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MOSES & SOLOMON VOLUME ONE This is the only book anywhere which makes the alleged magickal secrets of Moses and Solomon absolutely plain and understandable to the modern reader!



Copyright © 1987 Finbarr International

Copyright © 2006 Finbarr International FI 13



For the layman, the Bible is little more than an interesting collection of “fairy tales” written by long dead men in a far distant age; with very little, if any, real significance to the times in which we live. To a large extent and purpose this is perfectly true; but there is another side to thepreachings - a hidden and forbidden side! For centuries past, church elders have conducted an on-going conspiracy of silence in an attempt to keep this secret knowledge with its limitless life-enriching possibilities hidden from the people of the world. While preaching brotherly love and understanding, the church leaders have been deliberately suppressing information which - if used on a world wide basis - could bring world unity, and an end to despair, by releasing omnipotent mystic energies into the hearts and souls of all men, women and children. But instead of giving this knowledge to the world, these self-appointed spiritual leaders have branded such knowledge as evil, and all those who seek such knowledge as being in league with the Devil. The truth is this. If all the nations and people of the world were to unite with these miraculous forces, there would no longer be a need for “go-betweens” with the source of all things - and, as such, these men would quickly become non­ entities, organized religion would collapse, and they would be out of a job. It is the intention of this book to bring valuable esoteric knowledge to the general public in an easy to understand manner. I have travelled half-way round the world in search of this knowledge, and the occult power, that it can supply to the possessor of it.

WHAT IS OCCULT POWER? Occultpower, within the context of this book, is the ability to control- in invisible and silent ways - events and situations so that they become subject to the occultist’s will. In this way it is possible for the experienced - which you will be by the time you have finished reading this book - occultist and practitioner of the Esoteric Sciences to influence the thoughts and actions of another person, and to have that person bend, quite willingly, to his will. It is also possible to put into motion a chain of events which will eventually culminate in the attaining of a specific and worthwhile goal. This is what occult power is all about - creating the perfect physical and mental environment in which to live your long and happy life.

WHAT OCCULT POWER CAN DO FOR YOU T he Secret Occult Powers hidden within the text of the Bible, and other ancient manuscripts, can give you the ability to work seeming miracles for both yourself and others. Miracles of health, wealth and happiness can occur at your command, so claims occult lore, once the mystic energies of an ancient world are released into your heart and soul through the implementation of simple, yet ultimately powerful, rituals of white magick and positive power in your daily affairs. Each new day will take on added depth of meaning as positive occult power begins to flow into your life - releasing a floodtide of success and happiness into your affairs! The Powerful Psalmic Power Spells (described in succeeding sections of this book) work only for your benefit, unleashing the limitless energies, and boundless generosity of both your own subconscious mind and amazingly powerful and kind Mystic Beings existing beyond time and space - the very same Mystic Beings whose previous interaction with mankind was recorded within the Bible as the appearance of Angels.

SECRET OCCULT POWER IS AT YOUR COMMAND In the very first part of this most unusual book, you are going to discover the other side of the Bible. This hidden occult side to the preachings is your personal entrance point to an amazing world filled with visions, prophetic and psychic dreams, miracle healings, visitations by extra-dimensional intelligences, personal accounts of encounters with psychic forces and much, much more. Then, each secret occult power is explained to you, and the methods, ritual and spells for harnessing the power revealed in full. Nothing will be hidden, nothing will be concealed - it will all be explained to you in an easy manner. By reading this manual of high magick you will learn:

* How to use the secret occult powers of the Bible to have a safe pregnancy, bring protection, have relief from headache and backache, have good luck, gain the favour of those holding positions of authority, help cure the diseases of one’s eyes, punish an enemy, attract new friends, gain protection from evil spirits, attain freedom from persecution, daily protection from all harm and injury, be released from a prison, discover the identity of a thief, gain protection from evil, help cure diseases, gain protection from robbers, experience visions and prophetic dreams, be reconciled with an enemy, cast out an evil spirit, overcome temptation, gain protection from slander, win an unfair lawsuit, help cure a hangover, reunite a husband and wife, gain honour and respect, help cure an individual of illness, gain freedom from a guilty conscience, achieve success in all undertakings, survive an attack by wild dogs, be safe in military conflict, consecrate a new home, gain the upper hand in business etc. * How to use the Seals of Spirits to attract money and good fortune, defeat one’s enemies, gain protection from unhappiness, help cure illness, foretell the future with dreams and visions, acquire precious gems, etc. * How to use the Seals of the Planets to have good luck at gambling, attract the riches of the earth, win a lawsuit, win an agreement, discover gold and the lost treasures of ages past, attract love, experience visions, and become one who is skilled in the ancient science of alchemy. * How to gain the favour of the Seven Great Spirits to receive secret knowledge, win honours and respect, discover hidden and lost treasures, attain wealth and security, become skilled in any art or science, and acquire spirit familiars. ... and that’s just the beginning of the fun and games to come.

A FUTURE FILLED WITH OCCULT POWER Here, in effect, are the lost secrets of the ages for you to discover, learn, understand, control and put to work in your affairs. They are the “doorways” you must open from within you if you wish the forces behind all things in this world and beyond to start working with you, instead of against you. They are, at this very moment, waiting for you to open your heart and soul so that they may become as an entity with you. What are you waiting for?

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. THE MAGICK OF ANCIENT ISRAEL....................................................... 7 Another Look at Ezekiel’s Wheel The Esoteric Doctrine The Powers of Darkness Transformation: Man Into Man-God The Dream Quest of the Ancient Israelites Spirit Contact During Sleep 2. THE SEVEN STEPS TO OCCULT POWER.............................................. 14 3. THE A - B - C OF M A G IC K ........................................................................22 The Power of the Spoken Word The World of Spells The Magick of Ritual The Occult Power of Prayer Seven Arcane Secrets The Threshold of Power 4. THE WORLD OF MAGICK S E A L S ..........................................................28 Why Magick Seals Work Magick Seals for Money, Love, Health, Protection and Happiness How One Man Used the Mystical Power of a Magick Seal to Change His Life Creating Your Magick Seal How to Get The Most out of Your Magick Seal Magick Alone Does Not Guarantee Success 5. THE MAGICKAL DOORWAYS OF THE M IN D .................................... 35 Magick Seals as Gateways to the Unconscious Mind The Ultimate Adventure Amazing Astral Adventures Await You! 6. USING TH E POWER OF MAGICK SEALS TO ATTRACT MONEY, LOVE, HEALTFI, SUCCESS, PROTECTION AND H A PPIN E SS........ 42 Examples of How Others Have Used the Mystical Power of Magick Seals to Help Improve Their Lives Magick Seals For Virtually Every Possible Need and Desire Making and Consecrating Your Magick Seal How to Dismiss the Evoked Spirit-Force A Life Filled With Magickal Power

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Chapter One THE MAGICK OF ANCIENT ISRAEL T he only complete, true and detailed account of mankind’s interaction with supernatural forces - both good and bad, the occult art of prophecy, and many other varied mystical energies and beings, along with their influence, either directly or indirectly, upon the whole of mankind are found within the texts, documents and teachings which comprise the Holy Scriptures of the ancient Israelites. These esoteric teachings are contained under the collective title of the Bible, and within its pages may be found a complete and reliable recording, written in a style which was (at the time) clear and revealing, of the entire mystical knowledge passed on to man by the appearance on Earth of supernatural agencies and Beneficial Beings (Angels) composed of pure creative thought, given a partial reality by the Great Universal Mind (the Light) so as to unify and harmonize all of mankind into an expression of positive energy with the mobilization of thought, deed and action towards the attainment of Collective Cosmic Enlightenment. All religions of all nations and of all times were deliberately instigated, through the materialization of extra-dimensional beings, as a channel by which a handful o f carefully selected individuals could begin the gradual elevation and improve­ m ent of the collective consciousness of mankind and the psychic power of man’s m ind - to make clear the pathway to Collective Cosmic Enlightenment.

ANOTHER LOOK AT EZEKIELS WHEEL Perhaps the most famous and well-known Biblical account of one man’s personal contact with worldly beings is that found in passages from the Book of Ezekiel namely, Ezekiel’s “wheel within a wheel”. Part of Ezekiel’s detailed and amazing account of that incident is as follows: Ezekiel 1:16 - “As for the appearance of the wheels and their work: their appearance was like unto the colour of a beryl; and the four had the one likenessand their appearance was as though it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” Ezekiel 1:17- “When they went, they went in any of their four directions: and they turned not when they went.” Ezekiel 1:18- “As for their four rims, they were so high that they were dreadful; and were full of eyes round about them.” This account of the sudden appearance on the earth of a large and alien craft had always fascinated me since first reading of it in Erich Von Danikeris highly controversial work - Chariots of the Gods, so when the opportunity arose for me to make my own viewing of this strange incident I did so gladly. 7

During the afternoon of June 15th, 1980,1 placed myself into a very deep state of occult meditation (using a particular occult symbol) and, with my right hand resting upon the Bible (opened at the appropriate verse and chapter), focussed my psychic third-eye upon that area of the Astral Plane containing the views of ancient times I desired to experience. I saw a large, metallic and circular object (Figure 1-1), with a darker central core (Figure 1-2) revolving in a clockwise direction. This dark core had a series of tear-shaped indentations about its rim. The object was blowing sand from the desert floor beneath it. The object stopped, and from four different points a series of bright energy beams were suddenly projected down to the ground. At this point, contact with the Astral Plane was lost. No-one knows what really happened to Ezekiel, and we may never know, but what I saw could explain the happenings described in the Book of Ezekiel.

Figure 1-1


THE ESOTERIC DOCTRINE You will, no doubt, have heard of the many ancient myths concerning the two occult forces of Light and Darkness, said to be co-equal and locked in eternal combat for the good or bad of humanity. It should therefore come as no surprise to learn that all the ancient rituals, ceremonies and festivals of Sun and Nature worship - such as the Spring festivals celebrated throughout rural England - are in actuality an external expression of those ancient myths, for the positive polarity, exemplified by Light, is symbolic of health and happiness, creation and wisdom, growth and existence, whereas the negative polarity, exemplified by Darkness, typifies sickness of the body and soul, unhappiness, destruction and ignorance, decay and nonexistence of all things. In its most pure form, Light is symbolic of the soul’s journey through many different incarnations on the physical plane of existence, all the while seeking that most perfect form of being when both the physical and spiritual forms merge into the everlasting Light; becoming light within light, but, alas, this perfect state of being is hard to obtain, and the road leading to its attaining is often long and arduous. It is, in fact, too much to hope for in just one short human life, hence we have the widespread - and ever growing - belief in the occult concept of reincarnation; that we are born again so that we may learn to despise material and physical desires. When the physical host body dies, the psychic body (soul) passes gracefully into the Astral Dimension (Spirit World) where it can create its own immediate environment the instant a thought appears in its highly psychic mind. The astral is a mirror of each individual’s own state of spiritual development and, as such, it can be either Heaven or Hell. The psychic energies radiating out from the psychic body create the “after life”, hence the teachings of all religion that one must lead a good and pure life if one wishes to enter eternal Paradise when one’s life on the physical plane is at an end, for our every thought will create its own form of psychic energy. Thus, the guilt-ridden are surrounded - on the astral - by their own personal Hell; while the more spiritually advanced will find the ideal state of being. Not all humans are reincarnated, only those chosen by the Mystical Beings of Light are reborn. In this new life, the psychic body is awakened at a given time and the new host body is then gently guided to fulfilling its destiny. It is these people, and these alone, through whom speak the “Angels” of the Holy Scriptures - leading mankind to the Age of Enlightenment.

THE POWERS OF DARKNESS Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on how you look at things - those who follow the Left-Hand Path are still equal in number to the followers of 9

an enlightened teacher of the Right-Hand Path, and so the forces of evil and corruption are no less active in the world than when the Mystic Beings of ancient times were cast out of our world by man’s indifference to Their call, and so a person is no sooner touched by the Light - gathering around himself a devoted, and loyal band of followers - than lust for power begins to cloud his mind and the minds of his followers; and as such, the disciples of evil have destroyed, in more ways than one, yet another Master. The so-called Powers of Darkness did not (at first) have an independent reality of their own, but were used by the Mystic Beings as a means by which those Israelites of old could begin to understand and accept the real message - that a combination of strong emotional desire (thought) coupled with pure occult and psychic mind power, united through ritual, creates a reality in accordance with the individual’s will. So, the threat of eternal anguish at the hands of Satan, along with his legions of lesser demons, was woven into a tale of everlasting conflict between the forces of Good and Evil - with mankind as the bait and all our souls as the ultimate prize. The image of Satanic power foistering all the evils and misfortune of man has now become so deeply rooted in the human psyche that it has began to assume many separate and powerful realities in the twilight zone between physical matter (the physical plane) and spiritual matter (the astral plane), and is now beginning to grow ever stronger and more influential in world affairs through the practice of black magiclt. The desires needed to give added strength to the Satanic Rituals - such as, greed, lust and revenge - are the “food” by which these creatures gain their sustenance. The aura of disease around this reality is generated by man’s lust and greed for material power and dominion over others. The forces causing havoc round the world are generated by man’s own dark subconscious. The so-called demons are in reality no more than man’s own fears and negative desires magnified, and then projected outside of his mind on a collective scale so that you have the demon monsters and lights of deception sent to destroy man’s fulfilment. In the past these forces were looked upon as the messengers of the Devil, when in truth the cause of all this destruction is man himself. These creatures of the mind are multiplying through the darkened auras of the human race and are causing great tribulation on a global scale. These powers and forces of destruction are the forces of uncontrolled negative desire. Man’s mind spawned the creatures of his own destruction through negative thought and occult power used for very wrong reasons. The only way to destroy these creatures is from within - cease to accept them and they shall cease to exist. This, then, is the truth about the demons and unclean spirits mentioned often in the old texts of the Holy Scriptures of the Hebrews.


