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Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs

... and clear your own beliefs while you’re at it! Lion Goodman, PCC

Published by Inward Press • Box 253 • Petaluma, CA 94953

THE AUTHOR Lion Goodman, PCC is the creator of the Clear Beliefs Method for healing and transforming the psyche. He is an international expert on beliefs and belief change, a professional certified coach, and a subconscious pattern detective. He is the author of Creating On Purpose, Clear Your Beliefs, Menlightenment, and The Narcissism Primer.

Entire Contents © Copyright 2018-2020 by Lion Goodman All rights reserved. BeliefCloset®, The BeliefCloset Process®, Clear Beliefs™ and Clear Beliefs Coach Training™ are trademarks of Lion Goodman. This is a proprietary work product and may not be distributed or duplicated without express written permission by the author.


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What is YOUR Definition of Success?

How do you define success? Coaches, healers, therapists, and practitioners answer this question with similar answers, pointing to both external and internal indicators: External Success Definitions § § § § § § §

I am seen and recognized as an expert in my field. I am a featured speaker on summits and programs. Clients come to me without having to do a lot of marketing. I’m making a significant contribution to people, and to the world. I pay all my expenses easily, and have money left over. I can buy what I want, when I want, and provide well for my family. I get to take luxurious vacations.

Internal Success Factors § § § § § § §

I am loved, cared for, and secure in my relationships. I am a loving and generous person. There is peace and harmony in my life. I experience abundance and prosperity. I am a good person, with strong moral and ethical values. I am always learning and growing. I am manifesting my life purpose.


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What is the Secret to Success? You want to be more successful in your life, … and so do your clients. That’s why they come to you!

Success is... It depends on what you believe. Your beliefs are the crucial factor – in how happy you are, how effective you are, and how successful you are. You already know that your limiting beliefs hold you back and prevent you from being as successful as you want to be. You know that you should get rid of your limiting beliefs, somehow. You may have tried many different methods for clearing them out of the way, but they persist, limiting what you can do, how you express yourself, and how good you feel. Would you like to know how to clear limiting beliefs completely, and permanently, so stop interfering with your life? If so, you’re in the right place at the right time.

Let’s look at what you believe about success.


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How do you define success?

Begin your exploration by writing down your definitions of success. Then, identify what you believe about each definition, and how it shows up in your life. (You may have many beliefs about each definition). Here’s an example of what your list could look like:

What I believe…

What Success Is… Success is having a full practice.

I want that, and I don’t have that.

Success is getting new clients easily, without having to do any marketing.

I don’t know how to do that. What I’ve tried hasn’t worked.

Success is being well known as an expert in my field.

I’m not qualified. I’m not worthy.I need to learn more to be an expert.

Success is having work-life balance.

I am completely out ofbalance.

Success is having enough money to take a luxury vacation.

Uhhh, no.

Success is looking and feeling good in my body.

Frankly, I don’t feel so hot…


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We’ll make use of your answers later. Take time now to do this simple exercise: What Success Is…

What I Believe…

You’ve probably seen some version of this graphic:

The path to success is twisted, gnarly, dark and confusing at times. If you want to become more successful, you have to deal with the stuff that comes up along the way: resistance, blocks, difficulties, losses, and failures. Most of us have spent thousands of dollars learning how to be successful. We purchase programs, attend seminars, read books and pay experts to guide us to the Promised Land – only to find ourselves stuck, stymied, frustrated, or depressed because it isn’t happening fast enough, or at all.


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Your clients are trying to achieve success, too.

Have you heard them say this? §

I did everything the experts say to do, and I still haven’t achieved mygoals.


I just couldn't do what I knew I should do, and I don't know why.


What did I do wrong? What’s wrong with me?

Have you made comments like this on your own path?

Success IS possible for you AND your clients. IF… you learn to transform your clients at the deepest level of their psyche – the place where they’re telling their story about their life, about their limitations, and their negative thoughts and feelings. When you change people from the inside out, they shift their view of themselves, their view of others, and their view of the world. This opens new possibilities for success and happiness. That’s what your clients are looking for – not just good ideas and handholding, but a profound shift in who they are and how they show up in their world.


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PREMISE People get stopped, stymied, and frustrated in their pursuit of success because of their negative and limiting beliefs (story, schemas, perspectives, paradigms, viewpoints), not because of their external circumstances.

