Homeopathy For Mommies

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Contents Title Page Publisher Info Dedication A Sincere Thank You Foreword About the Author Introduction Let’s Start at the Beginning… What You Should Know Quick Start Guide Useful Terminology Remedies and Abbreviations Remedies 1) *Aconitum Napellus: “Fright” 2) Allium Cepa: “Onions” 3) Alumina: “Dryness” 4) Anacardium: “Stuck” 5) Antimonium Crudum: “Don’t look at me! or touch me!” 6)*Antimonium Tart: “Rattling mucus chest” 7) Apis: “Bees” 8) Argentum Nitricum: “Exploding” 9) Arnica: “Bruised” 10) *Arsenicum Album: “Poisoning” 11) Avena Sativa: “Calming” 12) *Baptisia tinct. : “Severe Illness” 13) Baryta Carbonicum: “Feeling Dependent” 14) *Belladonna: “Sudden, Violent” 15) Benzoicum Acidum: “Strong Smelling Urine” 16) Berbis Vulg. “Gallbladder/Kidney/Liver disorders” 17) Borax: “Dread of Downward Motion” 18) *Bryonia Alba: “Worsened by any movement” 19) Calcarea Carbonicum: “Happy as a clam” 20) Calcarea Phosphoricum: “Growing Pains” 21) Calendula: “Healing” 22) Cantharis: “Burns/Blisters” 23) Capsicum annuum: “Home-sickness” 24) Carbolicum acidum: “Collapse” 25) Carbo Veg.: “The Great Reviver” 26) Causticum: “Sphincter Control” 27) Ceanothus americanus: “Spleen” 28) Chamomilla vulg.: “Angry fits” 29) Chelidonium Majus: “Liver” 30) China officinalis: “Debility from Loss of fluids”

31) Cina mari.: “He Bugs Me” 32) Cistus Canadensis: “Gland-swelling” 33) Clematus Erecta: “Mucus Membranes” 34) Cocculus ind.: “Nurses/Caregiver’s Remedy” 35) Coffea Cruda: “Excitability” 36) Colocynthis: “Colic / Cramps” 37) *Crotalus horr.: “Hemorrhage” 38) Drosera rot.: “Cough Until You Gag” 39) Dulcamara: “Summer Colds” 40) *Eupatorium Perfoliatum: “Flu Bone Pain” 41) Euphrasia: “Eyebright” 42) Ferrum Phos.: “Iron” 43) *Flu Remedy: Bacillinum 44) *Flu Remedy: Influenzinum (Influenza Nosode) 45) *Gelsemium semp.: “Yellow” 46) Graphites nat.: “Thick/Distorted” 47) Hamamelis virginica: “Hemorrhoids” 48) Hecla Lava: “Bone Spurs” 49) Hepar Sulph: “Infection: Chap Skin” 50) Hydrastis Canadensis: “Detergent” 51) Hypericum Perforatum: “Nerve Pain” 52) Ignatia Amara: “Hysterical” 53) Ipecacuanha: “Dry Heaves” 54) Kali Bichromicum: “Sinus Infection” 55) Kali Iodatum: “Ozone” 56) Lachesis Mutus: “Loquacious” 57) Lathyrus Sativus: “Paralysis” 58) Ledum pal.: “Homeopathic Tetnus” 59) Lycopodium Clavatum: “Performance Anxiety” 60) Magnesia Phosphorica: “Muscle Cramps-Charlie Horse!” 61) Mercurious Sol.: “Infection: Moist Skin” 62) Natrum Muraticum: “Chronic Grief” 63) Natrum Sulpuricum: “Head Injuries” 64) Nux Vomica: “Too Much” 65) Phosphorus “Degenerative/Blood” 66) Phytolacca dec.: “Glandular Disorders” 67) Podophyllum Peltatum: “Bilious” (Bile) 68) Pulsatilla nig.: “Whiney and Clingy” 69)*Pyrogenium: “Sepsis” (Rot) 70) Rhus Toxicodendron: “Better for Motion” 71) Ruta Grav.: “Tendons” 72) Sepia succus.: “Hormonal” 73) Silicea terra: “Removes Foreign Bodies” 74) Spongia tosta: “Croupy Cough” 75) Staphysagria del: “Surgery”

76) Sulphur: “Skin” 77) Symphytum Officnial: “Bone Trauma” 78) Tellurium metallicum: “Back Injury” 79) Thuja: ”Tree of Life” 80) Uritica urens: “Burning Heat” 81) Veratrum alb: “Simultaneous Vomiting & Diarrhea” 82) 12 Tissue/Cell Salts: “General Maintenance” Natural Health Extras: Glossary of Illness, Symptoms & Remedies Abdomen/Stomach Colic/Nausea/Vomiting and Complaints Thereof Remedies helpful in Morning Sickness of Pregnancy: Allergies/Hay Fever Anxiety Bladder/Kidneys/Urinary Blood / Hemorrhage Breasts Bruises/Bone Bruises Colds/Flu/Fevers Constipation/Diarrhea Cough/Croup/Larynx Dehydration Diseases Dislocations Ears Eyes Fears Fractures Gall Bladder Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints Head Heart Hemorrhoids Hypoglycemia Injury Liver Lungs / Pneumonia / Bronchitis / Asthma Meningitis Mind / Behavior Anomalies / Dreams / Oddities Mouth / Teeth Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica Nose Paralysis Poison Ivy/Oak Polyps Sensation “as if”

Shock Skin / Hair / Eczema / Psoriasis / Herpes / Etc. Sleep Spleen Stings / Bug Bites Temperature Throat / Tonsillitis / Sore / Glandular Toxic Exposure Vaccinations, ill effects of Vertigo Viruses Warts Contact Information: Note Pages for “Mom and Dad”

Homeopathy for Mommies Family Guide For the Acute use of Homeopathy Compiled and Written by S.M. Meyer Sauk Centre, Minnesota

Orémus for Life & Trust

Homeopathy for Mommies: A Family Guide for the Acute Use of Homeopathy Copyright © 2014 S. M. Meyer ISBN: 978-1-934447-60-4 (printed) ISBN: 978-1-934447-73-4 (eBook) HomeopathyForMommies.com Podcast: HomeopathyForMommiesRadio.com All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Sue Meyer. Duplication for commercial purposes of any kind and by any means is strictly forbidden. The information in this book is not intended to diagnose or name any disease. The American Medical Association dictates that no alternative therapy may treat for a specific condition or ailment, and may not prescribe medication or adjust medication. Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA and are registered with the US Pharmacological Association. If you have a medical problem and have not seen your medical doctor, you should do so. Homeopathy should not be utilized as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis or treatment.

This book is dedicated to:

St. Joseph Protector of the Holy Family

A Sincere Thank You Special thanks to my family, and friends who are the inspiration of my life. To only a few of the truly devoted men, to whom the study and use of homeopathy will forever be grateful. To the following for their great research, and contributions to the health filled world of homeopathy. This includes: Samuel J. Hahnemann, Constatine Herring, James Tyler Kent, William Boericke, C.M..F.von Boenninghausen, and John H. Clarke, H.C. Allen M.D., Anshutz, Burnette, Julian, Paracelsus, Von Grauvogel and Phatak, Radamcher. I take great pleasure in thanking, James Larson, my first homeopath, and now dear friend. To Lyle W. Morgan Ph.D, H.M.D for his simple work, “Homeopathic Medicine, First-Aid and Emergency Care.” This book has been extremely helpful to me, in establishing a deeper understanding: and the confidence to use Homeopathy for my family. A special thanks to my sister, Beth, who purchased this book up for me at a garage sale! And to Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, a kind and brilliant teacher, bringing the method of his mentor, Rajan Sankaran, to homeopaths around the globe with perception and clarity. To Douglas Brown C.C.H., F.N.P., Portland Oregon, a very dedicated doctor who has helped me tremendously, and also, Barbara Lowry, DSH Lake View, NJ, another very dedicated doctor to whom I owe the most renowned gratitude. Thank You All.

Foreword As a nurse in the medical field, for over 25 years, I work with people who are suffering from longterm illness. I watch the struggles they encounter as the disease progresses and listen to their questions of, “What else can I do?” All this frustration and helplessness gradually got me to thinking that there has to be a better way to help these people. I tried many different avenues of the more “natural” approach both for myself and my family and in that process became aware of homeopathy. At first I didn’t understand it: I just knew the homeopathic remedies worked. Than about a year ago a friend invited me to a meeting at her home “an intro to homeopathy.” I then learned of the great history and the awesome results from homeopathy without side effects or progression of the disease and even cures. I was than hooked. This book is for people like you and me, searching for a better way-a more natural way- a way to be in control of your own health and not having to rely totally on the medical profession. —Lynn Palmersheim RN

About the Author Sue Meyer is a wife and the home school mother of eleven. She and her husband, Ron, currently have nineteen grandchildren, whom they dearly love and enjoy spending time with on a regular basis. Sue spends most of her free time in the study of Natural Medicine with her main focus being on Proper Nutrition, Essential Oils and Classical Homeopathy, and in visiting with folks that hope to benefit from the curative powers of such. She has earned a Diploma in Naturopathy from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, and continues her studies in these areas. Sue hosts a podcast HomeopathyForMommiesRadio.com and invites you to visit her website HomeopathyForMommies.com to learn more about her classes. Are you ready to begin learning? Follow me.

Introduction Homeopathy is a valid form of natural healing which has been used to heal patients for over 200 hundred years. Worldwide (outside the USA) it is one of the most popular forms healing, with clinical studies that are impressive to even the most skeptical critique. Homeopathy does not treat disease, per se: it treats the symptoms of disease – therefore treating the “patient” who has a disease. When someone has an illness or a disease, that person will have physical and/or mental complaints. In homeopathy, we listen to the patient. We observe his symptoms, and then we choose a remedy that is most similar to what he is describing or to what we can observe. In homeopathy you will hear the saying over and over again, “Like cures like.” This is known as Simillimum. Here is an example to illustrate homeopathy at work. Ten men can have a headache. You may find that no two of them describe their headache in the same manner. The location, the intensity, the sensation of pain such as shooting, stabbing, pulsing, throbbing, etc. In addition they may all have different remedies that make the headache feel better or worse (the Modality). These are all “symptoms” that will indicate the correct remedy. This is the beauty of homeopathy…it’s not generic: it caters to each individual and their very own, unique complaints. Perhaps you’d like an explaination of how and why homeopathy works. This is beyond the scope of this work, for two reasons, first I am not a doctor or physicist, and second my desire is to keep this book simple. However, I encourage you to research these questions elsewhere. The following quote from the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 61 (Nov/Dec 1968): 197-212, is the bare bones basics of homeopathy: “Developed in the 18th century by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses very small diluted doses from plants, minerals and animals to activate the body’s own healing process, which allows the body to heal naturally. The first law of homeopathy is that like cures like, or the “Law of Similars.” Hence, the million dollar question: Why, then, is homeopathy not more popular or widely known within the United States? Surprisingly the answer is found in the fact that homeopathic remedies are made from naturally occurring, God-given elements that can NOT be patented. I leave it up to you to read between the lines.

Let’s Start at the Beginning… Like everything in life my involvement with homeopathy seems to be a miracle. A good friend and homeopath first introduced me to the use of homeopathy when I was at the tender age of thirty-three, and needless to say I was overwhelmed! At that time of my life, I had several years of nurse’s aide work under my belt, and eight children, all of whom had been immunized. These two qualifications, which I came to realize years later, gave me an unofficial insight and deeper understanding, of the pharmaceuticals. And to what I now know as “drug induced” disease. For our family going to the doctor was the norm: a regular routine for a mother with many children. I didn’t even consider it frightening that on any given day during the cold and flu season, a visitor would find one to three bottles of “yummy,” pink medicine known as Amoxicillin in the door of the refrigerator! I had been born and raised on a farm, but was now living on a small hobby farm with the basic pets and essential “hobby farm fare” for the children. I considered medication a way of life. You can only imagine my surprise when I heard of homeopathy. I was told that this natural way had been in exsistence for centuries, and could bring health to my family without drugs! I was ready for something new and like many mothers, had been blessed with an inquiring mind that wanted to learn and try anything that not only sounded reasonable, but could help my family. Shortly after beginning the use of these interesting remedies, one of our horses developed several illnesses, which gave us multiple occasions to see homeopathy work at its finest! These few health recoveries were nothing less than miraculous! The first time that my friend suggested I use a particular remedy, I thought it was similar to other pharmaceutical medicines. He very gently explained the difference, and gave me the Phytolacca, to help with the pain of mastitis, leaving me to ponder this new way of thinking. To my amazement the remedy worked so quickly, I had to call and thank him. Shortly after our discussion and my subsequent cure, my son who was then eight-years old, woke one morning with what I knew any doctor would diagnose as meningitis. I knew this because five years prior I had been hospitalized and quarantined with bacterial meningitis. Seeing how quickly and miraculously homeopathy remedies worked, I wanted to try this route. I did not want to take my son to an M.D., so I called my friend and homeopath. He asked why I thought it was meningitis, so I told him. Then I suggested that even if I was wrong about the diagnosis the doctor would have to take all precautions and quarantine my son. He agreed to help. I was told to give my son Belladonna. It was a 30x potency that I was able to acquire, and then I repeated the dose in fifteen minute increments. I did as I was told and called to report at the half hour mark. I was very afraid because my son’s temperature had risen from 101.5° to 105° during that thirty minutes! I asked what was happening as you can imagine my alarm! My friend simply explained, “It’s working, the Belladonna is interrupting the virus.” He then added, “Give him another dose and wait.” I did as he directed. My son fell asleep for two hours, and when he woke, he said, “Mom, I can move my head!” His cure was quick and complete. I was told two weeks later, that the area public school in the town where my husband worked had been closed due to a meningitis outbreak! Two boys had died, because the disease was viral and the antibiotics were useless. My husband became a believer. Since that time, I’ve tackled everything from simple colds and flus to serious spleen injuries, broken legs, ribs, tendon damage, eye problems, teething, infected gums, miscarriage, prostate problems, birth

trauma, burns, swollen joints, allergies, ulcerative colitis, vertigo, renal colic, uterine infections, infertility, learning disabilities, and even problems with our animals. I’ve used remedies that have cured horses of West Nile disease, asthma attacks, and tetanus. Our cow was helped when she had Ketosis and then fertility problems…the list goes on. There is however one event that I must mention, for which I will be forever thankful to homeopathy, and it has to do with the life saving properties of Arnica. Our young daughter fell from a runaway horse, crushing the skull above her left ear. I was able to administer several doses of arnica even in her unconscious state before we arrived at the hospital. I knew nothing about brain injury at that time. But, I do now. Fortunately, our stay in the hospital was only for the sole purpose of watching her get well. She needed no surgery, medicine or treatment, other than the continued doses of Arnica that we were giving her. The doctors would rush her in for a CT scan every time she sneezed just so, and even tried to put her on antibiotics when she began to lose her hearing, saying that, “she must be getting an infection.” I suggested that it was trauma related and refused to allow them to put her on anything until she could see the audiologist. To the doctors dismay the so called infection was blood which was already draining down into her ear canal from the trauma site. This was four days earlier than was normal for a trauma of this type! When our daughter was released after five days in the hospital, the Neurosurgeon confided to us that 50% of these types of brain injuries, simply do not live, and the other 50% do not make the type of recovery that our daughter had made. He did not call her recovery miraculous, but encompassed 100% of all people with this type of head injury as either, dead, or never fully recovered. My daughter was tested by more doctors that we could count. Medical doctors, and psychologists alike had to give her a perfect score for brain function, and even found her to be in the highest level for age classification, and this was just five days after her accident. Needless to say, I really became a believer. It was at this point that I realized I really needed to learn more. I wanted to study and learn all I could because I witnessed first-hand the wonders of this amazing natural way of treating illness. Which brings us to this book. As I began my studies deeper into the realm of chronic healing, I began to compile notes. My purpose was two fold to use the information as a reference for myself and to share this with my children. My initial compiled notes were called “If I Can’t Call Mom, because it’s the Middle of the Night” book for my married children. It has grown to what you hold in your hands today. This book is a product of my attempt to bring the use of these fantastic remedies into an understandable format that can easily be shared with those who want to learn more. There are hundreds if not thousands of reference books to choose from when learning about homeopathy. I have studied and read dozens of them, in my effort to learn how to get and then keep my family healthy. Being a teacher I thought it would be efficacious to condense some of this already available knowledge from the great Masters, like those mentioned in the introduction of this work, into a quick guide for acute family use. Since many of my children were older when I began to use homeopathy, they left home without a full understanding or knowledge of its use, which is the main reason you hold this book in your hands. I wanted them to learn the beautiful simplicity of these remedies. This book is an attempt to make up for lost time. My younger children, now totaling eleven, are actually quite proficient in understnding which remedy to reach for in just about any situation. I am also fortunate that now my daughters and daughter-in-law work diligently to treat and care for their little ones, with homeopathy: thus creating an atmosphere of trust and knowledge between parents and children.

It is my prayer that this next generation grows into adulthood with good health and vitality, and with strength and wisdom. They will be taught to understand their own bodies, to be in tune with the mental as well as the physical pain, which is their personal warning signal, in any disease, and for any weakness they can combat with knowledge. —Sue Meyer

What You Should Know Is Homeopathy for Me? Many Christians have shared, “I don’t want to use homeopathy because it’s too New-agey.” My response, “God gave to man an intellect to understand his body, it’s workings and how to achieve good health.” Homeopathy is simply a clever way of “capturing” many of the natural elements that we find in His Creation. There is nothing mysterious about it, except for the fact that something so small can trigger the body to heal itself. Mother Teresa, the poorest of the poor, and the most charitable of all Catholic nuns (in my opinion), sent the sisters from her convent to study homeopathy, if they weren’t already familiar with it, so that they could treat the ill and the dying with ease and proficiency. I believe this is one of the more compelling testimonies to the use of these remedies. In addition, I don’t know about you, but I always pray when treating my family or myself. It is natural for mothers to pray for their children always but especially when they are ill.

Diagnosing & Identification This book is my humble attempt to give you a quick reference to frequently used family remedies and their most basic uses. There are many ways to learn how to use homeopathy: the most effective method you will learn when using this book as a reference is memorization. I have personally found the memorization method efficient and effective, which allowed me to quickly gain confidence in the administration of homeopathy for my family and myself. While the thought of memorization may make you cringe, it is an important and useful technique that has worked well for me and the dozens of students I’ve instructed. While I have written this book from a mother’s perspective, this does not limit it’s use to everyone. I’ve broken down the basics to make it easier to use this book. It becomes second nature after you get a “feel” for the method. I encourage parents to teach their children as well. This book is geared to help families in the treatment of acute illness, that is an illness or injury that comes on rapidly and is short lived. My hope is to help you gain confidence and courage toward taking charge of the basic healthcare and wellness for your family. Whether your child complains about a sore throat or the neighbor called to tell you that there is a flu outbreak in town: this book will help direct you, to the correct remedy to use for any circumstance. So armed with knowledge and prayerful intelligence, you can care for your family’s health. There are over three thousand homeopathic remedies, each with their specific uses. It would take an entire book to encompass the information of each remedy—and because there is so much information, it can be overwhelming. This seems to be the biggest hurtle to the use of homeopathy within the family setting. In a culture where we haven’t been taught the simplicity from childhood, homeopathy seems far too foreign and downright scary! In this book, the list of selected remedies are most often used in basic family health care. Each one has been whittled down, to allow you to study and learn the most typical key words or phrases. Each remedy is unique and has a different message that it will convey upon the body. While the scope of this book isn’t to explain the methodology of how homeopathy works a basic understanding is advisable. Once you understand the key work, phrases and uniqueness of the message of each remedy the entire picture becomes clearer. The language speaks to us of the remedy. Bryonia, is always used when someone feels worse for motion. Arsenicum is always used when someone is restless, and yet, either can be used for the flu! How can this be? Think basic—don’t let your mind become cluttered with details—

when the overall picture of a remedy fits that similarity of the remedy, it will speak to the body and trigger it to cure itself. There are obvious reasons to seek the professional care of an allopathic physician on occasion, such as broken bones which must be set, or lacerations that obviously have to be laced back together. There will also be occasions that you must seek a Homeopathic advisor: like for deep seated chronic ailments, behavior issues, or possibly even an acute illness that you have not been able to get under control. An experienced homeopath can help to alleviate these deeper chronic or psychological issues, usually in a very short period of time, completely and with very little discomfort or aggravation! Also available from almost any homeopath, are remedies known as nosodes for any of the worlds known diseases. There are remedies often used for specific ailments during pregnancy or for the treatment of other on-going health issues. I sell these on my website at HomeopathyForMommies.com, if you’d like more information visit my site. For the acute treatment of a health concern parents are the most knowledgeable of their children’s behaviors. Parents know their children: they’ve been endowed with a unique connection to them and can sense when something is amiss often before other real symptoms have begun. There are little things that you will soon begin to “sense” and will find yourself reaching for that bottle of Aconite just because your son ran outside without his shoes, in weather that is damp and cold. Or when you see that his ears are dark red and he has flushed cheeks for no apparent reason, you’ll learn to give him a dose of Belladonna and wonder the next day if he would have been ill, had you not given him that remedy. You’ll start to notice a general improvement in the family’s health, and soon realize that you haven’t been to the doctor for months, no, wait a minute—years!

Animals: Oddly enough, folks will ask about specific remedies for animals. There are no specific remedies (except some nosodes of animal diseases) that are created for animals. Animals and people use much of the same remedies for similar types of illness. There are the basics, for example use Arnica for injury or bruising, Arsenicum for poisoning, Ledum and Hypericum alternating for tetnus, etc. The tricky part of all this is that animals can’t tell you their “symptoms” or how they “feel” so you must learn to observe. By observing the physical symptoms, you’ll come to realize that even the mentals (behavior actions / attitude / thoughts) can be observed, similar to observing a small child who can’t articulate their feelings. For example: Do they drink an excessive amount? Are they not drinking? Are they agitated? Or perhaps they can’t rest or get completely prostrate. Is there a fever? Are their eyes: dry, watering, dilated, constricted? The illness itself will manifest in the form of symptoms: both physical and mental symptoms will be obvious, if are a careful observer you will soon learn what to look for specifically. It is difficult at best for most of us to slow down long enough to observe, especially when you feel that it is an emergency situation. However, for the sake of the patient, man or beast, slow down, watch, listen, think and pray! Many times in an acute emergency I have reached for a remedy, only to think back later and realize that I had received a tremendous grace in knowing which remedy to give and when. There are also many wonderful books on veterinarian uses, which will help when dealing with diseases that humans just don’t get. But in general, you can successfully treat animals with your family remedies and in much the same manner. If your dog is trembling and nervous, give him a dose of Gelsemium. Your milk cow has mastitis, give her Phytolacca. The joy of healing quickly is so refreshing and basic, that it need not be a mystery to anyone. I pray this book helps you and your family as much

as it has helped ours. (A couple examples of books that I’m familiar with and would recommend are: The Treatment of Cattle by: George Macleod and Everyday Homeopathy for Animals by: Franics Hunter)

Quick Start Guide First of all I encourage you to read through the book, make yourself familiar with the basic idea of homeopathy and while reading it make notes so that these ideas are not lost! Think about some of the past viruses, colds, or injuries that you or your family have experienced. If there is a remedy you are reading about consider the possibly of the use of this particular remedy for treatment. By doing this, you will begin to feel more comfortable with the idea of trusting in these wonderful, God given remedies! Listed with each remedy is the originating element from which it is made. Also listed is the miasm category. For instance: it may say (Anti-Psoric). For the average person who plans to use homeopathy within their family to treat acute illness only, this is really unnecessary infomation. If however, you decide to take your studies further, into the field of treating chronic illness, then this may be useful information. First: you must learn the name of the remedy (many are intimidated by the fact that they are Latin names, but please persevere). Start by learning a little about the remedy: is it a plant, mineral, metal, is it from the animal kingdom? This will help you to understand the originating element, which is important, because as you will see with years of use, each remedy will remind you of its element. And with experience, you will begin to see a picture forming in your mind. This will help not only understanding but aid in treatment. If you are older, you may recall stories from grandparents in regard to a medical use of a particular element! Second: Memorize the keynote word or words in red. By doing this, you be able to “recall” the most indicated words about this remedy. When your child falls from his bike and comes in all “bruised”, you will immediately know that Arnica is the first remedy to give. Third: Memorize as far as possible the words in blue. These words are some of the common uses for the remedy. As stated earlier, there are far too many clinical uses for each remedy to be listed. This quick guide is only that, a guide. Very often, if an ill person has specific mental symptoms (such as restless, trembling or violent anger) the particular remedy listed for such a mental, will very often bring relief for any physical ailment. In illness: Whether acute, or chronic, if there are too many conflicting symptoms, the rule of thumb is to select the mentals over the physical. Mind—the mental symptoms always dominate. (how does the patient feel?) When using Homeopathic remedies: you must always keep in mind: You are treating the symptoms. Not the disease! For instance, let’s say your child has an earache. You ask the child to describe the pain: what does the pain feel like? Shooting? Stabbing? Radiating? a fish bone? a lump? is it (R) Right sided or (L) Left? Does your child say he feels chilly or hot? Is there a fever? Are the ears red? Does the child want to be held, or does he push you away? This gives you an example of a common scenario when attempting to narrow down a remedy. Obivously, the better the description, the easier it is to recall the key words you have memorized or look them up in this handy resource. In addition, it will allow you to find the correct remedy much sooner. If a small child can’t describe the pain, observe carefully your child’s behavior. Is he pulling or rubbing his ear continuously or does the pain seem to come in short intervals, with piercing pain or when he swallows, etc. In this scenario, if you look through the Table of Contents under “Some Common Uses” list, or in the Glossary, under “Ears” you’ll quickly see that five remedies stand out: Hepar Sulph, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Lachesis, or Phytolacca. Then look at each remedy to see which symptoms most relate to your child.

A key point to remember is that: Like treats Like. Pick the remedy that is most similar. (Simillimum) If after three or so doses (see details for admistration of a dose below), there is no improvement. Simply give the remedy that was your 2nd choice. This is the beauty of homeopathy. If it isn’t something that the body can use—it won’t! However, when you administer the right remedy, it’s nothing short of miraculous. When given the correct remedy, the body will receive the message to steep up its vital force against the disease or injury and truly does, heal itself! *When in doubt about physical or mental symptoms: match the Mental/Mind symptoms first. Mentals (like whiney, restless, angry, hysterical, etc.) in illness, even when acute, always dominate. I encourage you to not stop here, but seek remedy information beyond this book. The more you learn the better you will be able to help your family. The basic list of remedies in this book, are often used family remedies: but are only a fraction of the number of remedies available to us through homeopathy. There are remedies for all types of physical and mental ailments: such as joint disease, cancer, or hair loss, depression, anger, or grief. The list is basically as endless as the population in which this gift of homeopathy is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact a Classical Homeopathic Doctor if for any reason you cannot get a particular issue under control quickly. May God bless you and your family.

Basic Homeopathic Usage Information 1. Never open container in the presence of strong odor as this may cancel the effectiveness of the entire bottle of remedy. 2. The remedy should be taken within 15-30 minutes on either side of food or drink. Avoid mint/camphor—including mint toothpaste, and it should never be used while taking homeopathic remedies, as this will also cancel the effectiveness of the remedy. There are a few remedies that will be canceled by other remedies or a particular food or drink, such as coffee. I have tried to list these as far as possible in the antidoted by: section of each remedy. Become familiar with this protocol. 3. One dose is 1 pellet. 4. Never touch the pellets and then put them back in the bottle. If any should be contaminated by falling to the floor, etc., simply throw them away. 5. Always Succuss the bottle before each dose: as directed. To success, hold the bottle firmly with one hand, and vigorously hit the palm of your other hand 3 or more times: three times for sensitive people, up to twelve times for un-sensitive people. 6. Once you success, remove the cap and gently, tilt and tap the bottle, allowing one little pellet to fall into the cap. If more than one falls into the cap, simply tap them back into the bottle until you have the proper number for the dose. If your bottle has a dispenser cap follow the instructions for removal of the pellet. There will be times when it is necessary to place the pellet in your hand: like when administering to children or animals. Water dilution: one Pellet may be placed in a 4–6 fl.oz. bottle of spring water: dissolve: success 3 to 8 times before taking a dose. One dose wet is of a tbsp. For children or a sensitive patient or one tablespoon for adults or insensitive patients. The bottle lasts for up to one week in the fridge, after that discard the remaining liquid. Or you may add 15-20% vodka or everclear added to the bottle to preserve it for a long period of time. (approximately thirty days or

indefinitely if steril water is used) 7. Once you have determined the most likely remedy (according to the most similar symptoms) dump the remedy using the cap. Make sure not to avoid the lips or tongue as this can contaminate the bottle. Once you place one pellet into the mouth, placing it under the tongue is ideal for optimium absorbtion. 8. A single remedy may be given at intervals of: five to fifteen minutes apart for up to three doses for initial use: then the doses may be backed off to hourly or even several hours apart for three to five further doses per twenty-four hour period. This dosage may be given for 3-7 days or until the symptoms abate. This may be altered according to need. Important: a. When a remedy begins to work, stop taking it. b. Only take the remedy again when needed—symptoms begin to return. c. 12x, 30x, 6c, 12c or 30c are good acute potencies. Any of these can be used safely, unless advised otherwise. d. 200c can also be an excellent potency for emergency use. e. Please feel free to do further research into various potencies. 9. Once a remedy begins to work, do not give it again until its effect seems to be lessening. When it seems to be needed again, repeat the steps to administer. Succuss once again, by holding the bottle firmly with one hand, vigorously hit the palm of your other hand 3 or more times. This alters the potency, ever-so-slightly making it more efficient for the follow-up dose. Then administer. 10. Continue to use the same remedy for as long as it seems to be working. If however, the patient begins to have new symptoms that no longer seem to be covered by the description of your current remedy: re-study the symptoms, and administer the next appropriate remedy. *The correct remedy may intensify the physical symptoms for a short period of time (also referred to as aggravation)…but the correct remedy will ALWAYS bring some form of mental relief.

Epidemic and Flu: For years, we have been manipulated by the media into an epidemic flu scare. First it was SARS, then the Bird flu, and the Swine flu. There is much speculation, as to the real cause and/or agenda behind these outbreaks. Regardless: with homeopathy, we really are blessed with remedies that are already proven to be effective against these deadly illnesses. If you research the use of homeopathic remedies during the 1917 Spanish flu outbreak, you’ll find that there were very few deaths among those who were treated with homeopathy. Listed here are the top, most often indicated remedies for past epidemic flu history. Remedies that are often used for Epidemic Flu are marked with an * While there are countless remedies that are used for flu symptoms, the ones that are marked by the green asterisk throughout the book are the remedies most often used during an Epidemic Influenza. You may however use a different remedy if the symptoms match. Remember the key is Simillimum or similar. Keep in mind that these flu remedies seem to have a friendly affinity for interchangeable/alternating, use. With the exception of: Aconite and Bryonia, which will antidote (cancel) each other. And Antimonium Tart will antidote Bryonia.

Remember that Aconite antidotes Belladonna: but Belladonna complements Aconite. So give: A (Aconite) then B (Belladonna): this is an excellent duo to fight off the first stage of any Cold or the Flu. Possible remedies for the Prevention of catching Influenza are Bacillinum, Influenzinum. Either of these prevention remedies or other remedy deemed similar to the threatening epidemic, may be given as follows: One dose of either remedy 30c, dry or wet, every 1-2 weeks before and throughout the flu season. See wet description above. Here are some other options that work well as preventatives: 1. One dose of 200c once a month. 2. One dose of Influenzinum 9c or 30c every 14 days: followed by Bacillinum 30c, one dose, once a month. This is Compton Burnett’s recommendations. Either of these remedies may be given in One dose to aid in the recovery from flu, where the vital reaction has been slow to come back. (by vital reaction we mean: The body’s natural strength/vigor.) After severe or prolonged illness, this can be slow to return especially in the weak and elderly. *During an active in house flu you may give the most indicated Simillimum remedy. You can try a low potency in this manner: 1 pellet dry and 1 wet dose (1/4 to 1 tsp.) daily, until the constant exposure threat has passed. These prevention remedies are very efficient when given in water, Again, review the instruction on how to dissolve a pellet in water and preserve. This is a easy method for family use. Possible remedies for the First Stage of Influenza: Influenzinum, Gelsemium: Aconite: Belladonna, Bryonia These First Stage remedies are the most recommended when someone in the house has the flu. *Use the remedy that has the most similar symptoms. And/ Or you may start giving Aconite followed by Belladonna in 2 to 6 alternating doses daily, as needed, to the rest of the family, to steep up their body awareness and preparation to fight the infection. Possible remedies for Advanced Stage of Influenza: Bryonia, Arsenicum, Antimonium Tart, Baptista, Gelsemium: Crotalus horr., Eupatorium Perf., Pyrogenium, *Again, always select the remedy that has the most similarity – Simillimum, in the description to the illness symptoms.

Useful Terminology (Universally accepted definitions: taken from Murphy’s Materia Medica) Acute: Term used to describe sudden illness: such as a fever, infection, or injury: all have a rapid onset, run a short course and have pronounced symptoms and termination time. Aggravation: In homeopathy,we refer to an aggravation is an intensification of symptoms experienced after the remedy is taken. Some say, “The worse before better.” Also known as a healing aggravation, in which current symptoms temporarily intensify or old symptoms temporarily reappear is often a positive sign that the curative process has begun. This phenomenon is also known as a “healing crisis.” (In acute situations, this is always a short, intense period of time that signifies the body’s vitality steeping up its force to begin the healing process…(most often this only manifests when the acute is an illness, rather than an injuy) Allopathy: All medicinal treatments that are in opposition to the immune response are called antipathic or allopathic. These treatments lead to suppression of symptoms, rather than to a curative process. This is what many know as, Conventional western medicine. Chemical/drug medicine. Antidotes: An antidote is any agent that prevents or counteracts the effect of a homeopathic remedy, this may prevent the remedy from working. In homeopathy , there are times that some remedies act to neutralize or antidote other remedies. Antiseptic: An agent that has the power to prevent or oppose the growth of bacteria upon which putrification depends. thereby eliminating or preventing the development of sepsis (a state of poisoning due to the absorption of putrefactive substances…in illness or infection, the bacterially destroyed tissue: blood poisoning, gangrene, etc. ). Any agent which prevents the growth of microbes and cripples their activity while in contact with them. Chronic: Any degenerative disease or weaknesses: which could be either acquired or inherited: of long duration. Complementary: To complete. In homeopathy, one remedy may complete the action of another: or to facilitate the action. Italicized below each remedy it mentions: Antidotes, Complementary, etc. This will help when giving remedies in succession, or to cancel. At times it is beneficial to alternate remedies: by giving in succession, one and then the other a short time later, etc. it is known that the action of one remedy very often strengthens the effects of another. Disinfectant: Any agent or remedy that prevents, or cleanses from infection: acting chiefly by destroying pathogenic germs (bacteria) of disease, fermentation, and putrefaction. Diuretic: An agent which causes and increases secretion of urine. Epidemic remedies: Epidemic disease, means there are a large number effected, or the disease spreads over a large area. Epidemic remedies, are remedies suggested for epidemic diseases. They are found by using the frequent appearing symptoms and the strong symptoms of the epidemic disease. It can be given as a curative or preventively to those who have been exposed to infected individuals. The epidemic remedy is given in repeated doses for a short period of time, a few days or longer if needed. Healing Crisis: Like Aggravation: Healing crisis is a way to describe the temporary intensification of symptoms that occurs as part of the healing process: It occurs as the body detoxifies and rebalances. Homeopathy: Is the treatment of disease using minute doses of natural substances (God-given natural elements) that in a healthy person would produce similar symptoms. Homeopathy is a system of

natural medicine developed by Samual Hahnemann. The selection of the remedies is based on the Law of Similars (Like Cures Like) Often in contrast to Allopathy. (Medicines that are in opposition to the immune response. Conventional western medicine: Chemical/drug medicine.) Inter-current: Term used to describe the use of more than one remedy, herb, oil, etc. being used at a time: very often elements are given in an alternating fashion, or one given daily and the other weekly, etc. Miasm: As defined by Hahnemann, miasms are the susceptibility principle, or diathesis, which, when taken into the organism (Patient) may set up the tendency towards specific diseases. These diseases can be inherited, acquired, or acute. The term is used in homeopathy to describe an underlying pattern of weakness and susceptibility. Miasms can be dormant or active. Miasms may occur as the result of some suppressive therapy like drugs or vaccinations. He originally described them as inherited tendencies passed down from generation to generation. Modality: Any condition or environment which modifies the action of a remedy. Situation that makes a person or their symptom better or worse. (See Aggravation, Amelioration) For example, better in a hot bath, abdominal pain better while bending over, worse in rainy weather, etc. Modalities are an important part of understanding the complete symptom in homeopathy. Nosode: Comes from a Greek root word for disease. A homeopathic or isopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies which are made from pathological organs or tissues: causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, parasites, virus particles and yeast: disease products or excretions. Potency: The power: efficacy, vitality, or strength which a homeopathic remedy possesses. In homeopathy, the degree of dilution of a drug. High, in homeopathy, a drug above the 30th dilution.. A number and a letter are associated with the remedy name to indicate which potency scale has been used. Example: of the decimal scale would be Arnica 6x: centesimal scale would be Arnica 6c: millesimal scale (Lm) would be Arnica Lm6. These are three major potency scales currently used. Remedy: Anything used in the treatment or cure a of disease. A homeopathic or herbal medicine: something that corrects or counteracts. Rubric: Symptom or Modality: In a homeopathic Repertory, symptoms or modalities are listed alphabetically under Clinical, Mind, Dreams, Body Parts, etc: This is know in homeopathic terms as a rubric: a list of possible symptom match remedies will found. Sarcode: Healthy animal protoplasm: tissue or glandular extract made into a homeopathic remedy. Understanding “sarcode” is useful for designating the remedies prepared from healthy tissues and organs. This is in contrast to a nosode, taken from diseased tissue. Sarcodes are often used as “organ” remedies, to help stimulate or regulate the organs or glands. Sensation: A feeling or impression produced by the stimulation of an afferent nerve. In homeopathy we understand the importance of the experience of a symptom, what it feels like: One of the parts of a complete symptom. ( a bee sting will produce the sensation of “?” poinson ivy the sensation of “?”… these language descriptions lead to the sensation of the remedy, or element that produces them.) Simillimum: Means, “The most Like” The homeopathic remedy which will produce the symptom complex “most like” that of a given disease. in other words, the most similar remedy corresponding to a case, the remedy most likely to cure. A remedy that most closely matches the symptom picture of the patient (his language of sensation. Simila similibus curentur—Let like be cured with like. The concept of the simillimum refers to a homeopathic remedy that perfectly matches the state of an

individual for whom it is prescribed. Succussion: To shake up. To succuss: the way of making a homeopathic remedy. This involves striking the bottle of homeopathic medicine firmly against an object such as a thick book or hand. Suppression: A sudden cessation (stopping of) of secrection, a suppression of the urine, menses or any “symptom”: Suppression causes the driving inward of a disease, so that a person experiences more serious symptoms than originally, causing a deterioration of health. Symptom: The change in a patient occurring during disease and serving to point out its nature and location: Syptoms are external, easily verbalized, personal indicators as to the nature of health within the body. Symptoms, when taken as a whole will quickly lead to the most similar element of “Likeness”…symptoms are actually simple little clues that lead to the correct remedy. Tissue Cell Salts: 12 mineral salts, that are the primary substances which make up the Tissue matter of the human body. Discovered by a German Homeopath, W.H. Schuessler, in the late 19th century. Tissue salts are used for treating organ, blood and biochemical disorders. They are the major minerals found in the body. In homeopathic form, the Tissue Call Salts, act as tonic to the blood, organs and all tissues. They are: Calc-fl., Calc.p., Calc.s., Ferr.p., Kali.m., Kali.p., Kali.s., Mag.p., Nat.m., Nat.p., Nat.s., Sil. Totality of Symptoms: The compilation of all symptoms, modalities, or rubrics of the complete disease/illness, picture: The mental, emotional, and physical manifestations of an individual’s illness. What is going on: are they weeping or angry, fearful, or restless? Are they thirsty or not? What do they crave? Is there a fever, are they cold? Shivering or Hot? The most prominent symptoms are known as rubrics, and will lead to the best remedy choice. In homeopathy, abbreviations for remedies, disease, organs, symtoms and other terms are common. Most can quickly be determined (the abbrev. is the first two or several letters of the word). This book is no different, as it aids to shorten the book. The remedies listed in this book are often refered to by their common abbreviation. Please become familiar with this, as it will make understanding this and all homeopathic books an easier read.

Remedies and Abbreviations 1. *Aconitum napellus acon. 2. Allium cepa all-c. 3. Alumina alum. 4. Anacardium anac. 5. Antimonium crudum ant-c. 6. *Antimonium tartaricum ant-t. 7. Apis mellifica apis. 8. Argentum nitricum arg-n. 9. Arnica montana arn. 10. *Arsenicum album ars. 11. Avena sativa aven. 12. *Baptisia tinctoria bapt. 13. Baryta Carbonica bar-c. 14. *Belladonna bell. 15. Benzoicum acidum benz-ac. 16. Berberis vulgaris berb. 17. Borax veneta bor. 18. *Bryonia alba bry. 19. Calcarea carbonica calc. 20. Calcarea phosphoricum calc-p. 21. Calendula officinalis calen. 22. Cantharis vesicatoria canth. 23. Capsicum annuum caps. 24. Carbolicum acidum carb-ac. 25. Carbo Vegetabilis carb-v. 26. Causticum caust. 27. Ceanothus americanus cean. 28. Chamomilla vulgaris cham. 29. Chelidonium majus chel. 30. China officinalis chin. 31. Cina maritima cina. 32. Cistus Canadensis cist. 33. Clematus Erecta clem. 34. Cocculus indicus cocc. 35. Coffea cruda coff. 36. Colocynthis coloc. 37. *Crotalus horridus crot-h. 38. Drosera rotundifolia dros. 39. Dulcamara dulc. 40. *Eupatorium perfoliatum eup-per. 41. Euphrasia officinalis euphr.

42. Ferrum Phosphoricum ferr-p. 43. *Flu Nosode – Bacillinum bac. 44. *Flu Nosode – Influenzinum influ. 45. *Gelsemium sempervirens gels. 46. Graphites naturalis graph. 47. Hamamelis virginiana ham. 48. Hecla lava hecla. 49. Hepar sulphuris calcareum hep. 50. Hydrastis canadenis hydr. 51. Hypericum perforatum hyper. 52. Ignatia amara ign. 53. Ipecacuanha ip. 54. Kali bichromicum kali-bi. 55. Kali iodatum kali-i. 56. Lachesis muta lach. 57. Lathyrus sativus lath. 58. Ledum palustre led. 59. Lycopodium clavatum lyc. 60. Magnesia phosphorica mag-p. 61. Mercurious Solublis merc. 62. Natrum muriaticum nat-m. 63. Natrum sulphuricum nat-s. 64. Nux vomica nux-v. 65. Phosphorus phos. 66. Phytolacca decandra phyt. 67. Podophyllum peltatum podo. 68. Pulsatilla nigricans puls. 69. *Pyrogenium pyrog. 70. Rhus toxicodendron rhus-t. 71. Ruta graveolens ruta. 72. Sepia succus sep. 73. Silica terra sil. 74. Spongia tosta spong. 75. Staphysagria staph. 76. Sulphur sulph. 77. Symphytum officinale symph. 78. Tellurium metallicum tell. 79. Thuja occidentalis thuj. 80. Urtica urens urt-u. 81. Veratrum album verat. 82. 12 Tissue Cell Salts a. Calcarea fluorata Calc-fl. b. Calcarea phosphoricum Calc-p.

c. Calcarea sulphurica Calc-s. d. Ferrum phosphoric Ferr-p. e. Kali muriaticum Kali-m. f. Kali phosphoricum Kali-p. g. Kali sulphuricum Kali-s. h. Magnesia phosphoric Mag-p. i. Natrum muriaticum Nat-m. j. Natrum phosphoricum Nat-p. k. Natrum sulphuricum Nat-s. l. Silcia Sil.

Remedies Following are the list of remedies – become familiar with these: review the instructions above on how to study and learn to memorize – this will help you when you begin selecting rememdies for your family.

1) *Aconitum Napellus: “Fright” (Monkshood-plant)(Acute remedy)

Symptoms are brought on by Shock, Fright, Injury, Trauma, Heat Stroke, Exposure to dry, cold winds, and ccasionally by intense hot weather. Always accompanied with Fear/Anxiety Fear so bad, thinks he will die. Fear from any frightful event.

Exposure to cold weather or wind. Blood/Hemorrhage: Hemorrhage, In cases where there is great fear or shock. Causing giddiness, faintness, panic. Bright red blood in large quantities. Bleeding with great fear, anxiety and palpitations. Aconite is the remedy. Colds/Flu/Fevers: “Flu:” colds/flu in the earliest stages: If given right away, when the “Gee, I feel like I could be coming down with something” feeling is coming on. Aconite, triggers the body to fight off the invading illness. A great duo combination: Aconite then Belladona to “kick” the bug. (AB alternating) Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough: Croup: dry, hoarse, suffocation: rough croaking: hard, whistling: on expiration: From Dry, Cold winds/drafts of air. Ears: Earache: External Ear Red, hot painful, swollen. Sensation of a drop of water in it. Especially Left (ABC recipe: See Chamomilla) Eyes: pain: or inflammation caused by Injury: congested blood vessels in eye: Hemorrhages Fear: So bad he thinks he will Die! Of Falling, or anytime: he thinks he will die. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Mind: desire for Ice cold water. Mouth/Teeth: Convulsions: of teething children: twitches of single muscles: child gnaws its fist, screams: skin hot and dry: high fever. Toothache one sided with red cheek. Unquenchable thirst. Paralysis: Coldness, numbness, tingling characterize the Paralyses and Neuroses of Aconite. Facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) from cold dry wind. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Throat: Sore red, dry, constricted feeling. NOT deep red or glossy. But has a burning, pricking sensation. Sensation “as if”: of a Drop of Water in or on parts. Worse: evening and night, in a warm room: when rising from bed: lying on affected side. Better: in the open air. Complementary remedies Arnica (especially in bruises, injury to eye) Belladonna, Ipecac, Bryonia, Silicea, Sulphur,. Coffea (in fever, sleeplessness, intolerance of pain) Antidoted By: Acet. Ac., Alcohol. Antidotes: Bell., Cham., Coff., Nux, Pet., Sep., Spo., Sul.: (Remember to GIVE Aconite before remedies that it will antidote. For example: Aconite Then Belladonna. Or Aco. Then Coff. etc. Exposure

2) Allium Cepa: “Onions” (Red Onion) (Acute Remedy)

*Suits Well: For any and all Sensations that cutting onions will provoke. Acute catarrhal inflammation of mucous membranes with increased secretion. ~Effects of: Damp, cold wind, weather causes colds and toothache. Colds of Spring, Hay-fever of August, epidemics of spasmodic cough in Autumn. Wet feet. Eating spoiled fish, cucumbers, salads,. Injuries. Shooting pains after surgical operations. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Colic: from cold by getting feet wet: overeating: from cucumbers: salads: hemorrhoids of children: worse sitting-better moving about. Allergies/Hay Fever: Allergies when discharge corrodes nose/upper lip. Hay fever: in August of each year: with violent sneezing after rising in a.m.: and from handling peaches (the mold and fuzz) Colds/Flu/Fevers: Colds: discharge corrodes nose/upper lip. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough: laryngitis: tickling in larynx: from inhaling cold air: compels him to grasp the larynx, seems as if cough would tear it. Eyes: Profuse, Bland Eye discharge, yet burns, smarts as from smoke: must rub them. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Bad effects from getting wet. Left sided remedy: Begin L go R: Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: Neuralgic pains: burning, stinging neuralgia. Traumatic neuritis, stump pains after amputation. Sores: raw spots on feet, heels from friction: rubbed sore. Nose: Profuse, Watery and Acrid Nasal Discharge Paralysis: L sided facial paralysis. Polyps: Nasal Polyps, when symptoms agree. Sensation “as if”: as if eye were hanging by a String: like a long Thread, in face, head, neck, and elsewhere: Worse: evenings, and in warm room. Better: In cold room and open air. Complementary: Phos., Puls., Sars., Thuj. Incompatible: All.sat., Alo., Scilla.

3) Alumina: “Dryness” (Oxide of Aluminium. Pure Clay) (Anti-Psoric)

Great for People who suffer from Chronic Diseases. “The Aconite of Chronic Diseases” H.C. Allen M.D.

Everything feels dry or is dry: mucus membranes. Alternating symptoms: Well for a time, then unwell for a time. Dry then flowing. “Periodicity.” *Suits Well: Infants. Constipation, especially when artificial food is used. Big bellied children. Persons of sedentary habits. Elderly. Suffering from chronic diseases: Longs for indigestible foods. ~Effects of: Anger, disappointments, Bodily exertion, lifting. Constipation/Diarrhea: Constipation: of infants and those who must strain to pass even a soft stool. Inactivity of rectum. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Morning cough. Continued dry, hacking cough with vomiting and arrest of breathing. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Alzheimer’s disease: illness with similar symptoms of: “Treat symptoms, not disease” Craving for dry food: starch, chalk, charcoal, cloves, acids and indigestible things. Potatoes disagree : Chilly persons Pains go upward: Upper Left : Lower Right affected. (opp. of Lyc.) Mind: symptoms such as confusion about identity and time distortions. “It seems as though someone else had said or seen it.” Time passes too slowly: an hour seems half a day. Nose: painful swelling, redness of: discharge of thick yellow mucus or solid yellow, greenish. Paralysis: of involuntary muscles, rectum and of the nervous and muscular systems in general. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Roughness of the face, especially over the forehead. Lips: dry, cracked. Sensation “as if”: Sensation: as if a hot iron were forced through the lower vertebrae Worse: periodically, alternate days, dry weather, full/New moon, sitting, after intercourse, lifting, exertion. Better: for cold washing: by moistening the part: by warm food or drink: by warmth in general.. Antidotes: Lead. Antidoted by: Bry., Camph., Cham., Ipec. Complementary: Bry. Follows Well: Bry., Lach., Sulph.

