Getting Physical - Greg Greenway

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Introduction Now in this Dating Solution on Getting Physical, I'm going to talk to you about what's called escalating. Escalating is the process by which you escalate the touch that you have of the girl. If I refer to Kino, that just means touching her. In this section, I'm going to show you how you can smoothly escalate your touch with a girl, because you don't want to start trying to kiss her straight away, or you don't want to just try and jump into bed straight away. That’s going to be weird and freak her out which will make her much more likely to reject you. Whenever you meet a girl, there are certain times in the interaction where she can reject you. A couple of the most common times are when you are going in for the kiss, and when you’re in bed and you’re about to take her clothes off. If you follow the system I’m about to show you, and you follow this process of escalating, you’re going to sidestep any of these problems as if they were never there. The objective of what I will show you in this guide is to make her comfortable with you touching her. Once she is comfortable with you touching her then, and only then can you start thinking about kissing her or having sex with her. It is very important to understand is that if a girl does not feel comfortable with you sexual touching you, none of these things I'm going to show you will work. She's going to stop you straight away and she is completely entitled to do so. The most crucial thing you must remember throughout all of this is that no means no. If she backs off, she's completely allowed to. Don't take any of this for granted. She will only reciprocate any of the techniques I'm about to show you if she likes you and if she wants you to touch her. If she doesn't like you, if she doesn't want you to touch her, if she’s not interested in a physical relationship wit you, she's not going to reciprocate any of these techniques.



4 Zones Of The Female Body To get the ball rolling we need to discuss the 4 zones of the female body. Every single part of your escalation sequence is going to correspond to one of these zones, so you need to be very clear on what they are. These zones are the Blue Zone; the Green Zone; the Amber Zone; and the Red Zone and they all correspond to a specific part of the female body. The Blue Zone, is the area which has the least amount of intimacy and each zone gets more intimate until you get to the Red Zone which is reserved for sexual relationships. I'm going to go through each zone, and show you exactly what that zones represents, what parts of the body you can touch when you're in that zone, and how you can go about moving from zone to zone. Within the 4 female zones, and within the escalation sequence, there's going to be 2 different ways you can touch the girl. There is covert touching and there is overt touching. Covert touching is the under the radar system. This is the type of touch that usually flies under the radar because it lacks obvious intent, it is accidental or it is incidental in nature. Overt touching differs because it is completely intentional in nature. Every time you touch a girl overtly it is because you have a goal in mind and touching her is moving you closer to that goal. The goal is to move seamlessly through the body zones from Blue to Red so that you can give her a pleasant physical experience and you can get into a sexual or significant relationship with her. As you enter each zone you will start with covert Kino before moving onto more overt types of Kino until she is comfortable with you touching her in that zone. Once she is comfortable with you touching her in that zone, then and only then can you progress into the




next zone. Fail to do this and you will likely meet resistance, freak her out or come across as an overly touchy feely creep.



The Blue Zone – Hands & Arms The first area you will begin touching is The Blue Zone. The areas on her body that we would consider in the Blue Zone are hands and arms. The way that you want to start touching her in her Blue Zone is you want to make excuses to touch her as soon as possible. A very early covert, under the radar way of touching her is to shake hands when you first meet. Shaking her hand, giving her a “high 5”, fist bumping, touching her arm to move her or to emphasize a point. These are ways of touching her in a covert way and you want to begin doing this as soon as possible. Imagine if you haven't touched her at any point, and then you try and kiss her. She's not going to be used to your touch and she's going to flinch. Women are very, very aware of touching strangers so you want to make her as comfortable as possible with touching you early on. The overt version of Blue Zone touching is anytime that you touch her hands or arms that obviously has some sort of an intent to it. For example, holding hands. Let’s say you're going to the bar, then you could try and interlock your hands with hers to lead her through the crowd. It’s intentional and further along the sequence than shaking hands, however you will still need to make sure she’s comfortable doing this before you decide to move forward. Linking arms is another way of moving through the Blue Zone. Imagine a very proper English gentleman who puts his arm out for a lady. That's not incidental, that's not something that happened by accident, that was something that was overt. These are the very, very first types of touching her that you want to do, because you want to start in the Blue Zone, and you are setting the parameters early that on that you are going to be touching her. When you do this, she has to make a decision whether she likes you or not.