Assumptions (Beliefs) Assumption 1: Limiting beliefs can be cleared from the psyche permanently. Assumption 2: When you change a core belief that you’ve built your life around, everything in your life changes. Assumption 3: You can learn to clear your own beliefs. Assumption 4: You can learn to help others clear their beliefs. Assumption 5: By enhancing their success, you will enhance yours.

All you need now is a methodology for clearing beliefs rapidly and permanently.


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Why Other Methods Are Only Temporary Most belief-change methods produce only temporary results. Why? Because they focus on only ONE aspect of the Self. Some methods take a purely intellectual or cognitive approach to changing the mind. Others focus on emotions, emphasizing the release of pent-up feelings. There are physical body approaches and spiritual approaches – and they all help some people some of the time – for awhile. Every training claims that if you do that thing often enough, the effects will magically ripple out into the whole self and become permanent. Unfortunately, their claim isn’t true. What IS true is that you are a complex, unique, multidimensional being. Your whole Self is integrated, and it isn’t divisible into distinct parts. It’s not made of a bunch of component parts strung together. Is there a subconscious mind, a conscious mind, and a superconscious mind? It’s a useful model… but there is really only one Mind, one Consciousness, and you are part of it. Is there an ego, id, and superego? Freud said there was, and people still refer to them as if they are separate things. They’re not. They are aspects of Self. Is there a “limbic system” that’s separate from the rest of the brain? No, it’s connected to everything, but we talk about it as if it could be lifted out and studied by itself. All “components” of the Self are merely useful conventions. Our analytical mind tends to ”thing-ify” every concept – we turn them into “things.” We can only truly heal (to make whole) if we work with the Whole Self – all aspects of our nature – and leave nothing out.


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ALL beliefs are limiting! Because they divide the world up into partial bits of information. We then judge them as right or wrong, good or bad, true or false. Beliefs limit our vision and shrink our possibilities.

Our beliefs create our experience of reality by acting as colored lenses we see life through. Beliefs are the infrastructure of human consciousness. They filter, shape, and color our experience of the world around us. They filter out all evidence to the contrary. In psychology, this is called confirmation bias. We see what we expect to see, and we do, it verifies the belief we held in the first place.

Beliefs are the alphabet we use to create the language of our experience. CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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Do our beliefs really create our experience? Try this experiment to find out: Feel what it feels like to hold each of the following beliefs. Say each one to yourself – out loud – as if you believe it 100%. Notice how you feel when you believe it. This is like trying on an outfit at the clothing store. You check to see how it looks on you, and how it makes you feel. (“Does this belief make my butt look big?”) Try each one on, and notice the feelings produced by the belief. Then, take it off. Toss it aside and try on the next one. Take a minute to feel each one: There’s something wrong with me. I don’t belong. I can’t do it. Then try these on: I am a sacred and worthy being. I am a part of precious humanity. I’ll do whatever it takes. Did you notice how each one generated a different feeling? That’s what we mean when we say, “Our beliefs create our experience.” Now go back to the beliefs you wrote down about success. Do the same exercise. Try each one on, as if it’s 100% true, and notice the feelings it produces inside you. Do your beliefs make you feel empowered? Ready to go out and get things done? Confident in your ability to create success? Or do they produce fear, doubt, weakness, or overwhelm? Do you feel like giving up? You can see how your beliefs impact your perceptions, thoughts, feelings, decisions, and ultimately your actions.


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Henry Ford understood how beliefs work. If you believe you will fail, you won’t learn from your mistakes, or take corrective action needed to succeed. You’ll quit trying and prove that you really are a failure. Negative beliefs produce negative feelings, experiences, and thoughts. You hold back from taking action. You stop shining your light. We choose from among the options we can see. Since beliefs limit our perceptions, our choices get reduced to a small number of possibilities.

If your beliefs are limited, your reality is limited. Negative self-beliefs can create internal resistance, confusion, stuckness, indecision, distractions, isolation, and complete collapse. On the other hand, positive self-beliefs motivate you to take action, move toward your goals, solve problems as they arise, and push through internal and external barriers with courage and resilience.

It all depends on what you believe, so why not change your beliefs? You’ve accumulated tens of thousands of beliefs, and many of them are contradictory. This is why life can feel so confusing. Some of your beliefs are doing battle with other beliefs, which creates a mixed reality. With some detective work, you can discover the beliefs at the source of any experience and pull them up by the roots – like weeds in a garden.


