thinkersi whoi tendi toi thinki ofi thei betteri andi justi society.i Hence,i wei hadi thei widei varietyi ofi itsi connotations;i yeti iti wasi toi bei interpretedi withi thei tinti ofi contemporaryi experience.i

JUDICIALi DEVELOPMENTi ONi THEi TENTHi SCHEDULE Thei anti-defectioni lawi wasi challengedi fori firsti i timei i ini thei Punjabi andi Haryanai highi courti ini Parkashi Singhi Badali andi othersi vsi Unioni ofi Indiai andi others1.i Onei ofi thei groundsi oni whichi thei lawi wasi challengedi wasi thati paragraphi 2(b)i ofi thei


i AIRi 1987i Pi Hi 263

Tenthi Schedulei toi thei Constitutioni violatedi Articlei 105i ofi thei Constitution,i whereini thei courti held:i “Soi fari asi thei righti ofi thei memberi underi Articlei 105i wasi concerned,i iti wasi noti ani absolutei onei andi hadi beeni madei subjecti toi thei provisionsi ofi thei Constitutioni andi thei rulesi andi standingi ordersi regulatingi thei procedurei ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabha.i Thei Constitutioni framersi neveri wishedi i toi conferi anyi completei righti ofi freedomi ofi speechi oni thei memberi ofi thei Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai andi thei samei cani bei regulatedi ori curtailedi byi makingi anyi constitutionali provision,i suchi asi thei 52ndi Amendment.. Thei followingi tablei givesi somei understandingi ofi thei viewi ofi thei judiciaryi regardingi differenti issuesi oni thei Anti-Defectioni Law Maini Issue(s)i ini thei case

Judgementi ofi thei Courti andi thei namei ofi thei case Whetheri thei righti toi freedomi ofi speechi Thei provisionsi doi noti disrupti thei andi expressioni wasi shortenedi byi thei democratici rightsi ofi electedi membersi ini Tenthi Schedule. Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai andi statei assemblies.i Iti doesi noti violatei theiri conscience.i Thei provisionsi doi noti infringei anyi righti ori freedomi underi Articlesi 105i andi 194i ofi thei Constitution.i [Kihotai Hollohoni vs.i Zachilhui andi Others]2 Whetheri resignationi establishesi voluntarilyi Thei wordsi “voluntarilyi givingi upi givingi upi membershipi ofi thei party. membership”i hadi thei broaderi connotation.i Ai conclusioni cani alsoi bei drawni fromi thei behaviori ofi thei memberi thati hei hadi voluntarilyi giveni upi thei membershipi ofi hisi party.i [Ravii Si Naik v.i Unioni ofi India]3 Whetheri thei memberi cani bei saidi toi Oncei thei memberi wasi barred,i hei wasi voluntarilyi givei upi hisi membershipi ofi thei treatedi asi ani ‘unattached’i memberi ini thei partyi ifi hei joinsi anotheri partyi afteri beingi legislature.i However,i hei continuesi toi bei barredi byi hisi oldi party. thei memberi ofi thei oldi partyi asi peri thei Tenthi Schedule.i Soi ifi hei joinsi thei newi partyi afteri beingi expelled,i hei cani bei saidi toi hadi voluntarilyi giveni upi membershipi ofi hisi oldi party.i [G.i Vishwanathani v.i Presidingi officer,i Tamili Nadui Legislativei Assembly]4 i AIRi 1993i SCi 412 i AIRi 1994i SCi 1558 4 i (1996)i 2i SCCi 353 2 3