TRANSFORMATION: MAN INTO MAN-GOD Despite the ceaseless efforts of those who follow the Left-Hand Path, the real truth behind all things is never entirely lost, for down through centuries of conflict new Masters are continually appearing to either proclaim it to the world or - if the movement is not propitious for such an awesome event - to pass it on in abstract ways, hidden within an ancient ritual or ceremony originally held within the confines of the secluded Temples of Wisdom, to the chosen few. Whenever one of the Beneficial Beings of creative thought merged with an Israelite a new messenger was formed, through whom these extra-dimensional beings of light could manifest supernatural power, transforming the said individual into a possessor of the ultimate secret of secrets. Apollonius of Tyana travelled to the Far East, to sit at the feet of those whose wisdom is older than Time itself, so as to learn the ancient secrets of power and everlasting truth. The so-called heretics of organized religion - a bunch of rebels whom we now know were the Bringers of Truth - preached it during the 12th Century throughout all of Southern France. During the magickal and misunder­ stood times of the Middle Ages, the secret of secrets was known by those few magicians who were lucky enough to stumble upon it during their magickal and sometimes dangerous quest for personal occult power. The persecuted Order of the Knights Templar had the secret in their possession, and as such fell victim to a vendetta by the Church of Rome, and all but vanished from the face of the earth. The Alchemist of old, in all his mystical glory, searched far and wide for the magickal key which would give him free entry and access to this most coveted occult secret of transformation. The fanciful tales of turning lead into gold, and the search for the legendary Elixir of Life are merely designed and encouraged by one generation of Alchemist after another to hide the true, and awesome, reason for their fanatical quest - the transformation of matter into spiritual energy and the becoming of light within light.

THE DREAM QUEST OF THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES Although every nation has produced its own seekers after the Light the odd texts of the Holy Scriptures are filled with accounts of men who gave one amazing demonstration after another of higher powers, through both visible deed and prophesies which have, by their very nature, burned away the darkness and uncertainty in all our lives. They were, in fact, enacting the drama of absolute and unshakeable faith in a divine destiny for all mankind. These ancient Israelite seers were the original guiding-lights for mankind to the unification of physical matter with spiritual energy - Collective Cosmic Fulfilment, blending the physical with the non-physical, the intellectual with the mystical, the beginning with the end. The most commonly used form of communication between the Israelite seers and 11

the Higher Spiritual Beings in which they were in contact were dreams. The Bible is filled with detailed accounts of dream prophecy and dream communications, and we shall, therefore, take a look at this most interesting side of the Bible, all the while remembering that the Church Leaders of today virulently condemn dreams and their interpretation - along with all the divining arts - as worshipping the Devil and his doctrine. Genesis 20:3. “But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou has taken; for she is a man’s wife.” Genesis 31:24. “And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that you speak not to Jacob either good or bad.” Genesis 37:5. “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: For, behold, we were binding sheaves in a field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.” Genesis 37:9. “And he (Joseph) dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.” Job 33:15. “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falletlr upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, sealeth their instruction. I Kings 3:5. “In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.” Numbers 12:6. “And I-Ie Said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak to him in a dream.” Matthew 1:20.“But while he (Joseph) thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, J oseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 2:13. “And when they departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod, will seek the young child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:19. “But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child’s life.” Acts 18:9. “Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.” If the Bible is truly a complete and reliable account of things past, then we 12

must accept the fact that - no matter how opposed the Catholic Church might be to it - dreams and visions are a means of communication between the human and the divine, and that certain individuals have and will continue to be granted, through the gift of second-sight, glimpses of a future yet to be.

SPIRIT CONTACT DURING SLEEP As has been seen, dreams can often predict future happenings in startling detail and act as a communication channel between mankind and the Great Universal M ind of the Cosmos; but dreams are also our link with the Spirit World, and it is during sleep that one may openly converse with departed loved ones or any other spirit that you have a strong desire to communicate with. During this occult state of mind, you can gain valuable secret knowledge known only to beings inhabiting the next dimension. This knowledge can then be used to better y o u r-o r another’s - position in life and bring peace of mind. Dreams can also act as mind rituals for tapping occult power in its most pure form. Spirit contact during hours of sleep is made possible by the projection, via an act of will, of the astral body while the physical host body is in a low state of tension and stress, normally only achieved during sleep. The astral body is, in fact, the spiritual life-force present within all living things, and is composed of cosmo-astral substances much finer than the atoms of the physical body. It can, both spontaneously and consciously, partially and completely, detach itself from the physical host body. Thus, projection of the astral body places the physical shell into a form of pseudo-death, devoid of all feeling and emotion. While free from the restriction of the physical body, the astral body can project itself to any predetermined destination in the physical world and the Astral Dimension, where it may visit past and future ages and the various levels of astral awareness. It is also possible, while in the astral state, for an individual to make contact with the nether world of spirits.


Chapter Two THE SEVEN STEPS TO OCCULT POWER T he magiclcal influencing of events and circumstances through the conscious application of occult powers and esoteric teachings can be either a personal, co­ equal or group effort; but each has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages, which can spell the eventual failure or success of any given spell or ritual. “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask for, it shall be done for them of my Father that is in Heaven.” W hat Jesus meant by that somewhat perplexing statement was simply this: that the uniting together of two or more persons with but a single purpose of mind helps to increase the level of faith instilled into the spell or ritual and, consequently, the actual materialization power associated to said spell or ritual is greatly increased. It is therefore a good idea for you, as a practising occultist, to spend some of your spare time seeking out others of like mind with whom to perform the ancient science of magickal evocation of supernatural power. A good example of group work would be in the case of a ritual aimed at the attracting of a soul mate into an individual’s life. The compassionate nature of the assembled group could be channelled into the ritual and help intensify, a thousand times over, the materialization power evoked by the ritual in line with the original desire - the attraction of love and soul fulfilment. On the other hand, a ritual aimed at the punishing of an enemy would best be performed alone and unobserved, so that you could give full vent to your anger and rage, as it is the ceremonial releasing of these two normally suppressed emotions that can give added strength to the destructive occult powers of an ancient curse or hex. Destructive magick of any kind (black and white magick all have esoteric ways of dealing with troublesome individuals) is best worked alone for the simple reason that other members of the group might, (1) warn the victim, thus allow'ing him/her the chance to strike back; or (2) object to your actions, thus making it near impossible to perform the supernatural act of vengeance. Assuming that yours is not a so-called Black Occult Group, the only way of gaining the assistance of others is to influence their collective thoughts so as to make them think that the intended victim has hurt them in some way. So you see, destructive magick is best worked alone - it’s much easier and you save yourself a multitude of headaches. Whether you perform your magickal operations alone or with a group, the mechanics of the ancient art of magickal evocation must be adhered to at all times - lest the operation meet with disaster. Those involved with the ritual must learn how to isolate themselves completely from physical reality. Their whole world of mental, physical and emotional awareness must be filled with the ritual, and the 14

purpose for which the ritual is being performed. Their eyes must see beyond this moment in time into a future created in accordance with their collective will. A single doubt will negate the strongest of rituals, so all must sincerely believe in the magick that they are working. Their ears must be filled with esoteric sounds o f symbolized desire. Their minds must become as one, directing the power of visualized desire to its natural conclusion. And their souls must accept, with all sincerity, that the ancient powers of Light and Darkness are the true source of all magickal power. The same rules apply to the individual who wishes to perform magickal rites and ceremonies alone. Every spell, ritual and ceremony must be complete; that is, it must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning and ending act as “gateways”, the purpose of which is to permit you to disassociate yourself completely and totally from the physical world at the commencement of the magickal operation and, at the conclusion of same, from the nether region in which your conscious­ ness has been during the course of the ritual or ceremony. The middle allows for desire to be expressed in certain special ways, so as to enlist the help of Mystic Beings and assorted supernatural forces.

THE FIRST STEP The first requirement for both personal and group workings is, naturally enough, a place in which to perform said magickal workings. The magickal textbooks, known as grimoires, of the Middle Ages spent a great deal of time in detailing a ritual room’s special requirements. The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin, written by Abraham the Jew, circa 1458 A.D., states the following as regards the requirements for a magickal room: Ye shall choose an Apartment which hath a Window, joined unto the which shall be an uncovered Terrace, and a Lodge covered with a roof, but so that there may be on every side windows whence you may enter into the Oratory. In the which place the Evil Spirits shall be able to appear, since they cannot appear within it the Oratory itself. In the which place, beside the Oratory towards the quarter of the North, you shall have a roofed or covered Lodge, in the which and from whence one may be able to see the Oratory ... The Oratory should always be clear and clean swept, and the flooring should be of wood, of white pine; in fine, this place should be so well and carefully prepared, that one may judge it to be a place destined unto prayer. The Terrace and the continuous Lodge where we are to invoke the Spirits we should cover with river sand to the depth of two fingers at the least. As you can see, the compilers of the grimoires went out of their way to make things as “easy” as possible for the average man in the street. At the time, it was 15

only the idle rich who could afford to indulge themselves in such an expensive pastime. But the authors of the forbidden books of magick did not write or dedicate their works for the fun of others; no, they were deliberately written, and complicated, to ensure that no-one, rich or poor, could practise the occult sciences, so as to keep it the exclusive domain of an elite group of magicians. Happily, for you, simplicity is the main aim of modern magick, and you don’t require such elaborate trappings for the magickal operations described in this and other books of modern miracle working. Although the occult rituals can, theoretically, be performed anywhere and at any convenient time, you should, for best results, choose one special room. This room should, ideally, be located in an area of your home as far removed from an access to the outside world as possible. The reason for this is because noise and the many varied other distractions of the modern world make it near-impossible, if not down right impossible, to disassociate oneself from physical reality. The actual dimensions of the room is unimportant; however, you should allow sufficient room if working with others. If the magick is to be performed by only yourself, then select a room filled with your personal kinetic vibrations, such as your bedroom or private study, for in this way you can tap the magick power of your own individuality. Whatever room is finally chosen, you need to be sure within yourself that you will be undisturbed during the course of the ritual or ceremonjt To this end, you should take the following precautions 1. Take the phone off the hook. 2. Turn off the television and/or radio. 3. Close and lock the access door to the room. Those three simple precautions will give you peace of mind and added strength of purpose to the magickal happenings taking place within the room. This is the first of the Seven Steps to Occult Power. THE SECOND STEP {Note: The following requirements, although very helpful in creating the proper magickal atmosphere and frame of mind, are not absolutely essential, for the occult power dealt with in this book had centuries of faith instilled into it by one generation of occultist after another. Having said that, I must, however, add that any physical trapping that evokes a feeling of utter disassociation with the material world will certainly give a magickal boost to the proceedings.) Having selected the room which will become your contact point with other worldly powers, you need to furnish it with the physical trappings of mystical occultism. The central item of “furniture” will be the altar. This can be expressly purchased for this purpose from an occult supply store, or, as is most often the case, it can be an ordinary coffee table. 16

Next, take a piece of white cloth, making sure that it is unmarked, and cover your altar. Allow the cloth to cover half the depth of all four sides, so that - having positioned the said cloth - there is a space between the edge of the cloth and the floor. At the approximate centre of the altar, stand a censer so that you may burn some pleasant smelling incense during the magickal ceremony. Since we are dealing, in part, with mystic energies associated with the Bible, the best kind of incense to burn is the type used in churches; however, the more readily available cone-style incense sticks available at most supermarkets will also add extra strength to the magickal operation. In some cases, I will be recommending that you use certain traditional incenses to help you with your quest for personal occult power. For instance, seeking vengeance on one who has wronged you, it is traditional to burn incense of Musk. If this particular form of incense is accessible to you, then by all means include it in the ritual. On the other hand if you cannot, for any reason, obtain the recom­ mended incense, then you may substitute it for any incense which has a pleasant fragrance. To the rear of the censer, on either side, stand two, tall candles. To the left of the censer stand a black candle, and to the right stand a white candle. The two candles represent the occult powers of Light and Darkness. If possible, you should include either a religious artifact or picture in the physical trappings, and it should be placed between the two candles. Position this book in a spot forward of the censer and your personal Temple of Light is complete. Remember: none of the above physical trappings are absolutely essential, but anything that can help you in your work should be carefully considered before a final decision is made not to include them. This then, is the second of the Seven Steps to Occult Power. The remaining Five Steps are among the most important occult secrets you will ever learn.

