Discharge Debts For Free _bill Of Exchange

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01-27-2010 10:37 AM


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Dec 2007 1,065

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange"


Never use the word pay, always use the word discharge.

It is impossible to pay a debt because there is no silver or gold coin. If you use the word pay, you could get yourself into trouble.

You can discharge any and all debts regardless of what they are by making a simple bill of exchange with example below. Simply print, copy, write or use a clear transparency with a color copier in red ink the example below at a 45 degree angle across any bill. Then notarize and sign and attach to the front, the example

Bill of Exchange below. If you have made a public NOTIFICATION OF RESERVATION OF RIGHTS UCC 1-308, it is a good idea to attach a copy of this to the back of everything.

Have copies made and certified by your Notary as true copies. Send it certified mail return receipt to whomever it is owed. If it is a mortgage, file a copy with your deed. Examples include the mortgage company, IRS, government, phone bills, credit cards, traffic citations, judgments’ and etc…

By using UCC 1-308, you are reserving all of your rights protected by the constitution. U S Constitution article 1, section 10 says that states can only use silver and gold as payment and that states cannot interfere with contracts.

HJR 192 says that … obligee a right to require payments in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against publicpolicy and further states "All coins and currencies of the United Stated (including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of the

Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations) heretofore or hereafter coined or issued, shall be legal tender for all debts, public and private, public charges, taxes, duties, and dues, except that gold coins, when below the standard weight and limit of tolerance provided by law for the single piece, shall be legal tender only at valuation in proportion to their actual weight.'

Since you have the right to pay in gold and silver, and since gold and silver currency does not exist, then you can make a bill of exchange that is payable upon its presentation, when gold and silver currency becomes available. This is very unlikely. The reason for using the phrase “Accepted as value / accepted for value…” is to say that you accept the value to the extent of what the Federal Reserve note is redeemable in gold and silver coin. Since the bill is valued in Federal Reserve notes and the Federal Reserve note is debt and not tied to the gold standard and cannot be redeemed for gold, the amount of gold and silver due upon its presentment is zero. The receiver of the Bill of Exchange can get it monetized at a discount rate at the Federal reserve. See USC TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 3 > SUBCHAPTER IX > § 343

If the clerk gives you trouble, just tell them to keep passing it up to their supervisor. Further, if they refuse the Bill of Exchange, the debt is discharged anyway according to HJR 192 and/or UCC § 3-603. TENDER OF PAYMENT.(b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an endorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.

I am not an attorney, so do your homework and weigh the pros and cons. Even though you have paid the bill in full and it does not affect your credit rating, the business may elect to not do business with you in the future. So do not abuse the process.

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange"

Accepted as value / accepted for value and returned for value as consideration for settlement and closure of the account according to UCC 1-308, HJR 192, 1933, and U S Constitution, Article 1, Sect. 10.


Without prejudice UCC 1-308, Date

this interested me very much, I'm not posting it to get your opinions but instead to help people get out unlawful debt, Reply With Quote

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01-27-2010 10:56 AM



No way.

They have to have built something in the system to get around this.

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Apr 2009 1,549

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01-27-2010 10:59 AM


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Dec 2007 1,065

yes way, they built a way for us to get around their corrupt laws(corprate contracts), do more research on it before you go discrediting something,

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01-27-2010 11:10 AM



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This is a great way to bankrupt yourself when they come to your door demanding $50 American Gold Eagles at face value...

Jan 2008 Texas 5,520

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01-27-2010 11:11 AM


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They have to have built something in the system to get around this Dec 2007 1,065

believe that if you want. but why would you want to? lol look into it, otherwise you're a moron.

None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange" Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:14 AM


Member Join Date: Posts:

Dec 2007 1,065

This is a great way to bankrupt yourself when they come to your door demanding $50 American Gold Eagles at face value...

I guess you missed this part

Since you have the right to pay in gold and silver, and since gold and silver currency does not exist, then you can make a bill of exchange that is payable upon its presentation, when gold and silver currency becomes available. This is very unlikely. The reason for using the phrase “Accepted as value / accepted for value…” is to say that you accept the value to the extent of what the Federal Reserve note is redeemable in gold and silver coin. Since the bill is valued in Federal Reserve notes and the Federal Reserve note is debt and not tied to the gold standard and cannot be redeemed for gold, the amount of gold and silver due upon its presentment is zero.

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01-27-2010 11:14 AM



Is this another failboat idea like this one was? http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=178115

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Oct 2008 8,634 (NSA & 9/11>

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01-27-2010 11:18 AM



Originally Posted by steve005

I guess you missed this part Join Date: Location: Posts:

Jan 2008 Texas 5,520

I somehow doubt the courts would make that distinction. You would likely be compelled to pay the full sum either in FRNs, or in silver or gold eagles . That is, unless your contract specifically said that you must pay back the amount in federal reserve notes, rather than dollars. Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:22 AM


Temporary Ban

Originally Posted by tmosley

I somehow doubt the courts would make that distinction. You would likely be compelled to pay the full sum either in FRNs, or in silver or gold eagles . That is, unless your contract specifically said that you must pay back the amount in federal reserve notes, rather than dollars.

