Economic Liberation Report

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This ebook is dedicated to the disciplined few out of many who will read this and take action. Dare not only to live, but thrive outside of the mental box that most people are trapped in. - Mr. Stark

A WORD OF WARNING! What I'm about to disclose to you may seem hard to acknowledge ‐ as it flies in the face of what everyone else will tell you ‐ including your family, friends, acquaintances and even your professional advisors. You see, contrary to popular wisdom (the wisdom of sheep), there is no reason on earth why you should continue to live your life as a virtual slave. "Virtual slave?”, I can hear you say in awe. What I mean is this: If you're paying even just $5,000 each year in tax, you are missing out on around $2.6 million over a 40 year working life (if that tax money were invested by you and compounding at an annual yield of 10%). That is money you will never see. Gone….Poof! So if you earn $40,000 annually, then you are missing out on around $6 million over your working lifetime. I'll let you calculate what you're losing if you are earning a lot more! But there's more to it than just money. When someone else has a claim on your life, you are in fact indentured to that person. Income tax is a tax on your very life. But that's not all: • • • • • • • •

Your life is not your own Your assets are at risk of forfeiture Your money is not your own You are burdened by bureaucratic intrusions, regulations and scrutiny You are taxed and levied like a serf in the Middle Ages You are numbered, registered, watched and listened to You are told what you can and cannot do ‐ even in the most personal of matters You are a slave of the system

The good news is: It doesn't have to be that way! You don't have to put up with it. If you've got the determination to climb out from under this life‐draining deadweight, then there is a way to escape. Permanently. There is a way to regain your personal and financial freedom ‐ and peace of mind. And if that interests you, then keep reading! There is another world out there that is virtually unknown to most people. It's a world where you pay a lot less tax ‐ or even none at all; where your assets are protected against lawsuits, messy divorces, and marauding governments; where your personal and business affairs are completely private; where profitable investments are readily available; where there is unlimited opportunity to make money ‐ and where personal freedom flourishes. It's a world without any of the normal limitations. This world has previously only been accessible to those who are very wealthy and have the right connections. However, with the advent of the internet, this world is now accessible to you ‐ if you know where to look and what to do. During the coming years you will witness something quite extraordinary ‐ an exodus of intelligent, entrepreneurial, freedom‐loving people to this new world. It's already happening, but you won't read about it in the papers, because it only involves relatively small numbers of people. And to give you some idea of what I mean ‐ it's similar to the infamous "brain drain" that Great Britain experienced in the 1960s era. Throughout that time, thousands of the UK's brightest people opted out of high ‐tax, over ‐ regulated Britain – in favor of living and working in the USA. The difference this time is this: the exodus is not just from one country ‐ it's universal. It's a global phenomenon involving people from all walks of life, from different countries, different cultures ‐ all with a single, compelling goal. To be free! They are "leaving" the high tax, over‐regulated countries. They are "leaving" for greener pastures. They are "leaving" the sheep behind. And they are doing this in full view of those around them ‐ who have no idea what they are up to. And where are they going? They are going "international", going offshore ‐ a word that conjures up images of tropical islands, the high life, tax avoidance ‐ and something vaguely immoral, or so the powers‐that‐be would have you believe!

However, in most cases, this exodus is purely virtual at this point ‐ a strategy for living that requires one to think outside the square, even if not actually moving outside it. To reduce it to essentials, going offshore simply means arranging your personal and business affairs in a rational and profitable way ‐ making use of legal arrangements that already exist in other countries. It means to internationalize yourself and take advantage of the opportunities this affords. It means becoming a virtual citizen of the entire world, and not letting irrational nationalism fool you into parting with what is rightfully yours. In the end it means a mental realignment, a shift in perspective ‐ and a new way of "international" living that is so exciting and full of potential, that most people don't believe it is possible. And that's to your advantage ‐ because the truth is you can become a "citizen" of this alternative world ‐ precisely because it is not widely known. You don't have to leave home to become an internationalist as there are many strategies you can employ right now that will free up your life. But if you want to physically escape, then the world is your oyster. You can live in some of the loveliest places on earth ‐ for a fraction of what you're paying to be where you are now. And you can become financially independent with a lot less than you imagine. If you've had enough of intrusive government and bloated bureaucracy, and enough of being robbed blind for the sake of outmoded ideas and unchosen obligations ‐ then the time to take action is now. But you have a choice to make. Before you lies an alternative route, a way to break free and begin to design your own destiny. Which road should you take? The Crossroads of History: A new era is arriving. And depending upon your outlook on life, you may look to the future with either hope and optimism, or an uneasy sense of foreboding. But however you see it, we live in the most dramatic period in the history of the human race ‐ and you are bang right in the middle of it! The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: The pace and nature of world change can be both frightening and exciting, depending upon your point of view ‐ the mental filter through which you view the world. Maybe your point of view is influenced by a concern for environmental pollution, overpopulation, increasing violence, international terrorism, uncertainty of employment, breakdown of morals, world poverty and the like. Or maybe your point of view is influenced by a fascination with the information revolution, the internet, medical breakthroughs and biotechnology, the expansion of freedom or exploration of outer space. And depending upon what you're looking at and where you're looking from, it's possible to have very different interpretations of where the world is heading. But one thing is certain. One thing is constant. Things are changing. No matter what your point of view, the world you grew up in is disappearing fast. Like it or not, the world is changing forever ‐ and the most important thing you must do is to find out how you can best survive and prosper in these changing times. You see, all is not bad ‐ and all is not good, so the intelligent thing to do is be prepared and to do that you need to be well informed and equipped.

Beyond Future Shock Our analysts make a compelling case for the transformation of society which is already underway and the need to be informed and to have one's affairs organized accordingly. Their observations include such things as: • •

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The nation state is in terminal decline and national citizenship is becoming obsolete. The way the world has been organized for so long, as nation states, is already in the process of disintegration. This is being accelerated by the growth of the internet, which is not only destined to become the world's biggest economy, but is forging new alliances and relationships. Businesses will increasingly incorporate offshore ‐ as they establish themselves as truly international enterprises. People will increasingly put their money wherever it gains the greatest return ‐ regardless of what country they live in. Good paying jobs will become more scarce. More jobs will be lost. Many will take on small contracts and piece work and increasingly become self‐employed. Smarter people will look for opportunities online. Alternative citizenships will become more common and people will go shopping for the leasttaxed country to become citizens. National "loyalty" will be a thing of the past. The welfare state is collapsing worldwide and we will witness the death of the current political system as the primary means of social organization. Areas of opportunity and security are shifting dramatically, as old power blocks crumble, new ones rise. The balance of power will shift, as the military structure and hardware of large nation states proves no match for the tactics and methods of corporations.

As you can see, their observations are both enlightening and potentially disturbing ‐ depending on your perspective, your rationale and your capacity to adapt. The conclusion is that the current system and focus of power is definitely ending. They also observe that even talking about the end of the system is taboo. You won't read about it in the papers or hear about it on radio or TV. In fact, unless you make it your business to find out what's going on, you'll be left in the dark ‐ until it's too late! What's their advice? To position yourself as an international citizen ‐ to arrange your affairs so as not to be beholden to any one nation or territory – to internationalize your personal and business affairs. To become what you are. There is undoubtedly a power shift taking place. Ever since 9/11 the world has entered into a new and potentially dangerous phase. As the doctrine of preemptive war has taken hold, and continual and expanding wars are the order of the day ‐ as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Pakistan ‐ the nature of nation states is becoming more militaristic. This is happening at the same time the world is entering a significant new phase of economic tribulation. In fact we are witnessing an historic power shift, one which will shake the world to its foundations ‐ as the “old” makes way for the “new”. At the beginning of the last century, Great Britain was the world’s greatest power. It stood abreast the most successful empire ever built. And I recall, all too proudly at the time, how when I was young ‐ at school in England ‐ the teacher would point to the world map and explain that all the “pink” colored countries were part of the Great British Empire. Who would have thought that a few years later ‐ after the personal and economic devastation of two world wars ‐ that Britain would lose its Empire in the virtual blink of an eye? But so it happened. Britain and its Empire was brought to its knees by imperial overstretch and the cost of war in both terms of blood and money. And the only way they were able extricate themselves from the mess was to borrow money from the USA ‐ and in so doing become a debtor nation at the expense of American becoming a creditor one. History is now repeating.

As Great Britain passed the “torch of Empire” to the USA ‐ the 20th century became the “American” century. But everything changed on 9/11. On that date the USA entered what can be called the final phase of “empire”, when military might trumps economic dominance. It is now bleeding financially and setting the stage for the next great power shift ‐ this time from the west to the east. History is the template. When great nations over‐extend themselves both militarily and financially ‐ ending up as debtor nations ‐ then the end is nigh. And one only has to look at which country is the greatest creditor nation to know who is about to move into “top dog” position. And that nation is China. The writing is clearly on the wall. China is securing commodity and energy reserves all over the planet. It’s quietly building the greatest store of gold bullion of any country. As of writing it has over $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves. And while the rest of the world is tottering on the brink of bankruptcy, China, flush with cash, is playing its hand for the next great move on the global “chess board”. What Does This Mean For You? The immediate threat posed by this power shift, and the rise and fall of nations, is that a rear ‐guard action is taking place. At the very time when nation states lose their potency and legitimacy in the west, they are beginning to aggressively assert themselves ‐ in order to protect the status quo. These actions lead to rash economic decision making and increased surveillance of their populations, in order to quell possible social unrest. The entrepreneurial class is targeted. The individual “thinkers” are vilified. New “enemies” have to be created. Fascism becomes the new political reality. And at the end of the day ‐ the old “action of last resort” of all nation states is likely to be brought into play ‐ in order to impose martial “order” on the unruly masses. Yes, war is always the final card to be dealt by those seeking to retain their grip on power. And in this uncertain political, social and economic environment, you owe it to yourself to be prepared. You Need to Protect Your Personal Freedom And Privacy Today, there are more and more reasons to protect your freedom and privacy: the growth of the omnipotent state; the stifling bureaucracy; the insidious erosion of your individual rights ‐ in the name of the "war on terror"; and the increasingly interconnected world ‐ where everyone is after information on YOU. If you know how to do it, then you can gain great advantages from creating a low profile for yourself as an international citizen ‐ by disconnecting part or all of yourself from your unchosen master (the nation state). You can become virtually invisible, if you so choose, and live a more carefree, more secure and certainly more private life ‐ free of stress, money worries ‐ and taxes! You can do this for 100% of your life, or even just part of it – as you choose. You Need to Protect Your Money And Assets If you're someone concerned with material wealth ‐ modest or significant, in whatever form ‐ then you need to be concerned as to how best protect it. In this world where litigation has run amok, where ex ‐ partners can suddenly become very greedy, and where the rapacious state is always after another "pound of flesh", you simply must protect what is rightfully yours. One of the most secure ways is to make use of a Trust based in an offshore, tax ‐free jurisdiction. A Trust is a legal entity that can possess real property ‐ money, real estate, shares etc. ‐ and can provide protection against litigation, ex‐partners and marauding governments ‐ as well as making the transfer of such assets to your heirs a lot easier. If you're in business or an investor, then you should definitely consider incorporating offshore ‐ by setting up an International Business Corporation. This is a legal entity which will enable you to do business anywhere in the world ‐ but is subject to the laws of the jurisdiction it is incorporated in. And one of the major advantages of incorporating offshore is the fact that such jurisdictions are usually tax ‐ free, require no reporting and safeguard your privacy.

