Even More Blasphemous Secrets And Forbidden Lore - 99 New Spells

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Copyright 2004© James Thomson

Cover Image copyright © 2004, JamesThomson Some artwork by Jason Watson, taken from Fantasy Image Portfolios 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4, copyright © Louis Porter, Jr. Design www.lpjdesign.com/DevilsWorkshop/ImagePortfolio Some Interior artwork taken from Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes ©2003 Mongoose Publishing Some Interior artwork taken from Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroines ©2003 Mongoose Publishing Some Interior artwork by Arthur A. Dixon, George Wooliscroft Rhead, and Louis Rhead, taken from APG Studio Companion Some artwork copyright Octavirate Entertainment, used with permission. Some Interior Artwork by Tony Perna, taken from LPJ Image Portfolio 1.3 Superhero © Louis Porter, Jr. Design. Open Gaming Content: Non-generic names of individual spells are Product Identity, but can be used with permission from the author. Mention of the authorship in the credits of your own work is sufficient for permission to be implied—no prior notification is required. The only use that is not permitted is to resell the content in another collection of spells. Any mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. Everything else in this book other than art, the product title (Blasphemous Secrets and Forbidden Lore), “Plain Brown Wrapper Games” and this credits page is designated as Open Gaming Content.

'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com. Dungeons & Dragons(R) and Wizards of the Coast(R) are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission. This product is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player's Handbook, Third Edition or the Dungeons & Dragons® Player's Handbook, Edition 3.5 or D20 Modern, published by Wizards of the Coast®

Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................... 4 Ace of Swords.................................................... 5 Alleviate Curse................................................... 5 Annihilate Evil................................................... 5 Anti-Abjuration.................................................. 6 Assume the Spirit of the Thief ............................ 6 Aura of Mystery................................................. 6 Black Beneficence.............................................. 6 Blind-Strike ....................................................... 7 Bloodpower ....................................................... 7 Bridge of Blackness............................................ 7 Burning Coin ..................................................... 8 Call on the Power of Darkness ............................ 8 Copy Scent......................................................... 9 Crush Goodness ................................................. 9 Curse of the Black Moon .................................... 9 Curse of He Who Walks in Shadow ...................10 Dagger of the Void............................................10 Dampen Magic..................................................11 Dancing Blade...................................................11 Deep-Drag-You Down ......................................11 Demon Ram......................................................11 Demonic Howl ..................................................12 Detect Cheating.................................................12 Detect Shapeshifter ...........................................13 Disarm..............................................................13 Doorway Into Pain ............................................13 Drink the Vampire’s Blood................................14 Earthpact...........................................................16 Ease Your Burden .............................................16 Ectoplasmic Ladder...........................................17 Enchanted Implement........................................17 Everyone Drop Their Weapon ...........................17 Evil Lurks .........................................................17 Exploding Rat ...................................................18 Find That Thing ................................................18 Flail of Screaming Nothingness .........................18 Fly Swift, My Steed...........................................19 A Fool is Blind..................................................19 Glass Dagger.....................................................20 Goblinhammur ..................................................20 Hellwind...........................................................20 How Fare his Fortunes?.....................................20 Hypnotic Voice .................................................21 Ice-Storm Arrow ...............................................21 The Idiot’s Arcanum..........................................21 Imbue With the Thunder....................................22 Invoke the Power of the Blood-Spirits................22 Is This Sickness Natural?...................................22 Kiss of the Serpent ............................................22 Liquefy Metal ...................................................23 Magic Picture....................................................23 Magnetic Flux...................................................24 Melting Glance..................................................24 Negate Lightning...............................................24 No One Gets Out of Here...................................25

Nose of the Dog................................................ 25 Phantom Dagger ............................................... 25 Plague of Ill Fortune ......................................... 26 Power of the Mind ............................................ 26 Pressure Point Blow.......................................... 26 Resist Paralysis................................................. 26 Resist Sleep ...................................................... 27 Resounding Blast.............................................. 27 Ruin Book ........................................................ 27 Scream of the Damned...................................... 28 Sense Weakness................................................ 28 The Seventh Wind ............................................ 28 Shatterstaff ....................................................... 29 Skullbane ......................................................... 29 Smash Law....................................................... 29 Smite Chaos ..................................................... 30 Smite Evil......................................................... 30 Song of the Red Moon ...................................... 30 Steel Spirit........................................................ 31 Strength of Stones............................................. 31 Suppress Magic ................................................ 31 Theophrastic Compass ...................................... 31 They Watch ...................................................... 32 This Door Belongs to Darkness ......................... 32 This Water is Angry.......................................... 33 Thrumble's Thaumaturgic Triple-Lock............... 33 Thunderous Blast.............................................. 34 Total Awareness ............................................... 34 Trapdoor to Nowhere........................................ 34 The White Death............................................... 35 Unsavory Flavor ............................................... 36 Venomous Glance............................................. 36 Wall of Bones and Filth .................................... 36 Wall of Grief .................................................... 37 Warding Against the Shadow of the Mind.......... 37 What is its True Worth? .................................... 38 Who Am I?....................................................... 38 Wind of Razors................................................. 38 Witch-Hammer................................................. 38 Writ in Water, Wrote on Sand ........................... 39 You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle................ 39 You’re So Hideous, Cringe in Shame ................ 40 Your Weapons Hate You Now .......................... 40 Zone of Blood................................................... 41 Appendix A: Spells by Level ............................... 42

Introduction Yes, that’s right. It’s yet another collection of 99 new OGL spells from the good folks at Plain Brown Wrapper Games. Use them in whatever foul, depraved way you like best. We have esoteric arcana, lost rites, creepy private rituals and invocations by the barrel. And all for less than six bucks! That’s your best value on the dollar for unsavory occult weirdness. At prices like this, you could buy the whole series and slurp down blasphemous secrets and forbidden lore until you burst. How can I afford to give you so much high quality product for such an incredibly low-low price? It’s easy! I’ve got a day job, I think… (Can anyone tell me, does kidnapping boy-bands on the high seas and trading them to corrupt officials for tainted rum and Pokemon cards count as a job? And if not, how do I deduct all those N’Synch albums on my taxes?)

What Sinister Purpose Guides This Book? My guiding principle in creating this book was to give you new spells that you could use without having to change much else. New magical techniques that you could drop into any campaign, either by themselves or in a group, without sending game balance off the rails. Ways to expand the options available to spellcasters without screwing up the balance of power between the various classes. Or, to put it another way, cool stuff that won’t cause you extra hassles. This book is supposed to be a jumbled-up toybox of random occult fun, for you to pick and choose from as you like. It wasn’t my intention to either replace the existing magic system (my basically lazy nature recoils at the very thought of doing that much work) or to force you to buy all the other books in this series. Although it would be great if you did buy them. Ideally, you should be able to bring all of these spells into your campaign or, if you prefer, just one. To make this approach work, I’ve tried to have as few new game mechanics cluttering up the rules as possible, and never to have a spell that can’t be used without adopting some other spell from the collection. One of the effects of doing things this way is that we don’t have the same number of spells for all the different spellcasting classes. Since these spells are meant to supplement the existing set, rather than replace it altogether, there’s no need for me to make sure that there are, for example, as many 3rd level Ranger spells as Bard Spells, or that Clerics get the same number of 4th level offensive spells as Wizards, or anything like that. Frankly, this approach works better from a creative standpoint and ensures that you get only my best material, since I’m spending less time worrying about filling in all the blanks properly and more about coming up with stuff you’ll think is

cool. Another and perhaps less welcome effect of taking this approach is that I may have to repeat myself a lot during the course of the book. I want you to be able to adopt these spells piecemeal. I don’t want you to have to dig through the book looking for another spell description in order to figure out how the one you want works. None of this stuff: “Greater Thramfobulation works just like Lesser Thramfobulation (see page 496) except that it has a lower Thramfobule Flunxion Cost (see the description of the spell Least Thramfobulation on page 3 but ignore the part about gnomes—it’s a typo).” This means that you may see me describe how an effect like Invisibility or Mental Domination works five or six times, rather than just referring you to another section. I apologize in advance if you find that annoying. I frankly thought it would be more annoying to make you constantly rifle through the pages. This way it’s more work for me but less for you, just as it ought to be.

Are These Spells Open Game Content? Certainly! Use ‘em in your own published work however you please. You have purchased them and now they are yours (although come to think of it, some of you haven’t actually purchased your copies at all—but that’s a topic for another time). I would certainly appreciate it if you mention me in the credits, but apart from that the only thing I might take issue with is if someone tried to publish them in their own collection of spells (Nasty Arcana and Unauthorized Invocations, or some such).

But.. I Still Don’t Have Enough Blasphemous Secrets and Forbidden Lore What? Still not satisfied?! Yeesh, is there no end to your thirst for Blasphemous Secrets and Forbidden Lore? Well, that’s all right. We understand your monstrous cravings, even if we can’t approve. So we’re bringing out another collection, entitled “Still More Blasphemous Secrets and Forbidden Lore” in just a few short weeks. Promise us you won’t do anything rash before then.

Ace of Swords Transmutation Level: 4th Bard, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Area: 10 by 10 foot square Duration: The spell itself lasts for 1 round per caster level (but the effect is Instant, once triggered) Saving Throw: Reflexes Negates Spell Resistance: no Description: Enchants a playing card and turns it into a throwing weapon. For some reason the spell only seems to work on aces. You throw the card at a particular 10 by 10 foot square, and it rapidly expands when it reaches the target, slicing neatly across the square and effectively attacking anything inside it. Anyone caught in the target square must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take 3d8 Slashing damage as the pane slices through their body. If the caster rolls a critical hit, they can pick one target who failed their saving throw to be slit cleanly in half, and killed outright. There may be some really alien monsters (for instance totally amorphous beings like oozes, puddings and so forth) who aren’t particularly inconveninced by being sliced in half. Anyone else is extremely dead. The card then returns to its normal size and drops to the floor, spattered with blood. The caster is free to announce that they have won this hand and collect their winnings from the corpses. No one is likely to want to accuse them of cheating. The spell must be re-cast for the card to be used again. Only a real ace from an actual deck of cards is safe to use. If the caster just draws an ace on a piece of paper or uses a different card, there is a 40% chance that the spell will fail to work (the caster will only know the spell has failed when they fling the card and watch it fall harmlessly to the ground or bounce off an amused would-be target) and a 20% chance that the spell will go off in the caster’s hand, attacking everything in his/her square instead of the target’s. If the caster uses an innapropriate or an improvised card and the spell goes off prematurely, the DM should make a “to-hit” roll, purely for the purposes of determining whether or not the card gets a critical hit and cuts them in half.

Alleviate Curse Abjuration Level: 2nd Bard, 2nd Cleric, 3rd Paladin, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Works exactly like Remove Curse, but it will only suppress the curse until the next sunrise. Once the sun rises or 24 hours have elapsed, whichever happens first, the curse will return in full force. This time limit holds true even if the spell is cast deep underground, or somewhere else that it is impossible to see the sunrise. If someone uses a diviniation spell on the target to see if they are cursed, while the "Alleviate Curse" spell is still in effect, they must make an Intelligence Roll vs. DC 15. If they succeed, they can tell both that the subject is laboring under a curse and that it has been temporarily repressed. If they fail, the subject does not appear to be cursed, yet there is something funny about them--something not quite right. True Seeing immediately tells the whole story.

Annihilate Evil Transmutation [good] Level: 4th Cleric Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless--but see the description) Spell Resistance: yes Description: A more powerful version of "Smite Evil", with some additional side effects. The next time the subject successfully scores a hit against an Evil target, the blow will do an additional +4d6 damage, and require them to make a Willpower Saving Throw or become Stunned. The extra damage will be of whatever type the blow would normally do, but it will never be non-lethal. If the subject is striking for non-lethal damage, the extra 4d6 will probably come in the form of Bludgeoning damage, but there could be situations (depending on the attack) where it could be something else. This is a matter for the DM to adjudicate. The extra damage cannot be held back or

kept in reserve. The next time a blow connects with an evil creature, the target automatically takes the full extra damage. The spell can be placed an anyone, regardless of their alignment, but at the DM's discretion an Evil character may accidentally hurt themselves if they have the spell on while they are trying to get rid of a hangnail or extract a splinter. It cannot be paced on a weapon or an inanimate object, but it can be placed on golems and other constructs, despite their Spell Immunity. Evil creatures and characters react to anyone under this enchantment at a -4, instinctively hating them without knowing why. Good characters react to them at a +2.

Anti-Abjuration Abjuration Level: 4th Cleric, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One creature, selected by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Strengthens any one creature who could normally be affected by abjuration spells (outsiders and certain types of undead, for example), giving them a +2 bonus to resist. Neither the caster nor the subject’s alignment have any effect on the spell. An evil character can cast it on a good creature, a good character can cast in on a neutral or evil creature, a lawful character can cast it on a chaotic creature, etc. However, at the DM’s discretion some deities might take offense at one of their clerics casting this spell on a creature with an opposed alignment. This spell has no effect on a creature’s resistance to being “turned” or “rebuked” by a cleric or paladin. It only guards against actual spells or spell-like effects.

Assume the Spirit of the Thief Transmutation [mind-affecting] Level: 4th Cleric, 6th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 Round Range: Touch Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Imbues the subject with the skills of a master criminal. For the duration of the spell, they gain a +6 bonus to all Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Innuendo, Move Silently and Open Lock skill rolls. They also give off a sly, slinking kind of aura which

makes people reluctant to trust them. For the duration of the spell, they will suffer a –1 penalty to all Bluff and Diplomacy skill rolls.. The spell’s effect is subtle, it does not change their appearance or voice, it just makes people perceive them as less trustworthy.

Aura of Mystery Enchantment (Charm) Level: 2nd Bard, 2nd C 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (but the target can only roll to resist the spell if they are aware that it is a magical effect) Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The caster cloaks themselves in a fascinating, indefinable air of the mysterious. They come and go without anyone noticing them, shadows seem to gather on their face even in daylight, their voice sounds strange and somehow otherworldly. It is difficult to say how or why, but everything they say or do seems shadowy, portentous and intriguing (which makes this spell extremely sought after by the leaders of low-rent teenage “vampire” covens). For the duration of the spell the caster (or whoever they have cast it on) will enjoy a +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Performance, Move Silently and Concealment rolls. This bonus will stack with other non-magical bonuses based on things like stats, skill and circumstances, but it will not add to bonuses the character has gained from another spell. In a case where a character has more than one skill-enhancing spell cast on them at a time, use the highest bonus, rather than combining them. People will react to them at anywhere from a +2 to a -2, depending on how the NPC feels about magic and the mysterious. The DM should adjudicate this carefully, taking into account what they know about the individual's personality, culture and the circumstances under which they encounter the spellcaster. Pimply 16 year old girls who are taking AP English react may react a +3 or more.

Black Beneficence Transmutation [Evil] Level: 2nd Evil, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One fruit-bearing tree per caster level, Duration: Indefinite Saving Throw: See description Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: The caster enchants one fruit-bearing tree per caster level, causing it to yield three times as

much fruit as usual. This doesn’t happen instantly— the new fruit must grow at the normal rate. Within a day any fruit already on the tree has grown exceptionally huge and luscious, although prone to peculiar flaws and blemishes. The fruit tastes just slightly too sweet and a little too juicy for some people. From the moment the spell is first cast, the fruit bears a subtle curse, and will erode the health of anyone whose soul isn’t pledged to the forces of darkness. Whenever a good or neutral character eats a piece of that fruit, they must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or lose a point of Constitution. One bite is enough to force them to make the roll (although not if they spit it out). If they stop eating a piece of affected fruit and pick it up again later, they still only need to make one roll. Evil characters, on the other hand, thrive on the tainted fruit. Every time an Evil character eats a piece, they regain 1 lost hit point or one lost characteristic point (their choice), if they are missing any. They must consume the entire fruit to enjoy the benefits. This takes a full round. Juice or wine from the fruit has the same effect. A character must consume a full pint within one hour to enjoy or suffer the spell’s effect. Both the fruit and the affected trees will test positive for both evil and magic, as will any products made from them. but a Detect Poison spell will not reveal anything amiss. Remove Curse will cure a victim of the fruit, and dispel magic or Remove Curse will undo the spell entirely if it is cast on the enchanted orchard (although it won’t cure anyone who isn’t physically present at the casting). Focus: A tree or trees.

Blind-Strike Transmutation Level: 1st Ranger, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: Indefinite. Lasts until the first time the spell effect is triggered. Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Negates the usual penalty to attack in total darkness, to make an attack while blinded or to strike a target that is invisible or behind you. This spell does not improve your Armor Class, or negate the bonus that an opponent gains for striking you from behind. It is an purely offensive spell. It applies to only one attack, but once the spell has been cast on you, it doesn't have to be used immediately--you can hold it until you need it or the duration runs out. It's not possible to cast the spell on someone multiple times and give them multiple strikes. You can only have it cast on you again after you have used

it up. The caster does not have a spell slot tied up the whole time the spell is running. They will regain 1st level spells normally if the spell lasts longer than a day. Focus: Diagram painted on the subject’s forehead. If this gets rubbed off or otherwise obliterated (this happens purely at the DM’s discretion) the spell’s effect is lost.