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Where Do Beliefs Come From? Most of our beliefs were indoctrinated into us – by our parents, family, teachers, friends, religious authorities, culture, the social groups we belong to, and the media. (This list goeson and on.) Indoctrination means a doctrine (a belief) is put into you. For the first four to seven years of your life, your mind is on “record” mode. You take in everything you can absorb about the world and the people around you.

Our most primitive instinct is to survive – by any means necessary! The best strategy for survival is to adopt the language, mannerisms, behavior, and beliefs of the people around you – as quickly as possible. Children do this eagerly! Why? We know instinctually that if we become like our parents, they will like us – and they won’t throw us out to the wolves. So we adopt every belief those big people show us or tell us. We also want to belong – which ensures our survival as social creatures. The best way to belong is to adopt the beliefs of the group you want to belong to. Choose any group: the family, the church, the cool kids, the troublemakers, the smart kids, the athletes, the rich folks, the powerful… If we take on their beliefs and behaviors, we'll be accepted and welcomed. If we don't, we'll be pushed out or kept out. If that happens, we’ll be alone, therefore vulnerable to predators, and we'll die. This is a good reason to adopt other people’s beliefs! CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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Are beliefs beneficial or detrimental? Here’s a beneficial belief: “Always look both ways before you cross the street.” It keeps us safe! “I can accomplish anything I set my mind to,” is a very empowering belief. It spurs us forward and enables us to handle difficulties. “I am loved” is a wonderful belief to have. It produces the feeling of security, comfort, and self-esteem.

There’s no reason to change beliefs that are beneficial. On the other hand, many beliefs interfere with how we want to feel, and what we want to do. The belief “I’m unlovable” makes us feel separate and alone. Instead of reaching out to others for connection, we remain separate and alone. This is more evidence that the belief is true. “I’m obviously not lovable!”

ALL beliefs are self-verifying, because we perceive what we believe. You’ve seen that it's virtually impossible to convince a strongly opinionated person that their ideas might be wrong. Evidence to the contrary can’t get through their filters. They’re firmly entrenched in their point of view. Are you firmly entrenched in any of your points of view? CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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Track Your Beliefs To Their Source If you believe, “I’ll never play the piano well,” you won’t take piano lessons, study musical theory, or practice the scales. Having this belief automatically limits your decisions and actions. The resulting reality: You’ll never play the piano well. Which proves your belief to be true! Negative self-beliefs produce unpleasant feelings that can last a lifetime. The belief, “There’s something terribly wrong with me,” is the core of shame – a highly toxic emotion. The belief, “I’ve done something wrong,” can produce feelings of guilt, regret, sadness, or fear. It can easily lead to disconnection from others, loneliness, and depression. Negative self-beliefs limit your ability to see who you really are. You can’t see your infinite potential, or your true nature, which is glorious. You focus on a few tiny flaws in the middle of the awesome magnificence of being human. Would you like to free yourself? Let’s get started.

Track Your Beliefs To Their Source Negative self-beliefs can usually be traced back to their source in your childhood. Ask yourself: “Who first told me that? Who convinced me?” Then ask, “Was this belief indoctrinated into me by someone in authority, such as a parent, teacher or older sibling? Or did I come to that conclusion by myself, based on what was happening at the time? Take time now to trace the source of all negative beliefs you have about yourself (most of us have dozens). Write them down this way:

My Belief About Myself

Where It Came From

You can clear these beliefs permanently when you join us for one of our programs, or work with a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach. CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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What’s Required to Finally, Completely, Change a Belief? Beliefs are based on experiences, which involve all aspects of the Self: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. To clear a belief completely, all aspects of Self must be involved in deleting it – otherwise, the belief is retained inside other parts of your system.

This is why most methods of belief change achieve only temporary results and are only partially effective. For example, methodologies that view beliefs as intellectual constructs use mental and verbal processes to disrupt or change the mind. The activity is only in the mental realm. It doesn’t touch the deep emotions, or the physical body where beliefs can be stored. And it certainly doesn’t impact the spiritual self. Most methodologies help you identify beliefs and consciously recognize them as not true. This is a good first step. You may actually clear the belief in the conscious mind, but the process doesn’t touch the subconscious mind – where beliefs live and operate – nor the superconscious mind, the Higher Self. Consequently, the old beliefs creep back in, like an unwanted ghost.