You don’t want to be stuck interacting with a girl who has no interest in you, that’s how guys get stuck in the No Sex Zone (sometimes called the Friend Zone). So you will want to be going Blue Zone Kino literally as soon as you meet her, usually within the first few minutes. As soon as you start talking to her, you want to make excuses to do any type of covert Blue Zone Kino. Once she gets comfortable with covert Kino, then you can move on to the overt Kino i.e. holding hands and linking arms.



The Green Zone – Torso & Lower Legs The Green Zone corresponds to her torso anywhere around her waist and her legs. Generally no girl is going to let a complete stranger touch her in her Green Zone when they first meet. Even a slight touch of her waist from a stranger is going to make her feel very uncomfortable, despite this being a relatively primary area in the escalation sequence. You are only going to be able to touch her in these areas once she is already comfortable with Blue Zone Kino. Once you have established comfort in that area, then you can move onto covert Green Zone Kino. Remember cover is under the radar and an example would be standing or sitting close together with your legs touching. Another example would be lightly brushing her midsection, her stomach or her waist while talking. Imagine that you were speaking closely together and you placed your hand on the back of her waist to emphasize a point. Similar to when you were touching her Blue Zone, however this time instead of touching her arm, you would be touching the small of her back. These are all accidental, incidental covert ways of touching her the Green Zone in such a way that shouldn’t draw too much attention to the fact that you’re touching. A good rule of thumb is that if touching her while talking seems natural, then you’re on the right track. Once she’s comfortable with the covert Kino, you can then move onto more overt Kino inside her Green Zone. Examples of overt Green Zone Kino, are hugging her; touching her lower back; placing her legs on yours; holding her waist or hips whilst talking; putting your hand on her knee or vice versa. These can all be fit easily into conversation, for example, let's say she says something that you like, or something that you find funny, or you tease her and you want to show that you're joking, you can squeeze her knee.




Imagine you were having a conversation, and she says something you don’t quite like, so you teasingly tell her that you’re going to divorce her. She then gives you that "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you just said that” face and you gently squeeze her knee and tell her that you were only joking. It’s intentional but because you’ve slipped it into your conversation it is much more likely to be accepted as it doesn’t seem forced. Hugging is a really good method of Green Zone Kino. My favorite technique to hugging a girl, is once I’m in a conversation and we’ve built up some rapport, I would ask her: “Hey, do you give really good hugs, because I'm a hugger. I love hugs. If we're going to be friends, then I want to make sure that you're a good hugger as well." Women love hugs and always want to give them. It’s a lost art. Younger girls are used to it and enjoy it, and older women miss the simple intimacy of a hug that used to be so much more common when they were younger. Women love hugs. They just love doing it. It’s just one of those things you can always bring up. Once she says yes or no, you say: "Okay, why don't we put you to the test." Then you give her a hug, and grade her on her hugging technique: "I'll give your hug about a 6 on the hug scale. I'm disappointed, I had higher hopes for you." Then of course she would try and give you a better hug. It’s fun, playful and with everything I will show you in this Dating Solution, you want to keep things light and non-serious. The minute you start getting too



serious with Kino, you draw attention to it, and you increase the likelihood that she will get uncomfortable with you touching her. Now as you pull away from the hug, you can put your hands on her waist, and you can look deep into her eyes for a moment. Using solid eye contact at this point is a great way of creating sexual tension and sexual tension is the key to the game if you want to be able to get laid whenever you want. It’s a vital piece of my Sex On Demand System, so go get that training program if you want to take this to the advanced level. Once you touched on the Green Zone. Once you've touched her torso, her legs, and you've done it in an overt way, assuming that she is comfortable, you want to then move into Amber Zone Kino,




The Amber Zone – Hair, Face & Neck A mistake that plenty of guys make is they go and touch this area too soon. The reason why I'm showing you the Blue Zone, the Green Zone, the Amber Zone in order, in progression, is because the zone that you are in will determine where you can touch her. You never want to skip into a more intimate zone if you haven’t already touched her in a previous zone and gotten her comfortable with it. If so far the only way you've touched her is by shaking hands with her, which is a covert way of touching her in the Blue Zone, then you're not going to be able to go jump in and touch her face, or touch her neck or hair etc. Women are very, very protective of their hair, neck, and face. One of the major mistakes that guys make when touching women is that they move into the Amber Zone way too soon making the woman feel uncomfortable and forcing her to reject you. That's when the girl pulls away; or she rushes off to the bathroom; or she goes with her friends, or whatever. Let's say you've been talking to her for an hour. Let's say the two of you have a great sense of rapport and you’re getting along like a house on fire, and you think things are going well so you try and touch her face, or her neck or you try and kiss her. Now even if she likes you, if you haven’t been through any of the other zones first it's going to make her uncomfortable because it’s such a big jump. This is something that the media portrays all the time and it’s caused a massive problem. Movies and TV shows portray these unrealistic date scenarios where two strangers stare at each other across a table for a couple of hours, before the guy walks her home and the first time they touch is when they share a magical first kiss on her doorstep.



