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Healing Blocks to Abundance with EFT Block 1 – Fear of Failure

Susitha P. Advanced EFT Practitioner www.innerheaven.net

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Table of Contents Introduction ................................................... 4 Introduction to Law of Attraction ......................... 6 What is EFT.................................................... 9 EFT Short cut procedure...................................................................................... 11 Sore Spot for Setup.......................................................................................... 12 Tapping points................................................................................................. 12

Combining EFT and Law of Attraction ...................14 Why do we block ourselves from Abundance? ............................................... 15

Healing Fear of Failure with EFT .........................16 EFT Directions ................................................................................................... 16 Fear: What If I Fail? ............................................................................................ 18 Fear: I have failed in the past what if it happens again?........................................ 20 Block: I am not able to trust that abundance is natural for me and it is my divine right..................................................................................................................... 22

My Message to you ..........................................24 About the Author............................................25

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DISCLAIMER EFT is an energy therapy which is being used successfully by doctors, therapists and lay people all over the world. While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and individuals must take complete responsibility for their use of it. This is NOT meant to replace medical treatment or mental health therapy. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of EFT.

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Introduction I was introduced to the Law of Attraction many years ago. I was fascinated, excited and thrilled by this knowledge, as it helped me understand how I could easily and effectively, bring about amazingly positive changes in my life and achieve all that I wanted to. I realized the role and power of my thoughts and emotions in shaping my life. When I decided to quit a successful career in the software industry and follow my passion of helping people heal and empower themselves, I thought it would be easy to set up a new line of work. After all I knew the Law of Attraction and I had the passion and commitment. I thought that is all I needed. But over time I realized that there was more to the process, somewhere under my enthusiasm I faced fear of failure, insecurity due to lack of a regular income and negative beliefs that concerned people projected, regarding the ‘risk’ that I had taken. I was visualizing my goals but I was also carrying fear, anxiety and negative beliefs. Sure enough nothing was working out. I then realized that I was blocking myself due to fear, anxiety, frustration and impatience. I used EFT consistently and methodically for each of my blocks and then almost like magic, I was attracting success and life completely changed for the better. Looking back I am glad I faced the blocks and delayed success

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which helped me understand the process of conscious co creation clearly. Without successfully applying EFT, along with the ‘Law of Attraction’, I might not have succeeded as quickly and effectively as I have done. Thus what I am sharing with you is the result of personal experience and success that I have achieved. EFT is an effective and practical tool which completely erases negative emotions and limiting beliefs and allows you to tap into the abundance of the universe. The purpose of this e-book is to introduce EFT, Law of Attraction, and the importance of combining EFT in the process of conscious co creation. The EFT procedure for healing Fear of Failure is addressed in detail so that you get hands on experience of the process of clearing this block. Explaining the complete process is beyond the scope of this book. This entire process of combining EFT and Law of Attraction will be explained in a book that I will be releasing soon.

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Introduction to Law of Attraction Law of Attraction states “that which is like unto itself is drawn” You attract to your life whatever you focus your thoughts, emotions and energy on whether wanted or unwanted.

If you are looking for a new job and your thoughts and emotions are focussed on receiving an offer from a good company, you will attract people and opportunities which reflect your belief and expectations. On the other hand if you operating from a fear of failure and a belief that you do not deserve abundance, the universe receives your fears and reflects back to you circumstances and events which indicate failure and lack. When you smile at the mirror, the mirror sincerely reflects back a smile and when you frown it reflects the same. You should not blame the mirror it is only doing what it designed to do. You should not blame God/Universe for your failures. The Universe is always listening to your thoughts and emotions and reflecting it back as reality. By changing the focus from what you do not want to what you do want, magical changes happen within you and also in your external circumstances. Everything in the Universe is made up of energy. Everything is dynamic and the Universe is constantly changing and reorienting