Whetheri paragraphi 7i ofi thei Schedulei Thei paragraphi seeksi toi changei thei excludingi thei jurisdictioni ofi courtsi ini procedurei andi effecti ofi Articlesi 136,i 226i casesi ofi disqualificationi wasi constitutional. andi 227i ofi thei Constitutioni whichi givei thei Highi Courtsi andi Supremei Courti jurisdictioni ini suchi cases.i Anyi suchi provisioni wasi requiredi toi bei approvedi byi statei assembliesi asi peri Articlei 368(2).i Thei paragraphi wasi thereforei heldi invalidi asi Ii thadi noti beeni approved.i i [Kihotai i Hollohoni i vs.i Zachilhui andi Others] Whetheri paragraphi 6i ofi thei Tenthi Thei provisioni saysi thati grantingi finali Schedulei cani makei thei decisioni ofi ordersi byi presidingi officeri wasi final.i presidingi officeri final. However,i thei HCi i andi SCi cani usei judiciali reviewi underi thei Constitutioni buti thisi Judiciali reviewi shouldi noti coveri anyi stagei beforei makingi ofi thei decisioni byi thei i Presidingi officers/Chairman.i [Kihotai Hollohoni vs.i Zachilhui andi Others] Whetheri thei Presidingi officeri hasi thei Thei presidingi officeri ofi thei housei doi noti chancei toi reviewi hisi previousi decisioni havei thei poweri toi reviewi hisi previousi underi 10thi schedule decisioni underi 10thi schedule.i [Dr.i Kashinathi Gi Jhalmii v.i Presidingi officer,i Goai Legislativei Assembly]5 Whetheri thei Presidingi officeri ofi thei Thei Courti citedi thei casei ofi Kihotai assemblyi wasi boundi byi thei directionsi ofi Hollohoni wherei iti statedi thati thei thei Court. Presidingi officeri whilei passingi ani orderi underi thei Tenthi Schedulei worksi asi thei Tribunal.i Thei orderi passedi byi thei presidingi officeri wouldi thereforei bei subjecti toi judiciali review.i [Ravii Si Naiki v.i Unioni ofi India]6 Whetheri courtsi cani makei thei judiciali Rulesi underi thei Tenthi Schedulei werei reviewi oni thei provisionsi ofi tenthi procedurali ini nature.i Anyi infringingi ofi schedulei decisioni makingi processi underi thosei wouldi bei thei procedurali irregularity.i thei Tenthi Schedule Acceptsi claimsi ofi splitsi ori mergersi withouti makingi thei finding,i hei failsi toi acti asi peri thei Tenthi Schedule.i Thei Courti saidi thati ignoringi thei petitioni fori disqualificationi wasi thei violationi ofi constitutionali duties.i [Rajendrai Singhi 5 6

i (1993)i 2i SCCi 703 i AIRi 1558i 1994i SCRi (1)i 754

Ranai andi Ors.i vs.i Swamii Prasadi Mauryai andi Ors.]7

3.1 Thei Supremei Courti ini Kihotai Hollohon’si Case: Thei casei ofi Kihotai Hollohoni v.i Zachillhu24,i wasi thei landmarki decisioni ini thisi regard.i Thei Constitutionali Benchi headedi byi Justicei VENKATACHALLIAH,i M.N.i gavei ani elaborate,i lucidi andi dynamici judgment.i Thei constitutionali questionsi considered,i thei principlesi propoundedi andi thei interpretationi ofi thei differenti provisioni ofi thei Constitutioni ofi India,i thei extractsi ofi thei samei fromi thei judgmenti werei producedi below.

Heldi that 

Paragraphi 7i ofi thei 10thi Schedulei toi thei Constitution,i ini principlei ofi excludesi thei jurisdictioni ofi alli courts,i includingi thei Supremei Courti andi thei Highi Courts,i andi proposesi ai reformi ini thei structurei andi effecti ofi Articlesi 136,i 226i andi 227i ofi thei Constitutioni ofi India,i whichi wouldi entaili ratificationi ini accordancei withi thei provisionsi ofi Articlesi 368(2)i ofi thei Constitutioni ofi India.

3.2 Developmentsi subsequenti toi Kihotai Hollohon’si Case: Thei rulei ofi precedencei wasi welli incorporatedi ini thei Indiani legali system,i accordingi toi Arti 144i ofi thei Indiani Constitution,i thei judgmenti ofi thei Supremei Courti werei bindingi oni thei loweri Courts.i Thei researcheri triesi toi analyzei thisi applicationi ofi Arti 144i ofi thei Indiani Constitutioni ini thei casei ofi judgmenti deliveredi ini thei Kihotai Hollhon’si case.i Ini thisi exercise,i thei researcheri examinesi thei differenti judiciali interpretations,i ini thei wakei ofi Kihotai Hollohon’si decision Ini Manilali Singhi v.i Dri H.i Borobabui Singh8,i thei respondent,i Presidingi 7