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Nov 2007

1. They are trying to get you to testify, you are trying to get them to witness.

2. They are trying to get you to admit there is "money", you are trying to get them to admit there isn't.

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange" Location: Posts:

Nightmares 20,208

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01-27-2010 11:22 AM




Originally Posted by steve005

I guess you missed this part Join Date: Location: Posts:

Jun 2007 New Jersey 6,884

Well ive heard of this before.. but this is the first time I understand it.. Ill look into it.. but even if you're technically, legally correct.. ya know the little guys like us arent allowed to use the law this way.. only the timmy geitners get to do this stuff right? Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:23 AM


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I somehow doubt the courts would make that distinction. Dec 2007 1,065

well I feel sorry for you because it seems like you'd prefer being subject to their slave laws, thats fine, like I said I didn't post this to get your opinions, I already know it is for real Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:27 AM


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Is this another failboat idea like this one was? Dec 2007 1,065

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=178115 who deemed it a failboat? mostly people who don't understand it, or more likely the controlled opposition that is on this forum so prevalently Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:29 AM




Steve have you personally tried any of this?

Ive heard stories of people whove tried the UCC thing like this and wound up going to jail.. you have any case history on it?

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Jun 2007 New Jersey 6,884

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01-27-2010 11:32 AM


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Dec 2007 1,065

I've been researching it since I found it yesterday when I was looking for a good still, check it out for yourself, this guy has done his homework and it works http://www.coppermoonshinestills.com

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http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange" Quote


01-27-2010 11:34 AM



Originally Posted by steve005

well I feel sorry for you because it seems like you'd prefer being subject to their slave laws, thats fine, like I said I didn't post this to get your opinions, I already know it is for real Join Date: Location: Posts:

Jan 2008 Texas 5,520

No. Default is just as good.

You don't "know" shit, until it has been tested in court. I will happily follow your lead, or that of anyone else, once they have a precedent setting ruling.

The thing is, you'll never get one, because judges don't want to "destroy the financial system". I've seen arguments like this before, and every time it ends up with the little guy in prison. Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:35 AM



Originally Posted by steve005

I've been researching it since I found it yesterday when I was looking for a good still, check it out for yourself, this guy has done his homework and it works http://www.coppermoonshinestills.com Join Date: Location: Posts:

May 2009 Missouri 3,314

wow! you have been researching it since...... yesterday

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01-27-2010 11:38 AM


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wow! you have been researching it since...... yesterday Dec 2007 1,065

I googled a lot of the terms I found on the still website and found nothing on google, so there is a cover up of this info, because it works, Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:42 AM




Originally Posted by steve005

I've been researching it since I found it yesterday when I was looking for a good still, check it out for yourself, this guy has done his homework and it works http://www.coppermoonshinestills.com Join Date: Location: Posts:

Jun 2007 New Jersey 6,884

well ill check it out as well as his other UCC link about getting diplomatic immunity.,. but it doesnt look too legit coming from a site that sells moonshine stills..

but ill keep an open mind and take a look...

im sure lots of cool stuff is hidden in the UCC.. Ive heard michael badnarik talk about some of it during his constitution class so who knows... But I have heard the guy who started this wound up going to jail.. as well as the Montana Freedmen who did something along the same lines as what youre promoting. Reply With Quote

01-27-2010 11:47 AM

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]


Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange"


Temporary Ban

There are a lot of good sites, and many bad ones.

Here is one that contains a lot of useful resources: http://www.creditorsincommerce.com/

If you are new to this stuff, I'd recommend you study it at least two years before you try any of it.

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Nov 2007 Nightmares 20,208

Last edited by Danke; 01-27-2010 at 11:50 AM. Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 11:49 AM



Originally Posted by steve005

well I feel sorry for you because it seems like you'd prefer being subject to their slave laws, thats fine, like I said I didn't post this to get your opinions, I already know it is for real

You first win/win.

Not only will you have beat the system, but you'll get to tell us all "I told you so." It seems like

Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: The Audient Void Posts: 15,361 Blog Entries: 2

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01-27-2010 11:59 AM



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hmmm..seems intriguing--let me know if you go to jail---lol will check into it also

Jan 2008 free place 745

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01-27-2010 02:15 PM



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we don't have debtors prisons....yet

Jun 2007 NV 4,509

"Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it."