There are many advantages in having your money in diverse locations and currencies. The best way of achieving this is to hold accounts with different offshore banks. Benefits include being able to keep your savings in multiple currencies, and to let it accumulate in a tax‐free environment ‐ with the added convenience of accessing it with a global debit or credit card. You Need More Creative and Private Opportunities to Make Money If you are looking for a way to break free of your 9‐5 job, have been made redundant, seek some new direction, or maybe just want some excitement or extra cash ‐ then spreading your wings and doing business internationally, on the internet, is certainly worth thinking about. The opportunities are endless ‐ and include such things as: sales and affiliate marketing, where you earn commissions by promoting other people's products and services ‐ and keep it offshore! Then there are opportunities in cyber ‐ consulting, programming, journalism, web services ‐ you name it. Cyber ‐business is certainly exciting and doable ‐ and you can be part of it! The internet has provided the mechanism for you to do business from anywhere, at any time, regardless of age, race or gender ‐ and make the world your market. (Tip: If you pay less than $1,500 for a website, it will not be effective. Effective websites cost.) You Need Better Returns on Your Investments in a More Private Environment If you're not aware of investment opportunities outside your home country, then you're missing out on the chance to create real wealth for yourself! The first, and most obvious advantage in investing offshore is you earn your interest tax free. You don't have to pay any income tax at source. In fact, using the right strategies, you can reduce your future tax liability all the way to zero. But there are many other important advantages ‐ such as the diverse range of investments to choose from. These include: Certificates of Deposit; Global Funds; managed forex or hedge funds; pre ‐IPO and venture capital offerings; gold bullion and gold certificates; and, of course, the ability to trade on your own behalf using internet‐based brokerage services. You Need to Take The Right Action to Achieve What You Want Becoming an international citizen, asserting your sovereignty, and developing an internationalist strategy is certainly not for everyone. Not everyone is concerned about, or even aware of, the global changes taking place and the ferocious attack on their personal freedom and privacy. Not everyone is ready to face the stark realities that drive the world we live in. And not everyone is prepared to accept the inevitable self‐responsibility that comes with stepping out as your own ultimate authority. Many people prefer the attitude of ostriches ‐ and keep their heads buried in the ground. Others prefer the attitude of sheep ‐ and simply follow others, wherever they may lead. Then there are those who can see what's coming but, like possums, stand frightened and frozen in the glaring light of reality ‐ only to get flattened by the advancing tide of history! However, an informed and elite few are aware of the alternatives and make themselves ready for all eventualities. They think. They act. They achieve. If you are, or want to be, one of the informed elite few ‐ then you have a choice. You can escape the "Matrix" of force, fraud and fallacy ‐ and discover the key to freedom, privacy and wealth ‐ or, you can stay where you are, and carry on life as normal. As always, the choice is yours. Whatever decision you make, you need to make it NOW. There is no time for procrastination. How to Escape The Matrix State education is powerful propaganda. Democracy is a seductive hallucinogenic drug. Both conspire to ensure you never rock the boat, never renege on your social obligations ‐ and more importantly ‐ never shout "The Emperor has no clothes" and run away laughing! In the modern nation state, you really have no choice but to either accept your status as a slave ‐ and get on with life, or fight some futile, endless political battle to improve your lot in life ‐ via the ballot box. At least, that's the official line.

But there is another choice you can make. There is an alternative ‐ if you have sufficient moral clarity, financial means, personal conviction, and the sheer audacity to buck the system and really live life on your own terms. You can personally secede. Yes, you can pack up your bags, tip your hat, and say goodbye to the moochers, looters, scumbags, politicians, bureaucrats, taxmen and other assorted dross that infest the modern welfare state. This strategy is known as the Gate of Reason. More recently, this personal secession strategy has become known as being an Internationalist ‐ someone who eschews the status of “slave” to a nation state. Some years back, well‐known investment advisor and previous Libertarian Party Presidential candidate ‐ Harry Browne ‐ wrote a path‐breaking book entitled, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. The general theme of his book was that there are two fundamentally different types of action you can take to achieve your goals in life – direct and indirect. And only one of them is truly effective. To illustrate the difference between the two types of actions ‐ consider the following: Let's say you are not happy with the schooling your child is receiving ‐ and you want to do something about it. Well, direct action would involve taking your child out of that school and attempting to find a better one. And if you were unhappy with the standard of education in all schools, then direct action could involve you deciding to home school your child yourself. On the other hand, indirect action would involve perhaps joining the school board, in the hope of improving the situation ‐ or voting for a candidate who promises to improve educational standards. The essential point is this: direct action involves acting in a way that directly affects the outcome on your own life. While indirect action tries to work through other people and systems ‐ hoping to exert enough influence to bring about the required change. Here's another example. You live and work in a country which taxes you at 50% of your income. You are not happy. You can take the indirect route, and campaign for lower taxes ‐ or you can take the direct route and immigrate to a country with lower taxes. In the same way, becoming an elite is a direct action strategy. When you become one of the elite, you are eschewing indirect action. You are giving up on voting and giving up on the political means of achieving objectives. You are taking your life into your own hands and doing what is necessary to achieve your goals. The 5 ideas and techniques you are about to learn are intelligent ones that can be used to catapult your standard of living. The basic concept is as follows: In order to reduce the effective tyranny of any one jurisdiction over your life ‐ you need to spread your practical life over multiple jurisdictions. You could say it's a strategy for "hedging your bets" in life. And just as investment advisors suggest you diversify your investments, this strategy suggests that you diversify your life. Each jurisdiction is known as a "Point" and it's more than likely that you are currently living a one flag strategy ‐ with all your "eggs" in the same jurisdictional basket. The Five Point strategy involves the following: Point #1: You obtain citizenship and a passport from a country that does not tax non ‐residents on their worldwide income. Almost every country qualifies in this regard ‐ except the USA, which taxes its citizens no matter where they actually live. Point #2: Form a company in a country that does not tax business income outside that country. Most traditional offshore centers qualify ‐ including such places as Singapore and Hong Kong.

Point #3: Obtain a legal residency in a country that taxes only income generated within that country, not foreign income. Belize, Croatia, Grenada, Malta, Singapore, Hong Kong and Panama are such jurisdictions. Point #4: Keep your wealth in asset havens with strict bank secrecy laws that can only be penetrated in a criminal investigation, and that do not exchange data with foreign revenue authorities on “fishing expeditions”. Liechtenstein, Panama and Switzerland are such jurisdictions. Point #5: Spend your time in whatever countries you enjoy the most, taking care not to stay long enough to be legally a tax resident there. The basic thesis is that governments treat their own citizens much worse than tourists. As a tourist, you are welcome. The local government encourages tourism and likes it when people visit and spend money in the local economy. So, by being a "tourist", you are also pleasing your host country and contributing to its economic welfare. This strategy works for almost anyone who wants to implement it ‐ except US citizens. If you are a US citizen, then you would need to find an alternative citizenship and passport first ‐ and give up your US citizenship ‐ in order to step through the Gate of Reason. Why? Because the USA taxes people on the basis of residency and citizenship, while most countries only tax on the basis of residency. That means no matter where you live ‐ even if you leave the USA permanently, as long as you’re a citizen, then you are still required to file an annual tax return. However, there is more than one way to “skin a cat”! The most common impediment to anyone starting out on this course of action (apart from the psychological barrier of having to leave home and family), is the need to be able to work and earn a living while outside your home country. When the internationalist lifestyle was originally conceived and promoted, it was designed for those with the financial means to make it work. You either needed to be financially independent, with a private source of income ‐ or have the type of occupation that allowed you to live and work anywhere. However, since the advent of the internet, the possibility of working internationally is now a reality for anyone with enough "get‐up‐and‐go", and who is singularly motivated to achieve such a goal. With the internet, unlimited moneymaking opportunities present themselves ‐ all of which can be worked online, and from any country where you can get an internet connection. Here are a few suggestions: • • • • • • •

Consulting. If you have expert knowledge in any field, then you can potentially do it online. Programming. Obviously, a perfect fit. If you can code from your bed ‐ you could be in "bed" anywhere! Trading/Investing. If you're involved in trading the markets on your own behalf ‐ then you can be wherever you like. Writing. Another natural candidate for this particular lifestyle. Art/Photography/Music. Now that these forms of work are all done digitally – the net becomes the ideal medium to move files back and forth. Teleworking. Where you do "outwork" for various online or offline businesses. Affiliate Marketing. One of the net's success stories ‐ where you can sell other company's goods and services on commission.