i (2007)i 4i SCCi 270


i AIRi 1994i SCi 505

officeri ofi thei Housei wasi chargedi withi contempti proceedings.i Iti wasi observedi thati ini spitei ofi thei cleari judgmenti ofi thisi Courti thati ani instructioni madei underi thei Tenthi Schedulei byi thei Presidingi officeri relatingi toi thei disqualificationi ofi thei Memberi ofi thei Legislativei Assemblyi wasi subjecti toi judiciali reviewi andi thei Presidingi officeri whilei makingi ani orderi underi thei Tenthi Schedulei actsi merelyi asi thei statutoryi authorityi openi toi thei court'si jurisdictioni ini thati capacity,i thei contemnori continuedi toi preventi thei implementationi ofi suchi ordersi madei byi thisi Court. Furtheri thei Supremei Courti heldi thati iti wasi thei constitutionali dutyi toi justifyi thei confidencei ofi thei people,i thati noi onei ini thisi nationi abovei thei lawi andi governancei wasi noti ofi meni buti ofi thei 'rulei ofi law'.i Thei Supremei Courti whilei reiteratingi thei principlei asi laidi downi ini Kihotai Hollohon’si casei observed: “thei Presidingi officeri whilei decidingi thei questioni ofi disqualificationi ofi thei Memberi ofi thei Legislativei Assemblyi underi thei Tenthi Schedulei toi thei Constitutioni actsi asi thei statutoryi authority,i ini whichi capacityi thei Presidingi officer'si decisioni wasi subjectedi toi judiciali reviewi byi thei Highi Courti andi thisi Court”. Again,i ini thei yeari 1998,i thei Supremei Courti whilei decidingi thei matteri betweeni Mayawatii v.i Markandeyai chand,9i iti wasi observedi byi thisi Courti thati Paragraphi 6i ofi thei Xi Schedulei extractsi thei decisioni ofi thei Presidingi officeri final.i Thei Constitutioni Benchi consideredi itsi validityi ini Kihotoi Hollohani case.i Ini thei majorityi judgment:i iti wasi heldi thati thei finalityi clausei ini Paragraphi 6i doesi noti totallyi removei thei jurisdictioni ofi thei courti underi Articlesi 136,226i andi 227i ofi thei Constitution.i However,i thei Benchi heldi thati thei scopei ofi judiciali scrutinyi wasi limitedi toi establishi whetheri thei decisioni ofi thei Presidingi officeri wasi vitiatedi byi jurisdictional errorsi viz.i "disabilitiesi basedi oni violationi ofi constitutionali instructioni malafides,i non-i obediencei withi rulesi ofi naturali justicei andi perversity."