That is fucking nonsense. It’s actually laughable that the media tries and sells us this shit, but it’s absolutely tragic because so many men do it and it simply will not work. Don't go on a date and not touch her all night, get to her door, and try and kiss her. It's going to be awkward; it's not going to be fun for you and it’s definitely not going to be fun for her. The other mistake I see a lot of guys making when trying to sleep with a girl is to skip this zone all together. If you actually want to sex with her later on, skipping these zones is going to cost you a lot of problems because she’s going to give you a lot of last minute resistance (LMR). Let's say you've gone through the Blue Zone, you've gone through the Green Zone, and then you get her back in to your bedroom, and you haven't kissed, you haven't touched her face, you haven't touched her neck, she's going to be very uncomfortable with you trying to have sex with her at that point. I’m not saying that you need to make out with each other like a couple of teenagers on heat, but at the very least she must be comfortable and used to you touching her face and her neck if you want any chance of touching what’s in between her legs later on. Now, for some covert Amber Zone Kino. Let’s say that you’re talking to her and you’re really close and you want to whisper something in her ear, because it may be loud or you want to tell her a secret, let your face touch her when you talk, cheek to cheek for example. Another example that I use all the time is that I will brush something off her face. I'll be talking to a girl and I’ll say: "Hey, hold on. There's something in your face." I'll brush it off and then I'll say: "Okay, sorry. What were you saying?"




And I let her continue. By doing something like this, you're making an excuse to touch her face. Imagine she's talking and her hair is in her face, just lightly moving her hair out of her face. Don’t ask her permission before you do, or you’re drawing attention to the Kino which is never a good idea. If you’ve smoothly moved through the other zones, simply saying to her: “hold on, something’s on your face”, then brushing her cheek or moving her hair, will work perfectly. Let's say she's wearing a really cool necklace. Touch it and say something like: "Oh, that's a cool necklace, let me have a look.” “Where did you get this necklace?” “What's the story behind this piece of jewelry?" Smelling her neck because of a perfume. If you imagine the Amber Zone got her spectrum, at the start of the Amber Zone and all the way to the end of the Amber Zone is close to the Red Zone, which we'll talk about in a sec. Her neck is definitely going to be a very sensitive, very semi-sexual area. Once she's comfortable with you doing some of the covert things, then this is a step that you may want to take. Let's say you tell her just how much you love sexy smells, or how much you love women’s perfume. Then it’s easy for you to make an excuse to get very close to her neck. Imagine saying to her: "Oh my gosh, you smell absolutely exquisite. You smell delicious. What is that?" Then you lean in, and you take deep breath of her neck. It’s really powerful, will turn her on and will build sexual tension. However, it’s totally under the radar because you’ve framed it as you are smelling her perfume. She can’t



blame you now for getting too sexual or getting her turned on because it’s not your fault she has great perfume. Now, there are not many overt techniques that you can use in the Amber Zone. Overt Amber Zone Kino is very, very direct, and you would only be doing this as an immediate lead up to you kissing her, or when you outright kiss her. If you've managed to get to this stage then you can be pretty sure 100% that she’s going to be okay kissing you. If you can touch her overtly in her Amber Zone, then she is going to kiss you. Don’t worry if you need ideas because I’m going to cover how to go for the kiss later on in this Dating Solution. Another overt Amber Zone Kino tactic that you may want to use is pulling her hair. I use this a lot because it fits into my personality and I spend a lot of time sexually priming the girl so she knows that I’m very sexual person. Once she’s comfortable with me in the Amber Zone, I’ll ask her: "Hey, do you like your hair being pulled?" This is very direct and sexual and regardless of her answer I use this as a set up to pulling her hair. Whatever answer she gives, the result is always me pulling her hair. If she says yes, I'll say “good, come here", then I pull her hair. If she says no, I'll tell her "you haven't had it done right. Come here”, and I pull her hair. If she says maybe, I'll say "Okay, well let's have a look and let's see if you like it", and then I pull her hair. Either way, I'm touching her hair in a sexual way, and I’ll know pretty much at this point if she wants to have sex with me or not. If a girl is comfortable with overt Amber Zone kino, she 100% will let you kiss her and it’s pretty likely that she will let you sleep with her as well. Another way that you can touch her Amber Zone in an overt way is if she has long her, say to her: "Hey, do you know what? I wonder how you look with your hair up. Come over here."