The list could go on and on. Even doctors could work online ‐ giving e‐consultations. Or how about accountants? I can see no reason why they have to be in the same country as their clients. In reality, the possibilities are only as limited as your own imagination. And with the advent of broadband, more and more types of work become feasible – including film making.

In this online day and age, the primary barrier to becoming internationalized ‐ that of being able to work internationally ‐ is coming down. And that leaves only one remaining barrier – the barrier inside your own head. For when all is said and done, the desire for freedom is not always matched by an equal desire to act to achieve it. It's a bit like wanting to lose weight. It's easy enough to do it – if you want it badly enough. Just eat less. But we are creatures of habit ‐ and changing a lifetime's habit can be very hard. Just ask those who smoke. Wanting freedom and doing what is necessary to achieve it, are not necessarily the same thing. The point is this: The option for achieving a freer life is there for the taking. You just need to want it bad enough. And keep in mind, it’s possible to increase your level of freedom by taking these steps one at a time ‐ if you are not able to actually leave your country ‐ and to implement as much of the PT strategy as you are able. How to Personally Defeat ‘Big Brother’ George Orwell's 1984 is the story of a future society where individualism has been eliminated, where propaganda is used to control the masses, and where perpetual war is being waged to maintain the ‘peace’. It's a world where false is true and wrong is right, where history is constantly being rewritten ‐ and where Big Brother watches your every move. But even in the middle of this totalitarian utopia, there is one man ‐ Winston Smith – who dares to question authority, and who seeks to make a life for himself. The parallels between our modern world and that of George Orwell's 1984 are uncanny. The Ministry of Truth, the Thought Police, the political manipulation of language to distort reality, the hidden censorship of political correctness ‐ and the war on terror, all echo George Orwell's 1984. So much so, that reading the news headlines often makes 1984 seem disturbingly prophetic. Orwell's 1984 is ultimately a depressing story. Winston Smith, the hapless hero, believes he is thwarting Big Brother ‐ particularly when he meets the character O'Brien, whom he believes to be a member of the underground resistance lead by Emanuel Goldstein. But in the end, Winston is simply a pawn in a vast conspiracy. A conspiracy which cheats him of his love, Julia, and ultimately of his own sanity ‐ when he is incarcerated in the Ministry of Love, and finally subject to the horrors of Room 101. Orwell's 1984 is a chilling read for sure, and implies that the omnipotent state will ultimately win. However, even as Winston Smith lives out his days in diminished manhood, he clings on to one idea ‐ that if there is any hope at all, it lies with the proles. Now, the proles were the ordinary people ‐ the masses, the great unwashed. These people were cannon fodder ‐ and largely ignored by the powers that be. Smith's hope was that one day the proles would "wake up" ‐ and in so doing, would ‐ by force of numbers ‐ sweep away the vast illusion of totalitarian state power. Orwell lived before the internet was even conceived. In 1984 the TV screen is a medium of one way communication ‐ from Big Brother to all the subjects of IngSoc. And it would be interesting to know what Orwell would have made of the emerging world culture that is the internet. Make no mistake about it, the internet is a revolutionary tool. It is a first in the history of mankind. Never before has there been a medium of communication, which links the whole world ‐ and where ordinary individuals can both read and say whatever they like. In George Orwell's 1984, the ordinary people were completely subjugated because of the state's control over information. The control was so total, that even history was constantly updated in order to square with the current party line. In contrast, the internet bypasses the state information apparatus. On the 'net, one has access to non‐official news sources and opinions. It is literally impossible to censor the bulk of what goes on online.

The internet also provides a communication medium for other freedom ‐promoting technology ‐ like the digital camera. Previously, news images were the sole domain of the professional media. Not anymore. Now, anyone, anywhere, can upload a photo or a movie and have it visible to the whole world in minutes. In this way, the modern aspiring total state has serious competition, because it cannot fully control the flow of information ‐ as was the case in Orwell's 1984. The internet is also changing the nature of relationships. Pre ‐internet, people identified with the traditional groupings of family, society and nation. But these historic bonds are being loosened, as people forge new alliances and relationships via the internet ‐ relationships based on commonality of interests, values and beliefs. As ordinary people (the proles), have increased access to uncensored information, and find themselves making connections with people from all over the globe ‐ it becomes more and more difficult for any state to micro‐manage the lives of its citizens. They have lost control of the information so vital to maintaining control over people. It may not be far off, before the "proles" wake up ‐ and insist that the Emperor has no clothes. So, where to from here? In George Orwell's 1984, the road ended in Room 101. But in the real world ‐ the world as it is ‐ you have the opportunity to take a different road. Don't make the wrong decision! People that make the wrong decision will not make it and will continue to trapped in the system. The Moral Case Against Taxation A lot of people have a strong opinion about taxation. "It's too high!". "Tax the rich more!". "Stop tax cheats!". "Avoid, don't evade!" ‐ and so on. But there is one important truth to consider when looking at the income tax ‐ it’s primarily a tool of control. Typically, most people treat it as an economic issue ‐ a matter of raising money to pay for government services. This approach leads to incessant arguments about the nature of government expenditure and efficiency etc. ‐ as if one were talking about a business venture and revenues. But taxation is nothing like business revenue. Government is not a business. Taxation is not payment made for services rendered ‐ by voluntary agreement. It is a forced extraction of money from your pocket ‐ in return for being treated like a chattel slave! Taxation is not about government services ‐ it is about income redistribution and "vote buying". Besides, I cannot think of one government service worth paying for ‐ which could not be better provided by the private sector. Publicly, if you believe opinion polls, people support taxation, and often agree to increases in it ‐ if they think they can get a slice of the redistribution pie as a result. Privately, of course, people act as normal humans, and try to avoid it whenever they can. Most offshore‐related information sources promote products and strategies for minimizing tax ‐ legally. This can involve something as simple as having an offshore company and bank account ‐ or as complicated as a complete offshore and asset protection strategy, costing many thousands of dollars. The official mantra is "tax avoidance GOOD – tax evasion BAD". The difference between tax avoidance and evasion is a subtle one, based on whether it can be done so legally or not. If it's legal (under current, but ever‐changing law), then it is avoidance. If it's illegal (not allowed under current law), then it is evasion. Take your pick and choose wisely. Unfortunately this distinction is mostly semantic. It's like recommending pot smoking in Amsterdam (where it is legal), and warning against it in New York (where it is not). And as anyone who has given the issue of drugs any serious thought at all, it's really a matter of morality ‐ not legality. For never forget, just because something is legal doesn't make it moral. And conversely, just because something is illegal doesn't make it immoral.

The irrefutable case against taxation is a moral one. And if we lived in a moral society ‐ taxation itself would be illegal. Why? Because taxation is theft pure and simple. If you don't believe me, then consider this: let's say you're one of the poorer members of society. And as you look around you, you realize you don't have a nice home, new car, or annual overseas holidays. Others do, but not you. Given this fact, would you consider it moral to therefore spend your evenings breaking into the homes of the rich ‐ in order to get a little of the good life for yourself? If you're criminally minded, your answer will be that you don't care ‐ you just want the money. But if you are like most people, you'll realize you simply cannot steal off others in order to better your own life. Now, does it become moral if a third party (the government) takes the money off the rich and gives it to you? Of course not! Taxation is income redistribution. Income redistribution is theft. End of story. And don't believe the waffle about who will build the roads, or police the streets. This is just window dressing for what government is really about ‐ and extremely poor window dressing at that. Whether the issue is health care, law and order, or national defense ‐ the government is in the business of income transfers ‐ against the will of those involved. But there is a much more serious moral case against taxation ‐ the way it forces you to be complicit with the "system". When you pay tax, you are supporting a government ‐ its policy and agenda. When you pay tax, you are in fact endorsing what the government does ‐ "in your name". And this is of particular interest in times of great moral disagreement ‐ like the war in Iraq, or the war on drugs, or the treatment of refugees ‐ or pick your favorite hot issue. Ask yourself this: would you have considered it moral or immoral to have invested in major companies which were profiting from Hitler's war effort in World War II? Would you have considered it moral or immoral to have sent funds in support of Stalin's Soviet Union? Or to bring it more up to date, would you be happy to give a monthly donation to the "Bin Laden fund for global change"? Now, you may want to nitpick with me and suggest that the above examples involve voluntary payments or support ‐ whereas taxation involves involuntary payment or support. But I beg to differ. Taxation involves conning people into thinking they have no choice in the matter ‐ that it is an enforced obligation. But does this fact absolve you from moral responsibility? And is it really a fact that you have no choice? Let me ask you again: If you were a German in World War II, and you were violently opposed to the way Jews were being treated, would you be happy that your money was building concentration camps? Would you be prepared to shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, it's compulsory, what can one person do? It's got nothing to do with me!". It's a bit like a soldier, after being caught raping, pillaging and murdering ‐ saying, "but, I was just following orders!". Let's move forward. It's more than likely, if you are reading this, that your government is or was involved in the war in Iraq. A preemptive war against a people who posed no threat to anyone. Now, if you supported this war, then you probably don't mind your tax money going to fund it. But what if you were morally opposed to the war? How can you live with the fact that your money is funding something you are adamantly and morally opposed to? How would you feel, if you knew your money had paid the salaries of the soldiers who committed abuses at the Abu Gharib prison? Or of the pilots bombing innocent civilians? This brings up an even bigger moral question. Does any state have the right to tax its citizens in order to fund activities that a good proportion of its people are morally opposed to? And more importantly, does a state have the right to force any single individual to fund that which he or she is morally opposed to?