i AIRi 1998i SCi 3340

Thei suggestioni thati ifi thei conclusioni reachedi byi thei Presidingi officeri wasi thei possiblei conclusioni iti standsi separatedi fromi anyi outsidei interferencei includingi byi judiciali exercisei mayi leadi toi thei situationi that,i noi matter,i howeveri illegali thei orderi mayi be,i iti cannoti bei touchedi ifi itsi authori wasi thei Presidingi officer.i Suchi immunityi cannoti bei concededi toi anyi constitutionali functionaryi toi bei abovei lawi ori toi hadi unfetteredi jurisdictioni toi passi unreasonablei ordersi withi immunity.i Thei testi cannoti bei whetheri iti wasi possiblei fori thei Presidingi officeri toi recordi suchi thei conclusion,i becausei thei veryi facti thati thei Presidingi officeri passedi ani orderi itselfi wasi thei instancei toi showi thati iti wasi possible.i Thei testi wasi whetheri thei conclusioni byi thei Presidingi officeri wasi soi unreasonablei ori soi unconscionablei thati noi tribunali couldi hadi arrivedi ati iti oni thei giveni materials.i Parametersi fori scrutinisingi whati wasi unreasonablei were,i ofi course,i nebulous.i Whati appearsi toi bei reasonablei toi onei mani mayi bei unreasonablei toi anotheri andi vicei versa.i However,i thei testi ofi perversityi hadi nowi boggedi downi toi thisi :i Noi conclusioni cani bei dubbedi asi perversei unlessi thei unreasonablei wasi ofi suchi thei dimensioni thati noi authorityi vestedi withi thei jurisdictioni wouldi hadi comei toi suchi thei conclusion. Iti wasi noti necessaryi toi studyi thei questioni whetheri thisi Courti oughti decidei thei entirei matteri herei ini thei eventi ofi settingi aparti thei orderi ofi thei Presidingi officeri ori remandi thei problemi fori freshi disposali byi thei Presidingi officeri ini accordingi withi thei judgmenti ofi thisi Court.i However,i fori thei sakei ofi end,i iti wasi necessaryi toi expressi opinioni oni thati questioni too.i Iti wasi noti thei functioni ofi thisi Courti toi standbyi itselfi ini placei ofi thei Presidingi officeri andi decidei thei questionsi whichi hadi ariseni ini thei case.i Wheni thei Xthi Schedulei hadi expresslyi constitutedi thei Presidingi officeri asi thei casei mayi bei toi resolvei thei questioni ofi disqualificationi andi attachi finalityi thereto.i Iti wasi noti fori judiciaryi toi consideri thei factsi andi decidei thei saidi questioni byi substitutingi itselfi ini thei placei ofi thei Presidingi officer.i Ifi thei orderi ofi thei Presidingi officeri wasi seti asidei oni anyi ofi thei groundsi statedi ini `Hollohan'i casei byi exercisingi thei poweri ofi limitedi judiciali review,i thei consequentiali coursei toi bei adoptedi wasi toi leavei thei matteri toi thei Presidingi officeri toi decidei afreshi ini accordancei withi law.

Ini Jagjiti Singhi v.i Statei ofi Haryana10,i thei Supremei Courti relyingi oni thei decisioni andi principlesi laidi downi ini Kihotai Hollohon’si casei asi observedi asi follows: Thei Presidingi officer,i whilei exercisingi poweri toi disqualifyi membersi actsi asi thei Tribunali andi thoughi validityi ofi thei orders,i thus,i passedi cani bei examinedi ini thei writi jurisdictioni ofi thisi Courti ori Highi Courts,i thei scopei ofi judiciali reviewi wasi limited.i Thei ordersi cani bei challengedi oni thei groundi ofi malafidei ori havingi beeni madei ini colourablei exercisei ofi poweri basedi oni unconnectedi andi irrelevanti concerns.i Thei orderi wouldi bei thei nullityi ifi rulesi ofi naturali justicei werei violated. 3.3 THEi EMERGINGi PRACTICES Ini Shrii Rajeevi Ranjani Singhi vs.i Dr.i P.P.i Koya,i JD(U),.i Dr.i i Koyai defiedi thei partyi whipi needingi himi toi bei presenti ini thei Housei andi polli againsti thei Motioni ofi Confidencei fori thei government.i Hei appealedi hei wasi tooi illi toi bei presenti ini thei House.i Thei presidingi officeri decidedi thati Koyai refrainedi fromi votingi byi remainingi absent,i andi thei evidencei ofi thei ‘illness’i wasi noti adequatei toi determinei thati hei wasi soi illi thati hei couldi noti bei presenti ini thei House. Ini thei casei ofi Harishi Chandrai Singhi Rawati Vi Unioni ofi India11andi another,i amidsti growingi oppositioni againsti thei headshipi ofi Harishi Rawati andi thei sectioni ofi thei Congressi MLAsi questioningi hisi stylei ofi working,i ninei Congressi MLAs,i plusi thei minister,i joini handsi withi thei oppositioni BJPi whichi meetsi thei Governori toi claimi toi formi thei government. Further,i Thei Presidingi officeri hadi servedi noticesi oni thei ninei Congressi rebelsi toi show-causei whyi theyi shouldi noti bei disqualified,i asi peri thei provisionsi ofi thei Anti-defectioni Lawi containedi ini thei 10thi Schedulei ofi thei Constitution.i Thei Hon’bei Highi Courti oni thisi pointi statedi thati thei floori testi thei appearancei ofi neutrality,i andi withouti biasi toi thei rivali parties,i alli thei MLAsi shalli bei allowedi toi takei parti ini thei floori test,i with,i withouti ori notwithstandingi theiri disqualification,i whichi willi bei questioni toi adjudicationi byi thei Courti ofi 10