THE THIRD STEP The third, and perhaps the most important, requirement for the successful application of occult power in one’s life is to possess a strong emotional - and allconsuming - desire for change and/or the attaining of a specific and worthwhile goal. If the magician does not possess said emotional desire, the entire magickal operation will be negated. Magick is the Esoteric Science of causing changes in one’s life in accordance with his or her will, and any required change can be caused through an adequate application of supernatural forces stimulated by the correct degree of mental force (desire) in the proper manner through ritual to the ultimate conclusion - namely, a reality created in accordance with the original wish, dream or desire for change Cast your mind back to when you were a mere child. 17

Remember how you were told by parents and grandparents alike, that if you closed your eyes and wished with all your might for that new doll or bicycle you would, eventually, get it? This so-called harmless piece of nonsense is, in fact, a faint, though deep rooted, memory in the Racial Mind of the esoteric teachings and rituals of the Mystic Beings of Light (Angels), which were taught to man in ancient times. Wishing is desiring. Wishing with all your might is giving a strong emotional burst to that desire. In short, every child on the face of the earth is, in reality, a practising occultist! THE FOURTH STEP When, you might ask, is the most propitious time to perform the spells and rituals of occult power? Well, as you no doubt recall, I mentioned in passing that the spells etc. covered in this particular book of magick could, theoretically, be performed at any con­ venient time, and this is very true; however, magickal tradition is specific in associating certain desires with certain days, and hours of day, to gain the full “blessing” of the occult powers governing the physical manifestation of said desires. For example, a spell designed to win the love of another is best performed on a Friday during the first and eighth hour after the sun has risen. In some cases, I will be recommending that you use the traditional “magick days” to help you with your desire to cause change with occult power. However, if you find that you cannot perform the ritual or spell on the suggested day, fear not, for such is the power latent within the words and gestures associated with the Secret Occult Powers of the Bible that they can create a reality, of one kind or another, in accordance with the magician’s personal desire, regardless of the day on which they are performed. The best time to perform the spells and rituals of occult power is when you are relaxed and at peace with yourself. It should also be at a time when the many varied noises and distractions of modern living are at an absolute minimum. To some, this would indicate the early hours of the morning; for others the later hours of the day; and for still others, midnight. Decide on the most suitable, convenient and propitious time, and stick to it. THE FIFTH STEP The Great Universal M ind behind all creation desires that every man, woman and child on this planet should enjoy a perfect life filled with happiness in abundance. The magician realises this divine right to happiness, and uses the occult power of mental imagery to attract the physical manifestation of inner desire - almost immediately. 18

Thoughts are the mirrors of desires. We are what we think. Our thoughts can influence our desires. Thoughts are things. Just stop for a moment and take a look at the objects and material possessions in the room you are in. Everything in that room existed as only an idea - a desire - within someone’s mind. When the magi­ cian concentrates his mental powers using creative mental imagery upon a single objective, he produces powerful psycho-kinetic energies which, when united through ritual with the supernatural powers of Beneficial Beings, cause his desire to take on a tangible form, and to gradually appear in his life for him to see, feel, touch and possess. Know and accept this Esoteric Truth. Once you have mentally claimed some­ thing as your own, it is yours, both mentally and physically. The occult power of mental imagery can help you to project your inner desires out into the outer objective world of matter, at which point they begin the slow process of gradual materialization into your physical environment. Unlike common daydreams, which are two-dimensional and unclear, the magician, having first stated his desire to the Mystic Beings of Light, uses mental images rich in colour, depth and vitality to turn his inner desire into solid reality. An artist, for example, will often use this occult power to create beautiful images on his canvas, without ever realizing it. Here we have a contradiction. The Church would have us believe that occult power is something evil, yet the artist is using this so-called evil power to give beauty to the world. Who is really deceiving the world? The Devil, or the Church? Before attempting any form of magick, you will need to develop the ability to produce psycho-kinetic mind images with which to stir the Mystic Beings into dynamic and creative action. Proceed as follows: Cut a picture of some brightly coloured object from a magazine and place it on a table, directly in your line of vision. Look steadily at the picture for approxi­ mately five minutes, all the while memorizing every small detail. Next, close your eyes and visualize with all your ability the object in every little detail. Hold this mental image clear in your mind for a full five minutes. If the images begin to change or fade, open your eyes and, after a moment or two, repeat again until you can hold the image in your mind for a full five minutes. If you wish to possess a certain material possession, visualize yourself as actually owning the desired object. How shall the desired object appear in your life? Any number of ways. You could win it in a contest, find a discount store where you can buy it for much less than normal, or someone might give you one as a gift. The ways are limitless. If you are a gambler and wish to increase your chances of success, visualize Fate dealing you with a winning hand in whatever game of chance you enter, not one time, but again and again. If you desire to punish an enemy, work yourself into a frenzy of hatred and 19

rage, and use the powerful psycho-kinetic energies generated by those emotions to strike back at your tormentor. If you long for another, visualize yourself in his or her company. You will be amazed at the apparent chain of “coincidences” which will follow, and delighted when you find yourself in just the right place at just the right time to “accidentally” meet the person in question. As with any occult power, vital at all times is a strong emotional desire for change and/or attaining of a specific and worthwhile goal.

THE SIXTH STEP One of the most important - yet frequently overlooked - requirements for the successful application of magickal forces in one’s life is the choosing and sub­ sequent “aiming” of those forces toward an effective conclusion. Consider your own personal requirements carefully, and don’t rush in selecting a spell or ritual to meet your needs. Meditate on the various aspects of your own life, and decide what you wish to change. Let us assume, for example, that your greatest and most sincere desire is to be reconciled with your spouse ... you should not immediately perform a ritual “to reunite a couple” without first asking yourself what caused the separation in the first place. Was it because of the bad actions of an enemy ? Was it caused by some action on your part, for which your guilty conscience has driven the two of you apart? Or was the separation caused by lack of money to support the two of you? It is best to first eradicate your associated problems, because it is pointless to win back another’s love if the original problem is still present in your life. A few moments spent in deciding on what-caused-what can work wonders. Having decided on just exactly what needs magickal help, you must now be very careful in directing the magickal force so that it brings the results associated with it in the quickest possible time. For example suppose money, or more to the point the lack thereof, is the area of your life in need of help and improvement. Decide first how you wish to receive the monej'. If you enjoy playing games-ofchance then a talisman, carried on your person during your dealings with Lady Luck, would be your best bet. If you have always dreamed of finding lost and hidden treasure, then a ritual to discover buried treasured should be used. Deciding on the means by which the money shall come is very important, as any uncertainty will only help to negate a spell or ritual. If you think that you will be unsure or doubtful as to the effectiveness of a ritual designed to bring about something in a specific way, such those dealt with above, then my best advice to you would be to use a ritual or spell designed simply to bring money - and let the magickal powers that be find their own way of fulfilling your financial desires. The choosing and subsequent aiming of magickal forces toward an effective end is especially important when one is working for others. Trying an occult means 20

of influencing events, only to have it partially work - or not work at all - is bad enough when working for oneself, but it can be deadly when utilizing said means for another person. You must be absolutely certain that the spell or ritual possesses the occult “punch” to bring about the desired end. All of which brings us to ...

THE SEVENTH STEP The seventh and final step to Occult Power is belief in both the chosen spell or ritual, and one’s own self to produce the desired results. Whilst a spell, chant or ritual has the potential to cause change in physical events and situations, without a sincere and genuine belief in its power to do so, it is pointless to proceed for, while spells and rituals are the “gateways” through which pass the celestial forces, belief is the “magick power” that makes them effective. All magickal workings are negated when the element of belief is missing. One must believe with all sincerity that the spell or ritual being used has the power to produce the desired results. A spell or ritual must be performed without any misgivings or doubts if it is to have any chance of succeeding. The supernatural forces of both black and white magick do not respond to the pleas of those who do not treat them with respect, or do not possess an unshakeable belief in their ability to produce physical manifestation of inner desire. While it is all very well and good to use occult powers as described in this book to help others, you should always put your own interests first - and you should not, under any circumstances, miss out on fulfilling one of your own needs because you wrongly chose to help an ungrateful person. Always bear this in mind as you continue your quest for personal occult power and influence over the incidents in your life.

Chapter Three THE A - B - C OF MAGICK

The occult power latent within the chants, spells, incantations, rituals and invocations detailed within the pages of this book, is the energy force that can be successfully implemented to fill the emptiness in one’s life of seemingly endless unhappiness, and is the secret behind the successful implementation of psychic, magick, supernatural and witchcraft powers. Any man, woman or child can use the Secret Occult Powers of the Bible to bring, in the quickest time possible, the manifestation of dreams, goals and wishes. Do you desire more financial security? Do you desire greater harmony and happiness in all your interpersonal relationships? Do you wish to magnetize and attract good luck in all your undertakings? Do you yearn to live a full and meaningful life here on earth? Do you desire better health? Do you long to see your enemies punished? Do you secretly desire to have the power with which to create the future of your choice? Is there some inner desire you’d like to have manifested in full? Do you wish to attract new friends? Do you desire the psychic power of second-sight? Do you desire a better life? ' If your answer to any of the above questions was “Yes”, then read on and learn how to change any aspect of your life for the better. Ancient occult secrets are about to be revealed to you - the very same secrets used by the Israelites of old to perform seeming miracles of health, wealth and happiness. The secrets of occult power described in succeeding chapters of this book were ancient even when the very first intelligent creatures appeared on earth. Their true origins are lost in the often misunderstood and confused translations of ancient magickal texts. They are, in fact, the magickal gateways to contact with a mystical and omni-potent power source that exists at the very centre of all realities, and which has, since man crawled from out of chaos, interacted with mankind to produce apparent miracles of health and happiness for those few lucky individuals who have, in solemn faith and reverence, evoked its aid. In so doing, this has allowed the miraculous and omni-present power force to express itself, through the mystical workings of the ancient and modern occultist, in the physical world of matter. But, you might well ask, will these ancient and often strange secrets and magickal formulae really produce the desired beneficial results? That is entirely up to you. No witch, magician, mystic, satanist or occultist in the world can, if they are being perfectly honest, provide you with a guarantee, written or other­ wise, as to the effectiveness of any given chant, spell etc. Remember, you must have absolute faith and belief in both yourself as an individual and the chosen magickal formula. 22

With that firmly in mind, let us now examine the mechanics of magickal rites and ceremonies as they relate to the powers dealt with in this book of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD There are literally hundreds of magickal formulae based on the equally magickal power of the spoken word available to the occultist and magician of today. Some are in their original form, others are variations of ancient formulae, while still others are of mantric style. The latter is of Eastern origin, in which a single word or sound is chanted over and over again so as to release the magickal power associated with the mantra. Any one of the formulae available to the magician can, if used in the correct manner, help said magician attain that which is desired most out of life. These formulae are known as chants, incantations and invocations. We will now look at each of these separately. Chants are usually a rhyming version of a spell. The words comprising the chant are usually uttered in a sing-song fashion to add greater appeal to it and enhance the magickal power associated with it. Chants are often mantras, and mantric repetition is a highly effective way of generating psycho-kinetic energy, so important to the successful outcome of all magickal operations. If a chant is imbued with the proper emotion and sense of purpose, it becomes a force which has the power to both create and destroy. Incantations are spoken versions of affirmations (thought commands), that cause the mobilization of desire, energy and thought towards the attainment, and enjoyment, of a specific and worthwhile goal. Invocations are a much more powerful version of incantations, and are the means by which the magician may summon specific supernatural forces for help in securing that which is desired. Any chant, incantation or invocation can be employed in a spell so as to give added strength to the magickal power associated with it.

THE WORLD OF SPELLS In.the twilight world of magick, spells can be defined, as simply as possible, as a series of words (incantations) which are spoken in the belief that speaking said words will force an undesirable condition to change in accordance with the magician’s will. It is believed that any animate or inanimate object can, through the casting of a spell, become subject to control by the magician, and that entire groups of individuals can be influenced and manipulated in just such a magickal way. With the help of spells, one may curse an enein)', cure an illness, repel a secret 23



psychic attack, change undesirable conditions, and, most important of all, trans­ form sadness into happiness. The power and effectiveness of any spell depends on four different areas of psycho-physical involvement with the spell, and are (1) a strong, genuine desire to change an unpleasant situation (e.g. lack of money), (2) an equally strong and sincere belief in the power of the spell to cause that which you desire to happen, (3) an appropriate chant, incantation or invocation that makes mention of your intent, and (4) a ritual with which to harmonize and unify the three. Thus a spell is composed of an emotional desire, a mental belief, and a physical ritual. Whilst the majority of occultists and magicians include the physical aspect of ritual while casting their spells, they can also be employed in one’s life without the need for ritual. The visualizing of a desire fulfilled is, in itself, a spell of great occult power. Tens of thousands of people have found that by clearly and firmly visualizing their desires, and believing that they will happen, it has helped them to achieve their individual desires and goals in life. However, occult tradition, upon which all grimoires are based, holds that the performance of magickal ritual is a highly effective way of “summoning” the supernatural forces required to manifest inner desires. THE MAGICIC OF RITUAL A ritual, simply defined, is to gesture and movement what chants, incantation and invocations are to the spoken word. It is a set series of certain gestures and movements which are believed to exert a magickal effect on that which is desired, thus it helps to hasten the actual physical manifestation. The student of psychology will quickly realize that when the magician has cause to use a magickal ritual, he is, in fact, employing the power of suggestion upon himself - that the believing of a mental concept, no matter how wrong it might actually be, will cause the entire psycho-spiritual condition to react to it and thus cause a gradual readjustment of one’s life so that it can function, without emotional discord, in accordance with one’s beliefs. In the case of the magician, the fundamental belief would be that the uttering of “magickal words” coupled with the performing of certain actions will cause to happen an interconnected series of events which would ultimately, culminate in the achieving of a specific goal and/or the fulfilling of a worthwhile desire. This, then, is the real magiclc of the ritual. THE OCCULT POWER OF PRAYER Just in case you have forgotten that this is supposed to be a book covering the Secret Occult Power of the Bible, we will now examine the occult connection that the chants, incantations, invocations, and spells have with prayers. 24

Prayers, the communicating with a Pligher Spiritual Power, are a fundamental part of religions of all ages and nations, and are usually never, if ever, associated with occult practices; yet what is prayer, but the "summoning” of a supernatural power with which to fulfil a specific desire. Thus a prayer is composed of an emotional desire for change, a mental belief in a higher power, and the physical ritual of kneeling. Prayers are Spells. The most powerful of Biblical Prayer-Spells are the Psalmic Power Spells which are famous in occult circles for their power to produce a favourable effect. A complete set of Psalmic Power Spells for virtually every possible need, desire and wish will be found in later chapters of this book. Prayer is a form of incantation used for the specific purpose of projecting one’s desires to the Great Universal Mind, at which point they begin the gradual process of materialization into the physical world of matter. No, you don’t have to be a good little church-goer to make prayer work - in fact, you don’t even have to believe in God! What, I hear you say in stunned disbelief, you don’t have to believe in God to make prayer work, but how is this possible? I’ll let the dictionary answer for me. The dictionary defines prayer as “ a petition; a formula of worship, public or private; the part of a petition which specifies the thing desired ...” In other words, you don’t have to be of religious bent to make the most of prayers and their occult power to influence events. You simply require an unshakeable belief in their own individual power to produce results - powers that have been reinforced by centuries of usage in occult and magickal work. Don’t be afraid that God is going to “punish” you if you use prayer to harm, either physically or spiritually, another person; because every time you have wished that nosey neighbour would fall down a flight of stairs you have, by wanting the accident to take place, actually been praying for it to happen! This does not mean you should always use the occult power of prayers to punish another just for the sake of it, but when a genuine hurt is caused to you by a known or unknown enemy, then who am I to say that you shouldn’t use every kind of occult power force to strike back at your tormentor. For example, Psalm 48, a much respected Biblical text, is, in reality, a spell to bring terror to the mind-of an enemy! So here we have a “prayer” which is specifically designed to torment another person. Yes, my friends, there is more to the Bible than meets the eye. But wanting, or in effect praying for, your enemy to be punished for all of his evil doings is usually not enough. You need the magickal factor to get the desired results.