Have you tried to get rid of your limiting beliefs, but they still remain? There are methods that use tapping on your acupressure points while reciting beliefs. This may clear the energetic signature of the experience, but the underlying belief remains lodged in all the other aspects of Self. So you have to do the process again, and again, and again. Because the belief isn’t really gone. Have you tried saying affirmations? The hope is that your negative belief will eventually get the hint and go away, or you’ll finally convince yourself that the new belief is true. It doesn’t work, because whenever you affirm a new belief, it stimulates the old belief to re-assert itself, strengthening its firm hold on you.


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Talk therapy works for many people, but it’s expensive and takes a long time. Most forms of psychotherapy focus on the story you tell yourself, or on your emotions and reactions. Occasionally, you get a breakthrough, a big realization that changes everything. That’s good if you have the time, money and patience, and dedication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is aimed at changing your patterns of thinking and behavior that are underneath your difficulties. That’s akin to changing your beliefs, however it’s an outside-in, logic and conscious approach. Why not delete the beliefs directly and skip the middleman? Body-centered therapies are better because they utilize physical movement and practices that can reach visceral memories such as trauma. Because they involve both body and mind, they are effective for many people. But they're still not a complete solution. Yoga and Ayurveda integrate all aspects ofthe Self and bring it into balance and wholeness, but it takes years of study and practice to clear your system and find true peace and happiness. But keep at it! One of these days… Every therapeutic technique is at least partially effective, and each one has its fans and true believers. Most provide temporary relief, failing to create significant, permanent change. They take a long time, require many repetitions, or cost a lot to achieve the healing you’re seeking. I spent decades researching and experimenting with dozens of techniques, teachers and methodologies, looking for a method that would finally clear my issues (and I had a lot of issues to clear…). Being scientifically minded, I asked: “When it worked, why did it work? What are the underlying principles that make it effective?” Have you asked similar questions?


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The Clear Beliefs Method After years of research and questioning, I noticed a pattern. Whenever significant transformation occurred, there had been a change in my belief system, deep down at the core of my psyche. It rippled out into all parts of me, throughout my entire self, and into my external world, including my actions. The transformation was complete and permanent. I began to gather the best elements of everything I had studied and practiced, and I brought them together into a new, integrated system. This was the birth of the Clear Beliefs Method. It’s a unique combination of processes that produce deep, profound change, rapidly and permanently. It works because we focus on the actual cause of the problem or issue – the belief residing at the core of the subconscious mind. This is the causal level. When you clear a belief here, it gets deleted from ALL aspects of the Self – the physical body, mental body, emotional body, and spiritual body. When you change your core belief, your experience of life changes. You can feel it immediately. What was bugging you, or causing pain or frustration, is simply… gone. It no longer exists in your universe. Talk therapy engages with your story about what happened, and how it’s currently affecting you. The Clear Beliefs process bypasses the story level completely, diving down into the subconscious infrastructure – the belief, or meaning, you made from what happened. When you clear the belief, you recognize who you really are – the Being who made up the story.

Intrigued? Read on…


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Remove Limiting Beliefs Permanently With the Clear Beliefs Method, you can delete old beliefs that interfere with your life, and replace them with beliefs that support your success, progress, evolution, and happiness. The brain doesn’t make much of a distinction between what occurs in the real world and what occurs in the imagination. This is how a great books and movies are able to drive our emotions and create powerful inner experiences. The Clear Beliefs Method uses the power of the imagination to impact the subconscious mind and the underlying belief structure. We use a unique form of guided imagery to help our clients explore the subconscious, and feel, see, and understand the actual source of their limiting or negative belief. Then, like a skilled surgeon, we show them how to remove it completely from all aspects of the Self. The Clear Beliefs Method is a powerful tool-set for facilitating deep and profound transformational change that you can immediately feel and see in your life. Because it is a change at the foundational level, it lasts. You can learn this methodology in only three months of study and practice. Use it to clear your own limiting and negative beliefs, then use it with your clients. Help them transform their lives from the inside out. Your clients will become more successful, and so will you. Your reputation will soar. If you’re a healer, coach, therapist or practitioner, you simply MUST learn this methodology. After practicing medicine, I learned EFT, EMDR, Reiki, and many more healing modalities. The Clear Beliefs Method is the fastest, most efficient process I’ve seen to help my clients eliminate their blocks, repattern neural pathways, heal deep core wounds, and become whole again. It borders on the miraculous. This is not “woowoo.” It’s neuroscience. It’s an investment and opportunity you can’t afford to miss. ~ Irena Kay, M.D, Executive and Relationship Coach, New Jersey