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itself based on your thoughts and desires. You do not have to activate Law of Attraction, it is always active. You can however choose to take responsibility for your life and start living consciously and effectively. Many wonderful people work extremely hard and endure all types of hardship and believe it takes hard work, pain and struggle to succeed. They don’t realise that there is a relatively simpler way. They do not understand that by continuing to live their life focussed on scarcity and blame, they create more of the same. It is easy and sometimes a reflex to blame external circumstances and feel like a victim but it also means that you are accepting failure and struggle. Accepting that someone or something outside of you is responsible for the good and bad in your life makes one feel helpless. We attract circumstances based on our emotions and vibrations. Instead of trying to change the external (people and circumstances) looking inwards and changing our emotions and vibrations is empowering. If you have been drawn to this book and the Law of Attraction, it is time to pause and wonder if you are ready to commit and take responsibility to live a truly abundant life. Many people who have seen “The Secret” are so inspired to live an abundant life but old habits can be hard to change especially if one doesn’t have the

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right tools, and after a few days they are back to their normal lives where everything outside of them has more power than the power inside them. Well luckily for us, we have EFT which is a excellent help for anyone who is applying Law of Attraction to live an abundant life.

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What is EFT EFT is based on the electrical systems in our body called the meridians. It is an emotional version of acupuncture except that we don't use needles; instead we stimulate the release points by tapping with our fingertips. We can think of the meridians like rivers along which the electricity in our body flows. This flow has been called many other names such as, chi, prana, life force, electrical energy or just energy. Some of the meridian points (also called acupuncture or acupressure points) on the skin have actually been measured with very sensitive instruments and the electrical charge there has been higher than in the non meridian points. When we go through a difficult period the energy system gets disrupted and causes us to feel negative emotions. We try to use will power to overcome it, yet it affects us in an overwhelming manner, this is because the energy system is not balanced. With EFT, the energy blocks get cleared, the energy flow is restored and the negative emotions are cleared giving way to joy and peace. EFT was introduced in 1995 by Gary Craig, a Stanford Engineering graduate. For more details visit Gary Craig's website EFT Discovery statement "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

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When we think of a negative thought or belief (which is also energy, as everything in the Universe is energy) it disrupts the energy system and causes negative emotions like fear, tension, or sadness in us. When a person who is failing in his business hears the words ‘Failure’, he feels pain and sadness. The word ‘Failure’ disrupts his energy system and causes him sadness. The same word may have no effect on another person who is successful. Each of our energy systems are sensitive to different triggers based on our life experiences and beliefs. With EFT we tune into a thought that causes us discomfort (which in turn causes a block in our energy system) and then through a series of tapping on the meridian end points we release the blocked energy and neutralize the negative emotion. After applying EFT when we think of the disturbing thought again it no longer causes discomfort because the energy system is now balanced and the flow is normal. After applying EFT, when the person thinks of the memory or thought, cognitive shifts in attitude are common like “It is not a big deal”, “So what” and “I did the best I could” We also tap for positive phrases, which installs new feelings of peace, strength and happiness. We will be using the Short cut version of EFT.

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EFT Short cut procedure

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Sore Spot for Setup At to the base of the throat about where you would knot a tie, you will find a U shaped notch at the top of your sternum (breastbone). From the top of that notch go down 3 inches toward your navel and over 3 inches to your left (or right). You should now be in the upper left (or right) portion of your chest. If you press vigorously in that area (within a 2 inch radius) you will find a "Sore Spot." This spot is sore and tender because it is a part of our lymphatic drainage system. Rub the sore spot continuously in a circular motion as you repeat the setup statement (Example: Even though I feel anxious I love and accept myself). The setup statement is repeated thrice. Saying the statement emphatically and by completely tuning into the emotion (Fear, negative belief etc) brings better results than just repeating the statement in a mundane manner. Tapping points Top of the head: located on the top of the head Eyebrow: located at the beginning of the eyebrow Side of the eye: located at the side of the eye on the bone. Under the eye: On the bone located under the eye Under the nose: Between the bottom of the nose and the top of the lip Chin: Between the bottom of the lower lip and the chin. It is in that indentation area. www.innerheaven.net Page 12 of 25

Collarbone: Place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone around where you would knot a tie. From the bottom of the U, move your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch. Under the arm: located about 4 inches below the armpit. The tapping is done with 2 or 3 fingers of your dominant hand with a medium intensity around 7 to 10 times at each spot.