James Madison

"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." - Samuel Adams

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange"

Μολ?ν λ?βε

Dum Spiro, Pugno Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 02:43 PM


Member Join Date: Posts:

Dec 2007 1,065

You don't "know" shit, until it has been tested in court. I will happily follow your lead, or that of anyone else, once they have a precedent setting ruling. it has, they drag it on until you give up or it get to be too long(over 12 month(right to speedy trial has been denied at that point) which will get your case dismissed

but it doesnt look too legit coming from a site that sells moonshine stills.. why not?? I don't get your point, is it because moonshine is associtated with breaking the law? Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 02:48 PM


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let me know if you go to jail--Dec 2007 1,065

why? would you stand up for my rights? our forefathers gave there lives to insure freedom for all, if they saw something happen to someone that was unjust, they realized it could happen to them just as easy and they fought for they're fellow men, now we see our fellow man getting stomped on and all we can think is glad its not me, I am sickened by this mentality Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 04:05 PM



Originally Posted by steve005

why? would you stand up for my rights? our forefathers gave there lives to insure freedom for all, if they saw

something happen to someone that was unjust, they realized it could happen to them just as easy and they fought for they're fellow men, now we see our fellow man getting stomped on and all we can think is glad its not me, I am sickened by this mentality

Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: The Audient Void Posts: 15,361 Blog Entries: 2

The reason people are saying "Okay, you try it" is because you're saying you KNOW it works. Since you KNOW it works you shouldn't be bothered by trying it yourself. You were looking for moonshine stills. Now, what if I told you I made the greatest moonshine ever in an old shoe, and poured it out right in front of you: some sort of clear liquid out of a shoe and into a glass. I then said you should give it a try. Would you trust me, or would you wonder why I wasn't drinking it, if the moonshine was so good? Reply With Quote


01-27-2010 10:11 PM


Member Join Date: Posts:

Dec 2007 1,065

Now, what if I told you I made the greatest moonshine ever in an old shoe, and poured it out right in front of you: some sort of clear liquid out of a shoe and into a glass. I then said you should give it a try. Would you trust me, or would you wonder why I wasn't drinking it, if the moonshine was so good? What a ridiculous analogy, I'm encouraging people to read and research, not drink from a dirty shoe, LOL. One person doing research can only learn so much in a given time, but if more people like the idea, we can use the forums to fine tune the process

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange" Reply With Quote


01-28-2010 06:03 AM



Originally Posted by steve005

What a ridiculous analogy, I'm encouraging people to read and research, not drink from a dirty shoe, LOL. One

person doing research can only learn so much in a given time, but if more people like the idea, we can use the forums to fine tune the process

You still aren't drinking the stuff yourself though, right? Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: The Audient Void Posts: 15,361 Blog Entries: 2

As I said, all the research in the world won't really convince me to try something the person suggesting I try it won't try themselves. It stinks.

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01-28-2010 01:07 PM


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You still aren't drinking the stuff yourself though, right? Dec 2007 1,065

As I said, all the research in the world won't really convince me to try something the person suggesting I try it won't try themselves. It stinks.

you must be dull, i never suggested to try anything, except read about it Reply With Quote


01-28-2010 01:31 PM


Temporary Ban

Originally Posted by steve005

I've been researching it since I found it yesterday when I was looking for a good still, check it out for yourself, this guy has done his homework and it works http://www.coppermoonshinestills.com

What do you mean, "since I found it yesterday." Join Date: Location: Posts:

Nov 2007 Nightmares 20,208

How long have you been looking into this subject?

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01-28-2010 01:37 PM


Untimely ripped

Yeah, I'll say the same thing I said on the UCC thread.

If it was true, there would be money to be made in it. People don't get JD's unless they are able to walk and chew gum at the same time, and one of those above-average intellects would have figured out stuff like this already and put it to use. It would be in the bottom-feeding lawyers' interests to put legal arguments like this to use.

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Yes, unless the reptilian CFR and Bilderberger overlords use their mind control machines to brainwash everyone but YOU into not doing it.

Feb 2008 Location! Location! 6,891

Now, here's a dose of reality: look up a guy named Robert Kahre. YouTube - The IRS vs. Robert Kahre http://fskrealityguide.blogspot.com/...terrorism.html http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009...ahre-tax-frau/ http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009...x-fraud-schem/

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?228481-Discharge-debts-for-free-quot-bill-of-exchange-quot[6/18/2014 2:41:13 PM]

Discharge debts for free "bill of exchange"

This, sir, is what happens when PRACTICING LAWYERS attempt to use gold and silver as coin of the realm IN COMPLIANCE WITH STANDING LAW.

They get 15 years in prison.

So I hope you understand that we've been reading too, and I hope you understand why we're waiting for someone else to try the scam you've been reading about, before we all jump on it.

There are no crimes against people.

There are only crimes against the state.

And the state will never, ever choose to hold accountable its agents, because a thing can not commit a crime against itself. Reply With Quote

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