Bloodpower Universal Level: 6th Cleric, 5th Druid, 7th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: 1 round Range: Unlimited Target: Affects one die roll, made on the following round. Duration: 1 round (see the Description) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: no Description: The caster expends some of their blood to control the whims of fate. To cast this spell they must use some sharp implement to open up one of their veins (biting yourself is not recommended, as it takes an extra Standard Action and causes an addition hit point to chew through your own flesh) and call out imprecations to whatever unclean forces secretly rule the cosmos. Amused by this grotesque and pathetic display, the Lords of Fate deign to answer their prayer. For every two hit points that pours out of their veins, the caster can influence one die roll on the following round by a single point, either up or down, to a maximum equal to their level divided by two. The caster must specify which roll they intend to influence at the time the spell is cast. If nobody actually makes that particular roll, the spell is lost. If the caster is willing to spend an hour prior to casting the spell on painting a big (10 by 10 foot) weird design on the ground and on themselves, chanting and shrieking and dancing wildly the whole time, they can reduce the cost to 1 pt for every 1 hit point spent. Please note that the effects of the spell aren’t immediately obvious. All the screaming and bleeding and self-mutilation will certainly look strange and unpleasant, but there are no blatantly magical special effects associated with the spell. No glowing eyes or voices from the clouds or bolts of energy shooting anywhere. This can make it hard to tell whether you’re dealing with a sorcerer or a maniac, but then again isn’t it always? Experience Point Cost: 50 per hp expended

Bridge of Blackness Conjuration (Creation) Level: 4th Evil, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: Creates a bridge, 10 feet in width and up to 10 feet per caster level in length Duration: 2 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: no Description: Creates a bridge out of solid shadows. The bridge is 10 feet wide and up to ten feet times the caster’s level in length. The bridge weighs effectively nothing, and can hold up to five hundred pounds times the caster’s level. If at any point the total weight placed anywhere on its length exceeds that limit, the bridge winks out of existence and everything on it falls. If the bridge is placed between two crumbly, unstable surfaces, and the total weight of everyone passing across it exceeds the amount one of those surfaces can bear, then that end of the bridge tears lose and the whole thing vanishes. Anyone within ten feet of an end-point can make a Jump roll vs. DC 20 to leap to safety. The bridge can slope up or down to reach a point above or below the place where it is cast, although the DM should feel free to demand climbing rolls and impose other inventive cruelties on the player characters if the bridge slopes at an angle of sixty degrees or greater. The bridge does not look wholesome, comprised as it is out of pulsing congealed darkness and both its slippery surface and its total lack of handrails make climbing it a daunting prospect. But this is not its worst feature. It will not bear any person or creature that isn’t evil across its length. If a good or neutral creature attempts to cross it (including sentient magical items or items that have alignments), the bridge lets them get ten feet across and then opens up beneath their feet, letting them plunge through it to their doom. Constructs are not affected, but nonintelligent animals and plants are. This can cause problems if an evil character attempts to ride a horse or other beast of burden across the bridge. An evil character riding a neutral animal has their mount dropped out from under them, but does not fall themselves. The mount falls through the bridge, but it remains solid to the rider. A rider who is somehow tied or otherwise attached to their mount gets dragged down with it anyway. It’s the DM’s call as to what qualifies, but just wearing stirrups isn’t enough to cause a problem.

Burning Coin Transmutation [flame] Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 feet per caster level, can also be cast via Scrying Target: One coin, anyone who touches it and anyone in a 15 foot radius of them when they do. See the

Description. Duration: Lasts until triggered. Can only be triggered once. Then it must be re-cast Saving Throw: Reflexes save halves the damage Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Enchants a gold coin so that the next time someone picks it up, it explodes in their hand, doing 3d6 Piercing damage to them and 1d6 Piercing damage to anyone in a 5 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw halves the damage. This spell can only be triggered by picking the coin up by hand. Wearing a glove or a gauntlet offers no protection (unless it has Damage Resistance that works against heat). Only a coin can be enchanted in this way and then only a gold coin. Counterfeit money does not work. Nor do the gigantic coins used by creatures like giants and titans. The coin must be no larger than five inches across (which is one heck of a big gold coin). If a caster attempts to put this spell on an inappropriate object, it isn’t lost, it just fails to work.

Call on the Power of Darkness Evocation [Evil] Level: 7th Cleric, 7th Evil, 7th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: 10 feet per caster level Target: Radius effect, always centered on the caster Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Any Abjuration spells cast against Evil targets within the spell's radius of effect suffer a -4 penalty. Spells like Dispel Magic or Remove Curse suffer the same penalty if used against spells that were set in place by an Evil caster. This spell does not affect Abjurations that don't require any kind of dice roll. The penalty applies equally whether the character casting the Abjuration is Good, Evil or Neutral. The alignment that matters is the alignment of the abjuration's target. It can even work against Abjurations cast by its own caster, so be careful about using this spell anywhere you plan on summoning demons. This makes the mechanics of the spell seem

more complicated than they are, so perhaps an example would help clarify things. Let us suppose that the evil wizard Malgigigus sends a thief to steal some magic item from the lair of his arch-rival, the wicked sorceress known as La Strega Norca. La Strega catches the thief as he is poking around her filthy cave, and turns him into a toad. The toad comes hopping back to Malgigius' dread tower, where the evil wizard has just finished casting "Call on the Power of Darkness", as part of some other nefarious scheme. When Malgigius attempts to cast Dispel Magic on the toad to return the luckless creature to its original form, the evil wizard finds to his chagrin that he will suffer a -4 penalty to the roll, thanks to the spell that he himself has cast on his tower.

Copy Scent Illusion (Glamer) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 1st Druid, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, can also use a Material Component--typically some object that belonged to the character whose scent is being copied. See Description. Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 1 hour per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower disbelieves Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Perfectly copies the personal smell of one other creature. This gives the caster (or the spell's Target, if it is cast on someone else) a +1 on any attempts to impersonate that creature with a disguise roll. It gives them a +4 bonus for any animal handling rolls made to control animals that belong to the creature who is being impersonated (provided the animal doesn't hate its master, as a devious DM may feel free to decide). A clever player can no doubt think up all kinds of other ways to use it during roleplay. The DM should feel free to give out other small bonuses where they seem appropriate to the situation. It is possible to cast this spell on an unwilling target, in which case they are entitled to a Willpower Saving Throw. In order to mimic another creature's smell, the spellcaster must either be personally familiar with it (that is, they must have at some point stood close enough to the creature they are impersonating to smell them, and must then be able to make an Int roll vs. DC 15 to recall the scent properly) or they must have some item that belongs to them, or they must know the creature's true name. It is up to the DM to decide what happens if the caster tries to impersonate a scent from memory and fails their Int roll. It probably just reduces their bonuses, but it may have more embarrassing effects as well, if it seems appropriate.

Crush Goodness Transmutation [evil] Level: 2nd Cleric, 2nd Evil Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The target’s next blow will do an extra 2d6 damage to any Good character. This effect cannot be held back. The next time the subject hits a “good” being (within the spell’s duration) they will do 2d6 extra damage to them, no matter what. This happens even if the spell’s subject is trying to pull their punch or to do nonlethal damage. The effect is only triggered by actually connecting with an evil target. The extra damage takes the form of whichever type of damage the attack normally does. If it is a piercing attack then it does piercing damage. If it’s a slashing attack then it does slashing damage. If the attack does mixed types of damage then the extra dice apply to whichever type the attack does more of, or whichever the DM thinks is more appropriate. This spell does not have any effect on damage that is done by other spells. It only enhances actual physical attacks.

Curse of the Black Moon Necromancy Level: 4th Bard, 4th Cleric, 4th Druid, 5th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus, Divine focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Circular area of effect, radiating outward from the spellcaster. Only affects lycanthropes. See the Description Duration: Lasts until negated by a Cure Disease or Remove Curse spell Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, but there is a -4 penalty to the roll. Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Infects lycanthropes with a hideous wasting disease. If the target fails their saving throw (and remember that they suffer a -4 penalty), they immediately lose 1pt of Constitution and will lose another one each day until they die or receive a Cure Disease or a Remove Curse spell (very powerful spells like Limited Wish will also work). Once the spell’s effect is broken, the victim will recover their lost characteristic points at the rate of one per day. The effects of the spell are extremely gruesome. The victim bleeds constantly through their skin, mouth and eyes. A buzzing, whispering sound surrounds them, and some people claim to hear voices muttering terrible things in it (while this may let other characters know that the victim’s condition is

supernatural, it doesn’t have any other game effect). After the second day these effects become so pronounced that all creatures react to the Lycanthrope at a –2 penalty, regardless of what form the shapeshifter wears. After the fifth day, the penalty grows to a –4 and any creature who encounters them will intuitively know at once that they are cursed. Any other Lycanthrope who comes into contact with the victim must themselves make a Fortitude Saving Throw (at no penalty) or become afflicted with the same ailment. This disease is extremely contagious. Coming within ten feet of an infected character for one round is enough to merit a Saving Throw. Once a particular Lycanthrope has resisted infection, they can no longer be infected by that one particular carrier, but they can still get it from someone else who the carrier has infected. As you can see, the curse of the Black Moon can run through an entire community of lycanthropes like wildfire. Everyone who contracts the disease must be cured individually, unless the original carrier receives a Remove Curse and a Cure Disease, in which case the whole plague lifts and everyone can start to recover their lost Constitution points at the normal rate. If the original carrier is already dead, then the spells can be cast over their mortal remains for the same effect. Please note that while this spell only affects were-creatures, the disease can be transmitted between different types of were-beast. A were-rat can infect a were-tiger who can infect a were-woodchuck who can infect a were-shrub, etc.

Curse of He Who Walks in Shadow Transmutation [Darkness] Level: 3rd Bard, 3rd Cleric, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Lasts until negated by a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse spell Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: If the target fails their saving throw, they become vulnerable to sunlight. For every round that all or part of their body remains exposed to the direct light of the sun, they will take 2d6 nonlethal damage. If they are rendered unconscious by this damage and left in the sunlight, they will then lose 1 point of Constitution per ten minutes until they are rescued or hit 0 Constitution and die. It can be difficult to determine precisely what counts as exposure to direct sunlight. If the DM is playing with a contentious group and feels that this would lead to complications and arguments, they should feel free to simply declare that some squares

are sunlit and some are not. The character automatically takes damage when they enter or remain in a sunlit square. Some resourceful players will try all kinds of ways to get around this curse, covering their bodies with greasepaint, walking around under parasols, wearing smoked lenses and so forth. The DM may or may not permit these ploys to work--its strictly their call. However, even if a character does find a way to walk around in the daylight, they are still impaired by it, and will make all their rolls at a -2. People will also react to their strange behavior. Walking around under a sheet or with some other bizarre means of blocking the sun in place should count as a least a -2 modifier to reaction rolls. In a place where vampires are well known, it could be considerably worse.

Dagger of the Void Conjuration (Creation) Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: Creates a magical dagger out of nothing. See the Description. Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Description: A dagger-shaped wedge of pure black nothingness appears in the caster's hand. It can be used like a weapon, and does 1d6 damage. This black slice of emptiness can pass straight through normal matter without leaving a mark. It ignores armor completely and makes Touch Attacks, counting only AC derived from the target's Dexterity bonus. Hardness and Damage Resistance still count normally against it. Anyone who takes damage from the blade must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or else be chilled to the core by the awful and unnatural cold of the void, and suffer a -2 penalty to all their rolls for the next 1-4 rounds. This effect does not work on the undead or on other creatures with strong ties to the negative material or the lower outer planes (it's the DM's call as to exactly which creatures qualify-a demon or a Night Hag probably wouldn't be affected, but a Hellhound or a Lemure might be). If for some reason a target is struck by more than one Dagger of the Void, they will be chilled for the highest period rolled--no matter how many times they are hit they will not suffer the penalty for more than four rounds. If they are struck and then fail their Saving Throw multiple times on different rounds, the duration of the most recent blow's chilling effect cancels out the effect of the one before it. For example, if a character were struck by the Dagger of the Void, failed their Saving Throw and were chilled for 4 rounds, and then struck again on the next round, and chilled for one round, they would only remain chilled

for one more round (unless of course they get struck again). It does not require any concentration to maintain the Dagger of the Void's presence in our reality, but if the caster is rendered unconscious or killed, it vanishes back to whatever nighted realm it comes from. Nor can it be set down or handed to anyone else. If the caster is somehow forced to drop the thing, it disappears. The Disarm feat does not work against the dagger, but a Disarm spell will.

Dampen Magic Abjuration Level: 2nd Bard, 2nd Cleric, 3rd Druid, 2nd Paladin, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: See the Description Duration: 2 rounds per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. Once the spell's duration runs out, the magic comes back. A suppressed spell's duration continues to seep away while it is dampened. If it expires before the Dampening spell wears off, it is lost. If a Detect Magic spell is cast while a Dampening spell is in effect, the divination will reveal both that magic is present and that it has been temporarily suppressed.

Dancing Blade Transmutation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One sword, dagger or knife Duration: 4 rounds Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No (object) Description: This spell can be cast on any one-handed blade, from daggers to the largest one-handed swords. It will not work on axes, for some technical reason that Transmuters have difficulty explaining to nonspecialists. Once the spell has been cast on a blade, the weapon can fight on its own, independently of its wielder, hovering in mid-air as it parries and strikes. It takes a standard action to loose the enchanted weapon to fight on its own, or to retrieve it once its wielder wants to take it back in hand. The weapon can be released to fight on its own at any time within the spell’s duration. Please note that the spell’s duration begins at the moment the spell is cast, rather than the first moment the weapon is used. It doesn’t matter whether the weapon is fighting on its own, being wielded directly or resting in scabbard—the spell’s duration

expires at the same rate. The dancing weapon fights using the base attack bonus of the wielder who loosed it. While dancing, it cannot make attacks of opportunity, and the person who activated it is not considered armed with the weapon. While dancing, it takes up the same space as the activating character and can attack adjacent foes. It cannot move out of adjacent range. If the weapon is physically removed from its place by its wielder’s side, the spell is immediately broken. The dancing weapon accompanies the character who activated it everywhere, whether they move by physical or magical means. If, for example, they Teleport to a new location, the weapon goes with them. It is always the character who loosed the weapon who controls its actions, not the spell-caster. If the wielder is rendered unconscious or killed, the weapon will continue attacking the same target until the target moves out of range or dies. It will then hover passively in space until someone else picks it up or the spell’s duration expires.

Deep-Drag-You Down Evocation [Water] Level: 2nd Bard, 1st Cleric, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard, 1st Water Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature, selected by the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: yes Description: The next time the target ventures into moving water higher than their waist, the water seems to clutch at them with icy fingers and to whisper their name. Not only is this gravely upsetting (-4 to any concentration rolls they make, NPCs make an immediate morale check) but it does 2d6 subdual damage as well. No one but the target can hear the whispering voices or feel the water plucking at them. If the spell is cast on a four-legged creature, the water must be up to their belly. The spell does not work on creatures native to the water, or on beings who are immune to cold. Damage Resistance against cold protects against the subdual damage, but natural toughness does not. Either a Remove Curse or a Dispel Magic can take the spell off before the target next ventures into the water.

Demon Ram Transmutation Level: 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 Minute Range: Touch Target: One ram, mounted on a ship.

Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Enchants a ship's ram, giving it a +3 magical “To Hit” bonus and allowing it to do double damage. This does not affect rolls made to control or maneuver the ship. Only the actual roll to hit the other vessel is affected by the bonus. The spell will work on any size ram, made from any materials. It will even work on one that has been improvised on the spot. But it will only work on the water and only on a ram. A ram that has been enchanted on a boat and is then brought ashore loses its magical bonuses. Yet you could use it to ram a dock, a sea wall, a jetty or some other land-based object—you just have to do it from the water. Putting a boat in drydock does not affect the magic unless you take the ram off the boat.

Demonic Howl Evocation [evil, fear, mind-affecting] Level: 3rd Bard, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Every living creature in a 20 foot radius. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The caster utters a bloodcurdling howl, so horrible that it can make brave men faint. It is a hellish, unnatural sound that organic life was clearly never meant to hear. Every living thing in a 20 foot radius takes 1d4 non-lethal damage per caster level (maximum 10d4). If they make a Willpower Saving Throw, they only take half damage.

Outsiders and the undead are totally unaffected, as are deaf characters and Clerics who embrace the Evil Domain and have more than ten Experience Levels. Any character who has more than fifteen levels in the Blackguard prestige class not only takes no damage, they are so heartened by the sound that they make all attack, morale and Willpower rolls at a +2 for the next three rounds.

Detect Cheating Divination Level: 1st Bard, 1st Cleric, 1st Paladin, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Free Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: See the Description Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Reveals any form of cheating at any game of chance, whether magical, psionic or mundane. Detects any kind of interference that would violate the rules or the game. It will even detect cheating if the cheater isn’t physically present during the game. The spell will detect a drugged horse or a stacked deck of cards as easily as someone who slips an extra ace into their hand. It does not, however, tell the caster ether who is cheating or how they are doing it. It reveals absolutely nothing except that someone has unfairly interfered with the game’s outcome. If for some reason the caster observes two games simultaneously, and someone cheats at one of them, the spell will reveal which game the cheating took place in, but that is as specific as it gets. The caster must be able to observe the game themselves—scrying works perfectly well for this purpose. The term “observe” a little vague here. The DM may have to adjudicate special cases where it is unclear as to whether the caster has actually “observed” the game or not. As a general set of guidelines for handling this, overhearing the game from the next room does count, while reading about it in the newspaper does not. This spell must be cast either while the game in question is actually taking place or else cast just before and then held in abeyance until the game takes place (this last option enables the caster to use it to detect cheating at games like coin tosses or target shooting, where the actual contest itself may only take a Standard Action to resolve, which would make it difficult to correctly time the spell-casting). The spell can only be held in abeyance for five minutes once it has been cast, but if a contest that takes longer to resolve is underway (a horse race, say, or a game of cards) it will still detect cheating throughout the whole contest.

Detect Shapeshifter Divination Level: 1st Bard, 1st C. 1st Druid, 1st Ranger, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 40 foot radius, plus 5 feet for every caster level. Target: Area: Circular radius of effect, centered on the spellcaster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: no Description: Reveals the presence of anyone with the ability to change their shape, but does not reveal what their true shape might be. Nor does it reveal whether or not they currently wear their true form. Nor does it distinguish between natural shapeshifters and spellcasters. If the caster concentrates for an additional round, they can detect the location of any shapeshifters present, but nothing more than that.

Disarm Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 feet Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: The target must make a Willpower Saving Throw or drop one weapon. A sentient magical weapon can elect to use its own Willpower Saving Throw instead of its master’s. If they are carrying two or more weapons in their hands, the caster can decide which weapon they drop. If it is used on someone who is holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, it will make them drop the bow. Please note that only actual weapons or items intended for use as weapons can be affected by this spell. It could be used to make someone drop a Molotov cocktail, but not a tankard of ale, unless they picked the tankard up with the specific intent of using it as weapon (or have already used it as weapon in this combat). If the target is carrying an item that isn’t specifically intended for combat but is effectively a large bludgeoning weapon like a walking stick, a fire poker or a tree branch, the spell will err on the side of caution and can be used to compel them to drop the object whether or not they specifically intend to use it as a weapon. A quiver of arrows does not qualify as a weapon for the purposes of this spell, nor does a bag full of slingstones or a satchel full of grenades. The caster can only make the target drop a potion if the potion directly causes damage to a target. It will not compel a subject to drop a magic scroll, even if the

scroll has an offensive scroll on it. It will force a target to drop a magic staff, but not a rod or a wand. Nor will it force anyone to take off a magic ring or other piece of magic jewelry. It will force someone to drop a vial of poison, but only if they are aware that this is what the vial contains. If the target of the spell is carrying a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other, the spellcaster cannot force them to drop the shield instead of the weapon, unless the shield is designed to do damage itself (a spiked buckler, for example). This spell can be cast via scrying. The caster does not have to know anything about the target, but they do have to be able to see or hear them when they cast the spell.