SEVEN ARCANE SECRETS Once you have chosen to practise the Sacred Art of Magick, you will need to prepare yourself - both emotionally and physically - for the performance of 25

ancient magickal rites and ceremonies. This is achieved by including the follow­ ing Seven Arcane Secrets in your emotional and physical preparations. The First Arcane Secret For a period of no less than one hour prior to the commencement of any magickal rite or ceremony, you should endure abstinence from all forms of sexual stimu­ lation and intercourse. This helps to raise the consciousness to a higher level of awareness. The Second Arcane Secret You should also, during the one hour period, bathe and anoint yourself with some pleasant smelling perfume. The Third Arcane Secret You should neither drink nor eat during this period of preparation; though, if absolutely necessary, you may drink a glass of fresh water preferably taken from a spring. The Fourth Arcane Secret If at all possible, try to urinate immediately prior to commencing any magickal operation as this will help to purify the physical body. The Fifth Arcane Secret During this one hour period of physical and emotional preparation, try to fill every fibre of your being with an exuberant feeling of expectancy as you would at the imm inent arrival of an old and dear friend ... for that is exactly what the Great Universal Mind, is - mankind’s greatest friend! The Sixth Arcane Secret If at all possible, the altar (if one is being used) should be placed in such a way that the rear faces east. The Seventh Arcane Secret Flaving positioned the altar, leave the room and do not return until the allotted time of one hour has elapsed. This is to allow the “creation” of a spiritual atmosphere in which to practise magick. 26


THE THRESEIOLD OF POWER The initial stages of learning the basic principles of magick are behind you, and you now stand at the Threshold of the Infinite Void. Many of you may have found the foregoing slightly repetitive and, perhaps, even boring, but the simple truth of the matter is that by learning these esoteric concepts and teachings, you are “attuning” your entire being to the very forces you are seeking to evoke through ritual. It is, therefore, advisable that you read and re-read the entire first three chapters of this book until you have a full understanding of the Esoteric Doctrine. U ntil you have acquired just such an understanding, no degree of success can be expected from the many and varied magickal formulae that follow. You will, in the following, chapters, learns how to evoke the magickal powers of the ancient Israelites for every possible need and desire.



Magick Seals. You have, no doubt, heard and read much about these powerful occult tools and the supernatural powers they are said to possess, with which one may successfully influence and manipulate the events of one’s own life, for seals have the power to magnetize and attract the beneficial blessings of the mystical forces and agencies represented by the individual seal, and have for centuries successfully been used by mystic and occultist alike to help enrich their lives in many and varied ways. In this chapter you will learn how you can receive the blessings of one or more of the magickal seals, reproduced in the next chapter, to help in the solving of the many problems that can occur in one’s life here on earth - all that is required for the successful implementation of said seals in your life is to diligently follow the instructions given in this chapter on how to both prepare and use the seal or seals of your choice. With just a little luck, you should be able to find a seal or seals with which to solve your own particular problems. Let the contents of the chapters comprising this section of the book help you to achieve that which is constantly being achieved by countless numbers of individuals the world over, namely, the successful manipulation of events and situations through silent and unobserved means. Magick seals can help to improve virtually every aspect of your life. Magick seals, from time immemorial, have been, and always will be, an integral part of the art and practice of ceremonial magick. A seal, which is a form of talisman, is usually inscribed on paper and either worn or carried on one’s person for any number of reasons such as the warding off of illnesses, psychic attack, misfortune, possession by evil spirits, death by drowning; while on the other hand, seals can also be used to attract good fortune, success in business and commerce, love fulfilment, gambling luck, success in legal matters, better health, the ability to foresee the future with dreams or visions, and/or other positive life experiences for the possessor of the seal. Magick seals, of one kind or another, have been in use for centuries, with a sudden increase in the Middle Ages due to the upsurge of magick during that one brief moment of enlightenment. References are made to them in the mystical texts of the Mystery of all Mysteries (Bibliis arcanum arcanorum), which were revealed to Moses, by God, on Mount Sinai, and finally delivered into the hands of an ancient High Priest of the Hebrew religion called Zadok. In ancient times, and to a lesser degree today, almost every important person carried a magickal seal on their person to ensure continued success, wealth, and protection from misfortune. King Solomon, perhaps the greatest magician and 28

master of the mystic arts to ever grace the face of the earth, carried, according to occult lore, a magick seal engraved upon a ring, which gave him the power to command legions of nature spirits and the more powerful astral entities. Solomon’s great wealth is legendary, and who is to say that it was not acquired via occult means?

WHY MAGICK SEALS WORK If magickal seals did not work, then their popularity would have died out in ancient times, so what is the secret behind their ability to produce tangible, lasting and very real results in accordance with the magician’s wishes? And why are they held in such solemn reverence by modern-day magicians? Those two questions can be answered in the following way: A. Magickal symbolism is a very potent occult force in itself. Ancient magickal seals are filled not only with their own latent powers and mystic energies, but also with the omni-potent occult power of belief instilled into them by one generation of occultist after another. B. Magickal symbolism acts as a tangible representation of the invisible Cosmic Forces of the Infinite Void, and the inner powers latent within every man, woman and child. Magickal symbolism is, therefore, that physical area of “coming together” of the inner and outer mysteries. C. Magickal symbolism is the only tangible key with which to gain access to the mystical forces of the magickal universe. D. A magick seal therefore becomes a vast and ever-lasting storehouse of magickal power, made even stronger when “charged” with the magician’s personal kinetic energy. Magick seals are powerful reflections of magickal energies and protective powers. Limitless magickal power is imbued into them that can be of enormous benefit to the magician who knows how to put them to practicable use.

MAGICK SEALS FOR MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH, PROTECTION AND HAPPINESS ) All of the magick seals reproduced in this book are taken from ancient manuscripts and the famous writings of the Hebrews. All of them are, without exception, ulti­ mately powerful and beneficial if used in accordance with the given instructions. W ithin the following pages of this book can be found an amazing assortment of magickal seals for virtually every need and desire for man. Seals to bring money, 29

love, good health, happiness and protection for both your body and soul; you will also find seals to cause visions, acquire faithful spirit servants, receive secret knowledge, win honour and respect - and so on. Simply spend a few moments of your time glancing at the seals in the next chapter of this book and decide on which seal for your particular individual problem strikes a receptive chord deep within your psyche - then, simply follow the instructions for both creating and charging said seal and let its magickal powers help you solve your problem. Remember, success or failure is limited to your own level of belief. How One Man Used the Mystical Power of a Magick Seal to Change His Life Richard J. was a very desperate young man indeed. There was this girl, you see. A very attractive young girl in fact, and one whom he had been desperately trying to date for months without success. She was, she claimed, always too busy to go out with him. She was also living with another man at the time, which didn’t help matters. A keen student of occultism, Richard decided to give the legendary powers of magick seals a try in his quest for emotional happiness and fulfilment - it was the best decision of his entire life! Scanning the bookshelves of his local library, Richard unearthed a little book on the subject of magickal seals and the means by which they could have positive influences on the magician’s life. Knowing that affairs of the heart were governed by Venus, Richard chose the Magick Square of Venus for help in solving his emotional difficulties. Following both the book’s directions and his own intuition, Richard, with grim determination, proceeded to create said seal (Figure MSV-1), and waited expectantly for things to start happening - he didn’t have long to wait, for that very same evening his phone brought the desired results. Yes, you guessed it, on the other end of the phone was none other than the young girl who had haunted his dreams for so long. The reason for the phone call? Why, she only wanted Richard to accompany her to the premiere of a movie! The relationship did not last, but while it did, Richard had the satisfaction of knowing that he was controlling her thoughts and emotions - despite what the sceptics had to say - with the mystical power of a magick seal.

CREATING YOUR MAGICK SEAL While the easiest way of obtaining a magickal seal is to simply cut one from the pages of an appropriate book of ancient magick, occult tradition holds that the one true way of enlisting the help of beneficial forces associated with the seal, is 30


Figure MSV-1 The Magick Square of Venus

to be sincere enough in your intent to spend just a few moments of the day reproducing it on a piece of plain white paper. Any occult tool created in this manner (by the magician) is a thousand times more powerful and effective than one created by another individual. Why is this so? Because producing this occult tool in such a manner will imbue it with your own kinetic energy making it, in effect, a part of you, a tangible expression of your own inner desires. Unlike other books dealing with the subject of implementing the mystical power of magickal seals in one’s life, the seals discussed here do not require magic ink or parchment paper. Just a felt pen and some plain white paper - even the back of an unused envelope will suffice! 31

HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR MAGICK SEAL The difference between magickal seals that work and those that do not work is invariably the level of desire, faith and belief in oneself, or lack thereof, instilled in the creating and charging of the chosen magickal seal. You will now be shown how to increase the success potential of any magickal seals described in this and other books of occult wisdom, so that you may become an unusual individual in this world of faceless zombies - a magician who does not just succeed a few times in the manipulation of events through the implementation of esoteric knowledge in his life, but is an achiever nearly every time he uses the mystical power of magick seals; someone who is the master of life and destiny. Diligently follow these Five Esoteric Power Pointers, practise them every chance you get, and you will help to maximize the magickal powers associated with the magick seal into producing startling and life-enriching effects, not just once, but every time it is used. The First Esoteric Power Pointer Never, for one moment, doubt the efficacy of your magickal seal, for to do so will only serve to negate the many positive benefits its powers can bring. Believe with all your heart in the powers vested in the seal, knowing that it has the potential to bring you all the positive life experiences you truly desire to experience. Doubt - any kind of doubt - is the magician’s deadliest enemy, for allowing even the slightest sliver of doubt to enter your thoughts regarding the eventual outcome of your magickal activities involving the seal will drastically reduce its magickal power! Even the most advanced Adept must maintain a positive and constant attitude of happy expectancy, lest all power at his command fail him. Regardless of what type of magick you are involved in during your present incarnation, if you doubt its power to produce results - be it for good or ill - at best nothing will happen, at worst the occult forces will turn on you, punishing you for your lack of faith. You’ll do well to remember that particular piece of advice. The Second Esoteric Power Pointer Until you have achieved each and every one of your secret desires through the implementation of ancient magickal forces in your life, keep the amazing fact that you are using the mystical power of magickal seals a closely guarded secret. Telling others of your actions will only expose you to ridicule at the hands of so-called friends. But worst of all, such ridicule can begin to fill you with doubt, and if this happens, you might just as well tear up the magick seal for all the good it will do you. So please, keep silent regarding all your occult activities. Simply sit back and enjoy the confusion and jealousy of your friends as a neverending flow of positive experiences begin to flood into your life on a magickally created tide of good fortune. 32

There is no point in trying to convince a sceptic of the efficacy of magick when that person has already made his mind up that it does not work, and will twist everything you say around to suit his own misguided beliefs. The same applies to your everyday religious fanatic, who sees every life-enriching occult power as the Devil’s work and all who use it as his servants. No, nothing of an advantageous nature is to be gained from such a pointless pastime. The Third Esoteric Power Pointer A strong emotional desire for changing undesirable conditions and/or the attaining of a specific and worthwhile goal is vital at all times during an attempted manipulation of events with the mystical power of a magick seal. This one simple act can help to increase the chosen seal’s latent power to produce a positive outcome. The Fourth Esoteric Power Pointer Do not lust after that which is quite unattainable. Even magick has its limits! Chasing phantoms is like hitting your head against a brick wall, in that you only succeed in hurting yourself unnecessarily. Know and accept an old Occult Truth, namely that magick - real magick - comes from within, and all the chanting and spellcasting in the world won’t do you one iota of good if you are in any way doubtful as to the real chances of realizing your desires. The Fifth Esoteric Power Pointer The final Esoteric Power Pointer is perhaps the most important of all. Try to be constantly aware of why you created the magickal seal and that its powers are working every minute of every day to bring your desires to pass in an appropriate manner. This knowledge of positive occult forces working in quiet unobserved ways for your personal benefit can help to increase a person’s self-confidence, thus removing any last lingering doubts as to the efficacy - or lack thereof - of the magickal seal. By assimilating these Five Esoteric Power Pointers into your magickal routine, you can greatly increase your chances of success when using both magick seals and the Secret Occult Powers of the Bible.