i AIRi 2007i SCi 590 11 i AIRi 2016i HCi 795

competenti jurisdiction,i oni ani suitablei occasion.i Ini casei ofi Nabami Rebia,i &i Bamangi Felixi versusi Deputyi Presidingi officeri andi others.i Oni Decemberi 9,i wheni thei seti ofi rebeli Congressi MLAsi advancedi toi thei Governori JPi seekingi toi removei Presidingi officeri Nabami Rebia.i Theiri contentioni wasi thati hei wasi tryingi toi geti themi debarredi fromi thei Assembly.i Thei Governori acceptedi andi calledi fori ani emergencyi meetingi oni Decemberi 16i toi looki intoi thei impeachmenti motion. Iti wasi heldi byi thei Gauhatii Highi Court: “Alli thei above-mentionedi forteeni MLAsi shalli appeari alli thei sessionsi ofi thei sixthi Arunachali Pradeshi Legislativei Assemblyi withouti leti ori interruption.i Anyi power,i civili ori police,i blockingi theiri attendancei ofi thei followingi sessioni shalli bei committingi gravei breachi ofi privilegei ofi thei statei legislaturei asi alsoi shalli comei righti underi thei disciplinaryi jurisdictioni ofi alli lawi implementingi authoritiesi includei thei Governor.”12i


ANTI-DEFECTIONi INi USA Thei legislativei structurei ofi Americai ini highi opinioni ofi disciplinei ini partyi followsi morei liberali way.i Thei memberi ofi thei housei herei cani votei anywayi withouti anyi feari ofi disqualificationi fromi thei house.i Followersi ofi thei anti-defectioni classicali shouldi notei thati noti onlyi hadi thei USi experiencedi defections,i buti also,i functionedi withouti ani anti-defectioni law.i Andi eveni thoughi thei nonexistencei ofi thei lawi givesi disciplinei ini thei party,i iti wasi highlightedi upon.i Partyi disciplinei ini thei stricti sense,i meansi unityi ini partyi ori thei abilityi ofi thei partyi membersi ini thei assemblyi toi geti thei harmonyi oni policyi matters.i Thei amounti ofi controli wasi toi bei donei byi thei partyi leadersi toi makei thei legislatorsi whoi belongi toi thati specifici partyi votei asi thei alliancei oni thei lawi whichi isi veryi vitali toi thei achievementi ofi partyi objectivesi andi