I'm not trying to take moral "sides" here, or say what you should or should not believe ‐ only that you have a right to your beliefs, and a right not to have to support those who would tread on them. So let's look at another example: If you are a fundamentalist Christian, would you be happy paying tax to a government that was offering free abortions on demand? Would you feel comfortable knowing your money was paying for something you personally believed to be immoral? You can see the moral minefield we have here. And my essential point is not to try to distinguish between good and evil, but rather, to point out that no individual should be forced to financially support something he finds morally reprehensible. What is the solution? Well, I can't see any government making a decision to voluntarily give up taxation. So, it requires individual action on the part of the tax payers themselves. It requires civil disobedience. It requires getting a backbone and learning to say "no!". Forget about voting for change. It will never happen. No, the only way to get out of this moral quagmire is by you making your own decision and acting accordingly. This issue is very much like being a conscientious objector ‐ a person who refuses to fight in a war. Such people are treated with contempt usually, but to me they are moral heroes – because they refuse to be compromised, and act in accordance with their own conscience. If you were allowed to apply for conscientious tax objector status ‐ where you could file a case against paying tax, because doing so violated your own conscience ‐ then that would be fine and dandy, and solve the problem. Unfortunately, this is a utopian idea and I cannot see any government wearing that hat. That brings us back to individual action. And I should say straight up, that no person should act in a way that threatens their own life or the lives of others. No one is obliged to put themselves on the altar of self‐sacrifice. That's how people that don't want you to get what they wish for you to think. Standing in front of government bulldozers or tanks is not recommended. Protesting and marching is also very ineffective and none of that will bring about any true change in your favor. Stay away from people that think that doing these things are good. People that think like that are out of touch with reality and/or ignorant. However, there are many smart alternatives to such a moral dilemma. There are ways you can "opt out", disengage, remove your sanction. And it behooves all people of goodwill, who value individual freedom, to seriously seek out such strategies. For, in the end, the state is merely the Emperor with no clothes. It exists purely because sufficient people believe it should exist. And it only continues to exist because we all act like sheep ‐ cheering from the sidelines ‐ "what beautiful clothes!" It's time to take off the rose‐colored glasses, and see taxation for what it really is – the modus operandi of totalitarian oppression. What is required to start out on the Freedom Road? One of the things I'm often asked is, "What does it require to start out on this road to freedom ‐ do I need lots of money?". This got me thinking that there is obviously a number of questions which people may want answers to, answers which perhaps someone in my position may take for granted ‐ having lived this lifestyle myself now for over 10 years. So, I thought I'd list some of the more common questions I've been asked over time ‐ and provide answers. I trust this will provide you with more pertinent information on what it takes to increase your practical freedom. ...continue reading...

Q: Is this strategy and opportunity only available to those who are rich? A: No, not at all. Obviously, money makes all decisions and actions easier ‐ so having money can smooth the way somewhat. But as for being "rich" ‐ no, not necessary. The important point is that you can proceed on this track in a gradual manner ‐ step, by step, at your own pace. Q: What sorts of steps are you talking about? A: Well, starting out on the road to more privacy and freedom does require that you begin to do things differently. And the best way I can answer that is to think back to what I did at the start. First, you should seriously look at opening an offshore bank account. For me this is normal and everyday life ‐ as I do not have accounts in any of the countries I live in. But, I realize that for most people this is quite a foreign concept. However, in opening an offshore account you are doing two important things. You are deciding to create more financial privacy for yourself, and you are taking a first step to a more "international" way of doing things. Q: What's the main advantage in having an offshore bank account? A: Privacy and security. Not many people realize that money in a domestic account is not really secure ‐ at least, not secure from the government. In any case where you are deemed to owe money ‐ either in taxes, payment of certain fees, or even (in some countries) child maintenance payments ‐ then the government can actually "trawl" your account and withdraw funds ‐ without your knowledge or permission. In a sense, a domestic bank account is an open wallet to anyone who can persuade the government that you owe them money for some reason ‐ even if you don't! Q: Are such banks safe? A: Most definitely. In fact, the bulk of the world's private wealth is kept in offshore accounts. However, it still requires prudence when sourcing such banks on the internet ‐ as there are a number of smaller banks, which may be ideal for transactions and pass‐through ‐ but not ideal for holding large amounts of money such. Forget about PayPal and think more along the lines of a bank that is digital. Q: What makes a bank an "offshore" bank? A: That depends entirely on where you live. Basically, "offshore" imply means in a country other than your own. So, if you live in the USA, an account in the Isle of Man would be offshore. And in the same way, it's possible for a person outside the USA, to open an account there ‐ and treat it as an offshore account. However, for most people, an offshore account is in a country which also offers increased privacy, as is the case with known tax havens. Q: How do I open a bank account? A: The first thing to realize is that offshore banks want your business. The second thing to realize is that since 9/11 there has been an increase in the level of disclosure required by such banks. But opening an account is still relatively easy. You should plan on having around USD $1,000 available as an opening deposit. Some offshore banks will want more, some maybe less. You will need to provide a legitimate state‐issued photo ID – usually your passport. You don't send your passport ‐ but a copy. However, most banks will require that this copy has been notarized by a Notary Public, or certified in some way ‐ to confirm the copy's authenticity. Most banks will also ask for some or all of the following: a utility bill ‐ to confirm your address; a bank reference from a bank you currently use; a statement as to what you intend to use the account for (if it's business or corporate account); a statement as to the source of funds. Q: Does an offshore bank operate the same way as my "onshore" one ‐ and does it provide the same services? A: There are differences, however, depending on the bank you choose (and there are many), you should expect levels of service to be equal ‐ except for some financial services. Don't expect to raise a mortgage from an offshore bank ‐ because, like all banks, they require security ‐ and in the case of property, they wouldn't be able to lend funds on something in another country. All offshore banks offer a range of other financial services, including various types of accounts, in different currencies. Sometimes they offer a full multi‐currency account ‐ which means it can accept any major currency, and you can wire out in any major currency. You can expect such a bank to provide debit and credit cards ‐ however, with credit cards, they require a security deposit which is greater than your credit line. Credit is a bad idea

anyway, for a freedom seeker, so you should not miss this. Q: How can I use an offshore bank account? A: The purpose of an offshore bank account is to allow you to accumulate and manage your funds in a more discreet way. You could use your offshore account to fund an offshore brokerage account ‐ for the purpose of investing. You could use your account to receive and distribute funds from a business ‐ either online or offline. Q: How do I access my funds in an offshore account? A: Obviously, you can't just walk in and do business face ‐to ‐ face, unless visiting that particular country. However, most offshore banks have advanced internet capabilities and various phone banking services. You can wire funds in and out of your account, and you can access your funds using a Maestro or Cirrus debit card (good for anywhere in the world). Q: Are these banks more expensive? A: Some are ‐ usually in the area of monthly fees and/or the charges they make for wiring funds out of the account. Q: If doing business, should I have an offshore corporation? A: This is a very good idea ‐ as it provides yet another layer of privacy, and also asset protection. However, unless you have a an active business concern, you shouldn't rush into setting up an offshore corporation ‐ as you have to justify the set‐up costs and maintenance costs. Q: How much does it cost to open a bank account or form an international corporation? A: Most offshore banks will only require a certain minimum opening deposit – sometimes as little as $500, but more likely $1,000 plus. Some more exclusive banks are not readily accessible to the public, and operate through agents. In cases like this, you can expect to pay an "introduction fee" ‐ which could be anything from $200 ‐ $500. As for the cost of an offshore corporation ‐ that depends on what country it is incorporated in. Panama is one of the cheapest and can cost from $800 up to $1,200. In other jurisdictions, you may need to pay up to $2,000. Maintenance costs run from $350 to around $500 per year. Q: What other steps can I take to start out on the "freedom" road? A: Always start with the simplest ones first ‐ like opening an offshore bank account. You should also consider a private mail drop ‐ a place where you direct all your written communications. This type of service will collect mail for you ‐ and forward it to you wherever you are. The advantage is that it cloaks your true residential address. Another wise move is to learn how to use web proxy services ‐ which allow you to browse the internet without leaving tell‐tale "footprints. Q: If I don't have enough money to get up and leave my home country ‐ how can I make this strategy work for me? A: Using an offshore bank account, and possibly an offshore corporation, you could begin to earn money (either from business or investments) and create your own offshore nest egg. This would become your "freedom fund" ‐ a growing stash of money which you intend to use in the future, to enable you to take more serious steps towards your personal freedom. One of the advantages of the internet is that it allows you to potentially do business in a more private environment. You can accept payment by credit card, and have those funds sent to an offshore account. You can build a business outside your home country ‐ and gradually increase your financial capability to lead the life you desire. Q: Does a freedom strategy ultimately require that I leave my home country and live internationally? A: No, not necessarily. Many people would find the international lifestyle unsuitable ‐ for a variety of reasons. For those who desire this life ‐ then it's there for the taking. However, if you want to maximize your freedom, while still "at home", then you would build an "alter ego" ‐ a private version of yourself. This "private" you would earn money outside of whatever other forms of income you have. You would, in fact, have two lives: your public and your private. Using such strategies you could seriously reduce your actual

income tax liability ‐ and use the money so saved to secure your financial future, or give you discretionary funds to do things you would not normally be able to do. Q: What are the advantages of joining the Noonebu Community ‐ your private community? A: The main advantages of membership include such things as being able to investigate various recommended offshore banks; options for offshore incorporation or trusts; offshore investing possibilities; strategies for achieving financial freedom etc. You are able to answers to your questions and gain valuable insights from other members ‐ information that can literally save you from making costly mistakes. The Noonebu community is a community of freedom‐loving people, who all have the same objective ‐ to make their lives free and to find and use whatever tools will make this process easier and more successful. There are extensive information resources in our members area on all the topics a freedom seeker needs to know about ‐ alternative income earning ideas, etc. Basically, it's a place to hang out and learn ‐ then do, so that you can make real changes to your own life ‐ and gain a much greater measure of practical freedom. Do You Want to “Escape” to Freedom? Does the idea of being truly sovereign ‐ totally in charge of your own life ‐ excite and motivate you? Do you want to: • • • • • •

Break free of the system ‐ and take control of your own destiny? Lead a stress‐free, healthy, prosperous life ‐ on your own terms? Increase your freedom of choice ‐ in opportunities, business and investing? Achieve financial independence and financial privacy? Kiss goodbye to politicians, bureaucrats and other assorted deadweights? Achieve more personal privacy and security?

