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Writing Prompts
Super Powers
Green Monster Magic Potion
Table of Contents Exciting Writing Prompts Sentence Structure Hysterical Hyperboles Creative Writing #1 Creative Writing #2 Creative Writing #3 Creative Writing #4 Creative Writing #5 Creative Writing #6 Creative Writing #7 Creative Writing #8 Creative Writing #9 Creative Writing #10 Creative Writing #11 Creative Writing #12 Dig It! #1 Dig It! #2 Dig It! #3 Dig It! #4 Dig It! #5 What if…Peter Pan and Alice What if…Paul Bunyan and the Beantalk What if…Peter Rabbit in Wonderland What if…Robin Hood in Neverland Peter Pan Crossword Puzzle Cinderella Crossword Puzzle
Certificate of Completion
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Sentence Structure Construct sentences by choosing one word from each column and adding articles to connect them. Don't be afraid to get silly! The possibilities are endless!
My mom cooked dinner.
My dog drove a car.
I dog sister fish teacher monster alien mom bird dad
ran played cooked rode wrote splashed ate chased flew swam
ball game book food dinner bike car UFO house pond
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Hector Manchester cannot tell a story without exaggerating. Use your imagination to complete the following sentences as Mr. Manchester would. Those kids kept playing their rock 'n' roll music so loud, it was causing the roof to jump off the house! I saw a man with a beard so long
I once caught a fish big enough to
The summer of 1967 was hot enough to
Back in 1947, I was so strong I could
I can’t believe how spicy this salsa is!
Copyright 2010-2011 Education.com
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Imagine you’ve hidden treasure somewhere.
DIG IT! 11 4092
ifor l a C , s ngele
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What animal do you think this may have belonged to? ___________________________________ Based on the information on the tag, write a hypothesis about how this animal ended up in the fossil site. A hypothesis is a good guess based on things you observe about an object or experiment. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by Education.com
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foss that is nd in ils o t f un home t he Burg derw o th e ater ousa ss Shal e, crea nds ture of s.
What kind of animal does this look like? ___________________________________ Based on the information on the tag, write a hypothesis about how this animal ended up in the fossil site. A hypothesis is a good guess based on things you observe about an object or experiment. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by Education.com
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frica A , a opi
330 Ethi 3 9 494 TION: s 8 4 A # LOC 6 inche nces here w : u a s e E SIZ HT: 6 o in an ar fossil ha and is G d es WEI S: Foun lived. Th flat sid ood E e fw nd NOT ans onc edges a pieces o hum y sharp ear old d. e n man found n burn e s wa had be that
Early humans shaped rocks so they could use them as tools. What do you think this was used for? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the information on the tag, write a hypothesis about how this rock ended up in the fossil site. A hypothesis is a good guess based on things you observe about an object or experiment. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by Education.com
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54 900
eban L , k u
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Look at the shape of this insect. What kind of bug does it look like to you? __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the information on the tag, write a hypothesis about how this insect ended up in the amber. A hypothesis is a good guess based on things you observe about an object or experiment. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by Education.com
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tralia s u A , sland
4592 6 8 7 ueen Q #34 : TION LOCA feet nds leigh fossil u :5 o E p Z s I S : 50 River tinct T e H h t me WEIG : Found in f many ex e found, so b so ES . NOT here fossilreptiles canillion years site, w als and nd 20 m u m mam back aro g datin
This skeleton still has all its teeth! Are the sharp or dull? What kind of food do you think it ate? ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Based on the information on the tag, write a hypothesis about how this animal ended up at the fossil site. A hypothesis is a good guess based on things you observe about an object or experiment. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by Education.com
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Peter Pan Crossword Puzzle 2
Word Bank Captain Hook • Darling
fairy dust • happy thoughts Lost Boys • Neverland shadow • Smee Tinker Bell • Wendy 5
6 7
9 10
1. Who is awakened by Peter Pan in her bedroom?
2. Where does Peter Pan live?
4. Mr. _____ is part of the pirate crew.
3. Who is Peter’s tiny friend?
7. What is Wendy’s last name?
5. What else do you need if you want to fly?
8. Who does Peter Pan live with?
6. Who is Peter’s nemesis?
10. If you want to fly you have to think _____.
9. What did Wendy reattach to Peter?
Copyright 2011-2012 Education.com
Created by: www.education.com/worksheets
Cinderella Crossword Puzzle 1
Word Bank ball dress glass slipper godmother magic midnight prince pumpkin stepmother stepsister
7 8
3. What is another word for 12 o’clock at night? 6. Who was mean to Cinderella? 8. What was used to turn the pumpkin into a carriage? 9. What is round and orange? 10. Who fell in love with Cinderella?
Down 1. Who helped Cinderella? 2. Who else was mean to Cinderlla? 4. What did Cinderella wear to the ball? 5. What did Cinderella lose? 7. Where did Cinderella meet the prince? Copyright 2011-2012 Education.com
Created by: www.education.com/worksheets
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