i AIRi 2016i SCi 6203

thisi wasi noti thei controli ofi Constitution.i Iti wasi thei internali partyi structurei ofi USAi whichi saysi thati sanctionsi shouldi bei enforcedi oni thei membersi whoi votei againsti thei partyi lines.i Thisi issuei ofi thei membersi whoi votei againsti thei partyi ordersi wasi establishedi ini manyi casesi whichi alsoi includei thei removali ofi thei representativei fromi thei positioni oni thei legislativei group.i Ini USi thei urgingsi againsti thisi sanctioni branchesi fromi thei 1sti Amendmenti ofi thei USAi Constitutioni whichi prohibitsi thei infringementi ofi thei freedomi ofi speech.i Thisi discussioni ofi thei practicei ofi partiesi puttingi sanctionsi ini casei ofi voting,i involvesi thei two-tieri argument-i Thei firsti wasi thati iti wasi oni thei groundsi ofi freedomi ofi speechi ofi thei legislatori andi secondi oni groundsi ofi i differingi freedomi ofi alliancei ofi thei politicali parties. i Bondi v.i Floydi wasi amongi thei onei toi clarifyi oni thei rightsi ofi thei memberi ini thei house.i Ini thisi case,i thei housei disqualifiedi Juliani Bondi byi statingi thati hei couldi noi longeri takei hisi oathi asi thei legislator.i Thei Supremei Courti reversedi thei decisioni ofi thei Housei oni thei groundsi ofi iti violatingi thei rightsi guaranteedi byi Firsti Amendment.i Thei Supremei Courti opinedi thati legislatorsi hadi thei dutyi toi standi oni controversiali issues.i Thisi righti makesi thei legislatori toi freelyi participatei ini discussingi policiesi ofi governance.i Thei Courti wenti oni toi holdi thati legislativei dialoguei oni debatablei issuesi wasi ai dutyi andi stretchedi thei Firsti Amendmenti freedomsi toi legislatorsi whoi wouldi otherwisei goi ini toi thei problemi ofi disciplinaryi actionsi byi thei parties.i Asi thei courtsi doi noti differentiatei betweeni thei 1sti Amendmenti rightsi andi thereforei thei legislatori alsoi enjoysi thei Firsti Amendmenti rightsi thati coveri freei speechi alongi withi thei righti toi noti speaki ini favori ofi somethingi .Importantlyi freei speechi whichi isi protectedi byi Firsti Amendment,i hadi beeni stretchedi byi courtsi toi containi thei righti ofi thei legislatorsi toi votei liberally.i Thusi thei legali positioni ini AMERICA.i wasi morei liberali thani India. UNITEDi KINGDOM:i DISSENTi MAKESi NOi DIFFERENCE Thei Englandi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai wasi ani creationi fromi whichi greati learningi cani bei done.i Fori thisi propose,i differenti Articlesi i.e.,i Art.i 9,i Arti 105i ofi thei constitutioni ofi thei Englishi Billi ofi Rights,i 1869i givesi freedomi ofi speechi ini thei Britishi houses.i Paralleli toi America,i Britishi lawsi doi noti providei thei separatei anti-

defectioni law.i Alli mattersi ofi defectioni werei rulesi byi internali partyi procedures.i Accordingi toi thei Nolani Committeei Recommendationsi giveni ini thei Housei ofi Commonsi disagreementi wasi morei ori less,i frequentlyi limitedi toi long-servingi membersi viewingi toi retirei ati thei endi ofi thei sessioni andi thosei whoi hadi strugglesi withi thei interestsi ofi theiri areas.i ANTI-DEFECTIONi INi PAKISTAN Pakistani alsoi hadi separatei lawi fori thei anti-defection,i andi iti hadi witnessedi severali instancesi ofi politicali defections.i Thei Constitutioni ofi Pakistani laysi downi thei provisionsi fori thei defection.i Asi peri theiri law,i ifi anyi memberi resignsi membershipi ofi hisi partyi ori joinsi other politicali party,i shalli bei consideredi asi disqualified.i Hence,i Indiai shouldi noti adopti thei rigidi approachi reactioni againsti thei dissenti ini Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabha.i Fori thisi purpose,i thei principali toi bei followedi soi thati properi balancei cani bei maintainedi betweeni thei meetingi thei problemsi ofi thei partyi andi thei public.

CHAPTERi Vi CONCLUSION Thei 52ndi Amendmenti toi thei Indiani Constitutioni withi regardi toi anti-defectioni lawi hadi beeni hailedi asi thei boldi stepi toi cleani publici lifei ini India,i but,i ini coursei ofi time,i certaini defectsi thereini hadi becomei apparenti whichi hadi veryi muchi compromisedi thei effectivenessi ofi thei lawi toi achievei itsi objectives.i Defectionsi andi splitsi ini partiesi hadi alwaysi beeni thei featurei ofi Indiani Politics. Iti wasi possible,i however,i toi suggesti fromi whati wasi enactedi ini thei Tenthi Schedulei thati thei partyi structurei wasi nowi beingi pre-emptedi andi treatedi asi basici andi fundamental,i fori uponi breachi ofi thei partyi mandatei ini thei mattersi ofi votei ori abstainingi fromi votingi ori resignation,i thei representativei losesi hisi seati itself.i Partyi supremacy,i thus,i wasi acceptedi asi thei principlei throughout,i ini thei Tenthi Schedule,i whichi hadi widei rangingi ramificationsi whichi doi noti appeari toi hadi beeni kepti ini viewi whilei enactingi amendmenti toi thei Constitution.i Withi alli thesei laudablei objects,i