Doorway Into Pain Conjuration [teleportation] Level: B 3rd, W 3rd, Travel 3rd Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 3 rounds Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Creates a Medium sized teleportation portal which affects anyone who cares to step through it. Duration: Lasts for as many rounds as the spellcaster cares to concentrate on keeping the portal open.. See the description for more details Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: yes Description: The caster rips a hole through the delicate membranes of reality, leaving a jagged red portal in the air that leads to somewhere else. The other side isn’t visible—the doorway just looks like a big wound in the air. The doorway looks big enough for one Medium sized character to pass through, but a Large or Huge creature can push its way in—the hole will stretch and rip to accommodate them. Like a Teleport spell, the portal can lead to anywhere on this plane, but it must be somewhere the caster has seen. The caster can attempt to reach a location that they’ve never seen with their own eyes, if they know precisely where it is. However, this requires an Intelligence roll vs. DC 23. If the caster fails, the DM is justified to send them anywhere at all. The portal won’t dump anyone out in the middle of the sky, on the bottom of the ocean or inside solid matter, but it could easily lead them into danger. This spell is hideously painful to cast. It costs the caster 1 Hit Point per round to keep the portal open. Each Medium-sized (or smaller) creature who passes through costs them another hit point. Large or Huge creatures cost 2 hit points. Nor is the experience pleasant for those who travel through the portal. It costs 2d4 points of Subdual damage to travel this way. For 1-4 rounds afterwards anyone who passed through is in so much discomfort that they make all their rolls at a –4 and automatically fail any attempts to Concentrate. Creatures that are immune to pain or have no sense of

touch (the undead, for example, or constructs) take no penalty from passing through the portal. Unlike most spells that create portals to other places, the caster cannot pass through the Doorway Into Pain themselves. It always closes before they reach it.

Drink the Vampire’s Blood Necromancy Level: 8th Cleric, 7th Death, 8th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: 5 Minutes Range: Touch Target: Personal, affects only the caster Duration: Lasts until the next dawn Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: This unsavory ritual allows the caster to temporarily assume the powers of a vampire, through the rather drastic method of drinking their blood. After performing some complex and unclean rites to the forces of madness, death, night, etc. the caster quaffs a full pint of vampire blood (taking care to munch down any scabs that may be floating in it) and collapses in a shuddering heap for one round. As they lie there twitching and spasming, they are unable to take any action, physical or mental (except perhaps for thinking “Aaaugh! I just drank a vampire’s blood!” or who knows “Whoopee! I just drank a vampire’s blood!”) At the beginning of the next round they rise, with the worst breath of the day. Also the powers of a vampire. Until the next dawn they enjoy all the benefits and limitations of the “Vampire” template. To keep you from having to rummage through your Monster Manual for the specifics, here they are. The character’s natural armor bonus improves by +6. They gain 10 pts of DR, which magic and silver weapons ignore, as well as 10 points of Resistance to Cold and Electricity. Their Characteristics are temporarily enhanced: Strength +6, Dexterity +4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, and Charisma +4. Unlike a real vampire, they still have a Constitution score and can still make Fortitude saving throws. They are however immune to poison, disease and the effects of inclement weather, just like any undead monster. If the spell wears off after they have been exposed to poison or disease within the past two hours, the DM can ask them to make a Fortitude Saving Throw at a +2 bonus or suffer the effect. The spell’s subject regenerates 5 Hit Points worth of damage every round so long as they have at least one point left. If they hit zero hit points, they’re in serious trouble. They are immediately reduced to Gaseous form once they lose their last hit point. A real vampire would try frantically to reach its coffin and regain its strength, but of course the spellcaster doesn’t have a coffin to take refuge in. If the effects

of the spell don’t wear off or get dispelled within two hours, their gaseous body dissipates and they die. It is going to be extremely difficult for a cleric to bring them back from the dead, since they haven’t left any mortal remains. For the duration of the spell, the subject gains a +8 bonus to the skills Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot. They also gain the feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, if they meet the prerequisites and didn’t already have them. While their Wisdom score has been enhanced, they do not enjoy an undead monster’s total immunity to mental attacks. They are temporarily immune to attacks which cause Fear, but can still perceive illusions or fall victim to a Dominate Person spell. They can climb walls exactly as though they were using the spell Spider Climb. To be more specific, they can climb any surface, even vertical walls or ceilings at a rate of 20 feet per round, without hoving to make any skill checks. They retain their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and their opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against them. The spellcaster can now make Slam Attacks, if they couldn’t before. A Medium sized character does 1d6 damage with a slam attack, a Large character does 1d8 and a Small character does 1d4 (beware the Vampire Gnome!). If the character already had an unarmed attack that did more damage than this, they can keep it. Anyone hit by the Slam Attack (or for that matter any of the character’s unarmed attacks) must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. 10 + one half the attacker’s level plus their Charisma bonus or gain two Negative Levels. For every level the attacker manages to drain out of some poor hapless victim, they gain 5 temporary hit points. The attacker can only use this Energy Drain ability once per round, even if they have multiple attacks. If they succeed in grappling a foe, they can latch onto one of their major blood vessels and slurp off 1d4 points of Constitution. Every round they feast on a victim’s hot blood, they gain another 5 temporary hit points (and a healthful rosy glow in their cheeks). The vampir-o-fied character can take a standard action to make a kind of modified gaze attack at anyone within 30 feet. Whoever they target must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. vs. DC 14 or become their willing slave, exactly as though they were under the effects of a Dominate spell put on them by a 12th level caster. To summarize the effect, the dominated character will do whatever the vampire verbally tells them to, and while their behavior may seem odd, they won’t look like a spaced-out zombie. It takes a Sense Motive check vs. DC 15 to determine that they’ve been placed under mental domination. If the dominater and the dominated character don’t speak the same language, then the dominator can still convey a few simple commands via telepathy. What’s a simple command? That’s for the DM to

decide, but as a general rule of thumb it shouldn’t be anything more complex than “Come here,” “Go there,” “Fight,” or “Stand still.” The Dominating character has a vague sense of what is happening to the dominated character at all times, but they can’t actually see through their eyes. Nor can they send the dominated character telepathic commands at a distance—they have to be at the kind of range where the dominated character could hear them if they spoke. If the sham-pire takes a round to concentrate, they can get a much clearer picture of what the dominated character’s current situation is, but without directly perceiving things through their body (I know that sounds like an unclear distinction, but it’s the way they wrote it in the Player’s Handbook, so we’re stuck with it). If a dominated character is asked to do something utterly contrary to their nature (the DM will have to adjudicate things carefully here), they immediately get to make a new Saving Throw at a +2. If you order a dominated character to kill themselves they won’t do it, and immediately get to make a new Saving Throw at a +2 bonus. You can of course order them to do dangerous things, just not immediately suicidal ones. “Climb that slippery cliff in the rain” is fine, “throw yourself off that cliff” is not. As soon as the effects of “Drink the Vampire’s Blood” wear off at the next dawn, the mental domination ends, so we don’t have to talk about the need to re-establish contact with the dominated character once per day. In adition to clouding the minds of men, the temporary vampire can also call the lesser creatures of the night to serve them. Once per day they can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves. Calling on the “children of the night” takes a standard action. The creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the spellcaster for up to 1 hour. If the summoner is in some place where there couldn’t possibly be any rats, bats or wolves (the middle of Antarctica, the bottom of the sea or the astral plane, to name a few examples) then either some local equivalent creatures with the same hit dice and attacks show up in answer to their call, or nothing happens. It’s up to the DM to determine which it is. The caster can also assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf. The transformation takes a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that the choice of forms is more limited and the caster does not regain hit points for changing form. While in an alternate form, they can no longer make slam attacks or use their power to dominate the minds of others, but gain all the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. The spellcaster can remain in their new form until they choose to turn back or until the next sunrise. They automatically revert to their natural shape once the spell wears off, which is usually harmless but can cause problems if they were flying in the shape of a bat at the time. The caster can also assume Gaseous Form.

This too takes a standard action. They can remain in gaseous form for as long they like or until the next dawn. While in gaseous form, they can move at 20 feet per round and enjoy perfect maneuverability in the air. If the dawn breaks while the spellcaster is still floating around in gaseous form, things can get a little awkward for them. If they are creeping under a door or through some narrow passageway when the spell ends, they are pushed out whichever side is nearest. If they are up in the air, they have one full round to reach the ground (or at least a safer altitude) before they assume their natural form and start to fall. The spellcaster gains all the usual disadvantages as well as the advantages of being a vampire. They don’t cast shadows or reflections. They can be Turned or Rebuked like any undead creature, although they have a +4 bonus to resist it. They have to remain at least 5 feet away from any character holding a mirror or holy symbol and they can’t make any kind of melee attacks against them. They can’t willingly cross running water under their own power (although they can be carried across it—on a boat, for example). Sunlight is deadly to them. If they are exposed to sunlight, they become disoriented for a round, in and can take only a single move action or attack action. If they don’t get out of the sun on the next round, they die. It’s important to remember that the first rays of dawn won’t kill them if that’s when the spell is due to run out. Running water is nearly as dangerous to them as sunlight. Each round they are immersed in running water, they lose a third of their hit points. It doesn’t matter whether or not they can swim, the hit point loss is magical and automatic—their Damage Resistance doesn’t protect against it either. If they haven’t left the water by the end of the third round then they are dead. Strangest of all, the spellcaster can’t enter a home or other private building unless someone verbally invites them. If they have mentally dominated the person who utters the invitation, it still counts. It is important to remember that when casting the spell, you must have both arms free to make the ritual gestures, and must be able to loudly shout all kinds of frightful imprecations to the forces of Unspeakable Awfulness. This is a loud spell and at the DM’s cruel whim it may alert passing monsters, gangs of villagers with torches and pitchforks, etc. Material Component: A whole pint of vampire blood, or blood a vampire has drunk from somebody else, and kept in their body for at least an hour. And if you think drinking a pint of animal blood is nasty (go on, admit it—we’ve all tried) just wait until you taste blood that’s been all clotted up and cold for a century!

Earthpact Transmutation [earth] Level: 3rd Bard, 2nd Cleric, 2nd Druid, 2nd Earth, 2nd Protection, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 Minute Range: Touch Target: One living subject--ether the castet themselves or another character. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: For the duration of the spell the subject has 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth (a baked clay brick, for example) or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. It provides no protection at all against weapons made of bone, horn or other animal materials. Only the part of the weapon that actually comes into contact with the target should be considered when deciding what a given weapon is made of. The spell would, for example, provide a full 10 points of Damage Resistance against a wooden arrow tipped with a stone arrowhead, or a stone axe with a wooden handle. In addition to the Damage Resistance, the subject of the Earthpact can walk through solid stone and earth, moving at their standard movement rate in any direction. They cannot see through solid matter without some other kind of magical assistance. Nor can they move through materials like metal, wood or ice. They do not need to breathe while they are immersed in the earth, but if they were to suddenly encounter a pocket of water while moving through the ground, they would have to roll for drowning normally until they extricated themselves. If the duration of the spell expires while the subject is still embedded in the earth, they are instantly ejected at the nearest possible point. Not the most convenient or the least deadly—the nearest. The DM should carefully determine what happens if the spell pushes the subject into a crowded armory full of weapons, or out the side of a cliff or into the bottom of a lake or some other awkward place. Try to be fair. The spell will not eject the subject into a space too small to hold them.

Ease Your Burden Transmutation Level: 3rd Cleric, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: The objects carried by one living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 4 hours per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Anything the subject picks up has its

weight reduced by half, for as long as they keep it on their person. This effectively doubles their carrying capacity for the duration of the spell. The caster may place this spell on themselves or on some other character. They do not need to touch the subject to enchant them. Please note that the spell is cast on the creature who is bearing the burden, not on an object to be carried. As soon as the object leaves their possession, it resumes its normal weight. This means that the spell cannot be used to enhance the subject's throwing distance, or the range of a missile weapon. As soon as the object passes out of their grasp, it weighs as much and will fly no further than before. The spell will however help the subject lift a melee weapon that they might not otherwise be able to wield. For simplicity's sake, the DM should assume that the spell eliminates all Strength-based penalties for using large weapons, unless the wielder is two or more size classes smaller than the weapon itself. So for example a Halfling, (size Small) would be able to use a humansized sword (size Medium) while under the influence of this spell, but a Pixie (Size Tiny) could not. It does not add to a character's melee bonus-it just alleviates weight-related penalties. For the purposes of the game, any object that the subject is personally carrying counts as being "in their possession." It does not matter whether the item is in their pocket, their backpack, a scabbard or in their hand, but they must actually be carrying it themselves. If the subject is riding a horse or other such animal, then anything the subject is carrying on their person has its weight reduced by half, but the subject's own weight and the weight of the items in the saddlebags remains unchanged. It relieves the subject’s burden, not their horse’s (unless it’s cast on their horse). It is not possible to cast this spell on a given subject more than once, to reduce their burden down to a quarter, an eighth, etc. If the spell is cast on an animal pulling a cart, then both the cart and everything in it has its weight reduced by half, but only for the purposes of pulling it along. If a character were to stand in the cart and try to lift one of the objects that it bears, the object would appear to weigh the same as it always does. Odd situations may occur if the spell is cast separately on both a horse and its rider. In the unlikely event that this occurs, then from the horse's point of view the weight of the rider is halved, and the weight of anything they are carrying (including their armor, if any) is reduced by ¾. From the rider's point of view, their own weight is unaffected, but the items they are carrying, including their armor, only seem to weigh half as much. The spell cannot be cast separately on a pack animal and the cart they are pulling-it must be cast on a creature, not an inanimate object. Despite this stipulation, it will work normally on the undead. It does not work on golems (their spell immunity blocks it). Whether it works on other constructs is up to the DM.

Ectoplasmic Ladder Conjuration (Creation) Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (at least one end of the ladder must be within 25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Creates a ladder, up to forty feet in length. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Creates a shimmering transparent ladder out of pure magical energy. The ladder can be any length from one to forty feet, but once it has formed it cannot change size. It has an AC of 8, 5 points of Damage Resistance and 5 Hit Points. If it loses all its Hit Points it dissolves back into nothingness. The ladder will bear up to 1,000 pounds. Each round that it holds more than this amount of weight, it takes a point of damage The caster can end the spell with a thought--this takes effectively no time and can provide a sudden surprise to enemies who are climbing up the ladder after them.

Enchanted Implement Transmutation Level: 3rd Bard, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One tool, used to perform a Craft or Profession skill. Duration: 1 hour per caster level Saving Throw: None, unless cast on an object (object) Spell Resistance: Yes, if for some reason the targeted implement has Spell Resistance (object) Description: Enchants a tool so that anyone who uses it to perform a Professional or Craft skill gets a +3 bonus. They must complete the phase of the work that the tool is used for within the spell’s duration, or lose the bonus. This spell does not work on lockpicks, since “Pick Locks” is neither a Profession nor a Craft skill. Nor will it enchant, for example, a musical instrument to enhance a “Performance” roll or a pair of slippers for a bonus to “Move Silently.” It only enhances Craft and Profession rolls.

Everyone Drop Their Weapon Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 30 foot radius Target: Everyone holding a weapon in a 30 foot radius

Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Compels 2 characters per caster level to each drop one weapon. If any of the affected creatures are holding more than one weapon, the spellcaster can choose which weapon they drop. This is a more powerful spell than “Disarm” and isn’t subject to the same limitations. It can compel a target to drop any one object, whether that object is technically speaking a weapon or not. It has no effect on rings, gauntlets, medallions, hats and other such items, unless the target is for some reason holding the item in their hand instead of wearing it. A sentient magical item affected by this spell can elect to use its own Willpower Saving Throw instead of its master’s.

Evil Lurks Illusion (Glamer) [evil, mind-affecting] Level: 6th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 2 rounds Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One ten-foot square per caster level, arranged in whatever pattern the caster wants (the squares must be contiguous) Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Creates a zone up to ten feet by ten feet times the caster’s level, in which anyone with an Evil alignment becomes invisible. If there are inanimate objects present that somehow have alignments (certain magic weapons, for example) then they too become invisible. The caster can pick and choose which subjects are initially rendered invisible, and can shape the spell’s area of effect however they like. Any evil creature or object that enters the spell’s area of effect for the first time becomes invisible, whether or not they wish to, with no saving throw. If anyone or anything affected by this spell leaves or is removed from the spell’s area of effect, then they become visible and can’t turn invisible again just by stepping back into the zone. The form of invisibility provided by this spell works exactly like the standard “Invisibility” spell. The affected subjects can’t be seen and anyone trying to hit them suffers a –8 penalty. As with standard invisibility, the spell is broken if they attack anyone while invisible. However, only the character who made the attack is rendered visible in this way. Everyone else affected by the spell remains invisible until its duration expires, they move out of the area of effect or they make an attack themselves

Exploding Rat Transmutation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One small animal, selected by the caster. When the spell's effect is triggered, it affects everything in a 10 foot radius of the animal's current position. Duration: 2 rounds per caster level Saving Throw: Anyone caught in the exploding rat's blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage. A Fortitude save negates the foul disease borne on the flying rat-shrapnel. Spell Resistance: yes (but they still must Save to keep from contracting the disease, which is not supernatural) Description: Converts an ordinary rat into a living weapon, which will scuttle up to a designated target and then explode. The rat is effectively transformed into a Tiny Construct, under the spellcaster’s mental control. The rat-bomb has an AC of 16, 8 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +4. It is immune to Fear, Emotion Control and Illusions but not Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination (although any attempt to mentally dominate the rat will instantly detonate it) It can move 30 feet per round under its own power and effectively has a Stealth Skill of +7. The rat is in constant telepathic contact with the mind of its user, who can order it to change targets or to withdraw. It is not smart enough to undertake any kind of strategy on its own and must be carefully guided through every step of anything it does. The creature’s tiny mind has been completely obliterated by the spell, and apart from its stealth, it retains none of its former skills, memories or instincts. The spellcaster can see through its eyes if they concentrate. It’s sense of hearing remains as sharp as ever (+6 to any Listen rolls the spellcaster makes through it’s ears) but it’s sense of smell is too alien for a human mind to properly interpret through a mental link. An exploding rat does draw attacks of opportunity when it attacks, which almost doesn’t matter, since if it takes any damage at any point after the spell has been cast, it immediately explodes. When it explodes, the rat does 3d6 Bludgeoning damage to anything in a 10 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw will halve the damage. It also sprays the area with a vile disease. Anyone who takes damage from the exploding rat must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or contract an unsavory infection. They won’t notice any effects for 1d6 days, but after that they will begin to lose 1 point of Constitution every two days. When they hit 0 Constitution, they die. The afflicted character is entitled to make a new Saving Throw every week, if the disease hasn’t killed them yet, to shake off the illness. A Cure Disease will also work, although

Dispel Magic and Remove Curse will not (the disease isn’t actually magical, it’s just the natural effect of having a rat explode all over you). If for some reason the spell reaches the end of its duration and the rat still hasn’t exploded, it lies down and dies. It should be mentioned that a rat under the influence of this spell looks sick and it’s behavior is clearly peculiar. It lurches around stiffly, bleeding and slobbering from its mouth, staggering toward the target without blinking its eyes. Anyone who has seen an Exploding Rat before will know at once what is wrong with it.