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Plant the Seeds of a Better Future When you want to grow flowers or vegetables, you don’t throw your seeds onto rocky, weedy ground. You first prepare your garden, removing rocks and weeds, and tilling the soil. Then the seeds you plant can take root, grow, and blossom. You receive a harvest of beauty and nutrition. Your life improves. It's the same process when you clear the psyche of old beliefs. Once they’re gone, you have space for something new and wonderful. You can plant a new empowering belief in the cleared subconscious mind. It will easily and naturally take root and blossom into all parts of our life. This is a change that changes everything: Your experience of who you are, what you’re capable of, how you relate to others, and how you respond to the world and your circumstances. When you facilitate this process in others, you experience true joy. Your client feels the results immediately. They look younger and feel lighter. Their face lights up with new possibilities. They see a different world.

Many practitioners refer to the Clear Beliefs Method as “A magic wand for creating deep, transformational healing.”

Can you see the Lie in every Belief? CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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The 7 Steps Of The Clear Beliefs Process Clear Beliefs Coaches take their client through these seven steps: 1.

Help the client identify the belief at the root of the problem or issue they want to change. The belief could have been indoctrinated, unconsciously adopted, or consciously chosen.


Encourage the client to feel the belief and experience it fully, feeling the impact that belief has had on their entire life.


Investigate the belief back to its source to understand where it came from, why it was adopted, and the situation that caused it.


Allow the client to consciously decide whether to keep the belief or delete it permanently from the psyche.


Guide the client through the process of deleting the belief from all aspects of the Self. This causes a shift in awareness and identity.


Help the client craft a new belief that will support them in achieving their goals and manifesting their highest vision for their life.


Guide the client to plant and anchor the new belief in all areas of the Self so it can grow and blossom in their life.

The coach guides their client through each step, gently and slowly. The entire process may take anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. This Clear Beliefs Method works so deeply in the psyche that the resulting impact is immediate and profound. What was there, bothering the client, is simply… gone. There is ease where there was struggle, clarity where there was confusion, and freedom where barriers once stood. An additional benefit is seeing the client shift perspective and awaken into Source Beingness.


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Now Clear Your Own Beliefs Are you ready to get started? If so, begin with the following exercise. You will take inventory of your beliefs in many different areas of your life, whether they're positive or negative, empowering or limiting. You can’t clear a belief until you know exactly what it is and where it came from. Most of our beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind, where they hide out and operate below the level of the conscious awareness. Because we live through through our beliefs, it’s not easy to uncover them. This exercise begins to flush them out into the light of your awareness. You may be surprised at what you find. That’s a good thing! You’ve probably heard this quote from Carl Jung:

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life – and you will call it fate."

Are you ready to dive in and make your unconscious beliefs conscious? If so, this is the first step.

Ready? Here we go…


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Your Belief Inventory We all experience problems in our life. The question is: what is the cause? This is an opportunity to identify your beliefs in many different areas of your life and begin to uncover the root causes of your problematic life issues, and the circumstances in your life that you’d like to change. As you do the inventory, you'll expose a lot of your beliefs that you’re familiar with, and many beliefs you didn’t even know you had. You’ll recognize that some of these beliefs you limit you or stop you from making forward progress toward your goals. In the steps that follow, you’ll learn how to delete them those problematic permanently from your psyche and eliminate them from your life. You need courage to look directly into your own mind. You might discover what’s underneath the negative feelings, bad choices, and habitual behaviors that prevent you from living the joyful and successful life you want. The beliefs you adopted in childhood are deep programs that still drive your experience of yourself, other people, and the world – your Human Operating System. This inventory process brings those hidden programs up into awareness so you can consciously reprogram your own software.

At the end of the exercise, you’ll choose three negative beliefs that you want to clear out of your system forever. Learn how to free yourself from their influence in my upcoming webinar:

How to Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs.


