Fraser Parker - False Telepathy

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False Telepathy The following is my attempt at creating the illusion of Telepathy between the performer and a participant, without the need for anything to be written down by the participant or anything having to be known ahead of time by the performer about the participant. This is the illusion of Telepathy only, for the most part. The effect of Telepathy happens to a greater degree in the mind of the audience. It will look as if the performer can instantly implant specific thoughts into the mind of the participant and the participant will describe exactly what the performer has in mind and even wrote down ahead of time. The performer will also be seen to be able to successfully send the thought of a specific playing card already turned over in a deck of cards.

To the participant the performer apparently performing feats of Telepathy will only be true to a lesser extent at first. It will seem to the participant that the performer is trying to get in sync with them at first, so they can be successful with the final trick of Telepathy at the end of the presentation. I use my reverse mind read principle at the start as well as classic psychological forcing in a slightly different way as a cover for performing apparent Telepathy. Then I end with a trick which fits the premise of the presentation to ensure the participant perceives an effect as well as the audience. This combination of principles allows you to perform what looks like real Telepathy without the need for any of the usual peeks, tears or pre show work. This work is very similar to TRUE Telepathy by Jerome Finley. I hit upon some of this without knowing of his work along similar lines. I shared what I was doing with him and

that is when he tipped his work on this. I suggest getting a copy of his True Telepathy manuscript when you can find it. His approach provides those who take part in his performances of Telepathy a very real experience of magic. Perhaps this is as close to Telepathy as you can get, without doing it for real. I know this can seem to be the real thing to your participant. Kennedy also came up with the main principle behind this on his own. He released his thoughts on this in his limited manuscript The TELL TALE Factor. This rare publication can occasionally be found on ebay selling for hundreds of pounds. This shows just how important this work is. It is with their permission that I share my own work on this here. The first part of the routine is handled in the following way. These words are spoken to the participant with others watching on. “I am going to perform a feat of Telepathy.

This is nothing to worry about. All you have to do for this to work is to allow yourself to be open to what ever it is I suggest as you allow certain images to come into your Mind.” This prepares the participant and describes how you want them to act in a moment. They are going to visualize whatever images you suggest for them to think of, with your words. It also introduces the effect to the rest of the audience and sets up the premise as that of Telepathy. “I shall write down a few words ahead of time before we begin, so that we can check how in sync with each other we are becoming as we go.” Look into the eyes of the participant and have them slowly close their eyes. This is where I give the line about writing down my impressions. I write the following list or any list relevant to the thought I am going to be

sending. The participant does not see what you write yet. Girl RED Dress In front of the Sea This is based on the first thought you are going to send to the participant. I raise my fingers to my temples and act as if I am really trying to send a specific image to the Mind of the participant. I then say the following words. “Okay. The first thought...” After a little pause I now start to describe the thought to the participant. They will not be able to NOT think of what you describe now. To NOT think of something you have to think of it first. It is this principle of psychology as well as the fact that you have already directed the participant to visualize whatever you suggest that makes this work. They will be

thinking of whatever it is you suggest they think of, with your words. Now simply by asking if the participant has what you describe in Mind they confirm the illusion of Telepathy taking place for everyone else watching. “There is a girl of about 12 years of age. She is walking on a beach and behind her is the sea. Her feet are bare and she is wearing a long flowing dress... You can see this in your Mind now, yes?” By writing down details of what you say before you say them, you create the illusion in the minds of those watching that you have truly sent the information Telepathically and the participant is simply confirming this to be so. The writing down of your thoughts seems to be proof that the participant must have somehow known what you were thinking before you spoke any words. This seems to be what you mean to show by your writing down of details about the thought.

The participant has their eyes closed so they miss the meaning of your actions. To the audience however, how you act makes it appear as if you are actually sending your thoughts. Your actions create the effect in the minds of those watching. By asking about details of the image in the mind of the participant you will seem to be confirming how alike the image in your mind is to theirs. This will be the effect of Telepathy to the participant. You are seeing how in sync you and the participant are with each other and checking how accurately you have transmitted your thought to them, after a little prompting. This is when the use of psychological forcing comes in. By forcing certain details of the image you make it appear that you have exactly the same image in mind as the participant, whether you suggest what it is they are to think of or not. This acts as a way of bolstering the apparent process of Telepathy to the audience and also

provides the participant with an effect. “The dress is a fairly bright colour... name the colour you see? RED. Excellent! You really are on the same wavelength now.” It really does not matter if you “hit” with these details or not as you are going to end strongly anyway. To the participant you are simply trying to get in sync. You can continue on like this for as long as you wish. Stopping to show the participant your “hits” and then writing new words to try this again. The beauty of this method is that you can make anything up as your impressions and they will always be seen to be accurate to a certain degree. Once you feel you can not get any closer with your impressions you are now ready to go on to the final phase of the routine. This is what completes the illusion of Telepathy and ensures that the participant is as impressed by the demonstration as is the audience.

You are going to use a sure fire effect using the premise of Telepathy in the context of what has gone before to end strong and wrap up all of the different perspectives of what has taken place. This is what allows you to “get away” with the previous bold approach to creating the illusion of Telepathy. You always plan on doing this part of the effect. The trick you use is the Invisible Deck. It is the over all presentation which makes this classic as well as the rest of the routine so impressive to your audience. It makes what you do seem very realistic and not appear to be a trick at all. The idea of using a trick as a way of “getting away” with the presentation of a greater effect is that of my mentor, Kenton and an aspect of his “Dual Reality” principle. At the very least performing it in this way will make the standard presentation for the

Invisible Deck more interesting for your audience. This is how I handle the final phase. “There is a deck of playing cards on the floor in the scene. They are still in their box. Imagine taking the cards out of the box and turning one of the cards in the face up deck face down, so that one of the cards is the wrong way around in the deck. Then place the cards back in their box.” I then place the Invisible deck in the hands of the participant and tell them to name out loud the card they turned over in their mind. I write this card at the bottom of my list as a way of indirectly suggesting that perhaps this card was known ahead of time, after the fact. Then I get the participant to open their eyes, as if bringing them out of a trance. This shall explain any lack of reaction on their part to

the previous demonstration of Telepathy. They were in an altered state and so they did not react in the way others would expect them to react. “Excellent! You did this perfectly. I have one card turned over in this deck as proof of our Telepathic connection. The 7 of Hearts. True Telepathy?” Have the participant take out the apparently only face down card in the face up deck. This confirms the process and completes the illusion. This looks very real and does not seem to be a mere trick. Fraser.

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