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Combining EFT and Law of Attraction Feelings of fear, anxiety and low self esteem are natural because of difficult life experiences. EFT clears all the negativity present and brings you closer to your true nature which is love, strength, kindness and abundance. It erases feelings of doubt and lack and installs feelings of trust and abundance. You will observe that in the process of healing blocks to abundance you also heal and transform yourself. Imagine a beautiful river which is flowing with crystal clear and pure water. This river represents the abundant Universe. You have a garden and you know the water from the river can transform your garden. The garden represents your life. As your water the garden from a hose you realize that water flow is stuck. You can see that there is an abundant flow of water in the river. You see many people enjoying the benefits of the water and yet you feel stuck. Do you say the water does not exist? Do you give up on the process of creating a beautiful garden? All you have to do is check the hose. Is it blocked? What is preventing the water from flowing? Clear the hose from all the impurity and blockages. Are you blocking yourself? Heal yourself from beliefs and emotions that keep you disconnected from your source. When you are connected to your source you are a conscious co creator and you have the power to create your reality and this is your true nature. www.innerheaven.net Page 14 of 25

Why do we block ourselves from Abundance? • Negative life experiences which install beliefs that life is a struggle • Years of negative thinking • Negative beliefs passed on to us from people in authority Example: Rich people are bad, No gain without pain • Past Pattern of Failure and Lack • Low Self Esteem • Fears • Comfort zones • And more

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Healing Fear of Failure with EFT

EFT Directions We will be working with three blocks around the fear of failure, ‘What if I fail’, ‘I have failed in the past what if it happens again’ and ‘I am not able to trust that abundance is natural for me and it is my divine right’ 1. Repeat the block verbally Example: What If I fail? 2. Rate the intensity of emotion you feel on a scale of 0 to 10. Where 0 is a feeling of calmness and 10 is a very intense emotion. 3. Rub the sore spot as you say the setup statement thrice. 4. First round of tapping for the negative reminder phrase. This clears the negative emotion and thought pattern. 5. Second round of alternating negative and positive reminder phrases. This creates a questioning between the conflicting negative and positive emotions. By bringing both the emotions to the surface, the emotion that does not serve you anymore is healed. 6. Last round of tapping for the positive reminder phrases. Installs new positive thought patterns and beliefs. 7. Take a few deep breaths, have some water 8. Rate the intensity of emotion now, on a scale of 0 to 10 and repeat steps 2 to 7 using the same set of setup statements and reminder phrases till the intensity drops to 0

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9. Repeat the steps 1 to 8 for ‘I have failed in the past what if it happens again” and ‘I am not able to trust that abundance is natural for me and it is my divine right’ Note: • For the third block if there is no emotion, check how true the statement sounds on a scale of 0 to 10 and repeat the section till you are able to trust that Abundance is your divine right. • Replace ‘Universe’ with God, Divine forces or any other phrase that you connect with.

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Fear: What If I Fail? Rub the sore spot as you repeat the setup statement thrice Even though I fear that I will fail, I deeply and completely love and accept myself Top of the head: What if I fail Eyebrow: Fear of failure Side of the eye: What if I fail Under the eye: Fear of failure Under the nose: What if I fail Chin: Fear of failure Collar bone: What if I fail Under the arm: Fear of failure Top of the head: What if I fail Eyebrow: I am not alone; the Universe is with me Side of the eye: Fear of failure Under the eye: This desire has been planted in me because I have the potential to manifest it Under the nose: Fear of failure Chin: I feel my connection to the Universe and I am learning to trust Collar bone: Fear of failure Under the arm: I can manifest anything I desire as I am divine child of the Universe www.innerheaven.net Page 18 of 25

Top of the head: The Universe is dynamic Eyebrow: The universe is listening Side of the eye: I now believe my thoughts become my reality Under the eye: I now believe I receive what I vibrate Under the nose: I now take responsibility to manifest this goal Chin: I now focus on this goal with trust and passion Collar bone: I know that I only have to project my desires with passion and trust Under the arm: and the Universe will create the reality Top of the head: I choose to trust the loving, dynamic and kind universe