4) Anacardium: “Stuck” (Marking Nut-plant)(Acute Remedy)

This heart shaped nut: acts on the mind, nerves, muscles, joints & skin. *Suits Well: Those with an exhausted nervous system. Manic depressives. Ill-natured children. Elderly senile. Women during pregnancy: gastric and nervous disorders. ~Effects of: Abuse, verbal, physical. Checked eruptions. Examinations. Fright. Humiliation. Abdomen/Stomach/Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Gastric pain, betting eating: then worse 2-3 hrs. later. Empty felling in stomach. Hiccough. Weak digestion wit fullness and distention. Eating relieves Heartburn. Rumbling. Fermentation. Nausea. Morning Sickness: During Pregnancy. Nausea: Key symptom: Better while eating or drinking. Constipation/Diarrhea: Great desire to stool: but with the effort the desire passes away without evacuation: (irregular peristaltic or over action, Nux.) Constipation, like a plug “stuck” powerless, Paralyzed. Spasmodic constriction of anal sphincter. Itching: Moisture. Hemorrhage during stool. Mind/Behavior Anomalies / Dreams / Oddities : Behavior disorders: especially Children’s when nice, and then devilish in turns: Patient over sensitive: won’t kill a fly or will pull wings off—out of balance. Indecision: Angel on one shoulder, devil on the other – can’t decide! ”Stuck” Feels as though he has Two wills. Anxiety of conscience. Test anxiety, feels like can’t get things done. “Out of Balance” Tendency to use foul, violent language. Curse, swear and blaspheme in persons not usually know to curse. (Lac.c., Lil., Nit.-ac. – wants to pray continually, Stram.) Sudden Loss of Memory: everything seems to be in a dream: Patient greatly troubled about his forgetfulness: confused, unfit for business. Lack of confidence in himself and others. Nose: Sense of smell perverted. Lost or Acute. Frequent sneezing. Chronic coryza. Poison Ivy/Oak: Poison ivy: intense itching, blister like eruptions, skin is reddened at base of skin, Eyes and face may swell. Itching is Aggravated by Heat. Will often relieve when Rhus-tox fails. Symptoms are similar to Rhus-t. and will antidote poison oak & ivy. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Vesicular eruption, swelling. Yellow vesicles. Blisters discharging a yellowish transparent liquid. White herpetic spots. Smallpox like eruptions. Eczema with mental irritability. Neurotic eczema: Skin insensible. Dermatitis. Inflammatory skin diseases. Promotes expulsion of splinters (Sil.) Vertigo: As if surroundings or self were tottering. With blackness before eyes. Warts: on palms of hands (Nat. mur.) Sensation “as if”: Of a Plug in various parts. As of a band or Hoop around a part: or as a of a dull, blunt instrument pressing: as of a plug in inner parts. Worse: From abuse and mortification. Application of hot water. Stepping hard. Motion. Drafts, open air. Cold. Hours after Eating. Rubbing, scratching. Talking. Morning. Evening to midnight. Checked eruptions. Strong smells. Better: Eating. Rubbing. Heat, Hot bath. Sun. (Symptoms disappear during dinner, return two hours later.) Antidotes: Grind., Coffea., Jug-c., Rhus-t., Eucalyptus.

5) Antimonium Crudum: “Don’t look at me! or touch me!” (Antimony Sulphide-metal)(Anti-Psoric)

*Suits Well: For Children and young people inclined to grow fat (Calc.): for the extremes of life. Old people with morning diarrhea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhea and constipation: pulse hard and rapid. ~Effects of: Ill effects of disappointed love, grief and suppressed eruptions. Hot weather or sun. Getting over-heated, Overeating. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Excessive appetite: Nausea, vomiting: complaints from overeating. Constant discharge of flatus, up and down. Intolerance to bread and pastry: acids, especially vinegar: Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea alternates with constipation. Especially in elderly. Stools of hard lumps mixed with watery discharge. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Whooping cough, Laryngitis: from being overheated or from cold bathing. Ears: Ringing and deafness: as if bandaged or a leaf. Eyes: Canthi are raw fissured, cracked, red, moist. Chronic Blepharitis. (scurf) Head: Rush of blood to head, followed by nosebleed. Headaches from disordered stomach. Headaches from bathing in cold water. Worse vertex. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Arthritic pain: joints, fingers. Horney or split nails. Nails brittle. Feet tender, With Callosities on soles. Numbness of legs resting/sitting. Weakness and shaking of hands in writing. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Feeling of being let down and disappointed so fantasizes idealistic situations. Can’t bear to be looked at. Sulky. (Ant. Tart., Iod., Sil.) Angry at every little attention. Great Sadness: with weeping. Loathing of Life. Despair. Suicide by Drowning. Emotional-swoony romantic. Ailments of disappointed love. Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or repeat verses. Mouth/Teeth: White coated tongue Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin: fingernails do not grow rapidly: crushed nails grow in splits like warts with horny spots. Eczema with Gastric upsets. Lentil sized, flat growths on scalp, painful to pressure, crawling sensation around them. Yellow crusted eruptions on cheeks and chin. Corners of lips and nostrils cracked and sore. Burning, smarting. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Voice harsh: badly pitched. Sensation of a foreign object in llarnyx with inability to expectorate. Warts: Warts: Of children and young people. (Or those inclined to grow fat.) Large horny corns on soles of feet. Very useful for Plantar (foot) or Palmar (Palm) warts. Given with a weekly dose of Thuja works wonders. Sensation “as if”: Worse: After eating: Extremes of Heat and Cold…From being overheated. Heat of Sun: warm room: From Cold Bathing. Better: In the open air: during rest: after a warm bath. Antidote to: Stings of insects. Antidoted by: Calc., Hep., Merc., Bry. Complementary: Squil., Sulph. Followed well by: Puls., Merc., Sulph.

6)*Antimonium Tart: “Rattling mucus chest” (Tartar Emetic) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy affects the pneumo-gastric nerve: when depressed the respiration and circulation are severely altered,: So that when the patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi: it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up. *Suits Well: Hydrogenoid constitution. Old and Young patients. Gouty subjects and alcoholics with gastric troubles. Worn out subjects. ~Effects of: Living in damp conditions. Anger (cough), Vaccination. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Violent colic with drowsiness. Nausea, retching, vomiting: of bitter, sour substances. Nausea in waves. Allergies/Hay Fever: Colds/Flu/Fevers: Colds/Flu of elderly, small children, birthing. Especially spring and Fall when damp weather commences: or from living in damp quarters. Exposure to damp conditions. Death Rattle. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea in eruptive diseases. Offensive. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Wet cough that remains following the flu: Heart: Congestive heart failure (swollen ankles,) (for cough can’t get rid of, go to spongia) Liver: Jaundice (common in infants) with pneumonia, especially Right lung: Children not responding to Ant. Tart, when indicated, must be given Hepar. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Lungs: Drowning victims, pulmonary edema, infantile pneumonia: emphysema when caused by an irritant causing loss of lung space (Sil.) “Midwife’s best friend.” Newborn with mucus in chest. Hear them breathing thru wet. Elderly, pneumonia: Sometimes indicated after gas poisonings, if there is irritation to mucus membranes: Nursing infants let go of the nipple and cry out as if out of breath. Asphyxia from drowning. From birth: child breathless and pale when born. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Pustular eruption. Rash after vaccination. Rash mixed with small pustules. Thick eruption like pox. Bluish. Temperature: Cold/Clammy sweat with great faintness. Vaccinations ill effects of: Bad effects of: Rash from: when Thuja fails and Silica is not indicated. Worse: warm weather. Overheating. Cold dampness. Anger. Lying, sitting. Rising from seat. Motion. Morning. Sour food, milk. Better: Cold open air. Sitting erect. Belching, expectoration. Motion. Antidoted by: Asaf., Chin., Cocc., Con. Antidote to: Bar-c., Bry., Camph., Caust., Puls., Sepia. Compatible: Phos. Follows well: Sil., Puls., Ter.,

7) Apis: “Bees” (Honey Bee-Insect) (Anti-Psoric)

*Suits Well: Swellings: Glandular enlargement, indurated: scirrhous (hard) or open cancer. Women, especially widows: children and girls who, though generally careful, become awkward, and let things fall while handling them. (Bov.) ~Effects of: Allergens, Grief. Fright. Rage. Vexation. Jealousy, the queen bee is the most jealous of creatures. Hearing bad news, mental shock. Suppressed eruptions. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Inguinal Hernia. Burning pain and tenderness. Sore, bruised pain: on pressure, sneezing. Rumbling. Violent cutting pains. Ulceration in navel of newborn. Peritonitis. (Pyro., Bell.) Allergies/Hay Fever: For any allergy symptom where there is swelling, puffy, dry, hot, shiny, skin affections Anxiety: Great anxious restlessness and fidgety. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Kidney/Bladder: Cystitis: Acute Nepritis. Profuse/Scanty urine. Edema, reduces water retention. Edema- hands, face, feet, ankles: Incontinence of urine: scalds severely: frequent, scanty, bloody. Increased urination indicates that Apis is working. Retention of urine in newborn. Pain following urination. Constipation/Diarrhea: sensation as if something tight would break: of drunkards: during eruptive illness especially if suppressed: involuntary. As though anus was wide open. Restlessness and constantly busy: Worse with heat. (Arsenicum is a good remedy for a restless and chilly patient) Ears: Redness swelling both ears. Stinging pains. Eyes: Allergic, puffy Eyes. Swollen, red, and edematous: like water bags. Burning stinging and shooting pain in eyes. Hot tears. Photophobia, Sudden piercing pains. Cornea opaque. Corneal ulcer. Squinting. Styes. Asthenopia, during eruptive fevers. (Weakness of the ocular muscles or of visual power, due to errors of refraction.) Opthalmia, (Inflammation of the eye, especially one where conjunctiva is involved.) Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Female: Ovarian cysts. Hysteical girls. PMS with water retention. Irregularity. Male: Prostate irregularities. Swelling and cysts. Pain, worse right. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Panting breathing, feels every breath would be his last, suffocation. Edema of the larynx. Hoarseness. expectoration sweetish. Meningitis/Hydrocephalus: when Belladonna has failed (used for viral), Bacterial meningitis should be assumed and Apis used: (any other indicated remedies may be used in alternating fashion) Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Thirst-less with edema. Craving for Milk. (Rhus-t.) Ailments from Jealousy, fright, rage, vexation, bad news. He is fidgety, hard to please. Dreams: full of care and toil. Of being busy going from place to place. Travelling dreams. Flying dreams. Unpleasant dreams. Mouth/Teeth: Red, shining, puffy. Raw, stinging blisters. Nose: Red, swollen. Coldness of tip. Boils in nostrils. Nosebleed toward morning. Coryza, worse warmth. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Skin Inflammation: swelling, itching, puffy, hot. Always my first remedy of choice for the normal pain and swelling of stings, and bites: swelling. Anaphylactic shock from Bee stings, (is the #2 remedy of choice, Carbolic-ac. Being the first) jellyfish, nettles, scorpions, drugs. Allergic reaction to strawberries/foods. Watery swelling: mouth, eyelids, throat (possibly hinders breathing): has antihistamine anti-swelling

action. For anyone with hot swollen sinuses. Envelopes (the lining which holds something else intact.) Think of Apis for External and Internal Linings (skin, membranes, serous sac linings, etc.) Sleep: Great inclination to sleep, but cannot from nervous restlessness. Screams and sudden starting during sleep. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular:Throat: is swollen, both inside and out. Appears fiery red and puffy, the uvula is often swollen and fiery red: Sometimes he complains that it feels like a fishbone is there (Hepar sulph.) Stinging pain, sensation of constriction. Sensation “as if”: Burning, stinging, Extreme sensitiveness to touch. Worse: from heat in any form, pressure, touch. Better: from cold liquids. Complementary Remedies: Natrum Mur. And if lymph system is involved and glands are swollen, Baryta Carb. ***Warning: Because of action on the kidneys, Apis is not recommended in a lower potency than 30c during pregnancy. Antidoting Remedies: none listed

Watery Swelling

8) Argentum Nitricum: “Exploding” (Silver Nitrate-metal) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic)

Illness from unusual or long-continued mental exertion, withered, and dried up by disease: old looking patients. Headache, congestive, fullness, heaviness: with sense of expansion. Says, “I feel like my head is going to Explode!” *Suits Well: Grauvogel’s carb-nitrogenoid constitution (Sulph., Cup. and Hydrogenoid also.) ~Effects of: Anticipation. Apprehension, fear or fright. Eating ice. Mental stain and worry. Excesses. Sugar. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Gas and bloating: Flatulence. Violent Belching accompanies most gastric ailments. belly pain with gas Anxiety: Nervousness, (often in adults) Gels. has weakness, Arg. nit. Has Full POWER. Always in a hurry. Anxious/irritable/nervous. Fear of bridges, dentists. interview/performance anxiety. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Urethritis with pain: bloody urine and fever. Urine symptoms from early stages of venereal disease. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea, as soon as he drinks. Shredded strips or lumps: with much flatulence. Mind more frantic than Nux-v. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Smokers cough. Eyes: Red eyes. Discharge from, ulcerated: lids sore, thick, swollen especially in morning. Acute conjunctivitis. Discharge abundant. Eyestrain from sewing. Aching, tired feeling. Useful to restore cilary muscle power. Pink Eye. Blepharitis. Eye symptoms worse with stomach trouble. Fear: Fear of bridges, that tall buildings will fall in on him: looking up at them, dentists. Interviews, performing. Of falling: High Places: fears he will throw himself down. Heart: Anxiety with Palpitations. Hypoglycemia: Antidotes sugar poisoning (use 6x to get rid of sugar/choc. cravings. Alfalfa tonic is even better.) Hypoglycemics and those who eat too much Sugar and/or choco & are sick: (bloody nose after sweets, dog eats choc. etc.) Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Craves fresh air. Asthma, worse summer, cold weather or taking cold. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Apprehension. Stress: Impotence: erection fails when coition is attempted: Coition: painful in both sexes: followed by bleeding from vagina Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Old, pale, bluish. Sickly. Sleep: Insomnia “what if” same thought round and round in head. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Constant throat clearing. High notes cause cough. Chronic hoarseness: laryngitis. Smokers cough. Much thick mucus. Vertigo: Looking down from heights. At the sight of Tall/High buildings. Sensation: Exploding: temper or anything that feels like will burst.: Of Splinter in throat when swallowing. As of hair in throat. Worse: Cold food: cold air: eating sugar: ice cream: excessive mental exertion. Better: Open air: wind blowing on his face: bath in cold water. Antidoted by: Am-caust., effects of tobacco. Nat-m., Ars., Milk.

Antidotes: Puls., Calc., Sep., Lyc., Sil., Rhus-t., Phos., Puls. Follows well: Bry., Spig.(Dyspepsia)., Spongia (goiter), Causticm (Urethral affections), Verat-a. (Flatus) Is Followed well by: Lyc. (flatus)

9) Arnica: “Bruised” (Leopard’s Bane-plant) (Acute Remedy)

Injury: *Always give Arnica, in all cases of accident or injury, shock, is the great silent killer: 200c a.s.a.p. and again every 15 min. until outward symptoms subside. Even when unconscious, pellets given under the tongue or inside the cheek are safe. (Lyle W. MorganPh.D.,H.M.D.) (For shock, if patient says he is alright-give Arnica: if patient says he’s going to die-give Aconite.)

Bodily Soreness from any Cause: Accidental blows, sprains, overwork of muscles. *Suits Well: Sanguine, plethoric red-faced persons. Cerebral congestion. Persons easily made car-sick. Those who are sensitive to injuries and who feel the effects of them long after. ~Effects of: Mechanical injuries. Fright, financial loss, anger. Overuse of any organ Operations. Insects stings. Splinters.

Blood/Hemorrhage: For any type of Hemorrhage: Spinal hemorrhage: Retinal hemorrhage. Antiinflammatory, for hemorrhage. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Violent, spasmodic cough with facial herpes. Cardiac cough: during sleep, worse exercise. Whooping cough, child cries before cough. Eyes: Helps heal broken blood vessels, from injury or cough. Fear from shock due to injury: When patient says, “I’m ok, don’t worry about me.” Give Arnica any potency, (200c best for shock situation, but give whichever potency is available) *Remember: shock is the number one silent killer following accidents/trauma, even when patient claims to be well. Head: Head injury or strokes that effect mental functions. Head injury, strokes. 6c daily to prevent stroke. 30c to repair old stroke (the sooner the better). Heart: Palpitations after shock or injury: shake whole body. Injury: Trauma of injury, physical Exhaustion. Dislocation: give to control Shock/Hemorrhage. Pre& post, dental, surgical, operations. Use before and after hard work. Injuries: Take 3x’s–5 min. apart: then 2-4 x’s every 15 min.: then hourly as needed. Birthing: Give 200c (or whatever potency you have available) after delivery to both mother and child for trauma/bruising, retention of urine. Concussion: Cerebral Unconsciousness…always the first remedy of choice in any head injury or concussion…. Prevents concussion. (give a.s.a.p. in any potency available [200c is preferable for emergencies]) Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Backache with muscle strain. Overuse, Over-lifting. Bruises from injuries. Blows. Mouth/Teeth: Always give Arnica on the way to the dentist! Or for any type of injury/Bleeding or trauma to the mouth, teeth, gums, tongue. Sensation: “I feel bruised” “It feels like I’ve been beat up. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Sore/Bruised. Worse: At rest: when lying down: from wine. Better: From contact: motion. Antidotes: Camp.,Vitex trifolira.

Complementary: Acon., Ip. Follows well: Acon., Ip., Verat., Apis. Followed well by: Acon., Ars., Bry., Ip., Rhus-t. Antidotes: Am-c., Chin., Cic., Ferr., Ing., Ip., Seneg. Antidoted by: Camph., Ip. Coffee, Acon., Ars., Chin., Ign., Ip.

10) *Arsenicum Album: “Poisoning” (White Oxide of Arsenic-mineral) (**Anti-Psoric, Sycotic, Syphhiltic)

Great Prostration with rapidly sinking vital forces. This should be the first remedy that you reach for when illness of an unknown nature is coming through the house. In today’s world, we are constantly being exposed to external gas, toxins or other harmful elements. Arsenicum will quickly speak to the body’s unique defense system and trigger its “Poison Incoming” Alarm! *Suits Well: Full blooded, nervous persons. ~Effects of: Ill effects of food poisoning. Eating ice. Poor diet, watery fruits, tobacco, drugs, sea bathing, traveling. Care, grief, fright, Sewer/swamp gas poising. Toxic exposure. Financial loss, poverty, poisoned wounds. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Stomach flu symptoms: Food poisoning: with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Cannot bear sight or smell of food. Cold water immediate vomiting. Heartburn. Belching, gulping up of acid and bitter substance which seems to burn throat. Allergies/Hay Fever: thin watery discharge from nose, which Burns the lip, nose is stuffy, sneezing which brings no relief. Anxiety: This Patient is Always Restless: he has many fears and so has much anxiety. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Acute cystitis, with violent burning pains. Retention of urine, after confinement. Bedwetting. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Fevers: at night with anxiety, restlessness. High fever. Septic fevers. Delirium . Complete exhaustion. Coldness in spots, blue nails. Internal chill with external heat and red cheeks. Body cold as ice. Constipation/Diarrhea: diarrhea with small, frequent and raw burning stools with restlessness. Fetid odor, as if had eaten rotten food. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough with exhaustion, collapse, anemia, nervous irritability. Eyes: Conjunctivitis: Burning in the eyes with acid-like tearing/watering: lids are granulated, ulcerated or scabby/scaly. Fear: Fears someone is Stealing from him. Or he’s being poisoned “I don’t trust you.” For Fear of dying so can die peacefully-higher potency works well. Flu: Flu-like symptoms: Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea, Symptoms, have restlessness and desire for small, frequent amounts of liquid. Bad effects from ingesting “off” food-Or other toxic material. Rids body of Toxins: For anything that makes one Heart: Palpitations with anguish, worse at night. Irritable heart in smokers and chewers. Right ventricle hypertrophied. Cyanosis. Heart pains into neck and occupied with anxiety. Difficulty breathing, fainting spells. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Twitching: facial muscles Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Pneumonia from taking cold. Pulmonary edema. Emphysema. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Thick, yellow, green, bitter, salty. Asthma: From suppressed eruptions. Wheezing on lying down. Breath too rapid, even when at rest. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Always has “Thirst for Small Amounts” of liquid. Depressed, Despairing, indifferent: Anxious, fearful, Restless, anguished: Irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed. “Feel” like they are Poisoned/or are actually poisoned. (MSG, pesticide exposure, animals that drink anti-freeze, etc.) [It is a good idea to also give Vegtable Charcoal capsules when anything toxic has actually been ingested. Carbon acts to absorb the toxins while passing through the body, then safely export them out: these capsules are usually available in any health food area of most stores.]

Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Skin symptoms alternate with Asthma or internal

disorders. Eruptions, popular, dry, rough, scaly, worse cold. Burning, restless. Sleep: Sleepless till 3:00 a.m.: Anxiety/nervous exhaustion. Sensation: Burning Pains. Tearing, needle-like pains, stinging pains as from red-hot needles. Worse: At midnight. In open air. Better: Indoors. Complementary Remedies: Rhus-t., Carbo Veg., Phos., Thuja, Secale, All. Sat., Antidotes: Opium, Camphor, China, Chin-s., Ferr., Graph., Hepar sulph., Iod., Ip., Lach., Merc., Phos., Nux-v., Samb., Stry., Tab., Verat., Carb-v. Followed well by: Aran., Nux-v., Iod., Sulph., Rhus-t., Follows Well: Acon, Agar., Arn.. Bell., Cham., Chin., Ip., Lach., Verat.

11) Avena Sativa: “Calming” (Oat straw-plant) (Acute Remedy)

Just as the horses or cows, in the barn, love to nestle and lie in the fresh bedding of Oat Straw: so is this remedy a comfort to the nervous system of the over-exhausted body. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Improves the nutrition of brain & nervous system: great after exhausting diseases. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Addictions: Coming off of addiction. Morphine or heroine: Alcoholism. Sleep: Chronic insomnia: Calms nerves to help sleep. Use for Sleep & Anxiety. Chronic Insomnia: Sleeplessness after worry, mental exertion, after influenza, from weakness. Aggravated by exhaustion, alcohol. “I’m too tired to sleep!” Potency: 3x take as often as one likes. Antidotes: None listed

12) *Baptisia tinct. : “Severe Illness” (Wild Indigo-plant)(Acute Remedy)

Patients are very ill: with decomposition of fluid: ulceration of mucus membranes. All exhalations and discharges are fetid: breath, stool, urine, perspiration, ulcers. Indescribable Sick Feeling All Over. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Intestinal toxemia. Worse on right side. Pain in region of spleen. Severe soreness, painful to walk. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Flu: Body aches so bad, that parts feel separated. Indescribably sick feeling all over. High Fevers. Great muscular soreness and putrid states are present. All secretions are offensive, breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Flu that comes on quickly with high fever: Suddenly very sick and going downhill fast. Flu with diarrhea and vomiting. Constipation/Diarrhea: Offensive diarrhea day and night. Sudden, horrible foul: thin, dark, bloody. Ears: Feel hot, burn. Early deafness from typhoid. Eyes: Eyelids heavy from illness, eyes red, congested, half closed. Cannot bear light. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Muscles ache, sore and bruised pains. Bed feels too hard. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Mind: Mentally Baptista is for the confused, stupidly dull with delirium, sleepy all the time and unable to answer questions. Thinks he is broken or double and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together. Imagines his limbs are talking to each other. Mouth/Teeth: Tongue is coated yellow or brown, the throat intensely red, ulcers appear in mouth and gums ooze blood. Sensation: Bruised, Beaten, Bed feels hard, as if: lying on a board. That some person touched him while he was sleeping. Follows well: Ars. Followed well by: Ter., Nit-ac. Ham.,( in typhoid- Nux-v., Op., Rhus-t., Sil.)

13) Baryta Carbonicum: “Feeling Dependent” (Barium Carbonate) (Anti-Psoric)

Often working well as an inter-current with other remedies. Aneurysm, tumors, tonsillitis, heart disorders, enlarged prostate. Down’s Syndrome. *Suits Well: Influence on growth, especially of children and old people, who become childish. In children growth is retarded: they are dwarfish mentally and physically. Late coming into maturity. In the Elderly: it is a remedy for early senility and degenerative changes, especially in old men. ~Effects of: Ill effects of checked foot sweat: Vaccinations. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough: Chronic cough in children with enlarged tonsils. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Stunted mental/physical-growth/development Especially indicated in infancy, old age: senility with lack of independence: mental retardation & dementia. Growth could have been interrupted by trauma/vaccine/shock. Torticollis: (condition where the head is not set correctly on the neck ) Chronic. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Mind: A great remedy for Children that are off to a slow start, or may even have learning challenges: homesick for parents, pleasant, shy, and sweet. Child cannot remember to learn, slow to talk: sits in corner, does want to not play: peeps out through fingers. Bashful, timid, seeking solitude, sobbing/crying. Feeling Handicapped/Dependent. Says, “I need help!” If Mind symptoms fit: this remedy will work to balance a number of physical ailments. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Fatty tumors- especially about the neck. Fetid foot sweats. Skin-pickings and tingling: like burning needles, itching and crawling. Burning Sarcoma. Excoriation/oozing. Injuries heal slowly. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Throat: Glandular swellings/indurations. Especially Cervical and Inguinal Chilly-ness Glandular: submaxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Enlarged tonsils. Chronic torticollis. predominates, L side most affected Glandular: sub-maxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Vaccinations ill effects of: complications from: Learning disabilities. Sensation: Feels “Cut off at the knees”: Skin-pickings and tingling: like burning needles, itching and crawling. Worse: When thinking of this disease: lying on painful side: after meals: washing. worse after slight cold. Antidoted by: Ant. T., Bell., Camph., Dulc., Merc., Zinc. Compatible: after Scilla, Ars., before & after Sulph. Complementary: Dulc., Silica, Psor. Incompatible: Calc.

14) *Belladonna: “Sudden, Violent” (Deadly Nightshade-plant)(Anti-Psoric)

Belladonna is the remedy when the pains have come on Suddenly and with Great Violence, and subside suddenly. You will notice the Heat: there is always violent heat with the inflammations: it has inflammation of any organ: External/Internal. Much Suffering and Delirium. Red, Hot, Burning or Throbbing: Comes on Quickly. This is the description of a Belladonna issue. All three are usually present, but He will always describe the pain as Throbbing. (Stabbing, pulsing, etc. are synonyms of Throbbing.) *Suits Well: Full blooded persons with red face and to conditions of localized plethoria (Congestion of Blood in a Part). Inflammatory States with pain, throbbing, shiny redness as in acute gout. To the bilious, lymphatic temperament. In persons who are jovial when well, but violet when ill: therefore a great children’s remedy. ~Effects of: Ill Effects of hair cutting, head getting wet. Eating sausage, or Sunstroke. Walking in the wind or a draft. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Appendicitis, Acute Pancreatitis (can be pale, pain so bad) with High Fevers. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Pain: Infections with congestion: Cramps/Spasms on trying to urinate. Retention. Sensation in bladder as of a worm. Bleeding when no cause can be found. Kidney stones (helps to dilate the sphincters so that stones can pass.) pain of horrible things like Calculi Always give when stones are suspected, as an inter-current (in alternating fashion) with any other indicated remedy. Blood/Hemorrhage: For any Ailments where there is profuse, Bright red blood. High blood pressure. Colds/Flu/Fevers: High fevers Ears: Otitis media. Inflammatory swelling of ears. Hot, sensitive and painful ears. Bulging red eardrums. Child cries out in sleep. Pain causes delirium.

Eyes: Preeminent Eye remedy. Pupils Dilated. Staring, Brilliant. Conjunctiva red, dry. Intensely violent symptoms: Eyes feel swollen: as if Bulging Outward: conjunctive is red, dry and burning: Throbbing/Shooting pain. Aversion to light. Head: Headache: Throbbing/Hammering Pain. Congestive headache with red face. Feeling in Head like swashing of water.

Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Sensitive to light, noise, jarring. Worse 3 p.m.: Right sided remedy. Cramping, aching pains. Female: Menses bright red, too early, too profuse. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Throat: Tonsillitis: Larynx sore: Laryngitis: Right side: dark angry red, shiny, Feels like: constricted or contains a lump. Worse swallowing liquids, touch, pressure. Viruses: Viruses: Very high fever 102 & up that can be rapidly rising. Scarlet fever: Spinal Meningitis: West Nile: Rabies: glassy, dilated eyes, (whites feverish). Can be delirious or angry, excited, screaming with pain: see hallucinations. Belladonna is famous as a virus interrupter. When taken a.s.a.p. it will alter the virus in a way that the body can fight it more efficiently. So there may be a rise in temperature (it may be significant: don’t panic, just give another dose,) this means the “bug” is being fought off. (When the patient is very ill, and has severely cold hands and feet…this can be an indication that the blood is congesting in the internal organs. I recommend the use of white cotton socks soaked in pickle juice. The socks are worn on the feet and covered with a good quality, dry, wool socks. This will pull the congestion and fever from the center, quickly reducing the fever naturally: Re-soak the white cotton socks, as needed until fever comes down. (Source: Jim Larson)

Treatment: Red Cheeks or Ears on a little kid? More than likely he has over done it or there is an illness on the horizon. I recommend the AB Treatment: Aconite-Belladonna. Belladonna alternates well with Aconite, which is complementary in the early stages of illness, brought on by becoming wet or chilled. Give: Aconite first and follow 15 min. later w Belladonna. Give hourly. For Pains: Run downward. Pressing Downward. Sensation: Throbbing/Shooting/Stitching/Burning: As if breaking: a hand clutching: As if pressed in from both sides: As if water Swashing: Bubbling/Gurgling heart region. Sensation in bladder as of a worm. Worse: Right side: Lying down: having hair cut: drafts on head: Light, Noise, Jarring. Touch. For company. Pressure. Motion. Hanging down affected part. Shining objects. Running water. Morning, afternoon. Evening- Night. Better: Standing/Sitting: Laying hand on head: bending backwards: for light cover. For rest in bed. Leaning head against something. Compare: Stam. (When fever is lingering). Complementary Remedy: Bor., Hep., Merc., Nat-m.,: Calcarea carb. -is often required after Belladonna. Antidoting Remedies: Camphora, Coffea, Opium, Aconite: Acetic acid (found in fruit, lemon juice, vinegar) tea, and coffee.

15) Benzoicum Acidum: “Strong Smelling Urine” (Benzoic Acid)(Anti-Sycotic-Uric Acid Diathesis)

This remedy has a strong affinity for the Kidneys and their function. Uric Acid Diathesis. Gouty and Asthmatic: *Suits Well: Gouty and Rheumatic constitutions. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Bedwetting with strong, dark urine. Dribbling Urine especially of Old Men with Enlarged Prostate. When kidney’s are the cause of: Achilles pain. (In reflexolgy, we recognize the body’s map system. Hence, Achilles pain is often a first sign of Kidney weakness/disease.) Kidney Disorders: Urine is hot, dark brown, strong, foul odor. (like horse urine) or Ammoniacial : Excess of uric acid. Kidneys insufficient. Gravel. Stones. Dribbling of Urine. Infants: retention of urine. Recipe for removing Kidney Stones:(Compton Burnett) Benzoic Acid, Silica, Berberis. Alternating. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea: of children: white, very offensive, exhausting liquid stools running right through the diaper. Ears: Meniere’s disease (inner ear disease) noise of confused voices in ears, worse swallowing or walking in open air. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Marked action on metabolism. Gouty: painful nodes: joints crack on moving: Bunions: in large joints of great toe. Pains tearing, stitching. Achilles pain. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Activity of mind while at work followed by anxiety. Fear follows hurry. Child cross, wants to nursed in arms, will not be laid down. Left sided complaints, moving to Right Delusions: imaginations: hears voices. Useful after Colch. (not in this book) Fails in Gout: Antidoted by: Copaiva Incompatible: Wine, which aggravates the pain in kidneys. Useful if Colch. fails in gout. & Copaiva in gonorrhea.

16) Berbis Vulg. “Gallbladder/Kidney/Liver disorders” (Barberry-plant) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic) (Barberry)

This remedy can be used very successfully to get a kidney or Gall inflammatory conditions under control. It is an excellent emergency remedy, but in most cases it would be prudent to see a homeopath who can work to find your constitutional balance. *Suits Well: Patients with Bilary and or Allergic reactions: those with chronic Lymph / Blood poisoning. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Colic from stones. Pain extending along ureter or to liver, stomach, spleen, arresting breathing. Bubbling and Sharp pains in region of Kidneys: characteristic. Affects lumbar region: pain may shoot up or down, or both. Cutting, burning, stitching, stinging, or tearing pain in any or all parts of the feet: the balls: heel: toes: (may be indicative of a Kidney issue) Lymphatic swelling of the tendo-Achillis, with pains on lifting the foot. Recipe for removing Kidney Stones (Compton Burnett) Benzoic Acid, Silica, Berberis: take alternating doses. Gallbladder: Gallstone attack with severe pains. Pain and / or swelling of the Spermatic cord, extending to testes. (especially ) R sided: Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Cutting, burning, stitching, stinging, or tearing pain in any or all parts of the feet: the balls: heel: toes: (may be indicative of a Kidney issue) Liver: Liver pains in region of gall bladder. Sensation: as if the foot were bearing a heavy load. Bubbling and Sharp pains. Indifference, apathy: Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Dermatitis: Itching burning and smarting, worse scratching. Small pustules over whole body. Eczema of anus and hands. Worse: for movement: for solitude. Better: for company Antidoted By: Camph., Bell. Antidotes: Acon. Followed well by: Bry., Kali-bi., Rhus-t., Sulph.: an occasional dose of Lyc. aids the action of Berb.

17) Borax: “Dread of Downward Motion” (Sodium Biborate) (Anti-Psoric)

A great remedy for those Babies who Flail their arms out as mommy goes to lay them down, or when turned away from her body when walking, (Fear of Downward Motion!) Also for Anyone who Suddenly becomes Fidgety and Startles easily, or Can Not Swing with the kids, something that they used to Love! *Suits Well: Dentition problems : persons with light hair, lax skin and muscles, wrinkles skin. Pale, earthy, with suffering expression ~Effects of: Consequences of getting cold in cold and wet weather, riding or eating fruit. Breasts: Nipples sore: Infected, cracked. When nursing, pain in opposite breast. Milk poor, curdles. Constipation/Diarrhea: Stools: Loose, pasty, offensive stools in children. Candida rashes of the anus. Ears: Very Sensitive to the slightest noise, not so much from louder ones. “As if ear opened and closed.” Eyes: Eyelashes turned inward: matted. Ingrown eyelashes. Fear: Of Falling: From high places Heart: Palpitations, Feels as if right side being squeezed. Infants cyanotic from birth. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Seasickness: when Downward motion is felt. Behavior: Child screams out in sleep: Laughter alternating with weeping. Idles: does not really get to work, changes from one thing to another. Discontent. Nervous, Slight noise arouses. Tends to be pale, earthy, fleshy, flabby. Mouth/Teeth: Mouth: Oral thrush. Mouth ulcers. Nose: Nose: Itching with tingling, Acrid drainage that ulcerates nostrils. Dry cabs (old term used to describe mucus scabs) in nose. Sneezing. Red nose of young women, red, swollen, with throbbing. Blood flows upon blowing. Accumulation of thick, greenish mucus in the nose. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Voice, hoarseness brought on by cold. Tough mucus. Sensation: Of a Cobweb Worse: from downward or upward motion: rocking: dancing, swinging, going down stairs, being dangled or rapidly down hill: horseback riding: cold-wet, uncovering, warm weather, bad effect from eating fruit, smoking, after menses. Sensitivenessstarting from sudden noise/movement: cures “shot-shyness” in dogs. Better: at 11 p.m., cold weather, pressure. Antidoted by: Cham., Coffea. Incompatible: Acet-ac., Vinegar, Wine.

AH-H-H-H-H-H…..Not Havin’ Fun!

18) *Bryonia Alba: “Worsened by any movement” (Wild Hops-plant)(Acute Remedy)

Always think of this remedy For Flu or Injury: FIRST when the Complaint is “Worse for Motion” *Suits Well: Robust firm fibre, dark complexioned patients: with a tendency to leanness and irritability. Gastro-bilious-Rheumatic constitutions. Choleric, bilious tendency with firm flesh fiber. Nervous, dry, slender people. ~Effects of: Ill effects of anger, fright, chagrin. Complaints from taking cold drinks in hot weather. Alcohol. Gluttony. Suppressed eruptions and discharges. Constipation. Broken bones, joint injury, wounds, Cold winds. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Major Flu Remedy: All Symptoms are WORSE for Movement. When headache is caused by the flu, headache Pain is located in the Frontal Lobe of head, or behind Eye, especially Left: Cough/Croup/Larynx: Good for cough: Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Cough with Sneezing. Coming into warm room excites cough. Dehydration: Major Dehydration remedy: When he has not taken in enough profitable liquid. He Becomes dehydrated. When the headache pain is due to Dehydration: the pain will be located in the Whole Top of Head. (Like a cap): Brain feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting pain, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “as if hit by a hammer from within,” All Symptoms, better for pressure, worse motion, Ears: Inflammation: As if stopped-up. Boil in front of ear. Bleeding from Ears. Intolerance of noise. Roaring, buzzing, ringing, humming as if water over a dam., chirping. Eyes: Sore when MOVING. Burning, inflammation, worse warmth. Pains behind the eyeballs. Glaucoma. Head: Headaches from Flu or Dehydration or Both. When headache is caused by the flu, Headache Pain is located in the Frontal Lobe of head, or behind Eye, especially Left: When the headache pain is due to Dehydration: the pain will be located in the: Whole Top of Head. (Like a cap): Brain feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting Headache, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “as if hit by a hammer from within,” All Symptoms, better for pressure, worse motion, stooping, opening eyes. Migraines: When sensation fits. Injury: Back: Joints: (See Limbs) Joints, red, SWOLLEN, hot. Complaints from over-lifting. Severe painful back injuries, ALWAYS worse for Motion. Slipped dics. Sharp pains and stiffness in lumbar region. Vertebrae out of place. Drawing Pains. Neck, right side. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Arthritis, old dogs that can’t get up, old beer drinkers, grouchy old men. Slipped disks. Swollen joints: especially knee. Severe painful ALWAYS worse for Motion: Sharp pains and stiffness in lumbar region: Drawing Pains. Neck, right side. Sprained, Injured and Painful Joints, worse for motion. Joints, red, SWOLLEN, hot. Swelling of Elbow, Ankles, Knees, stiff and painful. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry: Thirsty for cold drinks. Patient says “Don’t touch me.” Hates chiropractor & Physical Therapist. Exceedingly irritable “Grumpy Bear.” Feeling of loss to be made up fast so preoccupied with business & risk. Wants to be left alone: Thirsty: heavy: dull: irritable: worried: Staggering backward: tendency to run backward Mouth/Teeth: Lips dry, parched: due to dehydration. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Oily, greasy, sour-smelling perspiration during sleep:

especially towards morning. Sensation: Pain is stitching, tearing: Sharp pains. As if would Fly to Pieces. Feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting Headache, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “as if hit by a hammer from within,” Worse: At Night: Worse for warmth, touch, any motion: Hates movement, even pupils. Better: By Absolute Rest. Lying on Painful Side. Holds painful part & puts pressure on it. Complementary remedy: Natrum mur., Natrum Sulph, Alumina. Antidoted by: Acon., Alum., Camph., Cham., Chel., Clem., Ign., Mur. Ac., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Seneg. Antidotes: Alum., Chlorum, Chi., Frag. vesc., Merc., Rhus-t

19) Calcarea Carbonicum: “Happy as a clam” (Calcium Carbonate-oyster shell) (Anti-Psoric: Polycrest)

This is a Major Polycrest (Far reaching) Remedy and acts wonderfully for fleshy, large headed children or to help “heal” the case when given as an Inter-current. One Dose Weekly, along with any other indicated remedy. Abdomen/Stomach: Acidity of digestive tract: sour burp sour vomiting, stool, odor of whole body. Deranged digestion. Constipation: Constipation because “It’s too much work” Gallbladder: Tendency toward formation of gall/kidney stones. Head: Open anterior fontanels: Late to close. Injury: Bruised, cramp, tearing pain of arms on moving or grasping: upper arm/elbow/wrist: give Sil. alt. w Calc. Carb.

Growth/Development/Limbs: Osteoporosis: Chief remedy of Calcium compounds: Girls who are fleshy, plethoric, and grow too quickly. Improper nutrition & digestion. Broken bones, Bones that don’t heal properly, Quickly or are Easily Re-Injured. Mind: Sensation as if in a dream: of levitating. Child craves eggs, eats dirt. Children who are slow in teething and walk late. Mental dullness. Adults who are happy in the same old job, loyal, pudgy. Polyps: Polyps, nasal/uterine, etc. Cysts. Skin/Eczema: Cradle cap Cold and Clammy. puffy look like tissues full of water. (helps get water out) Sweat of single parts. Sleep: Chews and swallows in sleep. Nightmares-wakes at 3:00 a.m. & can’t go back to sleep, poor sleep, fear of monsters. Throat: Swollen glands like tonsils, Adenoid growth. Tonsillitis. Sweats easily: (trying to stool), & sour smell on hair, body, etc. Sensation: Crawling and Numbness. Chills run up. Worse: For Cold air: wet weather: cold water: from washing: morning: during full moon. Better: When constipated: Dry weather: lying on painful side. Antidoted by: Camph., Ip., Nit-ac., Nit-s-c., Nux-v., Sulph. Antidotes: Bism., Chin., Chin-s., Dig., Mex., Nit-ac., Phos. Complementary: Bell., Rhus-t., Lyc., Sil. Incompatible: Bry. Follows well: Cham., Chin., Con., Cupr., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph. Followed well by: Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Plat., Sil.

20) Calcarea Phosphoricum: “Growing Pains” (Calcium Phosphate-mineral)(Anti-Psoric-Tub.)

Much Like Calcarea Carb., but this patient is not as Pudgy. It is great for broken bones, Lazy, yet more athletic than Calc. carb. ~Effects of: Ailments after bad news, from grief, disappointed love. Abdomen/Stomach: poor digestion: affects nutrition And Disease of Bones & Glands. Child suffers colic after every feeding. Head: Open posterior fontanels. Limbs: GROWING PAINS: Hip joint disease (degeneration) Mend bones or rebuild after disease: joint injuries: Lungs: Copious Perspiration, or on single parts, at night, waking out of sleep. Toward and in morning. Dyspnea, diabetes when lungs affected. Mind: Sighing: discontent, obstinate, moaning, irritable, hard to please. Constant desire to go from place to place (Tub.): Temper tantrums. Mental dullness in children: Slow, learning to talk etc. More slim & more sporty than Calc. Carb.,but can’t get out of chair! (lazy) Craves fat bacon, the salt of smoked meats. Etiologies include a large stress resulting in a decrease of vital energy, like grief, separation, death: May get sick after not enough sleep.

Teeth: Slow development of teeth: rickets: Throat: Enlargement. of tonsils, adenoids. Sensation: of crawling & numbness. As if cold water poured over part. Chills run upward. Worse: cold, damp: change of weather, during dentition. Puberty. Mental exertion. Thinking of symptoms. Loss of fluids. Lifting. Pressure. Ascending. Fruits. Mornings. Evenings. Artificial light. Getting wet in rain. Better: In summer, for warm dry atmosphere. Lying down, rest. Lying on abdomen, during restless night. Complementary: Ruta. Follows well: Ars., Chi., Iod., Merc. Is Followed well by: Sulph.

21) Calendula: “Healing” (Pot Marigold-plant) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is Fantastic when used Homeopathically, in tincture, in Creams, salves or lotions…or all the above simultaneously. It aids the growth of skin and speeds up healing in an unbelievable way. Homeopathic antiseptic “for use internally & externally. Ears: Broken ear drum. Injury: Healing of ulcerations internal and external. Remedy: (for speed) heals 10 times faster with no scarring. Use after surgery. sunburn etc. Mouth/Teeth: Fistulas, Mouth sores, Gum Surgery, etc. Skin: Use for any open Wounds, Acne, Ulcers, Sunburn, Burns (1 & 2nd degree) Antidote to: Chel., Rhem. Antidoted by: Arnica- & vice versa, so don’t use together. Compatible: Arn., Ars., Bry., Nit-ac., Phos., Rhus-t. Complementary: Hep,. Followed well by: Arn., Hep. Follows well: Ars.

22) Cantharis: “Burns/Blisters” (Spanish Fly-Insect)(Acute Remedy)

Bladder/ Kidneys: Extreme, Violent burning on skin, burning urination. For extreme Urinary Tract Infections, blood in urine, urine passed in drops painfully. More extreme raw burning than Arsenicum. Skin: Extreme burns-3rd degree, acid, welding burns with excruciating pain. Take orally & apply calendula to skin. Gnat Bites: excellent to dull the burning pain! Is outstanding in its ability to eliminate the pain of any burn! Complementary Remedies: Belladonna, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulpur. Antidoted by: Aconite, Pulsatilla, Camphora. Antidotes: Camph. Compatible with: Bell., Merc., Phos., Puls., Sep. Complementary: Camph. Incompatible: Coffea

23) Capsicum annuum: “Home-sickness” (Cayenne Pepper) (Anti-Psoric)

Red, but cold. Burning, smarting pains: consider this remedy when there are no other determining symptoms. Extreme sensitiveness to cold and damp Worse from slight draft, cold air: Irritability during chill. Burning spasmodic constriction and other pains, is made worse by swallowing cold water. Thirsty, but drink causes shuddering. Chill at 10:30 a.m., beginning between shoulders and running down back. *Suits Well: those of lax tissue, clumsy, awkward or of unclean habits. Those averse to physical exercise. Get Homesick easily. Are Afraid of cold. Ears: Swelling and pain behind ears. Inflammation of mastoid. Mastoiditis. Otorrhea (discharge from) and mastoid disease (inflammation of the mastoid cells: the protruding part of the temporal bone felt behind the ear) Tenderness. Extremely sore and tender to touch. Hot ears. Burning and Stinging in ears, then deafness. Tympanum (middle ear) perforated. (Ruptured Eardrum) Sub-acute inflammation of Eustachian tube with great pain. Ear affections during pregnancy. Lungs: Dry, hacking cough, with offensive breath from lungs. Dyspnea. Explosive cough. Feels “as if” head and chest would fly to pieces. Ribs seem dislocated. Pain in distant parts when coughing: bladder, legs, ears, etc. Mind: Homesickness w red cheeks, Sentimental, nostalgic moods. Sleeplessness from emotions, homesickness or cough. Sleepy after meals. Daytime Yawning. “As if” Falling from a height during Sleep. Persons tend to be jovial, yet get angry at trifles. Throat: Hot feeling in throat. Pain and dryness in throat extending to the ears. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Sensation: Burning/Smarting, as from cayenne pepper in throat and other parts, not better by heat. Constriction: in throat, chest, bladder, urethra: rectum. Feels “as if” head and chest would fly to pieces. Ribs seem dislocated. Antidoted by: Calad., Camph., Cina., Chia., Sul-ac. It antidotes: Effects of Alcohol, Coffee, Opium or Quinine. Compatible: Bell., Lyc., Puls., Sil.

24) Carbolicum acidum: “Collapse” (Carbolic acid: )

This is a very deep acting remedy: for acute cases of: Anaphylactic shock, Burns, Convulsions, Collapse, Uterine displacement, puerperal fever (following childbirth, convulsions, eclampsia, fever, fever disease of women due to septic infection.) I’ve seen success in a patient having convulsions with cold/blue mucus membranes and frothing at the mouth, back to her original state quickly. And success for another patient postpartum, with retained placenta, and foul odor within 36 hrs of delivery: works for great stiffness in the back of legs, serious prostration. Carbolic ac. Given in high potency brought on fever, then quickly relieved all symptoms. In both cases, several remedies had been given with little or no results. This remedy, when called for stands in a class of its own. It is the #1 remedy for Anaphylactic Shock, (Apis). It is included here, for awareness: In emergency situations when no other remedy covers it. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Fermentive dyspepsia (acid reflux) Constipation/Diarrhea: Putrid, shreddy, Thin stools. Diseases: Exhaustive diseases, with profound Prostration: Putrid states, Collapse, Cold Sweat, Convulsions. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Back: Severe pain, in lumbo-sacral region. Profound soreness of muscles of back and limbs: Walking with a very noticeable stiffness in legs. Cramps in fore part of legs. Stiffness of limbs, cyanotic, Stiffness in legs upon trying to walk. Prostration, paralytic with loss of sensation and motion. Collapse. Sepsis. Head: Pale about nose and mouth: Swelling of face and tongue from bee stings. Twitching. Lupus. Nose: Acuteness of smell. Allergies/Hay Fever: Bee Stings: #1 remedy for Anaphylactic shock Stings: Carbolic acid: is the number one remedy for Anaphylactic Shock. Swelling of face and tongue from bee stings. It is a very deep acting remedy. Used for terrible pains that come and go suddenly. Temperature: Great chilliness: coldness on surface. Chills from above, down.

25) Carbo Veg.: “The Great Reviver” (Vegtable Charcoal-plant)(Anti-Psoric)

Whenever there is Exhaustion or lack of reaction from illness. Moms who have had sick children for days on end, or after an exhausting illness or injury, any time that the vital energy is depleted, this is a great remedy. I like to use this as an inter-current with whatever other remedy is most indicated: a favorite recipe for persons suffering from life situational exhaustion—family stress or other times where the patient is tired from trying to Keep the Peace”, is: Carbo veg. one dose daily for 5-7 days, and Graphites, one dose daily for 5-7 days. This acts to boost the vital force and restore natural health and energy.

Toxic Exposure: For inhalation of toxins like carbon monoxide. Where there is lack of reaction: to low states of the vital powers: Cold, clammy, gasping for air, needs to be fanned, runs to open window to breathe. Limbs/Joints: Limbs Go to Sleep: Cold from the Knees down. Paralytic weakness of the wrists and of the fingers, when grasping for anything. Arms weary when writing. Venous system is engorged. Stomach: General indigestion from milk and fatty foods. Faint and cold: Have indigestion w bloating that makes one belch. Decomposition of food in the stomach: putrid diseases and ulcerations: symptoms of imperfect oxidation and disintegration, of the blood. Liver: Pain in liver. Jaundice from over eating or eating too rich food.

Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Asphyxiation. To revive someone that is Improves faint. Cold. Blue. For children who have not fully recovered from illness like Blood Flow whooping cough or measles: Elderly recovering from chest infections. Patient is icy cold inside & lacks vitality. May gasp for air (asthmatics/emphysema). Mouth/Teeth: Breath Cold. Bad smell from mouth. Tongue/membranes, cold, blue (black) swollen. Tooth pain while eating hot or cold things. Sensitive when chewing. Gums retracted and ooze blood easily. Skin/Hair: hair: sore, falls of easily in handfuls, after sever illness, after childbirth. Scalp itches when warm in bed. Hat like a heavy weight. Better: belching, elevating the feet. From cool air. (like fanning) Worse: “High living”, Over-Indulgence. Rich foods: butter, coffee, milk, wine, icy drinks. From warmth, warm, damp weather. From depletions: exhausting diseases, suppressions, over lifting, Antidoted by: Ars., Ambra, Camph., Coff., Lach., Nit-s-d., Ferr. Antidotes: Effects of putrid meats of fish, rancid fats, salt or salt meats, Chin., Lach., Merc. Complementary: Chin., Dros., Kali-c.,-stitches in heart)

26) Causticum: “Sphincter Control” (Caustic Potash) (Polycrest for chronic diseases)

When there appears to be a Great Strength about the person, those who have a strong sense of JUSTICE….but they have much Pain or Weakness, think of Causticum. This remedy is great for people who cannot tolerate seeing an injustice. They are sensitive and greatly affected by the loss of a loved one, bad news, or frightening injuries: it makes them angry and argumentative! They feel grief deeply. And are often Ambitionless. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof: Children w enlarged abdomen. Anxiety: Ailments from long-lasting Grief/Sorrow, Loss of sleep, sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy, anger or vexation: from suppressed eruptions. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Leaky bladders: (even old dogs) Bedwetting. Urine involuntary, when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose. Urine dribbles or passes slowly. Incontinence following over-distention of the bladder (patients who have been told to “hold” their urine).