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Inventory Step One: Uncover Your Beliefs Take out a journal, pad of paper, or open a new e-document. Contemplate each question by saying to yourself (either out loud or silently):

“Something I believe about ______[topic]_______ is...” (For example, “Something I believe about myself is…”) Listen to your mind’s first response to the question and write it down. Stay open and neutral. See what comes up. Listen for any voice or automatic internal response to the statement. Write down whatever comes up. For example, “I’m an idiot.” Don’t judge the answers that emerge. Don’t argue with yourself, or censor unpleasant opinions. Allow them all to appear and present themselves, whatever they are. Honor each one and write it down, even if it sounds absurd or strange. Even if you have the thought, “I don’t believe that!” When your subconscious talks, it’s a good time to listen!

Then say the phrase again. “Something else I believe about __[topic]__ is…” and write down whatever comes up next. Repeat this process, over and over, until no new beliefs come up, or you feel empty. It may take a while. Keep going until you feel it’s complete. You may come up with 25 or more beliefs in each topic area. Let your thoughts flow and keep your pen (or fingers) moving. Give yourself at least ten minutes to write freely on each topic. Keep going! The best ones emerge when you push past the belief, “I’m done!” and say the phrase again. There are 18 topic areas on the next page. Do the exercise with as many categories as you can in one sitting. Pick your “hot button” topics first. Feel free to add others! Come back and explore remaining topics later. CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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Explore Your Beliefs in Each of These Topic Areas Myself

My attitude

My body

My circumstances

My health

My relationships

My work

The world

My finances

The past


The future


My beliefs

My abilities

My Soul / Spirit

My limitations

God / Source / Creator

Instructions: Pick one topic, and say the following phrase out loud, using that topic. [For example, if you are exploring your work, say:]

“Something I believe about [my work] is…” Write down whatever comes to mind in response. Then say the phrase again and write down each response. Repeat this pattern until your mind doesn’t respond, or it starts to repeat itself. The more times you say the phrase, the deeper your mind will dig into your earliest beliefs, which are more likely to be the cause of a problem or issue in that area of your life. This is a powerful exercise – give it your serious attention. Work with as many topics as you can in one sitting. This is only a partial list. Feel free to add topics of your own, in any area of your life that isn’t ideal!


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Inventory Step Two: Understand Your Beliefs This step helps you understand the beliefs that have been bothering you for years, or your entire life. Review each belief you wrote down in your inventory. Say it to yourself and note how much of a negative reaction it causes, whether mentally, physically, or emotionally. Then, go back and circle five to ten beliefs that generated the strongest negative reactions. Gather those beliefs into a new document. Next, review the following questions, and write down your answers to each question about each of those beliefs: 1.

Has this belief been beneficial to me in my life? Or detrimental to me?


Was this belief indoctrinated into me? If so, by whom?


Did I ever consciously choose to believe it? If so, when, and why?


What advantage did I get or gain by having this belief? What did I avoid by having it? How did this belief serve me in my life?


What would be different if I didn’t have this belief? Who would I be? What could I do?


Would I be willing to delete this old belief, and replace it with something positive, beneficial, and empowering? When?

After completing this part of the exercise, go back over your answers, and choose the top three negative beliefs you would like to delete, change, or transform. Take those three beliefs, along with your answers to these questions, and move them to a new page. You’ll use them in the upcoming webinar. CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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Step Three: Create New, Empowering Beliefs When you delete an old belief from the psyche, you create space – an opening for something new. This is an opportunity to install a new, positive, and empowering belief in that fresh soil. Enjoy the space of “no-belief.” It’s a beautiful place to hang out for awhile. We’ve noticed, though, that if you don’t fill the space with something new, the old belief can sneak back in out of habit (like weeds in a garden). Look at your #1 most negative belief. What would you prefer to believe instead? A good place to start is its opposite, but don’t stop there. Since you’re in charge, you can create anything you want. Enhance your new belief so it feels wonderful, completely positive and supportive. (If you know you can’t believe the new belief, it’s too big. Reduce it to one you can believe.) Every belief produces a specific feeling and experience. Try on the new belief as if you’re trying on a new suit or dress to find out what it feels like. Say it to yourself and feel what it feels like to believe it 100%. Modify it and try on the new version. Keep changing it until it’s right for you. For example, if your old belief is, “There’s something wrong with me,” you could replace it with, “There’s something right about me.” That belief is better, but it’s not very empowering. If you push it all the way up the scale of positivity, you might come to: “I am the light of my soul, shining with my own perfect light.” Can you feel the difference? Go for that WOW! feeling. Here’s another example: If you hold the old belief, “I am not loved,” you could replace it with “I am loved,” which is a very good belief to have. But feel what it would feel like to believe, “I am unconditionally loved by God, the Universe, and every important person in my life.”. Or try this one on: “I AM love.” You have the power to choose your own beliefs – so you might as well choose the most empowering, enlightening belief you can imagine. You can also imagine having your life be exactly the way you want it, so you feel fantastic. Then ask yourself, “What would someone have to believe in order to experience this?” The answer to that question may be the belief you’re looking for!


