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INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the third installment of the Moment's Notice series. I say “series” because, well, this makes number three and I doubt it will be the last one so, what the heck, we'll call it a series. I make no guarantees, though! It's hard for me to be objective, but I truly believe the material gets better with each successive book. At the same time, I wrote this ebook while traveling all by my lonesome during a lecture tour of Europe which is probably why the effect titles read like cues for a word association game at a bachelor party. For those of you who do not own the first two ebooks, I have three criteria for the tricks which are included in a Moment's Notice title: 1. All of the effects are 100% impromptu. No set-ups whatsoever. 2. All of the effects are strong. No filler. 3. No other props are used in conjunction with the cards. This includes markers or pens. Hence, no signed card tricks. If these conditions sound appealing to you, then I believe you have made a good purchase. If not, then I'll be happy to refund your money. Just PayPal me $20 to cover the cost of reversing the PayPal fees and labor and I'll be happy to send your $12 back to you.

Until next time, Cameron Francis April, 2010


SYMPATHY Inspired by Bill Simon's “Sympathetic Control”, Dai Vernon's “Twisting The Aces” and Roy Walton's “The Collectors”. Effect: The four Queens are displayed and placed face down on the table. Two cards are then selected and lost in the deck. The magician explains that the Queen of Spades is the leader Queen. Whatever she does, the other Queens will do as well. The Queen of Spades is turned face down on top of the packet. Suddenly, all of the other Queens turn face down as well. She is then turned face up. Now all of the Queens are face up! The Queen of Spades is placed face down on the table. The other three face down Queens are cut into the deck. The magician slowly turns the Queen of Spades face up. He spreads the deck. The other three Queens are now face up as well and they have two face down cards interlaced between them. The two face down cards are turned face up to reveal the selections! Performance: 1. Run through the deck and remove the four Queens. Arrange the cards so

they are in red, black, black, red order, or black, red, red, black order. Place them on the face of the deck and flip them face down. Spread the cards and lift them off the deck with your right thumb on top and your right fingers below. Rotate your right hand palm down to display their faces one more time (Fig. 1). 2. Turn your right hand palm up and square the face down cards against your left thumb, depositing the lowermost Queen on the face of the deck.

5 3. Lift the packet of three Queens off the

deck, wrist-killing the deck so as not to expose the reversed Queen at the face (Fig. 2). Place the three face down Queens off to your right. 4. Re-grip the deck in your left hand so

that it is face down. Spread the deck, being sure not to expose the reversed Queen at the bottom, and have two cards selected.

Fig. 1

5. As the spectators are looking at the

cards, square up the deck. Kick cut the top half of the deck into your left hand. Have one selection placed on top of this packet. Place the left hand packet under the right hand packet but keep a pinky break between them. Fig. 2 6. Undercut half the bottom packet to the top. Lift up all of the cards above the break and have the second selection placed on top of the remaining cards in your left hand. 7. Place the right hand portion on top of the left hand portion, maintaining a break between the halves. Double undercut to the break. Both selections are now on top of the deck. 8. Secure a break under the top two cards. 9. Pick up the three (supposedly four) Queens with your right hand and flip them face up on top of the face down deck. Immediately lift off all five cards above the break and place the deck face down on the table. 10.Whichever black Queen is at the face of the packet claim that this is the leader Queen and whatever she does, the other Queens will do as well. 11.Flip the Queen face down. Slide out the bottom card to show that it has turned face down. Place it on top of the packet and give the packet an Elmsley Count to show four face down cards, being sure to out-jog the last


two cards counted. The Elmsley Count: Hold the packet along the right long edge in pinch grip, right thumb on top and first and second finger below. With your left thumb, slide the top card into your left hand. As your left hand comes back to apparently take the next card on top of the first, use your right thumb to block push off the three cards above the bottom card in your left hand. The card in the left hand is taken back under the right hand cards as the left hand takes the top three cards which were just pushed off in a block. These three cards are clipped between the thumb and base of the index finger. The left hand then comes back and fairly counts the last two cards on top of the cards it already holds. 12.With your right index finger and thumb at the rear short end of the packet, pull out the third card from the top of the packet, pushing the two outjogged cards flush with your left index finger as you do. 13.Turn the Queen face up on the packet. Slide out the bottom card to show another Queen has turned face up. Give the packet an Elmsley Count to show four face up Queens. 14.Say that they can do it again but this time under more stringent conditions. Buckle the bottom card of the packet. Hold the packet from above with your right hand, transferring the break to your right thumb. 15.Using your left thumb, slip the first face up Queen into your left hand. As you go to slip the second Queen into your hand, drop the face down selection under the break onto the first Queen. Place the third Queen (Queen of Spades), with the face down second selection under it, on top of all (The two selections are now interlaced between the three Queens). 16. Turn your left hand palm down and slide the face down Queen of Spades