Breasts: Disappearance of milk from fatigue, or anxiety. Nipples sore, cracked. Surrounded by herpes. Violent itching in nursing woman. Constipation/Diarrhea: Frequent, ineffectual desire. Passes better standing: stool tough and shinning like grease: in children that wet bed at night. Partial paralysis of rectum. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Hoarseness/ Rawness/Loss of Speech especially in morning hours. Cough from ticking in larynx. During pregnancy. Cannot cough deep enough, expectoration slips back again, scanty, greasy, like soapsuds. Ears: Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness. Meniere’s disease, causing vertigo. Words/steps echo. Chronic Middle ear catarrh (Inflammation of mucus membrane). Great accumulation of earwax. Discharge. Burning in Ears. They become red. Eyes: Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold: of one eyelid (right) Cataract with motor disturbances. Sparks and spots before eyes. Rolling of eyes, Eyelids quiver, Inflammation of, Warts on eyebrows. Diplopia (Dbl. vision) better looking to the right. Fear: Ill effects of Burns/Scalds, fright, grief, sorrow, worry. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Paralysis of single parts: Deltoid, Right hand/Tongue, Numbness of hands, trembling of hands. Unsteady walking, easily falling. Rheumatic affections, with contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints: tension and shortening of muscles. Tendon contraction, muscle weakness/pain, rheumatism/Arthritis with burning and stiffness, paralysis. Burning Pain in Joints. Pain like electric shocks in legs. Writer’s Cramp. Cramps in calves, feet, toes, and Achilles tendon. Restless legs at night. Children slow learning to walk. Head/Face: Vertigo: at sleep: night, morning, stooping, looking up, menstruation. Facial paralysis (right) Bell’s Palsy. Sensation “as if” an empty space between the forehead and brain: better hot application. To and Fro nodding motions of head, or to right. Tight scalp. Nausea and vomiting or blindness during headache, then paralysis. Small, soft nodes on scalp. Hemorrhoids: Large hemorrhoids, often impeding stools. Injury: Burns, scalds. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Cannot tolerate to seeing injustice. “That’s not fair!” Caustic = powerful personality. Stand up for what they believe. Patient can be in your face, against injustice! Ill effects of burns, scalds, fright, grief, worry, sorrow, night watching. Yawning, when listening or

paying attention to others. Mouth/Teeth: Bites inside of cheek when chewing. Fatty taste. Teeth feel loose, long, ache, Paralysis of tongue causing indistinct speech, words seem to jerk out. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: This is a huge remedy for Neurological problems with the neck, degeneration of the nerves, vertebrae, with brachial (inner arm) neuralgia, stiffness and muscle weakness in the neck. Bell’s Palsy, Parkinson’s, Weakness resulting from long standing grief or disease. Nose: Sneezing in the morning. Nostrils ulcerated. Pimples (or Wart) on tip of nose. Scaly nose. Old warts. Paralysis: This is a main remedy when there is paralysis “Of Single Parts”: Of Both the voluntary and involuntary Muscles. Sleep: Yawning, Stretching. Drowsy, can hardly stay awake. Freq. movements of arms and legs during sleep. Wakes with slightest noise, Laughs and cries during sleep. Tempurature: Coldness, not better by warmth. Flushes of Heat. Sweat about 4 a.m. on slight exertion, open air. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Constant urging to swallow. Swallows the wrong way or comes back through nose. Paralysis of throat. Toxic Exposure: Causticum antidotes paralysis from: Exposure or Medicinal Abuse of Mercury, Lead poisoning or Sulphur (as in Dental fillings, vaccinations, environment exposure, etc.). It does seem that most people do have need of this remedy at some point in time. Warts: Large, jagged, often pendunculated: bleeding easil: exuding moisture: small =, all over the body, on eyelids, on eyebrows. face, nose. Sensation: “as if”: Tightness, scraping. As if lime were burning in stomach. Sensation “as if” an empty space between the forehead and brain: better hot application. Worse: Clear fine weather, Dry, Cold Air. Evenings 6-8 p.m., stooping. Otion of car. Coffe, fats, sour things. Better: For Cold Drinks. Hot application. Damp wet weather. Washing. Warmth of bed. Gentle motion. Antidoted by: Asaf., Coff., Coloc.,Dulc. Guai., Nit-s-d., Nux-v. Antidote to: Asaf., Chin., Coloc., Euphr., Plumb., abuse of Merc. & Sulph. Complementary: Carb-v., Staph., Coloc., Petros., Merc. Assists the action of Caust. & vice versa in smallpox. Incompatible: Acids, Coff., Phos.

27) Ceanothus americanus: “Spleen” (Red Root) (Acute Remedy)

Ceanothus is a spleen remedy par excellence. *Suits well: Sanguine patients. Mononucleosis. Malaria. Any disease where the spleen is affected. Blood: Leukemia. Anemic patients where liver or spleen are at fault. Spleen: Enlargement of Spleen: alone or with other disorders. Deep cutting pain and fullness in region of spleen. Leukemia w enlarged spleen Left sided remedy Mind: Low-spirited, fears he will become unfit for work. Great nervous excitement with chilliness and loss of appetite. Felt “as if” nerves were shaken, could scarcely hold knife and fork. Doesn’t care feeling all the time, cannot work. Sensation: Stitching pains, sharp pains. Worse: From cold weather. For Motion. Lying on left side. Antidoted by: Nat-m. Followed well by: Berb., Con., Myric., Querc.

28) Chamomilla vulg.: “Angry fits” (German Chamomile-plant)(Acute Remedy)

This remedy is very suited to children, from new born through the Teething age. Irritable, colicky babies, teething problems, earaches. Hypersensitive to pain. Also to pregnant women and others with an Overly Sensitive disposition: Arthritic, Neuralgic, gouty, and rheumatic people. Use for teething, colic, ear infection, childhood ailments *Suits Well: Diseases of pregnant women, nurse and little children. Irritable, colicky babies, teething problems, earaches, Hyper-sensitive to pain. Arthritic diathesis. Neuralgic or gouty, rheumatic patients. ~Effects of: Ill effects of bad temper. Abuse of coffee or narcotics. Dentition. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Abdomen: Colicky Baby of Emotional or Angry mother! Flatulent colic. Recurring colic. In infants, children. During dentition. Gripping pain in region of navel and in small of back. Cutting pains. Wind Colic As if bowels were knotted and abdomen empty. Ears: Ear infections and childhood ailments. Earaches: ringing in Ears, localized soreness, swelling and heat driving patient frantic: Ears feel stopped up. Almost always the remedy for Infants and small children with ear problems, [Recipe to relieve pain and Inflammation of Swimmer’s itch and other minor Ear inflammations: ABC: Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla: Give in alternating pattern in the ABC order.] Head: Red Cheeks and hot sweat during colic. One red and Hot / other pale and cold. Headaches worse from coffee. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Irritable, temperamental and oversensitive… Cannot bear to be looked at. Very cross, Cannot be appeased. Frantic and Snappish. Nothing pleases them during anger. Wants something and then pushes it away. Over-sensitive to pain. pain is out of proportion to illness. Hypersensitive physically & psychologically. Anything with the emotional picture. Tantrums cause pathology. Can be adults too! Begs for something, refuses it when offered. Mouth/Teeth: Teething babies: Peevish, angry, restless, cranky like teething baby. Worse: By Heat, anger: evening before midnight: open air: in the wind: eructations. Better: From being carried: fasting: warm, wet weather. Antidotes: Camph., Nux-v., Puls. Antidoted by: Acon., Alum., Borax, Camph., Cocc., Coff., Coloc., Coni., Ign., Nux-v., and especially Puls. (Cham. and Puls. antidote one another and precede or follow each other well.

29) Chelidonium Majus: “Liver” (Greater Celandine) (Acute Remedy)

This is a Major Liver and venous medicine: According to Rademacher, this remedy acts on the center of the Liver. Back: Soreness in all vertebrae, and spinous process. Burning pain. Worse bending Forward and Backward. Pain under inner and lower angle of the right scapula: worse for inspiration and motion of right arm. Bladder/Kidneys: Frequent urging, Discharge of pus from urethra. Spasmodic trembling pains in inguinal region. Stabbing / Burning pain on/during/after urinating. sensitive to pressure, especially Right. Violent paroxysm of pain with intense headache, vertigo and syncope. Urine profuse, foaming, yellow, dark, stains the diaper dark yellow. Smells acid or like ammonia. Diabetes mellitus. Urine red, cloudy with chalky sediment. Cough: Spasmodic cough: small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing. Short, exhausting. Violent with pain behind sternum, at night. Tickling in larynx. Dry cough: as of sensation of dust. Eyes: Dirty yellow color of whites Gallbladder: Gallbladder Colic. Gallstones. (Berb.) Pressive Pain. Dull Throbbing pain. Head: Headache better after eating: extends backwards. Occiput feels heavy as lead, icy coldness of occiput from nap of neck. Nausea/bilious vomiting with sick headache. Right sided headache. Hypoglycemia: when symptoms agree. Liver: Neonatal jaundice , Yellowness of tongue, skin, eyes. Right sided remedy.: Neonatal jaundice. Liver enlarged: tender. Sharp aching pain at the inferior (lower) angle of the right scapula. Bilious (term applied to disorders that arise from the secretion of too much bile-such as: lack of appetite, constipation, coated tongue, lassitude, and headache).

Numbness of the muscles of the chest: in region of Liver. Lungs: Pneumonia of Right Lung, liver complications. Mind/Behavior: Bilious temperament: Cross, and irritable. Upset easily. Nausea/Vomiting: Nausea/bilious vomiting with sick headache. Tongue: Yellow with imprint of teeth, large and flabby Sensation “as if”: The throat was full of dust. Worse: Worse bending Forward. Better: Generally better after eating & for hot drinks. Pressure. Lying on Abdomen. Antidoted by: Acon., Camph., acids, wine, coffee, Camph. Antidotes: Bry. Complementary: Bry., Ars., Ip., Lyc., Sulph. Often completes its work.

30) China officinalis: “Debility from Loss of fluids” (Peruvian Bark-plant) from which quinine is derived

Debility caused by an excessive drain of animal fluids, such as loss of blood, excessive suppuration, after prolonged strain of overwork, mental or bodily. A “pumped-out” condition, and the sensitive, irriable state of mind that accompanies such. …Never well since blood loss, surgery, loss of fluids, especially if the liver, colon or digestive tract has shut down or been weakened since the blood loss. *Suits well: Persons thin, dry, and bilious. Leuco-phlegmatic person with dropsical disorder, catarrhs or diarrhea: women. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Travelers diarrhea: Food Poisonings. Tympanitic abdomen: Post operative gas pains, Fermentation in intestines from eating fruit. Much flatulent colic, Better bending dbl. Dysentery with dehydration and weakness. Bladder/Kidney: Bedwetting in weakly children. Blood/Hemorrhage: Blood loss: Like heavy menses, , giving blood, Vertigo from Anemia. Vertigo after loss of vital fluids. Menses dark, profuse. Clotted with abdominal distention. Uterine hemorrhage, with ringing in ears, fainting. Anemia, exhaustion, bold loss since childbirth or other causes. Colds/Flu/Fevers/Diseases: Use for fever with sweats and, chills, (periodicity) & those who’ve had Malaria.: Dysentery, Parasites, Pneumonia, Meniere’s disease. Pleurisy. Any disease where there is Periodicity or “Never well since, Loss of vital Fluids” Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea and Dehydration. Prolonged diarrhea, Exhaustion following irritable bowel. Chronic diarrhea in children who become drowsy, pupils dilated, body cold especially chin and nose. Food poisoning from bad food or water. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Violent hacking cough after every meal, or laughing. From irritation of larynx. Dehydration: Brings strength back. #1 For Dehydration due to Loss of Fluids (Bry. For Lack of Fluids) Feeling “drained” after loss of bodily fluids: scours in calves Ears: Tinnitus (a subjective ringing, roaring, or hissing sound, heard in the ears), then vertigo. Ringing in ears with headache. Useful in ringing of the ears (from old infections) and faintness. Hardness of hearing. Hearing sensitive to noise. Eyes: Inflammation and itching of eyes and lids, in persons debilitated by loss of fluids. Pressure in eyes as from drowsiness. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Great debility, trembling, and numbness: Pain in marrow. Decay of bones with profuse sweat. Pains in limbs and joints. Paralytic stiffness in all joints on rising. Pain as if sprained, worse slight touch. Head: Headaches after hemorrhage. Intense throbbing. Liver: Gallstone colic. Gallstones: Periodic recurrence of yellow skin/eyes, constipation: Worse since gallbladder removed. Hepatitis with exhaustion. Cirrhosis and edema. Liver weakness due to alcohol or poor diet. Pain in region of Liver. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Pneumonia after hemorrhages or with bilious symptoms. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Abundant ideas and clearness of mind in evening.: Oversensitive to noise: Excitement after hearing horrible things. Irritable, sensitive and very touchy. Reproaches others. Delirium from the loss of fluids. Sleep: Insomnia from fantasies: overactive mind. Builds air castles: Loss of control over mind. Unrefreshed sleep. Wakes confused. (Acute Remedy)

Worse: From loss of vital fulids. Mental exertion. Slightest touch. After eating. From impure water, spoiled meat. Tea, smoking, at night, full moon. Periodically: Every other day, every fourteen days, every three months. Better: From hard Pressure. Bending double. Open air. Antidoted by: Ferr., Ars., Nat-m., Carb-v., Aran., Eup-per., Ip., Merc., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sulph., Verat. Antidote to: Ars., Calc., Cham., Coff., Fer., Hell., Iod., Merc., Sulph., Verat.

31) Cina mari.: “He Bugs Me” (Wormseed) (Acute)

*Suits well: Great children’s remedy or when symptoms fit: Over sensitiveness to touch: trembling, spasms, tics. Spasmodic yawning. ~Effects of: Parasites, worms, etc. (Give 30c daily or 200c weekly for 4 weeks) Can have advanced pathology-seizure disorders-from parasites. Abdomen/Stomach/Colic: Twisting pain about the navel, better pressure. Colic with cutting, pinching pains from worms. Greater the hunger, greater the emaciation. Sour smell of the body. Bladder: Bedwetting. Mind: Irritability of temper: screaming, striking, biting. Child is cross: does not want to be touched, or carried: hard to please. Screaming, striking, biting. Mouth/Teeth: Dentition. Sensitivness of Teeth to cold air and cold drinks. . Nose: Irritation of the nose: causing desire to rub, prick, or press it. Sleep: Restless sleep: Grinding teeth during sleep. Jerks, twitches, rouses up in a fright: talks excitedly about what he has dreamed, thinks it is real: sees dogs, phantoms and frightful things. Doesn’t know where the dream ends and wakefulness begins. Child cannot sleep unless on the belly or in constant motion. Sensation: Pains come in Shocks. Antidoted by: Camph., Caps., Chin., Pip-n. Antidote to: Caps., Chin., Merc. Follows well: Dros., Ant-t.

32) Cistus Canadensis: “Gland-swelling” (Rock Rose)(Anti-Psoric)

Useful in chronic diarrhea, with enlarged glands, even in those who are flabby, sickly and pallid and who cannot go upstairs without losing their breath. All the mucous membranes throw out a thick, yellowish, offensive mucus and hence it is suitable in old and troublesome catarrh (inflammation of mucus membranes). J.T.Kent. First remedy to give when patient looks as though he is suffering intensely (for any illness). Often acts as an overall immune system stimulant. ~Effects of: Anger of Vexation. (Anger from petty annoyances) Abdomen/Stomach: Cool feeling: before and after eating. Breasts: Chronic induration and inflammation of the mammae, especially left.: inflamed with feeling of fullness. Indurations, suppuration., breast cancer, hardness. Colds/Flu/Fevers/Diseases: Hodgkin’s disease. Lupus. Mastitis Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: All complaints are worse from mental exertion. Bad effects from Vexation. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: hands-crack Callosities w cracks. Itching of the skin and mucous membrane: the part is raw and bleeding from the constant rubbing and scratching. Tetter on the hands: blisters oozing after scratching. Diseases of the nails. Hard, thick skin on the hands, with deep cracks. Lupus. Small, painful pimples. Herpatic eruptions, poisoned wounds, rapidly spreading soft tissue ulcers (phagadenic), itching, internal/external. Gangrenous ulcerations. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Glandular (scrofulous) disorders The glands of the neck are enlarged in lines, like knotted rope, as in Hodgkin’s disease. Only a limited number of remedies have this knotting. Malignant disease of the glands of the neck. Sore throat that “feels spongy”: pain in L side, Sensation: as if ants were running through the whole body(in evening, with anxious, difficult breathing) Great sensitiveness to touch. Sensation of coldness in parts: inhaled air feels cold, cold breath. Worse: From touch: exposure to cold air, water. Mental exertion: Excitement. Motion. Diarrhea worse drinking coffee. Better: from eating: swallowing: expectoration. Antidoted by: Rhus-t., Camph., Sep. Compatible: Magnesium-the plant grows on magnesium soil.

33) Clematus Erecta: “Mucus Membranes” (Virgin’s Bower)(Anti-Psoric: Sycotic)

It is the nature of this remedy to act upon the glandular and mucus tissues of the body: swelling, inflammation, indurations (Hardening of a tissue or part), corrosion: all worse at night and for the warmth of the bed. *Suits Well: Light haired people with torpid (constipated), cachectic (A depraved condition of general nutrition, due to some serious disease) conditions, swellings and indurations of the glandular system. Mainly a Left sided remedy. (Syph./sycotic taint. scrofulous, rheumatic.) Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Feels as though he cannot quite empty his bladder. Painful urging, feeble stream due to the small urethra. Urine starts & stops: violent burning. Pain along spermatic cord, worse at night. Cancer: lip, breast, testes. Colds/Flu/Fevers/Diseases: Cancer: lip, breast, testes. Swellings/induration of the glandular system. Acts especially on skin, mucus membranes of eyes, urethra, glands, breasts, ovaries, genito-urinary organs. (especially testicles: inflammation, hard, painful, swollen.) Skin/ Hair/ Eczema/ Psoriasis/ Herpes/ Etc.: Skin rashes: vesicles, pustules, red, burning, corroding eruptions, herpes, eczema worse lower legs: Sleep: Great sleepiness: 3-5p.m. Mind: Causation: Homesickness. Confused feeling, better in open air. Mouth/Teeth: Cancer: lip. Sensation: as if fire were streaming from eyes. Worse: Skin (external) worse washing especially in Cold Water: At night. Full moon. Heat of bed. Moist poultices. Better: Mucus membranes (internal) and Teeth Better for Cold Water or Cold Air. Sweating. Open air. Antidoted by: Bry., Camph. Antidote to: Merc. Compatible: Sil.

34) Cocculus ind.: “Nurses/Caregiver’s Remedy” (Indian Cockle-plant) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy must be considered when there comes a situation that has been brought on by Fatigue. The kind of Fatigue that comes from Caring for a loved one, over a long duration. Care that causes Anxiety, Vexation and prolonged loss of sleep: such as when mother or daughter is nursing a family member. Debility and sleeplessness from caring for others (especially relatives) Abdomen/Stomach/Vomiting: Motion sickness. Seasickness. Sensation of hunger or emptiness, even to fainting. Nausea and vomiting form riding in cars, boats or looking a a boat in motion. Vomit, sour, bitter. Vomiting with headache, from taking cold. From Tumors in the Head. Cramps. Hiccough and spasmodic yawning. Dyspepsia from prolonged study. Esophagus is dry, burning. Putrid eructions. Cramps with flatulence: griping, squeezing, lacerating sensation. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Trembling and Pain in Limbs. Knees crack on motion. Painful stiffness in all joints. Rheumatism: red, swollen, stiff. Violent spasms of arms and legs. Takes hold of things with difficulty, then drops them. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Dyspnea (Difficult or labored breathing.) Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: They cannot endure motion, Or talking. Their entire countenance slows down: all actions, answers are delayed. They become weak, tremulous, tired, yet excitable. Ailments and/or exhastion from caring for others. Depression, feels incurable. Profound grief and sadness. Head: Patient has sick headaches, from motion with nausea, vertigo: Pain in Occiput and nape. Sleep: Sleeplessness, jet lag, dizziness and car sickness, as if drunk. Prevents & helps jet lag-exhausted on vacation because work so hard. Overtired & dopey like during “the busy” season: planting, harvesting, calving. Temperature:Chilliness with perspiration and heat of skin. Nerbous form of low fever from fits of anger (vexation) . Sensation “as if”: Hollowness or Emptyness. Dizziness and ear sickness: Bowels feel: “as if” pinched between two stones. Feels like they are spinning (not room spinning) Griping, squeezing, lacerating sensation. “As if drunk” (1st signs of MS, slur words, stroke. ) Worse: For Food, thought of it makes him gag. From motion of Trains, boat, cars, etc. Exertion. Rising from bed. Bending over or stooping. Kneeling. Walking, Loss of sleep. Sun, Cold, Open air. Better: From sitting. Lying quiet, on side. In warm room. Antidotes: Coff., Nux-v.

35) Coffea Cruda: “Excitability” (Unroasted Coffee) (Acute Remedy)

Kent, explains this remedy as one of Great Excitability and Sensitivity! Pains in the face, toothache, headache: lower limbs: everywhere aggravated by noise! Pains are increased by noise. Sensitiveness of hearing is so great that sounds are painful. A door opening produces great suffering. Pains come on quickly, intensely and are VERY Painful to the touch. *Suits well: complaints of infants and teething. Also tall, lean, and stooping persons. Sanguine choleric temperament. ~Effects of: sudden emotion: especially pleasurable ones. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea: Intolerance to tight clothing. Bilious vomiting and restlessness. Gastric problems of Infants. Anguish and pressure in stomach pit. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Red, Hot Face, throbbing head, much like the Belladonna picture, but often when Bell., fails, Coffea will cure. Ears: Sensitive Hearing. Noise is painful, even footsteps. Hearing acute, overhears distant sounds. Hardness of hearing: as of a swarm of bees: noises and singing in ears, crackling. Head: Coffee/ Caffeine headaches. Temples throbbing with burning in eyes. Headaches from mental overexertion, thinking or talking. Sensation “As if” brain were torn to pieces. “As if” a nail were driven into the head. “As if” brain is shattered or crushed. Coffee/Caffeine Headaches: Vertigo. Heart: Palpitations of the heart, pulse fluttering, strong, quick palpitation caused by unexpected news of good fortune. Nose: Acute, sensitive smell. Sleep: Sleepless on account of mental activity, great flow of ideas, especially when excited about upcoming event. Nervous Sleeplessness. Insomnia: from excessive use of coffee. Wakes with a start, disturbed by dreams. Dreams long, vivid, pleasant. Unconsciousness: Has been known to bring coma patients around. Mouth/Teeth: Neuralgic Toothache, relieved by holding Ice-water in mouth. Intolerant of pain, restless, anxiety and weeping. Dentition problems of anemic, sensitive children. Sensation “as if”: brain were torn to pieces. “As if” a nail were driven into the head. “As if” brain is shattered or crushed Worse: Fresh air, sensitive to cold weather, wind. Better: For Ice Water in mouth for tooth or jaw pain.

36) Colocynthis: “Colic / Cramps” (Bitter Cucumber)(Acute)

Kent describes the Colocynth patient as unable to keep still, sometimes they are better by motion, but it always appears they are worse during rest. He is better by pressure and bending Double. His Pains are severe, tearing, neuralgic. This patient can normally appear to be happy, then suddenly have an acute attack that directs you to these Modalities. Or he can be a chronic irritable patient who has suffered long and has the terrible pains that this remedy describes, but there is ALWAYS a mental grief, anger or vexation in his-story. *Suits well: to those easily angered, irritable persons with tendency to corpulence, or over-eating. Women of sedentary habits with copious menstruation. Blondes of choleric temperament: and those who cramp or colic from fruit. Those who get colic from eating potatoes and starchy foods. From drinking while over-heated, from high living. ~Effects of: Anger: indignation: chagrin: grief: catching cold. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof: Cramp-like abdominal pains, Violent cutting, tearing pains. Drawing pain. vomiting, relieved by applying pressure and leaning forward. Cramping, gripping pains like appendicitis, menstrual cramps, kidney stone, indigestion, etc. Horses arch belly up with colic. Symptoms better for bending double. (Babies draw up knees) Constipation/Diarrhea: Jelly-like stools. Dysenteric stool-each timeleast food or drink is taken. Flatulence, pain. Sourish odor. Ears: Sounds re-echo in ears. Crawling, itching: better putting finger in ear. Eyes: Violent neuralgic pains are found in the eye, Severe, burning, cutting and sticking pains. Sharp, cutting stabs: pressing pains. Face-aches: tearing, burning pains that follow the course of nerves in the face, usually the left side. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Ailments from/with anger and indignation. Ailments after anger, with silent grief. Greatly effected by the misfortune of others. Screams with pain, wants to walk about. Restlessness before menses. Extreme irritability. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: Crampy pain in hip, as though “screwed in a vise”: lies upon affected side. Shooting pain, like lightning shocks, down the whole limb, left hip, left thigh, left knee. (Bell. Is right sided) Vertigo: The feeling of faintness, even fainting. Vertigo, when turning head to the left. With nausea. From stimulants. Sensation “as if”: pricking, tingling, like the crawling of ants in the part affected. Severe, burning, cutting and sticking pains. Sharp, cutting stabs: pressing pains. Like a hot wire, or a cold nail, tearing, burning or stinging. Worse: From Anger, vexation and indignation. At 4 p.m., Always worse during repose, patient is driven to restlessness. Better: Always better for Hard Pressure and Heat. Bending double. Coffee, smoking, warmth, lying with head bent forward., lying on abdomen. Applying pressure. Antidoted by: Camph., Caust., Cham., Coff., Op., Staph. It Antidotes: Caust., Magnes. Also Coloc. Is the best antidote to lead poisoning. Compatible: Staph., Cham., Caust.

37) *Crotalus horr.: “Hemorrhage” (Timber Rattlesnake-) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is to be considered in severe illness, when the patient is going in the direction of delirium, muttering to himself. He thinks of death, is sensitive. Pale, with cold sweat. Irritable, has vertigo, dizziness. Has violent pains. He sleeps into his symptoms…the longer he sleeps, the worse the headache or pains when he wakes. This is a hemorrhagic remedy, Bruising, Bleeding: rush of blood or oozing of blood.. Great Prostration, trembling of the limbs, great weakness from slightest exertion. *Suits well: Broken down patients, Septic conditions, Chronic bilious states, Hemorrhagic conditions. ~Effects of: Ill effects of fright, alcohol, sun, lightning, bad water, insect stings, vaccinations, foul discharges. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Vomiting: bilious, with anxiety and weak pulse: Intestinal hemorrhage when occurring in septic or infectious disease. Blood/Hemorrhage: Hemorrhages from any or every part of the body. Low Septic states. General disorganization of the blood: hemorrhages and jaundice. Non-coagulating blood. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Flu. Hemorrhagic trend. (bleeding) Diseases: Septic conditions. Bubonic plague. Cholera. Stroke-victims with bloody eyes. Metastasis (the transfer of a diseased process from a primary focus to a distant one, by way of blood vessels or lymph-channels) of erysipelas (an acute infectious disease due to hemolytic Streptococcus erysipelatis and characterized by an inflammation of the skin and sub-cutaneous tissues.) to the brain. Prostate cancer, painful. (con.) Menopausal conditions-intense flushing and drenching sweats: faintness and sinking at stomach: prolonged menses, dark, offensive: profound anemia. Liver: Jaundice, malignant with hemorrhage. Chronic biliousness. Lungs: Pneumonia with tendency to hemorrhage. Brochiectasis (Dilatation of the walls of the bronchi: occurs in chronic bronchitis: fibroid pneumonia: tuberculosis of lung. Cavernous breathing may be heard), Edma of lungs. Difficult breathing, as if lungs would not expand. Asthma, with great debility and prostration, blue, puffy, cold sweat. Paralysis: Right sided paralysis. Arms and Legs become numb, first one and then the other. Contraction of flexors (muscle that bends or flexes a limb or a part.) Vaccinations ill effects of: vaccinations-when symptoms agree. (If the type of disease-state sets in following vaccination: like the described pneumonia, or septic shoulder, or meningitis….)

Worse: in morning, upon waking. Right side. Lying. From exertion. Alcohol. In Spring, Yearly. Better: for rest, motion, light. Antidoted by: Lach., Alcohol., Radiant heat, Camphor.

38) Drosera rot.: “Cough Until You Gag” (Round leaved Sundew-which is sticky like Venus Fly Trap-plant) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is known for its spams…spasmodic cough, cramps, which extend through a large number of complaints. Patient may hold his chest with the hand when coughing, the cough is so violent. Fear: of being alone, of ghosts, Anxiety, sleepless, Suspicious. Lungs: Whooping cough: spasms or cough so hard it can induce vomiting sticky mucus. Very useful for Chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough. A palliative for Tuberculosis of the lungs. For anything that makes one gag-bronchitis, tuberculosis, coughs, etc. Coughing in spasms then wheeze for breath: could be from mold etc. For feeling trapped. “It’s trapped in there.” “I can’t get it up and out.” Sensation “as if”: trapped. “Like a Feather in there” Tickling. Burning sensation in the chest. Stitching pains. Worse: Lying down. Warmth. Drinking and Eating cold food. Laughing, talking, Stooping. Better: From pressure. Open air. Motion. Sitting up. Quiet. Antidoted by: Camph. Complementary: Nux-v. Compatible: Calc., Puls., Verat., Gnaph.

39) Dulcamara: “Summer Colds” (Woody Nightshade) (Anti-Psoric: Sycotic)

The Mucus Membranes: Kent explains that Dulcamara has the ability to Establish or Eliminate Discharges. This Patient is disturbed by every change of weather! From Warm to Cold, From Dry to Moist, and From Suddenly Cooling when the Body is Hot and Sweaty!....Think of late Summer: Hot days, Cool evenings, especially for small children, calves or small animals who have not had time to adjust to the changes. Or when the baby was wrapped too warmly and then cooled too quickly! For Athletes. Men working outside, cutting wood, getting chilled in the cool Spring/Fall air or while lying on the ground changing oil or brakes! Those who work/live in air conditioning and develop symptoms from this sudden change! I have found that in the early fall, there is hardly a cold or bout of diarrhea that is not helped by Dulcamara! Leading indication for Dulc.is: Worse from cold and damp. Abdomen/Stomach: Cutting pain at navel. Allergies/Hay Fever: Hayfever: profuse, watery discharge: worse in open air. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Must urinate when getting chilled. Worse from slightest exposure to cold. Colds/Flu/Fever: Summer colds with diarrhea. Severe coryza (Head Cold) with hot, dry skin, limbs cold, stiff, numb and painful: general offensive sweat. Aching pain, thick yellow mucus. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea, yellow-green, watery, slimy stools: often bloody with whitish mucus. (Farmers: Calves that get scours after birth…warm to cold!) Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough after physical exertion. Hoarse, spasmodic. Loose, rattling, worse cold, wet weather. Dry teasing winter coughs. Cough caused by tickling in back of throat in prolonged fits with much loose easy expectoration. Barking cough, after a deep breath. (worse inhalation) Effects of lying on damp ground, changes from hot to cold weather. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Rheumatic affections of spinal cord. Pain in small of back as after long stooping…worse damp cold weather. Rheumatism after exposure to wet. Paralyzed limbs. Feet icy cold. Mind/Behavior: Scolds/Quarrelsome without anger. Mouth/Teeth: Herpes about lips. Cold sores on lips. (Nat. mur.) Twitching of lips in cold air. Skin/Hair/: Sensation as if hair stood on end. Cradle cap, dandruff. Scald head (disease of the skin accompanied by the formation of scabs), thick brown crusts. Bleeding when scratched, causing hair to fall out Ringworm of scalp. Herpes zoster (Shingles), Eruptions, scaly, thick, crusty, moist, bleeding or herpetic. Eczema rash of infants. Red spots, as from flea bits. Impetigo, Calluses. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Tonsillitis from every change of weather. Mind/Behavior: Scolds/Quarrelsome without anger. Mouth/Teeth: Herpes about lips. Cold sores on lips. (Nat. mur.) Twitching of lips in cold air. Warts: on hands and fingers. Sensation as if: Sensation as if hair stood on end. Sudden, can’t get to the bathroom fast enough: pulsing, constricted: choking. Antidoted by: Camph., Cupr., Ip., Kali-c., Merc. Follows well: Bry., Calc., Lyc., Rhus-t., Sep., Verat. Incompatible: Bell., Lach. Complementary: Baryt-c.

40) *Eupatorium Perfoliatum: “Flu Bone Pain” (Bone-set) (Acute)

This remedy is not thought of often enough for the Common Winter Cold… we have much sneezing and coryza (commonly called a head cold) Pain in the head, “as if it would burst”aggravated by motion, they are chilly and desire to warmly covered. This remedy is much like Bryonia, but has the distinct, “Aching in the Bones”. If the condition is not arrested quickly, the patient will become yellow, the cold will settle in his chest, and pneumonia or inflammation of the liver may set in. Fevers tend to be intermittent, coming one day in the morning, then at noon the next day., no rhyme nor reason, so to speak. There is Great thirst before and during chill and fever: Colds/Flu/Fevers: Flu. Stiffness and Bone pain associated with the Flu. Violent aching, bone aches and bone-breaking pains. Winter colds, with much sneezing. Malarial fevers and influenza. It is characteristic of this remedy to have scanty sweat. Even with a violent chill, and Intense fever which passes slowly, there is only scanty sweat…no major “the fever finally breaks, sweat”. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Chronic: loose with hectic (fever): chest sore, must support it with hands. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: A remedy for patients with gout. Many times it is those who have taken to wine or such for relief of the gout, (they must be slowly weaned) Gouty joints, arthritis, Congestive headaches. Intermittent symptoms. Head: Headaches with soreness of eyeballs. Chill preceded by thirst. Scanty sweat and the pains make the patient restless: wants to be still but he can’t. Nose: Sneezing with Colds and Flues: with much aching in the bones. Nose very dry and stopped up. Vertigo: Light headed, dizzy, as if flying round and round. As if falling to the left. Illusions of sight and hearing. Sensation “as if”: they would break. Worse: Motion. Left side. Smell or sight of food. Better: for warmth When this remedy has been indicated by intermittents, and it has not proved of sufficient depth to root out the intermittent, there are two remedies, either of which is likely to follow it, and these are Nat. mur. And Sepia. They are closely related and take up the work work where Eup. Per., leaves off. When the symptoms agree.

Followed well by: Nat. m.: Sep. Compare: Chel., Pod., Lyc., in jaundiced. Bry., when sweat is absent, but patient wants to be still. Antidoting: none listed

41) Euphrasia: “Eyebright” (Eyebright-plant) (Acute Remedy)

This is a short acting remedy that is useful in catarrhal (inflammation of the mucus membranes) affection with or without a fever. *Suits well: When there are affections of mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose. ~Effects of: Bad effects from falls, contusions or mechanical injuries of external parts. (Arn.) Allergies/Hay Fever: For allergies, common cold, conjunctivitis, headache, measles, hay fever, etc. burning sore throat. Cough: with easy expectoration: in daytime only-sleeps well at night. Cough can be suppressed by a sip of water. Eyes: sensitive to light. Burning, watery discharge. Eyelids burning, red, swollen. Great for eye redness (pink eye) hay fever. Constant, profuse burning/acrid tearing/watering eyes. Matted in the morning. Small, clear blisters on cornea. Nose: Bland nasal discharge. (non-burning) Sensation “as if”: Bruised. As if Sand in the Eyes. Worse: from wind, warmth, sunlight, evening, after sleep. Lying down aggravates coryza (head cold). Cold air and wind causes eyes to run. Better: from open air. Winking/Blinking, Dark, from Coffee. Antidoted by: Camph., Puls. Compatible: Acon., Calc., Con., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.

42) Ferrum Phos.: “Iron” (Iron Phosphate-metal/mineral) (Anti-Psoric)

A Cell Salt: There is Great weakness, and desire to lie down. His weakness is rather a low vitality: of the phthisical realm. (inherited wasting, tubercular or asthmatic diseases) An excellent concurrent when there is burning, redness and general inflammation. With no purulent secretion. Nervous at night. Rheumatic conditions. This patient is always taking cold: has congestion of head and organs, with fever and red face.In the low potencies, this is a great remedy to thwart acute illness, in the higher potencies it is useful in chronic conditions. *Suits well: Patients of Sanguine temperament: to the Leuco-plegmatic temperament of young persons with varicose veins: transparent skin type. Inflammatory and febrile conditions. Corresponds to Grauvogel’s oxygenoid constitution. ~Effects of: Ill effects of suppressed sweat, blood loss, mechanical injuries. For early stages of all inflammatory problems, colds, earaches, cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatism, etc For anemia or if feels like anemia (low energy, sluggish, tired) Abdomen/Stomach: regurgitation and eructation of food in mouthfuls, without nausea. Blood/Hemorrhage: Anemia: Blood disorders. Any Bleeding: leads us to Ferrum, Phos., or Phos. Ac..That is this remedy. Fever with congestion of Blood. (when the patient is very ill, they may have severely cold hands and feet…this can be an indication that the blood is congesting in the internal organs. ..This is where I like to use white cotton socks soaked in pickle justice, then placed on the feet and covered with good quality wool socks: this will pull the congestion and fever from the centre, Jim Larson)

Gets iron out of liver & into blood in minutes. Bright red blood. Ailments from blood transfusions. Iron poisoning. Bloody noses, heavy periods. Colds/Flu/Fevers: For Fever of unknown origin: For Fevers, colds etc.: that come on gradually & not as high or violent as Aconite or Belladonna. Cough/Croup/Larnyx: First stage of any inflammatory condition: Bronchitis: especially of young children. Croup: short, painful tickling, hacking, spasmodic cough. Hemoptysis (the spitting of blood from the larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs. :even when parasitic is the cause) Worse in the morning and again in the evening. Hard dry cough with a sore chest. Pneumonia, after a concussion or fall. Pleurisy, sharp pain, right sided. Worse coughing/breathing. Ears: Discharge from the ear. Itching. Noises: roaring, buzzing, humming, ringing and singing. Otitis media. Drawing, stitching. Pain and swelling of the parotid gland. Sensitive to noise, Impaired hearing. Eyes: Discharge of mucus. Conjuctivitis with photophobia. Blood vessels enlarged. Pain in eyes: aching, burning: sand. Stiching. Redness. Swollen. Drooping eyelids. Head: Paleness alternating with redness. Facial neuralgia with stinging, pressing or throbbing pains. Lungs: Bronchitis of young children. Croup. Short, painful, ticking, spasmodic cough. Pneumonia in the first stage: coughing of blood. Pleurisy: sharp pain: Right side. Mind: These people like to fight, argue, defend opinions, play with swords & play war...like “iron.” Anger: fear of crowds. Yet talkative, hilarious and excited. Nose: Catarrh of nose. Coryza: bloody discharge. Crusts form in the nose, Discharge excoriates, purulent. In low potencies, this remedy shortens the length of illness Skin: Pale complexion with flushed cheeks: Lack of Vital Heat. Throat/Tonsils: Sore throat with colds. Pain worse empty swallowing. Red, Inflamed. Ulcerated. Tonsils red and swollen. Hoarseness. Laryngitis of singers. Mucus in throat, rattling in chest. Vertigo: Cannot see on stooping, vanishing of sight as from fainting.

Sensation: Stinging, pressing, throbbing pains. Worse: for motion, cold air, suppressed sweat, right side, touch. Jarring. Noise. Cold drinks, sour food. Meat, herring, coffee, cake. Better: cold applications. Bleeding, lying down, rest, gentle motion. Compare: Oxygenoid Constitution

43) *Flu Remedy: Bacillinum (Tuberculosis Nosode)

This remedy is an excellent inter-current: to be used as a post influenza remedy or as a prophylactic (immunizer). Those who will benefit from this remedy tend to catch Colds/Flu easily: Have reoccurring sore throats and coughs: Is Indicated for the weak lungs of the elderly and for children with chronic catarrhal conditions and attacks of suffocation at night. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Disposition to catch colds Cough/Croup/Larynx: Chronic reoccurring coughs Diseases: Addison’s, Alopecia (baldness), Asthma, Meningitis. Infections, lung disorders, Ringworm, Tonsillitis. Tuberculosis. Ears: Otitis after sore throat. Eyes: Eczema/Scurf, of the eyelids. Head: Severe headache, deep: recurring from time to time. Worse shaking.: as if a tight hoop of iron around it., Lungs: Weak Lungs. The patient expectorates very little, or: Bubbling rales and easy expectoration: thick phlegm Coughing that wakes him. Congestion of the lung. Humid asthma. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Taciturn sulky, snappish and irritable. Easily frightened: fear of dogs. Mouth/Teeth: Pyorrhea. Aching in teeth. Sensitive to air. Grinds teeth is sleep. Imperfectly developed teeth. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. Ringworm, Eczema, Ringworm of the scalp (Compton Burnett) Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Chronic reoccurring sore throats. Glands enlarged and tender. Complementary: Kali-carb., Clac-phos., Lach. Goes very well.

44) *Flu Remedy: Influenzinum (Influenza Nosode) This remedy is like Bacillinum, in that it can be used as a prophylactic or in cases of a depressed vitality following the Flu. It is wise to remember that this is a strong remedy where the Lungs and mucus membranes are involved. So like the delicate tissue of the lungs, so also, is the Gastro-intestinal tract. These Organs are irrevocable linked, even in disease. This remedy can aid to strengthen the vitality and function of both. John H. Clarke directed his patients that when “colds” appear in their family, have those who are unaffected take Ars. 3c three times daily, and have the patients take Influ 30c every hour or two. This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the colds, whether the flu or other. —I like to have the “others” take Aconite alternating with Belladonna if the patient has been “exposed” to damp, cold, or known virus: When the source of the illness is unknown I always give Arsenicum to the “others”: this does seems to work well. Abdomen/Stomach: Gastro-intestinal pain. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Influenza: Encephalitis: Entero-colitis of Influenza, Diarrhea of influenza, Meningitis, Measles, Weakness and Fatigue. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Dry painful cough: Ears: Otitis with influenza. Eyes: heavy and sensitive to movements. Stiffness. Blepharitis. Conjunctivitis of influenza. Lungs: Bronchial asthma: Bronchitis. Post-influenza Mind: Apathy, indifference: mental dullness: weak memory. Nose: Hyper-secretion of nasal and ocular (Eyes) mucus. Throat: Laryngitis of influenza. Nasal voice Compatible: Gels., Cimic., Ars., Bell., Bry., Hep., Merc., and many others. *Further information on the use of these two remedies: 43) *Flu Remedy: Bacillinum (Tuberculosis Nosode) 44) *Flu Remedy: Influenzinum (Influenza Nosode) - As a possible preventative treatment: Either of these remedies or any other remedy deemed similar to the threatening epidemic, may be given as a possible preventative prior to exposure and/or in the first stages of the threatening epidemic. -One dose of either remedy 30c, dry or wet, every 1-2 weeks before and throughout the flu season. (See wet description under Basic Directions-#5)

-Or: one dose of 200c once a month. -Or: Influenzinum 30c, one dose every 14 days: then Bacillinum 30c, one dose, once a month: is a very good preventative duo (Compton Burnett’s choice) -Either may be given: 1 dose to aid in the recovery from flu, where the vital reaction has been slow to come back. Compatible with: Gelsemium, Arsenicum, Bryonia, and many others. **In case of mass epidemics the use of water potencies may be essential. Take one or two pellets of the remedy and put it into a 6 oz. bottle of water. Dissolve and shake well. This bottle can be stored in refrigerator for about a week, or preserved for long periods if 15% to 20% of the bottle is filled with pure alcohol (vodka for instance). Also, each medicated remedy solution bottle can be grafted into new bottles by adding a teaspoon of the original to the new bottle and shaken.

45) *Gelsemium semp.: “Yellow” (Yellow Jasmine-plant) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is to be thought of when the Colds and Flu come on slowly, rather than quickly and violently like Belladonna or Aconite. When the winters are mild, you will be more likely to run to this remedy. In Gels., the patient is Extremely Quiet. Lethargic, and Prostrate. He is Thirstless: and has great Heaviness of the Limbs. His complaints are often congestive. Congestion of parts: Head: Eyes: Blood to the Brain/Spinal Cord. Extremities become cold and the head and back become hot. Intermittent fever: Pains and chill run upward.. One of Top 10 Remedies. *Suits well: Children and young people: nervous and weak patients: hysterical temperaments: excitable, sensitive persons. ~Effects of: Ill effects of fright, depressing emotions, anger, bad news, traumatic shock. Sun, heat, warm or cold damp weather -For effects of sunstroke/heat stroke. Alcohol, drugs. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea: Acute Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) during damp weather. Gnawing pain. Spasmodic pains. Soreness. Colic with diarrhea, yellow discharges. Strangulated hernia. Anxiety: Excitable, especially in children. Stage fright, Nervous: dread of appearing in public, Lack of courage. Fear of going to doctor or dentist. Anxiety during thunderstorm Fear, with Fatigue, Fear causes Trembling. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Anxiety with frequent urination. Colds/Flu/Fevers: First remedy for flu with yellow discharge, “Never well since the flu: antidotes flu shot & opiates! (Pain reliever) Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea after sudden emotions as grief, fright, bad news. From anticipation. Copious yellowish. Ears: Earache from cold: with sore throat. Neuralgic earache. Eyes: Glassy: Heavy, Dull, Drooping eyelids. Neuralgia with contraction and twitching of muscles. Detached retina from injury. Glaucoma. Serous inflammations. Choroiditis. (inflammation of the choroid coat of the eye.) One pupil dilated, the other contracted. Dim vision: blurred vision with pain above eyes. Diplopia (Double vision), when looking sideways: during pregnancy: with multiple sclerosis. Fear: Stage fright, Apprehension. Yellow-cowardly: Fearful: wet pants type fear: shake & tremble type fear. # 1 Post traumatic stress disorder “shell shock”, Nervous, weak, shivering, or diarrhea preceding: physical & mental weakness and exhaustion. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Deep seated aching in bones. Great Trembling and Weakness of all the limbs. Heavy Sensation. Writer’s cramp. Neuralgic pains. Fatigue after slight exercise. Head: Headache at back of head, stiff neck. Migraines & vision loss. Dull Heavy ache: from Influenza. Sensation of band. Occipital (lower back of head) Headache.: with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. Pain in temple, extending into ear. Heart: Feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion or else heart’s action would cease. Weak, slow pulse of old age. Liver: Affects bile-liver. Hepatitis with Chronic Fatigue. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Shortness of breath: great chilliness. Sudden sensation of suffocation. Meningitis: Patient is in a Dazed condition: High fever, cold extremities, glassy eyes, dilated pupils, neck drawn back, rigid muscles of back and neck. Congestion of blood in spinal cord and head. Very

prostrate. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: “Ailments of bad new: Ailments from / with anxiety. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Pain from throat to ear, (Hep., Nux.) with feeling of a painful lump in that that cannot be swallowed. Tonsils swollen, very red. Shooting pain. Spasms of glottis, long crowing inspiration. Sudden, forcible expiration. Loss of voice from fright. Vaccinations ill effects of: Chronic Fatigue caused by flu shot. Vertigo: Dizziness and blurred vision. Sensation “as if”: A lump: Squeezed by a Hand: He would Die: The blood ceased to circulate, The Heart would stop unless he kept moving: A knife were thrust through from Occiput to Forehead: Eyes were jumping out of head. Worse: Emotions, Shocks, Bad News, Motion, Anticipation, Humid weather, spring/ heat of sun: summer. Better: from profuse urination, open air, bending forward. Complementary remedy: Kali mur., Kali phos., Calcarea phos. Antidoting remedy: Coffea, China, Digitalis

46) Graphites nat.: “Thick/Distorted” (Black Lead-mineral) (Anti-Psoric)

Pure Carbon: this remedy is par excellence for skin eruptions that Burn and ooze honey-colored discharge. Also, skin conditions that have become hard during the course of healing. *Suits well: To women, inclined to obesity, who suffer from constipation: with a history of delayed menstruation. What Puls, is at puberty, Graph., is at middle age. Patient may be, timid, hesitates, unable to decide about anything. This deep acting remedy is often used to finish a case: when Effects of: Ill effects of grief, fear, over lifting, surgery. Breasts: Nipples: sore, Cracked and blistered. Breast swollen and hard. Breast Cancer from old scars, remaining after mammary abscess. Ears: Moisture and eruptions, cracks and fissures in and behind the ear. Eczema behind the ears. Dryness of inner ear. Hears better in noise. Tinnitus. (ringing, roaring, hissing sounds) Like the report of a gun. Eyes: Extreme photophobia in the sunlight with much acrid, tearing.. flickering and fiery zig-zags just outside field of vision. Burning, pressing , stitching pain in eyes. Ulceration of the cornea Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Spinal pains is small of back with weakness: Nape of neck and shoulders: worse looking up and stooping the head. Sacral pains with crawling: numbness, down the legs. Pain in lumbar as if vertebra broken. Painless swollen glands: On side of neck. Mind: Excitement from the smallest possible cause. Very sentimental: symptoms better after weeping. There seems to be a marked dread of mental work, is made worse by music. Changing mood. Can not make up her mind about what to do Poison Ivy/Oak: Chronic Poison Oak. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Thickening & induration (hardening) of skin, glands, nails, scars: callosities. Sebaceous cysts form in hair. Proud Skin: Rawness/excoriation and eruptions come out in the folds or bends of the joints. Psoriasis. Gouty nodosities. Unhealthy Skin, every little injury suppurates. Eruptions worse from heat. Good for distorted, thick, horny nails. (Alternate with Thuja if fungus) Skin oozes sticky honey colored discharges: like poison ivy, eczema, cold sores, etc. Inability to perspire is chronic complaints. Skin that “Cracks” for various reasons: Exudes a thick, honey-like discharge, which dries to form a thick light brown crust. These eruptions are often found in places like the palms of the hands, between the toes, around the genitals, mouth, or nipples. Graphites works wonders for think type indurated Scars (Burns or Other) and/or Calluses…I like to use 30c alternating with Silica to soften and reduce the scar tissue. Vertigo: In the morning on waking: in the evening: on looking upwards: on rising from a stooped position: inclination to fall forward. Sensation: Pains are burning, drawing, pressing. Numbness is more characteristic than pain. Worse: Cold, Drafts, For light. Scratching. Suppression of eruptions or secretions. During and after menses. Fats. Better: In Dark. Wrapping up. After Walking. Complementary: Arg-n., Caust., Hep., Lyc., Ars., Tub. It follows well: Calc., Calc-f., Lyc., Puls., Sep., Sulph.

47) Hamamelis virginica: “Hemorrhoids” (Witch Hazel)

This is an acute remedy that affects the veins of the rectum, genitals, limbs, and throat: hemorrhages and hemorrhoids, varicose veins and other venous congestion are quickly helped with this remedy. This is a great remedy t have on hand. However, If the situation is any other than an Acute situation, I suggest a good homeopath take the case.

*Suits Well: Venous Constitutions: hemorrhage: Veins full, congested: In all parts or single parts. Like Arnica, there is a sore bruised feeling all over the body, Suits, nervous, excitable, sensitive patients. ~Effects of: Burns, Injuries Blood/Hemorrhage: Congestion to any part: Inflammation of the venous system: Hemorrhage. Breasts: sore nipples after childbirth. Eyes: Congestion of the blood vessels: sore pain, Blood shot eyes. Feel forced out. Inflamed: from foreign object. Black Eye. Hastens the absorption of intra-ocular hemorrhage. Hemorrhoids: #1 for Acute Hemorrhoid problems. Hemorrhoids, bleeding profusely with soreness. Feels sore and raw. Itching. Pulsing. Hemorrhoids and sore nipples after childbirth.

Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Varicose veins. Rheumatism. Lassitude and weariness of limbs and joints. Sore muscles and joints. Tired arms and legs. Female: menses profuse, dark, with soreness. Nose: Nose-bleeds: clears head and relieves, tight feeling in bridge of nose. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Bruises, Varicose veins and Ulcers: with bloody bases.

48) Hecla Lava: “Bone Spurs” (Volcanic Ash)

This remedy is not found in Kent’s Lectures: but I’ve added it here because it is so often used! It affects most often the bones of the head, jaws, jawbones, teeth and legs. Has been known to arrest the development of Osteosarcoma (a sarcoma containing bone), Exostosis (a boney outgrowth from the surface of a bone) and Osteitis (inflammation of the bone): and prevent reoccurrence. Also, a fantastic inter-current for tooth aches/infection, tumors, bone spurs, etc. Effects of: Injury to bone: Breasts: Tumors/nodules. Diminished milk while nursing. Dried up: no breast milk.

Growth/Development/Limb/Joints: Bony growths on the jaws. (Hecla lava, low potency 2 doses daily until all growth has reduced to normal.)

Bone spurs, tumors. Benign bone cysts, tumors. Tumor deforming face. Enlargement of Maxillary bone. Upper jaw swelling. Severe, continuous pain in lower limbs. Swollen and bulging thighs and legs. Varicose veins. Arthritic nodosities. Exostoses (a boney outgrowth from a bone: spur: dental, excessive development of jawbone around teeth) of tibia, hip joint disease. Deformity of nodules of the fingers/toes. Mind/Behavior: Irritability. Nervousness, Sensitive to criticisms. Outburst of violent anger & feeling of helplessness. -Ailments from shock. Suppression of anger. -When using Hecla lava: give 3 doses of x potency per day until all symptoms are gone. May take several wks. For spurs. Mouth/Teeth: Bony growths on the jaws. (Hecla lava, low potency 2 doses daily until all growth has reduced to normal.) Dental abscess with swelling, pus worse from pressure. Chronic dental or jaw abscess, worse for pressure. Gingivitis. Fistula. Gumboil. Delayed or difficult dentition in malnourished children. Facial neuralgia from decayed teeth and after extraction. Tooth Ache: from diseased tooth. (for tooth infection, I like to give either Hepar s. or Merc, depending on which is most indicated: and alternate this with Hecla lava: 2-3 doses daily until all symptoms are gone, then one dose daily for 3 days more.)

Nose: Polyps: in Antrum of Highmore. (Nasal) Ulceration / Destruction of Nasal bones. Vertigo: everything goes up, down, and sideways. Worse: From touch, pressure. On beginning to move. Sitting, rest. Left side. Antidotes: None listed

49) Hepar Sulph: “Infection: Chap Skin” (Calcium Sulphide-mineral) (**Anti-Psoric-Syphilitic

Hepar sulph.: To be thought of whenever there is the presence of infection or the threat of infection: To decide between the use of Hepar or Merc….look at the patients skin. If the skin seems chapped or Dry, then, this is the remedy to use: alone, or as an inter-current with another indicated remedy.This patient is very sensitive: to the touch, to the air, he can suffer intensely. *Suits well: Torpid, Lymphatic constitutions: persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft ant flabby. ~Effects of: Cold dry winds. Injuries. Suppressed eruptions. Abuse of Mercury. (Dental fillings, shots, etc.) Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Bladder difficulty of elderly, weak bladder, putrid odor. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Fevers from teething. Intermittent fever. Malaria, Typhoid, Yellow fever. Influenza., Eruptive fevers (smallpox, Chickenpox, measles) Constipation/Diarrhea: Clay colored, soft, sour, white, undigested, fetid stool. Lumpy, coated or mixed with mucus. Raw smarting during. Remaining afterwards. Obstinate constipation of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Loose cough, from exposure to cold especially to dry, cold air: West or northwest winds. Croupy, choking cough. [Von Boenninghausen’s Croup recipe: Acon., then 5-15 min. later, Spong., then 5-15 min. later Hep. Sulph. Continue this trio, until symptoms improve. Then stop and give only as needed thereafter.] Ears: Ear infections start in L go to R, sore throat (as if fish bone stuck) Strep throat. Ear infections, boils, acne, abscesses (low potencies will bring infection to suppuration…this is not what you want in the ear: Use higher potencies to dissolve not pop) Eyes: Styes: redness and Inflammation of the lids. Corneal ulcers. Iritis with pus in anterior chamber. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Pneumonia in supprative stage (forming of pus: this is infection) with fever. Bronchitis of elderly, exhausted people. Emphysema. Asthma worse dry cold air. Better in damp. Mind: Over-Sensitive, Physically and Mentally: wants to be covered/wrapped up warmly. Hypersensitivity: painful part can’t bear to be touched: & excitability physically & psychologically. Can’t bear the least draft: Child does not laugh or inclined to amuse himself. Children who lose their tempers and hit, kick and scream. (Cham., Cina): feels inclined to kill if offended, even if normally of gentle disposition. Nose: Green runny noses (Green is: infection) of children. Hay fever. Chronic snotty nose-thick, heavy mucus, yellow-green. Sinusitis. Sneezes going into cold, dry wind with running form nose, later, thick offensive discharge. Stopped up from cold air. Offensive discharge: smells like old cheese. “Air feels cold in nose” Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. #1 for painful, infected wounds. Unhealthy skin, injuries suppurate, (form pus). All injuries threaten to become inflamed: there is Heat, redness, pain and swelling. Boils, abscesses. Chronic and recurring urticaria. Ulcers very sensitive to contact. Burning, stinging, easily bleeding. Cancerous ulcers. Chapped skin with deep cracks on hands and feet. Sensitive to slightest touch. Temperature: Chilly, Chilly, Chilly, Chilly! Walking barometers, dresses warmly, always shivering. On a rare occasion they may have agg. From warmth, but they are always shivering. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Has a tendency to enlargement of the glands. Sore throat feels as though a Splinter stuck in it. Stitching pains from throat to ear when swallowing. He may hawk up clinging mucus, is constantly clearing throat. Tonsils appear Ulcerated/Abscessed. Toxic Exposure: Antidotes the harmful effects of Mercurial poisoning: Dental fillings, immunizations, etc.

Warts: crack open and bleed. Sensation “as if”: a Splinter stuck in it. Worse: From slightest draft. Cold dry winds. Open air. Touch. Better: In damp weather. Warmth., Wrapping head up. Pressure, after eating. Antidoted by: Acet-ac., Bell., Cham., Sil. It Antidotes: Nit-ac., Calc., Iod., Kali-i.: bad effects of mercury and other metals, iodine, iodide of potash, cod-liver oil: renders patients less susceptible to atmospheric changes and cold air. Compatible with: Acon., Arn., Bell., Lach., Merc., Nit-ac., Sil., Spon., Zinc. Complementary to: Calen. in injuries.

50) Hydrastis Canadensis: “Detergent” (Golden Seal-Ranunculaceae)

Even though I don’t have a lot of experience using this remedy, I felt that I should add it to this book. There have been many times when a patient has complained of chronic pain in the area of the kidney. They always reach their hand around to their own back so as to place it over the area of ache. And with a look of long standing suffering…they say, “My back just aches, right here.” I suggest to them that they stop sipping water throughout the day, and just start drinking large amounts to help “Flush” the system: and then I suggest, as an acute: this remedy in a low X potency. I have yet to “not” see it work. It has a reputation for Cleaning Up the System! *Suits Well: Debilitated persons, with sticky/gluttonous mucous discharges. Those with degenerative conditions: old easily tired weak persons. Cancer and pre cancerous states. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Abdominal walls painful on pressure, during flatulent colic. Cutting, colicky pains. Gastro-duodenal mucus. Gurgling, Bloating. Colon cancer. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Dull Aching in region of kidneys. Gleety discharge, thick, yellow. Chronic cystitis. Symptoms of ulceration of bladder. Urine smells decomposed, putrid. Breasts: Cracked, sore nipples of nursing women. Breast cancer: pains like Knives thrust into part. Retracted nipples. Hard tumor in Left breast. Glands in Axilla tender and swollen. Much Offensive sweat of axilla (armpits) Constipation/Diarrhea: Constipation with a sinking feeling in stomach. Constipaion of Pregnancy. Flatus. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Much thick yellowish mucus: bloody. Loose cough. Chronic cough. Febrile (fever) symptoms in evening and at night: With debility, In children. Dehydration: Whenever there is pain in the kidney region: it can be an early sign of organ dehydration, not always due to lack of fluids, but due to improper function. It is a good idea to take this remedy in a low x potency and drink water in 8-12 ounce glassfuls, rather than in sipping fashion. Ears: Thick foul discharge from: Bulging ear drum. Pain in right ear. Eustachian catarrh wit highpitched voices. Roaring in ear: like machinery. Eyes: Chronic inflammation, Dark greenish-yellow conjunctiva. Thick mucus discharge. Head: Sinusitis after coryza (Kali-bich) Frontal headache (Sinuses) Neuralgia of scalp/neck. Hemorrhoids: Prolapse, Hemorrhoids, even slight bleeding exhausts. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Bronchitis of old persons with thick yellowish stringy expectoration. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Can’t remember what he is reading or talking about. Absent minded. Dullness of memory. Mouth/Teeth: Inflammation of the mouth: diseases of. (Stomatitis) Bleeding painful cancerous growth or tumor on hard palate. Cancer of lips. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: Neuralgia of the Scalp and Neck. Nose: Very Thick tough, yellowish mucus. Watery coryza, which burns. (The Thick, Yellowish mucus runs all through this remedy and will be seen everywhere!)

Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Hawking of thick yellow mucus from posterior nares. Post nasal dripping: wakes him from sleep. Goiter of puberty/Pregnancy. Tongue shows imprint of teeth.

Ulceration of. As if burned or scalded. Later a vesicle forms on tip of Tongue cancer.

51) Hypericum Perforatum: “Nerve Pain” (St. John’s Wort) (Acute Remedy)

When the finger ends or toes have been bruised or lacerated, or a nail has been torn off, or when a nerve has become pinched between a hammer and the bone. When a nerve becomes inflamed and the pain can be traced up along the nerve, and it is gradually extending toward the body from the injured part with stitching, darting pains, coming and going, or shooting up from the region of the injury toward the body, a dangerous condition is coming on. In this condition, Hypericum, is above all the remedies to thought of and hardly any other medicine is likely to be needed. *Suits well: Injury to the nerves: when pain radiates from the point of injury: And : whenever there has been a spinal injury or tap. ~Effects of: Injury, Fright, Shocks, Injections, Punctures, Bites, Gunshot sounds, Stab wounds, Lacerations, Surgery, Dental work, Bruises. Worse after forceps delivery as a complication of injury. Pain of smashed finger (like a door) Sharp shooting pains.

Mouth/Teeth: Especially good for tooth aches or mouth pain pain of dental work. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: “Arnica of the nerves” Injury: For injuries to nerves or to parts of body rich in nerves-feet, hands, back, slipped disks, stub toe, tail bone injuries, etc. Specific to heal spinal taps, epidural “Pain since epidural.” (Take Ledum alternating w Hypericum for healing and pain alleviation)

Any type of pain where you may want to take an aspirin or tylenal. Amputaion pains. [Tellurium metallicum 6c: For Falls and Injuries that involve: the vertebra, pain, herniated disks with much severe pain. I like to use Phenocane as needed, and Tell. Met. 6c, 3 doses daily. This combination will quickly turn the situation around and aid the body’s natural recovery.] Mental: Desire to be a better person-for religious people. Desire to meet goals. Hypericum depression says: “Can’t make my goal, no good with money or relationship.” They desire to raise their position – be a better human being. Diseases: For Tetanus (lock jaw): Give - Hypericum alternating with Ledum. One then the other every 15 min. for two hours. Then hourly for 12 hours. Then as needed (each 3 x’s per day) until all symptoms have disappeared. When Tetanus is suspected or a red line of infection begins. These alternating remedies will knock it out fast. (Watch any puncture wound closely for symptoms or give as preventative) Antidotes: Ars., Cham., Led. (For Tetnus: Always give: Hypericum first then Ledum)

52) Ignatia Amara: “Hysterical” (St. Ignatius Bean) (Acute Remedy)

You will not cure the natural Hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, women in their nervous complaints with it. When there is True Grief, Sobbing, and Weeping: Think of Ignatia. *Suits well: Sensitive, excitable, nervous temperament, women of a sensitive, easily excited nature, dark hair and skin, but mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid to execute. Romantic, idealistic and overworked. Suitable to persons who had been starving either from want or other causes. ~Effects of: Ill effects of disappointed love, grief, fright, worry, jealousy, old spinal injuries. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/ Abdominal spasms and craps. Colic pains worse brandy, coffee and sweet things. Flatulent colic, especially at night. Fullness and distension. Sensation as if the intestines were going to burst. Hardness and swelling in region of spleen. Sensation of protrusion in umbilical region. Anxiety: Uncontrollable Grief. Hysterical. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Nervous cough. Dry, hacking, spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks, shutting off the breath. Eyes: Twitching of the Eyelids. Inflammation, redness. Tears with much mucus and burning during headache, .Sensation as if sand were under upper lids. Of pressure and heaviness. As if eye would fall out. Growth/Devel/Limbs/Joints: Back: Spasms and Cramps. Cutting, sharp pains from small of back. Twitching of muscles. Head: Headache: As if eye would fall out. A nail were driven out through the side. A needle were pushed thought over right eye into brain. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Good for asthma: which is an emotional disease. Mind/Behavior: #1 For recent bereavement, grief: or emotional shock. Suppressed or deep grief with long drawn sighs. Sobs in long drawn-out sighs. With Sadness and sighing. Great for funerals and grief from unexpected events. Ailments from disappointments in love & circumstance. Ailments from/with anger, anxiety, grief! Embarrassment, scolding, physical or psychological abuse. Women’s friend-remedy when things go wrong. “An Ignatia moment.”- honeymoon over, bad news, fired from work or just feel distraught Feeling of grief turned to anger. Sensation “as if”: Sensation as if sand were under upper lids. Of pressure and heaviness. As if eye would fall out. A nail were driven out through the side. A needle were pushed thought over right eye into brain. Antidoted by: Puls., Arn., Camph., Cham., Cocc., Coff. It Antidotes: Brandy, coffee, chamoomile tea, tobacco, Sel., Zinc. Compatible: Ars., Bell., Calc., Chin., Lyc., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph., Zinc. Incompatible: Coff., Tab., Nux-v.

53) Ipecacuanha: “Dry Heaves” (Ipecac Root) (Acute Remedy)

Ipecac has a wide sphere of action in acute illness. Most complaints begin with nausea, vomiting. The fevers begin with pain in the back between the shoulders, extending down the back, “As though it would break.” Much Fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst. The stomach is disordered: there is a sense of fullness. But there is always the continuous nausea: no relief from vomiting. *Suits well: To persons with a history of nosebleed or other blood loss. Fat children and adults who are feeble and catch cold in warm wet weather. Cases where the gastric symptoms predominate: tongue clean or slightly coated. Profuse saliva. ~Effects of: Ill effects of vexation, reserved displeasure. Injuries, loss of blood, suppressed eruptions. Drug addictions. Food poisoning. Indigestible food, rich food, pork, pastry, fruits, candy, ice cream. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Sick feeling not relieved by vomiting. May appear w other symptoms of flu or pregnancy. Persistent nausea & vomiting resulting in dry heaves with no relief like after anesthesia, in morning sickness, flu if symptoms match. Morning Sickness: Nausea that is unrelieved by vomiting. Even thought of water makes one vomit. Blood/Hemorrhage: Hemorrhages from any orifice or organ: the Nose, Uterus, kidneys, bowels, stomach, from the lungs. When the flow is not sufficient to account for the prostration, nausea, syncope and pallor of the patient: Ipecac is your remedy! Has great value for stopping bright red hemorrhage’s from any part of the body. Women’s friend-remedy. Mouth/Teeth: Teething: child thrust his fist into his mouth and screams during dentition. Much saliva accompanies. Antidoted by: Arn., Ars., Chin., Copper fumes, Dulc., Ferr., Laur., Op., Sul-ac., Tab., Ant-t. Complementary: Cupr., Arn.

54) Kali Bichromicum: “Sinus Infection” (Potassium Bichromate) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic)

This remedy is most noted for its thick, ropey type mucus secretions: Pains that are darting, moving, in small spots (like you can cover them with your thumb) All sorts of shifting conditions, Rheumatism, Stomach complaints: ulcers. Diseased conditions progress slowly but deeply, causing weakness bordering on paralysis but with little fever. More adapted to sub-acute rather than acute state of disease. *Suits well: Sluggish, fair, fleshy, light complexioned persons, subject to catarrhs: especially chubby children. ~Effects of: Ill effects from indulgence in beer and malt liquor. Ailments after emotional excitement. (Wrings hands: hands and fingers in constant motion. ) Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Gastritis. Sore spot in stomach or food lies like a load. Feels as if digestion had stopped. Round ulcer of stomach. Nausea with heat in the body. Nausea and vomiting after beer. Regurgitates liquids. Gastric symptoms disappear after eating, but rheumatic symptoms reappear. Headache: between brows. Provides instant relief of headache. When the mucus membranes are involved. Mind: Kali patient is rigid: follows rules. For inflexibility mentally & physically. Great prostration: discomfort, debility and desire to lie down. Wrings hands. Extremely sensitive to pain. Fidgety, busy hands, fumbles in his pockets. Hurried when eating. Moves arms about wildly. Headstrong and haughty when sick. Domineering. Loss of self confidence. Nose: #1 for sinus infection, w sticky, stretchy, ropy discharge. Sinus Headaches (frontal): stringy, clear, yellow or greenish dis-charge. Skin: Circular ulcers, as if someone had punched them out of the skin. Acne: in young people. Worse before menses. Pimples on face, cheeks, forehead. Bluish-red eruptions. Itching pimples, pustules leave scars. Complexion yellow. Papular rash. Worse: at 2 a.m., from emotions, anger, fright, worry, grief, periodically. Antidotes: Ars., Lach.

55) Kali Iodatum: “Ozone” (Potassium iodide)

With the constant Nuclear threat in today’s world, this is a remedy that every home should have on hand. Taken in low potency, is aids the body to eliminate toxic radiation levels. I have also used this remedy numerous times, for patients with High Blood Pressure: very often, if indicated, this remedy, is enough to reduce blood pressure to a manageable rate. According to Dr. Von Grauvogel, Kali iod. will: “Absorb all the Ozone,” (Oxygen in the blood: which in excess, causes much destruction interiorly.) Abdomen: Belching and Flatulence: clucking or squeaking noise in tummy. Blood/Hemorrhage: Von Grauvogel, said that Kali iod., “Absorbs all the Ozone” He recommended patients of the Oxygenoid Constitution (persons with high volume of oxygen in their blood), to take One dose of Kali iod, 30c weekly to absorb the excess oxygen in the blood. These patients tend to be tall, thin, patients, who never get ill, but may have high blood pressure. He says that they don’t get ill due to the high volume of Oxygen in the blood, which kills bacteria and invading noxious germs quickly before they can cause harm…but the oxygen is also causing destruction in the veins and organs.

Colds/Flu: Acrid, nasal inflammation and discharge,from the least cold: Sinusitis: pain the eyes, through the cheek bones. Contrasting symptoms: He desires and feels better in the open air, except for his nasal condition, which is worse in the open air, Diseases: Grimmer, said: cures many types of tumors and cancers. Nightly aggravations of complaints. Hering spoke of it as a curative in pneumonia and Bright’s disease (Chronic inflammation of the Kidney). Specific for Aneurysm (A widening, dilatation of the walls of an artery.) Has been touted as a preventative against Hoof and Mouth disease in cattle. A fungoid (Thrush, ringworm) and in Bacterial diseases. Eyes: Iritis, Pustular keratitis. Glaucoma. Pustules on cornea. Oscillations of the eyeballs. Edema of eyelids with tearing. Lower lids twitch. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Rheumatism of knees with swelling. Severe bone pains. Head: Facial neuralgia. Intense pain over eyes and root of nose. Brain feels enlarged. Scalp sore. Tender spots on head. Hair changes color and falls off. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Whistling asthmatic breathing. Asthma of young people. Shortness of breath Ascending with pain in heart. Pleurisy. Meningitis: Pneumonococci meningitis. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: Pain in small of back: hip, forcing him to limp: Sciatica. Nose: Nasal catarrh involving frontal sinus. Profuse, acrid: burning, watery discharge worse in cool air. Ozaena: destruction of the septum, with foul discharge. Tightness at root of nose. Sneezing. Takes cold from every damp day. Skin: Hives. Covered from head to foot with eruptions that forms great nodules. Burning up, with no rise in temperature. : can stand no covering: Recurring. Kent says that, Kali iod., high potency will put this condition in order. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Larynx feels raw. Enlarged tonsils. Uvula swollen and elongated. Goiter sensitive to touch. Enlarged and hard Glands. Has cured enlargement of the Thyroid. Swollen spleen after fever: Inguinal glands swollen. Toxic Exposure: Exposure to Radiation: radiation poisoning: Kali iod. 12 x can be taken daily when there has been exposure to radiation. Mercury toxicity: Where Hepar patients are cold and chilly, Kali iod.’s are Hot and need to be in the open air. Sensation “as if”: Head were enlarged. As if it were screed in . as if a worm was crawling as

root of nose. Back as if in vice. As of a tumor in ovaries. Pain in chest as if cut to pieces. Bruised feeling in coccyx.

56) Lachesis Mutus: “Loquacious” (Bushmaster Snake) (Anti-Psoric: Syphilitic)

According to Kent: the whole human race has been indoctrinated with a deep seated need for this remedy. When indicated, it works wonders. A deep acting remedy that is used often even for acute illness when the symptoms agree, especially the mental. *Suits well: persons of a melancholy temperament, dark eyes, and a disposition to low spirits and indolence. Women of choleric temperament, with freckles and red hair. (Phos) To thin rather than fleshy persons: to those who have been changed, both mentally and physically, by their illness. To alcoholics. ~Effects of: Ailments from long lasting grief: sorrow, fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed love. (Aur., Ign., Phos. Ac)

Left sided remedy. Blood/Hemorrhage: Small wounds bleed easily and profusely (Crot., Kreos., Phos.) Blood Dark, noncoagulable (Crot., Sec.) High blood pressure: Flushes of heat, rushes of blood. Warm blooded, worse for heat. Ears: Earache w sore throat: Ears sensitive to wind. Eyes: Detached retina. Retinal Bleeding. Intra-ocular hemorrhage. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Paralysis after stroke. Joints as if sprained, in morning on waking. Bluish swelling of joints. Pain in tibia after sore throat. Cramps in calves from fear. Toes feel broken. Trembling of hands in alcoholics. Left arm numb. Head: Congestive headaches, rush of blood to head. Weight, pressure or burning of the vertex (top of head). Liver: Region sensitive, can’t bear anything around waist. Inflammation with abscess. Hepatitis. Lungs: Sensation of suffocation and strangulation on lying down. Worse when anything is around throat, compels patient to spring from bed and rush for open window. Wants to be fanned. Feels he must take a deep breath. Breathing almost stops on falling asleep. Asthma. Pneumonia. Hepatization of Left Lung. Mind: Can bear nothing tight over any part of body, must losen clothing. Mental excitability: ecstasy with almost prophetic perceptions: with a vivid imagination: great loquacity: wants to talk all the time: jumps from one idea to another: one word often leads into another story. PMS: Menopause for those of melancholic disposition: Flushes of heat. Jealousy, quarrelsome, depression. Repeats same thing over & over. One word often leads into another. Patient insists: collar & neckband must be very loose. Loquacious (very talkative) Mouth/Teeth: Speechless after stroke. Sores in mouth with swelling of tongue and lips. Stammering. Thick, blundering speech cannot open mouth wide. Crumbling of teeth. Toothache, pain extends to ears (left or left to right). Gums dark purple during dentition. Skin: eruptions, injuries or swellings have deep red, blue/black, or purplish appearance. Cracks in skin at the corners of nail. Boils on thighs or fingers. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Sore Throat: feels, “As if a lump”. Sticky mucus. Tonsillitis. Purplish. Aggravated by Hot drinks. Worse swallowing. Larynx painful to touch. Ulcers on sides of tongue. Blisters on tip of tongue. Sore throat, worse L side, swallowing liquids. Sensation “as if”: a ball, lump or plug. As if eyes were drawn together by cords which

were tied in a knot at the root of nose. Worse: worse after sleep, or the aggravation wakes him up: sleeps into the aggravation: unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad. Worse in the morning.: Pressure of clothing. Better: when discharge commences. Open air. Cold drinks. Antidote by: Alum., Bell., Cocc., Coff., Hep., Berc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Sep., Cedron. Antidotes: Bufo., Crot-h., Rhus. Complementary: Lyc., Hep., Salam., Crot-c.(often completes the curative work of Lach).

57) Lathyrus Sativus: “Paralysis” (wild Vetch) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is included here because of its miraculous efficiency in symptoms that relate to paralysis. When there was a coincidental outbreak of Polio among a religious group that had not immunized…this remedy knocked symptoms out within hours. In 1877, Clarke published cases that showed how Lathyrus relieved cases of Myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord, affecting grey or white matter) Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Poliomyelitis. Infantile paralysis, And Rheumatic paralysis with stiff knees. Diseases: Guillain-Barre syndrome, Ascending Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis: Characteristic increased reflexes: Weak and lame joints. Severe muscle cramps in the calves. Pain from touch. Emaciation. Polio Myelitis. To be taken 2 times per day ( Morning and Evening) for 4 days. Then 1 time every Fortnight throughout a Polio outbreak. Or as treatment for symptoms of Polio. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Excessive rigidity of legs, spastic gait. Knees Knock together when walking. Cramps in legs. Trembling of arms, worse on trying to do anything. Knee jerks exaggerated. Lower limbs are emaciated (loss of fat & fullness of the flesh). Paralysis. Infantile paralysis. Wasting, exhaustive diseases w weakness & heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Staggering gait. Feet drag. Heels do not touch the ground when walking. Worse: From Cold Damp weather. Touch. Movement. Better: Uncovering. Lying down. From cold, damp weather, touch, movement. No compliments or Antidotes listed.

58) Ledum pal.: “Homeopathic Tetnus” (Wild Rosemary) (Anti-Psoric)

*Suits well: Sanguine temperament. Full-Blooded, plethoric, robust people. Pale delicate persons. Complaints of people who always feel cold and chilly. Rheumatic, gouty persons, and those who abuse alcohol. ~Effects of: Ill effects of punctured wounds, recent or chronic injuries, animal and insect bites, stings, bruises, Ill effects of alcohol, hair cutting or suppressed discharges. Diseases: Used as a remedy for Tetanus (Lock Jaw) Give - Hypericum alternating with Ledum. One then the other every 15 min. for two hours. Then hourly for 12 hours. Then as needed (each 3 x’s per day) until all symptoms have disappeared. When Tetanus is suspected or a red line of infection begins. These alternating remedies will knock it out fast. (Watch any puncture wound closely for symptoms or give as preventative.) Eyes: #1 For Puncture wounds and Black Eyes. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Gouty pains. Shoot through foot and limb. Rheumatism that begins in lower limbs and ascends. Soles painful, can hardly step on them. Heels sore. Feet itch by night are stiff in morning. Gouty Pains shoot all through the foot and limb and joints: especially small joints. Injury: Pain & Infection of puncture wounds. Punctures include insect bites! (Wound may feel cold & pain is always relieved by cold.)

Dog bites, nails, needles, sand burrs, “Arnica of the ligaments” – great sports & injury remedy. For “never same since epidural, spinal tap, dentist shot, or_____!” Mouth/Teeth: Good for TMJ (locking, snapping jaw) Poison Ivy: Antidotes poison ivy. Skin: Antidote to Rhus-Poisoning. (Poison Ivy/Oak) Puncture wounds. Eruption on only covered part. Acne on forehead, with sticking pain. Inching of feet and ankles, worse scratching and warmth of bed. Bedsores. Edematous Swelling. Sensation “as if”: Pricking, biting, sand in eyes. eyeball would be forced out. Noises in ear: ringing of bell or from wind storm: obstructed by cotton. boiling in hip joint. muscles in thigh were in the wrong position. knee beaten. lump in throat. Itching as from lice on chest. Worse: In evening, heat of bed, stove air, Injury, motion of joints, eggs, wine. Better: Better for cold and ice cold water application. bathing, cold, air, reposing. Antidoted by: Camph., Rhus-t. Compatible: Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph. Antidotes: Rhus Poisoning: Lachesis.,Apis and other Animal and Insect Poisons.

59) Lycopodium Clavatum: “Performance Anxiety” (Club Moss) (Anti-Psoric-Sycotic-Syphylitic: Polycrest)

There are contrasting Modalities that are key in helping to know when to use this remedy: The Warmth/Cold of desired temperatures are specific to complaint: and the predominance of symptoms are on the Right side of the body, which are likely to move Left: OR From Above Downward (like from Head to Chest). This patient is most likely to have complaints from 4 to 8 p.m.: He is flatulent: Says,”Everything I eat turns to wind.” There is usually some point in everyone’s life when they will benefit acutely from Lyc.

When overall picture fits: Lycop. is an excellent digestive, Liver, kidney, mental, You name it, it’s there...remedy! *Suits well: Those of a Melancholy disposition. Grauvogle’s Carbo-Nitrogenoid constitutions. Those who are intellectually keen, but physically weak: upper part of body wastes especially around neck, lower well nourished. Predisposed to Lung and Liver affections. (Cal., Phos., Sulph.) Especially the very Young and Elderly. ~Effects of: Ill effects of fear, fright, abuse, anger, anxiety, embarrassment. Ailments from sugar, sweets, tobacco chewing, wine. Ailments from Fevers, over-lifting/straining. Domineering Parents, siblings, peers. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: 4-8 p.m. Flatulence. “Sinking feeling”: very weak and tired at 4:00 p.m. Patient avoids beans & cabbage family veg. to diminish embarrassment. Acid stomach, Belching, Bloating, Colitis, excessive hunger, canine hunger especially at night. Milk aggravates digestion. Eating ever so little creates fullness. Anxiety: Performance anxiety initially: but will shine through and do fine: often person has been embarrassed or picked on. Like (Silica), This Patient has increasing dread/Anxiety of appearing in public, yet does not want to be alone. He feels incompetent, and unable to fulfill his duties. He may procrastinate, forget or make mistakes: yet is very capable when finally getting to it.

Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Involuntary/Dribbling urination. Red sand in urine, on child’s diaper (Phos.) Child cries before urinating: renal colic (right side Berb. Is Left side). Kidney colic/Disorders of. Polyuria (Lg. volume of urine) at night. Blood/Hemorrhage: Aneurysm. (Bar.-c) Breasts: Stitches/burning pains in nipples with discharge of blood and water. Rawness of nipples, sore, bleed easily. Milk in breast without being pregnant. Child vomits blood after sucking bleeding nipples. Constipation/Diarrhea: Constipation: since puberty, since last confinement, when away from home: of infants: with ineffectual urging, rectum protracts and protrudes during stool, developing hemorrhoids. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Deep, hollow. Tickling. Dry cough in puny boys with emaciation (loss of fat and fullness of the flesh). Diseases: Dyslexia, Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Hernia, Heals Right sided hernias which go to Left: Lifts pelvic floor for men (Sepia for women) Men: Impotence, Soreness between scrotum and thigh, Prostitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Women: dryness, with burning. Physometra (distention of the uterus with gas.) Fear: Panic attacks, of breaking down under stress, of failure, public speaking, stage-fright, of men, strangers, to be alone. Of dark, ghosts, going out of house, of being unable to reach destination, of everything. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Malnutrition: Hernia: right side, has cured many case especially

in children. Fetus appears to be turning somersaults. Children, weak, emaciated: with well-developed head but puny, sickly bodies. Limbs go to sleep. Twitching/Jerking. Stiffness and Pain of joints, especially shoulder and elbow joints. Axillary abscess. Painful callosities on soles, toes and fingers contracted. Pain in heel on treading, as from a pebble. Profuse sweat on feet. Chronic gout with chalky deposits in joints. Pain in bones at night. Curvature, Decay of bones. Sciatica, worse Right side. Varicose veins on legs. Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed. Head: Headache is WORSE for warm wraps and warm bed! Hydrocephalus, Tubercular Meningitis, Shakes head without any apparent cause or involuntarily. Deep furrows on forehead. Heart: Hydro-pericardium. Sensation as if blood stood still. Lungs: Shortness of Breath: Short rattling breathing. Expectoration salty, greenish-yellow, lumpy or foul. Wheezing Asthma. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Man’s friend-remedy: many male diseases accompanied by performance anxiety. Used car salesman type-ambitious to be in top position: can be a front for low self confidence or from Fatigue: He has a tired state of mind, a chronic fatigue, forgetful, aversion to undertaking anything new. Good for the bully & the bullied. Lycopdium children are irritable, doctorial, will have a tantrum if contradicted & are hard to live with. Nose: Violent Catarrh, with swelling of nose. Nasal troubles from childhood. Nose stopped up. Nostrils flare (fan like motion) with brain, lung or abdominal illnesses. Food and Drink comes back through nose. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. Herpes/Cold Sores: Skin Lesions may ulcerate, itch, and bleed easily when rubbed. This remedy should be considered if fever blisters appear on the Right, stay on the Right side, or move to the left. Dandruff. Hair becomes gray early. Hair loss, premature baldness after abdominal affections, childbirth. Eczema, moist oozing behind ears. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Dry, with thirst, inflamed, stitching. Compaints that from R to L. (opp. of Hepar Sulph.) Throat dry with thirst: throat is inflamed, stiching pains on swallowing food or drink often comes back up through nose. “Sidedness” Begins on the R and stays there, or moves to the left. Worse for cold drinks: better for warm drinks. Worse: Nearly all diseases from 4 to 8 p.m.: Headache is WORSE for warm wraps and warm bed! Better: He is better being in cool air/a cool room: AND (contradictorily) Taking in Warm food and Warm Drinks: He is better for the warmth of his Bed, and with Motion EXCEPT when he has a Headache, then he is WORSE for warm wraps and warm bed! Better for Uncovering head: Loosening garment. Antidotes: Camph., Puls., Caust. Antidoted By: Tobacco smoke. Complementary: Lycop., acts with special benefit after Calc. and Sulph. Compare: Ant.t., Ars., Ipec., Tab., Ver. Followed well by: Iod., Graph, Lach., Chel, and Hydr. in indigestion.

60) Magnesia Phosphorica: “Muscle Cramps-Charlie Horse!” (Magnesium Phosphate) (Acute Remedy & Cell Salt)

Is best known for its spasmodic conditions, cramps and neuralgias. The pains are violent and may affect any nerve. Pains can become so bad that the patient may become frantic. Always Better for Heat and Pressure: the patient seeks warmth. Generally A Right sided remedy (Bell, Bry., Chel., Kali.-c., Lyc., Pod.) “Homeopathic aspirin for cramps-but cures.” *Suits well: Both: Young/Strong/Stout, as well as: Thin, tired persons of highly nervous organization: dark complexion. ~Effects of: Ailments from suppressed anger, vexation, mental work, study. Teething children (Cham. Puls.) Overuse of muscles, standing in cold water, bathing, working on cold clay, catheterization. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Bloated, fullness. Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double. Colic in babies (Cham.). Relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure. Watery diarrhea with vomiting and cramps in calves. Hiccoughing: when no other remedy fits symptoms. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Neuralgic pain after use of catheter. Spasmodic retention, cutting pain. Bedwetting form nervous irritation. Blood/Hemorrhage: Bleeding spasms of menses, Bloody noses. (Phos. = Bleeding) Menstral Cramps, better heat, bending double. Menstrual Colic, all sorts of pains. Spasmodic Labor pains, cramps in legs. Constipation/Diarrhea: Watery diarrhea with vomiting and cramps in calves. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Face blue, swollen, from spasmodic attacks of cough (Dros., Cor-r) Diseases: Cramps of any kind: in stomach, (Colic) abdomen and pelvis (Caul., Col.) Ears: Neuralgic pain, worse washing face and neck with cold water. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: General cramps of legs & feet: better w heat & massage. Writer’s cramp, piano, Violin players. Backache, colic. Tic Douloureaux. Chronic jerking of the face. Favors Rheumatic/Gouty subjects who suffer neuralgia. Head: Facial neuralgia, Spasmodic twitching. Face blue, swollen, from spasmodic attacks of cough. Distorted from pains and weakness. Cracks in corners of mouth. Heart: Angina Pectoris, Nervous spasmodic palpitations. Hemorrhoids: Cutting, darting pains. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Nervous Asthma. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: -Patient is naturally of a gentle, sweet personality, doesn’t like conflict, passive, peace keeper of home, don’t want to make waves, careful of what they say....an out of balance Mag. Phos.: “bomb abortion clinic” patient! When out of balance, patient goes from Passive to Aggressive. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: This is always the First remedy to give when someone is having muscle cramps, or what we call, “Charlie Horses” (Cuprum would my second choice, not in this book, but available.) spasmodic conditions, cramps and neuralgias. The pains are violent and may affect any nerve. Pains can become so bad that the patient may become frantic. Always Better for Heat and Pressure: the patient seeks warmth Nose: Spasmodic alternating condition of stuffed up then profuse discharge of a white, this substance, Smarting/raw.

Sleep: Insomnia from Exhaustion. Temperature: Chills run up and down the spine. Vertigo: On closing eyes: falls forward. Worse: Cold Air, Drafts, Uncovering, At Night. Exhaustion. Milk. Right side. Better: by Rubbing, Warmth, Pressure, Bending Double. Antidoted by: Bell., Gels., Lach.

61) Mercurious Sol.: “Infection: Moist Skin” (Quick Silver) (Anti-Syphilitic)

Extremes! The trembling, weakness, sweat (moist skin), offensive odors, suppuration (formation of pus) and ulceration, the aggravation at night and from heat and cold, give the early impressions of this remedy. *Suits well: Light-haired persons: skin and muscles lax. Kids that drool with stinky feet. ~Effects of: Ill effects of fright, suppressed gonorrhea, Foot Sweat. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Bladder/Kidney: Constant urging to urinate with intense burning: frequent desire to urinate requires straining, urine hot, scalding, suppressed (unable to pass) stabbing pain. Knife like pain extends up the urethra into bladder. Urine mixed with blood. Breasts: Engorged mastitis. Colds/Flu/Fevers: In any illness: Whenever there is a putrid odor and Moist skin. I give this remedy. Constipation/Diarrhea: Never get done feeling. Painful, scanty, Greenish, blood and slimy stools, worse at night. Dysentery. Rawness. Diarrhea in children. Prolapse anus after stool. Constriction causes faintness after stool. Weakness after. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough with sensation as if head and chest would burst. Moist skin. Disease: Any condition where the Modalities fit: Moist skin and infection or the threat thereof. Ears: Otitis media, Chronic ear infections. Otorrhea, thick yellow discharge. Swimmer’s ear. Glue ear. Pains, worse warmth of bed, at night. Polyps. Boils in external canal (Calc.-pic) Eyes: Conjunctivitis. From taking cold. Scanty or profuse, burning acrid discharge. Lids, red, thick, swollen, scurfy. Twitching of lids. Styes on upper lids. Photophobia, Worse for Heat and Glare of fire. Sensitive to extreme Heat or Cold. Blepharitis: red, thick/swollen lids, profuse, acrid/burning discharge. Conjunctivitis from taking cold: Scanty or Profuse. Keratitis. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Bone pain. Growing pains, bad breath, blood in stool. Trembling limbs, especially the hands. Parkinson’s disease. Paralysis. Stiffness, immobility. Rheumatism of joints with swelling and sensation of coldness. Osteoarthritis. Tendency to complete destruction of joint. Edematous swelling of hands, feet and face during menses or with anemia. Head: Catarrhal headaches, much heat in head. Tension about scalp, as if bandaged. Hemorrhoids: Ineffectual urging to stool with protruding hemorrhoids, which are painful. Liver: Enlarged liver. Jaundice from Gallstones. Deficient bile. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Bronchitis w green, sticky, profuse discharge. (Again, green-yellow discharge, pus, etc. is a sign of infection) Shortness of breath when coughing or sneezing: when going upstairs, walking quickly. Asthma, worse change of weather. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Extremes! Changes their mind constantly. Moods: ideas. Irresolution. Uncontrollable desire to travel. Poor self confidence. Ill humor, disposition to anger. Indifference to loved ones: homesick. Filthy in mind and body: does foolish, mischievous, disgusting action. Inclination to catch passing strangers by the nose. Desire to kill the passion that contradicts her. Postpartum mania: wants to throw child on fire. Mouth/Teeth: Herpes sores. Infections of bones & teeth (use after injury combo for wisdom teeth extraction or abscessed teeth.) Great Thirst with moist mouth. Saliva increased. Sweetish taste. Metallic taste. Putrid odor. Gumboils. Tongue, flabby, yellow, indented. Nose: Sinusitis and Colds. Colds travel to Eyes, Ears or Throat. Discharge Profuse: Acrid, Thick. Worse warm room. With Sneezing, raw sensation. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. Skin Moist. Moist eczema. Itching as from fleabites.

Jaundice with itching on abdomen. Scurfy, vesicular and pustular eruptions. Moist vesicles surrounded by dry scales. Pimples around the main eruption. Herpes, burning when touched. Chickenpox, when water blotches turn yellow and maturate. Ulcers bleed. Proud flesh. Temperature: Creeping chilliness. Cold/Clammy. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Throat. Very Sore throat usually with swollen glands that are large and hard. Raw, smarting, burning throat, as “if” hot vapor ascending. Putrid odor. (Pyro.) Mouth seems full of saliva. Tonsils may form whitish pus sacs. There may be ulcers on mucus membranes of throat/pharynx. Stitches radiating to ear on swallowing, fluids come back through nose. Sensation of Dryness. Or “something’s in there” or something is hanging in throat. Uvula elongated, swollen Hawks lumps. Abscesses of tonsils, Putrid state: Inflammation, Ulcers, pus sacs: Pain radiates to ears on swallowing. Teeth infected, strep-throats. Moistness marked: sweat, mucus, drool. Dry throat full of mucus. May describe their pain as a stabbing pain. appearing at every change in weather. Hawks lumps from throat. Glands swell every time patient takes cold. Lymphatic glands of throat hard and large. Raw, smarting, burning throat.

Toxic Exposure: The Bad of effects of Merc. Poisoning are antidoted by Aur., Hep.,Lach., Mez., Nit.ac., Sulph., and by High potency of Merc. When the symptoms agree. Sensation “as if”: Stabbing pains. Sensation as if head and chest would burst. raw sensation. Itching as from fleabites Sensation of Dryness. Or “something’s in there” or something is hanging in throat. Worse: Drafts, changing weather and temperature, heat, sweating. At Night, lying on right side. Better: Moderate Tempuratures. Antidoted by: Hep., Aur., Mez. Complementary: Bad.

62) Natrum Muraticum: “Chronic Grief” (Sodium Chloride) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic)

Irritability: this remedy is a Tissue Salt and is known as the remedy of “Long term Grief.” But on the Acute end of the spectrum, I find that given in the low potency: Nat. mur., aids the body during stressful times: both from Physical hardships, such as Illness or Pregnancy and from Mental/Emotional difficulties. When the body is put into stressful situations, it can easily knock the sodium balance out of whack. Craves salt: will regulate fluid in cells. *Suits well: The Anemic: whether from loss of fluids or Mental affections. Teething Children, Old People. Those who are malnourished on account of digestive disturbances. Craves salt. ~Effects of: Ill effects of Grief, Guilt, Betrayal, Disappointment. Eating salt. Heat-Stroke. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Nausea during Pregnancy: vomiting frothy, watery mucus. Allergies/Hay Fever: Runny nose alternating with nasal dryness: associated with allergies. Hay Fever: Squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm: brought on by exposure to Hot Sun or Summer heat. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Involuntary when walking, coughing, laughing (Caust., Puls., Scill) has to wait a long while for urine to pass, if others are present (Hep., Mur-ac.) cutting pain (Nit-ac.) Frequent or sudden desire to urinate, can’t retain urine. Copious flow. Urination every hour at night. Clear urine with red sediment: dark like coffee. Breasts: Breast emaciate (loose fat and fullness) Stitches beneath nipples. Loss of hair during breast-feeding. Child refuses the breast from sore mouth. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Colds: Discharge/Catarrh like egg white. Constipation/Diarrhea: Sensation of contraction of anus. Torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards: stool dry, hard, difficult, crumbling (Am.-c., Mag-m.,). Stitches in rectum. Involuntary: knows not whether flatus or feces escapes. (Aloe., Iod., Mur-ac., Olean., Pod.) Cough/Croup/Larynx: Indicated for coughing on attempting to speak. Dehydration: A Tissue Cell Salt: Like Nat. Sulph- is very important to the proper balance of fluids in the body. This is a remedy that should always be given during times of illness, as the body can and will quickly shut down when the sodium balance is out. I can think of two different occasions where the patient has “gone down” when stepping out from a warm bath, after a very difficult illness, one had only fainted, the other into a coma. Both times, Sodium was deficient in the blood.

Diseases: For bad effects of Cauterizing with nitrate of silver. (like using silver nitrate on burns [stops the flow of fluid], or a tonsillectomy done by cauterization.

Good menopausal remedy: vag. dry, dry hot flashes. ( Ars., Alum.: dry) Ears: Chronic Catarrhal otitis with acrid discharges. Buzzing, humming, ringing and roaring. Eyes: Photophobia, worse bright light. Tears stream down face on coughing. (Euphr) Head: Blinding Migraines with zigzag lines in front of eyes, headaches in teenage girls: L sided headaches. Headache: Headache: As if a Thousand Hammers knocking on the Brain. Unconsciousness during chill and heat: (like: the heat of a Bath, exhausting illness, etc.) Sweat relieves pains. Heart: Fluttering in heart: with a weak faint feeling. (Lach.) Heart’s pulsations shake the body (Spig.) Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Ailments from suppression of emotions: of old grief, disappointed love. Feeling of being let down or betrayed by a trusted friend.

Fear of being emotionally hurt or protective of feelings. Remedy for chronic grief-hanging on to grief. Acts indifferent emotionally-builds walls & holds back. Mouth/Teeth: Herpes/Cold Sore remedy. Blisters appear like, “White pearls” appearing along the lip or other part.: most cold sores will promptly recede if Nat. mur. If given right away. Lips: dry, sore, cracked, ulcerated. Crack in the middle of the lower lip. Sensation of a Hair on Tongue. Tongue: mapped, red insular patches: like ringworm on sides: (Ars., Lach., Mer., Nit-ac. Tarax ) Heavy, difficult speech, children slow in learning to walk. Nose: Colds that begin with sneezing. Hay fever, watery discharge from eyes and nose. Alternate Copious-Dry discharge. Discharge is thin and watery, much like the white of an egg. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Hair falls out when touched in Nursing Women (Sep.). Clear vesicles on skin or conjunctiva. Dry or Oily skin/hair: Eczema: raw, red, inflamed, especially on edges of hair. Hair: Oily, Greasy eruptions on hairy body parts. Dry Crusty eruptions in the bends of joints and behind ears. Herpes/Cold Sore remedy. Blisters appear like, “White pearls” appearing along the lip or other part.: most cold sores will promptly recede if Nat. mur. If given right away. Hangnails: skin around the nails dry and cracked (Graph., Pet.) Sleep: Waking up feeling more dead than alive. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore: Sore throats “as if it’s a lump.” Throat glistens. Goiter, with chronic sore throat. Sensation of a splinter sticking in throat. Vertigo: Vertigo during pregnancy. After stools. Warts: On palms of hands. (Sore to touch, Nat-c.) Sensation “as if”: as if it’s a lump. Sensation of a splinter sticking in throat. Squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm: of a Hair on Tongue. Headache: As if a Thousand Hammers knocking on the Brain. Worse: Sunlight, Heat, Summer, Seashore. Strong Emotions, Consolation, Sympathy. Better: Open air, deep bathing, cool bathing, sweating, talking long, tight clothing, rubbing, rest. For bad effects of Cauterizing with nitrate of silver. Complementary: Apis, Sepia, Thuja. Antidoted by: Ars., Phos.

63) Natrum Sulpuricum: “Head Injuries” (Sodium Sulphate) (Sycotic Remedy)

A Tissue Salt that is closely related to Nat. mur.: is more noted for Head Injuries and Heat Stroke. There is a marked sense of Fullness about the body: the head, ear, abdomen, in the veins Worse in spring and in warm weather. *Suits well: Grauvogel’s Hydrogenoid constitutions, where complaints are to due to living in damp areas. Patients cannot eat fish or plants grown near water. (Hydrogenoid is a term used to explain the level of Hydrogen found in one’s blood: in this case it is on the higher side.)

~Effects of: Falls, Head Injury, Heat Stroke. Constipation/Diarrhea: sudden, urging, gushing, much flatus: on first rising and standing on the feet: after a spell of wet weather: living or working in basements. Cough/Croup/Larynx: has to hold the chest with both hands during cough. Dehydration: The Opposite of Dehydration: Hydremia: (a Watery condition of the blood.) Whenever there is aggravation from bathing, swimming, getting feet wet, especially during or after illness. This remedy should be considered. It is a very important remedy for IMBALANCE: is a Tissue Cell Salt and can help to restore balance. Eyes: Granular lids: like small blisters: green pus, photophobia. Fear: Fear of crowds. Evil. From noise, from noise at night. Gallbladder: Gallbladder disorders. Clawing pain. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Rheumatism: all over body, compelled to lay on back. Physical Restlessness, anxiety. Marked weakness and trembling. Violent pains in the neck at the base of the brain. Head: #1 for Head injuries following Arnica.