If you've said yes to one or more of the above, then you're in the right place ‐ at the right time and here's 7 good reasons for being in the know. 7 Good Reasons Why Information Like This Is Beneficial For You: 1. Get a Freedom Education and a “boost” into wealth generation Expand your mind. Gain access to our extensive educational material, which covers all the essential basics of the offshore world and living as an international citizen. You'll learn how to: Internationalize your life ‐ while still living at home Reduce your tax burden ‐ using offshore structures and strategies Become an "international" citizen ‐ and never pay taxes again • • • •

Quickly set up an offshore bank account, or offshore credit/debit card Conduct financial transactions privately and anonymously Set up an offshore corporation or trust Use the latest digital financial services to maintain your financial privacy

2. Discover International Living Strategies Set yourself free. Don't remain hostage to the restrictive controls of your home country. You can become an international citizen ‐ and truly make the world your oyster. You'll learn how to: • • • •

Get a legal second passport Establish a second country of residence Choose the right economic citizenship program Think and act "globally"

• •

Choose the right tax haven Implement the Five Flag Strategy ‐ and break free

3. Find International Work, Business & Investment Opportunities Build your financial freedom. The internet has created a new form of society ‐ one not restricted by the boundaries of existing nation states. It's a society where access is equal, and opportunity open for all ‐ regardless of your race, creed, age or gender. You'll learn how to: • • • • • •

Work from anywhere in the world Create your own home‐based internet business Cash in on the huge opportunities of the global market Discover profitable investment opportunities Learn how to become a professional investor Achieve financial freedom and independence

4. Learn Privacy and Security Strategies Protect yourself. Privacy is a fundamental individual right. Without privacy, you have no rights. It's under threat ‐ so now is the time to protect it. You'll learn how to: • • • • •

Surf and communicate on the net in complete privacy Get anonymous mobile phones Set up international mail‐drops Set up international voicemail/fax services Avoid being ripped off by internet scam artists

5. Access Privacy & Asset Protection Products Protect your assets. Keeping what is yours is your right, and to do that you need to take pre ‐emptive action. To assist in your asset and privacy protection strategies, you'll have access to the following: • • • •

Offshore bank accounts Offshore Trusts and Corporations International business packages The Ultimate Asset Protection package


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Join a freedom community. The internet makes it possible for people, from all over the world, to get in touch with each other. You'll be able to: • • • •

Meet other like‐minded people Exchange valuable and useful information Accelerate your goals by mixing with people who have the same objectives Get your questions answered

7. Take Advantage of Financial Freedom Opportunities Accelerate your freedom and prosperity goals. Our community also gives you access to some powerful tools. You'll be able to: • • • • • •

Start earning "freedom cash" online in as little as 7 days Take control of your financial future and invest like a pro Participate in an exclusive, private business and investment group Get your hands on the ultimate success information Create a private offshore stash of cash Access the Ultimate Solution in asset protection and wealth enhancement

So What's Next? Your life is the result of every decision you have ever made. Each decision leads down a different path ‐ and I'm sure you've often pondered on the question, "I wonder where I'd be now, if I'd done so and so?". Now you have an opportunity to make a decision and take a different path. How to Break Free and Take Control of Your Future When you make a decision you potentially change your destiny. And the fact you have got this far, shows you are serious in your desire to break free. So, I'd like to invite you to become a member of the Noonebu Community ‐ and start a journey that offers unique opportunities to increase your freedom, privacy and wealth. Whether you want to do this gradually, and plan a future strategy, or whether you're ready to take massive action right now – joining the Noonebu Community will set you on the right path. Getting Started Regardless of what you think or what anybody will tell first need a domain name, web hosting account and an idea. Choose something that you know about and will appeal to people. I recommend using as a web host and buy your domain names from You will also need an autoresponder account. I recommend using for this. After you have all of this, build your blog using anything recommended by the You’ll need something automated and we know the best tools to get anything done on the internet. When you have all of this ready, you can now begin to monetize with ads and traffic. I’ll not go into the details of doing all of this because this is not an instruction manual or course. This ebook is meant to inform. But if you would like a fast action plan, here it is but only proceed after you have the things listed above:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Get A Sirius Traffic Account (Click Here) Get A Domain Name (Click Here) Get An Elite Business Hosting Account (Click Here) Get An Autoresponder Account (Click Here) Build An Automated Blog and Setup Landing Pages To Promote Affiliate Offers Setup an Autoresponder Drip Feed & Add Opt-in Forms To Your Website Setup Facebook Opt-In Landing Pages Promote Your Website and Landing Pages At to get leads and sales Assess, Analyze, Optimize & Repeat

This is enough to get you started in the right direction but you need to get your mind in the right place first. What you are about to read and learn will help you but only if you can grasp the concepts. Let Us Begin... Fact 1. There Is No Profit Without Effort This fact should be obvious of course, but given human nature’s desire for “something for nothing” you have to be wary of any emotive appeal to this desire, as it will for sure lead to tears in the end. This common wish is played upon by many online marketers, by making you believe you can achieve wealth and success without much (or even any) effort or input from you. They do this with clever advertising and a subtle subconscious message which gets people “on the hook”. You see this idea in play with the many “automatic” money systems that abound ‐ all promising the earth for very little effort. But the truth is no system can be fully automatic. Yes, of course you can get effective websites, auto‐responder systems with pre‐written follow‐up messages, online videos and powerful sales letters ‐ all of which can assist your business automatically and will reduce your workload. But what very few of these system promoters will tell you up front is that you will be responsible for the one thing that will actually make your business successful ‐ the task of bringing visitors to your website.

Fact 2. Leads Are The Lifeblood Of Any Online Business Without visitors, any website ‐ no matter how compelling and effective ‐ will be like a shop in the wrong part of town, without any customers. In fact, thinking of your website as a shop or storefront is instructive. For just as a shop without customers will never make money ‐ in the same way a website without visitors is equally doomed. And if your shop attracts only “browsers”, not actual shoppers who buy something, then even having it full of such people will not earn you a single cent. In the same way, getting just any visitors to your website is not enough. You need to attract visitors who are interested in what you are selling. You need potential customers, not browsers and tire‐kickers! The art of getting visitors to your website, who are likely to want to purchase what you are offering, is called lead generation, and more specifically targeted lead generation. The be-all and end-all of your future online business success is to be able to generate such leads and have a constant flow of potential customers visiting your website. Once you have done that, the website and marketing system takes over. Okay, the big question of course is this: “How do I acquire such targeted leads in order to attract qualified visitors to my website?” Well, one way not to do it is to rely on others to do your lead generation for you. And although this is very tempting, it’s a sure way to grind your business to a halt. Fact 3. Most Lead Services Are Worthless Once you realize that getting traffic is the name of the game, you are already well ahead of the crowd. Trouble is, you will now be confronted with a mind ‐numbing array of options as to how to get traffic. And most will disappoint you. I’m sure you’ve seen the ads promising you unlimited traffic ‐ whether by buying leads, generating web hits, using traffic exchanges, posting classifieds, or whatever. Because there is such a huge need for traffic, there has grown an enormous industry offering you what you hope to get. And falling for one or more of these easy traffic pitches will surely make a big fat hole in your bank account balance. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve purchased lead packages, I’ve joined traffic exchanges, I’ve paid for website hits ‐ and every one of these has been effectively worthless in the long run. Why? Because of the poor quality of these leads. Example: If you join a traffic exchange then you are told you can earn credits (or whatever) by visiting other people’s websites. In return, other people will visit yours. Sounds good. Just one little problem. All those people have only one primary interest ‐ in you viewing their website, not in viewing yours. They didn’t join to view websites, but in the hope of having others view their own website. In other words, you’re talking to the wrong crowd. Here’s another example: If you purchase a leads package you will be given a few hundred, or a few thousand names, email addresses and perhaps phone numbers. You are told these people are interested in what you are offering. Trouble is, these leads are likely to have been “farmed” out to more than one purchaser. You may be the fifth person to get your hands on them. And even if you pay top dollar for so ‐ called exclusive leads, you have no idea as to how they were gathered and how real their potential interest is. Even a phone call is more than likely to be greeted with a “What? No, I never asked for any information.” or worse type of response. There is only one way to generate quality traffic, and that’s to do it yourself. And that’s where the real work comes in. Fact 4. Less Than 1% Of Affiliates Make Any Real Money I’m sure you’ve considered affiliate marketing. And I don’t blame you. It’s a great idea if you understand the nature of the job (generating traffic). On the face of it affiliate marketing looks like the dream online business. You get to market proven products, using company‐created websites, and the company does all the work ‐ including delivering the products. Once again, all you have to do is drive traffic to your