Find That Thing Divination Level: 1st Bard, 2nd Cleric, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard, 1st Travel Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Unlimited, provided the object the caster is seeking is on the same Plane of Existance Target: Any one object that the caster has previously handled. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Points the caster in the direction of any one particular object that they have previously handled. The spell will not reveal the object's precise location or even how far away the object is. It will only show its direction. The caster need only have touched the object briefly and it does not matter whether their skin came into contact with it or if they touched it through a glove, gauntlet, etc. It can't locate a living creature but it can find an animate construct if the caster has touched it before.

Flail of Screaming Nothingness Conjuration (Creation) Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch (although the Flail itself has a Reach of 15 feet) Target: Creates a 15 foot whip, which the caster can use to make attacks. Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates incapacitating effect, see description Spell Resistance: yes Description: Creates a shrieking black tentacle of nothingness, which the caster can use like a whip. No weapon proficiency is required, anyone who can cast the spell can use the flail. It has an effective reach of 15 feet and unlike most weapons with reach, it can strike anything within that range at no penalty.

Although it doesn't have a "to hit" bonus, it counts as a +1 magic weapon for the purposes of striking creatures that can't be hurt by normal weapons. The flail's fanged black mouth does 1d6 Piercing damage, and anyone who takes damage must make a Willpower Saving Throw or fall to the ground and writhe in agony for a full round (this doesn’t affect creature like undead monsters and constructs, who feel no pain). Incapacitated characters can’t concentrate or take any action except to defend themselves. It takes a standards action to stand back up. The flail can be used to make Trip attacks and there is no risk of it tripping the caster if they don’t succeed in tripping up their opponent. If it is used to Disarm an opponent, the caster has a +2 bonus to their roll. This is a noisy spell—the flail screams and howls so loud that it is difficult to hear normal conversation over it. The sound may attract unwanted attention, but it’s so horrible that it’s just as likely to scare prospective attackers away. Anyone who has had a Flail of Screaming Nothingness used on them before must make a morale check the moment they hear the sound of one. Being struck by that frigid, gobbling mouth is a hard thing to ever forget.

Fly Swift, My Steed Transmutation Level: 3rd Animal, 2nd Bard, 2nd Druid, 3rd Ranger, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard, 2nd Travel Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 feet Target: One riding animal or riding vehicle (a bicycle, for example, or a motorcycle) Duration: 1 hour per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast—but only while it is actually being ridden. It does not aid an unburdened animal, a pack animal loaded down with bags who doesn’t have a living rider, or an animal that is drawing a cart or chariot. The subject must actually be ridden to gain any benefit. Placing a tame insect on top of a pack mule would not allow this spell to double the mule’s speed, since the insect isn’t really riding in any real sense, it’s just sitting uncomprehendingly on top of a mule. An unconscious human being slung across a horse’s back couldn’t gain the benefit of the spell either, since they aren’t using the skill “riding.” Apart from this stipulation about riding, the spell is totally indiscriminate about what it will affect. It works equally well on horses, dolphins, dragons, giant mosquitoes, motorized vehicles (but only if they are “ridden” like a motorcycle, rather than driven like a car) or even one person carrying another on their shoulders. It affects swimming speed as well as running, flying, etc. If the rider dismounts (or gets knocked off), their mount loses the bonus to tits movement, but the

spell isn’t automatically broken. If they re-mount the beast before the spell expires, they can still gain the benefit of the spell for the rest of its duration. So could someone else who mounts the beast after its first rider gets knocked off, whether or not the original rider approves. It is important to remember, however, that the clock is still ticking while the mount isn’t being ridden. This spell adds no bonus to the subject’s initiative, skill rolls, Armor Class or reflexes saving throw—just their movement speed.

A Fool is Blind Transmutation [Mind-Affecting] Level: 2nd Bard, 3rd Ranger, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One creature or object, selected by the caster. Duration: 1 hour per caster level Saving Throw: See description Spell Resistance: yes (harmless--spell resistance will also shield the person who is supposed to be affected by the invisibility) Description: Renders one object, animal or person invisible, but only to one person. Anyone else can see the “invisible” subject. They enjoy all the usual benefits of being invisible, although only against that one target. They have full Concealment, detecting them with a “spot” roll becomes a DC 20 task (30 if they’re standing still and 40 if the spell is cast on a stationary inanimate object) and to pinpoint their location with a “Listen” roll requires beating the DC by a full 20 points. Even if the person who can’t see them manages to pinpoint their location, they still have full Concealment for the purpose of being attacked (50% chance of a miss). As with most invisibility spells, the objects that the character is holding also become invisible, but if they drop something, it suddenly reappears. While a torch or other light source becomes invisible while it is being held, the light it emits is still perfectly visible—it just has no clear source. The spell does not have to be cast with it’s unwitting victim present, but the caster either needs to know their name or to have met them and remember them (make an Intelligence roll vs. DC 15). The spell can only be cast on subjects that are smaller than “huge” in size.

Glass Dagger Transmutation Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One piece of glass Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: no Description: Gives one piece of glass 10 points of Hardness for the duration of the spell Only one piece of glass is affected and it can be no larger than a foot and a half in length. If the piece of enchanted glass has an edge, it can be used as a slashing weapon, doing 1d4 points of damage. Please note that this spell does not imbue the enchanted glass with any additional hit points—only hardness. If it takes even a single point of damage, it immediately shatters into useless fragments. If anyone is holding the piece of glass when it breaks, they must immediately make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take a point of damage.

Goblinhammur Transmutation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard, 2nd War Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus, Material Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One Bludgeoning weapon Duration: 10 minutes per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Enchants any blunt weapon (including improvised ones) so that it does an extra 2d6 damage the next time it is used to strike an Orc, Goblin or Hobgoblin. Just touching the target is not enough to make the weapon do this extra damage—you have to hit them hard enough to do at least one hp. The weapon does not have to be wielded by the caster— anyone who picks it up before the spell’s duration runs out can use the effect. The effect cannot be held back or held in reserve. The very next time the weapon hits an Orc, Goblin or Hobgoblin hard enough to injure them, they will take the full 2d6 damage. Material Component: Gobilinoid hair, skin, blood or any other such residue (yes, that does include dung, I’m sorry to say). The material can be from any species of goblinoid. Orcs, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, etc.

Hellwind Evocation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (Quarter-circle area of effect has a 25 foot radius, +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Area: Quarter-circle Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude save reduces damage by half. Spell Resistance: yes Description: A hot, dry, desiccating wind springs up from nowhere, sucking the moisture out of anything in its path. It does 1d4 heat-based Subdual damage (maximum of 10d4) to any living creature in a quartercircle radius of the caster. Resistance or Immunity to heat both apply normally against this spell. If it is cast on an area that has been enchanted with some form of magical cold, the two spells negate eachother. It will not, however, destroy a “Wall of Ice” outright and will instead do 1d4 normal damage per caster level to it. It will also do normal damage to water elementals or to creatures that are physically made of ice.

How Fare his Fortunes? Divination Level: 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic. The caster must also have some object that belonged to the target. See Description Casting Time: 1 round Range: Unlimited, provided the character the caster is seeking is on the same Plane of Existance. See the Description for more details. Target: One character, whom the caster either knows or has some personal artifact of. See the Description for more details.

Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Reveals to the nearest GP the state of the target's finances, counting the sum total worth of all their possessions. It will not tell the caster what goods or lands the target owns, just what they're worth. It presents the whole figure as a lump sum and does not in any way distinguish between cash and assets. It will also tell whether the target is married and how many wives or husbands they have at present. If there is some sort of ambiguity as to whether they actually own a particular item, the spell ignores the value of that object when making its calculations. It also won't reveal funds that the target has loaned out to someone else. The caster must know the target's real name, and have some item that once belonged to the target in order to cast this spell. If the target is dead, the spell will give very strange readings. Any goods or money that someone else has inherited from them are no longer theirs. Any spouses they may have had in life are released from them, unless the target's culture doesn't allow second marriages or they are buried in the same tomb. Any goods buried with them and any treasure they may have hidden while they were alive is still officially theirs, as is the worth of their tomb itself. Unless of course the target believes that the dead renounce all their possessions, in which case they own nothing.

Hypnotic Voice Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 1st Bard, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch (although once the spell has been cast the subject's voice will affect anyone who can hear and understand it) Target: Affects one subject (usually the caster) and anyone they attempt a Bluff or Diplomacy roll on. Duration: 1 hour per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The caster will make their next Diplomacy or Bluff roll at a +8 bonus, if the spell's duration has not yet expired. The spell is expended after one Diplomacy or Bluff roll. It can't be used to enhance any other skill rolls. This spell will have no effect if the caster (or whoever they have placed it on) is trying to communicate non-verbally. If for example they are trying to use Diplomacy to write a letter that is intended to persuade the reader, they can't use their Hypnotic Voice to aid the roll. It is important to note that this is not a mindcontrol spell. You can't use it convince the target to do anything that you couldn't persuade them to do with an ordinary Bluff or Diplomacy roll. You can't

use it to talk someone into betraying their king or jumping off a bridge-unless of course they were already considering it.

Ice-Storm Arrow Transmutation [cold] Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One arrow, which then explodes on impact, causing damage to everything in a 10 foot radius. Duration: 1 round per level Saving Throw: Anyone caught in the spell's Area of Effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage, unless they have been hit by the arrow itself, in which case the do not get a Saving Throw. Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Enchants an arrow so that it explodes on impact, whether or not it has hit the target, doing 2d8 Frost damage to everything in a 10 foot radius. If the arrow does in fact hit the target, then the target takes normal piercing damage for the arrow, plus the 2d8 Frost for the Ice Storm effect, plus an additional 1d4 Frost damage from having an incredibly cold object stuck in their body. It is possible to place this enchantment on an arrow that is already enchanted, stacking the two effects. It is not however possible to stack it with another "Frost" based effect, or with a "Flame" effect.

The Idiot’s Arcanum Transmutation Level: 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 3 rounds Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Up to 100 GP worth of gold or other precious metal per caster level Duration: Instant (although the effects are permanent) Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: The dream of every alchemist for centuries—gone horribly, stupidly wrong. The Idiot’s Arcanum allows the caster to transform precious metals into base ones. They can change up to one hundred GP per caster level worth of any precious metal into lead, iron, or antimony. Why they would want to remains unclear. The caster doesn’t actually have to see the metal they are transforming (if for example it’s in a chest or a money pouch), but they have to know how much of it is there. The spell works on pieces of jewelry as well as it does on coins or ingots. In this case the value of the object is calculated only in terms of what the precious metal would be worth by itself. The Idiot’s Arcanum has no effect on gems or jewels.

In a medieval setting this spell is chiefly useful for annoying rich burghers and tricking gullible patrons into thinking that you may be on the verge of being able to turn lead into gold. In a D20 Modern setting it has one unexpected additional use. It will render up to twenty pounds per caster level of radioactive material inert. The isotope degrades to the closest non-radioactive metal. So for example U-235 would change into U-238. In the right sort of emergency, this could turn out to be exactly the spell you need.

Imbue With the Thunder Transmutation [Electricity] Level: 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One missile weapon, and anything in a 10 foot radius of where it impacts. Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Enchants one missile weapon so that when it strikes home, it will do 2d6 electrical damage and 1d6 Nonlethal damage (also electrical, if that affects things) to both the target and to anything else in a 10 foot radius. Anyone but the target can make a Reflexes Saving Throw to take half damage. Please note that only the actual missile itself can be enchanted in this way, not the weapon that launches it. You could not, for example, enchant a bow, only the arrows it launches. It can be cast on throwing weapons like shuriken or chakram disks, but if it is cast on a knife, the effect will only be triggered if the knife is thrown at the target. It can be used as a melee weapon without triggering the electrical attack. If the weapon misses its target, roll to see where it lands as though it were a grenade-like weapon—it will still detonate on impact. This spell cannot be stacked with other spells that enhance the damage done by missile weapons (acid arrow, flaming arrow, etc.) If you attempt to cast it on a missile that has already had one of these spells cast on it, the spell isn’t lost, the casting just doesn’t work.

Invoke the Power of the Blood-Spirits Abjuration Level: 2nd Cleric, 2nd Protection Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)

Description: For the duration of this spell, the subject gains a +8 bonus to resist both magical and nonmagical attempts to drain points from their Constitution. This applies to both Fortitude and Willpower Saving Throws, but not to Reflexes Saving Throws, should one be called for. If the character still fails their Saving Throw or suffers a Constitution-Draining attack that doesn't permit them to make a Saving Throw, they will lose only half the points indicated (round down). This also applies if the attack does a reduced amount of damage to its target's Constitution even if they make their throw. It's hard to say what kind of attack would cause this, but if it should happen, they will take only half the damage to their Constitution. If they suffer a Constitution-draining attack that also does ordinary damage to their hit points, their bonus to the Saving Throw remains the same, but they won't get to halve the Hit Point damage, just the Constitution drain.

Is This Sickness Natural? Divination Level: 1st Cleric, 1st Paladin Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Determines whether or not a given illness has been caused by magic. It also reveals the nature of the affliction and the probable course it will take. The DM can either tell the caster the name of the spell and describe its effects from the book or else use a more abstract way of describing it, but the description should be specific enough to be helpful. It should always reveal whether the disease is lethal and how long the victim can expect to live. If a specific condition has been set to break the curse, this spell will reveal that fact, but it won’t reveal what the condition is. The caster will get a very vague mental picture of whoever put the disease spell on the victim. They can tell only the following about the other caster. Are they young or old? Male or Female? Living, Dead or Undead? Humanor non-human? Whole or maimed (missing an eye, ear or limb)? It will reveal nothing else about them.

Kiss of the Serpent Evocation Level: 3rd Cleric, 4th Druid, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster.

Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates the effect of the poison (although it doesn't actually end the spell) Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The caster's kiss becomes venomous, as does their bite. Anyone who comes into direct contact with the caster's mouth must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 4d8 poison damage. This is not a touch attack, the target must either willingly allow themselves to be kissed, or the attacker must find their way past the target's armor with an unarmed attack. However, if the target has an armor class from a tough hide or a thick skin, it does not count against this attack. You can combine this attack with a Bite and do as much damage as your bite would normally cause, in addition to the venom. At the DM's discretion, there may be a few special situations where common sense would make it impossible to use this attack. You could, for example, use this spell against a target in full plate mail, even with their visor down, but you could not use it if you were sealed in a spacesuit, or had your hands tied behind your back with a fishbowl over your head. As always, the DM should adjudicate these situational modifiers carefully. As a general rule of thumb, circumstances where you can't use the Kiss of the Serpent should be rare and justified carefully.

Liquefy Metal Transmutation Level: 5th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 25 foot radius Target: Anything made of metal within a 25 foot radius of the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None, unless cast on a magic item or a construct or a living being. Then a Willpower Saving Throw completely negates the effect. (object) Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Does 1d8 damage per caster level (maximum of 15d8) to anything made of metal in a 25 foot radius. It ignores up to 10 points of Damage Resistance or Hardness. Inanimate objects take the full amount of damage, rather than the usual one quarter. Neither walls nor other physical barriers block the effect of this spell, unless they are enchanted and have at least 3 points of Damage Resistance or are made of energy (so a Prismatic Sphere or a Wall of Force would block the effect of this spell, but a Wall of Earth would not) It is not possible to hold back the effect of this spell. It always does its full load of damage and it can’t be instructed to spare anything in its radius. If part of a larger metal object intrudes into that space then only that section will take damage. Living beings made of metal and magic items are entitled to a Willpower saving throw. If they succeed, they take no damage at all.

The spell does damage by making metal turn to liquid at room temperature. It is perfectly safe to hold a metal object or wear a piece of armor that is liquefied by this spell (although it is a distinctly unnerving experience). It doesn’t even grow warm to the touch. A metal object that takes damage from this spell looks like a partly melted candle, but will probably still be useable unless it’s lost too many Hit Points (this is strictly the DM’s call, based on the nature of the specific object and its function— although frankly the spell does such a monstrous buttload of damage that the question is unlikely to come up very often). Any object that loses all its hit points from this spell evaporates into nothing and is lost forever. The sole exception would be a living being made of metal, who instead is reduced to a half-molten pile of slag and can be Raised or Resurrected by whatever means are available in your game.

Magic Picture Conjuration (Creation) Level: 6th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus, Material Casting Time: 5 Minutes Range: Touch (to actually create the picture--once it has been created, it will affect anyone who can see it clearly, usually at a range of about 20 feet, although this may vary for characters with unusually strong or weak eyesight) Target: One painting and the first character to view it. Duration: Lasts until triggered. Can only be triggered once. Saving Throw: None, but of course the spell encoded into the picture might allow a saving throw. See Description. Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Encodes a spell into a drawing or painting so that it will take effect on the first character who sees it. No skill roll is required to create the magic drawing—even a very crude drawing will do. The spell could be harmful, helpful or neither. Once it has been triggered, it is gone, although the drawing remains in place. If the spell is a ranged attack then it will strike at the character who activated it. If it is an area effect attack then it goes off with the drawing at the center of its radius. If it is a grenade-like attack spell (the spell “Fireball” for example) then it simply detonates on the spot, with the drawing at the center of the blast. If it is a cone shaped attack then it goes off pointing directly at the target. If it is a defensive spell like a Wall of Force or a Globe of Invulnerability then it will surround the drawing, but if it is a defensive spell that is specific to a target rather than a location (“Bless” or “Protection From Evil” or “Armor”) then it affects whoever triggered it. If it is a spell that would usually require a Touch Attack, it takes effect on the character who triggered it without having to make a roll and without them having to touch the

drawing. If it is a spell with a variable effect (“Polymorph Other” is a good example) then the caster must decide what the specific effect will be at the time they create the drawing. So, for example, if you were to use a Magic Drawing to encode the spell “Polymorph Other” then you would have to specify at the time you create the drawing whether you want the target turned into a toad, a chicken or what have you. If a prospective target knows that the drawing is waiting for them and wishes to avoid triggering it, they can make a Reflexes Saving Throw to approach it without looking at it, provided that they move at no more than half their usual speed. Creatures that can’t see can approach it with impunity. It takes only one point of damage to destroy the drawing and at the DM’s discretion there may be ways to destroy it (splashing it with water, putting a mark across it and so forth) that don’t even require you to attack it. The DM should adjudicate this based on how the drawing was made. A sand painting, for example, would be considerably easier to obliterate than a drawing scratched into a stone wall. Touching the drawing will not trigger it, although the DM might make an exception for a blind character who feels a drawing cut into a surface and figures out what it is supposed to look like. Seeing the drawing while scrying will trigger the spell, but if it’s a spell that has only direct, physical effects (“Magic Missile”, “Lightning Bolt”, “Cone of Frost”, etc) then it won’t of course hurt the triggerer. “Bestow Curse” on the other hand, most certainly will, as will “Polymorph Other”, Cause Disease” and any number of other nasty magical effects. The DM should judge this carefully. The observer is only safe from the spell if its effects are strictly physical and immediate. Material Component: Paints and pigments,

Magnetic Flux Evocation [Electricity] Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 foot radius per caster level Target: All magnetic compasses within a radius of 10 feet per caster level. Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: This spell sets all the compasses within its area of effect spinning wildly. It can also be used to make them all point in a single direction of the caster's choice. The caster does not have to know a compass' location to affect it with this spell. The caster can change the direction as many times as they like within the spell's Duration. It has little utility apart from misdirecting sailors, although an ingenious caster might be able to use it to spell out a message. In a modern setting Magnetic Flux is somewhat more powerful. It will cause distortions on television screens and has a 55% chance of ruining any floppy disks inside its range (roll separately for

each disk). It also has a 30% chance of wrecking any given hard drive in its range, and the caster can choose to focus it on a particular computer, in which case the chance goes up to 75% for that one computer.