MAGICK ALONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE SUCCESS W hile it is perfectly true that the supernatural forces stirred by magickal rites and ceremonies can do a lot to help you realize your goals in life, they are only a means to an end. Help them along in their mission by focusing every mental and physical 33

skill you possess in the direction of your desired goals - be they for love, money or happiness. In other words, don’t just sit back waiting for results to happen; rather, join forces with the powers you’ve evoked. However, having dutifully both created and charged a magick seal in the prescribed manner, you should find that the mystic power of said seal is beginning to influence events in such a way that you’re receiving new and unusual ideas, meeting influential people, and generally have the true and correct opportunities appear in your life with which to fulfil your every goal, dream and wish.



In this chapter you will see how it is possible for one to experience many amazing new dimensions of the inner mind, so as to gain a deeper understanding of one’s own psyche and its interaction with the varied supernatural force of the Infinite Void. Much can be learnt by analyzing the experiences one has while in the level of psycho-astral awareness, similar in many respects to dream interpretation. The understanding of these metaphysical images of the unconscious m ind create pathways to the realization of one’s full potential by removing any negative, selfdefeating character traits caused by the presence of negative thought in the unconscious mind. For those among you not wishing such a deep psychological form of pastime, development of the psycho-astral state of awareness can also be your passport to mind-expanding adventures in strange worlds populated by bizarre creatures and alien life-forms. So whatever your personal preference might happen to be - understanding of your psychological make-up, or incredible adventures beyond imagining - there is something for everyone in this amazing form of occultism.

MAGICK SEALS AS GATEWAYS TO THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND In certain occult circles, magickal seals are used as experimental “gateways” to different levels of the unconscious mind. This is achieved through the concentrat­ ing of one’s attention on a specific magickal seal or sigil and then, through an act of creative imagination, “passing” through the gateway into the weird psycho­ astral environment, to which the symbol gives access. The most popular and effective form of occult symbology used for this kind of experiment are the four Tattva Symbols designed by the Hindus to represent the four elements - earth (a yellow square), wind (a blue disc), fire (a red triangle), and water (a silver crescent). For my own Astral Gateway, I chose the Ying and Yang symbol (Figure 2-1) from the Mystic East. I have often used this “gateway” to travel astrally into a deeper level of my psyche to see what sort of beings are living “inside” my head. The following refers to an encounter with the Occult Powers of Light and Darkness, which involved the astral destruction of an astral simulacrum of a friend and a meeting with the archetype of positive energy - the legendary White Knight of Happiness and Protection! 35

Figure 2-1

The Ultimate Adventure On the evening of Friday the 4th of December, 1981, approximately three hours after the sun had set, I placed myself into a deep meditative state and - having first mentally created the dimensional doorway - gently slipped into the psycho­ astral environment inside of me. I found myself standiirg in a lush green clearing surrounded by brilliant gold coloured flowers, which were themselves surrounded by rainbow-coloured hues of red, yellow and blue. A warm breeze gently caressed my face, and a pleasant aromatic fragrance filled the air. A few feet from where I stood, a white statue, partially covered by deep' green vines, sat radiating specks of kinetic energy from the twin centres of its ruby red, almond-shaped eyes. The overall appearance of the statue - or to be more precise, the creature that it represented - was not unlike that of Pan, the only difference being that this particular creature was devoid of both the horns and the flute which are so often associated with this deity. In all other respects, however, it resembled this ancient god of Nature exactly in every way. Slightly to the rear and the left of the statue stood a small, arched bridge of stone spanning a swiftly flowing stream of crystal-clear water. Next to this singular piece of architecture, there appeared a shimmering column of brilliant silver light, which gradually formed itself into that legendary figure of every positive quality known to man - the W hite Knight! Sitting astride a magnificent white stallion, with a large purple-coloured plume adorning the top of his white armour, the Knight was a very impressive figure indeed. Using his lance - which was the same 36

dazzling white as his armour - the Knight indicated an area of the ground directly in front of me. An irresistible urge to run across the tiny old bridge and onward to a castle that I could not see, suddenly filled me with the desire to explore this strange new world. As I crossed the bridge, brilliant flashes of red and gold caught the corner of my eye. Upon looking into the clear depths of the stream, the cause of these, and other flashes of coloured light, was revealed, for happily swimming with the strong current were enormous, multi-coloured fish heading for who knows where. Having crossed the bridge, a large white castle suddenly appeared before the startled pupils of my eyes. The immense structure seemed to be surrounded by an irridescent mist, and the whole affair hovered hundreds of feet in the air above me. The only visible access to the castle was by a zig-zagged flight of granite-like steps, which I promptly ascended. Upon reaching the outskirts of the castle, it was clearly visible that here was a scene from all our childhoods, for who did not as a child fantasise about castles, dragons and heroic knights? Standing before the two gigantic double doors, the tops of which seemed to blend with the fluffy white clouds above, a sense of sadness filled me, for it seemed there was no way of opening them so as to gain access to the secrets of the castle’s interior. Suddenly, to my complete and utter amazement, my right hand passed right through the castle’s apparently solid wall. It was then that I realized the answer to my problem was to simply walk right through the doors - and I did just that. The dimensions of the castle’s interior were radically different from what one would have expected, that is, they were in proper proportion to my own. As for the actual geometrical form of the area in which I now stood, it was circular in shape with a sloping dome-like ceiling. The floor was comprised of stone slabs, upon which was painted a large Egyptian ankh - its colour an unusual blending of various shades of red and yellow. The centre of the ankh’s curving top seemed to glow with an ethereal beauty, lit by a sunbeamed ray of astral light shining through a small arched window in a distant wall bordering a curving flight of stone steps leading to the upper reaches far, far above my head. Climbing the stairs gave me access to one of the castle’s many turrets. From my vantage point, lush green hills were visible in the distance along the horizon, while the surrounding countryside gave one the impression of being extremely rich and fertile. Looking down through the white clouds of pure energy revealed the small bridge I had earlier crossed, while nearby a faint, near-invisible blur marked the position of the statue. Looking upward from my vantage point, revealed the sun peeping out from behind some clouds, but this sun had two eyes, a nose and a mouth filled with dazzling white teeth, while the rays of solar energy radiating out from its body were cartoon-like dashes of red and orange. The astral air flowing into my lungs was fresh and clean - a marked contrast, I am sure you will agree, to the polluted atmosphere of the physical world. 37

The White Knight reappeared astride his white stallion. Riding across some conveniently positioned clouds as gently as a butterfly flitting from the top of a flower, he rode into the sun’s warm embrace. After a few moments, masses of starlike particles appeared from within the sun’s cavernous mouth. These particles gradually formed themselves into a gigantic, multi-coloured rainbow, stretching from the sun to my feet. Walking across this rainbow bridge leading to the far side of the sun, I ’d reached the approximate half-way point when the White Knight suddenly materialized before my startled eyes. Still not entirely believing what was happen­ ing to me - even an occultist occasionally finds things a little too wild - 1 ran my hand along the side of the horse to make sure that it was, in fact, an actual astral entity, and not just a figment of my imagination. It was real. The White Knight handed me a beautiful gold cross. Embedded along its full length were purple-coloured stones of various shapes and sizes, while along a diamond encrusted cross-bar ran strange hieroglyphics resembling wavy lines, the ends of which formed circles around the precious gems Smiling in appreciation, I thanked the Knight for the gift. Sensing that it was time to make my departure from this phantasmagorial world, I retraced my steps back along the rainbow, down through the castle and across the little arched bridge to the original point of entry into this incredible psycho-astral environment. Happiness filled every fibre of my being, but this was soon to be smashed like the fragments of a long abandoned mirror. No sooner had I reached the clearing where my adventure had commenced, than a feeling of foreboding filled my soul. T he gold cross (Figure 2-2) held close to my chest, my feet literally frozen to the ground, I watched in total horror as the once picturesque scene slowly became the stuff of nightmare and terror. The previously warm breeze changed into an ice cold wind which threatened to blow me off my feet, such was the supernatural force of it. The once lovely green grass of the clearing withered and died, as did the beautifully glowing flowers of gold. The bushes and vines surrounding the statue suffered the exact same fate. Overhead, the clear blue skies became filled with an unearthly shade of brownish crimson. As the sun disappeared behind dark gray clouds, an almost unbearable sense of sadness filled my soul, for the once exuberant sun was now crying tears of blood. With the vanishing of the sun, a darkness descended upon the scene, resembling a kind of twilight which enabled me to discern what was happening. Both the bridge and the statue crumbled into dust in mere moments. The once clear stream darkened with the dead bodies offish. In the sky above, red lightning bolts streaked across the darkness. And finally, the very earth beneath my feet was transformed into a blood red clay. Recovering from the shock of the preceding happenings, I scanned the gloom for some sign of hope. Imagine my surprise when, having discerned an approach­ ing figure, the astral simulacrum of a close friend emerged from out of the gloom. I held out my arms to embrace him in relief, only to have this brief moment of 38

Figure 2-2 happiness snatched from me, for no sooner had the golden cross touched his arm than his entire body dissolved into a liquid mass of putrescence, which formed a grayish-coloured pool at my feet. An evil astral entity had tried to trick me into accepting a falsehood. Walking away in disgust, my feet were suddenly grabbed by skeletal arms and hands from beneath the surface of the earth. The bony fingers tightened their hellish grip and I toppled over onto the ground. Kicking with a desperation in the realization that the golden cross had been flung from my hand, I made good my escape from the abominations at my feet. Retrieving my only weapon, the gold cross, I continued to explore this most hostile of environments. A few short moments of walking brought me to the outskirts of an ancient and moss covered tomb, standing in the midst of tall trees shrouded in a thick fog. Approaching this singularly disturbing structure, my attention was drawn to the thicket of trees to my immediate left for, standing in this darkest of thickets, was the equally dark shape of a beautiful young woman dressed entirely in black 39

leather. The one-piece bodysuit that she wore clung to her shapely body like a second skin. The front was split right down to her waist, revealing the curving lines of her firm young breasts. The girl’s hair was silky black, and hung down to the tops of her shoulders. Her feet were encased in shiny black, high-heeled boots. The colour of her skin was milky white, in stark contrast to the darkness of her attire. There were dark rings around her eyes, and her full lips were an unsettling shade of black. All in all, a most unusual creature indeed. We stood looking at one another for what seemed like an eternity of silence. Her mouth curled seductively as she slowly caressed her nakedness with the tips of her delicate fingers. This blatant act of autoeroticism did not fail to have an “effect” on me, and as I slowly approached her outstretched arms filled with expectancy at the delights to follow, any thoughts of danger were forgotten. In the fog bound landscape, her eyes had not been clearly defined, but as the gray blanket of deception parted, they were revealed to me in all of their evil glory - for where there should have been some sign of life, of desire, there was absolutely nothing. They were black pits filled with the dankness of the tomb. Once again, I had been deceived into accepting a falsehood. Angrily did I throw the golden cross at the black heart of the soul-less form before me. The silence was shattered by the sound of inhuman screams as the gold cross punctured the body of the hellish creature. Inky black slime poured in torrents from the wound, and the screams were replaced with a gurgling sound as-the slime dripped from the creature’s mouth. No sooner had the black slime made its appearance than the entire body was transformed into a flaming pillar of brilliant white fire, which reduced the hell creature to a pile of ashes. Such was my anger at the creature’s actions, that as I retrieved the golden cross from the still smouldering ashes, I spat upon its remains. The tomb’s door, an immense and foreboding stone slab, was hanging pre­ cariously upon the rusted iron hinges, which were themselves barely secured to the stone slab by ancient, rust eroded nails. The door itself was slightly ajar, allowing one a glimpse of the tomb’s dark interior through the cobweb filled opening. An uneasiness filled me as I pushed my way into the tomb, for I knew not what awaited me within. The acrid stench of decay assailed my sensitive nostrils as the darkness engulfed me. Descending a flight of damp stone steps the first horror rushed at me from a madman’s nightmare. The gloomy twilight of the tomb revealed an open coffin at the bottom of the steps, but this was not what sent a shudder through me, it was the occupant of that death box, devoid of life, which caused my body and my mind to suffer unmerciful torment - for within the coffin was my own self! Fear of the unknown gripped my heart as I approached the coffin and its occupant. As I stood gazing in horrified disbelief, my mind slowly regained its composure in the midst of nightmare. I realized that what was happening was only of an astral nature, and that nothing could physically occur within the psycho-astral environment of my unconscious mind. 40

Placing the golden cross upon the chest of my astral simulacrum caused such an unexpected happening, that the memory of it is still fresh in my mind after all these years. Both the coffin and the abomination that it contained were transformed into a slithering mass of gray worms, beneath which lay the golden cross given to me by the White Knight of Happiness. Turning to leave the horrors of the tomb, my eyes were greeted by a scene so horrific that it threatened to destroy my sanity, for slowly approaching-with arms outstretched - were at least half a dozen mouldering skeletons. Particles of rotted clothing hung limply from their decaying bodies. Terror stricken with fear, I bolted from the charnel-house to escape these dark terrors of my higher mind. Pausing at the entrance to the tomb, I looked back into the shadows and had my worst fears confirmed. The hellish creatures were ascending the slimy stone steps! A large cross of brilliant white light suddenly appeared on the ground, and I rushed to stand in its protective brilliance. Looking back at the tomb revealed the dark images of the skeletal beings slowly emerging from its now fully opened portal of stone. Suddenly, the entire scene dissolved and I found myself inside of what appeared to be a gigantic celestial pearl. A white-haired and bearded man attired in long white robes materialized in front of me This gentle being exuded such an all-consuming aura of peace and tranquillity, that I completely forgot the nightmarish happenings that I had so recently been subjected to. Speaking in the most soothing of voices, the being said: “You shall be protected. Now go.” The magickal symbol I had used to gain access to this level of my own inner mind reappeared, and I “passed” back through it.