Convulsions from injuries of the head: or when there is a change in personality due to head injury. Mental or Physical troubles after injury. Headaches since head injury. Gnawing pain in occiput. Base of brain as if crushed in a vise. Boring in right temple, preceded by burning is stomach. Creeping in scalp of vertex, scalp sensitive, combing hair painful. Brain feels loose when stooping: Bursting feeling. Heart: Internal pulsations and rapid heart. Injury: #1 for Head injuries following Arnica, when there are Mental or Physical troubles after injury: like personality change, or continued headaches or pains that flit around the body with no rhyme nor reason. Other unexplainable manifestations: neurological issues or the “Never Well Since” head injury. Liver: Hepatitis, Irritable liver after excessive study. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Major asthma remedy when symptoms fit. Humid asthma in children: with every change to wet weather: every fresh cold: worse in damp, rainy weather: sputa green, greenish, copious. (greenish-gray, Cop.) Pneumonia: Lower lobe of left lung. Great soreness of chest during cough has to hold the chest with both hands. (right lung, Bry.) Meningitis: Spinal meningitis: head jerks to right side. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Sad, gloomy, irritable: worse in morning: dislikes to

speak or be spoken to (Iod., Sil) Patient is reserved in relationships. Serious, closed patient, don’t want to get hurt. (Like Med.) Mental troubles arise from injury to head. Sensitive and suspicious. Depression: aversion to life, with photophobia. Estranged from her family. Thoughts of suicide (Aur.) but uses restraint. Dreams of running water, flying, of being insulted or fighting. Frequent waking or fantastic dreams. Mouth/Teeth: Toothache better for cold water cool air. (Coff., Puls) Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: Rheumatism, Pain in hip joint worse rising, sitting. Sciatica on rising from sitting or turning in bed, no relief in any position. Knees, stiff, cracking of joints. Nose: Nose-bleed during menses. (instead of Menses: Bry., Puls) Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Skin remedy: eczema, psoriasis. Watery, Yellow blisters. Yellow scales after breaking blisters. Chafing of skin in children with bilious symptoms. Eczema, moist and oozing profusely. Erysipelas, smooth, red, shiny, tingling or painful swelling of skin. Chronic skin eruptions. Tissue Salt. Eczema. Ailments in which the skin is rough, dry, and scaly with medium to large flaking plaques usually yellowish in color. As these slough off the new skin is red, shiny and dry. Sleep: sleepiness during day. Temperature: Chills up back with icy coldness: gooseflesh. Shaking and Chattering of teeth, with anguish and thirst. Cannot get warm even in bed. Internal chills with stretching and yawning. Fever with aversion to uncover. Vaccinations ill effects of: Works well given alternating w Thuja, for nullifying the harmful effects of vaccinations. (Thuja to nullify harmful effects, Nat. Sulph to help carry from the body : See Thuja for recipe) Vertigo: Relieved by sweat on forehead. Warts: History of Warts. Sensation “as if”: Gnawing, Bursting, Boring, Creeping Pain. Bruised feeling. As if crushed in a vise. Brain feels loose. Worse: Symptoms worse from damp (humid) weather/conditions. He feels every chage from dry to wet: Better: Open air, warm dry air. Complementary: Ars., Thuja. Compare: Nat.m and Nat.s are very similar.

64) Nux Vomica: “Too Much” (Poison Nut) (Acute Remedy)

Oversensitive! To noise, light, draft, his surroundings, food: as many disturb him. Aggravated by meat: craves stimulants: these are the types of things that Nux-v. will antidote… like tea, coffee, wine, prescription drugs, etc. “In state of Excess” Excessive coffee, fast food, Excessive hours at Work, all the ailments of the 21st Century lifestyle: heartburn, hemorrhoids, cranky indigestion results. Not limited to the Working-Class: Also a Student’s remedy: The TOO much remedy for anyone. *Suits well: For anything that “feels like hangover” like flu, overworked, rushed, perfectionism, eating poorly, prolonged mental or emotional stress, overindulgence: of food or stimulant: and actual hangover. Acute of Sepia. Thin, irritable, careful, zealous, persons with dark hair and bilious or Sanguine temperament. Disposed to be quarrelsome, spiteful, malicious: nervous and Melancholic. He jerks things about, tears them up: wants to force things his own way. Driven by impulse to commit acts that verge upon insanity-the destruction of others. ~Effects of: “Too Much” Over-indulgence: (Ant-c.) Long continued mental over-exertion: sedentary habits: loss of sleep: Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: A major Stomach remedy for any abdominal ailment, especially when there has been “Too Much” of any stimulant, food stuffs, mental excitement, anguish. Pains are: Sore, bruised feeling: rumbling, gurgling, Flatulent distention, Colic with cold hands and feet. Colic in nursing infants., from suppressed hemorrhoids, Strangulated hernia (Op.) Umbilical hernia in infants from constipation or crying. Nausea, heartburn, acid reflux, vomiting. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Inflammation of the bladder (Catarrhal Cystitis). Irritable bladder: frequent urge to urinate: being able to pass only a small quantity at a time:(spasmodic sphincter): Involuntary urination when laughing, coughing, sneezing, Bedwetting: Itching in the urethra on urination with pain in the neck of the bladder. Burning/Tearing pain. Worse in the Morning. Better in the Evening. Blood/Hemorrhage: Uterine: cramps at menstrual period, faints easily. Breasts: Sore, white spot in center. Pain when nursing. Painless gathering of milk: when not nursing. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Flu Symptoms: works against a cold or flu in which chills predominate. Constipation/Diarrhea: Tendency to faint after: diarrhea stools or after vomiting. Portal stasis. Prolapse of rectum with constipation. Lack of bowel tone. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Cough bring on bursting headache. Ears: Loud sounds are painful and anger him. Eyes: Photophobia, worse morning. Twitching and Blinking. Blurred eyes from over-reading. Head: Twitching of facial muscles, neuralgia with numbness. Drawing and stiffness, Jaw snaps shut, stiff. Left angle of mouth drops. Hemorrhoids: Venous constitution with tendency to Hemorrhoids. Itching burning of. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Neuralgias, Tension/Drawing of muscles, pain to bowels and all parts. Liver: For Liver detox: use 6c twice daily for 2 weeks. Use for animals to detox drugs (also Staph,

Strep, Nux, Ars.) Achy, cranky, flu, hangover symptoms. Back: Sudden sharp pains in back when turning,with dull pain while sitting. Spinal irritation with sudden loss of power in legs. Lateral spinal sclerosis. Spinal Anemia. Myelitis. Crawling sensation along spine. Feels bruised and lame. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: These people are, Competitive, Fastidious, Work-A-holics, busy, demanding, ambitious, driving persons that push others as well. Perfectionist, fastidious, cranky. Lean, hungry, withered. (Scrooge McDuck!) Paralysis: Locomotor ataxy: Hemiplegia. Paralysis after stroke, parts cold, numv, emaciated. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. Sleep: Sleeplessness from overwork. Toxic Exposure: Toxic Headaches from drugs, alcohol. Hangover headaches with irritability. Vertigo: Intoxicated feeling, with momentary loss of consciousness. Sensation: Pains are tingling, sticking, hard, aching, fullness, Crawling sensation along spine Feels bruised and lame. Worse: Over-eating, coffee, condiments, liquor, stimulants. Narcotics, purgatives. Anger, Mental exertion. Cold, open air. Disturbed sleep, early morning. Noise, Better: For Nap. Moist air, strong pressure. Wrapping head, frequent stretching, Hot drinks, milk, fats. Antidotes: Merc., Mez., ether., Thuja. Antidoted by: Wine., coffee.,Acon., Bell., Camph., Cham., Cocc., Op., Pal., Plat., Stram., Thuja. Coffea, Ignatia, Incompatible/Inimical Remedy: Zinc.

65) Phosphorus “Degenerative/Blood” (The Element Phosphorus)

This is a remedy that is very specific to the “type” of person. But I very often use it for Lung affections: when a patient has the Influenza, and it is threatening to go “down” into Pneumonia: I will give Phos., and sometimes a low potency Silica, invariably the cough and congestion will be thrown back up and out of the body. It may go back into the head, but it is going in the right direction. You never want to see disease heading south….up and out, is the proper course of movement. *Suits Well: Slender Tall person of Sanguine temperament: fair skin, delicate eyelashes, fine blond, or red hair. Quick to perceive and have a sensitive nature. Anemia. Disposed to stooping: due to quick growth. Over-sensitive to all impressions: desires to be magnetized. (Sil) ~Effects of: Ill effects of anger, fear, grief, worry. Exposure to drenching rains, washing clothes, having hair cut. Tobacco, Iodine. Excessive use of salt or sugar in diet. Electrocution. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Weak, empty all gone feeling. Hungary at night. Pancreatic disease and diabetes. Throws up food by the mouthfuls. Water is thrown up as soon as it warms in the stomach. Post-operative vomiting: after chloroform. Stomach ulcer. Anxiety: Palpitations. With anxiety. Bladder/Kidney: Tension over region of bladder: is full without urging. Burning, twitching in urethra, with frequent desire to urinate. Frequent: scanty. Involuntary urination in children who grow too quickly. Fatty degeneration of kidneys: Burning pain. Bright’s disease: albumin in the urine: edema. Nephritis: with bloody discharge. Blood/Hemorrhage: Anemia. Hemorrhages: Hemophilia. Small wounds bleed much. Blood streaked discharges. Easily bleeding polyps. Healed wounds break open and bleed again. Breasts: Suppuration of breast, burning offensive watery discharge. Cancer with sharp pains or bleeding easily. Increased secretion of milk with great debility. Constipation/Diarrhea: Exhausting diarrhea. Diarrhea during pregnancy. Morning diarrhea of old people: alternating constipation/diarrhea in old people. Anus open: prolapsed. Needle like stitches in rectum. Polyps with proctitis. Cough/Croup/Larynx: tickling of the larynx. Cough burning dryness in throat. Expectoration of mucus is clear. Worse cold air, talking, laughing going from warm to cold. Must sit up when coughing. Sputa rusty, blood streaked. Frothy, salty, sour, sweetish or cold. Tuberculosis. Eyes: Retinal bleeding. Retinitis. Dwindling of the optic nerve. Degenerative changes. Edema of the lids and around the eyes. Cataract and Glaucoma. Pustules on corneas. Letters appear red while reading. Sees green. Blindness. Fear: of Thunderstorms. Heart: Palpitations: With anxiety. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Degenerative diseases, swelling and necrosis of lower jaw (Amph., Hecla) Heat between shoulder blades. Back pains as if broken. Especially During menses. Weak spine. Spinal irritation, worse heat. Stiff neck. Coccyx pain as if ulcerated. Joints suddenly give way. Numbness of arms and hands. Liver: Acute Hepatitis. Congestion, Cirrhosis. Jaundice. From nervous excitement. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis-Asthma: Pneumonia. Congestion of lungs. Especially lower left. Bronchitis. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Claivoyant. Desires to be magnetized. Wants sympathy. Better for consolation. Weeping alternating with attacks of Laughter…very often children, especially girls go through this phase. Craving for ice-cream, cold milk, carbonated drinks. Desires salt,

acids, spicy foods. Chocolate. Candies, cheese, cucumbers, chicken, fish, wine. Aversion to warm drinks, warm food. Coffee, tea. Nose: Nose-bleeds in children, Nosebleed replaces menses. Chronic Sinus infection with Hemorrhages. Bleeding easily. Mouth/Teeth: can be an excellent remedy for persistent bleeding following a tooth extraction. Paralysis: Paralysis of the insane. Polyps: Polyps, bleeding easily (Calc., Sang) Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Wounds bleed much/easily. Fatty cysts. Fungus. Skin burns on shaving. Red streaks on skin after scratching. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Tendency to get sore throats that go into the lungs. Larynx painful. Croupy voice that goes down into bronchitis. Sensation as if: Burning like fire. Needlelike stitches. about to die. As if immersed in hot water. Chair were rising. Had been lying at night with head too low. Everything had stopped in head. Eyes would be pressed out or down by weight about them. Weight lying in the middle of the chest. Coccyx ulcerated. Soles as if he had walked too much. Feet as if asleep. Ankles sprained Worse: Thunderstorms: lightning. Evening. Touch. Exertion. Ascending stairs. Shaving. Odors. Loss of fluids. Better: Dark. Sleep. Eating, cold food. Open air. Antidote to: Phos. Poisoning. Turpentine with which it forms an insoluble mass. Kali-perm. Antidotes the nausea of: Chloroform and ether. Persistent hemorrhages: effects of use of leeches. (Sanguis 30c-Leech) Complementary: Ars., All-c., Lyc., Sil., Nux-v. Incompatible: Causticum.

66) Phytolacca dec.: “Glandular Disorders” (Poke Root) (Acute Remedy)

As the nursing mother of eleven children: most, with chronic sore throats….this is one of my favorite remedies! It is a Glandular remedy: Inflammation of glands, Hardening of Glands. Sore Throats with inflammation of Glands. Strep Throat. Tonsillitis, Mammary troubles, Soreness, lumps, from colds, dampness. Nursing Women, mastitis: and all the symptoms thereof. She Becomes chilled, sore breast results. Over-exercises, Sore, inflamed breast results. Affects the nervous system, the throat, the digestive system, and fibrous tissues throughout the body. *Suits well: Rheumatic persons. Sensitive to damp weather. Cancer constitution. Effects of: Emotions, grief, injuries, blows, bathing and exposure to cold, damp weather. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Nausea with most complaints, vomiting. Breasts: human/animal Mastitis or breast pain/lumps/cancer. Stony hard, swollen or tender breasts. Mastitis. Pain goes from nipple all over body. Milk thick, scant and unhealthy, Nipples and small ulcers about nipples. Cracked, sensitive, inverted. Tumors or hard nodes. Enlarged Axillary Glands. Breast cancer. With shooting, lancinating pains, great exhaustion and prostration. Breast Abscess, Bloody, watery discharge from. Affection of old scars in: Colds/Flu/Fevers: May have VERY High Fevers with illness. Good remedy if Byronia and Rhus-t fail (when being used for flu symptoms.)

Diseases: Mastitis: Mumps. Tonsillitis Right sided. Ears: Sore Throat pain radiates to Right Ear. Mouth/Teeth: Difficult teething of children: Irresistible desire to bite teeth together. Jaws clenched. Teeth sore, feel elongated. Nose: Acrid coryza. Flow of mucus from one nostril and from posterior sinuses. Temperature: Chills: High Fever. Throat/ Tonsillitis/ Sore/ Glandular: #1 remedy of choice for: Sore throat with pain radiating to ear. (especially R) Mumps. Throat. Dark red to bluish. Soft palate may be very sore. Tonsils are swollen. Pain at the root of the tongue, that shoots into the ears on swallowing (especially R ear) . Tonsils may become ulcerated, with grayish-white spots, thick yellow mucus clings to the throat and tonsils: Sensation of hot/ burning. Worse for hot liquids. Pain, tension and pressure in Parotid Gland. Venereal swellings. When Strep or Bacterial infection is suspected: I begin to alternate along with the Phytolacca, both: Merc. Or Hepar-s. AND Pyrogenium. (To decide between the two: Merc. Has Moist skin: Hepar-s, has Dry skin, even during illness.)

Vertigo: On rising, feels faint. Staggering. Dim vision. Worse: Exposure to damp cold weather, rain, cold night. Movement. Better: Warmth: Dry weather. Good remedy if Byronia and Rhus-t fail (when being used for flu symptoms.) Antidoting Remedies: Belladonna, Mezereum. Incompatible/Inimical remedy: Mercurius.

67) Podophyllum Peltatum: “Bilious” (Bile) (May-apple) (Acute Remedy)

“Oh do I have a Tummy Ache”….this tummy ache is a very serious matter: Vomiting and/or Diarrhea. The Patient can go downhill very quickly. He is very ill and losing fluids quickly. GREAT THIRST for Large Quantities of Cold Water. *Suits well: To persons of Rheumatic, Bilious temperament, especially after mercury poisoning. Great Prostration. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: I always think of this remedy for vomiting with diarrhea or just vomiting or diarrhea, when Ars. Has been given and failed to work. Or when some type of food poisoning or foul water poisoning (like: lake or river water where salmonella or similar bacteria may be the cause) is suspected. Stomach so weak that rice wouldn’t digest. Heartburn, gagging or empty retching. Gurgling of Bowels. Hot, sour belching that smells like rotten egg, nausea and vomiting: hot, frothy mucus. Of milk in infants. Affects chiefly the duodenum, small intestines, liver, rectum, ovary, scapula & throat. Jaundice. Hypo-gastric pain: colicky pain & bilious (bile) vomiting. Portal engorgement w a tendency to hemorrhoid. Relaxed sphincters. Prolapsed uterus. Pendulous abdomen after confinement. Abdominal viscera are sore, worse vomiting & during menses. Abdominal pains & stool excited by eating & drinking. Constipation/Diarrhea: Alternating conditions: diarrhea/Constipation: headache/w diarrhea. Profuse diarrhea: stool watery w jelly-like mucus, painless, (or painful) gushing, offensive. Painless morning diarrhea, stool greenish in color, strong fetid odor, profuse and gushing. Diarrhea early in morning, during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks. Flu: Stomach flu, with SEVERE Vomiting and / or Diarrhea. Hemorrhoids: Prolapse of rectum before or with stool. Internal and external hemorrhoids. Sensation of weakness in rectum. Sensitive and sore. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Back: nape of neck stiff, muscles sore. Pain under right scapula. Between shoulders. In small of back. In lumbar and sacral regions. Sores during stool, and after. Uterus: pain in. right ovary. Prolapsed Uterus on straining or over-lifting after childbirth. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Thirst for large quantities of Cold Water. Great desire to talk during chill, but can’t because he forgets words. R sided remedy. Desire to press the gums together. Mouth/Teeth: Difficult dentition: grinding the teeth at night: intense desire to press gums together (Phyt) head hot and rolling from side to side (Bell., Hell.) Diarrhea early in morning, during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks. Sensation “as if”: Sensation of weakness or sinking. Antidotes: none listed.

68) Pulsatilla nig.: “Whiney and Clingy” (Wind Flower) (Acute Remedy)

It is said to be a good remedy for Women, for Blondes, especially for Tearful Blondes. Thirstless in nearly all complaints. *Suits well: Babies and Women who are nervous, fidgety, changeable, easily led and easily persuaded. She is mild, gentle and tearful, yet she is remarkably irritable, not in the sense of being quarrelsome, but easily irritated, touchy, feels slighted. Sensible to social influence. Melancholy, weeping, despair. ~Effects of: Ill effects of suppressions, otorrhea, menses. Abandonment. Grief, Eating ice cream, pork, fats, pastry, desserts, Chill, wetting feet. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Good PMS remedy. Stomach tight, tense in morning and easily upset by fatty, rich foods. Sick from rich & fried foods. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Fever with lack of thirst: blocked up nose at night, runny during day: yellowish, bland (non-burning) phlegm. Constipation/Diarrhea: Changeable stools. Constipation, alternating with diarrhea. Frequent urging as if diarrhea would occur. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Dry hacking cough from tickling. Dryness in larynx and trachea, worse eating and evening. Loose cough by day, Dry at night. Ears: Famous for the ear aches of children. Ear Infection/Ache. Catarrhal otitis media. Infections, worse at night. Severe Earache, not better warm applications. Sensation of something being forced outward. Worse at night. Threatens to ulcerate: Perforation of the tympanum (Ear Drum). Discharge of pus, blood, thick, yellow, offensive smelling discharge follows eruption. Itching deep in the ears. Thirstless. Shortness of Breath. Worse for warmth. Better for fresh air/open windows. Even though he is Chilly.. Deafness after suppressed measles. Eyes: Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Sub-acute: from colds. Thick profuse, yellow, bland discharges. Head: Headaches above eyes, corneal ulcers, styes, or conjunctivitis. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Craves open fresh air, must open the window. Shortness of Breath. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Ailment’s of children who are comforted by being held/touched. Child whiney & clingy. Child/Women’s remedy, yielding, emotional, sensitive, moody & weepy people who crave attention & sympathy. “Do you love me?”- over & over. Dependent. High maintenance, needy women, very emotional. “Blond” ding-dong.”: open emotionally-vulnerable. “Blow with the wind” in company. Changeable symptoms with weariness. If personality matches: will fix any symptom. Separation anxiety, stomach problems, Elderly in nursing home. Mouth/Teeth: Teething Pain, child is whiney and clingy. Vertigo: caused by indigestion. Sensation “as if”: Sensation in ear, as if something were being forced out. As if beside himself. Death were near. Looking through a sieve. As if had been spinning and would fall. As if brain would burst and eyes fall out of head, on coughing. Limbs as if bruised, as if asleep. Tongue as if burnt. AS if a hot coal above ulcer.

Worse: In a warm, stuffy room. Rich foods. Better: Continued gentle motion, fresh, open air. Compelmentary Remedies: Coffea, Nux, Chamomilla. Antidoting Remedies: None listed.

69)*Pyrogenium: “Sepsis” (Rot) (Rotten Meat Pus) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic)

As an inter-current remedy, You can almost always knock out ANY Infection with Pyro. The fevers can go very high and the illness is Scary! But when given proper liquids and external stimuli to aid with fever reduction, the body can throw off the illness, infection or purification miraculously. The state of the Pyrogenium Patient is one of intense illness: you may even think to yourself, “Oh my goodness, he looks and smells like death!” Don’t panic! If there’s a high fever: Use the Pickle Socks (look in the Belladonna section for directions) Make sure your patient doesn’t get dehydrated: (even 1 Tbsp. of liquid per hour will keep an adult from dehydrating [one tsp. for small children] I like to alternate, pure water and organic grape juice [which I keep on hand for emergencies]) And use the remedies in an Alternating fashion. Pyrogenium can be given with any other indicated remedy, for any illness that causes an odor to emminate. “Smells like rotten meat.” 105 deg. fever & heart palpitations if Bell., doesn’t work. An acute remedy. Use after Hepar or Merc. Infection of unknown origin. Scary - deadly - stink. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof: For ANY illness or condition where there is a foul odor that EMINATES from the body. Throat conditions, Ear, ulcers, teeth, Stomach disorders that seem to be going septic (peritonitis, Gall, any advanced condition that is not moving in the correct direction with properly chosen remedies.) Vaginal odor, especially if there’s been a recent birth or miscarriage (Retained Placenta): Pyro. Alternating with Silica and Caulophyllum (not in this book, but available from homeopath) 1-2 times daily of each, for at least, 2 full weeks, will cleanse the Uterus and leave it healthy. Blood/Hemorrhage: Infections that look scary-high fever w rapid pulse...poisoning. When other infection remedies are not effective. Blood poisoning-streaks up arm & leg. Colds/Flu/Fevers: *Influenza: Sepsis (Blood Poisoning). Enteric Fever. Hectic Fever (intermittent, drenching sweats: flushed cheeks as seen in phthisis) Peritonitis. Plague. Septicemia. Septic states when blood is disorganized. Horribly offensive discharges, sore limbs and delirium. Red streaks, food poisoning. Sweating does not cause a fall in temperature. Aching, bruised, sore pains and prostration, yet restless and must move to alleviate the soreness of parts. When Strep or Other Infection is suspected: I begin to alternate, along with the Pyrogenium, , either, Merc. Or Hepar-s. AND Phytolacca if the glands are involved. (To decide between the two: Merc. Has Moist skin: Hepar-s, has Dry skin, even during illness.)

Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea, horrible offensive: brown or black: painless, involuntary: uncertain, when passing flatus. Constipation: with impaction, in fevers: stool, large, black, or small black balls. Diseases: Gangrene, Retained Placenta. Foot rot, (Pyro. alternating with Nat. mur. works wonders) Diabetic/Skin ulcers. (Pyro. alternating with any other indicated remedy, works wonders) Ears: When foul odor accompanies Pain or infection. Heart: Rapid heart rate can indicate- infection: See heart beating through skin. Injury: For any cut, wound or injury that begins to go septic. (infection of the blood.) Mouth/Teeth: Toothache, Infection of mouth or Teeth. (For chronic Toothache or infection: I like to give Pyro., alternating with Hecla lava. Until all odor/discomfort is gone, and then for 3 days more.) Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc. Bed sores, Brown Recluse Spider or any spider bite. For any cut, wound or injury that begins to go septic. Temperature: Chill: begins in the back, between scapulae: severe, general, of bones and extremities: marking onset of septic fever: temp from 103 to 106: heat sudden, skin dry and burning: pulse rapid,

small, wiry, 140-170 cold, clammy sweat follows. In septic fevers, Pyro. demonstrates its antiseptic value. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: For any Sore throat that emanates a foul odor from the mouth. (May use in conjunction with any other indicated remedy.) Throat/Tonsils/Fever. I use this remedy as an adjunct. Anytime there is an odor. Breath/Feces/Sweat/even Urine can emit a Foul odor during illness, this can be an indication of Infection/Septic state, which is either coming on, or already established. So I give Pyrogenium as an inter-current. Toxic Exposure: Sewer Gas Poisoning: may give alternating w Carbo- v. Complementary: Ars., Bapt., Bry.

70) Rhus Toxicodendron: “Better for Motion” (Poison Oak) (Acute Remedy)

The uses that Find for Rhus-t. will be Endless. For Any Flu, Injury, or Rash that is Better for Motion: this is your remedy. The Patient will say, “Oh, after I’m up and been moving around for a bit, I feel better.” It doesn’t matter if he’s talking about his rheumatism, flu or his rash, this remedy will be one to reach for! Pains improved by Motion. Colds/Flu/Fevers: chicken pox (gets rid of itch: calendula after pox so no scar) Flu remedy – extreme restlessness, cannot get comfortable, Chilly and sweaty, sensitive from cold, better from heat: Dry mouth but Thirstless. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Bronchial cough in old people. Small plugs of mucus. Dry teasing coughs. Cough when putting hand out of bed. All symptoms are better for motion. Ears: External swollen. Pain, as if something were inside. Throbbing at night. Discharge of bloody pus with deafness. Eyes: Orbital cellulitis. Iritis after exposure to cold, dampness. Pustular Inflammation. Ulceration. Glaucoma. Heart: Rheumatic heart Injury: Back Injury, Strain from over-use. Whiplash, Sprains, Always give initially: continue as long as there is stiffness relieved by movement: Indications of a Sprain: Hot, painful swelling in joints: Tearing in tendons/Ligament: Skin red and swollen: Pains better with movement, change of position, stretching of limbs.

Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Achy Joints worse in storms or drop in barometer. #1 for Sprain, Strains, leading remedy for Backache. (when better for motion) Arthritis: also for old dog. Can feel a storm coming. Rheumatic heart & rash. Rhus-t. 30x-30c for joint pain, injury & tendonitis (Alter. well with Bryonia & Ruta G. for: joint / tendon injury) Whiplash. Sciatica, Tendonitis., Paralysis., Neuralgias., Back Injuries. Cracking of joints when stretching. Stiff, paralyzed Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: These people tend to be sweet, sensitive & jovial. “Tin Man-I know I have a heart because it’s breaking. Causeless weeping without knowing why. Cannot remain in bed at night, restless. Dreams of great Exertion, rowing, swimming, working hard at his occupation. That the world is on fire, with palpitations on waking. Mouth/Teeth: Dry Mouth, but Thirstless. Lips dry/parched, covered with reddish-brown crusts. Corners of mouth cracked, ulcerated. Filled with fever herpes sores, on lips, around mouth and chin. Jaws crack when chewing. Pain in Maxillary joint. Easy dislocation of jaw. (Ign., Petr.) Tongue: red and cracked, dry and red at edges, show imprint of teeth. Yellowish –white coating. Feeling as if tongue covered with skin. Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica: When pains are better for Motion. Poison Ivy/Oak: One of the first remedies that is usually tried for an outbreak of poison ivy. Given in low potency, it is very often effective. If the patient “feels” better, then that is a good indication that the remedy is working. If not, don’t wait more than an hour before trying a different remedy. Intense itching: Burning eruptions with a tendency to form scaly scabs. As a preventative for Poison-ivy: 90% effective. 30x or 200x given once or twice a week for 4-6 weeks prior to possible exposure. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Pustular inflammations. #1 for shingles if better by hot bathing. Herpes, Itchy skin eruptions, rash, better w bathing & heat, unusual! (worse bathing, see Sulphur) Cold

sores, Rhus-t. low potency, for active poison ivy and cold sores. Rheumatic fever with rash. Blisters are red. Water filled, swollen and Itch intensely. These cold sores often follow a cold/flu where there was a fever and the patient and been restless. The tongue is dry, dark-coated and red tipped. Sensation “as if”: Feeling as if tongue covered with skin. As if Intoxicated. Of a band strapped across forehead. As if head were swelling out. Brain, loaded, as if torn, loose., Weight behind right eye. Legs made of wood. As if Hamstrings, Tendons too short. Feels Bruised. Bed sinking. As if Cold water Poured over him. As if Blood ran Cold through Veins. Worse: Foor Clod, Dampness, wet rainy weather. Before Storms. Rest. Over-exertion/lifting. Better: For Motion. Heat. Hot bath, warm wrapping. Warm, dry weather. Stretching limbs. Rhus Tox 6x or up to 6c for active poison ivy and cold sores. Rhus-t. 30x-30c for joint pain, injury & tendonitis (Alter. well with Bryonia & Ruta G. for: joint / tendon injury) Complementary Remedies- Byronia, Calc, carb, Phytolacca (rheumatism) in uritcaria follow w Bov. Antidoting Remedies- Mezereum, Graphites, Apis. Inimical: Apis.

71) Ruta Grav.: “Tendons” (Garden Rue) (Acute Remedy)

This remedy is often over-looked, but is irreplaceable when it comes to injury or bruising of the bone, or from clasping an object, or repetition during work and the area of the wrist and bursa becomes bruised or painful. Continued eye strain, is a good example of the type of strain that Ruta benefits as well. Ruta compliments Rhus. in many ways, I like to give these two alternating with Arnica when there has been an injury where more than just the tissue has been involved. (With the type of injury that requires Ruta: I like to use Essential Oils to help nourish the body. I use several different “Wood oils” but my favorite very affordable oils are: Spruce, Fir [Abies Balsamica], and Lemongrass… No Camphorated oils should be used, as they will cancel Ruta and Most other Remedies.)

Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Pressure on bladder as if constantly full: continues after urinating: could hardly retain urine on account of urging, yet if not attended to it was difficult afterwards to void it: scanty green urine: involuntary. Constipation/Diarrhea: Constipation: from inactivity, or impaction following mechanical injuries. (Arn.) Prolapse of rectum: immediately on attempting a passage: from the slightest stooping: after confinement: frequent unsuccessful urging. Cancer affecting lower bowel. Nausea felt in rectum. Dislocations: Best for Tendon repair. Always to be given 2-5 doses daily until healed. (I always Alternated: in addition to: Arnica, Hypericum, Rhus-t and Bryonia)

Ears: Sensation as of blunt piece of wood. Eyes: For Eyestrain followed by headaches: tired eyes from reading or computer work. Blurred vision with burning, aching in eyes and strained feeling. Fear: Of Death during Fever. Injury: Whenever tendons, bone surfaces and ligaments are involved. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: #1 For tendons, bone surfaces and ligaments: #1 For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pain. (Caust.) Soreness of tendons from injury or overuse. “Bruised” bones: a leading remedy for injuries to the knee, shin, elbow, tennis elbow, shin splints, chronic knee injuries, joints. For injuries deeper in body: more serious strains & sprains, backache s (Tell. Met.: [not in this book] If due to injury of the vertebra or herniated disks):: Hamstrings feel shortened (Graph.) Thighs feel broken. Knees give way, while ascending and descending stairs. Tendons sore. Ganglion of wrist. (Benz-as., Calc-f.) Shooting pain in wrists (Rhus-t., Hyper.) Nodes in palms. Vertebra slip out of place easily. Coldness of spine, downwards. Drawing in nape of neck and in the shoulder blades. Prolapsed Uterus. Complaints from straining Flexor Tendons. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Stupefaction. Weakness and Despair. Quarrels and Contradicts. Melancholy. Great Thirst. Mouth/Teeth: Dental surgery, tightening braces. Temperature: Coldness and shivering. Shivers run over back: Over one side of head. Mostly Leftsided, worse up and down back. Warts: With sore pains: flat, smooth on palms of hands. (Nat-c., Nat-m., - on back of hands, Dul.) Sensation “as if”: A nail were driven into head. Bruised or beaten. Eyes, as if strained, a shadow flitting before them, as after looking to long and intently at an object. As if Eyeballs on fire. As if digging about in the ear with a blunt piece of wood. As of a lump in Throat. Bladder as if full. Spine as if beaten and lame. Pain as if from a fall in periosteum (fibrous membrane investing the surfaces of bones). In marrow of bone or as if bone were broken. Wrists as if sprained. As if there were an ulcer. Worse: Worse by any motion (Rhus-t. is bad initially, but better for motion) Overexertion, lifting, injury, sprains, Ascending/Descending stairs. Cold air, damp, wind, wet. During menses. Uncooked or indigestible food. Warm stove cause chilliness.

Better: Warmth, motion, rubbing, scratching. Antidoted by: Camph. Antidote to: Merc. Compatible: after Arn. in joint injuries, after Symph. in bone injuries, Calc., Caust., Luc., Ph-ac., Puls., Sulph., Sul-ac.-diseases of bone. Complementary: Calc-p. in joint disorders.

72) Sepia succus.: “Hormonal” (Cuttlefish Ink) (Anti-Psoric: Sycotic)

Sepia is a deep acting remedy and can be a great constitutional, which is really beyond the scope of this book: but as an Acute remedy, it can be thought of whenever there is a shift in the Hormones. Most often thought of for Women, because of the rapidly shifting monthly hormones or during pregnancy: But men also benefit acutely, especially during puberty and when aging. *Suits Well: Persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition (Puls). ~Effects of: Ill effects of overwork, anger and vexation. Of Blows, injury, Over-lifting, falls, of Getting Wet, laundry work, boiled milk, fat, pork, Puberty, Hormone treatment, Birth control pills, Hysterectomy, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Menopause, Sexual Abuse. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Nausea in morning before eating. Morning sickness, Motion sickness. Disposition to vomit after eating. Sensation of a Lump in Stomach (Carb-an.). Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Bedwetting during first part of sleep. Urine: deposits a reddish claycolored sediment which adheres to the vessel as if it had been burned on: foul odor after standing, (Indium). Constipation/Diarrhea: Sensation of a Weight or Ball in anus. Constipation during pregnancy. Prolapsed anus. (Podo.) rectum, Cancer of rectum. Fear: of Poverty. Of Thunderstorms. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Hormonal disorders: PMS: hormonal re-start remedy. Female pelvic organs: tendency to miscarriage, bearing down sensation. Prolapsed uterus, bladder: abdominal floor weakness of women. Puberty disorders. Hemorrhoids: During Pregnancy: prolapsing with sticking pain. Bleed while walking. Soreness. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Great Sadness and Weeping: Cries when telling her symptoms. Indifferent to loved ones. Loves to dance. Sharp tongue, may hurt others feelings: says, “But it’s the truth!” Depression related to pregnancy, menses, menopause, married life: Emotional numbness: indifference or aversion to loved ones. Mentally & physically worn out patients: drudgery of housework. “I’m sick of being the only one who does anything around here!” Cheerful during thunderstorm & lightning. Mouth/Teeth: Toothache from hot or cold things: better for cold air, cold water. Toothache during pregnancy: during menses. Throbbing. Grinding teeth. Teeth decay. Feel dull. Bleeding gums. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Great falling of Hair, after chronic headaches or changes in hormonal levels. Herpes in isolated spots on upper part of body. Itching of skin: of various parts: not better for scratching and is apt to turn to Burning. Temperature: Poor Circulation: General lack of warmth of body. Cold in spots, on vertex (top of head) Hot Flushes of Heat. Anxious flushes preceded by weakness. Sensation “as if”: Something twisting in stomach and rising to throat. Viscera tuning inside out. Bladder full and would pour out over pubic bone. As if Urinary Organs would be pressed out. As if Everything would fall out. Uterus as if Clutched. AS if something heavy would force itself from vagina. As if heart stood still. A Ball in inner parts. Of Hot water poured over body. Roots of hair were sore, as if cut short near roots. Worse: Left side. Cold air, After sweat. Sitting, standing, kneeling, jarring, stooping, Ascending, Lifting. Before Menses, after Pregnancy, Miscarriage.

Better: Sitting with legs crossed, drawing limbs up, Exercise, running, dancing, Vigorous motion. Pressure, warmth of bed, hot applications. Cold Drinks, cold bathing, open air. Antidoted by: Smelling Nit-s-d., vegetable acids, Acon., Ant-c., Ant-t., Rhus-t. Antidotes: Calc., Chin., Merc., Nat-m., Nat-p., Phos., Sars., Sulph. Complementary: Nat-m., Phos. Nux-v. (intensifies action.), Guaiacum is often beneficial after Sep. Followed well by: Nit-ac. Inimical: Lach., Puls.

73) Silicea terra: “Removes Foreign Bodies” (Pure Flint) (Anti-Psoric, Sycotic)

The action of this remedy is slow: but long and deep acting. It is a Tissue Salt and is essential to strong Skin, Hair and Cellular strength. It triggers the body to rally together and then Expel, foreign particles, toxins and other unwanted material OUT. So is often used as a con-current remedy to eliminate toxins, infection, mucus, stones, slivers, etc. Promotes suppuration (pus) of abscess. So use low potency if this is the object, high to dissolve. Always use LOW potency Silica when treating Lung disorders of chronic or long standing duration: you do not want to rally the system too quickly. *Suits Well: Nervous, irritable, Sanguine temperament: Light complexion: fine dry skin: pale face: weakly, with lax muscles. From deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or quantity, but from imperfect assimilation (Bar.-c., Calc.): over-sensitive, physically and mentally. ~Effects of: Ill effects of Suppressed Sweat, especially Feet. Stone-Cutting. Loss of fluids, Injury, strains. Vaccinations. Splinters, foreign objects in tissue. Overwork, mental or physical. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Renal and vesicle calculi. (use Bell. To dilate sphincters, before giving sil.) Involuntary urination, Nocturnal bedwetting of children with worms. Ears: Earaches: Abscess. Boils. Otorrhea, foul discharge. Perforated eardrum. Itching in ears when swallowing. Hissing, roaring in ears. Ringing or loss of hearing. Loud pistol-like report. Deafness, hears again with a loud report or on blowing the nose and coughing. Eyes: Perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea. Abscess in: after traumatic injury. Swelling of Tear Duct. Styes. Encysted tumors of lids. Fear: Of Pins, Needles, Sharp Objects. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Spinal Curvature. Painful Kyphosis. Decay of vertebra. Backache. Spina bifida. Lacks Physical drive, self-esteem, easily tired, startled, poor appetite & assimilation of nutrients. Children with Large Heads, Open Fontanelles and sutures, much Sweating about the head, which must be kept warm. Distended Abdomen. Weak ankles, slow in learning to walk. Vaginal Cysts, Cutting Pain, upward, worse urinating. (Lyc., Puls., Rhod.) Head: Must keep head covered or catches a cold. Profuse sweats on head. Injury: Slivers or foreign objects in body: aids the body in the function of expelling foreign matter. “Gets it out.” Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Emphysema after Pleurisy. Shortness of breath, from manual labor, walking fast. Deep sighing. Miner’s/Stone-Cutter’s disorders. Chronic colds that settle in chest and bring on asthmatic attacks after being overheated or exertion. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: “Want of Grit”: fear before exam, appearing in public, delusion will fail, covers up inner weakness. Desires only cold things. Disgust for meat and warm food, milk. Mouth/Teeth: Sensation of Hair on tongue. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: A major remedy when the hair/ skin are in poor condition: for instance: children who wake with “ratty” hair, need this remedy For splinter under fingernail, to remove dirt from a wound, Silicea will surround foreign body with fluid and bring to the surface. For ticks & tick bites, chiggers. Thin hair & nails defective: nutritional assimilation. Premature falling of hair, baldness. Affections of fingernails: especially if white spots on nails. Splitting, rough, distorted, ingrown, yellow, crippled, brittle, blue in fever.

Vaccinations ill effects of: For Ill effects of Vaccinations when symptoms agree. Sensation “as if”: Sensation of Hair on tongue. Worse: Change of weather. Cold, air, drafts, damp. Suppressed perspiration, especially feet. Moon changes. Vaccinations. Better: Warmth. especially around head. Profuse urination. Magnetism and Electricity. Antidoted by: Camph., Hell., Fl-ac. Antidotes: Merc-c., Sulph. Complementary: Thuj., Sanic., Puls., Fl-ac., Sil. is the chronic of Puls. Follows well: Bell., Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Cina, Graph., Hep., Ign., Nit-ac., Phos. Followed well by: Hep., Fl-ac., Lach., Lyc., Sep. Incompatible: Merc.

74) Spongia tosta: “Croupy Cough” (Roasted Sponge) (Acute Remedy)

*Suits Well: Adapted to diseases of children and women: light hair, lax fibre, fair complexion (Brom.) Swelling and induration of glands: goiter (Brom.) Awakens in fright and feels as if suffocating: as if he had to breathe through a sponge. Tubercular tendencies. Dry mucous membranes. Anxiety: Fear of suffocation and death: Anxiety and difficult breathing. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Always Dry mucous membranes. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Whooping Cough. Dry mucous membranes. Leading remedy for Croup: worse wind: dry barking cough: better with warm drinks: hoarseness, dry burning constricted feeling. Worse during inspiration and before midnight. Follows Aconite in Croup & is followed by Hepar Sulph: *Croup Recipe: Acon., Spong., Hep Sulph. (Von Boenninghausen: if spongia alone fails: give in succession Acon., then 5-15 later, Spong., then 515 later Hep. Sulph. Continue this trio, until symptoms improve. Then stop and give only as needed thereafter) Cough is barking, constant, dry, hollow, in fits, irritating, tickling, hacky-coughs of old dogs, smokers (tobacco heart). Heart: Dry, chronic sympathetic cough of organic heart disease (Naja) Hypertrophy of Heart: especially at night with asthmatic symptoms. valvular insufficiency. Aneurysm of the aorta. Rheumatic endocarditis. Pulse, frequent, Hard, Full or Feeble. Surging of heart into chest, as if it would force out upward. If swollen feet and called the flu in elderly, likely to be cardiac cough. Congestive heart failure. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Great Dryness of air passages. Suffocation, as from a plug, valve or leaf. Asthmatic cough. Bronchial catarrh with wheezing. Profuse expectoration and suffocation. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Exhaustion and Heaviness of body. Timidity. Obstinate. Starting from sleep. Sleep: Awakes out of sleep from a sense of suffocation, with violent loud cough: great alarm, agitation, anxiety & difficult Respiration. Throat/Tonsillitis/Sore/Glandular: Enlarged thyroid. Sensation “as if”: Surging of heart into chest, as if it would force out upward. Suffocation, as from a plug, valve or leaf. General feeling of heaviness and exhaustion, with rushes of blood to chest, neck and face: burning sensation in larynx: Worse: Worse during inspiration and before midnight. Dry Cold Winds. Better: Descending. Lying with head low, resting horizontal. Eating or drinking warm. Compare: Tubercular diathesis, Bac., Tub., Dros. Complementary Remedies: Aconite, Hepar Sulph. Followed well by: Brom., Carbo-veg. Antidoting Remedy: Camphora

75) Staphysagria del: “Surgery” (Stavesacre) (Anti-Psoric, Syoctic, Syphilitic)

A very important remedy for Lacerated tissues and or Surgical incisions. Also for Intrusive procedures: Sphincter laceration, stretching. Diseases of the genito-urinary tract and skin. Acts on teeth, urinary organs, fibrous tissue of eyelids, skin, glands, and right deltoid. *Suits Well: Persons who are very sensitive to slightest mental impressions: least action or harmless word offends (Ign.) Ill humored children for things which, after receiving, they petulantly push or throw away. (Kres.) ~Effects of: Ailments from shame, punishment, vexation and suppressed anger. Was insulted: being too dignified to fight, subdued his wrath and went home sick, trembling and exhausted (the rev. of Nux.) Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: #1 For Urinary tract infection with burning, from catheter, or the new bride: especially after humiliation. Kidney stone blasting. Eyes: styes. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Neuralgia. Limbs feel beaten and painful. Muscles, especially of calves, feel bruised. Joints stiff. Arthritic nodes on finger joints. Buttocks ache while sitting. Knees weak. Shuffling gait. Female: Painful sensitiveness of genital organs, worse sitting down (Berb., Kres.) History of rape or abuse. Male: Prostatitis, pain extends from anus to urethra. Enlarged Prostate. Head: Headache in the temples. Injury: #1 indicated remedy for healing incisions from surgery to diminish chance of infection. For bites, cuts, colic, cough, exhaustion, headache. Intrusive procedures - kidney stone blasting, knife cuts, circumcision, episiotomy, colonoscopy, or other probe testing) etc. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Any Ailments caused by or accompanied by a sense of violation with resentment: humiliation, embarrassment, bullied, offended, yelled at: physical/sexual abuse: especially with suppression of anger-seething inside: deep guilt, shame. Gets testy, throws tantrums. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Great as a bug repellant, take 6x one before camping or traveling, or on a regular basis in summer. Antidote: Camph. Complementary: Caust. Coloc. Inimical: Ran-b.

76) Sulphur: “Skin” (Brimstone) (Anti-Psoric: Polycrest)

A Very Deep Acting remedy that works on the entire Case: Often used to Compliment treatment, or to bring around a cure. *Suits Well: To persons subject to venous congestion: especially of portal system (those veins which are the entrance to organs) Lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooping: walk stooping like old men. Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients: they cannot stand: every standing position is uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people prone to skin affections (Psor.) Aversion to being washed: always worse after a bath. Too lazy to rouse himself, too unhappy to live. ~Effects of: Suppressions, Alcohol. Sun, Chills. Sprains, over-exertion. Reaching high. Falls, blows. Bedsores. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Very Weak and faint about 11 a.m., must have something to eat. Great Acidity. Nausea during pregnancy. Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Painful, ineffectual efforts to urinate. Retention. Parts sore over which it passes. This stream intermittent, Great quantities of colorless urine. Bedwetting, every cold settles in bladder. Constipation/Diarrhea: Redness around the anus with itching. Morning diarrhea, drives out of bed with prolapsed rectum. Painless diarrhea. Changing stools. Eyes: Burning in Eyes (Ars., Bell.) Painful inflammation when there is something foreign in eye. Bursting Pain. Trembling of eyes,/eyelids. Chronic: burning and itching. Ulceration of margin. Styes and tumors. Vision: Halo appears around the lamplight. Objects seem more distant. Hemorrhoids: Oozing, great bunches of Hemorrhoids, External/Internal. During pregnancy. Liver: Liver Remedy: affecting the portal system. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: Difficult respiration, wants widows open, nightly suffocative air hunger. Dyspnea (shortness of breath). Much rattling of mucus. Pleuritic exudations. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Hot blooded, likes to sit on couch. Hates to wash especially hot water bathing. “Pig pen” disheveled appearance: “ragged philosophers” Kids who wear no shoes & make messes. Sulphur children, touch everything. Packrat type that collects junk under pretense of using it some day. Remedy helps sort & organize ideas: to differentiate/make decisions. Hot Flashes: worse: 3-5 a.m. if they wake you up. Nose: Sinus infection-if Kali bich. doesn’t work. Chronic dry catarrh, dry scabs and readily bleeding. Nosebleeds worse at night. Polyps and adenoids. Sensitive to smell. Imaginary odors. Freckles and black pores on nose. Polyps: Nasal Polyps Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Universal Skin remedy, general pick-me-up. #1 For Skin eruptions, acne: that burn: worse w heat of bed or shower. - (warning, suppressed skin symptom often reappears w use of remedy: will last a short time only) Hot, dry, itchy: unhealthy hair and skin. Sensation “as if”: As if a band were tied tightly around forehead or cranium. AS if the hair on the top of his head were standing on end. As if Hernia would form. AS if lungs came in contact with back. AS if something heavy hanging on upper arm. AS if a mouse were running up arms and back. Thigh as if broken. As if Bed were not large enough to hold him. “Sinking sensation”: very weak and faint11a.m. Worse: around 11 a.m., Vaccinations. Suppressed Hemorrhoids. Menopause. Better: Dry, Warm weather

Antidoted by: Acon., Camph., Cham., Chin., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Thuj. Antidote to: Acon., Aloe., Chi., Iod., Merc., Nit-as., Olean., Rhus, sep., Thuj., ailments from abuse of metals generally. Complementary: Aloe, Psor., Acon., Ars., Nux-v., Lyc., Sars., Sep., Puls., Thuj. Follows well: Merc-s. complements Rhus-t. in paralysis.

77) Symphytum Officnial: “Bone Trauma” (Comfrey) (Acute Remedy)

A Bone Remedy: Facilitates union of fractured banes (Cal.-p): lessens peculiar pricking pain. ~Effects of: Broken bones. Injuries to eye, bone, periosteum. Falls, Blows from blunt instruments. Breasts: Sore Breasts. Eyes: Specific for injuries to the eyeball itself or bones surrounding eye. (Gets hit by a fist or ball, etc.) injuries to the eyeball Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Back: Pain from fall. Potts disease from a fall. Decay of vertebra. Caries of Spinal and other bones. Spinal diseases after trauma and injury. Injuries that result in a lump or tumor. Tailbone injuries. Bruises, fractures, ribs, teeth aching after dentist. Injury: Promotes Healing of Fractures, once set by physician, Use 1dose, 3x’s per day for 2 weeks: After Arnica has relieved pain, bruising and swelling. Give Symphytum 3-5 doses per day for 2 wks. Nose: Pain comes down bone of nose and sometimes down both sides of nose, has cured malignant tumor of the face that had extended to the nose. Microscopic examination proved it to be round-celled sarcoma: even after surgery failed, and tumor grew back quickly, closing the right eye, it was blue, tense, firm, lobulated, but did not break. Patient refused further surgery, using poultice of comfrey root. There was no trace after 1 month. Sensation “as if”: As if upper lid passed over an elevation on closing eye. As if ears were stopped up. Worse: Injuries. Stooping, cause weight in forehead. Walking causes pain opposite spleen. Sitting causes pain about the navel. Better: Gentle motion, Warmth Antidote to: Canth.

78) Tellurium metallicum: “Back Injury” (Tellurium metal )

I am including this remedy here, for its wondrous work in healing back injuries. There is no other remedy that works so well and so fast to relieve and heal these delicate injuries. ~Effects of: Falls, injuries. Eating rice causes vomiting, Eating and drinking improves sore throat. Ears: Chronic Otitis, Mastoiditis: after scarlet fever. Foul discharge, Dull throbbing pain in ears. Watery excoriating discharge. Worse left. Deafness, buzzing, ringing. Eczema behind with formation of crusts. Eyes: Thickened, inflamed. Injury: Back injuries: Herniated disks. (shown in pic) Head or other injury that affects the spine. (When the sciatica is involved due to back or hip injury, Gnaphalium poly, Is the remedy of choice, [not in this book but available from your Homeopath])

Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Vertebral pain from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, sensitive to touch and pressure. (Chin-s.,Phos.) Worse coughing, straining. Pain in Sacrum, Neck, spreading to the shoulder and scapulae. Lumbar pain to the right thigh: better walking. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees. Elbows, ankles and other parts. Rheumatism of little finger: right hand. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Ringworm: Herpetic sores. Ring shaped lesions. Circular patches of eczema. Psoriasis, Offensive odors from affected parts. Even for the most stubborn Ringworm in cattle, Tell. Met, alternating with Bacillinum will relieve the problem. (I usually just add the remedies to the water tank, until ALL the cattle are clear of the very contagious skin ailment)

79) Thuja: ”Tree of Life” (Arbor Vitae) (Sycotic Remedy)

This little remedy is an absolute must in our world today. In his Writing “Vaccinosis and Its Cure” dated 1884, J. Compton Burnett M.D. Explains the Diseased state that Vaccinations set up in the body. His clear language is understandable to even the those of us with the least amount of education. (I highly recommend this reading which can be found in e-book format on line.) He wrote his little treatise over a hundred and twenty years ago. Since that time, the whole picture of disease has changed. It hasn’t gone away or been eradicated. It’s been altered. There has been much written on this subject by many great Homeopaths, so I won’t beat it up here. But this is another opportunity to remind the populous. “Take Charge of your own Health: it is within your means!” “Thuja and Natrum sulph. Bring back the primitive manifestation that has been suppressed for years. James Tyler Kent.