Melting Glance Evocation [flame] Level: 2nd Druid, 2nd Flame, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: None. Does not require so much as a single word or gesture Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 20 feet, plus 5 feet per level Target: One object made of snow or ice, or a 10 foot square area. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude save reduces damage by half, if the spell is cast on a creature rather than an inanimate object. Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Does 1d8 damage per caster level to any object, wall or surface made of snow or ice (maximum of 5d8). The ice and snow suddenly melt, turning into mist and vanishing. This happens even in conditions of unbelievable cold, where the water really should refreeze. Instead it just turns into vapor and disperses. If the spell is used on an area or on an object larger than size Huge, it will affect a ten-foot by ten foot section. Creatures and magic objects that are made of snow and ice are entitled to make a Fortitude Saving Throw to take half damage.

Negate Lightning Abjuration [Electricity] Level: 7th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 2 rounds Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One ten-foot square per caster level, arranged in whatever pattern the caster wants (the squares must be contiguous) Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Creates an area in which no lightningbased attack spells but "Shocking Grasp" have any effect. Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Call Lightning and any other such electrical attacks spells simply will not function within this Abjuration's area of effect. If a spellcaster attempts to cast one of these spells inside the protected area, they do not lose the stored spell--it simply fails to go off. If a spellcaster standing outside this area of effect were to cast a bolt of lightning into or across the protected zone, the spell's effect would be neutralized and they would lose the spell charge. This happens even if the target is on the far side of the protected area. Once a bolt of lightning tires to cross the protected zone, it simply winks out of existence. Negate Lightning will also block the spelllike effects used by monsters and magic items. A Blue Dragon’s electircal breath weapon, for example,

is completely negated by the field. The spell also blocks natural, non-magical lightning It has no effect on electrical Touch Attacks. A Shocking Grasp spell, an electric eel or grabbing the end of an exposed high-tension wire would all do damage normally. Nor would a robot or other electronic device (in the unlikely event that these exist in your campaign) be shut down by this spell. The sole exception would be an arc-welder, which will fail to work inside the spell's area of effect, but function normally once again when it is moved out of range.

No One Gets Out of Here Abjuration Level: 5th Bard, 5th Cleric, 6th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Affects a 25 foot (+5 feet for every two caster levels) radius, which is always centered on the caster Target: Radius effect, always centered on the caster Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (but roll at a -2 penalty) Spell Resistance: No Description: Anyone within this spell's range who attempts to cast any type of transportation, movement or telepotation spell must first make a Willpower Saving Throw at a -2. Anyone who passes into this spell's Area of Effect while using a transportation spell (Flight, for example) must make a Willpower Saving Throw at a – 2 to keep from having their spell dispelled. This effect happens the moment they enter the affected area, so if for example someone were to attempt to magically fly across the spell's radius of effect and failed their Saving Throw, their Flight Spell would be negated just at the very edge of the spell's radius. It is possible to Teleport from one side of the spell's range to the other without being interfered with (so long as you don't enter the radius of effect on either end) but if you attempt to cross it with a Dimension Door, you must make the usual Saving Throw or be dumped out at some random spot inside the affected area (it's the DM's call as to exactly where they appear--they won't materialize inside a solid object, but that's the only rule). It does not matter whether the beginning or end-point of the Dimension Door are outside the affected area. If a straight line drawn between them would cross the area of this spell's effect, then anyone traveling through the Dimension Door must make a Saving Throw to keep from having their trip interrupted. Pease note that it is possible to accurately teleport into the spell's radius of effect--you just can't teleport back out again without making the Saving Throw. The Saving Throw takes effectively no time to make and does not require an additional "action" on the part of the Target. The -2 penalty does stack with other penalties to casting spells, if any apply, unless they are the direct result of some other spell (a curse,

for example) in which case only the largest bonus applies, per usual.

Nose of the Dog Transmutation Level: 2nd Animal, 1st Druid, 4th Ranger, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 20 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The spellcaster (or whoever else they cast the spell on) gains a remarkable sense of smell. For the rest of the spell's duration, they will make any Tracking rolls at a +10, unless the DM decides that the quarry has used some magical or other means to mask their scent. As a general rule of thumb, it should be extremely difficult to hide from the subject. Just crossing a stream or kicking dirt over your tracks shouldn't do it. The spell’s subject can also make an Intelligence Roll vs. DC 10 to detect poisons or to identify particular character by scent. At the DM's discretion a resourceful player may come up with other uses as well. However, having a hypersensitive nose is not without its disadvantages. For the spell's duration, they will suffer a -2 penalty to Saving Throws made against smell based attacks (Reeking Cloud, for example)

Phantom Dagger Conjuration (Creation) Level: 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: Creates a magical dagger out of nowhere Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Creates a short sharp blade out of pure mental force, that does 1d4 damage. Only the caster can see the Phantom Dagger. A spell or magic item designed to see through invisibility won't perceive the dagger, but True Seeing will reveal its presence, as will any non-visual divination spell. The phantasmal weapon itself has a +2 "to hit" bonus, but only vs. Armor Class derived from the target's Dexterity (it's hard to dodge an invisible blade, but armor still protects against it). The Phantom Dagger is strictly a melee weapon, and cannot be thrown. It is unlikely that anyone will find themselves in a position to attempt to break it, but if they do, the dagger has an effective Hardness of 10 and 1 Hit Point. If broken, it ceases to exist and the spell is at an end, whether or not its duration has expired. It will also vanish if the caster is killed or rendered

unconscious, or if they decide to get rid of the dagger to free up that hand to hold or grab something else. It is not possible to give the phantom dagger to someone else to use. Only the caster may use it, so it's fortunate that daggers are the one bladed weapon that most spellcasters are Proficient with.

is going on, although they won't remember anything that happened while they were unconscious once they wake up.

Plague of Ill Fortune Transmutation Level: 3rd Bard, 3rd Cleric, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Lasts until negated by a Remove Curse spell Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Curses the target with a -4 penalty to all their rolls, whether for skills, saving throws, stat checks or what have you. Anyone the target touches (or who spends one hour in their company) must themselves make a Willpower Saving Throw or become afflicted with the same curse. The rules on what constitutes being "in the company of" are rather loose. Just sitting next to a stranger in a tavern for an hour would do it, even if they went out to the privy from time to time. We leave it up to the DM to resolve iffy cases. Their rulings are not obliged to be consistent--magic isn't known for being logical. There is only one "carrier" of this epidemic of bad luck, it doesn't spread in a geometric progression from everyone who contracts it. A Remove Curse will take the affliction off any one of the victims, but if it is cast on the original carrier, the entire curse is broken. This makes important not to just lynch the carrier on sight! If they die, the curse will have to be broken one victim at a time (but at least it won't spread any further).

Power of the Mind Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] Level: 1st Cleric, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Gives the subject conscious control over all their internal bodily functions. For the duration of this spell they can substitute a Willpower Saving Throw for a Fortitude Saving Throw. They are not obliged to do this, however. If they would prefer to make a Fortitude Saving Throw then they are welcome to do so. The spell remains in effect if the character is forced to sleep or rendered unconscious. Some portion of their mind retains a faint awareness of what

Pressure Point Blow Transmutation Level: 3rd Assassin, 2nd Ranger, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: Lasts until it has been triggered three times. Then it must be re-cast Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The next three unarmed attacks the target makes will do 1d3+Strength Bonus normal damage rather than Subdual damage. The duration of the spell is effectively indefinite--it lasts until the next time the target makes a successful unarmed attack. Any amount of time can go by between attacks, but the target cannot choose not to take their bonus and save it for another blow. It happens automatically, whenever a blow connects. It will not be triggered by a miss, you have to hit the target to burn up a use. Please note that the caster does not have a spell slot tied up the whole time the spell is running. They will regain spells normally if the subject holds back their next unarmed attack for longer than a day.

Resist Paralysis Abjuration Level: 2nd Cleric, 2nd Protection, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level

Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The subject gains a +10 bonus to resist any form of paralysis, whether magical or mundane. It enhances both Fortitude and Willpower saves (and Reflexes Saves as well, in the unlikely event that one is called for) This bonus only applies toward resisting paralysis and has no effect on being Stunned, put to sleep, rendered unconscious, etc. There is no limit to the number of enhanced Saving Throws they can make-they can roll as often as they suffer paralyzing attacks until the spell's Duration runs out.

Resist Sleep Abjuration Level: 1st Bard, 1st Cleric, 1st Ranger, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 1 hour per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The caster (or whoever else they have cast the spell on) gets a +10 bonus to resist any form of magical sleep for the duration of the spell. This provides equal protection against spells, magic items, potions, etc. It also gives them a +10 bonus to resist any form of drug-induced sleep. Furthermore, for the duration of the spell the subject is able to go without normal sleep and incur no penalties. They feel rested and alert, no matter how much sleep they have missed. Be warned, however, the penalties for going without sleep will continue to accumulate while the spell is in effect and the moment it wears off, the effects of staying awake suddenly catch up with them.

Resounding Blast Evocation [Sonic] Level: 4th Bard, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch (to enchant the horn that will emit the Resounding Blast--once it has been enchanted the blast itself affects a 60 foot cone) Target: Area: 60 foot cone Duration: Lasts until the first time it is triggered, then dissapates Saving Throw: Reflexes reduces damage by half Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Imbues a horn, flute or similar musical instrument with the one-time ability to emit a thunderous, devastating blast of sound. This destroys the musical instrument itself, and isn’t much good for the health of anyone caught in the blast, either. Anyone in the cone-shaped area of attack will take 1d6 damage per caster level (maximum of 10d6) and must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or become Deaf for the next 2d6 hours. A Reflexes Saving Throw halves the physical damage. Creatures or objects

made of crystalline materials take 1 ½ times the usual amount of damage from this attack. It is up to the DM to determine precisely what counts. The DM should also consider the fact that the noise can be heard for approximately three miles in every direction and consider whether or not anyone or anything is likely to come investigate. Material Component: A musical instrument--see above.

Ruin Book Transmutation Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 feet per caster level, can also be cast via Scrying Target: One book or document, selected by the spellcaster Duration: Instant (although the effects are permanent) Saving Throw: None, unless cast on a magic item (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: This spell permanently removes all the ink from a book or document, leaving it blank. This works on paper, parchment, reed scrolls or anything else that can be written on in ink or paint. It works on clay tablets, leaving them smooth and blank, but it does not work on stone inscriptions. Nor can it be used on any object larger than “Medium” in size. It will not affect tapestries or other pieces of cloth with markings woven into them. Nor will it work on paintings, drawings or other works that don’t contain any words. It will remove illustrations from a text, but won’t have any effect on anything that isn’t intended primarily as a written document. This can create a few ambiguous situations for the DM to resolve. If it ever comes up, just remember that the important question is whether or not the work’s creator thought of it as a document.

Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Allows the spell’s subject to use the feat “Great Cleave” once, even if they don’t meet any of the feat’s requirements. The subject can pick and choose when to perform the feat, it doesn’t automatically happen on their next attack. They can even choose to use it after they make their attack roll, to make sure the spell effect doesn’t get wasted. The feat must be performed within the spell’s duration. Someone who already has the feat “Cleave” or “Great Cleave” can’t use this spell to perform the feat twice in one round, unless of course they have multiple attacks (but then what’s the point?) Nor can the spell be used to extend the effect of a “Great Cleave” so as to hit more targets.

Scream of the Damned Evocation [Sonic] Level: 4th Bard, 3rd Cleric, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 40 foot semicircle Target: Area: Semicircle Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: yes Description: The caster utters a frightful shriek, so awful and horrifying that it seems as though no human throat could produce it. Anyone in a 40 foot semicircle from the caster’s position must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 3d6 Subdual damage and become deaf for 2d6 minutes. They must also make a Willpower Saving Throw or take an additional 1d4 Subdual damage and flee in panic. Characters who have fallen under the influence of the spell’s fear effect must abort all their other actions and do nothing but flee the scene by the most direct available route. They can take no action apart from dodging or defending themselves while they flee, can’t make missile attacks at all, and can only use melee attacks that can be made while fleeing (with the “Move-By Attack” feat, for example). They can’t concentrate, or perform any actions that require concentration. If they are somehow prevented from leaving the area, they will cover, and can take no actions apart from defending themselves.

Sense Weakness Divination Level: 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action

The Seventh Wind Evocation Level: 5th Bard, 5th Cleric, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 40 foot cone, plus 5 feet for every caster level. Target: Area: Cone Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude negates the effect of the nausea. A second Fortitude Save is needed to keep from contracting a disease. See the Description for more details. Spell Resistance: yes Description: A foul wind blows up from nowhere, blighting everything in it’s path. No, it’s not a new Brittany Spears tour, it’s the Seventh Wind, a vile exhalation of nastiness from who knows what forbidden dimension (which I suppose makes it more like Courtney Love than Brittany Spears). Anyone caught in the cone shaped area of effect must make a Strength roll vs. DC 15 to avoid being knocked down by the force of the evil-smelling wind. Small creatures resist at a –2 and anything Tiny or smaller resists at a –4. It takes a standard action to stand up. The wind will also blow any loose papers or small objects in the direction the caster is facing, although this is an effect for the DM to adjudicate. Unless there’s a big bowl of piping hot sulpheric acid sitting on a rickety table in the wind’s path, this secondary effect isn’t likely to do any actual damage to anything. The reek of the Seventh Wind is so awful and rank that anyone caught in the cone takes 1d3 damage and must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or become so nauseated that they can’t do anything but lie on the ground, gasping for breath, for the next 2d4 rounds (which I guess does make it more like Brittany Spears, after all). Even creatures that don’t have a

sense of smell are afflicted, for this is No Wind of This Earth, although of course constructs, immaterial creatures and the undead are completely immune. Anyone who failed the initial Fortitude Saving Throw and became nauseated must attempt a second Fortitude Save or contract a gruesome disease. The Affliction of the Seventh Wind will rob them of one point of Constitution per day for the first week. By the second week it has become unpleasant enough that they lose 1 point of dexterity and one of Wisdom per day as well. Medical science (should such a thing exist in your campaign world) will be baffled by the malady and unable to cure it. Only a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse will be able to stop the course of the disease before the victim reaches 0 Constitution and dies.

Shatterstaff Transmutation [force] Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: The caster's staff (or perhaps some other staff). Duration: Lasts until triggered. Can only be triggered once. Saving Throw: Reflexes reduces damage by half Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Enchants a staff so that the next time it makes a successful Touch Attack (counting only Armor Class from the target's Dexterity bonus) it explodes, doing 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per caster level to the target (maximum of 10d8). Since this also destroys the staff, it is generally used as an attack of last resort. Even though the caster is holding one end of the staff when it explodes, the attack does no damage to anyone but the target. Although the explosion is triggered by physically coming into contact with the target, the staff can't just be left lying around like a land mine, ready to explode whenever someone brushes up against it. Nor can someone be thrown onto the staff to trigger it involuntarily. The staff's wielder must make a conscious intentional effort to strike the target and trigger the explosion, or else nothing happens. There may be situations where a player tries to use this spell on an improvised staff. This may work and it may not, depending on the materials they use. Shatterstaff can only be cast on an object that meets the definition of a "staff" as it is listed in the weapons and equipment section of the Players Handbook. It must weigh the same, be roughly the same length and do the same amount of damage to properly qualify as a staff. The spell cannot be cast on maces, clubs or any other type of bludgeoning weapon except for staves.

Skullbane Transmutation [Evil, Light] Level: 1st Cleric, 1st Evil, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch (to enchant the skull--once it has been enchanted it will affect anything in a 15 foot radius) Target: Enchants one skull of any type, large or small. Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates the damage, but only for one round. Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Causes a skull to shine with a hellish glow, illuminating everything in a 15 foot radius and doing 1 point of damage per round to any Good characters who stand within its fearful light. A Willpower Saving Throw negates the damage, but a good character must roll every round. Any kind of skull can be used to cast this spell, but if it is the skull of a Tiny Creature (or smaller) then the radius of effect is reduced to five feet. The skull must be in reasonably good condition-roughly 60% intact. It is not consumed by the spell and could easily be used to cast it again. Focus: A skull.

Smash Law Transmutation [chaos] Level: 2nd Cleric Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The target’s next blow will do an extra 2d6 damage to any Lawful creature, character or object. This effect cannot be held back. The next time they hit a Lawful target (within the spell’s duration) they will do an extra 2d6 damage to them, even if they don’t want to, even if they’re trying to pull their punch or to do nonlethal damage. The effect is only triggered by actually connecting with a Lawful target If they subject

attacks a Lawful target and misses, the spell isn’t lost. The extra damage takes the form of whichever type of damage the attack normally does. If it is a piercing attack then it does piercing damage. If it’s a slashing attack then it does slashing damage. If the attack does mixed types of damage then the extra dice apply to whichever type the attack does more of, or whichever the DM thinks is more appropriate. This spell does not have any effect on damage that is done by other spells. It only affects actual physical attacks.

Smite Chaos Transmutation [law] Level: 2nd Cleric Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The target’s next blow will do an extra 2d6 damage to any Chaotic creature, character or item. This effect cannot be held back. The next time they hit one of the minions of chaos (within the spell’s duration) they will do an extra 2d6 to them, whether they wish to or not. The effect is only triggered by actually connecting with a chaotic target, so if they strike at a chaotic being and miss, the spell isn’t lost. . The extra damage takes the form of whichever type of damage the attack normally does. If it is a piercing attack then it does piercing damage. If it’s a slashing attack then it does slashing damage. If the attack does mixed types of damage then the extra dice apply to whichever type the attack does more of, or whichever the DM thinks is more appropriate. This spell does not have any effect on damage that is done by other spells. It only affects actual physical attacks.

Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level or until the first time the spell is triggered, whichever comes first. Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The target’s next blow will do an extra 2d6 damage to any Evil creature or character. This effect cannot be held back. The next time they hit an evil being (within the spell’s duration) they will do 2d6 extra damage to them, no matter what. This happens even if the spell’s subject is trying to pull their punch or to do nonlethal damage. If they strike at an evil creature and miss, the spell isn’t lost. The effect is only triggered by actually connecting with an evil target. The extra damage takes the form of whichever type of damage the attack normally does. If it is a piercing attack then it does piercing damage. If it’s a slashing attack then it does slashing damage. If the attack does mixed types of damage then the extra dice apply to whichever type the attack does more of, or whichever the DM thinks is more appropriate. This spell does not have any effect on damage that is done by other spells. It only affects actual physical attacks.

Song of the Red Moon

Smite Evil Transmutation [good] Level: 2nd Cleric Components: Verbal, Somatic

Evocation [evil, sonic] Level: 3rd Bard, 3rd Cleric, 3rd D Components: Verbal Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: See the Description Duration: 2 rounds per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: A terrible howl comes up from the caster's throat and strange wild music echoes across the hills. All evil or neutral were-beasts within the spell's range are emboldened and make all their rolls at

a +2 bonus for the spell's duration. Good werecreatures are demoralized, must make an immediate morale check, and suffer a -2 penalty on all their rolls for the spell's duration. It does not matter what shapes the lycanthropes wear or whether it is night or day. If the spell is cast outside, at night you can actually see an angry red caul creep across the moon's face. This effect is only visible within the area of the spell's effect. The caster must concentrate and continue to howl, taking no other actions, for as long as the spell lasts. If their concentration is broken, the Song of the Red Moon ends.

Steel Spirit Abjuration [mind-affecting] Level: 6th Cleric, 6th Protection, 7th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Grants the subject a temporary +10 bonus to resist any form of Enchantment or mental domination with a Willpower Saving Throw. Suggestion, Hypnosis, Geas, Fascination, Charm Person, Sleep, Fear, Dominate, etc. all are blocked by this spell. It also grants the subject a +8 bonus to maintain their concentration if they are interrupted at some task (this spell does not itself require them to concentrate). It does not provide them with any defense against illusions, or against any magical attack that requires a Reflexes or Fortitude Saving Throw. It does not enhance any Willpower Saving Throw that is not directly used to resist a magical attack. This is armor for the outside of your spirit-it does not bolster your spirit from within.

Strength of Stones Transmutation [earth] Level: 2nd Druid, 2nd Earth, 2nd Strength Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster. The subject must be physically in contact with a mass of stone. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level (but see the Description) Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: Temporarily imbues the Target with an extra five points of Strength and six points of Constitution, but it only works while they are physically in contact with a large mass of stone. The moment they are no longer touching, the spell's effect ends. If they come back into contact with a sufficiently large mass of stone before the spell's

duration ends, the effect will resume The DM must carefully adjudicate what constitutes a "large mass" of stone. Here are some rules to help make it less ambiguous. If the subject of the spell is touching or standing on a mass of stone that has more than twice their own weight, they gain the spell's full protection. If the stone is between one and two times the subject's weight, they gain only two points of Strength and four of Constitution. If the stone weighs less than they do, they don't gain anything. If they aren't directly touching the stone (if for example they are standing on a stone outcropping, but wearing boots, or touching a stone wall through a glove) then subtract one point of Strength and one point of Constitution from the enhancement (minimum of +0). For one hour after the spell has been cast, magical creatures associated with stone will make reaction rolls to both the subject and the caster at a +2. This bonus is only a +1 if the spell wasn't cast at full strength.

Suppress Magic Abjuration Level: 2nd Bard, 2nd Cleric, 3rd Druid, 3rd Paladin, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: See the Description Duration: Special, see the Description Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset. Once the sun sets or 18 hours have elapsed, whichever happens first, the magic will return This effect cannot be used to extend a spell's Duration. When a spell has been suppressed, its duration continues ticking away, and if it expires before the Suppression wears off, it is lost. A Detect Magic will reveal nothing until the magic comes back.

Theophrastic Compass Transmutation Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch (although once it has been cast there is no limit to the range of the effect) Target: Any two inanimate objects touched by the caster Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Enchants two objects so that if they are separated, one of them will always point toward the other. There is no range limitation on this effect. If the two objects are still on the same plane, one will always point in the direction of the other. This is not a strong pull. Anyone can easily resist the tendency of

the objects to twist in their grasp without even making a roll. You have to suspend the object, perhaps from a cord, and let it dangle for the length of a Standard Action to get an accurate impression. It is common for one object to be something of great value and the other one to be something small light and thin, like a stick or a needle, to make it easy to track the larger object's whereabouts if it gets stolen. Also commonly used on pairs of compass needles, to help ships find each other at sea. It cannot be cast on living things, or on objects that are larger than Huge in size. If you were to cast the spell on a pair of Huge Objects, the DM would have to carefully adjudicate what sort of apparatus you would have to build in order to suspend one of them enough that you could measure the direction it tends to point towards. Should such a peculiar situation arise, the DM should feel free to make the character spend a lot of money building the necessary contraption takes considerably longer than a Standard Action to use.

They Watch Conjuration (Summoning) Level: 6th Cleric, 5th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Area: 10 by 10 foot square Duration: Lasts until the first time it is triggered, then dissapates Saving Throw: Reflexes save halves the damage Spell Resistance: no Description: This fiendish spell enchants a 10 by 10 foot square, drawing it to the attention of certain sinister forces that lurk just outside the threshold of time and space. They watch that spot, and they wait. When the caster sets up the spell, he or she will specify the conditions that will finally trigger it. Something has to happen inside the enchanted area to set the spell off. It’s up to the caster as to what that something is. The set of conditions can be as complex and as detailed as the caster likes. The instructions can include proper names or pre-existing conditions, or events that happen months or years apart. It could be as simple as “the spell goes off the first time anyone bigger than a fly walks into the square” or as complex

as “the spell goes off if the woman I am one day to be betrothed to ever insults my family while standing on that spot—but only if the neighboring kingdom has won a war within the past five years (not just any neighboring kingdom, but the one ruled by my family’s hereditary enemies).” In fact there’s just about no set of instructions that would be too arbitrary or complex. For They know things. They understand. They can figure out what you meant. If the DM is capable of understanding what the spellcaster intends when they set up the spell, They do as well. Nor will They attempt to pervert the caster’s intent. They are certainly evil, but They disdain the affairs of mortals enough that They are uninterested in playing games with us. Beyond that, we understand nothing of their motives, except that They like to rip and rend and crush. When the conditions of the spell are finally met, a swarm of tentacles, claws and pincers materialize out of thin air and attack everything in the designated square. There is no escaping their clutch— They’re everywhere. Everything in the affected square will take 9d6 Slashing Damage. A Reflexes Saving Throw will halve the damage. At the end of the round, They disappear back to wherever They came from. Anyone They killed vanishes too, never to be seen again. A character in the affected square can attack the tentacles, pincers and so forth if it makes them feel any better (each one is AC 16 and has 3 Hit Points) but it won’t stop them from taking damage. The spectral attackers are immune to mind-affecting spells, and if someone tries to read their thoughts, they get nothing but 2d6 Subdual damage for their efforts. It is not good to be one who They have touched. For 1d6 hours after the attack, any survivors will find that everyone reacts to them at a –2, somehow sensing the unnatural taint that clings to them. Aberrations actually respond to them at a +2, although this is unlikely to have much effect on things, since few PCs who encounter a Beholder or a Black Pudding will attempt to make conversation with them.

This Door Belongs to Darkness Transmutation [Evil] Level: 4th Cleric, 3rd Evil, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 2 rounds Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One door or doorway, no bigger than "Huge" in size Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Enchants a doorway so that only evil creatures can safely pass through it. Only works on artificial doorways, although the portal does not need to have a hinged door attached.

For the duration of the spell, any neutral or good creature who passes through that door, in either direction, takes 3d6 damage, and hears a voice whisper angrily “this door belongs to darkness”. No one but the character being damaged can hear the voice, and the damage isn’t immediately visible, although painful bruises will appear on their skin within an hour or so and they will pass blood in their waste for one or two days. There are no bolts of lightning or other flashy magical effects. For the next week, anyone who took damage from this spell will resist disease at a –2 penalty. The spell can affect as many creatures at once as try to cross the threshold at the same time. It won’t affect doors that are bigger than “Huge” in size, but this is the only effective limit to how many creatures it can affect at one time. To trigger the spell, you must put at least one foot over the door’s threshold. Being flung over the threshold against your will does qualify and does set off the spell. If a character puts one foot through the door, takes damage and decides to withdraw, effectively canceling their movement action, they don’t take damage twice. Unfortunately, a character who has passed all the way through the door and then needs to go back out again isn’t so lucky. They will take damage again as they pass through the doorway from the other side, and hear the hateful voice whisper its admonishment as they do. The spell must be cast on an actual door or doorway. A natural cave mouth won’t work, nor will a hole than someone has bashed through a wall. It must be a real doorway, created for that specific purpose. This can create a few odd situations for a DM to adjudicate. Does a blanket draped over the mouth of a cave to keep out the cold make the opening qualify as a doorway? My answer would be, only if it’s meant to be a permanent or semi-permanent arrangement, set up by someone who actually intends to live in the cave and isn’t just stopping there for the night. Does the mouth of a bear’s den qualify? I would say no, without any clearly defined reason—it just doesn’t feel like a doorway to me somehow. Your answers may be different. Focus: A door or doorway

This Water is Angry Transmutation [water] Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard, 2nd Cleric, 1st Druid Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 20 feet Target: One quart of liquid Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: See Description Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Turns roughly one quart worth of water into a boiling, bubbling froth of hate. A flask, pitcher or skin full of the angry water can be used as a grenade like weapon, doing 1d6 damage to the target and 1 point of damage to anything else in a 5 foot

radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw negates the splasheffect damage, but will not help the target). Anyone can fling angry water at a target, it does not need to be thrown by the spell’s caster. Touching the stuff will do 1d6 heat damage to whoever touches it and also break the spell. The spell can only be cast on liquids that are mostly water. It will work on a bottle of wine or a bowl of soup, but not on a pail of milk, a can of paint or on an opponent’s internal body fluids. Nor will it work on a volume of liquid greater than about a quart. The sole exception to this last rule is if the the spell is cast underwater, in which case it will create a mobile globe of raging liquid that the caster can fling at an opponent without any sort of containment vessel. It will do only 1d4 damage to the target if used underwater, plus 1 point of damage to anything within a 5-foot radius. As on land, once the caster makes the attack, the spell is broken whether the angry water hit the target or not. If the liquid is poured into a tub or small pool where someone is bathing, the water dissipates the effect to some degree. The target will automatically take damage, but only 1d4 worth.

Thrumble's Thaumaturgic Triple-Lock Transmutation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: One door, trapdoor, or other portal that opens and closes Duration: Indefinite Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Widespread use of the spell "Knock" has created all kinds of security problems in the magical world, since not even a "Wizard Lock" spell is able to fully secure a room or chest against it.. Nor is "Knock" a difficult or obscure spell—almost any student of the arcane arts can be expected to know it and so your treasures aren't safe from any of them. The Thaumaturgic Triple-Lock goes a long way toward rectifying this problem. It magically locks doors, chests, etc. so securely that even a Knock will not open them. Either the spellcaster who enchanted the door must take the spell off of it, or the door will have to be destroyed for anyone to get through it. The spell also reinforces whatever it is cast on with an extra 5 points of Hardness and an extra 10 points of Resistance to Flame. The caster can set simple conditions under which the door will open without breaking the spell. They could, for example, set it so that the door can only be opened from one side, or so that it can only be opened by the caster themselves, or so that it can only be opened by someone wearing the caster's mark. The conditions, if any, must be set at the time the spell is

cast and can't be changed. As is always the case with spell conditions, the magic isn't clever enough to cope with any ambiguity. Unless the conditions are clearly and unquestionably met (and this is of course exclusively the DM's prerogative to asses) the door stays closed. Nor can the spell cope with instructions that would require it to read someone's mind. So, it cannot be set to "admit only creatures who are friendly to me" since it has no way of telling who is friendly and who is not. The door will always stay closed if it can't determine whether or not it should open.

Thunderous Blast Transmutation [sonic] Level: 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Caster must touch the musical instrument to enchant it. The attack it generates affects a 70 foot cone, and the Deafening effect affects a 70 foot semicircle Target: Affects one musical instrument, which then in turn emits a cone-shaped attack, surrounded by a wider, semicircular area of effect. Duration: Lasts until the spell has been triggered three times. Saving Throw: Reflexes halves, second Reflexes Throw negates Deafening effect Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: This spell imbues a horn with the ability to unleash a devastating cone-shaped sonic attack. The horn can be used three times before the magic runs out. In addition to taking damage, anyone caught within a 70 foot semicircular radius of the caster must make a Reflexes Saving Throw or become Deaf for 2d8 rounds. Please note that it is possible to be deafened without taking any damage from the

attack—the radius of this effect is much wider. Deaf characters can’t use the skill “listen” and suffer a –2 penalty to avoid being Surprised, but also become immune to Bluff and Diplomacy rolls (and mercifully unable to hear talk radio). Focus: A horn. It can be any kind or horn, in any condition, but no other sort of musical instrument will do. Bagpipes qualify as horns (I’m sorry to say).

Total Awareness Divination Level: 2nd Cleric, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: 15 foot radius per caster level, always centered on the caster Duration: Concentration plus one round per caster level (if the spell is cast on someone other than the caster themselves, then it is the spell's recipient who must concentrate to maintain the spell past the initial rounds) Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The caster (or whoever the spell has been cast upon) gains 360% perception. This sense is not vision, although it does reveal things like color and brightness, and it is not obscured by anything but a solid object in its path. Smoke, mist, darkness, etc, does not provide concealment or cover against this kind of perception. Only hiding behind an actual solid obstacle will do. Darkness doesn’t affect it either—the new sense isn’t dependant on light. If the character using this spell has been blinded, deafened or otherwise had their senses compromised, it has no effect whatever on this other, magical sense. Magically invisible objects and creatures are still invisible to them, but only have a +4 AC bonus rather than the usual +8. No one attacking the character from the back or the side will gain any of the usual bonuses to hit them, and the character can themselves attack opponents flanking them at no penalty. They can even even strike opponents standing directly behind them with just a -2 penalty.

Trapdoor to Nowhere Conjuration [teleportation] Level: 6th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature, selected by the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Reflexes Negates Spell Resistance: no Description: An unwelcome surprise for even the doughtiest adventuter, this spell opens a small interspatial portal under the target’s feet. If they fail their Reflexes Saving throw, they fall through it, and reappear four hundred feet above their starting

position. Apply standard falling damage. The spell can’t be cast on any target bigger than “Large” in size. While this spell can usually be cast on only one target at a time, it will work just fine on a character who is mounted on a riding animal (so long as the beast isn’t any bigger than “large”), or on two or more characters who are standing on each other’s shoulders. To certain sorcerers, they’re no funnier sight that a noble paladin plummeting to his doom atop his valiant steed, their limbs flailing wildly as they fall. If the spell is cast underground, it will send the targeted character either four hundred feet above their present location, or up to the nearest empty space, whichever is closer. It won’t dump them inside solid matter. The spell works on inanimate objects as well as living ones, provided that they’re no bigger than “Large” A four hundred foot drop will take three combat rounds, which might give the target time to prepare some kind of magical defense, or perhaps to write a very short will. The target’s companions could use the time to find some way to rescue the plummeting character, or to argue over how to divide up their stuff. But then again, perhaps there is no need to discuss how to distribute the target’s personal belongings, since they will shortly distribute themselves over a fairly wide area.

The White Death Necromancy Level: 4th Bard, 4th Cleric, 4th Druid, 5th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 feet Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Lasts until negated by a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse spell Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Infects the target with a particularly

gruesome and fast-acting pestilence. The White Death will eat away one Hit Point per round until the target either dies or is cured. Its effects are amazingly unpleasant to watch—the victim’s flesh turns white and crumbles away like stale bread. This costs the victim 1 point of Charisma per every five rounds. After they have lost half their Hit Points, the disease begins to damage their central nervous system, eroding one point of Intelligence and one of Wisdom every five rounds. In this stage of the disease, the victim becomes prone to fits of dementia and must make a Willpower Saving Throw every round or suffer the effects of Confusion as per the spell. To keep you from having to rumage through your Player’s Handbook, here are the specifics. Roll on the following table at the beginning of each subject’s turn each round to see what a confused character does in that round. d% 01– 10 11– 20 21– 50 51– 70 71– 100

Behavior Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible). Act normally. Do nothing but babble incoherently, rock in place, clap hands, twitch, etc. Flee away from caster at top possible speed. Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject’s self).

A confused character who can’t carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently in a slobbering spastic frenzy. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused character. Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes. A confused character will not make attacks of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted to attacking. The Confusion caused by the White Death only lasts for one round, although on the next round the subject must make another Saving Throw. Because the victim’s disintegrating mind will have increasing difficulty fending off the dementia, most victims of the White Death spend their final moments in frothing madness. This is particularly unfortunate, since once they lose half their Hit Points, they will also become infectious. Anyone who touches an infectious victim of the White Death must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or become infected with it themselves. Their clothing and any personal gear they were carrying when they contracted the disease are equally infectious. This effect lasts until the moon next rises. Objects the victim has merely touched, breathed on, etc, are not hazardous to handle. Only their personal gear is contaminated. The White Death is not a natural malady and anyone with any experience or skill at treating the sick will see at once that this is no illness born of this earth,

and that it must be the work of bad magic. Because of its arcane nature, Dispel Magic, Cure Disease and Remove Curse are all equally effective against it. While any one of these spells will stop the disease and cure any lingering dementia, only Remove Curse will immediately restore the lost Hit Points and Stats. Fortunately, because most of the White Death’s victims go crazy and die within ten rounds, outbreaks of the disease burn themselves out very quickly. There has never been an actual epidemic— yet. Material Component: A small wad of contaminated filth, the nastier, the better.

Unsavory Flavor Transmutation Level: 1st Druid, 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The Spell’s target becomes unpleasant for amorphous horrors to smell and taste. Slimes, oozes, puddings, jellies and gelatinous cubes will only attack the spell’s target if there is no other prey available, and even then there is a 50% chance that they will ignore them altogether. Please note that if you encounter the same monstrosity on two seperate occasions while the spell is still on, they are still disinclined to eat you. If an amorphous abberration is attacked by someone who is using this spell, the creature will reluctantly defend itself. If their attacker has companiuons, it will try to attack the other characters first unless that isn’t physically possible.

