Control M Instructions

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Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

- Table of Contents – Control-M - Xsession Procedures Used to Access the Software...............................2 Hummingbird Exceed Session............................................................................................ .....................2 Hummingbird Xsession Control-M Logon Commands............................................................................. .2

Control-M – Displaying a Job.........................................................................................6 Control-M - Forcing a Job to Run..................................................................................9 Control-M - Steps for Configuring Scheduled Jobs..................................................12 Creating Scheduling Definitions....................................................................................... ......................12 Sample Definition - Level 1 - weekly Backup ............................................................ ...........................14 Set up the Weekly Backup 'IN' Conditions............................................................................................. .15 Set up the Weekly Backup 'Quantitative' Conditions............................................................... ...............16 Set up the Weekly Backup 'OUT' Conditions........................................................................................ ..17 Set up the Weekly Backup 'Shout' Conditions................................................................................ ........18 Activate the New Backup Jobs.................................................................................................... ...........19 Final Step – Upload the Modified Control-M Table.............................................................. ...................21

Setup for the Weekly Jobs ...........................................................................................22 A. Server backups .................................................................................................................... .............22 B. Database weekly maintenance........................................................................................ ..................24 C. Database weekly logfile maintenance............................................................................................. ...26 D. Database weekly performance job................................................................................................... ..26 E. Setup for the Export Job ............................................................................................. ......................27

How to Shut Down, Start Up, and Debug the Control-m/Server:.............................28 Menu Display of CTM Components....................................................................................................... .28 Menu Display of ECS Components............................................................................................ ............29 Menu Display of Control-m / Agent ................................................................................................. .......31 Start / Stop Commands for the Control-m Components........................................................... ..............32 Issues That Have Occurred, Special Conditions................................................................. ...................32

User Guides Online. .....................................................................................................35




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Control-M - Xsession Procedures Used to Access the Software Hummingbird Exceed Session 1. Configure Xterm software. I use Hummingbird Exceed, that runs on my laptop. 2. Double-click the software to startup a Session

Hummingbird Xsession Control-M Logon Commands 1. on SMF001, start a unix session. 2. Login with: ecs 3. Password: xxxx

4. The DISPLAY variable must be set. If this system parm is not set, you will get a "Cannot open display" error. NOTE: The user profile has been changed for most Unix accounts, to automatically set the DISPLAY variable. So for the most part, step 4 is done for you. If the error message displays that the DISPLAY has not been set, do the following steps: -

Find the IP address of the laptop / pc you are on. Can be obtained by doing ipconfig at a command prompt. In the smf001 session, at the prompt, enter "export", where the xxx's are equal to your ISP assigned TCP/IP Address

5. At the prompt enter: root_menu 6. Enter the ECS Username : ecs 7. Enter the Password: password




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

8. Select Option 1 from the ENTERPRISE/CS ROOT MENU

9. The Enterprise Constrolstation menu appears. (no action on this menu).




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

10. when the ‘Load Net’ menu appears, click on the middle ‘LOAD’ icon to open.

11. when the ‘SHOW’ menu appears, click on the upper left hand icon to close, this is not needed.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) 12. The ECS gui (Enterprise Controlstation Network View) display window can be resized by dragging the sides of the window.

13. Here’s the size of window that focuses on the active job list (jobs loaded for today’s schedule).




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Control-M – Displaying a Job 1. Get down to the job detail level in control-m

2. Right-click on the job. On the intermediate menu, select ‘Details’. This view shows the detail of the current job from the active job file (a scheduled job).




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

s *** Document the screen detail. 3. Back on the Enterprise Controlstation Network View screen, right-click and click on ‘View Sysout List’. This screen shows the list of job output from the scheduled job. There are multiple entries if the job has been rerun.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Double-click on this entry to review the output of this backup job.

4. To rerun a job - after review of the sysout, and correcting any errors, go back to the ECS Display. Right-click the job and click RERUN. The job will be re-submitted under the job owner (oracle8i in this example).




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Control-M - Forcing a Job to Run From the first ECS Menu, click Scheduling, then Scheduling Definitions.

Double Click the TABLE Definition you want Highlight the Job you want to rerun Select Menu Force




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Then Control-m will come back with an intermediate screen… Click “Confirm” to run the job.

Job will have the following summary shown.

Back in Enterprise Controlstation Network View Window: Right Click on Job that was re-submittted. Why – Error Missing Condition message is ok

Highlight this condition and click ‘Add Prerequisite Condition’. Intermediate screen comes up, click ‘Confirm’.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Close Why screen. Job should be running. The Yellow color indicates the job is running.

