Bhu Shuddi And Bhuta Shuddi

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  • January 2021
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Bhu-Shuddhi, Bhuta-Shuddhi - Dismissing the Resident Spirits BHU-SHUDDHI Bhu-Shuddhi is a purification ritual that informs the resident spirits to vacate a space so that you can engage in spiritual practice. Some tantrikas like to sprinkle black sesame seeds around the space as an offering to the spirits to leave you alone, but you can do it just by saying the words alone. Repeat the following words, feeling your words radiating into space in all directions: APASARPANTU TAE BHUTA YAE BHUTA BHUVI SAMSTHITAHA YAE BHUTA VIGHNA KARTARA TAE NASHYANTU SHIVAJNAYA [Translation: All ye resident or evil spirits and ghosts who are in this space or those who would disturb my spiritual practice begone immediately by the order of the Lord Shiva!] (After saying these words, stamp the earth three times with the heel of the left leg) BHUTA-SHUDDHI Bhuta-Shuddhi is a follow-up ritual to show the spirits that you mean business. It calls upon Kshetrapala, who is King of resident spirits and ghosts to ensure their departure as well as uses the powerful mantra "phat!" which shakes the aethers and makes spirits quake in fear. It insures that the resident spirits do not come back before you are done with your spiritual practice. Chant the following mantra: APAKRAMANTU BHUTANI PISHACHA SARVATODISHAM; SARVESHAM AVIRODHENA BRAHMA KARMA SAMARABHE - OM SAHASRARA HUM PHAT SVAHA! (With your hands above your head, clap 4 times, feeling and visualizing that the sound creates a wave of light radiating in all directions pushing everything away). [Translation: Let all resident spirits and ghosts, demons and fiends who are around us in all directions leave this space now! I am about to begin my spiritual practice by the permission of the Supreme Divine. Begone! So be it!] Call to Kshetrapala, Lord of resident spirits and ghosts and Lord Shiva's attendant with these words: OM TEEKSHNA DAMSTRA MAHAKAYA KALPANTA DAHANOPAMA; BHAIRAVAYA NAMASTUBHYAM ANUJNAM DATUMARHASI [Translation: O mountainous-bodied Kshetrapala of fierce tusks, you are like fire during the cosmic dissolution. Salutations unto thee. Please watch over this space and grant us permission to do our spiritual practices peacefully.]

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