out from below the packet and start to place it on the table (Fig. 3), saying,


“The Queen of Spades goes face down on the table.” Just as you are about to let go of the card, pause, and then raise your right hand so the spectators can see the face of the card, saying, “ And it really, is the Queen of Spades!” As your right arm swings up, turn your left hand palm up, secretly reversing the packet. 17. Place the Queen of Spades onto the

table. Lift up the packet in right hand Biddle Grip and place it on top of the deck, saying, “The other Queens go face down on top of the deck. Give it a cut, please, and complete the cut...”

Fig. 3

18.Once the spectator has cut the deck. Slowly turn the Queen of Spades face up. Say that whatever the leader Queen does, the other Queens do as well. 19.Spread the deck to show that the three Queens are face up in the middle of the deck with two face down cards between them. 20. Say, “Now, I forgot to mention it before but the other three Queens have

powers of their own. They are excellent at finding cards. As you can see, they've trapped two cards between them. Not just any cards but...” Remove the face down cards from between the Queens and snap them over, revealing the two selections.


WILDER This effect was inspired by a Jay Sankey trick called “Dreamscape” in which four blank cards visually print four Queens. While the printing sequence in this effect is similar, the handling is actually the exact opposite of Jay's. This alteration allows for a double printing effect. The overall influence for this effect is, of course, Peter Kane's classic Wild Card plot. Effect: The magician removes four “special” cards from the deck: four Jokers. Two cards are selected and noted. One of the cards is placed back into the middle of the deck. The second selection is kept face down on the table. One at a time, the four Jokers turn into the first selection! The Jokers are then waved over the second selection. They now turn into the mates of this card! Performance: 1. Run through the deck with the faces toward you and note the card at the back. In this case we'll say it's the Ten of Hearts. Up-jog the three mates of the ten along with a Joker. If you do not have a Joker in your deck, use the Ace of Spades. 2. Strip out these cards and position the Joker (or Ace of Spades) at the face of the packet. Perform a Bro. John Hamman Flushtration Count to show four Jokers. Flushtration Count: Hold the packet of cards face down from above in right hand Biddle Grip. Turn your right hand palm up and display a Joker. Turn your hand palm down. With your left thumb, slide the top face down card of the packet onto your left palm. Once again turn your right hand palm up and display the Joker.


Turn it palm down and slip the next face down card into you left hand. Repeat this two more times to show four jokers. 3. Place these four face down cards on the table, making sure they are not squared. 4. Pick up the deck and cut it, maintaining a break between the halves. Riffle force the Ten of Hearts. Ask the spectator to look at the card and then place it face down on the table. If you are not working on a table, just have him hold onto the card. 5. Riffle down the side of the deck and have another spectator call stop. Legitimately cut the deck at this point and have the spectator look at the card. We'll say it's the Four of Clubs. Have her place it back into the deck. Control the card to the top. 6. Secure a left hand pinky break under the top card as your right hand picks up the packet of cards on the table. Square the packet against the pad of your left thumb, adding the card above the break to the bottom of the packet. 7. Set the deck on the table. You are now holding a packet of five cards in your right hand. The top card is a Joker followed by three Tens and the second selection under all. 8. Hold the packet in the left hand and flip the top card face up. This is the Joker (or Ace of Spades). Perform a Noel Stanton Pivot Change (aka The Twirl Change) to visibly transform the Joker into the Four of Clubs. The Pivot Change: Hold the five cards as one with your right second finger on the outer left corner and your right thumb on the lower right corner. Your right index finger is curled on the middle of the card. Wave your hand back and forth. As you do this, your right first finger contacts the left long side of the double and pulls it to the right, causing the cards to pivot between the thumb and second finger. Once the cards have turned completely over, stop waving the cards.