*Suits Well: Suited to Hydrogenoid constitution. Strumous (a term applied to a peculiar condition characterized by enlargement of the lymphatic glands and necrosis of the bones: it is at present considered a form of tuberculosis.) and Sycotic (inflammatory disease affecting the hair follicles, characterized by papules, pustules, and tubercles: with infiltration of the skin and crusting) pains. Lax muscles, light –haired adults and children. Lymphatic temperament in very fleshy persons. Dark complexion, black hair, unhealthy skin. ~Effects of: Suppressed sycosis. Vaccinations. Sulphur, mercury. Sun-stroke. Excesses. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting/And Complaints Thereof-Morning Sickness: Flatulence and distention, protruding here and there. Movements in abdomen, “As if something Alive, without pain (Croc.) Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Cleans kidneys, Urinary stream forked and small Frequent urging. Paralysis of sphincter of bladder. Bladder feels paralyzed, must wait for urination. Burning pains. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea after vaccination. Anal fissure, painful to touch. Warts. Ears: Chronic otitis. Purulent discharge. Eczema of ear. Eyes: Conjunctivitis after vaccination. Blood-red eyes, full of tears, stand open. Styes and tumors on the lids. (Staph.) Eyes matted in morning, dry, scaly. Lids heavy as lead. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Female: Uterine polyps. Ovarian cysts. Severe pain in left ovary. Prolapsed uterus, Miscarriage in third month. Labor pains weak or ceasing. Vaginal ulcers. Thick, profuse, greenish discharge. Male:Prostitic enlargement and weaknesses. Scalding pain when urinating. Impotency. Eczema. Warts. Moisture. . Head: Left sided Headaches. Pains as if Pierced by a nail. Burning heat and redness of face. Blood vessels of face distended. Netted with spider-like veins. Lungs/Pneumonia/Bronchitis/Asthma: allergies, mucus, yeast. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Shy, quiet, a little sneaky. Dreams: Anxious dreams. Of teeth breaking off. Of Falling. Off Misfortune. Of Dead people, of bodies, of dying. Mouth/Teeth: Twitching of lower lip. Cracking of joint of jaw. Boring pain in malar bones (left), Nose: Chronic sinus infections. Chronic catarrh, thick, yellow-green mucus, blood and pus. Coryza fluent outdoors, dury in room. Polyps: Polyps. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Pale, waxy, shiny, dark under eyes. Greasy skin of face. Light brown, freckles on face. Brown spots on hands and arms. Freckles and blotches. Eruptions only

on covered parts. Herpes zoster. Ringworm. Warts, Impetigo, with itching. Sarcoma. Nevi: Birthmarks. Nails crippled, brittle, soft. Sleep: Persistent insomnia. Heavy sleep can’t get awake in morning. Temperature: Sweats only on uncovered parts. Vaccinations ill effects of: Antidote effect on vaccines. Dr. Von Grauvogl describes how he used Thuja to nullify harmful effects of vaccination: The following duo is an efficient antidote to the effects of prior vaccination: 1 dose of Thuja 30x should be taken morning and evening, with Natrum Sulph taken 2-3 x’s throughout the day. Take this duo combination for 5-8 days on, then take 5-8 days off: continue until there is no further aggravation. Aggravation may be lessened by making a water dilution of any remedy.

*Slow, gentle cure is always the most efficient path to true health. (Thuja is said to nullify the harmful effects of vaccination within the body & Nat. Sulph. aids in the removal of these effects ) If vaccination is mandatory (like military): take Thuja 30c: 1 dose for 3 days prior to vaccination. (No vaccination is necessary-there are nosodes that can be taken safely in homeopathic remedy form, to aid in the immunization of particular disease.) Cod liver oil may to help with vaccination elimination. Vertigo: As from motion of swing. Warts: #1 anti-fungal. (Dulc. Specific to mold) Warts. Most Warts will yield to this remedy. If not, it can be used as an inter-current(one weekly dose in addition) to any indicated remedy. Sensation “as if”: As if Strange person were at her side. Under the influence of a superior power. Soul and body were separated. Body were very thin and delicate: Easily broken. Nail were pressing into vertex. Nail were driven from within outward in vertex. Abdominal muscles were being pushed out by arm of a child. Legs as if made of wood when walking. Lower limbs elongated. As from flea bites. Worse: From cold and dampness. After vaccinations. After suppressions. Better: Crossing limbs, warmth, air, wind. Sneezing, free flowing secretions. Antidoted by: Cham., Cocc., Camph.., Merc., Puls., Sulph. Colch. Antidote to: Merc., Sulph., Iod., Nux-v. Complementary: Med., Sabin., Sil., Nat-s (in sycosis). Follows Well: Med., Merc., Nit-ac. Followed well by: Merc., Sulph., Calc., Ign., Lyc., Kali-c., Puls., Sil., Vac.

80) Uritica urens: “Burning Heat” (Stinging Nettle) (Acute Remedy)

*Suits Well: Gouty and Uric Acid constitutions.(when uric acid is found in the urine and spleen. Its accumulation in the blood is associated with marked disturbances and according to some, produces the phenomena of gout. It may also form urinary calculi [stones]).

~Effects of: Ill effects of burns, bee-stings, eating shellfish, suppressed milk, uriticaria (itching/burning rash).

Bladder/ Kidneys/ Urinary: Kidney stones: uric acid diathesis. Hemorrhage from bladder. Urine suppressed. Gravel, disease of bladder and kidneys. Uric acid toxemia. Acrid urine causing itching. Acute & chronic Gout. Breasts: Diminished secretion of milk after childbirth. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Acute and Chronic Gout. Rheumatic pains in arms and ankles, worse right arm. Continuous pain in deltoid. Worse rotating arm inwards, difficulty dressing. Skin/Hair/Eczema/Psoriasis/Herpes/Etc.: Hives. Or other Uriticara (edematous hives or rashes, often due to an allergic reaction): Burning heat with formication (sensation like that or ants of other insects crawling upon the skin. most often caused by an allergy. Blotches accompanied by burning heat and violent itching. Worse for cold applications and touch.Burns, Scalds, Sunburn with intense burning, Itching, raised, red blotches. Nettle rash, Chickenpox (Dulc.) Rash, burning heat with raised papules. Hives with rheumatism, after shellfish, or with pinworms. Itching, burning, stinging, raised, red blotches. First degree burns. Sensation “as if”: Burning, stinging, itching and soreness are the principal pains. As from a blow in the eyeballs. As of sand in eyes. Muscles of right arm as if bruised. Sensation like that of ants or other insects crawling upon the skin. Worse: Water, cool bathing. Cool, moist air, snow-air. Worse by touch. Yearly. Better: Lying down. Antidote to: Apis

81) Veratrum alb: “Simultaneous Vomiting & Diarrhea” (White Hellebore) (Acute Remedy)

*Suits Well: For children and old people: the extremes of life: persons who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction: young people of a nervous sanguine temperament. Diseases with rapid sinking of vital forces: complete prostration: collapse. ~Effects of: Post-operative shock. The Shock of Injury. Fright. Disappointed Love. Injured Pride/Honor. Suppressed rashes. Opium, tobacco, alcohol. Abdomen/Stomach/ Colic/Nausea/Vomiting: Copious vomiting with nausea, aggravated by drinking and least motion. Painful burning at pit of stomach. Hiccough after hot drinks. Cold water brash. Cold feeling in stomach. Chronic vomiting. Colds/Flu/Fevers: Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time with cold sweats and Extreme Exhaustion. “Which end goes on the potty first?” For acute gastric upsets. Desires large quantities of COLD drinks. Influenza SARS Flu virus, etc. Constipation/Diarrhea: Diarrhea drinking cold water on hot days.. Cholera. Watery, green, odorless or colorless (rice water) stools, or in large masses with straining, until exhausted with cold sweat. Constipation of babies in cold weather. Cough/Croup/Larynx: Dehydration: Severe Dehydration (China) from loss of fluids, often associated with Sun or Heat Stroke: Flu. Ears: Shootings in ears. Pressure and constrictive sensations. Eyes: Dark rings, Dull, Clouded, yellowish. Staring eyes. Turned upward without luster. Pain as if bruised. Tearing with redness, dry, heavy. Often assoc. from severe illness and dehydration. Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints: Cramps in calves during stools. Sciatica like electric shocks. Brachial (Brachialgia: pertaining to the arm: Pain of neuralgia in the arm or in the brachial plexus: extending along the inner side of the arm,…often during times of stress, this nerve area will flare up) paralytic and bruising pain in arms. Arms feel full and swollen. Sore/tender joints. Pain in feet and knees as if heavy stones were tied to parts, must move about. Fainting during period, (blue lips) Head: Features sunken, deathly pale, on rising, bluish, distorted. Collapsed, Cold. Jaws cramp on chewing. Left-Cheek red. Mind/Behavior Anomalies/Dreams/Oddities: Desires large quantities of COLD drinks: but is for it, it is vomited as soon as it is swallowed. Mental has to do with lost social position. Imaginary diseases. Thinks herself pregnant. Embraces everybody, even objects. Religious mania. Despairs of her salvation. Nose: Icy coldness of tip of nose and face. Nosebleed from right nostril, only at night in sleep. Nose grows more pointed. Skin: Bluish, Cold, Clammy. “Cold as Death.” Dry tetters., feels scorched. Flabby and without elasticity. Wrinkly hands and feet. Toxic Exposure: Good for coming out of anesthesia Vertigo: especially when walking. With cold sweats on forehead with loss of vision, Sudden Fainting. Sensation “as if”: He had a bad conscience or had committed a terrible crime. She would have to Fly away. In a dream. Head would burst. Heat and cold at the same time on scalp. Hair as if Electrified.

Something alive running from stomach into throat. Knives cutting bowels. Sinking empty feeling in stomach. As if Pregnant. Electric pains occur in various parts. Worse: From drinking, cold drinks. Worse wet, cold weather, change of weather. At night. Exertion. Fright, during pain. Better: From Warmth, covering, hot drinks. Lying, walking Eating meat, milk. Children feel better when carried about quickly. Antidoted by: hot coffee. Antitdote to: Strychnine

82) 12 Tissue/Cell Salts: “General Maintenance” Cells within the human body contain these 12 substances. The various tissue cells will rapidly disintegrate in the absence of the proper proportion of any. It may be very beneficial in times of sickness and or during strenuous physical / mental demand to: Take one pellet daily to maintain proper cellular balance. Tissue/Cell Salt Combo Contains: 1. Calc fluor., Elastic tissue builder: muscular weakness, bone/ teeth surfaces, impaired circulation. 2. Calc phos., General nutrient: ideal tonic, impaired digestion 3. Calc sulph., Blood purifier: minor skin ailments 4. Ferrum phos., Oxygen carrier: coughs, colds, chills, fever, headaches 5. Kali mur., Blood conditioner: coughs, colds, bronchitis, The Children’s Remedy 6. Kali phos., Nerve nutrient: nervous exhaustion 7. Kali sulph., Oxygen exchanger: bronchial catarrh, minor skin eruptions with scaling 8. Mag phos., Nerve stabilizer: darting pains, cramps, spasms, neuralgia 9. Nat mur., Water distributor: dryness or excessive moisture in any part of the body 10. Nat phos., Acid neutralizer: digestive upsets, heartburn, rheumatic pain 11. Nat sulph., The liver salt: excess water eliminator, biliousness, influenza 12. Silica. The Cleanser: impure blood, boils, pus formations

Natural Health Extras: Following is extra health information that is useful in using natural remedies with your family. Most of these items can be found in any Health Food Store, or check out my website: homeopathyformommies.com “Calm” brand Magnesium Powder This is a product I keep in my first aid kit: when traveling or during illness, when constipation can become as issue. In addition to the homeopathic remedies, I use this product. It is gentle on the system (if not given in too high of a quantity): it is also nutritive. Very often people, especially children are deficient in Magnesium and this product helps to nourish a weak or deficient body. *There has been research that may indicate that for Children with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome: Magnesium deficiency may be a leading factor. It is even suggested that Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) be added their baths. In this way, the body can absorb what it needs. (as the body will not take in excess amounts) Organic Spirulina This is a great nutritional supplement: and one of the few that I ever recommend. It is high in B vitamins: which nourishes the nervous system. And is a good idea to take, during times of mental or physical stress. Frankincense Tears This Natural Resin from Biblical History: when swallowed or chewed brings quick relief for upset stomach, heartburn, and other stomach ailments. It aids the respiratory system during times of illness or congestion, and acts as a natural pain reliever. Phenocane This is a natural Pain reducer and Anti-Inflammatory, from OxyLife Inc.I keep this on hand for severe Pain that involves inflammation. This product will not suppress the pain or inflammation like over the counter drugs: but will aid the healing action. Calendula Ointment For cuts, burns, scrapes, wounds. Clean wound with peroxide or soap and water. Apply Cal. Ointment and cover with band-aid or gauze. Hypericum Tincture A 1 oz. bottle is sufficient for most households and will last indefinitely if kept in a cool dry place. This tincture is a valuable item to have on hand for Burns/Wounds. It is added to clean water and used as a soak: often with Calendula. See Burns/Wounds Paragraph in this Natural Health Section. Calendula Tincture A 1 oz. bottle is sufficient for most households and will last indefinitely if kept in a cool dry place. This tincture is often used diluted with the Hypericum (above) or diluted alone for any skin wound or used in a gargle for mouth/mucus membrane ailment. Aids in the quick healing of wounds. Often without scar tissue. Gargles/Healing Solution Rinses *Plain salt water rinse: ½ tsp. sea salt to ½ cup of warm water. – this gentle solution, can be used to gargle with when there is a sore throat of any kind. If there are canker sores or a scalded tongue: or it can be used in a nebulizer, or snuffed up or gently squeezed up the nose: to disinfect and flush the sinuses. This can aid in eliminating serious sinus infections. It’s perfectly fine if enough is taken in to

feel it going back down the throat. It is cleaning as it goes. Bacteria CAN NOT live in this strength salt solution. Two to three times per day is recommended when infection is threatening or present. *Calendula tincture diluted: 1 tsp. tincture to 1 cup of warm water used for - Burns, wounds, abrasions, etc. Washed over or poulticed. *Pure Essential Oil of Lavender: full strength directly applied with fingertip, to cold or canker sores: or added to the warm salt water solution [above recipe] All are excellent healing rinses. Colloidal Silver: To be used only in very urgent conditions: when the disease is an obvious bacterial infection and when the correct homeopathic remedy has failed to be discovered. Excellent for any known bacterial infection. Internally: Adults: 1 Tablespoon, Children: 1-2 teaspoons, 3 times daily, for up to 3 days. Externally: 1 drop to eye 2-3 times per day: only as long as needed. Stop as soon as symptoms disappear. May be used in severe cases of eye infection. Again only when the proper homeopathic remedy has not been discovered and the case has become critical. *Always make sure to give pro-biotic supplements, yogurt and/or sauerkraut type foods, to aid the body in replenishing the good bacteria after the use of colloidal silver. Bentonite Clay An excellent poultice element: I keep handy for mixing with distilled water and a bit of Lavender to use as a face mask or as a serious poultice for gout or Detox. (mix/slather thickly on bottoms of feet, wrap in plastic bag, leave 4-8 hrs. –like over night.) This really works well to pull toxins from the body! Bathing A good hot tub with 2 cups of Epsom salts added to it, is one of the best healing tricks that I know. If the patient can lie in this solution until he breaks a sweat, and then lie there for several minutes more…the Magnesium pulls impurities from the body while nourishing it. Be very careful not to stand up quickly. Let the water out, cool down gently (even warm/cool water can be used to gently cool the body) before stepping out. Fainting can occur very easily after a purge like this. Essential Oils I keep on hand a wide Variety of Herbs and Essential Oils. I wish there was space to say more! I encourage you to continue learning about the natural ways to get and keep your family healthy! I have favorite Oils that will not cancel Homeopathic remedies, and these are the ones that I allow my family use. There are some doctors of Homeopathy who think that oils may actually affect the body for several weeks: so I don’t want to take the chance of needing Arnica, and not have it work because I used Peppermint. No Camphorated oils should be used, as they will cancel Most Remedies. [Warning: a few oils containing camphor are: Wintergreen, Peppermint, Spearmint, Aroma seize, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Rosemary.] Specialty Creams

Orémus brand specialty creams: are an easy way to bring health and healing to the body with Organic and Wild Harvested Essential Oils blended into a convienient cream. There are creams to address: Dry skin, Wounds, Colds/Flu, Sprain/Injury. Rest and relaxation…these are pure, organic, easy to use carrier oils combined with just the right Essential Oils: for incredible help in healing from various health issues. Colds and Flu I recommend the use of the following oils. Either rubbed directly or with a carrier oil to the skin, AFTER I’ve given homeopathic remedies. And NEVER open homeopathic bottles in the same room when oils are lingering. I usually go to the far end of the house and put the remedy of choice in a water bottle so that I can continue to dose my patient without canceling my homeopathics (see water dose suggestions in the flu section at the front of book)

Frankinsense, Spruce, Ravensara, Fir, and Myrrh Oremus Colds/Flu cream is an already prepared ointment with these essential oils. Onions! When the body’s vitality is low during the Influenza, there is always the risk of pneumonia setting in. Choose the best homeopathic remedy to fit the case, use the wood essential oils (but if you do, remember not to open the homeopathic bottles in the same room) give fresh cool water, or good mineral water and organic grape juice. Homemade chicken soup with its own real simmered broth is a great medicine in and of its own. But when pneumonia seems to be setting in anyway: bake 2 good sized onions in a covered dish until just tender. Chop both onions, then, while still warm, plaster them on the patient’s chest, cover with plastic wrap and place a warm towel over the chest. Keep the patient warm and leave the onions on overnight or at least several hours. When slightly baked, the onions won’t burn the skin, but they still have enough drawing property to pull the pneumonia from the lungs. This really works! (“My Aunt was in the hospital with pneumonia, the family was called in for fear that she wasn’t going to make it. Permission to do the onion treatment was granted to the family…. My Aunt went home the next morning!” D. Hansen) For Sprain / Strain type Injury: With the type of injury that requires Ruta: I like to use Essential Oils to help nourish the body. I like to use several different “Wood oils” but my favorite very affordable oils for tendon and bone, injury are: Spruce, Fir [Abies Balsamica], and Lemongrass… Continue using the remedies most indicated all through the healing time. The famous Five: Arnica, Rhus-t., Bryonia, Hypericum, Ruta grav.: given in an alternating pattern… are amazing! Oremus Sprain/Injury cream is an already prepared ointment with these essential oils. Lavender Essential Oil is, “Antiseptic and Anesthetic”. Excellent healing properties that you can feel good about using: does NOT burn, does NOT suppress the illness, does NOT cancel homeopathic remedies, and DOES help to heal wounds, sores, etc. quickly and naturally. Recommended use: straight or mixed in organic lotion or oil to help heal skin topically. (Such as wounds, infections, burns, etc.) Or may be used straight for mouth ulcers, cold sores, external wounds, etc. (simply apply by dropping directly on the area, or drop onto finger and rub on wound, ulcer, etc. I like to apply lavender to a wound before I apply the calendula ointment. This way I know that any germs that weren’t washed off, will be killed. And then the calendula can go on to help skin re-growth with no contaminates in the way!)

Burns/Wounds: In Emergency Situations: when you can’t reach a medical facility, or when the burn is not so bad as to need medical attention but is still very painful: this recipe has been known to heal the skin quickly and without leaving scars. For Severe Burns, Lacerations, and Cuts: Use 1 pint, Pure Sanitized cool water, add one dropper full of each: Hypericum tincture and Calendula tincture to this water. Clean injury as well as you can, (burns will be the most difficult) then soak guaze/cotton in the tincture mixture. Place the wet gauze over the wound to completely cover. Keep the injury moist. If the injury is a burn, just keep re-moistening the gauze, do not lift the gauze, don’t peek…in a few days the burn will be healed without infection and without pain. You can give Canth., Uritica, or Causticum, along with Hyper. For nerve pain. If it is a cut or laceration, the gauze can be changed, but it will be of benefit to follow the above protocol. Giving Arnica and Staphysagria.

For Puncture wounds, like a nail, it’s good to soak the whole foot, then follow above protocol, while giving the homeopathic remedies, Led. And Hyper. *My favorite soak for puncture wounds is1 cup of Epsom salts to 1 gallon of hot water (as hot as the patient can stand it) and then soak until cool. This solution will help to PULL the dirt, bacteria from the wound. Then soak in the Calendula/Hyper. Another interesting tidbit: for mild burns according to Dr. Panos M.D.: A slice of ordinary onion, lightly salted, placed directly over the burn, removes the pain. Vitamin E or Aloe (may add a few drops of Pure Lavender Essential oil) applied to mild burns aids healing as well as takes the burn out. Oremus Healing Cream is an already prepared ointment with essential oils.

Glossary of Illness, Symptoms & Remedies This glossary is very incomplete, in the sense that there are really many, many more remedies that could be listed for each illness and its symptoms. However, I have included the remedies most commonly used for specific illness...and from remedies included in this book. (I did include a few exceptions: where there is a remedy that is almost always recommended, but is not found in this book.)

*Reminder: In homeopathy, we treat the symptoms, not the disease. Each remedy will always have the same Modality (better / worse for) that runs throughout…from one clinical disease to the next…if it has burning for Hives, it will also have burning for Gout. Etc.: So if you find a remedy that describes an “odd” Mind/Mental issue, chances are very good that it will relieve the patient of his physical ailments. Again, Please do not hesitate to contact a good “Classical Homeopathic Doctor” if for any reason you cannot get a particular issue under control, and for issues that are chronic. May God Bless you and yours.

Abdomen/Stomach Colic/Nausea/Vomiting and Complaints Thereof Allium Cepa: Colic, from cold by getting feet wet: overeating: from cucumbers: salads. Sensation of a String pulling. Antimonium Crudum: Overeating: complaints from, Nausea, Vomiting: Constant discharge of flatus, up and down. Antimonium Tart: Violent colic with drowsiness. Argentum nit.: Gas and bloating: Flatulence. Violent Belching accompanies most gastric ailments: belly pain w gas. Belladonna: Appendicitis: Acute Pancreatitis (can be pale, pain so bad) Very high fever 102 & up that can be rapidly rising. Calcarea carb.: Acidity of digestive tract: sour eruction, sour vomiting, stool, odor of whole body. Deranged digestion. Calcarea phos.: poor digestion: affects nutrit. of bones & glands. Child suffers colic after every feeding. Carbolicum acidum: Fermentive dyspepsia (acid reflux) Carbo Veg.: General indigestion from ”High Living” milk and fatty foods. Decomposition of food in the stomach: putrid diseases and ulcerations: symptoms of imperfect oxygen-ization of the blood. Where there is lack of reaction: to low states of the vital powers: where the venous system is engorged. Causticum: Children with enlarged abdomen. Chamomilla vulg: In infants, children. During dentition. Gripping pain in region of navel and in small of back. Cutting pains. Wind Colic. Chelidonium: Nausea/bilious vomiting with sick headache. China officinalis: Travelers diarrhea: Food Poisonings. Post operative gas pains, Better bending dbl. Dysentery with dehydration and weakness. Cina mari.: Twisting pain about the navel, better pressure. Colic with cutting, pinching pains from worms. Greater the hunger, greater the emaciation. Sour smell of the body. Cistus Canadensis: Cool feeling: before and after eating. Cocculus: Motion sickness. Seasickness. Sensation of hunger or emptiness, even to fainting. Nausea and vomiting form riding in cars, boats or looking a boat in motion. Coffea Cruda: : Intolerance to tight clothing. Bilious vomiting and restlessness. Gastric problems of Infants. Anguish and pressure in stomach pit. Colocynthis: Cramp-like abdominal pains, Violent cutting, tearing pains. Drawing pain. vomiting, relieved by applying pressure and leaning forward. Cramping, gripping pains like appendicitis, menstrual cramps, kidney stone, indigestion, etc. Horses arch belly up with colic. Symptoms better for bending double. (Babies draw up knees) Crotalus horr.: Vomiting: bilious, with anxiety and weak pulse: Intestinal hemorrhage when occurring in septic or infectious disease. Dulcamara: Cutting pain at navel. Ferrum Phos.: regurgitation and eructation of food in mouthfuls, without nausea. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Gastro-intestinal pain. Gelsemium semp.: Acute Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) during damp weather. Gnawing pain. Spasmodic pains. Soreness. Colic with diarrhea, yellow discharges. Strangulated hernia. Hydrastis canadensis: Abdominal walls painful on pressure, during flatulent colic. Cutting, colicky pains. Gastro-duodenal mucus. Gurgling, Bloating. Colon cancer. Ignatia amara: Abdominal spasms and cramps. Flatulent colic, especially at night. Fullness and

distension. Sensation as if: intestines were going to burst: of protrusion in umbilical region. Hardness/swelling spleen region. Ipecacuanha: Sick feeling not relieved by vomiting. May appear with other symptoms of flu or pregnancy. Persistent nausea & vomiting resulting in dry heaves with no relief like after anesthesia, in morning sickness, flu if symptoms match. Morning Sickness: Nausea that is unrelieved by vomiting. Kali bichromicum: Gastritis. Sore spot in stomach or food lies like a load. Feels as if digestion had stopped. Round ulcer of stomach. Nausea with heat in the body. Nausea and vomiting after beer. Regurgitates liquids. Gastric symptoms disappear after eating, but rheumatic symptoms reappear. Kali iodatum: Belching and Flatulence: clucking or squeaking noise in tummy. Lycopodium Clavatum: 4-8 p.m. Flatulence. “Sinking feeling”: very weak and tired at 4:00 p.m. Patient avoids beans & cabbage family veg. to diminish embarrassment. Acid stomach, Belching, Bloating, Colitis, excessive hunger, canine hunger especially at night. Milk aggravates digestion. Eating ever so little creates fullness. Magnesia Phosphorica: Bloated, fullness. Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double. Colic in babies (Cham.). Relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure. Watery diarrhea with vomiting and cramps in calves. Hiccoughing: when no other remedy fits symptoms. Mercurious Sol.: Pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Nux Vomica: A major Stomach remedy for any abdominal ailment, especially when there has been “Too Much” of any stimulant, food stuffs, mental excitement, anguish. Phosphorus: Weak, empty all gone feeling. Hungary at night. Pancreatic disease and diabetes. Throws up food by the mouthfuls. Water is thrown up as soon as it warms in the stomach. Post-operative vomiting: after chloroform. Stomach ulcer. Phytolacca dec.: Nausea with most complaints, vomiting. Podophyllum Peltatum: My go-to remedy for vomiting with diarrhea or just vomiting or diarrhea, when Ars. Has been given and failed to work. Or when some type of food poisoning or foul water poisoning (like: lake or river water where salmonella or similar bacteria may be the cause) is suspected. Stomach so weak that rice wouldn’t digest. Heartburn, gagging or empty retching. Gurgling of Bowels. Hot, sour belching that smells like rotten egg, nausea and vomiting: hot, frothy mucus. Of milk in infants. Affects chiefly the duodenum, small intestines, liver, rectum, ovary, scapula & throat. Jaundice. Hypo-gastric pain: colicky pain & bilious (bile) vomiting. Portal engorgement w a tendency to hemorrhoid. Relaxed sphincters. Prolapsed uterus. Pendulous abdomen after confinement. Abdominal viscera are sore, worse vomiting & during menses. Abdominal pains & stool excited by eating & drinking. Pulsatilla nig.: Good PMS remedy. Stomach tight, tense in morning and easily upset by fatty, rich foods. Sick from rich & fried foods. Pyrogenium: For ANY illness or condition where there is a foul odor that EMINATES from the body. Throat conditions, Ear, ulcers, teeth, Stomach disorders that seem to be going septic (peritonitis, Gall, any advanced condition that is not moving in the correct direction with properly chosen remedies.) Vaginal odor, Sepia succ.: Nausea in morning before eating. Morning sickness, Motion sickness. Disposition to vomit after eating. Sensation of a Lump in Stomach. Sulphur: Very Weak and faint about 11 a.m., must have something to eat. Great Acidity. Nausea during pregnancy. Thuja: Flatulence and distention, protruding here and there. Movements in abdomen, As if something Alive, without pain (Croc.)

Veratrum alb: Copious vomiting with nausea, aggravated by drinking and least motion. Painful burning at pit of stomach. Hiccough after hot drinks. Cold water brash. Cold feeling in stomach. Chronic vomiting.

Remedies helpful in Morning Sickness of Pregnancy: Ipecuanha: Nausea that is unrelieved by vomiting. Sepia: Constant nausea: so when symptoms agree, like indifference or aversion are present…great remedy to try. Anacardium: Eating: worse before and after: better while eating. Natrum Mur.:vomiting frothy watery mucus.(This is a tissue salt and often during pregnancy this can be out of balance) Sepia succ.: Morning sickness, Motion sickness. Dispositon to vomit after eating. Sensation of a Lump in Stomach (Carb-an.). Sulphur: Vomiting not amounting to much of anything, with faint sickish spells during forenoon.

Allergies/Hay Fever Arsenicum: Hay fever. With tickling cough. Thin, watery discharge from nose which BURNS the upper lip. Nose is stuffy, sneezing brings no relief. Worse in open air. Better indoors. Ambrosia art.: (remedy not in this book) Hay fever. Profuse watering of the eyes with severe itching. Nose and head feel stuffy/congested sinus, much sneezing even to the point of nose bleeds. Watery discharge from nose. Good for kids with a non-descript runny nose. Also as a preventative coming into Hay fever season. Allium Cepa: Hay fever: in August of each year (or earlier in warmer climates): with violent sneezing: Profuse watery discharge with opposite symptoms-Acrid Nasal / Bland Eye discharge, yet burns/smarts Apis: Anaphylactic shock from bee stings, jellyfish, nettles, scorpions, drugs,. Allergic reaction to strawberries/food Carbolicum acidum: Bee Stings: Anaphylactic shock. Dulcamara: Hay fever: profuse, watery discharge: worse in open air. Euphraisa: Hay Fever. For allergies, common cold, conjunctivitis, headache, measles, hay fever, etc. burning sore throat. Acrid, thick discharge from the eyes: Acid tearing and watering constantly: eyelids burn and swell: inclination to blink: intense aversion to light, especially artificial indoor lighting: small, clear blisters form on the cornea. Pulsatilla: Hay Fever. Thick, profuse, yellow, non-acrid discharge from the eyes that itches and burns. Inflammation of eyes/lids: matted shut by sticky mucus. Thirst-less. Shortness of Breath. Worse for warmth. Better for fresh air/open windows. Even though he is Chilly. Natrum Muraticum: Runny nose alternating with nasal dryness: associated with allergies. Hay Fever: Squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm: brought on by exposure to Hot Sun or Summer heat.

Anxiety Aconite: Fear and Anxiety “Impending Doom/ Death” Physical and Mental restlessness. Anacardium: Anxiety of conscience. Indecision “Stuck” : Argentum Nitricum: Stress For test anxiety: interview/performance anxiety. Anxiety/Nervousness, often found in adults: much like Gelsemium: but where Gelsemium has prostration, Arg. nit. Has Full POWER. Arsnicum alb.: Anxious, fearful, always with Restlessness. Calcarea carb.: Anxiety causing Apprehension. For those who are apprehensive: symptoms worse as evening falls. Palpitation of the heart induced by stress and fear. May be taken as a concurrent remedy following Arg., Acon., Ars. Ignatia: Excitable. Easily excited and filled with contradictions: alert, rigid, trembling, erratic in behavior, mood changes from silent to sobbing. Chamomilla: Anxiety. The type often found in children: responses are strong, whinny with restlessness, wanting things and then refusing them. Wants to be waited upon. Is peevish, impatient, intolerant, sensitive, spiteful, snappish, complain-tive. Full of Anger and Strength. Quarrelsome and Intolerant to pain of any kind. May also be used as a preventative. Coffea crud.: Nervousness. Great remedy for kids, or non-coffee drinkers. He is overactive, often with sleeping difficulties. Just the thought of pain or upcoming event, is enough to upset or cause nervousness. Gelsemium semp.: Excitable, especially in children. Stage fright, Nervous: dread of appearing in public, Lack of courage. Fear of going to doctor or dentist. Anxiety during thunderstorm Fear, with Fatigue, Fear causes Trembling. Ignatia Amara: Uncontrollable Grief. Hysterical. Phosphorus: Palpitations: With anxiety. Lycopodium Clavatum: Performance anxiety initially: but will shine through and do fine: often person has been embarrassed or picked on. Spongia tosta: Fear of suffocation and death: Anxiety and difficult breathing.


1. Human urinary Apis: Kidney edema, reduces water retention. Edema- hands, face, feet, ankles. system Scanty urine. Incontinence of urine: scalds severely: frequent, scanty, bloody. 2. Kidney Arnica: Retention of urine following Birth of Child. 3. Renal pelvis Arsenicum alb.: Acute cystitis, with violent burning pains. Retention of urine, after 4. Ureter 5. Urinary bladder confinement. Bedwetting. 6. Urethra. (Left side Belladonna: Pain: Infections with congestion: Cramps/Spasms on trying to urinate. with frontal section) Retention. Sensation in bladder as of a worm. Bleeding when no cause can be found. 7. Adrenal gland Kidney stones (helps to dilate the sphincters so that stones can pass.) Always give Vessels 8. Renal artery and vein when stones are suspected, as an inter-current with any other indicated remedy. 9. Inferior vena cava Benzoicum acid.: Kidney Disorders: Urine is hot, dark brown, strong, foul odor. 10. Abdominal aorta (like horse urine) or Ammoniacial : Excess of uric acid. Kidneys insufficient. Gravel. 11. Common iliac artery and vein Stones. Dribbling of Urine. Achilles pain. Infants/Old men. Bedwetting with strong, dark urine. Infants: retention of urine. Berberis vulg.: Colic from stones. Pain extending along ureter or to liver, stomach, spleen, arresting breathing. Bubbling and Sharp pains in region of Kidneys: characteristic. Affects lumbar region: pain may shoot up or down, or both ways. Cantharis: Urinary Tract Infections: burning, blood in. Causticum: Leaky bladders: Bedwetting. Urine involuntary, when coughing. Urine dribbles or passes slowly. Incontinence Chelidonium Majus: Frequent urging, Discharge of pus from urethra. Spasmodic trembling pains in inguinal region. Stabbing / Burning pain on/during/after urinating. Urine profuse, foaming, yellow, dark, stains the diaper dark yellow. China officinalis: Bedwetting in weakly children. Cina mari.: Bedwetting. Clematus Erecta: Feels as though he cannot quite empty his bladder. Painful urging, feeble stream due to the small urethra. Urine starts & stops: violent burning. Pain along spermatic cord, worse at night. Dulcamara: Must urinate when getting chilled: exposure to cold. Gelsemium semp.: Anxiety with frequent urination. Hepar Sulph: Bladder difficulty of elderly, weak bladder, putrid odor. Hydrastis Canadensis: Dull aching in region of kidneys. Gleety discharge, thick, yellow. Chronic cystitis. Symptoms of ulceration of bladder. Urine smells decomposed, putrid. Magnesia Phosphorica: Neuralgic pain after use of catheter. Spasmodic retention, cutting pain. Bedwetting form nervous irritation. Mercurius corr.: Bladder/Kidney Infection. Constant urging to urinate accompanied by intense burning: frequent desire, with much straining Urine is Hot, Scalding, Suppressed (difficulty to pass)

Pain is Stabbing, Knife-like, extending up the urethra into the bladder: Urine may be mixed with blood. Skin Moist from Sweats, yet says he is Chilly. (Merc. Sol. Is the remedy in this book, can be tried, [which may do the trick] until Merc. Corr. Can be obtained) Natrum mur.: Involuntary when walking, coughing, laughing (Caust., Puls., Scill) has to wait a long while for urine to pass, if others are present (Hep., Mur-ac.) cutting pain (Nit-ac.) Nux vomica: Inflammation of the bladder (Catarrhal Cystitis). Irritable bladder: frequent urge to urinate: being able to pass only a small quantity at a time:(spasmodic sphincter): Involuntary urination when laughing, coughing, sneezing, Bedwetting: Itching in the urethra on urination with pain in the neck of the bladder. Burning/Tearing pain. Worse in the Morning. Better in the Evening. Lycopodium Clavatum: Involuntary/Dribbling urination. Red sand in urine, on child’s diaper (Phos.) Child cries before urinating: renal colic, (right side Berb. Is Left side) Kidney colic/Disorders of. Polyuria at night. Mercurious Sol.: Constant urging to urinate with intense burning: frequent desire to urinate requires straining, urine hot, scalding, suppressed (unable to pass) stabbing pain. Knife like pain extends up the urethra into bladder. Urine mixed with blood. Phosphorus: Tension over region of bladder: is full without urging. Burning, twitching in urethra, with frequent desire to urinate. Frequent: scanty. Involuntary urination in children who grow too quickly. Fatty degeneration of kidneys: Burning pain. Bright’s disease: albumin in the urine: edema. Nephritis: with bloody discharge. Ruta Grav.: Pressure on bladder as if constantly full: continues after urinating: could hardly retain urine on account of urging, yet if not attended to it was difficult afterwards to void it: scanty green urine: involuntary. Sepia succ.: Bedwetting during first part of sleep. Urine: deposits a reddish clay-colored sediment which adheres to the vessel as if it had been burned on: foul odor after standing, (Indium). Silicea terra: Renal and vesicle calculi. (use Bell. To dilate sphincters, before giving sil.) Involuntary urination, Nocturnal bedwetting of children with worms. Staphysagria del: #1 For Urinary tract infection with burning, from catheter, or the new bride: especially after humiliation. Kidney stone blasting, Sulphur: Painful, ineffectual efforts to urinate. Retention. Parts sore over which it passes. This stream intermittent, Great quantities of colorless urine. Bedwetting, every cold settles in bladder. Thuja: Cleans kidneys, Urinary stream forked and small Frequent urging. Paralysis of sphincter of bladder. Bladder feels paralyzed, must wait for urination. Burning pains. Uritica urens: Kidney stones: uric acid diathesis. Hemorrhage from bladder. Urine suppressed. Gravel, disease of bladder and kidneys. Uric acid toxemia. Acrid urine causing itching. Acute & chronic Gout.

Blood / Hemorrhage Arnica: Helps heal broken blood vessels, fluid in tissue, Anti-inflammatory, for hemorrhage. Pre & post, dental, surgical, operations. Ceanothus americanus: Leukemia. Anemic patients where liver or spleen are at fault. China officinalis: Blood loss: Like heavy menses, , giving blood, Vertigo from Anemia. Vertigo after loss of vital fluids. Crotalus horr.: Hemorrhages from any or every part of the body. Low Septic states. General disorganization of the blood: hemorrhages and jaundice. Non-coagulating blood. Ferrum Phos.: Anemia: Blood disorders. Any Bleeding: leads us to Ferrum, Phos., or Phos. Ac..That is this remedy. Fever with congestion of Blood. (when the patient is very ill, they may have severely cold hands and feet…this can be an indication that the blood is congesting in the internal organs. It is at this time that I recommend the following: white cotton socks soaked in pickle juice, then placed on the feet and covered with good quality wool socks: this will pull the congestion and fever from the body.)

Gets iron out of liver & into blood in minutes. Bright red blood. Ailments: bld transfusions. Iron poisoning. Bloody noses, heavy periods. Hamamelis virginica: Congestion to any part: Inflammation of the venous system: Hemorrhage. Ipecacuanha: Hemorrhages from any orifice or organ: the Nose, Uterus, kidneys, bowels, stomach, from the lungs. When the flow is not sufficient to account for the prostration, nausea, syncope and pallor of the patient: Ipecac is your remedy! Has great value for stopping bright red hemorrhage’s from any part of the body. Women’s friend-remedy. Kali Iodatum: Von Grauvogel, recommends this remedy to patients of Oxygenoid Constituion* as a way to Absorb the Ozone (*persons with high volume of oxygen in their blood), take One dose of Kali iod, 30c weekly to absorb the excess oxygen in the blood. These patients tend to be tall, thin, patients, who never get ill, but may have high blood pressure. He says that they don’t get ill due to the high volume of Oxygen in the blood, which kills bacteria and invading noxious germs quickly before they can cause harm…but the oxygen is also causing destruction in the veins and organs.

Phosphorus: Anemia. Hemorrhages: Hemophilia. Small wounds bleed much. Blood streaked discharges. Easily bleeding polyps. Healed wounds break open and bleed again. Lachesis Mutus: Small wounds bleed easily and profusely (Crot., Kreos., Phos.) Blood Dark, noncoagulable (Crot., Sec.) High blood pressure: Flushes of heat, rushes of blood. Warm blooded, worse for heat. Lycopodium Clavatum: Aneurysm. (Bar.-c) Magnesia Phosphorica: Bleeding spasms of menses, Bloody noses. (Phos.: Bleeding) Menstral Cramps, better heat, bending double. Menstrual Colic, all sorts of pains. Spasmodic Labor pains, cramps in legs. Nux vomica: Uterine: cramps at menstrual period, faints easily. Pyrogenium: Infections that look scary-high fever w rapid pulse...poisoning. When other infection remedies are not effective. Blood poisoning-streaks up arm & leg.

Breasts Causticum: Disappearance of milk from fatigue, or anxiety. Nipples sore, cracked. Surrounded by herpes. Violent itching in nursing woman. Cistus Canadensis: Chronic induration and inflammation of the mammae, especially left.: inflamed with feeling of fullness. Indurations, suppuration., breast cancer, hardness. Graphites nat.: Nipples: sore, Cracked and blistered. Breast swollen and hard. Breast Cancer from old scars, remaining after mammary abscess. Hamamelis virginica: sore nipples after childbirth. Hecla Lava: Tumors/nodules. Diminished milk while nursing. Dried up: no breast milk. Hydrastis Canadensis: Cracked, sore nipples of nursing women. Breast cancer: pains like Knives thrust into part. Retracted nipples. Hard tumor in Left breast. Glands in Axilla tender and swollen. Much Offensive sweat of axilla (armpits) Lycopodium Clavatum: Stitches/burning pains in nipples with discharge of blood and water. Rawness of nipples, sore, bleed easily. Milk in breast without being pregnant. Child vomits blood after sucking bleeding nipples. Mercurious Sol.: Breasts: Engorged mastitis, Natrum mur.: Breasts emaciate (loose fat and fullness) Stitches beneath nipples. Loss of hair during breastfeeding. Child refuses the breast from sore mouth. Nux vomica: Sore, white spot in center. Pain when nursing. Painless gathering of milk: when not nursing. Phosphorus: Suppuration of breast, burning offensive watery discharge. Cancer with sharp pains or bleeding easily. Increased secretion of milk with great debility. Phytolacca dec.: Mastitis or breast pain/lumps/cancer. Stony hard, swollen or tender breasts. Mastitis. Pain goes from nipple all over body. Symphytum Officnial: Sore Breasts. Uritica urens: Diminished secretion of milk after childbirth.

Bruises/Bone Bruises Any injury caused by the impact of a hard object against the soft tissues of the body. Arnica: Bellis (not in this book, but available) Ledum pal.: Bone bruises are very painful and can be dangerous if not properly cared for. Give Arnica for the bruising, pain and shock: and give also, Ruta grav., and Symphytom. These can all be given in low potencies daily, until the healing is complete. Remember: Hypericum for Nerve Pain!

Colds/Flu/Fevers Aconite- in early stages of illness: when brought on by “Exposure” of Cold, Wind or Damp conditions with Unquenchable thirst. Allium Cepa: Cold in the head: worse in warm room, better for cold water & in open air: where discharge corrodes nose and upper lip. Antimonium Crudum: Feeling of being let down & disappointed. Antimonium Tart: Colds and Flu of elderly, small children, where rattle is present. Arsenicum: When there is Flu-like symptoms, always with restlessness and desire for small, frequent amounts of liquid. Baptisia tinct.: Flu: Body aches so bad, that parts feel separated. Indescribably sick feeling all over. High Fevers. Comes on quickly. Bellandona: High Fever: in illness: indicated when there is “Throbbing or Shooting “ Pain. Sensitive to light, noise, jarring. Bryonia Alba: Major Flu Remedy: All Symptoms are WORSE for Movement. When headache is caused by the flu, headache Pain is located in the Frontal Lobe of head, or behind Eye, especially Left: China officinalis: fever with sweats and, chills, Malaria.: Dysentery, Parasites, Pneumonia, Meniere’s disease. Pleurisy. Any disease where there is Periodicity or “Never well since, Loss of vital Fluids” Cistus Canadensis: Hodgkin’s disease. Lupus. Mastitis Clematus Erecta: Cancer: lip, breast, testes. Swellings/induration of the glandular system. Acts especially on skin, mucus membranes of eyes, urethra, glands, breasts, ovaries, genito-urinary organs. (especially testicles: inflammation, hard, painful, swollen.)

Coffea Cruda: Red, Hot Face, throbbing head, much like the Belladonna picture, but often when Bell., fails, Coffea will cure. Crotalus horr.: Flu. Hemorrhagic trend. (bleeding) Dulcamara: Summer colds with diarrhea. Severe coryza (Head Cold) with hot, dry skin, limbs cold, stiff, numb and painful: general offensive sweat. Aching pain, thick yellow mucus. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Flu. Stiffness and Bone pain associated with the Flu. Violent aching, bone aches and bone-breaking pains. Winter colds, with much sneezing. Malarial fevers and influenza. It is characteristic of this remedy to have scanty sweat. Ferrum Phos.: For Fever of unknown origin: For Fevers, colds etc.: that come on gradually & not as high or violent as Aconite or Belladonna. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Disposition to catch colds Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Influenza: Encephalitis: Entero-colitis of Influenza, Diarrhea of influenza, Meningitis, Measles, Weakness and Fatigue. Gelsemium semp.: First remedy for flu with yellow discharge, “Never well since the flu: antidotes flu shot & opiates! (Pain reliever) Hepar Sulph: Fevers from teething. Intermittent fever. Malaria, Typhoid, Yellow fever. Influenza., Eruptive fevers (smallpox, Chickenpox, measles) Kali Iodatum: Acrid, nasal inflammation and discharge, from the least cold: Sinusitis: pain the eyes, through the cheek bones. Contrasting symptoms: He desires and feels better in the open air, except for his nasal condition, which is worse in the open air, Mercurious Sol.: In any illness: Whenever there is a putrid odor and Moist skin. I give this remedy. Natrum mur: Colds: Discharge/Catarrh like egg white. Nux vomica: Flu Symptoms: works against a cold or flu in which chills predominate. Phytolacca dec.: May have VERY High Fevers with illness. Good remedy if Byronia and Rhus-t fail (when being used for flu symptoms.)

Podophyllum Peltatum: Stomach flu, with SEVERE Vomiting and / or Diarrhea. Pulsatilla nig.: Fever with lack of thirst: blocked up nose at night, runny during day: yellowish, bland (non-burning) phlegm. Pyrogenium: Influenza: Sepsis (Blood Poisoning). Enteric Fever. Hectic Fever (intermittent, drenching sweats: flushed cheeks as seen in phthisis) Peritonitis. Plague. Septicemia. Septic states when blood is disorganized. Horribly offensive discharges, sore limbs and delirium. Red streaks, food poisoning. Sweating does not cause a fall in temperature. Aching, bruised, sore pains and prostration, yet restless and must move to alleviate the soreness of parts. Rhus Toxicodendron: chicken pox (gets rid of itch: calendula after pox so no scar) Flu remedy – extreme restlessness, cannot get comfortable, Chilly and sweaty, sensitive from cold, better from heat: Dry mouth but Thirst-less. Spongia tosta: Always Dry mucous membranes. Veratrum alb: Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time with cold sweats and Extreme Exhaustion. “Which end goes on the potty first?” For acute gastric upsets. Desires large quantities of COLD drinks. Influenza.

Constipation/Diarrhea Alumina: infants and those who must strain to pass soft stool. Anacardium: Constipation, like a plug “stuck” powerless, Paralyzed. Apis: Constipation: sensation as if something tight would break. Diarrhea: of drunkards: during eruptive illness especially if suppressed: involuntary. As though anus was wide open. Argentum nit. Diarrhea, as soon as he drinks. Shredded strips or lumps: with much flatulence. Mind more frantic than Nux-v. Arsenicum: diarrhea with small, frequent and raw burning stools with restlessness. Fetid odor, as if had eaten rotten food. Benzoicum acid.: Diarrhea of children: white, very offensive, exhausting liquid stools running right through the diaper. Child will not be laid down. Borax: Stools: Loose, pasty, offensive stools in children. Candida rashes of the anus. Pale, earthy, with suffering expression Calcarea carb.: Constipation because “It’s too much work” Carbolicum acidum: Putrid, shreddy, Thin stools. Causticum: Constipation: Frequent, ineffectual desire. tough and shinning like grease: in children that wet bed at night. China officinalis: Diarrhea and Dehydration. Prolonged diarrhea, Exhaustion following irritable bowel. Chronic diarrhea in children who become drowsy, pupils dilated, body cold especially chin and nose. Food poisoning from bad food or water. Colocynthis: Jelly-like stools. Dysenteric stool-each time least food or drink is taken. Flatulence, pain. Sourish odor. Dulcamara: Diarrhea, yellow-green, watery, slimy stools: often bloody with whitish mucus. (Farmers: Calves that get scours after birth…warm to cold!)

Gelsemium semp.: Diarrhea after sudden emotions as grief, fright, bad news. From anticipation. Copious yellowish Hepar Sulph: Clay colored, soft, sour, white, undigested, fetid stool. Lumpy, coated or mixed with mucus. Raw smarting during. Remaining afterwards. Obstinate constipation of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids. Hydrastis Canadensis: Constipation with a sinking feeling in stomach. Constipaion of Pregnancy. Flatus. Lycopodium Clavatum: Constipation: since puberty, since last confinement, when away from home: of infants: with ineffectual urging, rectum protracts and protrudes during stool, developing hemorrhoids. Magnesia Phosphorica: Watery diarrhea with vomiting and cramps in calves. Mercurious Sol.: Never get done feeling. Painful, scanty, Greenish, blood and slimy stools, worse at night. Dysentery. Rawness. Diarrhea in children. Prolapse anus after stool. Constriction causes faintness after stool. Weakness after. Natrum mur: Sensation of contraction of anus. Torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards: stool dry, hard, difficult, crumbling (Am.-c., Mag-m.,). Stitches in rectum. Involuntary: knows not whether flatus or feces escapes. (Aloe., Iod., Mur-ac., Olean., Pod.) Natrum Sulpuricum: sudden, urging, gushing, much flatus: on first rising and standing on the feet: after a spell of wet weather: living or working in basements. Nux vomica: Tendency to faint after: diarrhea stools or after vomiting. Portal stasis. Prolapse of rectum with constipation. Lack of bowel tone.

Phosphorus: Exhausting diarrhea. Diarrhea during pregnancy. Morning diarrhea of old people: alternating constipation/diarrhea in old people. Anus open: prolapsed. Needle like stitches in rectum. Polyps with proctitis. Podophyllum Peltatum: Alternating conditions: diarrhea/Constipation: headache/w diarrhea. Profuse diarrhea: stool watery w jelly-like mucus, painless, (or painful) gushing, offensive. Painless morning diarrhea, stool greenish in color, strong fetid odor, profuse and gushing. Diarrhea early in morning, during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks. Pulsatilla nig.: Changeable stools. Constipation, alternating with diarrhea. Frequent urging as if diarrhea would occur. Pyrogenium: Diarrhea, horrible offensive: brown or black: painless, involuntary: uncertain, when passing flatus. Constipation: with impaction, in fevers: stool, large, black, or small black balls. Ruta Grav.: Constipation: from inactivity, or impaction following mechanical injuries. (Arn.) Prolapse of rectum: immediately on attempting a passage: from the slightest stooping: after confinement: frequent unsuccessful urging. Cancer affecting lower bowel. Nausea felt in rectum. Sepia succ.: Sensation of a Weight or Ball in anus. Constipation during pregnancy. Prolapsed anus. (Podo.) rectum, Cancer of rectum. Sulphur: Redness around the anus with itching. Morning diarrhea, drives out of bed with prolapsed rectum. Painless diarrhea. Changing stools. Veratrum alb: Diarrhea drinking cold water on hot days.. Cholera. Watery, green, odorless or colorless (rice water) stools, or in large masses with straining, until exhausted with cold sweat. Constipation of babies in cold weather. Nitric Acid: (Not included in this book) In either 30x or 200x is the remedy of choice and will quickly relieve the diarrhea which is brought on by Antibiotics.