Venomous Glance Evocation Level: 4th Cleric, 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: None. Does not require so much as a single word or gesture (but the caster must be able to make eye contact with the target--see the Description)

Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude save reduces damage by half. Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The spellcaster shoots the target an evil look. So evil, in fact, that it kills. This is a silent spell that requires no gestures or other somatic components. It requires direct line of sight and it can be cast only on targets that are facing the caster and can see them. It cannot be cast via scrying. The caster must make eye contact with the target to hurt them. In game terms this means that they must overcome the target’s Dexterity with their Charisma. If the caster fails, they lose the spell. If they succeed, the target feels the sinister gaze knife into them and fill their veins with poison. They must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 1d8 poison damage per round for 3 rounds. Despite the fact that the damage is spread out over 3 rounds, they only get to make one saving throw. Even though the spell’s effects are invisible, the target will know exactly who did this to them, although whether or not they can convince anyone else is another matter. The spell will not work on blind characters or on creatures that are immune to natural poisons. If a spellcaster attempts to use the Venomous Glance on someone who is immune, the spell is lost. Special magical items and spells that enhance the target’s resistance to poison will help them make their saving throw.

Wall of Bones and Filth Conjuration (creation) Level: 5th (Cleric), 4th (Sorcerer /Wizard) Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: Effect: Creates a wall of bones and rotting garbage, up to 20 ft. long per caster level, or a ringshaped wall with a radius of up to 5 ft. per two levels; in either either form it is 20 ft. high (S) Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: no Description: This unwholesome spell creates a barrier of bones, rotting trash and other yet more smelly and less easily identifiable things, all constantly moving and roiling with a nauseating motion. The wall can be any size up to the maximum (20 ft. long per caster level, or a ring-shaped wall with a radius of up to 5 ft. per two caster levels), but it must be continuous (it can’t start, stop and start again), and nothing can block its path while it is being formed. It’s quite unpleasant to be anywhere near that wall. Just standing within ten feet of it requires everyone but the spell’s caster to make a Fortitude Saving Throw or suffer a –2 penalty on all their actions.

The wall cannot be seen through and provides one hundred percent cover to anyone standing on the far side of it. To pass the wall, you have to dig your way through it. Each five-foot section can absorb 60 points of damage (it has no Hardness). Once you have dug out that section (leaving bones and filth splattered everywhere) it breaches the barrier and anyone can pass through that spot. This does not break the spell. Anyone who passed through or otherwise came into physical contact with the wall will suffer a – 2 penalty on all Bluff, Diplomacy and Performance rolls for the next three hours. Unless of course the DM decides that they are trying to impress someone who likes the smell of bones and filth. Material Component: Some bone fragments mixed together with some reeking filth. Best to keep this one in a sealed vial until it’s needed.

everyone really is, how the whole world is suffering every instant of its existence, etc. If they take any damage, it snaps them out of their funk, and for the rest of the spell’s duration they can function as though they made their Saving Throw. Unless of course they touch the wall again, in which case they whole process starts over. The wall itself can cover 1 ten foot square per caster level. It can pass through the middle of a square or along it’s edge—that’s up to the caster. The wall can be any shape, but it must be continuous. It cannot start, stop, and start again unless it has been cast more than once. The spell “Permanency” can be cast on a Wall of Grief, in which case characters who touch it will suffer its effects for 1 minute per caster level.

Wall of Grief Conjuration (Creation) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 4th Bard, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: Creates a barrier 10 feet in width per caster level Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower save reduces the effect, and keeps the character from being incapacitated outright. See the description for more details. Spell Resistance: yes Description: Creates a shimmering, semi-solid wall of utter and absolute misery. Anyone who touches it will be consumed with sorrow, and fall to the ground, weeping wretchedly. The wall is only an inch or so thick and it’s semi-transparent, like a thin sheet of water. Anything on the far side of it effectively has 20% cover from the rippling distortion of the light. It’s surface seems to move and shift, and anyone who looks at it is struck with the idea that it somehow resembles a curtain of tears—and then they wonder where they got such an odd idea. Touch the wall and you’ll know. It’s easy enough to pass through the barrier, it doesn’t block movement or missile attacks at all, but as soon as any living being comes into contact with the wall they are overwhelmed with desolating grief, and must make a Willpower saving throw to avoid going into a sobbing fit. Even if they make the saving throw, they are still consumed with a powerful melancholy and will make all of their rolls at a –2 penalty until the spell’s duration ends or someone casts Dispel Magic on them. Characters who fail their saving throw and are overcome with grief can do nothing but sit on the ground and weep. They can’t even defend themselves from attack—they’re effectively incapacitated and useless for the caster's level in rounds. It’s impossible to make conversation with them since all they want to talk about is how unhappy they feel, how unhappy

Warding Against the Shadow of the Mind Abjuration [Good] Level: 4th Cleric, 3rd Protection Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The subject gains a +6 bonus against any Enchantment spells cast by Evil characters. The spell provides the same level of protection against magical spell-like abilities that simulate the effects of Enchantments. It does not matter how long ago the enchantment was cast or what has triggered it. Only the alignment of the caster matters. It will provide no protection against spells cast by a good or neutral character who is being compelled by an evil character into casting it.

It will provide protection against spell-like effects created by magic items if either the item’s creator or its wielder is Evil. It functions the same way for spells that have been stored on scrolls. If either the magus who enchanted the scroll or the character reading the spell off of the scroll is Evil, then the target is protected by the warding and can use their +6 bonus. If for some reason the target actually wants to be subjected to an Enchantment which has been cast by an Evil character they still must apply the +6 bonus to their Saving Throw, unless they themselves make a Willpower roll vs. the level of the character who placed the Ward on them. If they succeed, the Ward is then broken and dispelled.

What is its True Worth? Divination Level: 2nd Bard, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: 10 feet per caster level Target: One inanimate object or non-sentient animal, selected by the caster Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Description: Reveals the amount of money that someone would reasonably be expected to pay for this item. If an item is a fake, it doesn't reveal that it's fraudulent, but it does reveal that it is worthless. If an item is cloaked in an illusion to disguise its real worth, the spell will reveal its actual value, but not what it really looks like or even that it has an illusion on it (although of course the caster is free to infer this for themselves). The spell usually goes by the prices listed in the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide, but adjusts its internal price list to take special circumstances into account. So for example if someone offered to sell the caster a flask of water in the middle of the desert, the spell would reveal the correct price for a flask of water under these circumstances-the price that a savvy camel driver would insist on. If the caster is offered a poisoned, boobytrapped or other harmful item, the spell will reveal how much money it would cost to acquire this item to use on someone else. The price of the poison or how much the workmanship on the booby trap cost. Of course a cautious character might at once guess that something is wrong with an item if its cost reads funny. Caveat emptor!

Who Am I? Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] Level: 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Touch Target: One living subject touched by the caster, and

anyone who encounters them. See the Description for details. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: For the spell’s duration, anyone who meets the spell’s subject for the first time must make a Willpower Saving Throw to be able to remember their face. They only get one roll per encounter—if they fail it they will never recall the face clearly. If you have failed the roll once it has no effect on subsequent Willpower Saving Throws. If you encounter the same person again, and they are once again using this spell, you have the same chance to beat the spell as you did the first time you saw them. This spell does not keep anyone from remembering the subject’s weight, height, age or voice, but their face will be impossible to recall. The DM should adjudicate this carefully. It would be an excellent way for a healthy young male human to conceal their identity, but it would be much harder for say, a hunchbacked dwarf to use effectively (unless for some reason there are a lot of hunchbacked dwarfs around).

Wind of Razors Evocation Level: 3rd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 10 foot wide path, 10 feet long per caster level Target: Area: 10 foot wide straight path Duration: Instant Saving Throw: A Reflexes save halves the damage Spell Resistance: Yes Description: Glittering shards of metal fly out of the caster’s mouth, with a whistling, tinkling sound, slashing everything in a 10 foot wide path for 1d6 point of damage per caster level (maximum of 15d6). The razors vanish into nothingness once the spell is over, although forensic science (if there is such a thing in your campaign) will find traces of metal residue in the wounds made by this spell. The residue is microscopic, too small to alert a Detect Magic spell, although it does have a few odd little magical properties (for example it defies spectrographic analysis, and vanishes from any bottle where more than a microgram of it is collected at once)

Witch-Hammer Evocation Level: 2nd Cleric, 2nd Destruction, 2nd Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: 20 foot radius Target: Any spellcasters within a s0 foot radius. Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Does 2d6 damage to any and every spellcaster in a 20 foot radius (except of course for the character who is casting the spell). It doesn’t matter what Class they are—if they have the capacity to cast spells without using a magic item, they will suffer the damage. There is no way to hold back the effect of the spell. Everyone who can be affected by it will be.

Writ in Water, Wrote on Sand Transmutation Level: 1st Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Focus Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: Up to one pint of ink or other pigment, and any drawings or writing made with that ink Duration: Lasts indefinitely, until the effect is triggered. Saving Throw: None (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Description: Curses a bottle or other container of ink, up to a pint in size. Any words written in that ink will last a preset amount of time and then slide off the page in a puddle. The caster must specify the length of time the words will last at the moment they cast the spell. It can’t be changed once it is encoded. This is the amount of time from when the spell is cast to when the words fall off the page, not the amount of time the ink will stay on the paper after it has been used. There is no upper time limit. The caster can set the effect to go off in a round, a week or for that matter in a dozen centuries, if they have reason to think a document might last that long. The caster’s own lifespan doesn’t matter. If they die before the spell is triggered the words fall off the page anyway once the time arrives.

You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle Conjuration (Healing) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 3rd Bard, 1st Cleric, 2nd Druid, 2nd Protection Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch (the caster must draw the circle themselves, to enclose the affected space, but they are not obliged to physically touch the target contained in the circle). Target: Area: 5 foot circular radius. Only affects one creature, who must be contained within that radius. Duration: 2 days per caster level Saving Throw: See description Spell Resistance: yes (harmless) Description: The caster draws a circle on the ground around the target, enclosing a space with a 5 foot diameter. This takes a full round, so while the spell can certainly be used on an unwilling target, they’re unlikely to sit still for it unless they’re too badly wounded to escape. The spell gives the target back 1d6 Hit Points if the target has lost any, and more importantly, it stops them from losing any more hit points or characteristic points from any disease, curse, or other progressive debilitating condition. If for example a character has been reduced to –5 HP from a swordwound, once the circle is drawn around them they will regain 1-6 HP and even though they probably won’t be restored to more than zero HP, they won’t lose any more hit points from internal bleeding until they leave the circle. Alas, once the character leaves the circle they also lose the hit points the spell has given them back and if they are diseased or cursed they will continue to lose points from their characteristics. If they step back in, don’t re-roll the mount of hit points

they gain back, just make it the same number they gained the first time. To keep patients from wandering off, there is a mild Compulsion worked into the spell. In order to leave the circle, the spell’s subject must first make a Willpower Saving Throw. It’s one patient to a circle—you can’t cram more people into the space, piling them on top of one another or making them stand on one another’s toes. The spell only works on the individual who the spellcaster drew the circle around, so there’s no point in kicking the patient out of their circle and trying to use it yourself. Focus: A circle, drawn on the ground.

alone. Characters with a Corey Feldman-like Charisma (4 or less) are just really damn ugly. The subject’s behavior grows violent, pensive and erratic. Every round that they remain under the effects of this curse, they must make a Willpower Saving throw or become randomly homicidal, attacking the nearest living creature with whatever hand weapon is most convenient until it stops moving. They are not capable of using Missile weapons when they are homicidal A homicidal character who hasn’t lost too much intelligence to speak can warn their companions to stay way from them or request help or in any other respect communicate normally. They can continue rolling every round to shake off the homicidal compulsion, if they’re the sort of character who doesn’t actually want to kill everyone around them. However, if they make their roll and recover their wits for a round, they still have to roll again on the next one. Only a Dispel Magic, Remove Curse or some super-powerful spell like Wish can actually cure their condition.

Your Weapons Hate You Now

You’re So Hideous, Cringe in Shame Transmutation Level: 5th Bard, 3rd Cleric, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One creature, selected by the caster. Duration: Indefinite, lasts until cured or dispelled Saving Throw: Willpower negates Spell Resistance: yes Description: The target grows hideous, stupid, foul and violent (and if they were already, then they grow more so). If the target fails their saving throw, they at once lose 2d6 Charisma (down to a minimum of 1pt) and 2d6 Intelligence (also down to a minimum of 1 pt), but gain 2d6 points of Strength. Characters with an animal-like intelligence (4 or less) can’t speak, use tools, or use any of their skills or feats, but can recognize their friends and will follow them around to keep from feeling anxious and

Transmutation Level: 3rd Bard, 4th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic Casting Time: Standard Action Range: Close (25 feet +5 feet for every two caster levels) Target: One living subject, selected by the caster. Duration: Lasts until negated by a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse spell Saving Throw: Special--see Description Spell Resistance: Yes Description: The target must make a Charisma-based Saving Throw, or lose their Martial Weapon proficiency until the spell runs out. Worse, every round they hold a martial weapon, they take one point of non-lethal damage. This effect applies even to intelligent weapons that have some kind of special bond with the target. To take damage, the subject must intentionally hold the weapon in their hand (or whatever equivalent they use, if the creature doesn’t have hands in the conventional sense). You can't hurt them by, for example, holding the flat of a sword against their skin. It does not matter whether they hold the forbidden weapon in their bare hand, or whether they wear a glove or gauntlet. It affects them just the same. The spell can be broken with either a Dispel Magic or a Remove Curse. The caster can also set a simple, one sentence condition for breaking the spell, of no more than five words in length. This spell has no effect on characters that do not have the Martial Weapon proficiency. It fails and is lost if it is cast on them.

Zone of Blood Evocation Level: 5th Sorcerer/Wizard Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material Casting Time: 1 round Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: 1 ten-foot by 10 foot square per caster level Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: Fortitude halves the damage. Roll each round. Spell Resistance: yes Description: Creates an area 10 feet by ten feet times the caster’s level in size, where any living being starts to hemorrhage, doing 1d6 damage to themselves every round (up to a maximum of 20d6). This damage completely bypasses both armor and toughness. Damage Resistance has no effect on it. The victims’ veins start to rupture and leak from the inside, where they don’t have any armor. The caster can shape the area however they like, although once they’ve set its boundaries they can’t change it without re-casting the spell. Its edges are not visible to the naked eye—the zone doesn’t glow or anything like that. But you’ll certainly feel it once you step inside. If nothing else, you may start to wonder why your boots are filling up with blood. The effects are subtle for the first two or three points of damage. Bloody spots appear on the whites of the victim’s eyes, bluish bruises emerge all over their skin, scattered around like the blotches on a withering banana. Once they’ve taken more than three points of damage the effects become blatant and gruesome. Blood starts leaking out of their noses, mouths, ears, the corners of their eyes and the pores of their skin. Anyone who takes four or more points of damage should start making Reflexes Saving Throws vs. DC 15 each round to keep from getting blood in their eyes. Anyone who fails the roll will suffer a –2 penalty until they leave the Zone of Blood and take a standard action to wipe their face. The caster cannot decide to spare certain creatures and let others take damage. Anyone who has blood will suffer the effects of the spell. If the caster wanders into the zone themselves, they too will rupture and bleed. Creatures who don’t have blood are unaffected by the zone. Constructs, immaterial beings, creatures in gaseous form, plant-beings, entities made out of shambling piles of glop (oozes, puddings, slimes, etc.), and most of the Undead are totally immune to this spell. Vampires are the sole exception. If a vampire has fed within the past six hours, they take 1d3 damage per round from the Zone of Blood, up to a maximum of 15d3. Otherwise the zone does not affect them. There may be other creatures (certain types of extra-planar beings, for example) who don’t have blood and who therefore aren’t harmed by the Zone. The DM should adjudicate this carefully. Most extra-planar creatures who resemble earthly animals (Ki-Rin, Coatls, Devas)

will have blood of one sort or another. Material Component: 2 HP worth of blood. If nobody else’s blood is handy, the caster can take a standard action to open up one of their own veins for two hp of damage (if they have a sharp object handy— otherwise they’re going to have to bite themselves, which takes a full round and does an extra point of damage from the way it mangles their flesh). Ironically, a lot of material components are about to become available, but still you wouldn’t want to go in there and get them.

Appendix A: Spells by Level Animal Spells 2nd Level Nose of the Dog Make Tracking rolls at a +10 3rd Level Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast.

Assassin Spells 3rd Level Pressure Point Blow The next three unarmed attacks the subject makes will do Normal Damage

Bard Spells 1st Level Detect Cheating Reveals cheating at a game of chance Detect Shapeshifter Detects the presence of shapeshifters. Resist Sleep Subject gains a +10 bonus to resist magical sleep 2nd Level Alleviate Curse Works like Remove Curse, but will only suppress the curse until the next sunrise. Aura of Mystery +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Performance, Move Silently and Concealment Dampen Magic Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. Deep-Drag-You Down Does 2d6 Subdual damage to anyone immersed in moving water. Find That Thing Points the caster in the direction of any one object they have previously handled. Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast. A Fool is Blind Renders a creature or object invisible, but only to one person Hypnotic Voice Caster makes their next Diplomacy or Bluff roll at a +8 bonus Suppress Magic Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset. What is its True Worth? Reveals how much someone would reasonably expect to pay for this item

3rd Level Curse of He Who Walks in Shadow Target becomes vulnerable to sunlight. Demonic Howl Does 1d4 non-lethal damage per caster level to everyone in a 20 foot radius Doorway Into Pain Opens a portal to some other location. Every Medium sized creature who passes through causes the caster 1hp of damage. Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Enchanted Implement Enchants a tool so that anyone who uses it to perform a Professional or Craft skill gets a +3 bonus Song of the Red Moon Evil or neutral lycanthropes gain a +2 bonus to all rolls. Good were-creatures a suffer a -2 penalty. You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle Creates a magic circle, which gives back 1d6 hp to whoever is inside and stops any progressive stat or hp losses they may be sufferng, but only until they leave the circle. Includes a mild compulsion not to leave. Your Weapons Hate You Now Target must make a Charisma-based Saving Throw or lose Martial Weapon proficiency. Costs them 1pt Subdual damage per round to hold a Martial weapon. 4th Level Ace of Swords Turns a playing card into an area-attack missile weapon, which does 3d8 Slashing damage to anything in a 10 by 10 square Curse of the Black Moon Infects lycanthropes with a fatal disease that costs 1pt of Con per day Resounding Blast Musical instrument does 1d6 Sonic damage per caster level in a cone-effect, causes Deafness Scream of the Damned Anyone in a 40 foot semicircle from the caster’s position must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 3d6 Subdual damage and become deaf for 2d6 minutes and a Willpower Saving Throw or take an additional 1d4 Subdual damage and flee in panic. The White Death Target loses 1HP per round, 1 Cha pt every 5 rounds, until dead. Wall of Grief Creates a magic barrier, 10 feet wide per caster level which requires anyone who touches it to make a Willpower Save or be incapacitated for Caster Level rounds.