Enterprise Controlstation Network View Window: Right Click Item – Select Free Selected Job should turn yellow and execute Select View Sysout List




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Control-M - Steps for Configuring Scheduled Jobs Creating Scheduling Definitions On the Enterprise Controlstation –ecs main menu, Click on “Scheduling”, then “Scheduling definitions” for the following

Need to add a new scheduling table (ex. for kirus, Xelus) and update the existing scheduling table for system_mgt Eyeball opens a new definition When adding a new scheduling table, in the Data Form, enter “SYSTEM” in the User Daily field. Double Click opens existing definition (ex. for Peoplesoft) \




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Eyeball creates new definitions. Or Do the following to copy a definition select an existing definition (by double-clicking) click the ‘Camera’ icon select ‘copy record and dependent records’ This changes the MODE to ‘INSERT’ Add the information (see next page) to create the new job. Click the ‘Pencil’ icon to save definition.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Sample Definition - Level 1 - weekly Backup

Must enter the following fields Mem Name - within control-m Group - within the Application Application - Peoplesoft in this example Owner - of the job on the target server, oracle9i2 here, can be oracle8i, oracle9i or root. Jobname - format is <sid>wbk for weekly backup, <sid>dbk for daily backup, <sid> exp for the export Node ID/Group - where the job resides / runs from, on SDRDEV1 in this case. Task type - change to ‘dummy’ while defining jobs, change to ‘command’ to activate Description Week Days - 1,2,3,4,5,6 for Daily, 0 for Weekly (Saturday) jobs 1=Sun, 2=Mon, 3=Tue, 4=Wed, 5=Thu, 6=Fri Command Line – wherever the script is located or will be located. NOTE: Change Task Type from Dummy to Command to activate - Level 0 - Weekly Backup




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Set up the Weekly Backup 'IN' Conditions

Set up Weekly Backup 'IN' Conditions Condition Naming: frwbakinit-ok - use when defining weekly backups for that use RMONP01 / P09 in Frazer frdbakinit-ok - use when defining daily backups for that use RMONP01 / P09 in Frazer ahdbakinit-ok ahdbakinit-ok

- use when defining weekly backups for that use RMONT09 in AHills. - use when defining daily backups for that use RMONT09 in Ahills

dadbakinit-ok dadbakinit-ok

- use when defining weekly backups for that use RMONT01 in AHills. - use when defining daily backups for that use RMONT01 in AHills

NOTE: the backups for the new Psoft and Clarify databases will use the Auburn Hills backup schedule.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Set up the Weekly Backup 'Quantitative' Conditions

Set up Weekly Backup 'Quantitative' Conditions NOTE: It is NOT required to specify Quantitative resources on backups written to Auburn Hills. NOTE: FS80PR backups, this screen is empty.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Set up the Weekly Backup 'OUT' Conditions

Set up Weekly Backup 'OUT' Conditions Condition Naming: krsdem01wbk-ok - use when defining weekly backups krsdem01dbk-ok - - use when defining daily backups FS80PRdbk-ok FS80PRdbk-ok

- out condition for weekly FS80PR backup - out condition for daily FS80PR backup

NOTE: The Frazer schedule has a weekly and daily set of control jobs. The “Dallas” (SDRDEV1) and Auburn Hills schedules only use one set of control jobs, so the out conditions for the backups are the same.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Set up the Weekly Backup 'Shout' Conditions

Set up for Weekly Backup 'Shout' Conditions Messages for NOTOK are: Weekly: krsdem01 database level 0 backup failed Daily: krsdem01 database level 1 backup failed Messages for OK are: Weekly: Daily:

krsdem01 database level 0 backup successful krsdem01 database level 1 backup successful

Messages for NOTOK are: Weekly: FS80PR database level 0 backup failed Daily: FS80PR database level 1 backup failed Messages for OK are: NOTE: for daily / weekly backups, we don’t use ’Shout’ Conditions.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Activate the New Backup Jobs

Modify the system_mgt scheduling table to activate the new backup jobs. The ‘out’ condition name defined in the new backups must be identified to the system schedule. From the list of scheduling tables, double-click on system_mgt – From the Job List, double-click and modify Frazer_Weekly_DB_Backup_Done Frazer_Daily_DB_Backup_Done For the jobs running in Auburn Hills, using RMONT09 for the RMAN database AHills_Daily_DB_Backup_Done (remember, just 1 set of control jobs) For each job, add new backup condition names here (use the eye button) - Define the 'IN' and 'OUT' conditions (only) - Enter the 'OUT' conditions with a (-) minus sign




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

'out' - change the plus to a minus to consume and not clutter up the control-m database. Use the eyeball first




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Final Step – Upload the Modified Control-M Table

After done with kirus - do a table upload for ‘kirus’ and for ‘sys_mgmt’ For new Peoplesoft jobs, do a table upload for ‘Peoplesoft’ and for ‘Sys Mgmt’.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Setup for the Weekly Jobs A. Server backups