Then you grab her hair, and you just lift it up, and say: "Hey, do you know what? You should wear your hair up more often, because putting your hair up like this opens your neck, and you've got a very, very, sexy neck." As you can see we're getting a lot more overt now. If she's comfortable with everything you’ve done before, then she's going to be comfortable with you touching her in this type of manner. At this point while you have her hair up, you can touch her neck while you're looking to her eyes; or stroking her face; kissing her cheek; let your lips rub against her face. All these things, are overt Amber Zone Kino and the point of them is to build the sexual tension and prepare her for sex. You can start doing them once she's comfortable with you doing some of the covert stuff. Once you’re in the Amber Zone, a great game to play in this area is called the "Are you nervous game?" My good friend, Jason Capital, talks about this a lot. It’s a really cool game. Here’s how you play it. Lets say you’re talking and whatever she does, you look at her and say: "Hey, you look nervous. Let's see if you're nervous. Let's play a quick game it's called the “Are you nervous game.” Have you ever played it before?" She'll say no, and ask you how it works. You go on to tell her: “So here are the rules. Give me your leg real quick [pick up her leg]. Here’s how it works. I'm going to start with my finger on the inside of your ankle, and then I'm going to run up my finger up your leg. Then I'll see how far I go before you get nervous and you tell me to stop. Cool?” Once she says ok, begin the game. You start your finger on the inside of her leg and you run up the inside of her leg, up her calf, up her knee, behind her knee,



into her thigh, and you see on what point she says stop. It’s a great game, because it allows you to really touch her legs, but also starts to move towards her inner thigh, which is in the Red Zone. This game is a perfect way to start transitioning into more sexual Kino and we’ll talk more about that in just a moment. I know I said that legs are in the Green Zone. However, the higher you go up her leg, and the closer to her inner thigh that you get, is all Amber Zone territory. And her inner thigh, the area that you wouldn’t be able to see when she’s wearing a skirt, that’s all Red Zone. Here’s a cool game you can play to touch her legs in a very overt way that builds up sexual tension. I’ve used this many times to devastating effect. Tell her that you love a woman’s shoes because it really shoes off her sexy legs, and compliment her on her taste in shoes. Then ask her: “Hey, do you know what they say about a woman who has great taste in shoes?” She’s obviously going to say no, and ask you what they say. The answer is that women with great taste in shoes, have great taste in underwear, but you never give her the answer straight away. You always want to tease her for a bit first. Say something like: “Okay. Well if you don’t know, don’t worry I tell you, but a little later on. Now let me look at those sexy shoes..[pick up her leg].” Once you’ve played a couple of these games, or you’ve made her comfortable with you touching her Amber Zone, your ready to move onto the Red Zone and with that moving closer to having sex with her.




The Red Zone – Ass, Breasts, Inner Thigh, Pussy Now the Red Zone is when you touch her ass, her breasts, her inner thigh, her pussy. You’re going to be doing this when it’s time to have sex with her. You don’t want to really do any type of Kino in this area unless you are going to be able to have sex with her very soon afterwards. You don’t want to do this in a crowded public place when the two of you can’t have sex. Even if you have moved through the previous 3 zones and she’s comfortable with you touching her in her Red Zone, if you do this and leave a lot of time before you are able to have sex with you, she will likely put up more last minute resistance when it’s time for you to actually have sex. As I’ve mentioned many times, this all has to be done very smoothly. She has to be comfortable with Amber Zone Kino first, before you can start touching her in her Red Zone. The Red Zone pretty much means you’re going to touch her ass, you’re going to play with her breast and her nipples. You can touch/kiss her inner thigh. You’re going to go down on her and you’re going to be having sex. I’ll say it over and over again. You want to give yourself the best opportunity for a smooth and seamless physical experience with her, so don't start touching anywhere on the Red Zone, until you're ready to have sex with her. I see a lot of dating experts and coaches come out with crazy tactics and techniques for breaking down what's called last minute resistance. Last minute resistance just means that exact thing. As you're just about to have sex, at the last minute, she gives you some resistance. If you've gone through this escalation ladder, you will not get any last minute resistance. If you start with the Blue Zone, and you touched her hands, and she was okay with it, then you went into the Green Zone, you touch her torso, and