AMAZING ASTRAL ADVENTURES AWAIT YOU! The levels of psycho-astral awareness one may reach in this fashion are truly limitless and are the most easily attained astral experience, for you simply let your awareness turn inward - not outward as with conventional astral projection. It also requires not the complete relaxation of the physical body which is - to be quite honest - virtually impossible to achieve without years of practice. The only other requirement for successful exploration of the inner dimensions of the unconscious mind is an appropriate magickal symbol with which to trigger, through meditation, the psycho-astral experience. It is important to remember that no danger of a physical nature can befall an explorer of the inner mind. The horrors, if any, encountered during such an experience are simple phantoms created by your own mind reflecting some undesirable quality of your own self - the dark side of your nature, so to speak. 41


In this chapter you will learn how to both create and consecrate the twenty-six different magickal seals of the Ancient Israelites as contained within old forbidden writings and manuscripts of the Hebrews. These are exact copies of the stone tablets used by the ancient Israelites to fulfil their desires for both the good and ill of others. These are exact reproductions of the magickal seals used by Moses, Solomon and Aaron to accomplish many of the apparent miracles described within the pages of both the Old, and New Testament. You will find simplified means of harnessing the potentially limitless and ever­ lasting supernatural power latent within these ancient symbols of occult magickal and spiritual energies. Each one of the twenty-six different seals, along with their governed area of physical and emotional influence, are explained in detail so that you may select the most suitable seal for your own particular problem. These ancient seals were once the closely guarded property of a few elite, and secret, occult fraternities, but now, you too can avail yourself of their ancient and potentially life-enriching properties. Whatever you desire - be it love, money, success, psychic powers, improved health - there is a seal to meet your needs. All that is required of you is an unshakeable faith in the chosen seal’s power to produce results.

EXAMPLES OF HOW OTHERS HAVE USED THE MYSTICAL POWER OF MAGICK SEALS TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES Example No. 1 A young businesswoman had reported an odd incident involving a magickal seal while paying a visit to a casino. She was standing at one of the casino’s numerous roulette tables, and accidentally stepped on an elderly gentleman’s foot. To her great surprise, the swarthy-complexioned man suddenly pointed two fingers being the index and ring fingers of his right hand - at her and muttered an odd collection of strangely sounding words. It was at this point that the blessings of Lady Luck were snatched away from the young lady in question, for until this 42

time she had been winning at the table, but now she lost on every spin of fate. A keen student of occultism, she quickly realised that the evil old man had put a curse on her for stepping on his toes. Remembering an ancient magickal seal - similar to those depicted in this book - for countering psychic attack, she visualized it in her mind and as she finished quietly reciting the Words-ofPower the wheel slowly stopped on her number. From that moment on her luck had changed to such an extent, that she recouped her losses and left a few dollars ahead. Example No. 2 The legendary Secret Seal of Solomon (Figure 8-1) has long been accredited with the mystical qualities necessary to influence affairs of the heart. This Sacred Seal has the power to unite two people in the bond of love. One successful young executive, it has been reported, gave up his career just to spend all his time with a female psychic who had used the ancient powers of the seal to win his affections, but the relationship disintegrated after only a few months. Why? Because the psychic depended solely on the powers of magick without giving any of herself to the relationship. Even I have suffered from the mistake of relying too much on the powers of magick. Those of you who read an earlier book of mine - Dreams From Cosmic Mind - will no doubt remember my reporting the personal usage of Dream Magick to find someone to love, well it is my sad duty to report that that particular relationship has since ceased, simply because I relied too much on magick to keep the two of us together. Example No. 3 One positive report of a magickal seal bringing material benefits to its possessor comes from the United States. In this particular instance, a lady consulted a very well-known metaphysical researcher for help in improving a somewhat dull life. The metaphysicist instructed her on how to construct an ancient seal symbolizing the beneficial powers associated with Jupiter, the planet governing such things as riches, honour and gambling luck. Following his instructions to the letter, she duly created and consecrated the magick seal. There then followed an amazing series of positive events. Firstly she won three different cash prizes and then received an unexpected pay rise. So here we have three very different examples of how the mystical powers of magick seals can be used for protection from psychic attack, attracting emotional fulfilment, and increasing one’s material wealth. No, there can be no doubt as to the efficacy of magickal seals in producing results, for the foregoing examples have proven this, the only doubt is in the mind of a sceptic and he will never be able to make magick work. 43

MAGICK SEALS FOR VIRTUALLY EVERY POSSIBLE NEED AND DESIRE There exists a vast array of magickal seals for many varied purposes that the experienced magician can use to bring positive benefits in virtually all of the many aspects of his life. In the following pages of this book are illustrated some of the most ancient and powerful of magickal seals known in the occult world, derived from the translated l exts comprising the legendary Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. An explanation of these seals now follows: Figure 2-3: The Seal of Aziel. This particular seal is accredited with being able to bring to its possessor all treasures of the earth and the sea. This seal would be of most benefit to those searching in vain for either gold or sunken treasure; Around the centre of the seal are the letters composing the name Aziel, the mystical power force associated with the seal. The conjuration with which one may gain the blessings of Aziel, is as follows: “Agla, Cadelo, Samba, Caclem, Awenhatoacoro, Aziel, Zorwotho, Yzewoth, Xoro, Quotwe, Theosy, Meweth, Xosoy, Yachyros, Gaba, Hagay, Staworo, Wyhaty, Ruoso, Xuatho, Rum, Ruwoth, Zyros, Quaylos, Wewor Vagath, Wysor, _Wuzoy, Moses, Aziel!” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize that which you desire Aziel to bring you. Aziel is of the Seven Great Princes under who serve some of the crownspirits expelled from Heaven.

Figure 2-3 44

Figure 3-1: The Seal of Fortune. This particular seal is accredited with the power to bring great and lasting good fortune to its possessor in many varied ways. This seal, when reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, could greatly improve one’s financial situation. The conjuration one must use to receive the mystical blessings of Phul, the spirit-force associated with the seal, is as follows: “I (your name), a true servant of the Lord God, summon and command thee, 0 Powerful Spirit Phul, by the Holy Messengers and all those true Disciples of the Lord, by the four Holy Evangelists, and the three Ploly Men of God, and by the most terrible and most holy word Abriel, Fibriel, Zada, Zaday, Zarabo, Laragola, Lavaterium, Laroyol, Zay, Zagin, Labir, Lya, Adeo, Deus, Alon, Abay, Alos, Pieus, Ehos, Mibi, Uini, Mora, Zorad, and by those holy words, that thou, with all due haste, come and bless this magickal seal with all thy celestial powers, and make manifest that which I do desire. And so it is.” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize that which you desire Phul (Spirit of the Moon) to bring you. For best result the magickal seal should be consecrated on a Monday.

TD U ts U h

a Li 0 ol a o r> y V n . p ' -n n r d a t) 'S \j p a T fa -A tr-n > ~ n v n-pytiy. M - t c . n . ' L V i ' i W i v A V 7 T j ) W 1 0>Z T i l c U lD T n 'r o j C 'iv T t p 'i. Figure 3-1

Figure 4-1: The Seal of Friendship. This particular seal is accredited with the power to make its possessor greatly respected and beloved by all, and to defeat the evil intentions of one’s enemies. If this seal is reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, it could help to bring new friendships into one’s life. The conjuration one must use to receive the mystical blessings of Telior, the spirit-force associated with the seal, is as follows: “I (your name), a true servant of the Lord God, summon and command thee 0 Great Tehor, by all the Holy Angels and Archangels - by the holy Michael, the holy Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Thronus, Dominations principalis, virtues, Cherubim et Seraphim, and with unceasing voice I cry, Ploly, Holy, Floly, is 45

the Lord God of Sabaoth, and by the most terrible words: Soab, Sother, Emmanuel, Hdon, Amathon and Mathay, Adonai, El, Eli, Eloy, Zoag, Dios, Anath, Tafa, Uabo, Tetragrammaton, Agla, Joshua, Jonas, Calpie, Calphas. Appear with all due haste, and bless this magickal seal with thy celestial powers, and make manifest that which I desire above all else in this world of flesh and blood. So mote it be.” I laving recited the above conjuration, visualize that which you truly desire Tehor lo bring you.

Figure 4-1

Figure 4-2: T he Seal of Protection. This particular seal is accredited with the ability to protect its possessor from all misfortune, ensure long life and bring good fortune. This seal, if reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, could change one’s luck, bring good health and protection from harm. The conjuration one has to use to receive the mystical blessings of Anoch, the spirit-force associated with the seal, is as follows: “I (your name), a true servant of the Lord God, summon and command thee Mighty Anoch, by the wisdom of Solomon, by the obedience that was Isaac’s, by the blessing of Abraham, by the piety of Jacob and Noe who did not sin before God, by the serpents of Moses, and by the twelve tribes, and by the most terrible words: Dallia, Dollia, Dollion, Corfuselas, Jazy, Agry, Ahub, Tilli, Stago, Adoth, Suna, Eoluth, Alos, Jaoth, Dilu, and by all the words through which thou canst be compelled to bless this magickal seal with everlasting power, and make manifest that which I desire above all else. And so it is.” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize a halo of brilliant white light surrounding your body. 46

Figure 5-1: T he Seal of M ephistophilis. This particular seal is accredited with i he power to attract loyal spirit servants to its possessor, and as such would be most beneficial to practitioners of the occult. Situated around the centre of the seal are i lie letters M.E.PH.I.S.T.O.EH.I.L.I.S., which compose the name of the spiritlorce associated with the seal. The conjuration one must use to receive the mystical blessings of Mephistophilis, is as follows: “Messias, Adonaij, Weforus, Xathor, Yxewe, Soraweijs, Yxaron, Wegharh, Zljhalor, Weghaij, Wesoron, Xoxijwe, Zijwohwawetho, Ragthoswatho, Zebaoth, Adonaij, Zijwetho, Aglaij, Wijzathe, Zadaij, Zijebo, Xosthoy, Athlato, Zsewey, Zyxyzet, Ysche, Saresewu, Zyzryn, Deworonhathbo, Xyxewe, Syzwe, Theos, Yschaos, Worsonbefgosy, Gefgowe, Hegor, Quaratho, Zywe, Messias, Abrabi, Mephistophilis !” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize yourself as if surrounded by dozens of helpful spirit friends. You should also carry the seal on your person whenever performing magick.

Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2: T he Seal of Power. This particular seal is accredited with the power to help heal the sick of their afflictions, for so long as a person has true faith in the seal’s healing qualities. Provided the seal is reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, it could help cure one of illness and disease. Obviously, the seal should only be used as a supplement to prescribed medication, and not as a cure all. The conjuration one must use to gain the mystical blessing of Scheol, is as follows: 48

“I (your name), a true servant of the Lord God, summon and command thee, O Mighty and Powerful Spirit Scheol, though the most holy - and powerful - appearance in the flesh of Jesus Christ, by his most holy birth and circumcision, by his sweating of blood in the Garden, by the lashes he bore, by his bitter sufferings and death, by his Resurrection, Ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit as a Comforter, and by the most dreadful words: Dai, Deorum, Ellas genio Sophiel, Zophiel, Canoel, Eimiach, Riclrol, Hoamiach, Jerazol, Vohal, Daniel, Hasios, Tomaiach, Sannul, Damamiach, Sanul, Damabiath, and by those words through which thou canst be con­ quered, that thou bless this seal with all thy celestial powers, and fulfil that which I so desire. So mote it be.” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize the diseased area of your body as being healed. The seal should also be worn on the body to help the natural healing powers of the human body.

Figure 5-3: The Seal of Visions.This particular seal is accredited with the power to grant its owner the gift of second-sight in the forms of visions perceived during the hours of sleep. The conjuration used to receive the mystical blessings of Alymon, the spirit-force one associates with the seal, is as follows: “I (your name), a true servant of the Lord God, summon and command thee, Spirit Alymon, by the most dreadful words: Sather, Ehomo, Geno, Poro, Jehovah, Elohim, Volnih, Denach, Alonlam, Ophiel, Zophiel, Sophiel, Habriel, Eloha, Alesimu, Dileth, Melohim, and by all the holiest names and words through which thou canst be conquered, that thou bless this seal with 49

all l he powers and virtues thy possess, and to make manifest that which I desire. So mote it be.” I laving recited the above conjuration, wear the seal on your person while in l"

n y m ^ a rv T ^

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Figure 5-3

Idgure 6-1: T he Seal of Barbuel. This particular seal is accredited with the ability lo make its possessor skilled in all arts, the recipient of secret knowledge and money. This seal would be of benefit to just about everybody. Around the centre of the seal are seven (a power number in the occult) letters composing the name Harbuel, the spirit force associated with the seal. The conjuration one is required to use to gain the blessings of Barbuel, is as follows: “Yschiros, Imns, Zebaoth, Otheos, Kuwethosorym, Zylohym, Zaday, Yschowe, Quyos, Zenhatoroway, Yzwesor, Xywoy, Yzyryr, Zalijmo, Zabaoth, Adonai, Messios, Aglaabaij, Stoweos, Hijwetho, Ycoros, Zijwetho, Uwoim, Chamoweo, Zijzobeth, Sotho, Emnohalj, Zedije, Huwethos, Chorij, Yzquoos, Lijraije, Weghoijm, Xiixor, Waijos, Gofaljme, Toroswe, Yeijros, Emanuel, Imas, Barbuel!” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize that which you desire Barbuel to bring to you. 50

Figure 6-1 Figure 7-1: T he Seal of Saturn. This particular seal is accredited with the power to bring to its possessor good fortunes at games of chance. The seal, reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, could help you to command Lady Luck. The conjuration one must use with which to gain the mystical blessings of Sazlij, the spirit-force associated with the seal, is as follows: “I (your name), summon, command and conjure Thee Sazlij, by Agios, Sedul, by Sother, Veduij, by Sabaot, Sove, Amonzion + Adoij by Heloim, Jaho, by the Veritas Jehovah. + Kawa, Alha, natos that ye must appear on earth this day and at this hour, and to charge this seal that I now present with all thy power and influence in all things under thy domain, and make manifest all that I desire in this life, so truly as Daniel overcame and conquered Baal.” The sign of the cross is made at every (+). Having recited the above conjuration, carry or wear the magick seal on your person whenever entering a game of chance.