affiliate page. And this is where the 99% of affiliates slip up. They simply do not know how to drive traffic anywhere ‐ and end up using one or more of the useless lead services mentioned above. I know this because I operate my own affiliate program and I see the inner workings of it and how only a very few people actually make any money. So I set out to prove something to myself. I became my own affiliate ‐ advertising on Google as an affiliate. But I went one step further. I created a special report, I set up a unique domain, and I created my own adverts. As an “affiliate” for my own business I’m able to earn a commission each month which averages over $1,000. So the obvious question is, “If I can be an affiliate of my own business and make that sort of commission, why can’t others?” The answer is simple ‐ they have not learned how to generate their own leads. If you want to be successful at affiliate marketing, then you must first understand the process of lead generation. You need to learn how to get highly‐targeted leads into a marketing campaign of your own. You need to be your own leads‐producer. There is no other way. Fact 5. Less Than 1% Of MLMers Make Any Real Money What’s true for affiliate marketing is also true for MLM/network marketing ‐ with one important difference. At least with affiliate marketing you can earn up to 50% direct commission (and even more sometimes). This is real money ‐ and you will earn it every time one of your self ‐generated leads ends up purchasing what you are promoting. In other words you are rewarded well for your personal efforts. It’s because of this that those few people who do learn the skills of affiliate marketing are able to make excellent money. But the same cannot be said for network marketing, which relies on an entirely different business model. In most network marketing companies the compensation plan is weighted towards the money you “could” earn if you build a team of other distributors under you. This is how the big money promises are made ‐ by showing you what happens when you refer three, who refer three, who refer three etc. By focusing on the potential of leveraged income, MLM/network marketing companies will tempt you to forego immediate direct commissions on your personal sales, in favor of the potential of a much larger income later on. This results in compensation plans which may pay you only 5% or 10% on your personal sales, and a similar amount on 5 or more levels below you. This usually looks good on paper, and when you see now much you “could” earn, it’s often enough to have you signing up on the dotted line. I know, I’ve been there and done that! Some companies will sweeten this bitter pill with a “fast start” bonus, where they will give you a bigger commission on the first sale to any new person you refer. This is to counter the problem already outlined ‐ the lack of a motivating upfront commission on personal direct sales. But there is one fact which undermines most people’s efforts in network marketing ‐ and it’s this. You may very well be able to find three, or five, or even ten people to join you in this venture. But guess what, they will most certainly not. In other words, you will not be able to get your team members to duplicate your success. And without duplication you will not grow a large downline and you will not make the much‐ hyped potential income. In fact, you’ll largely be left with the commissions on your own sales ‐ those commissions which are decidedly less than motivating ‐ while watching your group shrink by the month. Are there any exceptions in this industry? Well there may be a few on ‐the ‐ball network marketing companies who realize the problem and who have put more effort into designing a compensation plan that is more rewarding. And if you’re determined to enter the network marketing “club”, then you certainly need to look for a company that offers substantial upfront commissions on all sales you personally generate ‐ both first time and all subsequent re‐orders. If you can find such an opportunity, where you are well rewarded for your personal sales efforts, then it may be possible to build a business with this ‐ with any potential group residual income being an additional “bonus”. However, I still have serious doubts that the networking model can overcome its own “demons”. Yes, you can probably earn a little extra money each month in a network marketing business. But the hard facts speak for themselves ‐ only a very few people make it “big time”, and can boast earning thousands per month. And even if you find such a company and progressive compensation plan, you will

still be left with the job of generating traffic to your distributor website ‐ leaving you in exactly the same position as a typical affiliate marketer. Fact 6. Profit Is A Factor Of Price Times Number Of Sales Minus Overhead This may seem obvious to you, but it bears elaborating on ‐ as this fact can mean the difference between you making $500 or $5,000 a month. You’ve got to make a choice in business. You can offer something very common at the cheapest price, and expect to make your money on the volume of sales, or you can offer something more unique with a high perceived value price tag, where a few sales will get you a long way. Certainly there is money to be made in the sale of relatively cheap products to a vast market ‐ as the Gillette company (shavers/shaving gel, etc.) knows well. The same can be said for the manufacturers of toilet paper! Yes, if you tap into a basic and fundamental need of a vast majority of humans, then you can make a huge profit if you do it right. However, volume is the big thing here. The only way to make a profit in such lines is to be selling thousands upon thousands of them. I had an instructive experience along these lines a number of years ago. In fact, I learned a number of the lessons I’m outlining in this report. It was a network marketing company that was offering a product considered “in demand” by the online market place. This product cost only $10 a month. That was a plus I thought ‐ an easy sell. Of that $10 I was to receive just $1 for each customer I introduced, and another $1 when they renewed their subscription each month. And I can tell you, I did well ‐ at the start. In fact I got over 150 people signed up and earned the princely sum of $150 a month! But of course, I did not begin this business only to earn $150 a month. No, I was charmed by the idea of all those people also referring others ‐ so my group would grow to thousands, and that I’d be making a few thousand dollars a month instead of just $150. Sound familiar? Well, as you have probably already guessed, it did not happen, and I learned the hard way that putting in a substantial effort to be rewarded by just $1 per sale is not the way to become successful in any online business. Now, if I’d made 150 sales of something more expensive, that earned me $50 a month in residual commission instead of $1, then I would have been earning $7,500 a month ‐ a much more appealing result! And the critical fact here is that I probably could easily have done that if I’d applied the same effort to a different product ‐ say by selling $99 widgets instead of $1 ones. So the question you need to ask yourself is this: “Do I want to be selling 100 units of something at $20 which earns me $10 (50% commission or $200 profit), or 20 units of something at $99 which earns me $50 ($1,000 profit)?” And of course, the answer depends on the issue of volume. If you can sell 100 units of something cheap as easily as selling 10 units of something more expensive ‐ then it all depends on the effort you need to put in, and the profit you make at the end of the day. The essential point you need to remember is that if you are going to generate qualified leads (which will take time, effort and money) then you need to be sure your efforts will be rewarded well enough ‐ either by sales volume or by sales price, which results in a good net profit to you. Fact 7. There is No Free Ride At the end of the day an online business is like any business. You must have a product or service in demand. You must have an identifiable market. You must know how to reach that market. In affiliate marketing the fact you have a product or service ready to go, and a website set up to do the selling for you, does not mean you will make any sales. Far from it. That is just the foundation of your business. The profit comes when you learn how to get people viewing the offer. And there is no shortcut here. An example of the “free ride” mentality is in network marketing where the compensation plan appeals to entirely the wrong type of person ‐ a person looking specifically for a short cut! I’m sure you’ve seen network marketing opportunities which promise “spillover”. This is the term which is applied to a compensation and downline system which enables a person to receive commissions on sales he didn’t

make. This is sometimes done via a fixed matrix structure or a binary plan. Either way, a person can only put a certain number of referrals on their top level ‐ with all others spilling over below. The tempter here is that by joining up you will gain unearned income via this spillover process ‐ from the people above you. As you can imagine, this attracts people who don’t want to make any effort ‐in the hope of being placed under someone who does! Now, in my book that is a recipe for failure. Spillover can only occur when an individual refers more than his first level ‐ and with the reasoning behind the marketing plan, such a person will end up with a lot of “duds” under him ‐ all waiting for him to generate this windfall. Just another dead end. No matter which way you look at it ‐ whether you are creating your very own business with a product or service you have developed or sourced, or acting as an affiliate for an existing company, or signing up as a distributor for a network marketing company ‐ you will not escape the need for good quality leads. And your online business demands that to be successful you need to know how to generate them. You could honestly say that the “secret” to any successful online business (presuming you have a good product and ready market) is to generate quality leads. That’s it. That’s all of it. The 1% Solution Okay, having laid out the pitfalls awaiting those wanting to do business online, and identified the key facts necessary to becoming successful, it’s time to look for a solution ‐ a way to bring all this together into a winning formula. So how can you avoid being sunk in the 99% failure trap and become one of the successful 1%? You have two proven success options to choose from. 1. Build your own unique online business, which will require the following: • A good product or service of your own ‐ one with considerable emotional or practical appeal. This product or service needs to have a high perceived value, so it can justify a good price, from which you can earn a good profit. • Your own domain name, so as to differentiate yourself from the masses ‐ and to make it possible to effectively advertise on such services as Google Adwords and elsewhere. • Your own website, one which is set up with all the pages, software, scripts, videos and other sales tools you will need to make your online business successful. • A well‐thought‐out and proven marketing system, one that includes the following: the ability to generate leads via an effective “splash” page, ideally offering something for nothing; a powerful series of follow‐ up emails via autoresponder to reinforce your offer; a well‐written and persuasive sales page to close the deal. In other words a complete sales system which does mostly everything for you ‐ except for the one thing you must do yourself ‐ generate the leads. • A way to generate your own leads ‐ to bring targeted visitors to your own website. And for this to happen you need access to training, knowledge, resources, tools and advice that can come only from those who are already doing this successfully. In other words, you need already ‐ successful mentors who will provide you with everything you need to create the type of campaigns which will generate leads. Once you nail this issue and master the “art” of lead generation you are on a home run to online business success. 2. Master the skills necessary to be successful affiliate marketer selling products or services offered on Clickbank or other affiliate marketplaces on the web. • Research and identify excellent products or services as provided by other companies, those with proven sales conversion records. • Pick companies that reward their affiliates well, offering both good first sale and repeat sale

commissions. • Make use of your own domain names in order to professionally mask your affiliate links and allow you to advertise effectively. • Learn how to create successful lead generation campaigns via proven internet marketing methodology. • Take the time to learn how to be a successful affiliate marketer, and to treat it as a real business. For that you need to learn from those who know what they are talking about, and who can show you the ropes. Joining The Internet Hustler Society makes this less difficult. AND NOW, TIME FOR THE TRUE SECRET TO BEING SUCCESSFUL WITH E-BUSINESS..... The True Keys To Being Successful With Your Own E-Business Or Anything Else.... PART 1: The 5 Laws That Determine Success Are you someone that has been reading all of the books, looking in all the “right” places, listened to everybody you needed to listen and learned all of what you could learn but are not profiting from it? Some of you may feel that you have tried all that you can try but you still press on hard and can’t seem to get ahead. You may feel as if there is possibly no end to the whirlwind of bullshit that currently plagues the planet. You may or may not be the best person in the world but you do all that you are supposed to and it seems as if all of the bad things and bullshit happens to you. You are about to learn why and what you can do about it. On top of all of that some of you may be aware that there are some strange things going on within the global scheme of things. Some of you have heard the various conspiracy theories and think the international politicians and bankers are truly in control of things. Though there are some “strange” things going on I stand true to what I know to be the greatest reservoir of knowledge reveals about the REAL truth about everything. But, we’ll get into that later. The point is those that are the most adaptable to change are the ones that go on to achieve greatness and have NOTHING to worry about. I am now going to inform you on EXACTLY what you need to know in order to get what you want and continue succeeding. 1: The Law of Growth You need to know the road isn’t easy but, it’s worth it. It takes hard work but it takes more than that, it takes UNITY. I’m going to start here by talking about why most people who set out for success never get the ball rolling in the ‘making money’ department. You see, most people who are trying to “make it” are trying to: • Make $1,000,000 (one MILLION!) before they’ve ever made $100,000. • Make $100,000 before ever making $10,000 • Make $10,000 before ever making $1,000 • Make $1,000 before ever making $100 • Make $100 before making $1