she's okay with that. Then you went in to the Amber Zone and you touch her face, and she was okay with that. You kissed her, and she was okay with that. Then you went to the Red Zone and you start initiating sex, you’re not going to have any problems whatsoever. If you followed the sequence I've just shown you, going from Blue to Green to Amber, to Red, you're not going to have any problems having sex with her. I advise you to make her feel as comfortable as possible once you get her back to yours, or in a private setting as you’re getting close to having sex with her. Put on some candles, give her some wine, play some music. Make her feel comfortable; make her feel sexy; make her feel that you actually give a shit. You don't want to be in a situation where she just feels "Okay, this guy is not really interested in me. He’s just horny and I could be just any of the girls for him." Make her feel great. Even if she is one of many girls that you were dating, that doesn’t mean that you should treat her with any less respect or attention. One of the things that you want to have in your mind is that you always make her feel like, while she's with you, she's the only person that you're interested in, even if you have other woman you're dating.




Recap These are all the steps that you need to follow to make getting physical and Kino as smooth as possible. You want to start with the Blue Zone, that's her hands and her arms. Make excuses to touch her in those areas as soon as possible. Starting with Kino such as shaking her hands, you then want to move into overt Blue Zone Kino such as hold hands and linking arms. Then start moving into the Green Zone, which is her torso and legs. Lightly brush her mid-section, her stomach, while talking. Place your hand on her back while you're speaking. Then you go to the overt Green Zone Kino, which are things like hugging, touching her lower back, placing her leg on yours, holding her waist. Next up is the Amber Zone. You don't want to go to the Amber Zone too soon, but once you do, as with every other zone, start with the covert Kino. Things like brushing a piece of hair out of her face or touching something on her neck like a necklace for example. Overt Amber Zone Kino refers to more direct and tension building activities, such as pulling her hair, touching her neck, stroking her face, kissing on her cheek. And then once you've done all this, once you've gone through Blue, Green, Amber, and she has been comfortable with each step, then you're ready to go to the Red Zone. It is very, very, very important that when you are doing this, you're looking to her for feedback at all times. If she flinches, if she moves away, if she doesn't seem like she likes it, then you're not ready to go to the next step. You may even have to go back into the previous zone if she doesn’t feel quite comfortable yet. If you attempted to touch her face, Amber Zone Kino, and she flinched for example, then she’s not quite ready and you’ll have to go back down into Green Zone Kino and possibly even Blue Zone Kino.



The most important thing to remember throughout all of this is that you are touching another human being in their personal space. Women are much more protective of their personal physical space, so you must make sure that you make it an enjoyable experience for her. Pay attention to her and the signals that she is giving you, making sure that she’s ok and comfortable with you touching her before you escalate to the next level. In the next section, I'm going to talk to you about going for the kiss. This is one area where I get most questions and complaints from guys who aren’t quite sure when to go in for the kiss. In the next section I break this down for you and give you some solutions to remove all of the guesswork.




Going For The Kiss No it’s time to talk about going for the kiss. It's very, very, VERY important that you get the first kiss right. I’m not trying to be cheesy or dramatic here, but a first kiss can really make or break a relationship. I'm dead serious. Women talk about the kiss being one of the most important aspects in her initial impression with a guy because it can tell her everything she wants to know about him. There are even some women that believe that the first kiss is going to tell you if the relationship is going to work or not, so it's very, very important. Going back to what we discussed in the 4 Female Zones; kissing is a style of Amber Zone Kino and it’s a very overt style of Kino in this zone. You're not going to be able to go for a kiss unless you've gone through Blue and Green Zone areas first. You only want to get to the kissing when you are in the Amber Zone and she’s already comfortable with the covert Kino that you have been using. Because kissing has to be smooth, the first rule is that you have to be pretty close to her face before you even attempt to go for a kiss. You don't want to dive in from 10 feet away, because it will just seem weird and awkward and won’t instill any confidence in the girl that you know what you’re doing. You also don't want to leave the kiss to the end of the night. This is a huge mistake that many guys make and one I’ve been guilty of making plenty times myself. The guy will go on a date with the girl, and at the start of the date, they're being funny, they're causing attraction, they're bantering with her. They're teasing her. They're conversating in a great way but they don't really touch her or if they do, it’s never in the Amber Zone. Even if it seems like you’ve had a great time together, if you’ve performed zero Amber Zone Kino and you haven’t kissed her yet, leaving it till the end of the night isn’t going to work out to well for either of you.