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Now write down the positive replacement beliefs you want to have in place of your three negative or limiting beliefs.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the Step 1 of the Clear Beliefs Process: Identify the beliefs you want to change. You’re ready for the next steps, and I'd like to show you Steps 2 and 3. I can’t do it here, but I can demonstrate them in my free online webinar, How to Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs. I’ll show you the next steps and demonstrate two of my favorite techniques for deleting beliefs at the core of the psyche – in a live demo with a volunteer from the audience. It's coming soon! We meet on Zoom. Click THIS LINK to reserve your seat.


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Take the next step toward belief mastery. Register for the free webinar here: Join me for this free online class to find out how you can quickly produce dramatic results for your clients (and for yourself!). Your client can feel the transformation as it happens. No waiting for results! What was bothering them is simply… gone. Can it really be that easy? Yes. It can, and it is, if you have the right technology. In our Clear Beliefs Coach community, we’ve seen incredible changes in our clients: §

Old childhood traumas no longer cause psychological pain or reactions.


Doors of opportunity that were previously closed suddenlyopen.


Weight issues – and the weight – dissolve, because the cause is dissolved.


Students learn faster and perform better.


Discord and arguments in a relationship are dramatically reduced.


Resistance to marketing is replaced by excitement and energy.


(We have a very long list of these…) Click HERE to register for the webinar. There’s no cost!

FREE BONUS FOR ATTENDING – Attend the live webinar and you’ll receive a very special gift: complete instructions for guiding one of our most powerful transformation tools: The BodyWisdom Process™. You can use it in your practice immediately to help your clients get relief from physical pain, discomfort, upsets, and distress. It’s only one of the dozen tools you’ll acquire if you join the Clear Beliefs Coach Training, which you’ll learn about in our free webinar. CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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How to Clear Your Clients’ Beliefs: The Webinar In the upcoming free webinar, you’ll learn: • How beliefs form – beginning while we’re still in the womb! • How our “love beliefs” impact our ability to sustain and thrive in an intimate relationship. • How to help your clients uncover the hidden drivers of their uncomfortable feelings, negative thoughts, and automatic reactions. • Two powerful transformational techniques that you can apply in your own practice immediately. Join this free webinar if: • You’re fascinated by the human mind, and how it works. • You’re curious about why people do what they do. • You’re a coach, healer, therapist, or change agent, and want to produce dramatic shifts in yourself and in your clients! I look forward to seeing you there! Warmly,

Lion Goodman, PCC Creator of the Clear Beliefs Coach Training Author, Coach, and Subconscious Pattern Detective

Register for the free webinar:

How to Clear Your Clients’ Beliefs


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About the Author Lion Goodman, PCC is the creator of the Clear Beliefs Method, a process for healing childhood trauma, transforming beliefs at the core of the psyche, and clearing the path of manifestation. Hundreds of coaches, therapists, and healers around the world have graduated from his Clear Beliefs Coach Training. He is a Professional Certified Coach, healer, teacher, consciousness explorer, and author. He has been called a subconscious pattern detective because of his skill of finding the original cause of life problems. Lion has studied and practiced many forms of psychology, neurology, spirituality, philosophy, and the principles of success for more than 40 years. His first career was in executive search and executive coaching, where he worked with hundreds of CEOs and senior managers in businesses across the U.S., from early stage start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations. He has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and China. He is the author of 4 books: Creating On Purpose; Clear Your Beliefs; The Narcissism Primer; and Menlightenment, as well as dozens of articles on consciousness, beliefs, psychology, and personal development. With his partner, Carista Luminare, Ph.D., he founded Luminary Leadership Institute, an initiatory program for leaders of businesses and organizations. They provide personal counseling to executives and couples, helping them heal damaged relationships to create family and business life they’ve always wanted.

Register for the upcoming free webinar: CLEAR YOUR CLIENTS’ LIMITING BELIEFS

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