Figure 7-1 51

Figure 7-2: T he Seal of Jupiter. This particular seal is accredited with the power to bring the dissolving of grudges, the winning of arguments and lawsuits, and the improving of one’s chances at gambling. The conjuration one must use to receive the mystical blessings of Ofel, the spirit-force associated with the seal, is as follows: “I conjure thee, Spirit Ofel, by Alpha et Omega, Lezo and Yschirios + Ohin Ission + Niva, by Tetragrammaton, Zeno, by Peraclitus + Ohel, by Orlenius, Lima, by Agla, + that ye will obey and consecrate the seal that I now present to you, and fulfil my desire in and through the name of Elion, which Moses named.” The sign of the cross is made at every (+). Having recited the above conjuration, carry or wear the magickal seal on your person at all times.

Figure 7-2

Figure 7-3: The Seal of Antquel. This particular seal is accredited with the power to bring great wealth and honour to its possessor. This seal, reproduced and used as directed in this chapter, could help bring financial security. The letters com­ posing the name Antquel are to be found situated around the centre of the seal. The conjuration one must use to receive the mystical blessings of Antquel is as follows: “Thoeos, Aba, Aaba, Aba, Agathoswaij, Yzorooj, Ywetho, Quardos, Quasoai, Uschjjros, Cijmoe, Qowathim, Gefoij, Zarobe, Wefhatji, Ohegathorowaij, Mesows, Xalose, Wagthorosowe, Wephatho, Yzebo, Storilwethonaij, Quorathon, Sijibo, Mephor, Wijhose, Zalorosis, Ruetho, Zebaathonaijw'os, Zijweth, Yearji, Ruwethonowe, Ruiathosowaij, Zebaoth, Messias, Antquel.” Having recited the above conjuration, visualize that which you desire Antquel to bring you. 52

Figure 8-1: The Seal of Solomon. The powers and virtues accredited to this legendary seal have already been dealt with in preceding pages of this chapter. To charge this seal with magickal powers to fulfil your desires in accordance with its governed area of influence, simply follow the step-by-step iirstructions for creating, consecrating and using magickal seals as given in succeeding pages of this chapter. A suitable conjuration would be as follows: “Jehovah. Tetragrammaton. Shadai El Chai. Adonai. Come, I command Thee, by the powers and virtues of this seal and conjuration, and make manifest all that I truly desire. So mote it be.”


Figure 8-2: T he Seal of Mars. This particular seal is accredited with the power to end quarrelling between husband and wife, friends etc. The conjuration one must use to charge the seal with magickal and mystical power, is as follows: “I (your name) cite Thee, Spirit Emol, by Deus Sachnaton + Luil, by Acumea + Luiji, by Ambriel + Tijlaij, by Ehos + by Jeha, Zora + Ageh, by Awoth + that you bless this seal with thy power, and the virtue of thy wisdom, and obey my wishes in every way, thus truly in and through the anepobeijaron, which Aaron heard and which was prepared for him.” The sign of the cross is made at every (+). Having recited the above conjuration, carry or wear the seal upon your person lo help repel the quarrel-creating negative energies.

Figure 8-2

Figure 9-l:T he Seal of Venus. This particular seal is accredited with the power lo bring success in business, new friendships, and dreams of a prophetic nature. The conjuration one must recite to bring the mystical blessings of Awel, the spiritforce associated with the seal, is as follows: “Reta, Kijmah, Yamb, Yheloruvesopijhael, I call upon thee, Awel through God Tetragrammaton, Uhal, by Pomamiach + that you shall obey all my commands and fulfil all my desires, thus truly and wholly in and through the name of Esercheije, which Moses named and upon which followed hail, the like of which was not known since the beginning of the world.” The sign of the cross is made at every (+). Having recited the above conjuration, carry or wear the magickal seal upon your person at all times. 54

Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2: The Seal of Mercury. This particular seal is accredited with the ability to transform its possessor into one skilled in the art of chemistry. This seal would be ofparticular benefit to school and college students studying the various aspects of chemistry. The conjuration one must recite to receive the mystical blessings and virtues of Yloij, the spirit force associated with the seal, is as follows: “Petasa, Ahor, Havaashar (your name) cite Thee Spirit Yloij + through God, God Adonai + Ymah, through God Tetragrammaton + , Rawa, through God Emanuel + Ahaij, through Athanatos + that in all due haste Thou bless this sacred seal as truly in and through the name of Adonai, which Moses mentioned, and there appeared grasshoppers.” T h e sig n o f the cro ss is m ade at every (+ ). H a v in g recited the above conjuration, carry or wear the seal u p o n y o u r person at all times.

Figure 9-2 55

MAKING AND CONSECRATING YOUR MAGICIC SEAL As has already been stated, occult tradition holds that personally created magickal seals and sigils have a far greater potency than do ready-made ones. Of course, the making of metal based seals is virtually an impossibility, but for those written upon paper there is no problem at all, the only requirements being the paper along with both time and patience to create this most powerful of occult tools. And in the often bizarre world of supernatural manipulation of events, patience and the time that it invariably requires are alwaj's rewarded. There now follows the easy step-by-step technique for creating and consecrat­ ing your very own magickal seal. 1. Reproduce on a piece of white paper, using a black ink felt tip pen, an appropriate magickal seal that you consider will help you to solve your problems. Try to be as accurate as possible when copying the seal. 2. Either three hours after the sun has risen or set on any day of the week, light the two candles on your altar and burn some sandalwood incense. The best day on which to perform this ancient ritual is Monday, since this is the day ruled by the Moon, the celestial body governing all things magickal. 3. Place your personally created magickal seal between the two candles and sprinkle a circle of salt around it. Ordinary table salt may be used for this particular purpose. 4. Visualize for a full five minutes a ray of brilliant white light coming down from i lie upper reaches of the firmament and going straight into the seal upon the altar, all the while “charging” it with celestial power. 5. As you strongly visualize this ray of light, recite the appropriate conjuration with which to invoke the beneficial Forces associated with seal. 6. Cover the seal with a piece of clean white cloth and leave it upon your altar for a period of no less than three hours. 7. When the stipulated period of time has elapsed, retrieve the magic seal and cither carry or wear it on your person until the desired goal is attained. Note: if you are not employing the physical trappings of magick (e.g. altar and candles) then the foregoing technique for magickally reproducing and “charging” the chosen seal is slightly altered to accommodate the changes. Steps 1, 4, 5 and 7 remain exactly as previously described. Steps 2, 3 and 6 are dismissed with altogether. In place of the given instructions for these three steps proceed as follows: Step 2: Retire to a room where you will be free from interruptions of any kind for a period of at least ten minutes. Dim the lights. Loosen any tight clothing. Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths to help you to relax. 56

Step 3: Hold your personally created magickal seal in the palm of your hand. Step 6: Wrap the seal in a clean handkerchief and place it in a spot where you are satisfied that its magickal vibrations will not be disturbed. Leave for three hours and then proceed as previously instructed.

HOW TO DISMISS THE EVOKED SPIRIT-FORCE Since the evoked spirit-force has consecrated the magickal seal with its own divine powers in accordance with your will and intent, you may dismiss it as it described below. Stand facing East. Clasp both hands in front of your heart and recite in a firm voice: “In the Power of the Names Zebaoth, Theos, Yschyres, Messias, Imas, Weghaymnko, Quoheos, Roveym, Christoze, Abay, Xewefaraym and Agla, I command Thee, thou spiritforce, to depart forthwith from this place, being ever ready, and willing to return at my summoning. Peace be with you. Amen.” Turn and leave the room.

A LIFE FILLED WITH MAGICKAL POWER To the uninitiated the magickal seal you possess would appear to be simply a bizarre collection of odd shapes and meaningless words, but to practitioners of the occult, they are symbols of vast and everlasting power! Power with which to control and manipulate events in the physical world via invisible occult means. They are, in fact, tangible expressions of magickal power. Creating and consecrat­ ing the seal in the prescribed manner can help to improve virtually every area of one’s life. Believe in the seal’s ability to produce results and watch as your life begins to change for the better - at last.


H O W TO P R O V E YO U H A V E A G U A R D IA N A N G EL From the very momeni you are bom and \cr every day lor the resl of your tile a guarci-an nngel looks over you This ¡s Ihe beiiel cf millions ol people of vanous faiths Bui almost no-one knows ¡list how guardian angel looks alter us II '5 merely a vague feeling' lo many people a 'ee'mg endorsed by several drllereni rgbQions THE FAC T is T H A T TH E G U A R D IA N A N G E L IS A U N IQ U E B E IN G W H O S E S O L E F U N C T IO N IN L IF E IS TO L O O K A F T E R A P E R S O N S B E S T IN T E R E S T S God does no! pul u s on ihis plane! and then abandons us lo struggle through Me s advermlies alone' ^or each'a nd everyone cl us He rrested an individual guardian angel to care lor us and guide us through life These are the conc'u sicns o ' Dr D J I ightloo! who h a s studied the subject lor over twenty years. Make absolutely no mistake about it. declares Dr Lighlloot. guardian a n ge 's are w n l and the great tragedy'S ‘hat the ave'a ge person has absolutely nc idea ol the-r extitnnce' Even those who believe they have a Guardian angel know next to nothing about turn To such p eede he is a mere concept rather than a real entity who actively panic»* pnles in our lives Tee lact is lhat o u ' own unique gua'd-an nngei is always close lo us. but we have no idea that he is present. This is so unfortunate because N O -O N E A N Y W H E R E C A R E S M O R E FO R U S TH AN T H IS A N G E L And no one bul this personal guardian can help you s o much as he II must be made absolutely dear (ha! the presence ol your guardian angel h a s nothing whatsoever to do with whether you lead a g o o d ' Me or not Your special guardian appeared at the very moment you were born to guide you and protect you tor the rest of your /ite. regard'ess ol religion or Meslyle1 But how does one become acquainted with o n e 's guardian angel? and indeed how can he exisl af all if one s life h as been so full of bad luck? It is essential that contact with one s per­ sona! angel is made m order to improve one's luck FO R H E C A N H E L P Y O U L IK E NO O N E E L S E C A N ll is vital you understand That once you make contact with your personal guardian angel your Me can immediately change lor the better Your life m fact could go from poverty to riches, from sickness to health, ’from misery lo happiness Bui whatever hap­ pens your life will become immeasurably belter m every way W h y is this7 Dr Lightfoot has found that once you discove» the presence ol your own guardian angel he suddenly begins helping yo u all he can. Why this is so is not clear. Perhaps the reason is more human than spiritual you would lor example be much more eagef to help a friend who appreciated you more than one who didn't. Whilst angels occupy a higher eslale in the spiritual scheme of things than m an (Psalms 8 5) (hey still like to be acknowtedged and appreciated tor what they do There may be other reasons bul whatever the cause your life will improve dramatically once

ycur h a\e e?tac:-shec regular contact w-ih \CU> >oi mg -v. s-b 'e Inend P O SITIV E P R O O F THAT Y O U R G U A R D IA N A N G E L E X IS T S Y cu r p e rso n a ' g u a rd 'a n an g e ! *s u n iq u e to you - o nly yen c a n D'O ve ‘hat ycur a n g e l e»'Sts In his hook 'Y c u r D e a r C o m p a n io n D r L»ghf'o cl re-, e a 's ho w y o u c a " o b tam a b s o lu te and p o s it iv e p r o o f that y o u h a v e a p e r s o ­ nal g u a r d ia n a n g e l This information has

never been published before in any term T h a i S r-ght - y o u can p ro v e lo r you'se*' once and for alt that you c o in d e e d na.-e a g ua'd-an ang el A nd th-s is o n ly m ? begm ntng o l ma^y ihriiimg e x o e n e r c e s Y o u ” -.•/■n hav e d is ­ covered that you a re not atone ,r» M e that you have by your S d e a " ’Ov'Sib1? 'o ."ng com . careen wi’ o c a re s c-my tor yo u and lor no one e !se but you A r c o n c e you *r>c»»v he e * is ls you w ,: b eco m e a w s'e o! his presence - a Dre s e n c s w hich w i" awe our w ho e b ein g g w arm glow*, and y o u v.-t* leel yo urse lf su rg in g ,v lh a"new strength - a n a y cu - s e 'i- a s s u r a T e so aring ' The te e in g s ' nciescr,b a b ,e V o u wilt never be the s a m e aga n emee you a c tu a 'ly knew for yourself that you h a ve an m vis»b'e friend more pow erful than any p hysical trien d a fnend who w " b e a b s o h ite y u n s w e rv in g m h<s

tcya'ty lo you every day t c the 'es~t of your


H E H A S A L W A Y S B E E N W ITH YO U Y o ur g u a rd ia n a n g e l has a lw a y s b e e n with you. but b e c a u s e y o u d'd not k n o w this you w ere n e ve r ab le lo form a personal relation­ ship with him . an d ’e c e 'v e th e h m T e ss b 'e ssm g s o l su c h a »elab on shD D 'd you know l c r e x a m p le , that your g u a rd ia n angel has h's own name 7 Not a n am e that you can aw e him but a n a m e he aheady has. a nam e w hich y o u c a n d isc o v e r w iln th e a>d o l Dr L'g htfcct s instru ct o r s The last lim e y o u le 'l an o v e r\vhe*mmg re iu c'a n c e to d o som ething lor n o ap p are n t re a so n ' or w h e n you were g iv e n - an ;d e a lhat so !ved a p ro b le m or you w ere g o n g lo d o s o n e 'h in g a n d a 1' c l a sud d en yo u c h a n g e d y o u r m ind and were g 'ad you d id — th e se and other ne^pi-cab'e actions w ere a lm o s t ced am iy b e c a u s e o l Ihe Drom plm gs o ' y o u r guardian an g e l b u l all

without your conscious knowledge Y o ur d ear co m p a n io n c c u 'd h a v e c o n e so much more >1 p re vio u sly you had b e e n c o g n i­ zant of his e x is te n c e O nce you k n o w how to

become aware of tvs presence and term a personal relationship with Ivm you can con­ sult with hmi regularly - and re c e iv e infinite and unernn g g u id a n ce '