For some of the more advanced of you out there, you may be able to get to the kissing, but you make the mistake of doing too much before you have isolated the girl. You may not want to start kissing in a nightclub or in a bar or in a restaurant, for example. You may do all your Blue and Green Zone stuff and then do the kissing when you guys are alone. I recommend that personally, because a lot of the strategies that I show you are highly effective with the hottest girls, the girls who are the highest quality. These girls are in their social circle, so the techniques I show you are best designed to be used in social environments. A very important aspect for women in this area is the need for discretion. You don’t want to start making out with a girl in your social group because she's not going to be comfortable being that physical with someone new in front of all of her friends, or your friends. She's going to feel embarrassed about it, she's going to get remorse about it, and in some cases it might actually overwhelm her. In my experience, and this is the advice I would give to you, save the kissing, especially real heavy passionate making out, save that for a time when you are alone with her and you can quickly transition into Red Zone and start having sex with her. Whatever you do, that's what I would recommend. If you want to kiss her in the club, if you want to kiss her in a bar, fine, go ahead, but just follow what I showed you in the last section with regard to going through each zone and make sure the kiss is smooth. I'm going to give you a few kiss techniques. These are pretty much the only techniques you will ever need to ensure that you kiss a girl every time, and are my go to tactics whenever I’m with a girl that I like. Obviously if you're in the Amber Zone, she wants you to kiss her, but in some cases you may still be unsure and that’s when you might want to use some of these kiss techniques to start things off. One thing to note before I go on, is that it is very important to know that even if she doesn't allow you to kiss her the first time, don't sweat it. You're a King.




You're a rock star. Don't get flustered or moody or throw a fit. It’s totally ok. Some girls just do that and it doesn’t really reflect on you in a bad way. If she’s still comfortable with you touching her and she is still spending time with you, she may just need some more time before she’s ok kissing you. I remember I was on a date with a girl and she wouldn't let me kiss her for ages. Every time I tried to kiss her she just wouldn't let me do it and I must have tried at least 4 or 5 times. Eventually I kissed her right at the very end of the night and ended up having sex with her, but the first few times, she simply wasn’t having any of it. So don’t sweat it if the kiss doesn’t happen the first time. Just chill, relax, go back to what you were doing. Go back to talking to her; having a good time; touching her and then try it again. As long as she’s still ok with you touching her, you’ll get there in the end.

The Natural Kiss The first technique is called “The Natural Kiss”. I've got to credit my friend Sam because he's the one who first told me about this and it’s really killer. I use this one quite often and I absolutely love it. It works great on dates or anywhere that the two of you are alone for a period of time. Here's how it works. You're having a drink with a girl that you’re trying to hook up with. As the rapport builds up and as you guys are talking you're going to notice, and look out for this, that you both start taking sips of your drink at the same time. It’s important that you keep an eye out for this because once this starts happening it’s a sure sign that the sexual tension is starting to build. As you notice that you're both instinctively going to take a sip at the same time, stop talking, and watch her have a couple more sips. It's going to leave a little bit of awkward sexual tension in the air but that’s fine, sexual tension is good. When she goes to pick her glass up, take it out of her hand and place it back on the table. While you're doing this, maintain eye contact with her. Have a cheeky or naughty smirk on your face as well to add to the vibe.



Imagine you're going to be having sex with her. Have that in your mind, but constantly hold eye contact with her. When she picks her glass up to have that sip, take the glass out of her hand, place it back on the table and in that moment where it literally seems like the tension is at its most highest, like the tension is absolutely peaking, and she doesn't know what's going on. She doesn't know why you take the glass away. She's feeling really, really in that mood of, "Oh my gosh, what's about to happen?" That's when you slide in straight in for the kiss. I get the most amazing reactions from this. I've had girls get really excited and horny on the spot. It's a really, really powerful move, because it shows confidence and it shows you're a guy who knows what he wants, and especially if you do it at the point when the tension is the highest. You pay attention and look out for the time when both of you are going for your sip at the same time. Stop talking, watch her have a couple more sips, take the glass out of her hand while maintaining eye contact. She’ll look a little confused because she’s unsure what is about to happen. At this point, you lean in slowly and go for the kiss. You'll get phenomenal reactions from this.