9. Either buckle the bottom card or do a block push off of all four cards above the bottom card and flip them face down. Deal the top card to the table. This will be a Ten. 10.Slide out the bottom card, the Joker, and flip it face up on top of the packet. Perform a Through The Fist Flourish to transform the second Joker into another Four of Clubs. Flip all three cards above the bottom card face down and deal the top card onto the card on the table. This will be another Ten. 11.Slide out the bottom card and flip it face up on top of the packet. Perform a Marc Desouza Shape Shifter Change to transform the Joker into yet another Four of Clubs. I won't decsribe the Shapeshifter Change here. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can simply do another Twirl Change. 12.Flip the two cards above the bottom card face down and deal the top card on top of the other two on the table. 13.Hold the last two cards as one from above with your right hand. Turn your hand palm up to show a Joker. Turn your hand palm down and drop the two cards as one on top of the three cards on the table. Pick up the packet and rub the back of the top card. Flip it face up to reveal that it, too, is now the Four of Clubs. 14.With your right hand, pick up the face up card and the face down card under it (Joker) as one and set them both on top of the face down deck as you say that the Wild Cards don't always have to turn into exact copies of the selections. 15.Spread the three cards in a fan and use them to flip the first spectator's selection face up, revealing the Ten of Hearts. Place the face up Ten under the face down packet and square up the cards. 16.Perform a Through The Fist Flourish reversing the packet. Spread the cards showing three face up Tens under one face down card. Snap the card face up showing the Ten of Hearts and then deal all four cards onto the table.


INDIE Not only does this indicator effect feature a nice kicker ending but the handling is very open and clean. Effect: The magician removes three “prediction cards” and places them on the table. A card is selected and kept face down on the table. The magician picks up the three prediction cards and shows them. The first is a red card which tells him that the selection is red. The second prediction card is a Diamond, which means the selection is a Diamond. The last card is a Two which means the selected card must be the Two of Diamonds. The selection is turned over. It is the Jack of Spades. The three prediction cards are rubbed against the Jack and instantly turn into the other three Jacks! Performance: 1. With the faces toward you, spot the card at the back of the deck. In this case we'll say it's the Jack of Hearts but it can be any card. 2. Run through the cards and up jog the other three Jacks, saying, that you will remove three prediction cards before you start. Once all three Jacks are out jogged, pause for a moment and say, “No. These aren't right...” Strip out the cards and place them at the back of the deck. So now you have four Jacks on top of the deck in any order. However, you must note the top Jack. We'll say the Jack of Spades is now the card on top of all. This will be your force card. 3. Once again keeping the faces toward you, run through the deck and up jog any Heart card, then any Diamond card and finally any black card (If the force card is red, you would up jog any Spade, then any Club and finally any red card). The values of these three cards should be different.


Strip out the cards and place them face down on the table. 4. Position the deck so you are holding it face down in your left hand. Cut the deck, maintaining a break between the halves with your left pinky. Perform a Riffle Force. Thumb the top card of the bottom half onto the table and then place the portion in your left hand on top of the portion in your right hand. The other three Jacks are now back on top of the deck. 5. Secure a left hand pinky break under the top three cards of the deck. With your right hand, pick up the face down prediction cards and flip them face up on top of the deck. 6. Immediately lift up all six cards above the break. You will now perform a Braue Addition sequence as you display all three prediction cards. 7. Say, “This first card is red which tells me you picked a red card...” Clamp down on the card at the face of the packet with your left thumb as your right hand moves to the right with its five cards. Use the left long edge of the packet to flip this card face down on top of the deck. 8. Say, “This next card is a Diamond which tells me you picked a Diamond suited card...” Repeat step 7 with this card. 9. You are now holding four cards in your right hand. Place this packet on top of the deck, keeping a break below it and then say, “And this last card is a Two...” 10. Flip the Two face down. Lift up all four face down cards above the break.

With your left thumb, peel the top card onto the deck, leaving it out jogged a bit. Peel the next one on top of the first. but side jogged to the right. Place the last two cards on top of the second card, side jogged to the right (Fig. 1). 11.With your right thumb on top and fingers below, lift up this spread of (apparently) three cards, being careful not to spread the top two. As you do all of this, say, “So these three cards tell me that your card is the Two of Diamonds.” 12.Gesture to the face down selection with the fan and say, “Go ahead. Turn your card over.”