5th Level No One Gets Out of Here Negates transportation spells The Seventh Wind Cone-shaped attack, does 1d3 damage, causes nausea and afflicts targets with a wasting disease. You’re So Hideous, Cringe in Shame Reduces the Target's Int and Cha by 2d6 each and forces them to make Will Saves every round to keep from going berzerk.

Cleric Spells 1st level Deep-Drag-You Down Does 2d6 Subdual damage to anyone immersed in moving water. Detect Cheating Reveals cheating at a game of chance Detect Shapeshifter Detects the presence of shapeshifters. Is This Sickness Natural? Reveals whether or not an illness has been caused by magic. Power of the Mind Subject can substitute Willpower Saving Throws for Fortitude Saving Throws Resist Sleep Subject gains a +10 bonus to resist magical sleep Skullbane Glowing skull illuminates a 15 foot radius, does 1 HP per round to Good characters. You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle Creates a magic circle, which gives back 1d6 hp to whoever is inside and stops any progressive stat or hp losses they may be sufferng, but only until they leave the circle. Includes a mild compulsion not to leave.

2nd Level Alleviate Curse Works like Remove Curse, but will only suppress the curse until the next sunrise. Aura of Mystery +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Performance, Move Silently and Concealment Crush Goodness Subject’s next blow does an extra 2d6 damage to any Good target. Dampen Magic Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Find That Thing Points the caster in the direction of any one object they have previously handled. Invoke the Power of the Blood-Spirits Subject gains a +8 bonus to resist both magical and

non-magical attempts to drain points from their Constitution Resist Paralysis Subject gains a +10 bonus vs. paralysis Smash Law Subject’s next blow does an extra 2d6 damage to any Lawful target. Smite Chaos Subject’s next blow does an extra 2d6 damage to any Chaotic target. Smite Evil Subject’s next blow does an extra 2d6 damage to any Evil target Suppress Magic Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset. This Water is Angry Turns one quart of liquid into a grenade-like weapon, which does 1d6 damage to the target and 1pt to anything in a 5 foot radius Total Awareness Subject gains 360% perception, which is unimpeded by smoke, mist, etc. Witch-Hammer Does 2d6 damage to every spellcaster in a 20 foot radius 3rd Level Curse of He Who Walks in Shadow Target becomes vulnerable to sunlight. Ease Your Burden Anything the subject picks up has its weight reduced by half Kiss of the Serpent Caster's bite or kiss does 4d8 poison damage. Plague of Ill Fortune Curses the target with a -4 penalty to all their rolls. Anyone the target touches or spends one hour with must make a Will Save or be afflicted. Scream of the Damned Anyone in a 40 foot semicircle from the caster’s position must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 3d6 Subdual damage and become deaf for 2d6 minutes and a Willpower Saving Throw or take an additional 1d4 Subdual damage and flee in panic. Song of the Red Moon Evil or neutral lycanthropes gain a +2 bonus to all rolls. Good were-creatures a suffer a -2 penalty. You’re So Hideous, Cringe in Shame Reduces the Target's Int and Cha by 2d6 each and forces them to make Will Saves every round to keep from going berzerk. 4th Level Annihilate Evil Subject does extra 4d6 damage to the next Evil creature they strike. Anti-Abjuration Gives one creature who could be affected by abjurations a +2 bonus to resist.

Assume the Spirit of the Thief Subject gains a +6 bonus to all Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Innuendo, Move Silently and Open Lock rolls. Curse of the Black Moon Infects lycanthropes with a fatal disease that costs 1pt of Con per day This Door Belongs to Darkness Enchants a doorway so that any non-evil character takes 3d6 damage when they pass through. The White Death Target loses 1HP per round, 1 Cha pt every 5 rounds, until dead. Venomous Glance Target takes 1d8 poison damage per round for 3 rounds Warding Against the Shadow of the Mind Subject gains +6 bonus against Enchantment spells cast by Evil characters. 5th Level No One Gets Out of Here Negates transportation spells The Seventh Wind Cone-shaped attack, does 1d3 damage, causes nausea and afflicts targets with a wasting disease. Wall of Bones and Filth Creates a wall of bones and offal, up to 20 ft. long per caster level. Each 5 foot section can absord 60 pts of damage. 6th Level Bloodpower For every 2 HP worth of their own blood the caster sacrifices, they can influence a roll made on the next round by 1 pt. Steel Spirit Subject gains a temporary +10 bonus to resist mindaffecting spells They Watch Extradimensional horrors attack everything in one ten by ten foot square once a preset condition is triggered, doing 9d6 Slashing damage 7th Level Call on the Power of Darkness Abjurations cast against Evil targets suffer a -4 penalty 8th Level Drink the Vampire’s Blood Caster assumes the powers of a vampire, by drinking their blood.

Death Spells 7th Level Drink the Vampire’s Blood Caster assumes the powers of a vampire, by drinking their blood.

Destruction Spells 2nd Level Witch-Hammer Does 2d6 damage to every spellcaster in a 20 foot radius

Druid Spells 1st level Copy Scent Duplicates the personal smell of one other creature. Detect Shapeshifter Detects the presence of shapeshifters. This Water is Angry Turns one quart of liquid into a grenade-like weapon, which does 1d6 damage to the target and 1pt to anything in a 5 foot radius Unsavory Flavor Target becomes unpleasant for amorphous horrors to smell and taste. They have 50% chance of ignoring the Subject, and will always eat them last. 2nd Level Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast. Melting Glance Does 1d8 damage per caster level to anything made of snow or ice Nose of the Dog Make Tracking rolls at a +10 Strength of Stones Subject gains five points of Strength and six points of Constitution, but only while they are physically touching a large mass of stone. You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle Creates a magic circle, which gives back 1d6 hp to whoever is inside and stops any progressive stat or hp losses they may be sufferng, but only until they leave the circle. Includes a mild compulsion not to leave. 3rd Level Dampen Magic Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. Song of the Red Moon Evil or neutral lycanthropes gain a +2 bonus to all rolls. Good were-creatures a suffer a -2 penalty. Suppress Magic Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset. 4th Level Curse of the Black Moon Infects lycanthropes with a fatal disease that costs 1pt of Con per day

Kiss of the Serpent Caster's bite or kiss does 4d8 poison damage. The White Death Target loses 1HP per round, 1 Cha pt every 5 rounds, until dead. 5th Level Bloodpower For every 2 HP worth of their own blood the caster sacrifices, they can influence a roll made on the next round by 1 pt.

Earth Spells 2nd Level Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Strength of Stones Subject gains five points of Strength and six points of Constitution, but only while they are physically touching a large mass of stone.

Evil Spells 1st Level Skullbane Glowing skull illuminates a 15 foot radius, does 1 HP per round to Good characters. 2nd Level Black Beneficence Curses 1 fruit tree per caster level, to bear fruit that costs 1pt of Constitution for any non-evil character to eat. Crush Goodness Subject’s next blow does an extra 2d6 damage to any Good target. 3rd Level This Door Belongs to Darkness Enchants a doorway so that any non-evil character takes 3d6 damage when they pass through. 4th Level Bridge of Blackness Creates a bridge, 10 feet wide and 10 feet times the caster’s level in length, that only evil creatures may cross. 6th Level Evil Lurks Creates a zone up to ten feet by ten feet times the caster’s level, in which anything Evil becomes invisible. 7th Level Call on the Power of Darkness Abjurations cast against Evil targets suffer a -4 penalty

Flame Spells 2nd Level Melting Glance Does 1d8 damage per caster level to anything made of snow or ice

Paladin Spells 1st Level Detect Cheating Reveals cheating at a game of chance Is This Sickness Natural? Reveals whether or not an illness has been caused by magic. 2nd Level Dampen Magic Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. 3rd Level Alleviate Curse Works like Remove Curse, but will only suppress the curse until the next sunrise. Suppress Magic Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset.

Protection Spells 2nd Level Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Invoke the Power of the Blood-Spirits Subject gains a +8 bonus to resist both magical and non-magical attempts to drain points from their Constitution Resist Paralysis Subject gains a +10 bonus vs. paralysis You’re Not Well, Stay in Your Circle Creates a magic circle, which gives back 1d6 hp to whoever is inside and stops any progressive stat or hp losses they may be sufferng, but only until they leave the circle. Includes a mild compulsion not to leave. 3rd Level Warding Against the Shadow of the Mind Subject gains +6 bonus against Enchantment spells cast by Evil characters. 6th Level Steel Spirit Subject gains a temporary +10 bonus to resist mindaffecting spells

Ranger Spells 1st level Blind-Strike Negates the penalties for attacking in total darkness Detect Shapeshifter Detects the presence of shapeshifters. Resist Sleep Subject gains a +10 bonus to resist magical sleep 2nd Level Pressure Point Blow The next three unarmed attacks the subject makes will do Normal Damage 3rd Level Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast. A Fool is Blind Renders a creature or object invisible, but only to one person 4th Level Nose of the Dog Make Tracking rolls at a +10

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells 1st level Blind-Strike Negates the penalties for attacking in total darkness Copy Scent Duplicates the personal smell of one other creature. Deep-Drag-You Down Does 2d6 Subdual damage to anyone immersed in moving water. Detect Cheating Reveals cheating at a game of chance Detect Shapeshifter Detects the presence of shapeshifters. Disarm Target must make a Willpower Saving Throw or drop one weapon. Ectoplasmic Ladder Creates a ladder out of magical energy. Find That Thing Points the caster in the direction of any one object they have previously handled. A Fool is Blind Renders a creature or object invisible, but only to one person Glass Dagger Gives one piece of glass 10 points of Hardness. It does 1d4 damage if used as a weapon Magnetic Flux All compasses within the area of effect start spinning wildly. Melting Glance Does 1d8 damage per caster level to anything made of snow or ice Ruin Book Removes all the ink from a document, leaving it blank

Theophrastic Compass Enchants two objects so that one always points toward the other This Water is Angry Turns one quart of liquid into a grenade-like weapon, which does 1d6 damage to the target and 1pt to anything in a 5 foot radius Unsavory Flavor Target becomes unpleasant for amorphous horrors to smell and taste. They have 50% chance of ignoring the Subject, and will always eat them last. Writ in Water, Wrote on Sand Enchants a bottle of ink so that any words written with it eventually vanish. 2nd Level Aura of Mystery +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Performance, Move Silently and Concealment Dampen Magic Suppresses the effect of one spell or the power of one magic item for 2 rounds per caster level. Ease Your Burden Anything the subject picks up has its weight reduced by half Enchanted Implement Enchants a tool so that anyone who uses it to perform a Professional or Craft skill gets a +3 bonus Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast. Hypnotic Voice Caster makes their next Diplomacy or Bluff roll at a +8 bonus The Idiot’s Arcanum Transmutes up to one hundred GP per caster level worth of any precious metal into a base one Imbue With the Thunder Missile weapon does 2d6 electrical and 1d6 Nonlethal damage in a 10 foot radius. Phantom Dagger Creates an invisible dagger (1d4 damage) Nose of the Dog Make Tracking rolls at a +10 Power of the Mind Subject can substitute Willpower Saving Throws for Fortitude Saving Throws Pressure Point Blow The next three unarmed attacks the subject makes will do Normal Damage Resist Sleep Subject gains a +10 bonus to resist magical sleep Sense Weakness Subject can use the feat “Great Cleave” once, even if they don’t meet the feat’s requirements. Skullbane Glowing skull illuminates a 15 foot radius, does 1 HP per round to Good characters. Suppress Magic Removes a spell or suppresses the power of a magic item until the next sunset.

Total Awareness Subject gains 360% perception, which is unimpeded by smoke, mist, etc. What is its True Worth? Reveals how much someone would reasonably expect to pay for this item Who Am I? Anyone who meets the spell’s subject for the first time must make a Willpower Saving Throw to be able to remember their face. Witch-Hammer Does 2d6 damage to every spellcaster in a 20 foot radius 3rd Level Ace of Swords Turns a playing card into an area-attack missile weapon, which does 3d8 Slashing damage to anything in a 10 by 10 square Alleviate Curse Works like Remove Curse, but will only suppress the curse until the next sunrise. Burning Coin Enchanted gold coin explodes the next time it is picked up, doing 3d6 Piercing damage to the target and 1d6 Piercing damage in a 5 foot radius. Dancing Blade Makes a weapon fight on its own, without being touched Demonic Howl Does 1d4 non-lethal damage per caster level to everyone in a 20 foot radius Doorway Into Pain Opens a portal to some other location. Every Medium sized creature who passes through causes the caster 1hp of damage. Earthpact Subject gains 10 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of earth or stone and 5 points of Damage Resistance vs. any weapon made of wood or metal. Exploding Rat Mentally dominates a small animal, which can be made to explode, doing 3d6 damage to everything in a 10 foot radius, and infecting anyone who takes damage with a disease. Flail of Screaming Nothingness Creates a magical whip, which does 1d6 damage and forces targets to make a Willpower Save or be overcome with pain for a round. Goblinhammur Blunt weapon does an extra 2d6 damage to the next goblinoid it strikes. Hellwind Does 1d4 Subdual damage per caster level to anyone in a quarter-circle radius Ice-Storm Arrow Arrow explodes on impact, doing 2d8 Frost damage in a 10 foot radius. Kiss of the Serpent Caster's bite or kiss does 4d8 poison damage. Resist Paralysis Subject gains a +10 bonus vs. paralysis

Scream of the Damned Anyone in a 40 foot semicircle from the caster’s position must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or take 3d6 Subdual damage and become deaf for 2d6 minutes and a Willpower Saving Throw or take an additional 1d4 Subdual damage and flee in panic. Shatterstaff Staff explodes, doing 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per caster level This Door Belongs to Darkness Enchants a doorway so that any non-evil character takes 3d6 damage when they pass through. Thrumble's Thaumaturgic Triple-Lock Locks a door, chest or other portal so thoroughly that a "Knock" spell can't open it. Venomous Glance Target takes 1d8 poison damage per round for 3 rounds Venomous Glance Target takes 1d8 poison damage per round for 3 rounds Wind of Razors Does 1d6 point of slashing damage per caster level (maximum of 15d6) to anything in a 10 foot wide path 4th Level Anti-Abjuration Gives one creature who could be affected by abjurations a +2 bonus to resist. Black Beneficence Curses 1 fruit tree per caster level, to bear fruit that costs 1pt of Constitution for any non-evil character to eat. Bridge of Blackness Creates a bridge, 10 feet wide and 10 feet times the caster’s level in length, that only evil creatures may cross. Curse of He Who Walks in Shadow Target becomes vulnerable to sunlight. Demon Ram Gives a ship's ram a +3 “To Hit” bonus and makes it do double damage. Everyone Drop Their Weapon 2 characters per caster level must make Willpower Saving Throws or each drop one weapon. How Fare his Fortunes? Reveals the state of the target's finances. Plague of Ill Fortune Curses the target with a -4 penalty to all their rolls. Anyone the target touches or spends one hour with must make a Will Save or be afflicted. Resounding Blast Musical instrument does 1d6 Sonic damage per caster level in a cone-effect, causes Deafness The Seventh Wind Cone-shaped attack, does 1d3 damage, causes nausea and afflicts targets with a wasting disease. Thunderous Blast Imbues a horn with the ability to do 1d8 sonic damage to anything in a 60 foot cone. The horn may be used three times.

Wall of Bones and Filth Creates a wall of bones and offal, up to 20 ft. long per caster level. Each 5 foot section can absord 60 pts of damage. Wall of Grief Creates a magic barrier, 10 feet wide per caster level which requires anyone who touches it to male a Willpower Save or be incapacitated for Caster Level rounds. You’re So Hideous, Cringe in Shame Reduces the Target's Int and Cha by 2d6 each and forces them to make Will Saves every round to keep from going berzerk. Your Weapons Hate You Now Target must make a Charisma-based Saving Throw or lose Martial Weapon proficiency. Costs them 1pt Subdual damage per round to hold a Martial weapon. 5th Level Curse of the Black Moon Infects lycanthropes with a fatal disease that costs 1pt of Con per day Liquefy Metal Does 1d8 damage per caster level (maximum of 15d8) to anything made of metal in a 25 foot radius. They Watch Extradimensional horrors attack everything in one ten by ten foot square once a preset condition is triggered, doing 9d6 Slashing damage The White Death Target loses 1HP per round, 1 Cha pt every 5 rounds, until dead. Zone of Blood Creates an area 10 feet by ten feet times the caster’s level, where any living being starts to hemorrhage, doing 1d6 damage every round (up to a maximum of 20d6). 6th Level Assume the Spirit of the Thief Subject gains a +6 bonus to all Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Innuendo, Move Silently and Open Lock rolls. Evil Lurks Creates a zone up to ten feet by ten feet times the caster’s level, in which anything Evil becomes invisible. Magic Picture Encodes a spell into a drawing or painting. It will take effect on the first character who sees it. No One Gets Out of Here Negates transportation spells Trapdoor to Nowhere A portal opens under the target, and sends them 400 feet above their present position. 7th Level Bloodpower For every 2 HP worth of their own blood the caster sacrifices, they can influence a roll made on the next

round by 1 pt. Call on the Power of Darkness Abjurations cast against Evil targets suffer a -4 penalty Negate Lightning Creates a 10 foot by 10 foot by caster level area in which no lightning spells but "Shocking Grasp" can take effect. Steel Spirit Subject gains a temporary +10 bonus to resist mindaffecting spells 8th Level Drink the Vampire’s Blood Caster assumes the powers of a vampire, by drinking their blood.

Strength Spells 2nd Level Strength of Stones Subject gains five points of Strength and six points of Constitution, but only while they are physically touching a large mass of stone.

Travel Spells 1st Level Find That Thing Points the caster in the direction of any one object they have previously handled. 2nd Level Fly Swift, My Steed Doubles the movement speed of one riding beast. 3rd Level Doorway Into Pain Opens a portal to some other location. Every Medium sized creature who passes through causes the caster 1hp of damage.

Trickery Spells 1st Level A Fool is Blind Renders a creature or object invisible, but only to one person

War Spells 2nd Level Goblinhammur Blunt weapon does an extra 2d6 damage to the next goblinoid it strikes.

Water Spells 1st Level Deep-Drag-You Down Does 2d6 Subdual damage to anyone immersed in moving water.

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. 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