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Fear: I have failed in the past what if it happens again? Rub the sore spot as you repeat the setup statement thrice Even though I have failed in the past and I fear I will fail again, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, I choose to release the past and step into the future Top of the head: I have failed in the past Eyebrow: What if I fail again Side of the eye: I have failed in the past Under the eye: What if I fail again Under the nose: I have failed in the past Chin: What if I fail again Collar bone: I have failed in the past Under the arm: What if I fail again Top of the head: I have failed in the past Eyebrow: So what? Side of the eye: I have failed in the past Under the eye: In the past I was helpless and alone, now I am connected to the divine Under the nose: I have failed in the past Chin: I have no control over the past but I can create a beautiful future because now I am a conscious co creator Collar bone: I have failed in the past Under the arm: I choose to attract success NOW

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Top of the head: The Universe is dynamic Eyebrow: The universe is listening Side of the eye: I now believe my thoughts become my reality Under the eye: I now believe I receive what I vibrate Under the nose: I now take responsibility to manifest this goal Chin: I now focus on this goal with trust and passion Collar bone: I know that I only have to project my desires with passion and trust Under the arm: and the Universe will create the reality Top of the head: I choose to trust the loving, dynamic and kind universe

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Block: I am not able to trust that abundance is natural for me and it is my divine right Rub the sore spot as you repeat the setup statement thrice Even though my logical mind doubts abundance I deeply and completely love and accept myself and I choose to trust that abundance is my natural state of being and it is my divine right Top of the head: My logical mind is doubting abundance Eyebrow: I am so afraid to trust Side of the eye: My logical mind is doubting abundance Under the eye: I am so afraid to trust Under the nose: My logical mind is doubting abundance Chin: I am so afraid to trust Collar bone: My logical mind is doubting abundance Under the arm: I am so afraid to trust Top of the head: My logical mind is doubting abundance Eyebrow: The Universe is asking me to trust Side of the eye: My mind is limited to past experiences, that’s all it knows Under the eye: The Universe is dynamic and unlimited Under the nose: Mind operates from fear Chin: The Universe is a beautiful, kind and creative force Collar bone: My mind is holding me back Under the arm: I release the false fear created by my mind and with trust in the divine I choose to move forward

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Top of the head: The Universe is dynamic Eyebrow: The universe is listening Side of the eye: I now believe my thoughts become my reality Under the eye: I now believe I receive what I vibrate Under the nose: I now take responsibility to manifest this goal Chin: I now focus on this goal with trust and passion Collar bone: I know that I only have to project my desires with passion and trust Under the arm: and the Universe will create the reality Top of the head: I choose to trust the loving, dynamic and kind universe

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My Message to you Congratulations on taking the first step to healing the blocks that are preventing you from claiming abundance. I hope you now have more clarity on the importance of healing blocks to abundance. EFT and Law of Attraction are a winning combination. Fear of failure is only one such block. It may seem like a lot of work but I do believe it is better to take time and prepare a strong foundation rather than getting frustrated in the process of co creation and giving up. The Universe does not differentiate between big and small desires but we do. It is our mind which blocks our desires. Believe that the desire came to you because you have the potential to full fill it. Your desire is a divine desire and it will be encouraged, supported and appreciated by people, some of whom you haven’t even met as yet. It is your divine right as well as your responsibility to allow yourself to create a beautiful life for yourself. Remember as you heal, transform and embrace abundance you will notice that people around you receive your vibrations of love and abundance and they transform too. Take a moment and look at your future and think of the kind of life you really want to lead, what kind of home do you want to live in, where would you like to travel , the kind of person you www.innerheaven.net Page 24 of 25

want to be, how do you want your relationships to be. Everything that you desire with passion, trust and love will come to pass. Applying Law of Attraction is a process that requires patience, trust and learning. Invest time and effort in actions like reading, taking therapy sessions, joining groups that focus on abundance and interacting with like minded people. Along with helping me manifest my goals, Law of Attraction transformed me as a person and I wish the same for you. I wish you an abundance of love, happiness and success.

About the Author Susitha is an advanced EFT Practitioner and has been working with clients successfully on abundance issues. She has guided many people stuck with low self esteem and challenges realize their true potential and achieve their goals. For questions, clarifications and/or to book sessions please contact, Susitha P. at [email protected]

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