13. As the spectator turns the selection

face up, bring the right hand back toward the deck. Now two things happen at once: the bottom card on the left of the spread is stolen back on top of the deck with your left thumb (Fig. 2), as your right thumb spreads the two cards on top of the packet. This takes less than a second to do.

Fig. 1

14. As soon as this is done, immediately

move the right hand forward again (Fig. 3). These actions are done as the spectator is turning over the card so you have all the misdirection you need. 15. Once the card is turned face up, look

Fig. 2 down at it and pause. Place the deck down on the table. Rub the three cards on the selection and then snap them over one at a time to show that the three prediction cards have turned into the mates of the selection.

Note: There are other ways to switch out the prediction cards which might be slightly easier. You could use a J K Hartman Secret Fig. 3 Subtraction, for example. However, the method as explained above is very open and the cards do not appear to have much contact with the deck which makes the effect seem that much more impossible.


TOASTED This very direct and powerful effect was inspired by Luke Dancy's gaffed trick “A Productive Sandwich” from his incredible “Magic For The Eyes” dvd. Effect: The four Aces are placed face down on the table. Two cards are selected and lost in the deck. The magician picks up the Aces and sandwiches the black Aces between the red Aces. He snaps his fingers and spread the two red Aces. There is only one face down card between them; the first selection! The deck is spread, the black Aces are found face up in the middle of the deck with one face down card between them: the second selection! Performance: 1. Run through the deck and remove the four Aces, placing them face up on top of the face down deck. Arrange them so they are in black, black, red, red order from the face. 2. Lift up the four Aces and the top face down indifferent card beneath them

in right hand Biddle Grip. Riffle the bottom card off the packet and hold a break between it and the Aces with your right thumb. 3. You will now perform Ed Marlo's ATFUS to ditch the two black Aces. With your left thumb, peel the first black Ace onto the deck, followed by the second black Ace. As you go to peel the first red Ace, drop the card below the break on top of the deck. Peel the red Ace onto the deck and hold a pinky break under it. 4. Place the last red Ace on top of the first and then lift both cards off the deck. You are only holding two cards here but the spectators should believe you are holding all four Aces. Turn the two cards face down and place them to your right.


Position Check: On top of the deck is a face down indifferent card, followed by the two face up black Aces, followed by the rest of the deck. 5. Spread the deck, being careful not to expose the two face up Aces, and have two cards selected from somewhere in the middle of the pack. 6. As the spectators are looking at their cards, get a Tilt break under the top two cards of the deck. 7. Take the second selection back first

and insert it into the Tilt break (Fig. 1). Release the break. Take the second selection back and place it on top of the deck. 8. Riffle about halfway down the deck and

then slip cut the top card into the Fig. 1 middle, holding a break above it. Double undercut to the break. There is now a selection on top of the deck and two face up black Aces in the middle of the deck with the second selection sandwiched between them. 9. Turn to the first spectator and ask, “Do you prefer red or black?” As you ask this, one-hand top palm the selection into your right hand. No matter what her answer, say, “Fine, then we'll do something amazing with your red/black Aces.” 10.Take the deck with your left hand and immediately drop your right hand on top of the two cards off to your right, depositing the palmed card. Do not be nervous about this. The card is only hidden in your right hand for a moment. 11.Pick up all three cards and give them a 3 as 4 Elmsley Count. If the spectator said red was her favorite color, say, “We'll use your favorite Aces to activate the magic...” If the spectator said black was her favorite color, say, “We'll sandwich your


favorite Aces between the red Aces and make them disappear...” 12.Flip the bottom card face up onto the packet. Then flip the next bottom card face up. These will be the two red Aces. Slip the top face up red Ace to the bottom of the packet and give it a spin. 13.Spread the packet to show one face down card between the two face up red Aces. 14.Snap the card over to reveal it's the first selection. Leave the card outjogged and place the three card fan on the table. 15.Say, “Now the black Aces didn't actually disappear. They merely switched places with your card...” Spread the deck to show the two black Aces face up in the middle with one face down card between them. 16. Remove the sandwich from the spread

Fig. 2

and snap the card over to reveal the second selection. Leave the selection out-jogged and place the three card spread to your left for a nice final image (Fig. 2).