whichi werei noti veryi muchi explicitlyi ini thei texti ofi thei Schedule,i inherentlyi thei schemei wasi ini conflicti withi thei initiali schemei ofi ouri Constitutioni patterni thati reliesi uponi individuali representativei andi confersi unimpededi freedomi uponi him. Curtailmenti ofi libertyi andi shifti ini thei pointi ofi referencei wasi likelyi toi raisei noti onlyi intricatei debatesi buti directi andi indirecti questionsi ofi ouri basici philosophy.i Similarly,i institutionsi mayi undergoi longi rangei changesi andi eveni thei democratici setupi mayi sufferi erosioni byi emergencei ofi autocratici apparatusi ofi partyi machine.i Thisi wasi morei soi fori penaltyi followsi byi reasoni ofi incurringi disqualificationi oni thei groundi ofi whati wasi calledi “defection”i thati cutsi ati thei rooti ofi freei dissenti andi independenti judgmenti ofi ani electedi representative.i Thati alsoi putsi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhai underi thei shadowi ofi partyi andi itsi membersi echoingi partyi viewsi likei puppets. Howeveri thei anti-defectioni lawi hadi playedi thei pivotali rolei ini curtailingi thei defectionsi ini thei democratici polityi consistingi ofi thei hugei numberi ofi politicali parties.i Thei lawi beingi passedi ini asi backi asi ini thei yeari 1985i hadi showni thei newi dimensioni andi hadi createdi thei newi pathi ini securingi thei dreami ofi havingi thei stablei governmenti keepingi ini mindi thei aspirationsi ofi thei croresi ofi peoplei whoi hadi beeni strivingi hardi toi makei ouri democratici polityi worki byi exercisingi theiri righti toi votei andi toi reassurei thei faithi ini thei singlei largesti democracyi ofi thei world. Iti wasi welli agreedi thati thisi portioni ofi thei Constitutioni ofi Indiai wasi enactedi ini orderi toi protecti thei privilegesi ofi thei House,i howeveri asi everyi otheri lawi wasi noti statici andi requirei changes,i thei Tenthi Schedulei ini thei wakei ofi securingi thei privilegesi ofi Housei andi toi ensurei smoothi conducti ofi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhaaryi affairsi hadi slightlyi touchedi uponi thei cornersi ofi democracyi andi ifi iti wasi properlyi amendedi toi suiti thei changingi circumstancesi iti mayi assisti ini livingi thei dreamsi ofi ouri Constitutioni draftersi andi thei decidersi ofi thei faithi ofi thisi greati nation.

4.1 SUGGESTIONS: 1) Insteadi ofi thei wordsi “anyi order”i iti mayi bei replacedi withi “subjecti basedi whips”,i soi thati thei objectivei ofi thei Tenthi i.e.,i toi maintaini healthyi Loki Sabha/Rajyai Sabhaaryi debatei andi concerni ofi thei Governingi partyi cani bei

betteri highlightedi withouti prejudicingi thei freedomi ofi speechi andi expressioni ofi thei Participants.i Ini doingi soi thei provisioni wasi renderedi constitutionali validity. 2) Eveni thoughi thei Presidingi officer’si decisioni wasi broughti underi thei watchi glassi ofi Judiciaryi afteri pronouncementi ofi thei Kihotai Hollohon’si case,i iti wasi suggestedi thati thei timei limiti musti bei prescribedi fori thei Presidingi officeri toi givei hisi decision.i Ifi noi timei periodi wasi prescribedi fori thei Presidingi officeri toi givei hisi decision,i theni thei decisioni ini thei Kihotai Hollohon’si casei wasi renderedi futile.i Thisi wasi soi becausei thei Presidingi officeri willi bei underi noi obligationi toi givei hisi decisioni andi thei scopei ofi judiciali reviewi wasi againi narrowedi down. 3)

Afteri havingi ani insighti intoi thei positioni ofi lawi withi respecti toi antidefectioni lawi ini otheri Commoni Wealthi nations,i iti wasi suggestedi thati thei Tenthi Schedulei shouldi bei amendedi ini suchi thei wayi toi makei iti lessi complicatedi andi keepingi ati bayi alli thei ambiguitiesi thati existsi ini thei currenti lawi oni defection.

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