To view the weekly jobs, in Control-M: From the Enterprise Controlstation main window, select Scheduling, Scheduling Definitions. That presents the Scheduling Tables Window. Select (double-click) a job, in our example, I selected frazer-smf001, table database-mgt. This presents the Job List Window. Select (double-click) a job, in our example, I selected weekly-dvf003. This presents the Job Processing Definition. At the bottom of the screen is the command line to be executed.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

From the Job Processing Definition, click the Menu icon. The only definition needed is for SHOUT. From the Job Definition: SHOUT window: Enter a call to the Destination DBA_ONCALL_PAGE for the OK and NOT_OK conditions Enter the appropriate message.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) B. Database weekly maintenance Setup for weekly analyze job. Get into the database_mgt scheduling table.

Here’s we dothe job copy. For FS80PR, I selected the weekly_psoft01 job. Then Click the ‘camera’ icon. Select ‘Copy records and dependent records’. This copies the job definition and changes the MODE to INSERT’. The only definition From the Job Processing Definition, click the Menu icon.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) The weekly maintenance job

Enter the job parameters as needed. The weekly maintenance job normally runs Saturday morning. This one starts after 10am. Not a need for ‘IN’, ‘OUT’ or ‘Quantitative’ conditions For ‘SHOUT’ condition, add entry for When NOTOK Destination DBA_ONCALL_PAGE Message FS80PR weekly database cleanup failed AND, add entry for When OK Destination DBA_ONCALL_PAGE Message FS80PR weekly database cleanup completed successfully REMEMBER: be sure to do the Table / Upload.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) C. Database weekly logfile maintenance Setup for weekly logfile cleanup job. Schedule definition is on the server level, so in our examples, refer to peoplesoft definition table. See job Psoft_log_cleanup.

NEED INSTRUCTIONS added. D. Database weekly performance job Setup for weekly peformance job. Schedule definition is database_mgt. This job creates a report of the high level performance indicators for each of the databases.





Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

E. Setup for the Export Job For the FS80PR database

Control-M agent needs to be active on Node ID / Group psdbabh003, in this case. Not a need for ‘IN’, ‘OUT’ or ‘Quantitative’ conditions For ‘SHOUT’ condition, add entry for When NOTOK Destination DBA_ONCALL_PAGE Message FS80PR export failed REMEMBER: be sure to do the Table / Upload.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

How to Shut Down, Start Up, and Debug the Control-m/Server: Menu Display of CTM Components Sign in as the ctrlmprd users, and type CTM_MENU for the main menu.

Enter 1 to access the Control-M manager

From this menu, we can stop / start all or one of either the database or Control-M server components.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Enter 1 to ‘Check all’, and the display should be like the following.

Menu Display of ECS Components Signon to the server as the ECS user and access the main menu by entering ‘root_menu’. From Main Enterprise/CS Root Menu, select 2 – Activation menu




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

From the Activation menu, you can check the status / stop / start all components, or any check status / stop / start any one of the database, gateways, or global conditions servers.

Here is the screen from the ‘Check all’ command




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Notice that we have 2 gateways in our configuration, auburnhills_babss and frazer_smf001.

Menu Display of Control-m / Agent Signon to the server as the ctm agent user for the machine you are accessing (user name differs) and access the main menu by entering ‘ag_menu’. NOTE: access to the user is normally not necessary. To check whether the agent is active, go the D1 Support Home Page / Click ‘Control-M Agents’ and use this webpages to display unavailable agents, and request that an agent be made available. Most of the time, display of the Agent on the agent / remote server is not necessary.

The menu to check the status of the agent is 2- Communication Diagnostic Report




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions)

Start / Stop Commands for the Control-m Components

For Control-m Stop_ctm – stops all components for Control-m. Start_ctm – starts all components for Control-m. NOTE: it is recommended to stop / start CTM through the CTM_MENU. For ECS – Stop_all – stops all components for ECS. Start_all – starts all components for ECS. NOTE: it is recommended to stop / start ECS through the ROOT_MENU. For Agents. I am not aware of specific commands to stop / start the agent tasks on the servers. To check the availability of an agent, go through the D1 Support Home Page / Control-M Agents as documented previously.

Issues That Have Occurred, Special Conditions A. Cannot Access the Control-M Servers. Occurred 1/17/2003. We could not access the Control-m servers. BMC Support walked me through the error, here are notes from that issue and the additional steps and commands we did with BMC support.