C O N T A C T IN G Y O U R D E A R C O M P A N IO N This unique b o o k sh o w s ho w lo q u ic k ly m ake contact and Ow'd a relationship withyjour very

own guard'an a n g e " The instru ction s in this b ook have never appeared anywhere belore. In this book yo u get Inform ation which is com pletely new and b a se d o n the author's own experiences. T his is a a c tio n ' - gel re su lts' b o o k ' The instru ctions a re s a fe , s-mpie an d e a s y ' There are no u lu s 's to perform, and no equipm ent o ' any k-Pd s re q u red All you n e e d is th-s book and the d e sire to personally know your

ti'v-no companion in order *n sla d changing your He a 'ou nd Irp'n bad luck to blessings love, and ’n appm ess1 P R O B L E M S D IS S O L V E W H E N YO U R G U A R D IA N A N G E L H E L P S ! Jus* ?h*nk ail your prayers m iraculously answ ered! . .. yo u r persona! safety guaranteed in any d angerous situation! . .. always make the right d ecisio n about everything - simply by consulting with your guardian angel1Think of the enormous weight tilted from your shoulders' l! !S important '.hat you understand that what we a»e slalma here are not empty. S^a'icw p-omrses B U T AC TU AL P O S S IB IL I­ T IE S W e want yo u to test all our claims. Try tills b o o k 's instru ction s and witness tor yo u rself the amazing hap p en in gs about w hich we write! W e are convinced ycu win be astounded' We are convinced that your i.'e coo'd be changed oul ol a;! recognition - ii that is what you want' But how can we leel so ceda-p about this7 W e are con .-reed by our own amazing experiences and those o* Dr LrghUocfs and the g'O'.v-ng reporis of other people who have es!ab''sned a raoporl v/«th their guardian ange ls' You will inslmct’vely recognize m Dr L»gh!'oot s »nstructions that here is some­ thing absolutely real and powerful And you will, ivtlvn nvnu'es. bea n to recog­ nize the existence ol yo u ' very own personal gu ard ian angel! Have you ever found yourself in a place where »be only other persons about were rowdy hoo -gan s7 W ho has not experienced (he leelmg cl helplessness and anxiety which such a situahon b o n gs7 Y O U W ILL N E V E R F E A R D A N G E R AG A IN W H E N YO U K N O W T H E N A M E O F YOU R P R O T E C T IN G A N G E L He is always at your s*de. and at the very mstan! you lee' you are in physical danger he w/f actually project his presence to those who threaten you’ It is enough lo m ere'y think o ' your guard-an's name for this to happen' W e cannot reveal to you what this name is because c-niyyou can find out by following the book 5 instructions. All ange’s bear different »’ames. and your guard'an angel will reveal tvs name to ycu. once you know how lo find cut' W H A T E V E R YO U W A N T - Y O U R D E A R C O M P A N IO N C A N H E L P YO U G E T IT! Your guardian angel can help you in every area o ' your M e' He can help yo u win the p e rso n of your d rea m s . .. help end finan­ cial worries . .. help find lost objects ... help p a ss e xam s . . . help you in b u si­ n e s s . .. solve love problem s . . . help you w in lotteries and prizes . .. protect you from deceitful p e o p le . .. so lve health problem s. Whatever your problem your in­ visible tnend can help you solve Y o u r guardian anget's sole interest m Me >s ycu r'pe rso na l welfare1 YOU A R E N O T A L O N E IN L IF E 1

£ 9 . 9 9 U K ; $ 2 2 .9 9 U S A . S e n d t o : F ì n b a r r (B C ), F o l k e s t o n e C T 2 0 2 Q Q , U K ( A d d r e s s c o m p l e t e )

MAKE CONTACT WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES Miracles Enter Your Life When Contact With Other Worldly Beings Made! BE LED TO YOUR PERFECT SOUL MATE! RECEIVE YOUR HEART’S DESIRES! SOLVE LIFE’S MYSTERIES! TRAVEL THROUGH TIME! BECOME A MIRACLE WORKER! ENJOY HAPPINESS AND PEACE OF MIND! BE LED TO TREASURE AND RICHES! You are at present living only at a fraction of your full potential! Believe it or not you can release yourself from your present imitations, and enjoy happiness and fulfilment beyond your fondest imaginings! This - and more - is possible when you follow Guided Pathworking: the liberating spiritual technique which lets powerful benefic beings from other spheres INTERVENE IN YOUR LIFE. Once these beings enter your life obstacles and bad luck fade away! Their presence is like h brilliant light which dissolves the darkness of despair, bringing warmth and hope! To believe it vou must experience it! Thousands oi people today arc prac­ tising Guided Pathworking to unlock their full potential, and enjoy the blessings of other-worldly contact! With Guided Pathworking you re­ ceive absolute positive proof of the existence of other spheres of Being which can actually transform your fortunes completely! Here is a true, real life story from the files of Dantallion, author of Guided Pathworking: D.C., a 70-year old woman had everything she wanted. But tra­ gedy struck when her grandson lost the use of his legs following a road accident. In Guided Pathworking ohe encountered an ange­ lic looking child who showed her how to help her grandchild. From that very day her grandson’s condition improved until finally - to the doctors’ amazement - he could walk again like a normal boy! Who was the strange angelic child that appeared to this anxious woman? Parapsychologists postulate different explanations, but whatever the truth the fact is that her grandson, miracu­ lously, could walk again! No wonder our lives are troublefilled - we struggle day to day on our own efforts, entirely ignorant that close by are powerful spirit beings who can help us! just who these brings are remains disputed. Some say they arc departed loved ones, others say they are guar­ dian angels , . . still others say they are actual ‘gods’ from ancient civiliza­ tions. Others claim they are a person’s own ‘higher self, a manifestation of

one's ow*n superconscious. Yet others declare that they are exterrestrjah from other worlds. Whatever they arc, they appear from a world of consciousness normally denied to us. Guided Pathworking brings that world closer to us!

SHE FINDS HER TRUE LOVE! M.G. had a pitiful series of liaisons with men who used her. She had despaired of ever finding the right man. Anguished and heart-broken she came to the author for help. In Guided Pathworking she encountered a beautiful young woman in n robe of white. The experience of this beautiful entity changed her life and she soon found the man of her dreams! If you feel defeated', if life is becoming loo much for you; if your health is deteriorating . . . then you need the soul-renewing experience of Guided Pathworking! Art student J.G. felt life was becom­ ing too much for him. His shyness made him fee 1 isolated and there seemed little chance that he would pass his forthcoming exams. His life was dramatically changed after an experience with Guided Pathworking. He found new friends, be­ came engaged to a delightful young woman - and passed his exams! Such true stories are typical of those who experience the power of Guided Path working. Guided Pathworking creates the conditions which enable iheic super entities to contact you. They uxznr to help you for it is not in the cosmic scheme of things that humans should struggle alone! Through the wonder-working inter­ vention of your Spirit Guide you can become a healer. You can also heal yourself. You can also experience the miraculous solution to your money worries! Love . . . riches . . . enlightenment . , . bouyant good health . . . all can be yours when you gain success to this mighty beneficent power! To receive ‘Guided Pathworking: Making Contact With Your Spirit Guides* by Daritallion send £ 9 #9 9 *

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Nature's Way to Prosperity S ecret o f Life Revealed Out of darkness com es light. Out of the abyss the Egyptian sun god arose, and in this phenomenon lies the secret of life itself, and the secret essence

of prosperity. Everyone wants prosperity ... riches ... in whatever form, and not necessarily financial. WITH THE RICHES OF RA YOU AUTOMATICALLY ATTRACT The opposite - poverty, a lack, a shortage, dissatisfaction WHAT YOU SEEK - NOT WHAT YOU DON'T. is the darkness. Darkness of the spirit. You need never lack for anything again! This book by Michael J. Leppier reveals in the plainest What so many spiritual books skip around or miss com­ language what the 'miracle of the universe' is and how it can pletely is revealed here in emphatic clarity. Inform and transform your life. It is b o t h s c i e n t i f i c a n d s p ir it u a l! Your circumstances can be changed 'beyond your wildest Stories in the Bible possess a deeper meaning which dreams’, he says, if that's what you want. The radiant power of RA can illuminate your life ... eludes most; but this meaning has vital relevance to the dispelling darkness and setting you forth on a lifelong condition of the modern person. it sets your consciousness in a different direction - in the experience of power, wisdom, love - or whatever matters to way you need to go. you most. IT IS N T DIFFICULT. Not complex. The mystical meaning of the Great Pyramid of Giza will suddenly have personal relevance - a relevance to your own RA was the name of the sun god in his disc form. He latent powerl The meaning of Stonehenge will immediately emerged out of darkness, so night became day. The book dwells on 'the time before God', a time of nothing and bedorne significant to you - p e r s o n a l l y . IN THE PLAINEST LANGUAGE HE EXPLAINS HOW THE darkness. And when RA is swallowed each night by darkness MYSTERIOUS POWER INFORMING THE MIGHTY MONUMENTS his light shines in the Underworld. This event conceals a mighty spiritual truth which is played out in the human OF OLD CAN ALSO INFORM YOUR LIFE - and change i t Yet virtually no-one understands it, let alone relates to its psyche. personal significance! ‘Darkness' for us is an unhappy state, for it means loss The Secret of Life stares scientists in the face, yet they and disappointment: all this is transformed through the Insist on muddying it with confused thinking, say's Mr Leppier. Riches of RA. Strangely the 'darkness' in rite revelation will THE REVELATION IN HIS BOOK SETS THE SPIRIT FREE. WORK FOR YOU - not against! Free to achieve! Free to soar! Free to accomplish! Even if you don't understand the revelation - unlikely HE REVEALS WHAT IS IN FRONT OF OUR VERY NOSE BUT you need only follow the simple formula to be certain of results! FAIL TO SEE, It eluding even the wise! T h e r e is a c o n c r e t e r e a s o n w h y most p e o p l e fail o r a r e Riches are denied to most because of ignorance, You d is s a t i s f i e d w ith t h e ir life. People marvel at the wonderful need not remain Ignorant Your spirit can be enriched and works anti feats of the ancient Egyptians and yet totally fail soon afterwards your circumstances will be rich in good to grasp that these possess a vital inner meaning for every fortune. Money is all around ... except It's not around you. This woman, man and child! THIS IS THE SECRET OF PROSPERITY ... OF RICHES ... can change. T h e sp ir it o f p r o s p e r it y can enter your life and be a ll a r o u n d y o u continuously, operating solely and only for OF ABUNDANCE ... OF EVER-LASTING GOOD FORTUNE. your good. T h is e n d s p o o r h e a lt h . IT IS IM PO SSIBLE TO CONTINUE IN POOR HEALTH WITH T HIS W O N DRO U S FORMULA This book reveBls the true meaning of 'God'. It or 'He' is not a mere spiritual construct but a scientific reality. A WORKING FOR YOU. In a flash you will understand the meaning of ‘God', of tangible reality you can experience. THIS BOOK IS ABOUT A T T R A C T IO N . BRINGING INTO YOUR 'Jesus', Modern religions have debased ancient mystical truths with their petty dogmas. They see the ancient LIFE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT ... AUTOMATICALLY and Egyptians as superstitious, as ignorant, when, truth be told, without failure. THE BOOK REVEALS THE N I N E - W O R D S E N T E N C E - NOT it is they that are superstitious and ignorant! YOU CAN BECO M E A MAGNET FOR EVERYTHING YOU A PRAYER OR CHANT - WHICH CAN MARK THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ENRICHED LIFE FOR THE READER. S E E K AND DESIRE! NEVER BE AFRAID TO THINK THAT YOU CAN HAVE WHAT Lack and deprivation can be permanently consigned to YOU SEEK, FOR IT IS ALREADY THERE - ONLY WAITING TO the past! THIS IS NOT A FORMULA OF COMPLEX RITUAL AND MANIFEST. This exciting book reveals how it happens. VISUALIZATION. THIS BOOK IS STEEPED IN SCIENTIFICALLY OBSERVABLE The effects experienced will astoundl THIS BOOK PRO MISES THE UNEQUIVOCAL MANIFESTA­ FACTS. The author asserts emphatically that one can 'WIN! WIN! TION OF THE R EADER'S DESIRES AND W ISHESI There is no need to be at the mercy of whatever life throws WIN!' The book explains how it's done. To receive The Riches at you I of RA - Nature's Way to Prosperity' please send £10.99.

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