Does this sound familiar? Once you really look at this concept you can easily see that this goes 100% against the very Laws of Nature! You see, nature teaches us that all things must advance step ‐by‐step....they must GROW. Until you take your head ‘out of the sand’, you will continue a cycle of failure that you will not be able to escape from. The secret behind the Law of Growth as it applies to making money is that you must first learn how to make $100, $500, or $1,000 before you try to make $10,000. Once you’ve achieved what we call your first ‘Financial Victory’, it will be one of the most important events in your entrepreneurial life! Adhering to The Law of Growth is a MUST for anyone to achieve success. You have to start where you are. All you can do is all you can do right now. If you’ve never made a million dollars in a month or less, then what makes you think you'll be able to do that by the end of next month? But, we get emotionally involved with trying to figure out some magical way to do that. Even though we've never done anything NEAR that much money before. You see, emotion dispels REASON. We need to be a little more realistic. That doesn't mean you shouldn't shoot for the stars or try to stretch ourselves. But, there is a point where we can be aiming so far above our current abilities that we're doing ourselves more harm than good....because it’s not getting us anywhere. The point is that you can probably go a lot farther (and get there a lot faster) if you have some victories and successes under your belt on the way there. Doesn’t that make sense? Getting that first Financial Victory will be a life ‐changing moment for you. Then, so will the next one and the next one. Each one is moving you closer to the big time and it also builds you up. It helps you: • Develop more belief in yourself • Develop your self‐esteem • Feel good about yourself • Be more willing to take even more actions (Because you can see that you’re getting results instead of getting depressed because nothing is happening.) • And so much more! Those are even more great reasons why you need to live by The Law of Growth. So, why isn’t it taught more often? It’s simply because it isn’t sexy. It’s the truth and everyone successful person knows it. But, it’s just plain not sexy. In reality though, it needs to be shouted from the top of the mountains! Ever since we made this discovery we’ve been sick and tired of this concept being kept hidden. And now we are on a mission to let the ‘cat out of the bag.’ It’s time the truth is revealed! It’s no longer reserved for the ‘special few’. NOTE: It doesn’t matter if it’s $30, $300, or $3,000! That’s one of the reasons this information has been kept hidden from people! It’s because the central premise is teaching you specific formulas used by the rich and successful for creating your first Financial Victory and then another and another (when you follow the steps).

2: The Law of Concentration ‘Success Junkies’ are all scattered. They’re trying to start 3 businesses at one time and not making more tha n two dimes in any of them. As a beginning entrepreneur you can’t succeed trying to build two businesses or income streams at once. If Michael Jordan couldn’t succeed at two sports what makes you think you can work a full time job and build two businesses from scratch when you’re just starting out? Why do we all try to make this so damn hard on ourselves? It makes no sense. Many people are getting taught a philosophy that leads you all over the place. You must concentrate on ONE idea and follow through to completion. Success is a commitment to the completion of achieving worthy goals. Remember that. 3: The Law of Directed Thought We’re all being taught to ‘think and grow rich’. But, who is telling us the step ‐by ‐step formula for doing it? Our thoughts are all over the place. There’s no aim. No direction. No target. And we’re not just talking about goal setting. We know we have to ‘think wealthy’, but can you tell me how to do it? Most people can’t. If you can’t either, then listen up. Because before I made a huge breakthrough in this area, I was lost as well. This is a part of the Nature of success and it is a Natural Process. You cannot defy Almighty Nature no matter how hard you try. We are only able to raise ourselves to successful entrepreneurship once we have learned how to direct our thoughts to attain a specific aim. The Internet Hustler Society has discovered the secrets of how the mind works and how to direct it toward helping one to create Financial Victories. If you want to go from just a student of success to finally getting some actual cash ‐in ‐your ‐pocket results, then you must learn how to use directed thought! You can now probably already begin to see the importance of this. But, when you discover this weapon of ‘directed thought’ just watch what happens...right now you’re probably using it each day unconsciously and it’s hurting you. 4: The Law of Your Own Power For too long people have looked outside of their selves for the power to become successful. One day it’s ‘this guru’ that has the answers, then it’s ‘that guru’ and on and on. You don’t need any gurus. We all need to realize that WE are the ones who have the power that we need to build wealth and financial freedom! You see, confidence comes from victories, but no one is teaching us how to get them. So, most people unknowingly give away their power. No! No! No! You and I have the power. You just need FINANCIAL VICTORIES to help build your self esteem and skills. THEN you can keep upgrading your financial life. The journey of a thousand steps begins with your first Financial Victory! You have the power! Not anyone else! (They have their own power too. But, you don’t need THEIR power, you need to tap into YOUR own power.)

5: The Law of Pen and Paper I’m not sure why this isn’t drilled into us more. Or, why we have such a hard time allowing this concept to sink in. But, we all need to realize that... NOTHING IS REAL UNTIL YOU PUT IT ON PAPER! You see, after researching interviews with more than 50 multi ‐millionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Victor Hansen and others, I can tell you that everything they do goes down on paper. This is a core secret of success. It sounds simple, but magic happens when it goes to paper. “Success Junkies’ keep ideas and thoughts inside their own heads. Before they know it the ideas are forgotten. You must realize that... A Forgotten Idea Is a Worthless Idea! Successful entrepreneurs put their ideas on paper. Listen. You don’t need to be a ‘success junky’ anymore. If you haven’t already started then you need to take the steps to achieve your first Financial Victory! That’s when you’ll set the stage to become a successful entrepreneur. And, in my experience, it comes with a different mindset than you and I have been taught in any of the books or materials you’ve seen before. I know it’s painful to have all that great information you’ve gotten from your family, teachers, and mentors along with all the books and seminars but still have a bank account that is slim and/or empty. That must be aggravating and disappointing. We all have been there at some point or another. Everything changes when you begin to apply the mindset I’ve described here. Remember...the TRUTH will set you free. You have not seen the truth as you do in this eBook. The truth is focusing on Financial Victories. Nature teaches us this is the truth. Towards Freedom. The freedom you deserve! PART 2: THE 7 STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM Believe it or not, YOU – someone who may not even have ANY success as an entrepreneur at all, can truly achieve Financial Freedom. In fact, you can do it in just 7 simple steps...That doesn’t mean the steps are “easy”. It just means they’re simple steps to understand. Also, notice how I didn’t say you can do it ONE step? That’s going to be a major concept we’ll go into further in this section. But, let me start by telling you a little story... Some people spend years and years of their lives studying success, wealth, and money before they ever meet! People will spend tens of thousands of dollars reading books, going to seminars, and buying home study courses and audio lectures. In all of that time almost all of them make a whopping zero dollars and zero cents as an entrepreneur! Of course, people have jobs where they can make enough income to survive... But, after all that time and effort studying success (enough to be the equivalent for getting a college degree), people still didn't make any real money on their own without a job. Now, if people had been studying that much material on any other subject they would have been able to do something with it! If they had been studying Accounting they would have been able to do Financial Statements and other types of accounting reports... If they had been studying Law for that long they would at least be able to get their selves out of a speeding ticket...

If they had spent that many years studying just about any subject they would be able to actually do something with what they had learned... But, for a lot of people that doesn't seem to be the case. Can you relate to this? Have you studied many books, programs, or gurus and still not gotten any actual results? Do you have any 'financial victories' as an entrepreneur? If you're like most people I've dealt with then the answer is a big, "Hell NO". I've found that this is a VERY common situation for a lot of people. That’s why I did what I needed to do and got the formula of “the game”, put it into practice myself, mastered it and then compiled this eBook. The objective of this formula is to help you to get your first Financial Victory and explain the steps that all rich people go through to make pocketfuls and even truck loads of money whenever they want. Now, once you’ve achieved your first Financial Victory you’ll want to take things to the next level. So, the question is... Where do you go AFTER you have achieved your first financial victory? So, to help you answer that question I’d like to share... The 7 Steps To Financial Victory Now, the steps I'm going to lay out in this section are simply to give you some baseline targets to aim for on your journey to Financial Freedom. You may hit these targets, or you may be a little under or above them. The point of giving you these targets, or steps as we’ll call them, is to help make the process of achieving Financial Freedom a little easier to grasp. As you probably already know it’s a lot easier to hit a target if you can see it. For example, if you’re playing Darts you have to know where the Bulls‐Eye is in order to hit it. Otherwise, you’ll probably be so far off in your aim that you may actually throw the darts in the opposite direction of the Bulls ‐Eye. Believe it or not, this is what most people are doing. As a result, they are killing their chances of success. Many people are so wrapped up in aiming at a target like making a million dollars overnight, or in an unrealistic time frame, that the chances of them ever actually getting there are close to ZERO! I want to put the odds more in your favor than that. And since you already learned about The Law of Growth in Part One I won’t go into it here in depth. But, that concept is the basis for the steps you’ll be getting in this section. Like anything else in life, like school, losing weight, or anything else, you start at the beginning (1st Grade), and you go through the rest of the stages between where you are now and where you eventually want to go (Middle School, 8th Grade), in this case Financial Freedom.