I’m Trying Really Hard Not To Kiss You The next kiss technique is a real simple one, and I used to use it a lot more in the past. One of biggest issues that I would have when it came to getting physical, especially when I was on dates, was that due to my talkative nature, I’d often forget to touch the girl. I talk a lot, and I enjoy women’s company so much that I often would get carried away and get into my head a little and before I knew it, hours had passed and I had no idea if she was ok touching me or not. Well this technique works great if you’re not sure that she wants to be kissed. Look at her while she’s talking, maintain eye contact and just hold it there. She’s going to slowly quiet down her voice. She’s going to stop talking, she’s




going to look a little bit uncomfortable and she’s going to say, “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” At this point you say to her: “I’m trying really hard not to kiss you right now.” There are really only a few reactions to this and the great thing about this technique is that it leaves absolutely no doubt where you are with her. She could react negatively and say something like: “Fuck that, no way, don’t come close to me, don’t kiss me.” I mean, yeah that’s a little bit harsh, but it’s better hearing that than trying to kiss her and having her respond even worse. This is a worst case scenario and you probably will never have this happen. Most likely if she doesn’t want to kiss you she’ll just politely make an excuse and leave. I love this technique because it gives you an easy green light. If she leaves, then you know she’s not interested. However, once you have said this, if she stays, then you know that she wants you to kiss her. Think about it. You’ve just told her that you’re trying not to kiss her and by her staying there she’s pretty much saying, that’s ok go ahead. Obviously the best reaction is she just lunges forward and kisses you right there and then which will happen if she’s more of an aggressive girl and if you’ve setup the sexual bating properly. If you’ve followed all the steps I’ve shown you or you’ve been practicing the sexual baiting that I teach you in the Sex On Demand System, then you will get some very positive reactions. She will bat her eyes, she’ll blush, and she’ll giggle. Sometimes she’ll just say, “What are you waiting for, kiss me.” Anything that happens there other than her leaving or other than her saying, “No, don’t fucking touch me, don’t come near me or I don’t see you like that,” anything else means that she’s okay with you kissing her.



The Rated-R Shot The third kiss technique is called “The Rated R shot.” Now, I cannot remember where I first saw this but it’s a really fun technique that works very well in nightclubs and bars. If you’ve gone through the Clubs & Bars Dating Solution then you will remember that I talked about isolating the girl and getting her away from your group or hers so that you can seduce her in a more discrete setting. Let’s say you’ve got a bunch of girls at your table or you’ve just invited a group of girls into your section and you guys are having fun but she’s with her friends. You want to ideally isolate her so you can make your move especially if you’re trying to have sex with her that night. You want to make your move early just so you can set it up that it’s now a sexual relationship. While you’re talking to her say: “Hey, sweetie, have you ever had a Rated R shot?” I’ve never met a girl yet who knows what this is so she’s most likely just going to say no. Whatever she says, just reply to her: “Oh great, okay, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go to the bar and we’re going to do a Rated R shot.” Now, girls love going to the bar and do shots. If she drinks, she will enjoy a shot, it’s something women of all ages will be excited about almost immediately. They’re going to love going to the bar and doing a shot with you especially if you can go and if you can take her away from the group and isolate her and create your own little world. As you take her to the bar, remember you’re going to hold her hand because that’s continuing the Blue Zone Kino we talked a lot about in the previous section or you may want to put your hand on her lower back which is Green




Zone Kino. Either way, you want to touch her while you take her to her bar. Go to the bar, you order a shot from the bartender and then you tell her: “Hey, listen. This is how Rated R shot works. First we get the shot…Then we take the shot [both take shots]…then we get Rate R.” And once you said “Then we get Rated R, you lean in to kiss her. That is it. It sounds stupidly simple and it works every fucking time. It is brilliant. The only time it won’t work is if she has a boyfriend or she has a serious aversion to kissing a guy in a club or a bar. If she’s comfortable with Blue and Green Zone Kino and you’ve made it to the Amber Zone this will work. The only time any of these kiss techniques don’t work is if you aren’t in the Amber Zone yet. That’s how you’re going to know you’re not in the Amber Zone. Obviously like I said before if you use any of these techniques and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter. If she’s still hanging around you and giving you IOIs just wait and try it again later.