HEAT Inspired by Ed Marlo's “Oil and Water”, Shigeo Futagawa's “Japanese Aces” and my own effect “Reds” from my “Snapped” dvd, produced by Full52 Productions (

Effect: Four black cards are removed from the deck. The magician rubs one of the cards on his sleeve causing it to “heat up” and turn red (an Eight of Hearts). Another black card is rubbed against the red card. It too turns red (a Nine of Hearts) giving the magician two red cards and two black cards. The magician talks about heat rising as he alternates the cards in black, red, black, red order. After a moment, it is seen that both red cards have risen to the top of the packet. The red cards are then placed between the two black cards. They once again rise to the top of the packet! The red cards are then placed on the table. The black cards are merely waved over the red cards. The black cards are now on the table and the red cards are in the magician's hand! The magician then blows on the cards, cooling them off and causing them to all turn black once again. Performance: Phase 1 1. Spread the deck so that the backs are toward the spectators and cut a Six of Spades to the face. Run through the cards and up-job the Eight of Spades, Nine of Spades, Seven of Hearts and Eight of Hearts. Square up the deck, catching a break under the Six at the face.


2. Strip the four out-jogged cards out of the deck and arrange them so that the two black cards are at the face. Place them on the face of the deck for a moment and then immediately lift off all five cards above the break. You are now holding a packet of five cards in the following order from the face: Black Black Red Red Black 3. Elmsley Count the cards showing four black spot cards. Turn the packet face down. Remove the top face down card and rub it against your sleeve. Turn it face up to show it is now a red spot card. Place this face up card on the table or on a spectator's hand. 4. Flip the packet face up and spread the top two cards, holding the last two cards as one, to show three black cards. Close up the packet and flip it face down. 5. Remove the top card and rub its face against the face up red spot card. Snap it over to reveal another red spot card. Place this red card next to the first. 6. Turn the packet in your left hand face up and, with your left thumb, push the top card to the right and hold the last two cards as one. Pick up the two face up red cards with your right hand and drop them on top of the black cards. 7. Square everything up, catching a break above the bottom two cards. 8. Lift off the top three face up cards in right hand Biddle Grip. Immediately flip the two black cards face down and place them on the table or on a spectator's hand. 9. Flip the three card packet in your hand face down. 10.Pick up a black card from the table, flash its face and place it face down to


the right of the other black card. 11.Perform a double turnover with the packet in your hand to show a red card. Turn the double face down and deal the top card onto the face down black card. 12.Pick up the next face up black card from the table, flash its face and then turn it face down and place it on top of the other two face down cards. 13.Pick up the last two cards as one in right hand Biddle Grip. Rotate your right hand palm up to show a red card. Turn your hand palm down and place these last two cards on top of all. 14.Pick up the packet and wiggle your fingers over it. Flip over the top two cards to show the two red cards are now on top. Phase 2 15.Flip the three black cards in your left hand face up. With your left thumb, push the top card to the right with your left thumb, holding the last two cards as one. 16.Slip the two red card between the two black cards and slowly square up the packet. Flip the packet face down. 17.Push the top card to the right. Perform a block push off of all four cards above the bottom card and flip them over as if you were turning over the top two cards. Push the red card to the right to show that the two red cards have risen to the top of the packet. Perform another block push off and turn the four cards face down. Phase 3 18.Deal the top two cards to the table or a spectator's hand (these are supposedly the red cards but are really two of the black cards). 19.Slide the bottom card of the packet to the right and flip it face up on top of the packet to show a black card. Turn the card face down. Wave the packet over the two cards on the table.


21. Flip the packet in your hand face up and spread the top card to the right to

show two red cards. Turn the cards on the table face up to show they are now black. Phase 4 22.Pick up the two face up black cards on the table and drop them on top of the face up red cards. Square up the packet and blow on it. Give the cards an Elmsley Count to show that they are all black once again. Flip the packet face down and drop it on top of the deck.