If it helps, you can see these steps kind of like getting driving instructions for getting to Financial Freedom. Here’s what I mean... If I'm in a new city and I'm trying to get somewhere it's a heck of a lot easier for me to get there if I have the address of where I'm going and directions that tell me what streets to find and which way to turn. Does that make sense? So, I want to help you discover the address for Financial Freedom and give you some directions to help you find your way there. Before I do though, there is something extremely important you need to understand. Here it is: “Different people like driving different cars.” One of your neighbors may have a red Mustang and another one has a silver Honda Accord. When you drive down any major road, you'll see all kinds of different types a nd colors of cars. That's because different people like using different types of vehicles to get where they want to go. Well, the point is that I don't want you reading the steps I'm going to give you and have you feeling like there's still a part missing. The reality is that each person must determine what kind o f vehicle they want to use to get where they want to go. But, as long as you have the address and some general directions your chances of getting where you want to go increase dramatically. Think about it. Even if you have to ask someone for a little extra help along the way, at least if you know where you’re going they can help point you in the right direction. So, the point here is to help give you some guidance on where you’re going, to make it easier for you to get there. That's the main thing I'd like to provide for you here. To really get this point across (because it’s very important for you to understand so you know the purpose of this section), let's talk about what driving directions are helpful for... Driving directions help you get to your destination by showing you: 1 ‐ How far you need to go to the next street and 2 – Which direction to turn when you get to that street. In other words, it shows you the streets you’ll need to get to in order to eventually get to your end destination. A roadmap doesn't say you must use a particular type of car, truck, van, or even a bicycle or a boat. It's not about telling you what vehicle to use. It simply helps give you guidance to help get you to where you want to go. How you decide to get there is up to you. Everyone is different and there isn’t a perfect vehicle that’s right for every person. But, even if you know what vehicle you’d like to use it may still be challenging to get where you want to go without the directions. So, that's why I decided to provide this step ‐by‐step ‘roadmap’ for you! Ok, there’s one more thing we need to cover before we get into the steps I want to share with you in this eBook. You’ll need this in order to understand some of the steps I’ll lay out for you.

It’s something I call, “Your Financial Freedom Number”. So, let’s talk about this for a moment... You want the life you’ve always dreamed of. Time for travel, family, and to do what you want when you want. However, your present reality might be a job you don’t like, hours and hours spent at a place you wish to avoid. Even if your job is ‘ok’, you desire a life filled with more luxuries and more freedom, right? Well, believe it or not you’re not that far away from the freedom you desire. You’re closer than you think, but you probably don’t realize it yet. Here’s why... We’ve been taught and conditioned by all the marketing ‘hype’ to think of making $10,000 a month, $25,000 a month, or to make $1,000,000 before we’ll finally have the freedom you want. But, before that amount of money will be your reality comes an ‘event’ that will be an important day for you! A very important day! What day is that? That day will be when you wake up one morning in the near future and you are Financially Free! What does it mean to be Financially Free? That means your “passive income” exceeds the total of all of your monthly expenses. You see, we’re all ‘shooting for the moon’ and getting nowhere. What we should be doing is shooting for Financial Freedom, because it will give us our time back, our life back, and allow us to have greater time freedom to build ourselves and our business. Two things that a job doesn’t allow us to do. So how do you get free? You need to find your Financial Freedom Number! Here’s how you do it: You must total up all of your monthly expenses. Rent. Food. Transportation. Phone. You get the idea. Then you add up the total with everything included and write that number down. It’s very important that you write it down. That number is your Financial Freedom Number! When your passive income exceeds that number you will be financially free. (As long as you live at the same level you do now.) The secret is to get clear on that number, because then you can set yourself up to get there faster. Without knowing the importance of first ‘getting free’, we end up spending so much time on ‘the big numbers’ and never accomplishing either one. Once you understand your Financial Freedom Number you’ll realize that you really don’t need some extreme amount of money coming in each month (as passive income) to be Financially Free. Getting to the point of Financial Freedom is the all important 1 st step on the road to wealth. Once you’ve reached your Financial Freedom Number you’ll be on your way to wealth. Ok, now that you know your Financial Freedom Number, we can jump into the 7 steps. (NOTE: Please take a moment to figure out your Financial Freedom Number before you continue reading.) Step One: Achieve Your First Financial Victory If you’ve never made money as an entrepreneur, then you need to start small and do something that is within your abilities right now! After reading the article included earlier in Part One you can see that it doesn’t make sense for you to try to make $100,000 before you’ve ever made $10,000. Or, to try and make $10,000 when you’ve never made $1,000 as an entrepreneur.

So, to get your first Financial Victory, for most people I suggest that they aim for $500 or less. For example: $200 is a great first target to aim for. I’ve seen people who have made $200 or $300, or even as much as $1,000 or more and they feel like they’re not successful because they didn’t make $30,000 or some amount of money that is way beyond most people as a first step. If you’re one of those people then listen up... You are successful the moment you TAKE ACTION toward your first financial victory! Most people never even do that much. So, by definition, just taking some kind of action will make you more of a success than most people. What does "Success" mean anyway? Success is simply about getting positive results. If you're someone who can make a decision to go after a desired result and you follow through and then GET that result, then you are a successful person. In the beginning, success is not about making a million dollars. When you're first getting started, it's really just about getting positive results. In the very beginning you start out by working on getting a strong foundational education on universal success principles. Obviously you can never have too strong of a foundation on these principles. They are the very things that everything else is built on. Once you have built a strong foundation on those principles then it’s time to work on getting some actual positive financial results. So, in this eBook, we're going to focus on the targets for getting some of those positive financial results. Whether you make $30,000 or just $30, either one is a positive result. More importantly it's a positive result that can help you make progress towards bigger and better financial results in the future. Without these beginning 'small victories' you can't learn what's necessary to move on to bigger levels of results. These smaller victories are a necessary stage in your journey towards bigger successes. So, get yourself started on the road to Financial Freedom by focusing on a small goal like $200. And give yourself a deadline for achieving that goal too! Believe it or not, almost anyone (and that includes YOU) can make a quick $200 to $500 in a matter of a week, or even just a few days or less. Step 2: Achieve Your Second Financial Victory of $500 ‐$1,000 Once you’ve made $200 to $500 it’s time to raise the bar a little and shoot a little higher. Somewhere around $700 is a great target to aim for. Remember, this is not about making a truckload of money at first. This is about getting yourself going, making some money, and getting some positive results in your life. Step 3: Make Your First Dollar of Passive Income Now that you’ve had some financial victories at creating one time ‘chunks’ of money, it’s time to work on creating some passive income. Remember...Your first dollar of passive income will be the most important dollar you have ever made. Again, in the beginning, you don’t need a large amount of money here. Your main objective is to create your first Passive Income Victory! Once you achieve this you won’t believe the feeling of overwhelming joy you’ll feel! It’s truly an amazing thing to experience. Especially if it’s something you’ve dreamed of this for years (and for some...their whole life)!

Here are the 3 KEYS to creating a passive income: • eBusiness & Information Technology (eCommerce, net services, computer services, affiliate marketing) • Business Systems • Intellectual Property/Royalties All 3 of those methods work great. I can’t tell you which one or ones are right for you because this eBook is getting into the hands of thousands of people and everyone is different. Now, the reason I suggest making a couple (or even a few) one ‐time chunks of money before aiming for passive income is because I believe it’ll be easier for most people to do it this way. Once you’ve had some experience making money in single ‘chunks’ it’ll be easier for you to create streams of money that keeps coming in on an ongoing basis. My goal with this eBook is to simplify the process for you as much as possible. Now, once you’ve actually made some passive income it’s time to raise the bar again... Step 4: Increase Your Passive Income By $50‐$500 Per Month Get ready. Because now that you’ve proven to yourself that you really can create passive income you’ll be ready to take the next step. However, again, it’s not about ‘shooting for the moon’. It’s about aiming for an achievable amount that isn’t beyond your ability. The key to this whole formula is to start from the beginning, then to keep on stretching yourself, until sooner than you may think you’ve reached the level of Financial Freedom. Anywhere between $50 and $500 is a great target to aim for. Although, you may find it helpful to actually pick a specific amount to aim for. Sometimes it can be pretty shocking at how things seem to show up when we focus on a specific amount! Step 5: Increase Your Passive Income To 25% of Your Financial Freedom Number Hopefully, before you started reading this section you followed through on figuring out your Financial Freedom Number. If so, then you should be able to calculate 25% of it for this step. Once you figure out what 25% of your Financial Freedom Number is, then you should make that your target for this step. You can achieve this by simply adding to the passive income stream you created in the previous step. Or, by creating another stream altogether! Step 6: Increase Your Passive Income To 50% of Your Financial Freedom Number Now, it’s time to take it to the next level again! You’re ready to aim for 50% of your Financial Freedom Number.(Whatever the amount was that you figured out for the previous step, you can just double it for this step.) Again, you can achieve this by simply adding to the passive income stream you created in the previous steps. Or, you can create a completely new stream for this step! Obviously, you’ll become more of a master at creating income streams if you build another new stream. However, it may take a little bit longer than just increasing or expanding the stream or streams you built up to this point. Either way it’s up to you. The main point is to achieve this step one way or another. That’s really the most important thing. Step 7: Increase Your Passive Income To 100% of Your Financial Freedom Number This is where it all comes together. The experiences you’ve gained from the previous steps have made it a piece of cake for you to achieve this rewarding step! Now that you’ve made it this far, there’s nothing that can stop you from achieving the dream of Financial Freedom once and for all! Since you already figured out your total Financial Freedom Number before you went through these steps you know what your target is for finally achieving this amazing dream come true.

Now... I realize that the first time you read through this material you may or may not yet know how you will achieve the different steps we’ve talked about. So, I want to end this section with an important tip on achieving success: “You get what you focus on.” The reason I wanted to include this quote is because, if nothing else, I want you to realize that having these benchmarks can truly help you get where you want to go. Obviously, no one else can achieve these steps for you and it’s completely up to you to go all the way. If you’re not already revved up to achieve these steps then you must begin living by the philosophy of... “If it is to be, it is up to me.” If you are not sure of how to get started or which vehicle to choose, I invite you to join the The Internet Hustler Society. You will learn of specific vehicles and income streams that will enable you to achieve financial victories by providing you access to the more in depth information needed to advance on to a life that few get the opportunity to experience. I hope that you have learned some things. Your future wellbeing depends on it. Now that you have finished reading this ebook, my best advice is to continually read this ebook each day until you have reached your goals. When you reach your goals, don't stop. There is always more in this world for you. Don't ever settle. Don't procrastinate. Don't get locked into a perpetual state of getting ready or preparing. Don't bullshit yourself or others. Don't be lazy. Get off your ass and take what is yours. The balance of wealth on this planet is not proportional to the population of people for a reason. Don't continue being a statistic. You are a member of the universe, not just this planet. Let me know about your progress.

– Mr. Stark

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