The Almost Kiss The final one is what’s called the “Almost Kiss”. Now this one really builds up a lot of sexual tension. This technique is powerful and works as a great set up to your actual first kiss. Throughout your interaction, tease her, be playful be challenging have banter etc. Then at some point say something along the lines of: “You know what sweetheart, you are just You’re moving too fast for me. Girls don’t normally hit me on this quickly. You should probably buy me dinner or something first.” Whatever it is, make a joke about it then go on to say: “Okay, you know what, this is driving me crazy. It’s time for an almost kiss.”



She’s going to say, “What the fuck is an almost kiss?” to which you reply: “Listen, you got to promise me, pinky swear promise me that you’re not going to kiss me because I’m not going to kiss you. I don’t kiss on the first date. I don’t have sex on the first date but I just need to relieve some of this tension because it’s driving me fucking crazy. Promise me you’re not going to kiss me.” She’ll pinky swear and she’ll promise you and then you lean in, make sure your breath smells good and you took a mint or some gum first… You lean in really, really close like as if you’re about to kiss her, like so close that there’s literally half an inch or quarter of an inch in between your lips, really, really, really, really close and you just hold it. Just hold it there. Don’t kiss her; don’t do anything, just hold it there. Sometimes the girl will just move forward and try and kiss you. When she does that, just step back and say: “Hey, hey, I told you, we agreed, we pinky swore, no kissing.” This is about setting up a lot of sexual tension. You do that and sometimes the girl will just jump you and try to kiss you straightaway. What normally happens is that after you’ve held it for a couple of seconds and then you move back, you’ll see that she has her eyes closed and her lips are still in that position as if someone is actually kissing her. Women get so turned on by this it’s insane. Once you come away then you say to her: “Wow, how did that feel? There’s a lot of tension between that.” She’s going to stutter, she’s going to blush, she’s going to love it. There’s going to be a lot of tension there. Now, all you do next time you say to her, “Hey, I think it’s about time we do another almost kiss.” This time you go in, you hold




it for a couple of seconds then you actually kiss her. You can maybe do it twice but you don’t want to do this too often because it builds so much tension that you want to release it. Some of my most explosive and quickest hookups have been using the almost kiss. It’s incredibly powerful.

Kiss Techniques Recap The big thing to remember about the kiss techniques is that they have to be done when you’re in the Amber Zone. You cannot jump into going for the kiss. Blue Zone first, then Green Zone, get into the Amber Zone then go for the kiss. The second thing you want to know about kissing is that she may not always go for it the first time and that is fine. The last thing you want to do is sulk or act like a big baby and get in a mood or get in a funk because she wouldn’t kiss you. I’ve tried to kiss girls five or six times in a night, they stopped it every single time but when they ended up kissing me we ended up having sex. She may just be playing the game a little bit with you; she may just be building up some tension. She might not kiss in public; some girls just won’t kiss you in public. Either way, don’t get too disheartened if the first time you go for it doesn’t happen. Using one of these techniques and making sure you’re in the Amber Zone, you’ll get the kiss every single time. As I said at the very beginning my personal recommendation is that you don’t kiss her until you’re close to the point when you can have sex with her. Kiss her when you’re alone. At the very least, don’t kiss her in front of the group. At the very least isolate her somewhere. If you’re in a nightclub or bar, go to some couches, go to a private area, go somewhere away from her friends, go somewhere away from people, go somewhere where she’s not going to feel embarrassed. Well that’s it for this section. That’s it for the Getting Physical Dating Solution. As I mentioned right at the very beginning, I’ve given you everything you need right now to go out and get started and get some really, really good results but



if you want to take things to the next level, if you want to learn some more advanced stuff and how to make her jump you, how to make her physical with you, how to date more women, how to have threesomes, etcetera, etcetera, if you want to take this to the very, very next level, you want to learn more about how to do this and how to get physical with her, then go check out my Sex on Demand System. I hope you enjoyed this Dating Solution and I’ll catch up with you in the next one. Live the dream.

Greg C. Greenway


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