Cough/Croup/Larynx Aconite: Cough, Croup: dry, hoarse, suffocation: rough croaking: hard, whistling: on expiration: From Dry, Cold winds or drafts of air. Allium Cepa: Cough: Laryngitis: tickling in larynx: from inhaling cold air: compels him to grasp the larynx, seems as if cough would tear it. Antimonium crud.: Cough: Whooping cough: Laryngitis: from being overheated or from cold bathing. Antimonium Tart: Wet Cough remaining following the flu: Argentum nit.: Constant throat clearing. Baryta carb.: Chronic cough in children with enlarged tonsils. Bryonia: Good for cough: Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Cough with Sneezing. Coming into warm room excites cough. Causticum: Hoarseness/ Rawness/Loss of Speech Chelidonium: Dry cough: as of sensation of dust. Dulcamara: Cough after physical exertion. Hoarse, spasmodic. Loose, rattling, worse cold, wet weather. Dry teasing winter coughs. Cough caused by tickling in back of throat in prolonged fits: much loose easy expectoration. Barking cough, after a deep breath. (worse inhalation) Effects of lying on damp ground, changes from hot to cold weather. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Chronic: loose with hectic (fever): chest sore, must support it with hands. Euphrasia: with easy expectoration: in daytime only-sleeps well at night. Cough can be suppressed by a sip of water. Ferrum Phos.: First stage of any inflammatory condition: Bronchitis: especially of young children. Croup: short, painful tickling, hacking, spasmodic cough. Hemoptysis Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Chronic reoccurring coughs. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Dry painful cough: Hepar Sulph: Loose cough, from exposure to cold especially to dry, cold air: West or northwest winds. Croupy, choking cough. Hydrastis Canadensis: Much thick yellowish mucus: bloody. Loose cough. Chronic cough. Febrile (fever) symptoms in evening and at night: With debility, In children. Ignatia Amara: Nervous cough. Dry, hacking, spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks, shutting off the breath. Lycopodium Clavatum: Deep, hollow. Tickling. Dry cough in puny boys with emaciation (loss of fat and fullness of the flesh).

Magnesia Phosphorica: Face blue, swollen, from spasmodic attacks of cough (Dros., Cor-r) Mercurious Sol.: Cough with sensation as if head and chest would burst. Moist skin. Natrum mur: Indicated for coughing on attempting to speak. Natrum Sulpuricum: has to hold the chest with both hands during cough. Nux-vomica: Cough bring on bursting headache. Phosphorus: tickling of the larynx. Cough burning dryness in throat. Expectoration of mucus is clear. Worse cold air, talking, laughing going from warm to cold. Must sit up when coughing. Sputa rusty, blood streaked. Frothy, salty, sour, sweetish or cold. Tuberculosis. Pulsatilla nig.: Dry hacking cough from tickling. Dryness in larynx and trachea, worse eating and evening. Loose cough by day, Dry at night. Rhus Toxicodendron: Bronchial cough in old people. Small plugs of mucus. Dry teasing coughs. Cough when putting hand out of bed.

All symptoms are better for motion. Spongia tosta: Whooping Cough. Dry mucous membranes. Leading remedy for Croup: worse wind: dry barking cough: better with warm drinks: hoarseness, dry burning constricted feeling. Worse during inspiration and before midnight.

Dehydration Bryonia Alba: Major Dehydration remedy: When he has not taken in enough profitable liquid. He Becomes dehydrated. Headache pain is due to Dehydration: the pain will be located in the: Whole Top of Head. (Like a cap): Brain feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting Headache, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “as if hit by a hammer from within,” All Symptoms, better for pressure, worse motion, China officinalis: Brings strength back. #1 For Dehydration due to Loss of Fluids (Bry. For Lack of Fluids) Feeling “drained” after loss of bodily fluids: scours in calves Hydrastis Canadensis: Whenever there is pain in the kidney region: it can be an early sign of organ dehydration, not always due to lack of fluids, but due to improper function. It is a good idea to take this remedy in a low x potency and drink water in 8-12 ounce glassfuls, rather than in sipping fashion. Natrum mur.: A Tissue Cell Salt: Like Nat. Sulph.- is very important to the proper balance of fluids in the body. This is a remedy that should always be given during times of illness, as the body can and will quickly shut down when the sodium balance is out. Natrum Sulpuricum: The Opposite of Dehydration: Hydremia: (a Watery condition of the blood.) Whenever there is aggravation from bathing, swimming, getting feet wet, especially during or after illness. This remedy should be considered. It is a very important remedy for IMBALANCE: is a Tissue Cell Salt and can help to restore balance. Veratrum alb: Severe Dehydration (China) from loss of fluids, often associated with Sun or Heat Stroke: Flu.

Diseases Listing here a few remedies for Specific or odd Diseases. But remember: in homeopathy, we treat the symptoms not the disease. These are remedies that stand out for treatment of a particular disease. Apis: Edema. Anaphylactic shock-#2 choice. (Carbolic ac. #1) Arsenicum: Poisoning of any kind: or if exposure is threatening Belladonna: Virus interrupter: Any virus in the early stage. High Fever that comes on fast. Borel burg. Nosode: (not in this book, but available) Lyme’s Disease This remedy 200c, alternating with Silica 6c has proven to be very efficient in ridding the body of. Take: 3doses of each for three days, then 1 dose of Borel b. daily for another 5 days, along with 3 daily doses of Silica, then 1 dose weekly of the Borel burg, continuing with 1-2 daily doses of the Silica. Until all symptoms of Lyme’s is gone. Carbolicum acidum: Anaphylactic shock-#1 choice. Exhaustive diseases, with profound Prostration: Putrid states, Collapse, Cold Sweat, Convulsions. Frothing at the mouth. Crotalus horr.: Septic conditions. Bubonic plague. Cholera. Stroke-victims with bloody eyes. Metastasis (the transfer of a diseased process from a primary focus to a distant one, by way of blood vessels or lymph-channels) of erysipelas (an acute infectious disease due to hemolytic Streptococcus erysipelatis and characterized by an inflammation of the skin and sub-cutaneous tissues.) to the brain. Prostate cancer, painful. (con.) Menopausal conditions-intense flushing and drenching sweats: faintness and sinking at stomach: prolonged menses, dark, offensive: profound anemia. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Addison’s, Alopecia (baldness), Asthma, Meningitis. Infections, lung disorders, Ringworm, Tonsillitis. Tuberculosis. Hepar sulph: Any condition where the Modalities fit: Moist skin and infection or the threat thereof. Hydrastis: Kidney disease Hypericum Perforatum: For Tetanus (lock jaw): Small Nerve Pain/Injury Kali Iodatum: Grimmer, said: cures many types of tumors and cancers. Nightly aggravations of complaints. Hering spoke of it as a curative in pneumonia and Bright’s disease (Chronic inflammation of the Kidney). Specific for Aneurysm (A widening, dilatation of the walls of an artery.) Has been touted as a preventative against Hoof and Mouth disease in cattle. A fungoid (Thrush, ringworm) and in Bacterial diseases. High blood pressure. Recurring Hives. Lathyrus Sativus: Guillain-Barre syndrome, Ascending Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis: Characteristic increased reflexes: Weak and lame joints. Severe muscle cramps in the calves. Pain from touch. Emaciation. Polio Myelitis: in 30c to make null and void symptoms due to the disease or symptoms similar to disease. Ledum pal.: Used as a remedy for Tetanus (Lock Jaw) Give -Hypericum alternating with Ledum. (Watch any puncture wound closely for symptoms or give as preventative.)

Black eye: to move the old blood out. Insect Bites/Stings. Poison Ivy. Any Puncture Wound. (Give Altenating with Hypericum to rid patient of Tetanus. Lycopodium Clavatum: Dyslexia, Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Hernia, Heals Right sided hernias which go to Left: Lifts pelvic floor for men (Sepia for women) Men: Impotence, Soreness between scrotum and thigh, Prostitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Women: dryness, with burning. Physometra (distention of the uterus with gas.) Magnesia Phosphorica: Cramps of any kind: in stomach, (Colic) abdomen and pelvis (Caul., Col.) Leg Cramps, especially at night. Mercurious Sol.: Any condition where the Modalities fit: Moist skin and infection or the threat thereof.

Natrum mur.: : For bad effects of Cauterizing with nitrate of silver. (like using silver nitrate on burns [stops the flow of fluid], or a tonsillectomy done by cauterization.

Good menopausal remedy: vag. dry, dry hot flashes. ( Ars., Alum.: dry) Good remedy for “puffy hands” during pregnancy or other times. After illness, brings back mineral balance. Phytolacca dec.: Mastitis: Mumps. Tonsillitis Right sided. Mammary and lymph cancer. Pilocarpinum: (Not In this book, but is available from your homeopath) 30c is the specific cure for mumps and will quickly reduce the swelling of. Pyrogenium: Gangrene, Retained Placenta. Foot rot, (Pyro. alternating with Nat. mur. works wonders) Diabetic/Skin ulcers. (Pyro. alternating with any other indicated remedy, works wonders)

Use anytime there is an infection and illness together, this remedy will bring patient out of the state where Sepsis is evident or threatening. Rhus-tox: Chicken Pox: helps with the pain and itch of pox. Other skin rashes: Poison Ivy, etc. Pain: better for motion.

Dislocations Arnica: Always give For Shock, and bruising that occurs from the injury. Arnica is also great for the initial pain. I continue giving this remedy daily until all bruising has healed. Bryonia: Compliments both Arnica and Ruta in healing injuries like a dislocation, because the pain IS WORSE FOR MOTION. Ruta grav.: Best for Tendon repair. Always to be given 2-5 doses daily until healed. Hypericum: for the nerve pain that goes along with such injuries. I also like to give Phenocane to quickly reduce the inflammation, as well as icing the injury.

Ears Benzoicum acid.: Meniere’s disease (inner ear disease) noise of confused voices, worse swallowing: walking in open air. Borax: Very Sensitive to the slightest noise, not so much from louder ones. “As if ear opened and closed.” Bryonia: Inflammation: As if stopped-up. Boil in front of ear. Bleeding from Ears. Intolerance of noise. Roaring, buzzing, ringing, humming as if water over a dam., chirping. Calendula: Broken ear drum, Capsicum annuum: Swelling and pain behind ears. Inflammation of mastoid. Mastoiditis. Otorrhea (discharge from) and mastoid disease (inflammation of the mastoid cells: the protruding part of the temporal bone felt behind the ear) Tenderness. Extremely sore and tender to touch. Hot ears. Burning and Stinging in ears, then deafness. Tympanum (middle ear) perforated. (Ruptured Eardrum) Sub-acute inflammation of Eustachian tube with great pain. Ear affections during pregnancy. Causticum: Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness. Meniere’s disease, causing vertigo. Middle ear. accumulation of earwax. Chamomilla vulg.: : Ear infections and childhood ailments. Almost always remedy for Infants/children with ear problems, Swimmer’s itch China officinalis: Tinnitus (a subjective ringing, roaring, or hissing sound, heard in the ears), then vertigo. Ringing in ears with headache. Useful in ringing of the ears and faintness. Hardness of hearing. Hearing sensitive to noise. Coffea Cruda: Sensitive Hearing. Noise is painful, even footsteps. Hearing acute, overhears distant sounds. Hardness of hearing: as of a swarm of bees: noises and singing in ears, crackling. Colocynthis: Sounds re-echo in ears. Crawling, itching: better putting finger in ear. Ferrum Phos.: Discharge from the ear. Itching. Noises: roaring, buzzing, humming, ringing and singing. Otitis media. Drawing, stitching. Pain and swelling of the parotid gland. Sensitive to noise, Impaired hearing. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Otitis after sore throat. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Otitis with influenza. Gelsemium semp.: Earache from cold: with sore throat. Neuralgic earache. Graphites nat.: Moisture and eruptions, cracks and fissures in and behind the ear. Eczema behind the ears. Dryness of inner ear. Hears better in noise. Tinnitus. (ringing, roaring, hissing sounds) Like the report of a gun. Hepar Sulph: Ear infections start in L go to R, sore throat (as if fish bone stuck) Strep throat. Ear infections, boils, acne, abscesses (low potencies will bring infection to suppuration…this is not what you want in the ear: higher potencies to dissolve not pop)

Hydrastis Canadensis: Thick foul discharge from: Bulging ear drum. Pain in right ear. Eustachian catarrh wit high-pitched voices. Roaring in ear: like machinery. Lachesis Mutus: Earache w sore throat: Ears sensitive to wind. Magnesia Phosphorica: Neuralgic pain, worse washing face and neck with cold water. Mercurious Sol.: Otitis media, Chronic ear infections. Otorrhea, thick yellow discharge. Swimmer’s ear. Glue ear. Pains, worse warmth of bed, at night. Polyps. Boils in external canal (Calc.-pic) Natrum mur.: Chronic Catarrhal otitis with acrid discharges. Buzzing, humming, ringing and roaring. Nux-vomica: Loud sounds are painful and anger him. Pulsatilla nig.: Famous for the ear aches of children. Ear Infection/Ache. Catarrhal otitis media. Infections, worse at night. Severe Earache, not better warm applications. Sensation of something being forced outward. Worse at night. Threatens to ulcerate: Perforation of the tympanum (Ear Drum) Discharge of pus, blood, thick, yellow, offensive smelling

discharge follows eruption. Phytolacca dec.: Sore Throat pain radiates to Right Ear. Pyrogenium: When foul odor accompanies Pain or infection. Rhus Toxicodendron: External swollen. Pain, as if something were inside. Throbbing at night. Discharge of bloody pus with deafness. Ruta Grav.: Sensation as of blunt piece of wood. Silicea terra: Earaches: Abscess. Boils. Otorrhea, foul discharge. Perforated eardrum. Itching in ears when swallowing. Hissing, roaring in ears. Ringing or loss of hearing. Loud pistol-like report. Deafness, hears again with a loud report or on blowing the nose and coughing. Thuja: Chronic otitis. Purulent discharge. Eczema of ear. Veratrum alb: Shootings in ears. Pressure and constrictive sensations. Tellurium metallicum: Chronic Otitis, Mastoiditis: after scarlet fever. Foul discharge, Dull throbbing pain in ears. Watery, excoriating discharge. Worse left. Deafness, buzzing, ringing. Eczema behind with formation of crusts. As an adjunct treatment: Mullein oil, warmed: 3-4 drops dripped directly into the ear and then cotton placed over the ear canal. This is a soothing, healing treatment. (Garlic, or Vitamin E oil is also good replacement for the Mullein oil: which is the most specific for ear problems.)

Eyes Aconite-pain or inflammation caused by injury: congested blood vessels, or hemorrhages. Allium Cepa: Eyes: Profuse, Bland Eye discharge, yet burns, smarts as from smoke: must rub them. Apis mel.: Allergic puffy eyelids, swollen, red-like bags of water. Hot tears. Photophobia,. Sudden piercing pains. Argentum Nitricum: Red eyes. Discharge from, ulcerated: lids sore, thick, swollen especially in morning. Arnica: Helps heal broken blood vessels, from injury or cough. Arsenicum: Burning in the eyes with acid-like tearing/watering: lids are granulated, ulcerated or scabby/scaly. Swollen, puffy. Aversion to light. Belladonna: Preeminent Eye remedy. Intensely violent symptoms: Eyes feel swollen: as if Bulging Outward: conjunctive is red, dry and burning: Throbbing/Shooting pain. Aversion to light. Borax: Eyelashes turned inward. Lashes matted. Ingrown eyelashes. Bryonia: Sore when MOVING. Burning, inflammation, worse warmth. Pains behind the eyeballs. Glaucoma. Causticum: Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold: of one eyelid (right) Cataract with motor disturbances. Sparks and spots before eyes. Rolling of eyes, Eyelids quiver, Inflam. of, Diplopia (Dbl. vision) Chelidonium: Dirty yellow color of whites China officinalis: Inflammation and itching of eyes and lids, in persons debilitated by loss of fluids. Pressure in eyes as from drowsiness. Colocynthis: Violent neuralgic pains are found in the eye, Severe, burning, cutting and sticking pains. Sharp, cutting stabs: pressing pains. Face-aches: tearing, burning pains that follow the course of nerves in the face, usually the left side. Euphrasia: sensitive to light. Burning, watery discharge. Eyelids burning, red, swollen. Great for eye redness (pink eye) hay fever. Constant, profuse burning/acrid tearing/watering eyes. Matted in the morning. Small, clear blisters on cornea. Ferrum Phos.: Discharge of mucus. Conjunctivitis with photophobia. Blood vessels enlarged. Pain in eyes: aching, burning: sand. Stitching. Redness. Swollen. Drooping eyelids. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Eczema/Scurf, of the eyelids. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: heavy and sensitive to movements. Stiffness. Blepharitis. Conjunctivitis of influenza: Hyper-secretion of ocular (Eyes) mucus. Gelsemium semp.: Glassy: Heavy, Dull, Drooping eyelids. Neuralgia with contraction and twitching of muscles. Detached retina from injury. Glaucoma. Serous inflammations. Choroiditis. (inflammation of the choroid coat of the eye.) One pupil dilated, the other contracted. Dim vision: blurred vision with pain above eyes. Diplopia (Double vision), when looking sideways: during pregnancy: with multiple sclerosis. Graphites nat.: Extreme photophobia in the sunlight with much acrid, tearing.. flickering and fiery zig-zags just outside field of vision. Burning, pressing , stitching pain in eyes. Ulceration of the cornea Hamamelis virginica: Congestion of the blood vessels: sore pain, Blood shot eyes. Feel forced out. Inflamed: from foreign object. Black Eye. Hastens the absorption of intra-ocular hemorrhage. Hepar Sulph: Styes: redness and Inflammation of the lids. Corneal ulcers. Iritis with pus in anterior chamber. Hydrastis Canadensis: Chronic inflammation, Dark greenish-yellow conjunctiva. Thick mucus discharge.

Ignatia Amara: Twitching of the Eyelids. Inflammation, redness. Tears much mucus and burning during headache, .Sensation as if sand were under upper lids. Of pressure and heaviness. As if eye would fall out. Kali Iodatum: Iritis, Pustular keratitis. Glaucoma. Pustules on cornea. Oscillations of the eyeballs. Edema of eyelids with tearing. Lower lids twitch. Lachesis Mutus: Detached retina. Retinal Bleeding. Intra-ocular hemorrhage Ledum pal.: #1 For Puncture wounds and Black Eyes. Mercurius sol.: Conjunctivitis. From taking cold. Scanty or profuse, burning acrid discharge. Lids, red, thick, swollen, scurfy. Twitching of lids. Styes on upper lids. Photophobia, Worse for Heat and Glare of fire. Sensitive to extreme Heat or Cold. Blepharitis: red, thick/swollen lids, profuse, acrid/burning discharge. Conjunctivitis from taking cold: Scanty or Profuse. Keratitis. Natrum mur.: Photophobia, worse bright light. Tears stream down face on coughing. (Euphr) Natrum Sulpuricum: Granular lids: like small blisters: green pus, photophobia. Nux-vomica: Photophobia, worse morning. Twitching and Blinking. Blurred eyes from over-reading. Phosphorus: Retinal bleeding. Dwindling of the optic nerve. Degenerative changes. Edema of the lids and around the eyes. Pulsatilla nig.: Catarrhal conjunctivitis. Sub-acute: from colds. Thick profuse, yellow, bland discharges. corneal ulcers, styes, or conjunctivitis. Rhus toxicodendron: Orbital cellulitis. Iritis after exposure to cold, dampness. Pustular Inflammation. Ulceration. Glaucoma. Ruta grav.: For Eyestrain followed by headaches: tired eyes from reading or computer work. Blurred vision with burning, aching in eyes and strained feeling. Silicea terra: Perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea. Abscess in: after traumatic injury. Swelling of Tear Duct. Styes. Encysted tumors of lids. Staphysagria del: styes, Sulphur: Burning in Eyes (Ars., Bell.) Painful inflammation when there is something foreign in eye. Bursting Pain. Trembling of eyes,/eyelids. Chronic: burning and itching. Ulceration of margin. Styes and tumors. Vision: Halo appears around the lamplight. Objects seem more distant. Symphytum officnial: Specific for injuries to the eyeball itself or bones surrounding eye. (Gets hit by a fist or ball, etc.) Thuja: Conjunctivitis after vaccination. Blood-red eyes, full of tears, stand open. Styes and tumors on the lids. (Staph.) Eyes matted in morning, dry, scaly. Lids heavy as lead. Veratrum alb: Dark rings, Dull, Clouded, yellowish. Staring eyes. Turned upward without luster. Pain as if bruised. Tearing with redness, dry, heavy. Often assoc. from severe illness and dehydration. Tellurium metallicum: Thickened, inflamed.

Fears Aconite-when there has been a shock and patient thinks he will die. Of Falling, or anytime: he thinks he will die. Arg. nit: Of falling: High Places: fears he will throw himself down. Arnica: Fear from shock due to injury: When patient says, “I’m ok, don’t worry about me.” Give Arnica any potency, (200c best for shock situation, but give whichever potency is available) *Remember: shock is the number one silent killer following accidents/trauma, even when patient claims to be well.. Arsenicum: Fears others are stealing from him: Fear of Death: thinks himself incurable, is surely going to die: dread of death, when alone, or going to bed. For patients who are nearing death and are anxious and fearful. Baryta carb.: Bashful, timid, seeking solitude, sobbing/crying. Borax: Of Falling: From high places. Calcarea carb.: fear of monsters. Drosera rot.: of being alone, of ghosts, Anxiety, sleepless, Suspicious. Gelsemium semp.: Stage fright, Apprehension. Yellow-cowardly: Fearful: wet pants type fear: shake & tremble type fear. # 1 Post traumatic stress disorder “shell shock”, Nervous, weak, shivering, or diarrhea preceding: physical & mental weakness and exhaustion. Lycopodium Clavatum: Panic attacks, of breaking down under stress, of failure, public speaking, stagefright, of men, strangers, to be alone. Of dark, ghosts, going out of house, of being unable to reach destination, of everything. Natrum Sulpuricum: Fear of crowds. Evil. From noise, from noise at night. Phosphorus: of Thunderstorms. Ruta grav.: Of Death during Fever. Sepia succ.: of Poverty. Of Thunderstorms. Silicea terra: Of Pins, Needles, Sharp Objects.

Fractures Always give Arnica to treat for shock. Never press on suspected Fracture but seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Give Symphytom 6x 3x’s daily for several weeks. Aids fracture healing 50-75 % faster. (Calc. Phos is good to give as well) Other remedies can be given if indicated as well: there is usually tissue or even tendon damage that goes with a fracture, so you can look at continuing the Arnica. For the initial bruising and damage. Hyper. For pain: Ruta, Rhus, and/or Bry. For Tendon, ligament injury. Even Staphysagria, if there was a laceration or surgery had to be done. A quick rule of Thumb for serious Injury: For Sprains or Strains, Give Alternating: The Famous Five: Arnica, Hypericum, Ruta, Rhus, and Bryonia. [If It’s a Break: Add: Symphytom]

Gall Bladder Belladonna: Pain: like Gall Stones (helps to dilate the sphincters so that stones can pass.) Always give when stones are suspected, as an adjunct, along with any other indicated remedy. Berberis vulg.: Major Gallstone remedy: attack with severe pains. Pain and / or swelling of the Spermatic cord, extending to testes. (especially) R sided Natrum Sulpuricum: Gallbladder disorders. Clawing pain.

Growth/Development/Limbs/Joints Baryta carb.: Torticollis: Chronic. Stunted mental/physical-growth/development Especially indicated in infancy, old age: senility with lack of independence: mental retardation & dementia. Torticollis: Chronic. Growth could have been interrupted by trauma/vaccine/shock. Benzoicum acid.: Kidney Disorders: Gouty: painful nodes: joints crack on moving: Bunions of Great Toe. Bryonia: Sprained, Injured and Painful Joints, worse for motion. Joints, red, SWOLLEN, hot. Swelling of Elbow, Ankles, Knees, stiff and painful. Calcarea carb.: Osteoporosis: Chief remedy of Calcium compounds: Girls who are fleshy, plethoric, and grow too quickly. Improper nutrition & digestion. Broken bones, Bones that don’t heal properly, Quickly or are Easily Re-Injured. Calcarea phos.: : GROWING PAINS: Hip joint disease (degeneration) Mend bones or rebuild after disease: joint injuries: Carbolicum acidum: Back: Severe pain, in lumbo-sacral region. Profound soreness of muscles of back and limbs: Walking with a noticeable stiffness in legs. Cramps in fore part of legs. Carbo veg.: Limbs Go to Sleep: Paralytic weakness Causticum: Paralysis of single parts: Rheumatic. contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints. Trembling. Cramps. Restless legs Chelidonium Majus: Soreness in all vertebrae, and spinous process. Burning pain. Pain under inner and lower angle of the right scapula: China officinalis: Great debility, trembling, and numbness: Decay of bones with profuse sweat. Pains in limbs and joints. Paralytic stiffness Cocculus ind.: Trembling and Pain in Limbs. Knees crack on motion. Painful stiffness in all joints. Rheumatism: red, swollen, stiff. Violent spasms of arms and legs. Takes hold of things with difficulty, then drops them. Dulcamara: Rheumatic affections of spinal cord. Pain in small of back as after long stooping…worse damp cold weather. Rheumatism after exposure to wet. Paralyzed limbs. Feet icy cold. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: A remedy for patients with gout. Many times it is those who have taken to wine or such for relief of the gout, (they must be slowly weaned) Gouty joints, arthritis, Congestive headaches. Intermittent symptoms. Gelsemium: Deep seated aching in bones. Great Trembling and Weakness of all the limbs. Heavy Sensation. Writer’s cramp. Neuralgic pains. Fatigue after slight exercise. Graphites nat.: Spinal pains is small of back with weakness: Nape of neck and shoulders: worse looking up and stooping the head. Sacral pains with crawling: numbness, down the legs. Pain in lumbar as if vertebra broken. Painless swollen glands: On side of neck. Hamamelis virginica: Varicose veins. Rheumatism. Lassitude and weariness of limbs and joints. Sore muscles and joints. Tired arms and legs. Female: menses profuse, dark, with soreness. Hecla Lava: Bony growths on the jaws. Bone spurs, tumors. Benign bone cysts, tumors. Tumor deforming face. Enlargement of Maxillary bone. Upper jaw swelling. Severe, continuous pain in lower libs. Swollen and bulging thighs and legs. Varicose veins. Arthritc nodosities. Exostoses of tibia, hip joint disease. Deformity of nodules of the fingers/ toes. Ignatia Amara: Back: Spasms and Cramps. Cutting, sharp pains from small of back. Twitching of muscles Kali Iodatum: Rheumatism of knees with swelling. Severe bone pains.

Lachesis Mutus: Paralysis after stroke. Joints as if sprained, in morning on waking. Bluish swelling of joints. Pain in tibia after sore throat. Cramps in calves from fear. Toes feel broken. Trembling of hands in alcoholics. Left arm numb. Lathyrus Sativus: Excessive rigidity of legs, spastic gait. Knees Knock together when walking. Cramps in legs. Trembling of arms, worse on trying to do anything. Knee jerks exaggerated. Lower limbs are emaciated. (loss of fat & fullness of the flesh): Paralysis. Infantile paralysis. Wasting, exhaustive diseases w weakness & heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Staggering gait. Feet drag. Heels do not touch the ground when walking. Ledum pal.: Gouty pains. Shoot through foot and limb. Rheumatism that begins in lower limbs and ascends. Soles painful, can hardly step on them. Heels sore. Feet itch by night are stiff in morning. Gouty Pains shoot all through the foot and limb and joints: especially small joints. Lycopodium Clavatum: Malnutrition: Hernia: right side, has cured many case especially in children. Fetus appears to be turning somersaults. Children, weak, emaciated: with well-developed head but puny, sickly bodies. Limbs go to sleep. Twitching/Jerking. Stiffness and Pain of joints, especially shoulder and elbow joints Magnesia Phosphorica: General cramps of legs and feet: better w heat & massage. Writer’s cramp, piano, Violin players. Backache, colic. Tic Douloureaux. Chronic jerking of the face. Favors Rheumatic/Gouty subjects who suffer neuralgia. Mercurius sol.: Bone pain. Growing pains, bad breath, blood in stool. Trembling limbs, especially the hands. Parkinson’s disease. Paralysis. Stiffness, immobility. Rheumatism of joints with swelling and sensation of coldness. Osteoarthritis. Tendency to complete destruction of joint. Edematous swelling of hands, feet and face during menses or with anemia. Natrum Sulpuricum: Rheumatism: all over body, compelled to lay on back. Physical Restlessness, anxiety. Marked weakness and trembling. Violent pains in the neck at the base of the brain. Nux-vomica: Neuralgias, Tension/Drawing of muscles, pain to bowels and all parts. Phosphorus: Degenerative diseases, swelling and necrosis of lower jaw (Amph., Hecla) Heat between shoulder blades. Back pains as if broken. Especially During menses. Weak spine. Spinal irritation, worse heat. Stiff neck. Coccyx pain as if ulcerated. Joints suddenly give way. Numbness of arms and hands. Podophyllum Peltatum: Back: nape of neck stiff, muscles sore. Pain under right scapula. Between shoulders. In small of back. In lumbar and sacral regions. Sores during stool, and after. Uterus: pain in. right ovary. Prolapsed Uterus on straining or over-lifting after childbirth. Rhus Toxicodendron: Achy Joints worse in storms or drop in barometer. #1 for Sprain, Strains, leading remedy for Backache. (when better for motion) Arthritis: also for old dog. Can feel a storm coming. Rheumatic heart & rash. Whiplash. Sciatica, Tendonitis., Paralysis., Neuralgias., Back Injuries. Cracking of joints when stretching. Stiff, paralyzed Ruta grav.: #1 For tendons, bone surfaces and ligaments: #1 For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pain. (Caust.) Soreness of tendons from injury or overuse. “Bruised” bones: a leading remedy for injuries to the knee, shin, elbow, tennis elbow, shin splints, chronic knee injuries, joints. For injuries deeper in body: more serious strains & sprains, backaches (Tell. Met.: [not in this book] If due to injury of the vertebra or herniated disks):

Sepia succ.: Hormonal disorders: PMS: hormonal re-start remedy. Female pelvic organs: tendency to miscarriage, bearing down sensation. Prolapsed uterus, bladder: abdominal floor weakness of women. Puberty disorders.

Silicea terra: Spinal Curvature. Painful Kyphosis. Decay of vertebra. Backache. Spina bifida. Lacks Physical drive, self-esteem, easily tired, startled, poor appetite & assimilation of nutrients. Children with Large Heads, Open Fontanelles and sutures, much Sweating about the head, which must be kept warm. Distended Abdomen. Weak ankles, slow in learning to walk. Vaginal Cysts, Cutting Pain, upward, worse urinating. (Lyc., Puls., Rhod.) Staphysagria del: Limbs feel beaten and painful. Muscles, especially of calves, feel bruised. Joints stiff. Arthritic nodes on finger joints. Buttocks ache while sitting. Knees weak. Shuffling gait. Female: Painful sensitiveness of genital organs, worse sitting down (Berb., Kres.) History of rape or abuse. Male: Prostatitis, pain extends from anus to urethra. Enlarged Prostate. Symphytum Officnial: Back: Pain from fall. Potts disease from a fall. Decay of vertebra. Caries of Spinal and other bones. Spinal diseases after trauma and injury. Injuries that result in a lump or tumor. Tailbone injuries. Bruises, fractures, ribs, teeth aching after dentist. Thuja: Female: Uterine polyps. Ovarian cysts. Severe pain in left ovary. Prolapsed uterus, Miscarriage in third month. Labor pains weak or ceasing. Vaginal ulcers. Thick, profuse, greenish discharge. Male: Prostitic enlargement and weaknesses. Scalding pain when urinating. Impotency. Eczema. Warts. Moisture. Uritica urens: Acute and Chronic Gout. Rheumatic pains in arms and ankles, worse right arm. Continuous pain in deltoid. Worse rotating arm inwards, difficulty dressing. Veratrum alb: Cramps in calves during stools. Sciatica like electric shocks. Brachial neuralgia, paralytic and bruising pain in arms. Arms feel full and swollen. Sore/tender joints. Pain in feet and knees as if heavy stones were tied to parts, must move about. Fainting during period, (blue lips) Tellurium metallicum: Vertebral pain from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, sensitive to touch and pressure. (Chin-s.,Phos.) Worse coughing, straining. Pain in Sacrum, Neck, spreading to the shoulder and scapulae. Lumbar pain to the right thigh: better walking. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees. Elbows, ankles and other parts. Rheumatism of little finger: right hand.

Head Argentum Nitricum: Headache, heavy, full, congestive, as though head would explode. Belladonna: Throbbing/Hammering Pain. Congestive headache with red face. Feeling in Head like swashing of water. Borax: Palpitations, Feels as if right side being squeezed. Infants cyanotic from birth. Bryonia: Headaches from Flu or From Dehydration or Both. Frontal Lobe of head, behind Eye, especially Left:: When the headache pain is due to Dehydration: the pain Whole Top of Head/Like a cap. When Dehydrated: Brain feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting Headache, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “as if hit by a hammer from within,” better for pressure, worse motion, Migraines: Calcarea carb.: Open anterior fontanels. Calcarea phos.: Open posterior fontanels. Carbolicum acidum: Pale about nose and mouth: Swelling of face and tongue from bee stings. Twitching. Lupus. Causticum: Facial paralysis (right) Bell’s Palsy. Nausea and vomiting or blindness during headache, then paralysis. Chamomilla vulg: Red Cheeks and hot sweat during colic. One red and Hot / other pale and cold. Headaches worse from coffee. China officinalis: Headaches after hemorrhage. Intense throbbing. Cocculus ind.: Patient has sick headaches, from motion with nausea, vertigo: Pain in Occiput and nape. Coffea Cruda: Coffee/ Caffeine headaches. Temples throbbing with burning in eyes. from mental overexertion Sensation “As if” brain were torn to pieces. “As if” a nail were driven into the head. “As if” brain is shattered or crushed. Coffee/Caffeine Headaches: Vertigo. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Headaches with soreness of eyeballs. Chill preceded by thirst. Scanty sweat and the pains make the patient restless: wants to be still but he can’t. Ferrum Phos.: Paleness alternating with redness. Facial neuralgia with stinging, pressing or throbbing pains. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Severe headache, deep: recurring from time to time. Worse shaking.: as if a tight hoop of iron around it., Gelsemium: Headache at back of head, stiff neck. Migraines & vision loss. Dull Heavy ache: from Influenza. Sensation of band. Occipital (lower back of head) Headache.: with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. Pain in temple, extending into ear. Hydrastis Canadensis: Sinusitis after coryza (Kali-bich) Frontal headache (Sinuses) Neuralgia of scalp/neck. Ignatia Amara: Headache: As if eye would fall out. A nail were driven out through the side. A needle were pushed thought over right eye into brain. Kali Bichromicum: between brows. Provides instant relief of headache. When the mucus membranes are involved. Kali Iodatum: Facial neuralgia. Intense pain over eyes and root of nose. Brain feels enlarged. Scalp sore. Tender spots on head. Hair changes color and falls off. Lachesis Mutus: Congestive headaches, rush of blood to head. Weight, pressure or burning of the vertex (top of head). Lycopodium Clavatum: Headache, is WORSE for warm wraps and warm bed! Hydrocephalus,

Tubercular Meningitis, Shakes head without any apparent cause or involuntarily. Deep furrows on forehead. Magnesia Phosphorica: Facial neuralgia, Spasmodic twitching. Face blue, swollen, from spasmodic attacks of cough. Distorted from pains and weakness. Cracks in corners of mouth. Mercurius sol.: Catarrhal headaches, much heat in head. Tension about scalp, as if bandaged. Natrum mur.: Blinding Migraines with zigzag lines in front of eyes, headaches in teenage girls: L sided headaches. Headache: Headache: As if a Thousand Hammers knocking on the Brain. Unconsciousness during chill and heat: (like: the heat of a Bath, exhausting illness, etc.) Sweat relieves pains. Natrum Sulpuricum: #1 for Head injuries following Arnica. Convulsions from injuries of the head: or when there is a change in personality due to head injury. Mental or Physical troubles after injury. Headaches since head injury. Nux-vomica: Twitching of facial muscles, neuralgia with numbness. Drawing and stiffness, Jaw snaps shut, stiff. Left angle of mouth drops. Silicea terra: Must keep head covered or catches a cold. Profuse sweats on head Staphysagria del: Headache in the temples. Thuja: Left sided Headaches. Pains as if Pierced by a nail. Burning heat and redness of face. Blood vessels of face distended. Netted with spider-like veins. Veratrum alb: Features sunken, deathly pale, on rising, bluish, distorted. Collapsed, Cold. Jaws cramp on chewing. Left-Cheek red.

Heart Antimonium Tart: Congestive heart failure (swollen ankles,) (for cough can’t get rid of, go to spongia) Baryta carb.: heart disorders. Borax: Palpitations, Feels as if right side being squeezed. Infants cyanotic from birth. Coffea Cruda: Palpitations of the heart, pulse fluttering, strong, quick palpitation caused by unexpected news of good fortune. Gelsemium: Feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion or else heart’s action would cease. Weak, slow pulse of old age. Lycopodium Clavatum: Hydro-pericardium. Sensation as if blood stood still. Magnesia Phosphorica: Angina Pectoris, Nervous spasmodic palpitations. Natrum mur.: Fluttering in heart: with a weak faint feeling. (Lach.) Heart’s pulsations shake the body (Spig.) Natrum Sulpuricum: Internal pulsations and rapid heart. Phosphorus: Palpitations: With anxiety. Pyrogenium: Rapid heart rate can indicate- infection: See heart beating through skin. Rhus Toxicodendron: Rheumatic heart Spongia tosta: Dry, chronic sympathetic cough of organic heart disease (Naja) Hypertrophy of Heart: especially at night with asthmatic symptoms. valvular insufficiency. Aneurysm of the aorta. Rheumatic endocarditis. Pulse, frequent, Hard, Full or Feeble. Surging of heart into chest, as if it would force out upward. If swollen feet and called the flu in elderly, likely to be cardiac cough. Congestive heart failure.

Hemorrhoids Allium Cepa: of children: worse sitting-better moving about. Causticum: Large hemorrhoids, often impeding stools. Hamamelis virginica: #1 for Acute Hemorrhoid problems. Hemorrhoids, bleeding profusely with soreness. Feels sore and raw. Itching. Pulsing. Hemorrhoids and sore nipples after childbirth. Hydrastis Canadensis: Prolapse, Hemorrhoids, even slight bleeding exhausts. Magnesia Phosphorica: Cutting, darting pains Mercurius sol.: Ineffectual urging to stool with protruding hemorrhoids, which are painful. Nux-vomica: Venous constitution with tendency to Hemorrhoids. Itching burning of. Podophyllum Peltatum: Prolapse of rectum before or with stool. Internal and external hemorrhoids. Sensation of weakness in rectum. Sensitive and sore. Sepia succ.: During Pregnancy: prolapsing with sticking pain. Bleed while walking. Soreness. Sulphur: Oozing, great bunches of Hemorrhoids, External/Internal. During pregnancy.

Hypoglycemia Argentum Nitricum: when sugar/choc. Chelidonium: when symptoms agree. Or remedy specific to symptoms. Most often when constitutional is found, symptoms will cease. Old Timers used to drink 1 cup of raw milk before going to bed at night. They said that it helped them Sleep? Well, as it turns out, it really does! Raw milk, is perfectly proportioned in Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates which work to nourish the body without causing a blood sugar spike during the middle of the night, thus allowing for a great night’s sleep! Raw milk is easy to digest: it is rich in enzymes as well as other nutrients, which relieves the pancreas of that extra stress of enzyme production.(A very huge issue in today’s health world)

Injury Arnica: Always the First remedy to be given for Injuries: shock, trauma of injury, physical exhaustion. Allium Cepa: Sores: raw spots on feet, heels from friction: rubbed sore. Bryonia: : Back: Joints: (See Limbs) Joints, red, SWOLLEN, hot. Complaints from over-lifting. Severe painful back injuries, ALWAYS worse for Motion. Slipped discs. Sharp pains and stiffness in lumbar region. Vertebrae out of place. Drawing Pains. Neck, right side. [Tellurium metallicum 6c: (not in this book, but available form most homeopaths.) For Falls and Injuries that involve: the vertebra, pain, herniated disks with much severe pain. I like to use Phenocane as needed, and Tell. Met. 6c, 3 doses daily. This combination will quickly turn the situation around and aid the body’s natural recovery. ] Calcarea carb.: Bruised, cramp, tearing pain of arms on moving or grasping: upper arm/elbow/wrist: give Sil. alt. w Calc. Carb. Calendula: Healing of ulcerations internal and external. Remedy: (for speed) heals 10 times faster w no scarring. Use after surgery. sunburn etc. Causticum: Burns, scalds. Hypericum Perforatum: For injuries to nerves or to parts of body rich in nerves-feet, hands, back, slipped disks, stub toe, tail bone injuries, etc. Specific to heal spinal taps, epidural “Pain since epidural.” (Take Ledum alternating with Hypericum for healing and pain alleviation)

Any type of pain where you may want to take an aspirin or Tylenol. Amputation pains. Ledum pal.: Pain & Infection of puncture wounds. Punctures include insect bites! (Wound may feel cold & pain is always relieved by cold.) Dog bites, nails, needles, sand burrs, “Arnica of the ligaments” – great sports & injury remedy. For “never same since epidural, spinal tap, dentist shot, or__!” Natrum Sulpuricum: #1 for Head injuries following Arnica, when there are Mental or Physical troubles after injury: like personality change, or continued headaches or pains that flit around the body with no rhyme nor reason. Pyrogenium: For any cut, wound or injury that begins to go septic. (infection of the blood.) Rhus Toxicodendron: Back Injury, Strain from over-use. Whiplash, Sprains, Always give initially: continue as long as there is stiffness relieved by movement: Indications of a Sprain: Hot, painful swelling in joints: Tearing in tendons/Ligament: Skin red and swollen: Pains better with movement, change of position, stretching of limbs.

Ruta grav.: Whenever tendons, bone surfaces and ligaments are involved. Silicea terra: Slivers or foreign objects in body: gets them out. Staphysagria del: #1 indicated remedy for healing incisions from surgery to diminish chance of infection. For bites, cuts, colic, cough, exhaustion, headache. Intrusive procedures - kidney stone blasting, knife cuts, circumcision, episiotomy, colonoscopy, or other probe testing) etc. Symphytum Officnial: Promotes Healing of Fractures, once set by physician, Use 1 3x’s per day for 2 weeks: After Arnica has relieved pain, bruising and swelling. Give Symphytum 3-5 doses per day for 2 wks. injuries to the eyeball Tellurium metallicum: Back injuries: Herniated disks. Severe pain, affects movement, sleep. Pain so bad that he fears the approach of anyone, lest they may touch him. Head or other injury that affects the spine. Gnaphalium When sciatica is a dominate problem after back injury.

Liver Antimonum tart: Jaundice (common in infants) with pneumonia, especially Right lung Berberis: Liver pains in region of gall bladder. Chelidonium: Neonatal jaundice , Yellowness of tongue, skin, eyes. Right sided remedy.: Neonatal jaundice. Liver enlarged: tender. Sharp aching pain at the inferior angle of the right scapula. China officinalis: Gallstone colic. Gallstones: Periodic recurrence of yellow skin/eyes, constipation: Worse since gallbladder removed. Hepatitis with exhaustion. Cirrhosis and edema. Liver weakness due to alcohol or poor diet. Pain in region of Liver. Crotalus horr.: Jaundice, malignant with hemorrhage. Chronic biliousness. Gelsemium: Affects bile-liver. Hepatitis with Chronic Fatigue. Lachesis Mutus: Region sensitive, can’t bear anything around waist. Inflammation with abscess. Hepatitis. Mercurius sol.: Enlarged liver. Jaundice from Gallstones. Deficient bile. Natrum Sulpuricum: Hepatitis, Irritable liver after excessive study. Nux-vomica: For Liver detox. Achy, cranky, flu, hangover symptoms. Back: Sudden sharp pains in back when turning, with dull pain while sitting. Spinal irritation with sudden loss of power in legs. Lateral spinal sclerosis. Spinal Anemia. Myelitis. Crawling sensation along spine. Feels bruised and lame. Phosphorus: Acute Hepatitis. Congestion, Cirrhosis. Jaundice. From nervous excitement. Sulphur: Liver Remedy: affecting the portal system.

Lungs / Pneumonia / Bronchitis / Asthma Antimonium Tart: Drowning victims, pulmonary edema, infantile pneumonia: Elderly, pneumonia, cough after cold or flu. “Midwife’s best friend.” Newborn w mucus in chest. Hear them breathing thru wet mucus.: Jaundice w pneumonia, especially R. Emphysema, when caused by irritant. Arsenicum alb.: Pneumonia from taking cold. Pulmonary edema. Emphysema. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Thick, yellow, green, bitter, salty. Asthma: From suppressed eruptions. General Wheezing on first lying down. Breathing too rapid, even when at rest. Calcarea phos.: Copious Perspiration, or on single parts, at night, waking out of sleep. Toward and in morning. Dyspnea, diabetes when lungs affected. Capsicum annuum : Dry, hacking cough, with offensive breath from lungs. Dyspnea. Explosive cough. Feels “as if” head and chest would fly to pieces. Ribs seem dislocated. Pain in distant parts when coughing: bladder, legs, ears, etc. Chelidonium: Pneumonia of Right Lung, liver complications. China officinalis: Pneumonia after hemorrhages or with bilious symptoms. Cocculus ind.: Dyspnea (Difficult or labored breathing.) Crotalus horr.: Pneumonia with tendency to hemorrhage. Brochiectasis, (Dilatation of the walls of the bronchi: occurs in chronic bronchitis: fibroid pneumonia: tuberculosis of lung. Cavernous breathing may be heard) Edema of lungs. Difficult breathing, as if lungs would not expand. Asthma, with great debility and prostration, blue, puffy, cold sweat. Drosera rot.: Whooping cough: spasms or cough so hard it can induce vomiting sticky mucus. Very useful for Chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough. A palliative for Tuberculosis of the lungs. For anything that makes one gag-bronchitis, tuberculosis, coughs, etc. Coughing in spasms then wheeze for breath: could be from mold etc. For feeling trapped. “It’s trapped in there.” “I can’t get it up and out.” Ferrum Phos.: Bronchitis of young children. Croup. Short, painful, ticking, spasmodic cough. Pneumonia in the first stage: coughing of blood. Pleurisy: sharp pain: Right side. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Weak Lungs. The patient expectorates very little, or: Bubbling rales and easy expectoration: thick phlegm Coughing that wakes him. Congestion of the lung. Humid asthma. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Bronchial asthma: Bronchitis. Post-influenza Gelsemium: Shortness of breath: great chilliness. Sudden sensation of suffocation Hepar Sulph: Pneumonia in supprative stage (forming of pus) with fever. Bronchitis of elderly, exhausted people. Emphysema. Asthma worse dry cold air. Better in damp. Hydrastis Canadensis: Bronchitis of old persons with thick yellowish stringy expectoration. Ignatia Amara: Good for asthma: which is an emotional disease. Kali Iodatum: Whistling asthmatic breathing. Asthma of young people. Shortness of breath Ascending with pain in heart. Pleurisy. Lachesis Mutus: Sensation of suffocation and strangulation on lying down. Worse when anything is around throat, compels patient to spring from bed and rush for open window. Asthma. Pneumonia. Hardening of Left Lung. Lycopodium Clavatum: Shortness of Breath: Short rattling breathing. Expectoration salty, greenishyellow, lumpy or foul. Wheezing Asthma. Magnesia Phosphorica: Nervous Asthma. Natrum Sulpuricum: Major asthma remedy when symptoms fit. Humid asthma in children: with every

change to wet weather: every fresh cold: worse in damp, rainy weather: sputa green, greenish, copious. (greenish-gray, Cop.)

Phosphorus: Pneumonia. Congestion of lungs. Especially lower left. Bronchitis. Pulsatilla: Craves open fresh air, must open the window. Shortness of Breath. Spongia tosta: Great Dryness of air passages. Suffocation, as from a plug, valve or leaf. Asthmatic cough. Bronchial catarrh with wheezing. Profuse expectoration and suffocation. Sulphur: Difficult respiration, wants widows open, nightly suffocative air hunger. Dyspnea (shortness of breath). Much rattling of mucus. Pleuritic exudations. Thuja: allergies, mucus, yeast.

Meningitis Arnica: When follows mechanical or traumatic injuries. Apis: Meningitis: when Belladonna has failed. Belladonna: Spinal Meningitis: High Fever, Throbbing Sensation. Sensitive to Light, Sound, Touch. Gelsemium: Patient is in a Dazed condition: High fever, cold extremities, glassy eyes, dilated pupils, neck drawn back, rigid muscles of back and neck. Congestion of blood in spinal cord and head. Very prostrate. Kali Iodatum: Pneumonococci meningitis. Mercurius sol.: Bronchitis w green, sticky, profuse discharge. Shortness of breath when coughing or sneezing: when going upstairs, walking quickly. Asthma, worse change of weather. Natrum Sulpuricum: Spinal meningitis: head jerks to right side. (As a preventative or post-treatment: the Meningitis Nosode can be given. This is available from most Homeopaths)

Mind / Behavior Anomalies / Dreams / Oddities Anacardium: Children’s behavior disorders: especially when nice, and then devilish in turns: Patient over sensitive. Apis: Jealous, Fidgety, hard to please Argentum Nitricum: Fear of bridges, dentists. Test anxiety: interview/performance anxiety. Alumina: Confusion about identity and time distortions. “It seems as though someone else had said or seen it.” Baryta Carbonicum: learning challenges: homesick for parents, peeps out through fingers. Bashful, timid, seeking solitude, sobbing/crying. Benzoicum ac.: delusions, imaginations: hears voices of white, outspread, coming toward face in the darkness: Borax: Child screams out in sleep: Laughter alternating with weeping. Idles: changes from one thing to another. Discontent. Bryonia: Irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry: Thirsty for cold drinks. Calcarea carb.: Sensation as if in a dream: of levitating. Child craves eggs, eats dirt. Children who are slow in teething and walk late. Mental dullness. Adults who are happy in the same old job, loyal, more pudgy. Calcarea phos.: Sighing: discontent, obstinate, moaning, irritable, hard to please. Constant desire to go from place to place (Tub.): Temper tantrums. Mental dullness in children: Slow, learning to talk etc. More slim & sporty than Calc. Carb., but can’t get out of chair! (lazy) Craves fat bacon, the salt of smoked meats. Etiologies include a large stress resulting in a decrease of vital energy, like grief, separation, death: May get sick after not enough sleep. Capsicum annuum : Homesickness: Sentimental, nostalgic moods. Causticum: Cannot tolerate to seeing injustice. Ceanothus americanus: Low-spirited, fears will become unfit for work. Chamomilla: Irritable, temperamental and oversensitive: Wants something and then pushes it away. Chelidonium: Bilious temperament: Cross, and irritable. Upset easily. China officinalis: Abundant ideas and clearness of mind in evening.: Oversensitive to noise: Excitement after hearing horrible things. Irritable, sensitive/ very touchy. Reproaches others. Delirium from loss of fluids. Cina mari.: Irritability of temper: screaming, striking, biting. Child is cross: does not want to be touched, or carried: hard to please. Screaming, striking, biting. Cistus Canadensis: All complaints are worse from mental exertion. Bad effects from Vexation. Cocculus ind.: Cannot endure motion, Or talking. all actions, answers are delayed. Become weak, tremulous, tired, Ailments and/or exhaustion from caring for others. Depression, feels incurable. Grief and sadness. Colocynthis: Ailments from/with anger and indignation. Ailments after anger, with silent grief. Greatly affected by the misfortune of others. Screams with pain, wants to walk about. Restlessness before menses. Extreme irritability. Dulcamara: Scolds/Quarrelsome without anger. Ferrum Phos.: These people like to fight, argue, defend opinions, play with swords & play war...like “iron.” Anger: fear of crowds. Yet talkative, hilarious and excited. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Taciturn sulky, snappish and irritable. Easily frightened: fear of dogs.

Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Apathy, indifference: mental dullness: weak memory. Gelsemium: “Ailments of bad new: Ailments from / with anxiety. Graphites nat.: Excitement from the smallest possible cause. Very sentimental: symptoms better after weeping. There seems to be a marked dread of mental work, is made worse by music. Changing mood. Cannot make up her mind about what to do. Hecla Lava: Irritability. Nervousness, Sensitive to criticisms. Outburst of violent anger & feeling of helplessness. Ailments from shock. Suppression of anger. Hepar Sulph: Over-Sensitive, Physically and Mentally: wants to be covered/wrapped up warmly. Hypersensitivity: painful part can’t bear to be touched: & excitability physically & psychologically. Children who lose their tempers and hit, kick and scream. (Cham., Cina): feels inclined to kill if offended, even if normally of gentle disposition. Hydrastis Canadensis: Can’t remember what he is reading or talking about. Absent minded. Dullness of memory. Hypericum Perforatum: Desire to be a better person-for religious people. Desire to meet goals. Hypericum depression says: “Can’t make my goal, no good with money or relationship.” Ignatia Amara: #1 For recent bereavement, grief: or emotional shock. Suppressed or deep grief with long drawn sighs. Sobs in long drawn-out sighs. With Sadness and sighing. Kali Bichromicum: Kali patient is rigid: follows rules. For inflexibility mentally & physically. Great prostration: desire to lie down. Wrings hands. sensitive to pain. Fidgety, busy hands, fumbles in his pockets. Hurried when eating. Moves arms about wildly. Lachesis Mutus: Can bear nothing tight over any part of body, must losen clothing. Mental excitability: ecstasy with almost prophetic perceptions: with a vivid imagination: great loquacity: wants to talk all the time: jumps from one idea to another: one word often leads into another story. Lycopodium Clavatum: Man’s friend-remedy: many male diseases accompanied by performance anxiety .self confidence or from Fatigue: aversion to undertaking anything new. Good for the bully & the bullied. Lycopdium children are irritable, doctorial, will have a tantrum if contradicted & are hard to live with. Magnesia Phosphorica: Patient is naturally of a gentle, sweet personality, doesn’t like conflict, passive, peace keeper of home, don’t want to make waves, careful of what they say! When out of balance, patient goes from Passive to Aggressive. Mercurius sol.: Extremes! Changes their mind constantly. Moods: ideas. Natrum mur.: Ailments from suppression of emotions: of old grief, Natrum Sulpuricum: Sad, gloomy, irritable: worse in morning: dislikes to speak or be spoken to (Iod., Sil) Patient is reserved in relationships. Dreams of running water, flying, of being insulted or fighting. Frequent waking or fantastic dreams. Nux-vomica: These people are, Competitive, Fastidious, Work-A-holics, busy, demanding, ambitious, driving persons that push others as well. Perfectionist, fastidious, cranky. Lean, hungry, withered. (Scrooge McDuck!) Phosphorus: Clairvoyant. Desires to be magnetized. Wants sympathy. Better for consolation. Weeping alternating with attacks of Laughter…very often children, especially girls go through this phase. Craving for ice-cream, cold milk, carbonated drinks. Desires salt, acids, spicy foods. Chocolate. Candies, cheese, cucumbers, chicken, fish, wine. Aversion to warm drinks, warm food. Coffee, tea. Podophyllum Peltatum: Thirst for large quantities of Cold Water. Great desire to talk during chill, but can’t because he forgets words. R sided remedy. Desire to press the gums together.

Pulsatilla: Ailment’s of children who are comforted by being held/touched. Child whiney & clingy. Child/Women’s remedy, yielding, emotional, sensitive, moody & weepy people who crave attention & sympathy. Rhus Toxicodendron: These people tend to be sweet, sensitive & jovial. “Tin Man-I know I have a heart because it’s breaking. Causeless weeping without knowing why. Cannot remain in bed at night, restless. Dreams of great Exertion, rowing, swimming, working hard at his occupation. That the world is on fire, with palpitations on waking. Ruta grav.: Stupefaction. Weakness and Despair. Quarrels and Contradicts. Melancholy. Great Thirst. Sepia succ.: Great Sadness and Weeping: Cries when telling her symptoms. Loves to dance. Sharp tongue, may hurt others feelings: says, “But it’s the truth!” Depression related to pregnancy, menses, menopause, married life: Emotional numbness: indifference or aversion to loved ones. Mentally & physically worn out patients: drudgery of housework. “I’m sick of being the only one who does anything around here!” Cheerful during thunderstorm & lightning. Silicea terra: “Want of Grit”: fear before exam, appearing in public, delusion will fail, covers up inner weakness. Spongia tosta: Exhaustion and Heaviness of body. Timidity. Obstinate. Starting from sleep. Staphysagria del: Any Ailments caused by or accompanied by a sense of violation with resentment: humiliation, embarrassment, bullied, offended, yelled at: physical/sexual abuse: especially with suppression of anger-seething inside: deep guilt, shame. Gets testy, throws tantrums. Sulphur: Hot blooded, likes to sit on couch. Hates to wash especially hot water bathing. “Pig pen” disheveled appearance: “ragged philosophers” Kids who wear no shoes & make messes. Sulphur children, touch everything. Packrat type that collects junk under pretense of using it someday. Remedy helps sort & organize ideas: to differentiate/make decisions. Thuja: Shy, quiet, a little sneaky. Dreams: Anxious dreams. Of teeth breaking off. Of Falling. Off Misfortune. Of Dead people, of bodies, of dying. Veratrum alb: Desires large quantities of COLD drinks: but is for it, it is vomited as soon as it is swallowed. Mental has to do with lost social position. Imaginary diseases. Thinks herself pregnant. Embraces everybody, even objects. Religious mania. Despairs of her salvation.

Mouth / Teeth Aconite-Toothache one sided with red cheek. Argentum Nitricum: Gas and bloating. Belching accompanies most gastric ailments. Arnica: Always give Arnica on the way to the dentist! Or for any type of injury/Bleeding or trauma to the mouth, teeth, gums, tongue. Alumina: Lips: dry, cracked: mucus membranes “dry.” Antimonium Crudum: Tongue: White coated. Borax: Oral thrush. Mouth ulcers. Herpes/Cold Sores. Bryonia: Lips dry, parched: due to dehydration. Calendula: Fistulas, Mouth sores, Gum Surgery, , etc. Carbo veg.: Breath Cold. Tongue/membranes, cold, blue (black) swollen. Tooth pain hot/ cold. Sensitive Gums retracted/ ooze blood. Causticum: Bites inside of cheek when chewing. Fatty taste. Teeth feel loose, long, ache, Paralysis of tongue causing indistinct speech, words seem to jerk out. Chamomilla: Teething babies: Peevish, angry, restless, cranky like teething baby. Chelidonium: Yellow with imprint of teeth, large and flabby Cina mari.: Dentition. Sensitiveness of Teeth to cold air and cold drinks. Coffea Cruda: Neuralgic Toothache, relieved by holding Ice-water in mouth. Intolerant of pain, restless, anxiety and weeping. Dentition problems of anemic, sensitive children. Dulcamara: Herpes about lips. Cold sores on lips. (Nat. mur.) Twitching of lips in cold air. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Pyorrhea. Aching in teeth. Sensitive to air. Grinds teeth is sleep. Imperfectly developed teeth. Hecla Lava: Bony growths on the jaws. Dental abscess with swelling, pus worse from pressure. Chronic dental or jaw abscess, worse for pressure. Gingivitis. Fistula. Gumboil. Delayed or difficult dentition in malnourished children. Facial neuralgia from decayed teeth and after extraction.Tooth Ache: from diseased tooth. Hydrastis Canadensis: Inflammation of the mouth: diseases of. (Stomatitis) Bleeding painful cancerous growth or tumor on hard palate. Cancer of lips. Hypericum Perforatum: Especially good for tooth aches or mouth pain. Pain of dental work. Ipecac: Teething: child thrust his fist into his mouth and screams during dentition. Much saliva accompanies. Lachesis Mutus: Speechless after stroke. Sores in mouth with swelling of tongue and lips. Stammering. Thick, blundering speech cannot open mouth wide. Crumbling of teeth. Toothache, pain extends to ears. (left or left to right) Gums dark purple during dentition. Ledum pal.: Good for TMJ (locking, snapping jaw) Mercurius sol.: Herpes sores. Infections of bones & teeth (use after injury combo for wisdom teeth extraction or abscessed teeth.) Great Thirst with moist mouth. Saliva increased. Sweetish taste. Metallic taste. Putrid odor. Gumboils. Tongue, flabby, yellow, indented. Natrum mur.: Herpes/Cold Sore remedy. Blisters appear like, “White pearls” appearing along the lip or other part.: most cold sores will promptly recede if Nat. mur. If given right away. Lips: dry, sore, cracked, ulcerated. Crack in the middle of the lower lip. Sensation of a Hair on Tongue. Natrum Sulpuricum: Toothache better for cold water cool air. (Coff., Puls) Phosphorus: can be an excellent remedy for persistent bleeding following a tooth extraction. Phytolacca dec.: Difficult teething of children: Irresistible desire to bite teeth together. Jaws clenched. Teeth sore, feel elongated.

Pulsatilla: Teething Pain, child is whiney and clingy. Pyrogenium: Toothache, Infection of mouth or Teeth. (For chronic Toothache or infection: I like to give Pyro., alternating with Hecla lava. Until all odor/discomfort is gone, and then for 3 days more.)

Rhus Toxicodendron: Dry Mouth, but Thirst-less. Lips dry/parched, covered with reddish-brown crusts. Corners of mouth cracked, ulcerated. Filled with fever herpes sores, on lips, around mouth and chin. Jaws crack when chewing. Pain in Maxillary joint. Easy dislocation of jaw. (Ign., Petr.) Tongue: red and cracked, dry and red at edges, show imprint of teeth. Yellowish –white coating. Feeling as if tongue covered with skin. Ruta grav.: Dental surgery, tightening braces. Sepia succ.: Toothache from hot or cold things: better for cold air, cold water. Toothache during pregnancy: during menses. Throbbing. Grinding teeth. Teeth decay. Feel dull. Bleeding gums. Silicea terra: Sensation of Hair on tongue. Thuja: Twitching of lower lip. Cracking of joint of jaw. Boring pain in malar bones (left), Gum Irritation: Dentures, Mouth ulcers, etc. For relief from pain and to aid healing: Any of the following may be used: 1- 3 times daily. *Plain salt water rinse: ½ tsp. sea salt to 1 c. warm water. *Calendula tincture, *Salvia off. Tincture, (either diluted: 1 tsp. tincture to 1 c. warm water *Pure Essential Oil of Lavender (full strength or added to warm salt water) All are excellent healing rinses

Neuralgia/Pain/Sciatica Allium Cepa: burning, stinging neuralgia. Traumatic neuritis, stump pains after amputation. Colocynthis: Crampy pain in hip, as though “screwed in a vise”: lies upon affected side. Shooting pain, like lightning shocks, down the whole limb, left hip, left thigh, left knee. (Bell. Is right sided)

Hydrastis Canadensis: Neuralgia of the Scalp and Neck. Hypericum Perforatum: “Arnica of the nerves” (Good for Sciatic pain, but if actual injury is the cause, Gnaphalium polycephalum: is more specific to, Intense pain along the sciatic nerve, numbness alternate with pain.)

Kali Iodatum: Pain in small of back: hip, forcing him to limp: Sciatica. Magnesia Phosphorica: This is always the First remedy to give when someone is having muscle cramps, or what we call, “Charlie Horses” (Cuprum would my second choice, not in this book, but available.) spasmodic conditions, cramps and neuralgias. The pains are violent and may affect any nerve. Pains can become so bad that the patient may become frantic. Always Better for Heat and Pressure: the patient seeks warmth Natrum Sulpuricum: Rheumatism, Pain in hip joint worse rising, sitting. Sciatica on rising from sitting or turning in bed, no relief in any position. Knees, stiff, cracking of joints. Rhus Toxicodendron: When pains are better for Motion.

Nose Allium Cepa: Nose: Profuse, Watery and Acrid Nasal Discharge Borax: : Itching with tingling, Acrid drainage that ulcerates nostrils. Dry cabs in nose. Sneezing. Red nose of young women, red, swollen, with throbbing. Blood flows upon blowing. Accumulation of thick, greenish mucus in the nose. Carbolicum acidum: Acuteness of smell. Causticum: Sneezing in the morning. Nostrils ulcerated. Pimples (or Wart) on tip of nose. Scaly nose. Old warts. Cina mari.: Irritation of the nose: causing desire to rub, prick, or press it. Coffea Cruda: Acute, sensitive smell. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Sneezing with Colds and Flues: with much aching in the bones. Nose very dry and stopped up. Euphrasia: Bland nasal discharge. (non-burning) Ferrum Phos.: Catarrh of nose. Coryza: bloody discharge. Crusts form in the nose, Discharge excoriates, purulent. In low potencies, this remedy shortens the length of illness Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Hyper-secretion of nasal mucus. Hecla Lava: Polyps: in Antrum of Highmore. (Nasal) Ulceration / Destruction of Nasal bones. Hepar Sulph: Green runny noses of children. Hay fever. Chronic snotty nose-thick, heavy mucus, yellow-green. Sinusitis. Sneezes going into cold, dry wind with running form nose, later, thick offensive discharge. Stopped up from cold air. Offensive discharge: smells like old cheese. “Air feels cold in nose” Hydrastis Canadensis: Very Thick tough, yellowish mucus. Watery coryza, which burns. (The Thick, Yellowish mucus runs all through this remedy and will be seen everywhere!)

Kali Bichromicum: #1 for sinus infection, w sticky, stretchy, ropy discharge. Sinus Headaches (frontal): stringy, clear, yellow or greenish dis-charge. Kali Iodatum: Nasal catarrh involving frontal sinus. Profuse, acrid: burning, watery discharge worse in cool air. Ozaena: destruction of the septum, with foul discharge. Tightness at root of nose. Sneezing. Takes cold from every damp day. Magnesia Phosphorica: Spasmodic alternating condition of stuffed up then profuse discharge of a white, this substance, Smarting/raw. Mercurius sol.: Sinusitis and Colds. Colds travel to Eyes, Ears or Throat. Discharge Profuse: Acrid, Thick. Worse warm room. With Sneezing, raw sensation. Natrum mur.: Colds that begin with sneezing. Hay fever, watery discharge from eyes and nose. Alternate Copious-Dry discharge. Discharge is thin and watery, much like the white of an egg. Natrum Sulpuricum: Nose-bleed during menses. (instead of Menses: Bry., Puls) Phytolacca dec.: Acrid coryza. Flow of mucus from one nostril and from posterior sinuses. Sulphur: Sinus infection-if Kali bich. doesn’t work. Chronic dry catarrh, dry scabs and readily bleeding. Nosebleeds worse at night. Polyps and adenoids. Sensitive to smell. Imaginary odors. Freckles and black pores on nose. Symphytum Officnial: Pain comes down bone of nose and sometimes down both sides of nose, has cured malignant tumor of the face that had extended to the nose. Thuja: Chronic sinus infections. Chronic catarrh, thick, yellow-green mucus, blood and pus. Coryza fluent outdoors, dry in room. Veratrum alb: Icy coldness of tip of nose and face. Nosebleed from right nostril, only at night in sleep. Nose grows more pointed.

Paralysis Aconite: Facial Paralysis/Bell’s Palsy from cold dry winds. Alumina: Paralysis of involuntary muscles, rectum /nervous and muscular systems. Crotalus horr.: Right sided paralysis. Arms and Legs become numb, first one and then the other. Contraction of flexors. Nux-vomica: Locomotor ataxy: Hemiplegia. Paralysis after stroke, parts cold, numb, emaciated.

Poison Ivy/Oak Anacardium: Skin symptoms similar to Rhus-t. and will antidote poison oak & ivy. Graphites nat.: Chronic Poison Oak. Ledum pal.: Antidotes poison ivy. Rhus Toxicodendron: One of the first remedies that is usually tried for an outbreak of poison ivy. Given in low potency, it is very often effective. If the patient “feels” better, then that is a good indication that the remedy is working. If not, don’t wait more than an hour before trying a

Intense itching: Burning eruptions with a tendency to form scaly scabs.

different remedy.

Polyps Allium Cepa: Nasal Polyps, when symptoms agree. Calcarea carb.: Polyps, nasal/uterine, etc. Cysts. Phosphorus: Polyps, bleeding easily (Calc., Sang) Sulphur: Nasal Polyps Thuja: Polyps. *Plain salt water rinse: ½ tsp. sea salt to 1 c. warm water. *Calendula tincture, *Salvia off. Tincture, (either: diluted: 1 tsp. tincture to 1 c. warm water *Pure Essential Oil of Lavender (full strength or added to warm salt water) All are excellent healing rinses.

Sensation “as if” Aconite: of a Drop of Water in or on parts. Allium Cepa: as if eye were hanging by a String: like a long Thread, in face, head, neck, and elsewhere: Alumina: as if a hot iron were forced through the lower vertebrae. Anacardium: as of a hoop or band around a part: or as a of a dull, blunt instrument pressing: as of a plug in inner parts. Apis: Burning, stinging, Extreme sensitiveness to touch. Argentum met.: Exploding: temper or anything that feels like will burst.: Of Splinter in throat when swallowing Arnica: “I feel bruised” “It feels like I’ve been beat up. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Sore/Bruised. Arsenicum alb.: Burning Pains. Baptisia tinct.: Bruised, Beaten, Bed feels hard, as if: lying on a board. Baryta carb.: Feels “Cut off at the knees”: Skin-pickings and tingling: like burning needles, itching and crawling. Belladonna: Throbbing/Shooting/ Stitching pain: As if breaking: a hand clutching: As if pressed in from both sides: As if water Swashing: Bubbling/Gurgling in heart region. Sensation in bladder as of a worm. Baryta carb.: Feels “Cut off at the knees”: Skin-pickings and tingling : like burning needles, itching and crawling. Berberis vulg.: as if the foot were bearing a heavy load. Bubbling and Sharp pains. Borax: Of a Cobweb Bryonia: Pain is stitching, tearing: Sharp pains. As if would Fly to Pieces. Feels loose when stooping or raising head. Bursting, Splitting Headache, as if, “everything would be pressed out. “As if hit by a hammer from within,” Calcarea carb.: Crawling and Numbness. Chills run up. Calcarea phos.: of crawling & numbness. As if cold water poured over part. Chills run upward. Capsicum annuum : Burning/Smarting, as from cayenne pepper in throat and other parts, not better by heat. Constriction: in throat, chest, bladder, urethra: rectum. Causticum: Tightness, scraping. Sensation “as if” an empty space between the forehead and brain: better hot application. Ceanothus americanus: Stitching pains, sharp pains. Chelidonium: The throat was full of dust. Cina mari.: Pains come in Shocks. Cistus Canadensis: as if ants were running through the whole body. Sensation of coldness in parts: inhaled air feels cold, cold breath. Clematus Erecta: as if fire were streaming from eyes. Cocculus ind.: Hollowness or Emptiness. Dizziness and ear sickness: Bowels feel: “as if” pinched between two stones. Feels like they are spinning “As if drunk” (1st signs of MS, slur words, stroke. ) Coffea Cruda: brain were torn to pieces. “As if” a nail were driven into the head. “As if” brain is shattered or crushed Colocynthis: pricking, tingling, like the crawling of ants in the part affected. Severe, burning, cutting and sticking pains. Sharp, cutting stabs: pressing pains. Like a hot wire, or a cold nail, tearing, burning or stinging. Drosera rot.: trapped. “Like a Feather in there” Tickling. Burning sensation in the chest. Stitching

pains. Dulcamara: Sensation as if hair stood on end. Sudden, can’t get to the bathroom fast enough: pulsing, constricted: choking. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: they would break. Euphrasia: Bruised. As if Sand in the Eyes. Ferrum Phos.: Stinging, pressing, throbbing pains. Gelsemium: A lump: Squeezed by a Hand: He would Die: The blood ceased to circulate, The Heart would stop unless he kept moving: A knife were thrust through from Occiput to Forehead: Eyes were jumping out of head. Graphites nat.: Pains are burning, drawing, pressing. Numbness is more characteristic than pain. Hepar sulph: a Splinter stuck in it. As if a Fishbone. Ignatia Amara: Sensation as if sand were under upper lids. Of pressure and heaviness. As if eye would fall out. A nail were driven out through the side. A needle were pushed thought over right eye into brain. Kali Iodatum: Head were enlarged. As if it were screed in . as if a worm was crawling as root of nose. Back as if in vice. As of a tumor in ovaries. Pain in chest as if cut to pieces. Bruised feeling in coccyx. Lachesis Mutus: a ball, lump or plug. As if eyes were drawn together by cords which were tied in a knot at the root of nose. Ledum pal.: Pricking, biting, sand in eyes. Eyeball would be forced out. Noises in ear: ringing of bell or from wind storm: obstructed by cotton. boiling in hip joint. muscles in thigh were in the wrong position. knee beaten. lump in throat. Itching as from lice on chest. Mercurius sol.: Stabbing pains. Sensation as if head and chest would burst. raw sensation. Itching as from fleabites Natrum mur.: as if it a lump. Squirming sensation in the nostril, as of a small worm: of a Hair on Tongue. Headache: As if a Thousand Hammers knocking on the Brain. Sensation of a splinter sticking in throat. Natrum sulph.: Gnawing, Bursting, Boring, Creeping Pain. Bruised feeling. As if crushed in a vise. Brain feels loose. Worse: Symptoms worse from damp(humid) weather/conditions. He feels every chage from dry to wet: Nux-vomica: Pains are tingling, sticking, hard, aching, Crawling sensation along spine Feels bruised and lame. Phosphorus: about to die. As if immersed in hot water. Chair were rising. Had been lying at night with head too low. Everything had stopped in head. Eyes would be pressed out or down by weight about them. Weight lying in the middle of the chest. Coccyx ulcerated. Soles as if he had walked too much. Feet as if asleep. Ankles sprained Podophyllum Peltatum: Sensation of weakness or sinking. Pulsatilla: Sensation in ear, as if something were being forced out. As if beside himself. Death were near. Looking through a sieve. As if had been spinning and would fall. As if brain would burst and eyes fall out of head, on coughing. Limbs as if bruised, as if asleep. Tongue as if burnt. AS if a hot coal above ulcer. Rhus Toxicodendron: Feeling as if tongue covered with skin. As if Intoxicated. Of a band strapped across forehead. As if head were swelling out. Brain, loaded, as if torn, loose., Weight behind right eye. Legs made of wood. As if Hamstrings, Tendons too short. Feels Bruised. Bed sinking. As if Cold water Poured over him. As if Blood ran Cold through Veins. Ruta grav.: A nail were driven into head. Bruised or beaten. Eyes, as if strained, a shadow flitting

before them, as after looking to long and intently at an object. As if Eyeballs on fire. As if digging about in the ear with a blunt piece of wood. As of a lump in Throat. Bladder as if full. Spine as if beaten and lame. Pain as if from a fall in periosteum (fibrous membrane investing the surfaces of bones). In marrow of bone or as if bone were broken. Wrists as if sprained. As if there were an ulcer. Sepia succ.: Something twisting in stomach and rising to throat. Viscera tuning inside out. Bladder full and would pour out over pubic bone. As if Urinary Organs would be pressed out. As if Everything would fall out. Uterus as if Clutched. As if something heavy would force itself from vagina. As if heart stood still. A Ball in inner parts. Of Hot water poured over body. Roots of hair were sore, as if cut short near roots. Silicea terra: Sensation of Hair on tongue. Spongia tosta: Surging of heart into chest, as if it would force out upward. Suffocation, as from a plug, valve or leaf. General feeling of heaviness and exhaustion, with rushes of blood to chest, neck and face: burning sensation in larynx: Sulphur: As if a band were tied tightly around forehead or cranium. AS if the hair on the top of his head were standing on end. As if Hernia would form. AS if lungs cane in contact with back. AS if something heavy hanging on upper arm. AS if a mouse were running up arms and back. Thigh as if broken. As if Bed were not large enough to hold him. Symphytum Officnial: As if upper lid passed over an elevation on closing eye. As if ears were stopped up. Thuja: As if Strange person were at her side. Under the influence of a superior power. Soul and body were separated. Body were very thin and delicate: Easily broken. Nail were pressing into vertex. Nail were driven from within outward in vertex. Abdominal muscles were being pushed out by arm of a child. Legs as if made of wood when walking. Lower limbs elongated. As from flea bites. Uritica urens: Burning, stinging, itching and soreness are the principal pains. As from a blow in the eyeballs. As of sand in eyes. Muscles of right arm as if bruised. Sensation like that of ants or other insects crawling upon the skin. Veratrum alb: He had a bad conscience or had committed a terrible crime. She would have to Fly away. In a dream. Head would burst. Heat and cold at the same time on scalp. Hair as if Electrified. Something alive running from stomach into throat. Knives cutting bowels. Sinking empty feeling in stomach. As if Pregnant. Electric pains occur in various parts.

Shock Arnica: Always give Arnica, in all cases of accident or injury, shock, is the great silent killer: 200c a.s.a.p. and again every 15 min. until outward symptoms subside. Even when unconscious, pellets given under the tongue or inside the cheek are safe. (Lyle W. MorganPh.D.,H.M.D.) (For shock, if patient says he is alright-give Arnica: if patient says he’s going to die-give Aconite.) Aconite: if he feels as though he will die.

Skin / Hair / Eczema / Psoriasis / Herpes / Etc. Alumina: Roughness of the skin of the face, especially over the forehead. Antimonium crud.: Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin: fingernails do not grow rapidly: crushed nails grow in splits like warts with horny spots. Apis: Inflammation: Hives. Stinging Sensation. Swelling, itching, puffy, hot. Watery swelling of any part, internal or external. Worse for Heat, Touch, Pressure. Better for Cold. Baryta carb.: Fatty tumors- especially about the neck. Fetid Foot sweats. Skinpickings and tingling: like burning needles, itching and crawling. Burning Sarcoma. Excoriation/oozing. Injuries heal slowly. Belladonna: Hives. Blotches are yellowish-red: hot and burning: there may be a headache: mental restlessness. Rubbing relieves the itching. Bryonia: Oily, greasy, sour-smelling perspiration during sleep: especially towards morning. Calcarea carb.: Cradle cap Cold and Clammy. puffy look like tissues full of water. (helps get water out) Sweat of single parts. Calendula: Use for any open Wounds, , Acne, Ulcers, Sunburn, Burns (1 & 2nd degree) Carbo Veg.: Hair, sore, falls of easily in handfuls, after sever illness, after childbirth. Scalp itches when warm in bed. Hat like a heavy weight Causticum: Tightness, scraping. As if lime were burning in stomach. Sensation “as if” an empty space between the forehead and brain: better hot application. Cistus Can.: Herpes: wounds, soft tissue Ulcers that spread, and itch. Callosities with cracks. Extreme sensitivity to cold. Coldness in parts: inhaled air feels cold, cold breath. Sensation of ants running. Clematus: Skin rashes, Herpes, vesicles, pustules, red, burning, corroding eruptions, Eczema especially lower legs. Worse for cold Water. Clematus Erecta: Skin rashes: vesicles, pustules, red, burning, corroding eruptions, herpes, eczema worse lower legs: Dulcamara: Cradle cap, dandruff. Scald head (disease of the skin accompanied by the formation of scabs), thick brown crusts. Bleeding when scratched, causing hair to fall out Ringworm of scalp. Herpes zoster (Shingles), Eruptions, scaly, thick, crusty, moist, bleeding or herpetic. Eczema rash of infants. Red spots, as from flea bites. Impetigo, Calluses. Ferrum Phos.: Pale complexion with flushed cheeks: Lack of Vital Heat. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Ringworm, Eczema, Ringworm of the scalp (Compton Burnett) Graphites: Skin that “Cracks” for various reasons: Exudes a thick, honey-like discharge, which dries to form a thick light brown crust. These eruptions are often found in places like the palms of the hands, between the toes, around the genitals, mouth, or nipples. Graphites works wonders for think type indurated Scars (Burns or Other) and/or Calluses…I like to use 30c alternating with Silica to soften and reduce the scar tissue. Hamamelis virginica: Bruises, Varicose veins and Ulcers: with bloody bases. Hepar Sulph: #1 for painful, infected wounds. Unhealthy skin, injuries suppurate, (form pus). Heat, redness, pain and swelling. Boils, abscesses. Chronic and recurring urticaria. Ulcers sensitive. Burning, stinging, easily bleeding. Cancerous ulcers. Chapped skin with deep cracks on hands and feet. Sensitive to slightest touch. Kali Bichromicum: Circular ulcers, as if someone had punched them out of the skin. Acne: in young people. Worse before menses. Pimples on face, cheeks, forehead. Bluish-red eruptions. Kali Iodatum: Hives. Covered from head to foot with eruptions that forms great nodules. Burning up,

with no rise in temperature. : can stand no covering: Recurring. Kent says that, Kali iod., high potency will put this condition in order. Ledum pal.: Antidote to Rhus-Poisoning. (Poison Ivy/Oak) Puncture wounds. Eruption on only covered part. Acne on forehead, with sticking pain. Inching of feet and ankles, worse scratching and warmth of bed. Bedsores. Edematous Swelling. Lycopodium Clavatum: Herpes/Cold Sores: Skin Lesions may ulcerate, itch, and bleed easily when rubbed. This remedy should be considered if fever blisters appear on the Right, stay on the Right side, or move to the left. Dandruff. Hair becomes gray early. Hair loss, premature baldness after abdominal affections, childbirth. Eczema, moist oozing behind ears. Mercurius sol.: Skin Moist. Moist eczema. Itching as from fleabites. Jaundice with itching on abdomen. Scurfy, vesicular and pustular eruptions. Moist vesicles surrounded by dry scales. Pimples around the main eruption. Herpes, burning when touched. Chickenpox, when water blotches turn yellow and maturate. Ulcers bleed. Proud flesh. Natrum Mur.: Herpes/Cold Sore remedy. Blisters appear like, “White pearls” appearing along the lip or other part.: Eczema: Oily, Greasy eruptions on hairy body parts. Dry Crusty eruptions in the bends of joints and behind ears. Natrum Sulpuricum: Tissue Salt. Eczema. Ailments in which the skin is rough, dry, and scaly with medium to large flaking plaques usually yellowish in color. As these slough off the new skin is red, shiny and dry. Phosphorus: Wounds bleed much/easily. Fatty cysts. Fungus. Skin burns on shaving. Red streaks on skin after scratching. Pyrogenium: Bed sores, Brown Recluse Spider or any spider bite. For any cut, wound or injury that begins to go septic. Rhus tox.: Herpes/Cold Sores. Pustular inflammations. #1 for shingles if better by hot bathing. Herpes, Itchy skin eruptions, rash, better w bathing & heat, unusual! (worse bathing, see Sulphur) Cold sores, Blisters are red. Water filled, swollen and Itch intensely. These cold sores often follow a cold/flu where there was a fever and the patient and been restless. The tongue is dry, dark-coated and red tipped. Sepia succ.: Great falling of Hair, after chronic headaches or changes in hormonal levels. Herpes in isolated spots on upper part of body. Itching of skin: of various parts: not better for scratching and is apt to turn to Burning. Silicea terra: A major remedy when the hair/ skin are in poor condition: for instance: children who wake with “ratty” hair, need this remedy. For splinter under fingernail, to remove dirt from a wound, Silicea will surround foreign body with fluid and bring to the surface. For ticks & tick bites, chiggers. Thin hair & nails defective: nutritional assimilation. Premature falling of hair, baldness. Affections of fingernails: especially if white spots on nails. Splitting, rough, distorted, ingrown, yellow, crippled, brittle, blue in fever. Staphysagria del: Great as a bug repellant, take 6x one before camping or traveling, or on a regular basis in summer. Sulphur: Universal Skin remedy, general pick-me-up. #1 For Skin eruptions, acne: that burn: worse w heat of bed or shower. - (warning, suppressed skin symptom often reappears w use of remedy: will last a short time only)

Hot, dry, itchy: unhealthy hair and skin. Thuja: Pale, waxy, shiny, dark under eyes. Greasy skin of face. Light brown, freckles on face. Brown spots on hands and arms. Freckles and blotches. Eruptions only on covered parts. Herpes zoster.

Ringworm. Warts, Impetigo, with itching. Sarcoma. Nevi: Birthmarks. Nails crippled, brittle, soft. Uritica urens: Hives. Or other Uriticara (edematous hives or rashes, often due to an allergic reaction): Burning heat with formication (sensation like that or ants of other insects crawling upon the skin. most often caused by an allergy. Blotches accompanied by burning heat and violent itching. Worse for cold applications and touch. Burns, Scalds, Sunburn with intense burning, Itching, raised, red blotches. Nettle rash, Chickenpox (Dulc.) Rash, burning heat with raised papules. Hives with rheumatism, after shellfish, or with pinworms. Itching, burning, stinging, raised, red blotches. First degree burns. Veratrum alb: Bluish, Cold, Clammy. “Cold as Death.” Dry tetters., feels scorched. Flabby and without elasticity. Wrinkly hands and feet. Tellurium metallicum: Ringworm: Herpetic sores. Ring shaped lesions. Circular patches of eczema. Psoriasis, Offensive odors from affected parts. (Remedies not listed in this book, but worth mentioning: Petroleum ( a close remedy to Graphites, in that it is a carbon remedy that produces deep cracks…but is more season specific) is also very beneficial for cracked, dry, scaly skin, especially symptoms are worse in winter and damp/cold: and Better in summer from dry/warmth. And: Arsenicum Iod.: Cough of Influenza, that is deep, constant, dry, worse at night.: Eczema. Rough dry, scaly skin, with small itching flakes. The scaly eruptions form plaque/flakes, then fall off leaving a sore looking, watery surface.)

Sleep Argentum nit.: Insomnia “what if” same thought round and round in head. Arsenicum alb.: Sleeplessness till 3:00 a.m.: from Anxiety, nervous exhaustion. Calcarea carb.: Chews and swallows in sleep. Nightmares-wakes at 3:00 a.m. & can’t go back to sleep, poor sleep, fear of monsters. China officinalis: Insomnia from fantasies: overactive mind. Builds air castles: Loss of control over mind. Un-refreshed sleep. Wakes confused Cina mari.: Restless sleep: Grinding teeth during sleep. Jerks, twitches, rouses up in a fright: talks excitedly about what he has dreamed, thinks it is real: sees dogs, phantoms and frightful things. Doesn’t know where the dream ends and wakefulness begins. Child cannot sleep unless on the belly or in constant motion. Clematus Erecta: Great sleepiness: 3-5 p.m Cocculus ind.: Sleeplessness, jet lag, dizziness and car sickness, as if drunk. Prevents & helps jet lagexhausted on vacation because work so hard. Overtired & dopey like during “the busy” season: planting, Magnesia Phosphorica: Insomnia from Exhaustion. Natrum mur.: Waking up feeling more dead than alive. Natrum Sulpuricum: sleepiness during day. Nux-vomica: Sleeplessness from overwork. Spongia tosta: Awakes out of sleep from a sense of suffocation, with violent loud cough: great alarm, agitation, anxiety & difficult Respiration. Thuja: Persistent insomnia. Heavy sleep can’t get awake in morning.


Ceanothus americanus: Mononucleosis. Malaria. Any disease where the spleen is affected. Enlargement of Spleen: Deep cutting pain and fullness in region of spleen. Leukemia w enlarged spleen. L side remedy

Stings / Bug Bites Stings: Apis mel.: Always my first remedy of choice for the normal pain and swelling of stings, and bites: swelling, soreness, sensibility, stinging pain. Worse from heat, pressure, touch. (Apis is actually the second remedy of choice for Anaphylactic shock: the first is Carbolic acid.)

Carbolicum acidum: Bee Stings: #1 remedy for Anaphylactic shock. Swelling of face and tongue from bee stings. …It is a very deep acting remedy. Terrible pains come and go suddenly. Stiffness of limbs, cyanotic, Stiffness in legs upon trying to walk. Prostration, paralytic with loss of sensation and motion. Collapse. Sepsis. Ledum and Hypericum: tincture and Remedy work wonders, for puncture wound of a Sting or Bite *Symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock: Hives covering a large part of the body. Itching and burning: skin, especially on face and chest: difficult breathing or gasping for air. Collapse, unconsciousness. The skin especially lips may turn blue (cyanosis) This condition is caused from a foreign protein being introduce into the body. Staphysagria: As a Preventative for Mosquitoes: Acts as a bug repellant, take 6x one before camping or traveling, or on a regular basis in summer. Bites: Apis: for Swelling Cantharis: Gnat Bites: excellent to dull the burning pain Ledum and Hypericum: tincture and Remedy work wonders, for puncture wound of a bite. Pyrogenium: Hepar sulph.: if infection should threaten. ***For animal bites, like dog, cat, wild animal etc.: I like to give Arnica, then I always give Ledum and Hypericm alternating for the simple fact that there has been a puncture wound, and these remedies will protect from Tetanus virus. If there is a chance of Rabies, I give the Lyssinum nosode, daily for 3 days, then weekly for a month, (not in this book) and Belladonna, 3 doses daily for 3 days, then daily for 2 weeks: in addition to the above remedies. Rabies is a virus. Bell., is the great virus interrupter. It is the opinion of this Mom, that Rabies shots are not an option. I’ve known two family members who choose that route, only to develop cancer within a very short time. One was fatal, the other then discovered the Natural route and was able to over-come the cancer, but not without much pain and suffering.

Temperature Carbolicum acidum: Great chilliness: coldness on surface. Chills from above, down. Causticum: Coldness, not better by warmth. Flushes of Heat. Sweat about 4 a.m. on slight exertion, open air. Cocculus ind.: Chilliness with perspiration and heat of skin. Nervous form of low fever from fits of anger (vexation). Hepar Sulph: Chilly, Chilly, Chilly, Chilly! Dry skin. Mercurius sol.: Creeping chilliness. Cold/Clammy. Moist skin. Natrum Sulpuricum: Chills up back with icy coldness: gooseflesh. Shaking and Chattering of teeth, with anguish and thirst. Cannot get warm even in bed. Internal chills with stretching and yawning. Fever with aversion to uncover. Phytolacca dec.: Chills: High Fever. Pyrogenium: Chill: begins in the back, between scapulae: severe, general, of bones and extremities: marking onset of septic fever: temp from 103 to 106: heat sudden, skin dry and burning: pulse rapid, small, wiry, 140-170 cold, clammy sweat follows. In septic fevers, Pyro. demonstrates its antiseptic value. Ruta grav.: Coldness and shivering. Shivers run over back: Over one side of head. Mostly Left-sided, worse up and down back. Sepia succ.: Poor Circulation: General lack of warmth of body. Cold in spots, on vertex (top of head) Hot Flushes of Heat. Anxious flushes preceded by weakness. Thuja: Sweats only on uncovered parts.

Throat / Tonsillitis / Sore / Glandular *Sore Throat (Pharyngitis):Inflammation of the throat causing pain on swallowing. (caused by virus, strep or staph type bacteria) *Tonsillitis is a swelling of the Tonsils: usually caused by strep bacteria or occasionally by a virus. Aconite: Sore Throat. Throat is red , (but not deep scarlet or glossy.) dry, constricted feeling: complains of pain and difficulty swallowing or speaking: Burning or pricking sensation. Does NOT want to drink hot or cold liquids. Great at the beginning of an illness. Apis mel.: Throat is swollen, both inside and out. Appears fiery red and puffy, the uvula is often swollen and fiery red: Sometimes he complains that it feels like a fishbone is there (Hepar sulph.) Stinging pain, sensation of constriction. Worse from heat in any form, pressure, touch. Better from cold liquids. Belladonna: Throat is dry, angry red, shiny, glazed: feels constricted, great difficulty swallowing: feels as if there is a lump there. Worse right side: from swallowing liquids: and from touch. (I always like to give Bell. especially if a virus is suspected, Bell. Is the great virus interrupter, in most cases I give it as an adjunt) Baryta carb.: Glandular: sub maxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Enlarged tonsils. Chronic Torticollis (Wry-neck: a contraction of the cervical muscles, usually of one side, resulting in an abnormal position of the head: A drawing of the head toward the opposite side.) (For this condition, I like to also se Oremus Sprain/Injury cream to nourish the muscles)

Borax: Voice, hoarseness brought on by cold. Tough mucus. Calcarea carb.: Swollen glands like tonsils, Adenoid growth. Tonsillitis. Sweats easily: (trying to stool), & sour smell on hair, body, etc. Calcarea Phos.: Enlargement. of tonsils, adenoids. Causticum: Constant urging to swallow. Swallows the wrong way or comes back through nose. Paralysis of throat. Cistus Canadensis: Glandular (scrofulous) disorders The glands of the neck are enlarged in lines, like knotted rope, as in Hodgkin’s disease. Only a limited number of remedies have this knotting. Malignant disease of the glands of the neck. Sore throat that “feels spongy”: pain in L side, Dulcamara: Tonsillitis from every change of weather. Ferrum Phos.: Sore throat with colds. Pain worse empty swallowing. Red, Inflamed. Ulcerated. Tonsils red and swollen. Hoarseness. Laryngitis of singers. Mucus in throat, rattling in chest. Flu Nosode-Bacillinum: Chronic reoccurring sore throats. Glands enlarged and tender. Flu Nosode- Influenzinum: Laryngitis of influenza. Nasal voice Gelsemium: Pain from throat to ear, (Hep., Nux.) with feeling of a painful lump in that that cannot be swallowed. Tonsils swollen, very red. Shooting pain. Spasms of glottis, long crowing inspiration. Sudden, forcible expiration. Loss of voice from fright. Hepar sulph: Throat feels like a splinter or fishbone were stuck in it: pains run from the throat to the ear when swallowing/ May hawk up clinging mucus. Constantly clearing throat which causes pain. Tonsils appear ulcerated or abscessed. Worse for cold, touch, lying on affected side: better for warmth and after eating. “Skin feels DRY” even in fever. Hydrastis Canadensis: Hawking of thick yellow mucus from posterior nares. Post nasal dripping: wakes him from sleep. Goiter of puberty/Pregnancy. Tongue shows imprint of teeth. Ulceration of. As if burned or scalded. Later a vesicle forms on tip of. Tongue cancer. Kali Iodatum: Larynx feels raw. Enlarged tonsils. Uvula swollen and elongated. Goiter sensitive to touch. Enlarged and hard Glands. Has cured enlargement of the Thyroid. Swollen spleen after fever:

Inguinal glands swollen. Lachesis: Throat exceptionally dry, intensely swollen inside and out. Painful to touch or pressure: membranes appear dusky, purplish-red. Pain runs up into the Left ear. Tonsils may be enlarged. He constantly clears throat but mucus clings. Worse on left side, swallowing liquids, from hot drinks. Better after warm local applications to the neck. Lycopodium: Throat dry with thirst: throat is inflamed, stitching pains on swallowing food or drink often comes back up through nose. “Sidedness” Begins on the R and stays there, or moves to the left. Worse for cold drinks: better for warm drinks. Mercurius sol.: Throat. Very Sore throat usually with swollen glands that are large and hard. Raw, smarting, burning throat, as “if” hot vapor ascending. Putrid odor. (Pyro.) Mouth seems full of saliva. Tonsils may form whitish pus sacs. There may be ulcers on mucus membranes of throat/pharynx. Stitches radiating to ear on swallowing, fluids come back through nose. Uvula elongated, swollen Hawks lumps from throat. Loss of voice.. Tendency to sweat/“Skin feels MOIST” Worse for least draft of air Natrum mur.: Sore throats “as if it a lump. Throat glistens. Goiter, with chronic sore throat. Sensation of a splinter sticking in throat. Phosphorus: Tendency to get sore throats that go into the lungs. Larynx painful. Croupy voice that goes down into bronchitis. Phytolacca dec.: #1 remedy of choice for: Sore throat w pain radiating to ear. (especially R) Mumps. Throat. Dark red to bluish. Soft palate may be very sore. Tonsils are swollen. Pain at the root of the tongue, that shoots into the ears on swallowing (especially R ear) . Tonsils may become ulcerated, with grayish-white spots, thick yellow mucus clings to the throat and tonsils: Sensation of hot/ burning. Worse for hot liquids. Pyrogenium: For any Sore throat that emanates a foul odor from the mouth. (May use in conjunction with any other indicated remedy.) Throat/Tonsils/Fever. I use this remedy as an adjunct. Anytime there is an odor. Spongia tosta: Enlarged thyroid.

Toxic Exposure Antimonium Tart: after gas poisonings, if there is irritation to mucus membranes: emphysema when caused by an irritant causing loss of lung space (Sil.) Arsenicum : “Feel” like they are Poisoned/or are actually poisoned. (MSG, pesticide exposure, animals that drink anti-freeze, etc.) Carbo Veg.: inhalation of toxins like carbon monoxide. Hepar sulph: Antidotes the harmful effects of Mercurial poisoning: Dental fillings, immunizations, etc. Kali Iodatum: Exposure to radiation: radiation poisoning: Kali iod. 12 x can be taken daily when there has been exposure to radiation. Mercury toxicity: Where Hepar patients are cold and chilly, Kali iod.’s are Hot and need to be in the open air. Mercurius sol.: The Bad of effects of Merc. Poisoning: Nux-vomica: Toxic Headaches from drugs, alcohol. Hangover headaches with irritability. Pyrogenium: Sewer Gas Poisoning: may give alternating w Carbo- v. Silicea: It triggers the body to rally together and then Expel, foreign particles, toxins and other unwanted material OUT. So is often used as a con-current remedy to eliminate toxins, infection, mucus, stones, slivers, etc. Veratrum alb: Good for coming out of anesthesia.

Vaccinations, ill effects of Baryta carb.: Vaccinations. Leaning disablilities. Crotalus horr.: vaccinations-when symptoms agree. (If the type of disease-state sets in following vaccination: like the described pneumonia, or septic shoulder, or meningitis….)

Gelsemium: Chronic Fatigue caused by flu shot. Natrum Sulpuricum: Works well given alternating with Thuja, for nullifying the harmful effects of vaccinations. (Thuja to nullify harmful effects, Nat. Sulph. to help carry from the body : See Thuja for recipe) Silicea terra: For Ill effects of Vaccinations when symptoms agree. Thuja: Antidote effect on vaccines. Dr. Von Grauvogl describes how he used Thuja to nullify harmful effects of vaccination.

Vertigo Colocynthis: The feeling of faintness, even fainting. Vertigo, when turning head to the left. With nausea. From stimulants. Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Light headed, dizzy, as if flying round and round. As if falling to the left. Illusions of sight and hearing. Ferrum Phos.: : Cannot see on stooping, vanishing of sight as from fainting. Gelsemium: Dizziness and blurred vision. Graphites: : In the morning on waking: in the evening: on looking upwards: on rising from a stooped position: inclination to fall forward. Hecla Lava: everything goes up, down, and sideways. Natrum mur.: Vertigo during pregnancy. After stools. Natrum sulph: Relieved by sweat on forehead. Nux-vomica: Intoxicated feeling, with momentary loss of consciousness Phytolacca dec.: On rising, feels faint. Staggering. Dim vision. Pulsatilla: Vertigo: caused by indigestion. Thuja: As from motion of swing. Veratrum alb: especially when walking. With cold sweats on forehead with loss of vision, Sudden Fainting.

Viruses Belladonna: Scarlet fever: Spinal Meningitis: West Nile: Rabies: Etc. Glassy, Dilated eyes, (whites feverish). High Fever: Can be delirious or angry, excited, screaming with pain: see hallucinations. Sensitive to light, noise, jarring. Worse 3 p.m.: R sided remedy. Belladonna is famous as a Virus interrupter. When taken a.s.a.p. it will alter the virus in a way that the body can fight it more efficiently.

Warts Anacardium: Warts: on palms of hands (Nat. mur.) Antimonium Crudum: Warts of overweight (pudgy people) children. Large horny corns on soles of feet. Very useful for Plantar (foot) or Palmar (Palm) warts. Given with a weekly dose of Thuja works wonders. (if the wart is stained a yellowish color, alternate an occasional dose of Homeopathic, Nitric acidum [not in the book]. Caustium: These Warts may be smooth, but most often are large jagged warts that bleed easily. May even be located on the tip of the nose. Warts appearing under the nails are called subungual verucas… these types of warts respond well to Causticum with a weekly dose of Thuja. Dulcamara: on hands and fingers. Graphites: Warts that are hard, horny, jagged in appearance. May bleed. Again alternating with Ant. Cr. And a weekly dose of Thuja…works well when symptoms agree. Hepar sulph: crack open and bleed. Natrum mur.: On palms of hands. (Sore to touch, Nat-c.) Natrum Sulpuricum: History of Warts. Ruta grav.: With sore pains: flat, smooth on palms of hands. (Nat-c., Nat-m., - on back of hands, Dul.) Thuja: #1 anti-fungal. (Dulc. Specific to mold) Warts. Most Warts will yield to this remedy. If not, it can be used as an inter-current(one weekly dose in addition) to any of the following. *Nitric Acid: (Not is this book) These warts tend to be yellowish in color, have a sharp, pricking pain or bleeds easily. Alternates well with Ant. Cr. And a weekly dose of Thuja.

Contact Information: For more Information or To Order: Spiral Bound Book or Kindle, ePub or PDF Or Any Item Mentioned in This Book Visit my website at: http://www.HomeopathyForMommies.com And tune in to my radio show at: http://www.HomeopathyForMommiesRadio.com

Note Pages for “Mom and Dad” Blank Pages and spaces throughout this book (printed version only) are a good place, to keep specific notes on your family’s health. In this way, you’ll have a quick reference of which remedies individual family members respond to the best: and the illnesses that you have cured with a particular remedy, and add the date. After a period of time, you’ll discover what works well for one member of the family, may not work for another! You’ll soon learn that a person will tend to have an affinity to a particular remedy or class of remedies. By keeping good notes, you will soon become a proficient homeopath! Please keep notes and don’t try to rely on memory.

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