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) As the ECS user, home directory is d1/ecs. CD to log. Look at the gtw_log for the day that is bad. We looked at gtw_log.frazer_smf001.20030113.0 and saw very basic info (there is a corresponding log file for the Auburn Hills datacenter). ===> INFO: Previous log was "/d1/ecs/log/gtw_log.frazer_smf001.20030112.0" time>10:03:14.70:< ===> INFO: Opening new log "/d1/ecs/log/gtw_log.frazer_smf001.20030113.0" time >10:03:14.70:< ===> INFO: Closing old log "/d1/ecs/log/gtw_log.frazer_smf001.20030113.0" time >00:01:29.25:< ===> INFO: Next log is "/d1/ecs/log/gtw_log.frazer_smf001.20030114.0", time >00:01:29.27:< Raffi (BMC support tech rep) said normally is no indication in these logs of the actual error, which is evidenced above. As the ctrlmprod user, do 1 - the shctm command which shows all of the cntl-m processes (should be 8). Process CTMCS is active only when the Gateway is active and in a 'connected' state. 2 - the prf 1 1 command lists the process states within cntl-m. The PROCSTAT and PSTATREQ shows "current status" and "status requested" states respectively. All of the processes should have 'R' for Ready. If any of the values in these columns show "T" for Terminating or "Z" for Terminated, then we should recycle control-m through the admin menu. Additional information The cntl-m logs I sent to Raffi were from the ctm/ directory. All of the logs for the current execution of cntl-m are located in ctm/proclog directory. When ctm recycles, the logs get moved to the ctm/ directory.

The Kirus Schedule was not deleted from the Server. Occurred 5/19/2005. B.

(documented by DHW, 08/01/2005) There was a problem with the control-m schedule where the jobs had been deleted in ECS, but not from the scheduler. This was for the Kirus jobs. A point to remember - when deleting an actual scheduling table (in this case, the KIRUS scheduling table), we need to select 'Forced delete (remote and local)'. That means the control-m server will have the scheduling table removed. This error condition occurred when I selected the 'Local Delete', that just tells the control-m server to not allow the schedule to be viewed outside of the server. So we can't select the scheduling table from the 'scheduling definitions' screen in ECS. How this was fixed - control-m has a utility to view the information we normally see in ECS (schedule, job definitions, etc). We could make all of our scheduling changes here, if you have the patience. ECS is a much better, quicker tool for doing that kind of work. CTMPSM is the utility. Here are the notes from my session. On smf001, signed on as the ctrlmprd user,

enter ‘ctmpsm’ for the following menu. ++ ================ Screen 1 of 2 ============================= +------------------------------+ | Production Support Menu |




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) +------------------------------+ Active Jobs File ----------------

Resource Map ------------

1) 2) 3) 4)

61) 62) 63) 64) 65)

List List List List

Usage 5) List 6) List 7) List 8) List 9) List 10) List

All All (Show Started/Ended) All (Show Application) All (Show Mem Name) Jobs That Ended OK Jobs That Ended NOTOK Submitted/Executing Jobs Cyclic Jobs Jobs Waiting for Time Window Jobs Waiting for Confirmation

40) List Application/Group Tree 41) List Scheduling Tables

Control Resources Quantitative Resources Prerequisite Conditions Control Resources Usage Quantitative Resources

Scheduling Functions -------------------71) Scheduling Tables 72) Order Tables/Jobs

Q) Quit Enter Option:71 ++ ============================================================




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) ++ ================ Screen 2 of 2 ============================= Scheduling Tables -----------------Table name Daily name 1) Xelus SYSTEM 2) aspt SYSTEM 3) cis 4) clarify SYSTEM 5) clarify_rpting SYSTEM 6) click SYSTEM 7) credit_card SYSTEM 8) ctrlm_mgt SYSTEM 9) d1_eds_interface SYSTEM 10) database_mgt SYSTEM 11) ecm SYSTEM 12) kirus SYSTEM 13) peoplesoft SYSTEM 14) rps SYSTEM 15) rso SYSTEM 16) sdrdev1_mgt SYSTEM 17) seebeyond SYSTEM 18) system_mgt SYSTEM 19) taps SYSTEM 20) test SYSTEM 21) wfm SYSTEM D#) Delete UserDaily Table # F#) Force table # A) Add. R) Remove Table

U#) Update table # J#) List jobs # Q) Quit.

Option []:R Table name:kirus Deleting Scheduling Table name 'kirus' Press ENTER to continue: ++ ============================================================ ALL GONE !!

User Guides Online. For the current versions of the Control-M products, further documentation is available at: For Control-M agent and server For Enterprise Control Server




Accessing and Configuring Control-M (Instructions) Another resource is the website, you will need to register for a user id. At this website, you’ll find documentation at support / product list & manuals. From the A - Z list, select the product you want, either Control-m Server for Solaris, or Enterprise ControlStation. You will find the patches and versions for each of the products we have at D1. Also, check out MySupportedAdministration where you can build a custom product list and request notification when patches or notifications come out for the products supported at D1.




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