UPPERS Inspired by Ed Marlo's Elevator plot Effect: The magician removes the four Kings from the deck and sets them aside. Two cards are then selected and lost in the deck. Three of the Kings are then fairly placed into three different parts of the pack. The last king is placed on top of the deck. All four Kings instantly rise to the top. One of the Kings is again placed on top of the deck. The other three are placed under the spectator's hand. The magician waves the deck over the spectator's hand. The top four cards of the deck are turned over and are seen to be the four Kings. The spectator lifts her hand and discovers that there are only two cards on the table; the two selections! Performance: 1. Run through the deck and up jog the four Kings. Strip them out, arrange

them in alternating color order, and place them face up on top of the face down deck. 2. Spread over the Kings and the two face down cards under them. Square everything up, catching a break under all six cards. 3. Lift up all six cards from above in right hand Biddle Grip. Clamp down on the top card with your left thumb and move the packet to the right. Use the left long edge of the packet to lever the King face down on top of the deck. Repeat this with the next King. Drop the remaining four cards on top of the deck and then flip the top two Kings face down. 4. Take the top four cards into your right hand, without reversing their order, and drop them in a spread onto the table. So on the table are two Kings on top of two indifferent cards. The other two Kings are on top of the deck.


5. Holding the deck face down, spread the cards and have two selected. Kick cut the top half of the deck into your left hand and have one of the cards replaced on this half. Place the right hand portion on top, maintaining a break, and then undercut half the packet to the top of the deck. 6. Lift up all of the cards above the break and have the second selection placed on top of the left hand portion. Place the right hand portion on top and then perform a double under cut. This brings both selections to the top of the pack. 7. With your right hand, slide out the bottom card of the four card spread on

the table. Riffle your left thumb down the deck to just below center and slip this card into the break, saying, “We'll place this King near the bottom of the deck...” 8. Now pick up the top card of the three card packet on the table. Flash the face to the spectators and as you do, secure a Tilt break under the top card of the deck. 9. Slip the King into the Tilt break, saying, “This King goes about in the middle...” Release the break. 10.Slide out the bottom card of the two remaining on the table (Another indifferent card). Riffle your left thumb about a quarter way down from the top and insert this card into the break, saying, “One goes nearer to the top...” Release the break and square up the pack. 11.Pick up the last card, flash its face to the spectators and say, “And finally, the last card goes on top of all.” 12.You have apparently placed four Kings into four different parts of the deck. 13. Snap your fingers three times over the deck. Hold the deck from above in

right hand Biddle Grip. With your left thumb, slowly peel the top four cards one at a time into your left hand. As you do this, secure a pinky break between the second and third cards (Fig. 1). 14.Put the deck on the table.


15.You will now perform a Larry Jennings Rhythm Count to apparently show four Kings. Say, “These aren't just any four cards. You see, the top one is a King...” Perform a double turnover Showing a King. Turn the double face down and deal the top card to the table. “This one is also a King...” Slip the top card of the packet into your right hand and then rotate your left hand palm down so they see the bottom card of the packet.

Fig. 1

Rotate your left hand palm up and as you display the face of the King in your right hand, deal the top card of the left hand packet on top of the card already on the table, saying, “So is this one...” Finally snap over the remaining card in your left hand to reveal another King as you say, “And this one as well!” Drop the last card on top of all. 16.Pick up the packet and secure a break under the top two cards. With your right hand, pick up the top two cards as one, flash the face and place them face down on top of the deck. saying, “We'll try it again but this time we'll make it more difficult.” 17.Perform an Edward Victor EYE Count (2 as 3 count) to show the two cards in your hands as three. 18.Place this packet of cards in front of the spectator and ask her to place her hand on top of the three Kings. These cards are really the two selections. 19.Secure a break under the top four cards of the deck. 20.Perform Looy Simonoff's Flipant Move to flip the Kings face up on top of the deck. For those of you who don't know the Flipant Move, here's the basic idea: Hold a break under the top four cards of the deck. In one quick, sharp motion, move your left arm down a few inches and then move it


back up. This is done very fast so that the air catches the cards above the break. When done correctly, the four cards will flip over on top of the deck. 21.This done, spread the cards to show the four Kings are now on top of the deck. 22.Have the spectator lift her hand and turn over the cards on the table to reveal the two selections.

Cover art by James Howells:

[email protected]

© Cameron Francis 2010

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